Controller Catalog
Controller Catalog
Distributed by 1-800-968-6868 J2 RM 7/07 Volastic VC-M 15 Amp Module The VC-M series controllers offer many advanced features designed to increase productivity and ensure fast, accurate and repeatable hot runner temperature control. • Compatible with D-M-E company’s G SERIES and SMART SERIES , ITC, MCS, YUDO, Athena and INCOE hot runner temperature controller mainframes. • Simultaneous display of both process/ set point temperature and process temperature / percent power output or heater current. • Auto tuning independently adjusts zone control characteristics. • Built-in diagnostics alert operator to fault conditions. • Soft start circuitry design provides for safe heater warm-up through gradual phase-angle fired voltage control (soft start) or zero-crossing control (less interference). • Basic and advanced parameter setting menu with keypad lockout protection • Accepts both J and K types of thermocouples. • CE compliant. • Warranty: 12 month on the VC-M model excluding triacs and fuse type. • Switchable operation in F°or C°. Distributed by Specifications Operating temperature 32°F to 131°F (0°C to 55°C) Shipping temperature -40°F to 158°F (-40°C to 70°C) Humidity 10 to 95% non-condensing Sensor type J or K thermocouple Sensor range 32°F to 827°F (0°C to 470°C) Sampling rate Noise rejection 1-800-968-6868 20ms common mode> 100dB; series mode> 70 dB Temperature accuracy ±0.3% of span Displays 7-segment LEDs; 3-digit upper (red) and 4-digit lower (green) Upper display height 14.2mm/ 0.56” Actual Process Temperature Lower display height 9.15mm/ 0.36” Set Point or % Power or AMP Current Output status indicator Orange LED Alarm status indicator Red LED Soft start mode indicator Yellow LED Manual mode indicator Green LED AT mode indicator Dark blue LED Control output device type Triac, 15A at 120/ 240 Vac. Operator Activation/ interface 4 momentary switches, 16A power switch. Power requirements 85 to 250V 50/ 60 Hz nominal. Catalog Number VC-M J3 RM 7/07 Volastic VC-1F VC-1 Ideal for use with PCS Hot Sprue Bushings The Volastic controllers offer many advanced features designed to increase productivity and ensure fast, accurate and repeatable mold temperature control. • Simultaneous display of both process/ set point temperature and process temperature / percent power output or heater current. • Auto tuning independently adjusts zone control characteristics. • Built-in diagnostics alert operator to fault conditions. • Soft start circuitry design provides for safe heater warm-up through gradual phaseangle fired voltage control (soft start) or zero-crossing control (less interference). • Basic and advanced parameter setting menu with keypad lockout protection. • Accepts both J and K type thermocouple. • CE compliant. • Warranty: 12 month on the VC-1F Model excluding triac and fuses. Distributed by • Switchable operation in F°or C°. 1-800-968-6868 Front Panel Digital LED Indicators Open Thermocouple Heater Break Actual temperature over range alarm Actual temperature over 450° AT failure Mold Power & Thermocouple Catalog Number Catalog Number (Included) VC-1C* CKPTM-1 *Cables sold separately Thermocouple reverse J4 RM 7/07 Volastic Two-Zone 10 AMP Mainframes The Volastic 2 Zone 10 AMP mainframe, is designed for use with two 15 AMP* Volastic VC-M Temperature Control Modules. Control Moduels and cables are to be ordered separately. NOTE: Two zone frame is rated @ 20Amp VC-2F A Dimensions: 7”W x 9”H x 10”L Zones Catalog Number** Volts Watts per Zone Connectors Supplied 2 VC-2F 240 2400 (1) AC2024F (Power In) (2) CKPTM-1 (Power-T/C Out) B A: Distributed by AC2024F (Power to Mainframe) B: CKPTM-1 ( Connector to heater) * NOTE: User must install ABC10 (10 AMP) fuses in the 15 AMP control modules to protect the mainframe. **Includes frame and connectors listed. Modules and cables ordered separately. Terminal Mounting Boxes 1-800-968-6868 Terminal Mounting Boxes Terminal Mounting Boxes Prewired (15 AMP) VC-2TB VC-2TB-TS J5 RM 7/07 Typical System Configurations 5 Zones of Control (15 AMP) OUT ALM SOFT MAN AT SET VC-5PC MODE AUTO MANUAL VC-5F VC-5TC X5 8 Zones of Control (15 AMP) Global Wiring Capabilities Unless otherwise specified, all Volastic Mainframes will be supplied to accept 240VAC, 3 Phase 4-wire, 50-60 Hz input power. OUT ALM SOFT MAN AT SET Distributed by Wiring modifications can be preformed in the field to suit the requirements of the application. If specified, PCS will supply the special mainframe wiring requirements. Catalog Numbers W VC-5F 14-3/16 VC-8F 20-3/16 VC-12F 28-3/4 VC-8PC MODE AUTO MANUAL VC-8F VC-8TC X8 12 Zones of Control (15 AMP) OUT ALM SOFT MAN AT 1-800-968-6868 SET VC-12PC MODE AUTO MANUAL VC-12F VC-12TC X12 TOP Floor Stand Catalog Number VC-FS E: J6 RM 7/07 Standard Mainframe Configurations Main Frames VC-2F No Breaker 18” H Stack Frames VC-5F 50 AMP Breaker VC-8F 50 AMP Breaker VC-12F 50 AMP Breaker Distributed by VC-16F 70AMP Breaker VC-20F 70AMP Breaker VC-24F 70AMP Breaker 27” H Stack Frames 1-800-968-6868 VC-28F 70AMP Breaker VC-32F 70AMP Breaker VC-36F 70AMP Breaker 36” H Stack Frames VC-40F 70AMP Breaker VC-44F 70AMP Breaker VC-48F 70AMP Breaker J7 RM 7/07 Volastic Mainframes Mold Power Input Connectors Thermocouple Connectors Zones Mold Power Cables Mainframe 5 VC-5F 1 VC-5PC 1 VC-5TC 1 VC-5MPC 1 VC-5MTC 8 VC-8F 1 VC-8PC 1 VC-8TC 1 VC-8MPC 1 VC-8MTC 12 VC-12F 1 VC-12PC 1 VC-12TC 1 VC-12MPC 1 VC-12MTC 16 VC-16F 2 VC-8PC 2 VC-8TC 2 VC-8MPC 2 VC-8MTC 20 VC-20F 1 VC-12PC 1 1 VC-8MPC 1 VC-8MTC 24 VC-24F 28 VC-28F 32 VC-32F 36 VC-36F 40 VC-40F 44 VC-44F 48 VC-48F Catalog # QTY Catalog # Thermocouple Cables QTY Catalog # QTY Catalog # QTY Catalog # 1 VC-8PC 1 VC-12TC and VC-8TC 1 VC-12MPC 1 VC-12MTC 2 VC-12PC 2 VC-12TC 2 VC-12MPC 2 VC-12MTC 2 VC-8TC and VC-12TC 1 VC-12MPC 1 VC-12MTC 1 VC-8MPC 2 VC-8MTC 2 VC-8PC 2 VC-8MPC 2 Distributed by 1 VC-12PC 1 1 VC-8PC 1 VC-8MTC 2 VC-12PC 2 VC-8TC and VC-12TC 2 VC-12MPC 1 VC-12MTC 3 VC-12PC 3 VC-12TC 3 VC-12MPC 3 VC-12MTC VC-8TC and VC-12TC 2 VC-8MPC 2 VC-8MTC 2 VC-12MPC 2 VC-12MTC 1 VC-8MPC 1 VC-8MTC 2 VC-8PC 2 2 VC-12PC 2 1 VC-8PC 1 3 VC-12PC 3 VC-8TC and TVC-12TC 4 VC-12PC 4 VC-12TC 3 VC-12MPC 3 VC-12MTC 4 VC-12MPC 4 VC-12MTC Standard Cables 15ft. Special Length Cables available upon request. 1-800-968-6868 Combination Power & TC QTY Catalog # 5 1 VC-5TB 8 1 VC-8TB 12 1 VC-12TB 16 2 VC-8TB 1 VC-8TB and VC-12TB 20 24 28 1 32 36 40 2 VC-12TB 2 VC-8TB and VC-12TB 1 Zones Zones Terminal Mounting Boxes 44 48 Combination Power & TC QTY 1 Catalog # 2 VC-8TB and VC-12TB 3 VC-12TB 2 VC-8TB and VC-12TB 2 1 3 VC-8TB and VC-12TB 4 VC-12TB J8 RM 7/07 Terminal Mounting Boxes VC-2TB Terminal Mounting Boxes VC-5TB Distributed by VC-8TB VC-12TB H 1-800-968-6868 Combination Terminal Mounting Boxes Catalog Numbers Y X H M1 M2 ACCEPTS VC-2TB 2.75 4.88 4.25 1.500 4.250 (2) CKPTIC-1 VC-5TB 2.75 8.66 4.25 1.500 8.031 VC-5MPC, VC-5MTC VC-8TB 2.75 9.47 4.25 1.500 8.843 VC-8MPC, VC-8MTC VC-12TB 2.75 10.53 4.25 1.500 9.906 VC-12MPC, VC-12MTC J9 RM 7/07 Pre-Wired Combination Terminal Mounting Boxes VC-2TB-TS Terminal Mounting Boxes VC-5TB-TS Distributed by H VC-8TB-TS 1-800-968-6868 VC-12TB-TS Pre-wired Terminal Mounting Boxes Catalog Numbers Y X H M1 M2 ACCEPTS VC-2TB-TS* 2.75 4.88 4.25 1.500 4.250 (2) CKPTIC-1 VC-5TB-TS** 2.75 8.66 4.25 1.500 8.031 VC-5MPC, VC-5MTC VC-8TB-TS** 2.75 9.47 4.25 1.500 8.843 VC-8MPC, VC-8MTC VC-12TB-TS** 2.75 10.53 4.25 1.500 9.906 VC-12MPC, VC-12MTC *Power & thermocouple connectors are pre-wired. ** Comes with all necessary connectors installed and power connector pre-wired to terminal strip. J10 RM 7/07 Mold Power Thermocouple Cables Mold Power -Thermocouple Combination Cables - 15 ft. long Single-zone mold power thermocouple cables are available to connect the mainframe to the connector on the mold. Mold Power Thermocouple Cables Catalog Number VC-MPTC-15 Thermocouple Cables - 15 ft. long Thermocouple cables are used to connect the mainframe to the thermocouple connector on the mold. Connector size configurations eliminate connection errors. Cables available are wired for 5,8 or 12 zones for use with appropriate Volastic mainframes and connectors. Distributed by Catalog Number No. of Zones (MAX.) VC-5TC 5 VC-8TC 8 VC-12TC 12 For Connectors From 15 AMP Frame (s) To Thermocouple Connector 5,8,12 ZONE VC-5MTC 8,12 ZONE VC-8MTC 12 ZONE VC-12MTC Mold Power Cable (for use with 15 AMP Mainframes) - 15 ft. long 1-800-968-6868 The Volastic VC-12PC mold power cable also serves as a universal cable for connecting any 15 AMP Volastic mainframe to any 15 AMP mold power input connector. The maximum number of zones will be determined by the connector in the mold. Mold power cables are used to connect the mainframe to the power input connector on the mold. Available in lengths of 15 feet. Integral retaining latches on both the frame and mold connectors are wired for 5,8 or 12 zones use with appropriate Volastic mainframes and mold power input connectors. Catalog Number No. of Zones (MAX.) VC-5PC For Connectors From 15 AMP Frame (s) To Power Connector 5 5,8,12 ZONE VC-5MPC VC-8PC 8 8,12 ZONE VC-8MPC VC-12-PC 12 12 ZONE VC-12MPC Special Lengths available upon request J11 RM 7/07 Mold Power Input Connectors VC-5MPC VC-12MPC VC-8MPC Mold power input connectors are mounted on the mold. They are supplied with six inches of numbered 14 gauge leads and a ground wire. Distributed by X Y 1-800-968-6868 NOTE: Ground wire must be connected to mold to ensure operator safety. Catalog Number Number of Zones (Max) AMPS (Max) Per Zone X Y VC-5MPC 5 15 3.386 .689 VC-8MPC 8 15 3.386 .689 VC-12MPC 12 15 3.386 .689 J12 RM 7/07 Mold Thermocouple Connectors Thermocouple Connectors are mounted on the mold to use with thermocouple cable(s) from the mainframe. Screw type terminal for use with thermocouple leads are numbered and coded on the side and bottom of each connector. All three connectors are equipped with integral retaining latches to provide a secure cable connection. Connector configuration ensures proper insertion of cable. Distributed by Mold Thermocouple Connectors Catalog Numbers Number of Pins No. of Zones (Max.) X Y VC-5MTC 10 5 3.268 1.260 VC-8MTC 16 8 4.055 1.260 VC-12MTC 24 12 5.118 1.260 1-800-968-6868 X Y J13 RM 7/07 Replacement Parts Replacement Connector Kits Ground wire must be connected to mold to ensure operator safety. Male Power T/C Connectors: • CKPTM-1 is on VC-MPTC-15 Cables; Mates with Frame or CKPTF-1L only • CKPTM-1L Mates with CKPTF-1 only AC1512F Female Power T/C Connectors: • CKPTF-1 is on VC-MPTC-15 Cables; Mates with mold or CKPTM-1L only • CKPTF-1L Mates with CKPTM-1 only CKPTM-1 CKPTF-1 Catalog Number Volts Catalog Number Catalog Number Catalog Number AC1512F 120 CKPTM-1 VC-2TB CKPTF-1 240 CKPTM-1L AC2024F Distributed by AC2024F CKPTF-1L CKPTM-1L CKPTF-1L Floor Stand The Floor Stand will accommodate all mainframes from one to four sections high. Stand is made from heavy gauge steel and includes locking casters (400lb. rating). All assembly and mainframe mounting hardware is included. 1-800-968-6868 Catalog Number Rating VC-FS 400 LBS Mainframe Blank Panels Module Replacement Fuses Insulated Crimp Connections Used to cover unused zones in mainframes. Push-pull fasteners included in panel. VC-10BP covers one zone. Sold in packages of 5. Sold in packages of 30. Catalog Number VC-10BP Catalog Number AMPS Catalog Number AMPS Wire Gauge ABC-15 15 HWCC-1 10-15 16-22 Red ABC-10 10 HWCC-3 10-15 14-16 Blue J14 RM 7/07 Replacement Parts I C A E B FEMALE D F H G Distributed by 1-800-968-6868 Reference Letter Description Catalog Number A Mold Thermocouple Output Connectors B Mold Power Input Connectors See pg. J11 Mold End Kit for 5-Zone Thermocouple Cable (15 Amp) CKTF-15-G Mold End Kit for 8-Zone Thermocouple Cable (15 Amp) CKTF-18-G Mold End Kit for 12-Zone Thermocouple Cable (15 Amp) CKTF-112-G D Mold End Kit for all 15 Amp Power Cables CKPF-112-BG E Frame End Kit for all Thermocouple Cables CKTF-112-AG F Frame End Kit for all 15 Amp Power Cables CKPM-112-BG C See pg J12 G Edge Card Kit for all Mainframe PC Boards (10, 15, or 30 AMP) CKF-312-G H Power output kit for all 10 or 15 amp Mainframes CKPF-212-BG I Thermocouple input kit for all Mainframes (15 AMP) CKTM-212-AG J15 RM 7/07 Typical Wiring Diagrams Distributed by Standard Mainframe Wiring 1-800-968-6868 J16 RM 7/07 NEW! Innovative Hot Sprue Bushing New design can be configured for Commodity or Engineered Grade Resins Distributed by 1-800-968-6868 Call 1-800-521-0546 for a Brochure or go to:
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