CO2 dragster car
CO2 dragster car
CO2 dragster Pro|ENGINEER - Wildfire 3.0 CO2 dragster Schools and Schools Advanced Edition .3-0002 W3-SE-L1-006-1.3 Pro|ENGINEER Wildfire 3 CO2 dragster Written by Tim Brotherhood These materials are © 2007, Parametric Technology Corporation (PTC) All rights reserved under copyright laws of the United Kingdom, United States and other countries. PTC, the PTC Logo, Pro|ENGINEER, Pro|DESKTOP, Wildfire, Windchill, and all PTC product names and logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of PTC and/or its subsidiaries in the United States and in other countries. Conditions of use Copying and use of these materials is authorised only in the schools colleges and universities of teachers who are authorised to teach Pro|ENGINEER in the classroom. All other use is prohibited unless written permission is obtained from the copyright holder. Acknowledgements Gavin Quinlan – Honeycomb Solutions Proofing and comments – Andrew Dissington Trialing materials – Schools attending INSET in Ireland at Honeycomb Solutions - Autumn 2006 Feedback In order to ensure these materials are of the highest quality, users are asked to report errors to the author. Suggestions for improvements and other activities would also be very welcome. Product code W3-SE-L1-006-1.3 PTC – 2 of 84 Pro|ENGINEER Wildfire 3 CO2 dragster Contents CO2 dragster............................................................................................................ 1 Pro|ENGINEER - Wildfire 3.0 Schools and Schools Advanced Edition ....................... 1 Contents................................................................................................................... 3 Introduction........................................................................................................... 5 Abbreviations and terminology............................................................................... 5 Background.............................................................................................................. 6 Project briefing ......................................................................................................... 6 Lesson one – Competition rules................................................................................... 7 Lesson two – Model car body..................................................................................... 8 Shaping strategies ................................................................................................. 8 Task one – Getting started ...................................................................................... 9 Task two - Side profile ......................................................................................... 12 Task three - Plan shape ........................................................................................ 18 Task four - Rounding corners ................................................................................ 23 Task five - Adding material .................................................................................. 24 What you have learned in session two .................................................................. 29 Lesson three – CNC Machining ................................................................................ 30 Lesson four – Part properties and own design ............................................................ 32 Task one - Component information ....................................................................... 33 Task two - Changing the appearance .................................................................... 34 Task three - Measure mass of body ....................................................................... 36 Task four - Modify body shape ............................................................................. 38 Failed features..................................................................................................... 40 What have you learned?...................................................................................... 45 Session five – Assembly ........................................................................................... 46 Task one - New assembly with fixed car body........................................................ 47 Task two - Assemble rear axle .............................................................................. 49 Task three – Assemble front axle ........................................................................... 51 Task four – Kinematic movement........................................................................... 52 What have you learned ....................................................................................... 53 Lesson six – Surface finishing own design ................................................................. 53 PTC – 3 of 84 Pro|ENGINEER Wildfire 3 CO2 dragster Lesson seven – Testing own design ........................................................................... 54 Lesson eight – Refine own design ............................................................................. 55 Lesson nine – Finish own design + Technical drawing ................................................ 56 Task one - Creating a drawing ............................................................................. 57 Task two - Adding dimensions .............................................................................. 62 Task three – Pictorial view .................................................................................... 66 Task four - Adding notes ...................................................................................... 68 What have you learned ....................................................................................... 71 Lesson ten – Rendered image ................................................................................... 71 Task one - Getting started .................................................................................... 72 Task two - Initial render settings ............................................................................ 74 Task three - Load scene ........................................................................................ 75 Task four - Position model in room ........................................................................ 76 Task five - Change view of model ......................................................................... 78 Task six - Render ................................................................................................. 79 Task seven - Save rendered image ........................................................................ 81 What have you learned this session? ..................................................................... 81 Lesson eleven – Testing modified design.................................................................... 82 Lesson twelve – Presentations ................................................................................... 83 Module review........................................................................................................ 83 Extension activities............................................................................................... 84 PTC – 4 of 84 Pro|ENGINEER Wildfire 3 CO2 dragster Introduction This CO2 dragster project introduces you to the skills and techniques needed to visualise design ideas using Pro|ENGINEER Wildfire 3.0. During these tutorials you will learn how to create parts, assemblies, rendered images and technical drawings using Pro|ENGINEER Wildfire 3.0 and working as a team. This tutorial and teacher resource has been produced by PTC© in support of the PTC ‘Design & Technology in Schools’ programme. Abbreviations and terminology Left-click Left-click-drag Press and release the left-hand mouse button Press and hold-down the left-hand mouse button and move the mouse Right-click Press and release the right-hand mouse button Right-hold Press and hold-down the right mouse button Middle-click Middle-click-drag Press and release the middle mouse button Press and hold-down the middle mouse button and move the mouse Sample files You will need sample files to carry out this activity. Your teacher will show you how to copy these into your working area. Axle.prt (Pro_standards) A3_FORMAT.frm BALSA.jpg Balsa_wood.mat Car_assy.asm.1 Car_04.asm.1 Car_assy_sim.asm.2 Extrude_04.prt.1 Body_01.prt Front_axle_assy.asm.2 Body_extrude.prt Rear_axle_assy.asm.2 Body_extrude_02.prt Wheel_front.prt.3 Body_extrude_sim.prt Wheel_front_sim.prt.3 Bright_white.scn Wheel_rear.prt.3 Car_03.asm.1 PTC – Wheel_rear_sim.prt.1 5 of 84 Pro|ENGINEER Wildfire 3 CO2 dragster Background Racing CO2 powered cars originated many years ago in the US and competitions have now spread to most parts of the world. There are a many web sites with information, examples and advice on the design, construction and testing of the cars. However, when designing your car, make sure you comply with the rules for your region. Project briefing These materials will show you how to use Pro|ENGINEER to create a Parametric 3D model of your car design, create a rendered image and engineering drawing. Standard components such as wheels and axles are provided When machined on a CNC router, finished by hand and assembled the models should be ready to race! ‘Start your engines’ and good luck! Module - Learning objectives By the end of the module you should: Be aware: • of the concepts of 3D parametric solid modelling using Pro|ENGINEER • of aerodynamic testing using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) software. Understand: • the principles of 3D parametric solid modelling using Pro|ENGINEER • how 3D solid modelling software be used to refine designs including parts and assemblies. PTC – 6 of 84 Pro|ENGINEER Wildfire 3 • CO2 dragster how CFD software simulates aerodynamics and can help with body design. Be able to: • create 3D solid model components from scratch using extrusions with internal sketches and rounds • assemble components using assembly constraints • carry out CFD analysis on their car design. Note: this requires Pro|ENGINEER Schools Advanced Edition and additional software. Lesson one – Competition rules Aim: You will be able to familiarise yourselves with the challenge and competition rules and begin to suggest designs for the car. Objectives: By the end of the session you should be: Aware of • the overall goal in the competition. • the competition rules and the implications of not adhering to them • the factors that impact on car performance. Understand • the technical detail contained in the rules and how these relate to car performance. • the scientific principles that govern how fast cars travel Be able to • apply the competition rules to car design. • suggest car designs that comply with the rules and optimise car performance. Focus: During this session you will have the opportunity to develop an understanding of the competition rules and the scientific principles that govern car performance. This may be through lecture, experimentation or simulation. You should be able to analyse existing designs for compliance with rules and predict how efficient the design is. With this knowledge and understanding you should be able to suggest design variations that comply with the rules and might improve the performance of the car. PTC – 7 of 84 Pro|ENGINEER Wildfire 3 CO2 dragster This session is now complete. Lesson two – Model car body Aim: You will be taught how to use Pro|ENGINEER parametric 3D modelling software to create a car body component for the CO2 car competition. Objectives: By the end of this session you should: Be aware of • the concepts of 3D parametric modelling. • the modelling capabilities of Pro|ENGINEER. Understand • how 3D modelling software can help designers and engineers try out ideas and refine the detailed design of products. • the procedures involved in modifying Pro|ENGINEER models. • the importance of Parent/child relations in parametric modelling. Be able to • create extrude features and rounds to modify an existing Pro|ENGINEER component. Focus: In this session you are taught how to use Pro|ENGINEER to modify a 3D parametric model of a balsa blank to create a car body design using extrude and round features. Shaping strategies There are several methods you could use to shape the body of your car. This tutorial provides a part that represents the balsa blank PTC – 8 of 84 Pro|ENGINEER Wildfire 3 CO2 dragster You will be shown how to remove material from the part to get the shape you want. You could also create the shape from scratch by adding material. Each of these methods, removal or addition of material, can be done using a number of different Pro|ENGINEER software tools. For simplicity and to build on schools experience with Pro/DESKTOP, you will be shown how to use extrusions, rounds and holes. Task one – Getting started 1. Start the Pro|ENGINEER program. The Pro|ENGINEER screen As you work through this tutorial you will soon become familiar with the Pro|ENGINEER screen, menus, dashboard and dialog windows. It is worth having the Pro|ENGINEER Quick Reference Card available as a reminder of the key functions, toolbars and techniques. This can be downloaded from the default home page displayed in the browser of Pro|ENGINEER. PTC – 9 of 84 Pro|ENGINEER Wildfire 3 CO2 dragster Note: In Pro|DESKTOP the left panel is usually referred to as the ‘Browser’ window. Pro|ENGINEER uses this term for the embedded web browser. For this reason the left panel in Pro|ENGINEER is called the ‘Navigator’ window. It can present several different views Folder Navigator Model tree Navigator The other two tabs will not be used in this tutorial. Tip: Don’t be tempted to maximise the Pro|ENGINEER window. There should be a gap down the right hand side of the window where dialogs will appear. PTC – 10 of 84 Pro|ENGINEER Wildfire 3 CO2 dragster Set working directory 2. The Navigator window on the left of the screen should be displaying folders. 3. Browse to the folder you will be saving your work and where the sample files have been saved. Your teacher will tell you where this is. 4. Right click over the folder and from the floating menu select Set Working Directory. 5. In the Navigator window select the folder where the sample files are stored for this tutorial. The browser window will display a list of files. 6. Locate and click on the file named BODY_01.PRT The model will preview in the top of the browser window 7. Click on , the Open File… button. The browser window will close and the balsa block part will appear in the graphics window. On your screen you may see a clutter of brown lines. These are datum planes and axes and the display of these can be toggled on/off. PTC – 11 of 84 Pro|ENGINEER Wildfire 3 CO2 dragster 8. In main toolbar across the top of the screen, find the datum view tools then click on each one until the model is clearly visible. Parent child relationships Look at the model tree in the Navigator window. Each entry represents an element of the model • Part • Datum planes • Coordinate system • Sketch based feature • Internal sketch • Direct feature The concept of parent/child relationships is fundamental to Pro|ENGINEER. Almost every action relies on previous actions. This may be drawing geometry, features or components. A good example is the hole above. The hole was placed on the rear surface of the block and relies on this face existing. If the extrude feature that created the face is deleted the round will also be deleted. The model display lists datum planes, features, parts, etc in the order they were created. In a moment you will add features to the model and they will appear in the model tree. Task two - Side profile For simplicity you will shape the side profile of the car. This requires an extrude feature removing material. 1. In the toolbar on the right of the screen select , the Extrude tool. The extrude ‘Dashboard’ will appear along the bottom of the screen. PTC – 12 of 84 Pro|ENGINEER Wildfire 3 CO2 dragster This is a very clever way of presenting a number of options that would require several dialog windows. Underneath the extrude dashboard you should see a line of text with a green arrow next to it. This is the prompt line and is visible all the time. It is very important you keep an eye on the prompt area. Here Pro|ENGINEER tells you what it is doing or what it expects you to do next. At the moment it is asking you to select or define a sketch. You will do the second of these. Defining a sketch 2. In the main toolbar across the top of the screen, click on , to make datum planes visible in the model. This tool toggles, so keep clicking until you can see the brown lines and text shown here. The profile will be sketched on the FRONT datum plane running lengthways through the block. 3. In the dashboard click on the word Placement to open a pop-up panel. 4. Click on the . The Sketch dialog opens in the top right corner of the screen and the prompt area at the bottom of the screen is asking you to ‘Select a plane of surface to define the sketch plane’. PTC – 13 of 84 Pro|ENGINEER Wildfire 3 CO2 dragster 5. Move the mouse cursor over the model and as you do this different parts of the model or workplanes will change colour to cyan (light blue). This is called prehighlighting. 6. When the FRONT datum plane is pre-highlighted cyan, click to select it. The datum plane will change colour to orange to show it is selected. Look at the Sketch dialog. The word FRONT appears in the Sketch Plane field and other options have been filled in for you by Pro|ENGINEER. 7. Accept the defaults and click on . A number of things will happen. The sketch dialog will close and the model will rotate until the front datum plane is parallel to the screen. The dashboard will be paused (greyed out) and a sketcher toolbar will replace the feature creation toolbar on the right of the screen. 8. In the main toolbar click on to change view to Hidden line. 9. In the main toolbar click on coordinate systems. and PTC – to turn off the display of datum planes and 14 of 84 Pro|ENGINEER Wildfire 3 CO2 dragster Creating references To use best practice when modelling, sketched lines should be constrained to existing solids and geometry. To achieve this we will need a reference line along the front face of the balsa block. 10. Open the Sketch pull-down menu and select References. The References dialog will open 11. In the graphics window select the vertical front edge of the balsa block. A dashed brown vertical reference line will appear at the front of the block and an extra entry will be added to the References dialog. 12. Click . You are now ready to sketch the shape to be removed from the balsa block. The hole for the CO2 canister should be clearly visible. The cut you will sketch must be above this hole. Sketching lines 13. In the sketcher toolbar on the right of the screen, select the Line draw tool. 14. Left click at each of the locations on the green line X1 – X3 X1 X2 X3 the 15. Middle mouse click twice. The first to stop drawing joined lines and the second to cancel the line draw tool. PTC – 15 of 84 Pro|ENGINEER Wildfire 3 CO2 dragster The lines may need moving to clear the CO2 cartridge hole and/or prevent the nose becoming too thin. 16. In the sketcher toolbar on the right of the screen, make sure the Select Items tool is active. 17. Click on the horizontal line for the nose then release the mouse button. The line colour will change to red to show it has been selected. 18. Move the mouse cursor over the selected line, click and hold the left mouse button and drag the line upwards until the dimension is just less than 20 mm. Later you will learn how to alter the dimensions directly to control the shape and position of sketch lines. These three connected lines will be used to slice the top off the balsa block. 19. In the sketcher toolbar on the right of the screen click on to close sketcher. 20. In the main toolbar click on to change the view to Shading. 21. In the main toolbar click on Isometric. , the saved views list and select Trimetric or Completing the extrusion The extrude dashboard was greyed out while you were in sketcher. It should now be active along the bottom of the screen. PTC – 16 of 84 Pro|ENGINEER Wildfire 3 CO2 dragster In the graphics window you will be able to see a preview showing the cutting surface coloured green based on the line you drew. The yellow arrows show the direction of the extrude and the side material will be removed from. 22. If necessary, click on the yellow arrows to make them point in the directions shown here. Currently the extrude operates in only one direction. 23. In the dashboard click on the buttton. A pop-up panel will open. 24. Change the settings to those shown here. 25. In the dashboard, the option to remove material should be selected. 26. No more changes are needed so click , at the right of the dashboard to on complete the extrude. The top surface of the block will now be stepped. 27. Save your model. The next step will use the same technique to shape the sides of the car by extruding a sketch upwards. PTC – 17 of 84 Pro|ENGINEER Wildfire 3 CO2 dragster Task three - Plan shape 1. Make sure datum planes are visible in the model. 2. In the feature creation toolbar click , Extrusion. The extrusion dashboard will open along the bottom of the screen. The profile will be sketched on the TOP datum plane running along the base of the block. Last time you opened the Placement slide up panel to select the sketch plane. This time you will use an alternative method. 3. In a blank area of the graphics screen click and hold the Right mouse button. 4. From the floating menu select Define Internal Sketch… 5. In the graphics window click to select the TOP datum plane. Pro|ENGINEER will populate the other options in the Sketch dialog. 6. Click on dialog. , to close the Sketch The sketcher toolbar will appear on the right of the screen, the dashboard will be greyed out and the model will rotate to view the sketching plane perpendicular to the screen. Here you are looking down on the balsa block. The sketch you will create will look like the green line in the next illustration. PTC – 18 of 84 Pro|ENGINEER Wildfire 3 CO2 dragster Drawing a centre line Later in this section we will need to mirror a set of lines. In order to do this a Centerline (sic) is required so this will be created first. 7. In the sketcher toolbar click on the small triangle next to 8. In the fly-out menu select , the Line tool. , the Center line tool. 9. Move the mouse over the dashed orange reference line running down the centre of . the model. You will see a coincident geometric constraint symbol. 10. When you see this symbol click to locate one point for the centre line. Move the mouse along the dashed reference line and you will see a pair of red lines showing the centre line will be co-linear with the reference line. 11. When you see this symbol click to locate another point and complete drawing the centre line. Drawing the nose circle 12. In the sketcher toolbar select , the Circle draw tool. 13. Move the mouse over the centre line. Look for the coincident constraint feedback at the cursor position. 14. Click at the X1 to locate the centre of the nose circle. X2 X1 15. Move the mouse a small distance and you will see a rubber band circle. Click at the second position X2 to complete drawing the circle. 16. The circle tool is still active. We don’t want to draw any more circles so: PTC – 19 of 84 Pro|ENGINEER Wildfire 3 CO2 dragster 17. Click with the middle mouse button to finish drawing circles. Notice Pro|ENGINEER has created dimensional constraints coloured grey for the distance of the circle from the vertical reference line and for the diameter of the circle. The grey colour denotes ‘weak’ dimensions. You will change the value of these and Pro|ENGINEER will automatically make them strong and locked. Later in this tutorial there is an explanation of the different types of dimensional constraint. 18. Double click on the horizontal dimensional constraint. 19. The value will become editable 20. Type in 250 for the value and hit Enter on the keyboard. The circle will move along the centre line until the centre is 250mm from the vertical dashed line. Notice the dimension is now orange showing it is a ‘strong’ dimension and locked. 21. Double click on the circle diameter constraint. 22. Change the value to 15 mm and hit Enter on the keyboard. The diameter dimensional constraint has turned orange showing it is now a strong and locked measurement. Remember how we made the cartridge hole visible? 23. In the main toolbar, click on 24. In the sketcher toolbar activate PTC – , to change the view to wire frame. , the line draw tool. 20 of 84 Pro|ENGINEER Wildfire 3 CO2 dragster 25. Draw the lines shown here by clicking at each of the positions shown (X1-X3). Before clicking at position X3 make sure you can see a ‘T’ symbol to denote you will be creating a tangent geometric constraint. X1 X2 X3 26. Middle mouse click to finish drawing connected lines and middle mouse click again to cancel the line draw tool. This shape will now be mirrored to create a symmetrical body shape. Mirror geometry 27. In the sketcher toolbar make sure , the Select tool is active. 28. Click on one of the lines you have just drawn to select it. It will turn red. To add lines to the selection you will need to use the CTRL key on the keyboard. 29. Hold down the CTRL key and click on each of the lines in turn until both are selected like this. 30. In the sketcher toolbar click on , the Mirror tool. In the prompt area at the bottom of the screen Pro|ENGINEER is asking you to ‘Select a Centerline’. 31. Click on the horizontal centre line running through the middle of the sketch. The selected lines will be mirrored. PTC – 21 of 84 Pro|ENGINEER Wildfire 3 CO2 dragster Notice the blue arrows pointing to the centre line. These indicate mirror constraints. One thing remains to be done, parts of the nose circle need to be trimmed. Trimming lines You have used the trim tool already. This time you will use it in a slightly different way. 32. Use the middle mouse wheel to zoom in tightly over the nose circle. 33. In the sketcher toolbar click on Trim tool. , the X2 34. Click and hold the left mouse button at position X1 then drag to draw the line to position X2. X1 35. The plan sketch is now complete. 36. In the sketcher toolbar click on close the sketch. , to 37. The dashboard is now active. 38. In the main toolbar click on change the view to Shaded. , to , the 39. In the main toolbar click on saved views list and select Trimetric or Isometric. 40. You will be able to see a preview showing material will be added to one side of the sketch by a random value. 41. Notice the yellow arrows. The vertical arrow show the direction of the extude and the horizontal arrow shows the side of the line the extrude will be applied. PTC – 22 of 84 Pro|ENGINEER Wildfire 3 CO2 dragster 42. In the graphics window click on the horizontal yellow arrow to change the side of the line the extrude will act on. 43. In the dashboard change the Extrude direction to ‘Intersect with all surfaces’. 44. Make sure , is selected (remove material) in the dashboard . 45. No more changes are needed so click on , at the right of the dashboard to complete the extrude. 46. Your car body should now look like this. Task four - Rounding corners The next step is to round the corners to make the shape more aerodynamic. Rounds are called ‘Direct’ features because they do not require sketches. They do however rely on existing 3D geometry as a ‘Parent’ and are ‘Children’ to it. Remember if the ‘Parent’ solid geometry disappears the ‘Child’ feature will also disappear. 1. In the sketcher toolbar select Round tool. , the X1 2. In the graphics window select the edge labelled X1. PTC – 23 of 84 Pro|ENGINEER Wildfire 3 CO2 dragster 3. Hold down the CTRL key and select the other edges shown here in red. Notice some edges select automatically. Look at the geometry of these lines and try to suggest a reason for this? 4. To change the radius to 5 mm either drag the radius handle or alter the value in the dashboard. 5. Click , the green tick in the dashboard to complete the round. The car body should now look like this. Tangential edges The reason some edges selected themselves was because they were tangential to one that was selected. T Tangents between edges exist at the points arrowed with a red ‘T’ T Task five - Adding material So far we have removed material from the block. We now want to create a wing fairing to streamline the airflow around the front axle. You will start an extrude, create an internal sketch on the front datum plane and then complete the extrude, symmetrical about the datum plane. 1. Make sure datum planes are set to be visible. PTC – 24 of 84 Pro|ENGINEER Wildfire 3 CO2 dragster 2. In the feature creation toolbar click the Extrude tool. , 3. In a blank area of the graphics window click and hold the left mouse button. 4. From the floating menu, select Define Internal Sketch... 5. In the graphics window click to select the FRONT datum plane. 6. Click on dialog. , to close the sketch 7. The model will rotate on screen until the sketch plane is parallel to the screen. 8. Zoom in to the nose of the car body. 9. Draw a circle half way up the nose of the car. 10. Alter the dimensional constraints to the values shown. Construction lines First you will create construction lines to help draw the aerofoil shape. To make sure the aerofoil remains symmetric the construction lines will be created with an ‘equal length’ constraint. 11. In a blank area of the graphics screen hold down the right mouse button. 12. From the floating menu select Line. 13. Click at the centre of the circle you have just drawn. 14. Move the mouse to the left and when you see the H, horizontal constraint click to draw a horizontal line. X1 X2 15. Middle mouse click to finish drawing joined lines. PTC – 25 of 84 Pro|ENGINEER Wildfire 3 CO2 dragster 16. Click in the centre of the circle X1. 17. Move the mouse to the right and wait until you see a ‘H’ horizontal constraint and L1 equal length constraints before you click X2 to draw the line. X1 X2 18. Middle mouse click twice, once to finish drawing joined lines and a second time to cancel the line draw tool. Converting lines to construction 19. Click on one of the lines you have just drawn to select it. 20. Hold down CTRL on the keyboard and click on the other line. 21. Click and hold the right mouse button and from the floating menu select Construction. 22. Change the horizontal line dimension to 25 mm. X2 23. Draw the line shown X1- X2 making sure there is a tangent ‘T’ constraint when you click at X2 X1 24. Middle mouse click to stop drawing joined lines. 25. Draw three other lines from the ends of the horizontal lines to the circle. Tip: don’t forget to middle mouse click once after each X2 click to stop drawing joined lines. PTC – X2 X1 X1 X2 X2 X1 26 of 84 Pro|ENGINEER Wildfire 3 CO2 dragster Trimming lines Remember the two methods of trimming line segments? You can click on a segment to delete it or hold down the left mouse button and ‘scribble’ across several lines to erase them. 26. Use the Trim tool to erase parts of the circle to leave the shape shown here. 27. In the sketcher toolbar click on finish sketching. 28. In the main toolbar click on change the view to Shaded. , to , to 29. In the main toolbar click on , the saved views list and select Trimetric or Isometric. 30. You will be able to see a preview showing material will be added to one side of the sketch by a random value. The dashboard will become active. 31. In the dashboard, change the extrude direction to symmetrical . 32. Change the extrude distance to 35 mm (minimum body width at the wheels in the rules). 33. Click , to finish the Extrude feature. Task five - Adding rounds You will now add rounds to the join between the wing and body. This is for two reasons; to smooth the airflow and to reflect the limitations of using a ball nosed cutter when machining the body. PTC – 27 of 84 Pro|ENGINEER Wildfire 3 CO2 dragster 1. In the feature creation toolbar click on , the Round tool. 2. Holding down the CTRL key on the keyboard, click to select the leading and trailing edges of the wing on both sides of the nose. 3. In the dashboard set the radius to 0.5 mm. 4. Click on to complete the round. 5. In the feature creation toolbar click on , the round tool. 6. Holding down the CTRL key on the keyboard, click on edges where the wing joins the nose. 7. Change the radius to 5 mm. 8. Click on to complete the round. Task six - Axle holes Pro|ENGINEER has a dedicated tool that we will use to create the axle holes for the axles. 1. In the feature creation toolbar click , the Hole tool. 2. Select the side of the wing as the surface the hole will be placed on. X1 X2 X3 A dashboard will open and the hole will preview. There are three handles on the preview; one for the depth X1 and two for the placement X2, X3. PTC – 28 of 84 Pro|ENGINEER Wildfire 3 CO2 dragster 3. Drag one of the placement handles to the rear surface of the body. Release the mouse button when the rear face is highlighted. 4. Drag the other placement handle onto the base surface of the body. Release the mouse button when the bottom face is highlighted. 5. Alter the placement constraints to 220 mm and 10 mm as shown. 6. In the dashboard, change the depth option to ‘Drill to intersect with all surfaces’. 7. Click to complete the hole definition. 8. Add another hole for the rear axle using the values shown here. To complete the body we will change the material to balsa and apply a texture to the surface. What you have learned in session two Objectives: Having completed this session you should now: Be aware of • the concepts of 3D parametric modelling. • the modelling capabilities of Pro|ENGINEER. Understand • how 3D modelling software can help designers and engineers try out ideas and refine the detailed design of products. PTC – 29 of 84 Pro|ENGINEER Wildfire 3 • the procedures involved in modifying Pro|ENGINEER models. • the importance of Parent/child relations in parametric modelling. CO2 dragster Be able to • create extrude features and rounds to modify an existing Pro|ENGINEER component. This session is now complete. Lesson three – CNC Machining Aim: During this session you will be shown how a car body design is post processed and machined using a CNC router. You should gain sufficient awareness of machining to help you design car bodies within the limitation of machining. Objectives: By the end of this session you should: Be aware of • the capabilities of three axis CNC machines. Understand • how post-processor software interprets the 3D model and produces movement instructions to steer the cutting tool. • how jigs and fixtures can reduce the setup time for machining identical parts. • and implement health and safety control measure when working with CNC machines. • the limitations of 3 axis CNC machining and how this influences designs. Be able • under close supervision, to setup up and carry out the machining of their car body design. • to suggest designs it is possible to machine. Focus: It would be very easy for you to come up with car body designs that cannot be machined. This session demonstrates the post processing and machining sequence during which your PTC – 30 of 84 Pro|ENGINEER Wildfire 3 CO2 dragster teacher will explain limitations such as tool diameter/tip shape, avoiding undercuts and hollows. Where possible you should be able to use CNC equipment at school or locally to machine your car design. If this is not possible machining may need to be done elsewhere. Where remote manufacture is the only option investigate whether web camera viewing of the machining is possible. Because post processor and CNC software is specific to each manufacture it is not possible to write a detailed tutorial however the principles involved are explained in the following diagram. Post processing Machining Machine instructions Pro/ENGINEER model 3 axis CNC machine Machining a CO2 car body and finished car CNC machining and Car images - Lochgelly High School, Scotland This session is now complete. PTC – 31 of 84 Pro|ENGINEER Wildfire 3 CO2 dragster Lesson four – Part properties and own design Aim: Learn how to use Pro|ENGINEER to measure the properties of a part and modify the car body design. Objectives: By the end of this session you should: Be aware • that properties can be applied to components and used to make measurements. • that Pro|ENGINEER can calculate physical properties of components. • that Pro|ENGINEER allows the user to modify parts very easily. Understand • how critical dimensions and geometry in parametric 3D models can be used to modify the design. • the opportunities provided in Pro|ENGINEER for physical analysis of models and assemblies. Be able to: • assign component information including material properties to a model. • change a design by altering dimensions and geometry. • Be able to apply material properties to parts • Be able to use Pro|ENGINEER to take simple measurements from components. • Be able to make change to their design prompted by analysis and measurements. Focus: One of the key benefits of parametric modelling is the facility Pro|ENGINEER has to change designs very quickly and report the physical properties of parts. To realise the full power of parametric models they need to be created with future modifications in mind. This section teaches you how to use Pro|ENGINEER to report physical properties for a part and edit an existing model to alter the design. PTC – 32 of 84 Pro|ENGINEER Wildfire 3 CO2 dragster Task one - Component information It is good practice to add information to components. This helps trace parts and will also populate part tables in drawings automatically. Set material properties When you create parts it is important to set the correct material so that subsequent analysis accurately represents the component behaviour. Pro|ENGINEER has a comprehensive materials library. 1. Your car body should be open on screen. 2. From the Edit pull-down text menu select Setup Menu manager will open at the right side of the screen. 3. Select Material. The Materials dialog will open. 4. Browse to the folder where material definitions are stored and select balsa_wood.mat 5. Click on to transfer the material to the Materials in Model column. 6. Click on to close the Materials dialog. 7. In Menu Manager click on Done to close it. PTC – 33 of 84 Pro|ENGINEER Wildfire 3 CO2 dragster Component parameters 8. Your car body should be open on screen. 9. In the Tools pull-down text menu select Parameters… The Parameters dialog opens. Notice the material balsa you selected a moment ago has already been entered for you. 10. In the left column select DESCRIPTION then click on . The Parameter Properties dialog opens. 11. Type your name in the Value field then click . 12. Use the same technique to complete the MODELLED_BY and PROJECT fields. 13. Click on dialog. to close the Parameters 14. Save your model. Task two - Changing the appearance Pro|ENGINEER is provided with a great many material textures that can be applied to your models. Balsa wood is not one of them so you will be shown how to create a new texture and then apply it to your model. 1. Open the View pull-down text menu. 2. Select Color and Appearance. The Appearance Editor will open. 3. Click on the + sign to create a new entry based on the default material. PTC – 34 of 84 Pro|ENGINEER Wildfire 3 CO2 dragster 4. In the space below the material thumbnails, type a name for the material then press Enter on the keyboard. 5. Half way down the Appearance Editor dialog, click on the Map tab. 6. You will add a bitmap image in the Color Texture option. 7. Click on the large button in the Color Texture section of the dialog (shown here by the red rectangle). The Appearance Placement dialog will open. 8. Open the File pull down menu and select Open. 9. Browse to the location of the BALSA.jpg file, select it then click on . BALSA.jpg will now be listed in the Appearance Placement dialog. 10. Click on the new entry for balsa to select it. 11. Click on to finish with the Appearance Placement dialog. The Appearance Editor should still be open on screen. Notice there is a new entry for balsa in the thumbnails and the ball looks like balsa. PTC – 35 of 84 Pro|ENGINEER Wildfire 3 CO2 dragster Saving the list of materials 12. Open the File menu and click on Save. 13. Type a name for the new list of materials then click on dialog. to close the Save 14. In the Appearance Editor click on to transfer the balsa texture onto the car body model. 15. Click on to finish with the Appearance Editor. The model now has the appearance of balsa. Task three - Measure mass of body Working out the volume and mass of a regular geometric shape is not too difficult. length x width x height PTC – Π x radius2 x height Π x radius2 x height/2 36 of 84 Pro|ENGINEER Wildfire 3 CO2 dragster With complex shapes it is much more difficult working out the volume and without physically making your model it would be very difficult to find out the mass. Pro|ENGINEER has tools that can measure all the physical properties of the model. This includes density and mass because you have allocated the material properties of balsa to your model. We can now ask Pro|ENGINEER to work things out for us. 1. At the top of the screen open the Analysis pull-down menu and click on Model. 2. In the fly-out menu select Mass Properties. The Mass Properties dialog will open. 3. Click on the Compute… button in the left corner. The dialog will show details for the model. This includes many properties we are not concerned with. We are interested in the MASS entry which works out at 37.33 grams. This is well below the minimum weight of 55 grams but doesn’t allow for the weight of filler and paint. Before closing the dialog, find the CENTER OF GRAVITY entry and notice the x, y and z coordinates. Now look in the graphics window (you may need to drag the dialog to one side). There two sets of axes in the model. Reference axes at the bottom rear of the body and axes in the middle of the body at the centre of gravity. The x, y and z values in the dialog are PTC – 37 of 84 Pro|ENGINEER Wildfire 3 CO2 dragster distances between these two sets of axes. Design considerations As you develop your design you can carry out repeated analyses to check it complies with regulations. You may decide to measure the exact density of the balsa block you will be using as it can vary quite a lot. If you could choose between a dense block of balsa and a less dense one, which would you go for? To help you, all other things being equal, it is best to keep the frontal area to a minimum. Task four - Modify body shape 1. Your car body model should be open in Pro|ENGINEER with your part folder set as the working directory. The body should look like this The navigator panel on the left of the screen will be showing the model tree. In this example the Extrude 1 entry has been expanded to show the internal sketches. 2. In the model tree, left click on the internal sketch for Extrude 1. PTC – 38 of 84 Pro|ENGINEER Wildfire 3 CO2 dragster In the graphics window the sketch lines will be visible and highlighted in red. The surfaces created by extruding the sketch lines may also be highlighted. To change the body shape, the sketch will need to be edited. 3. In the model tree, move the mouse cursor over the internal sketch for Extrude 2 and right mouse click. 4. From the floating menu select Edit Definition. Entries in the model tree below the sketch will be hidden, the selected sketch will be opened, the sketcher toolbar will appear and the graphics window will display the sketch lines. You may have decided to lengthen the horizontal line over the CO2 hole. 5. Double click on the dimension constraint and alter it to 70 mm. Notice the dimension has changed to orange. This will be explained later. What if we wanted to shorten the nose to 30 mm? There is no dimension to do this. X1 6. In the sketcher toolbar click on Create defining dimension. 7. Left click on the green line at X1 to select the line then middle click at X2 to locate the constraint text. PTC – X2 39 of 84 Pro|ENGINEER Wildfire 3 CO2 dragster 8. Double click on the new dimension constraint and change it to 40 mm. 9. In the sketcher toolbar, click on close the sketcher. to The model should regenerate and display the new shape. There are occasions when features lower down the model tree cannot be regenerated due to the changes you have made. The following guide may be useful if you get an error at this stage. Failed features These are typical error dialogs when regeneration fails. The Failure Diagnostics window explains in detail what has failed and why. In this example the #9 feature in the model tree, a ROUND on the component called BODY_10, failed because Feature references are missing. This is a perfect example of the importance of parent/child relationships. Some of the reference edges in the ‘parent’ solid are missing for the ‘child’ round to regenerate. We can deduce from this information that changes we have just made to the car body profile have removed edges the rounds relied on. PTC – 40 of 84 Pro|ENGINEER Wildfire 3 The original shape. CO2 dragster Can you spot the missing edge references in the round set on the left? The Menu manager on the right of the screen provides a number of options for resolving the problem. Undo changes – Roll-back the changes you just made to a state the model tree could be regenerated. Investigate – Find out more about the failure. Fix model – Access the model tree and make changes to resolve the failure. Quick fix – The most common starting point for fixing the problem and the one we will demonstrate here. PTC – 41 of 84 Pro|ENGINEER Wildfire 3 CO2 dragster 10. In the Menu Manager click on Quick fix. The Quick fix menu opens on top. 11. Select Redefine. A Confirmation menu is added on. 12. Click on Confirm. The Round dashboard will appear along the bottom of the screen and the model will try to preview round edges. Because the round failed the round will not preview. 13. In the dashboard, open the Sets pop-up panel. This displays information on the rounds in this feature and how they were created. This feature has only one ‘set’ of edges. The References section lists the edges that were originally selected and is where the failed edge(s) will be shown with a red dot. 14. Scroll to find entries with a red dot and right click. 15. In the floating menu select Remove. 16. Repeat this for all entries with red dots. 17. Once all the failed edges have been deleted the green lines showing the round width will be visible in the model and the green tick in the dashboard will be available. PTC – 42 of 84 Pro|ENGINEER Wildfire 3 18. Click on the green tick CO2 dragster . The Menu Manager will now be asking you to confirm the changes. 19. Click on Yes and the model should regenerate successfully. Adding a sketch reference. The regulations state there must be at least 3mm of balsa surrounding the hole. We will add a dimension constraint to make the shape 4mm above the hole to allow some material for sanding. However, if you tried to create the dimension now you would not be able to select the edge of the CO2 canister hole. To do this we need a sketch reference. 20. In the main toolbar, click on to change the view to Hidden Line. You can now see the CO2 canister hole. 21. In the model tree expand the extrude that created the side profile cut. This should be Extrude 1. 22. Right click over the internal sketch and from the floating menu select Edit Definition. 23. In the main toolbar, open the Sketch pulldown text menu and select References… The References dialog will open showing existing references. PTC – 43 of 84 Pro|ENGINEER Wildfire 3 CO2 dragster 24. In the graphics window click on the top horizontal line X1 of the CO2 canister hole. A dashed reference line will be created and a new reference is added to the dialog. X1 There is also a new dimensional constraint between the new reference and the green line above. This will be changed in the next section. 25. Click references. to finish adding Create a dimension constraint Remember the dimension constraint you added to change the length of the nose? Here is an explanation of the different types of dimension constraint. There are four types of sketch dimension; • Locked – the dimension is locked to its value. This value cannot be modified either directly or indirectly. The dimension has to be un-locked before its value can be modified. • Strong – the dimension can be modified but only directly by the user • Weak - the dimension can be modified directly (by explicitly changing the value) or indirectly (by changing other surrounding dimensions/geometry). • REF – the dimension is reporting a distance or size without controlling the sketch in any way Dimensions can be converted between these types. PTC – 44 of 84 Pro|ENGINEER Wildfire 3 CO2 dragster Changing the dimension constraint 26. Double click on the 9.4 mm constraint. 27. Change the value to 4 mm then press Enter on the keyboard. The dimension will change value, the line will move and the dimension will now be coloured Orange to show it is a strong dimension and locked. Before we close the sketcher we need to restore the thickness of the nose to prevent subsequent features failing. 28. Change the view to Shaded . 29. In the Sketcher toolbar use to add the vertical dimension shown here and change the value to 15 mm. 30. In the sketcher toolbar click on The model will regenerate and display the new shape. We now have a much sleeker body shape. This should be faster for two key reasons. ° The frontal area is less ° Smaller size means reduced mass. 31. Save your model What have you learned? Having completed this session you should now: Be aware: PTC – 45 of 84 Pro|ENGINEER Wildfire 3 • that Pro|ENGINEER can report the properties of components. • that Pro|ENGINEER allows the user to modify parts very easily. CO2 dragster Understand: • how critical dimensions and geometry in parametric 3D models can be used to modify the design. Be able to: • assign component information including material properties to a model. • change a design by altering dimensions and geometry. This session is now complete. Session five – Assembly Aim: You will add combine your car body design and standard components to create an assembly of the finished car. Objectives: By the end of the session you should: Be aware • how Pro|ENGINEER combines components to form an assembly. Understand • how component parts are brought together using assembly and/or mechanism constraints to form an assembly Be able to • start a new assembly and add components using constraints. • move the wheels kinematically on screen. Focus: During this session you will be shown how to start a new assembly file, add components and locate them using assembly and mechanical constraints. The finished model will look like the finished car and the wheels can be turned on screen. PTC – 46 of 84 Pro|ENGINEER Wildfire 3 CO2 dragster Introduction Wheels and axles have been provided and together with your body design these will create an ‘assembly’. Unlike Pro|DESKTOP, Pro|ENGINEER uses a different file extension (ASM) for assembly files. Task one - New assembly with fixed car body 1. In the main toolbar click on create a New File. to 2. In the New dialog choose Assembly 3. In the Name field type a name for the assembly. 4. Click An empty assembly will open in the graphics window. The window may appear empty. 5. If so, in the main toolbar click make workplanes visible. to Notice the datum plane names for an assembly have the prefix ASM_ Add a part On the right of the graphics window, assembly tools have been added to the toolbar. PTC – 47 of 84 Pro|ENGINEER Wildfire 3 6. Click on tool. CO2 dragster the Add component… 7. The Open dialog opens 8. In your personal storage folder (Your teacher will direct you to this) select your car body file. 9. Click on 10. Your car body will be placed temporarily in the graphics window shaded a mustard colour and the assembly dashboard will appear along the bottom of the screen. The dashboard is a very clever technique Pro|ENGINEER uses to present complex options in a simple and easily understandable format. 11. In the dashboard, change the list currently showing Automatic to Fix. 12. Click on the body. to complete assembling The dashboard closes and the body is fixed in place, returning to its normal balsa colour. We can now add the axles. PTC – 48 of 84 Pro|ENGINEER Wildfire 3 CO2 dragster Task two - Assemble rear axle 1. Click on to add another component. 2. Locate and select the file rear_axle_assy.asm 3. Click on It is good practice to manoeuvre the components close to their required position before applying assembly constraints. These are the keyboard mouse combinations that allow you to manipulate components during placement. Pro|ENGINEER - Wildfire 3 - Quick reference 4. Manoeuvre the rear axle to the rear of the body. X1 PTC – 49 of 84 Pro|ENGINEER Wildfire 3 CO2 dragster X1 5. Zoom in on the rear of the car 6. Make datum planes visible. 7. Click to select the small datum plane X1 in the centre of the rear axle named FRONT. X2 8. Click to select the FRONT datum plane in the body component X2. 9. The axle will move to line up the two workplanes making them ‘co-planar’. Note: If the wheels were not close enough to their final position Pro|ENGINEER may try to create an offset constraint. If this is the case then do the following otherwise skip to bullet 26. 10. In the assembly dashboard at the bottom of the screen click on Placement. 11. The Placement panel will open. 12. Change the Offset value to Coincident. 13. Click on New Constraint. Pro|ENGINEER should now be offering you a new Automatic constraint. 14. Zoom in and select the outer cylindrical surface of the rear axle. PTC – 50 of 84 Pro|ENGINEER Wildfire 3 CO2 dragster 15. Zoom out and select the hole in the body for the rear axle. 16. Check the Placement panel to make sure the Allow Assumptions option is NOT ticked. An Insert constraint has moved the rear wheels into position. in the dashboard to 17. Click on complete assembly of the rear axle. The rear wheels are now in position. Task three – Assemble front axle 1. Use the same steps to add the front_axle_assy.asm 2. Save your design. PTC – 51 of 84 Pro|ENGINEER Wildfire 3 CO2 dragster Task four – Kinematic movement Once assembled, components can be moved on screen providing they are not fully constrained. Remember when adding the axle sub assemblies we made sure the Allow Assumptions was not selected? This should allow the wheels to rotate. The technique we will use to show movement is called ‘Kinematic’ motion. Kinematic - The branch of mechanics that studies the motion of a body or a system of bodies without consideration given to its mass or the forces acting on it. There are two ways to move objects on screen. One uses the Drag (glove) tool and the other uses keyboard/ mouse buttons. Drag tool Now for the exciting bit! 1. Click on , the Drag… tool. 2. Click on one of the edges on the wheel. A small diamond symbol appears at the location where you clicked. 3. Click and hold the left mouse button and drag to rotate the handle. 4. The mechanism should ‘operate’ on screen. This is called Kinematic movement. In the top right corner of the computer screen is the Drag dialogue. 5. To finish dragging, click on the the Drag dialog. in Keyboard/ mouse buttons 6. Hold down the Ctrl + Alt keys on the keyboard, move the mouse over a component then click and hold the left mouse button to drag the component. PTC – 52 of 84 Pro|ENGINEER Wildfire 3 CO2 dragster 7. Save your model. What have you learned Now you have completed this session you should: Be aware ° how Pro|ENGINEER combines components to form an assembly. Understand ° how component parts are brought together using assembly and/or mechanism constraints to form an assembly Be able to ° start a new assembly and add components using constraints. ° move the wheels kinematically on screen. This session is now complete. Lesson six – Surface finishing own design Aim: You will use filler and abrasive paper to make the surface of the car body smooth and then paint or varnish the surface the give a smooth, aerodynamic surface. Objectives: By the end of the session you should: Be aware of • the need for smooth surfaces where aerodynamic efficiency is important. • of finishing techniques and how they contribute to better performance through improved aerodynamics. Understand • the concepts behind surface finishing and the need to preserve the designed shape by minimising surface preparation. • how fillers, abrasive paper and paints can be used to produce a smooth flat surface on timber. Be able to PTC – 53 of 84 Pro|ENGINEER Wildfire 3 CO2 dragster • to work safely when sanding their car body and applying surface finishes. • to achieve a finished car body that closely matches the design intent with a high standard of finish. Focus: This is a workshop/ modelling studio session where you will be taught and have the opportunity to apply techniques of filling, smoothing and finishing producing a surface on the car body that will be aerodynamically efficient. This session is now complete. Lesson seven – Testing own design Aim: You will use a combination of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) software and/or actual testing of prototype designs to test the effectiveness of your design. Note: CFD analysis requires the Schools Advanced Edition of Pro|ENGINEER and additional CFD software. Objectives: By the end of the session you should: Be aware • of the range of testing that can be applied to their car design. • how CFD software can be used as a virtual wind tunnel to test the aerodynamic efficiency of 3D computer models. Understand • the link between testing, analysis and improving designs in the light of testing. • how to carry out fair tests using rigorous scientific methods. • how to simplify and set-up 3D models in CFD software. Be able to • set-up and carry out track tests on their designs using scientific method to control variables and record results. • use the measurement tools in Pro|ENGINEER to analyse designs for compliance with competition rules. PTC – 54 of 84 Pro|ENGINEER Wildfire 3 CO2 dragster • interpret the results of testing and formulate suggested improvements based on the results and an understanding of the competition rules. • suggest design improvements based on testing. Focus: A separate tutorial has been produced by Honeycomb Solutions for those schools that have access to CFD software. With this you will be able to carry out aerodynamic analysis of your design. You should have access to testing your prototype and using the results to suggest design improvements. This session is now complete. Lesson eight – Refine own design Aim: You will use the results of testing to make modifications that improve the performance of your car designs. Objectives: By the end of the session you should: Be aware • of the ease with which Pro|ENGINEER designs can be modified to produce design variations on an initial design. • how the results of testing and an understanding of the competition rules and vehicle efficiency are combined to suggest design improvements. Understand • the concepts and principles of feature based parametric 3D modelling. • how to interpret the results of testing and use this to suggest design improvements. Be able to • edit the model tree for their car design, make changes and update the model. • use expertise with Pro|ENGINEER developed previously to alter their designs. PTC – 55 of 84 Pro|ENGINEER Wildfire 3 • CO2 dragster resolve feature failures with help from their teacher mentor. Focus: You should be able to use your new found Pro|ENGINEER skills to amend your design incorporating the sessions gained from testing. The new designs can then be tested using CFD/actual prototypes. This session is now complete. Lesson nine – Finish own design + Technical drawing Aim: In this session you will have the opportunity to finish your own design ready for CNC manufacture in the next session. For homework you will use a self paced tutorial to learn how create an engineering drawing for your car design using Pro|ENGINEER. Learning objectives: By the end of this session you should: Be aware • that CNC models must be finished to produce a final product. • of the international standards for engineering and technical drawings. Understand • Understand the concepts behind surface finishing and the need to preserve the designed shape by minimising surface preparation. • how technical drawings are used for quality control, assembly and operation of products. Be able to • Be able to work safely when sanding their car body and applying surface finishes. • Be able to achieve a finished car body that closely matches the design intent with a high standard of finish use Pro|ENGINEER to create your own design of car body. • use Pro|ENGINEER to create an orthographic drawing of your CO2 car including a pictorial view. PTC – 56 of 84 Pro|ENGINEER Wildfire 3 CO2 dragster Focus: During the school session you will have access to a PC running Pro|ENGINEER. You are expected to model a car body of your own design by modifying the designs you have created or by creating a model from scratch. Homework: An effective method of communicating designs to other people is via the use of drawings. Pro|ENGINEER allows Designers and Engineers to quickly produce engineering production drawings directly from the solid model. To help engineers interpret drawings anywhere in the world standards for presentation have been created. Historically every country had its own set of standards such as British Standards but these have been refined to the major continents. Examples include ISO widely used in Europe and the far east and ANSI from North America. In future we may end up with one set of global drawing standards. Pro|ENGINEER can format drawings for any international standard. In the past, paper drawings have been the traditional method of communicating product design information for manufacturing but the use of solid modelling has allowed a more direct and automated link. Using drawings requires the engineers to interpret 2D orthogonal views whereas the 3D solid model contains more information and is easier to visualise. The use of Computer Numerically Controlled (CNC) machines now allows engineers to produce components directly from the solid model. This level of automation means that orthographic drawings are now only being used to provide overall dimensions, assembly details and inspection information. In this section you will learn how to produce a detailed drawing of the CO2 car. Task one - Creating a drawing 1. Your car assembly must be open in Pro|ENGINEER. PTC – 57 of 84 Pro|ENGINEER Wildfire 3 2. From the Pro|ENGINEER top toolbar leftclick Create New File . In the dialog box that appears the default Type is Part, left-click Drawing. Enter the name of your car. We will use Car_01. 3. Notice the “Use default template” option is checked. This will automatically create views which have been pre-defined within the default template file. We will use this option to get a drawing quickly. 4. Left-click CO2 dragster . Note: If you want to learn how drawing views are created in Pro|ENGINEER a good starting point is the Sports drink bottle project. 5. In the New Drawing dialog that appears, Pro|ENGINEER is giving you the option of selecting which model is to be used within the drawing. 6. Your car assembly should be listed in the Default Model field. 7. In the Specify template section use the default option - Use template. 8. For the Format make sure a3_template is selected. If not, use the Browse option to browse to the drawing template directory, select A3_FORMAT and click . 9. Left-click to accept these settings and create the drawing. 10. Pro|ENGINEER will create an A3 drawing with drawing border/format and three orthographic views Notice that the toolbar on the right of the screen has changed to display the commands and options relevant to drawing creation. PTC – 58 of 84 Pro|ENGINEER Wildfire 3 CO2 dragster The views are too small so the scale of the drawing will be changed. Look in the bottom left corner of the drawing area and you will see the current scale is set to 0.333. This will be changed to 0.5 Changing the scale 1. Double click on the scale text at the bottom of the drawing area. 2. A small dashboard will open at the very bottom of the screen. 3. Alter the value to 0.5 then click on . The views are now larger and the scale text shows the new value. Adding centre lines With three views in place we can add dimensions and annotations to the drawing. PTC – 59 of 84 Pro|ENGINEER Wildfire 3 CO2 dragster 11. From the drawing toolbar select Show/Erase This will open the Show/Erase dialog box. . The first step is to show the centre lines for the wheels. 12. In the Type section of the Show/Erase dialog left-click Axis . Note: Clicking on buttons in the Type section toggles them on/off. 13. In the Show By section make sure Feature is selected. 14. Roll the mouse wheel to zoom in on one of the views. 15. Move the cursor over one of the views. 16. Move the mouse over one of the wheels and when the cylindrical surface making up the tyre pre highlights click to select the wheel. 17. Pro|ENGINEER will create centre-lines indicating the axes of the wheel revolve feature. 18. Select each wheel in the three views in turn until all wheels have centre lines. 19. In the smaller Select dialog box select . This informs Pro|ENGINEER you have finished your selections and will change the options in the Show/Erase dialog. PTC – 60 of 84 Pro|ENGINEER Wildfire 3 CO2 dragster 20. In the Show/Erase dialog select by , followed . Pro|ENGINEER will have created centre-lines in all 3 views. To improve the aesthetics of the newly created centre-lines the length of the centre-lines can be manually adjusted. 21. In the lower view select one of the newly created centre-lines. The centre-lines will now have drag handles at each end. PTC – 61 of 84 Pro|ENGINEER Wildfire 3 CO2 dragster 22. Using these drag handles drag the centrelines to the required lengths, and repeat this process for the other centre-lines in this and the other views. Centre lines normally extend beyond the model or main feature Task two - Adding dimensions The next step is to create dimensions. It is important to know the purpose of the drawing. This could be to make the component, describe how to assemble the design or check dimensional accuracy for quality control. For each of these the dimensioning scheme would be different. For our CO2 car the drawing will be used to show compliance with the competition regulations. The key dimensions from the 2006 regulations for Ireland are: Body dimensions No Structure Min Max 200 300 - 75 3a Full body length 3b Body height including wheels 3c Body width at axles, front & back 35 42 3d Total body width, including wheels - 90 55 - Body weight without CO2 cartridge (grams) All dimensions stated in millimetres, mm Official wheels must be used without modification and wheels must be 100% visible from plan, side and end views. CO cartridge dimensions No Structure Min Max 6a CO2 cartridge diameter 19 20 6b Lowest point of chamber to the race surface 26 40 PTC – 62 of 84 Pro|ENGINEER Wildfire 3 CO2 dragster 6c Depth of hole 50 60 6d Wall thickness around cartridge 3 - All dimensions stated in millimetres, mm Note: These tables have been reproduced from information on the official competition website. Details were correct at the time of writing but you must check with official sources and not rely on these figures for your design or competition entry. Pro|ENGINEER has the facility to import dimensions from the 3D model but for this exercise we will create dimensions individually. First you will dimension the width of the front wing. Plan Dimensions 1. In the sketcher toolbar on the right of the screen select tool. 2. Zoom in on the front of the car in the plan view. 3. Move the mouse cursor over the outside edge of the front wing. When it pre-highlights in cyan, click to select X1 and the edge will turn red. 4. Click on the other outside edge X2 of the front wing to select it. 5. Move the mouse cursor away from the model into a clear space on the screen in front of the car nose and middle mouse click to locate the dimension text. 6. The dimension will be created. 7. Add another dimension for the widest part of the wheels. 8. Do the same at the rear of the car in the plan view. PTC – , the Create dimension… X1 X2 63 of 84 Pro|ENGINEER Wildfire 3 CO2 dragster Front view diensions 9. In the front view, zoom in on the rear of the car. 10. Create a dimension from the top of the car X1 to the bottom of the wheel X2. 11. X1 X3 Click X3 to locate the dimension text. The dimension text will not appear. The prompt area at the bottom of the screen will ask you to… X2 A menu manager menu will be visible in the top corner of the screen. 12. Click on Tangent and the dimension will be created. 13. Add a body length dimension to the front view. 14. Dimension the distance from the bottom of the canister hole to the bottom of the wheel. PTC – 64 of 84 Pro|ENGINEER Wildfire 3 CO2 dragster CO2 cannister hole 15. Zoom in on the end view for this section. 16. In the main drawing toolbar select Show/Erase dialog tool. the because we will be revealing 17. Click on dimensions from the model. 18. Click on dimension. to show we will be creating a 19. A Select dialog will appear. 20. In the drawing, click on the edge of the canister hole. The dimension will preview in blue. 21. Click in the Select dialog. 22. In the Show/Erase dialog click on then to finish. The diameter dimension has been created. Quality control The first session in this module helped you become familiar with the competition regulations. One of the reasons manufacturing companies create drawings is to check critical dimensions against the product specification. You can now do this for the car design. 23. Compare the sizes for this model with the regulations. PTC – 65 of 84 Pro|ENGINEER Wildfire 3 CO2 dragster Can you see any that do not comply? If so, how could the model be changed to ensure it meets the regulations? If you were to make changes to the model the drawing would update automatically. You have used the drawing to check the design against set criteria. This is a form of ‘quality control’. Task three – Pictorial view Additional views can be added at any time. In the steps that follow we will insert a Trimetric shaded view to the drawing. 1. Open the Insert pull-down menu, select Drawing View then click on General. The Select Combined State dialog opens. 2. Make sure No Combined State is selected then click . The text area at the bottom of the screen is prompting you to Select CENTER POINT for drawing 3. On the drawing, click where you want the view. For example in the blank area above the title block. The Drawing View dialog opens and the view previews in the drawing. In the Categories panel View Type should be selected. 4. In the Model view names panel select Trimetric from the list. PTC – 66 of 84 Pro|ENGINEER Wildfire 3 5. Click on 6. The model orientation in the drawing view will change. CO2 dragster . View display 7. In the Categories panel select View Display 8. In the Display Style list choose Shading. 9. Click on . The view will now be shaded. 10. Click on to finish with the Drawing View dialog. Moving the view The view may need to be repositioned. 11. Click on the view to select it. A red rectangle will appear when the view is selected. 12. Make sure the mouse cursor is over the selected view. 13. Hold down the right mouse button and, from the floating menu, click to deselect Lock View Movement. 14. The view can now be dragged into position. PTC – 67 of 84 Pro|ENGINEER Wildfire 3 CO2 dragster Task four - Adding notes The note tool in Pro|ENGINEER allows you to add text to the drawing. We will use it to fill-in the title block. 1. Zoom in on the title block in the bottom right hand corner of the drawing. Notice some information has been entered for you automatically. This includes the drawing number from the filename and the drawing scale. Pro|ENGINEER can automate far more. We will edit an existing, empty note and then add a note manually. PTC – 68 of 84 Pro|ENGINEER Wildfire 3 CO2 dragster Edit an existing note 2. Move the mouse inside the TITLE rectangle and when it pre-highlights click to select it. The outline will turn red. 3. Keep the mouse cursor inside the selected rectangle then click and hold the right mouse button. 4. From the floating menu select Properties. The Note Properties dialog opens. 5. Under the Text tab, delete any text and type in CO2 Dragster. 6. Click on 7. The title block will now contain your text. . Adding a note manually 8. Open the Insert pull-down text menu and select Note… PTC – 69 of 84 Pro|ENGINEER Wildfire 3 CO2 dragster A NOTE TYPES menu manager dialog will open on the right of the screen. Selections are made in each section working from top to bottom. 9. We will use the defaults so at the bottom click on Make Note. The prompt at the bottom of the screen is telling us to: 10. Locate the large rectangle to the right of the orthographic symbol. 11. Click near the top left corner of this rectangle X1. X1 The prompt area at the bottom of the screen is waiting for you to type text for the note. 12. Type in the name of your team, we have used Flamerider. 13. Press ENTER on the keyboard 14. Type in F1 in Schools for a second line of text. 15. Press ENTER on the keyboard 16. Type in your school name or country, we have used Ireland. 17. Press ENTER on the keyboard twice. 18. Click on Done/Return to close the menu manager. Your title block should now look something like this. PTC – 70 of 84 Pro|ENGINEER Wildfire 3 CO2 dragster 19. Save your drawing and close down Pro|ENGINEER. What have you learned Now you have completed this session you should: Be aware • of the international standards for engineering and technical drawings. Understand • how technical drawings are used for quality control, assembly and operation of products. Be able • to use Pro|ENGINEER to create an orthographic drawing of your CO2 Car including a pictorial view. This session is now complete. Lesson ten – Rendered image Aim: In this session you will be introduced to the Advanced Rendering Extension (ARX) module of Pro|ENGINEER . With this you will be able to create photo-realistic images of your models and assemblies. Learning objectives: By the end of this session you should: Be aware of • the advanced rendering tools available in Pro|ENGINEER. Understand • the basic concepts behind creating rendered images from models and assemblies. • the key concepts and procedures in creating high quality photo-realistic rendered images of their designs. Know how • rendered images are used in a variety of commercial contexts. PTC – 71 of 84 Pro|ENGINEER Wildfire 3 CO2 dragster Be able to • place a model in a rendering environment. • create a rendered image of their design using a scene provided for them. Task one - Getting started 1. Log-on and start Pro|ENGINEER Key principles The Advanced Rendering Extension (ARX) module in Pro|ENGINEER is very powerful with many adjustments possible to the room environment such as materials, lighting, reflections, etc possible. This session will provide a brief overview and hands-on experience of just a few features, enough to produce a final rendered image of the CO2 car assembly. The sequence you will work through is: • Open an assembly of the CO2 car assembly • Define initial render settings • Load a scene definition • Position the model in the room • Change view of model • Try an initial render • Perform the final render • Save the rendered image PTC – 72 of 84 Pro|ENGINEER Wildfire 3 CO2 dragster Set working directory 2. The Navigator window on the left of the screen should be displaying folders. 3. Browse to the folder with your car design in. 4. Right click over your folder and from the floating menu select Set Working Directory. 5. Open your own car assembly. The car body should already have a balsa appearance and the wheels a plastic material texture. As you work through the rest of this section you will notice objects look like the material they would be made of. PTC – 73 of 84 Pro|ENGINEER Wildfire 3 CO2 dragster Task two - Initial render settings Open the render toolbar 6. On a blank area of the main toolbar hold down the right mouse button and from the floating menu select Render. The render toolbar appears in the main toolbar on the left of the screen. 7. Changing the display settings inside Pro|ENGINEER will help improve the quality of the image on screen. 8. Open the View pull-down menu, select Display Settings and then Model Display 9. Select the Shade tab at the top. 10. Change the shade Quality to 10. 11. Tick the box for Small Surfaces and click then . To provide a good preview of your model, room and shadows turn on real-time rendering. This will help when adjusting other appearance settings later on. 12. From the Rendering toolbar select the Real-Time rendering icon PTC – . 74 of 84 Pro|ENGINEER Wildfire 3 CO2 dragster You will see the model display update, showing real-time rendering like this. Note: If you have a low specification PC and the screen updates slowly you may need to leave real-time render switched off until you have set up the render and are ready to preview the image. Task three - Load scene A number of scenes have been setup for you specifying the room, lighting and environment effects and one of these will be loaded. in the render toolbar or open 1. Either click on the View pull-down menu, click on Model Setup and select Scene Palette. 2. In the Scenes dialog open the File pull-down menu and select Append. 3. Navigate to the folder where the parts for this tutorial are stored. 8. Select the scene called Bright_white.scn PTC – 75 of 84 Pro|ENGINEER Wildfire 3 CO2 dragster 4. Make sure the new scene is selected; it will be bordered by red. If not, double click on the scene in the dialog to select it. 5. Click on the Preview>>> button and a thumbnail will show what your scene will look like. 6. Select the Save scene with model option. 7. the Scenes dialog. You will not see the full effect of the changes you are making until later. The model is unlikely to be in a suitable position relative to the room. The scene file has changed the room shape to cylindrical. Task four - Position model in room In this section you will orientate the model in the room locking them together. PTC – 76 of 84 Pro|ENGINEER Wildfire 3 CO2 dragster Orient the model 1. In the main toolbar click on the small arrow next to the Saved views button. 2. From the list of saved views select Front. 3. The model will re-orientate to be square to the computer screen. Orient the room 4. In the Render toolbar click on to open the Room Editor. 5. In the room editor dialog select the Rotate tab. 6. Click on to position the room square to the computer screen. Lock model to room 7. Change the Room locked to: option to Model. Now when you change the view of the model it will remain the correct way up in the room. The only other adjustments you may want to make to the room are the position of the ceiling, floor and walls. Room settings 8. In the Room Editor dialog select the Position tab. 9. Turn the spin wheel labelled ceiling and the top of the room will move up and down. Set it to be above the model like this. 10. Alter the position of the floor to below the model a small distance. PTC – 77 of 84 Pro|ENGINEER Wildfire 3 CO2 dragster 11. In the main toolbar click on the small arrow next to the Saved views button. 12. From the list of saved views select Top. 13. The model and room will re-orientate on the computer screen. 14. If the room is too large use the Wall 14 spin wheels to reduce the room size. 15. the Room Editor Task five - Change view of model 1. Either use one of the saved views or use the middle mouse button to drag the model into the position you would like to view it. Notice how the room stays oriented to the model. 2. Use the middle mouse scroll wheel to zoom in and out. PTC – 78 of 84 Pro|ENGINEER Wildfire 3 CO2 dragster Task six - Render Setting up render controls The next step is to generate a draft rendering. To do this we need to first set some rendering parameters. 1. In the Render toolbar, select the Modify rendering settings icon . The Render Setup dialog opens. 2. Change the Renderer option at the top to PhotoLux. 3. Leave the quality set to Draft. 4. Change the other settings to those shown here then Close the dialog. 5. Select the Render icon from the Rendering Toolbar. You have just created your first rendering! You can now play with the position and render each time until you are happy with the final image. PTC – 79 of 84 Pro|ENGINEER Wildfire 3 CO2 dragster Final render 6. Before saving the image open the Render Setup dialog, change the quality to the highest setting and re-render the model. PTC – 80 of 84 Pro|ENGINEER Wildfire 3 CO2 dragster Task seven - Save rendered image 1. Click in the Render toolbar or click View > Model Setup > Render Setup to open the Render Setup dialog. 2. Click the Output tab. 3. Change the Render To option to JPEG or another image format of your choice. 4. A file name with the appropriate extension appears in the File Name box. Edit this giving the file a name you will remember. 5. Tick the Show Image Border option. 6. Change the image Size to Custom. 7. Alter the Width & Height until the border surrounds your model. 8. Hold down shift and drag with the MMB to position the model in the frame. 9. Close the Render Setup dialog. 10. In the Render toolbar click on model. to render the 11. The image with be saved with the required file name. A JPG image file has been created in the working directory of the rendered model 12. Save your model, exit Pro|ENGINEER and logoff the computer/network. What have you learned this session? At the end of this session you should now: Understand • the basic concepts behind creating rendered images from models and assemblies. Know how • rendered images are used in a variety of commercial contexts. Be able to • place a model in a rendering environment. PTC – 81 of 84 Pro|ENGINEER Wildfire 3 CO2 dragster to apply a ‘scene’ to create a final rendered image. • This session is now complete. Lesson eleven – Testing modified design This is a repeat of the previous testing session. Note: Computational Fluid Dynamics analysis requires the Schools Advanced Edition of Pro|ENGINEER and additional CFD software. Aim: You will use a combination of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) software and actual testing of prototype designs to test the effectiveness of your design. Objectives: By the end of the session you should: Be aware ° how CFD software can be used as a virtual wind tunnel to test the aerodynamic efficiency of 3D computer models. Understand ° how to simplify and set-up 3D models in CFD software. ° how to carry out fair tests using good scientific methods. Be able to ° carry out CFD analysis of their design. ° set-up and carry out track tests on their designs using scientific method to control variables and record results. ° interpret the results of testing and formulate suggested improvements based on the results and an understanding of the competition rules. Focus: Repeat the CFD and physical testing of your modified design. You should have access to testing your prototype and using the results to suggest design improvements. PTC – 82 of 84 Pro|ENGINEER Wildfire 3 CO2 dragster Homework You should complete your e-presentation ready for delivery next session. This session is now complete. Lesson twelve – Presentations Focus This session is set aside for all teams to deliver your e-folios showing how your designs were conceived, developed and manufactured. Learning objectives: By the end of this session you should: Be aware of • the range of design, testing and manufacture used by students in their class. Understand • there are many different ways of meeting a set of design requirements and that compromises are required to balance often conflicting requirements. Be able to • present their design ideas, development and manufacture through a projected efolio. Module review Over the last few sessions you have learned many new things including: Be aware: • Of the concepts of 3D parametric solid modelling using Pro|ENGINEER • Of aerodynamic testing using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) software. Understand: • The principles of 3D parametric solid modelling using Pro|ENGINEER • How 3D solid modelling software be used to refine designs including parts and assemblies. • How CFD software simulates aerodynamics and can help with body design. Be able to: PTC – 83 of 84 Pro|ENGINEER Wildfire 3 CO2 dragster • Create 3D solid model components from scratch using extrusions with internal sketches and rounds • Assemble components using assembly constraints • Carry out CFD analysis on your car design. Note: this requires Pro|ENGINEER Schools Advanced Edition and additional software. To become confident creating parts, assemblies, rendered images and technical drawings you will need to practice these techniques. Extension activities Design Challenges • Reverse engineer simple hand-held products like mobile telephones, PDAs, toothbrushes. • Design and model a pair of hair straighteners. Pro|ENGINEER tutorials Additional tutorials that extend the techniques introduced here include: Technique Tutorial Part modelling, assembly, drawing Sports Drink Bottle Assembly, mechanisms, animation Cam toy Wind Sculpture Part modelling, assembly, design, team working, rapid prototyping. RP Car D:\PTCData\AA ProE\AA Curriculum\01-06 CO2 dragster\CO2 dragster car.doc PTC – 84 of 84