October Program - Pacific Gallery Artists


October Program - Pacific Gallery Artists
October Program
“Bring Your Problem Painting” night.
Each artist can explain what they’ve done
and what areas of the work need help. The
members then can give ideas to solve the
problem, helpful critiquing.
November Program - Lavonne Hoivik
December Christmas Potluck
January Program - Robert Tandecki
Seascape Watercolorist.
February - Pat Graham Pan Pastels techniques
Have a program idea…. let Gail Janes know.
Next meeting: Tuesday - October 13, 2015
7-9pm @ Asian Pacific Culture Center
4851 South Tacoma Way Tacoma
WEB SITE: http://w.pacificgalleryartists.org
PGA meetings are 2nd Tuesday of each
month September thru June
Refreshment/Snacks or anyone who would like to
contribute for October meeting.
Hospitality Chairperson
Jade Choe 253-579-8880
A sign up sheet for refreshments/snacks
for the rest of the year will be passed
around next month. Pick a month!
Enclosed PGA Membership Dues form, please fill
out, bring the form and a check for $30 to our meeting or mail to: Shirley Petersen (Treasurer)
7408 71st Ave. Ct. SW
Lakewood 98498
Give Shirley a call...253-582-8883
Roster will be out soon.
A note from Shirley….. At this
point she says we are not collecting
website money. It is just coming out of our account.
We won’t be able to do this much longer. Kind of
depends on what happens with the club.
Marcy McPherson volunteered to be our membership chairperson. Check with her regarding your
name tag, then please wear it! Help us get to know
you and you us. Thanks Marcy!
Great representation of PGA
members in the Washington State
Fair Fine Art Show.
Bob Baltzell (Curator) is retiring after
18 years! Great job plus he has a great crew. I am always impressed how the show is presented, 783 pieces
this year.
Congratulations to PGA winners & those in the show.
If you were not accepted, re-enter next year...different
judges. Plus give yourself a pat on the back for entering. Artists sometimes are too sensitive...remember
someone out there likes your work.
Thank you all who volunteered as Gallery Hosts. Attending the Preview is old home week for me, so many
folks we see only once a year. It is hard to catch up
with friends & where they are going with their art. So
many changes and talents with the arts. It’s the one
time I actually get to see the show when I volunteer one shift (4 hours). Larry & I are retiring (18 years for us
too) from taking phone calls in July from folks wanting to volunteer. My hearing loss can be a nuisance.
Water Media: 2nd Place & 4th Place - Tis Huberth
Honorable Mention: Gail Janes; Karen Petrillose & Mary Schossow Schumaker
Drawing: 1st Place - Pat Graham
Honorable Mention - Denise MacDonald
Mixed Media: Honorable Mention - Paul Glasoe & Marjorie Mankin
Members accepted: Cindy Baij; JoAnn-Dorsey Hayden; Diane Geisler; Bill Havens; Joanne Knox; Tanya
Lemma; Liz McDevitt; Marcy McPherson; Susan Strohm; Joanne Weaver...sorry if I forgot someone.
Demonstrating: Cindy Baij; Aletha Deuel; Darlene Dihel; Diane Geisler; Pat Graham & Marjorie Mankin
PGA Board Members
President Werner Dillenburger
Vice President
Nola Tresslar
Joanne Weaver
Thank you Joanne for the minutes!
Treasurer Shirley Petersen 253-582-8883
Hospitality - Jade Choe 253-579-8880
Membership - Marcy McPherson
Member’s Show - Gail Janes & Nola Tresslar
Newsletter - Liz McDevitt - 253-539-1165
Programs - Gail Janes has demos lined up for 2015-2016
Publicity - Joann Hayden - 253-531-7532
Scrapbook/Historian - Open
Sound System - Jerry Martin
Sunshine - Jan Karroll
Home: 253-756-7618
Cell: 253-431-3991
Video Library - Joanne Knox 253-531-3002 253-777-5803
WEB Master - Gary Wiffler tennisburnout@yahoo.com
P.O. Box 454 Puyallup 98371
Members at large: Doloris Martin
Questions/Answers/Help, any of the above folks
will be more than willing to do so. Concerns, ideas or
applauding! Let these members know.
Please consider volunteering - it’s a lot of fun!
Are you a giver/complainer or a taker? We each have
something to give back to our group….time. new ideas,
support, mentoring, and passing to the next “generation”.
We have come a long way since 1946
Pacific Gallery Artists is a non
-profit organization founded
in 1946.
The purpose of our organization is to promote art in the Pacific Northwest, interest
the public in the work of local artists and
cooperate with local groups in artistic
Membership is open to practitioners of the
fine arts, including sculpture, painting and
drawing or someone just appreciating art.
Our members are novice, to well known
2D-3D artists, plus many teachers. So
many changes around us.
We appreciate members making PGA a
fun club to belong too. We have enough
money now to pay for perks (WEB site;
membership shows/awards; demonstrators;
newsletter; meeting room rent; misc. supplies, etc.). Granted there have been times
we haven’t had money. Membership tends
to go up and down. I believe 52 members
now. Many are older and do not drive at
night. In fact if someone needs transportation let us know, hopefully someone is in
your neighborhood.
Thank you Nola Tresslar picking up
Mary Lou Frank (past president).
Anyone living in Olympia area Marshall
Perrow (past president) would enjoy a
lift. Marshall turns 99 January 27, 2016.
If each one of us spread the word & support our officers with the choices they
have to make, we can maintain a stability
to have an active club.
Newsletter Items Due October 23rd!
Please help me out and share “news” of your art activities.
A bunch of mistakes with last months’ newsletter.
Problem with my computer, me and our printer. All programs are not compatible.
Hopefully this months will be ok. Corrections? Please let me know.
Liz McDevitt mcdevitt5@juno.com
I prefer e-mail messages due to my hearing loss.
Snail Mail: 13505 Waller Rd. E Tacoma, 98446 253-539-1165
Check out our WEB site. Newsletters mailed, black and white print,
but at our WEB site, it’s in color…...thanks Gary!
Teaching is an ART!
Tis Huberth’s fall classes for the FRUSTRATED ARTIST
starting Oct. 8th @ South Hill Art Studio.
14206 86th Ave. - Puyallup close to Rogers High School
October 8 - Don’t Touch that Green Paint
(mixing beautiful greens).
October 23 - Let’s not Forget our Foregrounds.
Nov. 12 - Getting Positive by being Negative
(The fun of Negative/Positive painting)
Dec. 10 - The High & Low of it.
(What are High and Low Key paintings?)
All classes are held on Thursdays - 10-1pm.
Cost $45 per class or $170 for full session.
Contact Tis @ tiswatercolorsetc@yahoo.com or 253-839-5623
Marjorie Mankin teaches
@ Fircrest Methodist Church
every Monday morning
W/C , composition, texture, etc.,
In Gig Harbor, Gallery Row Marjorie teaches 1st Tues of the
month 10-12 & 1-3pm
Children’s classes every other
Sat. 10-12pm
INFO: 253-389-3591
Aletha Deuel teaches
Thank you members bringing in your art work which
after Karen’s presentation
you presented your art piece.
Bill Havens - Sumi
Pat Graham - Pan Pastels
Gail Janes - Mixed Media
Werner Dillenburger
My camera was on the blink as I had no pictures of
your art to put in the newsletter…..
or I forgot to take pictures.
Please continue bringing your art to share.
We all learn from each other.
New roster will be out shortly….thank you Shirley!
New Member:
Jayne Kay
918 25th St. SE
Puyallup, WA. 98372-4126
Jim Anderson
13714 6th Ave. Court So.
Tacoma, WA. 98444
Change of address:
Marilyn Ferguson
1067 East 34 St.
Tacoma, WA. 98404
adults Monday 6-8pm.
Beginning & Beyond. Tues.
Intermediate/Advance Wed. 4pm Teen class 11-up
Advance/Little Bit of Everything .
@ The Fred Oldfield
Center in Puyallup.
Mondays with
Tanya Lemma!
10am –1pm @ South
Hill Art Studio
Info: 253-222-1432
or 253-460-2841
Tanya just won
Daniel Smith’s contest…..
awarded lots of art supplies.
We have 22 DVD’s in our library.
Everything from Oils; Pastels/Charcoal, W/C;
Acrylics; Sumi; Collage; Pen/Ink; Art Stamping
& Flowers in W/C.
From June 9th potluck meeting new member
Jim Anderson had put together his notes of our
Please continue to keep members
meeting. From the notes, which were in last
and others we know not of, in your
months newsletter, we have had good response
prayers as we each struggle with
for ideas.
and/or recover from health chalDoloris Martin, Member at Large, past Presilenges or deal with losses be it
dent, has put together a questionnaire for members family or ? Let us know and not after the fact.
to add their thoughts. Please fill out, bring to the
We remember members who have passed away with
meeting. Since it is attached to membership dues
form & you haven’t paid your dues mail the form
If you know of anyone not feeling well please let us
to Shirley. Shirley will make sure Doloris gets the know or……
Jan Karroll Sunshine Chairperson
Twelve forms were filled out at September meeting
Home: 253-756-7618
Cell: 253-431-3991
and Doloris gave this report:
Preferred medium; Some response had more that 1. WC (7) Oils (3) Pastels One each for mixed media,
sculpture, collage, acrylic and colored pencil.
Learn more about; Anything (4) encaustic (2) acrylic (2) collage (1) w/c (2) mixed media (2)
printmaking (1)sketching (1)
Type of program; Demonstration (10) Hands on (5) critique (9) slides ( 4) lecture ( 5)
Most valuable parts of meetings being with other artists (6) Info about shows/programs/classes (2)
learning new techniques (4) Sharing with other artist/short meetings (2)
WAYS OF FINDING NEW MEMBERS - Personally invite potentials member; Interesting topics for
meetings; advertise @ senior centers, art classes; more shows; advertise where artists congregate; develop
a flyer; place info in libraries; reviews of shows in paper.
BECOME BETTER KNOWN IN THE COMMUNITY - Contact Tacoma Arts Commission; reviews in
newspaper; more shows; info in “Go” section of newspaper.
Joanne Weaver had some good comments…
“I can relate to the comment of feeling intimidated by the high skill level of PGA members. I feel one of the
best outcomes I have received as a member of PGA is exposure to the art community, the opportunities to
learn, being able to display my art, and learning the process of what an art show entails. That is in addition to
the great members of PGA”.
“I know it’s been commented on before but more venues for shows are needed. When I first joined, there was
a open show in addition to the members show.”
“The idea of having a team do art demonstrations and get word of PGA in the community is a good idea.
Maybe combining this with the other art leagues in the area could benefit all.”
“For demonstration ideas, maybe a Native American artist, Latino or Asian/Pacific Islander from where our
meetings are held.”
Nola commented on Joanne’s insights & ideas…..Nola was also thinking that we should ask the teachers in
our memberships to encourage their students to join and any of our members who
belong to co-op’s to have information available to artists or art lovers about our
group. She also thought of designing a postcard size format with information about
PGA. Our business cards only give limited information and they also need to be re
-done. Anything bigger that a postcard is difficult for people to keep or carry on
them. Nola does a great job designing our cards plus finding reasonable places/
prices for printing.
“Art Shows, classes and other opportunities, not all, too many to list”.
Tacoma Art Lister
Gig Harbor Thursday Night Out. “Meet me on the Waterfront” Oct. 8th (2nd Thur.) 5-8pm
Downtown “ART MINGLE” - 3rd Thurs. October 15th FREE 5-8pm
A tour bus : Cost $11 Meet @ Tacoma Art Museum 5pm Check out the Haub Art Collection.
Lucas Art & Frame “Gallery on the Hill Info: 253-847-0858 25201 Meridian E. Graham
October workshops feature Instructors... Karen Davis; Linda Jacobus & Terry Issac
November workshops Instructor Peter O’Brien
Karen has a class where you paint on your own project on Tuesday/Wednesday.
9:30-12:30. She will assist. Cost: $30 per session. She demonstrated at the Fair & told
me some of the class members have been meeting for 15 years. Maybe not a lot painting
gets done but friendship is the plus of the class.
Olympia Art League meets 3rd Thursday (18th) www.olympiaartleague.co
Peninsula Art League (PAL) 4th Thursday
13th PAL Annual Juried Art Exhibition … Sept 12th - Oct. 18th
I noticed PGA member Kim Gunns was a Co-Chair.
www.PleinAir Salon Competition
Proctor Art Gallery always looking for artists. Carolyn Burt burt-cd@comcast.net
Rainier League of Arts. 3rd Tuesday 7-9
Mid-County Community Center 10205 44th Ave. E. Tacoma, behind Central Avenue Elementary, on 104th St. E & Canyon Road.
Workshops @ The Fred Oldfield Center in Puyallup www.fredoldfieldcenter.org.
E-mail - foldfield@comcast.net 253-752-9708
Friday—Sunday October 16-18 $180 - 3 day workshop with Robert Walton.
Oil Painting with palette knife 9-4pm.
Friday & Saturday November 6-7 - $165 - 2 day workshop with Karen in Oils
“Old Beach House” - Notes and canvas included. 10 students max. 9:30 - 4:30pm
Tacoma Studio Tour October 17 & 18, 2015 11am - 5pm
Retha Hayward @ Manitou Art Center… teacher of Fused, Mosaic and Stained glass. Retha is owner of White Dove Gallery (Lakewood)
where PGA has had a number of our membership shows.
Urban Sketchers meet each month: the Fred Oldfield cordially invites you to join
1st Sat. and the 3rd Wed….year round,
him for some “downhome hospitality” and
a fun filled October weekend.
from 10am-12:30pm. FREE to particiThe Celebration of Western
pate. Pat Graham is active with this
& Wildlife Art
group. Info: 253-584-2841
October 9, 10, & 11 2015
Expo Hall - Washington State Fair &
“It has long since come to my
Events Center
attention that people of
Live & Silent Auctions - Quick Draws - Free Wine/Cheese
accomplishment rarely sat back and
plus entertainment throughout the weekend.
let things happen to them. They
PGA member Aletha Deuel is part of the show. Stop by her
went out and happened to things”.
booth and say “hello”.
Leonardo da Vinci
Info: 253-752-9708 or e-mail: foldfield@comcast.net
Karen Marie Petrillose - September program... Karen is
a local watercolor painting enthusiast & PGA member. She shared
her “secrets” that she learned from Nicholas Simmons in 2013 @ Art
in the Mountain in Bend, OR., including how to manipulate her photos in Photoshop Elements to design and get exciting references for
her paintings. Then how to digitally project it for ease of transfer
onto watercolor paper. Great program Karen!
May not use techniques (even though I have Photoshop), I (Liz)
came away appreciating the process.
Gail Janes has three art pieces hanging in the current TCC fine art
show opened September 14 going thru October 23rd. Pat Graham
attended the show with Gail saying the reception
was lovely and the show itself was impressive.
Bill Havens &
Charlie Nicholas
taught a class on
September 3rd to 300
High School Students.
Charlie taught Calligraphy and Bill taught
Sumi-E. The students
were from a special
international school in
Bellevue, WA. A great group of well behaved young
people. There were 50 in each class. Everyone had an
opportunity to paint with us. Some students had more
art experience than others but
everyone created some good stuff.
The greatest reward was when
some students
wanted to stay
after class to
continue painting. Some really good art was produced. It was
Marjorie Mankin a long day but we survived.
Watercolor at the
“Field trip” with a couple Urban Sketchers of Tacoma
State Fair
to Seattle where we enjoyed a demo and shopped at
September 26th.
Smith’s, went out for lunch and then shopped
Pat Graham joined
some more at Dick Blick’s up in the University District.
her sharing her Urban
The photo of the four of us (Frances Buckmaster,
Sketchers notebooks.
Feather, Pat Graham and Gail Janes) is with the
Even had someone
statue of Jimi Hendrix in front of the Blick Store.
sign up for Urban
Of course we had to get a picture there before heading
Sketchers because
home! It was a fun day.
there are no dues.