improved formula for prompt fission neutron spectrum
improved formula for prompt fission neutron spectrum
Journal of Nuclear and Radiation Physics, Vol. 6, No. 1&2, pp. 31-41 IMPROVED FORMULA FOR PROMPT FISSION NEUTRON SPECTRUM M. Aziza, M. O. Shakerb, A. Aboanberb, E. Massouda, and M. Slamaa a National Center for Nuclear Safety and Radiation Control, Atomic Energy authority , Ahmed EL-Zomor st. P.O. Box: 7551 Nasr City , Cairo , Egypt b Mathematics Department, Faculty of Science, Tanta University, Tanta , Egypt Rec. 21/7/2009 Accept. 15/3/2011 Madland-Nix model for the calculation of prompt fission neutron spectrum was solved numerically for the determination of prompt fission spectrum of several fissile nuclei. The model is based on the standard nuclear evaporation theory and considers the effect of fission fragment motion and the distribution of residual nuclear temperature on the prompt fission neutrons spectrum. The results of the model are fitted into simple analytical formula which is easy to be applied in both shielding and reactor core calculations. These results are compared with the empirical formula and other theoretical ones. Good agreements were well found. Keywords: Prompt Fission Neutron Spectrum, Madland–Nix Spectrum, Watt and Maxwellian Spectrum, Experimental Spectrum, Exponential Fitting Formula. INTRODUCTION Prompt fission neutron spectra from neutrons induced fissions are important in nuclear reactor applications and constitute the most important component of the source term for nuclear reactor shielding calculations. Many experimental and theoretical researches have been carried out for the determination of the spectrum mainly Watt and Maxwell prompt fission neutron spectra. Madland-Nix Model spectrum which is based on the standard nuclear evaporation theory accounts for two important physical factors [1]: 1- The distribution of fission fragment residual nuclear temperature that results from the initial distribution of fission fragment excitation energy and the subsequent cooling of the fragments as neutrons are emitted. M. Aziz et al. 32 2- The energy dependence of the cross section for the inverse process of compound nucleus formation In the following sections, different formula for the prompt fission neutron spectrum such as Madland-Nix, Watt and Maxwillian are presented and solved numerically, Madland–Nix model was used to determine the prompt fission spectrum for different fissionable isotopes such as 235U, 238U, 239Pu, 240Pu, 241Pu, and spontaneous fission of 252Cf. The results are fitted to a simple analytical formula, which can be used in nuclear and reactor shielding applications [2, 3, 4]. PROMPT FISSION NEUTRON SPECTRUM (PFNS) AND MODELS 1- Madland-Nix Spectrum The standard nuclear evaporation theory is used to calculate the neutron energy spectrum in the center of mass system of a given fission fragment and then transform it to the laboratory system , taking into account that the average velocity of the light fragment is higher than that of the heavy fragment. When the energy dependence of the cross section for the inverse process of compound nucleus formation is taken into account, the neutron energy spectrum in the laboratory system for a fission fragment moving with average kinetic energy per nucleon is obtained by [5]. (1) where, the temperature –dependent normalization constant is given by: (2) neutron energy in center of mass system, laboratory neutron energy, average kinetic energy per nucleon for the fission fragments, compound nucleus cross section in center of mass system, maximum temperature in units of (MeV), temperature in units of energy (we include the Boltzmann constant into the definition of temperature so that it has units of energy) (MeV). The laboratory prompt fission neutron energy spectrum is obtained by evaluating the average spectra calculated for both neutron emission from the light (L) and heavy (H) average fission fragments, namely [5, 6, 7] (3) IMPROVED FORMULA FOR PROMPT FISSION NEUTRON…… 33 Since is the sum of all the various cross-sections, its variation with energy reflects the behavior of the individual component cross-sections. In particular, at low energy, it behaves as (4) where ε is the neutron energy, and are constants and the two terms on the righthand side represent the cross-section for elastic scattering contribution and the crosssection for radioactive capture , absorption or whatever other exothermic reaction is possible at this energy, respectively [8, 9, 10, 11]. The resulting temperature distribution is approximately triangular in shape, with a moderately broad high-temperature cutoff. Terrell observed that if this diffuse cutoff is replaced by a sharp cutoff, so that approximated by the triangular distribution (5) then the maximum temperature is related to the initial total average fission fragment excitation energy approximately by [3, 5] (6) The approximate validity of this expression is based on specific relationship between the fission-fragment neutron separation energy and the width of the initial distribution of fission-fragment excitation energy. For the level density parameter , we use the relationship where is the mass number of the fissioning nucleus [4, 12]. The initial distribution of total fission-fragment excitation energy is approximately Gaussian in shape, with a total average value that is given by [4, 13] (7) Here, is the average energy release, and are the separation (situation) and kinetic energies of the neutron inducing fission, and is the total average fission-fragment kinetic energy. For spontaneous fission, both and in Eq. (7) are zeros [4,14]. 34 M. Aziz et al. 2- Watt and Maxwellian Spectrum Two early representations of the prompt fission neutron spectrum, which are still used today, are the Maxwellian and Watt spectrum representations with parameters that are adjusted to optimally reproduce the experimental spectrum for a given fissioning system at a given excitation energy. The Maxwellian spectrum is given by [2]. (8) is the neutron energy, effective Maxwellian temperature, is the maximum temperature The relation between Maxwellian temperature and maximum temperature [5, 15, 16] in laboratory system is given as (9) is laboratory Maxwellian temperature, is average kinetic energy per nucleon of the light fragment, is average kinetic energy per nucleon of the heavy fragment. Watt Spectrum is given by: (10) is the laboratory neutron energy, is the average kinetic energy per nucleon, is the effective Watt temperature [17, 18, 19]. The relation between the effective Watt temperature and maximum temperature for laboratory system is given as (11) 3- Experimental Spectrum The empirical formula for prompt neutron fission spectrum for 235U is given by [8, 20, 21] (12) IMPROVED FORMULA FOR PROMPT FISSION NEUTRON…… the empirical formula for prompt neutron fission spectrum for 21] 35 239 Pu is given by [8, 20, (13) RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 1- Comparison with Experimental Spectrum A Fortran 90 computer program was the written to solve the mathematical models for Madland-Nix, Maxwell, and Watt spectrum. The results of these calculations are compared with the experimental model. Figure 1 illustrates the neutron energy spectrum for 235U versus laboratory neutron energy (MeV) for fission induced by incident neutron energy 2.5E-8 MeV for Madland-Nix , Maxwell , Watt and experimental models The results indicates that MNM model is higher in the high energy zone which implies safer reactor shielding calculations. Figure 2 illustrates the neutron energy spectrum for 239Pu versus neutron energy (MeV) for fission induced by incident neutron energy 2.5E-8 MeV for Madland-Nix, Maxwell, Watt and experimental models Neutron Energy Spectrum, N(E) (1/MeV) 1 235 U + n (E n= 2 .5 E - 8 M e V ) 0 .1 0 .0 1 1 E -3 1 E -4 P r e s e n t C a l c u l a ti o n M a x w e l li a n S p e c t r u m W a tt S p e c t r u m E x p e r im e n t S p e c t r u m 1 E -5 1 E -6 1 E -7 0 5 10 15 20 L a b o r a to r y N e u tr o n E n e r g y , E (M e V ) Figure 1. Prompt fission neutron spectrum with different models for the fission of 235U induced by 2.5E-8 MeV neutrons. M. Aziz et al. 36 1 Neutron Energy Spectrum, N(E) (1/MeV) 239 P u + n ( E n = 2 .5 E - 8 M e V ) 0 .1 0 .0 1 1 E -3 P r e s e n t C a lc u l a ti o n M a x w e l l i a n S p e c tr u m W a tt S p e c tru m E x p e rim e n t S p e c tru m 1 E -4 1 E -5 1 E -6 0 5 10 15 20 L a b o r a to r y N e u tr o n E n e r g y , E (M e V ) Figure 2. Prompt fission neutron spectrum in the laboratory system for the fission of induced by 2.5E-8 MeV neutrons. 239 Pu 2- Analytical Formula for the Present Calculation (MNM Model) The complex Madland-Nix model which is given by equation (1) is fitted into a simpler analytical function to be easy for application in both shielding and core calculations for different isotopes such as 235U, 239Pu, 238U, 252Cf, and 233U. The analytical function will take the following form: (14) All the fitting coefficients and , j = 1, 2, 3 and errors for fissioning nuclei in the laboratory system can be determined by using Originlap program [13]. Figure 3 illustrates Neutron energy spectrum versus energy (MeV) for fissioning of 235U with thermal neutron energy 2.5E-8 MeV. The figure compares between three types of spectrum, Present calculation (MNM model), fitting formula and experimental results. Table 1 contains the fitting coefficients and where j=1,2,3. Figure 4 illustrates Neutron energy spectrum versus energy (MeV) for fissioning of 239Pu with thermal neutron energy 2.5E-8 MeV. The figure compares between three types of spectrum, Present calculation (MNM model), fitting formula and experimental results. Table 2 contains the fitting coefficients and where j=1,2,3. IMPROVED FORMULA FOR PROMPT FISSION NEUTRON…… 235 1 U + n (E n= 2.5E-8 MeV) Neutron Energy Spectrum, N(E) (1/MeV) Neutron Energy Spectrum, N(E) (1/MeV) 1 0.1 0.01 1E-3 Present Calculation Exponential Fitting Formula Experiment Spectrum 1E-4 1E-5 0 5 10 23 9 0 .0 1 1 E -3 1 E -4 Pres en t C a lc ulation Ex p o n en tial Fittin g Form u la Ex p erim en t Sp ectru m 1 E -5 1 E -6 15 0 5 Error 0.050 0.050 0.001 Error 0.000 0.001 0.001 235 20 U, the correlation coefficient R2 = Parameter B1 B2 B3 Table 2. The value of parameters in equation (14) for 0.99986. Value 1.232 -1.079 -0.146 15 Figure 4. Prompt fission neutron spectrum in the laboratory system for the fission of 239Pu induced by 2.5E-8 MeV neutrons. Table 1. The value of parameters in equation (14) for 0.99987. Parameter A1 A2 A3 10 L ab or atory N e utr on E ne rg y, E (M e V ) Figure 3. Prompt fission neutron spectrum in the laboratory system for the fission of 235 U induced by 2.5E-8 MeV neutrons. Value 1.450 -1.270 -0.154 P u + n (E n = 2.5E -8 M e V ) 0.1 Laboratory Neutron Energy, E (M eV) Parameter A1 A2 A3 37 239 Value 1.470 0.870 0.053 Error 0.010 0.010 0.001 Pu, the correlation coefficient R2 = Parameter B1 B2 B3 Value 1.610 0.902 0.057 Error 0.001 0.001 0.001 Figure 5 illustrates Neutron energy spectrum versus energy (MeV) for 252 spontaneous fission of Cf, The figure indicates present calculation (MNM model ) and fitting formula. Table 3 contains the fitting coefficients and where j=1,2,3. Figure 6 illustrates Neutron energy spectrum versus energy (MeV) for fissioning of 238U with fast neutron energy 2 MeV. The figure compares between Present calculation (MNM model), fitting formula. Table 4 contains the fitting coefficients and where j=1,2,3. M. Aziz et al. 38 1 1 238 Cf Neutron Energy Spectrum, N(E) (1/MeV) Neutron Energy Spectrum, N(E) (1/MeV) 252 0.1 0.01 Present Calculation Exponential Fitting Formula 1E-3 U + n (E n= 2 M eV ) 0.1 0.01 1E -3 P resent C alculation E xponential Fitting Formula 1E -4 1E -5 1E-4 0 5 10 0 15 5 Figure 5. Prompt fission neutron spectrum in the laboratory system for the spontaneous fission of 252Cf. Value 1.040 -0.890 -0.138 Error 0.020 0.020 0.002 Value 1.380 -1.220 -0.155 Error 0.040 0.040 0.001 252 Cf, the correlation coefficient R2 = Parameter B1 B2 B3 Table 4. The value of parameters in equation (14) for 0.99987. Parameter A1 A2 A3 15 Figure 6. Prompt fission neutron spectrum in the laboratory system for the fission of 238U induced by 2 MeV neutrons. Table 3. The value of parameters in equation (14) for 0.99985. Parameter A1 A2 A3 10 L aborato ry N eutron E n ergy, E (M eV) Laboratory Neutron Energy, E (MeV) 238 Value 1.730 0.890 0.056 Error 0.010 0.010 0.001 U, the correlation coefficient R2 = Parameter B1 B2 B3 Value 1.490 0.860 0.053 Error 0.010 0.010 0.001 Figure 7 illustrates Neutron energy spectrum versus energy (MeV) for fissioning of 233U with thermal neutron energy 2.5E-8 MeV. The figure compares between Present calculation (MNM model), fitting formula. Table 5 contains the fitting coefficients and where j=1,2,3. Table 5. The value of parameters in equation (14) for 0.99986. Parameter A1 A2 A3 Value 1.310 -1.150 -0.149 Error 0.040 0.040 0.001 233 U, the correlation coefficient R2 = Parameter B1 B2 B3 Value 1.540 0.880 0.055 Error 0.010 0.010 0.001 IMPROVED FORMULA FOR PROMPT FISSION NEUTRON…… Neutron Energy Spectrum, N(E) (1/MeV) 1 233 39 U +n (E n= 2.5E-8 MeV) 0.1 0.01 1E-3 Present Calculation Exponential Fitting Formula 1E-4 0 5 10 15 Laboratory Neutron Energy, E (MeV) Figure 7. Prompt fission neutron spectrum in the laboratory system for the fission of induced by 2.5E-8 MeV neutrons. 233 U CONCLUSION Madland-Nix model (MNM) for the calculation of prompt fission neutron spectrum was solved numerically for different fissile and fissionable nuclei such as 235U, 239Pu, 238 U, 233U, and the spontaneous fission spectrum of 252Cf. The results of the MNM were compared with the standard Watt formula, Maxwellian distribution and the empirical formula. 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