Puzzle it out - Anglian Water
Puzzle it out - Anglian Water
Puzzle it out Water words Write the answers to the statements below in the grid. Then puzzle out the mystery word down the middle. 1. This happens if there isn’t enough rainfall for a long time. 2.The best season of the year to recharge water supplies. 3.Using this could be banned in a severe drought. 4.The name for a measurement of water. ? 5.Something that is used to collect rainfall from the gutter. 6.What’s the missing word: ‘Use water wisely and ---- it for the future. 7. The name of the campaign, which reminds us not to waste water. 8.The name of the company that supplies water to the driest region of the UK. 9.Underground rock, which allows water to filter through and collect in storage areas. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. ? What’s the mystery word? What does it mean? Join our w ater-s av © 2012 Anglian Water ing c ampa k ign at e veryone-drop-20.co.u Puzzle it out? Keep puzzling How would you use each of the items wisely during a drought? Write your answer next to each symbol. Complete the puzzle by drawing each symbol in the boxes without repetition in the rows and columns. Good luck! Join our w ater-s av © 2012 Anglian Water ing c ampa k ign at e veryone-drop-20.co.u Puzzle it out? Watery word search Can you find the words in the box? They may be horizontal, vertical or diagonal, forwards or backwards. X R E C H A R G E K Q G Q O D R O P T W E N T Y R R X C P K U B U G L O B O E S W G R E V I R X S U U F S P W X U K X I S P C N I A W A A V A Y W V O K D U C Y E X T T W P X N E W Q T O E D Y E H X O G T A A B G M K X E R G H E K T J E G A K A E L I U S T E L L A F N I A R N N O M R B V H W S L G H Y M G R T E R K N G V D Y R Z K C D A I L L I T R E H U H N A C X G D R K O H J D P M U N O AQUIFER BUCKET DROPTWENTY DROUGHT GROUNDWATER LEAKAGE Join our w ater-s av © 2012 Anglian Water LITRE RAINFALL RECHARGE RIVER SPONGE WATERINGCAN ing c ampa k ign at e veryone-drop-20.co.u