SPE 177139 Evaluation of Mexico`s Shale Oil and Gas Potential
SPE 177139 Evaluation of Mexico`s Shale Oil and Gas Potential
1 [165832] SPE 177139 Evaluation of Mexico’s Shale Oil and Gas Potential Scott H. Stevens, SPE, and Keith D. Moodhe, SPE Advanced Resources International, Inc. Copyright 2015, Society of Petroleum Engineers Inc. This paper was prepared for presentation at SPE Latin America and Caribbean Petroleum Engineering Conference (LACPEC) held in Quito, Equador, 18-20 November, 2015. This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE program committee following review of information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper have not been reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to correction by the author(s). The material does not necessarily reflect any position of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, its officers, or members. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper without the written consent of the Society of Petroleum Engineers is prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print is restricted to an abstract of not more than 300 words; illustrations may not be copied. The abstract must contain conspicuous acknowledgment of SPE copyright. Abstract Mexico has significant oil and gas resource potential in Jurassic and Cretaceous age shale formations. These shale deposits -- which correlate with productive shale plays in the USA -- appear prospective but are still in the early stage of exploration and thus remain poorly characterized. Early shale exploration wells tested mostly low rates, but a recent oil well made 500 bopd while a shale gas well reached 10.9 MMcfd. The Mexican government plans to offer shale exploration blocks through an international auction. As part of a multiclient study, the authors have greatly expanded the geologic and reservoir data set we developed during an earlier scopinglevel study conducted for the US Energy Information Administration (EIA). The additional geologic data support our initial view that Mexico has some of the largest and best quality shale potential outside the US and Canada. Risked, technically recoverable resources were estimated in the EIA/ARI study at 13.1 BBO of oil and 545 Tcf of natural gas. Detailed geologic mapping and analysis indicates the two most prospective liquids-rich shale areas in Mexico occur within onshore portions of the Burgos and Tampico-Misantla basins, which have transport infrastructure and well services. Significant potential also exists in the Veracruz, Macuspana, Sabinas, and other onshore basins, but those areas tend to be structurally more complex and/or are mostly in the dry gas window. The U. Cretaceous Eagle Ford Shale (in the Burgos) and correlative Agua Nueva Formation (in the Tampico-Misantla) have high TOC and brittle carbonate-rich mineralogy, but their net prospective area is reduced due to often shallow burial depth and low thermal maturity. A better target appears to be the U. Jurassic Pimienta and La Casita formations, which can be thick (~200 m), at prospective depth over much larger areas, are in the volatile oil to wet gas windows, and frequently overpressured, although TOC is lower than in the Agua Nueva. Introduction The greater Gulf of Mexico Basin extends south from the onshore Gulf Coast of the US into northeastern Mexico (Fig. 1). Equivalent shale formations, such as the Eagle Ford and Haynesville/Bossier shale plays in the US, also are present south of the international border, where they are considered important source rocks for conventional oil and gas deposits. As such, Mexico offers relatively low-risk shale exploration targets compared with other countries, such as China and Australia, which have entirely different geologic histories and present-day settings. Our previous scoping-level study for the US Department of Energy’s Energy Information Administration (EIA) documented that shale oil and gas resources in northeast Mexico are large and prospective (EIA/ARI, 2013). At that time, with limited geologic data, we estimated risked, technically recoverable resources in Mexico to be approximately 13.1 BBO of oil and 545 Tcf of natural gas (104 BBOE; Table 1). Our recent more detailed work, based on a much larger public data set that we compiled, generally supports this analysis, while providing more granularity on the geologic variability and prospectivity of individual basins. Mexico’s national oil company Pemex recently published its own estimates of shale oil and gas resources in Mexico, although their methodology and assumptions have not been disclosed. Pemex’ most recent estimate for shale resources in Mexico is 60.2 BBOE, comprising 31.9 BBO of oil, 36.8 Tcf of wet natural gas, and 104.1 Tcf of dry natural gas (Pemex, 2014a). These estimates include both the U. Cretaceous and U. Jurassic shales in the Tampico-Misantla, Burgos, BurroPicachos, and other basins. The US Geological Survey independently estimated much smaller resources of 0.776 BBO, 23.474 Tcf, and 0.883 BB of natural gas liquids (mean estimates), but did not release its geologic maps (USGS, 2014). Pemex initiated shale exploration drilling in 2010 and to date has completed over 30 horizontal test wells treated with large hydraulic stimulations. A further 29 shale wells are 2 planned during 2015-2019. Drilling has been concentrated in the Burgos Basin south of Texas, along with several wells in the Tampico-Misantla and Sabinas basins. The initial wells have tested mostly low rates but a few recent wells were more productive, particularly in the Pimienta Fm of the southern Burgos Basin. Note that these early horizontal test wells were relatively shallow, targeting shale formations at depths of 1,000 to 2,500 m. In contrast, many shale plays in the US target deeper areas, such as the Bakken Shale in the Williston Basin, where horizontal development is focused at depths of about 3,300 m with greater reservoir pressure. Despite the slow start, it appears likely that once geologic sweet spots are defined and well completion practices refined, shale resources could play a major role in Mexico’s plans to boost natural gas output, reduce gas imports from the US, and maintain or even grow its recently declining oil output. As part of Mexico’s ongoing major reforms of the petroleum industry, the Comisión Nacional de Hidrocarburos (CNH) plans to hold a series of international auction rounds of blocks with unconventional oil and gas potential. CNH has identified an estimated 21.642 BBOE of potential in 291 blocks totaling 33,959 km2 in the Burgos, Burro-Picachos, Tampico-Misantla and other onshore basins (SENER, 2015). Mexico’s shale resource potential is significant, but numerous challenges remain, including security, the availability of lowcost well services, and a scarcity of geologic and reservoir data on shale rock properties. On the other hand, the close proximity to shale services, expertise, and funding sources in the US and Canada gives Mexico a leg up over other countries which are seeking to jump start their shale industries. [177139] With a total 5,000+ mapped shale geologic and reservoir data points, we had reasonably good control of thickness, depth, structure, lithology, and thermal maturity for the principal U. Cretaceous and U. Jurassic shale targets across northeast Mexico. Geochemical data such as TOC and HI control were less abundant. Published log and seismic images were mostly of poor quality and not suitable for petrophysical analysis, though still useful for correlation and defining general shale characteristics. We found limited data on subsurface hydrology and shale physical properties, notably mineralogy which was rarely of interest prior to the advent of shale exploration. Our methodology for assessing Mexico’s shale resources was described in further detail in EIA/ARI, 2013. We applied typical screening criteria of shale thickness, minimum and maximum depth, total organic carbon content (TOC), thermal maturity indicated by vitrinite reflectance (Ro), and mineralogy. High-graded areas within the basins considered prospective for shale gas and shale oil exploration were mapped and characterized. We then estimated technically recoverable resources (TRR) from the original oil (or gas) in place (OOIP or OGIP) based on the range of actual recovery factors currently achieved in North American shale plays. Finally, we applied risk factors commonly employed by shale operators. However, the economic viability of the TRR was not assessed in our study. The discrete steps in the EIA/ARI evaluation were: 1. 2. Mexico’s shale service sector is gradually building the necessary capability for large-scale horizontal drilling combined with massive multi-stage hydraulic stimulation. Only a small number of horizontal shale gas and oil wells have been tested thus far, with generally low but still encouraging production rates. Large-scale commercial production appears to be some years in the future. Considerable work is needed to define the geologic “sweet spots”, develop the service sector’s capacity to effectively and economically drill and stimulate modern horizontal shale wells, and install the extensive surface infrastructure needed to transport product to market. Data Control and Methodology A significant challenge in assessing Mexico’s shale resources is data availability. Much of the basic geologic and well data that is publicly available in other countries is confidential in Mexico. However, a wealth of geologic data on source rock shales has been published over the years in various Mexican journals and university theses. We utilized these public sources to develop a proprietary GIS data base of shale geology in Mexico, compiled from nearly 500 Spanish and English language technical articles, most of which were written “pre-shale” and concerned conventional source rock geology. Data locations plotted on our Mexico maps provide an indication of geologic control (Fig. 2). 3. 4. 5. 6. Translate nearly 500 mostly Spanish language technical articles and develop a GIS data base of geologic and reservoir properties. Characterize the geologic and reservoir properties of each shale basin and formation. Establish the areal extent of the shale gas and shale oil formations. Define and characterize the prospective area for each shale gas and shale oil formation based on thickness, depth, TOC, and thermal maturity. Estimate the risked shale gas and shale oil in-place based on a) overall play probability of success and b) play area probability of success. Using recovery factors from similar shales in the US estimate the technically recoverable shale gas and shale oil resource. Shale Basins and Formations in Mexico Large sedimentary basins extend across onshore northeast Mexico, containing rich petroleum source rocks with suitable thickness, depth, organic content, and thermal maturity for shale gas/oil exploration. The two most prospective basins appear to be the Burgos Basin, extending south of Texas, and the smaller Tampico-Misantla Basin further to the southeast in Veracruz and adjoining states. Other basins (Sabinas, Veracruz, Macuspana) also have shale potential, but overall they tend to be structurally more complex and/or in the dry gas window and are presented in less detail here. [177139] Two principal marine-deposited shale exploration targets are present in northeast Mexico, each one considered an important source rock for the conventional oil and gas fields which have been discovered in the region (Fig. 3). The Upper Cretaceous Eagle Ford, Agua Nueva and equivalent formations may perhaps be more familiar to US explorationists. This shale formation has been intensively developed in South Texas, making its direct extension into northern Coahuila State an obvious target. But after data gathering and analysis, we were surprised at how relatively limited the Eagle Ford prospective area is in Mexico, due to structural trends, insufficient burial depth, and low or high thermal maturity. The more prospective target appears to be the Upper Jurassic (Tithonian) Pimienta, La Casita, and equivalent formations. These organic-rich black shale to shaly limestone deposits, which are near time-equivalent with the HaynesvilleBossier Shale in Louisiana, were deposited in a broad marine basin under anoxic conditions. Lithologies range from shales, argillaceous limestones, to thin-bedded lime mudstone with chert layers. While the Tithonian generally has somewhat less TOC than the U. Cretaceous (2-3% vs 4-5% in the richer zones), it occurs at suitable burial depth over much larger areas, and more often is in the optimal wet gas to volatile oil thermal maturity windows. Furthermore, additional shale targets directly underlie the Pimienta, such as the Taman, San Andres, Santiago and equivalent formations of Oxfordian to Kimmeridgian age. While not as laterally persistent as the Tithonian, these units can be equally or more organic-rich and offer secondary shale completion zones. An analogy could be the Three Forks and Mid-Bakken units in the Williston Basin, now a “two-fer” play with optionality. The Oxfordian in Mexico is about 500 m deeper than the Tithonian, giving it higher reservoir pressure and thermal maturity, although our data control was weaker. 3 imports from the US, which currently exceed 2 Bcfd and are increasing quickly as major pipeline infrastructure expansions are completed, to a reported 8 Bcfd capacity by the end of 2015 (Seelke et al., 2015). Data availability for the Burgos Basin overall was good, comprising over 2,000 data points (well logs, cross-section control points, outcrop samples) extracted from more than 250 published articles and university theses, mostly in Spanish. Basic data on depth, thickness, thermal maturity, and other shale properties were abundant for both U. Cretaceous Eagle Ford and U. Jurassic Pimienta formations, but the data were not suitable for advanced petrophysical or seismic analysis. The Burgos Basin is located south of the Rio Grande Embayment, east of the Burro Salado Arch, north of the Tampico-Misantla Basin (which contains similar Mesozoic shale targets), and northeast of the Sierra Madre Oriental thrust belt. The basin extends offshore but our shale study was limited to onshore. It formed by extension associated with salt deposition during the Jurassic to Early Cretaceous. Later on it was affected by Laramide (late Cretaceous) compression, followed by strike slip faulting during the Oligocene along the Rio Bravo left-lateral fault zone (Flotte et al., 2008). The Burgos contains a thick Tertiary sequence which hosts numerous mostly small conventional and tight natural gas fields. Closely spaced mostly normal faults associated with folds deform the Tertiary sequence and form conventional hydrocarbon traps (Hernandez-Mendoza et al., 2008). Fortunately, most of these faults flatten into a detachment surface near or above the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary and do not appear to cut the shale-prospective Mesozoic section (Fig. 4; Ortiz-Ubilla and Tolson, 2014). Thus the geologic structure of the Burgos may be favorable for the deeper shale targets. Burgos Basin CNH plans to offer 124 blocks totaling 14,406 km2 in the Burgos Basin under Bid Rounds 2-4, with an estimated 6.486 BBOE of unconventional resources. Stretching south from the Texas border, the Burgos has been the focus of Pemex’ initial shale exploration activity. Two main shale targets are present: the U. Cretaceous Eagle Ford Shale in the north Burgos, with a relatively small prospective area just south of the Texas border; and the U. Jurassic Pimienta and La Casita formations in the south Burgos, extending over a much larger prospective area and probably with greater resource potential. Mexico’s best horizontal shale well to date, the 750-boepd Anhelido-1, was completed here in the Pimienta Fm. Pemex began its shale exploration program targeting the Eagle Ford Shale and later extended to the Pimienta Fm. The company’s first shale exploration well, the Emergente-1 well drilled in 2010, is located just south of the Texas border. The 4,071-m well (measured depth) targeted the 175-m thick Eagle Ford Shale at subsurface depths of 2350-2525 m. Its 1300-m lateral was oriented due south and positioned in the organicrich lower Eagle Ford zone, where TOC reaches 4.5%. As the first of its type the Emergente-1 took five months to drill, whereas recent comparable wells in Mexico can now be drilled in about one month. Following a 17-stage frac employing 8 million gallons of slickwater and 42,563 sacks of quartz sand proppant, the well produced an initial gas rate of 2.8 MMcfd (Zavala-Torres, 2014). Production of natural gas from conventional sandstone reservoirs began in the Burgos Basin as early as 1945. Gas output peaked in 2010 and has since declined to the current 1.2 Bcfd. Condensate production associated with natural gas also peaked in 2010, and currently is about 18,000 bbl/d and declining (Pemex, 2014b). Shale gas development in the Burgos could help stem the rise of, or even reduce, gas The Eagle Ford Shale in the nearby Habano-1 shale test well had micritic matrix with detrital clay, planktonic foraminifera, sealed with calcite and authigenic clay, occasional pyrite. Samples measured 54% calcite, 18% quartz, and 19% clay (type not noted), with 9% other minerals (Martinez Contreras, 2015). The Montañés-1 well measured 1.95% average TOC in the upper Eagle Ford Shale, increasing 4 to 2.71% average in the lower zone. Subsequent Eagle Ford Shale wells in the northern Burgos all tested low-moderate oil and gas rates, much lower than from the Pimienta Fm in the southern Burgos, but it is not clear whether due to rock quality or perhaps fracture stimulation design. As of mid-2014 Pemex had completed three horizontal large-frac wells targeting the more promising Pimienta Fm in the southern Burgos Basin; three others were undergoing completion (Araujo et al., 2014). In 2012 the Anhelido-1 well was completed in the Pimienta Fm at a mean measured depth of 2,111 m. The Pimienta here consists of marine-deposited black shale and shaly limestone containing Type II/III kerogen, divided into four intervals with varying concentration of carbonate mineralogy and TOC richness, which ranged up to 4%. Tmax of 450-454°C indicates condensate to wet gas thermal maturity. XRD measured favorably brittle mineralogy: 70% calcite, 1% dolomite, 10% quartz, and 11% illite clay. Porosity was estimated at 7%. The fracture gradient was a moderate 0.92 – 1.02 psi/ft. The nearby Arbolero-1 shale well tested 0.55 psi/ft reservoir pressure gradient. The Anhelido-1 lateral was landed just above the peak radioactivity zone, where clay content was lower, TOC higher, and the formation considered more brittle. They conducted a 17-stage hydraulic stimulation, employing 5.1 million lbs sand proppant and 12 million gallons of frac fluid. Each stage utilized five 1-m long frac clusters, with 20 shots/meter that were deep penetrating and 60° phased. Formation brittleness was homogeneous along the lateral, and the evenly spaced stages received uniform stimulation based on radioactive tracers. This stimulation resulted in estimated 133-m propped fracture length and 95-m propped fracture height. The Anhelido-1 well was the first horizontal frac shale well to produce oil from the Pimienta Fm, and achieved a production rate higher than any of the Eagle Ford wells up to that time. Initial production was about 500 bopd of 37° API oil with 1.5 MMcfd of wet gas (24-hour rate). Production dropped rapidly but stabilized at 80-90 bopd with 0.6 MMcfd of gas after one year on line. Pemex reported cumulative production of about 40,000 bbl of oil during the first year, with estimated ultimate recovery (EUR) of over 100,000 bbl (cumulative gas was not reported). Such an early test well, while probably not economic, would be considered promising in any new shale basin. There appears to be good potential to further increase productivity by optimizing the stratigraphic landing zone, well and frac design, and other parameters. Another well, the Tangram-1 encountered 215 m thick Pimienta Fm in a thermally more mature dry gas window. The well tested 10.9 MMcfd of dry gas, the highest rate for a shale gas well in Mexico thus far. In-situ stress data on the shale targets are not available in the Burgos, but the overlying Eocene tight sandstones have tested low stress. For example, one well measured 6,150 psi closure stress at a depth of 3,217 m., for a favorably low 0.58 psi/ft frac gradient (Medina Eleno and Valenzuela, 2010). [177139] This suggests that hydraulic stimulation of shale targets in the basin could be effective. The very large Burgos Basin faces certain operational challenges compared with similar basins in the US and Canada, due to limited pipeline infrastructure and local security issues. On the other hand, hydraulic stimulation has been applied for some years in tight gas development, providing a certain degree of local well service capability. Whereas the Burgos is an arid area compared with coastal Tampico-Misantla, extensive ground water resources are present in the Cretaceous Agua Nueva and Cupido formations. For example, the latter is about 200 m thick, with fresh to brackish conditions 380-1,350 ppm TDS at 600-700 m depth (Conagua, 2009). Groundwater could provide a source of fluid for hydraulic stimulation in the basin. Tampico-Misantla Basin Somewhat smaller than the Burgos Basin, but with sizeable prospective liquids-rich windows, the TampicoMisantla Basin (TMB) is the primary focus of CNH’s upcoming Round 1 unconventional license auction. CNH plans to offer a total 158 license blocks covering 17,625 km2 and with an estimated 17.625 BBOE of resource potential under Bid Rounds 1 through 4 (Fig. 5). This does not include Round 0 areas retained by Pemex, mostly in the southern half of the basin, which also may have good shale potential. The southern portion of the TMB hosts the well-known Chicontepec complex, a series of conventional oil fields which since discovery in 1904 have produced a cumulative 5.5 BBO and 7.5 Tcf from over 20,000 wells. Production is mainly from Tertiary conventional and tight sandstones and naturally fractured Cretaceous carbonates in structural traps (Fig. 6). These conventional oil fields produce 15-35° API gravity crude from 1,500-2,500 m depth. Underlying Cretaceous and Jurassic shale reservoirs are likely to produce higher gravity oil. Sulfur content can be high (5%) in biodegraded shallow conventional fields but is lower (<1%) in deeper fields. Pemex estimates 18.9 Bboe of remaining conventional reserves in the TMB, but notes that low permeability results in poor recovery factors (~2%) and high full-cycle costs (Pemex, 2013). Topography within the TMB is mostly flat coastal plain to rolling hills, considered favorable for shale development. The rugged Sierra Madre Oriental mountains rise rapidly in the west, reaching 4,000 m elevation outside the basin. The largest city is Poza Rica (193,000), otherwise surface conditions are mostly rural. The climate is tropical, with moderate 14-24°C temperatures and 1.2 m/yr average rainfall, concentrated during June-October. Data availability for the TMB overall generally was good, comprising over 2,000 data points (well logs, cross-section control points, outcrop samples) from more than 1,500 unique mapped locations, extracted from nearly 150 published articles, mostly in Spanish. Of this total, 763 data points penetrated just down to the Cretaceous strata, 946 penetrated both the Cretaceous and Jurassic, and 398 points were [177139] specifically on the U. Jurassic Tithonian Pimienta Fm. We recorded 211 partial well log images, of which 150 penetrated the Jurassic. Initiated in the late Triassic as a pull-apart basin, the NNW-SSE trending Tampico-Misantla Basin (TMB) transitioned to foreland basin by the Paleocene. The basin is bounded on the east by the Tuxpan Uplift and Caribbean coastline. The west is bounded by thrusting and folding related to the Laramide-age Sierra Madre Oriental range. Note that we extended the basin several kilometers to the west beyond the traditional Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary, where Jurassic shale can still occur at prospective depth. Faulting inside the basin is relatively minor, mostly high-angle normal faults with h<50 m. Structural dip is gentle, mostly flat lying to about 5° (Fig. 7; Pemex, 2012). Overall, structure appears favorable for shale development using horizontal drilling. The Upper Cretaceous Agua Nueva Fm is an organic-rich shaly carbonate which has produced oil in naturally fractured, anticlinal fields within the TMB. Our mapping indicates this unit is too shallow and thermally immature for economic shale exploration in most of the basin. Instead, we regard the underlying Upper Jurassic Pimienta Formation as the primary shale target in the TMB: it is depositionally more widespread, less eroded by the Paleochannel, deeper and at higher pressure, and thermally more mature. The Pimienta also is considered the main source rock in the TMB. The Pimienta Fm is an organic-rich black shale to shaly limestone unit that ranges up to 350 m thick, averaging 150 to 200 m in basinal depositional settings, 50-100 m on slope settings, and thinning to zero over paleo highs. Note the Pimienta is 2-3 times thicker than the Eagle Ford Shale in South Texas. During the Tithonian, high evaporation in restricted basins resulted in lower clay and Type III kerogen than in the preceding Oxfordian stage. Oils generated from the Tithonian are subtly differentiated from the Oxfordian by C26 character (Guzman-Vega et al., 2010). The top of the Pimienta Fm varies from 500 to 4,000 m deep across the TMB. To the east the Pimienta deepens rapidly offshore to below 5 km. The Tamaulipus Arch uplifted the Pimienta, bifurcating the prospective area into south and north halves. Note that the underlying Taman, Santiago, and related U. Jurassic shale targets are an additional ~500 m below the Pimienta and could be secondary targets, or perhaps primary targets where the Pimienta is too shallow and immature. We mapped well-defined black oil, volatile oil, wet gas, and dry gas windows for the Pimienta Fm across the TMB based on Tmax and Ro data. Thermal maturity increases regionally towards the Sierra Madre Oriental in the west, and also increases gradually with depth. Much of the onshore basin is in the black to volatile oil windows, with a smaller wet gas and tiny dry gas window in the west. Microseismic monitoring of the Tertiary at Chicontepec shows that maximum principal horizontal stress is oriented 5 NE-SW, consistent with regional tectonics, with 40-250 m fracture length (average 130 m). Stress magnitude is uncertain but fracture height growth of around 90 m in the Tertiary sandstone reservoirs indicates favorably moderate stress (Gutiérrez et al., 2014). The TMB differs from US shale plays in that significant relatively recent (Miocene-Quaternary) igneous activity has occurred, particularly in the south, which could negatively impact the shale potential (Ferrari et al., 2005). Fortunately, most of this igneous activity, part of the Trans-Mexican Faja Volcanic Belt, consisted of shallow extrusive lava flows that followed paleotopography from elevated source areas in the eastern Sierra Madre Orientale downhill some 90 km across the TMB to the coast. After screening for depth, thickness, Ro, and igneous intrusions and lava flows, the net high-graded prospective thermal maturity windows for the U. Jurassic Pimienta Fm that we identified in the TMB are comparable in size to those of the South Texas Eagle Ford Shale play (>12,000 mi2), although the northern TMB region is poorly constrained. Pemex has drilled, cored, and hydraulically fractured three horizontal wells in the southern TMB, landing in the Pimienta Formation which is 92 to 200 m thick and 2,327 to 2,920 m deep (below sea level) in these penetrations. Data on rock properties and production have not yet been released. In 2013 Pemex estimated the TMB has 34.8 BBOE of unconventional shale resources from both U. Cretaceous and U. Jurassic formations, comprising mainly oil (30.7 BBO) with some wet gas (20.7 Tcf) but no dry gas. EIA/ARI’s 2013 estimate for the Pimienta Fm alone was 10.6 BBOE of risked, technically recoverable resources, comprising a more balanced blend of 6.5 BBO of oil and 24.7 Tcf of mainly wet natural gas, including a small amount of dry gas. In 2014 the USGS estimated a much smaller resource of 0.6 BBO and 0.4 Tcf for the TMB (mean estimate), about twothirds from the U. Cretaceous Agua Nueva Fm and the balance from the U. Jurassic Pimienta Fm. The USGS reported screening out 79% of the otherwise prospective Pimienta Fm area based on a Pemex contour map indicating TOC of less than 2%. However, core data we located indicates this map may be underestimating actual TOC. In our view the Pimienta’s greater depth, reservoir pressure, and thermal maturity make it the more prospective target in the TMB, despite lower overall TOC than in the Agua Nueva Fm. Other Basins Several other basins in Mexico have shale potential. Just west of the Burgos Basin in the Sabinas Basin, with similar U. Cretaceous and U. Jurassic shale targets that are entirely in the dry gas window, but significantly folded due to thrusting from the Sierra Madre Oriental mountains as well as local saltwithdrawal tectonics (Soegaard et al., 2003). A shale gas exploration well (Percutor-1) produced 2.17 MMcfd of dry gas from the Eagle Ford Shale at a sub-surface depth of 3,3303,390 m. 6 [177139] In the Veracruz and Macuspana basins of southeast Mexico, the U. Cretaceous (Turonian) Maltrata Formation is a significant source rock, with about 100 m of shaly marine limestone and an average 3% TOC (Type II). Thermal maturity ranges from oil-prone (Ro averaging 0.85%) within the oil window at depths of less than 11,000 ft, to gas-prone (Ro averaging 1.4%) within the gas window at average depths below 11,500 ft. The dip angle is relatively steep, thus prospective area appears to be limited to a relatively long, narrow belt. These other basins are the focus of our continuing evaluation of Mexico’s shale oil and gas potential. Conclusions 1. Our GIS-based data base of shale geologic and reservoir properties, built with data published in nearly 500 mostly Spanish language technical articles and university theses, helped us to identify and characterize the prospective areas within Mexico’s shale basins. In all, over 5,000 shale data points were mapped, including depth, thickness, Ro, and TOC. 2. 3. 4. 5. The new data generally confirms our earlier estimate for EIA that Mexico has approximately 13.1 BBO and 545 Tcf of risked, technically recoverable shale oil and gas resources, while providing more granularity on where potential sweet spots may be located. The structurally simple southern flank of the Burgos Basin has large shale oil and gas resources in the U. Jurassic Pimienta Formation. A horizontal shale well here produced 500 bopd of 37° API crude and 1.5 MMcfd of wet gas. We mapped a large area in the southern Burgos high-graded for thickness, depth, Ro, and structural simplicity. The Tampico-Misantla Basin has liquids-rich shale potential, particularly for the U. Jurassic Pimienta Fm. High-graded areas have 100-300 m thick Pimienta shale at a depth of 2 to 4 km deep, with large areas in the volatile oil to wet gas thermal maturity windows (Ro 0.7 to 1.3%). Other basins (Sabinas, Veracruz, Macuspana) also may be prospective but initial review shows then to be structurally more complex. The Sabinas Basin is entirely in the dry gas window, while the Veracruz and Macuspana basins have exceptionally thick source rocks of liquids-rich maturity, but also are significantly faulted. While CNH has not announced license blocks, these basins could have good local potential and warrant further study. Acknowledgments The authors wish to thank the Energy Information Administration, Chesapeake Energy, ConocoPhillips, and eight other oil company clients for financial support provided in conducting this study. Vello A. Kuuskraa contributed to the resource methodology used in this study. Nomenclature Bcf billion (109) cubic feet bopd barrels of oil per day BBO billion (109) barrels of oil BBOE billion (109) barrels of oil equivalent C centigrade CNH Comisión Nacional de Hidrocarburos g/cc grams per cubic centimeter GIS geographic information system km kilometer km2 square kilometer m meter m3 cubic meters MMcfd million (106) cubic feet per day ppm TDS parts per million total dissolved solids psi/ft pounds per square inch per foot of depth Ro vitrinite reflectance Tcf trillion (1012) cubic feet TOC total organic carbon TRR technically recoverable resources XRD x-ray diffraction References Araujo, O., Garza, D., Garcia, D., Ortiz, J.R., Bailon, L., and Valenzuela, A., 2014. First Production Results from Pimienta Oil Source Rock Reservoir, A Promising Shale: Case History from Burgos Basin, Mexico. Society of Petroleum Engineers, SPE Latin America and Caribbean Petroleum Engineering Conference, Maracaibo, Venezuela, 21-23 May, 2014, SPE 169420, 15 p. 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Gas Thermal Maturity (% Ro) Clay Content Gas Phase 446.4 7.8 0.9 Risked GIP (Tcf) Risked Recoverable (Tcf) 111.6 74.4 21.7 GIP Concentration (Bcf/mi ) Wet Gas 5.0% 1.15% 5.0% 0.85% Average TOC (wt. %) 5.0% 230.2 767.5 190.9 Dry Gas Low 1.60% 3.0% 4.0% 100.2 501.0 131.9 Dry Gas Low 1.50% Pimienta Jurassic Marine 4.78 119.4 37.9 Oil 3.0% 0.85% Low Normal 23.6 118.1 69.1 Dry Gas Low 2.50% 2.0% Underpress. 11,500 9,800 - 13,100 240 800 9,500 Marine U. Jurassic 4.7 58.5 18.6 Assoc. Gas Low 0.85% 3.0% Normal 5,500 3,300 - 8,500 200 500 9,000 Tampico 9.5 47.7 44.7 Wet Gas Low 1.15% 3.0% Normal 6,200 4,000 - 8,500 200 500 3,050 Marine Jurassic Pimienta (26,900 mi ) 0.74 18.5 17.3 Condensate 3.0% 1.15% Low Normal 9.0 45.0 83.0 Dry Gas Low 1.40% 3.0% Normal 8,000 7,000 - 9,000 200 500 1,550 0.51 12.7 36.4 Oil 3.0% 0.85% Low Normal Maltrata U. Cretaceous Marine 2 Veracruz (9,030 mi ) Tamaulipas 0.7 8.9 25.5 Assoc. Gas Low 0.85% 3.0% Normal 7,900 6,000 - 9,500 210 300 1,000 Marine Jurassic Pimienta 200 500 1,000 Marine 0.8 9.5 27.2 Assoc. Gas Low 0.90% 3.0% Normal 8,500 Normal 150 300 560 11,000 0.5 6.6 22.4 Assoc. Gas Low/Medium 0.85% 3.0% Normal 400 150 300 2.9 14.7 70.0 Dry Gas Low/Medium 1.40% 3.0% Normal 11,500 10,000 - 12,500 Marine U. Cretaceous Maltrata 2 Veracruz 13 275 Total (9,030 mi ) 9,800 - 12,000 0.28 6.9 23.5 Oil 3.0% 0.85% Low/Medium 6,600 - 10,000 2 (2,810 mi ) Tuxpan 0.46 11.5 33.0 Oil 3.0% 0.90% Low Normal 1,000 560 500 300 200 150 6,600 - 10,000 9,800 - 12,000 8,500 11,000 Pimienta Jurassic Marine L. - M. Cretaceous 1,000 300 210 6,000 - 9,500 7,900 Tamaulipas L. - M. Cretaceous Marine Table 1: Estimated Shale Gas and Shale Oil Resources in Mexico 50.4 201.6 100.3 Dry Gas Low 1.70% Underpress. 9,000 5,000 - 12,500 400 500 9,500 Marine Marine 6,700 M. - U. Cretaceous U. Jurassic 2 2 Tuxpan 2 (2,810 mi ) Tampico (26,900 mi ) 9,000 3,050 500 500 200 200 3,300 - 8,500 4,000 - 8,500 5,500 6,200 Tithonian Shales Eagle Ford Shale Tithonian La Casita Highly Overpress. Highly Overpress. Highly Overpress. Highly Overpress. 3,300 - 4,000 Interval 2 160 Net Reservoir Pressure Depth (ft) Thickness (ft) 200 Organically Rich 10,000 Marine 600 Depositional Environment 2 Eagle Ford Shale M. - U. Cretaceous Geologic Age Prospective Area (mi ) 2 Sabinas 5.39 (35,700 mi ) 0.95 Risked Recoverable (B bbl) 89.8 15.0 Condensate 5.0% 1.15% Low Highly Overpress. 10,000 200 160 4,000 - 16,400 7,500 Burgos 15.8 Risked OIP (B bbl) 2 2 (24,200 mi ) Oil 43.9 5.0% 0.85% Low Highly Overpress. 600 200 160 3,300 - 4,000 3,500 OIP Concentration (MMbbl/mi ) 2 Burgos (24,200 mi ) Eagle Ford Shale M. - U. Cretaceous Marine Oil Phase Average TOC (wt. %) Thermal Maturity (% Ro) Clay Content Reservoir Pressure Prospective Area (mi ) Organically Rich Thickness (ft) Net Interval Depth (ft) Average 2 Shale Formation Geologic Age Depositional Environment Shale Formation Basin/Gross Area Resource Basin/Gross Area 545 2,233 Total [177139] 9 10 [177139] Figure 2: The Shale Trend in Northeast Mexico is Significantly Larger than the South Texas Eagle Ford Shale Play; Data Locations for Study are Indicated [177139] 11 Figure 3: Stratigraphy of the Burgos Basin Showing U. Cretaceous Agua Nueva (Eagle Ford) Fm and U. Jurassic Pimienta (La Casita) Fm. Note Listric Normal Faults Cutting Tertiary Section Flatten into Detachment Surface and Don’t Affect Mesozoic Section. Figure 4: West-East Cross Section of Burgos Basin Showing Tertiary Detachment Faults Underlain by Less Deformed Mesozoic Shales 12 [177139] Figure 5: Unconventional Oil and Gas Exploration Blocks Planned for the Tampico-Misantla Basin (CNH) Figure 6: Stratigraphy of Source Rock Shale Targets in the Tampico-Misantla Basin Include the U. Cretaceous [177139] 13 U JURASSIC PIMIENTA FM Figure 7: Seismic Time Section Showing Generally Simple Structure of the U. Jurassic Pimienta Fm in the Tampico-Misantla Basin