Rajay Turbo Service Letters
Rajay Turbo Service Letters
7101 FAIR AVENUE . NORTH HOLLYWOOD, RAJAY/ROTO-MASTER SERVICE Rajay Industries is Rajay turbochargers, pumps are no longer 91605 - AIRCRAFT LETTERS in business. controllers, available CALIFORNIA actuators and scavenge from: Roto-Master 7101 Fair Avenue North Hollywood, 91605 CA. (818) 982-4500 Rajay kit available parts, service and technical information through: Century Aircraft Corporation Drive 10001 American Amarillo, (806) Sky Ox parts, Texas 79111 335-2806 service and technical information from: Sky-Ox Ltd. P-0. Box 500 Saint Josephs, (616) (800) is Michigan 49085 925-8931 253-0800 TELEX NO 657390 (ROTOMASTER AN ECHLIII LSA) . CABLE: COMPANY ROTOTURBO is available (818) 982-4500 RAJAY CORPORATION Service Date : November Models Affected: 7, 1963 "Turbo Subject: Inspection Time At next of Compliance: Instruction Service 200** Apache of Catb routine Letter (PA 23TS & PA23TSl60) Box Check Valve Hinge Tabs inepection It has been noted that the hinge tabs tn the Carb Box Assembly, P/N RJ 0028-100, have shown excessive wear in service. The material for the tabs has been changed from aluminum to steel in the production parts. Parts in service should be visually inspected at the next routine inrpection and subsequently at LOO hour intervals until replaced. Tabs worn in excess of l/l6 inch require the Carb Box Assembly be replaced. Thir assembly is avallabla from the factory for an exchange price of $12.50 per assambly. The carb Box Asaambly may be replaced by any aircraft machanic. Any questions regarding this subject should be directed Corporation, 2602 East Wardlov Road., Long Beach, Californfa FAA APPROVED to the 90807. Rajay No. 1 .9AJAY CORPORATION Service Instruction SEWICE LET'TEFiNO. 2 date: October 26, Models Affected: All &jay Turbocharged 31% 10 Turbochargers. Subject: Inspection Time of Compliance: Within next 25 hours service operation interval thereafter 1964 aircraft of Turbocharger ,equipped with model turbine scroll. and at each 100 hours until replaced. It has been noted that radial cracks have appeared on some turbine scr0l.l.~ of the Rajay model 31910 Turbochargers as shown in the figure below. No case of complete failure has been observed nor reported. The affected F&jay model 31910 Turbochargers are to be inspected within the next 25 hours service and at each 100 hour operation interval thereaf’ter etil replaced. This inspection will consist of careful visual scrutiny of the exterior If of the turbine scroll, particularily in.the area marked on the figure below. cracks are observed, install. a placard in full view of the pilot to mad "TURBOCHARGER INOPERATIVE". Upon replacement of the cracked turbine. scroll, the placard may be removed. Modification to correct this problem Is in uork. ,st gas Possible cracks in this area It is requested Ra$ty Corporation, 2602 E. Wardlou Road, Long Beach, California 90807, be notified of airplane type, serial number, registration number, owner, Turbocharger serial numbers, date and approximate hours in service with turbochargers at the time of initial inspection. FAA APPROVED October 28. 1964 Service January 6, 1965 Xodels Affected: "Turbo Commander 5009" Zubject: Inspection Time Compliance: At next routine LZtt3r 110. of Air Box Assembly Check Valve Hinge Tabs inspection It has been noted that the hinge tabs in the Air Pox Assembly, &jay P/N 35 2016-l & -2, have shown excessive wear under some conditions of service. Parts in service should be visually inspected at the next routine inspection and subsequently at 100 hour flight oueration intervals until replaced. Tabs worn in excess of l/16 inch require the Air Box Assembly be replaced. Xodified Air aOx Assemblies are available from the factoyJ for an exchange price of $20.00 ner assembly. The Air Box Assembly may be replaced by any aircraft mechanic. Any questions regarding Cornoration, 2602 3. Xardlow .7.AAAgraved January 6, 1965 this subject should be directed to .3ajay .Xd., Long &each, California 90807. 3 UJAY CORPORATION Service Date: April Instruction 16, 1965 Service Models Affected: Riley Turbo Rocket Subject: Inspection Time Compl.iance: At next routine of Compressor Discharge Letter Box Check No. 4 Valve Hinge Tabs inspection It has been noted that the hinge tabs in the Compressor Discharge @x P/N RJ 1006.31/-41, have shown excessive uear in service. The for the tabs has been changed f'rom aluminum to steel in production parts. Assembly, materhl Parts in service should be visually inspected at the next routine inspection and subsequently at 100 hour intervals until replaced. Tabs worn in excess of I /16 Inch require the Compressor Discharge ': Assembly be replaced. This assembly is available from the Rajay Factory for an exchange price of $12.50 per assembly.. The Compressor Discharge Assembly may be replaced by auy Aircraft Mechanic. Any questions regarding this subject should be directed to The Rajay Corporation, 2602 East Wardlow Road, Long Beach. California 90807 RAJAY CORPORATION Service Lnstruction July 1, 1965 Models Affected: Subject: Time of Compliance: Turbo Comanche Ground operation Upon receipt 250 (PA 24-250) of fuel of this and Turbo boost pumps service letter Aztec (PA 23-250) Lnvestigation Into the cause of reported engine driven fuel pump malfunctions In the above aircraft models indicates the possibility of the pumps running dry. This condition could exist with excessive vapor in the fuel system due to prolonged ground operation or extreme hot weather operation. To eliminate the possibility of running the engine driven fuel pumps fuel boost pumps are to be "ON" for all ground operations. dty, the electric A placard to this effect is In the process of manufacture and will be furnished when available. Any questions regarding this subject should Corporation, 2602 East Wardlow Road, Long Beach, FAA Approved July 1. 1965 be directed California to Rajay 90807. RAJAY CORPORATION Service Instruction July 14, Subject: Models Time Senrlce 1965 Inspection Turbocharged Affected: of Compliance: All Rajay Following Recommendations Following Lycoming Engines Turbocharged Lycoming Overboost Letter No. 6 of Rajay Engines Overboost T’he attentlon of all operators of Rajay Turbocharged Lycoming engines is directed to Lycomlng Servlce Instruction No. 1023i3 dated January 15, 1965. It is suggested that the recmendationo set forth in the above Service Instruction be applied to Lycoming engines equipped with Rajay Turbochargers. Adherence to these recommendations will contribute to continued satisfactory operation of the Rajay Turbocharger/Lycoming engine combination. Any questions regarding poration, 2602 East Mardlow FAA Approved July 14, 1965 this Road, subject ehouid be directed to the Long Beach, California 90807. * Rajay Cor- RAJAY CORPORATION Service Instruction July 21, Model Service 1965 Affected: Rajay Subject: Time of Compliance Engine : Upon Turbocharged Mount receipt Piper PA30 Mn Letter No. 7 Comanche Protection of imterial It ha8 been noted that some deterioration of the engine emunt surface paint has occurrad on the lower RH engfne mount8 of the l’brbocherged Twin Comanche. This can be attributed to the increased temperature in the due CO relocated zxh6U8t Stacks. pro- tection Bred Aircraft in. service should be inspected upon receipt of this service Letter notify Rajay Corporation for material if deterioration of paint is in evidence, to correct this defiefoncy per the instructions and 8ketch below. (This treatment is incorporated in all ln8tallations subsequent to this date) and Sand mount tube8 to bare metal and remove grease and oil vith solvent. Make CQrt8i.n surfsce is Completely Apply 2 brush coata of Extra High H-170 Heatdty. Rem paint on moderately warm but not hot surface. Allow 12 hour8 drying between coats. Any questions 2602 &tat Wardlow regarding this subject should be directed Long Beach, California 90807. Road, to Rajay Corporation, RAJAY CORPORATZOFI Service Date: October Nodels Affected: 1, Service 1965 Turbo Twin Comanche Subject: Inspection Time At next of Compliance: Instruction Piper of Alternate routine Letter No. 8 PA-30 Air Inlet Valve Bracket inspection It has been noted that the Alternate Air Inlet Valve Bracket P/N RJ 0605-71 hinge holes in parts manufactured prior to June 1965, have shown excessive wear in service. Parts manufactured subsequent to June 1965 incorporate brass reinforced hinge pin holes and therefore have Increased wear resistence. -. Parts in service should be vtsually inspected at the next routine inspection. Those parts incorporating the brass reinforcement require no further special attentions. Those parts without the brass reinforcement should be inspected for a maximum wear elongation of the hinge pin holes of l/16 inch. If elongation does not exceed l/16 inch the parts should be reinspected at intervals of 100 hours of service until replaced with the reinforced bracket. The Alternate Air Inlet Valve/Bracket Assy RJ 0605-S/-71 is available from the factory for $5.00 each. The Valve/Bracket Assy may be replaced by any aircraft mechanic. Any questions 2602 East Wardlow FAA Approved regarding this subject should be directed Road, Long Beach, California 90807. to Rajay Corooration, RAJAY CORPORA'ITON Service Date: December Models Affected: 14, Time Service Alternate of Compliance: Lc has been (operation from tributed to the possibility the air source. All corporate filtered -., ; 1965 Turbo Subject: Instruction Operator's Twin Comanche source for Piper PA-30 fuel nozzle bleed Letter No. air. option noted that during sustained operation under heavy dust conditions unimproved airfields) some fuel nozzle contamination can be atpresent source of fuel nozzle bleed air. To eliminate this problem factory is offering a kit for field retrofit to provide filtered, production kits manufactured subsequent to December 12, 1965 inair source for fuel nozzle bleed air. Operators interested in the above by contacting the Rajay factory direct Long Beach, California 9080.7. retrofit kit may obtain - The Rajay Corporation, parts and instructions 2602 E. Wardlow Road, 9 RAJAY CORPORATION Service Instruction May 23, Subject: Models Time Relocation Affected: of It charger desirable Service 1967 Compliance: Piper of T/C Oil PA30 Turbo At next routine hours operation. has come to the attention oil warning light power location. of wire Warning Letter Light No. 10 Power Wire. Twin Comanche inspection or within the manufacturer is not fnstalled ’ next 100 the turboin the most . The turbocharger oil warning light wire is presently connected to the Stall Warning Circuit Breaker. This wire and the corresponding placard is to be moved to the Flap Solenoid Circuit Breaker. Enter this action in the Aircraft Log on date accomplished. Any questions Corporation, P. 0. FAA APPROVED regarding Box 207, this subject should Long Beach, California be directed 90801. to Rajay June 12, Zyme Instruction Service Affected: of CORPORATLON 1967 Subject: Models IUJAY Service Compliance Inspection of Turbo Mn IO-3200ClA Coaanche : At next Turbo oil 8uppLy - Piper Letter No. 11 hose: PA30 fitted .vlth Lycaming engines. routine inqmctlon. It ham been noted that deterioration of the Turbo oil SUQQ~~ ho60 (P/Y 624000-4-0224) has taken place in 8amc installations. This hoae irmtallatlon should be inspected to insure it I6 properly fnat&lled and remaining free and clear of the turbine scroL1 as shown in the rkstch belw: --.., 624000-4-0224 HOSi3 ASSY Quartions CORPORATION, regarding this subject rbould be directed to RA.tAY P. 0. Box 207, Long Beach, Catifornia 90801, -___ _-_-- .-.-. .-... -_ .- . - -. ----y- , L _- - 7 -.-- “7 - --TyT->zf- QUA..’ .I ‘. I ‘, . .6. < . , - : .. \ .,. RAJAY CORPORATION Sewice April 22, Modal Affected: Instruction Service 1968 Letter Subject: Rajay Turbocharged Piper PA30 Twin Comanche (Prior to mfg. S/N30-1718 Engine Nouct Protection Time of Compliance: Within It the nex: 25 flight No. 13 houra noted that some deterioration of the engine mount surface hae occurred on the lower IM engine mounts of the Turbo Twin Comanche. This condition can be attributed to an inadequate amount of heat and corrosion reoidtant paint (silver in color) applied at time of lnetallation of the turbocharger system prior to :.lfs S/N 30-1718. protection has been paint Aircraft in service should be lnrpected upon receipt of thir instrucand if deterioration of the subject part is in evidence, notify Rajay Corporation for material to correct this deficiency per the inrtructlona and sketch below. tion F/RE WA LL ti Any P.O. questiona Send mount tubes to bare metal in shaded area shown and remove grease and oil with solvent. Make certain surface is completely dry. APPlY 2 brush coats or 3 spray coats of Extra High H-170 Heat- Rem paint on moderately wans bvt not hot surface. Allow 12 hours drying between coats. regarding 30x 207, Long Beach, this subject should California 90801. be directed to Rajay FAA APPROVZD Corporation, RAJAY Service CO RPO RATION Instruction August 5, 1968 Service Affected; Models Piper Model PA-30 Turbo Twin Subject: ~gine Time of Compliance: Operator's driven fuel Letter No, 14 Comanche pump vent fitting. option. C&rent production Piper Model PA-30 Turbo Twin Comanche's are being furnished with new type engine driven fuel pump vent fitting. This fitting la manufactured with a very small oriffce at the fuel pump vent port. This orifice restricts the loss of fuel in event of a fuel pump diaphragm rupture to less than four (4) gallons per hour. The subject fitt%ng, RJ 0631 Tee, is available from Rajay Corporation, P. 0. Box 207, Long Beach, California 90801, for $5.00 each. This fitting Fa a direct replacement for the AN826-20 fitting presently installed in aircraft PA30-1766 and previous. FAAAPPRDVED f .- . *--.’ -.- _. .-. _-..- __ .- RAJAY INDUSTRIES, SERVICE DATE: February 23, INC. INSTRUCTION 1970 SERVICE LETTER MODELS AFFECTED: ALL dash numbers of Rajay Turbocharger eystm Lube Scavenge Pump P/N R.J 1025 and RJ 1045 S/N 800 6 previous RI 1025 S/N 585 & previous RJ 1045 TIME OF COMPLIANCE: Within next 25 operating To prevent the possible dieengagment pin from the pump homing the service should be accompllshed: retaining hours of the following internal fix ring for 79-028-125-0~87 pumpr ESNA (Or EquIvalentI into Contact California required. Rajap 90801, Industries, Inc., Phone 213/426-0346 NO. t5 P. 0. Box 207, for any further Hole Beach, information Long in RAJU INDUSTRIES, INC. SERVICE XRX!RUCTION DA=: July 7, 1970 MXELS &tFFmmD: SEaVICE LETER NO. 16 ALLRAJApTuRBOcHQRc;EDmNEY&2oE(super21)and IeaF (Epecutlve) Aircraft Tl3SClFCOMF'LIANCE:DURINGALLOPERATIONS Ithaaconm to om attentlontbatscam operators of the above aircraft have been experiencing reduced emdce ISe from t&e& Rajay Turbocharged MlgbSS. We~~coPfrusdvitheomebllgins~r~facilitiesandit appear8 thatineachaaae of reduced m~rvitx Ufe them ie mldemca of long temnoperationatbighe@ne temperatux-86, Inv53vof above6okpowerbe of amtdy the above, it is recwnded that all turbocharged opration atBeetPouermirtum3 setting or richer. This Is an EGT 1~125% 0n the rich side of peak. Questiona on the above shouldbe or Rajay Industries, Inc., P.O.Box phone (213) 426-0346. FAADERAPPRUVED directed to your localRajayDealer 207,Lor43Beach, Califomia90807, RBJAX IRDUSTRIES, INC. -Cg Di'STlUiCTIOl? DdIIEI SmvI~rbETTmm. July 7,1970 TPB OF CoMPLIANa: -DISGZETIOR ..- .P APPROX. 90° PRE- LaAD The nauRJ4120-31 UaateGateReturnSpri,ng ia available from stoak for ti.85 eaah. Tbla pal00 lebaemd ontheRJ412O&ad.ngbd4greturxd byu. s. Mallupoare~t PAADIWAPPROVED 17 INDUSTRIES, INC. SERVICE INSTRUCTION RAJAY DATE: February PARTS AFFECTED: 3, SERVICE 1971 LETTER NO. 18 OLD STYLE OXYGEN OUTLET ASSEMBLIES TIME OF COMPLIANCE: WHEN NECESSARY All old style oxygen outlet assemblies will not accept the The valve body may be modified quick-disconnect hose fittings. compatible with both aid and new style fittings. Remove valve body from regulator (or manifold) with (Do not lose valve and spring). Modify body as shown: l/4 new Rajay to be allen wrench. NEU Reassemble 90801, Contact Phone after cleaning RAJAY INDUSTRIES, No. 213/426-0346, all parts with iso-pro INC., P. 0. Box 207, to obtain additional alclhol Long Beach, information. or equivalent. California RAJAY 1NDUSTRI ES, I NC. SERVI GE INSTRUCTION DATE: SEPTEMBER MODELS AFFECTED: TIME OF DUCT SECTI FUTURE SERVI TURBOCHARGED RAJAY COMPLIANCE: THERE HAVE RETAINING PRESSOR ON ANY 1972 5, OPERATORS BEEN STUD8 ISOLATED BACKING DI PIPER SCRET REPORTS OUT AND ON OF THE TURBOCHARGER, INSTALLATIONS, A REVISED PA-30 MODELS LETTER No. GE AND 19 PA-39 I ON of THE TURBOCHARGER INDUCTION INGESTED INTO THE COMPRECLUDE THIS FROM OCCURRING BEING To A3S’EMBLY WILL BE USED AS SHOwN BELOW: NAS 183-L-8 STUD AN 310-4 NUT 4 EACH REOUI RED SAFETY WIRE MS 33540 2 THIS OPERATORS fRoM RAJAY (213) INSTALLATION DI SCRET I ON. INDUSTRIES, 426-0346. FAA DER APPROVED MAY ANY INC., BE PERrOWED FURTHER P.O. AS INFORMATION Box 207, A FIELD LONG (.030 DIA.) TOP To BOTTOM F~ACES MODIF\CATIoN REOUIRED BEACH, MAY AT BE OBTAINED CAL I FORNI A 90801, PER As SHOWN RAJAY INDUSTRIES, Smv ICE INwRUCT INC. ION . DATE: APRIL 16, 1974 SUBJECT: MODELS PUMP FUEL AFFECTED: LETTER No. 20 SERVICE F ITT ING RAJAY ALL mO253-2 INLET INSPECT ION TURBOCHARGED (NOT LYCOMING ROO253-501 OR APPC ICABLE FUEL IN ALT ENGINES FITTED WITH FUEL PUMPS WITH 9/16-18 TO PUMPS WITH TAPERED PIPE RAJAY UNF THREADED THREADED PORTS) T IME OF &MPL IANCE: ANYTIME INCREASE PRESSURE FLUCTUATES DETERIORATES OR WITH ITUDE . THE ATTENTION OF ALL OPERATORS RECO~ENDAT IONS TO THE AFFECTED TO GONT INUED COW INAT ION. .. SAT JET FORTH ENGINEa. 1sf ANY QUESTIONS INC., P. 0. Box AcfoRr REGARDING 207, of FiOO253-501 w ITH RAJAY RO0253.-2 OR SERV ICE BULLET IN NO. 374 DATED F ITTED RAJAY FUEL 15, LYCOHING THESE OPERAT THE THIS LONG BEACH, OF SUBJECT LYCOMING PUMPS 18 DIRECTED 1974. IT IS SUGGESTED MARCH IN THE ABOVE ADHERENCE TO ION TURBOCHARGED SERVICE BULLETIN RECOMMENDATIONS WILL RA~JAY TUREOCHARGER/LYWM SHOULD CAL IFORN IA 908Q1, SE DIRECTED (213) TO ENGINES TO LYCOM ING THAT THE BE APPL IEI) CONTRIBUTE ING ENG INE RAJAY INDUSTRIES, 426-0346, . FAA DER AF'F'ROVED APRIL 16, 1974 RAJAY INOUSTRIES, SERVICE MAY 15, DATE: EQUIPWENT INC. INSTRUCTION SERV ICE 1976 AFFECTED: ALL < AIRCRAFT ANO AIRCRAFT ENGINES LETTER EQUIPPED UITH NO. 21 RAJAY TURBOCIARG~R~ To: AIRCRAFT ANO ENGINE AIRCRAFT OPERATORS MANUFACTURERS ANO AIRCRAFT MODIFICATION & MAINTENANCE 0ASCS TIME OF WITHIN COMPLIANCE: 25 NEXT HOURS SERVICE ANO SUBSEQUENTLY AS SCHEOULED BELOU. SUS INSPECTION JEcT: OF TURBINE TUR~OCNARGER (EXHAUST) HOUSING REASON: CRACUS HAIRLINE IN RAJAY ARE FITTED APPL I CABLE. OOCS NOT UITN TURBINE APPEAR TO DISTRESS A SEEN MOUSING A PARTS SKETCH FOR UNITS Tl4E CRACK OF AREA HAVE THE NOT SEEK IN OF IN SERVICE UPUAROS AS INOICATE TO INLET INLET THEREFORE NAND TURBINE OF 10 NO YEARS 3/4 AN0 INCM IN LOCATION.) GAS INLET CRACKS THIS IN AREA T ION: OESCRIP IT UNT IS I L RECOMnENOCO TML LATER, 200 IS DISTRICT CMANOE 25 SUOJECT OR LENGTH, TO REPORT 8330-2, FORK LATER, HOURS SERVICE UNTIL REPLACED UNIT IN SQSEOULE TC 59-11 A THE ANO BE INSPCC T ION TO CHANGE P/N APPROPRIATE FROM SHOULD 9~0~ I T HOUS I NCS BE “El* OF CFCECT ANO TC 60-17 THE THIS CONTIN- “0” CHANCE TURBOCliARaER MODEL. ~~~~~~~~~ LETTER. ABOVE. MAOC AT FINDINGS TO INTO LATER, TO RECEIPT PER IT PUT OR ANY TIME THE CRACK BY COMPLETtNG THE LOCAL FAA THE CHANCE LETTERS BEACH, CA 90801, IS THE OBSERVED TO MALFUNCTION GENERAL AVI ATI OR ON OFFICE. IT IS ANTICIPATED AVAILABLE ON TO : REVISED OBTAIN FAA - TURBINE PER SMOUN ABOVE JuNIE..~,*‘~~. RAJAY CONTACT 426-0346, APPROVAL TMC INCN FAA "A" UITMIN RECOMPlENOCO REPORT, INSPCCTION WITH HOURSINTERVALS OF 3/4 BEYOND IT REPLACED INSPECTION AT REPLACEMENT OEFECT IS TC 82-11 THE INITIAL EXTENO Tl4C-COLLOVING UNIT OR INSPECTIONS BE RAPIOLY EXAMPLES THE NOUSING TURBOCHARI~ERS TC 82-11 ANO POSSIBLE OR TURBINE Tnrsc PROPAGATE EXHAUST UED THE TC 60-11, DOES TONQUE OF 325EF10. AND ITEM. THAT AREA TONGUE 325E10, TC 59-11, AIRUORTNINESS IN IN TNC NURSER TKIS PRESSING PARTING (SEE LENGTH. BE IN 315Flo, INOICATES APPARENT NAIRLINE OISCOVEREO 301E10, MODELS INVESTIGATION EXTERNAL SNOV HAVE TUR~OCMARGER INOUSTRICS, FURTHER OER. APPROVED ~NC., INFORMATION P.O. Box AS 207, AVAILABLE. LONO PHONE (213) WILL * m PAGE: ? O? 2 RAJAY INDUSTRIES, A .suw* of 7-h rffstu INC. Comntion No. 21A (.%PERSEDES SERVICE FAA AWROVEO INSPCCTION EQUIPMLNT ALL AFFECT~O: DISTRIBUTION TO: COMPLI OF TURBOCMAROER AIRCRAFT AIRCRAFT AND OF 21 DATED 1976) 1976 9, SUBJECT: TIME LETTER MAY 15, AUGUST DATE: SERVICE LETTER No. AT ANCE: ANO AIRCRAFT THt TURBINE ENGINES, EQUIPPED ENGINE MANUFACTURERS - *ANO MAINTENANCE MODIFICATION NeXT ENGINE YHICWEVER (EXHAUST) MAJOR COMES RAJAY WITH OR TUROOCNARQER OF THC HOUSINGS TURBOCWARGERS AIRCRAFT OPERATORS BASES OVERMAUL, FIRST. REASON: HAIRLINE IN CRACKS RAJAY NAVE SEEN OISCOVLALD ARE- PITTLO .,_, APPI. t CABLE. YIT~ ,.*’ DOES NOT TURII~NE EXTERNAL WOUSINQ INvESTIOATI~N APPEAR TO DISTRESS IN 3OlE10, TUROOGHARG~R.WOOELS PART A l TWIS iWSSlNG APPARENT TONOW AREA CRACK DOES AIRUORTMINESS IN UNITS NOT ITEM. THAT TURSINE MOUSING INLET 325E10, ANO 325EF10, TMESIZ TUROOCHARSCRS TC 59-11, TC 60-11, AND TC 82-11 AS NUWSLRS INIICATES SE TNE 315F10, NAVE 9EEN IN RR~RASATL RAPIDLY EXAMPLES IN SERVICE UPWARDS THEREFORE HAND INDICATE 10 TO NO YEARS. PURPOSZ INSPECTIOU FOR WOOCLS 3QlE10, TuRalNE MOUSING HAIRLINC’CRACKS 315Fl0, PART IN TWC TURBINE HOUSINQ INLET IN THESE TURBOCHARGeRS 325E10, AN0 325EFlO. RUHBERS TC 59-1-l. TC 60-11, OR TC 82-11 RAJAY TuRaocNARoEIt’ ARE AS FITTED WITH APPLICABLE. INSTRUCTIONS: tT IS RECOMMENDED CONTINUEO TC 60-11 THE "0" (SEE THE: CHANGE TURBOCNARCLR REPLACE~IENT EXTENO THAT UNTIL THE UNIT OR INSPECTION IS SCNEDULE REPLACEU LATER , OR YITH THE OF 82-11 TC THIS LETTER No. TC PART “A” BE "E" 59-11 CMANGE OR PUT INTO CHANGE LATER, LPFLCT OR AN0 LATER, APPROPRIATL TO MODEL. OF B~YONO SKETCHES THE 3/4 SUSJECT IUCH UNIT IN LENGTH SHOULD IN BE TYPE MAOE A AT CRACKS ANY TIME TME ANO OVER 2 CRACK IS INCWCS IN 01)SERVLD TYPE 6 TO CRACKS. BELOW) ~~~:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~p~::~~~: -c>::;: THIS 0‘ *ALA TO 3/4 0 a ALLOWABLE INCH ’ 0 TYPE A \,,> 2600 EAST WARDLOW ROAD / P.O. BOX 207 / LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA 90801 / PHONE (213) 4260346 PACE 2 OF 2 POSSIELE AREA VIEW TURBO OF TURBINE CENTER HOUSING SECTION : 11 IS OEFECT AVIATION RECOMMENOEO REPORT, OISTRICT TO REPORT fi4A FORM OFFICE. THIS 2 INCHES WITH TYPE OR IN TO REMOVED. VIEW ENLAROEO -.. CRACKS ALLOWABLE THE 8330-2, OF AREA CRACIED B INSPtCTION AN0 FINOINCS TO SUBMIT IT BY COMPLETING TO THE LOCAL THE FAA MALFUNCTION QENERAL RAJAY INDUSTRIES, A 3tbdky of Thm TOXJIW Coqwntion INC. XBdl SERVICE LETTER Date: April No. 22 3, 1978 Model Affected: AllRaj&y Turbocharged Mooney M 20 E (Super 21) and M 20 F (Executive) Aircraft Subject: Oil seepage into exhaust pipe Time of Compliance: Customer Option not required overboard - Compliance Oil has appeared in the overboard exhaust pipe of a few of the subject airplanes prior to engine start-up. This is caused by oil from the turbocharger oil outlet line draining into the turbocharger bearing housing during periods of engine idleness. Some of this oil seeps out the turbocharger shaft seal and into the overboard exhaust pipe. This oil clears up after running the engine a short time and no oil leaks during normal engihe operation. For owners who desire to eliminate replacement kit is available for price is effective thru December The modification the turbocharger fire shielding Contact Rajay Attachment: 2600 EAST WAADLOW this oil seepage, $125.00 from Rajay. 31, 1978. a parts This adds a MS28885-8 check valve and replaces oil outlet hose with two shorter hoses and as shown on attached E.O. 440. for E.O. ROAD any additional information. 440 / P.O. BOX 207 / LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA 90801 / PHONE (213) 426-0346 . . ’ RAJAY INDUSlRIES, A SuMdiuy of The Texsnu e INC. Gmpmation SERVICE LETTER Date: October Inspection and replacement cation system check valve. Equipment Affected: Helio of Reason: Purpose: *Continental EAST WARDLOW aircraft listed PA30 & 39 PA32-260 PA24-250 PA24-400 PA-23 and PA-23-160 PA-23-235 and PA-23-250 (B) PA-23-250 and PA-E23-250 (C) B95 M20 A,B,C,D,&G "310 I & J *310 C,D,E,F,&G "180 *182 "310 Rocket H-295 Beechcraft Mooney Cessna Time All of Model Piper 2 1978 Subject: Aircraft 2600 2, No. 23 Page 1 of Compliance: At next required. scheduled turbocharger lubri- as follows: STC No. E.O. SA787WE SA1557WE SA811wE SA2359WE 934 930 942 942 SA4-1637WE 939 SA539WE 933 SA840WE SA153SO SA1156WE SA181SO SA2383SO SA1157WE SA1032WE SA212SO SA156SO 903 941 940 938 935 936 937 932 931 maintenance or No. as In-service experience has shown that the o-ring seal may be dislodged from the valve seat and cause restriction of oil flow to the turbocharger bearing. To replace check valve P/N B-4C2-25 with an improved P/N 532A-2M.P-18* check valve (Continental engine) or P/N 532A-2MP-27 check valve (Lycoming engine). engines ROAD use-18 / P.O. BOX 207 I LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA 90801 I PHONE (213) 4264346 .,’ SERVICE LETTER #23 Page 2 of 2 For each 1. 2. 3. affected Aircraft Model Remove Install incorporating existing check valve new check valve P/N P/N (Optional) If so equipped, (Optional) Remove Pressure Plug old port with AN913-1D Switch Rajay Turbochargers: P/N B-4C2-25 532A-2MP-27 on aircraft with Lycoming engines 532A-2MP-18"on aircraft with Continental engines relocate low oil pressure switch as shown below Check Valve: Remove P/N B-4C2-25 Install P/N 532-2MP-2 or 7 a* (Optional) Low oil press switch (relocated) AN825-1D Tee AN910-1D Union Reqd. to move switch FAA Approved: . *Continental engines use - 18 /-h? . DEPARTMENT FEDERAL OF TRANSPORTATION AVIATION AOMINISTRATION WESTERN REGION P 0 BOX 91007. WORLwAr POSTAL CtNTtR LOS ANCELLS. WLIFOIINIA 90009 MAY 1 1979 In Reply Refer to: AWE-140:GDR:8110-8 Rajay Industries, P. 0. Box 207 Long Beach, CA Reference: 90801 Mr. R. Lloyd Director of Engineering Attention: Subject Incorporated : Approval of Rajay Industries Service Letter incorporating new check valve in turbocharger Rajay letters dated 10/2/78 No. 23 oil system and 11/22/78 Gentlemen: We have received the Engineering Orders to the affected Drawings and Service Information Letter No. 23 submitted with the reference Rajay letters,in which you show the replacement of existing turbocharger oil system-check valve with an improved type for the following affected aircraft models: Aircraft Model STC No. Piper PA30&39 PA32-260 PA24-250 PA24-400 PA-23 and PA-23-160 PA-23-235 and PA-23-250 (B) PA-23-250 and PA-E23-250 (C) 895 M20, A,B,C,D&G *310 I & J +310 C,D,E,F,&G *180 *182 *310 Rocket H-295 SA787WE SA1557WE SA811WE SA2359WE 934 930 942 942 SA4-1637WE 939 SA539WE 933 SA840WE SA153SO SA1156WE SA181SO SA2383SO SA1157WE SA1032WE SA212SO SA156SO 903 941 940 938 935 936 937 932 931 Beechcraft Mooney Cessna Helio E.O. No. BUSINESS FIRST CLASS PERMIT REPLY MAIL 3130 LONG BEidH; RAJAY INDUSTRIES, P-0. BOX 207 Long Beach, Service CA CALIFORNIA INC. 90801 Letter No. 24 Sht. TO PREVENT POSSIBLE ISSUANCE OF AN A.D:PLEASE DO MODIFICATION PER THIS SERVICE LETTER'A.S.A.P. AND RETURN COMPLETED CARD TO RAJAY INDUSTRIES, Aircraft *-.., Make Model Serial Number Total Time S.M.O.H. Reg. No. Total Time Engine(s) Turbocharger Turbocharger Turbocharger Turbocharger Model No. Part No. RJ Serial No. Time Since New State when .recommended accomplished: modification INC; Year Total Airframe Time Date of Rajay T/C Purchase (LH) (IX) (LH) (LH) (hrs) 4 of (=I) (=I (N-I) (Nil Kf (staking three,-screws)-%as (Date) A&P Lit. BY No. (Signature) Note mechanic, owner or pilot must fill mechanic must enter time, date, S/N of P/N in log book after above modification. Shop Name City Is aircraft based Owner ' s Name City in above statement. A/C & T/C, plus T/C Address State Zip here? Address State Zip A&P model & 4 -- . . . . 2 We find the Information copy of each information changes to the type design and the referenced Service Letter acceptable. Accordingly, we are returning to you one of the subject engineering orders and drawings for your and file, and we shall keep the other copies in our file. Sincerely, -? ROBERT E. FOLLENSBEE Chief, Propulsion Branch Enclosures FAA Approved Date: February 7, 1979 Subject: Securing attachment turbocharger screws. Models Affected: housing flange Piper Seneca PA34-200 with Rajay Model 3OlElO Model turbochargers added per STC SA2937WE. 301ElO-2 turbochargers supplied to Lycoming and Enstrom Helicopter Corporation. The above model number turbochargers with serial numbers higher than 70484 are excluded from the provisions of this service letter. All Rajay turbochargers with sand cast (single piece) bearing housings are also excluded. Reason: There have been field reports of oil leakage between the bearing housing flange and bearing housing on Rajay Model 301ElO-2 turbochargers during flight. This service letter specifies a recommended inspection schedule and'describes the recommended modification and its time of compliance. The recommended modification is needed to prevent possible oil leakage through the mating faces of the turbocharger bearing housing and bearing housing flange due to torque loss of the three attaching screws. This may cause accelerated engine oil consumption inflight. --n_-. 't Type of Compliance: RECOMMENDED Time of Compliance: See Below A. Inspection before Modification: 1, Prior to next flight and every flight thereafter, until the recommended modification has been completed,-inspect the underside of the lower cowling and interior of the exhaust pipes at the exit end for evidence of oil leakage. 2, Within hours a. 2600 bearing EAST WARDLOW the next thereafter: 25 hours Check for play housing flange ROAD / P.O. BOX of service time or loose connection and bearing housing. 207 / LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA and between 90801 every 25 bearing / PHONE (2131 42643~ b. a. Check for evidence of oil housing flange and bearing leakage housing. between bearing See Fig. 1. LXodification: Immediate compliance with this modification is necessary if any looseness is detected in the turbocharger or if Even any oil leakage from the bearing housing is found. if there is no looseness or oil leakage, this modification should be completed at the next aircraft annual inspection or at the next engine or turbocharger overhaul., whichever comes first. The modification is to be completed as follows: 1. Remove the turbochargers from aircraft. 2. Scribe mating index mark on bearing housing and bearing housing flange so they can later be reassembled in the same position. (See Fig. 1 and 2). 3. Remove compressor housing using a 5/32 allen wrench to remove (6) countersunk cap screws that secure the compressor housing to the bearing housing assembSeparate these two components and remove the ly. It may be necessary to tap the compressor gasket. housing gently with a plastic mallet while holding the bearing housing assembly. 4. Tighten flange pounds (3) cap screws that secure bearing to bearing housing evenly to 80-100 and stake in two places as shown in housing inch Figure 2. 5. Inspect compressor housing gasket surface for damage and remove old gasket material residue. Clean gasket surfaces and install new compressor housing gasket. (Rajay P/N TC-6-44) 6. Reinstall compressor housing to bearing and secure with six cap screws. Tighten ternately to 80 to 100 inch-pounds. 7. Remove ducting. 8. Reinstall turbochargers. Torque turbine V-Band to 15-20 inch-pounds. Retorque flight or run-up. 9. Indicate compliance with the modification described the "B. Modification" portion of this service letter by metal stamping or scribing the number "24" at corner of nameplate. (See Fig. 3). all evidence of oil from inlet housing evenly flange & al- and exhaust housing after next in BEAWN 10. When this modification is in the aircraft log book, serial number, turbocharger dnd serial number(s). 11. Complete service and letter completed it must along wit; the aircraftbe entered model number, part number return compliance card to Rajay Industries, attached Inc. MOUSING ‘I CHECK FCR LOOSENESS FIG. 1 CROSS SECTION TURIOCMARGER of On.t.EAU%E 0~2 FIG. 2 VIEW Of _- BRG. HOUSING FLLNGE to this * 0 e RAJAY INDUSI’RIES, INC. SERVICE BULLETIN Date : July Subject: Recommended Overhaul No. 25 6, 1979 Procedures for Sky-Ox Equipment The following Service Bulletin addresses the problem of recommended overhaul times for Sky-Ox equipment as supplied by Rajay Industries, Inc. These recommendations are based on regulations as specified by the controlling agencies or Rajay's years of experience in servicing Sky-Ox equipment. Additionally, all oxygen equipment should be maintained,in the field in accordance with AC 43.13. CYLINDERS: Cylinders must be maintained and hydrostatically tested according to the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 49, Chapter I, Paragraph 173.34. This regulation specifies hydrostatic testing at periodic intervals depending on the specification stamped on the cylinder. For specification DOT-3AA, the cylinder must be retested every 5 years. For DOT-3HT the interval is reduced to every 3 years. Cylinders with suspected damage should be.inspected, and retested as needed, immediately. REGULATORS: Rajay recommends that all Sky-Ox regulators be inspected and repaired whenever leaks, damage or malfunctions occur or are suspected. In any event, the regulator should be inspected according to its usage rate as follows: Equipment Usage Recommended Inspections Daily Every year Once per week Every two years Once per month Every five years The above recommendations are to be used as a guide and are not to be construed as rigid rules. Individual experience may dictate shorter or longer inspection intervals and, subject to local approving authorities, these intervals may be altered. --,,\ /' 2600 EAST WARDLOWROAD / P.O. BOX 207 / LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA 90801 / PHONE (213) 426-0346 Service MASKS: Service station Service or masks equipment Bulletin No. 25 Masks should be periodically cleaned with a mild soap solution, as usage warrants. Sufficient care should be exercised to avoid damaging the microphone in those masks, so equipped. As a minimum, the masks should be cleaned during the times when the regulator and cylinder are being inspected. for Sky-Ox equipment can be obtained from any FAA repair certified to work on Sky-Ox Brand regulators and cylinders. may also be obtained by returning the regulator, cylinder to the factory, by insured means. Address all returned with instructions on what is to be done, to: Sky-Ox Repairs % Rajay Industries, Inc. 2600 E. Wardlow Rd. Long Beach, CA 90801 Sincerely, RJWAY INDUSTRIES, -7 INC. Sht R&MY INDUSTRIES, SERVICE 1 of 4 INC. LETTER No. 26 Rev. N/C FAA Approved Date: July Subject: Resetting of Flow Oxygen Regulators Equipment Affected: 28, 1980 Rates of Sky-Ox Sky-Ox* Models 2600A, 2600B, 2800A, 2800B, 2900A and 2900B oxygen regulators. Other possible numbers located on the regulators are 2779-A-2, 2776-A-3 & 2777-A. Regulator Models 2700A and 2700B, also designated 2779-A-4 (four outlets) used on portable.Sky-Ox systems SK-lo, have adequate oxygen flow to 20,000 feet and are excluded from the requirements of this service letter. Models gulators portable 2600A and 2600B are normally installed oxygen systems. two-outlet on Model reSK-9 Models 2800A and 2800B are pre-set regulators for multi-outlet oxygen systems permanently installed in aircraft. They can be installed as part of FAA STC approved kits as listed in the "Aircraft Affected" section of this service letter. They can also be installed as separate parts or assemblies and locally approved by FAA form 337. When approved in this latter manner, the complete installation system is sometimes designated SK-101. Models 2900A and 2900B are automatic, altitude compensating regulators for multioutlet oxygen systems permanently installed in aircraft. They can be installed as part of FAA STC approved kits as listed in the *Possibly or Rajay 2600 EAST WARDLOW sold by Air-Ox of Portland, Industries as "Sky-Ox". ROAD / P.O. BOX 207 / LONG BEACH, OR, Dye-Ox CALIFORNIA 90801 of Phoenix, / PHONE (213) AZ, 426-0346 Sht SERVICE LETTER No. 26 Rev. 2 of N/C section of this service "Aircraft Affected" letter. They can also be installed as separate parts or assemblies and locally approved by FAA form 337. When approved in this latter manner, the complete installation system is sometimes designated SK-1001. Aircraft Affected: Aircraft Make Travel Air Bonanza Cessna 180 Cessna 182 Cherokee Seneca Twin Comanche Aircraft with a portable SK-10 Sky-Ox oxygen system on-board or with a locally approved Sky-Ox system fixed installation. The following aircraft with a Sky-Ox fixed system installed per the applicable STC are also affected. Aircraft Model 55 & 95 Series 33 & 35 Series G,HCJ (S/N 18051313 & Subsequent) E thru P .(S/N 18253599 & Subsequent) PA32-260 & 300 PA34-200 PA30 & 39 Applicable S.T.C. SA2977WE SA2978WE SA2979WE SA2980WE SA2933WE SA2932WE SA2849XE Type of Compliance: MANDATORY Time of Compliance: Prior to next usage of oxygen system. FAA AD will soon be issued requiring pliance within 60 days. An com- Reason: The affected regulators may not meet the FAA minimum required oxygen flow rate under all circumstances when set by the former method. Purpose: To reset the affected regulators using a method which better simulates altitude and insures the flow rate meets FAA minimums under all circumstances. 4 Sht SERVICE Instructions: A. LETTER No. 26 Rev. 3 of N/C Regulator Models 2600A, 2600B, 2800A ana 1. Inspect Sky-Ox oxygen system regulator and determine if it is Note that only the affected. Models 2700A, 2700B (2779-A-4) four-outlet regulators are not affected. If it is Model 2600A, 2600B, 2800A or 2800B proceed as follows. 2. First inspect further to see if there is a part number 500014-01, 500014-02 or 500016-01 stamped or etched on. Next determine if there is a letter "A" or "RA" stamped just under the left 'side of the serial number. Example: 7955641 or 7955641 RA A If any of the above numbers or letters are stamped on the reguit has already been reset lator, and can be safely used with no further*action required. However, the limits of items 6 & 7 following apply. If neither numbers or letters are present, proceed to item 3 following. 3. Remove regulator, safely package it and return it to Rajay Sky-Ox Sales, at the address shown on this letter. 4. Rajay will reset free of charge, freight paid. 5. A letter enclosed lator will explain and its effect. 6. The Models 2600A and 2700B regulators will be reset to provide adequate flow up to 20,000 feet. 7. The be Up up the regulator, and return it with the reguwhat was done Models 2800A and 2800B will reset to provide adequate flow to 25,000 feet for a pilot and to 9 passengers. 4 Sht SERVICE LETTER No. B. 26 Rev. 4 of N/C Regulator Models 2900A and 2900B Inspect Sky-Ox oxygen system re1. gulator to determine if it is affected. If it is a Model 2900A or 2900B, proceed as follows. 2. First inspect further to see if there is a part number 500015-01 stamped or etched on. Next determine if there is a letter "A" stamped just under the left side of the serial number. Example: 7955641 A If either of the above number or letter is stamped on the regulait has already been reset tor, and can be safely used with no further action required. However, the limits of item 5 following apply. If neither the number or the letter is stamped on, proceed to item 3 following. 3. Telephone or write Rajay Industries and indicate you have a Model 2900A or 2900B regulator. 4. If you choose, you may request Rajay to send an instrument panel placard indicating an oxygen system limit of 20,000 feet. 5. Alternately, you may immediately send your regulator back to Rajay for resetting to a limit of 25,000 feet for a pilot and up to 9 passengers. 6. If desired, you can apply the placard immediately and send in the regulator for resetting to a 25,000 feet limit at some more convenient time before December 31, 1980. If more information Rajay Sky-Ox Sales is needed, by mail or contact telephone. 4 7101 FAIR AVENUE NORTH . HOLLYWOOD, CALIFORNIA June 91605 24, FAA APPROVED SERVICE Subject: Rajay Turbocharger Model 325ElO-2 charger Turbine (Exhaust) Housings letter 0 or E and/or 600510-02. Equipment Affected: Distirubtion To: Time of Aircraft Piper Piper Piper Piper Piper Mooney * (213) 982-4500 1982 LETTER NO. 27 Inspection of P/N TC-60-00 Turbo- Model Turbo Arrow III (PA-28R-201T) Turbo Arrow IV (PA-28-RT-201T) Turbo Dakota (PA-28-201T) Seneca II (PA-34-ZOOT) Seneca III (PA-34-220T) 231 (M20K) ManufacturersEngine ManufacturersMaintenance and/or Aircraft Aircraft Aircraft Bases- Modification Inspection of turbocharger housing is required at first 200 hour unit time in service, and subsequently at the time intervals specified by FAR 591.169 (ie. 100 hours when carring people or giving flight instructions for hire, annually for all others). Compliance: Reason: Formation of hairline cracks have been discovered in the exhaust inlet area of turbine housing TC-60-11 (600510-02) used on Model 325ElO-2 Rajay turbochargers In some cases, the crack in the tongue area has in production since June, 1976. propagated through the outer wall of the turbine housing. Therefore, field and/or propagation inspection monitoring of subject hairline is required cracks in to detect the turbine possible housing. formation Instructions: Perform visual "/N 600510-02, in View 3. A. Turbocharger 1. inspection of the turbine to determine existence of Inspection housing P/N TC-60-11 Rev. Type C, Stage 2 cracks*** D or E and/or as indicated Instructions Installed Turbocharger Inspection - After an initial 200 hours time-inservice operation and each subsequent inspection, visually inspect the turbine housing outer wall for complete penetration of type "Cl', Stage 2, Cracks per View 3. See Section B instructions for more information. TELEX NO 65139O(ROTOMASTER AN 6CllWl LSA, COMPANY . CABLE. ROTOTURBO ROTO-MASTER INC. -2- 2. a. housing w ith a new If Outer Wall Is Penetrated - Rep lace the turbine housing and rep lace the P/N 600510-02 (TC-60-11) (TCM P/N 643930"') gasket with a new P/N 600400-00 (TC-6-30) (TCM P/N 643932** ) gasket, in accordance with the Manintenance Manual G70*, and Section 6 instrucUse a new P/N 600510-04 (TCM P/N tions prior to the next flight. 643931**) if available. b. If Outer Wall Is Not Penetrated perform a removed turbocharger follow and Section B instructions. - At the inspection next per scheduled inspection, the instructions to - Remove the turbocharger (see Section Removed Turbocharger Inspection instructions fonowing) and inspect for cracks as shown in View 1. a. If No Cracks Are Found - Reinstall turbocharger scheduled inspection, reinspect per "Installed - paragraph preceding. b. If An Internal instructions and at the Turbocharger Crack Is Found - Remove turbine housing per and inspect for cracks as shown in View 2. next Inspection" Section 6 (1) If All Internal Cracks Are Within Limits - The turbine housing may be continued in service temporarily if a crack within the limits of View 1 and 2 is found, but the turbine housing must be removed for reinspection every 100 hours of service time. If, in the future, the crack exceeds the limits of View 1, 2, or 3, take action as described in sub-paragraph (2) following. (2) If An Internal Crack Exceedes The Limit - In this case a new turbine housing and.gasket should be installed. If a new housing is unavailable, the old one can be used temporarily, but it must be reinspected per Views 1, 2 and 3 every 25 hours of service until replaced. In any case, when a crack penetrates the outer wall as shown in View 3, the turbine housing and gasket must be replaced prior to the next flight. NOTE: Since earlier Seneca II aircraft may not have the subject turbine housing installed, take special care to inspect the part number per the Section B instructions. If unable to precisely letter, assume it is inspections,per this determine the part number an affected turbine housing Service Letter. or revision and perform If the old turbine housing (P/N TC-60-11, Rev. 0 or E or P/N 600510-02) is replaced with a new one that is affected by this Service Letter, this Service Letter will still apply after the housing accumulates 200 hours service time. After this replacement with a new 600510-04 Service Letter no longer applies. turbine housing, PAGE 1 OF 9 SEPTEMBER 24, 1982 REVISION A 7101 FAIR AVENUE . NORTH SERVICE HOLLYWOOD, CALIFORNIA LETTER 91605 . December 30, (213) 962-4500 NUMBER 27 FAA APPROVED REFERENCE: AD 82-27-03 SUBJECT: Rajay (Effective Turbocharger Inspection P/N TC-60-11 600510-01, Turbine and/or 600510-02. Applies AFFECTED: 325ElO of Turbocharger Housings EQUIPMENT Model 1982) to affected all airplanes certificated that installed have engines all in Rajay and categories turbocharger model 325ElO. DISTRIBUTION Time of TO: Aircraft Manufacturers- Aircraft Engine Aircraft Maintenance Inspection Compliance: housing of and/or the Modification Basesturbine turbocharger required: Within at Manuafcturers- the 50 hours next inspection, unit time aircraft annual whichever Then at in or comes first, 200 hour service, or 100 hour and time-in-service intervals. Reason: Formation of of the turbocharger 600510-02) used since June 1976. area (tongue turbine cracks hairline has turbine on Model In area) some been housing discovered (Rajay 325ElO Rajay cases, the may have part number in through the the housing. TELEX NO 65~1390(ROJOMASJER AN ECHLIll LSAJ COMPANY l the turbochargers crack propagated in CABLE ROJOJURBO inlet area TC-60-11 in production above referenced outer wall or of the SERVICE LETTER NUMBER 27 PAGE 2 OF 9 SEPTEMBER visual Therefore, "Time of and/or propagation Compliance" Upon replacement Ala, AZb(2) Ductile inspection of subject of the with a to new as detect hairline referenced the cracks subject P/N no longer required paragraph, Ni-Resist), Letter is 600510-04 the per P/N above housing. instructions turbine (TCM 1982 formation turbine housing improved-material in possible in turbine 24, housing 643931**), (D5S this Service P/N TC-60-11 applies. DESCRIPTION: Perform and/or a visual P/N indicated A. “... inspection 600510-01, in the 600510-02, Figure Turbocharger of 2, Views to turbine housing determine existence of cracks as 1, 2 and 3. Inspection (See Section B for detailed inspection instructions) 1. Inspection of initial 50 and/or at hours next whichever unit Turbocharger and inspect the ascertain possible presence as shown a. If in Outer P/N Wall and the for Is presence not of with and cracks cracks the operation hours at every than May turbine inspection, 200 hours 31, 1983. housing penetrating - the Replace a new P/N new P/N prior Turbocharger of later Penetrated gasket turbocharger - After to outer 3. housing of 100 Turbocharger gasket 64393p*) Inspection inspect View and/or thereafter but Visually 643931**) port first, Engine time-in-service annual time-in-service, wall on Turbocharger aircraft occurs housing 2. Installed to Removed turbine as shown next from housing in 600510-04 600400-00 the View the (TCM (TC-6-30) P/N (TCM flight. Engine through 1. turbine the Visually exhaust SERVICE LETTER NUMBER 27 PAGE 3 OF 9 SEPTEMBER a. If No Cracks the turbine the 200 hours the unit b. If Are A.l. If for Found of housing may in Cracks are Views 1, be returned the crack monitor 2 200 hours If An Internal in Views gasket of and at inspection of 2 or must in to found within then the service, the turbine but propagation then The the replaced A.1.a housing View 3. 3, Exceeds 3, be and turbine continue at next and time-in-service. Crack 1, specified the - remove as shown Internal subsequent (2) wall turbocharger, repeat Is cracks limits to outer or 1982 above Crack All inner reinstall time-in-service per inspect (1) - on the housing, An Internal and Found 24, Limit - as shown turbine with new housing and housing as above. CAUTION In any case, housing as shown replaced If prior a crack engine inspections View the penetrates 3, next the hoses, the turbine outer wall housing and of a turbine gasket must be flight. penetrated components, unable turbine a crack in to has and replace If when the housing, clamps inspect and mounts for the possible surrounding heat damage as necessary. to determine housing, per the assume this Service part it is Letter. number or an affected revision letter part and of the perform SERVICE LETTER NUMBER 27 PAGE 4 OF 9 SEPTEMBER B. Detail In Inspection certain turbine per Views 1 and housing from 2. housing, a it inspect remove the the aircraft the of the nozzle blanket turbine (See for maintenance cracks manifold that be from the must be turb ine the in seen as on the turb ine per View installed shown 1.) internal cracks from turbocharger inspect penetrating so Figure to turbocharger can is housing complete the V-band the be removed. for exhaust coupling near may be possible walls removal thermal must outer event, area If it and without any internal View inner 3, In disconnected To installations, housing aircraft. 1982 Instructions aircraft the 24, the aircraft as 2, per manual. CAUTION Before removing housing gaskets gasket. (P/N 1. 2. the turbocharger, are available. 600400-00 Remove the Figure 1.) the housing exhaust sure spare Do not or TCM P/N 643932**) or TC-6-30 turbine Disconnect make attempt blanket manifold (if by to turbine reuse installed). removing the (See the coupling V-bands. 3. Make "index aluminum bearing reinstalled 4. 5. in Remove the housing V-band Remove the inspect 6. marks" per joint with While the heat shield on housing the (P/N nut so the and housing turbine and housing rotational on the will be position. carefully remove the bearing 600391). turbine housing Description from A.l. a rawhide housing turbine same correct V-band for the mallet is condition off, the and will 2. Light help inspect and/or bearing housing tapping separate the foreign turbine object and at the them. wheel damage. and SERVICE LETTER NUMBER 27 PAGE 5 OF 9 SEPTEMBER NOTE: When should be rotating the in it replace a. If (or turbine heat not, wheel shield and a Roto-Master or be contacted. of the turbine 600400-00 housing TCM P/N inspection, surfaces 10. parts the adjacent If a new P/N a new turbine After off, 1982 or housing TC-6-30 gasket or TCM P/N gasket. 600510-04 9. the should all with is be difficult. remove 643932** with representative Carefully and housing contact should TCM service 7. turbine 24, appropriately housing the turbine the same the order two mating housing or mandated in needed, Roto-Master P/N 643931**). clean on the Reinstall is original and bearing a by diameters new this gasket housing. turbine housing inspection rotational and as onto the bearing must be pressed position. NOTE: The turbine together 11. housing while the tapping on the tighten and seat Assure that bearing V-band is V-band the the rotational and with is V-band in nut being reinstalled. a rawhide mallet A light will help to V-band. turbine position V-band housing housing (use the approximate to 15 to is the marks same 20 in the made position exact earlier), and inch/pounds same the tighten torque. the Do not 1) and Do not overtighten. 12. Reinstall check the for reinstall turbine free if blanket rotation rotation of is (if used the turbine difficult or - see Figure wheel. scraping noises are heard. 13. Reinstall maintenance and fittings the turbocharger manual. are on Take clean, special undamaged the aircraft care that per all and unobstructed. aircraft oil lines SERVICE LETTER NUMBER 27 PAGE 6 OF 9 SEPTEMBER If 14. housing is Malfunction 15. Check that the after next flight V-band or because Report, torque of cracks, Form 8330-2 is still complete and submit 15 to run-up. and Notes: Teledyne Continental plans additional to Motors offer Fair (TCM) a rebuilt information, Roto-Master, 7101 Defect FAA GAD0 office. Roto-Master For or local References ** replaced contact: Inc.' Avenue North Hollywood, ATTN: Aircraft CA Field 91605 Sales Manager part numbers. exchange program. 20 24, 1982 the to inch/pounds FAA the , ‘. .’ .*’I’ ,’“‘) ‘k / PRACTICE 'TURBINE V-BAND INLET CLAMP TYPICAL TURBOCHARGER INSTALLATION; EXHAUST SYSTEM ARRANGEMENT WILL VARY WITH AIRCRAFT APPLICATION FIG. 1 . . \ sERvi PAGE ROTO-MASTER VIEW 1 INC. Turbine Sept Housing Exhaust Inlet Internal cE 27 LETTER 8 of 9 24,1982 Cracks. , I NTERNAL CRACK Cracks are in this allowable length of area to a .75 inch maximum. NOTE Do not the line misrepresent casting in this as a crack. FIT: 7 TIIRRI NF HOIISING VIEWS parting area ROTO-MASTER sEfwcE INC. LETTER 27 PAGE 9 OF 9 24, SEPT. VIEW 2 View of Turbine Housing with turbo center section removed Cracks in area to 3/4 3 View of Turbine Housing with external inch. in area to this allowable Cracks VIEW 1982 this allowable 2 inches. cracks No cracks any length this area. of in I f cracked, replace FIG. 2 (cont.) TURBINE HOUSING VIEWS immediately. SERVICE ..- q ',O 0 ( LETTER 27A ADDENDUM February 9, 1983 Page 1 of 1 4' 7101 FAIR AVENUE . NORTH SERVICE The following information should be attached thereto HOLLYWOOD, LETTER Roto-Master turbochargers after 600510-04 05s Ductile Ni-Resist by AD 82-27-03. The following Rajay serial turbine 325ElO-1 the older STC's Service and 325ElO-2. model number are affected SE14WE LYC 10-320, SE154SO LYC O-360 SE32WE LYC 10-360, -x, is affected has a serial 982-4500 Letter 27A and The new Rajay 325ElO-1 and is with a not affected by AD 82-27-03: ENGINES engine that (213) affected by AD 82-27-03 has the The 600510-04 05-S Ductile AD has the letters "ON" cast on STC The TCM TSiO-360 Rajay turbocharger . number 203570 came equipped housing and are therefore 3 Ni-Resist housing that is the outside of the scroll. housing that terminates this scroll. engine 91605 27A ADDENDUM is an addendum to Roto-Master and made a part thereof. The model number 325ElO includes models model number 3AT6EElOJ2 is identical to also affected by AD 82-27-03. The 600510-02 Type letter "N" cast on Ni-Resist turbine the outside of the CALIFORNIA by AD 82-27-03 number prior LXO-320 LIO-360 when it is equipped to 203570. with a The other engines mentioned in the AD do not come factory equipped with a Rajay model 325ElO turbocharger. The Rajay systems for these engines do not use a model 325ElO turbocharger. These engines are affected by AD 82-27-03 only when model 325ElO or 3AT6EElOJ2 has been installed in place of the original turbocharger by an FAA field approval or a non Rajay STC. The engines that fall into this catagory are as follows: Lycoming O-320, Continental TO-360, O-470, O-540, 10-470, and TIO-540 10-520, and TIO-540 The Rajay turbine inlet gasket part number is RJO115. The Rajay turbine discharge gasket part number is RJ0114. The turbine inlet and discharge V-band clamps are tightened to 20-30 in. lbs. The TCM TSIO-360 does not use turbine inlet or discharge gaskets. JELEX NO 65-1390 IROJOMASTER AN ECHLll LSA) COMPANV l CABLE ROTOJURBO A Suotrarary ol The Tcxsrar Corporalron SERVICE LETTER Oate: August 3. 1981 FAA Approved A. Subject: 8. C. All Aajay turbocharger oil supply. drain, fuel and air hose assemblies that were changed or modified per the installation drawing for the appropriate Rajay Turbocharger installation Kit. Equipment Affected: All aircraft fitted with an FAAsPMA approved Rajay Turbocharger(s) Installation covered by Supplemental Type Certificate as affected. Distribution: Aircraft Aircraft Aircraft Aircraft Trme of Compliance: At the next 100 hours time-in-service or at the next annual aircraft inspection whichever occurs first. a. PIJ~~OSK / II I , / Operators and/or Owners Modification Bases Maintenance Bases Manufacturers Field service reports have indicated instances of deterioration of the flexible fluid hose (oil. fuel, and air) installed on aircraft powerplant equipped with F&jay turbocharger(s) systems although proper inspection and maintenance practice requires replacement of subject hoses at specified intervals as referenced in the MIL-STU-1523. Since these hose assemblies are probably installed in connection with the tuhocharger having a possible degree of temperature higher than the original. therefore maintenance and inspection at specific intervals must be assured to prevent hose deterioration and in-flight failure. I I I No. 28 -x It has been found that these hose assemblies are not inspected for condition as often as they should be. and therefore improper function of hoses has occurred due to their overaging and deterioration. Hose assemblies found damaged must be replaced prior to the next flight. E. Instructions: Inspect the affected hose assemblies listed in Part F as follows: 1. Hose Assrmbiirs Without Firesleeves - Every fuel, oil and air hose assembly called out on the Aajay Installation Drawing for the reference STCs that is not firesleeved must be inspected for age and condition and must be replaced within three (3) years from the tagged manufactured date with a firesleaved hose assembly per instruction 2. Hoses damaged, deteriorated and/or in un-airworthy condition, must be replaced prior to the next flight. 2. Hose Assemblies With Firesleeves - All fuel. oil and air firesleeved hose assemblies called out on the Rajay Installation Drawing for the STCs must be replaced according to the date that the hose was manufactured. This date is shown on the metal tag wrapped around the hose assembly itself. Reference MIL-STO-1523, paragraph 5.2.3. for assembly date code and Table 1 for age limitations. For each subject hose assembly replaced, substitute a firrrlerved hose assembly of identical design as shown in Part F. 3. The hose assemblies listed in this Service letter are those which were part of the turbocharger installation modification per respective Supplemental Type Certilicai;?. ‘rowever. all other power plant hose assemblies whrch are part of the original Aircraft Type Certification should be inspected for airworthy condition and/or replaced as necessary following thtr Service Letter guideline. Note 1. We recommend that powerplant fuel hoses running from the firewall to the fuel pump and from the fuel pump to the fuel control servo or carburetor also be inspected (and replaced wrth firesleeved equivalents if necessary). Note 2. Since the affected air hoses are not listed in this service letter, contact Rajay Industries for air hose correct part number replacement information. Service Letter No. 28 AAJAY INOUSTRIES. INC. Pqcr AIWC JCOrd dl Bcrch Bonms H35. J35 K35. M3S. N35. P35. 35.33 35.A33. 35.933. 15.u3. E33 F33 SAIZSZWE 601000.60.0094 (156001.60.0094~ 1561001.60.0084 624100.60.0094 lllF417.65-0144 624000.60.0144 601000-60.00'4 (156001.60.0044) 156F001.60.0044 624100.60-0044 601000.60.0170 (156001.60.01701 1561001.60.0170 624100.60.0170 35040260 (11141745.0290) lllF4174S.0260 62400040260 601000.60.0154 (156001.60.0150) 156fOO1.60.0154 624100.60.0154 35040250 (111417.49.0250) lllF417.4S.0250 62400040250 3504.0360 (111417-45.03601 lllF417.45.0360 6240004-0360 35040140 (111417.49.0140) lllF417.4S.0140 62400040140 3504.0180 (111417-4Sm90l 111F417*0180 6240004-0190 35040220 (111417-4S.0220I lllF4174S.0220 62400040220 350.4.0160 (111417.4S.0160) 11lF417-4S0160 62400040160 35040160 (111417.4S.0160) lllF417.4S.0160 624000.4.0~60 350-4-0120 111F417.4s.0120 624000-4-0120 162A l62& 162t 1620. 162E. 192F. 350-6.0170 (111417.6S-01701 1111417.6S.0170 624000.60-0170 35040224 (11147.4S.0224) lllF417-4S.0224 624000.4-0224 192t. I82H. 162.J. 162lC 156001-60-0290 wmo0.60-0290\ 156FOOl.60.0290 624100-60-0290 156001-60-0170 (601000-60.0170) 156FOOl.60.0170 6241M.60.0170 156001.60-0130 (601000.60-0130) 156FOOl-60.0130 624100.60.0130 156001.60-0110 (601000-60.0110l 1561001.60-0110 624100-60.0110 156001.60.0044 (601000.60-a044I 156FOO1.6O.OOU 624100.60.0014 601000.60-0094 (156001-60-0094) 156FOOl.60.0064 624100.60-0094 601000.60.0064 (156001.60.0064) lSBFOO!-60.0064 624100-60-0064 9490100004F0290 94F0100004F0-290 lllF417JS-0290 6240004-0290 X0.6.0220 (lII47.6SO220~ 1IlF417.6S.0220 624000.60.0220 350-6.0144 (11417.65.0144l 180 1809. 1800 l9OF. 18OH. 180 Cum18 SAll57WE 162 SAlO32WE 3SO.6.0300 ll1F417.6S.0300 (111417.65.03001 624600.60.0300 162L 162M. 350.6.0114 162N.192P (111417.BS.0114) lllF417.6S-0114 624000.60.0114 35040064 (1114174.9-0094~ lllF4174S-0064 6240004.0064 35040054 (11141745.00541 lllF417JS.0054 624000.4.0054 156001.80.0190 (601000.60-0190~ 1561001.60.019G 624100.60.0190 156001-60.0064 (601000.60.0064) 156FOOl.60.0094 624100.60.0064 156001.60~00U (6i1000.60.0044( 156FOOl.60-0044 624100.60.0044 1114174S.0260 (350.4.02601 lllF417.49.0260 624000.4-0260 111417.45:0220 (350-4.0220) 624600.4-0220 111417.4s.0140 (3504014Oj lllF417.4S.0140 624000.4.0140 94F0100004F0140 llIF417-4S.0140 624000.4-0140 350.6-0190 (111417.6S.01901 624000.60.0160 350.6.0220 1111417.6S.0220) lllF417.6S.6220 624000.60-0220 624000.60.0130 (111417.68.0130~ lllF417.6s.0130 350.6-0154 (111417.6s.o154( lllF417.6S.0154 624000.60-0154 350-4-0360 (111417.4s-0360) lllF417.45-0360 624000.4.0360 35a.4.0140 (lll417.4S.011oj 111F417.4S.0140 624000-4.0140 601000.60.0130 156F001.60.0130 624100-60-0130 601000-60-0194 156FOO1.60.0194 624100.60-0194 94601000041014(1 cama IBOA. 18Oc. 18OE. l80G I8OJ trms (Cont'dl 6s~ Nom 1. for mhm pmnr phlc lwi hour snd us NOIS 2. la *r hossr. 1 cssmr 2lOA. 210 2106. SA1096WE 21OC. 210.5 (205). 2\04A lllF417.4S.0220 I11F417.6S.0160 624000.60.0130 350-6.0170 (111417.65.01701 1111417.65.0170 624000-60-0170 350.6-0300 (II el7.6S0300) 1111417.6.9.0300 624000-60.0300 350.6-0114 (1l14l7.6S.01141 111F417.650114 624000.60.0114 350.6-0090 II 11417.68.009Ol lllF417.6S-0090 624000-60.0090 601000.60.0154 156FOO1.60.0154 624100.60-0154 601000.60-0114 (156001.60.0114i 1561001.60.0114 624100.60.0114 601000-60.0114 156FOOl-60.0114 624100.6D-OIlI 601000-60.0250 (156001.60.02501 1561001~60-0250 624\00.6D.0250 601000.60-0064 156F001.60.0094 624100.60.0064 (20511 ISse Nms I. Im mhm ~OWW Lllml fud harsr rnd I,, Nms 2. for a,, hour.) Pap* 3 d 8 . Service AAJAY INDUSTRIES. INC. 601000-60.0154 (156001.60.0154~ 156F001.60-0154 624100.60.0154 601000.60.0130 (156001~60.0130) Rpa Comrncho (ConI’d1 350.4.0250 111~4174S.0250 62400040250 156F001.60.0130 624100.6D.0130 I114174.9.0250 lllF417.4s.0250 62400040250 3504.014a (111417-4S.014at 156fOO1.4S.0140 624100.40-0140 350.4-0360 lllF417.4S0360 62400040360 3504-0260 (111417.4s.02601 lllF417-4S.0260 624000.4-0260 111417.4S.0360 11lf4l7~S.0360 62400040360 35040160 lt11417.4s.0160) lllF417.4S.0160 62400040160 MS28741.6.0154 lllF417.6S.0154 624QOO.60.0154 350.4.0360 11114174s-03601 lllF417-4S.0360 62400040360 6240004.0360 lllF4174S0360 62400040360 35040290 11114174Sm90) lllF4174S.0290 62400040290 624000.6.0250 lllF417.6S.0250 624000.60-0250 156001-60.0290 156FO01.60-0290 624100-60.0290 624000.4-0224 lllF417-4S.0224 6240004-0224 sairr u (SO pl4M Mao I. la OIhw povw t"d hOSO 8"d 144 Not@ 2. air h4ur.l lllf417.65.0094 (624000.6-OO641 lllF417.6S0064 624000.60-0064 62400040160 111F4174S.0160 624000.4-0160 lllF417.6S.0300 l624000-6.03001 lllF417.WI300 624000.60-0300 601000.60.0199 156FO01.60-0190 624100.60.0190 111F417.690250 (624000.6.0250\ lllF417.6S.0250 62400080-0250 6010aa.60.0170 156FOOl.60.0170 624lM.60-0170 1114174S.0160 111F4174S-O160 62400040160 601000-60-0154 156FO01.60.0154 624lW~60.0154 624000-6.0246 111F4175S0240 624000.6OJl240 624000.6.0170 lllF417.6S0170 624000-60.0170 624000-40.0160 111F417.4S0160 62400040160 601000.60-0190 156FOOl.60.0190 624100-60-0190 601000.60-0170 156FOOl-60.0170 624100.60-0170 ,- SA2356Wt SAZ657WE hwlgnl-Al1 4500.300. 45no.300 la PIPOf Comrncho PA.24400 Letter No. 28 Mi4 SAi58SO It295 644 Nolo 1.tw pl4nt tuol bout ta at h4rw mtmr mww and so. NOIO 2. 601000.60.0250 (156001-60-0250) 156F001.60-0250 624100.60-0250 601000-60.0190 tl56001.60-0190) 156HMl.60.0190 6241W.60.0190 601600.00.0064 156FOO1.6ll.0064 624100.60-0064 156FOO1.6O.OOU 6241M-60.0044. 601000-60.0044 156fOOl.60.0044 624100.60.0044 MS26741.6.0130 lllF417.6S.0130 624000.60.013tl 350.6-0170 lllF417.65.0170 624000.60-0170 MS.2074140360 lIlF4174S.0360 62400040360 350.4.012a 111F417.4S.0120 624000.4-0120 MS26741-4-0160 111F417.4S.0160 62400040160 350.6.0240 ~111417.6S02401 lllF417.6S.0240 624000.60.0240 MS2674140160 ~1114174501601 (35040160) 111F4174S.0160 624aOO.4.0160 3506.0130 (llt417.6~0130) lllF4l7.6S.0130 624000.60.0130 624000.6-0170 9460100004F0l40 94f0100004F0140 IIlF417.4S.0140 6240004-6140 1111417.6S.0170 624000.60.0170 601000-60.0190 156fOO1.60-0190 624100.60.0190 601000.60.0170 156F001.60.0170 6241aO.60.0170 601000.60.0064 156FOOl-60.0084 624100-60-0064 601000.60.0044 156FOOl.60.0044 624100-60.0044 350.6.0170 111F417.6S~l170 624000-60-0170 nalto 9480100004F0100 94FO100004fO224 lllF4174S-0224 62400040224 9460100004FO240 24F0100004F0240 1111417.45-0240 624000.4-0240 SA125SO (Se4 Nom I. la plmlbdhosrrmdmNou2 la Ishaurl 94F010000410100 111F417.4S.0100 624000.4-0100 9460100004f0224 n395 Pqr 5 01 6 other 4411, Service Letter No. 28 RAJAY INDUSTRIES. INC. Ill4ll voontr Icon1 dl rs.0140 (150.4~01401 I1lf4l7.rS.0140 624000.4.0140 111417.4s.0260 (350.4.02601 (94&llOOOU4m26Ol I IlF417.4S-0260 11141145.0360 135a4.036001 llIf4l7-1SU36a 6240004036'3 l114174S0220 i35o+a220~ 11lf4174S01M 624000.4.0220 350.4.0170 111f417.4s.ai70 624000.4.0170 350.4-0220 (11141745.02201 Illf417.4S.0220 624000~4-0220 350-4-0360 (111417.43.0360) 11lf417.4S.0360 6240004-0360 82404a.6.0330 lllF502.6S.0330 62404a.60.0330 624OM.6.0270 lllFJ02-6S.0270 624a4a-60.a270 624000.6.0300 111141?-6S.0300 624000.60-0300 350.4.al60 11114174S016.0 624000.4.0160 624(300.6.0300 111f417.6S.0360 624QOO.60.0360 350.6.0220 624000 4.0260 94F0lwoa4M260 94F0loa0a4ml20 94f01CW04Fo120 IIIf4I7.4S.OI20 624000.4.0120 36El100006LlOO90 36mlOO006MX)90 l56fOOl.60.0090 624100~60.0090 94miomo3mi6a 94mloaoo3oo18o 11IF417.3S.0180 624000.3.5160 94FO6OOM)6FO210 94F0600006M210 l1lF503.60.0210 624023.60.0210 94FOlOOa06F0204 94Faloaoa6fa204 111F417.60.0204 624oM.60.0204 94mNlaaMFa25a 94f0100OO6F0054 94F0100006F0054 1l1f417.60.0054 624OOO.60-0054 94F0100OO6FO330 94f0100006F0330 lllf417.6S.0330 624000.60.0330 624OUI.8-0450 (lllfso1.Es015a~ 111F501.60.0450 624040.60.0450 62UlUl.&O2u) (lllF6o1-8SO24o~ lllF5ol.aLl-a24a 624010.60-0240 624040.6-0360 iilF502.a~.0380 624040.60-0360 111F417-6sa220 624OOO.60.0220 624OOO.CO120 (lllH1?4.S-o120) 111F4174S0120 024000.c0120 111F417-450160 624OOO.4.0160 824000.4.0064 (111H174sux4) 111f4174S.0054 624000.4.0054 94miomo4m25o lllF417JS.0250 621000.4.0250 lllF417.6S0360 lllF417.60.0360 6240W.80.0330 Piper onra PA-24.200 SA2937WE (ha Nmm 1. la phmlwlhm9rmdu~ Ir a# hour) othrr pwer Notr2. h#bH-6000-8 I 15 Mll-H.6000.6 I 10 94Kl1aam4fwa4 lllF4l?-ISOO64 62UJlJO.4.0064 SA3555Wt lll4l7.4S.0360 (35040360~ lllf4174S-0360 624000.40360 '111417.15.0220 (3504.022Oj lllf417.4S0220 624000.4.0220 948xoma3m29a 94rnlu3aa3rJl29o 111F417.3S.0290 624000.3.0290 9410?ooouf0240 94f07awll9m240 111f502.65.0240 624Ou1.6D.0240 94mllnmo6M160 1111417.6s.0180 624000.6D-0160 94Falmao6M120 111f41?-6S.0120 624000.60.0120 WO1OOUOUM54 94f01wao4ma54 11 lf417.4s.0054 624@00.4.0054 368010(300600190 36MKXXl6W190 156F00l.60.0190 624lOOWJ-0190 MIL.H.6000.6 wfh AE102-14.0140 2650-14.&l Mll.H.6000.6 VJltll AE102.14.0090 I 15 x IO 2650.14.:090 bech Trlrrlllr 95, 995. 6951. 09511 E95 sAi53sa (See Nlm I. la planI lud hourlnd la alI hour.) o1hr power SW NoI8 2. 156001.60-0130 #010006001301 156F001.60.0130 624100.60-0130 lllf41?-bS-0360 (624ooo64160) 11IF417.6S.0360 624IBO600360 lllf4l?-lS-0094 (624@JO+OO94) 624aooJ.0094 ~i1f4l74s-o25a 1350.M250) lllf417-1S.0250 624000.4. ?50 11141?4s-0360 111F4171S.0360 6240004.0360 11141?4S-0220 lllF417JS.0220 624000.4.0220 111417.4S.0160 1350.4-01601 1111417-4s.0180 624000-4.0180 350-4.0360 1l1f417.4S.0360 624000.4.0160 ll1F417.4S0094 AIR HOSEREPLACEMENTINFORMATION Ref: Service Letter No. 28 Affected Aircraft September 21, Inspect And Or Replace Old Hose Assy (Stratoflex aeech 3onanza s35, v35, V35A, V35B, 35-C33A, E33A, E33C, F33A, F33C SA2556WE 93B0100003D0170 93B0100004D0100 93B010000~D0340 93B0100003D0340 193FOOO-3D-0170 193FOOO-LD-0100 193FOOO-40-0340 193FOOO-3D-0340 103698-01 103699-01 103699-02 103698-03 .k!ro SA683WE, 359-3D-0280 359-3D-0164 359-2D-0240 193FOOO-3D-0280 193FOOO-3D-0164 193FOOO-2D-0240 103698-10 103698-12 103697-12 Piper Apache PA-23 & PA-23-160 -3 iper Apache PA-23 & PA-23-160 SA126OWE AN6270-3-22 (359-3D-0220) AN6270-3-19 (359-3D-0190) 193FOOO-3D-0220 103698-07 193FOOO-3D-0190 103698-02 SALl637WE AN6270-3-15 193FOOO-3D-0150 103698-06 Piper Aztec PA-23-235 h ?A-23-250 SAj39WE 359-3D-0100 359-20-0340 359-413-0260 359-40-0170 359-20-0190 359-2D-0070 359-3D-0300 193FCOO-3D-0100 193FOOO-2D-0340 193FOOO-4D-0260 193FOOO-4D-0170 193FOOO-2D-0190 193FOOO-2D-0070 193FOOO-3D-0300 103698-C5 103697-11 103699-04 103699-05 103697-06 103697-09 103698-13 Piper Aztez PA-23-250 & PA-E23-250 Serb1 X0. 27-2505 & SA84OWE AN6270-4-26 AN6270-2-24 AN627C-2-14 AN6270-3-24 AN6270-3-14 AN6270-4-34 AN6270-2--34 193FOOO-40-07.60 193FOOO-2D-0240 193FOOC-2D-0140 193FOOO-3D-0240 193FOOO-3D-0140 193FOOO-4D-0340 193FOOO.?D-0310 103699-04 103697-12 103697-14 103698-14 103698-15 103699-02 103697-11 SA1252WE AN6270-2-34 AN6270-2-19 AN6270-2-17 193FOOO-2D-0340 193FOOO-2D-0190 193FOOO-2D-0170 103697-11 103697-06 103697-07 1 Commander 5OOA Subs. Beech Bonanza "75, 535, 5, M35 .35, P35, 35-33 35433, 35-a33, 35-C33, E33, F33 Install (If New Hose Assy Necessary) P/N) (Ralay 1981 Supplemental Type Certificate Mode * Date: P/N) RAJAY INC. range l-.Air LjOO-300, G500-30C Series II SA2637WE 359-3D-0120 359-3D-0100 359-2D-0220 359-213-0200 359-2D-0190 359-2D-0170 193FOOO-3D-0120 193FOOO-3D-0100 193FOOO-2D-0220 193FOOO-2D-0200 193FOOO-ZD-0190 193FOOO-ZD-0170 103698-04 103698-05 103697-15 103697-04 103697-06 103697-07 Helio H295 SA156SO 359-2D-0240 359-2D-0170 193FOOO-2D-0240 193FOOO-2D-0170 103697-12 10369767 Helio H395 SA125SO 359-2D-0240 359-2D-0170 193FOOO-2D-0240 193FOOO-2D-0170 103697-12 103697-07 SA22&3WE AN6270-2-40 AN6270-2-30 AN6270-3-19 M6270-2-36 AN6270-2-10 193FOOO-2D-0400 193FOOO-2D-0300 193FOOO-3D-0190 193FOOO-2D-0360 193FOOO-2D-0100 103697-03 103697-02 103698-02 103697-08 103697-01 SA2270WE AN6270-4-29 359-4D-0260 359-4D-0170 359-4D-0140 193FOOO-4D-0290 193FOOO-4D-0260 193FOOO-4D-0170 193FOOO-4D-0140 103699-03 103699-04 103699-05 103699-06 Lake LA-4-200 SA2990WE AN6270-3-34 193FOOO-3D-0340 103698-03 Piper Lance PA-32R-300 SA3512!JE 93B0100004DD200 93BOlOOOO4DD260 93B0100004D0100 93B0100004DO140 93B0100002D0190 193FOOO-4D-0220 193FOOO-4D-0260 193FOOO-4D-0100 193FOOO-2D-0140 193FOOO-2D-0190 103699-11 103699-04 103699-01 103699-06 103697-06 Mooney tl20A, M20B, M20C, M20D, H20G SA1156WE AN6270-3-15 359-3D-0190 (~~6270-3-19) 193FOOO-3D-0150 193FOOO-3D-0190 103698-06 103698-02 Mooney M20E, M2OF SA1411WE 359-3D-0340 (AN6270-3-34) 359-3D-0120 359-3D-0020 359-3D-0160 193FOOO-3D-0340 103698-03 193FOOO-3D-0120 193FOOO-3D-0220 193FOOO-3D-0160 103698-04 103698-07 103698-08 Sritten Norman u INDUSTRIES, Islander BN-2, BN-2A, BN-2A-6, BN-2A-8, BN-2A-9 Lake 'A-4, LA-h J Page 3 of 4 PAGE 1 OF 7 APRIL 23, 1986 7101 FAIR AVENUE * SERVICE NORTH HOLLYWOOD, LETTER CALIFORNIA 91605 - (818) 982-4500 27A, Rajay NUMBER 29 REFERENCE: AD 82-27-03, Roto-Master Service Letter 21. SUBJECT: Roto-Master (formerly Rajay) turbocharger turbine This procedure also includes housing inspection. one time EGT gauge installation and/or redlining, and then periodic calibration checks thereafter. EQUIPMENT TIME Letter All aircraft and rotorcraft equipped Roto-Master turbochargers regardless turbine housing, or application. AFFECTED: DISTRIBUTION Service TO: Aircraft Aircraft OF COMPLIANCE: and Engine Maintenance with Rajay of model, Manufacturers and/or Modification DESCRIPTION: This service areas: A.) To establish the existence of turbine Bases letter addresses procedure for a periodic housing cracks, and to set the following inspection serviceable to detect limits. B.) To install a redlined EGT gauge if not previously so equipped, redline and/or placard and calibrate the existing gauge to clearly the pilot of the "never to exceed temperature" for the particular application. To recommend or The following turbocharger turbine housing inspection and gauge calibration should be incorporated as part of the regularly scheduled aircraft annual or 100 hour inspection as normally required for the particular aircraft application. --... /' C.) a operating procedures that will extend turbocharger three the or to inform life. REASON: Hairline thermal stress relief cracks had previously tongue area of some older non-ductile Ni-Resist Rajay SL 27A and AD 82-27-03 require inspection of 600510-02 ductile turbine housings to safeguard against cracks housing wall section and permit exhaust gas to enter If cracks were found that exceeded the allowable limits, be replaced with the new 600510-04 (TCM P/N 643931*) turbine housing and service letter 27A would no longer TELEX NO. 6.51390 (ROTOMASTER AN ECNllfl ISA). COMPANY CABLE: been discovered in the turbine housings. (Note: and TC-60-11 nonthat could permeate the the engine compartment.) the housings were to D5S Ductile Ni-Resist apply. t?OTOTURBO ROTO-MASTER INC. SERVICE LETTER PAGE 2 OF 7 APRIL 23, 1986 -. The foregoing inferred that the new 0% Ductile Ni-Resist turbine housings This is not the case as all aircraft would function in a crack free state. turbocharger turbine housings are subject to hairline thermal stress relief This is particularly true of the Roto-Master and cracks of varying degrees. Rajay turbine housings that have been exposed to exhaust gas temperatures (EGT) in excess of 1650 degrees F. Subsequent to the promulgation of SL 27A and AD 82-27-03 there have been. reports of cracked housings on less severe applications that were not covered by the AD, as well as some new 600510-04 (TCM P/N 643931") 05s Ductile Ni-Resist replacement turbine housings. All of the newly reported cracks were internal and as they do not propagate rapidly, the housings could still be considered serviceable. The cracks therefore, operating cases. A.) were attributable to high exhaust gas temperatures (EGT) and, we must conclude that a lack of proper instrumentation and/or procedures were major contributing factors in a majority of these TURBINE HOUSING INSPECTION AND ACCEPTABLE SERVICE LIMITS: A dye penetrant inspection of the turbine housing to determine the existence be included as of cracks as indicated in figure 2, Views 1, 2 and 3 should part of the aircraft annual or 100 hour inspection as normally required for the aircraft application. -y Detailed Inspection and Assembly Instructions: NOTE: Before removing the gaskets are available. for parts list) turbocharger, Do not make attempt the turbocharger(s) per 2. Remove the turbine blanket 3. Disconnect 4. Scribe "index marks" on the turbine housing and on the aluminum bearing housing so the turbine housing can be reinstalled in the same rotational position. If a new housins is to be installed. transfer the mark on the old housing to the same location on the new housing. 5. Remove bearing 6. Remove the turbine housing joint with a rawhide mallet inspect per figure 2. exhaust (if pipes the V-band nut and carefully housing (V-band P/N 600391). from will Maintenance housing Fig. 1 Remove any remaining Aircraft necessary turbine the gaskets. (See 1. housing the sure the to reuse manual. installed). by removing remove the large the bearing housing. help separate them. the coupling V-band V-bands. from Light tapping Dye penetrant the at the 29 ROTO-MASTER INC. SERVICE LETTER PAGE 3 OF 7 APRIL 23, 1986 CAUTION! IF CRACKS ARE FOUND THAT PENETRATE THE OUTER WALL OF THE HOUSING OR EXCEED THE LIMITS SHOWN IN FIGURE 2, REPLACE THE HOUSING WITH THE HOUSING SPECIFIED IN FIGURE 1. CRACKED TURBINE HOUSINGS CANNOT BE REPAIRED BY WELDING OR ANY OTHER PROCESS. DO NOT REPLACE A 600510-04 (TCM 643931*) "DN" TYPE TURBINE HOUSING WITH THE OLD STYLE 600510-02 (TCM 643930*) "N" TYPE TURBINE HOUSING. THE OLD 600510-02 (TCM 643930") "N" TYPE TURBINE HOUSINGS MUST BE INSPECTED PER AD 82-27-03 AND SERVICE LETTER 27. IF A CRACK HAS PENETRATED THE HOUSING INSPECT THE SURROUNDING ENGINE COMPONENTS, HOSES, CLAMPS, AND MOUNTS FOR POSSIBLE HEAT DAMAGE. REPAIR OR REPLACE DAMAGED PARTS AS NECESSARY. 7. While the and spring housing is off, visually inspect the turbine wheel, ring for condition and/or foreign object damage. heat shield, NOTE: When the turbine shield into the the heat shield off, the spring --h i li housing is off, the spring ring should push the heat turbine wheel, and rotating it should be difficult. If is loose, or if pieces of the spring ring have broken ring must be replaced. 8. Carefully remove all parts of a new P/N 600400-00 or TC-6-30 9. After inspection, surfaces on the clean turbine the turbine or TCM P/N housing 643932* and inspect the two mating housing and bearing housing. gasket gasket. diameters and replace with and gasket CAUTION! INSPECT THE PILOT DIAMETER ON THE ALUMINUM BEARING HOUSING FOR EROSION DUE TO OVERTEMPERATURE OR CHEMICAL ATTACK. THE PILOT DIAMETER SHOULDER MUST BE CAPABLE OF RADIALLY LOCATING THE TURBINE HOUSING TO WITHIN .Oll TIR. A BEARING HOUSING THAT CANNOT POSITIVELY LOCATE THE TURBINE HOUSING WILL ALLOW THE TURBINE WHEEL TO RUB ON THE HOUSING AND MUST BE REPLACED. 10. Reinstall the this inspection position. same or a new turbine housing onto the bearing housing in as appropriately the original mandated rotational by NOTE: The turbine housing the V-band is being rawhide mallet will 11. Assure that the turbine the marks made earlier), and tighten the V-band overtighten. and bearing housing must be pressed together reinstalled. A light tapping on the V-band help to tighten and seat the V-band. housing is in the same rotational the V-band is in the approximate nut to 15 to 20 inch/pounds torque. while with a position (use same position Do not 29 ROTO-MASTER 1 r-l..., 12. INC. Reinstall turbine noises SERVICE LETTER PAGE 4 OF 7 APRIL 23, 1986 the turbine blanket Do not reinstall wheel. are heard. (if if used) and check for free rotation of rotation is difficult or scraping 29 the 13. Reinstall the turbocharger on the aircraft per aircraft maintenance manual. Take special care that all oil lines and fittinqs are clean, Insure that check valves are correctly undamaged and unobstructed. Rajay aftermarket turbocharger installed for applications requiring them. kits use a turbine inlet and outlet gasket. (P/N RJ0115 and RJ0114 respectively) The TCM* TS10360 does not use turbine inlet or discharge gaskets. Tighten the inlet and outlet V-band clamps to 20-30 in-lbs. 14. Perform a ground runup to check for air, oil or exhaust leaks while also listening for scraping noises emanating from the turbo. Many installations are only designed to compensate for altitude and therefore Recheck that the torque for will not make boost during a ground runup. all V-bands is still correct after next flight or long run-up. 15. If a turbine housing is replaced because of cracks that have exceeded the serviceable limits, complete an FAA Malfunction or Defect Report, Form 8330-Z and submit to the local FAA GAD0 office. Please also indicate when or if the EGT gauge had been redlined and calibrated per steps B. and C. of this service letter. B.) EXHAUST TEMPERATURE GAUGE INSTALLATION AND REDLINING. Turbine housing life can be extended considerably by taking care not to exceed the maximum rated turbine inlet temperature. In many installations the pilot has no way of knowing if the maximum EGT is being exceeded because there is no redline or even numbers on the gauge. In some cases an EGT gauge was never installed. Any turbocharged engine should have an EGT gauge installed if not so equipped. Existing installations should have the gauge calibration checked. The gauge should be clearly redlined at the maximum allowable temperature. Gauges with actual temperature numbers may be placarded with the EGT limits instead of being redlined. Engines originally Type Certificated (T.C.) with a turbocharger should have the gauge redlined per the engine and/or aircraft manufacturers' EGT specification as applicable. Never exceed 1650 degrees F for Rajay or Roto-Master turbochargers in any application. 1600 degrees F or less is recommended for longer life on these applications. If the turbocharger must be used. If was installed the STC does per an STC, the not specify a limit, limits specified never exceed by the STC 1600 deg. F. CAUTION! OPERATING WITHIN SPECIFIED EGT LIMITATIONS MAY RESULT IN HIGHER FUEL CONSUMPTION RATES THAN MAY HAVE BEEN PREVIOUSLY ATTAINABLE WITH EXCESSIVE LEANING. FUEL FLOW RATES SHOULD BE CONFIRMED BEFORE RELYING ON PRIOR OR PUBLISHED FUEL RANGE CALCULATIONS. ROTO-MASTER INC. SERVICE LETTER PAGE 5 OF 7 APRIL 23, 1986 29 --_ C.) RECOMMENDED OPERATING PROCEDURES. like that of most engine parts, is adversely affected by Turbine housing life, extremes and/or sudden changes in temperature. A very severe thermal shock occurs during an abru t change from a high EGT lean cruise setting, to a low The turbine housing is suddenly chilled by power setting prior'ddescent. the blast of cold outside air, especially at altitude or in cold weather. Making a gentle transition from lean cruise to a lower temperature setting whenever possible will extend the life of the turbine housing. Some turbocharger manufacturers require an extended idling period prior to shutdown to prevent the cast iron bearing housing from coking. Rajay and Roto-Master Aircraft turbochargers have aluminum bearing housings and do not Extended idling prior to shutdown is not have an oil coking problem. required, or harmful to a Rajay or Roto-Master turbocharger. Figure 1. PART NUMBER INTERCHANGE Old /I.%, 3 ./' P/N 600509-01 600509-02 600510-01 600510-02 600511-01 600511-02 600511-03 600511-04 TC-6-30 TC-59-11 TC-60-11 TC-82-11-l TC-82-11-2 TC-248-11-l TC-248-11-2 RJ0114 RJ0115 * Teledyne Description Turbine Turbine Turbine Turbine Turbine Turbine Turbine Turbine Turbine Turbine Turbine Turbine Turbine Turbine Turbine Turbine Turbine Continental Replace Housing FlO Housing F80 Housing E80 Housing El0 Housing FlO-LH Housing FlO-RH Housing F80-LH Housing F80-RH housing gasket Housing FlO Housing El0 Housing FlO-LH Housing FlO-RH Housing F80-LH Housing F80-RH inlet gasket outlet gasket Motors (TCM) 600509-03 600509-04 600510-03 600510-04 600511-05 600511-06 600511-07 600511-08 600400-00 600509-03 600510-04 600511-05 600511-06 600511-07 600511-08 RJ0114 RJ0115 part With P/N TCM P/N* 643931 643932 t-- t" 643931 Not Not Used Used numbers. CAUTION! ANY TC 60-11 OR 600510-02 (TCM 643930*) OLD STYLE NON DUCTILE NI-RESIST TURBINE HOUSINGS THAT ARE STILL IN SERVICE MUST BE INSPECTED PER AD THESE HOUSINGS ARE TREATED SEPARATELY IN SERVICE LETTER 27A. 82-27-03. THIS SERVICE LETTER DOES NOT SUPERSEDE AD 82-27-03 OR SL 27A. THIS SERVICE LETTER ONLY APPLIFS-IN THESE APPLICATIONS AFTER THE HOUSING HAS BEEN REPALCED WITH A NEW DUCTILE D5S NI-RESIST 600510-04 HOUSING. For further information contact: Roto-Master Inc. 7101 Fair Ave. North Hollywood, (818) 982-4500 CA. 91605 ROTO-MASTER INC. SERVICE LETTER 29 PAGE6 OF7 APRIL VIEW 1 Turbine Housing Exhaust Inlet Internal 23, 1986 Cracks INTERNAL Cracks are CRACK in this allowable length of area to .75 inch maximum. NOTE Do not the line misrepresent casting in this as a crack. FIG 2 TURBINE HOUSING VIEWS parting area a RO TO-MASTER INC. SERVICE LETTER 29 PAGE 7 OF 7 APRIL VIEW 2 View of Turbine Housing with turbo center section 1986 23, removed Cracks area to in allowable .75 Cracks area to VIEW 3 View of Turbine housing with exterpal inch. in this allowable 2 inches. cracks No cracks i ., length this area. TURBINE HOUSING VIEW in cracked, replace ,,..-_- of any If FIG. 2 (CON-L) this immediately.