ChiefMr`s R.A,Daniel
ChiefMr`s R.A,Daniel
39 LadmokCompany Ltd 40 Aeromaritimf!{Nlg}ltd 12, SanniSeilo Close)Apo ZOl'\e 0, AbuJa M.A.N House (4th Floor) 77, Obafemi Awolowo lkeja Lagos Parboiled Rice White Rice Cassava RlceTraders Parboiled Rice White Rice Rice 'Importer Parboiled Rice White Rice Rlce lmporter Mr. Dennis N. Ekeh 23401 SS4 2199, Telex: 234 i :54002~ / 7 Extabl1shed;1987,16 Employees, Banker USA Parboiled Rice White Rice Rlce Importer Chief MOKanu Established 1966,158 Parboiled Rice Whlte Rice Rlce'lmporter Parboiied Rice Rice Importer ChiefMr's R.A,Daniel No. Way, 2~ 80334~ 8241, 2~ 805 517 5004 ladmo!< E.F.PATTIUQ PMB 1193, Lagos Nigeria 23401873 S43 Extabl1shed:1$79, 482 Employees. 42 Ekeh Enterprise Chlef,Azu PO BOX 1361, Aba, Imo Stat$,Nigerla 41 Azl.!Owoh Utah & BrothersCo OwohUtah Established 1955, 17 Employees Co.,Ud 43 'l<anu & Sons &, Co.Lt£! 43 KarakaEnterpr[s~ PO BOX 181, 101 Oklto Str. Ebuta-Metta, Lagos,Nigeria p'o BOX 802, Aba:imo State, Nigeria, PO BOX814, PortHarcourt, River State; Nigeria G.O.A. Chllo]1 Established197110 44 GarmaneMultl Ventures .Ltd RC 852097 sullte 107"1st Floor, Copper House, (Opp FCTHigh 'Court), Wuse zone SAbula Employ~s Barry-Wright Tanga( +234(0)8057963017, Employees Mol CEO} +234(0) 703 928 5239 White Rice Parboiled Rice Whlte:Rlce Rlce'lmporter Ricldmpot1er/ rice farming ImIIIlng ,RIce farming/Importation infogermanemultlveii@gmaiLcom tangabarry@yahClD.Coll\ 109 Lotah'Bu!ldlng"Almurar Dubaiuniteci Arab Emirate 971 (O) 555 969867 45 lJltimate Foods Limited S Mavo~i.nne,Road, OldG:R.AJemeta Yola/P.O Box 22S5,Yola Kautal Halru Company Ltd,Tawakalf House, Ground floor,Block B Plot 269,Maldugurl Rd,POBox 14601,Kano AlhaJ! Mohammed Bashlr TuJ<ur• C~airman (234)075- 634504;(234)805 266 ,6695 , ufood'sltd@gh'l<llLcom MAJOR RICE IMPORTERS, COMPANY NAME 1 Stallion Group Nigeria Ltd TRADERS, OI~TRIBUTORS AND ..DEALERSIN NIGERIA ArlDRESSEs CONTACT PERSONS [PHONE NUMBERS REqUIREMENT PRODUCTS Plot 22.5 Apapa road, Iganmu ~OgaS,Nigeri,! Mr. Mahesh Vaswani ·(Gr:oupManaging Dir.) Mr. Mahesh Kewaraiamini (Managing Dir) Rice Companies Parboiled Rice White Rice Rlce.Compani~ Parbolld Rice White Rice Rice Companies ParbolldRlce Rice Companies Parboiled Rice White RIce 234 702.8457777, 234 ·8036560000 www; Mr. Cecil Mike Limev (Deputy M.Diector) 2348034063366 a.otam Nigeria Olam NigerIa Plet 5&6, Abebe VIllage Rd Opposite FBN Regional Office lagnmu,l.agos, Nigeria Mr. Mlikul Msrthur (CcuntryHeadl 234709 317 7958, 234 807 709 0301 mukuJ;mathur@olamnet;com Mr. ahuwanSaurilV(Bus.H~ad··Rlce) 234 807 709 0313, 234709319 22.92 3 DangoteGroup Nigeria Ltd 4 Topcee Food NIgeria Ltd 5-Mllan Group NIgeria Ltd ~·E1ephant Group Head Office: Dangote Group :Nigerla Ltd Marbl House l,.Alfred Rawane Rd Falomo Ikoyi tagos , PMB 40032 Falomo (koVI,. Lagos, NIgrela Adamawa Plaza central District Abuja. Alh.Ado Dangote(EKeeutlveoirector) TcpeeePccd Nigeria Ltd Plot:64B Amiwo·Odefinlndustrlal scheme Commerclal.l.ayout Apapa Express· Way:Lqgos,Nigeria Mr. Habib George (Director) Milan Group Nigeria Ltc! Victoria-Island, Lagos, Nigeria Mr.J;B.kan (Dlretor) (234). 014619702,(234) gbkar@milam.nigerla;com Elephant Group Z1 Opepi·Rd, Ikeja, LagO.5,Nigeria Mr •.Tunji Owoeye (Managing Director) tunii@elephantriroUpltd.n·et (234) 803 691 5565,,(234) 01 269 5108·9 dealdoadkamal(ci)gmail,com Mr. Jamllu Dan Musa (Dep.Dlrectorl (2~) 803.638 8755, Fax: (234) 01 i695009 234 8023436202, 2.34 8023012777 Rice Companies 8039120000 . Rice-Companies WhI.teRlce . elepnantg,o·uplti:f@gmaILcom 2341 947il.S, ParboTledRice Parboiled Rice i348035365299 234 01 775124,.23417949021 7 Veetee (DiscoverIng Great Taste picric Nigeria.Ltd. 234 8069325353.,2.34. ·7 A, Asa.Afarlogun Street 2341 8981951, 2348069325353 veetee@multilinks;com AJaoEstate, Lagos, Nigeria W1NW. 807327.08871 RlceCompanies Parboiled Rice White Rlet;! S.lRS·Rice Mills Int. ltd Bua (Subsidiary) IRS interantiol1al·RlceMllis ltd. HEAD. OFflt;E: 58 Ibrahim Talwo Rd. 1'.0 Box 582,Kanp St. 2~64 649935,234 64 6~313, 234 64 635930 No.7 Sharada Ind. Area Phase II, Kano (Factorysite) Alh. Mus.aBichi {2348033127745) ABDULMAUK ISIYAKU RABI'U Exec.01R (234) 803604 376Z, (234) 809 880 0167 LAGOSOFFICE: .abdul 11's«ilhotmaiLccm 10 Warf Rd, S .PJS p.b Box 835 Apapa Parboiled Rice Brown RIce Ridwan B. Iman AsstMgr HR Lagos, Nigeria Irsricemlll( 23415452380, 23415450231,234 8037139778 LONDoN OFRCE:.Randor Place LOndon w2.2te 234 02071OWZ- 7013 (234) 703 4969121 IrabiuG. TELEX: 892931 7 Asa Afariogun.5tr,.Ajao Surendra K. Arora C.E.O· arora@plsnlgeria,com Estate,lagos R1ce Companies · Thailand Rli:e pjs premium brand, African Queen Red eagle, No. 111 · 234704 i2Z·5492, 234703 508 5545 10 Tuldes·lnvestment· NIg·erla ltd Tukles Investment Nigeria Ltd Niger Park, 37 Warehouse Rd Apapa,Lagos, Nigeria Mr's;Nattanee Booncharoen 23417763669,7063390303i"8062379287 1l.CPF Intertrade CPF Intertrade Mr. Thosaphcnsrlchlnda (Mail Voralluth: (234) 70S 990 3775, Mr. Sarawut(lack), (234) 805S60 4884 (234) 805 212 3541. Ltd Ltd 15A Marina Rd, Apapal..agos Nigeria 12 Wulus Resource Nig. Ltd 13 PatifVenture Ltd Wulus Resolirce Nigeria ltd 13 Zaria Street P.O Box 1718 Garki,Abuja, Nigeria PatlfYenture Ltc! BrIgde.Head Market, Onitsha IAGOS OFFICE Tradse fair CcmplelC,Laogs, Nigeria 14 Amir ..Fatau Gbadamosf 15 ·Genen Investment Ltd 16 Oelta Alpha conserve Nigeria ltd .17 Oana Group com. Itd OeltaAlph Convervo Ntg. Ltd Tl'1JSt , .54 Marina ,Lagos ,Nigeria Parbolied Rice· White Rlc~ ParboHed"Rlce Mr.lkenna P.lfeagwasi .23480&4615251,23418783496 Parboiled Rice pattifZOOO(a) 234 8037195318 Parboiled Rice White Rice Mrs Rose·Ogbonna demmy4rose( 24 Dejo Oyelese Street. Ol.d Badlli! Ibadan Oye State • Wema White Rice Mr. Alex Wulus (President) 234 8033154797 PresIdent of Nigerian Rice·Millrs, importers and Distributors AssoCiation Ganen Investment Nig. Ltd N.o.12.Balagun.Kuku Street.Aguda 5uru(ere Lagos Parbolled Rice (234) 12666283, fax 234 12663645 Parboiled Rice White Rice Parboiled Rice White Rice Glo.begate ·18 Globegates STE Globeglltes Sari carrezaa, .Missebo.Cotcnou Rebullc 0 Benin 19 Metarfroque Metarfroque Ltd KM·16 Ikcrodu- Shagamu Ltd Rd Mr Jacob C. Nwazota ( Managing Director) 229 210 46198 229 00 68222/ 229 08068397946 Parboried RIce White Rice Panka] Gupta· Parbolled Rice White Rice 234 8024766722, 234 80770911.001 234 7028073131, 19993247118 PankajGti Ewe Jugun-Ogun State NigerIa. pankaj@sI11vnath.eom 20 Lachmako Nlii Ltd Impoter Expoter &·Gen. Merchant 21l.Bank·Rd, Dalek Market .Isolo Road, Lagos Nigeria Zt ala- Oluwanlshola Formerlnklak OffIce.Behlndlddo Iddo.Bus Stop IddoLagos lawai Nigeria Ltd 22. Africa -Thai Business Consult. Co.~d 23 P.N.Onyebuchi & son.lnt. ·Commodlty Market Co. 23417912038,fa.x,234<l1 Terminus ". 211 Bank Rd, Deleka Market,lsolo LagosState, Nigeria Rd Suite 01~ AUA Shopping Pial;! Opp. ICP.cFCT Ahuja Parboiled Rice White Rice 542872.1 AII1aJaJ.O lawai (Managing Director) 234 17747356 234 17751812,8055179819 :olaoluwanishala@Yahoo,com Parboiled Rice Mr. Thosaphon Srljlnda 234 8052123541, 234 8080729362 White Rice ·234 8033120875,8059149171,8057980227 Rice Distributor in Abuja Mr,·peterOnyebucl'i!·Exe ..Dfrector 24MB 2.5 Phimbelo NIgeria Ltd 103998) iRe 16; All Balogun Str. Okltlpupa,Ondo St. Nigeria Alh). Gbadamosi Parboiled Rice 234 8052808080 White Rice S.AEmuleomo MBA,MN1N,ASN (Mgn Olr.) 234 803 543 6i04, 234 802.3614U34. l'hal RiCe Pa rbolled Rice White Rice 26 Doris· Commodltle& Merchandise Ltd 5hop6,&7AUA5hopping Plala Near NewMarket, Central Business DIstrict Ahuja BalioWay,Area 27DANALEC ENG1NEERING!.TD 1496Ahmadu Garki,Abuja 28ZENITIi 16. Ontario Crescent, Off Mississippi; MInisters Hill, Maltama,Abuja ENERGY 11, OPERATIONAL BASE: 32a, 80ri Rd, Rumuibekwe Housing Estate, Port-Harcourt Mrs. Doris Abola!le (Director) .(Dealer In.allfoodsiuff) 2348036453319 parboiled Rice White RIce lIiyasu DanJuma 234-09-8033109400,234-09:80367_88240 Parboile~ Rice White Rice Engr. Mrs E.E Anekwe·M.OiC.E.O Zenith Energy Rd ltd Zenith·Ene·rgy Rural Dev.Ltd Zenith Energy Engneerlng Ltd ZenIth Energy Eruymes Ltd ZenIth Energy inter.Shlpplng ltd (234}-D9-413 3011, (234) 803 349 2090 234-·084- 463491 .. Rivers State Calabar: 134, MCC-Rd, calabar, Cross River State 234-084-B033492090 Zenith Energy Environt~ch Ltc! Rice 29 Alhaji·Sallsu SambaJo, MFR (SAMBAJO GEN ENT. LTD 30 Maitama Enterprises Alhaji Salisu Sambojo ( Chairmanl Mglng Oir) 234 8037876670,.Fax: 234 064 636116 Slrajo'lbrahlm( PAl to ChaIrman. 234 8088223333, 8099223333 Rice Sup'pfiers Suger & ·Flour.Com Rice DIstributors. PO Box 2249, Kana 234 8037876670, Fax: 234064636116 Branch: 471<ofo Abayomi.Avenue Apapa Lagos, Nigeria Tel:23401 5.870435 r 51EI SS Ado Bayero Road Kano AlhaJi Sunusl Bahir Rice Companies Rlce .D.lstrlbutors Rice 'Companles Distributors of· CapriCe, Royal Stallion/lucky Thal,Happy RIce Tomato klngbutter etc Rice Companies Stockbrokers, securities Tracing, Port folio Managers, Investor Ad" Sambajo - Gen. EnterprlseUd,.35 E Ado Bayero.Road Nlg.Ud (234) 064635750, 648852, 540412 '32 .Ala .Trading enterprises Nig. Ltc! SADI HAMISU ALA & SONS 15E, Bello Road, P.OBox 2068, Kano, Kano state 33 Covenant Securities & AssetMgt Ltd {Memb Nig;Stock Ex.~ ·4th floor, Grandsquare Building, P.loU70,·Mohammadu Buharl Way, Central Business District, Abuja. Nigeria 34 .Rlce Millers Rice Mni Area Along B.A.D ROAD Association Lafia 35 Shayaz Nigeria Ltc! 35 Obioha, Shaldas & Co '. Alhaj[ Sadl Hamlsu , 234 8036299962~0.s33561120, Dr•.OlubunmIO. Peters,.H·Ph.D, fnse TEx. Chairman} ooperersphd(dlgma!l;com, AlhaJi Umar Sanda President RlceMllling Rice Millers .Lafia 08063981234 Dummec Plaza, Suite 40 Area 1, Section 1, Garld·Abuja Port Harcourt Off: Southern Pride Hotel Complex Rd 5, CourtRd, Alhaji Estate opp.Obioj Akpor !.GA Sect. Rumuodomaya Brazn Off: Rua Manoel.Coelho,146· Centro Sao Caetano do Sul-Sao Paulo cep:09510:-101 2 Catholic Mission ·Str. (2nd Floor)·l.agos'lsland, Lagos Alhajl Audu Yaro (Presidenntj No;Z Aigerria Str. Wuse Zone'S Abuja FCTi NIgeria 19 Mombolo Street Wuse Zone 2·Abuja CEO ThaIland Rice Rice Importers Thailand Rice Government· Parboiled Rice Government'Rlce Dealers 234803 501 7414, 234 80B 28B 6197 shayaz2005@Y? Tel: ~5(11) 4224-2232 Udeaku Rose Obloha··Shaldas .udeakurose@vahoo.tom udeakLiro;e@hotmall.c'on1. 2348033400782,805 36 Strong Stand Investment Ltd 064 981215 LLBHons(lon)B,L Rlce:Dealers 2331057,7082751660 Mallam Ibrahim Safiyanu ChaIrman 234803 3112077,805 173 5156 I CEO White Rice ~7 Ola Oluwanlsfiola lawai Nlg, Ltd Rice, OiJ·&· Gas Former Inlaks Office, Behind Iddo'Termlnus 38 p,f\lOnYebuchl & Sons Int'l lid(Commedlty Mrk Cemp) Suit 014 AUA Shopping Plaza OpposIte ICPC FCT; Ahuja Block 0120-123, c.SO Wuse Main Mkt Plaza AbuJa F. 120 MInna Rd,.Suleja, Niger State Iddo Lagos Alhaji'K.O. l.awal·( Chairman) 234.01 n51812,805 617 9819, 802 996 4076 Peter Onyebuchl (EJ<ecutive Derector) 234803 3120875,805 9149171, 805 798<>227 Parboiled Rice White Rice Rice Treaders .Parbolled Rice White Rice Rice Distributors
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