Activity report for 2010


Activity report for 2010
Subprogram 1: Hosting and Bilateral/Trilateral Projects
Subprogram 2: Participating Projects
Subprogram 1: Awareness and Knowledge
Subprogram 2: Monitoring the EU-Moldova Relations
Subprogram 1: Mental Health Initiative
Subprogram 2: Palliative Care Initiative
Subprogram 3: Law and Health Initiative
Subprogram 4: Health and Media Initiative
Subprogram 5: Harm Reduction
Subprogram 1: Support for Independent Local Media
Subprogram 2: Support for Media Development in Transnistria
Subprogram 3: Legal Framework and Institutional Development
Subprogram 4: Capacity Building for the Public Broadcasting Service
Subprogram 1: Good Governance
Subprogram 2: Transparent Public Finance
Subprogram 1: Access to Justice
Subprogram 2: Criminal Justice
Subprogram 3: Judicial Development
Subprogram 4: Human Rights Monitoring
Other Projects
Subprogram 1: Awareness and Advocacy Campaigns against Discrimination
Subprogram 2: Capacity Building in Advocacy for NGOs
Subprogram 3: Empowering Women to Participate in Community Life
The Soros Foundation-Moldova (SFM) is a no n-governmental, non-profit, non-partisan organization
established in 1992 by philanthropist and financier George Soros to promote open society values in
Moldova. The Foundation contributes to the democratization of the society by developing and
implementing programs in various areas, such as cultural policy, judiciary reform, public
administration and good governance, independent media and access to information, civil society and
public health.
This report gives an account of the Soros Foundation-Moldova´s activities in 2010 to our partners and the
general public. In doing so, we have structured this report as to present SFM´s activities in all the priority
areas of its institutional mandate as set by the Board, comprising such critical areas as independence and
efficiency of justice, media independence and access to information, good governance and transparency
of decision-making, citizens’ participation in decision-making and fight against discrimination. To this end,
the Foundation has furthered the development of its programs through advocacy and monitoring activities,
knowledge based/knowledge sharing and technical assistance projects.
In the area of Access to Justice, one of the most relevant features of the year was creating a Pilot
Network of Community-based Paralegals in the country. The Foundation, with the financial support of
the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), made one more step forward in
the legal aid movement by launching a network of 30 community-based paralegals. 14 of them are
also working in the social protection area and, therefore, the network sets the background for a mixed
system of delivering basic legal aid and information in rural areas; the primary legal advice and
education is correlated to the social work for the most marginalized strata of the population. The
creation of this network brings not only added value to the access to justice reform movement, but
also substantially changes the focus towards legal empowerment of the poor to participate in the
decision-making processes. This is viewed as a direct contribution of the legal aid system towards
improving the quality of governance by offering the poor people courage and voice. The paralegals
started their activity in November 2010. The project team developed and equipped the community
paralegals with two guidebooks – “The Citizen’s Legal Guide” and “Methodological Guide for
Paralegals”- which were developed using the best worldwide experience in the primary legal aid area.
It relies on the experience of South Africa, the Netherlands, Great Britain but also Mongolia and Sierra
Leon. The guides are practical tools, developed to help the paralegals in their daily work and serve as
a simplified source of legal information for the public.
The high point of SFM’s advocacy activities was probably the positive results achieved in advancing
policy reform in several critical areas due to the advocacy efforts of a group of nongovernmental
organizations, supported by the Soros Foundation-Moldova and the Swedish Agency for
Development and Cooperation, to name just three of them.
For the last four years, a coalition of Moldovan nongovernmental organizations advocated for a law on
volunteering that was approved by the Parliament in 2010. The purpose of the law is to promote and
facilitate citizens’ participation in voluntary civic activities. It stipulates the volunteers’ rights and
obligations, the responsibilities of the host institutions, as well as policies and measures for
encouraging volunteering.
The Association of Young Historians, a local organization representing recognized historians, used
advocacy instruments with success for the adoption of a law on preserving the archeological heritage,
aimed at ensuring a coherent legal framework for safeguarding the national archeological heritage, in
line with the conventions and recommendations of UNESCO and Council of Europe.
With our projects, we have concentrated in developing the capacities of local civil society actors to
create and implement their own policy reform agendas. Due to their concerted efforts, the law on the
public utility of public associations advocated for by the Council of Nongovernmental Organizations
from Moldova was approved in 2010 by the Moldovan Parliament. The new law states the criteria for
obtaining a public utility certificate and other requirements that are meant to increase the
transparency of public associations. It also includes regulations regarding the forms of support for a
public utility organization offered by the state and local public.
The foundation’s monitoring activities focused on a number of issues including the central public
administration reform, human rights, EU-Moldova relations, etc., triggering, among other things,
accountable and transparent governance and a knowledge/evidence-based policymaking.
In May 2010, the Soros Foundation-Moldova launched the first independent comprehensive report on
Monitoring the Central Public Administration (CPA) Reform in Moldova. The report carried out by 12
independent local experts, evaluated the first four years of the reform implementation (2006 – 2009)
and was presented to all interested stakeholders. It offered an al ternative analysis to the yearly
governmental reports and an objective and critical view on the actions undertaken in those four years
highlighting some serious drawbacks in reform implementation and formulating recommendations for
its enhancement.
Another highlight of the year was the Annual Independent Progress Report on the EU-Moldova
Relations presented to the European Commission. During the last four years, the Soros FoundationMoldova supported independent monitoring by civil society of the EU-Moldova relations progress in
the context of the Eastern Partnership Initiative. The report was successfully developed and
presented to all interested stakeholders. In 2010, for the first time ever, a summary annual report
analyzing Moldova’s progress towards the European integration was drafted and presented to the
European Commission as an alternative independent source of information from the civil society
perspective to feed into the 2010 Country Progress Report developed by the European Commission.
In 2010, the foundation provided assistance to central and local governments to improve their
performance and decision-making practices. During the last two years, the Soros FoundationMoldova and LGI/OSI –Budapest supported the „Chişinău Municipality Development Project”
implemented by UNDP in partnership with the Chişinău Mayor’s office through such activities as the
development of the Chişinău Mayor’s office functional analysis and supporting the activity of the
working group for drafting the Anti-Crisis and Economic Recovery Action Plan. As a result, on
September 23, 2010, the Chişinău Municipality Council approved the Anti-Crisis and Economic
Recovery Action Plan for 2010-2012, providing for four objectives of enhancing the budgetary
incomes, enhancing the efficiency of public services, supporting economic development and
developing administrative capacity, targeting social-economic development of the Chişinău
The foundation continued its long-time efforts in securing and protecting the rights of marginalized
groups including the right of children and adults with disabilities to live and participate in the
community as equal citizens. In particular, the Community for All initiative, a partnership between civil
society and government, implemented by Keystone Human Services International, Moldova, worked
to bring about the shift from large residential institutions to care in the community for people with
mental disabilities, in a sustainable manner. This was achieved through the development of
community-based services for residents of an institution for boys with severe mental disabilities from
Orhei, and by establishing the legal framework for the provision of alternative, community-based
services for persons with intellectual disabilities. Due to the project team’s efforts, the Strategy on
Social Inclusion of People with Disabilities was developed and approved by the Moldovan
Government and the Parliament, as well as the Regulations and Quality Standards for Supported
Semi-Independent Living Services and Community Home Services (small group homes). The
development and approval of other regulatory framework for community-based social care services
for persons with intellectual disabilities is underway. Among other achievements of the year we could
also mention the four mobile team services established in Bălţi, Ialoveni, Hînceşti and Chişinău; the
two educational resource centers operating in two community schools; the first foster care service
established for children with mental disabilities; the three community homes which are being
refurbished. However, there are still major challenges ahead; among them, the outdated financial
mechanisms that continue to favor institutional care, the economic situation in Moldova, the scarcity of
community-based alternatives to institutions, and the fact that these are operated mostly with donor
During this past year, the foundation made the most of its valuable experience and organizational
capabilities to serve more effectively SFM´s mission. Nevertheless, Moldova’s adherence to open
society values and democratic practices remains a key challenge for SFM; a challenge to which
SFM´s staff, boards, and its partners will devote all their energy and capacities in the years to come.
Victor Ursu
Executive Director
Youth Action Fund
Grantee: Youth Development Center (YDC)
Project manager: Corneliu CIRIMPEI
Summary: The Youth Action Fund (YAF) represents a program initiated by the Open Society Institute in
2008 with the goal to identify and support youth initiative groups that can mobilize and influence a big
number of peers in order to promote the ideals of an open society. This program is being simultaneously
implemented in several countries: Jordan, Kyrgyzstan, Lithuania, Nepal, Serbia and Uganda.
The Youth Action Fund supports the following types of activities:
− skills development and peer education events, whose content is provided by youth
− activism aimed to raise awareness and a ddress open society issues – youth campaigns,
youth mobilization projects;
− media related projects aimed at increasing the flow of information or uncovering issues not
addressed in the mainstream media;
− innovative projects aimed at raising awareness about human rights.
The applications to this Program are being submitted via an online application system at The evaluation is done by a group of three experts. The implementation of this
program in the Republic of Moldova is facilitated by the YDC, responsible for the promotion of the
program and monitoring the projects that are approved for funding. During 2010, 62 requests for
funding, coming from various groups from different regions of the country were submitted to the Youth
Action Fund. The following six projects were approved for funding:
Free Access to Legislation, administered by Alexei URALOV from T.G. Şevcenco Tiraspol State
University from Transnistria. The project was implemented by a group of young people and aimed to
facilitate free access to legislation on human rights, as well as offer legal assistance to citizens from 12
villages on the left side of the Nistru River. Additionally, several trainings for local population were
Youth for Aesthetical Development, administered by Irina BUMBU from Căinari. The project aimed to
develop aesthetic values among the youth from Căinari. To this end, a picture gallery and several trainings
were organized. The young artists had the opportunity to demonstrate the outcomes of their work.
Youth in Action: Eco-Hike, administered by Sergiu GRIGORIEV from Dubăsari. The goal of the
project was to involve 40 people in cleaning up the Nistru River around the following villages: Coşniţa,
Doroţcaia, Pîrîta, and Pohrebea.
Promoting Civic Engagement through Environment Awareness Campaigns, administered by
Tatiana BENCHICI from Alexandru cel Bun high school from Rezina. The project aimed to eliminate
the illegal dumping in the Saharna historical and cultural region by youth involvement within an
awareness campaign targeted to promote environmental education among the locals and visitors of
this site.
Developing Youth Cooperation from the two Banks of the Nistru River, administered by Marina
ILIIN from Rîbniţa. Joint activities involving youth from Rezina and Rîbniţa were carried out in the
framework of this project, including environmental awareness marching, public debates, social
theater, etc.
Fighting Social HIV/AIDS Stereotypes, administered by Maria ROŞCA from Drochia. The project
included nine trainings on HIV/AIDS prevention for teenagers from various villages of the rayon of
5 – Linking up Citizens and Political Parties, administered by Sergiu COSTAŞ
from Chişinău. An online platform was developed within this project as an opportunity to address
questions to political parties involved in the election campaign at that moment. Political parties’
representatives had the chance to promote themselves through answering the questions that were
addressed by citizens.
Transnistrian War – 18 Years of Struggle, administered by Constantin UZDRIŞ from Chişinău. A
documentary was produced based on the post- war Transnistrian events.
(The project administration costs were financed from 2009 budget.)
Focusing Youth Action Fund at Regional Level
Grantee: Youth Development Center (YDC)
Project manager: Corneliu CIRIMPEI
Summary: The project aimed to identify and support the youth that is able to mobilize a big number of
peers in promoting open society values and engaging youth in community problem-solving. To
address this issue, a Social Innovation Camp and a Regional Youth Parliament were organized. The
Social Innovation Camp took place during August 2-7, 2010, involving 40 young people from different
regions of the country. The goal of this activity was to provide skills in using online tools in order to
solve community problems. As a result, six project proposals developed by participants were
submitted to different donors for funding. The Regional Youth Parliament was set up during October –
November 2010 with the goal to engage youth from rural areas in community life as well as train them
in writing project proposals that would be later submitted for funding to the Youth Action Fund of OSI.
The young parliamentarians were elected by their peers to represent their interests and contribute to
solving community problems. Among the first activities, the regional website was
launched, serving as an information platform for youth providing transparency of Parliament activities.
The first plenary session with the participation of 40 young people was conducted in December. The
agenda included discussions on the Youth Parliament’s mission, the working strategy, a general
overview of the YAF program and a future action plan for the upcoming meeting.
Youth in the 21 Century: Debating and Producing Media Workshop
Grantee: National High School Debate League (NHSDL)
Project manager: Iulia MOLDOVAN
Summary: The project supported the organization of a workshop on new media for 40 young people
from the Republic of Moldova and Romania. The participants discussed subjects regarding the
relationship between youth and media, ways of interaction and their role in the society. The youth had
a chance to develop their skills in the field of new media including video production, blogging,
persuasion and efficient communication.
Analysis of Community Problems through Debates
Grantee: National High School Debate League
Project manager: Iulia MOLDOVAN
Summary: The project budget was increased with $4,147 in order to provide institutional support to
nine of the most active debate clubs from the following localities: Călăraşi, Rezina, Străşeni,
Doroţcaia, Criuleni, Cimişlia, Bravicea, and Văsieni.
Total Youth Programs expenditures: $60,120
A sustainable partnership between Moldova and other countries of the world, in particular from
Central and Eastern Europe, promoting an efficient cooperation and identifying regional and global
experiences, expertise and innovative practices to facilitate solving issues of major public concern the
new democracies face.
The majority of the initiatives implemented during 2010 within the EE: PBBP were based on the
previous program strategy developed in collaboration with representative NGOs, think tanks, media
and public institutions from Central and Eastern Europe. They contributed to bringing about major
changes throughout the region and particularly, in the Republic of Moldova.
Due to the efforts undertaken by the new Moldovan government and the openness of the European
and international organizations towards supporting its reform agenda, the trust in Moldovan
authorities at the international level increased significantly, managing to return the country to
democratic practices, ensuring a complex process of restructuring and functioning of its institutions. In
this context, the EE:PBBP contributed to this process by supporting initiatives that helped
internationalize the social and political situation of Moldova that led to breaking informational barriers
and establishing diverse channels of communication, empowering the Moldovan civil society to search
appropriate solutions to issues of major concern, especially through their counterparts from the new
EU member states.
Through supporting public discussions on Moldova’s European future, it was possible to contribute to
building a positive image of the country and to spread throughout Europe information about Moldova
as a f ragile democracy with a c lear European agenda that needs international support and better
understanding of the difficulties it faces. The lessons gained by the new EU member states proved to
be the most relevant in that sense. Thus, by raising public awareness concerning the threats and risks
that jeopardize democracy in Moldova, it was possible to mobilize the European public opinion to
strengthen the Moldovan civil society’s efforts through advocacy actions synchronized with that of civil
societies from the countries of the region, ensuring the transfer of their experience and strengthening
social changes that had helped many of them to become EU members a few years before. Some of
the program initiatives raised these issues in a cross-cutting way, the experiences of Latvia, the
Czech Republic, Poland, Estonia or Romania being among the most relevant.
The key issues of the security system and development of its architecture in the EU Eastern
Neighborhood were addressed comprehensively, aiming to contribute to the process of
democratization of the Moldovan society through a regional perspective. This initiative was developed
with the contribution of national and international actors, involving decision-makers and civil society,
facilitating a public discussion on the security system reform in Moldova through building a common
approach to its security future, based on the experience available in the new and old EU member
states. It also facilitated the process of learning from lessons acquired by the European countries with
various security patterns. It offered the possibility to Moldovan decision-makers and c ivil society to
become familiar with various models of building security and to clarify the notion of neutrality that is
stated in Moldova’s Constitution and familiarized civil society with the foreign policy trends within
Europe, as well as debated diverse opinions and examples of building national security that aim to
ensure regional stability.
In the area of HR protection, the program explored experience transfer at the global level, targeting socially
vulnerable groups from Moldova by identifying alternative opportunities for providing legal aid to them. The
study visit to the Republic of South Africa organized for Moldovan experts and decision-makers contributed
to a better understanding of the model applied there regarding access to justice of marginalized groups
and learning from relevant practices on how to apply them in rural communities from Moldova.
The issue of overcoming poverty and ensuring economic growth was addressed through offering access to
the experience of the new EU member states and the way the reforms were carried out in these countries
in order to better respond to accession requirements. In that sense, the advanced experience of the Czech
Republic and Romania served as an opportunity to explore this field. The assessment done by the Czech
and Moldovan experts identified that Moldova lagged behind in terms of local development and related
policy framework, therefore the Czech experience gained over the last decade in infrastructure, science
and technology parks and business incubators development was of an enormous value. The success of
technologic development, innovation and research and development activities could contribute to
promoting and implementing reforms, which largely depend on Moldova’s domestic policies and local
support. Therefore, this initiative will stimulate the interest of regional actors in defining these policies and
extending their support to other areas. It is also expected that the Czech experience and knowledge will
contribute to empowering the project beneficiaries – Moldovan experts, local authorities, NGOs from the
field of local economic development – to become promoters of new approaches and will enable decisionmakers to be more consistent in the implementation of necessary reforms. The study developed within this
initiative reflected the current institutional set-up existing in the Republic of Moldova that is not favoring yet
a rapid advance of innovation and building the entrepreneurial skills, therefore it still needs a considerable
The issue of building good governance was also addressed through a better understanding and
assessment of the historical past and consequences of the totalitarian regime that still affect people’s
mentality and allow political forces to use their nostalgia for the not-yet-forgotten soviet past.
However, the events of the last year demonstrated that the young generation doesn’t want to accept
paying the bills for the totalitarian past, being educated on other values than the elderly. So, being
evident that the European future of the Republic of Moldova is incompatible with the totalitarian
ideology, the issue was brought up to a larger public through a collection of articles developed by
national and international experts involved in this initiative.
Another priority addressed consistently by the program referred to youth engagement and
participation, building youth’s capacities and development of their abilities to adjust to the demands of
the market economy and challenges of the modern society. Functioning as a w atchdog and
developing strategies to influence the decision-making process through civic participation, learning
from available experiences in the region and cross-regionally, the Moldovan youths increased their
capacity for becoming an actor to be taken into consideration by the decision and policy-makers. This
is relevant especially when talking about a stronger collaboration of NGOs with local authorities in
addressing community problems based on experiences from other countries such as Poland,
Romania, Estonia, Ukraine or Bulgaria and facilitating access to advanced experiences in involving
citizens in decision-making at local level thus contributing to ensuring the transparency of this process
in Moldova.
At the same time, the program explored the opportunities offered by the EU Eastern Partnership
Initiative to the EU neighborhood countries, multiplying the democratization efforts of six countries of
the former soviet bloc. The majority of problems they are confronted with are quite similar; this is seen
as an additional opportunity to address issues jointly, encouraging initiatives aimed to enforce internal
reforms. To this end, a j oint Moldovan-Georgian-Armenian-Azerbaijani initiative focused on hum an
rights protection was implemented, building a network of Human Rights NGOs from EaP countries.
Moldova has already registered certain achievements in the process of democratization comparative
to other EaP countries, so it is expected that there would be a more motivated interest in developing
collaboration in this area. Concrete fields of interest and a real need for exchange of experience and
ideas are in the process of being identified, contributing to building democratic societies in the entire
Program Director: Ana COREŢCHI, Email:
Program Coordinator: Marina SCLIFOS, Email:
List of Acronyms:
Eastern Partnership
European Union
Institute for Development and Social Initiatives
Open Society Institute
Public-Private Partnership
Exploring Lessons in South Africa for the Emerging Legal Aid System in Moldova
Organizers: Public Defender’s Office from Moldova and Street Law South Africa, Institute of
Professional Legal Training of the University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban
Project manager: Nadejda HRIPTIEVSCHI, Legal Consultant, Public Defender’s Office
Time and place: February - April, South Africa and Moldova
Summary: This initiative promoted access to justice of vulnerable groups in Moldova through an
inclusive and evidence-based legal aid policy-making process based on the South African experience.
Promoting Civic Engagement in Transparent Local Decision-making
Organizers: Association of the Graduates of the Academy of Public Administration of Moldova and
Association of Lawyers for the Development of the Law in Public Interest and Harmonization of
Bulgarian and European Law, Sofia
Project manager: Angela DASTIC, President, Association of the Graduates of the Academy of Public
Administration of Moldova
Time and place: March – May 2010, Bulgaria and Moldova
Summary: This initiative aimed at sharing experience in sustainable local development of small towns
and villages, modern management tools and participative decision-making processes, implemented in
Bulgaria for transfer and potential adaptation in Moldova.
Impact of Trilateral Cooperation: Ukraine, Romania, and Moldova
Organizers: EE: PBB Program of the International Renaissance Foundation from Ukraine, Soros
Foundation-Moldova, and Soros Foundation Romania
Project manager: Veaceslav BULAT, Executive Director, Institute for Urban Development
Time and place: April 24-25, Ukraine
Summary: The initiative aimed to assess the impact of trilateral programming among civil society
organizations in Ukraine, Romania and Moldova and to plan future strategies for developing
Democracy after Totalitarianism: Lessons of 20 Years
Organizers: ANTIM Association of Young Historians of Moldova, EE: PBB Program of the Soros
Foundation-Moldova and Soros Foundation Romania
Project manager: Sergiu MUSTEAŢĂ, President, Association of Young Historians of Moldova
Time and place: March 2010 – May 2011, Romania and Moldova
Summary: This initiative contributed to sharing knowledge concerning the study and assessment of
communist regimes and facilitated public discussion among experts in totalitarian studies, authorities
and civil society representatives. The materials of the roundtable discussions held in Chişinău were
published in a separate book to be disseminated to public institutions and organizations interested in
these issues.
Raising Youth Awareness about EU Opportunities
Organizers: Regional CONTACT Center from Bălţi and Movement for Democratic Thinking from
Project manager: Veronica ŞCUT, Executive Director, Regional CONTACT Center from Bălţi
Time and place: May – November, Latvia and Moldova
Summary: This initiative contributed to raising the level of knowledge and abilities of local NGO
leaders in Moldova on efficient methods of interaction with citizens in promoting European integration.
Economic Transformation: Development of Innovation and Entrepreneurial Skills Organizers:
CzechINVENT Technology Agency and Expert-Grup Analytical Center, Moldova
Project manager: Iulia SÎRGHI, Program Coordinator, Expert-Grup
Time and place: May 2010 – February 2011, the Czech Republic and Moldova
Summary: This initiative promoted economic reform and transformation in Moldova by sharing the
Czech Republic experience in the development of business incubators and science and technology
parks, in view of strengthening Moldovan society’s capacity for innovation and technological
Best Practices in Transborder Investigative Journalism
Organizers: Center for Investigative Journalism of Moldova and Romanian Center for Investigative
Project manager: Cornelia COZONAC-BOGONOVSCHI, Executive Director, Center for Investigative
Time and place: June – November, Romania and Moldova
Summary: This initiative facilitated the access of investigative journalists and civil society from
Moldova to best practices from Romania regarding cross-border investigations, regionalizing this
cooperation by engaging relevant actors from Central and Eastern Europe.
Security Architecture in the EU Eastern Neighborhood: Challenges and Realities
Organizers: Pro Marshall Center of the Republic of Moldova and EE: PBB Program of the Soros
Project manager: Tatiana BUSUNCIAN, Executive Director, Pro Marshall Center
Time and place: June 2010 – May 2011, Moldova
Summary: This initiative contributed to facilitating dialogue on security system reform in Moldova,
building a common approach to security issues among decision-makers and civil society
representatives based on the new EU member states experience.
EU Experience in Designing Opportunities for Youth: Employment and Careers
Organizers: National Center for European Initiatives Support in Moldova and Romanian Economic
Students' Association
Project manager: Anastasia IONAŞ, Executive Director, National Center for European Initiatives
Support in Moldova
Time and place: September – November, Moldova and Romania
Summary: This initiative aimed at facilitating Moldovan youth’s access to best practices and European
standards of youth employment and engagement and at promoting the youth as active agents of
change in social development.
Strengthening Critical Thinking on Accelerating Conflict Resolution in Moldova through Active
Involvement of International Actors
Organizers: IDIS Institute for Development and Social Initiatives from Moldova, Center for Eastern
Studies from Poland and EE: PBB Program of the Soros Foundation-Moldova
Project manager: Corneliu CIUREA, Program Coordinator, IDIS
Time and place: September 2010 - May 2011, Poland and Moldova
Summary: The initiative aimed to identify alternative scenarios of solving the conflict in Transnistria by
engaging decision- and policy makers, think tanks and civil society actors from various countries and
to contribute to increasing regional security through the development of policy recommendations to be
included in a joint strategic paper.
Developing a Collaborative Approach to Policies of the Russian Federation
Organizers: Institute for Public Policy from Moldova, Center for Conflict Prevention and Early Warning
from Bucharest and Institute for Euro-Atlantic Cooperation from Ukraine
Project manager: Oazu NANTOI, Program Director, Institute for Public Policy from Moldova
Time and place: September 2010 – March 2011, Moldova, Romania, Ukraine
Summary: An initiative aimed to assess challenges faced within the region and to identify
collaborative approaches and solutions for Romania, Moldova and Ukraine related to the policies
pursued by the Russian Federation.
Strengthening Youth Activism: Participating in Community Development
Organizers: MilleniuM Institute of Study in Development from Moldova and Local Activity Group
Partnership Foundation for Warmia, Poland
Project manager: Vitalie CÎRHANĂ, Executive Director, MilleniuM Institute of Study in Development
from Moldova
Time and place: November 2010 – May 2011, Moldova and Poland
Summary: This initiative facilitated youth access to best practices and lessons learned in social
activism and engaging in community development in cooperation with local authorities and community
members, based on concrete actions and peer-to-peer approach developed by Moldovan and Polish
counterparts during the project implementation.
Observance and Protection of Human Rights in Countries of the Eastern Partnership
Organizers: Promo-LEX Association of Moldova, Union Article 42 of the Constitution of Georgia,
Human Rights Center of Azerbaijan and OSI Assistance Foundation - Armenia
Project manager: Olga MANOLE, Program Coordinator, Promo-LEX Association
Time and place: July 2010 – May 2011, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Moldova
Summary: An initiative aimed at developing cooperation and consolidating efforts among civil society
organizations from Moldova, Georgia, Armenia, and Azerbaijan in identifying new strategies and
approaches to advancing human rights protection in the countries of the Eastern Partnership.
Promoting Influence of NGOs and Media on Government Transparency in Border Regions
Organizers: International Association of Small and Medium Business Small Euro Business from
Moldova, ANA Charitable Foundation from Romania, Bukovynian Perspectives Chernivtsi Regional
Public Union and Social Resources, and Initiatives Charitable Foundation from Ukraine
Project manager: Andrei BALÎNSCHI, President, Small Euro Business Association
Time and place: November 2010 – March 2011, Romania, Ukraine, Moldova
Summary: This initiative aimed to encourage non-governmental organizations to work together with
local authorities for the development of the Upper Prut Euro-Region and to establish inter-sectoral
links and engage citizens in regional strategic planning and decision-making processes.
Building Public-Private Partnerships to Ensure Sustainable Community Development
Organizers: Institute for Urban Development from Moldova, CzechINVENT Technology Agency and
PAUCI Foundation from Poland
Project manager: Veaceslav BULAT, Executive Director, Institute for Urban Development
Time and place: October 2010 – March 2011, Poland, the Czech Republic, Moldova
Summary: This initiative facilitated an exchange of experience among policy-makers and
representatives of local governments in Moldova, the Czech Republic, and Poland in the application
of PPP and developing policy recommendations for fostering the implementation of PPP initiatives in
Moldova based on the experience and lessons gained in Central and Eastern Europe.
Engagement beyond Borders for Disabled Young People
Organizers: Alaturi de Voi Foundation from Romania, Ecoul Cernobîlului Foundation and Young and
Free Resource Center from Moldova
Project managers: Natalia HASAN, President, Ecoul Cernobîlului Foundation and Dorina FOCŞA,
Coordinator, Young and Free Resource Center
Time and place: July - December, Romania
Summary: An initiative aimed at promoting social and professional integration of disabled young
people, including young people living with HIV/AIDS, by strengthening their vocational and advocacy
capacity and raising community awareness about the integration opportunities offered by their
Romanian counterparts.
Transnistrian Crisis: Is Reconciliation a Way Out?
Organizers: Association for Middle East Studies from Ukraine and Promo-Lex Association from
Project manager: Alexandru ZUBCO, Lawyer, Promo-Lex Association
Time and place: December 11-15, Yalta, Ukraine
Summary: An initiative of the Ukrainian partner aimed to develop positive models of reconciliation for
the stakeholders from both parts of the Transnistrian conflict using external patterns such as the
Crimean or Kyrgyz case, going from the human dimensions of the conflict. This meeting served as an
opportunity for exchanging opinions on building reconciliation in divided communities that could bring
closer the opposite viewpoints expressed by the participants from the left and right banks of the Nistru
River. The Moldovan experts opted for a stronger involvement of civil societies from Ukraine and
Moldova as an opportunity for searching solutions to the deadlock that exists in the Transnistrian
Total Subprogram 1 expenditures: $233,075
This subprogram aims at supporting Moldovan experts’ participation in events organized in the
framework of the EE: PBB Program by the Open Society Foundations/Institutions from Central and
Eastern Europe. Participants in these events are recommended either by the hosting event organizer
or by the Soros Foundation-Moldova.
Impact of the Visa Liberalization System on Migration from Eastern Europe to the EU
Leonidas CRISCIUNAS, Expert, Moldovan-Lithuanian Foundation
January 25-27, Warsaw, Poland
Stepping Back from the End of History: Post-Socialist States and Societies 20 Years after 1989
Ana PASCARU, Head of Philosophy Department, Institute of History, State and Law, Academy of
Sciences of Moldova
Ana COREŢCHI, EE: PBB Program Director, Soros Foundation-Moldova
February 17-18, Prague, the Czech Republic
Evaluating Current Institutionalized Consultation Process: Influencing Decision-making
Igor MUNTEANU, Executive Director, IDIS Institute for Development and Social Initiatives
February 24-26, Bucharest, Romania
Engaging Young People in the Youth Policy Development Process
Sergiu BEJENARU, Program Coordinator, Youth Governing Institute from Moldova
March 10-17, Donetsk, Ukraine
Historical Memory and National Permutations in Post-Socialist Countries
Ludmila COADĂ, Head of the History and International Relations Department, Free International
University of Moldova
March 4-7, Kazan, Russia
Dimensions of Citizenship and Education
Elena MURSA, President, Association for European Training and Information
Arina KRAIJDAN, Head of the International Relations Department, Perspectiva-INT University
May 7-11, Bratislava, Slovakia
Civil Society Law Expert Meeting
Svetlana ROGOV, Deputy Head of Department, Ministry of Constructions and Regional Development
Aliona SÂRBU, President, Center of Public Integrity, State University from Cahul
Vladislav MELNIC, Program Coordinator, Eurasia Foundation Moldova
June 2-5, Sol Nessebar, Bulgaria
Conflict Resolution: Peace Education Brings Peace to Society
Silvia BARBAROV, Program Coordinator, Pro Didactica Educational Center
Lilia NAHABA, Program Coordinator, Pro Didactica Educational Center
May 14-21, Simferopol, Ukraine
Friendly EU Borders: Relations with Eastern Neighbors
Alexandru PLATON, Coordinator, Institute for Public Policy from Moldova
May 17, Moscow, Russian Federation
Networking for Prevention of Child and Youth Trafficking in Eastern Europe and Central Asia
Veronica JOSAN, Program Coordinator, La Strada International Center for Women’s Rights
Protection and Promotion from Moldova
June 7-13, Bansko, Bulgaria
Capacity Building of the Foreign Policy Community in Latvia
Vladimir LUPAN, Independent expert
Igor MUNTEANU, Executive Director, IDIS Institute for Development and Social Initiatives
June 18-19, Riga, Latvia
Development of the Palliative Care Curriculum in Nursing Schools
Maria MOGOREANU, member of the Nursing Association of the Republic of Moldova
Elena TRIBOI, member of the Nursing Association of the Republic of Moldova
Angela BARONCEA, Head of the Training Department, National College of Medicine and Pharmacy
June 3-5, Braşov, Romania
Uniting Efforts in the Implementation of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with
Igor MERIACRE, Executive Director, Motivaţie Association
Ecaterina GOLOVATÎI, Program Coordinator, Keystone Human Services International Association
from Moldova
Mariana MATFEI, PR Manager and UN Convention Promotion, Motivaţie Association
Valentina PAVLOV, Social Assistant, Motivaţie Association
Nicolae GOLOVATÎI, volunteer, Motivaţie Association
Mariana ŢIBULAC, Press Officer, Center of Legal Assistance for People with Disabilities
July 25-28, Poltava, Ukraine
Civil Society in Sustainable Development in the Former Soviet Bloc Countries Bordering the
Ioana BOBÎNĂ, Director, Information and Coordination Center, Environmental Movement of Moldova
Victor CIMPOIEŞ, Director, Cutezătorul Public Association, Făleşti
Marian ŢARIGRADSCHI, Coordinator, Pădurea Domnească National Park
Iacob AJDER, President, Cross-border Cooperation and European Integration Agency from Cahul
Cristina MOISEI, Project Coordinator, Business Consulting Institute
Vladimir ŢURCANU, Head of Department, Apele Moldovei Agency
August 22-28, Tartu, Varska and Narva, Estonia
Media Literacy: A Regional Approach and Exchange
Doina COSTIN, Coordinator, Independent Journalism Center
Nadejda GOGU, Executive Director, Independent Journalism Center
October 28-30, Tirana, Albania
Making the Voice Heard through Peaceful Demonstrations: Youth Involvement and Challenges
Alexei BUZU, Program Coordinator, Partnership for Development Center
Denis CENUŞĂ, Political Analyst, portal coordinator,
Vadim FILIPOV, President, Ecoul Prieteniei Association from Cocieri, Dubăsari County
Victoria IVANCIOGLO, President, Perspectiva Association from Cahul
Sergiu GURĂU, President, Eco-Răzeni Public Association
Tatiana CEBOTARI, Board Member, Council of the European Students in Technology, Moldova
Radu GUŞTIUC, Journalist, TeleRadio Moldova Public Company; member of the Youth Parliament of
Dorina FOCŞA, Secretary, National Council of NGOs; project coordinator at the Young and Free
Training Resource Center
Nicolae PANFIL, Secretary of the Coalition for Free and Fair Elections in Moldova
Ana CONDRAT, Executive Director, Youth for the Right to Life Association
Victoria MOROZOV, PR Manager, Friends of Children Association
Roman GAŢCAN, Volunteers’ Coordinator, Service for Peace Organization, Grătieşti
November 1-4, Tallinn, Estonia
Innovative Approaches to Overcoming Victimization of Children
Daniela POPESCU, President, National Center for Child Abuse Prevention
Mariana GORNEA, Deputy Head of the Department for Minors and Human Rights Protection, General
Prosecutor Office
Natalia TERTEAC, Consultant in Child Protection, Municipal Department for Children’s Rights
Victoria ADĂSCĂLIŢĂ, Lecturer, Psychology Department, Ion Creangă State Pedagogical University
of Moldova
November 8-11, Sofia, Bulgaria
Parent/Teacher Associations in Action
Mariana BUDAN, President, Speranţa Association from Cahul
Galina PÂRVANĂ, Program Coordinator, Speranţa Association from Cahul
Silvia DEMIAN, Deputy Director, Vasile Alecsandri Lyceum from Bălţi
November 12-23, Nowy Sacz, Poland
Networking for Prevention of Child and Youth Trafficking in Eastern Europe and Central Asia
Veronica JOSAN, Project Coordinator, La Strada International Center for Women’s Rights Protection
and Promotion from Moldova
Aliona STEPAN, Program Coordinator, Child Rights Information Center from Moldova
November 20-26, Bansko, Bulgaria
Total Subprogram 2 expenditures: $29,405
Program administration expenditures: $43,672
Total EE: PBBP Expenditures: $306,152
a modern, democratic and well informed Moldovan society that actively acquires the EU values and
supports Moldova’s endeavors to join EU.
- an enhanced political dialogue in negotiating the European integration agenda and new
challenges faced by the Moldovan Government in fulfilling its European integration
- a procrastinated political crisis and limited progress in implementing sustainable reforms in
the context of the alignment with the European standards
- insufficient expertise in various sectors relevant in the context of negotiating a new MoldovaEU agreement
- a still poorly informed public and poor knowledge about the EU and its mechanisms
- insufficient public debate and understanding of various aspects of EU and accession process
In 2010, the European Initiatives Program (EIP) activities were focused on achieving the following
to contribute to shaping policies on EU related issues by enhancing public debate and
providing professional expertise in the field
to increase awareness and improve knowledge about EU.
The Program continued its efforts to spread information and knowledge on EU, EU-Moldova relations
and support the activities of the European Information Center and enrich its book collection with
valuable resources.
The EIP redesigned the information portal, a unique online information resource in
Moldova strictly focused on the EU and EU integration topics. It also intensified its efforts to promote
the webpage online and enhance its visibility.
To increase the quality of the European Studies at university level, thus fostering education of
knowledgeable and skillful professionals, as well as to foster communication and collaboration
between Moldovan and Romanian universities, a study visit to six Romanian universities of 15 faculty
members teaching European Studies was organized.
11 out of 12 selected books on the EU related topics were translated, published and largely
distributed in the entire country including public libraries, public authorities, higher education
institutions and NGOs. This project was initiated in 2007 and by 2011 it should reach a successful
ending. The last remaining book will be translated and published in the course of 2011.
The EIP continued to support civil society efforts to monitor the progress of EU-Moldova relations
within the Eastern Partnership Initiative through a grant awarded to ADEPT and Expert-Grup that
aims at informing the public on the progress registered so far, and also at stimulating public debate
and interest for these issues.
In order to contribute to designing coherent policies in fulfilling the country’s European integration
agenda, the EIP launched a series of in-depth studies on subjects important in the context of
negotiating a new RM-EU agreement. Three studies, offering expert independent analysis and policy
recommendations, were issued and presented to all interested stakeholders during the first half of
2010 which are currently used to foster public debates on such topics as: the adherence of Moldova
to the Energy Community; the impact of the future free trade agreement with the EU on the agri-food
sector; prospects for reforming the air transport services in the context of the future free trade
agreement with the EU. Other five studies on the topics relevant in the context of negotiating the
future RM-EU agreement were initiated during the second half of 2010 and will be finalized in 2011.
Program Director: Olga CRIVOLIUBIC, Email:
Program Coordinator: Diana ZAHARIA, Email:
Program Assistant: Denis BORDIAN, Email:
List of Acronyms:
IDSI Viitorul
Association for Participatory Democracy
European Initiatives Program
European Union
European Commission
Expert Group Independent Analytical Center
Nongovernmental Organizations
Institute for Development and Social Initiatives
Republic of Moldova
State University of Moldova
to spread information and public knowledge about the EU and European integration
to support public dialog on the advantages and challenges of the European integration
process of the Republic of Moldova
to promote the European values in Moldova
European Information Center
Grantee: Bogdan Petriceicu HASDEU Municipal Public Library
Project manager: Savela STARCIUC
Summary: The European Information Center (EIC) was established in May 2007 within the premises
of the Bodgan Petriceicu HASDEU Municipal Public Library. It offers access to recently published
books on the EU and European integration related topics now comprising a total of 1,314 books in
four languages, audio and video materials and international magazines for the academia,
researchers, public servants and ordinary readers. EIC ensures citizens’ easy access to the
necessary information related to the European legislation and EU institutions. In 2010 the EIC had
11,048 visitors and registered a total number of 83,793 of book lending. The activities of the project
will be extended over 2011-2012.
$28,600 (including $26,166 from 2010 budget and $2,434 from 2009 budget)
Stimulating Debate on Foreign Policy at Expert and Society Level
Grantee: ViitoruI IDSI
Project manager: Leonid LITRA
Summary: The project aims at raising awareness and stimulating public debate on foreign policy
issues, in the context of Moldova’s European integration agenda. Since mid-2010, the Moldova’s
Foreign Policy Statewatch newsletter is published and distributed to all interested stakeholders. The
newsletter encompasses policy briefs written by local experts dedicated to various pressing issues on
the foreign policy of the country. The project will be finalized in July 2011.
$8,626 (including $2,610 from 2010 budget and $6,016 from 2009 budget)
Optional course “Education for European Integration” – Experimental Program for High
School Teachers and Students
Grantee: PRO DIDACTICA Educational Center
Project manager: Liliana NICOLAESCU-ONOFREI
On the grantee’s request, the grant budget ($ 109,662) awarded in 2008 was supplemented with $
Operational Projects:
Translating and Publishing Books on EU Studies
This project aims to address the lack of comprehensive information on the EU in Moldova and to
increase students’, researchers’ and the general public’s knowledge in the field of the EU. To this end,
four publishing houses were selected to translate and publish 12 books on various EU related topics,
as follows:
- EU Enlargement and the Environment: Institutional Change and Environmental Policy in Central and
Eastern Europe, Joann Carmin & Stacy D. Vandeveer (500 copies)
- The Area of Freedom, Security and Justice in the Enlarged Europe, Karen Henderson (ed.) (500
- The Economics of European Integration: Theory, Practice, Policy, Willem Molle (1000 copies)
- The Shape of the New Europe, Ralf Ragowski & Charles Turner (1000 copies)
- Politics in the European Union, Ian Bache & Stephen George (1000 copies)
- Agricultural Policy in Europe, Alan Greer (500 copies)
- The Future of Europe: Reform or Decline, Alberto Alesina & Francesco Giavazzi (100 copies)
- Member States and the European Union, Bulmer & C. Lequesne (1000 copies)
- The EU's Transformative Power: Europeanization through Conditionality in Central and Eastern
Europe, Heather Grabbe (500 copies)
- Economics of Monetary Union, Paul De Grauwe (500 copies)
- Origins and Evolution of the European Union, Desmond Dinan (1000 copies)
- Democracy in Europe: The EU and National Polities, Vivien A. Schmidt (500 copies)
The first 10 books mentioned above had been translated and published by 2010 and one book
(Origins and Evolution of the European Union, Desmond Dinan) was translated and published in
2010. The translation and printing of the last 12-th book is envisioned for the first half of 2011. The
books are distributed to all public libraries from the country, to public and academic institutions, as
well as to NGOs that operate in this field.
Mixed Projects:
Maintaining the Information Portal
Project Coordinator: Denis CENUŞA
The website was created in 2006. It is the only online information resource in the
country which offers news, analyses, articles and interviews exclusively on the EU, Moldova’s
integration process and Moldova-EU relations. In 2010 the website underwent major design and
content improvements with a view to strictly limiting it to the EU, EU-Moldova and European
integration topics. The EIP intensified its efforts to promote the webpage online and increase its
visibility. A photo contest was organized within this project dedicated to Europe’s Day celebrated on
May 9; the winners received awards as mentioned below.
I prize, III prize: Maria DAMIAN
I prize: Mircea BRENICI
I prize, III prize: Dinu GUŢU
II prize: Irina TEUT
II prize, III prize: Tatiana BEŞLIU
II prize: Anna BALABAN
III prize: Natalia DONOS
III prize: Vitalie ŞOVA
Total project expenditures: $23,317
Strengthening Inter-academic Relations between Moldova and Romania
The project aimed at fostering the transfer of knowledge and experience between the academia
representatives from Moldova and Romania and stimulating public debate on European issues
important to the public at large. A public lecture by the Romanian professor and researcher,
Gheorghe Iordan BĂRBULESCU, with the title “The Lisbon Treaty and Its Impact on the Decision19
making Process in the EU” was held at the Department of International Relations, Political and
Administrative Studies of the SUM and the European Information Center for a total of over 80
beneficiaries. The project also presented a good opportunity for discussing further projects on
strengthening inter-academic relations between the two countries.
Study Visit to Romanian Universities
The project aimed at increasing the quality of the European Studies at university level, thus fostering
education of knowledgeable and skillful professionals, as well as at encouraging communication and
collaboration between Moldovan and Romanian universities. The EIP organized a study visit of 15
faculty members teaching European Studies to six Romanian universities. As a result, 15 faculty
members from nine Moldovan universities improved their knowledge and skills in teaching European
related studies and will apply these skills in their daily teaching activity.
Operating budget: $10,237
Total Subprogram 1 expenditures: $87,366
to support the government’s European integration efforts
to increase public debate and knowledge about the EU and EU-Moldova relations progress
within the Eastern Partnership dimension
to stimulate think-tanks to develop intellectual products necessary for policy development in
the field of European integration
EU – Moldova Relations: Monitoring the Progress within the Eastern Partnership Framework
Grantee: ADEPT Association for Participatory Democracy, Expert-Grup Independent Analytical Thinktank
Project managers: Igor BOŢAN, Valeriu PROHNIŢCHI
Summary: This project aims to enhance public debate with regard to Moldova’s European integration
policies and to contribute to improving public policies associated with the national European
integration agenda. In 2010, for the first time, a summary annual report analyzing Moldova’s progress
towards the European integration was developed and presented to the European Commission as an
alternative independent viewpoint of the civil society to feed into the EC’s 2010 Country Progress
Report. New grants were awarded at the end of 2010 for monitoring activities to be carried out during
2011. The project implementation team will issue quarterly monitoring reports on RM-EU relations
progress under the title “Euromonitor”, as well as a semi-annual magazine “Government and
Democracy: European Prospects” and several public policy studies in relevant sectors. An annual
summary progress report will be submitted to the European Commission in December to feed into its
annual progress report.
Grant to ADEPT: $52,269; Addition to ADEPT 2009 grant: $7,400
Project Director: Igor BOŢAN
Grant to Expert – Grup: $30,117
Project Director: Valeriu PROHNIŢCHI
Total Project budget $89,786 (including $86,242 from 2010 budget and $3,544 from 2009 budget)
Operating projects:
Evaluation of the project “EU-Moldova Relations: Monitoring the Progress within the Eastern
Partnership Framework” and Its Previous Stages
With a view to evaluating the EIP’s multiannual project on monitoring RM-EU relations, in 2009 the
Program commissioned an independent expert, Iulian RUSU, on an open competition basis. The
evaluation report highlighted the strengths and weaknesses of the project and its recommendations
were taken into consideration when drafting and approving a new annual project proposal for 2011
“EU-Moldova Relations: Monitoring the Progress within the Eastern Partnership Framework”, with a
view to increasing the project’s impact.
In-depth Studies on the EU Related Topics
The project aims at providing expert analysis and policy recommendations on the topics relevant for
enhancing Moldova’s European integration agenda thus contributing to designing coherent policies in
related fields. During the first half of 2010, three studies initiated by the EIP were issued and
presented to all interested stakeholders. They are currently used to foster public debates on the
following topics:
- „Moldova’s Energy Security in the Context of Adhering to the Energy Community”;
- „The Impact of the Future Moldova’s Free Trade Agreement with the EU on the Agri-food
Sector from Moldova;
- “The Prospects for Reforming the Air Transport Services in the Context of Negotiating the
Future Free Trade Agreement between Moldova and EU”.
The other five studies on the topics relevant in the context of negotiating the future Moldova-EU
agreement were initiated during the second half of 2010 and will be finalized in 2011, as follows:
insurance market; financial market; telecommunication services; cooperation within the Common
Security and Defense Policy; protection of personal data in the context of the visa liberalization
Total Subprogram 2 expenditures: $132,982
Program administration expenditures: $21,888
Total European Initiatives 2010 Program expenditures: $230,242
2009 budget expenditures: $11, 994
The Public Health Program’s mission is to advance the health and human rights of marginalized
people through building the capacity of civil society leaders and an active involvement of NGOs in
health policy development.
Program goals:
- to support the development and implementation of health related policies committed to inclusion and
human rights in identified specific fields;
- to build sustainable organizations and strengthen civil society leadership.
During 2010, the Public Health Program (PHP) of the Soros Foundation-Moldova (SFM) continued to
work as a facilitator of nongovernmental and governmental organizations by coordinating activities
aimed at preventing the spread of HIV infection among the vulnerable groups. This program is based
on the harm reduction strategy and on the strategy in support of people living with HIV/AIDS
(PLWHA). Financial support for these activities is drawn from the grants received from the Global
Fund to fight AIDS, TB and Malaria, the main recipient of these funds being the Ministry of Health’s
Project Coordination and Implementation Unit and the Center for Health Policies and Studies, while
the Soros Foundation-Moldova is a sub-recipient of these two entities.
In 2010, due to a fruitful collaboration of the Hospice and Palliative Care Society with the Ministry of
Health, significant achievements were registered in the area of palliative care services development in
the Republic of Moldova, including a higher number of palliative care services providers; a higher
number of palliative care services providers contracted by the National Health Insurance Company;
the university curricula in Palliative Care was developed and approved as an optional subject for the
students of the Nicolae Testemiţanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy; the Standards of
Palliative Care and the number of staff necessary for palliative care in inpatient facilities were
approved by the Ministry of Health. After a three-year joint effort of the Hospice and Palliative Care
Society, the National Pharmacists Association and the Ministry of Health, the amendments to the Law
on the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances and precursors were approved.
As a result of the technical assistance offered to the Ministry of Labor, Social Protection and Family by
the Keystone Human Services International Moldova Association, a SFM grantee, the legal framework
on creating social assistance services designed for people with disabilities was developed. By the end
of 2010, the Strategy on Social Inclusion of People with Disabilities and the Regulations and
Standards for such social services as “Community Home” and “Protected Living” were approved.
Some other legal documents including the draft law on social inclusion of people with disabilities, draft
regulations and quality standards for such social services as “Personal Assistant”, “Family Placement
for Adults with Mental Disabilities” “Mobile Team”, and the regulation for schools with inclusive
practices are under review.
At the initiative of the Woman and Child – Protection and Support NGO, a SFM grantee, a working
group was created in order to develop the normative framework for inclusive education.
Representatives of the Ministry of Education, the Secretary of the Council for Child’s Rights
Protection, the Institute of Educational Sciences and non-governmental organizations were involved
in this process. As a result, a ministry order was issued on the school inclusion of children with
disabilities aimed at ensuring the necessary conditions for the inclusion process.
The Neonatal Follow-up Service of Diagnosis and Supervision was extended to cover other two
raions of the country.
Due to a partnership between the Union of Organizations Operating in the Field of Harm Reduction,
the Republican Narcology Dispenser and the Center for Health Policies and Studies, the national
standards on harm reduction and psycho-social assistance of drug users were developed and
approved by the Ministry of Health.
A pilot project based on the harm reduction strategy started to be implemented in the Pretrial
Detention Center.
Program Director: Liliana GHERMAN, Email:
Program Coordinator: Victoria CONDRAT, Email:
Program Assistant: Ana GONCEAR, Email:
Harm Reduction Subprogram
Program Coordinator: Vitalie SLOBOZIAN, Email:
Finance and Procurement Specialist: Ala COJOCARI, Email:
Project Director: Angelica BORDEIANU, Email:
Project Coordinator: Andrei MATEI, Email:
Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist: Veronica ZORILA, Email:
Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist: Ina TCACI, Email:
Information Materials and Training Specialist: Natalia NICULA, Email:
Finance and Procurement Assistant: Irina BEJENARU: Email:
List of Acronyms:
Female Sex Workers
Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria
Injecting Drug Users
Health and Media Initiative
Harm Reduction Program
Law and Health Initiative
Lesbians, Gay, Bisexuals and Transgender Community
Multidrug Resistant
Mental Health Initiative
Ministry of Health
Men Having Sex with Men
Nongovernmental Organization
Palliative Care Initiative
Project Coordination, Implementation and Monitoring Unit, Moldova Health Sector
Public Health Program
People Living with HIV
Soros Foundation-Moldova
Sexual Transmitted Infections
Joint United Nations Program on HIV and AIDS
World Health Organization
(In collaboration with the Mental Health Initiative, OSI-Budapest)
The Mental Health Initiatives (MHI) subprogram seeks to ensure that people with mental disabilities
(mental health problems and/or intellectual disabilities) are able to live as equal citizens in the
community and to participate in society with full respect for their human rights. The Mental Health
Initiatives Program promotes social inclusion of people with mental disabilities by supporting the
development of community-based alternatives to institutionalization and by actively engaging in policy
based advocacy.
The following activities and projects were financed within this subprogram:
Inclusive Community - Moldova
Grantee: Keystone Human Services International Moldova Association
Project manager: Ludmila MALCOCI
Summary: The project supports activities aimed to promote social inclusion of people with mental
and/or intellectual disabilities. This involves both the promotion and development of the legal
framework and creating the conditions for integration of these people into society. To this end, 180
children and young people were deinstitutionalized or prevented from institutionalization, including 29
children and young people with the support of the project on deinstitutionalization of children from the
boarding school for children with mental disabilities from Orhei; 18 children and young people in the
process of being deinstitutionalized, and 133 children at risk of institutionalization.
MHI/OSI Budapest offered $897,173 for the implementation of the project in 2010.
Strengthening the Ongoing Surveillance of the Newborns from the Risk Group in the Republic
of Moldova
Grantee: Association of Perinatal Medicine from the Republic of Moldova
Project manager: Petru STRATULAT
Summary: The project aims at improving the situation of children with severe disabilities through early
intervention programs in preterm infants with birth weight less than 1500gr, newborns with
neurological disorders, retinopathy, or hearing pathology, broncho-pulmonary dysplasia, and infants
undergoing mechanical ventilation, by strengthening and expanding the Neonatal Diagnosis and
Surveillance Service and by promoting the concept of early intervention. The implementation team will
also help develop and promote early intervention, rehabilitation and medical and social rehabilitation
of children from risk groups and educate parents of children from risk groups.
Inclusive Education
Grantee: Femeia şi Copilul – Protecţie şi Sprijin (Woman and Child – Protection and Support) Public
Project manager: Alexandra GRĂJDIAN
Summary: The project aims to develop institutions with inclusive practices in two districts - Dubăsari
and Criuleni-by strengthening specialized services in schools and preschools, increasing the
professionalism of teachers and supporting professionals, fostering parents' motivation and active
involvement of local governments in developing inclusive policies and their implementation. The
project team developed specialized services in two schools and two kindergartens in the villages of
Doroţcaia and Măşcăuţi; supported the development of inclusive policies and promoted their
implementation both locally and at central level; provided support in the training of teachers, family,
community actors and created opportunities for their involvement in the process of inclusion; raised
awareness about inclusion in these two districts and disseminated the experience gained in schools
and kindergartens with inclusive practices in other educational institutions; contributed to forming
informed opinions about inclusion at both local and national levels.
Increasing the Capacities of Four Regional Teams from the Center of Moldova in Early
Grantee: Voinicel Center of Early Intervention
Project manager: Ivan PUIU
Summary: The project aims to improve the professional capacities of a group of specialists who work
with children with disabilities older than three years in four centers; will increase the knowledge of
physicians and other healthcare professionals in the field of pediatric primary development and early
intervention; the physical and intellectual abilities of about 50-60 children in four target areas and the
quality of life of parents and family members who take care of a child with disability will be improved.
Integration of Early Intervention in the Social and Medical Systems of the Country
Grantee: Voinicel Center of Early Intervention
Project manager: Ivan PUIU
Summary: The project aims to support policy and legislative framework development for the
integration of early intervention into the health system in Moldova, as well as to provide support to
local authorities in strengthening monitoring and evaluation of children with disabilities. This involves
assistance in developing the legislative framework and strengthening the nine centers that provide
early intervention services for children with disabilities.
Inclusive Education - Equal Chances for Children with Special Educational Needs
Grantee: Femeia şi Copilul – Protecţie şi Sprijin (Woman and Child – Protection and Support) Public
Project manager: Alexandra GRĂJDIAN
Summary: The project goal is to consolidate the achievements registered in the field of inclusive
education in the two districts, Criuleni and Dubăsari, through institutional development of pilot
inclusive schools and assistance of children with disabilities in both districts. The grantee
disseminated the lessons learned in inclusive practices in other schools and provided family support
in protecting the rights of disabled children.
Funded from 2009 budget
Operational projects
Development of Studies on Alternative Services for Social Inclusion of People with Disabilities
(“Personal Assistant” and “Community Home”)
Summary: Each study includes analysis of international practices and regulations concerning the
provision of community services for people with disabilities, the scientific concept of service and its
cost-benefit, analysis of the relevant legislation of the Republic of Moldova, highlighting potential
regulatory issues and proposing new service solutions to overcome them.
Other expenditures (program operational/ administration costs) – $10,294
Total Subprogram 1 expenditures – $215,354
(In collaboration with the Open Society Institute, New York)
The purpose of the Palliative Care Initiative (PCI) is to develop and integrate palliative care services in
the health system of the Republic of Moldova. One of the program’s aims is to increase access to
medication for pain control.
The following projects and activities were funded in 2010:
Development of Palliative Care Services in Ocniţa and Cimişlia
Beneficiary: Angelus Moldova Medical-Social Foundation
Project manager: Valerian ISAC
Summary: The project aims to initiate and develop two palliative care services in Ocniţa and Cimişlia
in partnership with Family Doctors Centers and Local Public Authorities (district councils). The
multidisciplinary team provided theoretical and practical courses in palliative care for two new teams
(each team is formed of 1 doctor and 2 nurses).The new teams offered palliative care services to
incurable patients with cancer in advanced and terminal stages of the disease in Cimişlia and Ocniţa.
Patients with terminal and advanced cancer from over 60 localities benefited from palliative care
services. During the three months of project implementation in 2010, 38 patients with incurable
diseases were served in the district of Cimişlia and 24 - in Ocniţa. Monitoring visits are made monthly
aimed at identifying possible problems in offering palliative care services. Both district teams took
concrete steps in securing funding from the National Health Insurance Company. The team is raising
public awareness about the need for further development of palliative care in the country.
Palliative Care Support for the Inpatients from the Zubreşti Hospice
Grantee: Zubreşti Prosperity Public Association
Project manager: Vasile SURUCEANU
Summary: The project aims to co-finance services in palliative care bed unit in the Zubreşti Hospice.
The Zubreşti Prosperity Association is the first organization that offers palliative care services for
inpatients with incurable diseases in advanced and terminal stages. In 2010 the Association was
contracted by the National Health Insurance Company to offer palliative care services.
Support for Palliative Care Services in Chişinău
Grantee: Angelus Moldova Medical-Social Foundation
Project manager: Valerian ISAC
Summary: The project is co-financing palliative care services offered to adults and children in the
municipality of Chişinău by the Angelus Moldova Medical-Social Foundation. In 2010 the organization
provided palliative care at home to 585 adults (of which 170 cancer patients in advanced and
progressive stages) and 23 children. Most patients come from Chişinău and its suburbs, while
children come from all over the country. The services were provided free of charge in ambulatory
conditions or at patients' homes. Patients received counseling, nursing, social assistance, religious
support on site or via telephone.
Participation in the XIII World Congress of Pain, August 29 - September 2, Montreal, Canada
Grantee: Vadim POGONEŢ
Participation in the training course ,,Organizational Support for the Development of Palliative
Care’’, Casa Speranţei Hospice, Braşov, Romania, March 26
Grantees: Maria CHIOSE, Elena CEAVDARI, Ecaterina VARVARICI
Participation in the training course ,,Symptom Management in Palliative Care’’, Casa Speranţei
Hospice, Braşov, Romania, March 26
Grantees: Tatiana NOVOLOACĂ, Rodica MIRON
Participation in the training course ,,Organizational Support for the Development of Palliative
Care’’, Casa Speranţei Hospice, Braşov, Romania, September 25
Grantees: Valerian ISAC, Vera CAIREAC
Operational projects
Workshop "Increasing Availability and Access to Opioid Medication for Pain Control", July 30 31
The workshop, attended by the representatives of the Ministry of Health, Municipal Department of
Health, public health institutions, Medicines Agency, Drug Control Committee and palliative care
service providers from Moldova, was organized on July 30-31. They reviewed the current legal
framework and normative acts on access to opioids for medical use and developed recommendations
for amending orders of the Ministry of Health and Medicines Agency related to Law # 382-XIV of
05.06.1999 on the circulation of drugs and psychotropic substances and precursors, amended in May
Development of the National Cancer Control Program for 2011- 2015
Summary: At the request of the Ministry of Health, the Soros Foundation - Moldova provided technical
assistance in reviewing, adjusting and finalizing the National Cancer Control Program for 2011-2015
in accordance with the World Health Organization’s recommendations. The experts worked in
collaboration with the Ministry of Health's main specialist in oncology and representatives of the
departments of Public Health Policy, Policy Analysis, Monitoring and Evaluation and Budget and
Finance. The final document was submitted to the Ministry of Health for review and approval.
Other expenditures (program operational/administration costs) – $7,251
Total Subprogram 2 expenditures – $75,136
(In collaboration with the Open Society Institute, New York)
The Law and Health Initiative (LAHI) promotes the use of legal remedies for improving public health
by supporting collaboration of public health professionals, doctors, practitioners involved in the field of
human rights.
The following activities and projects were financed within this subprogram:
Monitoring the Respect of Human Rights of Drug Users in the Republic of Moldova
Grantee: Moldovan Institute for Human Rights
Project manager: Vanu JEREGHI
Summary: The project aims to protect and promote human rights among injecting drug users by
providing legal assistance and support for injecting drug users and their families; increasing
knowledge on human rights with emphasis on the rights of injecting drug users among the staff of the
member organizations of the Union of Organizations Operating in the Field of Harm Reduction
(UORN); analyzing national legislation on human rights; promoting human rights in the Transnistrian
region; carrying out public awareness and information activities; etc.
$34,850 (LAHI – $16,000, HRP – $14,400, HMI – $4,450)
Protection of the Rights of Persons with Mental Disabilities
Grantee: Patients and Invalids' Rights Protection Center
Project manager: Alexandru COVALSCHI
Summary: The project goal is to promote and protect the rights of people with mental and intellectual
disabilities in Moldova by documenting cases of violation of their rights; providing advice and forensic
assistance to patients with mental health problems and/or their relatives; referring cases to other
partner organizations where relevant.
Community for All – Moldova: Support for Legal Consultancy
Grantee: Keystone Human Services International Moldova Association
Summary: The project is financed jointly by the Soros Foundation-Moldova and OSI Law and Health
Initiative. A consultant was hired to provide technical assistance to the Ministry of Labor and Social
Protection in developing the legislative and regulatory framework for social inclusion of persons with
disabilities. Due to the joint efforts and successful collaboration with the Ministry of Labor, Social
Protection and Family, significant results were obtained in this field: the Strategy on social inclusion of
persons with disabilities and the Regulations and standards for such services as "Community Home"
and "Protected Home" were approved; the draft regulations and service standards for such services
as "Personal Assistant", "Foster Care for Adults with Mental Disabilities", "Mobile Team" as well as
Guidelines for schools with inclusive practices were developed.
Promoting Human Rights in Health
Grantee: Nicolae Testemiţanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy
Project manager: Rodica GRAMMA
Summary: The training module "Health and Human Rights" was developed. The module will be part of
the Master’s Degree course curriculum in the School of Management in Public Health.
Participation in the Workshop "Teaching Health Law: Courses of Law, Human Rights and
Public Health", Skopje, Macedonia, May 18-21
Grantees: Rodica GRAMMA, Tatiana NOVAC
Operational projects
Human Rights in Patient Care: A Practitioner’s Guide
The project is implemented in several countries of the region. The work on developing guidelines for
practitioners continued during 2010. The Guide is developed with the participation of a group of
authors. It includes the following chapters: Introduction; International human rights framework in
public health; Regional framework for human rights in public health; International and regional
procedures; Specific national notes; Patient rights in the national context; Rights and responsibilities
of service providers in the national context; National procedures; Annexes.
Although the Guide is primarily addressed to lawyers, it will also be useful for public health specialists,
doctors, and activists protecting patients' rights.
The project is operational and is implemented in collaboration with the Public Health Program, Law
and Health Initiative Program of the Open Society Institute and Human Rights and Good Governance
Program of the Open Society Institute, Budapest.
Evaluation of the Capacity Development Needs of the Moldovan Institute for Human Rights
The project aimed to assess the organizational capacity development needs of the Moldovan Institute
for Human Rights. This study included a detailed self-identification of problems related to
organizational performance based on the evaluation results; a development plan was drafted. The
evaluation was conducted by the International Consulting Ltd.
$19,784 (LAHI– $15,088, HRP - $4,696)
Other expenditures (program operational/administration costs) – $8,782
Total Subprogram 3 expenditures – $82,735
The Media and Health Initiative (HMI) subprogram aims to increase public awareness about health
issues by facilitating the interaction between media and public health NGOs.
The following projects and activities were financed within this subprogram:
Raising Public Awareness on the Situation of Injecting Drug Users in the Republic of Moldova
Grantee: Union of Organizations Operating in the Field of Harm Reduction
Project manager: Ala IAŢCO
Summary: The project aims to change public perception about injecting drug users in Moldova, to
contribute to changing discriminatory attitudes and reducing the phenomenon of social exclusion and
marginalization. The project intends to develop a series of short documentaries with specific topics
that will be broadcast on Publika TV channel. Also, talk-shows will be held with key stakeholders in
the field to discuss the most pressing issues concerning the situation of injecting drug users in
Raising Public Awareness about Palliative Care in the Republic of Moldova
Grantee: Angelus Moldova Medical-Social Foundation
Project manager: Valerian ISAC
Summary: The project aims to promote the principles and values of palliative care in Moldova. The
project is to develop a series of short documentaries with specific topics that will be broadcast on
Publika TV channel. At the same TV channel, talk-shows will be held with experts in the palliative care
field, representatives of the Ministry of Health, other key stakeholders to discuss issues related to
palliative care services, their need and importance for the population of the Republic of Moldova.
Also, short films will be distributed through all possible channels using social media sources.
Development of Video Spots on Social Inclusion of People with Disabilities
Grantee: Keystone Human Services International Moldova Association
Project manager: Nicolae CIOCAN
Summary: The project aims to increase the acceptance of people with disabilities and raise
awareness regarding their rights. The project is to develop a series of short films with specific topics
that will be broadcast on Publika TV channel. Also, talk-shows will be held with the participation of
relevant persons involved in the mental health area and service providers aimed to discuss the
possibilities of integration of this category of persons into the society.
Monitoring the Respect of Human Rights of Drug Users in the Republic of Moldova
Grantee: Moldovan Institute for Human Rights
Project manager: Vanu JEREGHI
Summary: The project aims to protect and promote human rights among injecting drug users by
providing legal assistance and support for injecting drug users and their families; to increase
knowledge about human rights with emphasis on the rights of injecting drug users among the staff of
the member organizations of the Union of Organizations Operating in the Field of Harm Reduction
(UORN); to analyze national legislation on human rights; to promote human rights in the Transnistrian
region; to organize public awareness and information activities.
$34,850 (LAHI – $16,000, HRP – $14,400, HMI – $4,450)
Operational projects
Training "Media Advocacy Skills in Public Health", December 15-17
Summary: The Public Health Program, in collaboration with the Media and Health Initiative of the
Open Society Institute, New York, organized a training course to improve skills in using the media in
the public health area. The training was attended by 16 representatives of PHP’s grantees
implementing activities in the field of harm reduction, palliative care and mental health. The training
course was conducted by the trainer, Anastasia Bezverkha, PhD in Communication Sciences,
National University of Kiev, Health and Media consultant for OSI NY in Ukraine. Following the training,
the SFM offered mini-grants aimed at facilitating the use of the skills acquired during the training
course into practice.
Other expenditures (program operational/administration costs) – $569
Total Subprogram 4 expenditures – $14,000
(In collaboration with the Open Society Institute, New York, and third party)
The purpose of the Harm Reduction Program is to reduce the health-linked, socially and economically
determined adverse impact owing to intravenous drug use and unsafe sex, including prevention of
HIV/AIDS epidemic among vulnerable groups: intravenous drug users (IDUs), female sex workers
(FSWs), men having sex with men (MSM), prisoners, truck drivers, migrants, etc. As a partner facility
of the Ministry of Health’s Project Coordination and Implementation Unit since Round One Grant of
the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, the Soros Foundation-Moldova is playing
the role of an NGO facilitator in implementing HIV/AIDS and STI (Sexually Transmitted Infections)
control among vulnerable groups, as well as care and support for people living with HIV/AIDS
(PLWHA). The program draws on the financial support from the Global Fund.
At present, the program administrates three projects in its sub-recipient capacity:
- „Providing Community Outreach to Vulnerable Groups” , the main recipient being the Project
Coordination, Implementation and Monitoring Unit, Moldova Health Sector Project, financial
resources of Round 6, Phase II.
- „Providing Care and Support for PLWHA”, the main recipient being the PAS Center, financial
resources of Round 8, Phase II.
- ’’Strengthening the Patient and Community Role in Tuberculosis Control in Moldova’’, the
main recipient being the PAS Center, financial resources of Round 9, Phase I.
In accordance with these projects, the program continued to support initiatives of governmental and
non-governmental organizations based on the harm reduction strategy, aimed at offering assistance
to PLWHA and people with tuberculosis. Other types of activities carried out in the framework of these
projects include organization of capacity building training courses for project staff, development of
policies in the harm reduction area, publishing of informational materials for distribution, participation
in conferences, seminars and workshops for project staff and other stakeholders.
Monitoring the Respect of Human Rights of Drug Users in the Republic of Moldova
Grantee: Moldovan Institute for Human Rights
Project manager: Vanu JEREGHI
Summary: The project aims to protect and promote human rights among injecting drug users by
providing legal assistance and support to injecting drug users and their families; increasing knowledge
on human rights with emphasis on the rights of injecting drug users among the staff of the member
organizations of the Union of Organizations Operating in the Field of Harm Reduction (UORN);
analyzing national legislation on human rights; promoting human rights in the Transnistrian region;
conducting public awareness and information activities.
$34,850 (LAHI – $16,000, HRP – $14,400, HMI – $4,450)
Evaluation of the Capacity Development Needs of the Moldovan Institute for Human Rights
The project aimed to assess the organizational capacity development needs of the Moldovan Institute
for Human Rights. This study included a detailed self-identification of problems related to
organizational performance. A development plan was drafted based on the evaluation results. The
evaluation was conducted by the International Consulting Ltd.
$19,784 (LAHI– $15,088, HRP - $4,696)
Grants Offered to NGOs/GOs for HIV/STI Prevention Services among People from High Risk
Ensuring the Sustainability of Harm Reduction Programs by Seeking Funding from National
Budgetary Resources
Grantee: Union of Organizations Operating in the Field of Harm Reduction
Project manager: Ala IAŢCO
Summary: The project aims to develop the regulation on harm reduction services and training
modules; to organize workshops for service providers involved in harm reduction projects; to design
and maintain the harm reduction component within the site.
Increasing Access to HIV Prevention Activities among IDU Detainees from Transnistria (grant
Grantee: Carlux Public Association, Chişinău
Project manager: Vitalie MOROŞAN
Summary: The goal of the project is to ensure access to HIV prevention for the IDUs from
Transnistrian penitentiaries. The project services include needle exchange, distribution of condoms,
antiseptics and informational materials in three penitentiaries from the Transnistrian region.
Publishing Harm Reduction Standards
Grantee: Republican Narcology Dispenser
Project manager: Mihai OPREA
Summary: The grant was offered for the publishing of two national standards: Standards for
Psychological and Social Assistance for Drug Users and Standards for Harm Reduction for Drug
Users, each document being published in 200 copies.
Financed from 2009 budget
HIV/AIDS Prevention among IDUs in Orhei and Rezina
Grantee: Adolescentul (Teenager) Youth Education and Rehabilitation Center, Orhei
Project manager: Svetlana ROMANOVA
Summary: The organization implements activities in partnership with Viitorul Nostru (Our Future)
NGO, Rezina. The services offered by the project aim at reducing the incidence of HIV/AIDS among
IDUs from Orhei, Rezina and Şoldăneşti. The total number of beneficiaries reached 636 IDUs by the
end of 2010. The project services are focused on rendering needle exchange, distribution of
condoms, antiseptics and informational materials, and promoting lower-risk behaviors and health
education. The project supports specialized consultations and counseling sessions, as well as
psychological and social reintegration of the above-mentioned target groups.
Prevention of HIV/AIDS among IDUs within the Framework of the Harm Reduction Program
Grantee: Pentru Prezent şi Viitor (For Present and Future) NGO, Chişinău
Project manager: Nina TUDOREANU
Summary: The organization implements the project in partnership with the National Applied and
Research Center for Public Health, AIDS Center and Cu Gîndul la Viitor (Thinking of Future) NGO,
Căuşeni. The project aims at reducing the spread of the HIV/AIDS epidemics and STIs among IDUs.
2919 IDUs benefited from needle exchange services, as well as from condoms, antiseptics,
informational materials, counseling services and social inclusion activities.
Fighting HIV/AIDS in Penitentiaries. Continuation of Activities Based on the Harm Reduction
Strategy. Extension of the Project to Penitentiary # 1 from Taraclia
Grantee: Proiecte Inovatoare în Penitenciare (Innovative Projects in Penitentiaries) NGO, Chişinău
Project manager: Larisa PINTILEI
Summary: The project aims at covering inmates from the entire penitentiary system with HIV/AIDS
and STI prevention activities. During 2010, the HIV/AIDS and STI prevention activities were extended
to Penitentiary # 1 from Taraclia. The project services are focused on needle exchange in 9
penitentiaries, as well as on distribution of condoms, antiseptics and informational materials to
detainees from the entire penitentiary system.
Fighting HIV/AIDS in Penitentiaries. Implementation of a Pilot Project Based on the Harm
Reduction Strategy in Penitentiary # 11 from Bălţi
Grantee: Proiecte Inovatoare în Penitenciare (Innovative Projects in Penitentiaries) NGO, Chişinău
Project manager: Larisa PINTILEI
Summary: The project aims at extending the HIV/AIDS and STI prevention activities into penitentiary
# 11 from Bălţi, based on the Harm Reduction Strategy.
HIV/AIDS/STIs Prevention among IDUs in Bălţi, Ungheni, Făleşti and Glodeni
Grantee: Tinerii pentru Dreptul la Viaţă (Youth for the Right to Life) NGO, Bălţi branch
Project manager: Ala IAŢCO
Summary: The organization implements activities in partnership with Vis Vitalis NGO, Ungheni, and
Împreună să Salvăm Viitorul (Saving the Future Together) NGO, Făleşti, covering Bălţi, Ungheni,
Fălesti, Glodeni regions. The main objective of the project is to reduce the incidence of HIV/AIDS and
STI prevalence among IDUs in the municipality of Bălţi -about 3949 IDUs, Ungheni – 604 IDUs,
Făleşti and Glodeni – 579 IDUs, by promoting and strengthening activities based on the harm
reduction strategy, including needle exchange, distribution of condoms, antiseptics and informational
materials, specialized consultancy and counseling sessions.
HIV/AIDS Prevention Based on the Harm Reduction Strategy among IDUs in the Northern
Region of RM Grantee: Tinerele femei-Cernoleuca (Young Women-Cernoleuca) NGO, Donduşeni
Project manager: Tatiana COJOCARU
Summary: The organization implements activities in partnership with Alcoolismul şi Narcomanie (Drug
and Alcohol Addiction) NGO, Soroca, covering Donduşeni, Tîrnova, Otaci, Ocniţa, Edineţ, Rîşcani,
Briceni, Soroca, Drochia and Floreşti regions. The project aims at lowering the risks associated with
intravenous drug use via needle exchange, information materials, condoms and antiseptics
distribution, STI prevention, including HIV/AIDS prevention and by carrying out other harm reduction
HIV/AIDS Prevention in Tiraspol
Grantee: Zdorovoe Buduschee (Healthy Future) NGO, Tiraspol
Project manager: Natalia HINEVA
Summary: The organization implements activities in partnership with NOUIN NGO, Tiraspol. The project
aims to reduce the incidence of HIV/AIDS among 836 IDUs in Tiraspol and Slobozia by carrying out and
strengthening activities based on the Harm Reduction Strategy including needle exchange, distribution of
condoms, antiseptics and informational materials, self-support groups, specialized consultancy and
counseling sessions.
HIV/AIDS and SITs Prevention among FSWs in Orhei
Grantee: Adolescentul (Teenager) Youth Education and Rehabilitation Center, Orhei
Project manager: Svetlana ROMANOVA
Summary: The project aims at reducing the incidence of HIV/AIDS and STIs among female sex workers (226
beneficiaries, 14 of them being IDUs) through social reintegration activities. The services provided by the
project include consultations, counseling and information sessions, needle exchange and distribution of
HIV/AIDS and STIs Prevention among FSWs from Bălţi within the Framework of the Harm
Reduction Strategy
Grantee: Tinerii pentru Dreptul la Viaţă (Youth for the Right to Life) NGO, Bălţi branch
Project manager: Aliona CIOBANU
Summary: The organization implements activities in partnership with Vis Vitalis NGO, Ungheni. The
project aims at reducing the incidence of HIV/AIDS and STI among 372 FSWs from Bălţi municipality
and Ungheni. The project activities are based on specialized consultancy and counseling, needle
exchange, distribution of condoms, antiseptics and informational materials, alongside social
reintegration activities.
Prevention of HIV/AIDS and STIs among FSWs in Chişinău
Grantee: Reforme Medicale (Medical Reforms) NGO, Chişinău
Project manager: Alexei LEORDA
Summary: The services provided by the project aim at reducing the incidence of HIV/AIDS among
FSWs (566 beneficiaries, including 69 IDUs). The project services are focused on rendering needle
exchange, distribution of condoms, antiseptics and informational materials and promoting lower-risk
behaviors and health education. The project organizes specialized consultations and counseling
sessions and offers psychological and social reintegration services to the target group.
Substitution Therapy for Injecting Drug Users
Grantee: Republican Narcology Dispenser
Project manager: Mihai OPREA
Summary: The project aims at mitigating the negative medical and social consequences of drug use
among IDUs from Chişinău by employing the substitution therapy with methadone. At the end of the
2010, the number of permanent beneficiaries reached 233.
Substitution Treatment with Methadone in Penitentiary Institutions
Grantee: Department of Penitentiary Institutions, Ministry of Justice
Project manager: Vadim COJOCARU
Summary: The project employs the substitution therapy with methadone for opiate drug users from
penitentiaries. This treatment is used in Pruncul, Brăneşti, Cricova, Soroca, Rusca, Bălţi and Chişinău
penitentiaries. At the end of 2010, the number of permanent beneficiaries reached 49.
Substitution Therapy with Methadone for IDUs from Bălţi
Grantee: Municipal Clinic Hospital from Bălţi
Project manager: Eduard NENESCU
Summary: The project aims at mitigating the negative medical and social consequences of drug use
among IDUs from Bălţi by offering them the substitution therapy with methadone. The number of
permanent beneficiaries reached 70 by the end of the 2010.
Increased Access of IDUs to Rehabilitation Services and Psychological Assistance within the
Rehabilitation Center
Grantee: Republican Narcology Dispenser
Project manager: Mihai OPREA
Summary: The objectives of the project are to reduce and improve the behavioral, intellectual and
emotional disorders, due to the abuse of psycho-active substances; to increase the professional level
of staff directly involved in social rehabilitation within the Rehabilitation Center; to develop and
approve the guide: “Psychological and Social Rehabilitation of Drug Addicts”; to design and
implement an e-form register (database) of beneficiaries.
Financed from 2009 budget
The LGBT Community Chooses Safety
Grantee: GENDERDOC-M Information Center NGO, Chişinău
Project manager: Olesea BUCŞANU
Summary: The project aims at reducing the spread of HIV/AIDS epidemics and STI among the LGBT
community in Moldova, focusing on MSM. The project also advocates for safer sex for men having
sex with other men. The project services are focused on rendering lubricants, condoms, hygienic
gloves and informational materials. The project covered 884 beneficiaries.
HIV/AIDS Prevention among Migrants
Grantee: Societate, Om, Sănătate, Viitor (Society, Person, Health, Future) NGO, Chişinău
Project manager: Silvia STRATULAT
Summary: The project aims at providing HIV/AIDS and STI informational, educational and
communication activities among migrants traveling through the Leuşeni, Sculeni, Cahul and
Giurgiuleşti customs checkpoints, as well as migrants traveling to CIS countries, through the Northern
Railway Terminal and Chişinău Airport.
HIV/AIDS/STI Prevention among Truck Drivers in Chişinău and Bălţi
Grantee: Reforme Medicale (Medical Reforms) NGO, Chişinău
Project manager: Alexei LEORDA
Summary: The organization implements activities in partnership with Tinerii pentru Dreptul la Viaţă
(Youth for the Right to Life) NGO, Bălţi branch. The services offered by the project aim at reducing the
incidence of HIV/AIDS and STIs among truck drivers in Chişinău and Bălţi (9397 persons from
Chişinău, and respectively, 368 persons from Bălţi), including distribution of condoms and
informational materials.
Grants aimed to ensure outreach to PLHIV and family members by NGOs
Support to People Living with HIV/AIDS through the Multidisciplinary Team in the North of
Grantee: Respiraţia a Doua pentru Oamenii în Etate şi Inactivi din Bălţi (Second Breath for the Elderly
and Inactive People) NGO, Bălţi
Project manager: Irina BAICALOV
Summary: The project aims to increase the quality of life of PLHIV and support their integration into
the society through access to social support services through multidisciplinary teams. During 2010,
the NGO provided care and support services to 755 PLHIV beneficiaries and 237 PLHIV relatives.
The organization conducted such activities and services as complementary services for PLHIV, selfsupport group including children and relatives, referral services for PLHIV, social workers’ exchange
visits, and information seminars in the districts and in the main office in Bălţi.
Support and Care for PLHIV from the Central Region
Grantee: Centrul Regional pentru Politici Comunitare (Regional Center for Community Policies) NGO,
Project manager: Rodica IVTODI
Summary: The project pursues the goal of improving the quality of life of PLHIV in Moldova through
increased access to qualitative psycho-social services. 124 PLHIV beneficiaries and 56 relatives were
offered care and support services in 2010. The NGO provides such services as: medical and social
assistance, ARV adherence counseling, referral services and peer to peer consultancy.
Increased Access to Support and Care Services for PLHIV
Grantee: Credinţa (Faith) NGO in partnership with Copilărie pentru toţi (A Childhood for Everybody)
NGO, Chişinău
Project manager: Ludmila UNTURA
Summary: The project aims at improving the quality of life of PLHIV from Moldova through increased
access to qualitative psycho-social services. 1261 PLHIV and 102 relatives were reached with care
and support services. The NGO provides such services as: medical and social assistance, palliative
care, referral services, peer to peer consultancy, psychological support, self-support groups, ARV
adherence counseling, activities for HIV infected children, and support for relatives, information
seminars in Chişinău and in the districts.
Support and Care to PLHIV in Bălţi, Floreşti and Râşcani Districts
Grantee: Credinţa-Nord (Faith-North) NGO, Bălţi
Project manager: Mihail CARELOV
Summary: The project aims at improving the quality of life and access to qualitative psycho-social
services for PLHIV from Bălţi, Floreşti and Râşcani districts. In 2010 the NGO provided care and
support services to 129 PLHIV beneficiaries and 84 relatives. The activities carried out in 2010
included medical and social assistance, referral services and peer to peer consultancy.
Increased Access of PLHIV to Care and Support Services
Grantee: Credinţa-T (Faith-T) NGO, Tiraspol
Project manager: Olga ILCHEVICI
Summary: The project pursues the goal of improving the quality of life of PLHIV from Tiraspol
(partially), Dubăsari and Grigoriopol through increased access to qualitative psycho-social services.
The organization provided such services as: medical and social assistance, self-support groups for
PLHIV and referral to other available services. 104 beneficiaries and 15 relatives were reached with
care and support services by the end of July 2010.
Support and Care for PLHIV from the Southern Region of Moldova
Grantee: Biaz Gul NGO, Comrat
Project manager: Alexandru ZAVRICICO
Summary: The goal of the project is to enhance the quality of life of PLHIV through increased access
to qualitative social support services in Comrat and other districts from the south of the country
including Ceadir Lunga, Taraclia, Basarabeasca, and Cimişlia. 150 PLHIV beneficiaries and 382
relatives (549 consultations for relatives) were reached with care and support services. The NGO
offered such services as: medical and social assistance, palliative care, referral services, ARV
adherence counseling, peer to peer consultancy, psycho-social support, self-support groups, referral
to the Community Center, psycho-social assistance to family members, ”Patient School”, information
seminars, mobile groups, etc.
Access of PLHIV to Support and Care in the Trasnistrian Region
Grantee: Belaia Roza NGO, Tiraspol
Project manager: Petr OLIEVSCHI
Summary: The project aims to improve the quality of life of PLHIV from Tiraspol, Râbniţa and
penitentiaries from the region through an increased access to qualitative psycho-social services. 275
PLHIV beneficiaries and 76 relatives were reached with care and support services. The services
provided to PLHIV included medical and social assistance, referral services and peer to peer
Support and Care Services to PLHIV in Tiraspol and Slobozia Districts
Grantee: Zdorovoe Buduschee NGO, Tiraspol
Project manager: Roman SANDU
Summary: The project aims to improve the quality of life of PLHIV from Moldova through increased access
to qualitative psycho-social services. 494 PLHIV beneficiaries and 123 relatives were reached with care
and support services. The organization offered the following services: medical and social assistance,
palliative care, referral services, peer to peer consultancy, psychological support, support group for PLHIV
relatives, “School for PLHIV”, self-support groups and support group for women, information seminars with
the target group, referral and support to social assistance services and other relevant authorities.
Fii alături (Be Supportive)
Grantee: Miloserdie NGO, Bender
Project manager: Maria TURCAN
Summary: The project aims at improving the quality of life of PLHIV from Bender and the suburbs
through increased access to qualitative psycho-social services. 123 PLHIV beneficiaries and 44
relatives were covered with services during 2010. The range of activities implemented by the
organization included medical and social assistance, palliative care, referral services, ARV adherence
counseling, peer to peer consultancy and psycho-social support.
Psychological and Social Support and Care for PLHIV from the South of Moldova
Grantee: Speranţa Vieţii (Hope of Life) NGO, Cahul
Project manager: Nicolai COL
Summary: The project aims to improve the quality of life of PLHIV from Moldova through increased
access to qualitative psycho-social services. The geographical coverage of the project includes
Cahul, Vulcăneşti, Leova and Cantemir districts. The services provided to PLHIV include medical and
social assistance, referral services and peer to peer consultancy. During 2010 the organization
covered with care and support services 58 PLHIV beneficiaries and 64 relatives.
Ensuring Universal Access of PLHIV to Psycho-social Support
Grantee: Viaţa Nouă (New Life) NGO in partnership with the Mamele pentru Viaţă (Mothers for Life)
NGO, Chişinău
Project manager: Ruslan POVERGA
Summary: The project aims at improving the quality of life of PLHIV from Moldova through increased
access to qualitative psycho-social services. It covers such areas as Chişinău, Anenii Noi, Ialoveni
and Soroca including penitentiary institutions # 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 15, 16, 17, and 18. 244 PLHIV
beneficiaries and 256 relatives (299 consultations for relatives) were reached with care and support
services. The organization provided such services as: medical and social counseling, referral
services, peer to peer consultancy, psycho-social support, self-support groups, and information
seminars for the target group. Self-support groups were set up for PLHIV in penitentiaries.
Grants to NGOs meant to ensure proper operations of 4 regional centers
Regional Social Community Center to Provide Specialized Support to PLHIV
Grantee: Respiraţia a Doua pentru Oamenii în Etate şi Inactivi din Bălţi (Second Breath for the Elderly
and Inactive People) NGO, Bălţi
Project manager: Irina BAICALOV
Summary: The project strives to increase PLHIV’s access to specialized qualitative services in the
municipality of Bălţi and other districts in the north of Moldova including Briceni, Donduşeni, Drochia,
Floreşti, Ocniţa, Rîşcani, Sîngerei, Soroca, Făleşti, Şoldăneşti, Edineţ, Otaci, and Glodeni. The main
goal of the project is to improve the quality of life of PLHIV and to ensure their integration into the
society. The Center offered a wide range of services to PLHIV including medical consultancy,
psychological support, kinetotherapy/physiotherapy, social counseling, peer to peer assistance,
assistance with identity documents issuance and other documents, referral services, referral to public
services provided by public institutions, etc.
Regional Social Community Center to Provide Specialized Support to PLHIV
Grantee: Biaz Gul NGO, Comrat
Project manager: Vladimir IANCEV
Summary: The project aims at increasing access of PLHIV to specialized qualitative services in the
south of Moldova. The project covers 9 regions including Comrat, Ceadîr-Lunga, Vulcăneşti, Taraclia,
Basarabeasca, Cimişlia, Cantemir, Leova, and Cahul. The Regional Community Center provided
care and support services to PLHIV, such as: peer to peer counseling, support groups, ”social club”
activities, referral services, ART compliance, psychological support, etc. Other activities were focused
on informing the public from the regions covered by the project about the services offered by the
Regional Social Community Center to Provide Specialized Support to PLHIV
Grantee: Zdorovoe Buduschee NGO from Tiraspol in partnership with Belaia Roza NGO from Tiraspol
Project manager: Ludmila ANDROPOVA
Summary: The project aims to increase the access of PLHIV to specialized qualitative services in the
eastern part of Moldova and to improve the quality of life of PLHIV and ensure their integration into
the society. The Center provided a full range of services to people infected/affected by HIV/AIDS
including information services, initial assessment of beneficiaries, peer to peer counseling,
psychological support, ARV adherence counseling, medical consultations, self-support groups, green
line consultations, referral services, food parcels distribution to PLHIV, etc.
Regional Social Community Centre to Provide Specialized Support to PLHIV
Grantee: Credinţa (Faith) NGO, Chişinău
Project manager: Ludmila UNTURA
Summary: The project aims at increasing the access of PLHIV to specialized qualitative services and
to improve the quality of life of PLHIV and ensure their integration into the society. The Center
provided a wide range of services to PLHIV including medical consultancy, psychological support,
social counseling, peer to peer assistance, referral services, etc.
Grants to support PLHIV and children infected and affected by HIV/AIDS with food parcels and
stationary supplies.
The goal of this project activity was to provide food parcels to PLHIV and HIV/AIDS infected/affected
children in order to secure adequate nutrition, promote ARV treatment adherence and to sustain
healthy levels of physical activity and a good quality of life.
Grantee: Respiraţia a Doua pentru Oamenii în Etate şi Inactivi din Bălţi (Second Breath for the
Elderly and Inactive People) NGO, Bălţi
Project manager: Irina BAICALOV
Summary: A total number of 168 PLHIV and 44 children received food parcels in 2010 and other 23
received clothes and stationary supplies for school.
Grantee: Credinţa (Faith) NGO, Chişinău
Project manager: Ludmila UNTURA
Summary: The NGO distributed food parcels to 305 PLHIV and 207 children infected/affected by
HIV/AIDS; other 19 children received clothes and stationary supplies for school.
Grantee: Zdorovoe Buduschee NGO, Tiraspol
Project manager: Ludmila ANDROPOVA
Summary: The NGO distributed food parcels to 214 PLHIV and 69 children infected/affected by
HIV/AIDS; other 14 children received clothes and stationary supplies for school.
Grantee: Biaz Gul NGO, Comrat
Project manager: Vladimir IANCEV
Summary: The NGO distributed food parcels to 68 PLHIV and 18 children infected/affected by
HIV/AIDS; other 9 children received clothes and stationary supplies for school.
Other Grants
Strengthening the Health Care Service Providers’ Capacities in HIV/AIDS through E-learning
Grantee: Master in Public Health Association in partnership with the School of Public Health
Project manager: Oleg LOZAN
Summary: The project goal is to strengthen the capacities of health care service providers in
HIV/AIDS through e-learning. To this end, the NGO carried out several training courses for family
doctors and managers from the public health system on September 13 - 16 (25 participants, family
doctors), September 22-25 (25 participants, family doctors), September 22-25 (19 participants,
managers from the public health system). The NGO developed 9 curricula in HIV/AIDS for the Medical
University to be used for continuous training. They also designed an e-learning web-platform entitled
“Task Management” for medical students, offering them the possibility to take virtual classes and
access class material and presentations and undertake self-assessment.
Strengthening the National League of PLHIV
Grantee: National League of PLHIV PA, Chişinău
Project manager: Igor CHILCEVSCHI
Summary: The main goal of the project was to strengthen the capacities of the National League of
PLHIV from Moldova. In achieving this goal, the League carried out various activities including
seminars, round-tables, and workshops to name just a few:
- “Documentation and Reporting”, held on December 6 -8, for a total number of 25
representatives of the League;
- “Capacity Building of the Members of the League in Romanian”. 41 members of the League
took Romanian language courses during 2010;
- Bi-annual planning and reporting meeting of the National League of PLHIV, held on
November 17- 19 in Chişinău. The meeting was attended by 44 persons.
During 2010, the National League of PLHIV printed out 5150 information materials to be used in their
advocacy activity and at special events.
Grants for Events Organized on Special Occasions (World Aids Day, Candlelight)
Grantee: Tinerii pentru Dreptul la Viaţă (Youth for the Right to Life) NGO, Bălţi branch
Project manager: Ala IATCO
Summary: The goal of the campaign was to prevent unhealthy and risky life behavior, especially
sexual behavior, by promoting a healthy life behavior among youngsters and to fight stigma and
discrimination of PLHIV.
Grantee: Mamele pentru Viaţă (Mothers for Life) NGO, Chişinău
Project manager: Irina BELEVȚOVA
Summary: The project aim was to inform and raise community awareness with regard to HIV/AIDS
and to strengthen efforts in fighting HIV in the district of Ialoveni.
Grantee: Consult Nord NGO, Pelinia
Project manager: Constantin BANDIU
Summary: The project main goal was to educate teenagers on taking responsibility for their own
health, being informed about the consequences of unhealthy behavior and the ways to reduce risks.
Grantee: Speranţa Vieţii (Hope of Life) NGO, Cahul
Project manager: Natalia MEDVETKI
Summary: The project main goal was to raise public awareness on HIV/AIDS in the district of Cahul;
to inform teenagers about the HIV infection; to teach responsibility for personal health; to promote
tolerance and ethical behavior toward PLHIV.
Grantee: Centrul Regional pentru Politici Comunitare (Regional Center for Community
Policies) NGO, Chişinău
Project manager: Alexandr CURAŞOV
Summary: The project aim was to inform and raise community awareness with regard to HIV/AIDS
and to strengthen efforts in fighting HIV in the district of Soroca.
Grantee: Viaţa Nouă (New Life) NGO, Chişinău
Project manager: Ruslan POVERGA
Summary: The project pursued the aim to inform and raise community awareness with regard to
HIV/AIDS and to strengthen efforts in fighting HIV in the district of Anenii Noi.
Participation in local and international events
Participation of the Representative of the Department of Penitentiary Institutions in the UNDOC
Congress, Brazil, April 14-19
Grantee: Vadim COJOCARU
Training Course in Outreach Activity among Female Sex Workers, Donetsk, Ukraine, June 9-11
Grantees: Victor CIBURCIU, Elena MUNTEANU, Aleona CIOBANU
Training Course in Basic Concepts for Outreaches Involved in Harm Reduction Programs in
RM, Chişinău, September 30 - October 2.
Training Courses for Social Assistants in the Field of HIV/AIDS
In 2010, 6 training sessions were carried out for social assistants from different districts of the
Republic of Moldova: on March 26-27, at Cosmos Hotel in Chişinău, for 26 participants; on April 1617, at Cosmos Hotel in Chişinău, for 29 participants; on September 9-10, at Labor Institute in
Chişinău, for 25 participants; on October 19-20 for 27 participants; on October 28-29 for 23
participants; and on November 10-11, at Labor Institute in Chişinău, for 26 participants.
Capacity Building Workshop for Social Protection System Workers within the National
Program on Control and Prevention of HIV/AIDS/STI
On February 5-6, in Vadul lui Vodă, 24 representatives of decision-makers from the Ministry of Labor,
Social Protection and Family were trained in strategic planning, M&E and international best practices
Training Course in Routine M&E of PLHIV Support and Care Programs for NGOs Implementing
Activities funded under GFATM Round 8, March 31- April 2, Chişinău, Labor Institute. 24 NGO
representatives, SFM grantees, attended this seminar.
Trainings in Palliative Care for People Living with HIV/AIDS
On May 12 -14, and May 24 – 26 at Labor Institute in Chişinău, 44 social workers and peer to peer
consultants were trained in palliative care services provision to PLHIV.
Training in Organizational Management
On May 27-29, 22 representatives, directors and coordinators of NGOs, SFM’s grantees of GFATM,
Round 8, were trained in Organizational Management.
Training of Social Assistants within the Social Protection System and Training of Management
Skills in Social Assistance System
In the period of May 31 - June 5, June 7 - 12, and June 14-18, 47 social workers/assistants and peer
to peer and 15 directors/coordinators of NGOs, grant beneficiaries of GFATM Round 8, had the
possibility to attend training courses in the social protection system of the Republic of Moldova. The
training courses were held within the Academy of Public Administration in Chişinău.
Training course „Multidisciplinary Teams’ Capacity-building for Working with Victims and
Potential Victims of Human Trafficking in the Republic of Moldova, Beneficiaries of the
National Referral System”
On July7-8, at Jazz Hotel in Chişinău, a training course for 51 public servants and representatives of
various organizations active in the field was organized. The event was organized by the Ministry of
Labor, Social Protection and Family and was co-funded by the Soros Foundation- Moldova and the
International Organization for Migration.
Training in HIV/AIDS of the Staff of Summer Camps
On November 2-3, within the Labor Institute, Chişinău, two training sessions (one day each) in
HIV/AIS were organized for managers and staff representatives of summer camps. 36 persons
attended the training sessions in HIV/AIDS.
Trainings sessions „Professional Foster Care for Children Infected/affected by HIV/AIDS within
the Social Services System”
On October 27-28, November 3-4 and November 17-18, within the Labor Institute in Chişinău, three
training sessions were organized for 74 professional foster parents. The participants were trained in
providing professional care to children, including children infected/affected by HIV/AIDS.
€4, 218
Participation in the Regional Workshop for Eastern Europe and Central Asia on Developing the
Leadership Capacities of HIV+ Women, November 1-5, Moscow, Russia
Grantee: Irina GALACENCO, Tiraspol
Other activities:
Development of the Sectoral Strategy on Social Protection and Assistance for PLHIV for 2011–
2015. The National Sectoral Strategy on Social Protection and Assistance to PLHIV was
developed in line with the provisions of the National Program for Prevention and Control of
HIV/AIDS/STI for 2011–2015. It was approved by Ordinance #188 of the Ministry of Labor, Social
Protection and Family on November 12, 2010.
Development of a Training Module for Foster Parents
The training module for foster parents was developed with the goal of informing them on HIV/AIDS
related issues and help them alleviate the stigma and discrimination that the HIV/AIDS
affected/infected children might be subjected to. The aforementioned module was approved by
Ordinance #175 of 13 October issued by the Ministry of Labor, Social Protection and Family for
subsequent use in training activities. The training module materials were printed out in 600 copies and
disseminated to training participants.
Review of the Training Curriculum for Social Assistants
The curriculum on integrated approach to HIV/AIDS prevention, treatment, care and support was
developed, reviewed and approved by the Technical Working Group (TWG) within the National
Coordination Council on TB/HIV/STI on "Social Protection" and subsequently approved by Ordinance
of the Minister of Labor, Social Protection and Family # 221-P1 of June 4, to be used for continuous
training of social assistants.
Development and Publishing of a Training Module for Social Assistants in Integrated
Approach to PLHIV
The training module for social assistants in integrated approach to PLHIV includes social service
provision and social assistance to PLHIV and people affected by HIV/AIDS and focuses on specific
activities for social workers in providing services to HIV positive people. The training module was
printed in 1000 copies and was disseminated to the participants of the training.
Support to the National Working Group on Socio-economic Assessment of PLHIV
The Technical Working Group (TWG) of the National Coordination Council on TB/HIV/STI on "Social
Protection" was established in order to facilitate cooperation between the main stakeholders. The
meetings of the TWG are held regularly on a monthly basis.
During 2010, the Public Health Program team participated in various workshops, conferences, local,
national and international training courses. The participation in these activities aimed at increasing the
capacities of the program team and also to contribute to the development and implementation of the
National HIV/AIDS Policies including the workshop on “Drafting UNGASS Report” organized by the
Ministry of Health of Moldova; Planning Meeting of the National Coordination Council on TB/HIV/STI
"TB/AIDS Strategic Planning 2011-2012"; regional consultation seminar on “Hidden Epidemic – HIV
Men Who Have Sex with Men and Transgender People in Eastern Europe and Central Asia”
organized by UNFPA, in Kiev, Ukraine; workshop on “Gender Capacity Building within NGOs Active in
HIV/AIDS towards a National Response to HIV and Gender Aspects”, organized by the UNAIDS in
collaboration with the Ministry of Labor, Social Protection and Family; training course in “Media Skills
for Advocacy in the Sphere of Public Health”; training in “Monitoring and Evaluation Principles in
National Response to HIV/AIDS Epidemics” organized by UNAIDS, development of the concept
framework of the national HIV/AIDS database for the monitoring and evaluation system in the
Republic of Moldova, estimation of the possible HIV infection transmission, drugs addiction treatment
and Harm Reduction in penitentiaries, participation in the team and communication skills building of
the Public Health Program staff, etc.
During 2010, the Public Health Program coordinated the activity of the technical working group”
Vulnerable Groups” of CCM.
In order to ensure a successful implementation of the activities of grant beneficiary organizations, the
Harm Reduction Sub-program purchased and disseminated goods/consumables (syringes, alcohol
wipes, etc.) in the amount of 69,136 USD (funded by a third party). In 2010, the program received
from PCU and donated to program grantees condoms in the value of 21, 233 USD.
Expenditures for publishing informational materials: 6,851 USD and 18,743 Euro
Monitoring and evaluation activities implementation costs: 19,510 USD and 5,279 Euro
Other related costs: SFM/OSI NY – 12,533 USD and third party funding – 42,361 USD and 62,605
Total Harm Reduction Subprogram expenditures: SFM/OSI NY –65,072 USD and third party funding
– 523,851 USD and 776,456 Euro
Public Health Program administration expenditures: 28,975 USD
Total Public Health Program expenditures: 1,014,673 USD and 776,456 Euro
A decentralized, democratic and modern cultural sector in Moldova, based on a l egal framework
aligned with European standards, implementing new models of cultural activity, and promoting
collaboration between decision-makers, cultural stakeholders and the related segment of civil society.
The mission of the Cultural Policy Program of the Soros Foundation-Moldova (SFM) is to contribute to
the development of an open, participatory, pluralistic society, based on democratic values. In order to
achieve this goal, the Cultural Policy Program organizes, supports and finances activities intended to
strengthen the cultural sector and cultural policies.
The Program targets several important aspects of cultural and artistic processes in Moldova related to
the promotion of ambitious, sustainable, decentralized and modern cultural policies. In order to
achieve this goal, the Foundation established a partnership with the European Cultural Foundation,
based on a systemic and complex approach to strengthening human resources. Three
comprehensive projects are being implemented within this partnership:
- Pilot-project “Visions on the Cultural Policy for Moldova: from Changes to Sustainability”
- „Reinforcing Moldova’s Development Capacities by Strengthening Its Cultural Sector”,
supported financially by the MATRA Program of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the
Netherlands, ECF and OSF.
- “TANDEM: Cultural Managers Exchange Ukraine – European Union - Moldova ”,
implemented by the European Cultural Foundation, MitOst, Centre for Cultural Management
Lviv, Soros Foundation-Moldova, Culture Action Europe, financially supported by the
European Commission and Robert Bosch Foundation.
Program Director: Victoria MIRON, Email:
List of Acronyms:
European Cultural Foundation
Non-governmental Organization
Open Society Foundations
Soros Foundation-Moldova
The pilot-project launched in 2007 in partnership with the European Cultural Foundation, the
Netherlands, aims:
- to develop a future vision on the cultural policy of Moldova and a practical development plan for the
cultural sector at the national and local levels;
- to draft an initial policy vision and concrete practical measures for the cultural development in
Moldova, which are collected, conceived and commonly accepted by all leading stakeholders in the
cultural field;
- to set up a task force comprising cultural managers and decision-makers who will promote the
current needs and interests of the cultural sector and advocate for them at all relevant policy levels;
- to develop training and capacity building programs and tools, gradually serving all relevant
stakeholders in Moldova’s cultural sector;
- to build up a group of culture professionals as local trainers/consultants/experts who shall develop
and implement future training and technical assistance programs in Moldova, which among others,
shall serve the professionalization of cultural managers dealing with strategic planning, organizational
development, fundraising, etc., but also shall address the training needs of cultural administrators in
the provinces and executives at all decision-making levels;
- to develop the web portal
In 2010, the editing of the trilingual content of the website in the fields of cultural policies, cultural
heritage, visual arts, music, theater, cinema, and choreography continued. In June, an open call for
translators was announced and additional translators were selected to finalize the translation of the
website information.
The web portal structure was adjusted and Victoria TCACENCO, Head of European Integration and
Academic Mobility Department, Academy of Music, Theatre and Fine Arts, coordinated the process of
drafting the website PR campaign.
Project 1 expenditures: $9,671 – OSF/core funds
In 2010, the Soros Foundation-Moldova continued the implementation of the project “Reinforcing
Moldova’s Development Capacities by Strengthening Its Cultural Sector”, with financial support from
the European Cultural Foundation and the MATRA Program of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the
Netherlands and the Open Society Foundations.
Training Course in Marketing, Audience Development and Public Relations, February 16-19,
SFM, Chişinău (group I)
The training course aimed at developing the skills in marketing of cultural programs and projects,
positioning marketing as part of the overall organizational strategy and improving the capacities in
audience development for diverse cultural products and services. The main topics covered during the
training course centered on marketing terminology used in the cultural sector, developing the
organizational identity, image and branding, development of tools for connecting marketing with
innovative fundraising techniques and others. The trainers used interactive methods, including
sharing of examples of effective marketing and strategic planning from Kaliningrad (the National
Center for Modern Art) and Moldova and group work. The training participants presented their
individual strategic plans and received feedback in finalizing their own strategic endeavors.
The training was led by Lidia VARBANOVA, trainer from Canada, and assisted by local trainers:
Victoria TCACENCO, Irina GRABOVAN, Claudia CRĂCIUN, and Veaceslav REABCINSCHI.
Special guests: Yulia BARDUN, Vlada SMIRONOVA, Svetlana SOKOLOVA (Kaliningrad)
Participants: 31 representatives of cultural institutions from the Republic of Moldova, local and foreign
$9,758 (including $8,925 - MATRA funds and $833 - OSF/core funds)
Training Course in Inter-institutional and Inter-sector Cooperation; Cooperation with the
European Union, April 6-9, SFM, Chişinău (group II)
The training course aimed at providing information to representatives and heads of local cultural
departments about international, national and local cooperation strategies and partnerships between
cultural organizations, funding and partnerships in the European Union and prospects for institutions
from the Republic of Moldova. The training was supported by presentations on cooperation with public
administrations made by the following persons:
- Valentina PLEŞCA, Head of the Regional Development Department, Ministry of Construction and
Regional Development of the Republic of Moldova, who presented examples of public-private
- Victoria TCACENCO, Head of the European Integration and Academic Mobility Department,
Academy of Music, Theatre and Fine Arts, who presented examples of international cultural projects
implemented locally.
- Valeriu RUSU, Director of the Habitat Regional Development Agency, who presented a case study
on local, national and international partnerships
- Gheorghe CHISTOL, Head of the International Relations Department of the Ministry of Culture of the
Republic of Moldova, who explained how international cooperation in cultural development can be
Training participants benefited from individual tutoring and analysis of their strategic plans.
Foreign trainer: Corina RĂCEANU (Romania)
Local trainers: Claudia CRĂCIUN, Veaceslav REABCINSCHI, Victoria TCACENCO
Special guests: Valentina PLEŞCA, Gheorghe CHISTOL
Participants: 30 representatives of local houses of culture, local and foreign trainers
$9,529 (including $8,698 - MATRA funds and $831 - OSF/core funds)
Training Course in Project/Production Development and Project Management, June 28-July 2,
Vadul-lui-Vodă, „IT Relax” Training Center (groups I and II)
The training covered topics on pr oject management, project life cycle, project management cycle,
skills of a successful project manager, audit of individual competences of participants in the field of
project management, project development stage: from problems to aims, activities and resources,
stakeholder analysis and planning interaction with them, evaluation of cultural policies, resources and
budgeting: calculating project costs based on a work breakdown structure, project implementation,
communication, monitoring, evaluation, human resources and pr oject management: co-productions,
mobility, touring.
Veaceslav REABCINSCHI and Claudia CRĂCIUN presented their research study on the activity of
houses of culture in the Republic of Moldova, conducted within the project and organized debates
among the participants based on the recommendations and conclusions made in the study. The
training participants benefited from individual tutoring and analysis of their strategic plans.
Foreign trainers: Corina RĂCEANU (Romania), Pascale BONNIEL CHALIER (France), Vlada
SMIRNOVA, Svetlana SOKOLOVA, Iulia BARDUN (Kaliningrad)
Local trainers: Claudia CRĂCIUN, Veaceslav REABCINSCHI, Victoria TCACENCO, Irina
Special guests: Zumray KUTLU, Eylem ERTURK IPEK (Turkey), Dilia HAM, Philipp DIETACHMAIR
(ECF), Tatiana ŞAPTEFRAŢI, PhD, Academy of Public Administration.
Participants: 65 representatives of local houses of culture, cultural institutions, local and foreign
$19,665 (including $16,630 - MATRA funds, $3,035 – OSF/core funds)
Training Course in Progress Analysis in Drafting and Implementing Strategies, October 19 -22,
Vadul-lui-Vodă, IT Relax Training Center (groups I and II)
Vladia BORISOVA, PhD and senior assistant at the Center of Intellectual Property of the University of
National and World Economy in Sofia, made a presentation about intellectual property (IP) and industrial
property (patent, design, trademark), IP: essence, objects of IP system, characteristics, economic results,
characteristics of IP protection, copyright: main issues. Angela STROICI, General Director of the Copyright
and Related Rights Association of the Republic of Moldova, talked about IP and copyright: the current
situation in Moldova: legislative issues and practices. Throughout the training, the participants benefited
from individual assistance in drafting their strategies. Corina RĂCEANU presented an example of good
practices – the cultural strategy of the Timiş County, Romania. The course finalized with a public
presentation of the best strategy developed by one of the participants in both groups. The presentation
was followed up by discussions on the development process and the difficulties they encountered during
this process.
Foreign trainer: Corina RĂCEANU (Romania)
Local trainers: Claudia CRĂCIUN, Veaceslav REABCINSCHI, Victoria TCACENCO, Irina
Special guests: Vladia BORISOVA, Angela STROICI
Participants: 44 representatives of local houses of culture, cultural institutions, local and foreign
$17,341 – ECF funds
Study on the Role of Cultural Houses in Drafting Local, District and National Cultural Policies
and organization of local debates on the study, implemented by the Center for Cultural
The Center for Cultural Policies developed the study „The Role of Cultural Houses in Local, District
and Nations Cultural Policies” with the aim to analyze the current situation and the activity of the
Houses of Culture from rural areas, and to draft recommendations and suggestions.
The author analyzed statistic data, legislation and methodology related to the activity of rural cultural
institutions and cultural organizations from abroad in various timeframes, identified issues faced by
houses of culture and made recommendations for improving their status in market economy
The report was presented by Claudia CRĂCIUN and Veaceslav REABCINSCHI within the training
“Project/Production Development and Project Management”- 2 organized during June 28-July 2 at the
IT Relax Training Center in Vadul-lui-Vodă, (groups I&II).
Additionally, local debates were organized in various districts with the main goal to get central and
local authorities and specialists who work in cultural organizations involved in community-level cultural
development. During the period January 1 – July 31, approximately 55 debates were organized
throughout the republic, specifically in the following districts: Ocniţa, Basarabeasca, Hînceşti, Leova,
Cantemir, Cahul, Ungheni, Donduşeni, Sîngerei, Criuleni, Briceni, Edineţ, Glodeni, Călăraşi, Rîşcani,
Ialoveni, Drochia, Dubăsari, Chişinău, Ştefan Vodă, Soroca, Făleşti.
Coordinator: Veaceslav REABCINSCHI, Center for Cultural Policies, director
$13,329 – ECF funds
Advocacy Campaign on the Law on the Cultural Fund in the Republic of Moldova
In 2010, the advocacy campaign organized by the Center for Cultural Policies in support of the Law
on the Cultural Fund continued. It included:
- publication of information on topics discussed during the campaign in the media, on the radio and
- organization of thematic press-conferences
- development of advertisements in national media
- designing and advertising banners
- organization of cultural activities aimed at raising public opinion on cultural issues in the following
districts: Soroca, Rîşcani, Leova, Cantemir, Cahul, Călăraşi, Donduşeni, Drochia, Hînceşti
- organization of an on-line media campaign (for more details, see
Coordinator: Veaceslav REABCINSCHI, Center for Cultural Policies, director
$7,652 – OSF/core funds
Publishing of the Book Strategic Planning of Cultural Organizations as an Open Learning
System by Lidia VARBANOVA
The book is designed for manages from the cultural sector, administrators of cultural organizations,
members of district councils, policymakers, project coordinators who need a step-by-step guidance in
understanding the theory and practical application of a strategic plan in a cultural institution (whether
a state one, a private one, or a NGO.) In 2010, the book went through the final stage of translation
and editing and was published in a print run of 500 copies. During the first half of 2011, it is planned to
distribute the book to various cultural institutions from the Republic of Moldova, Ukraine, Russia and
the European Union.
$4,728 - ECF funds
Developing a Handbook in Cultural Management for Local Administrations
In 2010, local and foreign experts in the field of cultural management began writing a series of articles
for a trilingual collection for local public administrations. The book will be finalized and published in
Authors: Claudia CRĂCIUN, Corina RĂCEANU, Irina GRABOVAN, Veaceslav REABCINSCHI,
Victoria TCACENCO, Antonio RUSSO, Diana DODD, Mariangela LAVANGA.
$5,063 – ECF funds
Publishing of the Guide Arts and Culture in the Republic of Moldova
In 2010, the process of text and visual materials collection, translation and editing for the book „Arts
and Culture in the Republic of Moldova” was started. The book will be published during the first half of
Coordinator: Irina GRABOVAN
$562 - ECF funds
Study Visit to the Netherlands, November 16-21
In the course of three years, the participants in the project „Reinforcing Moldova’s Development
Capacities by Strengthening Its Cultural Sector” learned about and applied the acquired knowledge in
the field of cultural management and cultural policies in their institutions. After thorough tutoring
sessions, the participants drafted individual strategic plans which were reviewed by local trainers.
According to the final evaluation of each participant’s performance and quality of the strategic plan, 20
finalists were selected to participate in a one-week documentation and exchange visit to The
Netherlands during November 16-21.
The participants took part in numerous visits and meetings with representatives of cultural
organizations which included: Municipality of Oss (Jan VAN LOON, Councilor for Finance and
Culture), Lievekamp Theatre (Hilda VLIEGENTHART, director), Maasland Library and the Center for
Arts Muzelinck, 'Cultuurpodium de Engel' (Oscar JANSSEN, coordinator), City Museum Jan Cunen
(Nicolette BARTELINK, director), Foundation for Cultural Participation, Foundation for Arts,
Amsterdam, Spakenburg Museum and some others.
MATRA funds
Final Conference and Award Ceremony, December 17, Chişinău
On December 17, 53 representatives of local public administrations, cultural departments, diverse
cultural and artistic institutions from Moldova, representatives of the Ministry of Culture (Gheorghe
POSTICĂ, vice-minister), representatives of the European Cultural Foundation (Katherine WATSON,
director) gathered for a summative conference where the impact of the three-year project “Reinforcing
Moldova’s Development Capacities by Strengthening Its Cultural Sector” was analyzed, and a project
outlook was presented.
53 participants received diplomas within the end-of-project ceremony.
$6,490 - ECF funds
Organizational and communication expenditures: $6,565 - SFM/core funds
Project 2 expenditures: $100,682
In November 2010, the „Tandem“ project was launched with the aim to build new and long-term
collaborative relations between selected organizations from European Union countries and cultural
key players from Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova.
The project was developed by the European Cultural Foundation and MitOst and is carried out
together with the Center for Cultural Management Lviv, Soros Foundation-Moldova and Culture Action
Europe, with financial support from the European Commission and Robert Bosch Foundation.
General objectives:
- to enhance awareness and understanding of creative values already shared across the EU, Ukraine
and Moldova while simultaneously promoting innovation of artistic expressions through a fruitful
combination of local cultural particularities on trans-national cooperation levels
- to increase and consolidate the number of tangible, influential and long-lasting direct artistic
cooperation links between pioneering cultural organizations from across the EU countries on the one
hand and Moldova and Ukraine on the other.
- to mutually increase readiness, flexibility and capacities of cultural organizations in the EU, Moldova
and Ukraine required for engaging in productive trans-national cooperation projects on pan-European
level which ultimately result in new creative long-term partnerships on equal footing.
- to break prevailing stereotypical images and negative/inaccurate socio-cultural labels associated
with professionals/artists) and surprising artistic encounters (for a wider European public across
Moldova, Ukraine and the EU).
In late 2010, the first project kick-off meeting took place with the participation of all implementing
partners. During the meeting, they established selection criteria for project candidates from Moldova,
Ukraine and European Union, as well as the visiting schedule for European organizations planned for
April 2011.
Project 3 expenditures: $538 – ECF funds
Total Cultural Policy Program expenditures: $110,891
Moldova – a country with a free information market serving not only as a general human value but
also as an indispensable tool for economic and social progress.
The most serious problems in the media field are related to the need to improve public information, to
implement operational mechanisms of public opinion, and to create an information space adjusted to
the standards of societies with established democratic traditions.
During 2010, the Media Program contributed to the strengthening of regional broadcasters based on
high standards and responsible and professional editorial practices through a series of activities
including continuous training, systematic monitoring, technical assistance, technological upgrading,
exchange of audio/video programming aimed to expand and diversify the broadcast for the benefit of
rural audience and for the production of news and programs of community interest.
The local broadcast media was also assisted during the referendum and early parliamentary elections
held in November. All regional TV network members organized political debates in Romanian and
Russian languages, with the participation of all electoral candidates thus presenting relevant
information to voters. Furthermore, the Media Program supported civil society initiatives aimed at
observing the compliance with the legal provisions in the functioning of the public audiovisual and
regulatory institutions in this field, adjustment to European standards of the whole legal framework of
the audiovisual, protection of the freedom of expression and observing the legal provisions on
transparency and principles of pluralism and diversity in the national media. During the reporting
period, the Media Program established effective partnerships with the Electronic Press Association,
the Coordinating Council on Audiovisual and media institutions. An essential part of program activities
were financed in cooperation with the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, OSILondon, and Press-Now (the Netherlands).
Program Director: Victoria MIRON, Email:
Project Assistant: Cristina ANDONI, Email:
List of Acronyms:
Administrative Territorial Unit
Association of Electronic Press from Moldova
Broadcasting Coordinating Council
Independent Journalism Center
National Public Institution of Audiovisual
Regional Public Institution of Audiovisual
National Council for Radio Frequencies
Open Society Foundations
Soros Foundation-Moldova
Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency
Project 1: Enhancing the Regional Broadcast Media Network’s Capacity to Report on Issues of
Public and Community Interest
The Soros Foundation-Moldova, with financial support from the Swedish International Development
Cooperation Agency, is implementing a two-year project (December 2009-January 2012) entitled
“Improving Good Governance in Moldova through Increased Public Participation”. The Media Program
is responsible for implementing the project component “Enhancing the Regional Broadcast Media
Network’s Capacity to Report on Issues of Public and Community Interest”.
Project area objectives:
- to strengthen the capacity of the regional broadcasters’ network for producing qualitative programs
on issues of public and community concern
- to enable citizens and communities to shape the news agenda by enhancing the skills of regional
journalists and raising the professional standards of local media
- to support the development of the media sector in Transnistria and cooperation between the media
outlets from both banks of the Nistru river
- to increase citizens’ understanding of development, social justice and governance issues through a
better and more engaged local journalism
- to encourage greater citizens’ participation in governance and civic life through public journalism
- to strengthen the capacity of the Regional Professional Broadcasting Association to manage and
support professionally the network of regional broadcasters.
Currently, the Radio/TV network comprises 14 TV stations and 12 radio stations as follows:
TV network: Canal X (Briceni), AVM (Edineţ), Impuls TV (Şoldăneşti), Studio-L (Căuşeni), Albasat
(Nisporeni), Bas TV (Basarabeasca), NTS (Taraclia), TV Prim (Glodeni), Flor TV (Floreşti), Art TV
(Străşeni), TV Euronova (Ungheni), TVD (Donduşeni), Aiin Aciic (Ciadîr-Lunga), ATV (Comrat).
Radio network: Radio Orhei (Orhei), Plus FM (Sîngerei); Radio Media (Cimişlia), Bas FM
(Basarabeasca), Radio Albena (Taraclia), Radio Jelannoe (Rîbniţa), Radio Novaia Volna (Bender),
Radio Prim (Glodeni), Radio Mingir (Mingir), Flor FM (Floreşti), Canal-X FM (Briceni), Impuls FM
In compliance with the project strategy, the radio and TV stations selected for participation in the
project, benefited from a complex training program, systematic technical assistance, experience and
broadcasting exchange as well as direct support (grants). The direct support for the production of
news and radio/TV programs of community interest covered the following components:
- partial coverage of production costs of news and community interest programs aimed to be
broadcast and exchanged within the network
- in-house trainings facilitated by a professional local expert
- exchange visits to partner stations
- radio and TV network meetings
- support for Internet connection
-technological upgrade
- support to organize and facilitate citizen journalism promotional activities
In 2010, local radio and TV stations benefited from the following direct support:
Radio Network:
Grantee: Radio Prim from Glodeni, Megan TV JSC
Project manager: Arcadie MAICAN, director
Grantee: Plus FM from Sîngerei, Inforustic Ltd
Project manager: Ştefan SOLTAN, editor-in-chief
Grantee: Radio Orhei from Orhei, Media Sfera Ltd
Project manager: Tatiana DJAMANOV, director
Grantee: Radio Media from Cimişlia, Pro Media Ltd
Project manager: Andrei BARGAN, director
$ 6,120
Grantee: Radio Albena from Taraclia, Urania FM Ltd
Project manager: Vasilii CASSA, director
Grantee: Bas FM from Basarabeasca, LV-Topal Ltd
Project manager: Vladimir TOPAL
Grantee: Radio Mingir from Mingir, Hînceşti district, “Info-Mingir” NGO
Project manager: Vitalie ŞELARU, director
Grantee: Flor FM from Floreşti, Flor TV Ltd
Project manager: Valeriu POSTOLACHI, director
Grantee: Canal-X FM from Briceni, Canal-X Ltd
Project manager: Piotr CONDRAŢCHII, director
Grantee: Impuls FM from Şoldăneşti, Impuls TV Ltd
Project manager: Victor SOFRONII, director
Grantee: Radio Jelannoe from Rîbniţa, Teleradio Company LIK Ltd
Project manager: Elena SUHODOLISKAIA, director
Grantee: Radio Novaia Volna from Tighina, Novaia Volna LIK Ltd
Project manager: Grigori VOLOVOI, director
Grantee: Radio Sănătatea from Edineţ, Center for Health Education and Health Promotion
Project manager: Vasile SOFRONIE, director
TV Network:
Grantee: Bas TV from Basarabeasca, LV-Topal Ltd
Project manager: Vladimir TOPAL, director
Grantee: NTS from Taraclia, Urania FM Ltd
Project manager: Vasilii CASSA, director
Grantee: TV Prim from Glodeni, Megan TV JSC
Project manager: Arcadie MAICAN, director
Grantee: Art TV from Străşeni, Art Club Ltd
Project manager: Dumitru TRIBOI, director
Grantee: Albasat from Nisporeni, Albasat Ltd
Project manager: Efim BARDAN, director
Grantee: Studio-L from Căuşeni, Studio-L Ltd
Project manager: Ghenadie LUPACESCU, director
Grantee: Impuls TV from Şoldăneşti, Dalan Ltd
Project manager: Victor SOFRONI, director
Grantee: Canal-X from Briceni, Canal X Ltd
Project manager: Piotr CONDRAŢCHII, director
Grantee: AVM from Edineţ, AVM Ltd
Project manager: Vladimir GUMENIUC, studio manager
Grantee: Flor TV from Floreşti, Flor TV Ltd
Project manager: Valeriu POSTOLACHI, director
Grantee: Euronova from Ungheni, TV Euronova Ltd
Project manager: Efim BARDAN, director
Grantee: ATV from Comrat, Bizim Aidinik Ltd
Project manager: Elizaveta ROTARI, director
Grantee: Aiin Aciic from Ciadîr-Lunga, Aiin Aciic Ltd
Project manager: Liubovi CASÎM, director
Grantee: TVD from Donduşeni, SERVTV Ltd
Project manager: Victor CIUMAC, director
Total grants: $368,300 – Sida funds
Travel grants:
Study visit of local broadcasters from Moldova (NTS/Radio Albena from Taraclia, Bas TV/Bas
FM from Basarabeasca) to Bulgaria and Romania for experience exchange and establishing
partnership relations with radio/TV stations, February 16-20
The goal of the study and partnering visit was to sign new agreements for radio/TV program
exchange between regional stations from Taraclia and Basarabeasca districts and similar stations
from Bulgaria. Such an exchange will be beneficial to the people from the Southern regions, where a
large number of citizens of Bulgarian descent live. The visit also aimed at making connections with
radio and TV experts who would be able to provide future training services for radio/TV network
The visiting program was organized due to the invitation of the Ambassador of Bulgaria, Bojedar
DIMITROV. It included meetings with representatives of important media institutions from Bulgaria
and Romania: Uliana PRÎMO, General Director of the National Television Company in Bulgaria,
Krasimir UZUNOV, President of the Focus news agency, Ghergana NEDELCEVA, Administrative
Director of the Focus radio station, Maxim MINCEV, General Director of Telegraph Agency in
Bulgaria, Jena PAVLOVA, General Director of the PRO BG radio station, journalists, experts and the
administration of DARIC RADIO, etc.
Grantees: Vasilii CASSA, director, Radio Albena, NTS stations (Taraclia), Vladimir TOPAL, director,
Bas TV, Bas FM stations (Basarabeasca)
$748 (Sida funds)
Participation in the 10 World Assembly of Community Radio Broadcasters (AMARC’10),
November 8-13, La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina
The conference attended by grassroots broadcasters, activists and well-known freedom of expression
advocates and communicators adopted the La Plata Declaration, elected the members of the
international Board of Directors of AMARC global network; awarded, in its sixth edition, the solidarity
prize to the Haitian community radios for their role in supporting the population after the February
2010 earthquake. AMARC’10 also adopted the strategic lines of action for 2011-2014 assembling in
part the rich content exchanges and recommendations from plenary, seminars and workshops on
reinforcing the social impact of community radio in development, democratization and recognition of
diversity of societies; on creating enabling environments for community radio development; on
ensuring social, economic and political sustainability of the sector at local, regional and international
Grantees: Vasilii CASSA, director, Radio Albena (Taraclia), Vladimir TOPAL, director, Bas FM
(Basarabeasca), Angelica JELNOVA, editor-in-chief, Radio Jelannoe (Rîbniţa), Grigori VOLOVOI,
director, Radio Novaia Volna (Bender), Arcadie MAICAN, director, Radio Prim (Glodeni), Victor
SOFRONII, president of the Meridian Association of Regional Broadcasters, Piotr CONDRAŢCHII,
director, Canal-X FM (Briceni), Valeriu POSTOLACHI, director, Flor FM (Floreşti), Ion BUNDUCHI,
Radio/TV network coordinator.
$22,414 ($17, 992 Sida funds, $4,422 – SFM/core funds)
Operational projects
Chişinău-based Central Radio/TV Network Studio
The Chişinău-based central studio, which started its activity in 2010, was established with the goal to
offer to the radio/TV network members program material on issues of national concern: news,
programs, debate programs on social issues, inserts from Chişinău, thus creating a central hub of
excellence. Regional journalists will not only benefit from a wide spectrum of qualitative programming,
but will also be able to participate in trainings, exchanges and work visits organized at the central
The central studio started its activity with the production of daily news for the network (22 news programming
were produced in December) and 2 series of talk-shows: the first one - “Spectrum” - a political talk-show
hosted by Arcadie BARBAROŞIE, Director of the Institute for Public Policy, and the second one - “Poduri”
(Bridges) - a program focusing on the Transnistrian conflict issue, hosted by a well-known expert, Oazu
All the programming can be downloaded from the network website:
The Chişinău-based central studio team includes: Vasile STATE, studio manager; Olga CEBANU,
reporter, Marcel CHISTRUGA, director/editor/cameraman; Denis TCACI, director/editor/cameraman,
Mihai HÎNCU, technical administrator, Nichita BÎRCHIN, administrative assistant.
$65,809, including $25,827 Sida funds and $39,992 – SFM/core funds
Training Course in „Debate Programming at Local Radio/TV Stations”, January 10-17, 2011,
The main purpose of this training course was to exercise, through theoretical and practical workshops,
the best practices in making news reports, stand-ups, interviewing techniques, organization of
election campaigns, political TV debates, etc. The program focused on issues related to the preelectoral period in Moldova, such as coverage of electoral campaigns in the media, organization of
electoral debates, political advertising, interview techniques, video editing, and development of radio
and TV reportages. Special attention was paid to issues related to news collection and political
reporting with the aim to further improve the knowledge and practical skills of participants. The
analysis of materials produced and edited by participants during the training helped local stations from
Moldova better prepare for an efficient electoral media campaign and strengthened their institutional
capacity. Each theoretical training module was followed by practical sessions and exercises.
The training was organized in partnership with the Media Development Center, Bulgaria.
Foreign trainers: Georgi CURTEV, Nina ALEXANDROVA, Dmitri ISKRENOV, Dilian STOYANOV
Local trainer: Ion BUNDUCHI
55 participants, representatives of local radio/TV stations from the Republic of Moldova
$28,048 including $773 - 2010 budget expenditures and $27,275 - 2011 budget expenditures; Sida
Audience Research Survey of Regional Radio and TV Network Member Stations
An audience research survey was conducted in late 2010. Viewership data was collected that revealed the
level of public trust and confidence in local media, as well as which media platforms people trust most and
what they turn to these media platforms for: news, analysis, debate or entertainment.
The research company, CBS-AXA Ltd., selected through a public bidding, conducted the survey
based on 800 questionnaires filled out in each geographic region throughout the country (totaling 3
regions: Northern, Central and Southern regions, including Transnistria and ATU Gagauzia). The
research survey results are to be presented in March 2011.
$24,650, including $940 - 2010 budget expenditures and $23,710 - 2011 budget expenditures; Sida
Network Webpage Maintenance and Broadcast Exchange within the Network
Radio and TV stations exchange news and programs within the network via the webpage This mechanism for broadcast exchange facilitates cooperation among
member-stations and increases the broadcasting volume of each station.
The data transfer among stations allows each station to download programs or news produced by
others, thus creating a “virtual news room” through which stations communicate and secure constant
partner-based programming.
In 2010 alone, the member stations supplied the network with over 6500 news and topics and 1400
community-interest programs and debates.
$708 – Sida funds
Network Meetings, Exchange Visits, In-house Trainings, Consulting and Technical Assistance
In 2010, systematic network meetings were organized in Chişinău (11) and regionally (4), including a training
course for project accountants held on March 13. During the network meetings, regional journalists were
exposed to fresh ideas from their peers (journalists, cameramen, IT professionals, etc.) and were presented
the monthly programming monitoring results on the quality and quantity of TV and radio coverage. They were
thoroughly analyzed and concrete solutions for improving network exchange were identified.
The in-house trainings were conducted by local trainers, highly qualified professionals, who were
selected on an open competition basis: Ludmila BARBĂ, Vitalie CĂLUGĂREANU, Radu BENEA, Vlad
Additionally, a total of ten study visits were organized by stations which contributed to building
stronger partnerships. The Canal X TV station team conducted visits to the NTS TV station, Bas TV
station and AVM TV station; the new network member stations Radio Mingir and Flor FM visited their
more experienced colleagues at Radio Media from Cimişlia and Radio Albena from Taraclia.
Radio Network
Soros Foundation-Moldova
Soros Foundation-Moldova
Soros Foundation-Moldova
Soros Foundation-Moldova
Soros Foundation-Moldova
Soros Foundation-Moldova
February 19
March 23-24
May 4-5
May 10-11
June 10-11
September 27-28
December 10-11
December 14-15
TV Network
Soros Foundation-Moldova
Soros Foundation-Moldova
Soros Foundation-Moldova
Soros Foundation-Moldova
Soros Foundation-Moldova
Soros Foundation-Moldova
Soros Foundation-Moldova
Soros Foundation-Moldova
Soros Foundation-Moldova
January 20
February 19
March 23-24
April 20-21
April 29-30
June 10-11
July 8-9
July 19-20
September 6
September 27-28
October 25
December 10-11
December 14-15
Upon request, the Radio/TV network technical coordinator, Sergiu TUDOS, provided technical
assistance to radio and TV stations.
$6,276– Sida funds
Project Coordination, Review and Regular Monitoring of Network Members’ Activity
The project implementation team which was rigorously selected via an open call ensured the wellfunctioning of the Radio/TV network, offering a wide spectrum of assistance and consulting.
Regular monitoring provided a deep insight into the content side of the regional media programming
and served as an instrument that measured each station’s stage of development in program delivery,
quality and challenges in news and current affairs programming. The independent expert, Oleg ILIEŞ,
and experts from Simpals Ltd participated in a work session held in September where the websites of
14 TV stations were analyzed. Each comment on the structure, content and design of the website was
supported with concrete recommendations for improvement.
Implementation team:
Ion BUNDUCHI, expert/ network coordinator
Sergiu TUDOS, expert/technical network coordinator
Tatiana BUNDUCHI, project coordinator
Marcel CHISTRUGA, director/editor/cameraman
Vasile STATE, central studio manager/TV programming monitor
Dorina OSIPOV, radio programming monitor
$58,450 (Sida funds)
Total Project 1 expenditures: $524,418, including $480,004 – Sida funds and $ 44,414 - SFM/core funds
Project 2: Strengthening the Network of Independent Radio and TV stations: Offering
Videoconference Equipment to Local Stations and the Chişinău-based Central Studio
Grantee: Bas TV station from Basarabeasca, LV-Topal Ltd
Project manager: Vladimir TOPAL, director
Grantee: NTS station from Taraclia, Urania FM Ltd
Project manager: Vasilii CASSA, director
Grantee: TV Prim from Glodeni, Megan TV JSC
Project manager: Arcadie MAICAN, director
Grantee: Art TV from Străşeni, Art Club Ltd
Project manager: Dumitru TRIBOI, director
Grantee: Albasat from Nisporeni, Albasat Ltd
Project manager: Efim BARDAN, director
Grantee: Studio-L from Căuşeni, Studio-L Ltd
Project manager: Ghenadie LUPACESCU, director
Grantee: AVM from Edineţ, AVM Ltd
Project manager: Vladimir GUMENIUC, studio manager
Grantee: Flor TV from Floreşti, Flor TV Ltd
Project manager: Valeriu POSTOLACHI, director
Grantee: TVD from Donduşeni, SERVTV Ltd
Project manager: Victor CIUMAC, director
Grantee: Impuls TV from Şoldăneşti, Dalan Ltd
Project manager: Victor SOFRONI, director
Grantee: Canal-X from Briceni, Canal X Ltd
Project manager: Piotr CONDRAŢCHII, director
Grantee: Euronova from Ungheni, TV Euronova Ltd
Project manager: Efim BARDAN, director
Grantee: ATV from Comrat, Bizim Aidinik Ltd
Project manager: Elizaveta ROTARI, director
Grantee: Aiin Aciic from Ciadîr-Lunga, Aiin Aciic Ltd
Project manager: Liubovi CASÎM, director
Grantee: Meridian Association of Regional Broadcasters (central studio of the Radio/TV network)
Project manager: Victor SOFRONI, president
$79,063 – SFM/core funds
Project 3: Media Coverage of the Referendum and the Early Parliamentary Elections in the
Regional Media
14 TV stations were offered assistance in the production of pre-electoral, electoral and post-electoral
debates (Early Parliamentary Elections from November 28 and Referendum) and technical support.
The project was implemented with financial support from NMF, OSF London.
Grantee: Bas TV station from Basarabeasca, LV-Topal Ltd
Project manager: Vladimir TOPAL, director
Grantee: NTS station from Taraclia, Urania FM Ltd
Project manager: Vasilii CASSA, director
Grantee: TV Prim station from Glodeni, Megan TV JSC
Project manager: Arcadie MAICAN, director
Grantee: Art TV station from Străşeni, Art Club Ltd
Project manager: Dumitru TRIBOI, director
Grantee: Albasat station from Nisporeni, Albasat Ltd
Project manager: Efim BARDAN, director
Grantee: Studio-L station from Căuşeni, Studio-L Ltd
Project manager: Ghenadie LUPACESCU, director
Grantee: Impuls TV station from Şoldăneşti, Dalan Ltd
Project manager: Victor SOFRONI, director
Grantee: Canal-X station from Briceni, Canal X Ltd
Project manager: Piotr CONDRATCHI, director
Grantee: AVM station from Edineţ, AVM Ltd
Project manager: Vladimir GUMENIUC, studio manager
Grantee: Flor TV station from Floreşti, Flor TV Ltd
Project manager: Valeriu POSTOLACHI, director
Grantee: TVD from Donduşeni, SERVTV Ltd
Project manager: Victor CIUMAC, director
Grantee: Euronova from Ungheni, TV Euronova Ltd
Project manager: Efim BARDAN, director
Grantee: ATV from Comrat, Bizim Aidinik Ltd
Project manager: Elizaveta ROTARI, director
Grantee: Aiin Aciic from Ciadîr-Lunga, Aiin Aciic Ltd
Project manager: Liubovi CASÎM, director
Beneficiary: Central studio of the Radio/TV network
$7,420 (operational budget)
$110, 000 – NMF, OSF funds
Project 4: Financial Support for Procurement of Production and Broadcasting Equipment
Given to Five Radio and Four TV Stations, New Members of the Radio/TV Network
Grantee: Radio Mingir from Mingir, Hînceşti district, Info-Mingir NGO
Project manager: Vitalie ŞELARU, director
Grantee: Plus FM from Sîngerei, Inforustic Ltd
Project manager: Ştefan SOLTAN, editor-in-chief
Grantee: Flor FM from Floreşti, Flor TV Ltd
Project manager: Valeriu POSTOLACHI, director
Grantee: Canal-X FM from Briceni, Canal-X Ltd
Project manager: Piotr CONDRAŢCHII, director
Grantee: Impuls FM from Şoldăneşti, Impuls TV Ltd
Project manager: Victor SOFRONII, director
Grantee: Euronova from Ungheni, TV Euronova Ltd
Project manager: Efim BARDAN, director
Grantee: ATV from Comrat, Bizim Aidinik Ltd
Project manager: Elizaveta ROTARI, director
Grantee: Aiin Aciic from Ciadîr-Lunga, Aiin Aciic Ltd
Project manager: Liubovi CASÎM, director
Grantee: TVD from Donduşeni, SERVTV Ltd
Project manager: Victor CIUMAC, director
$50,630 – SFM/core funds
Project 5: Digital Television: Expectations and Challenges
The training course organized on December 19, 2009, aimed to acquaint the representatives of
regional TV stations with different technical and organizational aspects related to the transition to
digital television.
According to the time frame approved during the Regional Radio-communication Conference from
Geneva, analogical broadcasting in Moldova is to be ceased and transition to digital television is to be
completed by June 17, 2015. It is planned that the Audiovisual Code will be amended to include
chapter IX on t he Implementation of Digital Television. I n 2010, the materials provided by experts,
Veaceslav PASCAL, technical director at Radio Communication JSC, and Evghenii SESTACOV,
deputy director, National Center for Radio Frequencies, were translated and distributed to regional TV
Total Subprogram 1 expenditures: $765,180
Establishing a Web TV Video Production Station: Dnestr TV in Tighina
Grantee: Novaia Volna Ltd, Tighina
Project manager: Grigori VOLOVOI, director
The purpose of the project implemented during March 1, 2010 – February 28, 2011 is to set up a TV
studio in Tighina and to extend its activity by producing qualitative TV news and programs, which will
be exchanged within the TV network and broadcast by regional TV stations from the Republic of
Moldova. In order to achieve this goal, it was planned to purchase and install the necessary
equipment and software and to set up a production team that will work directly on news and general
programming (1 reporter, 1 operator and 1 editor).
The Internet TV station made a commitment to produce and offer to the network two news bulletins
per week and a monthly community interest program starting with the fifth month of the project
implementation. All programming will be exchanged with local and regional TV stations via the
network and Internet at
$24,610 – SFM/core funds
Total Subprogram 2 expenditures: $24,610
Strengthening the Broadcasting System in the Republic of Moldova through Improvement of
the Legal Framework and Regulations in the Area
Grantee: Broadcasting Coordinating Council
Project manager: Dinu CIOCAN
Assistance was provided to the Broadcasting Coordinating Council in the organization of the training
course in "Quality of News Bulletins: Ensuring Pluralism of Opinions, Political and Social Balance"
which took place on October 21-22, in Chişinău. The main objective of the training was to develop a
Common Monitoring Card for news and current event programming, which would be used by
broadcasters, the Broadcasting Coordinating Council, monitors and the civil society. The leading
trainer, Marek MRACKA, representatives of APEL, CIJ, public broadcasters (Moldova 1, RPIA
Teleradio-Găgăuzia), and private broadcasters participated in debates regarding the use, efficiency
and content of the Common Monitoring Card which could be used in monitoring news and current
event programming. Later, the Common Monitoring Card was developed and is currently used by
$10,599 – SFM/core funds
Operational projects
Training Course for Members of the Meridian Association of Regional Broadcasters July 27-31,
IT-Relax Training Center, Vadul-lui-Vodă
The purpose of the training course was to assist regional broadcasters in establishing the Association of
Regional Broadcasters, strengthen the member stations by increasing their knowledge and awareness on
their performance, their institutional/social and market position and on issues of policy, legislation of the
media sector. The Canadian trainer, Gordana SIVRAC, provided an in-depth assessment of the current
status of the Association and examined the strengths and weaknesses of its management, providing an
intensive and practical on-the-job training on management and strategic sustainable goals. The training was
organized with support from the Press-Now, The Netherlands.
14 participants, members of the Association of Regional Broadcasters
Training Course in Organizing TV Electoral Debates, November 1-2, IT-Relax Training Center,
The goal of the training was to provide a quick insight into the organization of electoral debates for the
journalists of regional TV stations. The topics covered in the training included: legal provisions and
professional standards in the organization of electoral debates by broadcasting institutions;
methodology of organization of debates according to the editorial policy of each station participating in
the training; drafting the detailed schedule of a talk show, etc. Each trainee presented his/her own
scenario for a debate and participated in a simulation of a real-life 25 minute-electoral talk show
production which included planning, assignment of participants, preparation of the filming space, and
installation of the necessary equipment (cameras, lights). The training concluded with a group watch
of the programming and analysis of each piece.
6 participants, journalists from local radio and TV stations
Moderator: Ion BUNDUCHI
$858 – SFM/core funds
Training Course in the Art of Speech (Public Speaking), November 29-30, December 1-2,
Moldtelecom Training Center, Ivancea
Two workshops in public speaking were organized for the first time for journalists of radio and TV
stations in Romanian and Russian. The workshops covered a wide variety of topics including
communication, speech flexibility, diction (clear pronunciation, phonetics and grammar), optimization
of sound articulation mechanisms, voice volume, speech speed, articulation challenges, etc. The
training was based on practical exercises, which included breathing, tongue-twisters, etc.
41 participants, journalists from local radio and TV stations
Trainers: Tamara BERZOI, Vera GRIGORIEV
$4,094 – SFM/core funds
Total Subprogram 3 expenditures: $21,029
Monitoring the Coverage of Issues of Major Social Concern (Constitutional Referendum, Early
Parliamentary Debates, Election of the Başcan of ATU Gagauz Yeri) by the NPIA TeleradioMoldova Company and RPIA Teleradio-Gagauzia Company during the Pre-electoral, Electoral
and Post-electoral Periods
Grantee: Association of Electronic Press of Moldova
Project manager: Ion BUNDUCHI
The goal of the project is to monitor the activity of the national and regional public broadcasters:
NPIA Teleradio Moldova Company and RPIA Teleradio Gagauzia Company and to motivate these
media companies to function according to their statutes and missions when reflecting issues of major
social concern, such as the Constitutional Referendum, Early Parliamentary Debates, Election of the
Başcan of ATU Gagauz Yeri.
The monitoring aims to:
- raise public awareness on the covered issues
- create partnerships with the Council of Observers and administrations of the public broadcasters
and ensuring their commitment to maintaining the common radio and TV programming quality
- gather reference data in the programming of public broadcasters during elections
- build organizational capacity for monitoring
The monitoring results were made public during press-conferences, in reports and press-releases
which can be viewed at
$26,384 – SFM/core funds
Strengthening the Public Radio and TV Broadcasting Service through Improving the Internal
and External Regulatory Framework
(Project in progress)
Grantee: Association of Electronic Press of Moldova
Project manager: Ion BUNDUCHI
The project aimed at analyzing the new organizational structure of the Teleradio-Moldova Company
established for 2010-2015, the job descriptions for the key personnel, and drafting conclusions and
recommendations. The Association of Electronic Press of Moldova aims to set up mechanisms for
personnel evaluation and performance analysis, analyze the Teleradio Moldova Action Plan for 2011 and
the Monitoring Regulation of programming, and amend it in order to increase the efficiency of the
$9,966 – SFM/core funds
Operational projects
Round-table "TRM: The Beginning of a Future (Challenges and Opportunities)" October 7,
Soros Foundation-Moldova, Chişinău
The roundtable aimed at gathering potential and current supporters of the NPIA Teleradio Moldova
and its reforms initiated by the new administration of the company in 2010. The topics covered at the
roundtable included: presentation of strategies on the transformation of the Teleradio Moldova
Company into a public broadcaster, editorial policies of the National TV Channel Moldova 1, the
needs of the National Public Broadcasting Company Teleradio Moldova as identified by the
Association of Electronic Press, based on program content monitoring, etc.
24 participants, representatives of NPIA Teleradio Moldova, Embassies of the Federal Republic of
Germany, the Unites States of America, Kingdom of Sweden, Romania, OSCE, CIJ, Swedish Radio,
Sida, etc.
Moderator: Viorel URSU, Project Analyst, Open Society Institute-Brussels
$1,226 – SFM/core funds
Total Subprogram 4 expenditures: $37,576
Footprint of Financial Crisis on the Media: Moldova Country Report
Author: Ion BUNDUCHI
Commissioned by OSI
This Open Society Foundations, Media Program study explores the impact of the financial crisis on
media and news delivery to citizens in 18 countries of Central and Eastern Europe and the
Commonwealth of Independent States, including the Republic of Moldova. The study looks at media
performance in 2009 compared with the previous three years, explores the cost-saving measures
taken by significant news carriers, and the effects of these measures on output, breadth and depth of
coverage, scope of investigative reporting, and opportunities for open public debate.
The full report can be viewed at:
Summer School „Youth in the 21 Century: Debating and Producing Media”, June 28-July 11,
Grantee: Center for Independent Journalism
Project manager: Nadine GOGU, Executive Director, CIJ
The project, commissioned by OSI and implemented by CIJ in partnership with the National Debate
League, aimed to provide young people from an international background the opportunity to learn
about current issues, debate them, and produce media projects about the relationship between the
media and society. Ten participants, aged 18-29, debated issues relating to how the media and youth
interact and should interact as well as what role this relationship plays in the society at large.
Additionally, participants conducted a research and had the chance to interact with local and regional
experts in the journalism field. As a result, the participants improved their skills in actually producing
new media by learning from instructors and making their own “new media” projects.
$4,500 – OSF funds
Other program expenditures: -$1,530
Program administration expenditures: $21,588
Total Media Program expenditures: $874,803
An efficient, modern and transparent public administration system and s trong civil society
organizations that keep the government accountable for its actions
- weak capacity of civil society to carry out monitoring and advocacy activities, and thus, to
keep the government accountable for its actions
- a low degree of transparency in the work of public administration at local and national level
- poor progress in implementing the central public administration reform
- poorly trained public officials unable to face current challenges
- insufficient literacy and public interest for public finance management
- a prolonged political crisis and chained electoral campaigns
- poor progress in implementing sustainable reforms and providing quality public services at
local and national level
In 2010, in accordance with its strategy, the Public Administration and Good Governance Program
(PAGGP) carried out activities in the following two key areas:
- Good Governance
- Transparent Public Finance
Several projects implemented during 2010 are worth being highlighted.
The first independent report on Monitoring the CPA Reform Implementation launched by the Program
in 2008 that evaluated the first four years of the reform implementation (2006 - 2009) was successfully
presented to all interested stakeholders in May 2010. Later, the Program launched the second CPA
Reform Monitoring Report aimed to evaluate the progress achieved in the period of October 2009 November 2010.
In view of enhancing local and central government’s transparency and openness towards citizens, the
Program offered support for creating two on-line databases: 1) The “Fair Play” Database comprising
official documents to help profiling public servants, including top officials from the government,
parliament and the judiciary, with a view to keeping public officials accountable for their actions and
public image; 2) The “Legal Chişinău On-line” offering access to all decisions and legal documents
that have been issued by the Chişinău local authorities since 1991.
In order to strengthen the government’s capacity to respond to Moldova’s current challenges by
formulating coherent and realistic reform-oriented policies, PAGGP supported several projects on
public policy expert support, such as monthly independent expert analysis and f orecast on t he
evolution of 15 basic fields of national economy.
In the context of the snap parliamentary elections, the Program continued implementing projects
designed to advance citizens’ participation in the electoral process and to raise awareness on t he
importance of a well-informed electoral choice, as well as to increase political parties’ accountability
toward the Moldovan people. The Civic Initiative for a Clean Parliament re-launched the “Meet Your
Candidate” Campaign in light of the November parliamentary elections. This initiative was created by
seven well-known local NGOs that joined efforts to conduct investigations on the electoral candidates,
thus contributing to forming a more upright political class. At the same time, the Program
implemented, in partnership with the Chişinău Municipality City Hall, the “Check Electoral Lists
Online!” project. This online application created in 2009 offered citizens from Chişinău the possibility
to check the electoral lists and to submit complaints when encountering errors. The fall edition of the
Public Opinion Barometer was issued to check citizens’ perceptions of political events, September
constitutional referendum and their expectations from the recurrent political changes.
The Local Government Watchdog Activities Project was continued with a view to stimulating civic
participation in monitoring public finance management and t o keeping LGs accountable for their
actions. Due to the successful results achieved in 2009 and 2010, a new grant was awarded to
continue the local budget monitoring activities, paying particular attention to increasing the project’s
visibility and impact through advocacy activities and establishing partnerships between NGOs, media
and active citizens.
Taking into account the progress registered during the previous few years, the Program continued its
efforts to strengthen local authorities’ capacity in rendering better public services. The Technical
Assistance and Expert Support for LGs Project contained two major components, one focusing on
providing training in various priority fields identified by public authorities, and second – supporting
certain components of the Chişinău Municipality Development Project implemented by UNDP in
partnership with the Chişinău City Hall.
Program Director: Olga CRIVOLIUBIC, Email:
Program Coordinator: Diana ZAHARIA, Email:
Program Assistant: Denis BORDIAN, Email:
List of Acronyms:
IDSI Viitorul
LGI/OSI Budapest
Association for Participatory Democracy
Viitorul Institute for Development and Social Initiatives
Local Government
Central Public Administration
Local Government Initiative/Open Society Institute Budapest
Nongovernmental organization
Open Society Institute
Public Administration and Good Governance Program
United Nations Development Program
- to respond to identified needs for strengthening civil society capacity in monitoring
government activity at central and local level
- to foster government’s capacity to respond to Moldova’s current challenges by formulating
coherent and realistic reform-oriented policies
- to promote the principles of transparency and accountability for all public institutions
- to encourage local and central government’s openness towards citizens and civil society
- to stimulate citizens’ participation in the electoral process and ens ure a well informed and
grounded vote
Promoting Good Governance through Independent Economic Analysis and Forecasting
Grantee: Expert – Group
Project manager: Valeriu PROHNIŢCHI
Summary: The project aims at improving the Moldovan government’s activity and economic policies
by offering periodical, professional and unbiased economic analysis and forecasting on 15 basic fields
of national economy to decision-makers and c ivil society. This exercise is being done through the
promotion of the best policy solutions to social and economic problems and through dialogue between
the governmental and social actors based on analytical conclusions and statistical data. The project
contributed to achieving the PAGGP’s objectives of improving knowledge about economic and social
policies, transforming the decision-making process in Moldova in a more transparent one and
stimulating a qualitative dialogue between the governmental sector and civil society. The project time
frame is 12 months and is expected to be finalized in June 2011.
"Fair Play" Database
Grantee: Centre for Analysis and Prevention of Corruption
Project manager: Galina BOSTAN
Summary: The project provides for the creation of an on-line database that will include official
documents, the income and conflict of interest declarations, to help profiling public servants, including
top officials from the government, parliament and the judiciary with a view to keeping public officials
accountable for their actions and public image. The project helps to access easily the information of
increased public interest and contributes to an effective implementation of certain anti-corruption
legislation: the Law on the conflict of interests, Law on return and control of income, on property of
public officials, the Electoral Code, etc. The project will also offer support for NGOs and journalists’
activities targeted to monitor the activity of public servants holding positions with an increased level of
responsibility. The database is expected to be launched by April 2011.
Operational projects:
“Check the Electoral Lists Online!”
Taking into account the importance of both electoral campaigns held in 2010, PAGG continued
implementing this project in partnership with the Chişinău City Hall aimed at increasing citizens’
participation in the electoral process. The on-line application developed in 2009 and posted on the
Chişinău Municipality City Hall website offered Chişinău citizens the possibility to check if they had
been registered in the electoral list, the number of voters in their place of residence and the address
of the polling station. The application also allowed citizens to submit complaints when detecting errors
in the electoral lists. During the last two electoral campaigns, the application had a h igh number of
visitors and a total of 924 edits of the electoral lists were made through this application. Thus, the
project contributed to strengthening LGs’ capacity to provide more efficient and transparent public
services and also to increasing the transparency of the electoral process and civic participation at the
local level. The project was highly appreciated by the Central Election Commission and Chişinău
Public Opinion Barometer
This is one of the most acknowledged public opinion polls, conducted in Moldova that has gained the
trust of the public during the years. The poll checks Moldovan citizens’ perception with regard to a
large spectrum of issues including the electoral and political expectations; the impact of the economic
crisis and the overall economic situation of the country; most preferred media channels and most
trusted institutions; the main information sources and the frequency and amount of books read by
those questioned, etc.
In 2010 two editions of the Barometer were issued and presented to the public.
Evaluation of the Central Public Administration Reform
In May 2010, the first independent monitoring report on CPA Reform implementation launched by the
Program in 2008 was successfully presented to all interested stakeholders. The report was developed
by 12 independent experts who evaluated the first four years of the reform implementation (2006 2009). It was designed as an alternative analysis to governmental reports. The independent experts’
report presented an objective and critical view on the actions undertaken during those four years and
highlighting some serious drawbacks in the reform implementation process and f ormulating
recommendations for its enhancement. Considering the importance of this reform, in September
2010, the Program launched the second CPA Reform Monitoring Report to evaluate the progress
achieved in the period October 2009 - November 2010. In October a group of five experts,
coordinated by an NGO, was selected to draft this report. Because of the parliamentary elections and
their aftermath, the initial submission deadline of the report was not met and thus the final report will
be issued and presented in March 2011.
Technical Assistance and Expertise for LGs IV
This is the fourth phase of this project that aimed at strengthening public authorities’ capacity for
rendering better public services. Thus, around 60 b eneficiaries, the representatives of the Chişinău
Municipality City Hall and its District Subdivisions attended various training courses, such as computer
course, legal training in four areas (Legal claims/disputes, Labor Code, Code on C ontravention
procedures, Law on T ransparency in the Decision-making Process), secretarial affairs and E nglish
language. Because of the fall electoral campaigns, not all the training courses were completed and
some will continue over the first half of 2011.
Mixed Projects:
“Meet your Candidate!”
The Civic Initiative for a Clean Parliament (CIPC) was launched in November 2008 by seven
prominent local NGOs: Access Info Center for Promotion of Access to Information, ADEPT
Association for Participatory Democracy, Association for Independent Press, Center for Analysis and
Prevention of Corruption, Center for Investigative Journalism, Independent Journalism Center and
Soros Foundation-Moldova. Its purpose was to raise awareness on the importance of a well-informed
electoral choice, as well as to increase Moldovan political parties’ accountability towards voters. The
main activity of the project was to conduct investigations on the election contestants of the main
political parties to observe if they comply with the seven integrity criteria put forward by the Initiative.
In 2010, in the context of November early parliamentary elections campaign, a group of investigative
journalists monitored around 200 candidates contesting a parliamentary mandate. The list was made
up based on the electoral prospects of political parties registered for the campaign. The final version
was double checked by a group of lawyers, by three reviewers, as well as by the members of the
Initiative. In parallel, a media campaign of the Initiative was conducted. As a result, according to the
initial plan, 200,000 leaflets „Meet Your Candidate!” enlisting 30 c andidates who had n ot met the
integrity criteria were printed (150,000 in Romanian and 50,000 in Russian) and were due to be
distributed after a pr ess conference announcing the monitoring results. However, the integral
distribution of the leaflets was not possible as the CICP was sued by several candidates and, as a
precautionary measure the Court distrained the overall leaflet distribution. Thus, only 22,300 leaflets
were distributed before the issuance of the aforementioned Court decision. The members of the
Initiative appealed the Court decisions and the cases are currently being examined in the Court.
Study Visit to the Agency for Economic Policies, Tbilisi, Georgia
The study visit of five representatives of the Chişinău City Hall and the Chişinău Municipality Council
to the Agency for Economic Policies from Tbilisi pursued an exchange of experience in establishing a
similar Municipal Development Agency in Chişinău. The creation of this Agency is envisaged in the
2010-2012 Anti-Crisis and Economic Recovery Action Plan for the Chişinău Municipality, developed
with the PAGGP support in the framework of the UNDP’s Chişinău Municipality Development Project,
approved by the Chişinău Municipality Council on September 23, 2010. The members of the
Moldovan delegation had a series of meetings with their counterparts in Tbilisi, including the Mayor,
the members of the City Hall Council, the representatives of the Ministry of Economy, the staff of the
Tbilisi Economic Policy Agency. As a r esult of this study visit, the participants have gained more
experience for the implementation of the measures enlisted in the aforementioned Anti-Crisis and
Economic Recovery Action Plan.
Donors’ Partnership:
Chişinău Municipality Development Project
In 2008, the PAGGP decided to join efforts with UNDP to implement the Chişinău Municipality
Development Project. Provided that the project was mainly financed by UNDP and the project staff
was hired particularly for this purpose, PAGG signed a c ost-share agreement, thus transferring its
share of the budget to be administered by UNDP. In 2010 PAGGP offered support for the
development of the Chisinau Municipality Institutional Development Action Plan and extending the “Edocument Management" system, implemented in the Chişinău City Hall, at the level of five municipal
Total Subprogram 1 expenditures: $297,979
- improving public finance management and increasing transparency in this field
- strengthening civil society’s monitoring and watchdog capacity with regard to public finance
Study on the Transparency and Economic Efficiency of the National Medical Insurance
Company Funds and the Environment Funds
Grantee: Expert-Grup Analytical Center
Project manager: Valeriu PROHNIŢCHI
Summary: The project envisages development of two comprehensive studies on the economic
efficiency and financial transparency in the utilization of public funds in two sectors of an increased
public importance: health protection (referring to the National Medical Insurance Company /NMIC)
and environmental protection (referring to the National Environment Fund and local funds /EF). The
aim of this project is to inform the public at large and relevant authorities and decision-makers about
the results of this study and to develop recommendations for increasing the efficiency in using these
funds. The research was started in December 2010 and will be issued and presented in June 2011.
Local Government Watchdog Activities
This project was designed with a view to strengthening civil society capacity to serve as a watchdog
over local government performance, to increase the level of transparency with regard to local public
finance management, and to stimulate civic participation in the local budgetary decision-making
process. In 2010 four grants awarded at the end of 2009 (for reference - see the 2009 report) were
successfully implemented, except for the project implemented in Căuşeni where the reluctance of
local authorities to cooperate led to serious dissensions with the project implementation team that
affected the project activities. In all other cases the Program received a positive feedback from local
NGOs, community, media involved in the projects and LG s from some localities. As a r esult of the
implemented activities, the reports presented by the beneficiaries revealed an increased interest of
citizens for budget related issues and more transparency and openness of local authorities, except for
the project in Căuşeni. One of the most successful projects, mostly due to the involvement of the
media in the monitoring activities and a better developed advocacy component, was the project “Keep
the Government Accountable for Public Money!” implemented by the A ssociation for Independent
Press. Therefore, the PAGGP decided to continue supporting this initiative in 2011 as well.
Monitoring and Controlling Public Money Spending in Chişinău and Bălţi
Grantee: Association for Independent Press
Project manager: Petru MACOVEI
Summary: The project format was changed to enhance its impact and v isibility; however it will
continue using the slogan “Keep the Government Accountable for Public Money!” The project will be
implemented during 2011 and the budget monitoring activities will focus on Chişinău and Bălţi
municipalities where most financial resources and operations are concentrated. The monitoring teams
will enlist representatives of local media, NGOs and active citizens who will be trained in budget
monitoring techniques. An important element will be the advocacy component that includes periodical
coverage of the campaign in the media (local newspapers, a radio and TV-channel) and producing a
documentary reflecting the project activities, findings and conclusions.
Legal Chişinău Online: Open Access to Public Documents
Grantee: Public Law Library
Project manager: Mariana HARJEVSCHI
Summary: This project targets the development of a user-friendly database to offer public access to
all the decisions and legal documents issued by Chişinău local authorities starting with 1991. As such
a comprehensive and inclusive database does not exist at present, its creation will facilitate access to
official information for the public at large in Chişinău. The documents unavailable in an electronic
format will be scanned and included in the database. The project will offer an information resource to
the general public about the decision-making process and b y such will improve the knowledge of
Chişinău inhabitants about legal procedures and will make the decision-making process more
transparent. The database will be officially launched in March 2011.
Mixed Projects:
Public Budget Monitoring
This project aimed to develop civil society’s literacy regarding budgetary issues and to monitor
government activity on public spending. The preparatory activities started in 2008, when a group of
experts were trained in monitoring and advocacy techniques. At the same time, a gui de on t he
budgetary process of Moldova was developed to be used by journalists and NGO representatives
who tackle public finance related issues in their professional activity, as well as for the academic
institutions and the general public. In 2009, three NGOs were selected to monitor three different
areas of the public budget, as mentioned below:
- Investigation on the Transparency and Economic Efficiency of the Road Fund of the Republic of
Grantee: Expert-Group Independent Analytical Center
- The Efficiency of the Public Budget in Social Field
Grantee: Center for Assistance for Public Authorities
- Monitoring Local and National Fund for Social Support for the People in Need
Grantee: CASE Moldova Foundation for Social and Economic Research
All the three studies were issued and presented to interested stakeholders by September 2010.
Operating budget for publishing and presentation: $2,507
Total Subprogram 2 expenditures: $34,623
Program administration expenditures: $17,089
Total Public Administration and Good Governance expenditures: $449,691
The Program promotes legal reforms based on human rights, legal accountability, social inclusion and
good governance.
2010 proved to be a very challenging year for Moldova. The current government`s openness and
willingness to bring changes offers a series of new opportunities but also challenges to the people.
After eight years of authoritarian rule, the new government started to promote a different way of
governance: it created new expectations and raised the public interest in getting engaged in matters
of public concern. The launching of new media and the gradual reform of the public radio and TV
offers great opportunities for increasing transparency in the country. This new political and media
environment also creates excellent possibilities for enhancing the public scrutiny over the justice
system and over the governmental policies focused on effective human rights protection and
promotion of access to justice.
The Moldovans were engaged in two parliamentary elections during 2009, one national referendum
and one parliamentary election in 2010. All these elections were accompanied by democracy, rule of
law and human rights discourse. As a result, we face the risk of a rights-discourse fatigue and a
general disappointment in the promised reforms, which on an individual level, often equals with
democracy bringing trouble and lack of stability. The results of the reforms are still to be seen
because the Republic of Moldova suffers severely from corruption and a chronic lack of adequate
financial and human resources. This situation is especially visible in the justice field. On the one hand,
the level of public trust in justice delivery and law enforcement agencies is dangerously low. On the
other hand, people don’t frequently make a connection between their ability to know and protect their
rights and the precarious conditions of their lives. The lack of the population’s understanding of the
benefits of democracy and of the basic rights needs to be tackled. Hence effective access to justice
and legal empowerment is crucially important to demonstrate the viability and positive sides of
democratic governance.
The feeling of impunity after the April 2009 events increased the already high level of the population’s
perception of lack of personal security when in contact with law enforcement agencies. This reinforces
the Program’s work on existing mechanisms for the evaluation of the criminal justice actors’
performance. The program advocates for the insertion of public opinion and human rights
performance into the official system of their professional evaluation. The new dynamics of the EUMoldova integration process and the respective EU-Moldova Human Rights Dialogue provide a great
opportunity for advancing concrete reforms in the human rights and justice fields, especially when
based on professional monitoring and research.
Specific objectives:
to strengthen civil society capacity to monitor and implement human rights in practice and use
the monitoring findings in promoting human rights friendly governmental policies
to strengthen the government capacity to develop criminal justice policies based on human
rights and good governance principles
to support the development of justice sector institutions that ensure equal and effective
access to justice of all in need
to build and support the legal capacity of organizations and individuals for using the law
effectively in promoting and protecting the public interest and individual rights, ensuring an
effective monitoring of the decision-making process and transparency.
In 2010, the Law Program of the Soros Foundation-Moldova continued to apply its strategies and
instruments to address pressing issues in three main areas: access to justice, effectiveness of the
criminal justice system, and human rights monitoring.
The Law Program achieved the following results in these areas:
functional legal aid management institutions – National Legal Aid Council and its territorial
offices, able to adequately assess the legal aid needs and adopt appropriate policies to meet
these needs,
public defenders providing holistic representation and strategic litigation,
a pilot project initiated on establishing a network of paralegals providing basic legal and social
services at community level,
increased awareness about rights and increased participation in public life of ordinary
new performance indicators for police developed,
a national victimization survey carried out and the extent to which the people of Moldova
experience crime estimated and their perceptions about criminal justice measured,
recommendations made for improving the quality of judiciary developed with special focus on
investigative judges,
a network of NGOs and individuals trained in human rights monitoring techniques.
Program Director: Victor MUNTEANU, Email:
Financial Manager: Marcel VARMARI, Email:
Program Coordinator: Iurie CUZA, Email:
Program Coordinator: Diana MARIAN, Email:
Program Coordinator: Radu DANII, Email:
Program Assistant: Tatiana DANILESCU, Email:
List of Acronyms:
National Legal Aid Council
Public Defenders’ Office
Legal Aid Reformers’ Network
Objective: to assist the government in reforming the legal aid system in line with international human
rights standards and best practices.
Operational project:
Promoting a Sustainable Legal Aid System in Moldova
Summary: The project aims to strengthen the capacity of the legal aid system in the country to provide
more accessible and qualitative legal services and advice to the poor people. The project focuses on
enhancing the capacity of the National Legal Aid Council to analyze legal aid needs, to estimate the
necessary costs and human resources and advocate for appropriate governmental policies and
resources. The project supports PDO to develop new standards of defense focusing on holistic
representation and strategic litigation. It also advocates for amendments to the law on guaranteed
legal aid and appropriate policies to strengthen the independence and administrative capacity of
Project time frame: 24 months: December 2009 – December 2011.
Grants awarded within the project:
Diversification of Legal Aid Methods and Promotion of Quality Standards Piloted by Public
Grantee: Public Defenders’ Office
Project manager: Igor CIOBANU
Summary: The Public Defenders’ Office continued to provide legal aid in criminal cases for the poor.
In 2010 the Public Defenders’ Office achieved the following results:
developed and piloted minimum legal aid quality standards;
piloted holistic representation methods in four cases and strategic litigation in five selected
cases that reveal the systemic gaps in the criminal justice and legal aid system;
organized two roundtables with the representatives of the criminal justice system in order to
discuss the systemic gaps identified within the system.
Capacity Building of the National Legal Aid Council
Grantee: Chişinău Territorial Office, National Legal Aid Council
Project manager: Lilian DARII
Summary: The project aims to strengthen the operational and managerial capacities of the National Legal
Aid Council and its territorial offices. The National Legal Aid Strategy for 2010-2012 and the detailed Action
Plans for 2010 were developed and approved by the NLAC at the beginning of 2010. The members of
NLAC, the Territorial Offices’ Coordinators and NLAC consultants attended training sessions in
communication, raising awareness and advocacy mechanisms aiming to promote the new legal aid
system and to ensure that the government makes the necessary efforts to keep it accessible and non –
Study Visit to the South African Legal Aid System’s Main Institutions, February, 6 - 14
Participants: Igor CIOBANU, Nadejda HRIPTIEVSCHI, Mihai LUPU, Ion PĂDURARU, Gheorghe
Summary: The project sought to increase the access to justice of vulnerable groups in Moldova
through know-how transfer and promotion of an inclusive and evidence-based legal aid policymaking
process. It aimed to facilitate the access of civil society representatives to the state’s policy and
practices of legal empowerment and aid for the most marginalized layers of the society following the
unique experience of South Africa.
Total Subprogram 1 expenditures: $263,476
to establish mechanisms for continuous and professional monitoring of the criminal justice
to develop new performance indicators for criminal justice agencies
to conduct a national victimization survey
to monitor the observance of human rights during the pre-trial phase and analyze practices
related to pre-trial detention and other preventive measures used in the country.
Operational project:
Securing a Fair and Rational Criminal Justice System for All in Moldova
Summary: The project goal is to establish a mechanism for contributing to an increased fairness and
confidence in the criminal justice system in the country by creating conditions for a more rational
policymaking process with due focus on human rights. The following activities were implemented during
the first ever victimization and public confidence survey was conducted and made public;
a sociological survey on the level of victimization of the Moldovan population was conducted
and launched;
an empirical research study on the pre-trail stage of the criminal process with a special focus
on police apprehension was developed.
Publishing within the project:
Victimization and Public Confidence Survey
Summary: The report is based on the analysis of a national survey of the population of Moldova,
which was done during March - April 2010. The main objectives of the research were to:
- identify trends in the perception of crime;
- reveal perceptions of personal safety and of performance of relevant state institutions;
- study the extent of victimization of the population;
- measure reporting rates for crimes reported to the police and barriers to the reporting;
- identify measures taken by the population to protect themselves from crimes, as well as the
impact of these measures;
- develop practical recommendations in order to improve trust in and the functioning of the
criminal justice system.
The report was drafted by the international expert, Jean REDPATH, assisted by the Justice Program’s
Sociological Study: The Level of Population’s Victimization in the Republic of Moldova
Summary: The study presents in a detailed sociological manner the findings of a nationwide survey
on the victimization of the Moldovan population, which was conducted during March and April 2010.
The study was developed by the national expert, Ludmila MALCOCI, assisted by the Soros
Foundation-Moldova`s Criminal Justice Analytical Group.
Total project expenditures: $144,150
Study Visit of the Soros Foundation-Moldova`s Criminal Justice Analytical Group to Justice
UK, a Think Tank Based in London, Great Britain, April 16-21
Grantees and beneficiaries: Nadejda HRIPTIEVSCHI, Vasile ROTARU, Mihaela VIDAICU, Olimpia
Summary: The goal of the visit was to build up the Analytical Group`s capacities for using advocacy
techniques aimed towards changing state policies, improvement of legislation and promotion of
human rights within the criminal justice process following best international experience.
Total Subprogram 2 expenditures: $152,249
Objective: to raise awareness about systemic gaps in justice delivery leading to frequent violations of
the right to liberty and a fair trial.
Operational project:
Assessing the Needs of Investigative Judges in Moldova
Summary: This project was implemented in collaboration with the German Foundation for
International Legal Cooperation (IRZ) and aimed to assess the needs of the investigative judge
institution in Moldova. An international expert got familiar with the relevant national legal resources
and documents. He also had thematic meetings with magistrates and other stakeholders, including
the Ministry of Justice, the Superior Council of Magistrates and the General Prosecutor`s Office. The
expert developed the report based on the analysis of the information he had collected. It contains
detailed recommendations both for the judicial system and for the government on ways of improving
observance of the rights to liberty and a fair trial when applying preliminary measures, including pretrial arrest within the criminal process.
Working Visit of a Moldovan delegation to Bonn, Germany, November 08-11
Grantees and beneficiaries: Vladimir GROSU, Dina ROTARCIUC, Radu DANII, Victor MUNTEANU
Summary: The goal of this working visit was to finalize the needs assessment report for investigative
judges in Moldova with the participation of and input from Moldovan experts.
Total Subprogram 3 expenditures: $7,070
Objective: to increase the capacities and skills of human rights activists to monitor and report on
human rights observance and violation in a comprehensive, multidimensional and analytical manner.
Justice Delivery Monitoring in Cases Related to the Events of April 7, 2009
Grantee: Moldovan Institute for Human Rights
Project manager: Vanu JEREGHI
Summary: The project aims to remove the existing mechanism of impunity for torture through justice
delivery monitoring and raising social awareness and intolerance. The Moldovan Institute for Human
Rights will monitor the hearings on cases related to the events of April 7, 2009 and will take actions
that will lead to revealing impunity ensurance schemes.
Operational project:
Capacitating Moldovan Human Rights Activists for Effective Human Rights Advocacy
Summary: This project aims to capacitate a group of key human rights activists to conceptualize and
produce high quality analytical human rights reports and briefs and undertake advocacy efforts for
change. During the reported period, two coaches and 13 fellows were selected and the first training
session was organized. Individual Professional Development Plans were developed according to
fellows’ interests and area of expertise.
Project time frame: June 1, 2010 – November 30, 2011
Total Subprogram 4 expenditures: $78,002
Programs financed by the Open Society Justice Initiative – OSJI/OSI/ HRGGP Network
Program, administered by the Justice Program of the Soros Foundation-Moldova
Networking among the Newly Established Legal Aid Institutions, Policymakers and Public
Defenders in Bulgaria, Georgia, Lithuania, Moldova, Mongolia and Ukraine
Summary: The project builds on the experience of the Open Society Justice Initiative in creating an
informal network of public defenders, joined later on by legal aid managers, in some countries of its
operation including Bulgaria, Georgia, Lithuania, Moldova, Mongolia and Ukraine. Legal aid reforms
are underway in all these countries, largely initiated as a result of local Soros Foundations’ advocacy
and demonstrating projects, in cooperation with the Open Society Justice Initiative. The current
project seeks to offer a platform for a continuous exchange of experience, learning from each other
and thinking together in developing further the newly created legal aid systems, involving both
policymakers and legal practitioners (legal aid administrators and public defenders/private legal aid
lawyers). The second thematic meeting was organized in Tbilisi, Georgia, on September16-17, 2010.
The meeting focused on quality ensurance in criminal defense and the role of research in legal aid
policymaking. The website of the LARN was created:
Grant awarded within the project:
Financial Support for a Moldovan Delegation to Participate in the LARN Second Meeting,
Tbilisi, Georgia, September 16-17
Grantees and beneficiaries: Lilian DARII, Nadejda HRIPTIEVSCHI, Veronica MIHAILOV, Ludmila
Travel Grants:
OSI Sub-Board for Law and Human Rights Meeting, Budapest, Hungary, April 16
Grantee: Nadejda HRIPTIEVSCHI
Summary: Financial support to participate in the discussion on access to justice and legal aid
development in Moldova, organized within the OSI Sub-Board for Law and Human Rights meeting.
NGO Meeting on Creating a Coordinating Body and Civil Society Network, London, United
Kingdom, April 29-30
Grantee: Nadejda HRIPTIEVSCHI
Summary: Financial support to participate in the NGO meeting on creating a coordinating body and a
civil society network that would help increase information sharing, access to knowledge products, and
scale-up advocacy and litigation activities.
Global South-South Development Expo 2010, Geneva, Switzerland, November 22-26
Grantee: Nadejda HRIPTIEVSCHI
Summary: Financial support to participate in the Global South-South Development Expo 2010.
Total OSJI/OSI/HRGGP expenditures: $14,343
Programs implemented with the financial support of the Swedish International Development
Cooperation Agency (Sida)
Ensuring Public Participation in Decision-making and Effective Access to Information
Grantee: Acces-info Center for Freedom of Expression Promotion and Access to Information
Project manager: Vasile SPINEI
Summary: The first year of the project was dedicated to addressing the following issues: lack of LPAs’
knowledge and skills to involve the public in the decision-making process and lack of trust between
public authorities and the population. The Access-Info Center conducted activities meant to illustrate
on the basis of “life” examples the benefits of public engagement in decision-making through piloting
best practices and know-how transfers. The Project had a successful collaboration with the
government in drafting several by-laws and developing a set of recommendations that were used in
the development of the Government Action Plan: “European Integration: Freedom, Democracy,
Welfare”. In order to analyze the attitude of public authorities toward access to information requests,
the Center conducted monitoring and interviewing activities. The outcomes of the research and the
recommendations for improvement were discussed during the National Annual Conference and will
serve as comparative basis for the Final Monitoring Report for 2011.
Legal Empowerment of Rural Communities through a Network of Community-based Paralegals
Summary: Within the first year, the project succeeded in creating a network of 30 community based
paralegals consisting of 14 social assistants and 16 other representatives of rural communities. The
project experts developed two manuals: “Basic Legal Guide” and “Methodological Guide for
Paralegals”. The manuals are unique in Moldova, being well tailored to the needs of the paralegals
and their beneficiaries, written in a simple language with an aim to demystify complex legal issues and
make them truly accessible and relevant for rural communities. After an initial two weeks of training,
the paralegals went back to their home villages where they regularly provide primary legal aid,
mediate conflicts, and educate community members about their rights. This know-how is constantly
refined with the goal of further strengthening the network and handing it over to the Moldovan state
authorities. The paralegals regularly provide the project staff with feedback on the current legal needs
of the poor people. It helps the project experts to better adjust the content of training programs and
will be crucial for amending the paralegal manuals.
The project created a solid partnership with the main stakeholders in the country, while some of them
also delegated representatives to the Project Working Group: the Ministry of Justice, Ministry of
Labor, Social Protection and Family, National Legal Aid Council and local public authorities from pilot
communities. The Project Working Group ensures a permanent involvement of state authorities,
guards on sustainability and works closely with project experts and paralegals alike.
Sida project administration expenditures: $5,441
Total Sida expenditures: $394,747
Program administration expenditures: $41,441
Total Law Program expenditures: $945,888
An open and democratic society that respects the principles of equality and a balanced participation
of women in the process of good governance.
In 2010, the Civil Society Program (CSP) continued the implementation of activities aimed at
promoting non-discrimination principles and values, both through NGOs that share the same vision
and direct management of operational projects. In December 2009, CSP launched the “Empowering
Women to Participate in Community Life” project financed by the Swedish International Development
Cooperation Agency. The project will be implemented during two years, from December 4, 2009 to
January 31, 2012. The project aims to strengthen good governance at local level by empowering
women from rural areas to participate in community life and decision-making processes.
In the context of prevention and combating the phenomenon of discrimination, a training program for
20 NGO representatives active in the promotion of human rights was conducted in partnership with
the Anti-Discrimination Coalition from Romania. It aims to impart with the participants knowledge of
the criteria, the types of discrimination and other related concepts, and key levers for promoting and
fighting discrimination, as well as improve their skills in developing an advocacy plan in this area. In
order to identify people's perceptions on the phenomenon of discrimination, the program conducted a
sociological study on the categories of people perceived as the most frequent victims of
discrimination, the social contexts in which discrimination occurs, the social distance between groups
of people that are discriminated and the personal experience of the respondents regarding
discrimination. In addition to these activities, an operational project was launched in order to monitor
the ways different social groups are covered by five TV stations, seen from a human rights and
prevention of discrimination perspective.
During the first year of the “Empowering Women to Participate in Community Life”, two programs on
capacity building for NGOs working in the field of women’s empowerment were conducted in
partnership with the Romanian Institute of Training. 42 NGOs from 23 regions of Moldova participated
in the training program; two open competitions for grants were launched and 10 projects were funded
aiming to encourage and engage more than 250 women from rural areas in the decision-making
process at local level.
In view of developing the leadership capacities of women from rural areas, two editions of the
leadership development program were conducted in cooperation with the Partnership for
Development Center, from which 44 women benefited. The participants gained knowledge about
developing civic and political leadership skills and identifying solutions to community problems. The
leadership development program was followed up by a small grants competition within which 10
community initiatives were funded.
- to promote democratic values underlying the respect for the principles of equality and
- to strengthen good governance at community level by empowering women to participate in
the decision-making process and contribute to community development,
- to strengthen the capacities of nongovernmental organizations by developing their abilities in
applying advocacy methods and techniques.
Program Director: Elena LEŞAN, Email:
Program Assistant: Natalia CAMBURIAN, Email:
Project Coordinator: Victoria VOROŞCIUC, Email:
List of Acronyms:
Soros Foundation-Moldova
Nongovernmental Organization
Civil Society Program
Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency
Romanian Institute of Training
Partnership for Development Center
Local Public Authorities
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, or Transgender
In the framework of this program component, the CS Program aimed to support the implementation of
activities targeting the involvement of NGOs in combating discrimination through raising awareness
campaigns and monitoring cases of discrimination.
Operational projects:
Needs and Capacity Assessment of NGOs Active in Combating the Phenomenon of
The capacity and development needs assessment was conducted among 11 NGOs active in
preventing and combating discrimination. These NGOs will become partners in carrying out the CS
Program’s activities during 2011. The evaluation was done by an expert from Romania with relevant
experience in human rights and combating discrimination. Based on the results of the assessment, a
capacity building program for NGOs active in promoting non-discriminatory principles and diversity
was developed.
Training Program “Training Techniques for Promoting Human Rights in Combating
The CS Program and the partnering Anti-discrimination Coalition from Romania will organize and
conduct a training program on anti-discrimination for representatives of Moldovan NGOs active in
promoting human rights. The training program will consist of three modules, four days each, as
− Module I: Discrimination - criteria, types of discrimination and other related concepts;
− Module II: Advocacy in combating discrimination - knowledge and skills required to develop
an advocacy plan;
− Module III: Limits and key levers for promoting and fighting discrimination.
The three training modules will enable the participants to understand the concept of discrimination
and to become familiar with the methods and techniques to combat this phenomenon. During the
program, each of the 20 participants will work on a home assignment/a concept related to the activity
field of their organization, being assisted by program trainers as well as experts in the field who are
acting members of organizations within the Anti-discrimination coalition. During 2011, the SC Program
will launch a grant competition for projects related to preventing and combating discrimination, the
participants being able to develop project concepts and submit them for funding to the Foundation.
After the training, the SC Program will organize an exchange visit to Romania for the participants in
the training.
Recommendations on Improving the Draft Law on Preventing and Combating Discrimination
In early September, the Ministry of Justice submitted for public review the draft law on preventing and
combating discrimination. In this respect, an expert-member of the European Commission’s
Independent Experts’ Network in the field of non-discrimination from Romania was commissioned to
provide a review of the draft law.
Sociological Study on the Phenomenon of Discrimination
The purpose of the survey was to identify social perceptions of discrimination and the types of this
phenomenon. The following activities were conducted in this regard: a Delphi research that allowed to
set up the target categories of the population and basic indicators for the survey; a survey on the
phenomenon of discrimination in the Republic of Moldova; three focus groups were organized to
discuss the survey results; an analytical report was drafted based on the survey results which
includes proposals and recommendations to the target groups. Conducted for the first time in
Moldova, the sociological study identifies the categories of persons perceived as the most frequent
victims of discrimination, the social background in which discrimination occurs, the social distance
between the respondents and the groups of people who are discriminated, as well as the
respondents' personal experiences in the field of discrimination. The research results reveal that
discrimination and marginalization of certain groups of people are a real phenomenon in Moldova,
which has been growing rapidly during the last few years. In accordance with the public and experts’
opinion involved in this research, the most socially discriminated groups are people with mental and
physical disabilities, people with a low income, HIV positive, LGBT, Roma and women.
Monitoring the Media Coverage of Various Social Groups
The CS Program planned to carry out a research study on the TV coverage through a human rights
and discrimination prevention perspective for the following group categories: people with disabilities,
Roma, poor people, women, LGBT, HIV positive people. The objectives of this research were the
− to analyze the frequency in the coverage of the above-mentioned socio-demographic groups,
− to analyze themes and topics associated with these groups compared to the themes and
topics associated with the majority groups,
analyze the image and roles of these socio-demographic groups promoted by TV stations
as compared to the majority groups (based on age, educational background, employment
status, social position, etc.).
The project will be carried out during the first half of 2011.
Total Subprogram 1 expenditures: $51,040
Operational project:
During November, a training program in advocacy was organized for Moldovan NGO representatives.
The training program was carried out in partnership with the Young and Free Resource Center.
Following an open call for proposals, 20 representatives of local and national NGOs active in different
fields were selected. The training program consisted of two modules:
- Module I Advocacy. Methods and techniques of advocacy. Public policy process. November
- Module II: Developing and conducting an advocacy campaign. Monitoring public institutions.
November 21-24.
The training activities were aimed at offering the participants theoretical and practical knowledge
about advocacy and lobbying, advocacy methods and techniques, use of social networks as tools for
advocacy, public policy cycle, etc.
Total Subprogram 2 expenditures: $17,911
The project “Empowering Women to Participate in Community Life” is being implemented with
financial support from the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) during
December 4, 2009 - January 31, 2012. The project aims at strengthening good governance at local
level by encouraging and developing the skills of rural women to engage in community initiatives and
participate in decision-making. The project objectives will be achieved both by working with
nongovernmental organizations whose agenda includes promoting gender equality and directly
through rural women's groups with leadership skills.
Operational projects:
Training Program for NGO Representatives Active in the Field of Women’s Empowerment
During May-October 2010, the CS Program conducted, in partnership with the Romanian Institute of
Training, two training programs on women’s empowerment from rural area NGOs from the Republic of
Moldova, active in the field.
The participants in the training were selected based on the following criteria: motivation for
participation in the program, previous experience in the field of gender equality and women’s
empowerment and the intention of organizing activities that would promote women’s participation in
decision-making. The geographical representation of NGOs included 23 regions: Căuşeni - 2, Drochia
- 3, Bălţi - 4, Hânceşti - 3, Călăraşi - 1 Leova - 1, Cantemir - 1, Străşeni - 2, Ialoveni - 2 Soroca - 3,
Făleşti - 1, Nisporeni - 1, Floreşti - 2, Glodeni - 1, Ungheni - 2, Chişinău municipality- 4, Cahul - 2,
Dubăsari - 1, Edineţ - 1, Ocniţa - 1, Teleneşti – 2; Rezina - 1, Basarabeasca - 1.
During the eight days of the training program, completed by 42 participants, the key elements of
gender equality, the legal framework in the gender field, promotion of gender equality in social,
economic and political spheres, participation of women in decision-making, advocacy and lobbying
techniques to mobilize women to engage in community life as well as other relevant subjects were
Leadership Development Program for Rural Women. First Edition
The leadership development program was designed for women from rural areas interested in
participating in decision-making within their community. The Program consisted of two phases: a
training program and t he implementation of community initiatives (funded under a Small Grants
Competition organized by the SFM, for the participants that completed the training program).
During the months of June and July, the first leadership training program was organized, bringing
together 22 women representing different rural areas. The profile of women selected for the training
included: leadership skills, their activism and intention to run for 2011 local elections, their active
involvement in community life and the decision-making process, motivation, professional
achievements, and the desire to form partnerships with other women in the country in promoting
The training program was conducted by the Partnership for Development Center and was composed
of two training modules:
- Module I: Developing the capacity for community and political leadership (June 10-12)
- Module II: Promoting change in the community (June 21-24)
The first training module was focused on theoretical and practical principles of leadership, personal
development, key elements of team effectiveness, communication and negotiation inherent issues,
etc. The second training module covered topics related to the techniques of mobilizing stakeholders,
development of strategies to promote change at the institutional and community levels and to identify
community needs, techniques for identifying community problems and resources to address them and
assess people’s involvement in this process, as well as project development.
Workshop for the Trainees of the First Leadership Training Program
During December 10-11, the CS Program conducted an additional activity for the participants that
completed the first leadership training program. The workshop “Equal Opportunities in the Election”
was organized in response to the needs assessment identified after the training. The workshop
agenda, facilitated by the Partnership for Development Center, included the key elements in the
process of running an election campaign with focus on local elections and the development of a
common action plan for the upcoming year. The transfer of theoretical and practical knowledge made
by the participants became an incentive in promoting rural women as future leaders and their eventual
participation in the 2011 local elections.
Leadership Development Program for Rural Women. Second Edition
During November 2010 - January 2011, the second edition of the leadership development program
was organized with the participation of 22 women with leadership potential from the Republic of
Moldova. The training program consisted of three modules and was conducted by the Partnership for
Development Center as follows:
- Module I: Developing civic leadership capacity (November 13 - 14, 2010)
- Module II: Developing political leadership capacity (December 3 - 5, 2010)
- Module III: Designing and managing a project (January 20 - 23, 2011)
Within the first module, the participants learned about the key practices of successful leadership.
During the first home assignment, each participant had to identify a woman-leader in the community
and to shadow study her work. In the second training module, the participants got familiar with
political leadership. The module was designed to inform and encourage women to engage in political
and civic life. Another practical application included a detailed analysis of gender within the political
context of the community conducted by each participant during one month. The participants analyzed
gender representation as a result of the 2007 local elections. During the third module, the participants
acquired skills and knowledge in developing project proposals, using the Logical Framework
Approach. The proposals are to be submitted for funding under the small grants competition
organized by the SFM.
Small Grants Program for the Participants in the Leadership Development Program
The small grants competition was launched by the CS Program during June-July 2010 and was
designed for leadership training program beneficiaries of the first edition. The purpose of the contest
was to give the participants an opportunity to apply the knowledge and skills obtained during the eight
days of training. The grant amount limit for each initiative was $1,000.
“Let's Combine Practice with Pleasure”
Grantee: Rodica BUZILĂ, Oxentea, Dubăsari
Summary: The project was implemented in the gymnasium from the village of Oxentea, Dubăsari. It
aimed at promoting gender equality by conducting a culinary course for a group of 11 boys and 14
girls. The office where the technological education activities were held was equipped with basic
cooking equipment.
Developing the Golden Age of Youth
Grantee: Maia FILIPENCO, Doroţcaia, Dubăsari
Summary: The purpose of the project consisted in the prevention of juvenile delinquency in the village of
Doroţcaia, Dubăsari rayon, by educating students about leisure conditions that lead to a civilized behavior.
A group of young people aged between 15-18 years old selected from socially vulnerable families, were
given the opportunity to visit Orhei’s historical site, Hâncu monastery and a cinema club in the capital of
Moldova. Meetings with parents and the school staff and Christmas gatherings where boys showcased
their cooking abilities, created a better understanding of children’s needs and proved to the members of
the community that gender stereotypes can be overcome. The youth involved in the project developed an
action plan for future meetings that aim at engaging their parents in the plan implementation.
Improving Local Government’s Transparency in the Village of Ştefăneşti
Grantee: Ersilia QATRAWI, Ştefăneşti, Ştefan-Vodă
Summary: The project focused on promoting transparency of the decision-making process of the local
public authority. The local government representatives and community citizens participated in
“Transparency in the Decision-making Process” seminar; a website of the village of Stefăneşti was
developed; a regulation on the transparency of decision-making was drafted; and a billboard was
installed in front of the mayor’s office offering public access to the decisions made by local authorities.
Better Opportunities for Opaci Women’s Participation in the Decision-making Processes
Grantee: Rodica MOCANU, Opaci, Căuşeni
Summary: The project aims to increase awareness and participation of citizens from the village of
Opaci in the decision-making process and transparency of local public authority. A group of 21
women will acquire leadership and community problem solving skills through a training program. A
regulation on the transparency of the decision-making process will be developed, while the final
round-table will discuss the impact of this regulation on the transparency of the mayor’s office
activities. Later, a newsletter will be developed to inform community members about the activities and
decisions made by the local council. In order to ensure a better access to information about mayor’s
office activities, information boards will be installed.
Women - Promoters of Human Development
Grantee: Maria JOSANU, Chetrosu, Drochia
Summary: The project aimed to involve women in the social and political life of the village of Chetrosu.
26 young mothers took part in a series of training sessions on ways to address children’s needs,
personal development, mother’s rights and responsibilities, healthy food and life styles, etc. The group
of mothers involved in the project created the Senate of Young Mothers, which meets on a regular
basis. Books about women's empowerment and personal development were purchased. The young
mothers organized a fundraising event attended by community members. The money raised during
this event was invested in the future activities of the Senate.
Use of Modern Information Technology - Training Opportunities for Personal Development
Grantee: Ecaterina MOCANU, Moleşti, Ialoveni
Summary: The project aims to provide knowledge about information technologies to a group of 12
women and four men. The beneficiaries created personal electronic mail accounts, practiced the use
of video applications, and learned about the benefits of on-line communication networks, etc.
Engagement of High School Students in Volunteering Practices
Grantee: Maria BURLAC, Surchiceni, Căuşeni
Summary: The project pursues to promote volunteering by encouraging students, teachers and
parents to participate in community life and cover the best practices in the local newspaper, designed
by school students, who were trained in advance by an experienced journalist.
“Bring a Smile into the Elderly People’s Life”
Grantee: Liuba IACOVLEV, Ochiul Alb, Drochia
Summary: The project aimed to create a recreational area in the Center for elderly people from the
village of Ochiul Alb, Drochia rayon. The Center’s beneficiaries, along with other community
members, were mobilized to participate in the activities of the Center and a number of other cultural
and information activities, aiming to integrate the elderly in community life.
Promoting a Healthy Lifestyle through Cycling
Grantee: Eugenia IOXA, Mîndreşti, Teleneşti
Summary: The project focused on promoting a healthy life style among students from Dimitrie
Cantemir High School from the village of Mândreşti, the rayon of Teleneşti, as well as the entire
community. Lessons about traffic rules, including cycling rules, were included in the high school
curriculum from V to IX grades and a parking lot for bicycles was installed in front of the school. A
group of 30 people consisting of parents, teachers, and LPA representatives, as well as young people
that reached the age of 18, participated in a cycling marathon organized on the Mândreşti - Teleneşti
route. The marathon included a cycling competition and the winners, a man and a woman, were
awarded bikes. The LPA took over the initiative of organizing the cycling marathon in the future.
Empowering the Young Leaders from Sângerei to Participate in Decision-making Processes
Grantee: Ludmila PROCIUC, Sângerei
Summary: Over 20 young people were trained in developing their leadership skills. They also
attended local council meetings. The project supported the organization of raising awareness
campaigns in the community on the right of youth’s participation in civic and political life. The group of
young people participated in two study visits to the local council to make a better acquaintance with
people who are empowered to make decisions in the community. The project’s beneficiaries attended
three public hearings and received tips from local government representatives and political party
leaders on the steps to be taken in order to become a councilor or mayor.
Grants in the Field of Women’s Empowerment and Their Participation in Decision-making
During the months of June - July and October - November, the Civil Society Program launched two
open grants competitions with the aim to support initiatives that would increase the participation of
rural women in the public and political decision-making process at the local governance level. The call
was designed for non-governmental organizations working in rural areas which had promoting gender
equality as a strategic priority. The maximum amount of grant awards was $12,400 and the duration
of the implementation - up to eight months.10 grants were funded in this category during 2010.
Equal Opportunities for Women
Grantee: Consult-Nord Community Association, Pelinia, Drochia
Project manager: Nina BÂNDIU
Summary: The project will strengthen the skills of 20 women from the village of Pelinia at engaging in
community development and participating in the decision-making process. To this end, a women's
club will be established, a training program in leadership and political participation will be conducted,
a study visit to an NGO from the neighboring community as well as a public cafe with the participation
of successful women from the community will be organized.
Only through Involvement We Can Bring Change
Grantee: House of Hope Center of Social Assistance, Soroca
Project manager: Valentina ONICA
Summary: The project aims to empower a group of 45 women from the rayon of Soroca to actively
participate in community life, with a focus on the decision-making process. The organization will run
information and raising awareness activities in 15 villages from the rayon of Soroca on the situation of
Moldovan women; will organize a training program for 45 women, four TV debates, and a Women's
Forum with the participation of all the people involved in the field.
Overcoming Difficulties on the Road to a Brighter Future
Grantee: Eldorado NGO, Flocoasa, Cantemir
Project manager: Diana ICHIM
Summary: The project aims to strengthen the leadership capacity of an initiative group consisting of
20 women from the village of Ciobalaccia and to raise awareness within community on the importance
of women’s involvement in politics. These objectives will be achieved through the initiative group of
women who will later take part in a capacity building training program; will participate in various
activities conducted with the participation of all community members; will meet politicians and LPA
representatives for a round-table discussion regarding women’s participation in community life; will
organize contests of essays on women's involvement in the decision-making processes, photo
exhibitions and other activities.
Strengthening the Role of Women in the Southern Region of the Republic of Moldova
Grantee: Dialog NGO Information and Advising Center, Ciadîr-Lunga
Project manager: Svetlana CAPANJI
Summary: The project aims to encourage women from the rayon of Ciadîr-Lunga in getting involved in
decision-making processes through cooperation with governmental, public and media
representatives. The organization will conduct workshops in nine villages from the rayon of CiadîrLunga, during which the target groups will be informed about the importance of involving women in
community decision-making processes. Later, 45 women willing to become a candidate in local
elections will be offered the opportunity to benefit from a training program in civic and political
leadership. The project will develop four short documentaries on the life and work of successful
women from Găgăuzia; will organize four TV debates and other activities to raise awareness on
women's involvement.
Participation, Strategy - the Path to Democracy
Grantee: Business Women's Association NGO, Bălţi
Project manager: Tatiana PUGA
Summary: The project is aimed at improving good governance by increasing the role of women in the
community. To this end, they will conduct a training program for 45 women from Glodeni, Rîşcani,
Făleşti, Drochia and Bălţi in acquiring tools and techniques for influencing the decision-making
process at local level. The project will support the establishment of a women’s club that will participate
in local council meetings and will come up with proposals and recommendations on the issues
discussed on the local council agenda.
Women and Elections
Grantee: Golubca NGO Women’s Club, Basarabeasca
Project manager: Raisa VORONIUC
The project proposes to increase women's participation in decision-making in the rayon of
Basarabeasca. The project's target group will consist of 20 women from Abaclia, Sadaclia, Iserlia,
Başcalia, Iordanovca, Carabetovca and Basarabeasca localities. The beneficiaries will participate in a
training program focused on developing their political leadership capacity. In accordance with this
objective, awareness raising activities including TV programs on a relevant topic, as well as meetings
with different parties will be carried out.
Developing Opportunities for the Participation of Women from Rural Area in Community Life
Grantee: DACIA Youth’s Resource Center, Soroca
Project manager: Stela BABICI
Summary: The project aims to increase the representation of women from rural communities from the
rayon of Soroca in decision-making by achieving two specific goals: to encourage women's
participation in the local elections of 2011 and to strengthen the leadership capacity of 30 women from
24 communities from the rayon of Soroca. The project will assess the degree of women's activity in
the communities within the political parties and local councils by organizing meetings and informal
discussions with various parties and encouraging women to get involved in decision-making
processes. Several events including the public café Women in Politics not a Taboo, a political
leadership program for 30 women and three TV debates will be carried out.
When Women Participate – the Community Develops
Grantee: Children Aspire to an Ideal Public Association, Văsieni, Ialoveni
Project manager: Nina MIHALACHE
Summary: The project aims to support and motivate women to participate in the village of Văsieni decisionmaking. The direct beneficiaries will be 20 community representatives that will form an initiative group that
will receive training in gender equality and gender mainstreaming. The project will support the organization
and facilitation of a public debate on gender issues as well as meetings with representatives of political
parties to discuss ways of increasing women's representation on electoral lists.
Involving Women with Leadership Potential in Local Decision-making Process
Grantee: Always-together Public Association, Dahnovici, Hînceşti
Project manager: Stela BUCUR
Summary: The goal of the project is to encourage a long-term participation of women from the rayon
of Hînceşti in decision-making processes. The Association will develop and conduct one training
program for 35 women from Stolniceni, Ciuciuleni, Sipoteni, Dahnovici, Drăguşeni and Bobeica
communities. The program will consist of two modules that will focus on promoting and encouraging
women to develop their leadership skills and participate in local decision-making processes. A
component of the training program will be dedicated to practical application of the skills developed
through the implementation of community initiatives.
Partnership for Good Governance at Local Level
Grantee: Pro Rural Development Agency, Lăpuşna, Hînceşti
Project manager: Lidia BEZNITCHI
Summary: The project aims to enhance the capacities of 45 rural women in local decision-making.
Over 100 women from the villages of Cărpineni, Pervomaisc and Lăpuşna will be informed about the
principles of democratic governance, public participation and human rights. Three local initiative
groups will be created with the goal to attend local meetings and represent civil society on various
areas of interest. The project will support the organization of one roundtable, which will gather
representatives of civil society from Cărpineni, Lăpuşna and Pervomaisc for discussions of issues
related to women's participation in community life.
Subprogram 3 administration expenditures: $10,519
Total Subprogram 3 expenditures: $186,265
Other Civil Society Program expenditures: -$4,110
Program administration expenditures: $30,262
Total Civil Society Program expenditures: $281,368
George Soros established an Emergency Fund to help vulnerable groups cope with the impact of the
global economic crisis in twenty countries of Central and East Europe. This new fund supports
humanitarian projects that will help people hardest hit by the crisis - especially the most vulnerable
groups - and to help civil society organizations adjust to the sudden change in circumstances. In
addition to projects addressing the impact of the economic crisis on vulnerable groups, the fund will
consider supporting innovative interventions aimed at maintaining support for open society values
among the new middle class and countering populist demagogy.
In 2010, Moldova benefited from financial support from this fund for the following projects:
School Communities in Action: Creating Conditions for Children from Socially Vulnerable
Families to Stay in School
Grantee: Pro Didactica Educational Center
Project manager: Rima BEZEDE, Executive Director
Summary: The project started in 2010 and will be implemented over the next two years. It aims to
support rural schools in creating conditions for the children from socially vulnerable families to stay in
school and keep their motivation for learning and development, in a situation when their families are
severely affected by the economic crisis. The project includes 50 schools that will benefit from
substantial support. It includes two components: the first one is to improve the conditions for children
with socially vulnerable backgrounds to stay in school and the second - teacher capacity development
for working with children from socially vulnerable families. Initial training activities on project
development and administration were carried out. The participants were local teams consisting of a
school manager, a teacher, a community and a LPA representative. This initiative envisages also
providing training for teachers to develop their professional skills for working with children from
socially vulnerable families through extracurricular activities. The expected outcomes of the project
are as follows: 50 school community teams trained in project development; 50 projects developed and
supported financially, focusing on creating conditions for children from disadvantaged families in order
to help them stay in school; 100 deputy directors and class masters trained and certified in
encouraging students’ motivation for learning and development. The project is implemented in
partnership with the Ministry of Education, County General Departments of Education, Youth and
Sports, local authorities, NGOs and communities. For more information about this project, please visit
the Pro Didactica website:
Project in progress
Better Opportunities for Youth and Women
Grantee: United Nations Development Program (UNDP)
Project manager: Viorel ALBU
Summary: The two-year project started in 2010 with the aim to diminish the unemployment among
youth and reduce migration and human trafficking by creating new jobs for vulnerable groups
represented by graduates of boarding schools and orphanages, women and children in vulnerable
situations, as well as victims of human trafficking. The project supports, among other things,
establishing new enterprises to offer jobs for the project beneficiaries and vocational training services.
Additionally, support will be offered to Social Rehabilitation Centers created by UNDP during the last
few years in order to ensure their financial sustainability. During 2010, 432 young people went
through professional trainings; 580 - were employed; 41 victims of human trafficking and 203 victims
of domestic violence received help; 53 working places were created via the partnerships established
with four companies and three NGOs.
More details about the project results can be found at the following link:[1].pdf
Project in progress
Supplementary Scholarships for Youth from Socially Vulnerable Families
Grantee: Educational Advising Center
Project manager: Angela MUŞET
Summary: The project is to be implemented during three years and will provide support for youth from
socially vulnerable families in order to facilitate their access to university education. Besides the
scholarship program, the grantee will carry out information and training activities which will help the
participants define their career paths. The project is implemented in partnership with universities,
nongovernmental organizations and private sector. The project is expected to have the following
results: 380 young people from socially vulnerable families will benefit from scholarships; 272
students will be provided training on specific professional development needs; at least 10
nongovernmental organizations and businesses will benefit from the services offered by the project
beneficiaries during summer time. During an open contest organized in 2010, out of 312 students
from 18 higher education institutions, 64 students benefited from scholarships of $1.500 each; 106
students won annual scholarships of $1.000 each, while other 94 benefited from annual scholarships
of $560 each. The list of students who benefited from scholarships can be found at the following
Project in progress
Financial Support for Mitigating the Consequences of the 2010 Flooding
Grantee: United Nations Development Program (UNDP)
Project manager: Doina MUNTEANU
Summary: The Soros Foundation-Moldova offered financial support for the renovation of two villages
from the Republic of Moldova affected by the summer floods of 2010. The support included small
grants for reconstruction work and other relevant activities initiated by local citizens and LPA.
Community for All – Moldova – Bridge Funding during the Global Economic Crisis
Grantee: Keystone Human Services International Moldova Association
Project manager: Ludmila MALCOCI
Summary: This three-year project supports the inclusion of persons with mental disabilities in their
biological families and communities through building partnerships with local governments, nongovernmental organizations and families. The Community for all - Moldova - Bridge Funding during
the Global Economic Crisis is aimed at developing community support services, expanding existing
services and developing new services including community homes, foster families, protected units,
mobile teams, family placement conditions for mentally disabled adults. The success of the project is
ensured by assisting people with disabilities and by piloting new community services to meet the
diverse needs of persons with mental disabilities and their families/carers. The project includes two
priority areas: deinstitutionalization of persons with mental disabilities from the boarding school for
boys with severe mental disabilities in Orhei and prevention of institutionalization of other vulnerable
For more information, please visit the following websites:;
Project in progress
Program administration expenditures: $17,582
Total EF Program: $4,874,573
(in US Dollars)
Soros Foundation - Moldova Expenditures 2010
Civil Society
East East: Partnership Beyond Borders
European Initiatives
Law & Criminal Justice
Public Administration & Good Governance
Public Health
Cultural Policy
Emergency Fund 2009-2011
$ 251,107
$ 262,470
$ 208,354
$ 904,447
$ 432,602
$ 853,276
$ 1,944,131
$ 110,394
$ 60,120
$ 4,856,991
$ 846,830
$ 10,730,722
National Board
Arcadie BARBAROŞIE, Executive Director, Institute for Public Policy
Gheorghe COJOCARU, Director, Institute of History, State and Law, Academy of Sciences of
Eugen CARPOV, Ambassador; Head of the Legal Department, Komet Group J.V. (until October 2010)
Liliana VIŢU-EŞANU, Head, News Department, Moldova 1 TV, TeleRadio Moldova Public
Broadcasting Company
Otilia BOLOGAN-VIERU, National Legal Adviser, Anti-Trafficking and Gender Program, OSCE
Mission to Moldova
Sorin HADÂRCĂ, Team Leader, DFID Support to the Implementation of the Moldova's National
Development Strategy; founding member of the IDEA Club
Tamara CĂRĂUŞ, Researcher in Philosophy (since October 2010)
Oxana GUŢU, Senior Policy and Strategic Planning Expert within the Ecotec (Ecorys in the UK),
Support to Implementation of the National Development Strategy (since October 2010)
Media Program Board
Mihail GUZUN, PhD, Chair of the Journalism Department, School of Journalism and Communication
Sciences, SUM
Vasile SPINEI, Chairperson, Acces-INFO Center for Promotion of Freedom of Expression and Access
to Information
Georgeta STEPANOV, Faculty member, Journalism Department, School of Journalism and
Communication Sciences, SUM
Public Administration, Good Governance and European Initiatives Program Board
Romaniţa REVENKO, Regional consultant, Private Sector Development Division,
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
Ion OSOIANU, Deputy Team Leader and Senior Local Governance and Regional Development
Advisor, “Moldova: Cooperation in Regional Development” Project, DFID
Oxana GUŢU, Senior Policy and Strategic Planning Expert within the Ecotec (Ecorys in the UK),
Support to Implementation of the National Development Strategy (until October 2010)
Igor GROSU, Expert in Participation, DFID Support to the National Development Strategy
Implementation, Ecorys UK (ECOTEC)
Oleg HÎRBU, Project Manager, Public Macro-financial Finance Management, Public Expenditures and
Budget Support Project, Operations Section, EU Delegation to Moldova
Alexei IONAŞCU, Operations Officer, World Bank (since November 2010)
Civil Society Program Board
Veaceslav PALADE, Program Associate, UNDP
Stelian RUSU, Grants Specialist, US Embassy
Tatiana TURCHINĂ, Psychologist, Faculty member, Applied Psychology Department, Faculty of
Psychology and Educational Science, Moldova State University; Trainer, Expert-consultant
Felicia CREŢU, Executive Director, ACASĂ Association for Charity and Social Assistance
Sofia ŞULEANSCHI, Country Director, Winrock Moldova
Petru CULEAC, Program Officer, East Europe Foundation Moldova (since October 2010)
Alexandrina IOVIŢĂ, Monitoring and Evaluation Advisor, UNAIDS (since October 2010)
Public Health Program Board
Gabriela IONAŞCU, Country Coordinator, UNAIDS Moldova
Silviu DOMENTE, Technical Officer, DPR/Health Systems, WHO Country Office, Republic of Moldova
Ştefan GHEORGHIŢĂ, First Deputy Director, National Center for Preventive Medicine; Director, AIDS
Victor BURINSCHI, Program Manager, TB-AIDS Project, Program Coordination Unit
Ala CURTEANU, PhD, Neonatologist, Head of Perinatology Department, National Center for Mother
and Child Protection
Valeriu CRUDU, Program Coordinator, Center for Health Policies and Studies (since February 2010)
Aliona SERBULENCO, Head of the Health Policies Department, Ministry of Health (since October
East East: Partnership Beyond Borders Program Advisory Committee
Ghenadie IVAŞCENCO, Executive Director, Habitat Moldova National Center for Human Settlements
Vitalie DOGARU, Program Editor, Publika TV News and Media Group
Octavian ŢÎCU, Associate Professor, Free International University of Moldova. ResearcherCoordinator, Institute of History, State and Law, Academy of Science of the Republic of Moldova.
Igor CAŞU, Faculty member, Department of History, SUM; Researcher, Institute of History, ASM
Leonidas CRISCIUNAS, Consultant, IOM (since March 2010)
Victor URSU, Executive Director
Varvara COLIBABA, Deputy Director
Silvia URSU, Communication Manager
Elena VACARCIUC, Finance Director
Dumitru CHITOROAGĂ, Grants Manager
Elena VITIUC, Chief Accountant
Liuba COTOROBAI, Accountant-cashier
Vasile GÎRLEA, Operations Manager
Victor ANDRONIC, LAN Manager
Ana COREŢCHI, Program Director, East East: Partnership Beyond
Marina COGÎLNICEANU, Program Coordinator, East East: Partnership
Beyond Borders
Elena LEŞAN, Program Director, Civil Society
Natalia CAMBURIAN, Program Assistant, Civil Society
Victoria VOROŞCIUC, Project Coordinator, Civil Society
Victoria MIRON, Program Director, Media, Cultural Policy
Cristina ANDONI, Program Assistant, Media
Liliana GHERMAN, Program Director, Public Health
Victoria CONDRAT, Program Coordinator, Public Health
Vitalie SLOBOZIAN, Program Coordinator, Harm Reduction
Veronica ZORILĂ, Monitoring, Evaluation and Training Specialist, Harm
Ala COJOCARI, Financial and Procurement Specialist, Harm Reduction
Ana GONCIAR, Program Assistant, Harm Reduction
Olga CRIVOLIUBIC, Program Director, Public Administration and Good
Governance; European Initiatives
Diana ZAHARIA, Program Coordinator, Public Administration and Good
Governance; European Initiatives
Denis BORDIAN, Program Assistant, Public Administration and Good
Governance; European Initiatives
Victor MUNTEANU, Program Director, Law
Radu DANII, Program Coordinator, Law
Tatiana DANILESCU, Program Assistant, Law
Marcel VARMARI, Finance and Project Manager, Law
Cristina GODOVANCIUC, Receptionist, Administrative Assistant
Ana CHITOROAGĂ, Receptionist
Soros Foundation-Moldova
32 Bulgară Street
Chişinău, MD-2001
Republic of Moldova
TEL (373 22) 270031, 270232
FAX (373 22) 270507
Pro Didactica Educational Center
13 Armenească Street
Chişinău, MD-2012
TEL (373 22) 541994, 542556
FAX (373 22) 544199
Step by Step Educational Program
16 Puşkin Street
Chişinău, MD-2012
TEL (373 22) 220112
TEL/FAX (373 22) 220113
Institute for Public Policy
16/1 Puşkin Street
Chişinău, MD-2001
TEL (373 22) 276786, 276785
FAX (373 22) 276786
International Language Training Center
43 Petru Rareş Street
Chişinău, MD-2005
TEL (373 22) 292988, 292815, 292865
FAX (373 22) 292811
Educational Advising Center
16 Puşkin Street
Chişinău, MD-2012
TEL (373 22) 221172
TEL/FAX (373 22) 221167
National High School Debate League
16 A Puşkin Street
Chişinău, MD-2012
TEL (373 22) 212769
TEL/FAX (373 22) 228365
Youth Development Center
16 A Puşkin Street
Chişinău, MD-2012
TEL (373 22) 228365
Independent Journalism Center
53 Şciusev Street
Chişinău, MD-2012
TEL (373 22) 213652, 227539
FAX (373 22) 226681
Microinvest LLC
16 Puşkin Street
Chişinău, MD-2012
TEL (373 22) 212764, 212765
FAX (373 22) 229902
Center for Contemporary Art
5 Bănulescu-Bodoni Street, ap.2
Chişinău, MD-2043
TEL/FAX (373 22) 237272
DNT Association
16 Puşkin Street
Chişinău, MD-2012
TEL/FAX (373 22) 229229
Partnership for Development Center
13 Armenească Street
Chişinău, MD-2012
TEL/FAX (373 22) 241393
TEL (373 22) 237089, 207158, 207157
Acces-info Center for Promotion of Freedom of Expression and Access to Information
13 V. Alecsandri Street, office 19
Chişinău, MD-2009
TEL (373 22) 281394
FAX (373 22) 725976
Chişinău CONTACT Center
83 Bucureşti Street
Chişinău, MD-2012
TEL (373 22) 233946, 233947
FAX (373 22) 233948
Cahul CONTACT Center
57 Frunze Street apt. 11
TEL/FAX (373 299) 27788
Comrat CONTACT Center
12 Komsomolskaia, Street, apt. 2
TEL/FAX (373 238) 23516; 27604
Bălţi CONTACT Center
5 Stefan cel Mare Street, apt.83
TEL/FAX (373 231) 43529
Soroca CONTACT Center
17 Viilor Street, apt.40
TEL/FAX (373 230) 26023