In This Issue Editorial - australian lipizzaner registry
In This Issue Editorial - australian lipizzaner registry
ALR NEWSLETTER December 2014/January 2015 . Editorial As we say goodbye to 2014 we welcome in the New Year & in doing so wish all of our wonderful ALR members & Lipizzaner enthusiasts alike a wonderful safe Christmas. 2014 saw the ALR Inc. moving into it’s second year of operating as a registry with the sole purpose of supporting & promoting the Purebred Lipizzaner horse within Australia & New Zealand. We have had many new members join over the past 24 months, our growth is continuing onwards & upwards. Some highlights of 2014; Confirmation from the European Union that there is no International Register for Lipizzaner horses Our second AGM was held on December 13, 2014 The ALR website Continuation of breeders producing outstanding quality progeny Growing membership & interest Beautiful & informative newsletters each quarter What’s coming up in 2015; Potentially 10 foals due in the 2015 breeding season within Australia & New Zealand by 7 different Lipizzaner stallions Murray Bridge All Breeds show 8 February 2015, SA AHAA National Show in April 2015, SIEC NSW ALR Inc. Evaluation of Lipizzaner horses by Dr Jaromir Oulehla We hope you enjoy the final of our quarterly newsletters for 2014. This publication features a wonderful write up about the 2014 Lipica Three Star Driving event along with some beautiful photographs of Lipizzaner horse both here & abroad. Our feature cover horse for this issue is: A Lipizzaner team going through an obstacle at the 2014 Lipica Three Star Driving Event. Baroque and Beautiful…….The Lipizzaner. “When I bestride him, I soar, I am a hawk: he trots the air; the earth sings when he touches it; the basest horn of his hoof is more musical than the pipe of Hermes. ...” - William Shakespeare In This Issue Editorial 2014 Lipica Three Star Driving Event 2014 Foals Stallions at Stud Spotlight on: Pluto Linda I Sale Opportunities Go Paddy….. Contact the ALR The most prolific winning country turned out to be Italy with the Italian National anthem heard numerous times. The anthem was encouraged by a very patriotic Italian man who stood at the front conducting the crowd and encouraging his countrymen to sing along fervently. He raised many a smile from the crowd all of whom responded with much applause. Marko Memon, driving pairs in the 2014 Lipica Three Star Driving Event FEI publish placing’s for this event, so anyone interested in the results can go online to check them . 2014 LIPICA THREE STAR DRIVING EVENT DR. JOHANN AND MRS LOUISE KRUTZLER From the 26th to the 29th of June Lipica Federal Stud Farm in Slovenia hosted a three star world cup qualifier for horse and pony singles, pairs and fours. Contestants at this event were looking for a “last chance” to qualify for the world cup final to be held later in the year in Hungary. Competitors came from Austria, Estonoia, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Slovenia, Switzerland and Slovakia. Lipica is such a lovely venue for a driving event with permanent outdoor driving arenas and some beautiful scenic paddocks behind the main stadium from which to stage the marathon and obstacles. Drs Andrea & Max Dobretsberger pictured. Max drove Maestoso Cattinara -10 in the singles The weather was mostly fine although showers did threaten from time to time. The first day of the dressage was interesting and enjoyable to watch with the various horse and pony breeds going through their paces. There were the numerous ground jury people taking part as are required for a world cup qualifier with one coming all the way from the USA. All the horses, people and vehicles were beautifully presented on the day and most of the dressage entries proved worthy viewing. The Sunday looked promising weather wise for the marathon, culminating in seven obstacles or “hazards” as they have been known. . Obstacle 1 Obstacle one was not as pleasing for the spectators, as it proved difficult to view from the usual distance and consisted of white posts and green rails incorporating gates, squares and rectangles to negotiate. A couple of competitors came unstuck here and at least one was forced to retire after rolling the vehicle onto the side. The new rules curtail continuation of the event if rolling of a vehicle happens Obstacle 2 Obstacle two was possibly a little easier with various shaped wooden planks, but still seemed to test the stopping and turning ability of the horses. The stone monoliths looked very foreboding indeed placed centrally in some of the structures. Obstacle 3 Obstacle three appeared to flow for the competitors and was pleasing to the eye for spectators. It also proved to be a good spot to take some photos. This obstacle consisted of large logs on their sides with a rail on the top, appearing to give sufficient room with which to negotiate turns and changes of direction. Obstacle 4 Obstacle four was the water and this always draws a crowd. The water had to entered and exited three times with some small variations as to the options to take thereby making it quicker and more difficult or longer and easier. Most of the horses happily entered the water with a few horses being hesitant and unsure of what may lie beneath. Obstacle 5 Obstacle five consisted of fourteen large octagonal “circles” which usually prove easier to move around due to their shape. Most competitors seemed to get through this obstacle reasonably well. Obstacle 6 Obstacles six was similar to obstacle five, however it consisted of evenly placed squares with the difficulty being the sharper corners to negotiate. Obstacle 7 The final obstacle was in my opinion the most difficult as it was a series of triangles amongst trees, with the difficulty being the undulating ground and the requirement of whips to “double back” during the negotiation. The ground and going looked difficult with the obstacle existing in a dam shape with a ridge at the top. The undulating ground on some strong cambers, combined with the sharp turns proved too much for some drivers and horses with many being slowed considerably. The obstacle proved a real “test” coming last when the horses were tired and many had to reverse gear when the horses got legs around the trees or posts. Photo Left: Louise Krutzler with Mag. Janez Rus the Event Director, Lipica Stud Farm. Photo Right: Dr Johann Krutzler with Jana Jašović from JJ Lipizzans & Dr. Max Dobretsberger enjoying the marathon Photographs from the 2014 Lipica Three Star Driving Event I. Slovenian Lipizzaner pair both by 001 Conversano Capriola XIV (half brothers to 224 Conversano Allegra V imp Slovenia) II. Drs Andrea & Max Dobretsberger pictured. Max drove Maestoso Cattinara 10 in the singles. III. A Lipizzaner team negotiates obstacle 3 STALLIONS AT PUBLIC STUD SALE OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE—BELCAM CASIA 2003 Hanoverian mare | 16.1HH |SIRE: Cooperit (imp) | DAM: Belcam Assassin ACE (6686-03-Q) PTIF to 201 Pluto Linda I Belcam Cassia is a well bred Hanoverian warmblood mare from Cooperit & Assassin warmblood bloodlines. These bloodlines are well renowned as successful competitors in eventing, jumping and dressage. With lovely strong conformation and movement typical of her breeding. She is gentle natured which exhibits as sensitivity but she is not hot and very easy to handle. Cassia has produced some lovely foal. She is very easy to handle when being served and conceives easily. Video of Belcam Cassia moving out can be viewed at $10,000 (PTIF to 201 Pluto Linda I Tel | 0447 378 463 | Email: Web: Looking for your next superstar?.....Look no further. Try a Lipizzaner. Some of the beautiful Lipizzaner foals that have been born this season….. I. I. Conversano Montebella ‘Monte’, purebred colt by Conversano Juliana III x Montebella bred by Phoenix Park Stud, SA II. II. 514 Favory Lucca III ‘Aramis’. Purebred colt by Favory Pallavicina ‘Merlin x Luc-ca. Bred by Anwn Park Stud, NSW (FOR SALE) III. 513 Gazale Purebred Lipizzaner filly by 224 Conversano Allegra V from 178 Grace. Bred by Habsburg Stud, SA 249 Sava foaled a IV. colt foal 515 Conversano Sava IV on 22/12/14 by 3518 Conversano Juliana III (USA dec) We are expeting possibly 10 Purebred Lipizzaner foals from 7 different Lipizzaner stallions, within the ALR Inc. membership to be born in the 2015 season. For further information please contact the ALR Inc. III. NEW ZEALAND NEWS ALR Inc member Lorna Price initiated the New Zealand Facebook page for Lipizzaner horses (Lipizzaners NZ). This page is generating a wonderful amount of interest for the breed not only within NZ but worldwide, with some lovely photos & great information being shared. Be sure to go & have a look. 504 Conversano Bekescaba ‘Zoom’ imp Aus, is developing well. Now a three year old has been at private stud this year and has served 283 Isidria and 276 Seffana Favory Tural (George) is back in light work . Steph Skjoldebrand conducted what we call a "Boot Camp" up here in September of this year and everyone enjoyed training with her so much she is conducting clinics on the North Island for most of January. Please contact Lisa Spencer- Tompkins for a place in the clinics on 0272801604 504 Conversano Bekescaba photographed at three years of age. "Zoom" has just completer\d his first season at stud in New Zealand 243 Perletta (left) & 231 Inzia (right) Purebred Lipizzaner mares owned by Epona Stud. 259 Neapolitano Sistina I ridden by Lisa Spencer Tompkins. "Boyo" is owned by John "Paddy" Mair Lorna Price on 505 Istelia by 3581 Conversano Juliana III out of 231 Inzia Spotlight on Pluto Linda I Bred by Mr Karoly ‘Charlie’ Keeve’s Sire: Pluto Neapolitano III Dam: 109 Linda Heterozygous Grey (has produced coloured offspring). 15.2hh | Accredited in 1999 by Dr J Oulhala with Australasia’s highest accreditation score to date of 90%. ACHIEVEMENTS - Multi Champion & Supreme Champion in led & ridden breed classes. - Competed successfully in Official Advanced Dressage. Accomplished in upper level classical dressage movements including Levade, Piaffe & Passage. PROGENY: - 6 Purebred colts / geldings & 1 Purebred filly to 176 Sarita - 1 Purebred colt /gelding from Moldavia - Numerous Partbred progeny. Some which have been bay in colour. Classic baroque Lipizzaner with strong bone and muscular development. 201 Pluto Linda I is standing at stud with frozen semen looking to be available in the future. Service Fee: $1,800 + GST Tel | 0447 378 463 | Email: Web: SPOTLIGHT ON 201 PLUTO LINDA I Go Paddy……... A huge congratulations to our very own New Zealand member, Paddy Mair on winning the prestigious New Zealand Kaimanawa Stallion Challenge. The challenges gives the public a unique opportunity to see the results of wild horses becoming trained mounts and more importantly saves the lives of these stallions from slaughter during the biennial musters. Selected trainers have been invited to take the challenge of competing in the Major Milestone at Equidays and the Stallion Makeover at the New Zealand Horse of the Year Show. With approximately 150-250 days to tame wild stallions, trainers will compete for prizes while displaying the trainability of the Kaimanawa horses at some of the largest most prestigious equestrian events. After going through preliminary classes, only the highest placing combinations make it through to the finals. Contact Us Australian Lipizzaner Registry Inc. PO Box 506 YANKALLILA, SA 5211 EMAIL | Visit us on the web at: www.australianlipizznerre Trainers then present a freestyle performance to demonstrate how far the horse has come as a trained mount. ALR Inc. brings you the Lipizzaner HAPPY CHRISTMAS & BEST WISHES FOR 2015 TO ALL ALR INC. MEMBERS Photo: Piber mares in the Burg Garten Vienna “Piber meets Vienna” L. Krutzler Disclaimer: The ALR Inc. does not accept any responsibility for accuracy for photographs & information, including advertisements, in this publication.
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