Spring - Village of Manteno
Spring - Village of Manteno
THE VILLAGE of MANTENO Spring 2016 April, May & June Projects on the Board Spring is officially here along with the beginning of a new construction season. Manteno already has a few projects planned for this season, and I am sure more will come along as the year progresses. Here are a few projects in the works and their current status. MFT Pavement Resurfacing Tyson Engineering, Inc. is currently working with Manteno officials to develop this year’s pavement management program. This is an annual program which is funded by the Motor Fuel Tax (MFT) program administered through the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT). Each spring, after the freeze and thaw cycle of winter, the conditions of the streets throughout the community are evaluated followed by the development of the needed rehabilitation program. Street resurfacing is expected to begin later this summer. ComEd Green Region Grant Application The Village recently applied for a grant through ComEd’s Green Region program. This program provides funding of up to $10,000 for projects that focus on conservation, preservation and improvements to local parks and recreation resources. If awarded, this grant will be used for the development of recreational trails throughout the Village. Grant awards are anticipated to be announced this summer. Storm Sewer Replacements With the help of Tyson Engineering, Inc., the Village is finalizing plans for replacing sections of storm sewers on Leahy Street (between Poplar Street and Parseghian Place) and North Main Street (near W. Fifth Street). Construction of these projects is expected to begin this summer. The costs for the project along North Main Street will be funded with TIF funds, while the project on Leahy will be covered by sewer funds. OSLAD Grant Application The Village is working with Tyson Engineering, Inc. to apply for an Open Space Lands Acquisition and Development (OSLAD) grant from the Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) for improvements to a park in Rock Creek Estates. This is a great funding opportunity for the Village. If awarded, this grant will provide up to half of the construction costs. Village Engineer - Michael Stone, P.E. MFT Material Purchase Program MFT funds are used to improve roadways, but can also be used to purchase bulk materials for the Village. The biggest item purchased through the MFT program is road salt. Coming off winter, it is easy to see how much salt can be used in a single snow storm. However, the Village can also purchase concrete for sidewalk and curb replacement, aggregate and “cold patch” to temporarily patch potholes in the road, and paint for restriping the roads. This material program will be completed in April and will allow the Village to purchase materials throughout the year. Join us in honoring our veteran heroes on Memorial Day, May 30th. The Manteno American Legion Post 755 will be holding a ceremony at Legion Park on Main Street. At 10:40 am, the procession will step off from Post 755 and march to Legion Park via Walnut St., south to Division St., then turning on Main St. to 3rd St. and into Legion Park. Photo’s taken by Manteno resident -Mark Berry 1 We also invite you to visit the Illinois Veteran’s Cemetery. Few people know that it is the final resting place of 74 American Veterans. GENERAL Village Board meetings are held at the Leo Hassett Community Center on the first and third Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m. Meetings are broadcast live on cable Channel 4. INFORMATION Mayor……………..Tim Nugent Special meetings and standing committee meetings are scheduled monthly, and are posted on the village web site calendar. The public is invited to all meetings. Village Clerk………Alisa Blanchette Village Trustees….Tim Boyce Todd Crockett Diane Dole Joel Gesky Sam Martin Wendell Phillips Village Administrator……Bernie Thompson Village Hall VILLAGE NUMBERS Hours: 8:00-4:30 Mon.- Fri. 98 E. Third St. Manteno, IL. 60950 815-929-4800 www. manteno.govoffice.com Village Hall 815-929-4800 Police 815-929-4801 Fire Dept. 815-468-6619 Building Dept. 815-929-4803 Public Works 815-929-4802 V.H. Fax 815-468-8240 Aqua IL 866-269-2906 Electronic Sign Postings Need to advertise your organization’s event? We welcome request for; community events, fundraising, congratulations, meetings and for business’s -Welcome to the Community. Your events can run 7-14 days. Go to villageofmanteno.com Sewer & Aqua Payments Drop box 24 / 7 - located at 98 E. Third Street. Enter 1st drive-up lane on west side of building, silver drop slot on wall of building just past the windows. We are a drop off center for your AQUA bill. No stamp is required. NO CASH. We cannot access your AQUA acct., please call 866-269-2906 for questions about your water bill. EDITING and DESIGN Kathy Spiek EMAIL kspiek@villageofmanteno.com COMMUNITY CALENDAR APRIL Community Clean-up Day Sat., April 23 8am - Legion Park, Third St. MAY Farmers Market Thurs., May 5,12,19,26 4pm - 7pm Main Street Chamber of Commerce Golf Outing Fri., May 13 Noon - Manteno Golf Course Manteno Cruise Nights Tues., May 17 6pm Main Street Memorial Day - Village Hall Closed Mon., May 30 Golf Cart Parade Fri., June 17 6:45pm Heritage Park to Main St. JUNE Farmers Market Thurs., June 2,9,16,23,30 4pm - 7pm Main Street Movies in the Park Fri., June 3 Legacy park Dusk, around 8:30pm Movie: ‘Inside Out’ Manteno Cruise Nights Tues., June 7 & 21 6pm Main Street 2 Music in Manteno Fri., June 17 7pm-10pm Main Street Band: Timings Everything, 80’s,90s & today Manteno Chamber of Commerce Annual Meeting Fri., June 24 Manteno Sportsmen’s Club Visit: villageofmanteno For more information May 5 Public Service Recognition Week Stop by to say thank you to our PD, Public Works and Fire Department personal for jobs May 12 Flower Planting 101 5-6pm Need to plant your Mother’s Day gift? Learn how master gardener Mary Thompson does it! Check out the Manteno Chamber of Commerce Farmers’ Market every Thursday from 4-7pm beginning on May 5. Stop by to stock up on local fruits, veggies and other great items! The market is located at the SE corner of Main and Division Streets. This years vendors: Cancer Runners Produce Catch the Sun with Stained Glass Community Arts Council Artist of the Week Crème of the Crop Good Morning Bakery High Ho Gems & Crystals Madeline’s Heavenly Harvest Riverfront Berry Farm Ryleigh’s Coffee Café Sackett’s Home Bakery and Kitchen Tamblyn Farms The Pie Ladye Krazy Fox Farm Five Flowers bakery (gluten free) A Little Bee Apothecary (soap, oils, flowers) Lafevor Farm May 19 Golf Cart Registration Don’t miss the opportunity to register your gold cart for the summer season. May 26 Antique Tractors, craft & games Celebrate armed Forces Week! Veteran’s discount with participating vendors. Must show military ID. June 2 TBA FRESH HOMEMADE BREAD-YUMMY! June 9 Yoga in the Park. 5-6pm The Ripple Effect Healing Arts will be hosting a yoga session. June 16 Friends of the Library Book swap. June 23 Are you a local farmer or vendor? The Manteno Farmers Market is a great opportunity to sell your goods locally--right in the heart of Main Street Manteno! For more market information, visit us online at mantenochamber.com or on Facebook at facebook.com/ Shred Day The Village will be hosting our annual Shred Day. Drop off your items in the St. Joe’s parking lot, enter at south entrance. June 30 Story Hour Manteno Public Library TIMING’S EVERYTHING Get on the dance floor and rock'n roll to top hits of the 80's, 90's and today. Come to downtown Manteno for live music the whole family will love! This free event is located on Main Street at the Leo Hassett Community Center, 211 N. Main Street. Bring your blankets, lawn chairs and enjoy the music! Concession stand made available by the Friends of the Manteno Public Library. BYOB—please drink responsibly. This event is sponsored by Chamber Members, Joel Gesky State Farm Agency and Manteno Ford. GOLF CART PARADE Join us at Heritage Park on Friday, June 17 at 6:45 for a Parade through town with the family. The parade will end at Main Street for the first Music in Manteno event. Get creative, get crazy and decorate your cart! 3 4:30-6:30pm MAIN STREET PLAZA RECEIVES ILCA MERIT AWARD Submitted by Dutch Barn Landscape March 1, 2016 - Manteno Main Street Plaza has been awarded an Excellence in Landscape Merit Award by the Illinois Landscape Contractors Association (ILCA). This specialty element project was submitted and installed by Dutch Barn Landscape Contractors located in New Lenox, IL. The ILCA Excellence in Landscape Awards are an annual project submission based contest that gives awards in six different categories. 15 Gold Awards, 9 Silver Awards, and 7 Merit Awards were awarded to ILCA members for their submitted projects. This project was commissioned to form a gateway to the Manteno Business District. A former brick yard situated on a decaying asphalt surface needed to be transformed into a functional space with all the ambiance of a park setting. The area needed to establish a visual and sound barrier on the east side and offer a welcoming invitation to explore what exists behind the stone columns. The Travertine paver area is to be used for civic agendas, allowing for art displays, as well as other community affairs. The circular paver walks lead through various mass plantings of Hydrangeas, Sedums, Alliums and Roses, with resting benches in several locations. Commuter parking is located on either side of the gardens. Access to the bus station is through the park and stone arch. MEMORIAL PARK Surprise your mom with a timeless commemorative brick paver for Mother’s Day. At just $75.00 and your message of love engraved on the paver, it’s sure to bring tears to her eyes. THERESA GREEP WORLD’S BEST MOM THE JONES KIDS Don’t forget grandma on Mother’s Day…. BEST EVER GRANDMA SMITH GRANDKIDS Looking for a unique gift for your special graduate? SHOOT FOR A MEGAN ROGERS LOVE MOM & DAD The walkway winds along the pergola walls bordering by Dwarf Autumn Moor Grass. The large Douglas Firs can be seen behind the natural stone seat walls. Travertine was used to contrast with the dark brown pavers. Mass plantings of Little Lime Hydrangeas surround the perimeter of the travertine. The bench is set in mortared flagstone. What about a marriage proposal under the pergola?! This area features 2 running waterfalls, and romantic lighting in the evening. Have your engraved brick pop the question for you! What a lasting memory and one to visit on every anniversary. LAUREN, WILL YOU MARRY ME? LOVE DAVID For more details, visit our web site: villageofmanteno.com Click on tab “I WANT TO’ then INFORMATION ON MEMORIAL PARK PAVERS’ or call Village Hall for assistance. Order’s for Mother’s Day are due APRIL 15. Walkway leading to the stone arch which forms the entry to the bus station. The use of grasses, alliums and hydrangeas give interest to the space. 4 SPRING CLEAN-UP REMINDERS DO NOT BLOW LEAVES INTO THE STREET Brush Pick-up Schedule Branches will be picked up by Public Works beginning the week of April 4th. ROUTE SCHEDULE: North of Division & West of tracks - 1st & 3rd Week of each month South of Division & East of tracks - 2nd & 4th Week of each month If a holiday falls on Monday, branches will be picked-up the following day. Branches must be placed out by 7:00 a.m. on scheduled pick up weeks, as the brush crew will run their route only once. Branches in excess of five ft.(5’) in length must be cut and stacked behind the curb or in alley with cut ends towards the street. Limbs & tree trunks larger than five (5”) in diameter must not be longer than three (3’) in length. Binding twine, wire of any kind, stumps & root balls will not be picked up. Sweeper The sweeper route is done every six weeks. The Main Street sweeper schedule is on Fridays starting at 5:00 a.m. We Jim Hanley, Superintendent of Public Works ask that you not park your car on Main St. Thursday evening or early Friday per Village ordinance 7-6-1: PARKING PROHIBITED, Main Street between Division & Third Street between the hours of 3:00am & 6:00am. Green Recycling Bin Help the environment by recycling. You can call the Village Hall to put in your request for a green recycling bin which will be dropped off at your home within 48 hrs. You are allowed more than one bin. Recycling schedule stickers are available at the village hall, local banks and the Manteno Library. Reminder about Yard Waste A&J will not pick-up your yard waste unless it is in a brown, recyclable bag WITH the A&J stamp or sticker. The stamped recycle bags are available at Whitmore's ACE Hardware. If you use a brown bag without the A&J stamp, you must place a sticker on the bag. The stickers are available at ACE Hardware and Doc’s. E-WASTE SERVICE CHANGE The Village of Manteno has been running an E-Waste Drop off location for the village residents for about 3 years now. Within the last 18 months, the regulations on disposing of “tube” TV’s and monitors have changed, and in doing so, there has been a hefty cost associated with the service. In order to keep costs down and to ensure that the Village of Manteno is adequately serving the residents, the Public Works Department will be picking up e-waste. This method is to reduce the dumping from people that do not live inside the village at the previous drop off facility. Village of Manteno Residents only: Call Village Hall @ 815-929-4800 Give name and address. Bring e-waste outside of your home and place by garage door. Public works will be scheduled to pick up at your home on Monday’s. 5 Annual Golf Outing Gather your foursome and plan on joining us at the Manteno Chamber of Commerce Annual Golf Outing! This daylong event will be held on Friday, May 13 at the Manteno Golf Club & Learning Center and features a luncheon, awards ceremony and many great prizes! The event will be a shotgun start at noon. Sponsorship opportunities are available and are a great way to involve your business. We offer a variety of options to fit every budget and all levels provide your business with advertising to over 80 golfers and businesspeople. Get your business involved today! For sponsorship or event information, visit mantenochamber.com or contact Staci at swilken@villageofmanteno.com. The Vulcan Group Ryleigh’s Coffee & Gaming Café Grand Opening Ryleigh’s, Manteno’s newest video gaming establishment, celebrated its grand opening with a Business After Hours and Ribbon Cutting Ceremony on Thursday, March 3. This coffee and gaming café is located at 54 N. Oak Street in downtown Manteno and features five gaming machines in a cozy, comfortable atmosphere. The café also serves an assortment of beverages including coffee, tea, soda, smoothies, wine and beer. Ryleigh’s owner, Adam Pate, welcomed both Manteno Chamber of Commerce members and Village representatives for the event. Mayor Tim Nugent said he was happy to welcome Adam Pate and Ryleigh’s to Manteno. Mayor Tim Nugent congratulates Adam Pate at the Grand Opening. “We are excited to see new businesses continue to come to Manteno. You’ve done a great job of making this a relaxed place for guests to enjoy a coffee or try their hand at some video gaming.” Chamber President Jacob Carlile also offered a warm welcome on behalf of the 135 members currently involved in the Manteno Chamber of Commerce. Ryleigh’s hours of operation are Monday-Thursday from 6am-10pm, Friday and Saturday from 6am-12am and Sundays from 11am-10pm. For more Photo: (L to R) Chamber Director Tom Klonowski, Mayor Tim Nugent, business owner Adam Pate, Chamber President Jacob Carlile, Chamber Directors Patrick Mallaney and Michael Boyd 6 LEGACY PARK SPLASH PAD OPENS MAY 27 June 3 ‘Inside Out’ Join us at Legacy Park for a night under the stars with your family and friends! Bring your blankets and lawn chairs! This free event starts at dusk. Concession stand made available by the Friends of the Manteno Public Library. Event Sponsor: Country Financial Representative Tom Klonowski SAVE THE DATE JULY 3 Hi - Happy Spring! Visit me on Manteno’s Facebook to see how things went at the Easter Egg Hunt. See you there. T D he fun keeps rolling into town. Save the date and join us at Legacy Park on July 3rd for our annual Party in the Park. Music, games, and other family fun activities will be offered. 7 on’t forget your lawn chairs to take in the Fireworks at Manteno Lake. Fireworks start at dusk. WE LOVE THE USA ! ANNUAL HOLOCOST INTERDISCIPLINARY DAY TURN YOUR TRASH INTO CASH $ On Thursday, March 3rd, the Manteno Middle School Eighth Grade Social Studies classes held their annual Holocaust Interdisciplinary Day. Activities centered on a student-created museum where student projects relating to the Holocaust were displayed. Projects included display boards, dioramas, models, posters and electronic presentations. Other activities included a video and a guest speaker, Doris Lazarus (photo below), who is the daughter of a Holocaust survivor. The school librarians strive to have current books for their students. Part of our High School and Middle School’s Language Arts Curriculum is outside reading. Students choose a book to read, then take a quiz on it. The students benefit from having a large selection of books to choose from. Each General Mills Box Top that you clip and submit will earn Manteno School Libraries 10 cents!! They really do add up fast and pretty soon there is enough for a new book. You will be amazed at how many products have Box Tops on them: General Mills cereals, Betty Crocker baking mixes, Kleenex tissues, Juicy Juice, Ziploc bags, Huggies diapers and many other products. Checkout brfe.com for a complete list. Also keep an eye out for bonus Box Tops and bonus receipts at your grocery store. Campbell Labels for Education is a program were we “Earn Free Stuff” for our school. The labels have point values. The points are converted into Visa Gift Cards which the librarians turn into books for our schools. There are collection bins for Box Tops and Campbell Labels at HomeStar Bank - Division Street Branch, The Manteno Public Library and any Manteno School Office. Thank you for your help! Yvette Nugent, Middle School Librarian General Mill Box Tops Six million Jews were murdered during the Second World War as part of Adolf Hitler’s ‘Final Solution’, also known as The Holocaust, a sustained attempt to erase the entire Jewish race from Europe. Campbell Labels for Education From 1942 to 1945, Jews from all over Europe were deported to concentration camps by transport trains and then taken to gas chambers, where they were killed with the pesticide, Zyklon B. The first mass concentration camp was the Belzec camp, near Lublin, in 1942. Five more killing centers were then built in occupied Poland; Chelmno, Sobibor, Treblinka, Majdanek and the largest of all, the Auschwitz-Birkenau camp. Around 1.1 million prisoners died at Auschwitz alone, and 90 percent of them were Jewish. Read more: http://metro.co.uk/2016/01/27/holocaustmemorial-day-2016-the-horrors-of-the-holocaust-in-pictures5647192/#ixzz43r2oRXwY 8 ART SHOW april 13 Join us at the annual District Art Show from 4:30-6:30 held at MHS Commons area. We have some great talent amongst our youth in Manteno. SUPPORT THE ARTS and our students. Attend this event— it’s kind of a big deal people! PROMOTION & GRADUATION DATES Manteno Middle School 8th Grade Promotion Thurs, May 19 at 7:00pm High School Gymnasium. Manteno High School Graduation Class of 2016 Sun., May 22 at 2:00pm High School Gymnasium. MAY 6, 7 & 8 @ MMS 9 DISTRICT 5 SAVE THE DATE Apr 8 Glow in the Dark Dance @ Elementary School Apr 9 SHOW CHOIR GALA @ MMS Dinner @5. Show @ 7. Apr 15 -MHS Junior Achievement Team in Chicago. -Glow in the Dark Dance @ MMS Apr 16 IHSA State Contest @ MHS 8am Apr 20 NHS Induction @ MHS 7:30pm Apr 23 MHS PROM! Tuscany in Mokena Apr 27 FFA Banquet @ MHS 6pm Apr 30 IEA State Contest @ MMS 8am May 11 MHS Spring Concert @ MHS 7pm May 16 MMS Spring Concert @ MMS 7pm May 18 MHS Senior Awards Night @ MHS 7:30pm May 20 5th GR. Show Choir Spectacular! @ MMS 10am MANTENO PUBLIC LIBRARY SPRING PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS Jennifer Regan, Youth Services Coordinator Pot Luck Club The Pot Luck Club meets the second Thursday of each month from 6-7:30pm Each month a different food is highlighted. Participants bring their prepared dish and recipe to share. Join us to exchange culinary ideas each month and sample delicious food! Registration is required. For more information stop in or call Manteno Public Library. Manteno Public Library offers a variety of programs for both children and adults. Call the library any time at 815-468-3323 for more information about any of the following programs, or check out our website www.mantenolibrary.org to view the Events Calendar. Youth Programs National Library Week Celebration The week of April 10th- 16th has been designated National Library Week! To celebrate this occasion, the Manteno Public Library has conducted a coloring contest for Kindergarten through 5th grades. We will display the artwork in the library between April 8th and April 29th. Stop by the library to enjoy the wonderful artwork! First, second and third place prizes will be awarded for each grade level. We will honor each of the winners on Thursday, April 14th at 7:00 p.m. Everyone is welcome to attend. Summer Reading Program Manteno Public Library invites families to join us for this year’s Summer Reading Program, “Read for the Win!” Our annual Kick Off Party will be on Monday, June 6th from 11:00 am until 1:00 pm BOOK SWAP @ FARMERS at Legacy Park. SumMARKET mer Reading sessions JUNE 16 will begin the week of June 13th and run through July15th. There will be fun programs for all ages. Registration for Summer Reading will begin on Monday, May 23rd. Contact Jen Regan, Youth Services Coordinator, for more information. Adult Programs Adult Coloring Program Come and relax while you color your cares away! Join us on Tuesday, April 26, 2016 from 6:30-7:30 pm for a fun coloring session. We will supply coloring sheets and colored pencils. Feel free to bring a coloring project that you are currently working on. MMS & MHS Art Show The very talented students from Manteno Middle School and Manteno High School will be displaying some of their artwork at the library from the end of April until mid-May. Be sure to stop by and enjoy this amazing display! Exploration Station Manteno Library heads to Exploration Station in Bourbonnais on Thursday, May 26st from 6-7 pm to help celebrate Summer Reading Programs at all the local libraries. Join us for Exploration Station fun, stories and crafts! Money Smart Week Join us on Wednesday, April 27th when a representative from the University of Illinois Extension will offer a free financial program, “Identity Theft” from 6:00 – 7:00 pm. Registration is required. Call the library for more information. Book Bingo Manteno Public Library invites you to a fun afternoon of Bingo. Bring your friends and neighbors and challenge them to a friendly game where the prize is a book! The library hosts Bingo on the third Monday of each month from 3:00 – 4:00 pm. This program is open to anyone 18 and older. Registration is required. One Stroke Painting One Stroke Painting classes are usually held twice a month at the library. Classes are taught by a certified Donna Dewberry One Stroke Method instructor. One Stroke Painting is designed for any skill level. The technique is an easy method to learn color, highlight and shading all in one stroke. The fee for the session is $10. The program is open to persons 18 and older. Call the library for dates and times. Adult Summer Reading Our annual adult Summer Reading program will begin in June. Read at your own pace and win great prizes! Registration will begin on May 23, 2016. Stop by the library in May to check out the special summer programs that will be offered. NATIONAL LIBRARY WEEK Computer Classes The library offers Computer Classes every Friday from 1:00 – 2:00 pm. A variety of subjects are covered from Microsoft Office, to resumes, to social media. Check our website for weekly class topics. 10 Winners of coloring contest. SUMMER FUN! KANKAKEE COUNTY, June 4th, 2016 – Come join the fun at the Manteno Sportsmen’s Club, 851 N. Main St., Manteno, IL. (approx. 50 miles south of Chicago; I-57 south to exit 322) NFP Rock Productions will DJ in the morning hours during the opening ceremony as well as the afternoon and early evening hours. The band, 7th Anomaly will play from 8:00PM – 11:PM. WOW ! The Cancer run registration is from 9am – 12noon. Early registrationdonation is $15pp or $20pp on event day. If you are not a motorcycle enthusiast, ride along in your convertible, your truck or your beater, you will have a blast no matter what you’re driving! Your ticket entitles you to music for the day, the ride along a scenic designated route, dinner (4:30-6:30), drawing for $1000 and a live auction. There will be a separate drawing for three different cash prizes if you complete the route. If you are not a rider, stay at the club and enjoy the music. Sit on the patio, watch the boaters, and chat with others who are interested in supporting the fight for a cure. All proceeds of this event go to the American Cancer Society Relay for Life of which we are the Ride4Life team. Who Do You Ride 4? Submitted by Nancy Kaufman John Kaufman, Sr. Marketing Specialists – Large Format Solutions for Canon Solutions America, will tell you that he rides to help save lives as a founding member of “Ride4Life,” a small team of family and friends who are motorcycle enthusiasts based in Illinois, dedicated to finding a cure for cancer. the entire run, John and his team of six people raised more than $7,000. “After that, we knew we had something really special,” said John. “In the following years we have seen our numbers and our group of supporters grow. We raised $67K in 2008, with over 1,000 motorcycles and 1,800 in attendance.” Ride4Life was established on November 11, 2001, and began during a conversation at breakfast. “This all started at the breakfast table at my brother-in-law’s house. My sister-in-law was diagnosed with breast cancer in 1996, and during the time from 1996 to 2001, we helped raise money for the American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life in traditional ways such as bake sales, sponsor letters…etc.,” said John. “All of that changed that morning. My brother-in-law and I are passionate about riding motorcycles and passionate about helping those fighting the battle with cancer, and that’s how the idea for the group got started.” Even throughout the economically challenging years, the group currently averages about 800-1,000 bikes and over 1,000 people in attendance each year. In total, Ride4Life has raised more than $700,000 over the past 14 years. The group has been the first American Cancer Society team to reach the National level for Kankakee County, Illinois, and they have won the award for top fundraising team in the state of Illinois on eight different occasions. In the first year, despite flash flood and tornado warnings all day and throughout Ride4Life organizes one “Cancer Run” per year, and this next run takes place on Saturday, June 4th, 2016. The ride starts and finishes in Manteno, Illinois. The group’s overall goal is to organize many Cancer Runs to simultaneously take place 11 the first Saturday of June throughout the country where everyone rides for the same cause on the same day. “Being a part of this amazing event helps keep our feet on the ground and appreciate life each and every day,” said John. For more information visit: find us on Facebook or at www.ride4life.net. WHO DO YOU RIDE 4? I Ride 4 the young, the old, I ride for you, and your aunts and uncles. I ride for all of the survivors and I celebrate their strength. I ride for those whose names blow in the breeze and on the lips of others, for I celebrate their bravery in the battle of life. Even when their names are carved in cold stone, the fire and passion of their life burns deep in me and keeps my wheels turning. I ride for those who were left behind, for those are the scars that run deep and wide, like tire tracks I leave behind, those scars are eternal. I ride for all of those who suffer, as I said I ride for you… Who Do You Ride 4? RED FLAG WARNING Manteno Community Fire Protection District Fire Chief Scott O’Brien A Red Flag Warning is a forecast warning issued by the United States National Weather Service to inform area firefighting and land management agencies that conditions are ideal for wild land fire ignition and propagation. After drought conditions, and when humidity is very low, and especially when high or erratic winds which may include lightning are a factor; the Red Flag Warning becomes a critical statement for firefighting agencies, which often alter their staffing and equipment resources dramatically to accommodate the forecast risk. To the public, a Red Flag Warning means high fire danger with increased probability of a quickly spreading vegetation fire in the area within 24 hours. The weather criteria for fire weather watches and red flag warnings varies with each Weather Service Office’s warning area based on; local vegetation type, topography, and distance from major water sources, but usually includes the daily vegetation moisture content calculations, expected afternoon high temperature, afternoon minimum relative humidity and daytime wind Red Flag criteria occurs whenever a geographical area has been in a dry spell for a week or two, or for a shorter period , if before spring green-up or after fall color, and the National Fire Danger Rating System (NFDRS) is high to extreme and the following forecast weather parameters are forecasted to be met: 1) a sustained wind average 15 mph or greater 2) relative humidity less than or equal to 25 percent and 3) a temperature of greater than 75 degrees F. In some states, dry lightning and unstable air are criteria. A Fire Weather Watch may be issued prior to the Red Flag Warning. A separate, but less imminent forecast may include a Fire Weather Watch, which is issued to alert fire and land management agencies to the possibility that Red Flag conditions may exist beyond the first forecast period (12 hours). The watch is issued generally 12 to 48 hours in advance of the expected conditions, but can be issued up to 72 hours in advance if the NWS agency is reasonably confident. The term “Fire Weather Watch” is headlined in the routine forecast and issued as a product. That watch then remains in effect until it expires, is canceled, or upgraded to a Red Flag Warning. Outdoor burning bans may also be proclaimed by local law and fire agencies based on Red Flag Warnings. Please call the Fire District at 815.468.6619 if you have any questions. SPRING SAFETY TIPS: 1. Know where the severe weather shelters are located! Manteno Church of the Nazarene 698 N. Locust St. St. Joseph Catholic Church 207 S. Main St. 2. Keep a Weather Safety Kit available for use in severe weather. Include a flashlight with extra batteries, several bottles of water, a portable radio and a weather radio. Manteno Fire Station 13 S. Walnut St. Manteno, Illinois 60950 815.468.7100 mantenofire@aol.com FIREFIGHTER’S ASSOCIATION BENEFIT Soldier Field The Manteno Fire Fighters Association will hold a special event, Fire History Day - Remembering the Past. This is a nice education program for the family. This being the Fire District’s only fundraiser, we reach out to our community to assist us in supporting our programs. The proceeds are used to provide the following safety items for our community: Smoke Alarms, Carbon Monoxide Alarms, Batteries, Weather Radios, CPR classes, AED’s , Address signs, as well as provide funding for the community assistance fund. FOR MORE INFO CALL 815-468-6619 Items courtesy of Whitmore Ace Hardware 12 SATURDAY, JUNE 12 to 3 PM Manteno Fire Station 1 $5.00 ADMISSION 4 Chicago White Sox Tickets with Parking Pass Courtesy of the Chicago White Sox WEBER GRILL CRAFTSMAN SNOW THROWER