MARA Escrow Company
MARA Escrow Company
THE MLS OPEN HOUSE GUIDE™ TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 2013 | A1 MARA Escrow Company Beverly Hills 1&DPGHQ'ULYH6XLWH %HYHUO\+LOOV&$ Encino 9HQWXUD%OYG6XLWH (QFLQR&$ Redondo Beach $UWHVLD%OYG6XLWH 5HGRQGR%HDFK&$ Objective : To seamlessly guide you through the escrow process by maintaining active communication, being responsive to your needs and remaining accessible Professional Experience MARA Escrow Company 1984-Present v3URYLGLQJUHVLGHQWLDODQGFRPPHUFLDOUHVDOHDQGUHILQDQFHHVFURZVHUYLFHV v3URYLGLQJDIXOOUDQJHRI%XON6DOHVHUYLFHV v3URYLGLQJTXDOLILHGHVFURZVHUYLFHVIRUSURSHUWLHVKHOGLQ5HFHLYHUVKLS v:RUNLQJZLWKQXPHURXVGHYHORSHUVLQ6RXWKHUQ&DOLIRUQLD v:RUNLQJLQFRQMXQFWLRQZLWK%URNHUVDQG,QYHVWRUVWRVXFFHVVIXOO\FORVHFRPPHUFLDOWUDQVDFWLRQV v:RUNLQJZLWK\RXUTXDOLILHG,QWHUPHGLDU\WRFORVH\RXU([FKDQJHWUDQVDFWLRQV & Strengths vEscrow: Skills vCommunication: RYHU\HDUVRIH[SHULHQFHLQHVFURZ SURYLGHVH[FHOOHQWFRPPXQLFDWLRQE\RIIHULQJFRQVLVWHQWDQGWLPHO\IROORZXSwith returned phone calls and email response v Customer Service: VWULYHVWRPHHWWKHQHHGVRIHDFKFOLHQWE\RIIHULQJDsolution-oriented approach on each transaction vMultilingual: RXU(VFURZ2IILFHUVDUHFRQYHUVDQWLQWKHIROORZLQJODQJXDJHV(QJOLVK6SDQLVK+LQGL 3XQMDEL5XVVLDQ)DUVL*HUPDQ.RUHDQDQG$UPHQLDQ Meet our Beverly Hills team Cheryl Noah Branch Manager Connie Kaiser Escrow Officer Linda Drumm Escrow Officer Sepi Amirianfar Escrow Officer Cory Schwab Escrow Officer John Song Escrow Officer Angel Moser Account Executive John Kotleba Chief Operations Officer VHUYLFHLVDYDLODEOHLQVHOHFW0$5$(VFURZEUDQFKHV A2 | TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 2013 THE MLS OPEN HOUSE GUIDE™ Defining Private Mortgage Banking Since 1999. #"/,&3 #30,&3 $4'JOBODJBM#FTUPG#PUI#BOLFS#SPLFS t .BYJNVN'MFYJCJMJUZNPSF+VNCPBOE$POWFOUJPOBM-FOEJOH0QUJPOT t *OIPVTF6OEFSXSJUJOHBOE%FDJTJPO.BLJOH t 4VQFSJPS*OEFQFOEFODFBOE5SBOTBDUJPO$POUSPM t 1SFBQQSPWBMCZ2VBMJGJFE6OEFSXSJUFST t $PNQBOZPXOFE"QQSBJTBM.BOBHFNFOU$PNQBOZ t #FTU0VUDPNFTGPS$MJFOUTBOE3FBM&TUBUF1BSUOFST t &YDMVTJWF4USBUFHJD3FMBUJPOTIJQTXJUI#BOLT0GGFSJOH/JDIF1SPEVDUT At CS Financial, we do more than just talk about private mortgage banking. We define and deliver it. Talk to any one of our licensed, highly experienced Loan Officers today at 310-777-3600, and work with California’s leading independent private mortgage banker. BEVERLY HILLS - 9595 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 801, Beverly Hills, CA 90212 | P 310.777.3600 | F 310.777.3610 CALABASAS - 23586 Calabasas Road, Suite 203, Calabasas, CA 91302 | P 818.735.7979 | F 818.735.7970 Programs, rates and APRs subject to change at any time without prior notice. CS Financial is a real estate broker licensed by the CA Dept of Real Estate, license #01257559, NMLS #31132. THE MLS OPEN HOUSE GUIDE™ TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 2013 | A3 CS COMMERCIAL Apartment Loans… No Problem! CS Commercial has 5+ unit properties covered. $2,375,000 – Apartment Purchase CS Commercial arranged a 50% LTV loan for a 9-unit apartment building located in Los Angeles. $875,000 – Apartment Purchase Secured a 75% LTV loan for the purchase of an 8-unit building in Koreatown. No bank statements / no tax returns required. Closed on last day of 2012. $620,000 – Apartment Refinance Arranged cash out refinance for a 7-unit apartment building in Oakland. No bank statements / no tax returns required. $830,000 – Apartment Purchase Provided 65% LTV purchase loan for 1031 purchase transaction in Long Beach. No bank statements / no tax returns required. Contact The CS Commercial Team at 310-777-3600 / CS COMMERCIAL Christopher I. Farlow - Brett Twente - 9595 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 801, Beverly Hills, CA 90212 1t'tXXXDTåOBODJBMDPNNFSDJBMDPN Christopher I. Farlow Brett Twente Contact the broker for complete program guidelines, restrictions, and eligibility requirements. Programs, rates, and APRs subject to change at any time without prior notice. CS Commercial is a division of CS Financial, Inc., a real estate broker licensed by the CA Dept of Real Estate, license# 01257559. NMLS# 31132. A6 | TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 2013 THE MLS OPEN HOUSE GUIDE™ CLIENT’S BANK CAN’T CLOSE? CALL COHEN. Too often, deals are delayed or cancelled due to restrictive bank underwriting guidelines and documentation requirements that never seem to end. Not at Cohen Financial Group. We have the lending options, flexibility and expertise to put your client’s loan on track and keep it there, from open to close. We’ve originated more than $10 billion in residential loans and closed more 18,000 Mark Cohen Broker deals since 1999. When time is of the essence and failure not an option, call Mark Cohen. 310.777.5401. Preferred lending partner for: 9595 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 801 Beverly Hills, CA 90212 P 310.777.5401 F 310.777.5410 t 5SBEJUJPOBM-PBOTt$PNNFSDJBM-PBOTt$POTUSVDUJPO-PBOTt.VMUJGBNJMZ"QBSUNFOU-PBOTt3FWFSTF.PSUHBHFBOEPUIFST Mark Cohen is a broker licensed by the CA Dept of Real Estate, lic# 1016103, NMLS# 37230. Cohen Financial Group is a division of CS Financial, Inc., a real estate broker licensed by the CA Dept of Real Estate, lic# 01257559, NMLS# 31132. THE MLS OPEN HOUSE GUIDE™ TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 2013 | A7 DON’T TAKE OUR WORD FOR IT; TAKE THEIRS. “ I have worked r over with Mark Cohen fo le skill s displayed incredib 18 years, and he ha als. His the most difficult de in closing some of e -through always mak expertise and follow Mark sed to recommend me shine. I am plea he is always close when because my deals imate, difficult real estate cl involved. In today’s am ial Group on your te having Cohen Financ step closer. brings success one ” , – Myra Nourmand Nourmand & Associates e have com m a te is h en and als Mark Coh difficult de t s o m e r me on th to through fo the ability s a h rk a M . time again ther time and when no o d e c n a n fi ages get mortg resource to le b a lu a v in . He is an ndingbroker can y in this le ll ia c e p s e ss, my busine ent. d environm e g n e ll a h c nd | “ ” ilton & Hyla H , s w e r nd – Susan A tional Real Estate r na Christies Inte “ I have k nown M ark Coh en for n early tw k is quic o approp k t o m riate loa e a s u re n for the the it for th borrowe e best r and pa fit. No m ckage unconv a t t er how entiona d ifficult o l the fin r ancing able to m close it a y b e , Mark is . Mark’s a close – Mike r. decade s…Mar ” D Deasy/P easy, CEO/Ma enner & naging Pa Partners rtner, “ Having worked w ith Mark for over 15 years, I still consid er him one of the be st in the m or tg ag e business . In a world filled w ith so much uncertainty, M ark’s word is the on e thing I can always rely on. Mark is involved pe rsonally on each deal and it seems that the more difficult the circumst ances, the more M ark seems to shine. Mark ha s closed many tra nsactions for me when even I was ready to thro w in the towel. Mark’s expe rience and passion for what he does each day is unparalleled. In sh ort, Mark gets it done. ” – Gavin Fleminge r, Nourmand & Associates we make deals close and doors open A8 | TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 2013 THE MLS OPEN HOUSE GUIDE™ Tony Giordano, CEO / Managing Principal “Happy holidays to all west-side agents! I hope you had a great 2012 and here is to an amazing 2013 ahead. I would like to offer you a free copy of my book ‘the social agent’ and an invitation to attend any of my training classes. As the leader of the kw Brentwood office it is my passion to help and grow agents and their business. It’s a calling. The biggest issue with online presence in our industry, is that realtors are primarily being taught and coached social media by tech trainers who only learned it to teach it. They never practiced it as an agent, and the approach is completely different and extremely effective. Whether you’re new, or a seasoned agent, I can raise your production to another level, just follow me, I’ll get you there... Tony Giordano For the first time in history a newer agent can take the business of a veteran overnight who understands online dominance. My approach in leading the agents I have coached, has accounted for 35+ million in volume just in the last 6 months that has come to them by my strategies with social media. 310.826.8200 kw | Brentwood Office 11812 San Vicente SUITE 100 Los Angeles CA 90049 THE MLS OPEN HOUSE GUIDE™ TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 2013 | A1 MARA Escrow Company Beverly Hills 1&DPGHQ'ULYH6XLWH %HYHUO\+LOOV&$ Encino 9HQWXUD%OYG6XLWH (QFLQR&$ Redondo Beach $UWHVLD%OYG6XLWH 5HGRQGR%HDFK&$ Objective : To seamlessly guide you through the escrow process by maintaining active communication, being responsive to your needs and remaining accessible Professional Experience MARA Escrow Company 1984-Present v3URYLGLQJUHVLGHQWLDODQGFRPPHUFLDOUHVDOHDQGUHILQDQFHHVFURZVHUYLFHV v3URYLGLQJDIXOOUDQJHRI%XON6DOHVHUYLFHV v3URYLGLQJTXDOLILHGHVFURZVHUYLFHVIRUSURSHUWLHVKHOGLQ5HFHLYHUVKLS v:RUNLQJZLWKQXPHURXVGHYHORSHUVLQ6RXWKHUQ&DOLIRUQLD v:RUNLQJLQFRQMXQFWLRQZLWK%URNHUVDQG,QYHVWRUVWRVXFFHVVIXOO\FORVHFRPPHUFLDOWUDQVDFWLRQV v:RUNLQJZLWK\RXUTXDOLILHG,QWHUPHGLDU\WRFORVH\RXU([FKDQJHWUDQVDFWLRQV & Strengths vEscrow: Skills vCommunication: RYHU\HDUVRIH[SHULHQFHLQHVFURZ SURYLGHVH[FHOOHQWFRPPXQLFDWLRQE\RIIHULQJFRQVLVWHQWDQGWLPHO\IROORZXSwith returned phone calls and email response v Customer Service: VWULYHVWRPHHWWKHQHHGVRIHDFKFOLHQWE\RIIHULQJDsolution-oriented approach on each transaction vMultilingual: RXU(VFURZ2IILFHUVDUHFRQYHUVDQWLQWKHIROORZLQJODQJXDJHV(QJOLVK6SDQLVK+LQGL 3XQMDEL5XVVLDQ)DUVL*HUPDQ.RUHDQDQG$UPHQLDQ Meet our Beverly Hills team Cheryl Noah Branch Manager Connie Kaiser Escrow Officer Linda Drumm Escrow Officer Sepi Amirianfar Escrow Officer Cory Schwab Escrow Officer John Song Escrow Officer Angel Moser Account Executive John Kotleba Chief Operations Officer VHUYLFHLVDYDLODEOHLQVHOHFW0$5$(VFURZEUDQFKHV A2 | TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 2013 THE MLS OPEN HOUSE GUIDE™ Defining Private Mortgage Banking Since 1999. #"/,&3 #30,&3 $4'JOBODJBM#FTUPG#PUI#BOLFS#SPLFS t .BYJNVN'MFYJCJMJUZNPSF+VNCPBOE$POWFOUJPOBM-FOEJOH0QUJPOT t *OIPVTF6OEFSXSJUJOHBOE%FDJTJPO.BLJOH t 4VQFSJPS*OEFQFOEFODFBOE5SBOTBDUJPO$POUSPM t 1SFBQQSPWBMCZ2VBMJGJFE6OEFSXSJUFST t $PNQBOZPXOFE"QQSBJTBM.BOBHFNFOU$PNQBOZ t #FTU0VUDPNFTGPS$MJFOUTBOE3FBM&TUBUF1BSUOFST t &YDMVTJWF4USBUFHJD3FMBUJPOTIJQTXJUI#BOLT0GGFSJOH/JDIF1SPEVDUT At CS Financial, we do more than just talk about private mortgage banking. We define and deliver it. Talk to any one of our licensed, highly experienced Loan Officers today at 310-777-3600, and work with California’s leading independent private mortgage banker. BEVERLY HILLS - 9595 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 801, Beverly Hills, CA 90212 | P 310.777.3600 | F 310.777.3610 CALABASAS - 23586 Calabasas Road, Suite 203, Calabasas, CA 91302 | P 818.735.7979 | F 818.735.7970 Programs, rates and APRs subject to change at any time without prior notice. CS Financial is a real estate broker licensed by the CA Dept of Real Estate, license #01257559, NMLS #31132. THE MLS OPEN HOUSE GUIDE™ TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 2013 | A3 CS COMMERCIAL Apartment Loans… No Problem! CS Commercial has 5+ unit properties covered. $2,375,000 – Apartment Purchase CS Commercial arranged a 50% LTV loan for a 9-unit apartment building located in Los Angeles. $875,000 – Apartment Purchase Secured a 75% LTV loan for the purchase of an 8-unit building in Koreatown. No bank statements / no tax returns required. Closed on last day of 2012. $620,000 – Apartment Refinance Arranged cash out refinance for a 7-unit apartment building in Oakland. No bank statements / no tax returns required. $830,000 – Apartment Purchase Provided 65% LTV purchase loan for 1031 purchase transaction in Long Beach. No bank statements / no tax returns required. Contact The CS Commercial Team at 310-777-3600 / CS COMMERCIAL Christopher I. Farlow - Brett Twente - 9595 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 801, Beverly Hills, CA 90212 1t'tXXXDTåOBODJBMDPNNFSDJBMDPN Christopher I. Farlow Brett Twente Contact the broker for complete program guidelines, restrictions, and eligibility requirements. Programs, rates, and APRs subject to change at any time without prior notice. CS Commercial is a division of CS Financial, Inc., a real estate broker licensed by the CA Dept of Real Estate, license# 01257559. NMLS# 31132. A6 | TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 2013 THE MLS OPEN HOUSE GUIDE™ CLIENT’S BANK CAN’T CLOSE? CALL COHEN. Too often, deals are delayed or cancelled due to restrictive bank underwriting guidelines and documentation requirements that never seem to end. Not at Cohen Financial Group. We have the lending options, flexibility and expertise to put your client’s loan on track and keep it there, from open to close. We’ve originated more than $10 billion in residential loans and closed more 18,000 Mark Cohen Broker deals since 1999. When time is of the essence and failure not an option, call Mark Cohen. 310.777.5401. Preferred lending partner for: 9595 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 801 Beverly Hills, CA 90212 P 310.777.5401 F 310.777.5410 t 5SBEJUJPOBM-PBOTt$PNNFSDJBM-PBOTt$POTUSVDUJPO-PBOTt.VMUJGBNJMZ"QBSUNFOU-PBOTt3FWFSTF.PSUHBHFBOEPUIFST Mark Cohen is a broker licensed by the CA Dept of Real Estate, lic# 1016103, NMLS# 37230. Cohen Financial Group is a division of CS Financial, Inc., a real estate broker licensed by the CA Dept of Real Estate, lic# 01257559, NMLS# 31132. THE MLS OPEN HOUSE GUIDE™ TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 2013 | A7 DON’T TAKE OUR WORD FOR IT; TAKE THEIRS. “ I have worked r over with Mark Cohen fo le skill s displayed incredib 18 years, and he ha als. His the most difficult de in closing some of e -through always mak expertise and follow Mark sed to recommend me shine. I am plea he is always close when because my deals imate, difficult real estate cl involved. In today’s am ial Group on your te having Cohen Financ step closer. brings success one ” , – Myra Nourmand Nourmand & Associates e have com m a te is h en and als Mark Coh difficult de t s o m e r me on th to through fo the ability s a h rk a M . time again ther time and when no o d e c n a n fi ages get mortg resource to le b a lu a v in . He is an ndingbroker can y in this le ll ia c e p s e ss, my busine ent. d environm e g n e ll a h c nd | “ ” ilton & Hyla H , s w e r nd – Susan A tional Real Estate r na Christies Inte “ I have k nown M ark Coh en for n early tw k is quic o approp k t o m riate loa e a s u re n for the the it for th borrowe e best r and pa fit. No m ckage unconv a t t er how entiona d ifficult o l the fin r ancing able to m close it a y b e , Mark is . Mark’s a close – Mike r. decade s…Mar ” D Deasy/P easy, CEO/Ma enner & naging Pa Partners rtner, “ Having worked w ith Mark for over 15 years, I still consid er him one of the be st in the m or tg ag e business . In a world filled w ith so much uncertainty, M ark’s word is the on e thing I can always rely on. Mark is involved pe rsonally on each deal and it seems that the more difficult the circumst ances, the more M ark seems to shine. Mark ha s closed many tra nsactions for me when even I was ready to thro w in the towel. Mark’s expe rience and passion for what he does each day is unparalleled. In sh ort, Mark gets it done. ” – Gavin Fleminge r, Nourmand & Associates we make deals close and doors open A8 | TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 2013 THE MLS OPEN HOUSE GUIDE™ Tony Giordano, CEO / Managing Principal “Happy holidays to all west-side agents! I hope you had a great 2012 and here is to an amazing 2013 ahead. I would like to offer you a free copy of my book ‘the social agent’ and an invitation to attend any of my training classes. As the leader of the kw Brentwood office it is my passion to help and grow agents and their business. It’s a calling. The biggest issue with online presence in our industry, is that realtors are primarily being taught and coached social media by tech trainers who only learned it to teach it. They never practiced it as an agent, and the approach is completely different and extremely effective. Whether you’re new, or a seasoned agent, I can raise your production to another level, just follow me, I’ll get you there... Tony Giordano For the first time in history a newer agent can take the business of a veteran overnight who understands online dominance. My approach in leading the agents I have coached, has accounted for 35+ million in volume just in the last 6 months that has come to them by my strategies with social media. 310.826.8200 kw | Brentwood Office 11812 San Vicente SUITE 100 Los Angeles CA 90049 THE MLS OPEN HOUSE GUIDE™ TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 2013 | A9 FINANCIAL42534%$,%.$).'3/,54)/.3 .... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... .. . .. ... ... .... JUMBO • CONFORMING • FHA • VA • REVERSE MORTGAGE • COMMERCIAL :H SXWDOOWKHSLHFHV WRJHWKHU .... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... .. . We know what you want from a lender: a wide selection of loan programs; fast underwriting and processing; constant accountability and control. Founded in 1994, Surety Financial is the local mortgage bank that puts all the pieces together. &DOO XVWRGD\DW 7RGG6HDEROG, SVP, Branch Manager cell: 310.367.7696. NMLS ID# 486120 CA DRE# 01366782 (OL:HLQEHUJHU, Senior Loan Officer cell: 310.927.2467. NMLS ID# 486143 CA DRE# 01900780 6 % ( 9 ( 5 /<' 5 , 9 ( 6 8 , 7 ( % ( 9 ( 5 /<+ , / / 6 & $ Z Z Z 6 H D E R O G : H L Q E H U J H U F R P A10 | TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 2013 luxury homes THE MLS OPEN HOUSE GUIDE™ | Private isl ands | exotic ranches the fastest growing luxury boutique Beverly Hills | Brentwood | Laguna Beach | Montecito | Newport Beach | Pasadena ©2013 Teles Properties, Inc. Teles Properties is a registered trademark. THE MLS OPEN HOUSE GUIDE™ TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 2013 | A11 t e l e s w e l c o m e s Joan Sather Teles Properties is delighted to welcome Joan Sather to Teles Properties Brentwood. W O R L D C L A S S P L A T F O R M t h e t e l e s a d v a n t a g e . c o m ©2013 Teles Properties, Inc. Teles Properties is a registered trademark. A12 | TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 2013 THE MLS OPEN HOUSE GUIDE™ RODEO REALTY B E V E R L Y H I L L S Syd Leibovitch, President of Rodeo Realty, is proud to Welcome Kris Mooney 310-714-8401 Cell 202 N. Canon Dr. Beverly Hills, CA 90210 THE MLS OPEN HOUSE GUIDE™ TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 2013 | A13 RODEO REALTY B E V E R L Y H I L L S Syd Leibovitch, President of Rodeo Realty, is proud to Welcome Debra Ziven 310-722-8084 Cell 202 N. Canon Dr. Beverly Hills, CA 90210 A14 | TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 2013 THE MLS OPEN HOUSE GUIDE™ RODEO REALTY B R E N T W O O D Syd Leibovitch, President of Rodeo Realty, is proud to Welcome ǯȱĴȱȱ Carol Feiler 310.458.2956 ǯĴȬǯ ĴȓĴȬǯ 310.980.9993 11940 San Vicente Blvd. #100 Brentwood, CA 90049 THE MLS OPEN HOUSE GUIDE™ TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 2013 | A15 RODEO REALTY B E V E R L Y H I L L S Syd Leibovitch, President of Rodeo Realty, is proud to Welcome Ĵȱȱȱ Marco Pirozzolo 310.617.5564 ǯĴǯ 310.975.5765 202 N. Canon Dr. Beverly Hills, CA 90210 A16 | TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 2013 THE MLS OPEN HOUSE GUIDE™ Advanced Probate LIFE OF A PROBATE PRESENTED BY: Joe Ramos, SRES. GRI, SFR Master Instructor Date: Thursday, , February 28, 2013 Time: 9:30AM-12:30PM Location: Beverly Hills/Greater Los Angeles Association of REALTORS® 6330 San Vicente Blvd, Suite 100 Los Angeles, CA. 90048 Cost*: $50 - Member $60 - Non-Member Registration begins @ 9:00A.M *$5 surcharge for day of registrations x PETITION FOR PROBATE x LETTERS TESTAMENTARY/ADMINISTRATION x NOTICE OF PROPOSED ACTION/WAIVER x PETITION FOR ORDER CONFIRMING SALE x ORDER CONFIRMING SALE x INVENTORY/APPRAISAL x PUBLICATION CA. GOVERNMENT CODE 6063a x ATTORNEY’S LETTER NO ESTATE TAX DUE x FINAL ACCOUNT AND PETITION FOR DISTRIBUTION Register Online at Sponsored By Mike Zerebko Western Exterminator Co. 3333 W Temple St Los Angeles, CA 90026-4523 213-382-8151 ID 200814 # 02-12-13 THE MLS OPEN HOUSE GUIDE™ TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 2013 | 75 ID 200567 # 02-12-13 76 | TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 2013 THE MLS OPEN HOUSE GUIDE™ Brian Selem Short Sale Specialist AGENTS We will Help you with your Short Sale Listings. TESTIMONIALS FROM AGENTS: “Dear Brian: I wanted to thank you so much for helping me with the sale of the home located at 280 N. Kenter. This was the most difficult and complicated short sale I have ever dealt with. You did an amazing job in no time. You are my hero and I will tell everyone what an amazing job you did. Thank you.” - Fiora Aston (July 2012) “ Dear Brian: On behalf of my client and myself, I want to thank you for your generosity and support in assisting us with my short sale transaction. Your willingness to offer advice and insight and team spirit is very much appreciated. Thank you again.” -Carole Schiffer (October 2012) “Brian: I am writing to let you know how much we appreciate your help and expertise when we have/had questions regarding the “Short sale Process”. On numerous occasions we have sought out your advice when problems have occurred during transactions we have handled and you have been very generous with your time which has enabled us to gain the confidence to navigate through the frustrating and challenging short sale deals we have encountered. Your knowledge has added to our success in closing many sales. - Andrew Thurm (October 2012) � Brian's involvement with the transaction can be on a referral basis; co-listing; or just to provide information about the process for the specific situation. � Compensation will vary depending on level of involvement Don’t miss out on an opportunity to provide your clients with strong alternatives to foreclosure, We're here to help!" Phone: 310.442.1644 � Email: � Web: ©2012 Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. Coldwell Banker® is a registered trademark licensed to Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. An Equal Opportunity Company. Equal Housing Opportunity. Owned And Operated By NRT LLC.
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