CS Touch Sensor Straight touch type (Plain bearing)
CS Touch Sensor Straight touch type (Plain bearing)
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Housing a high-accuracy built-in switch in a stopper bolt PAT.PEND. A 0P 06 S ST PA 80 S 0 TS S ST Realization of compact machine size by reducing the number of parts. PA 0 10 Differences from conventional sensors Limit switch Proximity sensor Proximity sensor Stopper ST ST E0 ST E1 Dog E0 80 PA 60 PA S Compact machine design ■ Maintenance cost is greatly reduced by applying cartridge type UA 00 1 TP Workpiece Workpiece Stopper No need of dogs and stopper bolts PA Stopper Bolt with a Built-in Switch Actuator Limit switch 00 Stopper Bolt with a Built-in Switch S DA 00 1 TP ・When replacing the sensor by reason of breakdown, no need for detaching the stopper bolt or adjusting the position of it. Simplify maintenance procedure. ・No need to visit customer sites for repair ・Installing stopper bolt and adjust the position before installing the built-in type sensor to avoid twisting the cable. ■ The availability ratio of the machine and cut-down of maintenance time ■Standard product name (mm) Size Protective structure with LED Shape Standard product name Output mode Straight bolt type STS060P A/B M6×1 STS060P A/B- L STS080P A/B M8×1.25 STS080P A/B- L STS100P A/B M10×1.5 STE060P A/B M6×1 Hexagonal bolt type Water resistant type IP65 *1 STE060P A/B- L STE080P A/B A : Normally open M8×1.25 STE080P A/B- L STE100P A/B B : Normally close M10×1.5 STE100P A/B- L with upward protective cover STP080U A/B M8×1.25 STP080U A/B- L STP100U A/B M10×1.5 with downward protective cover STP080D A/B M8×1.25 STP100D A/B M10×1.5 IP67 *2 e.g. STS060PA、STS060PB The rubber material is intended for water-soluble cutting oil (Alkaline). For oiliness, chlorine-base, purified water and other chemicals, consult METROL for assistance. 5-4 STS100P A/B- L NO.AB5-3 STP100U A/B- L STP080D A/B -L Cartridge name KS21PA/KS21PB KS23PA/KS23PB KS21PA/KS21PB KS23PA/KS23PB KS30A/KS30B STP100D A/B- L -L : LED indicator (120mm from the sensor) Add "-L" after cartridge name for LED type e.g.) KS21PA -L ST Machine Components with a Built-in Switch series 1 signal seating check, plunger type Straight touch type (Plain bearing) http://www.metrol.co.jp/products/stopper Stopper Bolt with a Built-in Switch ■Common specification Switch structure Dry contact (mm) Withstand load 5000N Output mode A: Normally open / B: Normally close Impact resistance 0.4J Signal point 0.3 from stopper surface Cable Standard length 2m Oil resistant φ3 / 2 cores, Stroke 0.7 (Refer to P2-4) Tensile strength 30N, minimum bending R7 Repeatability Both On→Off, Off→On/ 0.01 Cable protector (Detachable) (At operating speed 50∼200mm/min)* Operating temperature range 0°C∼80°C (Ice-free) Movement differential 0 Temperature drift Contact life time 10 million (No bungle caused by vibration Maximum operating speed 5m/min and use under contact rating) Oscillation 10∼55Hz total amplitude 1.5 for X,Y,Z each direction Contact force STS , STE:2N STP:3N Impact 300m/s2 for X,Y,Z each direction Contacting part material SUS ball HRc40∼50 (Refer to P2-6) Contact rating DC+5V∼DC+24V 20mA (MAX) Resistance load Standard accessory Two fixing nuts and a toothed washer Hardness of the stopper Hardened steel HRc40-50 (Refer to P2-6) surface 0 *Operating speed slower than 10mm/min is not recommended. ■How to use ■Circuit diagram No LED with LED Normally open (NO) Normally open (NO) Brown+ Brown Make contact with the detected object at right angle (with deflection angle ±3°) Blue− Blue with LED (Normally Off) Slipping after push-in Normally close (NC) Normally close (NC) Brown Brown+ Blue Blue− ■Screw / nut tightening torque Screw / Nut Tightening torque Applicable models with LED (Normally On) Electrical specification / circuit diagram. (Refer to P2-1) CL type interface unit cannot be used with LED. Machine Components with a Built-in Switch ■Protective covers The protective cover protects rubber boot from damage caused by metal cuttings etc. and prevents impairment of water- and dustresistant property. Choose the suitable cover according to sensor mounting direction so that the metal cuttings and coolant can't enter from the gaps (See the drawings below and also Refer to P6-5). D:Mostly for downward installation Protective cover U:Mostly for upward installation Protective cover Rubber boot Gap Gap Stopper-Mini M6×1 8N・m M8×1.25 20N・m M10×1.5 35N・m M10×0.75 10N・m ST STM ■Protective covers Standard product name Output mode (mm) Protective structure Cartridge name STS060 A/B KS21A/KS21B STS080 A/B STS100 A/B A : Normally open STE060 A/B B : Normally close STE080 A/B STE100 A/B KS23A/KS23B IP40 KS21A/KS21B KS23A/KS23B ■Instruction for cartridge installation ・Anti-loosening agent is applied to the screw of the built-in cartridge. And the screw is not tightened on delivery. Tighten the screw by fingers activate the anti-loosening agent. ・Do not tighten the screw by pliers. It may cause damage to the sensor. ・The cartridge is thin. Handle it carefully. ・When installing the cartridge type sensors, give consideration to enough space to replace the cartridge. ■For metal cuttings and coolant Protective cover is strongly recommended to avoid damage from cuttings and coolant when the sensor is used in machining environment. In addition, an extra cover is recommended to avoid direct hit by high-pressure coolant or heavy cuttings. NO.AB5-3 5-5 ST Machine Components with a Built-in Switch series 1 signal seating check, plunger type Straight touch type (Plain bearing) http://www.metrol.co.jp/products/stopper Stopper Bolt with a Built-in Switch ■Outer dimension Straight bolt R0 STS080PA (A : NO) STS080PB (B : NC) Cable protector .8 0.7 25 6 7 20 (Width across flats) 50 Cartridge (KS23PA/PB) M8×1.25 R0 Cable protector φ6 M6×1 Flat Portion φ4.5 5 (Width across flats) Cartridge (KS21PA/PB) φ8 Flat Portion φ3.4 STS060PA (A : NO) STS060PB (B : NC) .8 0.7 31.5 6 20 50 The space required for taking off the cartridge. Cartridge (KS23PA/PB) Cable protector 20 50 (11.5) The space required for taking off the cartridge. Cartridge (KS21PA/PB) STE060PA (A : NO) STE060PB (B : NC) M6×1 φ8 .8 Cable protector (3) 4 13 21 0.7 25 6 20 The space required for taking off the cartridge. Cartridge (19.6) (KS23PA/PB) Cable protector M10×1.5 R0 φ6 Flat Portion φ4.5 STE100PA (A : NO) STE100PB (B : NC) .8 6.9 0.7 (4) 24.6 31.5 6 20 50 The space required for taking off the cartridge. 5-6 NO.AB5-3 6 Material:SUS304 Cartridge (KS23PA/PB) M8×1.25 R0 .8 Cable protector (4) 6.9 0.7 50 17 5 Material:SUS304 STE080PA (A : NO) STE080PB (B : NC) (15) (11.5) Flat Portion φ3.4 R0 17 13 3.6 Material:SUS304 Hexagonal bolt type 10 10 M10×1.5 M8×1.25 M6×1 (19.6) 6 φ6 31.5 (15) 0.7 KS21PA Drawing of cartridge φ6 .8 Flat Portion φ4.5 8 M10×1.5 R0 φ4.5 Flat Portion STS100PA (A : NO) STS100PB (B : NC) (Width across flats) The space required for taking off the cartridge. 24.6 31.5 6 20 50 The space required for taking off the cartridge. ST Machine Components with a Built-in Switch series 1 signal seating check, plunger type Straight touch type (Plain bearing) http://www.metrol.co.jp/products/stopper Stopper Bolt with a Built-in Switch ■Outer dimension Water-resistant type (IP67) with upward protective cover with downward protective cover STP080UA (A STP080UB (B STP100UA (A STP100UB (B STP080DA (A STP080DB (B STP100DA (A STP100DB (B : : : : NO) NC) NO) NC) : : : : NO) NC) NO) NC) STP080U:M8×1.25 STP100U:M10×1.5 16 SR 1.9 13.4 4 30 8 Cable protector 1.9 Gap 16 20 Protective cover φ5.5 (18) φ13.8 φ6 5 φ6 Cable protector φ5.5 (18) φ15.6 Protective cover SR Gap 5 STP080U:M8×1.25 STP100U:M10×1.5 13.4 4 30 8 55 20 55 The space required for taking off the cartridge. The space required for taking off the cartridge. (-L: LED indicator) LED lamp φ4.5 Sensor (Cartridge) 120 ■How to fix the sensor Screw in to the mounting hole Simply screw in (No need for position setting) and apply a lock nut (25) ■Impact-resistance calculation Inertia collision Vertical free fall E = 1/2mv2 m: Mass kg v : Speedm/s E = mgh g : Gravitational acceleration 9.8m/s2 h : Dropping height m Stopper Bolt with a Built-in Switch Stopper Bolt with a Built-in Switch Insert the sensor in the mounting hole and apply two fixing nuts e.g.) e.g.) 2/2 m v m h v= 2gh mgh [J] 80 0.1 0.4 0.4 0.05 1 0.2 320 0.05 0.4 0.4 0.1 1.4 0.4 80 0.05 0.1 mv [J] NO.AB5-3 5-7 Stopper Bolt with a Built-in Switch STM Mini type 1A M1 ST ■ φ8×8 (the smallest) Mini-stopper with a built-in switch Mini sensor with a hardened stopper surface 1A M6 ST Best suited to demanding application and equipment for installation space. There are straight touch type and angled touch type. 3A M1 ST A 31 M ST ST Stopper surface ■ Friction-less plate spring is applied to this product M3 ST Drip-proof type A 1 M8 ST 2A M8 2A ■ Protective structure IP67 (Water-resistant type) M3 ST http://www.metrol.co.jp/products/stopper/mini.html 1 signal seat checking, plunger type US.PAT. ST Machine Components with a Built-in Switch serie As for water-resistant type, the stopper surface is stored in the rubber boot. 4A M3 6A ■ High dimensional accuracy for mounting Simple setting at replacement. Size Stroke with LED IP44 0.8N φ8×8 0.5 STM11A-L STM61A IP67 1N φ9×11.5 0.3 STM61A-L STM13A IP44 0.8N φ10×8 0.5 STM13A-L STM63A IP67 1N φ11×11.5 0.3 STM63A-L STM31A IP44 0.8N M10×8 0.5 STM31A-L STM81A IP67 1N M10×11.5 0.3 STM81A-L Threaded type with flange STM33A IP44 0.8N φ13×8 0.5 STM33A-L STM83A IP67 1N φ13×11.5 0.3 STM83A-L Non-threaded/ threaded with a contacting ball type STMB11A IP44 0.8N STM12A IP44 0.8N φ8×15 0.5 STM12A-L STM62A IP67 1N φ9×18.5 0.3 STM62A-L STM14A IP44 0.8N φ10×15 0.5 STM14A-L STM64A IP67 1N φ11×18.5 0.3 STM64A-L STM32A IP44 0.8N M10×15 0.5 STM32A-L STM82A IP67 1N M10×18.5 0.3 STM82A-L Threaded type with flange STM34A IP44 0.8N φ13×15 0.5 STM34A-L STM84A IP67 1N φ13×18.5 0.3 STM84A-L Non-threaded/ threaded with a contacting ball type STMB12A IP44 0.8N Threaded type Non-threaded type threaded type with flange Threaded type STM35A STM36A ◎When stopper property is not required, CS-Touch Sensor CSM with 1.5mm stroke is recommended. (Refer to P4-7) 5-16 Contact force STM11A Non-threaded type with flange Long type (mm) Standard product name Protective structure Non-threaded type Short type L L:Mounting dimension ■Standard product name Shape NO.AB5-3 φ8×11 M10×11 φ8×18 M10×18 0.5 0.5 STMB11A-L STM35A-L STMB12A-L STM36A-L -L:LED indicator (120mm from the sensor) STM 1 signal seat checking, plunger type Mini type Machine Components with a Built-in Switch series http://www.metrol.co.jp/products/stopper/mini.html Stopper Bolt with a Built-in Switch ■Common specification (mm) Switch structure Dry contact Cable Short type:Core-wire cable 0.5m(×2) Oil- (Refer to P2-4) resistant φ0.6 Tensile strength 15N Output mode A: Normally open Signal point Middle of the stroke Repeatability Both On→Off, Off→On/ 0.01 cores, Tensile strength 30N (At operating speed 50∼200mm/min)* φ5 30mm protective rubber tube Detachable Long type:Cabtyre cable 2m Oil resistant φ3 / 2 0 Movement differential Contact life time Withstand load Operating temperature range 0°C∼80°C (Ice-free) 10 million (No bungle caused by vibration Temperature drift and use under contact rating) Maximum operating speed 5m/min 3000N Oscillation 10∼55Hz total amplitude 1.5 for X,Y,Z each direction 1500N: In the case the contacting surface of Impact 300m/s2 for X,Y,Z each direction the detected object is smaller than f6 and the Contact rating DC+5V∼DC+24V 20mA (MAX) Resistance load selected sensor is IP44 (STM11∼STM36) Standard accessory Refer to the drawing 0.2J Impact resistance Case and stopper ■How to use SUS HRc45(Refer to P2-8) surface material 0 Contacting ball type Contacting part material SUS HRc50∼(Refer to P2-8) *Operating speed slower than 10mm/min is not recommended. Suitable for angled touch within 3° ■Circuit diagram No LED Normally open(NO) Brown+ Brown Blue− Blue LED Normally Off Electrical specification / circuit diagram. (Refer to P2-1) CL type interface unit cannot be used with LED. ■Explanatory diagram Contacting part Signal point Stopper surface (Middle of the stroke) Stroke Rubber diaphragm Mounting dimension Water-resistant type(IP67) 2.5 The degree required to turn on the switch when the detected object doesn't meet the sensor end fully. Do not press the plunger to beyond the stopper. It may cause malfunction due to the impact. If there is possibility to press the plunger to the stroke end, install a separate stopper to prevent malfunction. (The contact surface of the detected objects should be more than 3.5mm in diameter for drip-proof type) 1)When using under the specified static load resistance, the stopper surface of the product can be used as a stopper. Stopper surface Do not let dust or metal cuttings pile up on the stopper surface when using drip-proof type 2)When the expected load is larger than the specification, embed the sensor in a sturdy stopper (to be prepared by the customer) for use. Stopper surface (Not provided) Contacting part φ2 SR Slipping after push-in ■Installing instruction Drip-proof type(IP44) Stopper surface Make contact with detected object at right angle (within deflection angle ±2°) with LED Normally open(NO) Free contact position Other types Free contact position Stroke Signal point Rubber boot Stopper surface(In the rubber boot) (Middle of the stroke) Mounting dimension The products in this series are not suitable for operating in a harsh machining environment (even IP67 type ) where coolant contains metal cuttings. NO.AB5-3 5-17 STM Machine Components with a Built-in Switch series 1 signal seat checking, plunger type Mini type http://www.metrol.co.jp/products/stopper/mini.html Stopper Bolt with a Built-in Switch ■Outer dimension Straight touch type Short type (Plain bearing) Water-resistant type (IP67) STM11A (A : NO) φ φ STM61A (A : NO) Stroke 0.5 Stroke V-Groove 90° φ V-Groove 90° φ Non-threaded type with flange STM63A (A : NO) STM13A (A : NO) φ Non-threaded type Drip-proof type (IP44) Stroke Stroke 0.5 STM31A (A : NO) M10×0.75 STM81A (A : NO) 15 Threaded type 13 3 Material:BsBM Treatment:N N i plating Product name:S623B Stroke 0.5 Stroke Accessory:Spanner×1, nut×1 STM83A (A : NO) M10×1.5 M10×1.5 φ φ Flat portion φ Threaded type with flange STM33A (A : NO) Accessory:Spanner×1, nut×1 Stroke Stroke ■Outer dimension Angled touch type (Contacting ball) Short type (Cable: Core-wire cable) Long type (Cable: Cabtyre) 0.5 Stroke 11 ±0.03 Threaded type Flat portion φ STM35A (A : NO) Stroke Sφ 3 ll ba Accessory:Spanner×1, nut×1 5-18 NO.AB5-3 -0.02 φ8 -0.08 φ4.5 all 3b Sφ Flat portion -0.02 -0.08 STMB12A (A : NO) φ8 φ4.5 Flat portion Non-threaded type STMB11A (A : NO) all 3b Sφ 0.5 18 Stroke ±0.03 STM36A (A : NO) 3 Sφ ll ba Stroke Accessory:Spanner×1, nut×1 STM Machine Components with a Built-in Switch series 1 signal seat checking, plunger type Mini type http://www.metrol.co.jp/products/stopper/mini.html Stopper Bolt with a Built-in Switch ■Outer dimension Straight touch type Long type (Plain bearing) Water-resistant type (IP67) STM62A (A : NO) φ φ STM12A (A : NO) Stroke Stroke V-Groove 90° Stroke φ φ φ V-Groove 90° φ Non-threaded type with flange STM64A (A : NO) STM14A (A : NO) φ Non-threaded type Drip-proof type (IP44) Stroke STM32A (A : NO) STM82A (A : NO) Threaded type M10×0.75 M10×0.75 Stroke Stroke Accessory:Spanner×1, nut×2 Accessory:Spanner×1, nut ×2 φ M10×1.5 φ φ φ Flat portion M10×1.5 φ Stroke Stroke (-L: LED indicator) LED lamp Sensor φ4.5 Threaded type with flange STM84A (A : NO) STM34A (A : NO) 120 (25) ■How to install Non-threaded type Threaded type Non-threaded type with flange Threaded type with flange M12 Set screw Proportionate Bonding tightening Sandwiching Screw in Set screw Nut tightening NO.AB5-3 5-19 Machine Components with a Built-in Switch serie Stopper Bolt with a Built-in Switch http://www.metrol.co.jp/products/plunger BP 1 signal plunger type (Contacting ball type) Indexing check / sliding touch type ■ Housing a high-accuracy built-in switch in a ball plunger 0A 06 BP Can be used for indexing and positioning of a rotating object, and confirmation signal. 0A 08 BP Indexing output Cam Sliding objects, stop position signal Detecting unevenness of rotating objects. A 00 1 BP Use contact force 1N type ■ 2 tasks with 1 device Realization of compact machine size by reducing the number of parts ■Representative specification Application Product name Indexing check Output mode Size BP060 A/B M6×1 BP080 A/B M8×1.25 BP100 A/B A : Normally open M10×1.5 BPP065 A/B B : Normally close M6×0.5 BPP080 A/B Sliding touch (mm) Protective structure Stroke Contacting part M8×1.25 BP060 A/B -L 1,2 min,6 max.13 SUS440 S φ4 ball min,8 max.16 HRc50∼ S φ5 ball min,10 max.20 0.8 S φ3 ball min,6 max.13 BPP065 A/B -L 1.0 S φ4 ball Carbide min,8 max.16 BPP080 A/B -L BPP100 A/B -L 0.8 IP40 1.0 IP47 *1 Contact force (N) with LED S φ3 ball BP080 A/B -L BP100 A/B -L BPP100 A/B M10×1.5 1.2 S φ5 ball BP060 A/B -F M6×1 0.8 S φ3 ball BP060 A/B -LF 1.0 BP080 A/B -LF 1,2 S φ4 ball SUS440 HRc50∼ S φ5 ball 0.8 S φ3 ball 1.0 S φ4 ball Carbide BPP080 A/B -LF 1.2 S φ5 ball BPP100 A/B -LF BP080 A/B -F M8×1.25 BP100 A/B -F A : Normally open M10×1.5 BPP065 A/B -F B : Normally close M6×0.5 BPP080 A/B -F M8×1.25 BPP100 A/B -F M10×1.5 IP40 IP47 *1 min,10 max.20 -F:Contact force 1N 1 (-F) BP100 A/B -LF BPP065 A/B -LF -L:LED indicator (120mm from the sensor) *1 The rubber material is intended for water-soluble cutting oil (Alkaline). For oiliness, chlorine-base, purified water and other chemicals, consult METROL for assistance. ◎ Do not use the sensor end as a stopper.When stopper function is required, choose Stopper Bolt with a Built-in Switch STB (Refer to P5-8) ■Common specification (mm) Switch structure Dry contact Cable (Refer to P2-4) Signal point 0.5 from sensor end Stroke 0.7 Repeatability Both On→Off, Off→On/ 0.01 Movement differential Operating temperature range 0°C∼80°C (Ice-free) Temperature drift 0 Maximum operating speed 5m/min SUS 303 *Operating speed slower than 10mm/min is not recommended. 5-20 Tensile strength 30N, minimum bending R7 Cable protector (Detachable) (At operating speed 50∼200mm/min)* Contact life time (Spring) 3 million Case material Standard length 2m Oil resistant φ3 / 2 cores, NO.AB5-3 0 Oscillation 10∼55Hz total amplitude 1.5 for X,Y,Z each direction Impact 300m/s2 for X,Y,Z each direction Contact rating DC+5V∼DC+24V 20mA (MAX) Resistance load Standard accessory Two fixing nuts and a toothed washer BP Machine Components with a Built-in Switch series 1 signal seating check, plunger type Indexing check / sliding touch type (Contacting ball) http://www.metrol.co.jp/products/plunger Stopper Bolt with a Built-in Switch ■How to use ■Circuit diagram No LED with LED Suitable for anlged touch Within 5° Normally open(NO) Normally open (NO) Brown+ Brown The degree required to turn on the switch when the detected object doesn't meet the sensor end fully. Blue- Blue LED Normally Off Normally close(NC) Normally close (NC) Brown ・Do not use the sensor end as a stopper. When stopper function is required, choose Stopper Bolt with a Built-in Switch STB (Refer to P5-8) ・When using for rotation indexing, adjust the position in consideration of eccentricity and core blurring accuracy of rotating objects. ・According to the operating circumstance, the signal point varies due to wear of the contacting part. ・Carefully calculate the angle and roughness of chamfer so that the contacting part is not easily worn off. ・Try not to bend the threaded part during installation. It will cause malfunction. Brown+ Blue BlueLED Normally On Electrical specification / circuit diagram. (Refer to P2-1) CL type interface unit cannot be used with LED. ■Outer dimension (IP40) BP060A (A : NO) BP060B (B : NC) SUS 20 27 0.8 8 7 1 (Width across flats) Cable protector 20 l bal 33 1.2 20 10 (15) S φ5 3.6 Material:SUS304 13 17 5 Material:SUS304 6 Material:SUS304 Cable protector M6×0.5 φ4.5 Carbide ball M10×1.5 M8×1.25 M6×1 (19.6) SUS Water-resistant type (IP47) 9.2 M6×0.5 all b Sφ3 8 8 40 5.5 0.8 (Width across flats) 20 M8×1.25 Carbide ball 3.2 Material:C3604B No.S603 Cable protector φ5 BPP080A (A : NO) BPP080B (B : NC) 30 M10×1.5 (Width across flats) BPP065A (A : NO) BPP065B (B : NC) Cable protector 4b Sφ (Width across flats) BP100A (A : NO) BP100B (B : NC) M8×1.25 all ll ba (11.5) 5 3 Sφ Cable protector M6×1 SUS BP080A (A : NO) BP080B (B : NC) Sφ4 ball 7 1 40 8 20 (Width across flats) 8 all 5b Sφ 1.2 (Width across flats) M10×1.5 Cable protector (-L:LED indicator) LED lamp Sensor 40 8 20 φ4.5 Carbide ball φ6 BPP100A (A : NO) BPP100B (B : NC) 120 (25) NO.AB5-3 5-21