PDF of 4 features - Public Collectors
PDF of 4 features - Public Collectors
ELL TOUPEE BIG TTffi ,APPY FLO e K s ':'d ffiif ,,i DOZI OMESTEAD =URGE ,REV, ,F,LMS t ' { I t : : : . : l : 1 . : : : ' - : : . : : : i : l r : : . :: : : : :::: : l : ( *li.,.:j#"ffi ':.:.fl:1i;: KILLDOZER c\aMMiT:i All answers are those of Mr. Michael Gerald, Killdozer's celebritv singer. Celebrtty ProIlIe: Take your ttne and answer all the questions. No partial credit will be given for incomplete thoughts, even buddtng genius. THE AMI-CIIRIST: No doubt about it, the Snuggles Bear is the Anti-Christ. comes on TV, which I watch constanUy, my testicles receed (proof positive). When it WHITE TRASII: Refers to that breed of people that eat Spam as adults, drive rusty Camaros, shop at Wal-Mart, and proudly say of thef trailerhome "I own it." White Trash congregate at county fairs and auto shows and in the woods during deer season. Some white trash culture has permeated the greater culture, e.g. "Shit happens," home shopping networks, and Cajun food. (Cajuns are swamp-dwelling white trash, although trailerhomes cannot be parked in swamps). New York artists are by far the worst. FAVORITE BODILY FLI'IDS: rnother in the family car. The tears of a chi]d whose puppy has been backed over by PORNOGRAPIIY: I think "People's Choice" porn would be a good idea. There should be more celebrity porn. I'd like to see Marsha Brady sandwiched by Dom Deluise and Buddy Ebsen. I'd also like to see Tootie from Facts o;flgte show off her fist-sized nipples. The best IVe seen yet v/as Art Linkletter giving a nm job to a sow in heat in the classic peep show Ballbus ters. FAVORITEEDEROGATORY WORDi Jazz, or reggae. it's a toss-up. FAVORITE BAI\IDS: The DeFranco Family, the Love Unlimited Orchestra, Chocolate, Black Oak Arkansas, and damn near anlthing that isn't on SST. ANAL FISTIJLA Hot Henry Rollins and,/or Donny the Punk. FAVORITE POSITION: I€ad truck in a convoy. BUGS BItNf\fY: A transvestite. He is constantly dressing up to seduce Elmer Fudd. Foghorn I€ghorn on the other hand, now that guy has plenty of male hormones. CHILDIIOOD ABUSE: No, my parcnts loved me. They still do. rA\/ORITE PLACE TO EAT CHEESEBITRGERS: Wisconsin. Spiro's cyro Emporium, Ptainfleld, IDIOTS WHO SHOIJLD BE SHOT DEAD: Rastafarians, mirnes, Sigoumey Weaver, people in Minneapolis, Karen Finley, Henry Rollins, Robert Christgau, Neil Simon, people who wearJams, the owner of the Cat Club, and whoever took Hello Inml off the air. MOVIES AND/OR VIDEOS3 The Btllg Jack trilog/ is hands down the best. Especially the scene in Trt(l,l oJ Billy Jack, Irr which the bov with only one hand and a hook is taught how to play a guitar. MASTTTRBATION: I don't need to do this, but if I did, I would use a g-D picture of Ma.rtha Og5n yhlle Lqing a l_ar of sand, or else use a photo of Martha Raye while using a hoover. I'11bet Heffy Rolltns has to masturbate ouite a btt. SUBURBAN VOICE D.0.4. EXODUS G00G00Dolrs KILLDOZ ER SOULSIDE WRECKING CREW ffi I I HfrHH,H, I ! I t I ! I Ig t1 B fi v I p ! B fr as ahead, lies intelvie\, inleres!ing lhe Quite jov, Killdoze!' and wisconsin's uaais;n, P!ide -offe! B u r l I v e s to il1 from the hentallv on everything opinioni eith of the big noise' naslers Tt is ttio, r; Mark Twain. and 9ut-leve1 savagerv pee!s in!ense to match !hei! few the mosc belts, their unde! have 4 records .r"r"t.ffi"", "' L iltLt ttel e on Touch & Go. r ni n " B aabbyy B uunnt L being one recen! (bass/vocals). Bill ( i i LI l lddodzzee! r Gera]d Michael i n c LLu a l e s fiobson (9uila!) and Dan Hobson (druhs)... Are you guys Ef: Birthday Party? oh, yeah. BiIl: rtre Birthday biii And {e're il;hael: sj.ck of Palty broke better:. people conParing uP a long tine vou to the ago. ideas. ati_- Telr me abou! some of the lyricar in the rnetro section of Ne,rspape! articles frTchaer: goinss on I o cal paper. LocaI haPPeninss, iEdllii esPecialLv sitver l]iedding anniversa!ies, national. golden anniversaries. No, c'mon. . , sv: Alright. EJchael3 I {en! out on a !angent. NewsPaPer And lJsr sLuff thdt /ou hedr. DM: And th-nqc thdt \aPPen rn r,4rchdeI: is Madison? kind of place svj--Ftrat It's a co11e9e !o!tn. little town. rt's a wonderful iin, babes and dudes. 150,000 corn-fed utopia ! frl;hael: between 2 lakes. ffiuesttea around Palking of whoopies '.litb lots eirr, people who wele kicked are aIl the FI66pies then they cu! the taxes. hospital mental state {he!e did vou guvs speaking of menlaL hosPitals, w: of ras on the innersleeve tha! I6at oatient's report on to ne one molnrng, handed it The man himself Michael: but I whole name was on there, carl...his ii mV to work. his entrre nane, of actudtly berter tno-911 Puttin9 'ano so I phone numoe!, unich were on there, .ddress one morning, No, he was on the street crossed.Lr all ou!. ' c a u s e a nd I he tooked like a hiPPie 6:30, handed it !o me "ok, but it mate!ial," is religious I bet this though!r "am I A PsychoPath?" and I read all entitled eas so(etbing of iL dnd, yes, le's d osYchoPaLh. he's a PsychoPath? ou! if fiha! vas doing 9y: not enough mo.ey to Because there's : vtlete hosPitals patients in the mental i;;Ea1 They a1I waLk around Madison. shete aIl our street That's Michael: PeoPLe 6Ei-: we're quite fond of them. T h e Y 'r e c u t e a n d c D d d l v . M i c h a eI : keeD Bili: fi:;-a do{n benches rarn. Thele's boon box and big and she conducts all the steep rn bus stops, the a naned Nancy eho walks around and the boon box and she sets balon on end. I! s a for hours it vonderful tosn. obese thele's also just a hu-fuckin'-munqously -Mt ri ac chxa e l : ror"" ttrat w e c a t l l h e " c a m e l l a d y " b e c a u s e o f h e r body build. Two of us ale married. oan: ro each other, EfTr: Michael: To NancY and the because are married two Hobson brothe!s Dan. Nor the kind. iEire tne narrying to say. ahat's what Dan likes 8r,11: for the tou!. his ring Bill look off frf;taet: ' on because r I don ! have ny wedding ring @i-ectuarry, and if I catch nv that's my sidetine, work conslruction, off. get ripPed right ic'd on a narl, finger He caught his nose on a board. Dan: fuck anvlhing kind. I'll I'm not the narrying frTEnaer: bark. iiiE-?-oesn't "sweet Home you! have been of cove!s A couple sv: "cinnaFon Young how Nell and, seeing Gir1" and ffabama" "southern song as a wtoted thelr Man" and skynyrd wroce bolh sides of to present did you do both !o it, response on PurPose? Is that the story? person that upto pick filst lhe You know. you'le trLL!: card. you a sold sta! on vour report gibve we'l1 M 9l1!9lr sort o f f u n n y because nobody eLse has ever That's BilI: me fo! uP, excePt tha! El;Fed NeiI Young it's kind of the trong Unfortuna!eLY, !,4ichaeI: A baltIe of wils. of minds, b3!!le in that 1r!hle ;ong shlthead fron canada and some dead Confedelate RepubI ican his how Neil Young has sPilched rt's kind of stlanqe sv. anyeay. affi l iation, ;61itica] Bill: He's just old. with those once associa!ed I guess rE I tlictraer: I'd try to 90 as far to the and Nash crosby, st!IIs g ! b ! E s B ; Michael cipposit e extlene as I coutd. Bill: Mr. crosby, though, what a consuMate Did you see h.im after ne qoE our of his Jdil looked tike a mobsler, a big fat nobster. Michael r good without But he looks b a k ing the sv: You guys take a1l the culrural Michael: lie like a celebrity. Yeal,, like on your last EP, you had Burl Ives on the Michael: Yeah, and this year ir,s Nikita Khrushchev. Do .your sort of see a paratlet between Burl rves' !I: storytellj:n9 and youE storytettins. I sr r€ss, yes. lCgi Michaelr Parallel? Bill: behind You mean a parallel universe? parallel N(), Iike in palking. Are you Bur I Ives in the storytelling universe or in glgleg]: ,_ (coughs, chokes, etc,. )rhat ras an answei. Dan: You ibette! answer better than that. g.lglCgl: lr: lhink of myself as Mark rwain. parked fron!? gLL!: so are you a believer of the leconsritution of the souL into another being and you're Mark Twain. is rhar what you 're saying, Mike? Michael: I believe rn the c o n s t i t u t i o n . The constitucion guarantees me the right to be obscene. to quote a famous BilI: Iarry EIYnt. There's a really inleresE!r9 cdse. He-a's a narr who's been paralyzed and his pee-pee doesn'! ' 1 e ' s publisl ino srur. | . J l - yr s even work a ymore yer sEtll He nakes noney. Oh, il;'s honey? O(, Iget it. put it Bu t, back lo Burl Ives, 1et's !his At the monen t we nade that wele obsessed p.obably him. 5 ni nutes 1ater, it would have tike Nipsey Russell. sohebody else . or, yesterday, l,{ink]er, Jo A hn Wo!ley. Hoq abc,ut Mason Reese? I sar hin on one of SI: Bill: sv: ago In ;an attenpt to hake people sive ae snugsjes. That's nc't true. I saw Mason Reese on TV a and he l ooks exactly the sane a6 he did "borgasmord. Masor'r Reese is fahous for One th ing about l4ason Reese is be's a I{ebster the kid f r o m " S i l v e r spoons, " a| He should have been I know, Mason a lot ties b ecause he few t0 years years of novie !4icha€1: than SV: ETrr, I rhinklng BJt re .ound a Pl.ture of of Ernesr Borgnine. chuck putting of Ernest Bu!L fi!st. I'm s!it1 Connors, Henry iJinkler I like chuck Connors because it,s repured rhat he efl], ord a loL ot gay porno fticks on Ehe sjde. ;hrch I rhink is a reaIIy great tn.Lng for any numan being Lo do. M.'crael: Xarl Md]den,s the onty nan wno even approaches "The toseidon the talen! of EEnest Borgnine. But, easily, Adventure" was ftade by Ernest Bolqnine. "The T!ial tie saw a good novie on Iv roday, !3a: of BiIly Michael: 4LLL: gleat. The kids at the free schoot! rhe kids at rhe flee scboot are a l I They're learning so much there. about 30, it,s But there was a child in the novie. a boy {ith lllchaet: a hook lnstead of a hand and they taught rlim to guilar at the flee school. Brrr: obviously, guilar. slide Michael: He struMed with his hook. ahis is not unlike hos we Lauqhr Bi LLy, a functionrng half-wit, play to Dd: After we got him marliedt Mrchael: r,ie 90! hin married, car, leplaced his brain rith taught him how to drive a a hook so he coutd ptay Ds: Mike's unnarried but hers a got a main squeeze who,s ta 11e! than hin. Michael: A coupl€ of lnches taller than me so I have to wea! coPboy boots in bed... SV: Let's !alk about musicat influences. yes, uliah De: We used !o lislen !o bands llke Micbael I Kiss, My firsr concert--blew qerosFlLh. we our Steve Tyler and Joe Pelry on g:l!, classical rock. concePt of classical !ock Speaking of lhat, isn.t the the most maudlin you've thing your life, classicatty rlained rock an oxyRoron. I don 't lea]ly like Yes anymore. but r really !-glf: en toyed them for awhile. BrLL: Especially w h e n R i c k Wakenan was in the band. Dd: The guy's got too high of a voice. He's a puss. Iqi chael r Bu! the nrushroons they had onstaqe were g!ea!. Rise above lhe floor--i! was eerie. Like they sere ever heard in Bill: Don't you stuprd sei I ike Michael: I 'd Mlchael: Mas€n Reese is a lifelonq obsession for ne. He's ;a; d; -oal abbl el e. , I truusstt w ad nntE t oo lLr e L ae ka k 'hrias c h eeeekk.. Bill: Actuallly, Mason Reese--you night not know Chis, but I'lichael ceralal changed his nane. He used to be Mison Reese S!9!C9l: Borgasno!d vi.lael: a big fan that' s leally great about David crosby :is even though he was a total coke addict, he was fat as hell. Sonehow, he found tine to eat in betreen doing a] 1 tha! cocaine. What an arnazing man! w l r a t o t h e . c o v e r y o u versions have go! you that !C, riecorded? haven't .cator Michaelr Countly', by MoLly qatchet, "llong cool 9roftan In a Black D!ess." we played rhat 4LL!: one perf(:ct]y and lre decided that really sucks. " s u s p i c i o u s " I t , s " R uby, llichael: Minds," Not Unlrsuat," Don't Talte Yout Love ?o Town." "L'a Grange," a Bank wiltians song "KaLi la. " 4iL!: 9!: : we wele actuatly !f_l_L, Bolgdine on "Bur1. " had 5100,000 have 5100,000 blow to to do on a !ea11y just about 'rLittle sv: why the tltle Baby Buntint"? It's what Elvis used to calt Linda !9.1: woman that came afte! PrlscilIa. Thonpson, rhe EIvis Probablv used A n y w a v s, i L ' s a P h r a s e t h"ahto n e BlIl: v. get ne another Thar, dlong wich, T?EEuentrv. and make me .nothe! banana and o! Lhe rrideJ ."i ;;;;;; ter"' ; e ; n u c b u t t e r s a n d w i c h f r i e d i n a p o u n d o f b u" It n tellectuaLs EP' ivr wtracabou! the ritle of vou! fils! i;e The shoeshine Boys of the Rullng Elite"? long statenent just a conPletelv seettred like It 9i11: IEEE naae n; point about anvthing unle€3 vou took offense you are, the more-vou I suPPose lhe more ladical to it. lhe mole you d oe The lesE radtcal, hioht aqree wiEh lt. cane out, tlhen that title riia or-olssea off about that. but' a lo! of people accused us of being anti-intellectual to even b r a i n s b i t o f it lakes a little r don't inoi, fioure out 'rhat .it neana. !vi I l your sones se-em!o tert .-li:" iPg.1t-!1": ::ll:' p.opf"j r rive in a lown like chat and r think' ,o-ixi"o " nnyy q oodd' , ' t nt hi se e b ooouuuEtt s h eerree Ir l i vvee'."' nngsg s oonnn9gg3ss a D s e g uuyvss a rree v rrriitttriin siiri Yeah, xadison is verv blue co]Iar. Even though baEed' It's verv btue collar tosn, it's IF? a liberal John Cougar Not like detinitely. background, Uike's are songs that these naudlin Mellencahp 'rho's ltriling pa!riotisri o€ a blue collar aDDeaIinq to the !idicuLous irhat we'!e doins i3 knee-je!k r;ac!ion. i tolalIy ,ilx.., except lthen You're not patriotic nore li.ke everyday life. vou think aboul i!, which is rarelY. n e xt check's n , h e r e a b o u t vour -i vc ,o n i n qY o u ' r e n o r e c o n c e l n e d trom or vour n€xt fuck' Nhal you'd reallv like to do ro vour wife Exaclly. BiIl: what vou'd like to do !o vour ;F;; she bitches a! you. r!'s the friends when yo'r tnink Lhev're being stuPid' roo! of all violence and evil and wonderEulness in chrs ehole sociely. "setting sonny's balls on iJhat v;s the stolY behind Sv: TTre" on "ahe PuPPy"? a iong That's Bi.lI: quite real1y iE6-sere notorcvcle about this In unintelligent. gang in Madison fact, lhev didn't lhis quv into They're initiating even own motorcycles. club and he oade a bunch of lude co @nts this notorcycle hin and did atl so they kind of killed to then. b;fo.e, 'cause thev They were reaIIY sluPid those thin96 Lo him. qo! cauqh! because they bragged about it to a bartencler. sniPPets from the rr1al. irre t"pe tras a lot oi little sick over EngLebert sv! tou also have soheone getting " L o n e l y ls A Man without Love." ru-mperdink's gilf: because Engelbert is kind of on the right well, fie aloesn't removed fron it. u"t he's totally i?i?x, the But it's obviouslv. know what he's singing' rea]lv And, actually, all lhere in the song' idea--it's riqht uiie store soRe lines in his sods fron lt. !t's ale stolen. a ]ot ol lyrics You may notice Dan: a rot of limes than it is to s.ite vour to ste;I EE?ier Bill: A lot cooler, lluman fillhb. re r"k,1d v@risror rh. s'ta-diM.d Bd Bnrdssirp. ourrfi rr6 M 6o?d. drss.t . ti 6 lwd stF s Hi n d|. d! ol rE t d rid le.chd WdrI ldrb.doondnd.diyriosq.tu ,rud ftsid bn Dboolo. trhrftrbtuell drub.olAdiro so 8&, riis r(rrdcu6!.a bq/rd.id tr 'tsOE lr 4106 tsl ll7 (LP/Crt750 C0lr5 m) rd3P r a y a bnr eu s F u i d s r o .l s s ' rF o . o d sP o \ i- i' /, ssT Marod8r 12r3) 335.50r0 ca rhe ssT Horhe (2r3)335.1955For Gsn riro loo'. - FIGITIINE THE CI,AIMP. DOWIT OtrUINI'TIPTN]T'TN':T tttrUSrC ArVIt PRrlfi's! Il[e a"re a non-profit orclani:ziation that was forned to be ,n outlet forc all ki.ntls mediar no m.atter how of ildependent aynarr the audielce. We are an ,'rlternative rip-off to lrlgb atore Prices a.d bookt eistributors. for that Look to us you can't record, tape or fa-zine that you wlrat finit. Or betp us ltet in sto(ik tbiak the world is nissin€ oul; on. On MaSr 15 we be€in sellin$ t() the pubtic. . Sentl for a catalo,lt. fc: \- ^SrrS i(\ € ffim qr*<ef,,-t An intervbw \low " f\e le..<t! ,"ALI & AI.Ail to be seeo! TY:t{adl.soE at !! flr YiId Dlacc rhole rash conceried.A th€ TlE B.btes... Itke a Ptetty ia rutic b{ud. of MG:A whole rash of two or three , TciMEcFr HEtrscE as seLl. D A N : Y e a h ,b u t t h e y ' r e n o t t o g e t h e r any oore. MG:They haven'! been together for years. Babies ao the Tal fi: Both vou _ nuch haven't realLy leceived over here. atteBtio! MGw : e haven't really tried. fi:OEe sould have thought that Burl of a lot eould haee got you a hell acclaiE iE these parts. of cEitical the M G :I rhink this ne$ one is firs t one !hat's been.. really l,eII ovea BIL: Dis tributed here; DAN:No body uas intetested in picking us up. they had any MC:Cory said that if they eould have said so. interest this in BIL:They \.rere interested you if one they also said that sanna come over go ahead so ue did, and here !'e are! Io Llttle TY:So ehy Eore iEterest Baby BuEtiDS thlD tbe stuff before? BIL: l,lell, you've got ne. M G : T h i s o n e s m o a e b i .t c h i n g ! you the ooe pleese TY:Doea this dos t? Tf: In telIectua ls Are The Shoe Shl.De 13 that Boys 0f the Ru11o8 ELlte deleted Doe? HC:You can't get i! anyirhere.There uas a thousandcopiesrwe pu! it out our selves. D A N : l J e ' r eg . o i n g t o r e - i s s u e i ! ' H G : Y e a h , T o U c H ' N ' G oa r e g o i n g ! o b e re-issuing ic.l,ie l,anted to l,ail unril che !housand started becoming r e a I v a I u ab l e ! you csD tat therr !11 out TY:Ihe! fror uoder your bed? MG : Un f o r t u n a r e I y ' r e d i d g e l r i d o f alI of !hem,I'd like !o heve some nov, ve solrl lhem aLI for three D o L I a r s a c o p y a n d o o 1 {v e c o u l d g e t thirty. TY:[Jere you pleased rith that? M G rN o! D A N : l J e t r ep l e a s e d w i t h e v e r y t h i n g tha! ve've done. B I L : W h a t t h e f i r s r o n e !? ! Were ue pleased wifh that? MG:AI the time i{e eere imptessed to see a record l'ith us on it. TY:Eoe lont ago sas thstrnou? BIL:Four or five years ago. DAN: 1984 it cameout. yith Tl:Today your plsyiDg IEGAZIOIE eould you Eoroally play uith a baDd iD thet veiD? BIL:lle're not familiar rith them reaIIy. M C :T h e y I r e I t a l i a n s . O e l j o u l . d r e f u s e to play l{ith Italians! !(Laughter). We pLayed with SNFU in Canada,lre saEmed them up,bu! in the united Stales lJe eouldn't be on a biII wilh ttlem likeLy,and se cer!ainly uouldn't narm lhem up. Tf:So ia there !o!. of a gcbler Lo the ousie sceue Lu the State6? DAN:There is a cross-over to some extent but I think rieht nor, in America there's all Ihis speed stuf f . MC:They appeal ro people 10 years younSer lhan us foE one thing,some tines tsenty years younger than usl There is a hardcore band i.n Madison made up of eight year olds ritht ff:E YeaE olds? MG:Yesh, one of then is the son of lhe bass player from fhe Tar 8abies.8u! I don't e6nna tive them p u b l i c i l y , s n e sk y undue Iitrle bastards ! TYaEov 8re!t aD loflueDce hae€ Country lg gestcr! rad Bluc! bee!? l ' l c: N o t b l u e s . B I L :I l i s t e n t o a L o t o f b l u e s . TY:ID the Ysy they tell thelr sto rles. H C : 0 h ,y e a h . B I L : E s p e c i a l l y C o u n t r y a n d l r e st e r n . Y C : l , l h o ' st h e E e a I l y c r a z v o n e ? b L L : u n r 5 c f e a m t n Jq . . . MGr...Haekins. BIL:tle like him a Lor, M G r A n dT o m l / a 1 ! s . get this really TY:Letrs thiDk the foods crap trivial.You hete? D A N :A b s o l u l e 1 y . no! eating the BIL:Maybe we're right sruff. M G : Aq u o l e , I s a i d t o d a y i n a l e t t e r home"I Lhrew up on the aeroplane the best tasting rhing and it's I've had since I sol here!" (Laughrer). (A ,reird l-ooking guy scroutrges a cigaaette, and J L V P J . / t . . . . Mc:!le had some good food last night though at an indian restaurant but BIL:Too pricy. MC:Real expeDsi.ve and the man eho served us was veEy mean. DAN:I think he spa! in our food. TY:They shoeed KILLDoZER the roYie here oa Eo|rdsyris that sore kiDd of POEtent? 8IL: l,le pulled some strings! M G : Y e a h S o u ! h e r n St u d i o s a r r a n q e d that for us! ! Tf:GoiDg back to food. ghat's the KILLDOZER BaLe off? M G : P e o p l e$ E i t e t o u s a n d e e j u s t eanted to see if ue could influence ehai they send.People send some really stranSe shit to us in Ehe mail.lJe lhoughl we couLd maybe \.re ire can nrake it useful shit,so decided on recipes. (Some dude but!s in and there is some confusion to vho the fuck he uas ) TA3Let's to baek to the speed thlEt r secoEd.People sccr to bc pitaoD you hollD8 elth thoae thraah baEdsreid thrt scer! to b€ rithty 6lreEte.. 8 I L : T f , at ' s p r e t t y i n ! e r e s ! i n 8 r c o s r,re've never pLayed fast in our Iives.In fsct lhe l.hole lhinS a Iot of the t ifle sas io play a sloe as ' r e p o ss i b L y c o u l d . H C : I n t h e N F I Eu e e e i e i n t h e S D e e d Ki Lls section ! DAN:Jesus. TYlglth thet plc' of you. HG:That vas a terribLe picture; se had a man rho had never held a camera in his Iife take fhat. BIL: Isn I t tha! amazing anyone can get their pictures in there! "ge AEe TY.Oa SNAKEBOY the so!8 Goilg To The Beach Today.' Thatis probebly your oost EeDaciDg soEg by z beiDgpEobably ,".. "r.""..r* J iatended? effect a BIL:Isnrt it funny hou thaE works? | DAN:It's inlentional. I M G : 1 , 1 ed i d n r t knov Hhat the sonr I should be about,rn' then Dan saidi I knos a tood joke,Ietrs make it the I ' r e happiest thing can Lhink of. I B I L | I t s e e m e dt o s o r k o u E . I M C r Y o us e e w i t h a l l o f o u r s o n g s , s o I people find them disturbinS, but I they're aII jusE good jokes. I BIL:ge find Lhem reaLIy humorous. I It's a black humour. I fiiYou code acroaa as beiDg really bitter. I MG:HeII no! I,Ie'vegot good Iives. ouat adrit little fi:I I sas ! uergoua about doiu8 this lEtervley. BIL:oh EeaIIy ! Did you think ,e were axe murderers or somethinq Iike rhat!?! ' N ' DAN: s a y F U C KY o U! 'EaobuEPer l{artYr' ehetr You fi:oo saY'FucK Yogt- It's thi oolY record tti" ""er heerd that on.shere lt EeaD lt. souDds IiLe they really MG:I say il a Iot! BIL:The only people I rhink I could Drobablv axe murder are these lvo luys ri!hr here(Mike and Dan).There the only ones T get med enoughat, fi:ghats the fasciDatloo Ylth Cystg aEd puatulea etrd the llke. MG:lrell as you tet older you gror them you knos. suffered fron acne BIL:lJe've all vulgarous. M C :I h 8 d a c y s t o n m y b a c k s o I r r o t e a s o n s a b o ut i ! . I h a d i t r e m o v e d .B a sj . c ; I I y I ' n d e s p e r a t e f o r prob6bly 'rEite topics,I think I'lI a sonS about throt,inB up on the a e E o p L s n eo, r elmosl getting run doun today because I keep forgetting !o look the riBhi ray dovn the s!reet.because vou aLl drive on Ehe wrone side hereAnd EitI got squeezed like a beetle in fhe subway today. DAN:l,leIaughed at him and he pot kinda madat us. M G : W e r eg o i n g t o l r a l e s , T o m J o n e s 1 s from WaIes werre Iookin? forl'ard to i t ! l,ie're also going to- go and see -behind XX:Itts a fence nor,r isnrt ir? TY:Yeahryou caD't touch it. X X :c o o I . M G : S oy o u c a n r t f e e l t h e D o w e r ? ! XX:Youcanrt bend a coat hanger and feel a surge of energy! TY:You should checl out Ayebury rhile your dovE there.Itt3 ; gurrouuded village by this treDch, that vea once the deDth of a oulti-story park.gith car these stones at the edge of the ditcb. They tr!trsported all the dirt froE the ditch atout teeoty liles avay aDd built ! huge hllll^ny ray vherir did you get the Ed ceiD X-rey fror? MG:A friend of ours had a friend uhose -roorn mate(thatrs the sey it : , : ,:,: : ::::l : . : ::: l,: :.:.1 ' l|',! f ii1 I i:i $i lhere stole the shole is a Ed cein X - r a v M G :A r t h u r B r e m e r .H e I s f rorn B I L : Y e a h , m a y b e fiIe.It h a d X - r a y s o f h i s h e a d , h i ; Irisconsin too,he I s lhe man that connection L u n g s , f r o m t h e t o p o f h i s h e a d a n d s h o t G e o r g e W a l l a c e a n d p u t h i m i n M C r J o h nt h e l o n p . XXX:John HoloJs his feet, the man vith a wheel chair. X X X : T h e r e r e r e s o n e r e a l h i t h t e c h X X X : e e o r g e W a l l a c e e a s e r a c i s t ? h o s c h l o n t a b o u! r h i s b i t . X-ravs. ran for pres iden t of t h e U n i l e d TY:A vhat? 8 I L : A s c h l o n-P . H C : W e l h o u g h t o n e o f l h o s e e o u L d b e St a t e s . D A N i Ah o E n , mrgnEynlce. MC:Governor of Alabama.He still TY:gele they tlleB efter hls delth? r u l e d A l a b a m a f r o m h i s w h e e l c h a i r B I L : A s o o d y . HG:John Thomas. XXX:Oh,no.Wegof then after he lJas but Arthur Bremer put hi.m there. D A N : As t i f f v . dead but they eere taken when he XXX:Like a benevolent despo!. eas alive. em a te s d e 6 I M G : H e w a s g o i n g t o t E y t o k i I I H C : L a s c n i p h i r . e s D e n t s- nr a time 8-oing Ehrough H C : H e d i e d n o t l o n g a f t e r i h a t . H e Richard Nixon but then found that of for died only teo or lhiee yeals ago George {laIIace was easier to get pussy that seemed !o as tound our h o st s . XXXTHe vas such an odd BIL:There is a lot of slane for phenonenoorand he just happened to XXX:He didnrr kill h i . m r h o u -slh{ .h o be in the state tha! re lived in. HCrHe didnrt realLy care he things ltke that in America. l{C:A local just foLk hero! He lived killed.He had to kill sofie- M G : E s p e c i a I I y w i t h g u y s l i k e u s , r h o a r e o b s e s s e dl J i ! h s u c h t h i n c s . ecross the lake from us ln the body to be imDortanl. that state mental hospital tiII TY:I uas under the i[PressioD i h e d a y TI:it dldn'r iorl very rell. else iE the sooethiDt he dled. MG:No, because aIl he did u a s pussy [eaot X X X : S o m e! i n e s y o u ' d s e e h i m o u t i n c r i p p l e a man no body Iiked any state3. 6 b o at f i s h j . n 8 . way.Not like Larry FIinr rho is BIL|llhat do you think it means? Y G :F i s h i n t f o r C a r p . T h e y ' d S i v e h i m a l s o i n a u h e e l c h a i r f r o m s o m e b o d v TY:Cunt. a Iittle lrooden spear and leE him shooting at him,but he's f o n d l y BIL: Salnething. spea! some Carp. loved by everybody,he I s E h e M G :P o o se L . b lL: lr)'n. TY:On the cods Faeourite Dog publisher of Hustler. ghere codpilatioD M G : T h e u n h e a l i n g o o u n d! that thinq it Tl:Els Ylfe dled Eeceotly'Breoer sayi TY:ErE, thatt s h6rrible! iu custodi after t h e B I L : Y e a h f r o m A . I . D .S EeaIly into slang every_ atiacl- n BIL:lle're Tt:So dld Joh! Eohes- a- you do shat you do?" Ir's a littLe iike this speed thinS? DAN:l,lerve done a number of shows out there , bu! I suppose ee can 'rith lhe EUTTI{oLE SURFERS and t{e a n s s e r 1 c . u s e d t o d o a l o t o f s h o e s , r i t h B I G D At N : H e r e \ r e a r e . i t ' q ' enbootu t .s o m e t h i n t lje ve reaLly though! \{ere stiII they BLACK uhen H G : S oi r e d o n ' l h a v e t o h a v e i o b s . losether. I for one,for BIL:tle aII have jobs, MG;It's hard ro tell. t h e m o s t p a r L , n e v e r e a t c h l h e m . I MG:lle aLl have jobs but thete not just staY some{here else usually hard jobs. and dEink. BIL:The costs are Dhenomenal. TY:Anv reasou foE tbat? much.Itrs D A N ; W eb r e a k e v e n B I L : Y 6 u ' v e s o t t o d r i n k a t s o m e a n e x p e n s i v e h o b b y .P E e t t Y poinl and itrs harder to drink ehen MGrtle do i,hat re to meec do, you're playing ! chicks.to se! drunk and to become i'lc:ilhen your bur for the oonth, do r a m o u s ! e x e J t w e r v e a I I me! the you 8et tired of \.,atching olher chicks jusL the so' rlolr it's a f t e r n i q h t . n i s h ! bands drinkinP and fame. p l a y ! , , i t h t h e DAN:But ve don't TY:EDPlish baEds are very ouch staE 8UT'IHOLESURFERSthal much' ' you find LiDd of th;t about t h e vehieles,do talkinS noE M G :I ' m statea. [uch iD the ao attitude B U T T t t o L ES U R F E R S ' t h eo t h e r b a n d s i n M G :N o , m o st p e o p l e i n b a r d s l , o u l d seneral.The. BUT'IRoLE SURFERSI'd concider Lhal hopeless. 'Jhen ee play wilh ratch ilgays people ltho PlaY are D A N ;T h e r e t h e m . S C R A T CA HC I D , I ' d n e v e r m i s s a s f u l l n e w * a v e m u s i c . . them.Bu! ehen You PIaY in sone toen BILTTo be big in EnBland is to be kids' you've never siEh someIittle in a place the size of the l h e i r s e c o n d big heard then and it's St a t e o f g i s c o n s i n . nigh! ou!. you cstr itrs site TY:Because of B I L : A n d y o u s e e o n e s o n g a n d Y o u stay in your gaEste aicler tettiDs k n o e e x a c t l y s h a ! e v e r y s o n g s S o i n g atrd sicLeE for yeara befoEe eoyoue to be like. you aDd hype you or YiIl Botiee D A N :I L ' s t h a t s P e e d c o i e Y o u k n o ! ' rhat evet. t t c : S l o ' r r S L o , r ,S l o s ' o n e ' t e o , t h E e e B I L r A n d E h e n b e d e f a n e d . go really fas!. I donr! and they oAN;Then everybody hates you. eanna w6tch tha t. BIL: You're yes terdays band. r bt8 thlEt over here ooY. Tf:gould Tf:Thlts publicltY you lile the t o o . i n A m e r i c a t ' s b l r -irhere se eo it's D A N I: a little bit oger here? ( L o a d s d a ! e 9 t t o u r a b o u l o f 9 t u f f differenE.Itrs pick nice to up 'n' BIL:l.lhaEever. shit.) t h o s e w o r d s s o y o u c a n s p t i n g t h e m a n d t l oI l a n d MG:9e'd love to be bi.g! H c :B o y v e ' r e c o n f u s e d h e r e . on people.Even in the states it's BILrBut rere. not Sonna die if 're're BIL:Thst's just becauseof jet Ia8. not. d i f f e r e n t e v e r y l r h e r e y o r . rg o . D A N : I ' m c o n f u s e d m o s t o f t h e t i m e D A N : t l e ' 1 1b e o k . TYaAre you popular in the states? any lJay. 8 I L : N o! fun to keeP doing'this BIL;If itrs D A N :E m m m o .i .n t h e n o r l h . M C : I t ' s n o t j e l l a g t h a t m a k e s m e has been fun to cone over here MG: It varies, f e e l l i k e b e l i v e i t o r n ot . there are certain step ou! into traffic.I places, the noEth east, the pacific, a n d l d m a n l r h o s e g o l t e n s e n i l e , a n d Tl:gov to tlkc far eould you lite north |Jest..Seat!Ie and in Texas. foreo tten where he is. tt? DANiIn the mid-t,'esl wetre popular. 8lL:You don t teel rlPht u n t i l D A N : W e ' dI i k e t o 8 e t t o I t a l y I M C :B u l l i k e i n C a I i f o r n i a . . N o . you've had maybe six or seven B I L :l . l e ' d l i k e vegas in !o be D A N : W e m i g h t b e b u t s e r v e n e v e r p i n t s r a n d E h e n t h e v h o l e e v e n i n g i s e v e n ! u a I I y . 9 e ' d l ike to be wearint played lhe.e. real level and steady.You might not BIL:l,ie played once along time ago. yoLrr be walklng s traight but MG:In the South. no not at aIl.ge s Eeaoy. (y o'"rlr don'r mind. you TY:Ig there any thtES particularly TY:Tbat could be b€cause of Sseet YeEt to do rhile your gooe Alabala. iD this eouDtay? BIL: I don' t knos lhe South is A L L : S e e St o n e h e n g e . I really s LEanSe. M G :H a v e a g o o d l i e a l . MG:The university of Alabama radio BIL:So is there any thing you'd slation made that there theme sonr recommend. and they teE bonb threats ehen !het TY: Leave t play itl (Loads noEe lJaffle about hos many you Tf:Eoe do thlEl the crltics I i1k e 1 KILLDOZER in P e o P Ir e e eapecially YlIl dcal Yith you oveE N o r l h a m p t o n . ) here? 8 I L : LLeet t' s' s ire can B see if find a 8IL:That aII depends on E h e queslion that sould be a nice segue critics. back in..ge never reaLly covered 1 , ,n"t1t l ' l c : H e y , u e ' v e g o r E d v i n P o u n c e y s bake offs.. EeII him some of the r11 o l'' l/."\ p e c k er i n o u r p o c k e t ! recipes. /1u BIL:After m e e l i n g u s h e p r o b a b l y MG:l.laterrnelon pie was easily the naces us. best.This is the aclua1 recipe.You TY:Youtre not alooe ,I thlnt he take a watermel,on and cut it into hates ahost egcrvoEe. eight circLer disks, then you have MG:Yourve 8ot ieally tiny pool !o have a pie pan,ihen it says of played pool balls here,se last lhe eighi disks take the one thaE sas very difficul!! nighc and it besr fits .the pie pan,p'.rt ii inro LittIe biddy balIs,I i u s t t h o u S h t rhe pie pan then bake it. 'd vant io know! vou TY:ghe! you open tt up 13 lt stlll there? -8IL :And in America they're a Iot n e a v 1 er , pEob8bly B I L : N o .i t ' s reaIIy iE they nake pool balls Tg:Didu't disgusting. out of aole kind of the states M G : H eh a d a g o o d o o e f o r I t h i n k l t oDe poilt? expLosive by ni3teheret uas Russian Tes.Which lras made lJith I knolr what you're DAN:I think an eight ounce jer of Tang,I don't ta lki ne about, knou if you have lhat here.I!'s a M G r T h a i 's i o t e r e s t i n S . posdered orange drink.It l,as lhe | DAN:Theyblel' up occasionally. beverate of the a st r o n a u t s . I ! s TY:IheEe vere lots of deatharesl modern sluff.He gef lots of ...AEyYay shat soEt of batrda do recipes lhat involve hot dogs. you like lf you don't to play rith BIL:Here is a tood question."lihy do 8a,6"@wvryffi $ts I v + ,( t clothes Like EIvis !.as riSht tJhen he sas reaIIy heavy.ge'd Ilke to cet !ha! heavy loo: Snu,llot of oioole think that bands do think abou!' th6t,but re jus! \rha! \re do.Practice some sonts and PUt OUt A recoro. HG:ge do it for the oomen!'sofer t h e m o m e n th a s I a s i e d f i v e Y e a r s . vra a srld llll. Coffe€ TY:(La8 evil vrr expectr.ot e !.rI lidtetrl ridget! ( Laugh ter ) . BIL:To kins he is a midset. MG:Kingsa-very taII mai.I'm 5 foot six 120 pounds.Trice as much money a s e e ' 1 1 m a k e t o n i s- h t . you thLuk to the do TY:ghat "Anerica! PARTY' BIRTmAY coopaEisons that coEe your gay. BIL: Very Liring. DAN:Boliox,thaa's a good vord for rt. uould M c :B a c h m a n T u r n e r 0 v e r d r i v e be a good sound comparisontthey're a canadian band. i t I L : l n e V'ouch re a{.tEUIL. of ehat you do is a TY:Eou aRaiost bardcore. reactiod -not BIL:Werre a reaclion apalns! ihat,I don't hate ir. M C : W ej u s t n e v e t n o t i c e d i t . DAN:The only reason ire evea got associaled with it was because \rhen we sLarted out they were the only kind of shoes you could do. l{c:0r you could class your selves off as being an ariy band.lle {ere loo much of a bunch of slobs io ever do that. fi!So corpaEiaola to FLIPPER.. M C :I don ' I nind comparisons to FLIPPER. 8IL; I I ike FLIPPER. MG:I'd prefe.r !o be compari.ed to F L I P P E R r h a n t h e B I R T I I D A YP A R T Y . I IiKe the BIRTITDAY PARTY but bein. Tnr{A( compared . to lheo automatically meansyou re noc oriaine I. 8IL:Ano!her thing ai char rime Ehe only th!ng that was any thing other !han reaIIy fasr tdas rhe BiRTHOAy Party.For one thinR se dontt shoot up .drugs, we're fair-Iy healthy young !acls. M C : A E R o S M I T H :t h a t s o u l d b e a e o o d comParison. 8IL; KANSAS HG:If you can imagine YES viEh an e I e c t Ei c v i o l i n (Lo9ds of off bear t!ivra,Ehat y o u ' I 1 n e v e r k n o e a b o u t n o t r !) . . ...HC: For spending our money rre cane at the |Jrong !ime,but l,e cene Co eeEn your money.So ve came at the righ f time.llerre exporters. TY:Theretre arards for that. D A N :E v e n t a l I y the queen will say your A-ok by me aDd pur her stami on Itff:Doiut youE bit for the trade deficit? BIL:Yeah, balance the budget for KeaSan. ...MC:'Have you evel had an erection so hard you could hammer a nail lhrough it?..... (Lots lols rnore but ee'11 have ro cut it short here Including hou they dtove over a rastafarian at playing Ashbury_, also ll g \ l+ r rgol oc z e r r e c o r c t s -b a c k \ . / a r d sa n d t h e h i d d e n m e s s a g e s .) A r\rPPy NAKTNc'$\r9 lc --az i., .j A Killdozer Tour. 7-27-90 Topato Well, we finally got to meet the lead sin8€r of M€n Without Hats! We helped him out of a perplexing problem: to name thI€e Bad Company songs. We did, he thanked us, and he even said he d head ofus. Then we had sorne dinner, Somebody ouggestedGreek food, but I just can't knowingly give money to those people. We went out for some Canadian food. Well, let's just run through all that has happened so far. Bill stopped by Dan's house at the apprcpriate time to head fior Chicago and our first show but Dan was nowhere to be found. He was downtown at the barbershop, getting a trim, shave and manicurc. The boys wound up leaving Madison two hours late, so Bill had to drive 90 MPH to Chicago (not too difffcult in a state as flat as Dlhois). Once in the city of Broad shoulders, he was pulled over by an oven-zealous flatfoot who had clocked him cruising at 30 MPH in a25 MPH zone. He made Bill buy him a dozea doughnuts. When the boys finally arrived at my pad, we boogied on down to the Cabarct Metro, Chicago-s prelnier concert venue, to prcpal€ for # our concErt showcase, -Micheel Oddly enough, we were interviewed in our dressing room by several foreigners who wtite for American magazines. One cRap,a Polish refugee,asked us what it's like to play in a very scary hardcore horro! band. He was writing for the Illinois Entertainer. Dave Riley, who was visiting us "backstage," fult sorry for Billy. Dave heald that Bill hadn't Sonewith us to Europe. Billy felt sorry for Dave when he heard that the ex-guitarist in Davds old band was in England producing the Cocteau Twins and is also a role model for smug young college boys with glass€s.-Dan We had a TV in our drcssing rcom so that we could get hyped up for the slow by watching Decrassi High. It was a fantasticepisode, The next day we were up and on our way to Ann Arbor, MI. Iake Shore Drive was our chosen route through ChicagO which afforded us a splendid view of luxury housing. We got on I-94 and took it all the way to Ann Arbor. It is a good road, well-maintained and quick. In Ann Arbor, we found our club, the Heidelberg Restaurant, wherc we were met by a "I'm the Hunter Thompson of our i)umalist. generation," he said. 'tlooray," we replied. He Yow FleshSpilng/Summet'90 followed us evenrwher€ and tape recorded everything we said and did. He also helped to drink our Budweiser.I can't wait to r€adhiswonderfu! little article. I_E!!I rememb€r to alter our con tnct to excludeBudweiser,as well as Heinelen, ftom our liquor requirements.-M 7-22-90 On to Toronto for our show at the ADocalypse Club. The warm-up band, Lu>,uryCirist, featured Trevor, ex-Butthole and possessor of the worst back-acne($acne") in the independent music industry. The Queen's Expressway, the QEW, is a remarkably smooth, well-planned road. Reasonenough to annex this place (Ontario) as our fifty-first statel-D Luxury Christ stripped naked in our mutual dressing room. This seemsto happen to us whenever we play in Canada. (Tragic Mulatto showed us thefuwares in Vancouver.)Canadians do shar€ one id€al wifh Americans in that their boysarecirrumcis€d,At leastLuxury Christ is. Not very well-endowed, though. -M On our day off in Toronto (the gig was cancelledin favor of a hardcore skanKest).we ate out at a health food restaurant. Foun€€n dollars for salad, soup and a beer seemeda tad steep, even with the neaa-worthlessCanadian currency,but the soup was beanso it was fine. I THETR-E A,R,E EDIPSHTTS s*l |* 1 s"i t ' * t * f ,* c I '. h.& .; - couldeniertain thck)ys wjth my analpranks.Then a blizzard came along and houndcd D us all the way to Albany, NY. The QEW was Any placc wlr.rc bt't r is considcrL\l h€lth fcrcd is C)K by rne. Wc cnjoycd the "bt'st coffcc in town" at a dou6hnut shop. I hcrc arc thousnn.ls,rnakc ihar miliions, of douEhnut shops in Toronb. That's ccrcl. -M .ni Aswotrxrl'd down Sp.rdina Avenue, ()ui of thc corncr ol mv cvc I caughi sight of tw() Ca n a d i a n s h i t h . ' i r d sL r r a t i n g thccrapout of erchothcr. a Quicklv, Bill c\lruttl perf.tt U-turn, and \\c s e t t l c db a c k t o w a t . h t w L ) Canadians do what Ca nadians do bcst b .'nch BI othcr, minus thc h(^-ke]' I-:l siicksand skatL:- L) Spcakint of noaKcy/ !! e canlc across 41 s h o pw h o s c s o l c b u s i n , r s s l m "compu was tcriq{ d h o c k c v s k a t e t , l ac 1 c sharprning." We'\'c nls{) s(r'n prdi}'many fcl lows c;rrying hrrlev sticks around town. closcdduetoa iargetruckpile..upand wehad to detour along the scenicroute. We caught a brief glimpseofNiagaraFallsandthena longglimpse of the Dow Chemical I'lant. I'd have to say the New York Thruway was a top quality stretch of road also, albcit too expcnsive at thc cashboxcs. The club in Albany, the QE2, was an old Whitc Tower hamburgcrstand. -M -& n : f Acrossthcstr!€t\1edined on wing plalters at the Chick'N C'lorc. The first man b talk to us at the club we classifierl as an Eastern Seaboard Shithoad. According to Rand McNally's Rcgional Shithead Spottcr'sguidc. the EasternScabo.ird Shiihcad can be distinguishedby his hairslyle:a ncar crcwcut that for no good rcason at all is really long down his nc'ck and ovcr his shiri collar. hencecalled "mud flap." He donned an entire acidwash outfit complete with tctight Dago jcans.-D 1-23-90 Albany. we discoverct, is a town almost void ofcSgs.Wc searchedthetown farand wide, turning up dozens of pizza parlorc and chicken t* n ;? i- siands,but no cafcs.Finally we found a cafewith cggs and all and ihe waitr.=s announced that thcy wcrc all out ofhash brownsl (,Home fries,, as ihcy say out here in the Fasr.)So we didn,t bothcrwith thc cggs. ThenwcSot the hellout of Albany,gladly. It'sonc of thosctownsthat thc wholetimewCre You FleshSqing/Summet '90 57 when he took us to a titty bar called Blondi6, wherc we saw a stripper named Jasmine who plays a flute with her cunt. She played "Old MacDonald Had a Farm" - I've never geenanything like it. Then she lauched a ping pon6 ball that hit Tom on the chin. -M The next day Tom took us to this place that had the famous Philadelphia cheesesteak.I had taken no more tlran one delicious bite when a homeless person dernanded that I give it to her, becauseshe was hungry. Then a Pinkerton man in the mall came and forced her to leave the premises. Boy that cheesesteal<tasted good. -D 7-25-90 Washington, D ,C, When we arrived at the D.C. Space, we were met by a fat dyke who was unnecessarily rude to us when we informed her that we were the band. '1{ell, you CAN'T load in NOW!" She said. '"!Vehave dinner TIIEE-ATE-ER." We knew that if she heard one more word frcm us she-d have our dicks out back in the dumpster. We wisely left to go for a walk (as if wdd stay for dinner theater). After three or four blocks, we were spotted by some homeless men who were hanging about in front of a chicken stand. One shouted at us, '?ley, lemme axe you sumpin'!" so we turned tail and returned to the club. By then it was s€ven o'clock, so we sat at the bar and starteda tab. We were in the mmd to drink too much and play a bad show. -M 7-2F90 PhiladelVhia We left left the nation's nation's capitol capitol around two, bound for Philadelphia. The freeway is pr€tty good the whole way, and go€s pretty fast, We arrived in town early, so we hunted down Tom lax. We found him at Dave s Bar; it was his Thursday night da* leatue night, Tom is quite a dartist, a real atNete. Dave-s is a csp bar, 90there are a lot ofguns packedby drunks in uniforms. It was very crowded and I ripped a pretty good chuff that caused a patrcn at the bar to comment, 'Man, who the hell iust died and c9mmencd to Then Tom won the dait game! -M I was amazed that I was able to "double out," as the stink Michael had cr€atedat the bar had left my eyes watering unmntmllably. Of coulse my teammateswere overjoyed, Ther€'s nothing likewinningwhen the odds areagainst you!-Tom lax L4tar: At the club the Khybe! Pass, a homeless man offered to lend a hand brinSing the instruments in for some spare scratch. We decided to barter East Coast style, When the "wr€tched exctss" had finished hauling the equipment into the club, we rewarded him with a generous glass tull of ginger brandy. Imnically, he was quite pleased with this arrangement and managed to drink more than half the glass before choking at which time he b an to clugh and spit bile and liquor amund the room. Fortunately, the manasementkicked him out. -TL Milton Wayne, the creator of "Milties" (one of the prize-winning recipes in our BakeOfo, was at the gi& sporting his "I Won The Killdozer Bake.Off' Te€ shiit. (Note for collector: only thrce of theseshrts exist!) He pr€sentedus with a largestuffedbuzzard M Some 8uy told me that I changed the life of some finhead fucker who hassled Michael during our first show in Philly about four yearsago. Afterthe pummelling Igave hrm then, hegot a normalhaircut, becameanice guy and joined the Na!y. I guess music can actually changethings. -D 1-27-90 Last night Tom taught me I shouldn't fall asleepto fast in his home.JustasI siartedto doze off, he flipped a ninja LP at me and ripped open a huge half-inch gash on my forehead. Dazed in thern we wonder why the hell we're there. We s€nted us to the audience, who booed him and w€trt to Boston, travelling on the Massachusetts shouted, 'Shaddup!" Tumpike. It's an OK road, except that you have Today we went for breaKast with S.ott to pay to use it and there aren't any AM ladio Sabatke,one ofour hosts. Maggie Brcnnan and stationsalong the way. Meg Madzar left to go earn a living as we slept. Once in Boston, naturally the first thing we S<ott played hooky and stayed home. So we did was get lost. We bought a map and poked our went to a deli run by Greeks.For some reason way thmugh the slop and shithead s.Snow makes these people who introduced buftfucking to the people here not capable of driving. Cities in the world run restaurants that sell every damn kind Eastdon't s€emto believe in snow plows and the of food: tacos, Wros, pi22.a, chicken buckets, p€ople of Boston don't undelgtarrd the concept omelets,and weiners,all from the samekitchen. of shovels. And it's all food that sucks.Especiallythe coffee. But wegot to theclub, Bunrattj/s (despite Why can't a Creek make a decent cup of coffee? Petds giving us the wrcng address) (fuck you This deli was )am-packed with your archebrpical Michael - Ed.) and went from there to Donna the Eastern Seaboard Shithead. 'Theh's so much promote/s hous€ for pasta. It was good and I ate food theh ya can hahdly eat it," said one near us, too much.Shetold us that theclub owner called looking down at his plate of corned beef hash 'rf her at 10:30 that moming to cancel the show eggs special. And if you look too long at such a becauseof the blizzard. The owner thoueht that brainiac,awestruckbyhiswitlessness,he-slikely nobody would get to the show and tlhat we to shoot a 'livatcha lookin' at, ya'a faggot uh wouldn't makeit ther€either.What sod ofcandy- sumthin'?" at you; a real in-your-face kind of ass€d breed is the Eastemer? guy. These bagoombas are prevalent in Boston, Later that evenin& in our dressing room, New York, Hoboken...in fact, the whole East we were visiting with Nate Kato, famous mem- Coast.And yet we constantlyarc interviewed by ber of Urge Overkill. A woman that knows both smarmy 2inedudcs fmm thesecitieswhoaskus Nate and us dropped in to say "hello." Nate what it's like to live in a tultural backwater" or observed that she lost weight, especially the "isolated wasteland" like Wisconsin, "full of chest.' fou lostyour rack," he said. Sheinsisted rednecks and serial killers." Well, bite my left that thiswas not thecase,and to his delight, she nut, at least Wisconsin hayseedsare a friendly allowed Nate to inspect. He stood behind her, bunch. It just astonishcsme that so manypeople withhershirt upand bra down, displaying to all move from the Midwest to New York, "because her rack in his bony fists. Later still, Nate pre- New York is so cool and hip and smart." while most native Nelr Yorkers are just a bunch of d u mb-asseswho likely think of the cool and hip and smart Fople as just a bunch of queers.A woman we knew from Madison moved to New York. Sometime ago, at one of our shows at CBGB'S,we ran into her. (The hip and cool, on a ffrst-name basis with the club, call it ,seabees.,,) So we asked her if she'd like a beer. "Oh no," she said, "beeris soo Midwestem. I only drink Stolly." I just walked away from her, later she introduced me to her friend Michael Cyro, underSround music's own John Denver. Hewouldn't even shake hands or say "Flow do you do?" -M 1-2+90 We just stopped at a Sbarro Pizza shop on the turnpike from Philadelphia to Baltimore. Dan askedthe pizza shop employeewhat kind of toppings th€y had.'ldhat the fuck'cha wanr?,, was the courteous rcply. Sinceour tour was convenientlyrout€d so that we played in Washington,D.C.aJterplaying Boston, with a day off in b€'t\^/een,we decided to drive asfar asPhiladelphiato staywith Tom l-ax. He is theeditor ofthe finestand most substantial publication in the music biz, "Silt Breeze." The road was pretty mugh, especiallythe strctch fiom Connecticut to New jersey. New York has managedto creafethe worst pavement on Earth. The NewJers€y Turnpike was a good stretchof road, though. In Philly, we were greeted by Tom with dinnerand aTVset.But the r€alexcitementcame "{s* . \ \TJT You FleshSpring/Summer'90 I and blceding,l rcaliz€d that I had made a huge sodal hux pae by tryin8 to fall rsl€eP too early. I guese I'mi lucky man to still be alive. -Bill A 'friend," who had ob3erved the lesgon I'd tauSht Bill, r€rna*ed to me, "Thafr the stupidest thing I've ever eeen you do." Arguably the stuPidest thlnS I've 6,er done wae to lnvitethis 8clewhead b my house to b€gin with. -TL putusup,but hdd ju8t be€n 6,icted himself. He said he had a friend, who tutned out tobe hie e<girlfriend's new boyfriend, over in Manhattan We wet€ aousted out of our room at noon and decided to find some br€afticks in Hoboken. We found a quaint little hole called Shirley's. The waitr€ss ther€ has ffgur€d out that if she stays in the back of the dining room, by the door to the kitchen, the customers won't bother her. off ro NYc. we show€d up at Maxwell's in lovdy Hoboken, NJ plenty ea.ly and had a bite to eat frorn the Maxwell's kitchen. Tom had a Maxwell Burger, "tumoF which h€ said was like." Dan and I each had eome things with long ltalian names, both of which tasted like macanoni and cheese. We should know betts that to eat Italian food in a place where the kitchen staff is all Puerto Rican Julia Cafritz arrived and agt€€d with out conclusion. During soundchecl the sound man, who wa9 an electrical engineer, made us Promise not to tum our amps up very loud. Of course, we'd never do that. Aft€f, the show we disclveEd that we had tro plac€ to stay. Our friend BtEnt was going to niceliftlemotel next to the Holland tunnel. What a day!-M 1-2&90 She wore some attractive ti8ht-fittin' jeans with a huge gold zipper up the ass and had a splendid sticky-looking bouffant that fr_amedher face like a sunflower. and we could stay with him. Off we went, on up to 11oth strcet. He said, ',l^/dl€ right around the comer, let me make a phone call." When he got out of the van to use a pay phone, we notic€d a lot offolks on thestrcet eyeballingourvan, it's tires, hubcaps and contents,as well as us. I assumed these folks were homeless. We left Brent there and drove back to Hoboken where we found a We sat next to the door to the streetand p€oplecontinuouslystood in the doorway, holding it open, to see if there was a table fr€e, Of course, ther€ were no tablet and they would just stand there holding the door. "\{hy don't you seeif you can't hold that door open a little wider," Dar quipp€d to one cluple, who then did so. Finally, we were all served portions ofcold eggsand colder frmch toast. I qo : o \ a o o € q. You FleshSpilng/Summet'90 1Aftet such a fine 6ast we went down the str€{* to Maxwelfo, where we had left all our equipm€nt the night b€6ore,The gan6 from MTV wae thele, making some show called Pirate TV. A man oqlained to Dan that th€y had us€d his drumkit as a prop. 'So?" Dan replied, "I don't get cable." Tom seemed bedazded by a young actressd!€ss€d in a Liftle Bo Peep cGtume. -M Later, at CBGB'g, I walked into our "dressing !oom" to find Christina ftom Boss Hogg, who I gu€ss is some solt of punl tock supeF vixe& taking pictures of her boyfriend, Jon Spencer, with my carnera! I thouSht that was kinda odd, but then I saw shewas takint pictutes of Michael too, so it was fine. -D So now CBGB'S has a pizza patlor. I tried some of their pizza, it's shit. We went out for a walk to tet decent pizza. WhileTom, Dan, and I waited up the block ior Bill to catch up with us, a hobbling homeless black man on acrutch shuffled on up to us and said, "I letcha take my pitcha 6o' a dolla'," pointing at Dan's camera.Tom said, 'No.l'llgive you a quarter to beat it." The homeless said, 'That'd be a fine deal." Tom gave him a quarter sayin& "Now cel! it." Afta some mote pizza, we found Gerard Cosloy sitting in the CBCB'S re.ord store. We suck€d down some beeru with him and chitchatted about Peter. -M Oh yeah, I really enpyed Boss Hogg and the lads from the Unsane looked like normal 6lk from the Midw€st, not black leathered punlc from NYC. I dug their version of 'Tour Sticks." Inmediately after the show we drov€ to Philadelphia, to take Tom home and avoid the fiasco of finding lodging in NYC. We arrived at Tom's apartment around five A.M. and found a Basque mar lying on the couch that Bill had been looking iorward to sleeping on. Tom's rEmmat€, Bob, cahe out of his llom to explain that this was his Basque friend. We all slep on the floor while the Basque Inan lay on the sofa, smoking. Around ten, Bob came out of his rcom, poked the Basque man in the che8t and pointed to the door. So the Basque rrun lit a cigarettg got up, and left. -M 7-E-91) Herc we go again, on the road, We got up bright and early, and hit the Pennsylvania Tumpike by 1:30. This isrlt a bad !oad, but hardly worth the eight or nine buckr it co6t to drive on it, with no place to stop and eat but Roy Rog€rs' all along the way, Whays worse, the sp€ed limit is 55 MPH the entire length. At the Upstage in Pittsburgh: 6nally, a punk rock club with good lighting in the crapper and plenty of toilet paper! Such a pleasurable club. We went to get dinner at a place down the block called the Original, ni8 'C,'." Th€y must use half the electricity in Pittsburgh with all the flashing neon they have. Imagine Dan's and my amusement when Bill ordered large fries. He didn't see, as we did, that large fries weighed five pounds and cost $3.72. Even with the both of us helping him eat them, there was about two-thirds of them left. Wherds a home- leae person when you need on? lnto the trash they went. -M After the gig, we would up staying with a dude narned Dave, and at his place we watch€d a movie starring Anthony Zerbe as a mad scientfut, and KISS asthe hero€s, even though they ar€ (nights in The Service of Satan. We w€re informed by Dave that a certain other undelgrDund band said we were squaEs. We retorted that wdd been to a lot ofstrip clubs aswell as havirg met the sings of Men Without Hats. What squa!€ do€ that kind of stuff? -D 1-3890 Columbus, Ohio. Such an exciting town. It was altemating b€h,veel rain and snow when we arrived, and by the parking lot next d@r to Staches a homeless man was sleeping on a heat grate. After the show, an ambulance was thete, It s€ems the steam coming out of the grate had stopp€d, his waterlogged blanket froze, and now the homeless man was pretty close to dead. What an evening! This moming we "enFyed" bEakfast at a place called Country Folks. The place reeked of pot pourri, and all the meals had names like "Hungry Folks Platter" and 'Down-Home Combo." Dan's bacon carne after we had all finished our meals, so he refused it, making the bovine waitless look terribly foolish. Then we hit t-70. We'rc going to St. lruis a day €arly just trecausewe have nothing better to do. In Indiana we saw a Stuckey's so we stopp€d. It turned out to be nothing more than a Dairy Queen living livins off that great sreat name. The YourFleshSpilng/Summer'90 6l place was run by a bunch of religious fuckwits just lik€ the €ntir€ state of lndiana. -M 2-7-90 So we found a Day'e Inn by the St. touis Airport. With jumbo i'ls passing overhead we stepped out to a liquor stot€ and got gome Molson's Golde-n, the only non-Burh beer in this city. We asked the liquor store clerk where we might find a burlesque shdw. He said we'd have to go back to East St. Iruis, Illinois. An old salt next to us told us that's a bad place. We w€nt back to our room and watched TVOn Wednesday we got up early and boogied down to Denny's for Crand Slam bEakfasts. They wouldnlt let us order S€niorSlams. Thebest thing about Denny's is that in the r€stroom thry have wax paper rings to plac€ on the s€at. Th€y are called ?rotecto," and fve never felt safer than when I've shit at Denny's. After a hearty breaftiks we drove down to downtown St. Louis to visit the National Bowling Hall of Fame and Mus€um.What a plac€! Then we went over to the Arch and rcde the elevator to the top. The exciting there ate national park Frt of this is that'This mustbeoneofthe rangersup there! cushiest posts in thc park sewic€ for a ianger!" I thought. When you get to the top, you can look out the windows and seethe muddy Mississippibelow and EastSt.l,ouis on the other side. Then you can tum around and s€e St. Iruis. When I did, I exclaimed, "Vrrhata fucking ugly town!" I then!€alizedthat th€oerangetsdidn't haveit sogood.' When we 8ot down th€re were dozenr of kids waitin8 to go up. Wherr they got on bord the elevator, they all stard to scEan|. The ranger just said Ep€atedlt 'Shrddup " At the Big that night, the sound man bold Dan and me, 'They got a 8aying about St. lrui8 weath€r... If you don't like it, stick around, iyll change." N€d we met a guy who said, "I iust love to tum off the lights, get rcally warted, tum on a black light, and play lgd at 76rym;' Now we're on IJS Highway 61, a two lane road all the way to Iowa City, and I have gix or seven Protect6 in my hip pocket. Oh shit, I alrnost forgot! We stopp€d at a Waffle House for breafticks. Guesswhat we ate. -M 2-2-90lo@e City Damn cold in lowa. Wehavebnd memories ofthis town. The last time we played here, a guy h the audienc? got soexcit€d he leapt fTom the stage and broke one of his knees. After the BiB last night, at Cabds Oasis, we went to the home of Chris, Iowa Beef Experience's boisterous guitarist. What a pa-rty therc was! Guys and gals ever- Yow FleshSqing/Summet'%) 1- "Plone fnfiilfWffi $cxy" .||Nrdrr8.t"u. fttfrrtr'!lhfiIilr I T ;1!i*]:,li*"g*r. s6,he,€y cAe4?02 .os,(4,5)6s5 11$ whet€ with a big old halfbarrel ofold Style in the kit hen. Thie is the sort of party that Easterners iust don't know how to do. Dan and I were Drettv well baked when we l€ft, so Bill drove us to 7-11 wherc Dan got v€ry excited about beef Frky and I tried to take more chocolate chip cookies than I had paid ior. Bill paid the difference on the cookies,and I bummed up wherr I discovered later that I t@k raisin cookies by mistake. We went and got a motel outside of town, and the pillows there had baggies for pillow cases. I woke up this moming feeling like I d had better days, and then we ate at PerKn's, confirming that I had indeed had better days. Th€ things I lil@ best for breakfast - scrambled e88s, hash browns and pancakes - all are just shit at Perkins. The fr€nch toast I ate was OK but not at all what I really wanted. A day that starb at D€nn/s is always a better day than one that sta.rtsat Perkins. Ofcourse a day that etafts at Wame House is the b€st day of all. M 2-3-90 The highway from Iowa City to lGnsae City O40 from I.C. to Des Moines, then south on I-35 to K.C.) is a dec€nt pi€ce of pavement, but the w€ather was wrstched. Fr€€zing rain glazod the roads like doughnuts. The club in lanr.rence, the Outhouse, is a sh€d two miles outside of town in a cornfield. When we Bot there, the staffwas buming garbag€ out ftont, and th€y had a pr€tty Sood blaze roaring. Our label-mates, the JesusLizard, were there roo, so we sh@k hands. Then we broke down and hugged each other. The Outhouse's heating system consisted of two s$gallon baEels on their sides, mounted on a stand one above the other, with a chimnery going from the bottom one, up through the top one/and onouttotheroof.Therewerelogsbumingnin each, with a pile of logs on the flor in f Whetr I went to use the toilet, I saw a titmous€ was living beneath the 6tool, looking up at me. I hoFd that I could get through the eve-ning without needing to shit, because that mouse would surely get into my troug€r3, and there was no toilet papetr, and the corn cobs out in the 6eld were frozen. The show was an all-ages gig, and in IGnsasthat m€ans no b€€r allowed in the vqrue. We kept ours cold on the ice underneath the Jesus Lizard's van in the field of corn. Every time I went outside for another cold one, I'i s€e this dude passed out on the ground in front ofthebarlel with thegarbagebumingin it. 'Shit," I thought, "He's going to probably freeze to death." Finally, on my fffth or sinh trip out there, I kick€d him until he woke up. Then theJesusLizard played and DaveYow set himself on 6re. latet, when we were all packing up and Selting ready to leave, Dave Simms moved the J.L. van and ran over our last twelve.pack, popping seven of the boftles. -M 2-5-90 The drive from IGnsas City to Omaha wasn't too bad, although the AM radio in theseparts is Eallylacking. Thank goodness it only takes a couple ofhours. Omaha is a city Photo by Ma y P.rcz Yout FleshSprlng/Summer'%) 63 of many eteak houses. We didn't €at in any of them. Inst€ad, we ate at a Meican rcstaurant and video store, run by a woman who must be related to Charo. the show was aSain one with the J€us Lizad, who wer€ thrilled to s€e that Dan had ltolcfl the entire Proteclo dispenser package ftom the Denny's wh€re we all ate in Kansas City. The Erost astounding thing of all at brea-fticks that d@ming was that Dan had ordercd the Nachos SuDreme. Aft€r the Omaha 8i& Tim Mo6s, the Prc moter and our host, drove me ovet to Council Bluffs, IA, where liquor stores can stay oPen later than in Omah4 to fetch beer br the Sang waiting back at his pad. As luck would lEve it, we were two minu6 bte! The young ftlla in the store said HE would like to let us have some mor€ hoot h, if he COT LD but the stor€ was owned by the Sheriff. -M 2-77-90 Madisoa Iast night in Minneapolis we Played a show where Peter D. lead the crowd through a 'tus stop." series of line dances, including the pal, Tom llazelmyer, our We had fun with who r€{used to play any tunes with us any more because we suck. As we were loading out of the club, the Seventh Str€et Entry, I noticed the neglected package of Protectos tha t I had stolen two week eart;ftom a Denny's in KansasCity. Lo and behold, a diabetic had stashed his insulin hyPodermic needle in the cardboard cr€ase of the boxl Billy quickly seized the spike and Mo u promply disPosed of it in an aPPrcPriate container. -D After the gi& we went to Petds house for some refreshments and what I thought was to be some pleasant cronversationwith Pete and Tom and ourselves, The little 8et-together develoP€d into a convention of fat slagsasevery overweiSht boring bitch in the city of MinneaPolis (that's "Party." pretty many!) arrived at Pete's digs to Things only got worse when Bill and Tom left, andSteveMcl€llary toPdog at FistAvenue a.k a. Unele Sanfs, showed up with seveml of his pals I became quite an idtated little fellow, and tried desperately to flee from them, but whichever room I went into, therc they were, shmoozinS! Finally, Dan and I took destiny into our ownhands.Dantoldoneof Stevds PalstoBethis Husker Du-lovin' ass off of the couch, and we unfolded it into a bed and went to slecP. The very next day,I had the bottle flue. M I sat in the van and Peeled a tangerine, given to me by my sister-inlaw, as I watch€d Michael spew up chunk after bile-coated chunk ofhis breakhst onto the shoulder of I-94 between Minneapolis and Madison. The tangerine was tagty, nonetheless. -D 2-18.90 In Madison, we encounteredTHEE worst Dromoterofour illustrious musicalcareer.There were no microphonesat the club. Hewason the phone trying to scorea sound man for the show. His nameis Drn Hoboon,and I would adviseall touring bands to steerclear of this chucklehead. You FleshSpring/Summer'90 Art Paul Schlosserwarmed uP the evening with a brilliant performanc€, singing tribut€s to vegaables and such. Iowa HExperiencedid theirdamdest to overcome a nealsuck-assPA, but I don't think that the evening was in their favor. -M 3-2-90 Houston, TX Dan and I flew from Chicago, Bill from Minneapolis. We were on different airlines, and the consensus is that lunch on American Airlines is better than lunch on Continental. After the show, at Fitzgemld's,we veentto a place called Emo's. We were therc with Danny Flaim and Kathy Kowgirld, and they had a drinking contest with Dan. He kep insisting that a Wisconsinitecould drink any Texan'sassunder the table. Danny, in an ill-advisd attempt to outdo Dan and lGthy, kept going to the bar and requesting, 'Drinks to make my friends ga sick and puke." Of course,heenioyedthesamedrinks. As it tumed out, Kathy $/on the contest. Whilewe retumed to their house,Danny waited at thebartogetacaseof beer.Hetooka longtime coming home, and when we looked outside twenty minutes later, he was plancing about in the field acrossthe stEet in his platform shoes, redvelvet pantsandamountain man<oat.IGthy coaxedhim out of the field and into the house, wherehelaid downonthe floorandslePtasfolk around him. Dartied Much later, after Bill and I had gone to sleep, Kathy found Dan with his dick hanging out standing in the living room about to Pisson h€r boxful oftools. He looked u p at her, in what she descriH at "that dead fish lol he har" and shrted to pee. She gnbbed him by the arm and pushed hirn out the door, as he mumbled, '1f I don't get some sleep, I'rn gonna die." Today we tented car, a luxury sedan. It was a shetch New Yotker, and as Danny noticed, much roomier than last yeals nodel. We took it on a si8hts€e ing tour of Houston. Firgt we gaw a fencr made of junk, and met the old black ftllow who built it, dressed in knee high wadere and holding a highbalt. Th€n we went to the pigdom, once tlre home of Itirilla the Boy-Saving Pig (sioterof Ralp[ the Famous Diving Pig). Unfortunately, the town FatheB have decided there is no rcom for pigs within city limits. Then we saw the beer can house, one man's brilliant scheme to put aluminum siding on his home cheaply. Hds dead, but the house rcmains a monumellt to American know-how. You can H your ass there are no beer can hous€s in Tol<yo. Finally, we went to the Orange Show, a tribute to o.anges, "the perfect 6ood." We ate some Mexican food. Now wdre going to watch "Andy Cn ffitch," then go back to Emo's. -M 3-&90 The drive to Austin in our strctch Nerr, Yorker was luxury at its most exquisite. Getting out of Houston was a ttPf.jilf' "'rf,'{;!?: l*:;Hif*;"#ix'fl'#,Y about the highways in hir hometown. Not to fault iim; ie doesn,t own a car. A Pinkerton man at a downtown warehouse gave us d ircctions that involved drivin! the wrong way up on€-way stre€ts. Somehowwe rnadeit. ftl r .-. l| " " j5 .. ..N., tj I I . i-: f"1;ffi^ The road was well-paved and scenic , most of the way, especially once we . |E,, r t .: "-1.,'. &ik" . _- l{l got to la crange where we eniryed 'the bestdamn sandr^/ichin town.,' , ilfis,nt".r#:a:: from the Cannibal Club. Thry were rne rieartor rne oanender ior rta!o!!s W C |' ' 1 : : ,; , '" "' . , i * . l ' , , .. ^-"'"r i:i-^RRH','I .7!f ,..,.4 : _ f ' !'.4,'-.1- i I ;13ilf'".i:Tf'*Yr.',i* .--, ., :i.lf-effi. f&ffilr*'' I :.r'*Tiin#*F*,* ^1. .+T nfl't' .. hisbottleo'fWildTurkey.We;edamn la ,,r , good chicken kabobsand weird little (. r_l weiners made from vegetableprodlr I uc. (Michaet and Dann! actualiy en- a ,5'ln- ,:r-:;.;r.!D excePt Kht, except Kint, and Dan got his ass me!cilessly whipped by Gibby in a wild cluple of mundsofping pong.Everyone caml o:rlsid:.anj marvelled at joyedthe totu pups!-D) l{r.ll nor^ we're flvino h^mF wF,rp " TV dinnerson the plane,lasagne with steak. a af YourFleshSpring/Summer'90 6 Danny Flaim and lGthy Kowgirld made me proErise to mention that Texas, €Pecially Houston, is the funnest, hippest, and Sreatest place we have wer been. So I did. -M ,7990 Wdre heading for the West. North Dakota is a place with ftw peoPle and fuwea gagstations. We have no idea what it loks like, as we dr,ve all the waY across it at ni8ht. The sun came uP when we wene somehther€ in the middle of Montau, sowe pulled off the well-paved highway in Mil€s City 60r some breaftiks at the48 sCafu. Good food, good servic€, lousy coffee. There seemsto be a frw cowboys in Montana. As we ate we observed that one clwbo/s PickuP truck in the Parking lot had garbage buming in the back. When he left the 4B's and backed out his pickup truck we noticed that amongst the burning garbage were seveml gas qlns, We drove some more until we stopped at Butte for some more chow at the M&M Cafe. I susPect that the c.ok and dishwasher, a couple of old-timers are men with no past, old hoods on the lam, living false lives under false names as they hide out from the long armof thelaw.l can't imagine any other rcasonto be in Butte.The M&M is also a bar, and seems like the sort of place where brawling is popular. The whole town of Butte could be summed up as a community of trash. As we dined, two youngstcf,s came in and shined my bots for a dollar. Thrydid a horoelhit sixtecn Fb of it, but they Baid they w€te only'1hat you dolla$ short ftom bulng a tr-ampoline can iump twelve feet high in the air on." Always one to mcoumge children in their efforts to break their own necke, I chipped in. Then we walked out, sholling Fst some handsome young men in Scorpions shirts, sitting in a parking lot sippin' on malt liquor, 'tley dudes," we said as we strolled past. We crused Idaho in the blink of an eye and we spent the night at a fine motel in Spokane, Washington. The people of that town all mispronounce the name of their own hometown. We full asleep so early that we woke up at six a.m. -M 3-27-90 Most ofthehousing in town, in the stateforthat matter, is trailer homes. After waking up at such an early hour we enpyed the hotel's "continental breakfast" (coffee and douShnuts) for two and a half hours. We've determined that as you go west from Wisconsin the coffee getg pro- \, *,{ kingcarcass "blind" kar005 l.p. only Ilt:\ no chainstores, no mailorder, no catalogue, no resoonse room311 611broadway newyork,n.y.10012 6 -Jir5 '' (without s.a.s.e.) "...beseeingyou..."' You FleshSpilng/Summet'%) ( g!€ssively weake!, until you'rc ddnking the digcolored hot wat€f, they serve in Spokane. Durin8 breakfast, I let rip with a fart that ruined breakfast for evervbodv in the room. We all laughed merrily, We thought we'd go to Vancouver a day early and enFy the nightlitu, but we w€leh€ated to the nightlift in a Canadian customs offic€, dong the longest unguarded border in the world. When we did get to Vancouver wherc we stayed at Denise the promoter's house we eniryed the company of two large dogs. One was named BassCuitar Dude who ttied to dance the Lambada with me. and the other was Paisley Blue, a vicious Doberman who growled in her sleep and howled constantly while awake. The next morning, we wentouttofi nd scrambleeggs and almost mistakenly ateat a "cafu" which was in fact a lesbian pool hall. The air smelled of sweat and there was enough flannel to out6t every band on Twin Tone. We backed out and ate at some dive inrt€ad, later that evening, after rcund check and a radio interview, we were back at Denise s home fur Promote/s Pasta. This was fine until the promoter's brother and his girlfriend showed up to smoke dope while we ate. -M Coing back to the old U,S, of A. there was us to the top of the Space Needle where we had a round of expensive b€er. Be€r costs rnore at high places due to its tasting better at tl€ater altitudes. We had some food at the Dog House, one of Tom Hazelmyels favorite hangouts. A homeless man with an enormous dog and a beard asked me for money. I gave hin all of my change, and he got pissed off when he saw that it was all Canadian money. 'Seggars can't be choosers," I said, and walked on having taught him a lesson. no ptoblem other than meeting the boftom insPectors. In Seattle we stayed with John Bigley and Valerie Broach. They have a dog named Roosevelt that seemed to fancy me and we danced. They cooked a barbeque for us. They took The road to Portland is so good that we got to the club hours early. As luck would have it, ther€ was a dance club near the venue called Slabtorn. Bill took us therc. Inside, there was a topless dancer in sw€atpantswhothrew herselfspasticallyaround the dance floor like she was on acid. She had a b€lly that betrayed her fondness for beer. Whetr she was finished the bartender mn across the room to the DJ booth and asked for "a big round of applause ior Candi." Then she said, ,Now You FleshSpring/Summer'90 67 enhy watching Tonl .r she sPinr .round tle Mav Poh ard brushes h.t dtet! .Sainrt you." Then she nn back to the bar. Toni war hefty but bettet dress€d than Candi, weadng a eatin white dreee. Her darrce, other thar spinninS atound the May Pole, con3bt€d of $anding with h€r back to u8, twitchin8 ffnt he left buttock and then hef, dght one' Slabtown ir one hell of a clasey irint. It'a not a stripper bar, becausethe danc€rsn6'er take their doth6 off. Ifo iust dassy. After our show we w€re offerEd eevemlplaceeof lodginp but all were eitherfrom amazingdiP6hit! whosevetry presencewasintolerablgorde€t*PeoPle who wantedto drink and Partydl n8ht. Weneededohepsowebund a ni.e motd. On our diive to Californb, we dis" coveredthat Oregonis a statefull of Prc vincial rustics,wheE cafesservepeculiar concations they call Mqican food. As 8oonasyou 8etto Califomia peoplelook real C-alifomian. At the I-80/I-505 interchange, therds s nic€ little truckstoP with tele' phone3 at the tables. Since we wete €ating bte afticks anyway, we w"nt ahead and called Pae. We couldrft think of anything to sa, w€ iust wanted to use the phone at the table. Now we-re in Frisco, the citay by the bay, at Paul Rellels home. He took us to the oc€an where we saw thoueands ofhermit cI-ab€.Back in town wewalk€d down HaiSht Str€et, wh€te we saw dozens of homeless people- Thetds something about the homele6s in San Francisco, th€t I^'ESTERN lok awful, c€trvedon a little stf,o6o.rn ttay wlh a little plastic 6orkand knife, and that fuchnt little portion-controlcontainerof WaflleSymp,I threw th€ whole mess away and got Dolly Madisondoughnutsat the ga5station. It was fortunate drat we came by to cheer him eld€rly man decided that Carl'8 Jr. was a Sood for a couple of days. -M il-2-90 Los Atgebs We left Frisco at an unpleasantly eady hour, so early that I was still drunk. It was a long drive to L.A. We stopped along the way at sohe des€rt outpost where the gas was $159/8allo& and the only restauranl was MacDonald's Goddammit if they don't make theworst fu cking pancakeg on the fuce of the fucking eatth at MacDonald's. Shit, is this a bad day. Th€y even Fina.lly we got to L.A. What a town! LonS Beach isn't wodh mentioning, so bfs Eet straight to fabulous Hollyw@d! We saw all the Stars' nam€e on the sidewalk. We went to Frederick's Lingerie MuseuEL Then we got a map of stars' homes. W€re we shocled to find that the Beverly Hillbillieg' mansion has been torn down! I thought it wa6 a national monumeltt. Still, the glamour in this town is absolutely fabulous. Englebert Humperdinck still lives in Jayne Mansfields Pink Palace. Sadly, there's a horror even $eater than the fate of the Clampett estate, SHAKEY'S HAS CHANGED THEIR PIZZA CRIJSTI I kid you not. Once the greatest pizza known to cMliz€d ma& it has now been altercd to nothing mor€ than tomato sauc€ on a soda ciacket. They call it their new Classic Crust. fm forc€d to declar that I will never eat there again. -M There are more rock bands than people in L.A., and as a Esult many spinoff induskies 'more than enough I 3 :9nq_?" ep^tG€( Bo-02 Slaughtelhouse Road- 3 song 7" eP Bo-03 Bi 1I Feeny I 'endanqered species 'calm and haPPY' b/w 12 BO-04 InspecEor 'still on your ful I onIY Iength cassette 7" records- $3.50 PPd cassettes- 56.00 PPd add 52 for overseas u.s- cash or m.o. only. to s. wipfl i. lat€r that dat we ate at Carl'o Jr, whidt is Paul hurt hir backplaying basketball,and amazingly iuet like MacDonald's, I had to sldt durint mostofourvisit hewa! in miserablePqin. aft€r €atin& but wag forE€d to skip it whetr an SCORCII BO-01 Appl iances-SFB I iurt !€emto be college stude(rts on a camPing triP or some similar adventurc. The most disgusting thing about the homeless in this city is that th€y breed, and take their wretched offspring drcssed up like dirty lttle hippiee out at an early age to l€am the family bade of Panhandling. VERSIJS placeto tech his grandsonhow to usea ioilet. Ar I stoodo;bide waiting for them to ffnish,l heardthechild ecr€am,soI hft. EASTERN HO\^/I- PB-l Sekiri 7" ep. $3.25 -naked and steamyPB-2 Japan Bashing VI. 1 7" compilation 53.75 w,/Boredoms, UFO or Die Hanadensha, Omoide Hatoba- . . 4 bands. -hot and lathered-PlJ-J I ne boreooms. >J. z) 2 songs from their lost Boretronix nearly sess1ons. - . -rinsed and soakingGET CLEAN WITH THE KANSAI UNDERGROUND!! add 51 for postage. u.s. cash or m.o- to hopkins. You FleshSPring/Summer'9() '!r* *,, otos\zeo {f:t Availablenow on RESO/A\CE LPs Casseftes CDs 5r7 WESIz)th STFE€I r5t5 NEWYOF(. NY IO@t have Irown th6e. My favorite cottage lock and toll busin.so is hair oatension and reDlaement. You calr go into a shop on Sunset Blvd'. as bald as Phil C.ollins and come out with a meta.lshaS like the dud6 in White Snake or Dokken. Nothing really needs to be said about San Di.to, wheie our n€rd stop was, but pl€nfy can be said about the best town we've b€en through in y€ars!-D 'ltlelcome to Fabulous las Vegas" the sign at the edge of town rcads, and fabulous it is. All the Stars were in town: Sammy, Julio, Steveand Eydig Dno, Jerry trwis, Don Rickles, Siegfried and Ron Toni Tenille, Kenny Rogers, Tony Orlando (with Dawn!), Ray Stevens,Englebert, Tom Jones,Wayne Newton, Robert Goulet, Tony Berhett, The Smothers Brothers, Ricardo Mont€han, Redd Foxx, Dom Deluis, Bert Convy, George Hamillon, Arur-Margaret, Nick Cave, Charo, P.eggy l,ee, Vicki Lawrcnce, cavin McL€od, Jo€y Heatherton, and of <ourse, Frank Sinaha. And thafs iust sorne of theml Our collective heart was bursting as we ErotorEd down the Strip, part Newtor/s own famous and glamourous Caesa/s Palace, with the rad io playing "I'm Proud to be an American, God Blessthe US.A." by [.ee Greenwood asloud a! it could go. We headed out of town toward the freewan feeling good about the world as we headod for Fort Collins, Colorado. later that night, teror set in as we drcve Fst mile after desolat€ mile, without sight of a tas slation or any form of lifu othet than rnule deer. Just as we were about ready to shit in our pants, on our last gallon of precious fuel, we We set out aft€r breafticks looking forcame around a bend and there was Gr€en ward to a sGenicdrive over the Rockiesand River, Utah. The Mormon tas station atten- the last stop of our mega-tour, Fort Collins, dant madeit plain that he didrf-t carefor us, CO. Little did we susFct that our kusty van, bu t we were grateful to get tas no uratter how 'The Booger," would nearly suffocateon the much of a bastardand religious screwball the thin supply of oxygen as we climbed to 1Otr& guy we got it from was. -M fe€t at Vail Pass, The engine sputter€d, Since Michael was driving about 45 coughed, and wheezed like Felix Unger. MPH, aswell ascoastingin neutral down hills Dan and I conducted a littl€ exDeriment in order to save our dwindlin8 gas supply, to seehow the alHtude effectsgettitrg drunk, oncew€ had a full tank again Ihad to nake up " We only had one bottle of Miiler figh IJfe tim€ by driving 85MPH. W€ stopped to sle€p left, but it made us both fall asleeo. in Grand Junction, Colorado, The next momWe woke up at the Fort CAlins rr'FW ing, hungry for breaKast, we drove off down hall, where we were gre€tedby Creat Caesa/s the sbeet. We passeda Denn),/s,but because Chost. Th€y gave us tivo casesof Huber. Dan didn't speak up quick enough for Around 11:30or so, Fo CollinJ finest Michael's satisfaction,we couldn't stop there. arrived, clad in brown shirts, and shut down (I hate bo waste time backtrackin& time is the show. They made everyone,including us, money -M). We s€ttled upon a little div€ leave the VFW hall. called the Kettle. This particular Kettle was We left town after having a few nore owned by a former Chicago Bears football beerswith the Ghosts,and stopFd at a place player. For some reason the Psychic C-osmic called Debbie Duz Donuts fii coffee and Forcesof the Rocky Mountains causedall of doughnuts. Debbie's is a toplesedonut shop us to order the samei tem:waffles.This turned oubide of Fort Collins b', the freeway. It is in out to be a mistake, becausethose sameCos- an abandoned Standald station, and iys real mic Forces made the high school dropout classy. short order ch€f undercook all of our waffles. Now, Dan and Bill are somewherealong We gentthem back, of course,and then heard the Platte river in central Nebraska, on I{0, a lot of swearing coming from the kitchen. and I'm homewardboundon NWA, enjoying Whenthewafflescameback,only Mike s was a little foil packetfull of blanchedpeanuts,under-cooked, so we were satisfied. -B M 4-+90 a a o You FleshSprlng/Summet'9O e