for Organic and Printed Electronics
for Organic and Printed Electronics
Phone +49 69 6603-1336 Fax +49 69 6603-2336 E-Mail Internet Lyoner Str. 18 60528 Frankfurt am Main Germany OE-A Organic and Printed Electronics OE-A (Organic and Printed Electronics Association) A working group within VDMA OE-A Toolbox for Organic and Printed Electronics 2013/2014 A working group within OE-A TOOLBOX FOR ORGANIC AND PRINTED ELECTRONICS Table of Contents 1 About the OE-A Toolbox for Organic and Printed Electronics 1 2 List of Components of Organic and Printed Electronics Included 2 3 Datasheets of the Components of Organic and Printed Electronics Included in the OE-A Toolbox 4 3.1 Active Components 4 3.2 Passive Components 19 3.3 Materials 25 Copyright © OE-A (Organic and Printed Electronics Association), Frankfurt, 2013 All rights reserved. Reproduction only with written permission by OE-A. OE-A TOOLBOX FOR ORGANIC AND PRINTED ELECTRONICS 1 About the OE-A Toolbox for Organic and Printed Electronics Organic and printed electronics stands for a revolutionary new way of electronics: thin, lightweight, flexible and produced at low cost. It thus enables single use devices and new applications. In order to illustrate the potential of this emerging technology and to foster the cooperation among its members, the OE-A started the demonstrator project in 2005. Since then project teams with more than 20 partner companies and institutes from Europe, the U.S. and Asia have worked on very different kinds of demonstrators. To carry these projects forward, the OE-A demonstrator team developed the “OE-A Toolbox for Organic and Printed Electronics”. The OE-A Toolbox presently contains more than 25 different components of organic and printed electronics along with a datasheet for each component. The Toolbox will be expanded constantly. As a result, the Toolbox represents the state-of-the-art of organic and printed electronic components. The datasheets provide the following information electrical specifications geometrical specifications layout and a photograph contact details of the company providing the device With the OE-A Toolbox we offer the possibility to use organic and printed electronics components to develop and build new applications and integrated smart systems. If you are interested in devices from the OE-A Toolbox please contact the project partner directly. You find the contact details on the datasheets. OE-A TOOLBOX FOR ORGANIC AND PRINTED ELECTRONICS 2 List of Components of Organic and Printed Electronics Included Recently, various organic and printed electronics components have been improved in quality and yield. Now, these components can be used for designing and developing new applications. Some of these components are gathered in the “Toolbox for Organic and Printed Electronics”. The toolbox contains different components of organic and printed electronics along with a datasheet for each component. The OE-A Toolbox includes: Active Components Battery, secondary (Varta/HdM/etifix) Battery, primary (Enfucell) Photovoltaic Cell (VTT, Fraunhofer ISE) Electrochromic Display (Acreo) OLED (FhG IAP) Piezoelectric Sensor (FhG IAP) Strain Gauge (VTT) Printed Memory (Thin Film Electronics) Battery Charger (Schreiner Group) Touchsensitive Surface (plastic electronic) Transparent Conductive Film (PolyIC) Transparent Heating Element (PolyIC) Transparent Touchscreen (PolyIC) Passive Components Antenna (Acreo) Capacitor (SchreinerGroup) Capacitor (Cetemmsa) Resistor (SchreinerGroup) Resistor (Cetemmsa) Materials Conductive Material (DuPont Microcircuit Materials, ELANTAS Beck) Insulators / Dielectrics (DuPont Microcircuit Materials, ELANTAS Beck) Polyester Film (DuPont Teijin Films) Electroluminescent Ink (ELANTAS Beck) Printable Conductive Polymer (Heraeus Precious Metals) Coated Papers (Schoeller Technocell, PEL) Print Form (GRT) The datasheets provide the following information electrical specifications geometrical specifications layout and a photograph contact details of the company providing the device OE-A TOOLBOX FOR ORGANIC AND PRINTED ELECTRONICS The toolbox represents the state-of-the-art of organic and printed electronic components. All components are for use in the demonstrators only. Contact OE-A (Organic and Printed Electronics Association) Lyoner Str. 18 60528 Frankfurt Germany Phone Fax E-Mail Internet +49 69 66 03 18 96 +49 69 66 03 28 96 OE-A TOOLBOX FOR ORGANIC AND PRINTED ELECTRONICS 3 Datasheets of the Components of Organic and Printed Electronics Included in the OE-A Toolbox 3.1 Active Components Battery, secondary (Varta/HdM/etifix) Battery, primary (Enfucell) Photovoltaic Cell (VTT, Fraunhofer ISE) Electrochromic Display (Acreo) OLED (FhG IAP) Piezoelectric Sensor (FhG IAP) Strain Gauge (VTT) Printed Memory (Thin Film Electronics) Battery Charger (Schreiner Group) Touchsensitive Surface (plastic electronic) Transparent Conductive Film (PolyIC) Transparent Heating Element (PolyIC) Transparent Touchscreen (PolyIC) OE-A Toolbox for Organic and Printed Electronics VARTA HP 50/01/60 Fully printed, thin and flexible secondary Battery Classification / Type: VARTA HP 50/01/60 Electrical Specifications: Nominal Voltage 1.2 V End-of-charfe Voltage 1.4 V End-of-discharge Voltage 1.0 V Nominal Capacity 20 mAh Internal Resistant 20 Ohm Geometrical Specifications: Width: 50 mm Lenght: 60 mm Height: < 1 mm These components are for the use in demonstrators only. If you are interested in this component, please contact: VARTA Microbattery GmbH Daimlerstr. 1, 73497 Ellwangen, Germany Dr. Martin Krebs Tel: +49-7961-921-432 Email: Hochschule der Medien HdM Nobelstr. 10, 70569 Stuttgart, Germany Prof. Gunter Hübner Tel: +49-711-8923-2144 Email: OE-A Toolbox for Organic and Printed Electronics Enfucell SoftBattery® Enfucell’s thin, flexible and ecofriendly SoftBattery® is made with Enfucell allPrinted™ technology. SoftBattery® is best suited for applications with average power consumption below 1,0 mW. Typical applications include RFID tags and microsensors, pharmaceutical & cosmetical transdermal delivery patches, functional packaging & printing and new disposable applications like OLEDs, displays etc. Classification / Type: SoftBattery® Reg: 1.5 V (Other types: Mini 1.5 V and Reg 3.0 V customized batteries also available) Electrical Specifications: Nominal Voltage: 1.5 V Nominal Capacity: 90 mAh Nom. Internal Resistance: 50 Ω Geometrical Specifications: Width: 72 mm Length: 60 mm Height: 0.7 mm These components are for the use in demonstrators only. If you are interested in this component, please contact: Enfucell Oy Ltd. Petikontie 16-18 FI-01720 Vantaa Finland Ms. Anja Talo Tel: +358-45-120-6030 Email: OE-A Toolbox for Organic and Printed Electronics Printed Organic Photovoltaic module Printed Organic Photovoltaic module consists of 8 series connected solar cells. Polymeric layer hole transport and photoactive layers are gravure printed on top of patterned ITO-PET. The Ca/Ag cathode is evaporated. The module is encapsulated using commercially available barrier foils. The OPV module has been developed in FP7-ICT-2007-1-215271 FACESS project in co-operation with CEA and IMEC. Classification / Type: Power source Electrical Specifications for the module: Voc 4.5-4.8 V Isc 16-17.6 mA FF 0.34-0.44 PCEactive area 1.7-2.1 % Geometrical Specifications Width: 43 mm Lenght: 57 mm Height : 0.4 mm Active area 16 cm2 These components are for the use in demonstrators only. If you are interested in this component, please contact: VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Kaitoväylä 1, P.O.Box 1100 FI-90571 Oulu, Finland Raimo Korhonen Tel: +358-40-703-0052 Email: OE-A Toolbox for Organic and Printed Electronics Flexible Organic Photovoltaic Module Organic photovoltaic module on a flexible PET-substrate with eleven interconnected solar cells split into two parts. The ITO-anode is replaced by a transparent conducting polymer supported by metal structures. The module is encapsulated with a transparent flexible barrier foil. Possible applications are low power consumer products and energy autonomous monitoring systems. Classification / Type: Power source Electrical Specifications: VOC: 6.5 V ISC: 13.9 mA FF: 64 % PCEactive area: 2.2 % Geometrical Specifications Total width: 50 mm Total length: 114 mm Total height: ca. 0.25 mm Active area: 26.4 cm² These components are for the use in demonstrators only. If you are interested in this component, please contact: Fraunhofer ISE Heidenhofstr. 2 79110 Freiburg Germany Tel: +49 (0)761-4588-0 Email: OE-A Toolbox for Organic and Printed Electronics Electrochromic display All printed monochrome EC display. Realized by only two or three printing steps plus encapsulation. Classification / Type: Monochrome Electrochromic display Electrical Specifications: T: 20-24 °C, RH: 35 %, Area: 0.8 cm2 Drive voltage, Vd 3V Switch time, ts < 10 sec < 0.5 mC Switch charge, Qs Switch current, is < 140 µA Switch energy, Es < 1.5 mWs Sustain current, Isus < 10 µA Contrast, ∆L >15 Retention (without power) Tr >15 min Operating life time > 400 (No of switches) Shelf life 12 months Geometrical Specifications: Width / Lenght: Optional within 0.8 cm2 Height: < 70 µm (excluding substrate) These components are for the use in demonstrators only. If you are interested in this component, please contact: Acreo Swedish ICT AB Bredgatan 34 SE-60221 Norrköping Sweden Lars-Olov Hennerdal Tel: +46-11-2025-00 Email: OE-A Toolbox for Organic and Printed Electronics OLED With this OLED component it is possible to build up a dice. The component can be driven by a DC voltage in the range from 3 V to 8 V. Classification / Type: OLED Component Electrical Specifications: nominal Voltage: 5 V (3-8 V) current density: max. 10 mA/cm2 Geometrical Specifications: Width: 25 mm Lenght: 25 mm Height: 1.8 mm These components are for the use in demonstrators only. If you are interested in this component, please contact: Fraunhofer IAP Geiselbergstrasse 69 14476 Golm Germany Dr. Armin Wedel Tel: +49-331-568-1910 Email: OE-A Toolbox for Organic and Printed Electronics Piezoelectric Sensor Piezoelectric sensor based on cellular polypropylene for the detection of fast changing pressure. Classification / Type: Piezoelectric sensor Electrical Specifications: Piezoelectric coefficient: up to 50 pC/N Geometrical Specifications: Width: 40 mm Length: up to 90 mm Height: up to 300 µm These components are for the use in demonstrators only. If you are interested in this component, please contact: Fraunhofer IAP Geiselbergstrasse 69 14476 Golm Germany Dr. Armin Wedel Tel: +49-331-568-1910 Email: OE-A Toolbox for Organic and Printed Electronics Flexography printed strain gauges For large area stress or condition monitoring systems. Various substrates and inks can be used. Demo samples printed with conductive graphite ink and nanoparticle silver ink on PET substrate. Printing technologies enable production of very large area strain gauges or strain gauge arrays. Classification / Type: Printed (resistive) strain sensor and sensor arrays Electrical Specifications: Silver gauges: Sheet resistance < 1Ω / square Graphite gauges: Sheet resistance Gage factor 5-8k Ω / square typically 25 Geometrical Specifications: Width: 0.1 mm - 300 mm Length: 1 cm to >1 m Height: 1-5 :m These components are for the use in demonstrators only. If you are interested in this component, please contact: VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Kaitoväylä 1, P.O.Box 1100 FI-90571 Oulu Finland Raimo Korhonen Tel: +358-40-703-0052 Email: OE-A Toolbox for Organic and Printed Electronics Thinfilm printed memory Disposable, non-volatile and rewriteable Memory tags. Areas of use: Toys & Games, Reward Cards, Event Marketing, Brand Protection The developers’ kit contains a USB ready Arduino controller and memory cards to develop a prototype application. Classification / Type: Printed non-volatile memory Electrical Specifications: Number of bits: 14-20 Drive Voltage: <24V Read time: 100 µs Data – Retention: > 10 Years Endurance: > 10,000 cycles Operating temp. /RH T=0 to +45 ºC Storage temp. /RH T= -20 ºC to +65 ºC Physical Characteristics: Label thickness 50 µm These components are for the use in demonstrators only. If you are interested in this component, please contact: Thin Film Electronics ASA Oslo, Norway Tel: +47 23 27 51 59 Email: OE-A Toolbox for Organic and Printed Electronics Battery Charger powered by RFID-Reader Printed Battery Charger on Plastic Substrate to use with an RFID-Reader to charge two Ni-MH cells in series (at about 3 V). A load of 15 mA at 2.55 V can either be driven directly or via the battery. Classification / Type: Layout using printed passive elements and an SMD-diode Electrical Specifications: printed inductor: L1 with series resistor: R1 printed resistor: R2 printed capacitance: C1 SMD Diode D1 14 µH 18 Ω 10 Ω 100 nF Geometrical Specifications: Width: 80 mm Length: 104 mm Height: < 3 mm (due to SMD diode) These components are for the use in demonstrators only. If you are interested in this component, please contact: Schreiner Group GmbH & Co. KG Bruckmannring 22 85764 Oberschleissheim Germany Tel: +49-89-31584-5634 Fax: +49-89-31584-5305 Email: OE-A Toolbox for Organic and Printed Electronics touchskin touchskin is a proximity and touchsensitive intelligent surface which completely replaces mechanical switches, sliders and wheels with capacitive electronics. touchskin fully integrates the capacitive controls in molded parts. As a result, touchskin is dirt and water resistant and gives a high design freedom in terms of shape as well as in terms of look and feel of thePrinted Battery Charger on Plastic Substrate to use with an RFID-Reader to charge two Ni-MH cells in series (at about 3 V). A load of 15 mA at 2.55 V can either be driven directly or via the battery. Classification / Type: 3D touchpanel Geometrical Specifications: Based on the customer requirements These components are for the use in demonstrators only. If you are interested in this component, please contact plastic electronic GmbH Lunzerstr. 89, 4030 Linz / Austria Email: OE-A Toolbox for Organic and Printed Electronics PolyTC® - Transparent Conductive Film General Specifications: High resolution pattern conductive film on PET substrate Line width: 15µm Gap: 450µm Material: Silver (Ag) Openings per Inch: 55 Grid angle: 45° Transmittance: 93% (conductive grid; calculated) Classification / Type: Transparent conductive film for touchsensors or EMI-shieldings Electrical Specifications: Sheet Resistance: ~23 Ohm/Sq (measured) Geometrical Specifications PET substrate thickness: 50µm Length: 9,6cm Height : 6,5cm These components are for the use in demonstrators only. If you are interested in this component, please contact: PolyIC GmbH & Co. KG Johannes Schad Tucherstrasse 2 D - 90763 Fuerth Tel: +49 911 20249 8125 Fax: +49 911 20249 8001 Email: OE-A Toolbox for Organic and Printed Electronics PolyTC® - Transparent Heating Element Transparent conductive structures can also be useful in any applications where optical transparency and heat is required. Applications are in the fields of e.g. side windows or review mirrors. The heating element consists of different layers like: PET substrate (50µm) PolyTC® layer Contact enhancement Protection layer Classification / Type: Transparent heating element Electrical Specifications: Voltage [V] Current [mA] Power* [W] Temperature** [°C] 0 0 0 26.9 2 68 0.14 27.3 4 138 0.55 28.5 6 208 1.25 31.0 8 277 2.21 34.8 10 345 3.45 39.9 12 411 4.93 46.8 14 474 6.64 55.2 16 533 8.53 64.8 18 586 10.56 75.9 *higher conductive mesh available; **avarage temperature Electric resistance: ~30 Ω Heating area: ~29.4cm² These components are for the use in demonstrators only. If you are interested in this component, please contact: PolyIC GmbH & Co. KG Johannes Schad Tucherstrasse 2 D - 90763 Fuerth Tel: +49 911 20249 8125 Fax: +49 911 20249 8001 Email: OE-A Toolbox for Organic and Printed Electronics PolyTC® - Transparent Touchscreen 3x5 Capacitive touch screens are electronic switching devices actuated by finger touch which do not contain any mechanically moved parts. The extreme fineness of PolyTC® structures enables transparent touch devices. The touchscreen consists of different layers like: PET substrate (50µm) PolyTC® layer (touchsensor) Contact enhancement Protection layer Classification / Type: Transparent touchscreen for selfcapacitive touch-controller Electrical Specifications: 3x5 Touch arrays each 1cm² Suitable for every self-capacitive touch-controller Tail suitable for e.g. ZIF-connector with 1mm pitch Geometrical Specifications Active area width: 67.0 mm Active area height: 45.0 mm These components are for the use in demonstrators only. If you are interested in this component, please contact: PolyIC GmbH & Co. KG Johannes Schad Tucherstrasse 2 D - 90763 Fuerth Tel: +49 911 20249 8125 Fax: +49 911 20249 8001 Email: OE-A TOOLBOX FOR ORGANIC AND PRINTED ELECTRONICS 3.2 Passive Components Antenna (Acreo) Capacitor (SchreinerGroup) Capacitor (Cetemmsa) Resistor (SchreinerGroup) Resistor (Cetemmsa) OE-A Toolbox for Organic and Printed Electronics Antenna Antenna realized by high speed Dry Phase Patterning of Aluminium/PET substrate. Classification / Type: Antenna Electrical Specifications: Depending on the design of the antenna. Geometrical Specifications: Width / Length: Design dependent. Height: 9 µm Aluminium on 36 µm PET Total height: 45 µm. These components are for the use in demonstrators only. If you are interested in this component, please contact: Acreo Swedish ICT AB Bredgatan 34 SE-6o221 Norrköping Sweden Lars-Olov Hennerdal Tel: +46-11-2025-00 Email: OE-A Toolbox for Organic and Printed Electronics Capacitor Printed Capacitor on Plastic Substrate Classification / Type: Material: silver paste / barium titanate paste Electrical Specifications: Capacity: ca. 100 nF Capacity is proportional to printed area. Geometrical Specifications: Width: 40 mm Length: 55 mm Height: < 1 mm These components are for the use in demonstrators only. If you are interested in this component, please contact: Schreiner Group GmbH & Co. KG Bruckmannring 22 85764 Oberschleissheim Germany Tel: +49-89-31584-5634 Fax: +49-89-31584-5305 Email: OE-A Toolbox for Organic and Printed Electronics Capacitor Inkjet printed capacitors Silver ink contacts Polymer dielectric Classification / Type: Thin film multilayer capacitor Electrical Specifications: Capacity Range: 10pF – 10nF Tolerance: ± 30% C = 12 pF/mm2 Conductive Geometrical Specifications Width & Length: minimum 1mm Insulator Conductive Substrate These components are for the use in demonstrators only. If you are interested in this component, please contact: Eloi Ramon Office QC2054 Engineering School Campus UAB 08193 Bellaterra, Spain Email: OE-A Toolbox for Organic and Printed Electronics Resistor Printed Resistor on Plastic Substrate Classification / Type: Material: silver paste Electrical Specifications: Resistance: 10 Ω ± 10 % Resistance can be increased by printing longer lines, decreased by printing wider or thicker lines. Geometrical Specifications: Width: 15 mm Length: 12 mm Height: < 1 mm These components are for the use in demonstrators only. If you are interested in this component, please contact: Schreiner Group GmbH & Co. KG Bruckmannring 22 85764 Oberschleissheim Germany Tel: +49-89-31584-5634 Fax: +49-89-31584-5305 Email: OE-A Toolbox for Organic and Printed Electronics Resistances Inkjet printed resistances Silver ink contacts High Resisitivity PEDOT:PSS Protection layer Classification / Type: Thin film resistance Electrical Specifications: Configurations: Linear and Snake Resistance range: 200 ohm- 100 Kohm Tolerance: ± 40% Rcontact = 7,5 mohm/µm2 Rsquare = 200ohm-600ohm (depending on design) Geometrical Specifications Width: minimum 200µm These components are for the use in demonstrators only. If you are interested in this component, please contact: Eloi Ramon Office QC2054 Engineering School Campus UAB 08193 Bellaterra, Spain Email: OE-A TOOLBOX FOR ORGANIC AND PRINTED ELECTRONICS 3.3 Materials Conductive Material (DuPont Microcircuit Materials, ELANTAS Beck) Insulators / Dielectrics (DuPont Microcircuit Materials, ELANTAS Beck) Polyester Film (DuPont Teijin Films) Electroluminescent Ink (ELANTAS Beck) Printable Conductive Polymer (Heraeus Precious Metals) Coated Papers (Schoeller Technocell, PEL) Print Form (GRT) OE-A Toolbox for Organic and Printed Electronics 5064 Ag ink and 5018 insulating ink High conductivity screen printable Ag ink for interconnects, pads, terminations, antennae and electrodes. UV cured insulating ink for printing crossovers on the conductor tracks. Classification / Type: Inks Electrical Specifications: 5018 Breakdown Voltage (DC): > 20 V/μm Dielectric Constant: < 5 @ 1 kHz Insulation Resistance: >10 GΩ/sq @ 25 μm 5064 Ag content: 63 – 66% Viscosity @10 rpm: 10 – 20 PaS Typical Resistivity: 5 mΩ/sq @25 μm Geometrical Specifications: N/A These components are for the use in demonstrators only. If you are interested in this component, please contact: Du Pont Microcircuit Materials Coldharbour Lane Frenchay Bristol BS161QD UK Dr. Kerry Adams Tel: + 44 1454 776818 Email: OE-A Toolbox for Organic and Printed Electronics Bectron® CP Conductive Inks Product description The Bectron® CP Series is stable one component screen printable conductive inks. After printing and curing no further sintering steps are necessary; the conductivity will be given right after drying. Application: Screen printing on paper, carton and foil for different applications in printed electronics e.g. capacitors, conductive traces, electroluminescent displays or solar cells. Printing properties: The selection of the substrate has an impact on the final result, concerning printing properties such as adhesion, leveling, wetting and transfer as well as the electrical performance of the printed item. CP 6647 VP CP 6649 VP CP 6650 VP CP 6660 VP Description Ag@Al2O3 Solvent based Ag@Al2O3 Solvent based Ag@Cu Solvent based Ag Solvent based Ag content 24 ± 2 % 18 ± 2 % 15 ± 2 % 75 ± 2 % 5.0 ± 1.0 µm 5.0 ± 1.0 µm 1.5 ± 0.2 µm 1.0 ± 0.2 µm Curing 5 min @ 60°C 5 min @ 60°C 5 min @ 60°C 5 min @ 60°C Viscosity @ 23°C 20.000 ± 1.000 mPa·s 20.000 ± 1.000 mPa·s 20.000 ± 1.000 mPa·s 20.000 ± 1.000 mPa·s 0.2 Ω/sq @ 15 µm 0.4 Ω/sq @ 15 µm 0.3 Ω/sq @ 15 µm 0.04 Ω/sq @ 15 µm Pigment size (D50) Sheet resistance These components are for the use in demonstrators only. If you are interested in this component, please contact: ELANTAS Beck GmbH Mark Abendroth Grossmannstrasse 105 D - 20539 Hamburg Tel: +49 40 78946 231 Fax : +49 40 78946 349 Email: OE-A Toolbox for Organic and Printed Electronics Bectron® DP Insulators & Dielectrics Product description The Bectron® DP Series is stable one component printable dielectric / insulating inks. Spin-coating or inkjet formulations of these systems are possible. Application: Printing on paper, carton and foil for different applications in printed electronics e.g. OFETs or capacitors. Printing properties: The selection of the substrate has an impact on the final result, concerning printing properties such as adhesion, leveling, wetting and transfer as well as the electrical performance of the printed item. DP 8451 VP DP 8441 VP DP 8501 VP DP 8601 VP Acrylate Solvent free Acrylate Solvent free Epoxy Solvent free Acrylate Solvent free Printing process Screen Screen Gravure or flexo Gravure or flexo Curing 5 min @ 90°C 5 m/min @ 550 mJ/cm² UVA 5 m/min @ 550 mJ/cm² UVA 5 m/min @ 550 mJ/cm² UVA Viscosity @ 23°C [mPa·s] 5.000 ± 500 7.500 ± 500 300 ± 50 250 ± 50 Dielectric constant @ 23°C/100 KHz 3.0 3.6 3.6 3.8 Dielectric strength @ 23°C [V/µm] >200 >110 V/µm >180 >190 Volume resistivity @ 23°C [ Ω·cm] >1016 >1015 Ω·cm >1014 >1015 Description These components are for the use in demonstrators only. If you are interested in this component, please contact: ELANTAS Beck GmbH Mark Abendroth Grossmannstrasse 105 D - 20539 Hamburg Tel: +49 40 78946 231 Fax: +49 40 78946 349 Email: OE-A Toolbox for Organic and Printed Electronics Bectron® EL Electroluminescent Inks Product description The Bectron® EL Series comprises single component VOC-free inks for the fabrication of electroluminescent devices by screen printing technique. These inks are based on a unique curing process that initiates film formation upon UV-light irradiation providing superior chemical and environmental resistance properties. Available colors are green, blue, cyan and white. Processing: Yield and performance may vary significantly depending on specific processing and layout configurations. Printing properties: The inks show excellent adhesion to ITO, PEDOT and various polymer and paper substrates. EL 7001 AB VP EL 7002 AC VP EL 7003 AG VP EL 7004 AW VP EL 7030 D VP EL 7050 C VP EL 7090 E VP Description Active phosphor ink Dielectric ink Conductive ink Encapsulation ink UVA Curing 5 m/min @ 600 mJ/cm² 5 m/min @ 600 mJ/cm² 5 m/min @ 1000 mJ/cm² 5 m/min @ 200 mJ/cm² Pigment ZnS:Cu,Cl, Mn BaTiO3 Ag@Al2O3 - Solids content 100% VOC-free 100% VOC-free 100% VOC-free 100% VOC-free 30 µm 10 µm 10-15 µm >5 µm Target layer thickness These components are for the use in demonstrators only. If you are interested in this component, please contact: ELANTAS Beck GmbH Mark Abendroth Grossmannstrasse 105 D - 20539 Hamburg Tel: +49 40 78946 231 Fax: +49 40 78946 349 Email: OE-A Toolbox for Organic and Printed Electronics Polyester Film Piezoelectric sensor based on cellular polypropylene for the detection of fast changing pressure. Classification / Type: Teonex® Q65 FA, Planarised Teonex® Q65 FA, Melinex® STTM family, Planarised PET materials Electrical Specifications: (dependent on grade, but general characteristics) Low shrinkage (Melinex® STTM <150C <200C) Teonex® Q65 Smooth surface, Solvent resistance, High clarity Geometrical Specifications: A4 sheets to small rolls available Teonex® Q65 FA and planarised Teonex® Q65 FA 125 micron 25 and 50 micron Teonex® Q83 ® TM Melinex ST 50-175 micron Recommend discussion with DuPont Teijin Films to ensure most appropriate film is selected. These components are for the use in demonstrators only. If you are interested in this component, please contact: DuPont Teijin Films The Wilton Centre Redcar TS10 4RF UK Email: OE-A Toolbox for Organic and Printed Electronics CLEVIOS™ S V3 Three types of conductive fine line grids on PET-film screen printed with Clevios S V3. Clevios S V3 is a screen printable paste enabling the user to print transparent conductive patterns for e.g. touch screens or organic TFTs. Special grades for the printing of fine lines are available. Classification / Type: printable transparent electrode Electrical Specifications: surface resistivity: 400-500 ohm/sq Geometrical Specifications: (e.g. one fine line) Width: 150, 200, and 250 µm Length: 50 mm Height: 200-300 nm ( ) n SO-3 SO3H SO3H SO3H SO-3 O O ( O O O S S 2+ S O O O S S O SO3H O S O ) m O These components are for the use in demonstrators only. If you are interested in this component, please contact: Heraeus Precious Metals GmbH & Co. KG Chempark B 202 51368 Leverkusen Germany Dr. Detlef Gaiser Tel: +49-214-30-46292 Email: OE-A Toolbox for Organic and Printed Electronics pe:smart paper type 1 Paper based substrate having closed, nonporous surface coating, with hydrophilic primer layer. Classification / Type: Substrate Electrical Specifications: Insulator Geometrical Specifications: Thickness: 185 µm A4 sheets, other formats / small rolls available on request. These components are for the use in demonstrators only. If you are interested in this component, please contact: Felix Schoeller Service GmbH & Co.KG Burg Gretesch 49086 Osnabrück Germany Dr. Wolfgang Schmidt Tel: +49-541-3800-853 Email: OE-A Toolbox for Organic and Printed Electronics pe:smart paper type 2 Paper based substrate having hydrophilic nanoporous surface coating. Classification / Type: Substrate Electrical Specifications: Insulator Geometrical Specifications: Thickness: 205 µm A4 sheets, other formats / small rolls available on request. These components are for the use in demonstrators only. If you are interested in this component, please contact: Felix Schoeller Service GmbH & Co.KG Burg Gretesch 49086 Osnabrück Germany Dr. Wolfgang Schmidt Tel: +49-541-3800-853 Email: OE-A Toolbox for Organic and Printed Electronics Electronic Grade Paper: PEL Nano P60 General Specifications: A research-grade, electronic-rated paper designed to complement the range of substrates available for the development of printed electronics. The inorganic coating on the top side of the paper has a pore size of 60nm that absorbs solvents and dispersion agents thereby concentrating the nanoparticles and enhancing low temperature sintering. Curing: NanoP60 can be heated to 150°C with minimal discolouration and, for short periods, can be used at higher temperatures. The paper-ink combinations work well with pulsed Xe flash using NovaCentrix’s PulseForge and Xenon Corporation’s Sinteron systems. Data: All data is provided for information only and is not a guarantee of performance or a warranty. PEL recommend testing the Nano P60 paper using your nano particulate inks. These components are for the use in demonstrators only. If you are interested in this component, please contact: Printed Electronics Ltd Hedging Lane Tamworth, B77 5HH UK Tel: +44 18 27 26 33 38 St. John`s Innovation Centre Cowley Road Cambridge, CB4 0WS UK Tel: +44 12 23 42 12 85 Email: OE-A Toolbox for Organic and Printed Electronics Micro Structured Print Form Classification / Type: Reproduction of smallest information in roto gravure print form by High Resolution Laser of 2 µm resolution. Suitable for mass production in roto gravure Geometrical Specifications Line Width: - in sample :12 µm in print form - can be reduced to 6 µm These components are for the use in demonstrators only. If you are interested in this component, please contact: GRT GmbH&Co.KG Dr. Ernst-Rudolf Weidlich Goorweg 14 D - 59075 Hamm Tel: +49-2381-98766-10 Email: Phone +49 69 6603-1336 Fax +49 69 6603-2336 E-Mail Internet Lyoner Str. 18 60528 Frankfurt am Main Germany OE-A Organic and Printed Electronics OE-A (Organic and Printed Electronics Association) A working group within VDMA OE-A Toolbox for Organic and Printed Electronics 2013/2014 A working group within