Education Program Guide - Forest Preserve District of Will County


Education Program Guide - Forest Preserve District of Will County
Cooperative • Hands-on
Your tool to meeting
Illinois Learning Standards
Teachers, Home School Parents, and School Administrators,
The 2009-2010 school year promises to be a busy one with new programs, new sites, and customer service
initiatives for our teachers and students. An exciting addition is the introduction of a pilot environmental
education program at Four Rivers Environmental Education Center in Channahon. Pilot program
partnerships allow the District to work with schools to evaluate content, delivery, and logistics for education
programs currently under development. This supports our efforts to offer the highest quality programs
possible. Please contact me if you want to know more about this unique and interactive opportunity to
work with the Forest Preserve District.
2008-2009 was the inaugural year for our Centralized Booking procedures. The move to online registration
was well received with ninety-five percent of you reporting “the new Centralized Booking procedures are
customer friendly, efficient, convenient, and fair.” Our customer service initiative continues with the
addition of a viewable calendar to check available program dates (early in 2010), replacing the paper copy
teacher evaluation with an electronic, paperless version, and a more user friendly electronic Program
Reservation Form.
The District’s Environmental Education Program includes:
Field Trips
In-School Programs
Environmental Education Outreach
Resource Loan Kits
School Trail and Garden Partnerships
In-Service Workshops (CPDUs available)
Community Service Learning
The Forest Preserve District of Will County is dedicated to providing quality education programs and
services. For additional information on the Forest Preserve District of Will County’s programs and services,
visit I am always open to discussing how together we can support and enhance your
educational initiatives while achieving the District’s mission.
Jessica Prince
Environmental Education Supervisor
17540 West Laraway Road
Joliet, IL 60433
Table of Contents
Forest Preserve District of Will County 3
Facility 4
Field Trip Education Programs...................................................pages 5-7
Plum Creek Nature Center
E.L.E.X. Trail
Sniff, Look, and Listen
Hands-on Herpetology
Incredible Insects
Taste of the Wild
Sights Unseen
Treemendous Trees
Wetland Wonders
Environmental Learning Center
Animal Signs
Orienteering: Map & Compass
Edible Wild Plants
Pond & Stream Exploration
Forest Ecology
Understory Exploration
Introduction to Canoes
Flowering Plants
Education Kits – Self-guided Programs
Isle a la Cache Museum
Living on the Land
The Trade
The Story Circle
A Voyageur’s Life
In-Service 7
Habitats for Schools
EE Delivered
Resource Loan Kits
Flying WILD
In-School Education Programs...................................................pages 8-9
The Beaver – A Natural Builder
Getting Ready for Winter
Wild in the City I
A Potawatomi’s Life
Junior Winter Bird Feeder Challenge
Jolliet & Marquette: Quest for the Mississippi
Sleuths on Snowshoes
Illinois Mammals
Whooo’s Bones
Wild in the City II
Native American Uses of Nature
When Two Worlds Meet
Salubrious Snowshoes
Our Midwest Melting Pot – Joliet Iron Works Historic Site
One Small Footprint, One Planet Earth
Resource Loan 10
Home School 10
Nature Education 10
Related ISBE Learning 11
Reservation Information........................................................pages 12-14
Photos by Glenn P. Knoblock,
Juanita Armstrong, Joan
Fasanella, and Rina Cheney.
Will County Map
Isle a la Cache Museum
Environmental Learning Center
Plum Creek Nature Center
Sugar Creek Administration Center
Our Mission
The Forest Preserve District of Will County is dedicated to protecting, conserving,
enhancing, and promoting Will County’s natural heritage for the educational,
recreational, and environmental benefit of present and future generations.
Our Motto
Bringing People and Nature Together.
Facility Information
Plum Creek Nature Center
presents nature programs to school and youth groups. The
center is located in Goodenow Grove Forest Preserve,
1.25 miles east of the junction of Routes 1 and 394 on
Goodenow Road, in Crete Township.
Environmental Learning Center
provides environmental education programs and services
for educators, youth groups, and the community. The center
is located near Wolf Road and Route 30 in Hickory Creek
Preserve, in Mokena.
Hours: Tuesday-Saturday, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.
Sunday, Noon-4 p.m.
27064 S. Dutton Road, Beecher, IL 60401
Phone: 708.946.2216
Hours: Open by permit only
20851 S. Briarwood Lane, Mokena, IL 60448
Phone: 708.479.2255
Isle a la Cache Museum
offers cultural history programs highlighting the fur-trade
era of the 1700s. The museum is located on Romeo Road
(135th Street), 0.5 mile east of Route 53, in Romeoville.
Sugar Creek Administration Center
houses the District’s administrative offices. Resource
Loan Kits are picked up at this site. The Sugar Creek
Administration Center is located on Laraway Road between
Route 53 and Route 52, in Joliet.
Hours: Tuesday-Saturday, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.
Sunday, Noon-4 p.m.
501 E. 135th Street, Romeoville, IL 60441
Phone: 815.886.1467
Hours: Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-4 p.m.
17540 W. Laraway Road, Joliet, IL 60433
Phone: 815.727.8700
Field Trips at Plum Creek Nature Center
Plum Creek Nature Center offers
natural history programs to school
groups of up to 100 students.
Located in Crete Township, Plum
Creek Nature Center is surrounded
by beautiful Goodenow Grove
Forest Preserve. The preserve
provides prairie, woodland, and
aquatic habitats, perfect for
students to explore and learn.
E.L.E.X. Trail
Grades: K–3
Through the Early Learner’s
Exercise Trail (E.L.E.X.), students
are challenged to mimic the
movements of local wildlife. They
will discover how appendage
adaptations help animals with their
locomotion in various habitats.
By comparing and contrasting
their ability to maneuver with
that of wildlife, students begin to
understand and appreciate their
own adaptive strengths.
Time: 1.5 hours
Sniff, Look, & Listen
Grades: K–6
In this program, students explore
various habitats throughout
Goodenow Grove. Through handson observation, they will become
aware of habitat similarities and
differences and how each provides
its inhabitants with basic needs for
survival. Possible habitats explored
include pond, prairie, and forest.
Time: 1.5 hours
Incredible Insects
Grades: 2–4
Think insects will take over the
world? They already have. Insects
are all around us. (Over one million
species have been named!) Join
us as we explore for critters that
hop, fly, crawl, click, chirp, and
buzz. Learn how they are different
and what makes them important.
Time: 1.5 hours
Sights Unseen Grades: 2–4
Which of the five senses do people
use the most? Sight? Smell?
Hearing? Taste? Touch? Find out
during the Sights Unseen program
exploration at Goodenow Grove.
Students will get in touch with all
of their senses as they participate
in activities, including blindfolded
activities, while learning about
animals that use senses like us
and unlike us. This program will
include a hike on cover gravel,
grass, and uneven ground.
Time: 1.5 hours
Wetland Wonders
Grades: 3–6
Hidden beneath the flowing water
of a creek or pond is an abundance
of life in many stages that awaits
discovery. Use observational
skills to learn about adaptations
for aquatic living. The diversity of
organisms is a good indication of
the quality of the water. Students
will sample a wetland, identify
aquatic invertebrates, and draw
conclusions from the data.
Time: 1.5 hours
ASI: Animal Scene Investigators
Grades: 4–6
Formerly known as Stalking the
Wild Tracks, ASI teaches students
the basics to investigating the
scenes, tracks and homes left by
Will County animals. Observation
skills will be used to investigate the
patterns of tracks, types of homes,
and other animal signs by these
often unseen critters.
Time: 1.5 hours
Hands-On Herpetology
Grades: 4–6
Introduce your students to the
amphibians and reptiles that
live in Will County. Explore the
habitat of several species that call
Goodenow Grove home. Learn
fun facts about the differences
between snakes, lizards, frogs,
and turtles.
Time: 1.5 hours
Taste of the Wild
Grades: 4–6
Ready to tantalize your taste
buds? Learn to safely identify
and sample berries, seeds, nuts,
leaves, flowers, stalks, and roots,
depending upon the season. Hike
through different habitats and
discover how plants are adapted
for survival.
Time: 1.5 hours
Treemendous Trees
Grades: 4–6
Do your students have a hard
time finding the forest among the
trees? This program will teach your
students the value and significance
of trees. They will learn differences
among trees, leaves, bark, and
seeds. They will explore the
wonders of the forest and discover
the magic of trees.
Time: 1.5 hours
Field Trips at the Environmental Learning Center
The Environmental Learning
Center, located in Mokena,
presents environmental education
programs to school groups of up
to 75 students. The Environmental
Learning Center is located on
Briarwood Lane, in Mokena.
Fees: $5/student for up to two
hours of programing. An additional
$1/student/hour for programming
beyond the original offering.
Animal Signs
Grades: 5–12
Explore the animal world by visiting
habitats and search for various
traces of life. Students will learn
how different habitats determine
the type of animal life living in
them. They will also explore the
role that tracking played during the
pre-settlement period and the role
it plays in today’s society.
Time: 1 hour
Edible Wild Plants
Grades: 5–12
This program will teach students
about the unique gifts that plants
possess. Students will learn the
importance that plants played
in the pre-European settlement
period, the early settlement
years, and the roles that they play
today. Depending on the season,
students will be allowed to taste a
variety of different plants that grow
in the preserve.
Time: 1 hour
Forest Ecology
Grades: 5–12
Unlock the mysteries of tree
anatomy and characteristics.
Students will use investigative
skills to identify treesand will learn
why trees are important, how they
affect the environment, and how
the environment affects them.
Time: 1 hour
Introduction to Canoes
& Canoe Safety
Grades: 5–12
Students will learn about canoe
safety, including how to get in
and out of a canoe, its different
parts, and the equipment needed.
This program also includes an
introduction to the basic canoe
strokes necessary to maneuver
the canoe. Please note that there
are no lifeguards on duty. You
are responsible for following your
organization’s canoeing policies.
Time: 1 hour
Orienteering: Maps & Compass
Grades: 5–12
Combining the abilities of
reading a map and using a
compass, students will learn basic
orienteering skills. After basic
knowledge is gained, your students
will practice these skills by working
an orienteering course. Depending
upon skill level, students may have
an opportunity to create their own
compass course for others to try.
Time 2 hours
Pond & Stream Exploration
Grades: 5–12
Students will explore an aquatic
environment and collect live
specimens for identification.
They will learn the different
environmental factors that
affect the health of the aquatic
ecosystem studied. Microscopes
can be used to further the
investigation and identify aquatic
invertebrates. A program extended
module ­— Pond and Stream
Ecology — discusses differing
aquatic ecosystems. Participants
should wear old shoes; the pond’s
shore is muddy and sloping.
Time: 1 hour, 2 hours with
Understory Exploration
Grades: 5–12
This program introduces students
to decomposition and the role
it plays in the natural world.
Students learn the types of
organisms that rely on decaying
logs while exploring a woodland
habitat. They will draw conclusions
regarding the species found in and
around the dead logs.
Time: 1 hour
Flowering Plants
Grades: 6–12
Take advantage of the season’s
flora and have students examine
the world of flowering plants inside
and out. Students analyze flower
parts up close through dissection
of field samples. The class will
experience flowers in the field to
discuss floral variation, medicinal
properties, and pollination. This
program requires you to walk off
trail, up slopes, and through low
areas. Held in April and May only.
Time: 2 hours
Education Kits – Self-Guided
The Environmental Learning
Center has several educational
kits available for you to conduct an
outdoor program. Each kit contains
a variety of tools including activity
sheets, equipment, field reference
sheets, and books.
Select from the following:
• Pond & Stream Discovery
• Orienteering
• Forest Ecology
• Insects
Fees: $10.00/kit
Damaged or lost items are subject
to additional fees.
Field Trips at Isle a la Cache Museum
Isle a la Cache Museum presents
cultural history programs to school
groups up to 70 students. Program
selections focus on the interactions
between the French voyageurs
and Native Americans as students
step back in time to the year 1750
to experience the lifestyles of
the Potawatomi and French who
traded in Illinois during this period.
The museum is located on Romeo
Road (135th Street), in Romeoville.
Living on the Land
Grades: K–6
Explore in detail the Native
American’s relationship with the
land. Students will learn about
the seasonal preparations and
activities of the Potawatomi
Time: 1.5 hours
The Trade
Grades: K–6
Stepping back into the 1750s of
Illinois, students will explore the
barter system used by the French
and Native Americans to exchange
goods. By participating in a trade,
you will see the benefits of this
economic process.
Time: 1.5 hours
The Story Circle
Grades: 2–6
Students learn the importance of
oral stories as a means to promote
cultural values and traditions as
they explore the stories of the
French and the Native Americans
of the Great Lakes Region. During
this exploration, students will
create a myth using pictography
and communicate in Native
American sign language.
Time: 1.5 hours
A Voyageur’s Life
Grades: 2–6
What was life like for a French fur
trader? How much knowledge did
these early explorers need in order
to survive their journey in search
of furs? Students learn about the
skills, risks, and rewards of being
a French fur trader in the 1700s.
Time: 1.5 hours
In-Service Workshops
District staff will conduct a variety of in-service trainings on institute
days, school days, or after-school hours for formal educators. Workshops
are free of charge for Will County schools. One month advance notice is
required. CPDU Hours are available. For information, call 708.479.2255.
Flying WILD
The Lincoln Park Zoo, Illinois Audubon Society, and the Environmental
Education Association of Illinois have partnered together to bring Flying
WILD workshops to Illinois. Interactive, interdisciplinary, standardsbased activities have been field tested in classrooms across the nation.
Topics center on basic bird biology, identification and ecology, bird conservation and service learning. These activities are designed to engage
students in real-world learning to understand the importance of migratory
birds and their conservation. All participants completing the workshop
will receive an Educator Training Certificate of Completion, and the Flying
WILD manual. 3–6 CPDU Hours.
Habitats for Schools
Create an outdoor learning space at your school. Explore types of
schoolyard habitats, cross-curriculum and multiple intelligence
applications, and funding sources. Each participant will receive a binder of
resources. District staff will visit your school to plan your site. We also will
discuss how to form a team to implement your ideas and get your principal
on board. Follow-up visits will help see the project through completion.
2–4 CPDU Hours.
EE Delivered
Remove the barriers to incorporating environmental education (EE) into
your curriculum. Teachers will receive an overview of what the District has
to offer to support your classroom through programs, facilities, workshops
and materials. Teachers will learn about the EE community and the
organizations and opportunities that await educators. District staff will
also present the basics of how to teach in the outdoors and to bring the
outdoors in. 2 CPDU Hours.
Resource Loan Kits
The Forest Preserve has resource loan kits available to teachers across
the county: “Native Americans: Life and Lifestyles,” “Pioneer Life,”
“Urban Ecology,” “Mammals” and “Water and Wetlands.” This workshop
is designed to spend time with each kit and its contents, allowing you to
explore the materials and participate in activities. The workshop will be
held both indoors and outdoors, so please dress for the weather.
2 CPDU Hours.
In-School Education Programs
In-school programs are presented
to Will County classrooms by
Forest Preserve staff. Programs
are available to Will County
schools November through
March and are free of charge;
reservations are required.
The Beaver–A Natural Builder
Grades: K–1
Introduce your students to the
world of the beaver. Learn about
this animal, how it lives and how
it survives. Using pretzels and
peanut butter, students will build
a beaver lodge. This program will
create an awareness of the habitat
and ecological role of the beaver.
Peanut-free substitute is available.
Time: 1 hour
Getting Ready for Winter
Grades: K–2
Have your students discover the
natural changes that take place in
nature from fall to winter and learn
how people and animals adapt
to these changes. Through this
program, students will understand
the methods animals use to
survive through winter.
Time: 1 hour
Wild in the City I
Grades: K–3
Many wild critters walk the streets,
hide in bushes, pilfer garbage,
and live in city neighborhoods
without ever being seen. Through
the eyes of puppets, students will
be introduced to Wild Critters that
may live around their school. Also
students will go outside to discover
evidence of wild ones that live in
their schoolyard.
Time: 1 hour
A Potawatomi’s Life
Grades: 1–3
Students will find out what it was
like to grow up in a Potawatomi
tribe. They will learn some of the
things that Potawatomi children
did that were similar to what
children do today, like playing with
dolls and other toys. Students will
experience some of the games that
Potawatomi children did to prepare
them to become adults in the tribe.
Time: 1 Hour
Junior Winter Birdfeeder
Grades: 3–5
This bird-feeding project will
keep your students interested
and excited all winter long. It’s
a unique program is a series of
three visits to your classroom.
During the first visit (November
-December), students will be
introduced to local winter birds
and the skills needed to observe
and record birds. The second
visit (January-February) includes
a fun, hands-on activity where
students discover bird adaptations.
In the final visit (March) observation sheets are collected and
participant certificates are
awarded. A feeder and birdseed
are provided to each class.
Register your class by submitting
a completed 2008-2009 Program
Reservation Form for the first visit
in November. Second and third
visits are scheduled with your
interpreter upon the first visit.
Time: 1 Hour
Jolliet & Marquette: Quest for
the Mississippi
Grades: 3–6
This program will review the
exploits of Father Jacques
Marquette and Louis Jolliet in their
expedition down the Mississippi
River. The program examines what
these two men needed to survive
their 2,500-mile voyage. Students
will learn how their travels and
discoveries led to the fur trade era
in the Illinois region.
Time: 1 Hour
Sleuths on Snowshoes
Grades: 3–5
Who says you can’t get outside
and have fun in winter? Your class
will hike school grounds searching
for signs of animal activity and
animal tracks. Discover the snowy
bustle happening right outside your
window! Weather permitting, this
program allows students to strap
on snowshoes and explore your
school grounds. Related indoor
activities are available in the event
of no snow or inclement weather.
Available November through
Time: 1 hour
Illinois Mammals
Grades: 4–6
In this program students will learn
all about mammals and their
amazing life histories, including
their classification, habitats, and
food preferences. Students will see
and touch a variety of mammal furs
and bones and will enjoy learning
about them through a variety of
games and activities.
Time: 1 hour
In-School Education Programs
Whooo’s Bones
Grades: 4–6
Turn your classroom into a
forensic lab for dissecting and
reconstructing the mystery of owl
pellets. Students will discover the
chain of events leading up to the
formation of the pellet. In doing
so, they will identify the owl’s
unfortunate dinner guest.
Time: 1 hour
Wild in the City II
Grades: 4–6
This program will introduce
students to many animals
that take up residence in their
neighborhoods. Students will hike
to discover many of the critters
living near their school.
Time: 1 hour
Native American Uses of Nature
Grades: 4–6
Students will learn about the
Native American tribes that lived
in this region before European
settlers arrived, and the roles
that men, women, and children
played in their family, work, and
in the community. Discover how
the native tribes made tools, built
shelters, and found food and learn
the impact these people had on the
natural environment.
Time: 1 hour
When Two Worlds Meet
Grades: 4–6
Students will examine the Great
Lakes fur trade directly from a
Potawatomi trapper or French fur
trader. Students will discuss the
value of beaver pelts to the French
and trade goods to the Native
Americans and how these two
cultures used different tools and
materials to address similar needs.
Time: 1 hour
Our Midwest Melting Pot
Joliet Iron Works Historic Site
Grades: 6–10
As an introduction to the Joliet
Iron Works Historic Site, students
will discover how the iron plant
and its workers contributed to the
American Industrial Revolution.
They will learn about the process
of iron making and also about the
immigrant groups who worked at
the site.
Time: 1 hour
Salubrious Snowshoes
Grades: 6–10
Looking for a fun winter activity for your students? Students
will spend time in the classroom
learning about the different types
of snowshoes and how they were
used by Native Americans. Students will discover what an important means of transportation
snowshoes were to past cultures.
Weather permitting, students will
head outside to try snowshoes and
participate in fun outdoor activities. Related indoor activities are
available in the event of no snow
or inclement weather. Available
November through February.
Time: 1 hour
One Small Footprint,
One Planet Earth
Grades: 7–12
How many light bulbs does it
take to change a planet? This
program inspires students to
take a proactive stance by
presenting “green” terminology
and a thought-provoking game.
Information about natural
resource consumption followed
by a discussion on green choices
empowers your students to take
action locally to affect change
globally. As a class, students
will commit to incorporating a
conservation practice in the
classroom. The Forest Preserve
District of Will County may later
acknowledge successful student
conservation actions or projects.
Time: 1 hour
Resource Loan Kits
Topic-themed kits are available to teachers provided by the Forest Preserve District of Will County and the
Illinois Department of Natural resources. These Resource Loan Kits are a collection of educational materials
that include games, videos, equipment and field guides that help students explore a specific subject. Each kit
has enough supplies for 30 students and is available for a two-week loan period.
Fee: At this time, there are no rental fees, but lost, broken, or missing items will be paid for by rentee. To
reserve kits and arrange pick up and drop off, call the Sugar Creek Administration Center at 815.727.8700.
Resource Loan Kit Titles:
• Mammals
• Urban Ecology
• Water and Wetlands
• Illinois Wild Mammals
• Native Americans: Life and Lifestyles
• People and Animals from Illinois’ Past
• Illinois Insects and Spiders
• Pioneer Life
• Illinois Fossils
• Illinois Tree Trunk
Home School Programs
Home School Days are offered for fall and spring field trips to Plum Creek Nature Center, the Environmental
Learning Center and Isle a la Cache Museum. Home School Days allow individual home school students to
register for pre-determined programs. Space is limited so do not hesitate. To register your student contact the
Centralized Booking Office at 815.216.0535.
Plum Creek Nature Center
Friday, September 11, 2009
Programs offered: Treemendous Trees & Taste of the Wild; Grade Level: 4–6
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Programs offered: Sniff, Look, and Listen & Hands-On Herpetology; Grade Level: K–6
Isle a la Cache Museum
Friday, October 16, 2009 & Thursday, April 1, 2010
Programs offered: The Trade & The Story Circle; Grade Level: 2–6
Environmental Learning Center
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Programs offered: Animal Signs & Understory Exploration; Grade Level: 5–8
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Programs offered: Flowering Plants; Grade Level: 9–12
Organized home school groups of 10 or more age-appropriate students may register for field trip programs by
submitting a completed 2009-2010 School Program Reservation Form on pages 12–13.
Nature Education Trails
The Forest Preserve District of Will County offers cooperative agreements with Will County schools to use
local natural areas as outdoor laboratories. Nature Education Trails give teachers the opportunity to use
forests to enhance educational experiences and expand the classroom to the out-of-doors. Your school can
develop a trail in a forest preserve near you or make arrangements to visit an existing trail. A current list of
trails and contact information are available upon request. Call the Environmental Education Supervisor at
815.722.5890 for more information.
Related Illinois Learning Standards
PCNC 11.A.2d, 12.B.2b, 11.A.2e, 12.B.1a
A Potawatomi’s Life
16.C.1a, 16.E.2a, 16.D.2, 18.C.1
A Voyageur’s Life ICM
16.E.2a, 16.C.3.2a, 18.B.1a, 18.C.1, 21.B.2, 28.B.1b, 28.B.2b, 30B.1a, 30B.2a
Animal Signs
12.A.2a, 12.B.2a, 12.B.2b, 12.B.3a, 12.B.3b, 12.B.4a, 12.B.4b, 12.B.5a, 12.B.5b
Edible Wild Plants
12.A.2a, 12.B.2b, 12.B.3b, 12.B.4b, 12.B5b, 13.A.2a, 13.A.3.a, 13.A.2c, 13.A.4a,
13.A.4c, 13.A.5a, 13.B.2e, 13.B.3b, 13.B.5e, 16.E.2a, 16.E.3a, 16.E.3b
E.L.E.X. Trail
PCNC 6-12
Flowering Plants
12.A.2a, 12.B.2b, 12.A.3c,12.B.3a, 12.B.3b
Forest Ecology
11.A.2b, 11.A.2d, 11.A.3c, 11.A.4c, 12.A.2a, 12.A.2b, 12.B.2b, 12.B.4b
Getting Ready for Winter
12.B.1a, 12.B.1b, 12.E.1b
Hands-On Herpetology
PCNC 4.A.2a, 4.A.2b, 4.B.2b, 12.B.2b 17.A.2a, 17.B.2b, 17.C.2c
4.A.1a, 4.A.1b, 4.A.1c, 4.B.1b, 4.B.2b, 12.A.1a, 12.B.1a, 19.A.1
Illinois Mammals
4.A.2a, 4.A.2b, 4.A.2c, 4.B.2b, 12.A.2a, 12.B.2a, 12.B.2b, 13.B.2f, 16.E.2a, 16.E.2c, 17.C.2c
Incredible Insects 4.A.1a, 4.A.1b, 4.A.1c,, 12.A.1a, 12.A.1b, 12.B.1a, 12.B.2a
Introduction to Canoe
ELC & Canoe Safety
Jolliet & Marquette
15.B.2c, 4.B.2b, 16.D.2a, 16.D.2c
Jr. Winter Birdfdr Chllnge
11.A.2b, 11.A.2e. 1A.3c, 11.A.3g, 12.B.2b, 12.B.3b
PCNC 19: A.2, A.3, B.3, C.3a, C.3b, B.4, C.4a, C.4b, B.5, 21: A.3a, A.3c, A.4a, A.4b,
B.4, 22: A.3c, A.4c,
Living on the Land
ICM 15.C.1a, 16.A.1c, 16.C.1a, 16D.2, 16.E.1, 16.E.2a, 17.C.1.a, 17.C.2a, 17.C.2c, 18.C.1, 18.C2
Nat. Amer. Uses of Nature
4.A.2b, 16.D.2, 16.E.2a, 17.C.2c
One Small Footprint,
One Planet Earth
13.A.4c, 13.B.4d, 16.E.5a, 22.C.5,15.B.3b, 12.B.4b, 13.B.4c
Orienteering: Maps & Compass
ELC 17: A.3a, A.3b, A.4b, A.5
Our Midwest Melting Pot
15.B.2c, 16.C.3a, 16.E.2a, 16.E.2c
Pond & Stream Exploration ELC 11.A.3b, 11.A.3c, 11.A.3d, 11.A.3f, 11.A.3g, 11.A.4b, 11.A.4e, 11.A.5c, 11.A.5e 11.B.4b, 11.B.4f, 12.A.3c, 12.A.4a, 12.A.4b, 12.A.4c, 12.A.5a, 12.B.3b, 12.B.4a, 12.B.4b, 12.B.5b
Salubrious Snowshoes
16.C.3c; 16.D.3; 16.E.3a; 17.C.3c; 18.A.3; 18.A.4; 19.A.3; 19.A.4; 20.A.3b; 20.C.3b
Sights Unseen
1.C.1a, 1.C.2a, 4.A.1a, 4.A.2a, 4.B.1b, 4.B.2b, 11.A.1a, 11.A.2d, 11.A.2e
Sleuths on Snowshoes
12.A.1a, 12.B.1a, 12.B.2b, 19.A.1, 19.A.2, 19.B.2, 19.C.1, 19.C.2a.
Sniff, Look, & Listen
PCNC 4.A.1a, 4.A.1b, 4.A.1c, 4.B.1b, 4.B.2b, 12.B.2a
Taste of the Wild
The Beaver
4.B.2b, 12.B.2b, 16.E.2a, 16.E.3a, 16.E.3b
4.A.1b, 4.A.1c, 4.B.1b, 11.B.1a, 12.A.1a, 12.B.1a
The Story Circle
2.A.1b, 2.A.2c, 2.B.2b, 4.A.2b, 5.C.2a, 16.A.1b, 16.A.1c, 16.A.2a, 16.E.1, 16.E.2a, 18.A.2, 28.B.1b, 28.B.2b, 29.A.1, 29.A.2
The Trade ICM 15.B.2c, 15D.1b, 15.D.2a, 16.A.1c, 16.C1a, 16.C.1a, 16.C.3a, 16.D,1, 16.E.2a, 16.E.2c,16.E2a, 18.C.1
Treemendous Trees PCNC 1.B.2d, 1.C.2b, 1.C.2d, 1.C.2e, 2.B.2a, 2.B.2b, 2.B.2c, 4.B 2d, 12.A|.2a, 12.B.2a, 12.B.2b, 12.F.2a, 12.E.2a, 13.B.2c, 13.B.2e, 13.B.2f
Understory Exploration ELC
11.A.2b, 11.A.2e, 11.A.3c, 11.A.4c, 12.A.2a, 12.A.3c, 12.A.4b, 12.B.2b, 12.B.3b, 12.B.4b, 12.B.5c
Wetlands Wonders PCNC 11.A.2b, 12.B.2a, 12.B.2b
When Two Worlds Meet
15.B.2c, 16.C.3a, 16.E.2a, 16.e.2c
Whooo’s Bones
4.A.1a, 4.A.1b, 4.A.1c, 4.A.1d, 4.B.1b, 11.A.1e, 11.A.2b, 11.A.2d, 11.A.2e
Wild in the City I
4.A.1a, 4.A.1b, 4.A.1d, 4.b.1b, 5.A.1a, 12.B.1a, 12.B.1b, 26.A.1b, 27.B.1
Wild in the City II
4.A.2a, 4.A.2b, 4.B.2b, 12.B.2a, 26.A.2b, 27.A.2a, 27.B.2
2009-2010 Program Reservation Form
Access the electronic registration form at or mail this completed form.
Primary Contact: _______________________________________________________________________
School: ______________________________________________________District: _________________
Address: _______________________________________City: _____________________Zip: _________
Work Phone: (______)_________________________ Fax :(______)______________________________
Alternate Phone (home/cell): (______)__________________E-mail Address: _______________________
__In Will County
__Out of County
Program Site (check one):
o Environmental Learning Center (ELC) o Plum Creek Nature Center (PCNC)
o Isle a la Cache Museum (ICM)
o In School
Program Date: 1st Choice: _____________ 2nd Choice: ____________ Please list specific dates or month/day-of-week preference.
Arrival Time: _________ Departure Time: _________
Length of Lunch:_________
Please build in 1 hour for logistical considerations: site introduction, lunch, bathroom time, & program wrap up.
Student Count per Class: ________ ACCOMODATIONS AND SPECIAL NEEDS (Please include any information needed to better accommodate
the group: accessibility needs, allergies, schedule details, catering information, firewood requests, etc.)
Grade: ______ Total # of Students: _________ 3rd Choice: ____________
Teacher/Chaperone Count:_______
# of Classes: ________
Please provide so all teachers attending receive pre-program materials.
(please complete other side)
Permit Sent:
Permit #: ________ New? Y N
Tentative Schedule:
The GORP Report
A program reservation permit is sent once programs are booked.
Copies of the GORP Report are e-mailed to each teacher. The
GORP Report is the teacher’s guide to receiving Forest Preserve
education programs. Information includes Forest Preserve field
trip guidelines, facility updates, overview of the Waste Free Lunch
initiative, teacher resources, and much more. Please be sure to
review and share the GORP Report prior to receiving programs.
To register, please place a check next to the program(s) at your facility of choice.
Isle a la Cache Museum (Select 2 Programs):
__The Story Circle – 1.5 hours
__Living on the Land – 1.5 hours
__The Trade – 1.5 hours
__A Voyageur’s Life – 1.5 hours
Plum Creek Nature Center (Select 2 Programs):
__E.L.E.X. Trail – 1.5 hours
__Incredible Insects – 1.5 hours
__Sniff, Look, & Listen – 1.5 hours
__Sights Unseen – 1.5 hours
__Hands-On Herpetology – 1.5 hours
__ASI – 1.5 hours
__Treemendous Trees – 1.5 hours
__Taste of the Wild – 1.5 hours
__Wetland Wonders – 1.5 hours
Environmental Learning Center* (Select 2 or 3 Programs):
*$5/student for up to two hours of programming. Additional $1/student/hour for additional program time.
__Understory Exploration – 1 hour
__Animal Signs – 1 hour
__Pond & Stream Exploration – 1 hour __Pond Exploration w/microscopes – 2 hours
__Forest Ecology – 1 hour
__Edible Wild Plants – 1 hour
__Orienteering: Maps & Compass – 2 hours
__Flowering Plants (Spring Only) – 1 hour __Intro to Canoes & Canoe Safety – 1 hour
(plus canoeing time if wanted)
Education Kit Rental ($10/kit)
__Pond & Stream Discovery
__Forest Ecology
In-School Programs (Select 1 Program):
__Getting Ready for Winter – 1 hour
__Wild in the City I – 1 hour
__Wild in the City II – 1 hour
__Illinois Mammals – 1 hour
__Whooo’s Bones – 1 hour
__Junior Winter Birdfeeder Challenge – 1 hour (3X)
__The Beaver – 1 hour
__A Potawatomi’s Life – 1 hour
__Jolliet & Marquette – 1 hour
__Native American Uses of Nature – 1 hour
__When Two Worlds Meet – 1 hour
__Our Midwest Melting Pot – 1 hour
__Sleuths on Snowshoes – 1 hour
__Salubrious Snowshoes – 1 hour
__One Small Footprint, One Planet Earth – 1 hour
When completed, please submit to Forest Preserve District of Will County,
Centralized Booking Office, 25055 W. Walnut Lane, Channahon, IL 60410
Registration Guidelines & Procedures
Registration Guidelines
Field trip and in-school program
registration for the 2009-2010
school year is now available.
Registrations will be processed
beginning August 10, 2009 for Will
County schools, and August 17,
2009 for Out-of-County schools.
Please register at least two weeks
in advance of your preferred
date(s) by submitting the online
form found at
educational.cfm or mailing in the
completed registration form in this
Programs can start by 9 a.m. and
must conclude by 3 p.m. Field trip programs are offered
at Plum Creek Nature Center,
Isle a la Cache Museum and the
Environmental Learning Center
during the months of September October, and April - June 11,
Tuesday through Friday.
Student capacity varies for each
site. Additional field trip days may
be required for larger groups.
• Plum Creek Nature Center: 100 students maximum per day
• Isle a la Cache Museum: 70 students per day
• Environmental Learning Center: 75 students per day
For field trip visits, please build in
an hour for site introduction, lunch,
restroom use, and program wrapup in addition to the total program
time. Use of Forest Preserve picnic
facilities is included as part your
Chaperones are encouraged to
attend and play an active role in
assisting staff. A recommended/
chaperone/student ratio is
K–3, 1:10 and 4–12, 1:15.
Please refrain from registering for
the same program for the same
class during the same school year.
It is our goal to reach as many
students as possible.
The Forest Preserve District
does its best to accommodate
all requests. However, due to
program popularity, submission
of a registration form does
not guarantee a reservation.
Registration forms are processed
in first-come, first-served order.
Teachers will receive the second
or third program date if the first
choice is unavailable.
Programs at the Environmental
Learning Center are fee based.
Participant fees are $5/student for
up to two hours of programming,
and $1/student for each additional
hour of programming. If you need
to cancel and do not elect to
Teachers may need to be
reschedule for another date, the
contacted for additional details or
following refund policy applies:
regarding date availability. When
• Over 30 days notice prior to contact is needed, requested
program date: 100% refund
program dates are held for two
• 8-30 days notice prior to business days to allow contacted
program date: 50% refund
teachers to respond. If contact is
• 7 days or less notice prior to
not made within the two business
program date: 0% refund
days, requested program dates are
made available to other parties.
In-school programs are offered
to Will County schools January
Once a reservation is made,
through March, Tuesday through
program permit packets are sent
Friday and are free of charge. Invia e-mail or mail. Permit packets
school programs are designed for
include: the GORP Report,
the classroom and 10-35 students. map and directions, a tentative
As many as two classrooms
schedule, an invoice (if applicable)
may receive in-school programs
and a permit.
per day. Multiple visits may be
required for multiple classes.
A deposit is required for fee-based
programs. Payment information
Please make us aware of any
and a schedule are detailed in your
special student considerations or
program permit packet.
Once received, please reply to
Registration Procedures
the e-mail (or mailed packet)
Teachers can now register for
accompanying your program
education programs online. An
permit to accept and confirm
electronic registration form can
program dates. Program requests
be found at
for 2010 may receive program
permit packets after October 1,
If online registration is not an
option, mail completed registration If you have questions or require
forms to:
assistance with the registration
Forest Preserve District
process, please contact the
of Will County
Centralized Booking Office at
Centralized Booking Office
815.216.0535. Thank you.
25055 W. Walnut Lane
Channahon, IL 60410
Address Correction Requested
Forest Preserve District of Will County
17540 W. Laraway Road
Joliet, IL 60433