July 24, 2016 - St. Cecilia Church


July 24, 2016 - St. Cecilia Church
“Our Father” that God’s will for us may be done on earth as it is
in heaven, we really need to re-examine our priorities in life
right now and ask ourselves, with complete honesty and
sincerity, if we are indeed heeding or following God’s will. The
time is now to make that decision to embrace light and to truly
mean what we say when pray as one community the “Our
This brings us to the other fundamental message of the “Our
Father”, forgiveness: “forgive us our sins for we ourselves
forgive everyone in debt to us.” Forgiveness is so central to our
Christian life and faith that without it all the other teachings do
not have meaning. Why is that so? The God, our Lord Jesus
Christ, who in his utmost generosity decided to assume our
flesh, to assume our humanity and everything that goes with it
except sin, came to this world for one single thing—to manifest
how much God loves us, and how far he was willing to go to
reconcile us with Him and for us to merit the grace of
forgiveness. Forgiveness is the main reason why Jesus came, and
why he had to endure the suffering on the cross. Whenever we
see the cross, whenever we find ourselves at every Mass or
Liturgy, we celebrate that redeeming work of God, which was
primarily considered and done to forgive us of our own
transgressions. If that is so important and so central to our faith
and who we are, how important and valuable forgiveness and
mercy are in our own lives? If that is the reason why Jesus came
and if we profess faith in Christ, then forgiveness is not an
option for us. With due respect, I find it so sad and really
contradictory to find oneself completely faithful in all the
externalities of faith, so good from the outside and from the eyes
of others, but completely at war with one’s families and friends.
I know that there are legitimate disagreements or, at times,
whatever good we do there will always be people who won’t be
happy for us, but these should never lead us to a relationship
marked with disdain and contempt. I know that we do not live
in an ideal or perfect world, but it does not give us the
permission not to work for greater harmony and peace,
especially within our families. Because, everything or every
good thing that we hope for the future, whether it is in the
society or in the Church, starts or begins in the family. Looking
at these things, who are those people in our lives right now
whom we can start building or renewing our relationships –
people whom we probably decided to forget because of what
they did to us – or, if we are not yet ready to renew those
relationships, what steps can we make in order for us to embrace
healing and forgiveness? God is telling us now to free ourselves
from the bondage or slavery of hatred and sin, not just for the
sake of others, but for own sake and goodness. Let us give
ourselves a chance to live and experience God’s redeeming joy.
– Fr. Cary
The gospel that we have today is
probably one of the most familiar
gospel stories to many of us. The “Our Father” is the basis of the
prayers that a lot of us have learned. And rightly so because
Jesus himself said that we ought to pray in the same spirit of the
“Our Father.” At times, due to our over familiarity of this
prayer, there is a tendency to lose its full significance, its depths
and its pedagogical or the teaching importance to our very own
Christian life and practice. I am pretty confident that most of us,
if not all of us, know by heart and memory this prayer. But what
does this prayer do to us? Does it invoke something in us that
moves us to reflect deeper on our own spiritual life? Or is it just
a mechanical formula prayer that does nothing on how we relate
to God and to one another? Have we ever been inspired or
consoled by this prayer in moments of great difficulties,
confusions, disappointments or sorrows?
If we closely analyze this prayer that Christ himself taught, it
will break open important elements of our faith. The “Our
Father”, more than anything else, are statements that evoke
complete trust and dependence on God. The opening verse itself
tells us this: “hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your
will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” With everything that
humanity has achieved in centuries in the various aspects of
life—with the great advancements in technology, medicine,
science, engineering— humanity has achieved so much. What
we are enjoying right now was unthinkable twenty or fifty years
ago. But vis-a-vis with this impressive growth and development
is also the growing attitude that I can do everything on my own
without God. Our dependence and trust in God are at times
being substituted with this self deceiving mentality that
everything that we are enjoying right now – our wealth, our
prestige, honor, beauty, good health— will last forever. The bad
news is that these things can be gone within just a second. We
saw with the collapse of the market that people with lots of
money were reduced to bankruptcies; we probably know a friend
or family member whom we never thought would have a heart
attack and die so young; or a promising football player who in
the peak of his fame met a horrible accident that paralyzed him
forever. My point is: we really have to examine where we put
our ultimate trust, confidence and security. If we are working so
hard, putting our best foot forward to things that we know for
sure we cannot bring with us after we hit the grave, then why not
work extra hard for those things that will ensure us of
eternal life with God. Of course, we have to work and aim for
success in our own fields and careers, but remember that our
insatiable desire for the best is actually a longing for the
Ultimate Best, who is God. As what a very famous and
accomplished actor once said after achieving the height of
success “I have reached the top, and no one and nothing was
there.” We know that success is not so much about power,
wealth or honor, but having that spontaneous and growing
relationship with God and surrounding ourselves with the people
who truly love and care for us. As we pray the words of the
That the Young Adults have a
trivia team? That's right!
They will be meeting on
Monday, July 25th, at
Malone’s Ale House,
1175 NW 185th Avenue,
Beaverton, to have fun!
See you at Malone's at 7pm!
Saturday, July 23rd
5:00pm †Jeannette Jancola—Tom & Caroline Jancola
7:00pm †Donald Court—Margaret Dolark
SUNDAY, JULY 31ST — 8:30AM TO 12:00PM
Sunday, July 24th
7:30am People of St. Cecilia
9:00am †Fred “Sean” Deghuee—Judith Stumpf
10:45am †Yoshi Kinoshita—Gonzaga Family
12:30pm †Robert Keppel—Gonzaga Family
2:30pm †Michael Hally—Marie Barzen
Place your items for
St. Vincent de Paul in the barrels at the
main entrance to the church and
the West annex door:
Monday, July 25th
8:00am †Bob Welter--Arlene
Needed this week:
Tuesday, July 26th
8:00am †Kathy Curtis—John Curtis
In the Gospel, Jesus teaches us that God is our
“Father” and, just as a parent’s love for their children
is unlimited, so is God’s love and care for us
Wednesday, July 27th
8:00am †Lucille Lukesh—Sharon McMurdo
Thursday, July 28th
8:00am †Dick Stahl—John Moore
This week, as you give your gift to the
Society of St. Vincent de Paul, know that
you are showing them that God loves
them and that he is indeed their Father.”
Friday, July 29th
8:00am †Helen Clow—Judy Winczewski
Saturday, July 30th
8:00am †Mary H. Pham—Nguyen Family
Jubilee Year of Mercy
David Hoff, Rene Lacambra,
Amber Ramsdell,
Irma Rodriguez
Come experience Jesus’ mercy
as we pray The Chaplet of Divine
Mercy on Monday evenings at 7pm
in the Adoration Chapel.
Dear Parish Family,
Thank you for the thoughtful Masses, prayers, cards,
phone calls, visits and gifts.
We are grateful to Fr. Cary, Fr. David and Fr. Pat for
the meaningful service for David; to Sharon, Steve and
Joanne for sharing their musical talents; and to St. Gerard
Guild for hosting the beautiful reception.
We are blessed by your kindness, loving support and
Patty Hoff and Family
Who: For NEW and CURRENT Altar Servers
When: Saturday, July 30th 11:00AM to 1:30PM
Where: Meet in the Church with lunch provided at
Noon—please email with any diet restrictions.
Parents: The Altar Server section of the parish
website has been updated http://
Contact: Tom Eyer, (503) 804-0398
Please: Fill out the online form so that we have
the most accurate information; watch the formation
videos with the your child(ren); signup on
Flocknote for the Altar Server group https://
We ask each parishioner to pray the following
Petition to God:
??’s Contact Jeff Flaig ~ jeffrey_flaig@icloud.com
“That with every “Our Father” we will be
mindful of His generous goodness and ask that
the Holy Spirit be given to all those discerning
their vocation in Christ,”
Go to http://formed.org —
Enter Our Parish Code 664558
PLACE (Programs, Movies, Audios, Books)
We pray to the Lord.
Elementary Faith Formation
If you wish to have your child baptized,
please send an inquiry to
Believers grades 1-2; Disciples grades 3-5
Meet Sunday Mornings 10:15-11:30am
Amy Maris-Volf, ext. 172
Nursery & Pre-K on Sunday’s @ 9am
Kindergarten on Sunday’s 10:15-11:30am
What a great Vacation Bible School we had!!!
Thank you to all who came and participated.
Betsy Willing, ext. 163
Fall info: Watch for our online registration coming soon!!!
Save the Date: Elementar y Family Day kick off is Sept. 25
contact Amy if you are feeling the Holy Spirit prompting you to
volunteer ☺
Bring your kids to Little Blessings!
Little Blessings Early Childhood Faith Formation
explores the Sunday readings with crafts and
activities for your little ones.
First Eucharist Preparation
SEEKERS Grades 2-5, English
Sunday Mornings, 10:15-11:30am
Amy Maris-Volf, ext. 172
Children’s Liturgy of the Word
Children, K-5th grades, are invited to attend during the
9am Sunday Mass. Children process to the
Parish Center with adults during the Liturgy of the Word
and then return to celebrate the rest of Mass.
Adult/Youth Volunteers interested in helping, please call
Vicki Giampietro at 503-639-8745.
All the information for this First Communion prep
program is on our website ☺
www.stceciliachurch.org under Sacraments tab.
Please check out the prerequisites and expectations
for this program.
You can print out the registration form and turn it in
at the office ☺
Online registration coming soon!!!
When Calendars are finalized, you will find them on
our website as well ☺
Coordinator: Mary Kiefer
mkiefer@stceciliachurch.org ~ 503-644-2619 x 171
Reflections from Participants of Young Neighbors in Action Trip:
For some of us, our lives seem to be easy now that we can get anything we desire, but others struggle to get even the slightest
bit of attention from a stranger. I spent a whole week at a Rescue Mission Day Camp with kids whose parents are struggling from low
income, addiction, and other difficulties. As the days went by, I started to get attached to the kids to the point at which it was hard to say goodbye.
Everyday ,watching those kids smile and try their best to keep living, showed me that God is everywhere; on a search, looking for us, and it's not hard to
follow Him. All you need to do is to open your eyes and let him guide you. Everyone suffers in this world, and the only way to make it better is if we ask
for his help. ~Larisa Aguilar, 11th. grade
I am so glad I got the opportunity to attend this wonderful journey to Montana. I got to meet incredible people who had sincere smiles the
whole time. I’m so happy I got to spend time with amazingly sweet children at the day camp who had me smiling the whole time. We played all types of
games, went swimming at the pool and just had a great time. The kids also drew on our arms, which was hard to remove, but the great memories of time
spent in the park with them each morning will be marked forever. They made me feel like a kid again! I am thankful for that. I will never forget them.
Everyone I met during that short amount of time now have a permanent place in my heart. I can’t stop thanking everyone! Thank you for every laugh,
smile and the time we spent together. P.S. Thank you St. Cecilia for a wonderful, beautiful adult leader, Mary Kiefer. ~Crystal Luna, 11th. grade
The New Ev a ng eliza t ion - The Life Teen Co re Tea m – Rig ht H ere!
Man y p ar ishio ner s —yo u ng, o ld and in b et ween —are need ed to d o so meTHING(s) to raise up the
next ge ner atio n o f Cat ho lics o f o ur p arish in relatio nal min istr y.
Co uld y o u sa y y es to a ny o f t hese?
T ech Gur u – Catechist – P ing P o ng Cha mp – Sto ry T eller – Mento r – Host/Ho stess – Driver –
Musician – Lo ve b eing Catho lic – T eacher – Creative – Co o k – J o yful – B ib le Teacher – B aker –
Mento r – Vo lunteer Co o r d inato r – Flier Desig ner – Set Up Help .
P r ayerfull y co nsid er ho w yo u can shar e yo ur g ifts and talents o n a regul ar b asis o r p erhap s wit h sp ecific
tasks. Co ntact Mar y @ x -1 7 1 , mkiefer @stcecili achurch.o rg
July 24, 2016
17th Sunday in Ordinary Time
First Reading
Second Reading
Respect Life
Mary Rigert, 503-888-8179
Natural Family Planning Awareness Week
July 24 – July 30, 2016
Genesis 18:20-32
Psalm 138:1-3, 6-8
Colossians 2:12-14
Luke 11:1-13
Natural Family Planning (NFP) can help you avoid pregnancy,
achieve pregnancy, and learn more about your gynecologic
health while adhering to the values of Catholic faith.
The Creighton Model System of FertilityCare is a method that
can help couples with any of these things.
 FertilityCare is up to 99% effective at avoiding pregnancy
and can help couples of normal fertility or subfertility to
achieve pregnancy while optimizing health.
 No burdensome, unhealthy medication or hormones.
 Taught in an individualized format to meet your specific
 This model combines years of scientific research on
reproduction and the wisdom of Church teachings on
human sexuality.
 Builds strong Catholic families rooted in love and faith.
Communion Visitors and Welcome Ministry
Joye Boone, ext. 170
If you have a loved one who is no longer able to come to
Mass, has moved to a “care” facility, changed residences
or is hospitalized, please notify Joye at the Parish Office.
We want to be a friendly voice from St. Cecilia Parish
to keep in contact and provide Sacraments.
We will be listing anniversaries monthly in our parish
bulletin. But we need your help!
Please call or email Joye Boone with your names
(John & Mary Smith), anniversary date (January 31) and
how many years (12) you’ve been married!
Natalie Kiefer, accredited trainer of the Creighton method and
St. Cecilia parishioner, can train you! Contact Natalie at
natalie.a.kiefer12@gmail.com; 208-659-0008
Have you noticed the sale ads for school supplies?
Social Concerns School Supply Drive is scheduled for
July 30—August 7. Your donations help children in need in
our area with new backpacks and supplies to start the
school year on a positive note.
Requested supplies include: backpacks, paper,
spiral notebooks, pens, pencils, erasers (pink pearl),
glue, glue sticks, Crayola crayons (24 or 48),
markers, colored pencils, wood rulers, scissors
(metal blades) and pocket folders.
Dave & Judy Nearman, July 1, 55 years
Bill & Janet Motter, July 1, 11 years
Jerald Paul & Arockia Henishia, July 4, 12 years
Steve & Eileen Rosko, July 7, 37 years
Sean & Melanie Nygaard, July 9, 11 years
Jim & Anne Galbraith, July 10, 40 years
Bob & Madelain Westermann, July 11, 35 years
Ian & Mary Gamble, July 11, 18 years
Steve & Tania Rhein, July 12, 13 years
Geethana Kattar & Agnita Rayen, July 12, 8 years
Raymond & Bonnie Dibb, July 14, 26 years
Jordan & Betsy Willing, July 15, 10 years
Bill & Gini Snyder, July 16, 28 years
Dave & Nancy Andresen, July 19, 58 years
Bob & Virginia Casono, July 20, 42 years
Dave & Peggy Brown, July 21, 54 years
Curt & Angela Fingal, July 22, 10 years
Mark & Mary Donovan, July 28, 37 years
Rick & Colette Evers, July 31, 35 years
Matt & Chrissy Horne, July 31, 23 years
Andy & Jenise Van Pelt, July 31, 12 years
Your generosity will touch our youth
with Love and Concern for a
successful school year!
THANK YOU for your support!
34th Annual St. Cecilia Parish 9-Hole Golf
Tournament and BBQ
Sponsored by the St. Cecilia Men’s Club
Sunday, August 21, 2016—12:30PM
At McKay Creek Golf Course
BBQ will be held in the St. Cecilia Parish Center.
This is a scramble format. All levels of golfers are
welcome: put together your team of four or join
individually to be added to a team.
Cost: $30 per person for golf and BBQ; $5 per guest for
BBQ only.
Please contact Mike Meadows, 503-642-4421
Coordinador: Diácono Bill Richar dson
Sacerdotes: P. Cary Reniva y P. Anthony Ahamefule
Secretaria: Er ika Ascencio
Teléfono oficina: 503-644-2619, Ext. 161 o Ext. 176
Horas de oficina en español: de Lunes a J ueves de 2:00 a 5:00 PM
proporcionada por un coro excelente del estado de
VENGA con su familia entera.
Habrá actividades
especiales para los niños.
JULIO 24, 2016
Las lecturas de este domingo para la Misa extienden el
tema de la semana pasada (mostrando hospitalidad hacia
Dios). El estar muy atentos y presentes al Señor cuando nos
viene a visitar, e incluso INVITÁNDOLE para poder tomar
tiempo de amistad y cercanía con Él, resaltaron claramente en
el caso de Abraham y el de María, la hermana de Marta.
Hoy, el Evangelio de San Lucas desarrolla esa idea con la
hermosa enseñanza de Jesús sobre la eficacia de la oración
sincera y ferviente, y regalándonos las palabras del Padre
En la primera lectura (Génesis, capitulo 18), vemos de
nuevo a Abraham dialogando con el Señor, y básicamente
intercediendo por la salvación de los pueblos de Sodoma y
Gomorra, extremadamente corrompidos por el libertinaje y la
práctica de homosexualidad. Vemos la extraordinaria
compasión de Dios, quien está dispuesto a suspender el castigo
merecido si se pudieran hallar allí aunque fueran diez
personas justas (o sea, personas que no se han entregado a
esos vicios). Tristemente, no se pueden encontrar…
Retiro de Fin de Semana para Familias Católicas
Tomará lugar el 2, 3, y 4 de septiembre en un local de
retiros cerca de Salem (Aldersgate). Es una gran
oportunidad para que las familias disfruten juntas de la
belleza natural de nuestros campos; para que conozcan
otras familias con niños con discapacidades; para
compartir y celebrar nuestra fe; para tomar un tiempo
para descansar y relajarnos.
Tenemos un excelente programa para la preparación de
ADULTOS en nuestra comunidad. Es para todas las
personas mayores de 18 años que por diversas razones no
han recibido los sacramentos de BAUSTISMO, o
Comenzando ahora en septiembre, vamos a iniciar un
nuevo método de formación que dura un año. Las clases
coinciden, más o menos, con el año escolar (desde
septiembre hasta mayo). Si se completa ese año completo,
y se cumplen los otros requisitos, celebraremos los
sacramentos con ustedes en la primavera.
Para más información y para registrarse pase a la
oficina parroquial. Las sesiones de preparación son los
domingos de 12 a 1:30 PM.
La siguiente plática para los Padres y Padrinos de niños
que se desean bautizar será el sábado, 3 de SEPTIEMBRE.
(normalmente no tenemos pláticas en el mes de agosto).
Antes de la plática, se pide a los padres que traigan a la
oficina parroquial el acta de nacimiento del niño para poderlo
inscribir con anticipación.
El mismo día de la plática, (de 10 a 1 PM) habrá una lista
de fechas para los bautismos de los próximos meses para que
puedan apuntarse en la fecha que deseen. Generalmente, los
bautismos se celebran los sábados en la mañana.
“!Queridos hijos! Hoy, hijitos, los invito a estar
con Jesús a través de la oración, para que, por
medio de una experiencia personal de oración,
puedan descubrir la belleza de la creatura de Dios.
No pueden hablar ni testimoniar de la oración, si no
oran. Por tanto, hijitos, en el silencio del corazón,
permanezcan con Jesús, para que El los cambie y
transforme con Su Amor. Este es para ustedes,
hijitos, un tiempo de gracia. Aprovéchenlo para su
conversión personal, porque cuando tienen a dios,
tienen todo. ¡Gracias por haber respondido a mi
llamado!” 25 de julio, 1998.
Estamos invitados a CONSAGRARNOS a Jesucristo,
nuestro Salvador, a través de la Santísima Virgen María. A
través de una serie de ejercicios espirituales y oraciones, los
que están con el deseo de profundizar su vida espiritual de
esta manera, nos iremos preparando para esta consagración
en un proceso muy hermoso.
TODOS están invitados a participar en esta jornada
familiar que tomará lugar en nuestra parroquia vecina de
St. Anthony, el sábado, 13 de agosto.
Celebraremos para honrar a nuestra Madre, la Santísima
Virgen María.
Dará comienzo a las 9 y concluirá a las 4 PM, después de
celebrar la EUCARISTÍA, tener una PROCESIÓN con
los niños, entronización de la Virgen María, consagración
de nuestras familias a la Virgen, un almuerzo,
PRESENTACIONES sobre temas marianos, y MÚSICA
Estas cantidades abajo son las que aportamos en
nuestras Misas de español. No olvidemos de ofrecer
LA PRIMERA HORA de nuestro trabajo de la semana al
7/10/16 $1,725
6/26/16 $1,876
7/3/16 $1,532
6/19/16 $2,059
GRACIAS por su continua generosidad y
participación en el trabajo del Señor.