San Antonio Ck Prop WSR - California Wilderness Coalition


San Antonio Ck Prop WSR - California Wilderness Coalition
 San Antonio Creek
Proposed Wild & Scenic River
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Quick Facts
• The Forest Service found
San Antonio Creek to
possess outstanding scenery
and recreational values.
• CalWild and its allies are
proposing Wild & Scenic
River protection of
approximately one mile of
the creek upstream of San
Antonio Falls.
• The definitive guide,
Trails of the Angeles,
describes the Baldy Bowl
Trail as one of the most
San Antonio Creek flows from a sub-alpine bowl high in
the San Gabriel Mountains, through a spectacularly rugged
canyon studded with big cone Douglas fir, and then over
75 foot-high San Antonio Falls.
This scenic waterfall is a popular day hike destination, but
more ambitious visitors may climb the Baldy Bowl Trail
past the historic Sierra Club Ski Hut to the 10,064 foothigh summit of Mt. San Antonio (a.k.a. Mt. Baldy). On clear
days, visitors to this upper watershed and peak may enjoy
views all the way to Catalina Island.
An area of high ecological significance identified by the
Forest Service, the upper San Antonio Creek watershed
provides important habitat for Nelson’s bighorn sheep
and the recently discovered San Gabriel Mountain slender
scenic and historic trails in
the San Gabriel Mountains.
• The historic Sierra Club
Ski Hut on Mt. Baldy was
built by volunteers in 1937.
San Gabriel Mountains and Rivers – California Wilderness Coalition
For more info – Steve Evans – 916.708 3155 -
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