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MD 2012 Tacitus and Cassius Dio wrote that both the Roman Governor, Suetonius Paulinus, and Boudicca made speeches to their troops before they went to war. SA MP LE S Anglesey LID Boudicca Why was Boudicca defeated? So why were the Romans, with so few men, able to crush Boudicca’ Boudicca’s revolt? LID E LID SA MP LE S LID The Roman soldiers were well trained and well prepared for battle. It’s not unusual to have a woman lead an army in this country. But I am leading you today to avenge not the seizure of my wealth and power, but as a woman who suffered the torture and dishonour of being beaten. Roman greed and savagery is now such that nothing is sacred any more …… neither person or age. On this field we must conquer or die. That’s what this woman is determined to do……… even if men choose to live and become slaves. Ignore the noise and empty threats of the barbarians. There are more women than men in the enemy ranks. They are unwarlike and unarmed and will break immediately before you, once they recognise the steel will and the bravery of the people who conquer them. Now is your chance – few men that you are – to win glory. As long as you keep in close order, using your swords and shields to pile up the dead on the other side. Fight as one and you will win. SA MP LE S LID E The Celts were fierce warriors. They were enraged and determined to have their revenge. SA MP LE S Can you remember why the Celts wanted revenge? E LID E The Celts did however have one weapon that was terrifying. This was the chariot which was driven at speed by a charioteer, with a warrior beside him brandishing his weapons. SA MP LE S It’s only fault was that it needed lots of space to be effective - in close fighting it was useless. E LID SA MP LE S LID E The Romans were disciplined and trained soldiers who knew how to fight in battle. SA MP LE S The Celts were more used to rushing headlong into battle, slashing at the enemy around them. LID E LID E LID LID SA MP LE S E Pictures show Boudicca in a chariot while commanding her army. SA MP LE S E LID E Many years after the event, Tacitus wrote that 80,000 Celts had been killed but only 400 Romans. The loss of so many warriors brought Boudicca’s rebellion to an end. Once they were trapped, Boudicca’s army couldn’t escape. They were hemmed in by their own wagons which they had parked behind them so that their families could watch the battle. SA MP LE S The battlefield was confined on both sides by woodland and a narrow pass. SA MP LE S The warrior could leap from the chariot to fight, then leap back on and speed off again. However, the real purpose of the chariots was to terrify the enemy because chariots were useless against well trained soldiers. E When battle the began, Boudicca’s soldiers struggled to fight back. Their weapons were no match for the deadly blows from the Roman short swords. Then the Celts realised that they were trapped and could not escape. Every Roman soldier wore armour and carried two javelins and a shield. At the rear of the army, there were supplies of spare weapons and water. SA MP LE S Wales The Roman, Suetonius Paulinus thought of the Celts with contempt. Tacitus wrote that Suetonius Paulinus told his men: They were no match for a disciplined army. Boudicca’s warriors would have carried either large swords, spears, axes or knives but they couldn’t use their weapons when they were tightly packed together in combat. In close combat the Roman short swords and shields were much more effective. Only the Celts who fought at the front had metal helmets, body armour and shields. The rest had no armour at all. E There were also surgeons to treat the injured Romans. SA MP LE S Suetonius Paulinus The Romans had 10,000 men but the Celts had many times that number. There may have been as many as 200,000 Celts, women as well as men. SA MP LE S London Tacitus wrote that Boudicca mounted her chariot with her two daughters, rode up to tribe after tribe and said…….. LID E As a result of the revolt, all the land of the Iceni was put under Roman rule. The Emperor sent more soldiers to prevent any further outbreaks of rebellion. SA MP LE S Towns were rebuilt and camps and forts were built along the main routes and linked by good, straight roads. LID E Many Celts fled to the north but some moved into the towns and adopted the Roman way of life, farming or joining the Roman army. SA MP LE S LID E Britain was now the Roman Province of ‘Britannia’ - a province of the Roman Empire. It was ruled by a governor and divided up into territories, military settlements and towns. SA MP LE S LID E The Roman army kept strict control but gradually Roman rule became much fairer. Many Celts adapted to the new, Roman way of life. Boudicca was not forgotten. SA MP LE S Dio Cassius wrote that her people gave her a splendid burial and, even today, she is remembered. There is a statue of Boudicca in London that shows her in her chariot. LID E