Ischgl Ischgl Mathon Mathon Ortszentrum Ortszentrum
Ischgl Ischgl Mathon Mathon Ortszentrum Ortszentrum
A KONTAKT B C 5787 Fußgängerzone Schipiste Tunnel Verkehrsleitzone Parking area for living mobile parco di parchparc de stationeggio per appanement pour mobiles recchi mobili parking voor mobielen Trafficfree zone zone pietonne zona pedonale Voetganger zone Ski run Piste de ski Pista di sci Schipiste Tunnel Tunnel Galleria Tunnel traffic zones la sortie uscita uit voeg strook T2 P/R Stöckwaldweg E4-F4 E1 F3/G3 E1 Grist Bintaweg G2 F F2-G3 E1 Grube F3 E1 Oberer Pielweg M1 U Trisannaweg E2 G Pasnatschweg C3/D3 I Uferweg H2-I3 D Bödalaweg G3-H4 E1 Innerer Kapellenweg D3/D4 I Paznaunweg C2/C3 K Unterer Nederweg G2/G3 E2 Bodenweg D3/E3 H Johannesweg G2 F Persuraweg E4 E1 Unterer Pielweg M1 U Brandliweg U2-V3 Brandweg E1-F2 O Kalvarienweg F4 G Kichaliweg F2-G2 E1 Persuttweg E2/E3 G Unterschrofenweg L1 C F Pfannweg I2-K2 D Valzurweg P1/P2 S Brunnenweg F3 E1 Kirchenweg E3-F3 E1 Pischweg C2 K Velillweg F4 E1 Centerweg Dorfstraße E3 G Kirchgasse C3-H3 E1/G/H/I Lechliweg U3 P Plattweg N1/N2 B1 Vergrössweg L2-M1 C P1 A Prennerweg G3 E1 Versahlweg I1-I3 D Ebeneweg P1/P2 A Edelweissweg E1/F1 G Liftweg T3 R Rossbodenweg C3 K Waldbadweg B3-C4 L Lochweg V3 O Schadweg V3 O Waldhofweg M2-N2 B2 Eggerweg F2-F4 E1 Madleinweg F2/F3 E1 Siedlungsweg P1 S Wiesenweg T2 P/R Ennweg Fimbabahnweg V3 O Maria Schnee Weg D3/D4 I Silvrettaplatz E3 H Winklweg T2 P/R F3-G3 E1 Mathoner Straße T3-V3 O/P/R Silvrettastraße A3-V3 A1 Zollhof F4 E1 Fimbaweg E4/F4 E1 Moosweg P2 S Sonnenweg F3 E1 Florianplatz G2/G3 E1 Mühlweg G2/G3 F St. Antoniusweg G2/H2 F ch 4 eg ew Eb en ba rös s äusse Ve rg a ch fanntalb rer P h ba ch b ac sta l Gaista Gr os Birk e lbach n tal eg lw Ve rs inbac h R 3 5 Neder 68 Lochw Ennweg eg 14 16 109 107 µ 0 50 100 200 300 400 5 innerer 4 4 4 p Ka e e ll n Dorfst T U V 88 86 82 84 81 91 79 4 Kapelle nweg 6 80 4 77 85 Pasnatsch 1358 m Schiweg P C asnats ch D Madle 60 24 7 70 74 11 9 8 E 15 4 12 Fi 17 19 Ob 17 15 g mbawe 61 67 7 19 63 12 62 3 25 23 X 64 Dorfstraße 73 eg Persuraw 17 15 68 56 59 erer Stöckw 7 11 9 Kir n che 1 3 aldweg 9 2 11 17 8 6 1 3 X eg 8 15 14 12 10 6 Fim lw Bich 4 8 ba h ba nw eg 1 33 an 1 9 19 E2 16 12 14 z Untere r 22 21 14 27 7 3 17 E1 2 1 15 3 ße tra rfs Do 17 eg Prennerw 2 25 21 3 5 2 eg Bödalaw 1 Prenner 3 18 20 ch ba ße la t 1 29 Velillweg 4 0 25 50 100 150 200 250 Meter F 2 na 3 16 Tri sa n Neder ba st r a np weg Galfeis 3 1 7 5 6 r ia 2 20 18 6 31 etta 9 4 18 18 Bintaweg 4 2 Fim 1 15 20 15 Jo h eg 9 2 1 3 5 7 14 Brunnenweg 12 1 10 1 g we i en 3 ar 5 v l Ka 7 11 Silv r 5 22 8 19 57 7 9 2 4 8 6 2 4 5 n he 3 St. Nikolausweg 1 19 Schule w eg c Kir 7 11 2 8 10 39 6 19 26 16 F lo Bachweg eg 18 52 5 31 33 Freibad 500 75 19 6 78 10 12 Meter S 83 1 1 äußerer 3 Tennishalle 95 93 g we 1 90 raße 97 6 21 Trisanna 1 9 2 Persuttw Pischweg 3 53 4 1 ne sw Pischb ac 3 76 57 2 2 Steinbergweg E1 94 14 12 3 weg E1 G3 96 2 g we 5 Sonnen Bichlweg Fim h E4 101 99 92 42 41 1 3 5 G ru be 3 ahn Oberer Nederweg 121 115 8 123 10 g hw e c 12 s t 14 na Pas 98 5 3 46 i 1 g e rl 48 An 50 eg Oberer Kirchenweg M 111 1 rw T 117 10 Eg ge A4 119 125 8 O1/O2 Gewerbestraße 3 Bodenweg 1 3 Silvrettastraße platz Gewerbegebiet Mathon P/R 51 I Silvretta G T3/T4 55 Weg E2-F3 Bergliweg 57 K Maria Schne e Bachweg O O 61 b a ch U3 St. Sebastian Weg iefenba D eg I1 iw Obere Gasse gl C3 Be r Gasse I D3/D4 Wildpark Mathon 99 50 ch Innerer Riefenbach weg Äußerer R Äußerer Kapellenweg ah ch ba ba z la t np r ia Pardatschgratbahn ahn ch bab Fim ab a Fim b Jo h an ne sw eg weg Sonnen eg rw Eg ge F lo Bachweg eg Persuttw platz Silvretta Silvrettabahn inne Madle Weg Maria Schne e eg nw rer Pfanntalbach inbac h h Pischb ac Pischweg Mo os Galtür 2km Silvretta Hochalpenstrasse E1 2 H Feuerwehr 1 Pardatschgratbahn Abstellplatz für Wohnmobile F4 Feuerwehr 4 Fun-Sport-City g swe 8 10 6 4 15 u on i Ant St. 16 3 Dorfstraße bab Roltrap St. Nikolausweg 3 26 1 4 3 6 3a 3 8 43 28 10 45 1 34 30 32 g e rw 12 49 47 2 4 Cente 7 4 14 51 2 6 9 44 6 4 1 2 ch Verlichte bobsleebaan Scala mobile G 1 g 3 6 4 2 Kichaliweg F Fim Pista per slitte Escalier mechanique F1 E1 G ab a Piste de luge Moving starcase Muttaweg Traffic zone 6 Kardona 9 Kichali Fim b tobagganing Rolltreppe F3/G3 e adw Spielplatz "Sandli" Silvrettabahn Beleuchtete Rodelbahn Galfeisweg Sch iesen Kinderspeelplats G Fuch sw Campo giochi Verkehrsleitzone Traffic zone ac h l'aire de jeux Gitternetz Reticule ler b children's playground E3 Straßennamen Streetname Ber g Spielplatz Mathon 2km Tennisbaan Verkehrsleitzone Traffic zone üsbaan Campi da Tennis Gitternetz Reticule pattinaggio Court de tennis Angerli Straßennamen Streetname 14 10 2 8 12 18 eg 16 senw ie B W r andli 2 66 60 58 56 54 52 48 46 44 42 36 w 17 eg 4 -28 70 62 4 21 19 17 68 64 Mathoner Str 31 29 27 25 17a 15 4 14 8 aße 12 10 6 Kirc 6 hga sse 11 7 5 Liftweg 2 6 56 3 72 7 58 64 62 52 54 Sil 76 vre ttastraße 80 78 65 82 69 85 2 1 81 75 91 P 73 79 93 67 1 8 11 15 6 4 2 eg enw od Rossb 1 9 3 Steinb erg 7 9 11 8 2 w eg 4 6 10 3 19 21 H Piste de patinage Tennis court 12 Winklweg chs Ho Rastplatz h of ice skating Tennisplatz Gitternetz Reticule 1 2 5 12 en a rt eilg 1 aweg Zoll Eislaufplatz Verkehrsleitzone Traffic zone 1454 m 18 Terrain de football Voetbalterrein Football Ground Camp di Calcio Fußballplatz overdekt zwembad, sauna, kegelbaan indoor swimming, la piscine couverte, sauna, sauna bowling alley Gitternetz Reticule R P O MATHON 19 14 20 18 Trisann ätte Sportst piscina coperta, sauna, pista dei birilli Hallenbad, Sauna, Kegelbahn Straßennamen Streetname Waldkapelle Verkehrsleitzone 500 P 5 2 14 12 1 Skischool Start Loipen 15 8 6 Brandweg Paznaun 2 Scuola di Sci Partenza piste da fondo Start Cross Country 3 Ecole de ski Dêport Ski de Fond Start Loipen N straße 4 1 Schischule, SchneeSkiing School sport Academy gemeentehuis, bureau voor gevonden Voorwerpen municipio, ufficio degli oggetti smarreti Silvretta Lareintal 400 G r ere Ob rw e g e Ne d mairie, bureau des objets trouvés S 300 O is t town hall, lost and found Straßennamen Streetname 90 200 21 11 Gemeindeamt, Fundamt Kartographie / Copyright: PROALP Consult ZT-GesmbH. A-6574 Pettneu am Arlberg Tel. 05448/22229, FAX -99 e-mail:, M 21 s se Ga Openbaar Internetcafé eg Skibus Stopplaats Internet café 1 4 Brand g Fermata skibus Cybercafé public T 2 3 Valzur u rw 100 F 6 Edelweißweg 14 18 16 un w e Arrêt des skibus Public internet cafe PostbusStopplaats Val z 1 Ischgl 2km Bus stop Skibus Öffentliches Internetcafe Fermata autobus a 2 10 12 Ortszentrum Ortszentrum 1 Skibushaltestelle Arrêt des voitures P.T.T. Trisan n 4 3 96 8 7 50 N E D C V M L K I U T baSt. SeWeg stian Post office bus stop 5 µ H G F Postbushaltestelle Bödala Nederweg Muziekpaviljoen 50 U 9 3 eg padiglione di musica 4 15 2 Waldhof hlw Mü Kiosque à musique 1 straße E 1 32 Gr music pavilion te an pl ge Schießstand 3 A 37 35 39 6 Mathon Mathon 3 d Sie 2 11 1 ße Meter S 4 6 eg gsw lu n 12 ie aler talg Geis ttastr a 18 g inwe Musikpavillon 4 2 15 23 9 7 Silvr e 9 Großtalgalerie le Mad Tanarts 5 eg 3 g ofwe 6 1273 m 2 27 erweg Dentista 23 25 19 21 15 17 10 8 h Wald 2 25 Eg g Dentiste Silvretta Gewerbepark Valzur ch rs 8 12 ng ßu lie alerie aße Dentist 3 Bödalaw lg Pfannta C D ttastr Pazna Zahnarzt Arts Apotheek Medico Farmacia Mèdicine Pharmacie doctor chemist’s Piel 1540 m C B2 Silvrettastraße Ebene 8 Landeck 30km Innsbruck 100km Arzt Apotheke Innere 15 g e Silvr A1 B1 liwe g 11 3 Parkeerplaats Parkeergarage rwe 2 2 Lec h na Trisan 10 rk 1 lw e g eg 9 7 6 Parcheggio Garage Ufe we ttw P la 6 4 Parking Parking couvert O2 6 4 be re 8 Unte rer r 3 ah r Klä 7 Parking space, parking garage 1 12 Friedrichshafner Hütte 4 Ve rs 5 U w eg petrol station Parkplatz Parkgarage 16 14 17 1 Pfa r Ve ö ss gr Benzinestation Tankstelle Le poste d’essence 3 8 9 nnweg 5 eg Il distributore di benzina Grocery store e aß 11 10 w en Magazijin voor levensmiddelen R P st r 14 12 1 na E2 E1 2 34 32 30 19 17 8 26 of 3 11 0 ins Fimbatal E D C O rf Do 17 19 28 hr Vergröss Negozio di alimentari 1 35 n te r sc 15 17 1 17 7 Magasin de alimentaires 7 eg Prennerw 2 21 25 22 33 31 Lebensmittelgeschäft X X 9 18 U nterer 20 52 B 21 ße 47 48 4 a ch bank, geldwissel, bankomat st r a 43 39 rb Lahne banca, cambio, bancomat etta 1357 m 1 Nederweg la banque, le distributeur automatique Silv r r ere g Ob derwe Ne Bank, Geldwechsel, Bank exchange, Bankomat cash dispenser Politiebureau Neder 16 Polizia 26 19 Tri sa n 8 10 6 4 eg Gendarmerie 3 g swe niu 18 nto Bintaweg 6 A . 16 St 2 4 hlw Mü Police station is t Polizei Gr openbaar telefooncel g cabina telefonica pubblica inwe cabines téléphoniques publiques 6 2 Kichal4iweg le Mad public telephone boxes Öffentliche Telefonzelle 4 1 Eggerweg postkantoor F h of ufficio postale 1 Zoll 4 Tiwag N 1 2 adw eg tlehrpfad hmid Kuns Rastplatz G Mathias Sc aweg Fun-Sport-City Bureau de postes s se Ga 1 ße 1 15 Kardona Pachtelbach post office Wald b 2 eg Pielw Postamt g unwe 41 Information Syndicat Ufficio Informazioni Informatie VVV d’Initiative Pazna ße ttastra Silvre A M ZEICHENERKLÄRUNG - LEGEND tourist information office 8 6 na Trisan L en Sportstätte a rt eilg Spielplatz "Sandli" 9 Kichali 5 3 26 Dorfstraße 5 1 3 Feuerwehr 41 6 42 6 3 1 2 3a eg 8 enw od ssb Ro 9 43 3 1 9 28 4 39 10 1 1 H 6 1 3 45 eg 34 32 30 22 2 G ru 5 8 rw 47 2 b te 8 12 n 19 e e 15 4 C 7 49 K 11 4 5 3 51 g 20 14 9 2 I e 2 6 lw h 4 57 ic B 10 eg aße 44 astr 6 4 g Silvrett 15 Bodenw 1 18 e 3 5 9 1 i 46 42 53 8 7 w 2 l r n 20 14 e 14 3 1 ng 119 9 he 8 A 18 2 50 48 57 10 Kirc 111 1 3 5 7 14 12 98 125 117 10 12 3 6 31 92 3 Brunnenweg 12 96 94 52 59 4 33 99 121 115 76 1 D 18 109 107 101 o 56 90 82 1 rfstraß 10 4 8 61 e 2 60 88 86 5 3 123 10 78 63 6 g 97 2 e 84 eg 8 6 7 14 12 atschw 1 80 62 12 17 16 14 nw 1 8 h 95 n a 64 24 9 b 4 7 Pas g a 4 16 e 9 w 68 b 83 81 79 11 19 1 Galfeis Fim 15 11 1 70 6 29 27 74 93 67 7 53 2 21 15 91 77 2 5 Dorfstraße 17 St. 8 Niko12 4 73 75 10 e lauswe g ell 1 äuß1 erer K 1 85 innerer Kap 19 6 3 Prenner apell 9 eg Persuraw 11 3 g 6 enweg 4 3 e Schule 17 15 w 1 en Velillweg h 19 c 1 6 Kir 7 2 Freibad 31 33 er er 3 4 Tennishalle Ob 12 1 eg eg w 8 w ld a Pasnatsch 3 n 25 23 5 Stöckw r ie 3 7 1358 m l va 5 19 17 15 11 9 Schiweg Ka 7 Pasna tsch eg Fimbaw Ulrichshof chs Ho Trisann 19 21 11 15 4 Information Tourismusverband LOCAL PLAN & Ischgl from A to Z Winter 11/12 Winter 2013/14 3 8 6 2 14 12 1 12 5 11 Brandweg Paznaun 20 18 14 st r a 21 9 ch Ischgl Ischgl Brand 41 Unterschrofen Versahl l ba 6 Edelweißweg 14 18 16 +43 (0)5445/6422 Kunstschnitzerei Zauser rbe 1376 m Muttaweg Obere Gasse ssta Ausschnitt Ortszentrum 5171 Heindalishof ; 5192 Klaushof M Platt ISCHGL 50006 606950 5203 Ge we P O 5202 5257 3 N M L K I 5238 5200 5531 Sparmarkt Riha ; 50076 Billa 20142 Planggers Delikatesse 606950 Silvretta Center ; 5555 Sportcafe Salner 5293 Hotel Grillalm ; 51201 Alpenstern ; 5271 Geris Pub 2 H G F Gr o 050990100 5352 Sparkasse Imst ; 5344 Volksbank ; 5269 Raiffeisenbank 1 E D +43 (0)5444/... G H Ischgl from A to Z Telephone: unless indicated otherwise please dial area code (0)5444 – Country Code 0043 Abbreviations SAC Snow sports academy • SC SilvrettaCenter SpSh Sports shops • SSAG Silvrettabahn AG • TVB tourism association • UTN Useful telephone numbers Adventure pool + SilvrettaCenter Airport Innsbruck airport or call 0512/22525-304 Après-Ski E3 Feuer & Eis tel. 5918, 2pm to 3am Freeride tel. 5543, from noon on, open end F3 Geris Pub tel. 5271, 9am to 2am D3 Golden Eagle tel. 0664 4647671, 5pm to 1am E3 Kitzloch tel. 5618 F3 Kuhstall tel. 5223, open end E3 Mathoner Dorfstadl tel. 5151, 4pm to 2am Mathon U3 closed on Mondays Nevada Alm tel. 5382, 9am to 11.30pm G3 Nikis Stadl tel. 5300, open end, food served from 4pm G3 to midnight Niko‘s Hexenküche tel. 5212, from 10am E3 Paznauner Taja tel. 5559, 9am to 4pm ski region Romantic Hütte tel. 5633, from 3pm D4 Schatzi Bar tel. 5411, 10am to 1am F3 Schloss-Lounge tel. 5633, from 3pm D4 Sonne tel. 5302 F3 Toni’s Après-Ski Bar tel. 06643084622, 3pm to 1am F3 Trofana Alm tel. 602, 3pm to 7.30pm D3 Arts and crafts Master wood carver Josef Zauser tel. 05445/6422, Mon-Fri 2pm to 6pm E3 Avalanche alert service Up-to-date information from piste rescue at Idalp tel. 606-600 Avalanche alert lights are at Idalp, at Höllboden, and by the valley stations of the Silvretta, Fimba, Pardatschgrat, Palin and Gampen railway and at Pardatschgrat. Information on road block in the case of avalanche risk available from the tourist association tel. 05 0990-100 Babysitting upon request Apart Koni tel 5844, upon request Ms Sarah Hannibal tel 0660433689 Ms Sibylle Lenz Haus Bergfrieden, tel. 500 73, evenings only H3 Ms Renate Peer tel. 0650 2024118, by prior arrangement Ms Michaela Taschler tel. 0699 11925718, Mon-Sat from 3pm Ms Gerda Zangerl Apart Gerda tel. 5452 Mathon P1 Fam. Zangerl tel 0650 5763210 T3 Bakery Bäckerei- Konditorei Kurz GmbH in the town centre tel. 5211 F3 Mon-Sat 7am to 6pm Banks F3 Raiffeisenbank Paznaun tel. 5269 Mon-Fri 8am to noon and 2pm to 5pm Raiffeisenbank Paznaun self-service (24 h) Mathon U2/3 Sparkasse Imst tel. 050100-771 27, Mon-Fri 8am to noon F3 and 2pm to 4.30pm Volksbank Ischgl tel. 5344, Mon-Fri 8.30am to noon and D3 2pm to 5pm Bars Allegra tel. 5275-64, 4pm to 1.30am, American bar Al‘Aua tel. 5245, 5pm to midnight Alpenhotel Ischglerhof tel. 5330 Café Bar Bistro Kiwi tel. 5252, 3pm to 1am, cocktailbar Elisabeth tel. 5411, cocktail bar, 2pm to 1am Freeride tel. 5543, from noon on, open end Fuchsloch tel. 5258 Geris Pub tel. 5271, 9am bis 2am E3/4 E3 D3 F3 F3 F3 E3 D3 Golden Eagle tel. 0 664 4647671, 5pm to 1am E3 Guxa tel. 5275-75, 6pm to 2am, cocktail & cigar bar E3/4 Kitzloch Tel 5618, to 3am F3 Mathoner Dorfstadl tel. 5151 Mathon U3 Next Generation Coffee Lounge tel. 51252 F3 Niko‘s Hexenküche tel. 5212, from 10am E3 Schloss-Lounge tel. 5633, from 3pm D4 Sunn Alm tel. 5302, 11am to 11pm, live musicF3 Toni´s Apres Ski Bar tel. 0664 308 4622, 3pm to 1am F3 Trofana Alm tel. 602, from 3pm on D3 Trofana Arena tel. 600, from 9pm, live band and DJs D3 Trofana Tenne tel. 601, from 9pm E3 Drugstore Rumler chemist next to village square in town centre, tel. 5354E3 9am to noon and 2pm to 7pm BIPA tel. 500 79 G3 Booking office + tourism association Conference centre E2/3 SilvrettaCenter tel. 606-950, Conference room Fimba 70 to 100 persons Silvretta hall 200 to 600 persons; Gallery 175 persons Pardorama - Kongress tel. 606-831 skiing area Conference room accommodating up to 200 persons Trofana Royal tel. 600 D3 Conference rooms: max. 60 persons Bowling alley E2 Bowling alley with café and restaurant at the SilvrettaCenter, tel. 606-950, from 5pm and on request Cafes E3 Al‘Aua tel. 5245, 5pm to midnight Alt Paznaun tel. 5380; from 11am E3 Alpenstern tel. 51201, from 4pm on Versahl I2 Baurakucha Loba tel. 5289 or 5660, 3pm to midnight EF3 Bäckerei- Konditorei Kurz GmbH Mon-Sat 7am to 6pm F3 Bärafalla tel. 5223, 9am to midnight E3 Café Bar Bistro Kiwi tel. 5252, 3pm to 1am, cocktailbar F3 Café Central tel. 5258 E3 Café Germania tel. 5230 E2/3 Café Pazze Nova tel. 5389, 10am to 2am E3 Café Restaurant Nevada tel. 5382, 9am to 2am G3 Café Restaurant Salner tel. 5627, 11.30am to midnight F3 Castel tel. 5746, 7am to midnight G2 Down Under – Cafe Germania tel. 5230-52, 5pm to 2am E2/3 Eggerstüberl tel. 5360, 10am to midnight F3 Feuer & Eis tel. 5918, from 2pm on E3 Gasthof Glöckner tel. 5167, 11.30am to 10pm Mathon T3 Geris Pub tel. 5271, 9am to 2am D3 Grill-Alm - Hotel Gramaser tel. 5293, 10am to 10pm D3 Jägerhof tel. 5206 F3/4 Kitzloch tel. 5618, from 3pm F3 La Candela tel. 5580, 11.30am to midnight D3 Laurin tel. 5118 Versahl I2 Next Generation Coffee Lounge tel. 5226-230 F3 Olympia tel. 5432 G3 Restaurant & Weinbar Ursprung (Hotel Post) tel. 5232, E3/E4 9am to 1am Salnerhof „Tiroler Stube“ Tel 5272 D3 Salz & Pfeffer tel. 5918, noon to 11 p.m E3 Schatzi Bar - Hotel Elisabeth tel. 5411, 10am to 1am F3 SilvrettaCenter tel. 606-950, 10am to 9.30pm E2/3 Sportcafe Salner tel. 5555, 9am to 1am E3 Sporthotel Piz Buin tel. 5300, from 3pm G3 Sunn Alm tel. 5302, 11am to 11pm F3 Talblick tel. 5362, 11am to 9pm Vergröß M1 Tannenhof tel. 5472, 8am to midnight Ebene P2 Testa Rossa tel. 5223, 9am to midnight E3 Tirol tel. 5216, 9am to 9.30pm E3/E4 Toscana tel. 20007, 11am to 2am C3/H3 Trofana Alpin tel. 601, from 11am on E3 Trofana Royal „Paznauner Stube“ tel. 600, closed on SundaysD3 Verwall tel. 5274 C3 Walserstube tel. 20062 or 5176, 11am to midnight Mathon U3 Wildererhütte-Wildpark tel. 5858 or 5300 Mathon RS3 11am to midnight, Mon & Thu Live Music Yscla tel. 5275 E3/4 Car hire Ischgl – Hertz at Alpentaxi Ischgl, tel. 5757 Mathon O1/2 Car repair shop + petrol station Cash machines F3 Cash machine at Raiffeisenbank Cash machine at Raiffeisenbank Mathon U2/3 Cash machine at Sparkasse F3 Cash machine at Volksbank D3 Cash machine opposite Hotel Tirol E3 Cash machine opposite Hotel Yscla E3 Cash machine opposite Billa FG3 Cash machine near Snow Sport Academy Idalp office skiing area Church services Ischgl Parish church St. Nikolaus (Roman Catholic) Mon-Fri see service regulations on church notice board Sat 7.30pm, Sun 7am and 9am Parish church St. Sebastian (Roman Catholic) Mathon U3 Sat 19.30am Cosmetics E4 Hotel Brigitte tel. 5646 by prior arrangement Hotel Fliana tel. 5543, 9am to 7pm F3 Hotel Madlein tel. 5226 F3 Hotel Seiblishof tel. 5425, 10am to noon D3 and 2pm to 8pm Hotel Solaria tel. 5205 daily upon request FG2/3 Salnerhof tel. 5272 cosmetic treatments by appointment D3 SPA Trofana Royal tel. 600-927, 9am to 8pm D3 Top Hotel Sonne tel. 5302, Sun-Fr 2pm to 10pm D3 Covered car parks F2 Car park centre tel. 5417, entry and exit with season ticket for 24 hours; subject to charge, open 24 hours Floriangarage tel. 606, subject to charge, night-time parking G3 Parking for campers tel. 5171 U3 Silvrettagarage tel. 606, subject to charge, night-time parking E3 Cross-country skiing Silvrettaloipe start south of the Silvretta cableway valley station. The Silvretta run takes you from Ischgl to Galtür, where it connects with the high altitude run. Overall length of run 74 km. Please note you are using the run at your own risk. It is not permitted to use the run if danger of avalanches is announced. A map of the run is available at the tourism information. Curling + Ice scating Customs regulations A brochure on customs formalities between Austria and Switzerland is available from the tourism association. Please note, guests who wish to take goods from Samnaun to Ischgl should carry with them a valid ID card or passport in case of border controls! Dentist Dr. Henke tel. 50 006, Mon 11am to 5pm, Tue & Thu 8am to noon & 1pm to 5pm, Wed & Fri 8am to 2pm Discos Coyote Ugly tel. 5226, table dance Feuer & Eis tel. 5918, 2pm to 3am Kuhstall tel. 5223, open end Living Room tel. 5293-56, table dance Nikis Stadl tel. 5300, open end, food served from 4pm to midnight Pacha Ischgl tel. 5226, 10pm to 5am Posthörndl tel. 5232, from 10pm Trofana Arena tel. 600, from 9pm, live band and DJs Trofana Tenne tel. 601, from 9pm G3 F3 E3 E3 D3 G3 F3 E3/4 D3 E3 Doctor E3 Dr Walser tel. 52 00, at Silvretta mountain railway valley station. Practice opening hours: Mon-Fri from 8am to 11.30am and from 2.30pm to 5.30pm Weekend and holidays from 9am to 11.30am and from 2.30pm to 5.30pm, Emergency calls at any times! Emergency doctor Dr Jörg in Kappl tel. 05445 / 6230 Dr Treidl in Galtür tel. 05443 / 8276 Dr. Prem in See Tel 05441 8239 Sportchirurgie Ischgl tel. 50027, x-rays, NMRI, physiotherapy,F3 Dry cleaning Hörschläger dry cleaner, at Sparmarkt Riha tel. 5531 Drop off: Mon and Tue + grocery - Spar Riha F3 Electrical shop D3 Elektro Sonderegger Geschäftehaus Tirol tel. 0676 6900389 or 05443/8238 Mon-Fri 9.30am to noon and 3pm to 7pm, Sat 9.30am to noon and 3pm to 6pm Emergency numbers Please note emergency numbers do not require an area code! Doctor / pharmacy Dr Walser tel. 5200 Mountain rescue emergency call 140 Fire brigade emergency number 122 Police tel. 059/133 7142 or emergency call 133 Rescue/red cross centre Ischgl emergency number 144 Fashion Dandy Jeans&Fashion tel. 5780, 9am to 7pm, Fashion & Accessoires Corner tel. 0664 5148170 10am to noon and 3pm to 7pm Ischgl-Store tel.50028, 9am bis 7pm Kuhstall Store tel. 5223, 10am to 7pm La mode des montagnes tel. 5768 Mon-Fri. 9am to noon and 3pm to 7pm, Sat. 8.30am to noon and 1pm to 6pm Next Generation - Fashion Store tel. 50086, 9.30am to 7.30pm Sissis Global Fashion tel. 0699, 11 69 0386, Mon-Sat 10am to noon and 2pm to 7pm, Sun 2pm to 7pm Stickerei Pircher tel 5768 or 5553 8.30am to noon and 3pm to 7pm Hugo Boss - The Store tel. 20070, 10am to 7.30pm Fast food Burger King tel. 20117-16, 10am to 3am Horse sledging Horse sledging company Franzl’s Hamat tel. 5365 or 0664 2216323 Please call to make arrangements Hospital Hospital “St.Vinzenz“ tel. 05442/6000 F2 E3 D3 E3 Zams Ice scating & curling tel. 050 990-100; daily from 1pm to 6pm, except E3 in bad weather additionally from 10am to noon; Reservations at the skating rink F3 E3 E3 E3 F3 F3 F3 F3 E3 E3 Indoor pool + SilvrettaCenter Internet access Versahl I2 Alpenstern tel. 51201 Café Bistro Kiwi tel. 51196 F3 Internet café at the SilvrettaCenter tel. 606-950 E2/3 10am to 9.30pm Internet access Elektro Sonderegger + electrical shop D3 Jewellery D3 Hangl - Bijouterie (Hotel Trofana Royal) tel. 5970 Mon-Sat 9am to 1pm and 2pm to 7pm Hangl – fashion & accessories (Geschäftshaus Tirol) tel. 5990 E3 8.30am to 7pm Sissis Global Fashion tel. 0699 11690386, Mon-Sat 10am D3 to noon and 2pm to 7pm, Sun 2pm to 7pm Zegg & Cerlati (Hotel Christine) tel. 20170 and 20171 E3 Kindergarten + Snow Sport Academy Fire brigade + emergency numbers Flowers Vivaldi flowers 6553 See tel. 05441/8630, 8am to 6pm Delivery service throughout the Paznaun region! Hairdresser Coiffeur Cocoon tel. 0650 46 47 118 Friseursalon Peter tel. 51140, Mon-Sun 10am to 8pm Josef Aloys mobile hairdresser tel. 5333 or 0664 3268294, Mon-Sat at any time, by prior arrangement Royal Hairstyling tel. 600-919, by prior arrangement Mon-Sun; 8am to 8pm Laundry + dry cleaning See Foreign exchange + banks Gallery Silvretta gallery tel. 606-950, art and informative exhibitions E3 about Ischgl and its residents. Free entry! Artgallery Elizabeth tel. 5411 F3 Garage + parking Grocery G3 BILLA tel. 50076, Mon-Fri 7.15am to 7.30pm, Sat 7.15am to 6pm, January to April: Sun 1pm to 6pm Handl Tyrol - Speck Stube tel. 5496, Mon-Wed 9am to F3 noon and 2.30pm to 6pm, Thu-Fri 9am to 6.30pm, Sat 8.30am to 6pm, Sun 3pm to 6pm Lebensmittel Mattle Tel 50076, Mon-Sat 7am Mathon U3 to 6.30pm, Sun 7am to 10am Plangger delicatessen Geschäftehaus Tirol tel. 201 42 D3 10am to 7pm Sparmarkt Riha tel. 5531, Mon-Sat 7.15am to 7.30pm F3 Sun 3pm to 7.30pm Guest card Ischgl / Mathon The guest card is available free of charge when you register with your host. It is valid for the duration of your stay and must be presented when taking advantage of discounts on offer. The following services are significantly reduced in price and are exclusive to visitors to Ischgl and Mathon • VIP-SKIPASS • Adventure pool, sauna and steam room at the SilvrettaCenter. Guest kindergarten + Snow Sport Academy Gym F3/G3 Hotel Solaria tel. 5205, 8am to 8pm Priya- Pilates Yoga tel. 06605228480, by prior arrangement Lodges (with overnight accommodation) Both lodges can be reached with the snow vehicle. Bodenalp 1,848 m tel. 5285 Fimbatal Lodge Heidelberger 2,265 m, tel. 0043 664 425 3070 Fimbatal 26.12.2013 - 28.04.2014, food served from 10am to 8pm Lost property office + municipal office Magazines / newspapers Sparmarkt Riha + grocery Tabak-Fachhandel Fritz Georg + tobacco products Massage + Cosmetics Mountain guide association Ischgl Mountain guide association Ischgl Tel 0664 179 63 89 Mountain railways + Silvrettaseilbahn AG Mountain rescue + emergency numbers Mountain restaurants in the ski region Alp Bella tel. +41(0)81 868 5783 self-service + waitress service Alp Trida tel. +41 (0)81 861 8671 self-service + waitress service Alp Trida Sattel tel. +41 (0)81 861 8666 self-service + waitress ser. Alpenhaus Idalp tel. 606 841 self-service + waitress service Bistro Gampen tel. 606 818 self-service Bodenalp tel. 5285 waitress service Heidelberger Hütte tel. 5418 waitress service Höllboden tel. 606 806 self-service Idalp and Panorama tel. 606 800 self-service, tel. 606 813 waitress service Pardorama tel. 606 822 self-service + waitress service Paznauner Taja tel. 5559 self-service + waitress service Salaas tel. +41 (0) 81 861 8691 Schwarzwand tel. 606 808 self-service Skihaus Alp Trida tel. +41 (0) 81 861 8681 waitress service Vider Alp tel. 20197 self-service + waitress service 10am to 4pm Sledge evening 7pm to 9pm Municipal office F3 Municipal office lost property office, tel. 5222-10,, Mon-Thu 8am to noon and 1pm to 6pm, Fri 8am to noon Museums Mathon U3 Peasant museum tel. 20062 or 5176, 11am to midnight Mathias-Schmid museum tel. 0664/35 79 174, upon request E4 Cableway museum tel. 606, information from tourism association E3 Night-time driving prohibition The night-time driving prohibition applies to the entire town between 11pm to 6am Paragliding Daniel Tschoder paragliding – paraglide passenger flights, tel. 0676/9174 054 Parking Parking restrictions parking is not permitted throughout the town. Vehicles will be towed and a charge will be incurred. Cableway car parks no parking between 3am and 7am Parking private car parks and short-term parking zones. Ask your host about private / legal parking. + Covered car parks Pastry shop + bakery Pedestrian zone Pedestrian zone from the short-term parking zone to E3 to F3 the post office (east) to Hotel Silvretta (west) and from Mutta House (north) to church (south) around the clock. At the time of arrival and departure Visitors and residents may enter the pedestrian zone by car. Please note the one-way traffic regulations and parking restrictions! Petrol station Ischgl BP petrol station tel. 5787, Mon-Sat 6.30am to 9pm G3 Sun 7am to 8pm Pharmacy Pharmacy Dr Walser tel. 5200 + doctor E3 City pharmacy Landeck “Zur Mariahilf“ Landeck, tel. 05442/62334, Mon-Fri 8am to 6pm; Sat 8am to noon and 5.30pm to 6.30pm; Sun 9.30am to 10.30am and 5.30pm to 6.30pm Pontlatz pharmacy Landeck, Urichstr. 43 tel. 05442/62737, Mon-Fri 8am to 1pm and 2pm to 6pm, Sat 8am to noon Kronburg pharmacy Zams, Hauptplatz 2 tel. 05442/62321 Mon-Fri 8am to 12.30pm and 2.30pm to 6pm, Sat 8am to 12.30pm Phone cards Phone cards available at the post office, tourism association, Rumler chemist, Silvretta Center, Sparmarkt Riha, Sport Salner, Kiosk Zangerl, Zangerl tobacconist Photographer and development Rumler Chemist photo shop, photographer + drugstore Piste rescue / piste accidents Piste rescue tel. 606600 report to piste rescue or to any lift or cableway station. After 5pm police tel. 059/133 7142 Pizzerias (with kitchen opening hours) Versahl I2 Alpenstern tel. 51201, 4pm to 9pm Bärafalla tel. 5223, 11am to midnight E3 Down Under - Cafe Germania tel. 5230, 5pm to 11pm E2/3 Eggerstüberl tel. 5360, 10am to midnight F3 Gasthof Glöckner tel. 5167, 11.30am to 10pm Mathon T3 Hotel Föhre tel. 5166, opening hours 8am to midnightMathon T3 Höllboden Tel 2011717 or 0664/5052309, 4pm to 11pm E3 La Candela tel. 5580, 11.30am to midnight D3 La Nona tel. 5247, until 11.30pm F3 Mathoner Dorfstadl tel. 5151, 4pm to 2am, Mathon U3 closed on Mondays Salz & Pfeffer tel. 5918, noon to 11pm E3 Schloss-Alm tel. 5633, 3pm to midnight Schloss-Lounge tel. 5633, 3pm to midnight Sunn-Alm 530268, 11am to 11pm Testa Rossa tel. 5223, 9am to midnight Trofana Alm tel. 602, 8pm to 11pm D4 D4 F3 E3 D3 Police Police station Ischgl next to the church up the hill, Zollhof 8 F4 6561 Ischgl, tel. 059 133 7142, fax 059 133 7142 109 Post office Österreichische Post AG branch 6561 Ischgl/Paznaun tel. 5238, Mon-Fri 8am to noon and 2pm to 5.30pm Road repair service Landeck ARBÖ break-down and test centre Landeck, tel. 05442/63836, Road repair service 123 (no area code), 8am to noon and 1pm to 6pm ÖAMTC – Automobil- and Touringclub Tirol Hauptstr. 10, Zams Road repair, service emergency number 120 (no area code) around the clock service! Test service tel. 05442/63 261 from 8am to noon and 1pm to 5pm Ischgl petrol station + Petrol station Sauna + SilvrettaCenter F3 Recycling site + waste separation Rescue + emergency numbers SilvrettaCenter SilvrettaCenter tel. 606-950, fax 606-952,, E2/3; SilvrettaCenter + cafe, Internet access, bowling alley, conference centre, restaurants, slide and sound presentation, Adventure pool 10am to 9.30pm (pool closes) Sauna, steam room noon to 9pm (sauna closes) Reservation office + tourism association Restaurants (with kitchen opening hours) E3 Al’Aua tel. 5245, 5pm to midnight Allegra tel. 5275-64, 4pm to 1am E3/4 Alpenhotel Ischglerhof tel. 5330, noon to 9.30pm D3 Alpenstern tel. 51201, 4pm to 9pm Versahl I2 Baurakucha Loba tel. 5289 or 5660, 5pm to 10pm EF3 Bärafalla tel. 5223, open 9am till 1am, food served from E3 11am to 11pm Burger King tel. 20117-16, 10am to 3am E3 Café Restaurant Salner tel. 5627 11.30am to 11pm F3 Castel tel. 5746, 6pm to 9pm G2 Central tel. 5258 E3 Chalet Alpin Ischgl tel. 20111, 7pm to 10pm Versahl I2/K2 Down Under - Cafe Germania tel. 5230, 5pm to 11pm E2/3 Eggerstüberl tel. 5360, 10am to midnight F3 Gasthaus Alt-Paznaun tel. 5380, 11am to midnight E3 Gasthof Glöckner tel. 5167, 11.30am to 10pm Mathon T3 Grill-Alm - Hotel Gramaser tel. 5293, 10am to 10pm D3 Höllboden Tel 2011717 or 0664/5052309, 4pm to 11pm E3 Hotel Arnika tel. 5244, 7pm to 9.30pm F3 only fondue, spare ribs or set meals! Please book in advance! Hotel Brigitte tel. 5646 E4 Hotel Elisabeth tel. 5411, 7.30pm to 9.30pm F3 Hotel Föhre tel. 5166, to 10pm Mathon T3 Hotel Ischglerhof tel. 5330, noon to 9.30pm D3 Hotel Madlein tel. 5226, 7.30pm to 9pm F3 Hotel Solaria tel. 5205, 5pm to 10pm, by prior reservation F3/G3 Hotel Trofana tel. 601, from 10am E3 Hotel Trofana Royal “Paznauner Stube“ tel. 600, from noon D3 to 2pm and from 7pm to 9pm, closed on Sundays Jägerhof tel. 5206, noon to 9pm F3/4 Kitzloch tel. 5618, 8pm to midnight F3 La Candela tel. 5580, 11.30am to midnight D3 La Nona tel. 5247, fnoon to 11.30pm F3 Mathoner Dorfstadl tel. 5151, 4pm to 2am Mathon U3 closed on Mondays Nevada tel. 5382, 11.30am to 10.30pm G3 Restaurant & Weinbar Ursprung (Hotel Post) tel. 5232, E3/E4 11.30am to 11pm Salnerhof “Tiroler Stube“ tel. 5272, noon to 10pm D3 Salz & Pfeffer tel. 5918, food served from noon to 11pm E3 Schloss-Alm gourmet & wine bar tel. 5633, 6pm to 11pm D4 gourmet: 13. Dez to 6. April closed on Mondays and Tuesdays wine bar: noon to 11pm SilvrettaCenter tel. 606-950, 11.30am to 9.30pm E2/3 Sporthotel Piz Buin tel. 5300, 7pm to 9pm G3 Steakhouse – Hotel Gramaser tel. 5293-57, 5pm to 1am D3 Stüva tel. 5275, noon to 2pm (reservation), 7pm to 9.30pm E3/4 Sunn Alm tel. 5302, 11am to 11pm F3 Talblick tel. 5362, 11.30am to 2pm and 5.30pm Vergröß M1 to 9pm Tannenhof tel. 5472, 11.30am to 10pm Ebene P2 Testa Rossa tel. 5223, noon to 10pm E3 Tirol tel. 5216-44, noon to 2pm and 6pm to 9.30pm E3 please book in advance Tiroler Stube tel. 5258, open continuously E3 Toscana tel. 20007, 11am to 2am C3/H3 Trofana Alm tel. 602, 7.30pm to 10pm D3 Trofana Alpin tel. 601, from 11am E3 Trofana Royal “Paznauner Stube” tel. 600, noon to 2pm D3 and from 7pm on, closed on Sundays Walserstube tel. 20062 oder 5176, 11am to 10pm Mathon U3 Wildererhütte-Wildpark tel. 5858 or 5300 Mathon RS3 11.30am to 9pm, Mon & Thu Live Music Silvrettaseilbahn AG E3 Silvrettaseilbahn AG Tel. 606,, First trip up the mountain 8.30am, last trip up the mountain 4pm, Last trip into the valley 5pm. www. Ski and shoe depot Ischgl Rent / Sportalm Salner tel. 5262 Main shop in the town centre Mon-Fri, Sun 8am to E3 6.30pm; Sat 8am to 8pm Town centre branch Mon-Fri, Sun 8am to 6.30pm, E3 6.30pm; Sat 8am to 8pm Branch Ischgl East Mon-Fri, Sun 8.15am to 6pm, F3 Sat 8.15am to 7.30pm Branch Ischgl West Mon-Fr, Sun 8.15am to 6.20pm, D3 Sat 8.15am to 7.30pm SilvrettaSports Silvretta cableway valley station 8am to 6.30pm E3 Fimbabahn valley station 8am to 6pm F4 Pardatschgrat valley station 8am to 6pm F3 Idalp 8.30am to 4.30pm ski region Sport + Mode Zangerl tel. 20032 near village tunnel 8am to 7pm E3 Ski and shoe hire + sports shops Ski bus transfer Free ski bus transfer from Galtür to Landeck to the railways in Ischgl. Limited transfer service at the beginning and at the end of the season! For more information, contact the tourism association. F3 Sports shops & sports fashion / hire Intersport Bründl tel. 5725 Branch town centre branch tel. 5725 E3 Branch Star tel. 51292 Branch Prenner tel. 5583 F3 from Nov. 25 on: Mon-Sat 8.30am to 6.30pm Sun 8.30am to 6pm (Town Centre & Star), Mon-Sun 8am to 6pm (Prenner) from Dec. 25 on: Mon-Fri 8.30am to 7pm Sat 8am to 6.30pm Sun 8.30am to 6pm (Town Centre & Star) Mon-Sat 8am to 6.30pm, Sun 8am to 6pm (Prenner) Ischgl Rent / Sportalm Salner tel. 5262 Main shop in town centre, 8am to 6.30pm E3 Town centre branch 8am to 6.30pm E3 Branch Ischgl East (Hotel Golfais) 8am to 6pm F3 Branch Ischgl West 8.15 to 6.30pm D3 Branch Mathon Mon, Fri, Sat, Sun 8.15 to Mathon U3 11.20am and 3pm to 6.20pm Next Generation Sportsrent Hotel Elisabeth tel. 5411, 8.15am to 6.30pm F3 Sportsrent Hotel Madlein tel. 5226 665, 8.15am to 6.15pm F3 Sportsrent Hotel Romantica tel. 5633, 9.30am to 7.30pm D4 Salner’s Shop tel. 5555 Main shop in town centre, 8am to 7pm E3 Branch Ischgl East (Hotel Golfais) 8.15am to 6pm F3 Branch Ischgl West 8.15am to 6.20pm D3 Branch Mathon Mon, Fri, Sat, Sun 8.15 to Mathon U3 11.20am and 3pm to 6.20pm SilvrettaSports Shop Silvretta cableway valley station tel. 201 25, 8am to 6.30pm E3 Shop Idalp tel. 201 26, 8.30am to 4.30pm ski region Ski Shop Schlosshotel tel. 5633, 8am to noon and 1pm D4 to 6pm Sport Adler tel. 5251-75, E3/4 Ski Rental tel. 5251-67, Snowboardshop, tel. 5251-72 Sun-Fr 8.30am to 7pm, Sat 8am to 7pm Sport Hangl tel. 5990 Geschäftshaus Tirol 8.30am to 12.30pm and 3pm to D3 6.30pm Hotel Trofana Royal Selling: Mon-Sun 9am to 7pm D3 Hire: Sat 8.30am to 7pm Sun-Fri 8.30am to noon and 3pm to 7pm Sport Zangerl tel. 20032 near village tunnel Mon-Sun 8am to 7pm E3 Swimming + SilvrettaCenter Taxi Alpentaxi Ischgl GmbH tel. 5757, mobile 0664 4663 373 24 hours Sphinx tel. 06642545000 Taxi Leo tel. 20077 Ski kindergarten + Snow Sports Academy Ski school + Snow Sports Academy Ski tours + mountain guide association Ischgl Sledging Sledge evenings along the longest sledge run of the Alps (7 km long, 950 m altitude difference, lit) takes place on Mondays and Thursdays weather permitting. Way up Silvretta cableway 7pm to 8.30pm Please note ski passes, apart from season tickets, are not valid for sledging. Sledges are available for rent at the mountain station of the Silvretta cableway. (please note hire charge must be paid together with cableway ticket.) Sledge drop at the end of the sledge run. Snacks + Fast food Snow Sports Academy E3 Office Silvretta cableway valley station tel. 5257, 8am to 12am and 2pm to 5pm, Office meeting place Idalp tel. 5404 ski region Ski kindergarten for children between the ages of 3 and 5 Guest kindergarten without skiing, no infants Tariffs and course schedule see information folder of the Snow Sports Academy Solarium + SilvrettaCenter Souvenirs Dorfplatzl tel. 52501, 8am to 6.30pm Ischgl-Store tel. 50028, 9am to 7pm, Stickerei Pircher tel. 5768 Mon-Sat 9am to noon and 3pm to 7pm F3 E3 Telephone F3 Telephone at the post office 4 card telephones, 4 coin-operated phones and 1 multi-media phone (Internet + telephone), coin-operated Telephone Mathon centre 1 coin-operated phone Mathon U2 Telephone Mathon – next to bakery 1 card phone Mathon T3 Telephone on the Idalp 1 card phone ski region Train information Landeck railway station tel. 05 17 17 or at www.oebb.atLandeck Translations Olga Kurz tel. 0660 65428 11 German – Russian – German Useful telephone numbers Road block information tel. 050 990 100 ÖAMTC (Austrian Automobil-, Motorcycle and Touring Club) euro-emergency number tel. 01/982 8282 Russian translation Olga Kurz, Tel 0660 65428 11 F3 Directory inquiries Austria, EU and neighbouring countries tel. 1188 77 worldwide directory inquiries tel. 0900/1188 77 Vet Dr Kammerlander tel. 05442/63 674 or 0676/6031 722 Landeck Mon, Wed 5pm to 6pm Fri 2pm to 3pm and by prior arrangement Vinothek Plangger delicatessen (Geschäftshaus Tirol) tel. 20 142 10am to 7pm, Vinothek Ischgl (Hotel Ischgl) tel. 5351, 3pm to 7pm D3 G2 Visitors’ awards Awards for guests who have been visiting Ischgl 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 … times (minimum stay per visit one week). Application forms for hosts and guests available at the tourism association. Visitors’ charge / visitors tax Visitors charge / day € 2.20, unless otherwise indicated in the price list, the visitors charge that you pay your landlord is included in the price. Waste separation Waste must be separated into the following categories recyclables (cardboard, paper, glass, plastic packaging and metal tins), bio waste and residual waste. Your host provides containers for separating waste. Recyclables are collected at (unless host deals with it) Recycling site to the right of the gallery Graf valley (between Ischgl and Mathon). Opening times Recycling site Mon, Wed, Fri 9am to noon and 1pm to 6pm; Sat 10am to noon and 1pm to 4pm Weather forecast Tirol 0900 91/15 66 08 TV ZIB programmes 9am, 1pm, 5pm, 7.30pm, 7.53pm ORF teletext page 600 to 620 Radio magazine programmes Ö1 7am, noon, 6 pm, 10 pm Regional radio Ö2; every hour after the news on Ö3 Panoramic view of the Ischgl/Samnaun area on cable TV Wellness Hotel Madlein tel. 5226 Hotel Seiblishof tel. 5425, pool 9am to 7pm, spa area 3pm to 7pm F3 D3 Tennis and leisure centre C4 Tennis and leisure centre 3 indoor courts and 2 badminton courts; Reservation, coach lessons at tel. 5203, Cafe tel. 5203, Mon-Fri 9am to 8pm Tobacco products Dorfplatzl tel. 52501, 8am to 6.30pm, Pre-Paid mobile cards F3 Guxa tel. 5275-75, 6pm to 2am, cigars, walk-in humidor E3/4 Tabak-Fachhandel Fritz Georg tel. 525566 or 0664 1573787 G3 7.30am to 6.30pm Tourism association Paznaun – Ischgl F3 Tourism association Paznaun – Ischgl tel. 050 990 100, fax 199,,, Mon-Sat 8am to 6.30pm, Sun and public holidays 9am to noon and 4pm to 6pm Editor and responsible for content Paznaun – Ischgl tourism association, 6561 Ischgl, tel. 050990, Subject to alterations. May contain misprints. ALPINARIUM GALTÜR: Holders of Galtür, Ischgl, Kappl, See or Pians guest cards are entitled to a reduction. Notes