in this issue - Antique Back Roads Collector`s Magazine


in this issue - Antique Back Roads Collector`s Magazine
in this issue
Marbles & Collecting
Pepsi & Pete
Sweets for the Sweet
Volume 5
Sweets for the sweet
February is Valentine month and candy and flowers
are a favorite among lovers. The Schimpff family of
Jeffersonville, Indiana knows all about the history
of candy and live with it every day. A family owned
business, Schimpff’s Confectionery manufactures
confectionery candy every day and has done so since
Mr. & Mrs. Schimpff work daily to produce candy
that will make your mouth water. The history of
the candy company goes
back to 1858. At that time
confectionery Gustav
A Schimpff Sr. opened
a small business on
Preston Street in
Louisville, Kentucky.
In 1881 he and his son,
Gustav Jr. moved the
business across the Ohio
River to Jeffersonville,
Indiana. On April 12, 1892,
they opened the doors at 347
Spring Street in Jeffersonville.
Still in that Spring Street location,
Indy Ad Show Fast Approaching
Over 100 advertising and
toy dealers from 28 states
will be converging on the
Indiana State Fairgrounds in
Indianapolis to transform a
65,000 square foot building
into a collector’s dream. If
you are looking for the unique,
the rare, or those special mint
condition items, you need to
attend the Indy Antique Advertising Show, March 15 & 16.
Simply stated, the dealers bring the
best they have to offer for both the beginning and advanced
The Indy Antique Advertising Show is the nation’s premier show to find true vintage and antique advertising.
This includes a broad range of items in breweriana, soda
fountain, drug & country store, toys, Americana, gas &
oil, coin operated machines, ephemera and veterinarian.
You just simply never know what is going to be for sale
at the show. Dealers are very dedicated to making this
show one of the best for vintage and antique advertising and often save items just for the Indy show. To get a
glimpse of what dealers are bringing, visit the website at
Our dealers enjoy talking to customers about what they have brought
to sell and are always glad to
share their wealth of knowledge
with new and advanced collecArden Farms’ dairy history
reaches back to 1904 in El Monte,
California. Founder Edward
Robbins raised dairy cows and
started state-of-the-art facilities
for bottling milk and was the first
certified milk dairy in California.
Continued on Page 2
Indy Ad Show Fast Approaching
Continued from Page 1
tors. Helping collectors
select the perfect piece for
their collection is always
important to the dealers.
Besides the dealers who
have items for sale, you will
find auction companies,
antique website companies
and authors such as Rich
Rich Penn, author of
Mom and Pop Stores and
Mom and Pop Saloons,
will be glad to answer
questions on a country
store or saloon item.
Rich has become the
“go to” for reference
books for both the collector and dealer. Rich, an avid
collector of just about everything advertising, has been
doing our show for over ten years.
Doors open at 9 AM on Saturday so get there early.
The Indiana State Fairgrounds is located on 1202 E. 38th
Street in Indianapolis. When entering into the Fairgrounds, look for the Champions Pavilion. Watch for the
marquee of the Indy Ad Show. Admission is $8.00 per
person and the show is open until 4 PM.
Some of our customers find that they cannot attend
the show on Saturday or need more time to shop so they
attend our “Preview” on Friday the 15th. To thank customers for their support of the Indy Antique Advertising
Show, preview tickets for the March, 2013 show are being
offered at special savings. Until March 1st, preview tickets can be purchased for only $25 each, regularly $50. The preview hours on Friday, March 15 are 1-6 pm. Saturday admission is also included with the preview ticket.
To purchase preview tickets at this savings, visit the website at or call 217.821.1294.
If you are a dealer who has thought about adding a
show to your schedule and want to display at the show,
contact us. While we are selective on the merchandise
that is displayed, we do encourage dealers to contact us
with questions or to visit the website for dealer information. We are dedicated to maintaining the quality of the
show and holding true to the vision of the Indy Ad Show.
If you can only attend one show, this is the show that
you don’t want to miss! We hope to see you on March 1516, 2013 at the Indiana State Fairgrounds and again on
September 27-28, 2013.
Bruce & Donna Weir
Is It Just An Old Paint Can?
What do you do with old paint cans? Most
would say just throw them away…especially if they
contained oil based paint. If everyone had thrown
them away during the 1900’s we would have lost a
lot of history.
While paint is over 30,000 years old it was not
until the 1700’s that the first paint mill was built
in America by Thomas Child in Boston, Massachusetts. The next big step was taken in the mid 1800’s
when the first paint factories started arriving on
the scene. D.R. Averiall of Ohio was given the first
patent on “Ready Mixed” paints, however, it was
not well received by his partners and the partnership was dissolved.
Henry Alden Sherwin, one of the partners of
Sherwin, Dunham and Griswold wanted to let homeowners choose their own premixed colors. He
also believed that factory paint should be of higher
quality and better consistency. Unfortunately, his
ideas were not well received by his partners and
the partnership dissolved. Mr. Sherwin’s ideas
must have sounded interesting to Mr. Edward
Williams, and they formed a new company by the
name of Sherwin-Williams.
The Industrial Revolution was creating a new
market for paint. From homes to wagons, everyone needed this new paint. The demand continued
to grow and many small to medium manufacturers
sprang up to serve the local buying area, thus the
reason for so many companies. As with other in-
dustries, small and medium sized companies either
were purchased by larger companies or just went
out of business.
For over 20 years I have collected old paint cans
and always get strange looks when someone asks
me what I collect. Paint cans have some of the
most wonderful graphic art that you will ever find.
Automobiles, furniture, interior design and style
can be seen on labels of early paint cans. In addition to the larger name brand companies, there
were many smaller local companies throughout the
country, so the search for different brand paints
and labels can be endless. Paint cans had unique
shapes and graphic labels which were designed to
attract buyers.
Large gallon cans are hard to find. Paint would
spill down the front and were stored in damp
buildings so they were normally tossed. The large
gallon cans, will have the most detailed graphics
and the most colors. Cans featured what the paint
could be used on…including trains, barns, floors,
screens, furniture, cars, schools and homes.
Large gallon cans are hard to find, as they were
thrown away, due to paint running down the front
and being stored in damp buildings. Look for unusual shapes with colorful and complex graphics.
Enjoy history…in old paint cans.
Irene Davis, Author
Collecting Paint Advertising & Memorabilia
Sweets for the Sweet
the sturdy
building is the
home of four
of the Schmipff
Most visitors
to the candy shop
and 50’s soda
fountain stop in for
some of their famous handmade candy. Favorites
such as Fish Candy, Horehound Drops and original
Cinnamon Red Hots are local favorites. In fact the
Red Hots are Schimpff’s oldest continuously made
candy. All of the candy is made with the original
turn-of-the century machines.
The candy shop is decorated
with early candy molds.
The Schimpff’s traditional
favorites are the hand-dipped
Modjeska, a caramel-covered
marshmallow treat named for
the famous Madame Helena
Modjeska. Walking into the
store will bring back childhood
memories as you smell the old
fashioned candy, such as root
beer barrels.
In 2001, the Schimpffs
expanded their building on
the right and added a candy
demonstration area and a
candy museum. Collectors
from all over visit the museum
and are in awe of the collection
of candy memorabilia that the
Schimpffs have collected and
have on display. Old candy
cases are full of old candy tins,
salesman sample kits, candy
containers, candy signs, store
displays, candy boxes and the list goes on and on.
The history of
candy lives here
in the Schimpff’s
If you are
anywhere close
to Jeffersonville,
it is worth the
visit to see
Continued from Page 1
their collection and get
a traditional sundae
and soda from their
soda fountain. They
even have cherry and
chocolate Coke. Then
stroll through the
walkway and marvel
at the way candy was
made and things that
have been lost in
history. Their museum
is just to the back of the
store and you will be
amazed at the boxes, tins,
and cases
which are on display. Allow
enough time to circle the room
at least 5 times and you will still
miss something. Schimpff’s
Confectionery is located on 347
Spring Street, Jeffersonville,
Indiana. Their hours are Monday
– Friday 10 to 5 and Saturday 10
to 3. Visit them also on line at
History of
Sold $7,500
Sold $9,775
Sold $8,050
Sold $28,800
Sold $5,750
Sold $14,950
Sold $10,350
arbles have been around since ancient time. Roman glass marbles were discovered and archeologists
have excavated stone marbles in ecological digs in Egypt. Marbles started becoming popular in the
1850s to 1950s. Children were using marbles to play games in the schoolyards during this era. A lot
of games were played for keep, which brought out competitive behaviors among avid players and
collectors. Some of these players played with their favorite marble which in turn is why
a lot of the marbles found today are chipped.
There are many
factors that make
a marble valuable:
age, color, and size,
type, handmade or
machine made and
the condition of the
marble is the most
important factor.
Machine made marbles
started in the early 1900s by
MF Christensen & Sons in
Akron, OH. Mr. Christensen
invented the ball bearing
machine and sold the patent
for $200,000. After he sold
the patent, he used the same
machine to make glass marbles. Machine made marble
glass is heated in a furnace
kiln and color striping was
added to the crucibles. The
glass would come out of the
kiln in a stream and was cut
by automatic shears and then
the marbles were rounded
in marble rollers.
Article & Photos
Courtesy of
Morphy Auctions
Earlier period marbles from 1850s to Pre-World
War I were mostly handmade. The glass blower
would make a rod of glass by using different colors which determined what type of marble it was.
The rod was heated up and the glass was formed
into a cup which was snipped by marble scissors,
therefore the marble would have pontil marks
on each end. Colors of a handmade marbles
typically run from pontil to pontil. The cane of
glass started out being 2 - 1/2” round and 30” long
and could be heated and stretched to make marbles
down to pee-wee size which would be ½”.
Marble collecting is still a strong market today.
Handmade marbles were the most sought after
marbles in the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s. But then
machine made marbles started getting attention
in the early 1980s and began to climb in value.
Collectors wanted to have different factory
marbles and began giving them names that were
not already attributed to the marble by the factory.
Handmade prices then began to fall at the height
of the machine made collecting era. In the past 10
years handmade marble prices have started to rise
due to the interest in history and the rarity, which
means marbles are still a strong market today.
A record price has been set for a handmade
marble selling at auction this year for $28,000.
The highest price paid for a machine made was
just under $7,000. If you are looking for an interesting collectible, marbles is the category for you!
Pepsi & Pepsi Pete
In the summer of 1898 in New Bern,
North Carolina, a young pharmacist named
Caleb Bradham began experimenting with
combinations of spices, juices and syrups,
trying to create a refreshing new drink to
serve to his customers. He succeeded beyond
all expectations, inventing the beverage now
known around the world as Pepsi-Cola.
When Walter Mack became president
of the Pepsi-Cola company in October
of 1938, he was looking for new ways
to reach customers. One way to do
this was through the comic section
in the newspaper which was widely
read at that time. At first Mack
wanted to use Popeye and replace
his spinach with Pepsi, but the
cost of using Popeye’s image was
too expensive at the time. PepsiCola’s ad agency of Newell-Emmet
was given the task of coming up
with a character that would be
popular with readers. Several
characters were rejected until the
agency came up with the whimsical
keystone cop looking
characters. The
keystone cops were
named Pepsi and Pete
by Mack and first
appeared in several
newspapers in the
New York area in
September 1939.
By 1940 Pepsi
and Pete cartoon
ads were running
in almost 200
across the
country. The characters were so popular the comic
strip ran for 12 years.
Several different artists drew Pepsi and Pete over
the years which would explain while sometimes their
names would be switched. One of the more famous
artists to draw Pepsi and Pete was Rube Goldberg.
Pepsi and Pete were so popular in the newspaper that
the company started a full ad program showcasing
the characters and even actors where hired to portray
Pepsi and Pete for street parades. Today, Pepsi and
Pete remain highly collectible among Pepsi collectors.
Promotional items produced include cardboard
signs, tin signs, glasses, matchbooks, etc. As
with most popular collectibles, items are being
reproduced so you will want to thoroughly
check out the items before purchasing.
If you would like to learn more about
Pepsi-Cola collectibles, the company history
and network with other collectors, join
the Pepsi-Cola Collectors Club at www. The club
publishes a quarterly newsletter and
has an annual Pepsi Fest Convention
usually held in conjunction with the
March Indy Ad Show plus several
other smaller functions during the
year. Pepsi Fest is a three day
event where collectors are given
the opportunity to buy and trade
from each other, attend seminars
on Pepsi memorabilia and get
to know each other at social
functions. For more information
on Pepsi Fest in Indianapolis,
IN on March 14-16, contact Diane
Gabriel at 724-658-6310 or e-mail at
Scott Kinzie
Fresh New Look For a fast growing web site
New Arrivals
All Items
Barber Shop
Black Americana
Candy Gum and Nuts
Character Collectibles
Clothing and Accessories
Coin Op and Vending
Coins and US Currency
Collectible 70’s
Country Store
Fire Memorabilia
Household Collectibles
Medical and Rx
Metal Work
Military Collectibles
Movie TV Memorabilia
Music and Radio
Other Collectibles
Paper Ephemera
Pinbacks Badges Smalls
Political Campaigns
Reference Books
Salesman Samples
Smoking Collectibles
Souvinir Collectibles
Sports and Hobbies
Trading Cards
Western Collectibles
in 2007,
com was and
is the only
website to offer
“Only Vintage”
items for sale.
As more and
more collectors
found the site,
they quickly
preferred shopping icollect247
rather than spending hours
sorting through numerous
reproductions, fantasy
or limited edition items.
The site is dedicated to
keeping icollect247 pure
vintage by reviewing
every dealer’s listing
before it goes “live”.
This insures it meets the
icollect247 high standard of
Within 6 months of its entrance to the web,
the site had over a million hits per month
proving that demand for “vintage only” venue
was needed. By the end of 2011 the site was
receiving over
4 million hits
a month. Each
month brings
more collectors
and dealers to
the site. While
other sites
took out the
personal contact
between dealers
and collectors
by using
screen names,
takes the
“personal” approach. You buy, talk to and
ask questions of “real” people,
who have “real” names and
are collectors just like you.
You interact directly with the
quality dealers.
It was a perfect time for
a facelift, said Irene and
Carter Davis, owners of the
site and what better time to do it than on our
5th anniversary. The site has been completely
redesigned with many new features for the
buyers. Irene
explained, that
you can still
shop without
and now
when you
do register,
you can ask
make offers,
and have a
record of your
orders for 30 days.
Also several new
categories and
subcategories have
been added. A new
dealer directory
now lets you read
about the Quality
Dealers who are
selling on line.
Dealers add vintage listings on a daily basis
with a wide variety of items from advertising to
vintage categories. You never know what you may
find. There are over 18,000 vintage listings for
you to choose from!
Carter and Irene’s passion of collecting has
brought that passion to
icollect247. Collecting
is not just a hobby, it
is a life style, so shop
icollect247 today and
join our collecting
Collector Tips
By Collectors
One good old tin coffee sign approx. 6” x 18 to
28”. Harold Waltz PH: 207-723-6694
Kids Play 1950 Tip Top Bread Cardbrd Bang
Gun. Red Blue stars 2 sides. B. Galbraith, 421
Vanderbilt Rd., Connellsville, PA 15425
Peanut Butter Pails, good graphics & Moses
Cough Drops 5 lb tin in cond. 8+. Send photos to
Steve Music at FREDDA1111@MSN.Com
Early paint cans with printed labels in exc or
better condition – Irene Davis 757-894-1218.
Ad to be two lines or a maximum of 128 characters in length
(includes spaces and punctuation). Ad should contain what
you are looking for. Be specific as to item, date, condition.
Include your email address or phone number. Include your
name, if you wish.
Not for Commercial Use – collectors only please.
Cost: $35 per issue, send ad and check to payable to:
Donna Weir, 8366 Timber Ridge Rd., Effingham, IL
Antique Back Roads is not responsible for any of the content of the ads or
in any way responsible for the sale or purchase of the items. Antique Back
Roads is not responsible and has no obligation to resolve disputes between
the buyers and sellers. Any disputes or conflicts should be resolved directly
between the parties involved.
• While WD-40 is wonderful for loosening
all types of stuck/rusted bolts, NEVER use
it to free the gears on a clock or to oil the
clock. When WD-40 is applied to the brass
works, it becomes more like a varnish
and gums up. Ends up costing you more
money to get the clock fixed.
• Old electric clock pam style clocks…
if when you plug them in they run
backwards, just unplug and turn the plug
Framing Tips - Framing important documents
and prints: Use a framer who will use acid
free mat board and acid free materials. Use
ultraviolet or UV blocking glass to protect
again harmful rays. Do not put any artwork in
direct sunlight even with UV glass.
Striping Paint from Metal - Drop the piece in
boiling water then dip into cold water. The
paint should peel off.
All tips should be tried on a small back area
before starting. Please be aware that every
period or printing production used different
dyes, paints and inks.
Submit your tips to
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Antique Back Roads
PO Box 56
Tasley, VA 23441
Find These Items at the Indie Ad Show
Stoner 1 Cent
Gum Machine
Coca Cola Sales
Sample Cooler
Singer DSP Sign
Blue Crown Tin Sign
Ever Ready Safety
Razor 8 Day Clock