March 2016 Market Action All Areas Report
March 2016 Market Action All Areas Report
A Publication of RMLS™, The Source for Real Estate Statistics in Your Community Residential Review: Baker County, Oregon March Residential Highlights Activity in Baker County is showing a seasonal increase, but measures are still under March 2015 levels. Closed sales (16) increased 45.5% over February 2016 (11) but fell 20.0% short of the 20 closings posted in March 2015. New listings (29) surged past the 20 new listings posted last month but fell 14.7% short of the 34 new listings offered last year in March 2015. Pending sales (22) fared 22.2% better than in February 2016 Change 2015 2016 Baker County Residential Highlights New Listings Pending Sales March 2016 Reporting Period (18) but were 24.1% behind the 29 offers accepted in March 2015. Average and Median Sale Prices Comparing the average price of homes in the twelve months ending March 31st of this year ($152,000) with the average price of homes sold in the twelve months ending March 2015 ($162,500) shows a decrease of 6.5%. The same comparison of the median shows a decrease of 11.3% over that same period. Closed Sales Average Sale Price Total Market Time Median Sale Price March 29 22 16 149,500 134,000 120 February 20 18 11 119,400 85,000 132 Year-to-date 63 53 37 133,500 99,900 146 March 34 29 20 144,600 139,800 424 Year-to-date 75 65 51 158,700 112,000 317 March -14.7% -24.1% -20.0% 3.4% -4.1% -71.7% Prev Mo 2016 45.0% 22.2% 45.5% 25.2% 57.6% -9.1% Year-to-date -16.0% -18.5% -27.5% -15.9% -10.8% -53.9% Inventory in Months* 2014 2015 2016 January 10.8 12.9 11.6 February 19.9 10.3 11.3 March 13.5 8.9 7.9 April 15.3 12.1 May 12.3 12.8 June 15.5 8.7 July 13.7 8.7 August 9.8 6.2 September 14.2 5.9 October 26.4 9.1 November 7.4 6.3 December 13.6 4.3 *Inventory in Months is calculated by dividing the Active Residential Listings at the end of the month in question by the number of closed sales for that month. This includes proposed and under construction homes. Percent Change of 12-Month Sale Price Compared With The Previous 12 Months Average Sale Price % Change: -6.5% ($152,000 v. $162,500) Median Sale Price % Change: -11.3% ($124,000 v. $139,800) For further explanation of this measure, see the second footnote on page 2. 220 ACTIVE RESIDENTIAL LISTINGS 200 BAKER COUNTY, OR 180 This graph shows the active 160 residential listings over the 140 past three calendar years in Active Residential Listings 240 120 100 2014 2015 2016 JAN 172 180 116 FEB 159 175 124 MAR 175 178 127 APR 184 194 MAY 209 205 JUN 217 200 JUL 219 192 AUG 225 174 SEP 227 160 OCT 211 136 NOV 192 126 DEC 177 121 © Copyright RMLS™ 2016. All Rights Reserved. Baker County, Oregon. AREA REPORT • 3/2016 Baker County, Oregon Average Sale Price Closed Sales Average Sale Price Closed Sales Avg. Sale Price % Change2 Closed Sales Median Sale Price Average Sale Price Closed Sales Pending Sales 2016 v. 20151 460 461 Sumpter/McEwen/ Bourne/Phillips Lk/ Granit Unity/ Hereford Huntington/ Lime Durkee/ Pleasant Valley - 0 Richland/ New Bridge 11 2 Halfway/ Cornucopia 14 2 0 2 - 1 152,000 189 5 3 200.0% 2 129,800 129,800 -50.3% Oxbow - 0 0 0 - 0 - - 0 0 - 0 - - - 0 - 0 - 0 - Baker County 127 29 5 22 -24.1% 16 149,500 120 63 53 -18.5% 37 133,500 99,900 -6.4% 3 111,300 6 51,500 2 114,300 467 462 New Listings Pending Sales 3 Total Market Time Average Sale Price -9.8% 463 Closed Sales Pending Sales 2016 v. 20151 97,900 Haines/Anthony Lk/ Muddy Crk 464 Pending Sales Expired.Canceled Listings Year-To-Date 465 New Listings MULTIFAMILY Year-To-Date 466 Active Listings LAND Year-To-Date Baker City/ Keating 468 1 COMMERCIAL Year-To-Date Average Sale Price RESIDENTIAL Current Month 68 23 3 18 -35.7% 14 158,200 117 48 45 -16.7% 29 133,600 6 1 0 1 - 1 25,000 88 2 1 0.0% 2 110,500 110,500 249.8% - - - 0 - - 3 2 -33.3% 2 127,500 127,500 3.9% - - - -68.7% - - 19,900 119.4% - - 111,300 3 78,400 - 2 114,300 - - - 2 21,800 - - 1 30,000 - - - - - 24 1 2 2 0 0 1 - 0 - - 0 1 0.0% 2 0 0 0 - 0 - - 1 1 0.0% 1 19,900 0 0 - 0 - - 0 0 - 0 - - - 0 -100.0% 0 - - 4 0 -100.0% 1 310,000 310,000 53.1% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3 - - 0 - 0 - 0 - Percent change in number of pending sales this year compared to last year. The Current Month section compares March 2016 with March 2015. The Year-To-Date section compares 2016 year-to-date statistics through March with 2015 year-to-date statistics through March. 2 % Change is based on a comparison of the rolling average sale price for the last 12 months (4/1/15-3/31/16) with 12 months before (4/1/14-3/31/15). 3 Total Market Time is the number of days from when a property is listed to when an offer is accepted on that same property. If a property is re-listed within 31 days, Total Market Time continues to accrue; however, it does not include the time that it was off the market. NEW LISTINGS New Listings BAKER COUNTY, OR 60 This graph shows 50 the new residential 40 listings over the 30 20 past three calendar 10 years Baker County, 0 Oregon. 2014 2015 2016 2 © Copyright RMLS™ 2016. All Rights Reserved. This graph represents the average and median sale price SALE PRICE for all homes sold in Baker County, Oregon. BAKER COUNTY, OR Average and Median Sale Price $350,000 $300,000 $250,000 $200,000 $150,000 Average Sale Price Mar-16 Dec-15 Sep-15 Jun-15 Mar-15 Dec-14 Sep-14 Jun-14 Mar-14 Dec-13 Sep-13 Jun-13 Mar-13 Dec-12 Sep-12 Jun-12 Mar-12 Dec-11 Sep-11 $50,000 Jun-11 $100,000 Median Sale Price PENDING LISTINGS Pending Sales BAKER COUNTY, OR This graph represents 35 30 monthly accepted offers 25 in Baker County, Oregon 20 15 over the past three 10 calendar years. 5 0 2014 2015 2016 3 © Copyright RMLS™ 2016. All Rights Reserved. MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE Contact RMLS™ 8338 NE Alderwood Rd Suite 230 Portland, OR 97220 (503) 236-7657 CLOSED SALES This graph shows the closed sales over the past BAKER COUNTY, OR five calendar years in Baker County, Oregon. Closed Sales 30 25 20 2012 15 2013 2014 10 2015 2016 5 The statistics presented in Market Action are compiled monthly based on figures generated by RMLS™. Market Action Reports are compiled for the following areas: Portland metropolitan area, Southwest Washington, Mid-Columbia, Columbia Basin, Baker County, Coos County, Curry County, Douglas County, Grant County, Josephine County, Lane County, North Coastal Counties, Polk & Marion Counties, Union County, and Wallowa County. RMLS™ was formed by area Boards and Associations of REALTORS® in 1991. E-mail subscriptions are available for $45 per year by contacting RMLS™. Reproduction of any portion of this copyrighted material is prohibited without prior approval of RMLS™. 0 DAYS ON MARKET This graph shows the average market time for BAKER COUNTY, OR sales in Baker County, Oregon over the past three calendar years. Average Total Market Time 500 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 2014 TMT 2015 TMT 2016 TMT Craig Fahner, Chairman of the Board Kurt von Wasmuth, President/CEO Tyler Chaudhary, Editor © Copyright RMLS™ 2016. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of RMLS™, The Source for Real Estate Statistics in Your Community Residential Review: Columbia Basin, Oregon March Residential Highlights The Columbia Basin saw strong numbers in closed sales this March. At 68 for the month, closed sales ended 44.7% higher than last year in March 2015 (47) and 30.8% ahead of last month in February 2016 (52). Pending sales (75) dipped 9.6% from last month in February 2016 (83) but fared 15.4% better than in March 2015 when 65 offers were accepted for the month. New listings (98) rose 15.3% above the 85 new listings offered in February 2016 but fell 13.3% short of the 113 new listings offered in March 2015. March 2016 Reporting Period Average and Median Sale Prices Comparing the average price of homes in the twelve months ending March 31st of this year ($153,800) with the average price of homes sold in the twelve months ending March 2015 ($155,200) shows a decrease of 0.9%. The same comparison of the median shows an decrease of 2.2% over that same period. Percent Change of 12-Month Sale Price Compared With The Previous 12 Months Total market time increased to 134 days this March. During the same period, inventory decreased slightly to 4.6 months. Inventory in Months* 2014 2015 2016 January 14.9 9.7 5.4 February 11.5 9.2 6.1 March 10.4 8.0 4.6 April 10.8 6.1 May 10.5 9.4 June 6.7 5.7 July 9.1 4.5 August 9.5 5.1 September 8.4 6.9 October 8.4 5.6 November 6.9 8.1 December 6.3 4.9 *Inventory in Months is calculated by dividing the Active Residential Listings at the end of the month in question by the number of closed sales for that month. This number includes proposed and under construction homes. Average Sale Price % Change: -0.9% ($153,800 v. $155,200) Median Sale Price % Change: -2.2% ($140,900 v. $144,000) For further explanation of this measure, see the second footnote on page 3. Change 2015 2016 Columbia Basin Residential Highlights New Listings Pending Sales Closed Sales Average Sale Price Median Sale Price Total Market Time March 98 75 68 172,500 151,900 134 February 85 83 52 150,600 147,000 100 Year-to-date 256 216 186 152,600 140,500 122 March 113 65 47 152,600 154,900 123 Year-to-date 251 169 130 154,200 149,800 135 -13.3% 15.4% 44.7% 13.0% -1.9% 8.7% 15.3% -9.6% 30.8% 14.5% 3.3% 34.0% 2.0% 27.8% 43.1% -1.0% -6.2% -9.8% March Prev Mo 2016 Year-to-date © Copyright RMLS™ 2016. All Rights Reserved. AREA REPORT • 3/2016 Columbia Basin, Oregon RESIDENTIAL Year-To-Date 200.0% 4 89,800 78,500 27.8% - - - - - - Condon/S 8 3 0 1 - 0 - - 4 3 - 2 45,300 45,300 -38.8% - - - - - - Gilliam Co. Total 17 5 1 1 - 1 45,000 303 9 6 500.0% 6 75,000 68,800 -0.7% - Boardman/NW 11 5 1 2 -50.0% 2 177,800 87 7 7 -22.2% 7 159,200 175,000 -7.0% Irrigon 11 5 1 2 -66.7% 3 49,700 59 11 8 0.0% 10 112,600 97,500 0.4% - - 2 0 0 1 - 0 - - 1 1 - 1 215,000 215,000 -58.3% - - 1 1 1 - 0 - - 1 2 100.0% 2 133,000 133,000 348.8% - 8 2 2 3 200.0% 3 51,700 227 6 6 20.0% 8 94,400 69,600 -8.3% - 32 13 5 9 -18.2% 8 82,500 129 26 24 4.3% 28 124,200 129,500 -6.0% 8 3 2 -50.0% 5 180,200 92 12 13 44.4% 11 145,000 138,000 -6.4% - Hermiston 65 31 31 40.9% 22 207,000 86 85 83 29.7% 57 185,700 174,000 5.9% Stanfield 5 4 2 100.0% 2 73,800 24 7 3 -40.0% 2 73,800 73,800 Ione Lexington - Heppner/S Umatilla Echo - Pendleton City Limits 9 - Closed Sales Pending Sales New Listings Total Market Time Average Sale Price Closed Sales - - - 9 55,300 - - 2 31,300 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 11 50,900 - - 1 25,500 1 85,000 - - 1 45,000 2 308,500 -9.5% - - - - - - - - - - 1 1 - Average Sale Price 3 Average Sale Price 5 Average Sale Price 303 Closed Sales 45,000 Closed Sales 1 3 - Closed Sales 0 Pending Sales 1 Expired.Canceled Listings 2 New Listings Avg. Sale Price % Change2 MULTIFAMILY Year-To-Date Median Sale Price LAND Year-To-Date Average Sale Price Pending Sales 2016 v. 20151 COMMERCIAL 9 Active Listings 380 381 420 421 422 423 424 430 431 432 433 435 436 437 438 439 Year-To-Date Arlington/N Morrow Co. Total 1 Pending Sales 2016 v. 20151 Current Month 1,600,000 1,600,000 0 0 1 0.0% 1 460,000 162 1 2 0.0% 1 460,000 460,000 0.7% - - 92 24 8 17 70.0% 17 193,200 153 63 49 69.0% 48 151,800 136,800 1.6% - - E-Meacham, Cayuse 1 1 0 0 - 0 - - 1 0 - 1 40,000 40,000 - - - NE-Athena, Helix, Adams, Weston 23 6 3 3 0.0% 4 122,300 479 11 8 14.3% 9 133,700 114,000 -6.4% - - S-Pilot Rock, Ukiah 14 1 3 1 -50.0% 0 - - 3 3 0.0% 4 92,300 92,000 -43.6% - - Milton-Freewater 56 10 3 8 -27.3% 8 149,000 84 38 25 -3.8% 19 145,500 137,500 0.6% 1 130,000 Umatilla Co. Total 264 80 26 65 20.4% 59 186,900 131 221 186 28.3% 152 160,900 148,800 1.1% 1 130,000 3 - 66,000 - - 2 122,300 - - - 2 30,000 - - 1 40,000 - - - - - 8 46,100 5 189,300 Percent change in number of pending sales this year compared to last year. The Current Month section compares March 2016 with March 2015. The Year-To-Date section compares 2016 year-to-date statistics through March with 2015 year-to-date statistics through March. 2 % Change is based on a comparison of the rolling average sale price for the last 12 months (4/1/15-3/31/16) with 12 months before (4/1/14-3/31/15). 3 Total Market Time is the number of days from when a property is listed to when an offer is accepted on that same property. If a property is re-listed within 31 days, Total Market Time continues to accrue; however, it does not include the time that it was off the market. 2 © Copyright RMLS™ 2016. All Rights Reserved. ACTIVE RESIDENTIAL LISTINGS Active Residential Listings 550 500 COLUMBIA BASIN, OR 450 This graph shows the active 400 residential listings over the 350 past three calendar years in 300 Columbia Basin, Oregon. 250 2014 2015 2016 JAN 402 350 317 FEB 402 359 317 MAR 425 378 313 APR 420 391 MAY 430 393 JUN 445 381 JUL 483 395 AUG 504 375 NEW LISTINGS SEP 471 388 OCT 412 397 NOV 382 365 DEC 344 332 New Listings COLUMBIA BASIN, OR This graph shows 120 the new residential 100 listings over the past 80 three calendar years in 60 Columbia Basin, Oregon. 40 20 2014 3 2015 © Copyright RMLS™ 2016. All Rights Reserved. 2016 PENDING LISTINGS Pending Sales COLUMBIA BASIN, OR This graph represents 90 80 monthly accepted offers 70 in Columbia Basin, 60 50 Oregon over the past 40 30 three calendar years 20 10 2014 2015 2016 CLOSED SALES COLUMBIA BASIN, OR This graph shows the closed sales over the past five calendar years in Columbia Basin, Oregon. Closed Sales 90 80 70 60 2012 50 2013 40 2014 30 2015 20 2016 10 0 DAYS ON MARKET Average Total Market Time COLUMBIA BASIN, OR 300 This graph shows the 250 average market time for 200 sales in Columbia Basin, 150 Oregon, over the past 100 three calendar years. 50 2014 TMT 2015 TMT 2016 TMT 4 © Copyright RMLS™ 2016. All Rights Reserved. MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE This graph represents the average and median sale SALE PRICE price for all homes sold in Columbia Basin, Oregon. COLUMBIA BASIN, OR Contact RMLS™ 8338 NE Alderwood Rd Suite 230 Portland, OR 97220 (503) 236-7657 Average and Median Sale Price $200,000 $180,000 $160,000 $140,000 Average Sale Price RMLS™ was formed by area Boards and Associations of REALTORS® in 1991. E-mail subscriptions are available for $45 per year by contacting RMLS™. Reproduction of any portion of this copyrighted material is prohibited without prior approval of RMLS™. Craig Fahner, Chairman of the Board Kurt von Wasmuth, President/CEO Tyler Chaudhary, Editor © Copyright RMLS™ 2016. All Rights Reserved. Jan-16 Mar-16 Nov-15 Jul-15 Median Sale Price Sep-15 May-15 Jan-15 Mar-15 Nov-14 Jul-14 Sep-14 May-14 Jan-14 Mar-14 Nov-13 Jul-13 Sep-13 May-13 Jan-13 Mar-13 Nov-12 Jul-12 Sep-12 May-12 Jan-12 Mar-12 $80,000 Jul-11 $100,000 Nov-11 Market Action Reports are compiled for the following areas: Portland metropolitan area, Southwest Washington, Mid-Columbia, Columbia Basin, Baker County, Coos County, Curry County, Douglas County, Grant County, Josephine County, Lane County, North Coastal Counties, Polk & Marion Counties, Union County, and Wallowa County. $120,000 Sep-11 The statistics presented in Market Action are compiled monthly based on figures generated by RMLS™. A Publication of RMLS™, The Source for Real Estate Statistics in Your Community Residential Review: Coos County, Oregon March Residential Highlights Coos County saw an uptick in new listings this March. At 120, new listings rose 7.1% over the 112 new listings offered in March 2015 and 27.7% above the 94 offered last month in February 2016. Pending sales (77) fared 13.2% better than in February 2016 (68) but fell 6.1% short of the 82 offers accepted in March 2015. Closed sales (65) similarly rose 12.1% ahead of February 2016 (58) but were 3.0% behind the 67 closings posted last year Coos County Residential Highlights New Listings Change 2015 2016 March Pending Sales 120 February in March 2015. Inventory decreased slightly to 6.3 months in March. Average and Median Sale Prices Comparing the average price of homes in the twelve months ending March 31st of this year ($186,600) with the average price of homes sold in the twelve months ending March 2015 ($168,700) shows an increase of 10.6%. The same comparison of the median shows an increase of 15.6% over that same time. Closed Sales 77 Average Sale Price Total Market Time Median Sale Price 65 187,600 180,000 206 94 68 58 179,900 157,500 140 Year-to-date 308 219 187 180,400 166,000 165 March 112 82 67 174,300 158,000 173 Year-to-date 294 232 184 162,200 148,500 174 7.1% -6.1% -3.0% 7.6% 13.9% 19.3% 27.7% 13.2% 12.1% 4.3% 14.3% 47.1% 4.8% -5.6% 1.6% 11.2% 11.8% -4.9% March Prev Mo 2016 Year-to-date Active Residential Listings March 2016 Reporting Period Inventory in Months* 2014 2015 2016 January 10.4 10.8 6.0 February 13.2 7.2 6.6 March 13.1 7.5 6.3 April 9.1 6.9 May 9.3 7.2 June 8.7 5.8 July 7.9 6.4 August 7.9 6.3 September 7.8 5.9 October 9.4 5.2 November 10.8 6.4 December 7.8 4.7 *Inventory in Months is calculated by dividing the Active Residential Listings at the end of the month in question by the number of closed sales for that month. This includes proposed and under construction homes. Percent Change of 12-Month Sale Price Compared With The Previous 12 Months Average Sale Price % Change: +10.6% ($186,600 v. $168,700) Median Sale Price % Change: +15.6% ($170,000 v. $147,000) For further explanation of this measure, see the second footnote on page 2. ACTIVE RESIDENTIAL LISTINGS 700 650 600 COOS COUNTY, OR 550 This graph shows the active 500 450 residential listings over the 400 past three calendar years in 350 2014 2015 2016 JAN 512 496 381 FEB 542 487 382 MAR 549 504 411 APR 592 530 MAY 606 539 JUN 628 564 JUL 665 567 AUG 653 565 SEP 631 529 OCT 591 467 NOV 563 456 DEC 506 393 © Copyright RMLS™ 2016. All Rights Reserved. Coos County, Oregon. AREA REPORT • 3/2016 Coos County, Oregon RESIDENTIAL 464 1 0 - 0 - - 50 13 34 -8.1% 29 190,000 37 11 5 10 25.0% 8 Lakeside 44 10 3 3 0.0% Myrtle Point 41 11 3 3 North Bend 56 24 5 Broadbent 0 Coos Bay 154 Coquille Powers Coos County 1 0 4 411 42 35 12.9% 0 - - - 0 - 0 - 0 - 196,800 177,000 1.8% - - - - 0 28 0 0 128 122 88 -12.9% 74 174,100 179,500 16.2% 204,200 115 34 30 -14.3% 23 197,100 185,000 21.7% - 6 153,600 286 28 12 71.4% 8 175,500 148,500 -3.9% -66.7% 2 82,000 210 25 13 -40.9% 18 181,200 149,500 15 15.4% 9 205,100 171 57 41 24.2% 34 177,200 -100.0% 2 187 0 0 0 -100.0% 0 - - 120 37 77 -6.1% 65 187,600 206 0 - 308 219 - Average Sale Price 192,500 Closed Sales 11 Average Sale Price 20.0% Closed Sales Pending Sales 2016 v. 20151 12 Average Sale Price Pending Sales 6 Closed Sales New Listings - Avg. Sale Price % Change2 Total Market Time 0 14 Year-To-Date Median Sale Price Average Sale Price 0 75 MULTIFAMILY Year-To-Date Average Sale Price Closed Sales - Bandon LAND Year-To-Date Closed Sales Pending Sales 2016 v. 20151 - 0 3 Pending Sales 0 0 Expired.Canceled Listings - New Listings 0 Allegeny COMMERCIAL Year-To-Date 1 Active Listings 97466 97459 97458 97449 97423 97420 97414 97411 97407 Current Month -5.6% 0 - 12 2 0 - - - 0 - 8 40,000 - 3 41,500 - - - - 2 45,000 - - -8.8% - - 180,000 10.4% - - 59,000 59,000 75.9% - - 180,400 166,000 10.6% 2 190,000 72,800 2 - 190,000 27 3 171,700 - 1 150,000 72,800 4 264,800 57,500 - 8 215,500 Percent change in number of pending sales this year compared to last year. The Current Month section compares March 2016 with March 2015. The Year-To-Date section compares 2016 year-to-date statistics through March with 2015 year-to-date statistics through March. 2 % Change is based on a comparison of the rolling average sale price for the last 12 months (4/1/15-3/31/16) with 12 months before (4/1/14-3/31/15). 3 Total Market Time is the number of days from when a property is listed to when an offer is accepted on that same property. If a property is re-listed within 31 days, Total Market Time continues to accrue; however, it does not include the time that it was off the market. New Listings NEW LISTINGS 180 COOS COUNTY, OR 160 This graph shows the new 140 120 residential listings over 100 the past three calendar 80 60 years in Coos County, 40 Oregon. 20 2014 2015 2016 2 © Copyright RMLS™ 2016. All Rights Reserved. SALE PRICE COOS COUNTY, OR $350,000 This graph represents the average and median sale price for all homes sold in Coos County, Oregon. Average and Median Sale Price $300,000 $250,000 $200,000 $150,000 $50,000 Dec-06 Mar-07 Jun-07 Sep-07 Dec-07 Mar-08 Jun-08 Sep-08 Dec-08 Mar-09 Jun-09 Sep-09 Dec-09 Mar-10 Jun-10 Sep-10 Dec-10 Mar-11 Jun-11 Sep-11 Dec-11 Mar-12 Jun-12 Sep-12 Dec-12 Mar-13 Jun-13 Sep-13 Dec-13 Mar-14 Jun-14 Sep-14 Dec-14 Mar-15 Jun-15 Sep-15 Dec-15 Mar-16 $100,000 Average Sale Price Median Sale Price PENDING LISTINGS Pending Sales COOS COUNTY, OR This graph represents 120 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 monthly accepted offers over the past three calendar years in Coos County, Oregon. 2014 2015 2016 3 © Copyright RMLS™ 2016. All Rights Reserved. MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE Contact RMLS™ 8338 NE Alderwood Rd Suite 230 Portland, OR 97220 (503) 236-7657 The statistics presented in Market Action are compiled monthly based on figures generated by RMLS™. Market Action Reports are compiled for the following areas: Portland metropolitan area, Southwest Washington, Mid-Columbia, Columbia Basin, Baker County, Coos County, Curry County, Douglas County, Grant County, Josephine County, Lane County, North Coastal Counties, Polk & Marion Counties, Union County, and Wallowa County. CLOSED SALES This graph shows the closed sales over the past five COOS COUNTY, OR calendar years in Coos County, Oregon. Closed Sales 100 90 80 70 60 2012 50 2013 40 2014 30 2015 20 2016 10 0 DAYS ON MARKET This graph shows the average market time for sales COOS COUNTY, OR in Coos County, Oregon, over the past three calendar years. Average Total Market Time 300 250 200 150 100 50 RMLS was formed by area Boards and Associations of REALTORS® in 1991. ™ E-mail subscriptions are available for $45 per year by contacting RMLS™. Reproduction of any portion of this copyrighted material is prohibited without prior approval of RMLS™. 2014 TMT 2015 TMT 2016 TMT Craig Fahner, Chairman of the Board Kurt von Wasmuth, President/CEO Tyler Chaudhary, Editor © Copyright RMLS™ 2016. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of RMLS™, The Source for Real Estate Statistics in Your Community Residential Review: Curry County, Oregon March Residential Highlights New listings and closed sales fared well this March in Curry County. Closed sales (40) fared 66.7% better than in March 2015 (24) and 17.6% better than last month in February 2016 (34). It was the strongest March for closings on the RMLS™ record for Curry County. New listings (81) rose 17.4% over the 69 new listings posted in March 2015 and 58.8% above the 51 new listings offered last month in February 2016. 2016 Curry County Residential Highlights New Listings 2015 Pending sales (46) decreased 14.8% compared to March 2015 (54) and 17.9% compared to February 2016 (56). Average and Median Sale Prices Comparing the average price of homes in the twelve months ending March 31st of this year ($256,100) with the average price of homes sold in the twelve months ending March 2015 ($221,000) shows an increase of 15.9%. The same comparison of the median shows an increase of 18.9% over the same period. Closed Sales Average Sale Price Median Sale Price Total Market Time March 81 46 40 221,900 182,500 225 February 51 56 34 265,300 237,500 232 177 126 105 250,600 225,000 224 69 54 24 222,800 202,500 280 180 126 86 210,700 180,000 274 March 17.4% -14.8% 66.7% -0.4% -9.9% -19.7% Prev Mo 2016 58.8% -17.9% 17.6% -16.4% -23.2% -3.0% Year-to-date -1.7% 0.0% 22.1% 18.9% 25.0% -18.3% Year-to-date Change Pending Sales March 2016 Reporting Period March Year-to-date Inventory in Months* 2014 2015 2016 January 17.7 10.8 9.8 February 21.4 12.4 8.9 March 12.0 14.8 8.1 April 14.6 7.3 May 14.4 11.1 June 15.5 8.2 July 14.5 8.1 August 11.6 6.9 September 13.2 6.9 October 8.1 6.2 November 10.5 9.8 December 9.3 5.7 *Inventory in Months is calculated by dividing the Active Residential Listings at the end of the month in question by the number of closed sales for that month. This includes proposed and under construction homes. Percent Change of 12-Month Sale Price Compared With The Previous 12 Months Average Sale Price % Change: +15.9% ($256,100 v. $221,000) Median Sale Price % Change: +18.9% ($220,000 v. $185,000) For further explanation of this measure, see the second footnote on page 2. 500 ACTIVE RESIDENTIAL LISTINGS 450 CURRY COUNTY, OR 400 This graph shows the active 350 residential listings over the 300 past three calendar years in Active Residential Listings 550 250 2014 2015 2016 JAN 406 347 304 FEB 386 348 303 MAR 420 356 323 APR 454 387 MAY 488 431 JUN 512 451 JUL 535 429 AUG 499 415 SEP 475 382 OCT 423 361 NOV 398 343 DEC 352 297 Curry County, Oregon. © Copyright RMLS™ 2016. All Rights Reserved. AREA REPORT • 3/2016 Curry County, Oregon 33 3 20 0.0% 16 264,200 144 65 45 -6.3% 39 299,100 245,000 16.5% 4 161,300 61 17 6 9 -30.8% 8 191,800 149 40 25 8.7% 20 236,300 225,000 10.0% 1 33,000 Carpenterville, Cape Ferrello, Whaleshead 31 8 1 4 100.0% 3 276,300 266 18 7 -22.2% 8 314,700 288,700 22.2% Gold Beach 95 18 1 8 -46.7% 8 213,800 424 42 33 -2.9% 25 224,800 185,000 24.0% Port Orford 44 5 6 5 25.0% 5 115,300 259 12 16 33.3% 13 137,200 123,500 -12.3% 323 81 17 46 -14.8% 40 221,900 225 177 126 0.0% 105 250,600 225,000 15.9% 274 - 1 - 275,000 - 6 158,900 7 - Average Sale Price Closed Sales Average Sale Price Closed Sales Closed Sales Avg. Sale Price % Change2 Median Sale Price Average Sale Price Closed Sales Pending Sales 2016 v. 20151 New Listings Pending Sales 3 Total Market Time Average Sale Price Closed Sales Pending Sales 2016 v. 20151 92 Harbor, Winchuck, SB Chetco 273 270 Pending Sales Expired.Canceled Listings Year-To-Date 271 New Listings MULTIFAMILY Year-To-Date 272 Active Listings LAND Year-To-Date City, Airport, Marina Hts., NB Chetco Curry County 1 COMMERCIAL Year-To-Date Average Sale Price RESIDENTIAL Current Month 73,300 3 325,800 - - - 1 70,000 - - 4 167,500 2 350,000 3 80,700 2 162,500 15 99,700 7 286,100 Percent change in number of pending sales this year compared to last year. The Current Month section compares March 2016 with March 2015. The Year-To-Date section compares 2016 year-to-date statistics through March with 2015 year-to-date statistics through March. 2 % Change is based on a comparison of the rolling average sale price for the last 12 months (4/1/15-3/31/16) with 12 months before (4/1/14-3/31/15). 3 Total Market Time is the number of days from when a property is listed to when an offer is accepted on that same property. If a property is re-listed within 31 days, Total Market Time continues to accrue; however, it does not include the time that it was off the market. NEW LISTINGS New Listings CURRY COUNTY, OR 120 This graph shows the 100 new residential listings 80 60 over the past three 40 calendar years in Curry 20 County, Oregon. 0 2014 2015 2016 2 © Copyright RMLS™ 2016. All Rights Reserved. This graph represents the average and median sale price for all SALE PRICE homes sold in Curry County, Oregon. CURRY COUNTY, OR Average and Median Sale Price $450,000 $400,000 $350,000 $300,000 $250,000 $200,000 Average Sale Price Mar-16 Dec-15 Sep-15 Jun-15 Mar-15 Dec-14 Sep-14 Jun-14 Mar-14 Dec-13 Sep-13 Jun-13 Mar-13 Dec-12 Sep-12 Jun-12 Mar-12 Dec-11 Sep-11 Jun-11 Mar-11 Dec-10 Sep-10 Jun-10 Mar-10 Dec-09 Sep-09 Jun-09 $100,000 Mar-09 $150,000 Median Sale Price PENDING LISTINGS Pending Sales CURRY COUNTY, OR 80 This graph represents 70 60 monthly accepted offers 50 over the past three 40 30 calendar years in Curry 20 County, Oregon. 10 2014 2015 2016 3 © Copyright RMLS™ 2016. All Rights Reserved. MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE Contact RMLS™ 8338 NE Alderwood Rd Suite 230 Portland, OR 97220 (503) 236-7657 CLOSED SALES This graph shows the closed sales over the past five CURRY COUNTY, OR calendar years in Curry County, Oregon. Closed Sales 60 50 40 2012 30 2013 2014 20 2015 2016 10 The statistics presented in Market Action are compiled monthly based on figures generated by RMLS™. Market Action Reports are compiled for the following areas: Portland metropolitan area, Southwest Washington, Mid-Columbia, Columbia Basin, Baker County, Coos County, Curry County, Douglas County, Grant County, Josephine County, Lane County, North Coastal Counties, Polk & Marion Counties, Union County, and Wallowa County. 0 DAYS ON MARKET CURRY COUNTY, OR This graph shows the average market time for sales in Curry County, Oregon, over the past three calendar years. Average Total Market Time 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 RMLS™ was formed by area Boards and Associations of REALTORS® in 1991. 100 2014 TMT E-mail subscriptions are available for $45 per year by contacting RMLS™. Reproduction of any portion of this copyrighted material is prohibited without prior approval of RMLS™. 2015 TMT 2016 TMT Craig Fahner, Chairman of the Board Kurt von Wasmuth, President/CEO Tyler Chaudhary, Editor © Copyright RMLS™ 2016. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of RMLS™, The Source for Real Estate Statistics in Your Community Residential Review: Douglas County, Oregon March Residential Highlights March brought plenty of pending and closed sales to Douglas County. Pending sales (180) increased 24.1% compared to March 2015 and 23.3% compared to February 2016. This was the strongest March for accepted offers in Douglas County since 2005, when 188 offers were accepted for the month! Closed sales (126) were strong as well, rising 10.5% over the 114 closings posted in March 2015 and 43.2% over the 88 closings posted last month in February 2016. Again the strongest March for closings since 2005, when 127 were posted. New listings (195) rose 25.8% above the 155 new listings posted in February 2016, but fell 8.9% short of the 214 posted last year in March 2015. March 2016 Reporting Period Inventory fell in March to 4.8 months, and total market time increased to 180 days during the same period. Average and Median Sale Prices Comparing the average price of homes in the twelve months ending March 31st of this year ($187,600) with the average price of homes sold in the twelve months ending March 2015 ($179,700) shows an increase of 4.4%. The same comparison of the median shows an increase of 7.1% over the same period. Percent Change of 12-Month Sale Price Compared With The Previous 12 Months Average Sale Price % Change: Inventory in Months* 2014 2015 2016 January 9.9 11.1 6.4 February 12.9 9.3 7.3 March 10.5 7.0 4.8 April 10.0 6.5 May 10.4 9.4 June 8.8 5.4 July 9.1 6.5 August 7.9 6.9 September 9.5 5.7 October 6.7 4.9 November 9.3 6.3 December 6.0 5.3 *Inventory in Months is calculated by dividing the Active Residential Listings at the end of the month in question by the number of closed sales for that month. This number includes proposed and under construction homes. +4.4% ($187,600 v. $179,700) Median Sale Price % Change: +7.1% ($165,000 v. $154,000) For further explanation of this measure, see the second footnote on page 2. Change 2015 2016 Douglas County Residential Highlights New Listings Pending Sales Closed Sales Average Sale Price Median Sale Price Total Market Time March 195 180 126 171,200 148,800 180 February 155 146 88 179,300 160,000 152 Year-to-date 519 424 317 176,300 159,900 159 March 214 145 114 178,900 140,000 136 Year-to-date 567 364 259 173,000 145,000 158 March -8.9% 24.1% 10.5% -4.3% 6.3% 32.2% Prev Mo 2016 25.8% 23.3% 43.2% -4.5% -7.0% 18.4% Year-to-date -8.5% 16.5% 22.4% 1.9% 10.3% 0.3% *Total Market Time is the number of days from when a property is listed to when an offer is accepted on that same property. If a property is re-listed within 31 days, Total Market Time continues to accrue; however, it does not include the time that it was off the market. © Copyright RMLS™ 2016. All Rights Reserved. AREA REPORT • 3/2016 Douglas County, Oregon Average Sale Price Closed Sales Average Sale Price Closed Sales Closed Sales Avg. Sale Price % Change2 Median Sale Price Average Sale Price Closed Sales Pending Sales 2016 v. 20151 Pending Sales New Listings Total Market Time 3 Average Sale Price Closed Sales Pending Sales 2016 v. 20151 7 16 45.5% 8 199,400 120 54 43 30.3% 36 186,900 174,500 13.9% 2 532,500 7 51,800 2 420,000 NW Roseburg 63 18 4 19 26.7% 12 312,500 99 53 41 17.1% 33 286,900 265,000 7.0% 2 820,000 4 103,100 1 223,000 SE Roseburg 31 15 6 8 -20.0% 7 178,000 158 40 21 -19.2% 20 156,500 137,500 14.4% 2 89,000 2 49,500 1 95,000 SW Roseburg 39 16 6 15 -11.8% 10 147,100 167 42 41 10.8% 32 188,900 163,500 7.0% 1 700,000 5 193,700 1 115,500 255 Pending Sales 24 Glide & E of Roseburg 44 10 3 6 -14.3% 3 233,700 1,160 23 11 -21.4% 9 217,600 265,000 5.6% 2 92,300 - - Sutherlin/ Oakland Area 82 27 7 27 80.0% 19 160,500 134 69 52 26.8% 43 158,500 159,900 -6.4% 2 52,500 - - Winston & SW of Roseburg 51 23 3 25 108.3% 12 193,100 177 51 46 21.1% 30 188,800 168,000 10.4% - 6 111,800 - - Myrtle Creek & S/SE of Roseburg 92 29 10 31 93.8% 30 131,900 147 88 86 68.6% 55 148,000 132,000 9.6% 89,800 6 110,500 Green District 48 11 2 14 7.7% 8 117,100 109 40 35 -7.9% 28 136,500 151,500 5.3% North Douglas County 89 22 8 19 -34.5% 17 150,100 254 59 48 -5.9% 31 133,000 120,000 10.6% 1 725,000 602 195 56 180 24.1% 126 171,200 180 519 424 16.5% 317 176,300 159,900 4.4% 14 403,000 265 259 254 253 252 63 256 Expired.Canceled Listings Year-To-Date 257 New Listings Active Listings MULTIFAMILY Year-To-Date 258 251 LAND Year-To-Date NE Roseburg Douglas County 1 COMMERCIAL Year-To-Date Average Sale Price RESIDENTIAL Current Month - 2 4 - 487,500 - 3 145,800 - 1 995,000 1 59,000 1 120,000 35 100,700 10 282,600 - Percent change in number of pending sales this year compared to last year. The Current Month section compares March 2016 with March 2015. The Year-ToDate section compares 2016 year-to-date statistics through March with 2015 year-to-date statistics through March. 2 % Change is based on a comparison of the rolling average sale price for the last 12 months (4/1/15-3/31/16) with 12 months before (4/1/14-3/31/15). 3 Total Market Time is the number of days from when a property is listed to when an offer is accepted on that same property. If a property is re-listed within 31 days, Total Market Time continues to accrue; however, it does not include the time that it was off the market. DAYS ON MARKET DOUGLAS COUNTY, OR This graph shows the average market time for sales in Douglas County, Oregon, over the past three calendar years. Average Total Market Time 275 250 225 200 175 150 125 100 75 2014 TMT 2 © Copyright RMLS™ 2016. All Rights Reserved. 2015 TMT 2016 TMT ACTIVE RESIDENTIAL LISTINGS Active Residential Listings 1,000 950 900 DOUGLAS COUNTY, OR 850 This graph shows the active 800 residential listings over the 750 past three calendar years in 700 650 Douglas County, Oregon. 600 550 2014 2015 2016 JAN 782 722 640 FEB 776 734 638 MAR 795 797 602 APR 867 817 MAY 922 859 JUN 938 872 JUL 960 899 AUG 945 858 NEW LISTINGS the new residential listings over the past three calendar years in Douglas County, Oregon. OCT 834 746 NOV 787 711 DEC 679 599 New Listings DOUGLAS COUNTY, OR This graph shows SEP 911 805 250 230 210 190 170 150 130 110 90 70 50 2014 2015 2016 PENDING LISTINGS Pending Sales DOUGLAS COUNTY, OR This graph represents 200 180 monthly accepted 160 140 offers over the past 120 three calendar years 100 80 in Douglas County, 60 Oregon. 40 2014 2015 2016 3 © Copyright RMLS™ 2016. All Rights Reserved. MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE CLOSED SALES DOUGLAS COUNTY, OR Contact RMLS™ 8338 NE Alderwood Rd Suite 230 Portland, OR 97220 (503) 236-7657 This graph shows the closed sales over the past five calendar years in Douglas County, Oregon. Closed Sales 180 160 140 120 2012 100 2013 80 2014 60 E-mail subscriptions are available for $45 per year by contacting RMLS™. Reproduction of any portion of this copyrighted material is prohibited without prior approval of RMLS™. 0 This graph represents the average and median sale price SALE PRICE for all homes sold in Douglas County, Oregon. DOUGLAS COUNTY, OR Average and Median Sale Price $260,000 $240,000 $220,000 $200,000 $180,000 $160,000 $140,000 $120,000 Median Sale Price Craig Fahner, Chairman of the Board Kurt von Wasmuth, President/CEO Tyler Chaudhary, Editor © Copyright RMLS™ 2016. All Rights Reserved. Mar-16 Jul-15 Nov-15 Mar-15 Jul-14 Nov-14 Mar-14 Jul-13 Nov-13 Mar-13 Jul-12 Nov-12 Mar-12 Jul-11 Nov-11 Mar-11 Jul-10 Average Sale Price Nov-10 Mar-10 Jul-09 Nov-09 Mar-09 Jul-08 Nov-08 Mar-08 Jul-07 Nov-07 $80,000 Mar-07 $100,000 Jul-06 RMLS was formed by area Boards and Associations of REALTORS® in 1991. ™ 2016 20 Nov-06 Market Action Reports are compiled for the following areas: Portland metropolitan area, Southwest Washington, Mid-Columbia, Columbia Basin, Baker County, Coos County, Curry County, Douglas County, Grant County, Josephine County, Lane County, North Coastal Counties, Polk & Marion Counties, Union County, and Wallowa County. 2015 40 Mar-06 The statistics presented in Market Action are compiled monthly based on figures generated by RMLS™. A Publication of RMLS™, The Source for Real Estate Statistics in Your Community Residential Review: Grant County, Oregon 2015 but rose above the six offers accepted last month in February 2016. Closed sales (7) numbered one more than February 2016 and one fewer than March 2015. March Residential Highlights Seasonal increases in activity in Grant County were seen this March. Nine new listings exactly matched the nine offered last year in March 2015, increasing from the five new listings offered last month in February 2016. Ten pending sales fell one short of the 11 posted in March Inventory decreased to 13.9 months in March, and total market time increased to 354 days. Average and Median Sales Prices Comparing the average price of homes in the twelve months ending March 31st of this year ($147,900) with the average price of homes sold in the twelve months ending March 2015 ($145,300) shows a increase of 1.8%. The same comparison of the median shows an decrease of 0.8% over the same period. Percent Change of 12-Month Sale Price Compared With The Previous 12 Months Average Sale Price % Change: +1.8% ($147,900 v. $145,300) Median Sale Price % Change: -0.8% ($120,000 v. $121,000) For further explanation of this measure, see the second footnote on page 2. 2016 Grant County Residential Highlights 2015 New Listings Pending Sales Closed Sales Inventory in Months* 2014 2015 January 23.2 25.4 February 22.5 32 March 20.1 15.3 April 12.6 17.4 May 15.4 15.6 June 20.3 17.3 July 17.1 11.2 August 38.3 13.2 September 29.4 15.3 October 20.7 6.7 November 29 13.3 December 120 9.2 Average Sale Price 2016 16.7 17.3 13.9 *Inventory in Months is calculated by dividing the Active Residential Listings at the end of the month in question by the number of closed sales for that month. This number includes proposed and under construction homes. Median Sale Price Total Market Time March 9 10 7 112,100 101,000 354 February 5 6 6 143,100 130,000 285 28 24 20 132,800 116,800 259 9 11 8 131,200 120,000 350 32 22 18 136,000 127,000 403 0.0% -9.1% -12.5% -14.6% -15.8% 1.2% Prev Mo 2016 80.0% 66.7% 16.7% -21.7% -22.3% 24.2% Year-to-date -12.5% 9.1% 11.1% -2.4% -8.0% -35.7% Year-to-date Change March 2016 Reporting Period March Year-to-date March © Copyright RMLS™ 2016. All Rights Reserved. AREA REPORT • 3/2016 0 0 0 - 16 3 1 2 - 6 1 0 1 - 2 John Day 30 3 1 2 -66.7% Kimberly 1 0 0 Long Creek 3 0 1 Monument 6 1 0 Mount Vernon 10 1 Prairie City 24 0 0 97 Canyon City Dayville Seneca Year-To-Date 0 - - - - 6 2 0.0% 1 165,000 165,000 30.4% - - 157,500 234 2 5 - 3 126,700 128,500 44.4% - - 2 148,000 397 9 5 -54.5% 7 158,200 140,000 10.6% 1 115,000 - 0 - - 0 0 - 0 - - - 0 - 0 - 1 46,000 9 2 2 - 2 65,000 65,000 108.3% 1 - 0 - - 1 1 - 0 - - - 2 -50.0% 0 - - 2 3 -57.1% 3 150,000 105,000 8.4% - - - - - - 1 2 100.0% 2 64,000 604 6 6 200.0% 4 105,800 118,000 -40.9% - - - - - - 0 0 0 - - 0 - 68.0% - - 1 21,000 - - 9 4 10 -9.1% 116,800 1.8% 5 32,400 - - - 7 112,100 354 28 - 24 9.1% - 20 132,800 0 - - Closed Sales Closed Sales Avg. Sale Price % Change2 Median Sale Price Average Sale Price Closed Sales - - - Pending Sales 2016 v. 20151 New Listings 0 - - Average Sale Price MULTIFAMILY Year-To-Date Average Sale Price LAND Year-To-Date 0 - 0 Pending Sales 3 Total Market Time Average Sale Price Closed Sales Pending Sales 2016 v. 20151 Pending Sales Expired.Canceled Listings 1 Grant County 1 New Listings Active Listings 97873 97869 97865 97864 97856 97848 97845 97825 97820 97817 Bates COMMERCIAL Year-To-Date Closed Sales RESIDENTIAL Current Month Average Sale Price Grant County, Oregon 1 - 1 55,000 - - - - - 1 29,800 - - 0 - 2 28,000 0 - - 0 0 - 115,000 0 - 0 - - 0 - - Percent change in number of pending sales this year compared to last year. The Current Month section compares March 2016 with March 2015. The Year-To-Date section compares 2016 year-to-date statistics through March with 2015 year-to-date statistics through March. 2 % Change is based on a comparison of the rolling average sale price for the last 12 months (4/1/15-3/31/16) with 12 months before (4/1/14-3/31/15). 3 Total Market Time is the number of days from when a property is listed to when an offer is accepted on that same property. If a property is re-listed within 31 days, Total Market Time continues to accrue; however, it does not include the time that it was off the market. 170 ACTIVE RESIDENTIAL LISTINGS 160 GRANT COUNTY, OR Active Residential Listings 180 150 This graph shows the active 140 residential listings in Grant 130 120 County, Oregon. 110 100 90 80 2014 2015 2016 JAN 139 127 100 FEB 135 128 104 MAR 141 122 97 APR 151 122 MAY 154 125 JUN 142 121 JUL 154 123 AUG 153 119 2 SEP 147 122 OCT 145 114 NOV 145 106 © Copyright RMLS™ 2016. All Rights Reserved. DEC 120 92 NEW LISTINGS New Listings GRANT COUNTY, OR This graph shows the new 30 residential listings in 25 20 Grant County, Oregon. 15 10 5 0 2014 2015 2016 New Listings SALE PRICE 30 GRANT COUNTY, OR 25 20 This graph represents the 15 average and median sale price 10 for all homes sold 5 in Grant County, Oregon. 0 2014 2015 2016 Pending Sales PENDING LISTINGS GRANT COUNTY, OR 16 This graph represents 14 monthly accepted offers in 10 Grant County, Oregon. 12 8 6 4 2 0 2014 3 2015 © Copyright RMLS™ 2016. All Rights Reserved. 2016 MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE Contact RMLS™ 8338 NE Alderwood Rd Suite 230 Portland, OR 97220 (503) 236-7657 The statistics presented in Market Action are compiled monthly based on figures generated by RMLS™. Market Action Reports are compiled for the following areas: Portland metropolitan area, Southwest Washington, Mid-Columbia, Columbia Basin, Baker County, Coos County, Curry County, Douglas County, Grant County, Josephine County, Lane County, North Coastal Counties, Polk & Marion Counties, Union County, and Wallowa County. RMLS™ was formed by area Boards and Associations of REALTORS® in 1991. E-mail subscriptions are available for $45 per year by contacting RMLS™. Reproduction of any portion of this copyrighted material is prohibited without prior approval of RMLS™. CLOSED SALES This graph shows the closed sales in Grant County, GRANT COUNTY, OR Oregon. Closed Sales 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 DAYS ON MARKET This graph shows the average market time for sales in GRANT COUNTY, OR Grant County, Oregon. Average Total Market Time 1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 2014 TMT 2015 TMT 2016 TMT Craig Fahner, Chairman of the Board Kurt von Wasmuth, President/CEO Tyler Chaudhary, Editor © Copyright RMLS™ 2016. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of RMLS™, The Source for Real Estate Statistics in Your Community Residential Review: Josephine County, Oregon March Residential Highlights Pending sales held steady this March in Josephine County. The three accepted offers exactly matched both those offers accepted one year ago in March 2015 and last month in February 2016. New listings in Josephine County numbered seven this March—an increase from the four new listings posted last month in February 2016 but a decrease from the ten new listings posted during the same month last year in March 2015. RMLS™ recorded no closed sales in March 2016 for Josephine County. March 2016 Reporting Period Average and Median Sale Prices Comparing the year to date through March 2016 to the year prior through March 2015, the average sale price in Josephine County decreased 3.0% from $223,000 to $216,300. In the same comparison, the median increased 14.8% from $195,000 to $223,900. Note: RMLS™ is a supplementary MLS for Jackson County, so data reported in the Area Report will not reflect the entire market. Change 2015 2016 Josephine County Residential Highlights New Listings Pending Sales Inventory in Months* 2014 2015 2016 January N/A 12.5 13.5 February N/A 11.5 24.0 March N/A 7.1 N/A April N/A 20 May N/A 11.4 June N/A 11.2 July N/A 3.8 August 7.7 11.2 September 12.1 7.1 October 7.5 6.5 November 8.4 10.3 December 10.7 25 *Inventory in Months is calculated by dividing the Active Residential Listings at the end of the month in question by the number of closed sales for that month. This includes proposed and under construction homes. Closed Sales Average Sale Price Total Market Time Median Sale Price March 7 3 0 - - - February 4 3 1 223,900 223,900 29 Year-to-date 16 9 3 216,300 223,900 37 March 10 3 10 237,000 246,000 156 Year-to-date 30 19 24 223,000 195,000 155 -30.0% 0.0% -100.0% - - - Prev Mo 2016 75.0% 0.0% -100.0% - - - Year-to-date -46.7% -52.6% -87.5% -3.0% 14.8% -75.9% March © Copyright RMLS™ 2016. All Rights Reserved. AREA REPORT • 3/2016 Josephine County, Oregon RESIDENTIAL 97541 97540 97539 97537 97536 97535 97530 97525 97524 97522 97520 97504 97503 97502 97501 Cave Junction 1 1 Grants Pass 12 2 Grants Pass 9 Grants Pass Kerby Merlin Year-To-Date - 0 - 0 -100.0% 0 - - -89.5% 0 - 0 - 0 - 7 4 -33.3% 1 155,000 155,000 -2.7% - - - - - - - 5 3 -66.7% 1 270,000 270,000 12.8% - - - - - - - - 0 0 - 0 - - - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - - 0 0 - 0 - - - 0 - 0 - 0 - - 0 - - 2 100.0% 1 223,900 223,900 -37.4% - 0 - - 1 1 2 - 0 - - 2 0 1 -66.7% 0 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 1 0 - - - - Closed Sales Closed Sales Closed Sales Median Sale Price New Listings Total Market Time Average Sale Price 0 - - Average Sale Price 0 Average Sale Price - Average Sale Price 0 1 Avg. Sale Price % Change2 32.9% - Average Sale Price - - Closed Sales - 3 0 Closed Sales Pending Sales 2016 v. 20151 MULTIFAMILY Year-To-Date -100.0% 0 - - LAND Year-To-Date - - - 0 COMMERCIAL Pending Sales 2016 v. 20151 1 Pending Sales Expired.Canceled Listings 2 - Murphy 0 0 0 0 - 0 - - 0 0 - 0 - - - 0 - 0 - 0 - O'Brien 2 0 0 0 - 0 - - 0 0 - 0 - - - 0 - 0 - 0 - Selma 2 0 0 - 0 - - 0 0 - 0 - - -7.0% 0 - 0 - 0 - Wilderville 0 1 1 0 - 0 - - 1 0 - 0 - - - 0 - 0 - 0 - Williams 0 0 0 0 - 0 - - 1 0 - 0 - - 136.0% 0 - 0 - 0 - 28 7 3 3 0.0% - - 16 9 -52.6% 3 216,300 223,900 4.6% - Medford 6 4 1 0.0% 4 133,800 76 7 6 200.0% 7 111,600 132,000 -5.7% - - Central Point 7 4 1 1 - 2 144,400 260 7 4 33.3% 3 237,900 161,200 41.4% - - White City 2 0 0 0 - 0 - - 0 1 0.0% 1 161,000 161,000 2.8% - - - Medford 10 2 3 1 0.0% 4 296,000 39 10 7 133.3% 13 279,600 250,000 -9.6% - - - Ashland 16 4 1 1 - 7 1 -50.0% - 201.7% - - 0 0 - 0 - - 0 - 0 - Josephine Co. Butte Falls - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0 - - - 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 118,500 1 360,000 0 - 1 190,000 0 - Eagle Point 6 1 2 1 - 2 1,124,800 1,260 1 3 200.0% 5 668,900 Gold Hill 2 2 0 0 -100.0% 0 - - 2 0 -100.0% 0 - - 93.4% 0 - 0 - 0 - Jacksonville 2 1 1 0 - 0 - - 1 0 - 0 - - 184.3% 0 - 0 - 0 - Phoenix 1 1 0 - 0 - - 2 0 -100.0% 1 400,000 400,000 66.7% Prospect 0 0 0 0 - 0 - - 0 0 - 0 - - - Rogue River 2 0 0 0 - 1 715,000 121 0 1 -80.0% 1 715,000 715,000 14.5% Shady Cove 2 0 0 0 - 0 - - - 0 - - - 0 0 0 - 1 205,600 157 0 2 - 1 205,600 205,600 -22.2% 2 1 0 0 - 0 - - 1 0 - 0 - - - 58 19 9 5 66.7% 14 369,900 270 38 25 25.0% 32 311,100 245,000 20.7% Talent Talent Jackson Co. 1 New Listings Wolf Creek Year-To-Date Pending Sales 97544 97543 97538 97534 97533 97532 97531 97528 97527 97526 97523 97497 Active Listings Current Month - - - - 380,000 130.2% - - - 0 - - 0 - 0 - 0 - - - 0 - - - - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - 0 4 196,800 - 0 - - 0 Percent change in number of pending sales this year compared to last year. The Current Month section compares March 2016 with March 2015. The Year-To-Date section compares 2016 year-to-date statistics through March with 2015 year-to-date statistics through March. 2 % Change is based on a comparison of the rolling average sale price for the last 12 months (4/1/15-3/31/16) with 12 months before (4/1/14-3/31/15). 3 Total Market Time is the number of days from when a property is listed to when an offer is accepted on that same property. If a property is re-listed within 31 days, Total Market Time continues to accrue; however, it does not include the time that it was off the market. 2 © Copyright RMLS™ 2016. All Rights Reserved. ACTIVE RESIDENTIAL LISTINGS Active Residential Listings 120 110 100 JOSEPHINE COUNTY, OR 90 This graph shows the active 80 70 residential listings in 60 50 Josephine County, Oregon. 40 30 20 2014 2015 2016 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL 75 27 69 24 71 28 60 57 56 61 AUG 92 56 SEP 109 50 OCT 105 39 NOV 109 41 DEC 96 25 New Listings NEW LISTINGS 25 20 JOSEPHINE COUNTY, OR 15 This graph shows the new 10 residential listings in 5 Josephine County, Oregon. 0 2014 2015 2016 Pending Sales PENDING LISTINGS 25 20 JOSEPHINE COUNTY, OR 15 This graph shows monthly 10 5 accepted offers in 0 Josephine County, Oregon. 2014 2015 2016 3 © Copyright RMLS™ 2016. All Rights Reserved. CLOSED SALES This graph shows the closed sales in Josephine County, Oregon. JOSEPHINE COUNTY, OR Closed Sales 16 14 12 10 8 2014 6 2015 2016 4 2 0 This graph represents the average and median sale price for all homes sold in SALE PRICE JOSEPHINE COUNTY, OR Josephine County, Oregon. Average and Median Sale Price $450,000 $400,000 $350,000 $300,000 $250,000 $200,000 $150,000 $100,000 Average Sale Price Median Sale Price 4 © Copyright RMLS™ 2016. All Rights Reserved. Mar-16 Feb-16 Jan-16 Dec-15 Nov-15 Oct-15 Sep-15 Aug-15 Jul-15 Jun-15 May-15 Apr-15 Mar-15 Feb-15 Jan-15 Dec-14 Nov-14 Oct-14 Sep-14 $0 Aug-14 $50,000 MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE DAYS ON MARKET This graph shows the average market time for sales in Contact RMLS™ 8338 NE Alderwood Rd Suite 230 Portland, OR 97220 (503) 236-7657 JOSEPHINE COUNTY, OR Josephine County, Oregon. Average Total Market Time 250 200 150 100 The statistics presented in Market Action are compiled monthly based on figures generated by RMLS™. 50 0 2014 TMT 2015 TMT 2016 TMT Market Action Reports are compiled for the following areas: Portland metropolitan area, Southwest Washington, Mid-Columbia, Columbia Basin, Baker County, Coos County, Curry County, Douglas County, Grant County, Josephine County, Lane County, North Coastal Counties, Polk & Marion Counties, Union County, and Wallowa County. RMLS™ was formed by area Boards and Associations of REALTORS® in 1991. E-mail subscriptions are available for $45 per year by contacting RMLS™. Reproduction of any portion of this copyrighted material is prohibited without prior approval of RMLS™. Craig Fahner, Chairman of the Board Kurt von Wasmuth, President/CEO Tyler Chaudhary, Editor © Copyright RMLS™ 2016. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of RMLS™, The Source for Real Estate Statistics in Your Community Residential Review: Lane County, Oregon March Residential Highlights Lane County saw some seasonal upturns this March and most measures are up for the year overall. Pending sales (518) showed a 9.7% increase over March 2015 (472) and a 23.3% increase over February 2016 (420). This is the strongest March for pending sales in Lane County on the RMLS™ record, the closest being 2005, when 507 accepted offers were recorded for the month. Closed sales (367) rose 7.6% over the 341 closings posted in March 2015 and 29.2% over the 284 closings recorded last month in February 2016. The last March closed sales were higher in the county was in 2006, when 409 were posted for the month. New listings (558) fell 2.8% short of the 574 new listings posted last year in March 2015, but showed a 34.1% 2016 Greater Lane Co. Residential Highlights 2015 increase from the 416 new listings posted last month in February 2016. Average and Median Sale Prices Comparing the average price of homes in the twelve months ending March 31st of this year ($244,600) with the average price of homes sold in the twelve months ending March 2015 ($237,700) shows an increase of 2.9%. The same comparison of the median shows an increase of 4.0% over that same period. *Inventory in Months is calculated by dividing the Active Residential Listings at the end of the month in question by the number of closed sales for that month. This number includes proposed and under construction homes. Percent Change of 12-Month Sale Price Compared With The Previous 12 Months Average Sale Price % Change: +2.9% ($244,600 v. $237,700) Median Sale Price % Change: +4.0% ($222,500 v. $214,000) Data for Florence is reported separately from Greater Lane County. The Residential Review on pages 1, 3, 4, and 6 does not include data from Florence. For data on Florence, see the Area Report on page 2, or the graphs on page 5. For further explanation of this measure, see the second footnote on page 3. New Listings Pending Sales Closed Sales Inventory in Months* 2014 2015 2016 January 7.0 5.5 3.3 February 5.7 5.9 2.8 March 4.9 3.7 2.2 April 4.9 3.4 May 4.9 3.3 June 4.3 2.6 July 4.6 2.7 August 5.0 3.2 September 4.9 3.0 October 3.8 2.7 November 5.5 3.4 December 4.1 2.2 Average Sale Price Median Sale Price Total Market Time March 558 518 367 244,900 227,000 86 February 416 420 284 235,800 211,000 81 1,418 1,246 936 243,500 222,500 85 574 472 341 242,900 217,000 106 Year-to-date 1,503 1,110 783 236,100 210,000 111 March -2.8% 9.7% 7.6% 0.8% 4.6% -18.8% Prev Mo 2016 34.1% 23.3% 29.2% 3.9% 7.6% 6.2% Year-to-date -5.7% 12.3% 19.5% 3.1% 6.0% -23.9% Year-to-date Change March 2016 Reporting Period March © Copyright RMLS™ 2016. All Rights Reserved. AREA REPORT • 3/2016 Lane County, Oregon 33.3% 4 51,600 49,000 18 49.9% - - 13 1 1 1 -75.0% 1 100,000 100 12 9 -35.7% 6 112,000 105,000 48 15.6% - - 8 2 1 2 100.0% 0 - - 4 2 -71.4% 2 209,100 209,100 25 8.2% - - Florence Town 57 21 9 19 58.3% 20 203,200 105 51 51 45.7% 40 212,900 210,000 112 10.1% - - Florence Beach 29 12 1 6 -25.0% 5 254,500 110 22 16 23.1% 9 298,600 275,000 202 11.0% - - Florence North 29 7 2 7 600.0% 4 215,900 89 14 12 20.0% 9 271,100 305,000 101 27.5% 1 Florence South/ Dunes City 26 4 2 3 -66.7% 1 250,000 246 16 11 -15.4% 6 299,000 297,500 327 10.3% 1 Florence East/ Mapleton 22 4 2 2 -50.0% 1 49,900 99 20 9 12.5% 6 182,500 194,500 256 -3.8% 190 55 19 41 2.5% 33 201,200 106 149 114 10.7% 82 217,400 207,000 136 10.7% Hayden Bridge 26 17 0 16 -5.9% 6 170,600 139 43 31 -16.2% 22 210,100 201,500 73 3.7% McKenzie Valley 47 20 2 15 36.4% 5 391,000 96 41 30 66.7% 14 313,800 287,500 182 13.2% 1 Pleasant Hill/Oak 1 227 228 229 230 - - - - 42,000 - - - - - 2 29,600 - - 3 91,200 - - 305,000 2 29,000 - - 425,000 2 53,800 - - 1 118,000 - - 11 59,900 - 1 99,400 450,000 5 155,700 - - 84,700 7 182,000 - - - 8 89,600 - - 5 170,000 9 110,600 2 50,000 1 - 2 - - 1 220,000 New Listings New Listings 24 4 23 91.7% 17 188,800 123 58 54 68.8% 35 213,600 149,500 88 7.3% South Lane Properties 118 62 12 46 -6.1% 39 233,600 130 138 116 2.7% 80 220,000 201,000 122 8.2% West Lane Properties 49 35 1 30 11.1% 18 218,800 69 81 75 7.1% 62 215,300 210,000 98 8.1% Junction City 50 19 4 26 36.8% 13 233,900 119 65 56 33.3% 43 239,800 217,500 93 -1.8% Thurston 54 32 9 27 17.4% 37 208,900 91 99 94 25.3% 71 208,400 199,000 96 5.8% Coburg I-5 8 2 1 3 50.0% 3 259,000 143 11 11 22.2% 8 363,600 335,000 194 2.3% - - - - - - N Gilham 28 20 0 20 11.1% 17 349,100 68 51 52 18.2% 41 345,800 347,500 68 -6.6% - - - - - - Ferry Street Bridge 61 47 3 40 0.0% 21 309,000 79 116 81 -5.8% 55 291,700 275,000 66 4.3% - - - - E Eugene 42 49 4 42 68.0% 23 339,800 100 90 88 33.3% 69 315,200 280,000 91 -0.7% - - 6 SW Eugene 98 50 13 60 -10.4% 44 292,000 81 160 138 -1.4% 110 315,600 292,000 90 0.0% - - W Eugene 20 13 3 13 44.4% 12 174,200 136 42 36 20.0% 31 203,300 178,000 102 -3.4% 1 265,000 Danebo 48 63 9 53 -10.2% 32 185,100 47 143 128 -2.3% 94 173,500 184,700 55 7.1% 1 380,000 River Road 24 24 2 23 0.0% 16 248,300 49 54 50 31.6% 35 226,600 213,500 42 8.3% - - Santa Clara 43 41 3 38 26.7% 37 237,400 70 104 94 16.0% 83 245,200 229,900 70 1.5% - - Springfield 40 33 7 37 -7.5% 26 198,800 57 102 103 12.0% 79 181,200 168,000 66 6.8% Mohawk Valley 15 7 1 6 500.0% 1 65,000 20 20 9 50.0% 4 130,500 142,500 70 -20.1% 824 558 78 518 9.7% 367 244,900 86 1,418 1,246 12.3% 936 243,500 222,500 85 2.9% 250 249 248 247 246 245 244 243 242 241 240 239 237 53 235 - 365,000 236 234 233 232 Grand Total - Closed Sales 4 Closed Sales 10 Average Sale Price Avg. Sale Price % Change2 61 Total Market Time Median Sale Price 38,500 Closed Sales Average Sale Price Pending Sales 2016 v. 20151 1 Pending Sales 0.0% 226 Total Market Time 3 1 Florence Florentine Average Sale Price 1 Closed Sales 4 Pending Sales 6 Florence Green Trees Active Listings 225 Florence Coast Village Closed Sales Year-To-Date Average Sale Price MULTIFAMILY Year-To-Date 231 Pending Sales 2016 v. 20151 LAND Year-To-Date 238 Expired.Canceled Listings COMMERCIAL Year-To-Date Average Sale Price RESIDENTIAL Current Month Grand Total 2 © Copyright RMLS™ 2016. All Rights Reserved. 3 - 228,300 - 1 4 12 128,000 255,600 251,300 1 - 1,900,000 - 1 135,000 3 356,300 116,100 5 335,700 11 108,700 3 259,000 1 80,000 2 275,500 - - 1 195,000 - - 1 175,000 6 83,300 4 251,300 2 130,000 10 239,100 2 159,500 - 65 121,000 32 315,500 ACTIVE RESIDENTIAL LISTINGS Active Residential Listings 1,900 1,700 GREATER LANE COUNTY, OR 1,500 This graph shows 1,300 the active residential 1,100 listings over the past 900 three calendar years in 700 Greater Lane County, JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2014 1,217 1,222 1,289 1,448 1,579 1,673 1,810 1,804 1,724 1,541 1,395 1,184 2015 1,191 1,221 1,254 1,299 1,369 1,397 1,455 1,438 1,347 1,206 1,079 872 2016 848 788 824 NEW LISTINGS GREATER LANE COUNTY, OR This graph shows the new residential listings over the past three calendar years in Greater Lane County, Oregon. New Listings 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 2014 1 Oregon. 2015 2016 Percent change in number of pending sales this year compared to last year. The Current Month section compares March 2016 with March 2015. The Year-To-Date section compares 2016 year-to-date statistics through March with 2015 year-to-date statistics through March. 2 % Change is based on a comparison of the rolling average sale price for the last 12 months (4/1/15-3/31/16) with 12 months before (4/1/14-3/31/15). 3 Total Market Time is the number of days from when a property is listed to when an offer is accepted on that same property. If a property is re-listed within 31 days, Total Market Time continues to accrue; however, it does not include the time that it was off the market. 3 © Copyright RMLS™ 2016. All Rights Reserved. PENDING LISTINGS Pending Sales GREATER LANE COUNTY, OR 600 550 500 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 This graph represents monthly accepted offers in Greater Lane County, Oregon, over the past three calendar years. 2014 2015 2016 CLOSED SALES GREATER LANE COUNTY, OR This graph shows the closed sales over the past five calendar years in Greater Lane County, Oregon. Closed Sales 600 500 400 2012 300 2013 2014 200 2015 2016 100 0 DAYS ON MARKET Average Total Market Time GREATER LANE COUNTY, OR 200 This graph shows the 175 150 average market time for 125 sales in Greater Lane 100 County, Oregon, over the 75 past three calendar years. 50 2014 TMT 2015 TMT 2016 TMT 4 © Copyright RMLS™ 2016. All Rights Reserved. New Listings NEW LISTINGS 80 FLORENCE, OR 70 60 This graph represents 50 new listings in Florence, 40 30 Oregon over the past 20 three calendar years. 10 2014 2015 2016 PENDING LISTINGS Pending Sales FLORENCE, OR 80 This graph shows 70 the monthly accepted 50 offers over the past 30 60 40 20 three calendar years in 10 Florence, Oregon. 2014 2015 Closed Sales 2016 70 CLOSED SALES 60 FLORENCE, OR This graph shows the 50 2012 40 closed sales over the past 2013 2014 30 five calendar years in 2015 2016 20 Florence, Oregon. 10 Average Sale Price $280,000 $260,000 $240,000 $220,000 $200,000 $180,000 sold homes over the past $160,000 three calendar years in $120,000 5 © Copyright RMLS™ 2016. All Rights Reserved. Mar-16 Dec-15 Jun-15 Sep-15 Mar-15 Dec-14 Jun-14 Sep-14 Mar-14 $100,000 Dec-13 $140,000 Jun-13 Florence, Oregon. DEC Sep-13 average sale price for all NOV Mar-13 This graph shows the OCT Dec-12 FLORENCE, OR SEP Jun-12 AVERAGE SALE PRICE AUG Sep-12 JUL Mar-12 JUN Dec-11 MAY Jun-11 APR Sep-11 MAR Mar-11 FEB Dec-10 JAN Sep-10 0 MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE Contact RMLS™ 8338 NE Alderwood Rd Suite 230 Portland, OR 97220 (503) 236-7657 SALE PRICE This graph represents the average and median sale price GREATER LANE COUNTY, OR for all homes sold in Greater Lane County, Oregon. Average and Median Sale Price $300,000 $280,000 $260,000 $240,000 $220,000 $200,000 $180,000 Market Action Reports are compiled for the following areas: Portland metropolitan area, Southwest Washington, Mid-Columbia, Columbia Basin, Baker County, Coos County, Curry County, Douglas County, Grant County, Josephine County, Lane County, North Coastal Counties, Polk & Marion Counties, Union County, and Wallowa County. $160,000 $140,000 Average Sale Price Median Sale Price RMLS™ was formed by area Boards and Associations of REALTORS® in 1991. E-mail subscriptions are available for $45 per year by contacting RMLS™. Reproduction of any portion of this copyrighted material is prohibited without prior approval of RMLS™. Craig Fahner, Chairman of the Board Kurt von Wasmuth, President/CEO Tyler Chaudhary, Editor © Copyright RMLS™ 2016. All Rights Reserved. Mar-16 Sep-15 Mar-15 Sep-14 Mar-14 Sep-13 Mar-13 Mar-12 Sep-12 Sep-11 Mar-11 Mar-10 Sep-10 Sep-09 Mar-09 Mar-08 Sep-08 Sep-07 Mar-07 Mar-06 Sep-06 Sep-05 Mar-05 $100,000 Mar-04 $120,000 Sep-04 The statistics presented in Market Action are compiled monthly based on figures generated by RMLS™. A Publication of RMLS™, The Source for Real Estate Statistics in Your Community Residential Review: Mid-Columbia March Residential Highlights Increases were seen in activity nearly across the board this March in the Mid-Columbia region. Pending sales (119) rose 22.7% from the 97 offers accepted last year in March 2015, and 52.6% from the 78 offers accepted last month in February 2016. It was the strongest March for pending sales on the RMLS™ record. New listings (125) increased 3.3% compared to March 2015 (121) and 48.8% compared to February 2016 (84). Closed sales, at 70, fared 55.6% better than the 45 closings posted last month in February 2016 but fell 2.8% short of the 72 closings posted last year in March 2015. Inventory decreased in March, tapering to 4.8 months. During the same period, total market time increased to 142 days. Mid-Columbia Residential Highlights Change 2015 2016 March March 2016 Reporting Period Average and Median Sale Prices Comparing the average price of homes in the twelve months ending March 31st of this year ($261,000) with the average price of homes ending March 2015 ($237,900) shows an increase of 9.7%. The same comparison of the median shows an increase of 14.0% over the same period. Percent Change of 12-Month Sale Price Compared With The Previous 12 Months Inventory in Months* 2014 2015 2016 January 13.6 11.1 6.3 February 11.2 8.6 7.5 March 9.9 6.4 4.8 April 8.9 6.0 May 8.1 5.3 June 7.4 5.7 July 8.9 5.8 August 9.2 6.2 September 7.7 5.2 October 8.3 4.6 November 8.4 6.7 December 7.9 4.2 *Inventory in Months is calculated by dividing the Active Residential Listings at the end of the month in question by the number of closed sales for that month. This number includes proposed and under construction homes. Average Sale Price % Change: +9.7% ($261,000 v. $237,900) Median Sale Price % Change: +14.0% ($228,000 v. $200,000) For further explanation of this measure, see the second footnote on page 3. New Listings Pending Sales Closed Sales Average Sale Price Median Sale Price Total Market Time 125 119 70 244,500 232,500 142 84 78 45 258,600 242,000 137 Year-to-date 262 252 172 251,400 232,500 146 March 121 97 72 262,400 195,400 187 Year-to-date 300 266 168 235,600 188,800 203 3.3% 22.7% -2.8% -6.8% 19.0% -24.1% Prev Mo 2016 48.8% 52.6% 55.6% -5.5% -3.9% 3.6% Year-to-date -12.7% -5.3% 2.4% 6.7% 23.1% -27.8% February March © Copyright RMLS™ 2016. All Rights Reserved. AREA REPORT • 3/2016 Mid-Columbia 110 0 128 29 15 Skamania 2 1 0 North Bonnevile 3 2 0 Stevenson 8 5 Carson 4 4 - 0 1 0 3 207,500 - 160.0% - 350,000 11.2% - - 349,900 349,900 -7.0% - - - 20 7 4 -20.0% 3 207,500 240,000 22.3% - - 1 0.0% 0 0 - -9.9% 36.8% 20 185,800 192,500 - - - 119,000 - - - - - 4 79,400 - - 2 61,000 - - - 1 55,000 - - - - 1 65,000 - - 2.7% - - 15 40,700 209,700 224 29 26 1 65,000 127 1 1 -50.0% 1 65,000 65,000 2.1% - - 3 16,700 - - - 5 4 100.0% 3 86,700 50,000 27.9% - - 1 500,000 - - 186 64 58 -7.9% 42 230,300 227,500 10.3% 32 74,200 - 40.0% 20 1 -50.0% 0 - - 2 2 0.0% 0 - - 24.7% 0 3 50.0% 1 191,900 273 7 6 50.0% 2 270,900 270,900 -0.9% - 6 200.0% 4 250,400 157 12 13 225.0% 6 270,700 251,500 -0.2% 1 250,000 2 7 600.0% 2 182,500 65 10 14 250.0% 3 197,800 185,000 18.0% 1 149,000 3 -100.0% 0 - - 0 2 100.0% 1 251,000 251,000 83.1% - - 100.0% 1 310,000 191 0 2 -33.3% 2 430,000 430,000 1.4% - - - 262,800 Unincorporated North 12 2 2 1 - 1 95,000 8 5 3 200.0% 1 95,000 95,000 -5.6% Skamania Co. Total 34 14 4 20 122.2% 9 218,200 136 36 42 121.1% 15 264,400 233,000 12.0% The Dalles 61 40 5 40 66.7% 18 1 1 1 0.0% 0 - - 2 0.0% 3 188,100 -100.0% 2 172,500 357 356 355 354 353 352 351 5 Dufur Tygh Valley 367 366 364 363 362 361 2 0 6 1 Wamic/ Pine Hollow 13 3 0 Maupin/ Pine Grove 9 1 - - Rowena 1 1 0 0 Mosier 7 2 - 98 49 Wasco Co. Total 370 1 1 Cascade Locks 2 Hood River City 26 14 Hood River-W 11 9 0 Hood River-E 3 1 0 0 Odell - - - 182,300 - - 179,500 - 0 - 2 199,500 3 291,700 70 76 -5.0% 56 185,900 173,400 6.3% - 2 1 0.0% 1 76,500 76,500 -24.3% - - - 4 -36.7% - - 385 3 5 25.0% 4 193,600 192,400 -19.3% - - 153 2 3 -25.0% 3 220,000 215,000 73.6% - - - -100.0% - - 0 - - - -74.1% - - - 155,000 - - 90,300 - - 1 970,000 - - 1 200,000 - - - - 7 250,100 - - 7 351,500 - - - - - - - 80,000 - - - - - - - 1 3 102,300 - 0 3 110,300 - - 14 227,000 - - 1 38,000 - - 2 0 -100.0% 357,000 195 4 10 100.0% 5 294,600 249,000 4.0% 6 47 38.2% 25 196,200 149 87 95 -3.1% 69 194,100 185,000 4.6% 3 200.0% 0 0 0 0 6 200.0% 0 0 - -1.5% 1 10 -50.0% 8 278,000 43 41 25 -50.0% 25 331,400 289,000 12.2% 5 -50.0% 4 324,500 128 12 11 -38.9% 11 426,600 405,000 5.4% - - 3 288,200 - - - 0 0 0 1 0 -100.0% 0 0 - -4.2% - - 1 130,000 - - 1 60,000 - - 2 260,000 - 8 201,600 3 1 1 0.0% 1 237,500 10 2 4 33.3% 4 305,500 274,300 30.4% 15 6 1 5 400.0% 3 409,500 125 12 9 28.6% 6 334,200 331,000 3.4% Hood River Co. Total 60 31 2 24 -27.3% 16 311,800 78 68 55 -33.7% 46 352,300 320,700 9.5% Sherman Co. 13 2 0 -100.0% 0 - - 7 -33.3% 0 - - -11.3% 2 2 © Copyright RMLS™ 2016. All Rights Reserved. - 0 - 86,700 2 Parkdale/ Mt. Hood 0 - - 1 86,700 0.0% 0 0 104 3 1 4 - 0 - 9 Cook, Underwood, Mill A, Willard 0 Closed Sales 133,800 1 - 0 Average Sale Price 350,000 1 179,500 Closed Sales 1 33.3% Average Sale Price -33.3% 4 Closed Sales 2 5 Pending Sales 2 3 - 28 - - 4 116 Home Valley - 3 - 13 - 117 115 114 113 112 111 Klickitat Co. Total 0 -100.0% - Avg. Sale Price % Change2 0 1 Median Sale Price 108 109 1 - - 2 3 26.8% 153 2 1 434,600 350,000 11 Klickitat 434,600 1 Dallesport/ Murdock Bickleton/ East County 2 4 -50.0% 13 -40.0% 498 200.0% 5 3 679,300 3 14 - 1 1 60 - -50.0% 1 - 0.9% 2 1 0 20.8% 392,500 9 408 1 - 299,000 392,500 113 400,000 2 1 294,900 2 313,000 1 5 0 9 4 12 Appleton/ Timber Valley Goldendale/ Centerville -31.6% 16.7% -100.0% Lyle/ High Prairie Year-To-Date Average Sale Price 1 MULTIFAMILY Year-To-Date Closed Sales Husum/ BZ Corner 0 LAND Year-To-Date -100.0% New Listings 4 Total Market Time 3 10 COMMERCIAL Pending Sales 2016 v. 20151 102 Trout Lake/ Glenwood 7 - Average Sale Price 1 Closed Sales 5 2 Pending Sales 2016 v. 20151 Expired.Canceled Listings 2 5 Pending Sales New Listings 20 Active Listings 100 101 Snowden 106 105 104 103 White Salmon/ Bingen Year-To-Date Average Sale Price RESIDENTIAL Current Month 3 291,700 1 10,000 - - 1 - 232,000 - 2 0 0 - 121,000 - 0 - - - 1 1 0 490,000 490,000 - ACTIVE RESIDENTIAL LISTINGS Active Residential Listings 700 650 MID-COLUMBIA 600 This graph shows 550 the active residential 500 450 listings over the past 400 three calendar years 350 in Mid-Columbia. 300 2014 2015 2016 JAN 505 467 339 FEB 517 446 338 MAR 505 463 333 APR 508 486 MAY 572 517 JUN 625 543 JUL 649 553 AUG 661 551 NEW LISTINGS the new residential listings over the past three calendar years in Mid-Columbia. NOV 552 414 DEC 473 346 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 2014 1 OCT 605 453 New Listings MID-COLUMBIA This graph shows SEP 647 518 2015 2016 Percent change in number of pending sales this year compared to last year. The Current Month section compares March 2016 with March 2015. The Year-To-Date section compares 2016 year-to-date statistics through March with 2015 year-to-date statistics through March. 2 % Change is based on a comparison of the rolling average sale price for the last 12 months (4/1/15-3/31/16) with 12 months before (4/1/14-3/31/15). 3 Total Market Time is the number of days from when a property is listed to when an offer is accepted on that same property. If a property is re-listed within 31 days, Total Market Time continues to accrue; however, it does not include the time that it was off the market. 3 © Copyright RMLS™ 2016. All Rights Reserved. PENDING LISTINGS Pending Sales MID-COLUMBIA 140 This graph represents 120 monthly accepted offers 100 in Mid-Columbia over 80 the past three calendar 60 years. 40 20 2014 2015 2016 CLOSED SALES Closed Sales MID-COLUMBIA 100 This graph shows the 90 closed sales over the past five calendar years in Mid-Columbia. 80 70 60 2012 50 2013 40 2014 30 2015 20 2016 10 0 Average Total Market Time DAYS ON MARKET 350 MID-COLUMBIA 300 This graph shows the 250 average market time for 200 sales in Mid-Columbia, 150 100 over the past three 50 calendar years. 2014 TMT 2015 TMT 2016 TMT 4 © Copyright RMLS™ 2016. All Rights Reserved. MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE This graph represents the average and median sale SALE PRICE price for all homes sold in Mid-Columbia. MID-COLUMBIA Contact RMLS™ 8338 NE Alderwood Rd Suite 230 Portland, OR 97220 (503) 236-7657 Average and Median Sale Price $350,000 $300,000 $250,000 $200,000 Average Sale Price Median Sale Price RMLS™ was formed by area Boards and Associations of REALTORS® in 1991. E-mail subscriptions are available for $45 per year by contacting RMLS™. Reproduction of any portion of this copyrighted material is prohibited without prior approval of RMLS™. Craig Fahner, Chairman of the Board Kurt von Wasmuth, President/CEO Tyler Chaudhary, Editor © Copyright RMLS™ 2016. All Rights Reserved. Mar-16 Dec-15 Sep-15 Jun-15 Mar-15 Dec-14 Sep-14 Jun-14 Mar-14 Dec-13 Sep-13 Jun-13 Mar-13 Dec-12 Sep-12 Jun-12 Mar-12 Dec-11 Jun-11 Sep-11 Mar-11 Market Action Reports are compiled for the following areas: Portland metropolitan area, Southwest Washington, Mid-Columbia, Columbia Basin, Baker County, Coos County, Curry County, Douglas County, Grant County, Josephine County, Lane County, North Coastal Counties, Polk & Marion Counties, Union County, and Wallowa County. Dec-10 $100,000 Sep-10 $150,000 Jun-10 The statistics presented in Market Action are compiled monthly based on figures generated by RMLS™. A Publication of RMLS™, The Source for Real Estate Statistics in Your Community Residential Review: North Coastal Counties, Oregon March Residential Highlights The North Coastal Counties saw some seasonal increases this March, but numbers are cooler so far in 2016 compared to last year. Closed sales (108) rose 20.0% compared to February 2016, but were 10.7% below the 121 closings posted last year in March 2015. New listings, at 217, fared similarly ending 14.2% ahead of February 2016 (190) but 31.5% under March 2015 (317). Pending sales (135) were both 6.3% cooler than February 2016 and 21.1% cooler than March 2015. Inventory decreased this March to 8.6 months. Total market time decreased to 151 days during the same period. March 2016 Reporting Period Average and Median Sale Prices Comparing the average price of homes in the twelve months ending March 31st of this year ($281,900) with the average price of homes sold in the twelve months ending March 2015 ($282,300) shows a decrease of 0.1%. The same comparison of the median has increased 1.2% over the same period. *Inventory in Months is calculated by dividing the Active Residential Listings at the end of the month in question by the number of closed sales for that month. This number includes proposed and under construction homes. Percent Change of 12-Month Sale Price Compared With The Previous 12 Months Average Sale Price % Change: Note: RMLS™ is a supplementary MLS for the North Coastal Counties, so data reported will not reflect the entire market. -0.1% ($281,900 v. $282,300) Median Sale Price % Change: +1.2% ($237,300 v. $234,600) For further explanation of this measure, see the second footnote on page 3. Change 2015 2016 North Coastal Counties Residential Highlights New Listings Pending Sales Closed Sales Inventory in Months* 2014 2015 2016 January 19.8 17.7 8.7 February 19.0 13.3 10.0 March 15.0 10.2 8.6 April 18.3 10.8 May 14.7 10.7 June 17.2 9.2 July 15.7 8.2 August 13.0 9.0 September 13.4 8.6 October 10.8 7.5 November 13.4 10.5 December 10.4 7.7 Average Sale Price Median Sale Price Total Market Time March 217 135 108 241,600 219,600 151 February 190 144 90 307,000 235,500 171 Year-to-date 611 383 309 278,300 230,000 157 March 317 171 121 257,600 242,500 182 Year-to-date 691 403 282 253,900 224,500 229 -31.5% -21.1% -10.7% -6.2% -9.4% -16.6% Prev Mo 2016 14.2% -6.3% 20.0% -21.3% -6.8% -11.7% Year-to-date -11.6% -5.0% 9.6% 9.6% 2.4% -31.7% March © Copyright RMLS™ 2016. All Rights Reserved. AREA REPORT • 3/2016 North Coastal Counties, Oregon Astoria 44 25 4 19 -13.6% 13 187,000 75 63 58 1.8% 44 222,200 201,000 2.4% Hammond/ Warrenton 36 15 3 12 9.1% 11 252,800 102 34 36 16.1% 27 244,900 237,500 14.0% - Gearhart West 45 9 3 3 -50.0% 2 742,500 866 29 15 25.0% 9 628,600 499,000 7.5% Gearhart East 3 1 2 - 1 275,000 69 1 5 66.7% 3 297,000 275,000 Seaside Northwest - 1 Average Sale Price Closed Sales 140,000 Closed Sales Year-To-Date Average Sale Price MULTIFAMILY Year-To-Date Closed Sales Avg. Sale Price % Change2 Median Sale Price Average Sale Price Closed Sales Pending Sales 2016 v. 20151 New Listings Pending Sales 3 Total Market Time Average Sale Price Closed Sales Pending Sales 2016 v. 20151 Pending Sales Expired.Canceled Listings New Listings Active Listings 180 181 182 183 184 185 LAND Year-To-Date 2 82,300 1 279,000 - 3 51,300 1 167,500 - - 4 98,000 - - 26.6% - - - - - - - - 0 1 -66.7% 3 171,300 243 2 4 -50.0% 6 220,700 207,000 22.2% - - 1 105,000 11 4 1 2 100.0% 3 212,900 77 13 10 66.7% 7 212,300 214,900 -0.3% - - - - - - Seaside Southwest 5 1 3 -25.0% 4 343,400 135 18 11 -31.3% 8 356,200 307,500 3.7% - - - - - - 5 2 0 0 -100.0% 0 - - 5 3 -40.0% 2 159,000 159,000 9.6% - - - - - - Seaside East 23 5 1 3 -57.1% 1 171,200 68 14 6 -45.5% 12 251,900 246,500 29.1% - - 1 50,000 - - Cannon Beach/ Tolovana Park 76 9 1 8 0.0% 6 297,900 144 35 16 0.0% 13 394,500 345,000 -26.1% - - 2 425,000 - - Arch Cape/ Cove Beach/ Falcon Cove 10 2 - 7 2 - 4 498,800 530,000 -8.2% - - 2 95,300 - - Rural Clatsop County 16 2 5 4 0.0% 2 440,400 293 4 8 60.0% 8 307,600 285,400 14.3% - - 3 38,800 - - 302 79 20 57 -16.2% 46 268,200 150 225 174 2.4% 143 290,400 254,900 -0.7% 18 112,400 Arch Cape 1 0 1 0 - 1 130,000 242 0 1 - 1 130,000 130,000 -53.5% - - Manzanita 53 13 1 9 12.5% 8 395,000 188 35 19 -9.5% 16 442,300 398,500 1.3% - - 4 Nehalem 19 3 4 3 -50.0% 5 179,500 80 10 13 30.0% 12 180,200 164,500 -14.7% - - 2 Wheeler 3 -100.0% 0 - - 1 2 -33.3% 1 322,000 322,000 -11.2% - - 188 187 29 Seaside South Central 189 1 190 4 Seaside North Central 191 186 COMMERCIAL Year-To-Date Average Sale Price RESIDENTIAL Current Month 97149 97135 97112 97122 97108 97134 97141 97143 97118 97107 97136 97147 97131 97130 97102 Clatsop County Rockaway Beach - 0 - - - - - - 1 140,000 - - - 2 223,300 - - 139,200 - - 73,500 - - - - - 61 17 5 10 42.9% 4 139,100 239 44 23 0.0% 12 185,000 177,500 4.6% - - 1 54,000 Bay City 3 3 1 4 -20.0% 2 136,500 51 8 11 22.2% 8 144,400 75,000 9.7% - - 1 80,000 - - Garibaldi 14 1 0 1 -66.7% 1 170,900 51 5 2 -50.0% 2 181,500 181,500 1.0% - - - - - - Netarts 10 3 2 2 -50.0% 2 94,800 69 8 8 33.3% 6 290,600 292,500 2.6% - - - - - - Tillamook 43 11 3 6 -64.7% 10 166,600 103 27 21 -43.2% 29 180,900 179,000 -4.8% - - 4 119,000 - - Oceanside 20 5 1 2 100.0% 1 460,000 301 8 3 -25.0% 4 418,000 413,500 -12.9% - - 2 258,500 - - Beaver 5 1 0 1 -50.0% 1 255,000 949 2 1 -66.7% 1 255,000 255,000 19.3% - - - - Hebo 4 1 0 1 - 0 - - 2 1 - 1 185,900 185,900 -24.1% - - 1 107,000 - - Cloverdale 9 3 1 -100.0% 1 152,500 216 6 1 -50.0% 3 180,900 155,300 -51.0% - - 1 124,000 - - Pacific City 46 7 7 2 -33.3% 1 184,600 475 17 8 -33.3% 9 317,400 275,000 -7.0% 2 82,500 - - Neskowin 27 3 1 2 0.0% 1 250,000 9 13 5 0.0% 4 330,800 323,000 -10.7% 1 165,000 - - 318 71 27 43 -29.5% 38 219,600 168 186 119 -14.4% 109 250,000 200,000 -5.1% 19 125,900 Tillamook County - 2 © Copyright RMLS™ 2016. All Rights Reserved. 1 - 755,000 - 1 755,000 - - 1 1 229,000 229,000 128 27 10 10 3 0 8 0 2 Depoe Bay 60 11 Gleneden Beach 42 Otter Rock Newport 126 90 44 2.3% 25 219,200 209,200 10.9% -100.0% 1 220,000 230 7 1 -50.0% 2 206,500 206,500 -46.7% - - 2 0.0% 2 181,500 88 5 8 100.0% 6 313,800 192,500 51.2% - - 6 7 16.7% 2 317,000 69 30 15 0.0% 8 441,800 354,000 16.9% 1 595,000 6 1 1 -75.0% 1 337,000 242 20 2 -71.4% 4 608,300 363,500 3.6% 1 252,200 1 0 2 1 0.0% 0 - - 1 1 0.0% 1 370,000 370,000 1231.1% - - 22 8 2 4 -33.3% 3 171,600 84 18 10 0.0% 4 192,500 219,200 12.4% - - South Beach 8 1 1 -100.0% 0 - - 2 -100.0% 1 325,000 325,000 3.8% - - Eddyville 1 1 0 0 - 0 - - 1 0 - 0 - - - 0 - 0 - 0 - Logsden 0 0 0 - 0 - - 0 0 - 0 - - - 0 - 0 - 0 - Toledo 3 1 1 0 -100.0% 0 - - 1 0 -100.0% 1 162,000 162,000 -48.4% Siletz 1 0 0 1 - 0 - - 2 1 - 0 - - -70.2% 0 - 0 - 0 - Tidewater 1 0 0 0 - 0 - - 0 0 -100.0% 0 - - -24.1% 0 - 0 - 0 - Yachats 8 0 0 0 -100.0% 0 - - 3 1 0.0% 1 350,000 350,000 -15.0% - - - - - - Waldport 13 7 4 3 200.0% 1 375,000 84 15 5 0.0% 3 369,400 375,000 -4.0% - - - - - - Seal Rock 6 2 0 1 - 1 400,000 322 5 2 - 1 400,000 400,000 -21.4% - - - - - - Lincoln County 312 67 29 35 -16.7% 24 225,400 129 200 90 -4.3% 57 302,300 220,100 8.4% 4 330,600 6 58,000 - North Coastal Counties Total 932 217 76 135 -21.1% 108 241,600 151 611 383 -5.0% 309 278,300 230,000 -0.2% 6 369,500 43 110,800 Otis - - - - 237,500 3 Closed Sales Closed Sales Closed Sales Avg. Sale Price % Change2 Median Sale Price Average Sale Price Closed Sales Pending Sales 2016 v. 20151 Pending Sales New Listings Total Market Time 3 Average Sale Price Closed Sales 197,300 - 2 Average Sale Price Year-To-Date Average Sale Price MULTIFAMILY Year-To-Date 13 53,000 - - - - - 1 45,000 - - 1 49,000 - - - - - - - - - - 95,000 - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - 3 225,200 ACTIVE RESIDENTIAL LISTINGS Active Residential Listings 2,000 1,800 1,600 NORTH COASTAL COUNTIES, OR 1,400 This graph shows the active 1,200 residential listings over the 1,000 past three calendar years in 800 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2014 1,247 1,273 1,320 1,482 1,633 1,690 1,778 1,760 1,621 1,440 1,330 1,115 2015 1,153 1,171 1,239 1,286 1,320 1,404 1,440 1,393 1,270 1,172 1,077 850 2016 897 902 932 1 LAND Year-To-Date -6.3% Neotsu 15 Pending Sales 2016 v. 20151 Pending Sales Expired.Canceled Listings New Listings Active Listings 97376 97394 97498 97390 97380 97391 97357 97343 97366 97365 97369 97388 97341 97368 97364 97367 Lincoln City COMMERCIAL Year-To-Date Average Sale Price RESIDENTIAL Current Month the North Coastal Counties of Oregon. Percent change in number of pending sales this year compared to last year. The Current Month section compares March 2016 with March 2015. The Year-To-Date section compares 2016 year-to-date statistics through March with 2015 year-to-date statistics through March. 2 % Change is based on a comparison of the rolling average sale price for the last 12 months (4/1/15-3/31/16) with 12 months before (4/1/14-3/31/15). 3 Total Market Time is the number of days from when a property is listed to when an offer is accepted on that same property. If a property is re-listed within 31 days, Total Market Time continues to accrue; however, it does not include the time that it was off the market. 3 © Copyright RMLS™ 2016. All Rights Reserved. NEW LISTINGS New Listings NORTH COASTAL COUNTIES, OR This graph shows the new residential listings over the past three calendar years in the North Coastal Counties of Oregon. 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 2014 2015 2016 PENDING LISTINGS Pending Sales NORTH COASTAL COUNTIES, OR 200 This graph represents 180 160 monthly accepted offers 140 120 in the North Coastal 100 Counties of Oregon over 80 60 the past three calendar 40 years. 2014 2015 2016 CLOSED SALES NORTH COASTAL COUNTIES, OR This graph shows the Closed Sales 180 160 140 closed sales over the past 120 five calendar years in 100 the North Coastal Counties of Oregon. 2012 2013 80 2014 60 2015 40 2016 20 0 4 © Copyright RMLS™ 2016. All Rights Reserved. MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE This graph shows the average market time for sales in DAYS ON MARKET the North Coastal Counties of Oregon over the past three NORTH COASTAL COUNTIES, OR Contact RMLS™ 8338 NE Alderwood Rd Suite 230 Portland, OR 97220 (503) 236-7657 calendar years. Average Total Market Time 350 300 250 200 150 E-mail subscriptions are available for $45 per year by contacting RMLS™. Reproduction of any portion of this copyrighted material is prohibited without prior approval of RMLS™. SALE PRICE 2015 TMT 2016 TMT This graph represents the average and median sale price for all homes sold in the North Coastal Counties NORTH COASTAL COUNTIES, OR of Oregon. Average and Median Sale Price $350,000 $300,000 $250,000 $200,000 Average Sale Price Median Sale Price Craig Fahner, Chairman of the Board Kurt von Wasmuth, President/CEO Tyler Chaudhary, Editor © Copyright RMLS™ 2016. All Rights Reserved. Mar-16 Dec-15 Jun-15 Sep-15 Mar-15 Dec-14 Sep-14 Jun-14 Mar-14 Dec-13 Jun-13 Sep-13 Mar-13 Dec-12 Sep-12 Jun-12 Mar-12 Dec-11 Jun-11 Sep-11 $100,000 Mar-11 $150,000 Dec-10 RMLS™ was formed by area Boards and Associations of REALTORS® in 1991. 2014 TMT Sep-10 Market Action Reports are compiled for the following areas: Portland metropolitan area, Southwest Washington, Mid-Columbia, Columbia Basin, Baker County, Coos County, Curry County, Douglas County, Grant County, Josephine County, Lane County, North Coastal Counties, Polk & Marion Counties, Union County, and Wallowa County. 100 Jun-10 The statistics presented in Market Action are compiled monthly based on figures generated by RMLS™. A Publication of RMLS™, The Source for Real Estate Statistics in Your Community Residential Review: Polk and Marion Counties, Oregon March Residential Highlights Polk and Marion County continued seeing strong activity this March, and pending sales led the way. The 219 accepted offers fared 23.7% better than in March 2015 (177) and 15.9% better than in February 2016 (189). It was the strongest month for accepted offers in the area on the RMLS™ record, stretching back to 1992! Closed sales, at 120, edged 3.4% over the 116 closings posted in March 2015 and fared 13.2% better than the 106 closings posted last month in February 2016. This too was the strongest March for closings on the RMLS™ record. March 2016 Reporting Period Inventory in Months* 2014 2015 2016 January 8.9 6.1 3.7 February 7.1 5.9 3.9 March 6.2 4.6 3.3 April 6.6 3.8 May 6.3 4.3 June 8.3 4.4 July 6.6 4.8 August 6.5 4.5 September 7.5 4.3 October 6.0 3.3 November 8.5 4.3 December 5.2 2.7 New listings (215) one-upped March 2015 by 0.5% and fared 11.4% better than the 193 new listings posted in February 2016. Average and Median Sale Prices Comparing the average price of homes in the twelve months ending March 31st of this year ($242,100) with the average price of homes sold in the twelve months ending March 2015 ($220,800) shows an increase of 9.6%. The same comparison of the median shows an increase of 11.3% over that same period. Percent Change of 12-Month Sale Price Compared With The Previous 12 Months *Inventory in Months is calculated by dividing the Active Residential Listings at the end of the month in question by the number of closed sales for that month. This includes proposed and under construction homes. Average Sale Price % Change: Note: RMLS™ is a supplementary MLS for Polk and Marion counties, so data reported will not reflect the entire market. Change 2015 2016 Polk & Marion Co. Residential Highlights The Area Report on page 2 shows data for the city of Woodburn separate from data for the rest of Area 170. Woodburn data is still also included in Polk & Marion totals. +9.6% ($242,100 v. $220,800) Median Sale Price % Change: +11.3% ($216,900 v. $194,900) For further explanation of this measure, see the second footnote on page 3. New Listings Pending Sales Closed Sales Average Sale Price Median Sale Price Total Market Time March 215 219 120 246,300 235,000 82 February 193 189 106 228,000 202,400 83 Year-to-date 591 508 363 234,500 220,100 81 March 214 177 116 208,900 203,000 119 Year-to-date 566 462 315 215,900 192,000 131 0.5% 23.7% 3.4% 17.9% 15.8% -31.3% 11.4% 15.9% 13.2% 8.0% 16.1% -1.2% 4.4% 10.0% 15.2% 8.6% 14.6% -38.5% March Prev Mo 2016 Year-to-date © Copyright RMLS™ 2016. All Rights Reserved. AREA REPORT • 3/2016 Polk & Marion Counties, Oregon RESIDENTIAL 7.7% 26 210,800 West Salem N 25 9 3 7 75.0% West Salem S 7 1 Woodburn 42 36 Except Woodburn 110 Marion Except Salem/Keizer 152 Southwest Salem 2 1 6 272,400 196,000 21.2% - - 5 152,200 1 269,000 2.7% - - 1 85,000 2 200,000 - 244,900 25 32 24 84.6% 22 240,500 241,200 37 12 8 -27.3% 6 306,200 262,500 12.8% 2 -60.0% 3 0 - 3 42 40.0% 33 201,900 100 91 109 14.7% 93 213,300 200,000 12.2% 1 315,000 1 140,000 62 12 61 17.3% 34 288,700 62 166 132 8.2% 90 264,800 254,500 2.7% 2 527,500 10 87,100 98 15 103 25.6% 67 245,900 83 257 241 11.1% 183 238,600 235,000 7.5% 3 456,700 11 92,000 0 1 4 - 2 390,000 143 4 5 400.0% 3 386,700 380,000 -8.6% - - - South Salem 39 21 1 20 17.6% 4 210,000 60 50 37 -9.8% 18 206,800 194,000 3.1% - - Southeast Salem 35 15 2 16 100.0% 9 331,400 136 42 39 11.4% 26 265,200 224,500 9.7% - - Central Salem 16 11 4 6 -33.3% 5 138,400 81 23 18 -21.7% 17 123,700 134,000 13.9% - - East Salem S 9 8 3 9 200.0% 2 273,800 36 17 13 30.0% 7 251,000 170,000 6.8% - - East Salem N 18 11 2 12 -20.0% 3 201,100 74 31 27 -15.6% 19 196,700 175,000 27.1% - - South Keizer 2 2 3 0.0% 1 145,000 114 5 8 33.3% 4 188,700 176,000 12.9% - - - North Keizer 36 13 6 20 66.7% 10 262,200 94 60 46 35.3% 32 250,600 254,300 19.4% - - - Polk Co. Grand Total 88 36 11 26 -7.1% 17 227,500 47 102 74 17.5% 54 246,500 225,000 13.7% - - Marion Co. Grand Total 309 179 34 193 29.5% 103 249,400 88 489 434 8.8% 309 232,400 219,000 8.7% 3 Polk & Marion Grand Total 397 215 45 219 23.7% 120 246,300 82 591 508 10.0% 363 234,500 220,100 9.6% 3 0 0 3 2 1 - Average Sale Price Average Sale Price 42 Closed Sales Closed Sales 58 Average Sale Price Pending Sales 2016 v. 20151 67 Closed Sales Pending Sales 209,400 Year-To-Date Average Sale Price New Listings 8 MULTIFAMILY Year-To-Date Closed Sales Total Market Time 3 -10.5% LAND Year-To-Date Avg. Sale Price % Change2 Average Sale Price 17 COMMERCIAL Median Sale Price Closed Sales 7 Pending Sales 26 Expired.Canceled Listings 56 New Listings Polk County Except Salem Active Listings 167 168 169 170 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 170-178 167-169 Year-To-Date Pending Sales 2016 v. 20151 Current Month - 1 - 180,000 - 1 180,000 - - - 64,200 - - - - - 20,000 1 188,000 - 1 310,000 110,000 - - - - - - - - 6 141,000 3 223,000 456,700 17 79,600 3 226,000 456,700 23 95,700 6 224,500 1 35,000 2 1,115,400 7 46,400 2 145,500 221 220 Benton & Linn Counties, Oregon Benton County Linn County 37 12 4 11 10.0% 7 279,400 51 38 25 31.6% 12 270,500 286,000 -1.2% 148 72 16 72 67.4% 43 198,700 99 191 160 42.9% 111 196,200 183,000 12.8% 2 © Copyright RMLS™ 2016. All Rights Reserved. - - 3 302,700 ACTIVE RESIDENTIAL LISTINGS Active Residential Listings 950 850 POLK & MARION COUNTIES, OR 750 650 This graph shows 550 the active residential listings over the past 450 350 2014 2015 2016 three calendar years JAN 533 551 422 FEB 536 551 415 MAR 553 530 397 APR 600 545 MAY 670 582 JUN 701 629 JUL 782 644 AUG 809 649 NEW LISTINGS POLK & MARION COUNTIES, OR new residential listings 175 over the past three 125 Oregon. DEC 599 412 in Polk and Marion Counties, Oregon. 75 25 2014 1 NOV 698 479 275 225 and Marion Counties, OCT 754 518 New Listings This graph shows the calendar years in Polk SEP 836 588 2015 2016 Percent change in number of pending sales this year compared to last year. The Current Month section compares March 2016 with March 2015. The Year-To-Date section compares 2016 year-to-date statistics through March with 2015 year-to-date statistics through March. 2 % Change is based on a comparison of the rolling average sale price for the last 12 months (4/1/15-3/31/16) with 12 months before (4/1/14-3/31/15). 3 Total Market Time is the number of days from when a property is listed to when an offer is accepted on that same property. If a property is re-listed within 31 days, Total Market Time continues to accrue; however, it does not include the time that it was off the market. 3 © Copyright RMLS™ 2016. All Rights Reserved. PENDING LISTINGS Pending Sales POLK & MARION COUNTIES, OR 240 220 200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 This graph represents monthly accepted offers in Polk and Marion Counties, Oregon, over the past three calendar years. 2014 2015 2016 CLOSED SALES Closed Sales POLK & MARION COUNTIES, OR 160 140 This graph shows the 120 closed sales over the past 100 five calendar years in 80 2012 2013 2014 60 Polk and Marion 2015 40 Counties, Oregon. 2016 20 0 DAYS ON MARKET Average Total Market Time POLK & MARION COUNTIES, OR 180 160 This graph shows the 140 average market time for 120 100 sales in Polk and Marion 80 Counties, Oregon, over 60 the past three calendar 40 years. 2014 TMT 2015 TMT 2016 TMT 4 © Copyright RMLS™ 2016. All Rights Reserved. MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE This graph represents the average and median sale SALE PRICE price for RMLS™-listed homes sold in Polk and POLK & MARION COUNTIES, OR Contact RMLS™ 8338 NE Alderwood Rd Suite 230 Portland, OR 97220 (503) 236-7657 Marion counties in Oregon. Average and Median Sale Price $300,000 $280,000 $260,000 $240,000 $220,000 $200,000 $180,000 $140,000 Average Sale Price Median Sale Price RMLS™ was formed by area Boards and Associations of REALTORS® in 1991. E-mail subscriptions are available for $45 per year by contacting RMLS™. Reproduction of any portion of this copyrighted material is prohibited without prior approval of RMLS™. Craig Fahner, Chairman of the Board Kurt von Wasmuth, President/CEO Tyler Chaudhary, Editor © Copyright RMLS™ 2016. All Rights Reserved. Jan-16 Mar-16 Nov-15 Jul-15 Sep-15 May-15 Jan-15 Mar-15 Nov-14 Jul-14 Sep-14 May-14 Jan-14 Mar-14 Nov-13 Jul-13 Sep-13 May-13 Jan-13 Mar-13 Nov-12 Jul-12 Sep-12 May-12 Jan-12 Mar-12 Nov-11 Jul-11 Sep-11 May-11 Jan-11 Mar-11 Jul-10 $100,000 Sep-10 $120,000 Nov-10 Market Action Reports are compiled for the following areas: Portland metropolitan area, Southwest Washington, Mid-Columbia, Columbia Basin, Baker County, Coos County, Curry County, Douglas County, Grant County, Josephine County, Lane County, North Coastal Counties, Polk & Marion Counties, Union County, and Wallowa County. $160,000 May-10 The statistics presented in Market Action are compiled monthly based on figures generated by RMLS™. A Publication of RMLS™, The Source for Real Estate Statistics in Your Community Residential Review: Metro Portland, Oregon March Residential Highlights The Portland metro area saw some seasonal increases this March, but some numbers are cooler so far for the year to date. Closed sales (2,565) were up 4.4% compared to March 2015 (2,457) and 41.5% compared to February 2016 (1,813). The last March that closings were more numerous was in 2007, when 2,775 closings were posted for the month. Pending sales, at 3,076, rose 10.4% over the 2,786 offers accepted last month in February 2016—but were 9.1% under the 3,384 offers accepted last year in March 2015. March 2016 Reporting Period Total market time in the Portland metro area decreased to 51 days this March, with inventory decreasing to 1.3 months. There are currently a total of 3,318 active residential listings in the Portland metro area. Average and Median Sale Prices Comparing the average price of homes in the twelve months ending March 31st of this year ($361,100) with the average price of homes sold in the twelve months ending March 2015 ($334,400) shows an increase of 8.0%. In the same comparison, the median has increased 9.0% from $289,000 to $315,000. Similarly, the 3,409 new listings rose 17.7% above the 2,896 new listings offered last month in February 2016 but were 5.2% cooler than in March 2015 when 3,596 new listings were offered. Change 2015 2016 Portland Metro Residential Highlights Inventory in Months* 2014 2015 2016 January 4.1 3.4 1.8 February 3.9 3.0 1.8 March 3.1 1.9 1.3 April 2.8 1.8 May 2.8 1.7 June 2.8 1.6 July 2.9 1.7 August 3.0 1.9 September 3.1 1.9 October 2.8 1.8 November 3.2 2.0 December 2.3 1.2 *Inventory in Months is calculated by dividing the Active Residential Listings at the end of the month in question by the number of closed sales for that month. This includes proposed and under construction homes. Percent Change of 12-Month Sale Price Compared With The Previous 12 Months Average Sale Price % Change: +8.0% ($361,100 v. $334,400) Median Sale Price % Change: +9.0% ($315,000 v. $289,000) For further explanation of this measure, see the second footnote on page 2. New Listings Pending Sales Closed Sales Average Sale Price Median Sale Price Total Market Time March 3,409 3,076 2,565 385,100 335,000 51 February 2,896 2,786 1,813 364,900 315,000 60 Year-to-date 8,909 7,873 6,415 368,800 321,000 55 March 3,596 3,384 2,457 337,200 290,000 75 Year-to-date 9,328 7,996 5,720 332,000 286,000 78 March -5.2% -9.1% 4.4% 14.2% 15.5% -31.5% Prev Mo 2016 17.7% 10.4% 41.5% 5.5% 6.3% -15.0% Year-to-date -4.5% -1.5% 12.2% 11.1% 12.2% -29.4% © Copyright RMLS™ 2016. All Rights Reserved. AREA REPORT • 3/2016 Portland Metropolitan Area, Oregon Average Sale Price Closed Sales Average Sale Price Closed Sales Average Sale Price Avg. Sale Price % Change2 Median Sale Price Average Sale Price Closed Sales Pending Sales 2016 v. 20151 Pending Sales New Listings 3 Total Market Time Average Sale Price 122 -16.4% 103 365,000 30 344 304 -9.3% 234 364,400 350,000 15.4% 4 1,037,500 6 157,500 8 526,100 NE Portland 190 299 37 263 -13.2% 257 411,100 33 772 702 -0.8% 593 386,500 339,000 8.7% 7 480,000 5 435,000 23 451,200 SE Portland 273 405 41 375 -3.1% 291 348,500 39 989 926 3.2% 768 336,500 290,000 9.0% 10 312,000 21 202,500 39 519,400 144 Closed Sales 17 Gresham/ Troutdale 239 212 36 198 -3.9% 186 278,400 59 597 566 4.8% 500 277,200 265,000 9.7% 7 469,600 11 151,200 15 261,500 145 Pending Sales 2016 v. 20151 132 Milwaukie/ Clackamas 330 301 41 271 6.3% 215 351,800 68 754 655 6.7% 539 354,800 329,000 9.0% 1 701,000 49 146,400 5 346,400 Oregon City/ Canby 233 196 26 209 20.1% 148 371,800 53 546 511 25.9% 355 361,100 322,400 12.2% 1 67,500 22 212,700 5 416,700 Lake Oswego/ West Linn 284 189 50 150 -13.8% 114 639,500 92 528 397 -5.9% 303 581,300 475,000 5.7% - 21 469,100 4 429,300 W Portland 348 344 66 268 -28.7% 242 551,400 49 873 697 -19.1% 581 523,100 450,000 8.7% 1 410,000 13 318,200 14 652,900 NW Wash Co. 149 170 13 147 14.0% 117 481,000 42 438 376 6.5% 312 464,000 431,000 5.6% 2 97,700 2 271,000 Beaverton/ Aloha 156 304 24 286 -27.0% 261 337,800 37 840 782 -11.9% 655 317,600 290,000 8.6% 4 217,500 8 137,900 6 402,900 Tigard/ Wilsonville 324 330 42 302 0.3% 241 401,400 50 860 705 -1.0% 542 385,100 364,900 11.0% 1 206,500 11 375,200 5 293,400 Hillsboro/ Forest Grove 192 214 27 194 -20.8% 179 320,700 43 564 516 -10.3% 452 318,300 290,000 9.6% 3 269,200 15 328,800 5 251,100 66 25 7 20 81.8% 16 269,600 106 62 49 63.3% 37 249,300 235,300 5.1% 7 82,500 Columbia Co. 161 105 22 82 -16.3% 67 238,400 94 237 219 -5.2% 194 231,000 225,000 5.7% 3 188,300 26 72,400 6 174,300 Yamhill Co. 287 183 32 189 1.1% 128 276,900 84 505 468 10.6% 350 272,800 249,300 8.0% 5 701,000 25 160,700 13 230,000 156 155 153 149 148 143 142 86 146 Pending Sales Year-To-Date 147 Expired.Canceled Listings MULTIFAMILY Year-To-Date 150 New Listings Active Listings LAND Year-To-Date 151 141 COMMERCIAL 152 N Portland Year-To-Date Closed Sales RESIDENTIAL Current Month 1 Mt. Hood - - - - - - - Percent change in number of pending sales this year compared to last year. The Current Month section compares March 2016 with March 2015. The YearTo-Date section compares 2016 year-to-date statistics through March with 2015 year-to-date statistics through March. 2 % Change is based on a comparison of the rolling average sale price for the last 12 months (4/1/15-3/31/16) with 12 months before (4/1/14-3/31/15). 3 Total Market Time is the number of days from when a property is listed to when an offer is accepted on that same property. If a property is re-listed within 31 days, Total Market Time continues to accrue; however, it does not include the time that it was off the market. 2 © Copyright RMLS™ 2016. All Rights Reserved. 8,500 ACTIVE RESIDENTIAL LISTINGS 7,500 PORTLAND, OR 6,500 This graph shows the active 5,500 residential listings over the 4,500 past three calendar years in 3,500 the greater Portland, 2,500 Oregon metropolitan area. Active Residential Listings JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2014 5,671 5,752 5,811 6,093 6,858 7,250 7,727 7,784 7,438 6,963 6,131 5,146 2015 4,996 4,947 4,767 4,853 5,125 5,388 5,708 5,837 5,657 5,021 4,252 3,381 2016 3,305 3,226 3,318 TOTAL ACTIVE LISTINGS PORTLAND, OR Total Active Listings 11,000 10,000 This graph shows the 9,000 total active listings over 8,000 the past three calendar 7,000 years in the greater 6,000 Portland, Oregon 5,000 metropolitan area. 4,000 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2014 7,606 7,731 7,702 8,066 8,928 9,290 9,829 9,872 9,483 8,959 8,098 6,839 2015 6,764 6,718 6,518 6,622 6,934 7,175 7,549 7,665 7,417 6,737 5,905 4,785 2016 4,743 4,674 4,754 NEW LISTINGS New Listings PORTLAND, OR 4,500 This graph shows the 4,000 new residential listings 3,500 over the past three 3,000 2,500 calendar years in the 2,000 greater Portland, Oregon 1,500 1,000 metropolitan area. 2014 2015 2016 3 © Copyright RMLS™ 2016. All Rights Reserved. PENDING LISTINGS Pending Sales PORTLAND, OR 4,000 This graph represents 3,500 monthly accepted offers 3,000 in the Portland, Oregon 2,500 metropolitan area over 2,000 the past three calendar 1,500 years. 1,000 2014 2015 2016 CLOSED SALES Closed Sales PORTLAND, OR This graph shows the 3,500 closed sales over the past 3,000 five calendar years in the greater Portland, Oregon metropolitan area. 2,500 2012 2,000 2013 1,500 2014 1,000 2015 500 2016 0 DAYS ON MARKET Average Total Market Time PORTLAND, OR 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 This graph shows the average market time for sales in the Portland, Oregon metropolitan area over the past three calendar years. 2014 TMT 2015 TMT 2016 TMT 4 © Copyright RMLS™ 2016. All Rights Reserved. SALE PRICE This graph represents the average and median sale price for all homes sold in PORTLAND, OR the Portland, Oregon metropolitan area. Average and Median Sale Price $425,000 $375,000 $325,000 $275,000 Average Sale Price Mar-16 Dec-15 Sep-15 Jun-15 Mar-15 Dec-14 Jun-14 Sep-14 Mar-14 Dec-13 Sep-13 Jun-13 Mar-13 Dec-12 Jun-12 Sep-12 Mar-12 Dec-11 Sep-11 Jun-11 Mar-11 Dec-10 Jun-10 Sep-10 Mar-10 Dec-09 Sep-09 Jun-09 Mar-09 Dec-08 Jun-08 Sep-08 $175,000 Mar-08 $225,000 Median Sale Price MEDIAN SALE PRICE Median Sale Price: Portland, OR & Clark Co., WA PORTLAND, OR $350,000 $300,000 This graph shows the $250,000 median sale price over $200,000 the past 12 months in the greater Portland, $150,000 $100,000 Oregon, metropolitan MAR APR MAY JUNE JULY AUG SEPT OCT Clark County NOV DEC JAN Metro Portland, OR 5 © Copyright RMLS™ 2016. All Rights Reserved. FEB MAR area and Clark County. MEDIAN SALE PRICE March 2016 SW WASHINGTON $280,300 $375,000 Woodland N/NE Clark County PORTLAND $309,000 $381,300 Battle Ground Ridgefield/La Center METRO $ 229,900 Columbia County $385,000 Salmon Creek $284,900 Felida $ 458,500 North Washington County Sauvie Island Brush Prairie Hockinson $265,900 Hazel Dell Minnehaha $239,500 5 Corners Orch. $208,500 Cent. Vancouver $ 310,000 Beaverton $ 486,300 West Portland Aloha $ 380,000 Tigard/Tualatin Sherwood Wilsonville $384,000 Camas/Washougal $ 350,000 NE Portland $ 300,000 SE Portland $ 325,000 $ 527,500 Milwaukie/Gladstone/ Boring/Clackamas Estacada Lake Oswego West Linn $ 262,500 $ 329,500 Oregon City Canby Molalla Beavercreek Yamhill County 6 $265,000 Cascade Park $247,000 Heights $ 360,000 N Portland $ 298,500 Hillsboro Forest Grove $339,900 © Copyright RMLS™ 2016. All Rights Reserved. $ 270,000 Gresham Troutdale Sandy Corbett Fairview $ 248,100 Mt. Hood: Zigzag Welches Rhododendron Wemme Brightwood Government Camp MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE ACTIVE & CLOSED CONDOS PORTLAND, OR Contact RMLS™ 8338 NE Alderwood Rd Suite 230 Portland, OR 97220 (503) 236-7657 This graph shows the number of active and closed condos in the Portland, Oregon, metropolitan area. Active & Closed Condos 600 500 400 300 The statistics presented in Market Action are compiled monthly based on figures generated by RMLS™. 200 100 0 Active Listings Market Action Reports are compiled for the following areas: Portland metropolitan area, Southwest Washington, Mid-Columbia, Columbia Basin, Baker County, Coos County, Curry County, Douglas County, Grant County, Josephine County, Lane County, North Coastal Counties, Polk & Marion Counties, Union County, and Wallowa County. RMLS™ was formed by area Boards and Associations of REALTORS® in 1991. E-mail subscriptions are available for $45 per year by contacting RMLS™. Reproduction of any portion of this copyrighted material is prohibited without prior approval of RMLS™. MEDIAN SALE PRICE CONDOS PORTLAND, OR Closed Sales This graph represents the median sale price for all condos sold in the last three calendar years in the Portland, Oregon metropolitan area. Median Condo Sale Price $250,000 $225,000 $200,000 $175,000 $150,000 $125,000 2014 2015 2016 Craig Fahner, Chairman of the Board Kurt von Wasmuth, President/CEO Tyler Chaudhary, Editor © Copyright RMLS™ 2016. All Rights Reserved. Clark County, Washington Market Action Addition March 2016 The Clark County, Washington real estate marketplace has some unique characteristics. There is a much higher proportion of active residential listings in Clark County that are Proposed, defined as "not yet under construction", than exists in any other RMLS™ area. This means that there are fewer homes listed as Active that are ready to move into in an immediate timeframe. The Clark County Association of Realtors®, an RMLS™ shareholder, has asked us to produce some additional statistics each month to delve more deeply into the inventory counts in Clark County. The following summary shows the number of homes available for immediate purchase and occupancy. Total Active Listings* Reported in Market Action: Less Listings with Purchase Contingencies*: Readily Purchased Listings: Percent of Total Active Listings: 1,158 124 1,034 89.3% Less New Under Construction (not ready for occupancy): 104 Less New Proposed (not started): 205 Total Readily Purchased & Occupied Listing: Percent of Total Active Listings: Inventory in Months of Readily Purchased & Occupied Listings: 725 62.6% 1.0 * Active Listings reported in Market Action include three statuses (ACT, BMP, SSP). Two of these statuses are defined as listings with accepted offers that are still marketed as active listings due to the type of offer on the property. These are Bumpable Buyer, which is an offer that is contingent on the sale of the buyer's current home, and Short Sale Pending, where an offer has been accepted by the seller but the required third party approvals have not been obtained. Source: RMLS™ Regional Multiple Listing Service, Portland Oregon A Publication of RMLS™, The Source for Real Estate Statistics in Your Community Residential Review: Southwest Washington March Residential Highlights Activity in Southwest Washington was fairly strong this March. Closed sales (699) rose 14.2% above the 612 closings posted in March 2015 and 61.1% above the 434 closings posted last month in February 2016. The last time closings were higher in March for the area was in 2006, when 716 closings were posted for the month. New listings, at 971, fared 1.3% better than in March 2015 (959) and 16.7% better than in February 2016 (832). Pending sales (874) ended 1.1% cooler than in March 2015 (884) but surged 19.6% ahead of the 731 offers accepted last month in February 2016. March 2016 Reporting Period Total market time decreased in March to 66 days, and inventory fell to 1.7 months. Average and Median Sale Prices Comparing the average price of homes in the twelve months ending March 31st of this year ($304,600) with the average price of homes sold in the twelve months ending March 2015 ($278,400) shows an increase of 9.4%. The same comparison of the median shows an increase of 9.3% over that same period. Inventory in Months* 2014 2015 2016 January 6.4 3.9 2.6 February 5.7 3.7 2.7 March 4.6 2.6 1.7 April 4.1 2.4 May 3.9 2.6 June 3.9 2.1 July 3.9 2.4 August 3.8 2.6 September 3.7 2.7 October 3.4 2.2 November 4.2 2.7 December 3.4 1.9 *Inventory in Months is calculated by dividing the Active Residential Listings at the end of the month in question by the number of closed sales for that month.This number includes proposed and under construction homes. Percent Change of 12-Month Sale Price Compared With The Previous 12 Months Average Sale Price % Change: +9.4% ($304,600 v. $278,400) Median Sale Price % Change: +9.3% ($270,000 v. $247,000) For further explanation of this measure, see the second footnote on page 3. Due to significant differences between the counties in Southwest Washington, the Residential Review on pages 1, 3, 4, and 5 contain Clark County data only. For data on Cowlitz County, see the Area Report on page 2, or the graphs on page 6. 2016 Clark County Residential Highlights 2015 Pending Sales Closed Sales Average Sale Price Median Sale Price Total Market Time March 971 874 699 321,200 285,000 66 February 832 731 434 312,300 266,300 70 2,547 2,242 1,674 312,100 273,200 70 959 884 612 280,200 249,500 95 Year-to-date 2,475 2,124 1,509 276,700 247,000 102 March 1.3% -1.1% 14.2% 14.6% 14.2% -30.9% Prev Mo 2016 16.7% 19.6% 61.1% 2.8% 7.0% -5.7% Year-to-date 2.9% 5.6% 10.9% 12.8% 10.6% -31.4% Year-to-date Change New Listings March © Copyright RMLS™ 2016. All Rights Reserved. AREA REPORT • 3/2016 SW Washington 21 Orchards 22 Evergreen 23 E Heights 24 Cascade Park 25 Five Corners 26 E Orchards 27 Fisher's Landing 31 SE County 32 Camas City 33 Washougal 41 N Hazel Dell 42 S Salmon Creek 43 N Felida 44 N Salmon Creek 50 Ridgefield 51 W of I-5 County 52 NW E of I-5 County 61 Battleground 62 Average Sale Price 20 NE Heights Brush Prairie 63 Closed Sales Average Sale Price 15 E Hazel Dell East County 64 Closed Sales 14 Lincoln/Hazel Dell Central County 9 4 0 5 150.0% 4 435,000 131 13 11 175.0% 7 437,400 405,000 77 16.7% - - 1 215,000 - - 65 Closed Sales Avg. Sale Price % Change2 13 SW Heights Mid-Central County 6 5 1 4 -20.0% 4 455,500 83 12 10 42.9% 5 460,400 435,000 127 22.2% - - 2 33,000 - - 66 Total Market Time Median Sale Price Average Sale Price 12 NW Heights Yacolt 21 17 1 8 0.0% 7 407,100 92 31 22 22.2% 16 309,000 276,000 60 22.5% - - 3 77,100 - - 70 Closed Sales Pending Sales 2016 v. 20151 11 Downtown Vancouver La Center 20 16 1 11 22.2% 4 378,900 171 27 19 -5.0% 17 335,500 329,900 88 11.5% - - - - - 71 New Listings Pending Sales 3 Year-To-Date N Central 16 11 1 2 -33.3% 7 332,700 143 21 11 57.1% 10 322,700 309,100 128 7.5% - - 72 Total Market Time Average Sale Price MULTIFAMILY Year-To-Date NE Corner 3 1 0 2 100.0% 0 - - 4 3 0.0% 0 - - - 13.5% 0 1,158 971 149 874 -1.1% 699 321,200 66 2,547 2,242 5.6% 1,674 312,100 273,200 70 9.4% 1 80 Closed Sales Pending Sales 2016 v. 20151 LAND Year-To-Date Woodland City 9 14 1 12 100.0% 9 274,100 62 30 28 12.0% 25 256,000 272,500 90 20.3% - - 4 85,000 - 81 Pending Sales Expired.Canceled Listings COMMERCIAL Woodland Area 11 11 5 11 120.0% 5 305,000 165 20 21 7.3% 15 296,000 265,000 74 0.7% - - 7 107,700 - 82 New Listings Active Listings Year-To-Date Average Sale Price RESIDENTIAL Current Month Cowlitz County 132 70 13 59 -21.3% 44 249,200 98 176 162 7.3% 121 214,700 186,000 105 11.0% 2 410,000 14 91,700 8 195,500 Cowlitz County Total 152 95 19 82 -4.7% 58 257,900 98 226 211 9.3% 161 228,700 221,000 100 10.8% 2 410,000 25 95,100 8 195,500 Pacific County Total 91 15 8 14 -22.2% 7 208,600 192 50 35 -10.3% 29 186,700 146,000 195 15.0% 12 24,200 87 Clark County Total 22 23 4 31 6.9% 20 230,100 24 71 70 0.0% 42 258,600 237,500 61 12.0% - - - - 3 286,700 14 26 2 29 -3.3% 17 181,000 29 63 60 -13.0% 46 182,000 181,000 41 17.7% - - - - 11 280,000 20 17 2 17 -15.0% 14 352,200 61 48 36 0.0% 29 355,600 247,000 75 1.8% - - 1 325,000 1 217,500 15 14 2 13 -40.9% 18 259,800 24 45 42 -26.3% 39 264,900 249,900 55 21.9% - - 1 90,000 - 48 48 6 57 50.0% 38 263,000 23 157 153 41.7% 100 243,500 243,800 38 15.1% - - 6 151,700 - 19 15 1 13 -45.8% 25 254,300 35 54 57 -1.7% 53 248,600 241,000 41 11.4% - - 4 500,000 1 200,000 56 47 13 48 20.0% 42 270,600 51 147 118 16.8% 89 249,000 234,900 51 14.9% - - 1 300,000 2 2,935,000 60 98 8 90 -6.3% 63 251,100 32 225 216 8.5% 167 242,900 238,000 38 14.6% - - 3 249,000 4 341,300 27 20 4 18 -5.3% 11 290,300 59 60 51 15.9% 37 349,400 267,500 60 7.3% - - 1 144,500 2 321,000 25 31 4 25 13.6% 17 301,700 55 60 50 -13.8% 45 314,100 272,000 72 -0.3% - - - - 3 430,000 13 42 2 35 16.7% 20 234,100 65 66 72 -7.7% 45 232,500 229,900 63 4.2% - - - - 18 22 19 -5.0% 20 320,000 99 52 52 4.0% 46 312,200 294,500 70 9.7% - - 16 26 3 28 -6.7% 36 342,200 79 71 72 30.9% 66 324,700 314,000 79 4.2% - - 14 8 1 8 60.0% 1 435,000 498 18 14 55.6% 7 332,100 370,000 200 15.2% - - 4 118 85 20 72 -4.0% 50 427,700 114 220 186 1.1% 117 423,100 393,000 128 9.2% - - 97 67 20 57 39.0% 31 382,500 87 149 121 4.3% 81 355,200 295,000 92 10.6% - 49 46 8 37 27.6% 38 309,000 33 97 87 -5.4% 77 305,500 279,900 43 -1.7% - 53 43 25 -37.5% 22 277,100 37 83 72 -18.2% 61 270,400 264,400 49 11.3% 41 28 5 28 -28.2% 29 396,800 66 81 81 -24.3% 66 390,200 344,500 67 52 32 7 26 -21.2% 39 390,800 103 105 96 -4.0% 79 375,200 380,000 101 58 32 8 36 20.0% 33 320,900 86 124 113 79.4% 67 333,200 309,900 72 9.8% 12 6 0 6 0.0% 4 581,800 122 16 14 75.0% 10 607,800 550,500 130 29.2% 27 8 5 3 -66.7% 5 600,700 188 23 11 -45.0% 11 449,300 418,400 127 7.0% 64 65 10 59 5.4% 32 305,800 66 160 141 3.7% 98 293,600 257,700 85 145 68 10 62 -15.1% 48 370,400 76 244 180 14.6% 140 365,100 331,400 - - 0 0 - 0 - - 1 -50.0% 1 507,000 507,000 - - - 2 © Copyright RMLS™ 2016. All Rights Reserved. - - - - - - - 130,000 - - 9 304,800 - - - 23 152,000 - 1 75,000 - - 2 60,000 8.3% - - 1 100,000 - - 7.2% - - 3 151,000 - - 57,000 4 65,300 - - - - 1 238,100 - - - - 4 174,700 - 5.2% - - 10 130,100 84 6.2% - - 14 455,600 74 21.7% - - - 1 - 1 - 175,000 - - - 2 262,500 1 310,000 - - 2 282,500 - - - - 2 625,000 - 0 - 0 - 57,000 102 223,900 32 466,400 - - - - - - ACTIVE RESIDENTIAL LISTINGS Active Residential Listings 2,800 2,600 CLARK COUNTY, WA 2,400 2,200 This graph shows 2,000 the active residential 1,800 listings over the past 1,600 three calendar years 1,400 1,200 in Clark County, 1,000 Washington. JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2014 2,177 2,060 2,098 2,117 2,329 2,504 2,566 2,522 2,410 2,288 2,069 1,756 2015 1,650 1,586 1,570 1,642 1,759 1,750 1,943 1,961 1,800 1,699 1,479 1,247 2016 1,168 1,169 1,158 NEW LISTINGS CLARK COUNTY, WA New Listings This graph shows the 1,400 new residential listings 1,200 over the past three calendar years in Clark County, Washington. 1,000 800 600 400 200 2014 1 2015 2016 Percent change in number of pending sales this year compared to last year. The Current Month section compares March 2016 with March 2015. The Year-To-Date section compares 2016 year-to-date statistics through March with 2015 year-to-date statistics through March. 2 % Change is based on a comparison of the rolling average sale price for the last 12 months (4/1/15-3/31/16) with 12 months before (4/1/14-3/31/15). 3 Total Market Time is the number of days from when a property is listed to when an offer is accepted on that same property. If a property is re-listed within 31 days, Total Market Time continues to accrue; however, it does not include the time that it was off the market. 3 © Copyright RMLS™ 2016. All Rights Reserved. PENDING LISTINGS Pending Sales CLARK COUNTY, WA This graph represents 1,000 900 monthly accepted 800 700 offers in Clark County, 600 Washington over the past 500 three calendar years. 400 300 2014 2015 2016 CLOSED SALES Closed Sales CLARK COUNTY, WA 900 This graph shows the 800 closed sales over the past 700 five calendar years in Clark County, Washington. 600 2012 500 2013 400 2014 300 2015 200 2016 100 0 DAYS ON MARKET Average Total Market Time CLARK COUNTY, WA This graph shows the 180 160 140 average market time for 120 sales in Clark County, 100 80 Washington, over the past 60 three calendar years. 40 2014 TMT 2015 TMT 2016 TMT 4 © Copyright RMLS™ 2016. All Rights Reserved. This graph represents the average and median sale price for all homes sold in SALE PRICE Clark County, Washington CLARK COUNTY, WA Average and Median Sale Price $330,000 $310,000 $290,000 $270,000 $250,000 $230,000 $210,000 $190,000 Average Sale Price Median Sale Price New Listings NEW LISTINGS COWLITZ COUNTY, WA This graph represents new listings in Cowlitz County, 140 120 100 80 60 Washington over the past 40 three calendar years. 20 2014 5 2015 © Copyright RMLS™ 2016. All Rights Reserved. 2016 Mar-16 Sep-15 Mar-15 Sep-14 Mar-14 Sep-13 Mar-13 Sep-12 Mar-12 Sep-11 Mar-11 Sep-10 Mar-10 Sep-09 Mar-09 Sep-08 Mar-08 Sep-07 Mar-07 Sep-06 $150,000 Mar-06 $170,000 PENDING LISTINGS Pending Sales COWLITZ COUNTY, WA 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 This graph represents monthly accepted offers over the past three calendar years in Cowlitz County, Washington. 2014 2015 2016 CLOSED SALES Closed Sales COWLITZ COUNTY, WA 80 70 This graph shows the closed 60 sales over the past five 2012 50 2013 40 2014 30 2015 calendar years in Cowlitz County, Washington. 2016 20 10 AUG SEP OCT AVERAGE SALE PRICE $280,000 COWLITZ COUNTY, WA $240,000 $220,000 $200,000 $180,000 $160,000 $140,000 6 © Copyright RMLS™ 2016. All Rights Reserved. Mar-16 Dec-15 Jun-15 Sep-15 Mar-15 Dec-14 Jun-14 Sep-14 Mar-14 $100,000 Dec-13 $120,000 Sep-13 County, Washington. $260,000 Jun-13 for all homes sold in Cowlitz Average Sale Price Mar-13 monthly average sale price DEC Dec-12 This graph represents the NOV Jun-12 JUL Sep-12 JUN Mar-12 MAY Dec-11 APR Jun-11 MAR Sep-11 FEB Mar-11 JAN Dec-10 0 MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE Contact RMLS™ 8338 NE Alderwood Rd Suite 230 Portland, OR 97220 (503) 236-7657 MEDIAN SALE PRICE March 2016 SW WASHINGTON The statistics presented in Market Action are compiled monthly based on figures generated by RMLS™. PORTLAND $280,300 $375,000 Woodland N/NE Clark County $309,000 $381,300 Battle Ground Ridgefield/La Center METRO $ 229,900 Columbia County $385,000 Salmon Creek Market Action Reports are compiled for the following areas: Portland metropolitan area, Southwest Washington, Mid-Columbia, Columbia Basin, Baker County, Coos County, Curry County, Douglas County, Grant County, Josephine County, Lane County, North Coastal Counties, Polk & Marion Counties, Union County, and Wallowa County. $284,900 Felida $ 458,500 North Washington County Hockinson $265,900 Hazel Dell Minnehaha $239,500 5 Corners Orch. $208,500 Cent. Vancouver Sauvie Island $ 298,500 Hillsboro $ 310,000 $ 486,300 West Portland Beaverton Aloha $ 380,000 Tigard/Tualatin Sherwood Wilsonville $384,000 Camas/Washougal $ 350,000 NE Portland $ 300,000 SE Portland $ 325,000 $ 527,500 $265,000 Cascade Park $247,000 Heights $ 360,000 N Portland Forest Grove $339,900 Brush Prairie Milwaukie/Gladstone/ Boring/Clackamas Estacada $ 270,000 Gresham Troutdale Sandy Corbett Fairview Lake Oswego West Linn $ 262,500 RMLS was formed by area Boards and Associations of REALTORS® in 1991. ™ E-mail subscriptions are available for $45 per year by contacting RMLS™. Reproduction of any portion of this copyrighted material is prohibited without prior approval of RMLS™. $ 329,500 Oregon City Canby Molalla Beavercreek Yamhill County Craig Fahner, Chairman of the Board Kurt von Wasmuth, President/CEO Tyler Chaudhary, Editor © Copyright RMLS™ 2016. All Rights Reserved. $ 248,100 Mt. Hood: Zigzag Welches Rhododendron Wemme Brightwood Government Camp A Publication of RMLS™, The Source for Real Estate Statistics in Your Community Residential Review: Union County, Oregon March Residential Highlights Union County saw mixed numbers this March. New listings (49) rose 36.1% over the 36 recorded in March 2015 and 63.3% over the 30 offered last month in February 2016. Pending sales, at 29, were 12.1% cooler than in March 2015 (33) but 61.1% higher than in February 2016 (18). Closed sales (18) were 25.0% cooler compared to last month in February 2016 (24) and 18.2% cooler compared to March 2015 (22). Total market time in Change 2015 2016 Union County Residential Highlights New Listings Pending Sales March 2016 Reporting Period Union County decreased to 200 days in March, and inventory increased to 7.1 months. Average and Median Sale Prices Comparing the average price of homes in the twelve months ending March 31st of this year ($183,500) with the average price of homes sold in the twelve months ending March 2015 ($182,500) shows a decrease of 0.5%. The same comparison of the median shows a 0.4% decrease over the same period. Closed Sales Average Sale Price Median Sale Price Total Market Time March 49 29 18 157,200 151,900 200 February 30 18 24 181,400 157,500 206 Year-to-date 94 67 60 167,100 143,500 186 March 36 33 22 153,900 141,400 177 Year-to-date 87 70 45 181,300 136,000 214 March 36.1% -12.1% -18.2% 2.1% 7.4% 12.9% Prev Mo 2016 63.3% 61.1% -25.0% -13.3% -3.6% -2.9% 8.0% -4.3% 33.3% -7.8% 5.5% -13.0% Year-to-date Active Residential Listings Inventory in Months* 2014 2015 2016 January 13.6 14.3 6.2 February 9.7 17.2 4.7 March 14.8 8.0 7.1 April 9.0 11.3 May 11.0 7.3 June 8.1 7.0 July 6.6 6.0 August 11.0 5.5 September 7.0 5.6 October 14.8 5.2 November 9.9 3.8 December 7.3 5.4 *Inventory in Months is calculated by dividing the Active Residential Listings at the end of the month in question by the number of closed sales for that month. This number includes proposed and under construction homes. Percent Change of 12-Month Sale Price Compared With The Previous 12 Months Average Sale Price % Change: +0.5% ($183,500 v. $182,500) Median Sale Price % Change: -0.4% ($153,700 v. $154,300) For further explanation of this measure, see the second footnote on page 2. Note: A residential property in Union County, zip code 97850, sold in January 2014 for $6.25 million dollars, impacting the area’s average sale price. ACTIVE RESIDENTIAL LISTINGS 250 230 210 190 UNION COUNTY, OR 170 This graph shows the active 150 130 residential listings over the 110 past three calendar years in 90 2014 2015 2016 JAN 163 172 105 FEB 165 172 112 MAR 177 176 128 APR 189 203 MAY 209 197 JUN 227 195 JUL 238 173 AUG 220 177 SEP 216 167 OCT 207 146 NOV 188 133 DEC 169 113 Union County, Oregon. © Copyright RMLS™ 2016. All Rights Reserved. AREA REPORT • 3/2016 Union County, Oregon RESIDENTIAL 1 1 370,000 370,000 -18.2% - - 160,000 594 7 5 0.0% 5 279,400 242,000 -10.7% - - Elgin 18 5 4 -20.0% 2 94,800 221 10 7 -36.4% 6 130,300 119,800 3.2% - - Imbler 4 0 0 -100.0% 1 275,000 71 3 2 100.0% 3 159,600 105,800 -11.0% - - 72 30 5 15 -16.7% 11 154,800 173 56 34 -5.6% 34 165,500 151,900 4.2% North Powder 3 3 2 -100.0% 1 144,900 155 3 2 100.0% 3 115,200 144,900 -47.9% - - - - - - Summerville 3 1 1 2 100.0% 1 325,000 186 2 4 33.3% 1 325,000 325,000 -12.4% - - - - - - 10 5 1 4 -20.0% 1 31,500 250 12 11 -8.3% 7 99,900 102,000 16.2% - - 1 19,000 - - 128 49 10 29 -12.1% 18 157,200 200 94 67 -4.3% 60 167,100 143,500 0.6% 4 493,000 1 0 - 3 3 - - - 68,000 - - - - - - - - - - 1 117,500 117,500 Closed Sales 1 Closed Sales 0.0% - Average Sale Price 100.0% Average Sale Price Closed Sales 2 Average Sale Price Avg. Sale Price % Change2 4 1 - Median Sale Price 2 Union Union Co. Total - 0 Average Sale Price - La Grande/ Island City Closed Sales 4 Year-To-Date Pending Sales 2016 v. 20151 15 MULTIFAMILY Year-To-Date Pending Sales Cove LAND Year-To-Date New Listings - 3 2 COMMERCIAL Total Market Time 0 Average Sale Price Pending Sales 2016 v. 20151 1 Closed Sales Pending Sales 3 Medical Springs Expired.Canceled Listings New Listings Year-To-Date Active Listings 97883 97876 97867 97850 97841 97827 97824 97814 Current Month 2 942,500 4 4 217,500 217,500 Percent change in number of pending sales this year compared to last year. The Current Month section compares March 2016 with March 2015. The YearTo-Date section compares 2016 year-to-date statistics through March with 2015 year-to-date statistics through March. 2 % Change is based on a comparison of the rolling average sale price for the last 12 months (4/1/15-3/31/16) with 12 months before (4/1/14-3/31/15). 3 Total Market Time is the number of days from when a property is listed to when an offer is accepted on that same property. If a property is re-listed within 31 days, Total Market Time continues to accrue; however, it does not include the time that it was off the market. NEW LISTINGS New Listings UNION COUNTY, OR This graph shows the 70 60 new residential listings 50 40 over the past three 30 calendar years in Union 20 County, Oregon. 10 0 2014 2015 2016 2 © Copyright RMLS™ 2016. All Rights Reserved. This graph represents the average and median sale price for all homes sold in SALE PRICE UNION COUNTY, OR Union County, Oregon. Average and Median Sale Price $275,000 $255,000 $235,000 $215,000 $195,000 $175,000 $155,000 $135,000 $115,000 Average Sale Price Mar-16 Jan-16 Nov-15 Sep-15 Jul-15 May-15 Mar-15 Jan-15 Nov-14 Sep-14 Jul-14 May-14 Mar-14 Jan-14 Nov-13 Sep-13 Jul-13 May-13 Mar-13 Jan-13 Nov-12 Sep-12 Jul-12 May-12 Mar-12 Jan-12 Nov-11 $75,000 Sep-11 $95,000 Median Sale Price Note: A residential property in Union County, zip code 97850, sold in January 2014 for $6.25 million dollars, impacting the area’s average sales price. Pending Sales PENDING LISTINGS 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 UNION COUNTY, OR This graph represents monthly accepted offers in Union County, Oregon over the past three calendar years. 2014 2015 2016 3 © Copyright RMLS™ 2016. All Rights Reserved. MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE CLOSED SALES This graph shows the closed sales over the past five UNION COUNTY, OR Contact RMLS™ 8338 NE Alderwood Rd Suite 230 Portland, OR 97220 (503) 236-7657 calendar years in Union County, Oregon. Closed Sales 40 35 30 25 2012 20 2013 15 2014 2015 10 The statistics presented in Market Action are compiled monthly based on figures generated by RMLS™. Market Action Reports are compiled for the following areas: Portland metropolitan area, Southwest Washington, Mid-Columbia, Columbia Basin, Baker County, Coos County, Curry County, Douglas County, Grant County, Josephine County, Lane County, North Coastal Counties, Polk & Marion Counties, Union County, and Wallowa County. 2016 5 0 DAYS ON MARKET UNION COUNTY, OR This graph shows the average market time for sales in Union County, Oregon, over the past three calendar years. Average Total Market Time 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 RMLS™ was formed by area Boards and Associations of REALTORS® in 1991. 0 2014 TMT E-mail subscriptions are available for $45 per year by contacting RMLS™. Reproduction of any portion of this copyrighted material is prohibited without prior approval of RMLS™. 2015 TMT 2016 TMT Craig Fahner, Chairman of the Board Kurt von Wasmuth, President/CEO Tyler Chaudhary, Editor © Copyright RMLS™ 2016. All Rights Reserved. A Publication of RMLS™, The Source for Real Estate Statistics in Your Community Residential Review: Wallowa County, Oregon March 2016 Reporting Period March Residential Highlights March brought sunny real estate activity to Wallowa County. There were 17 pending sales, nearly double the number of offers accepted in March 2015 (9) and well ahead of the ten accepted last month in February 2016. New listings (14) edged over the 13 new listings offered in March 2015 and were over triple the new listings offered last month in February 2016 (4). Closed sales, at 6, were cooler than in March 2015 (11) but stronger than last month in February 2016 (4). Average and Median Sale Prices Comparing the average price of homes in the twelve months ending March 31st of this year ($207,600) with the average price of homes sold in the twelve months ending March 2015 ($224,900) shows a decrease of 7.7%. The same comparison of the median shows a increase of 4.4% over the same period. Inventory decreased in February to 13.3 months. Total market time decreased during the same time period to 389 days. Average Sale Price % Change: Wallowa County Residential Highlights Change 2015 2016 March Percent Change of 12-Month Sale Price Compared With The Previous 12 Months -7.7% ($207,600 v. $224,900) Median Sale Price % Change: +4.4% ($172,300 v. $165,000) For further explanation of this measure, see the second footnote on page 2. New Listings Pending Sales Closed Sales Average Sale Price Inventory in Months* 2014 2015 January 10.0 14.6 February 13.8 55 March 64.0 10.3 April 15.6 9.3 May 18.3 14.1 June 29.2 9.9 July 17.7 9.1 August 23.7 21.7 September 12.0 9.5 October 10.3 15.4 November 23.0 14.1 December 40.3 13.7 2016 10.1 20.5 13.3 *Inventory in Months is calculated by dividing the Active Residential Listings at the end of the month in question by the number of closed sales for that month. This number includes proposed and under construction homes. Median Sale Price Total Market Time 14 17 6 270,100 225,800 389 4 10 4 228,800 200,000 413 Year-to-date 25 32 19 194,300 145,500 388 March 13 9 11 182,500 159,000 369 Year-to-date 28 25 21 208,900 187,000 407 7.7% 88.9% -45.5% 48.0% 42.0% 5.5% Prev Mo 2016 250.0% 70.0% 50.0% 18.1% 12.9% -5.8% Year-to-date -10.7% 28.0% -9.5% -7.0% -22.2% -4.7% February March © Copyright RMLS™ 2016. All Rights Reserved. AREA REPORT • 3/2016 Wallowa County, Oregon RESIDENTIAL 1 200.0% 33 7 2 6 20.0% 3 173,000 80 14 3 17 88.9% 6 270,100 -6.1% - - - - - - - 4 1 - 1 125,000 125,000 -43.5% - - - - - - 619 1 2 100.0% 2 359,100 359,100 62.8% - - 2 7,800 - - - 3 9 50.0% 3 133,000 143,900 -14.8% - - 3 141,500 - - 249 11 13 8.3% 8 175,400 160,300 0.2% 1 390,000 2 310,000 - - 389 25 32 28.0% 19 194,300 145,500 -7.7% 1 390,000 7 151,400 - Total Market Time Average Sale Price Enterprise Wallowa Co. Total - 188,500 650,000 - Average Sale Price 6 209,300 Closed Sales - 5 Average Sale Price 1 16.7% Closed Sales 22 Joseph 1 7 Average Sale Price - Closed Sales 1 4 Avg. Sale Price % Change2 0 Imnaha 0 6 Median Sale Price 0 2 483 Average Sale Price - 5 Year-To-Date Closed Sales 1 Lostine 225,800 MULTIFAMILY Year-To-Date Pending Sales 2016 v. 20151 - 4 LAND Year-To-Date Pending Sales Closed Sales 2 16 COMMERCIAL New Listings Pending Sales 2016 v. 20151 50.0% Wallowa 3 Pending Sales 3 New Listings Expired.Canceled Listings Year-To-Date 1 Active Listings 97828 97846 97842 97857 97885 Current Month - Percent change in number of pending sales this year compared to last year. The Current Month section compares March 2016 with March 2015. The YearTo-Date section compares 2016 year-to-date statistics through March with 2015 year-to-date statistics through March. 2 % Change is based on a comparison of the rolling average sale price for the last 12 months (4/1/15-3/31/16) with 12 months before (4/1/14-3/31/15). 3 Total Market Time is the number of days from when a property is listed to when an offer is accepted on that same property. If a property is re-listed within 31 days, Total Market Time continues to accrue; however, it does not include the time that it was off the market. SALE PRICE This graph represents the average and median sale price for all homes sold in Wallowa County, Oregon. WALLOWA COUNTY, OR Average and Median Sale Price $450,000 $400,000 $350,000 $300,000 $250,000 $200,000 $150,000 $100,000 Average Sale Price Median Sale Price 2 © Copyright RMLS™ 2016. All Rights Reserved. Mar-16 Jan-16 Nov-15 Sep-15 Jul-15 May-15 Mar-15 Jan-15 Nov-14 Sep-14 Jul-14 May-14 Mar-14 Jan-14 Nov-13 Sep-13 Jul-13 May-13 Mar-13 $0 Jan-13 $50,000 NEW LISTINGS New Listings WALLOWA COUNTY, OR This graph shows the 30 new residential listings 25 in Wallowa County, 20 15 Oregon. 10 5 0 2014 2015 2016 ACTIVE RESIDENTIAL LISTINGS Active Residential Listings 190 170 WALLOWA COUNTY, OR 150 This graph shows the active 130 residential listings in 110 Wallowa County, Oregon. 90 70 50 2014 2015 2016 JAN 130 117 91 FEB 124 110 82 MAR 128 113 80 APR 156 112 MAY 165 127 JUN 175 129 JUL 177 127 AUG 166 130 This graph represents monthly accepted offers in Wallowa County, Oregon. OCT 144 108 NOV 138 99 DEC 121 96 Pending Sales PENDING LISTINGS WALLOWA COUNTY, OR SEP 156 123 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 2014 3 © Copyright RMLS™ 2016. All Rights Reserved. 2015 2016 MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE CLOSED SALES WALLOWA COUNTY, OR Contact RMLS™ 8338 NE Alderwood Rd Suite 230 Portland, OR 97220 (503) 236-7657 This graph shows the closed sales in Wallowa County, Oregon. Closed Sales 14 12 10 2012 8 2013 6 The statistics presented in Market Action are compiled monthly based on figures generated by RMLS™. Market Action Reports are compiled for the following areas: Portland metropolitan area, Southwest Washington, Mid-Columbia, Columbia Basin, Baker County, Coos County, Curry County, Douglas County, Grant County, Josephine County, Lane County, North Coastal Counties, Polk & Marion Counties, Union County, and Wallowa County. RMLS™ was formed by area Boards and Associations of REALTORS® in 1991. E-mail subscriptions are available for $45 per year by contacting RMLS™. Reproduction of any portion of this copyrighted material is prohibited without prior approval of RMLS™. 2014 4 2015 2 2016 0 DAYS ON MARKET This graph shows the average market time for sales in WALLOWA COUNTY, OR Wallowa County, Oregon, over the past three calendar years. Average Total Market Time 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 2014 TMT 2015 TMT 2016 TMT Craig Fahner, Chairman of the Board Kurt von Wasmuth, President/CEO Tyler Chaudhary, Editor © Copyright RMLS™ 2016. All Rights Reserved.
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