agenda - Area Plan Commission
agenda - Area Plan Commission
AGENDA AREA PLAN COMMISSION OF EVANSVILLE AND VANDERBURGH COUNTY Public Hearing DATE: Thursday, December 11, 2014 at 4:00 P.M. LOCATION: City Council Chambers – Room 301 – Civic Center Complex ROLL CALL A roll call of members to establish a quorum present. APPROVAL OF MINUTES CITY REZONING Docket No: 2014-27-PC R-2014-22 AMENDED Petitioner: Oak Hill Investments, LLC Address: (Complete legal on file.) 5200 Lynch Road Nature of Case: Change from an R-1 zone and C-4 zone to a C-2 zone. SUBDVISION Docket No: 9-S-2014 Mazzier – County Lots: 3 Address: 5048 Country Lake Drive Engineer: Morley & Associates Owner: William & Sandra Mazzier, et al OTHER BUSINESS Any other business of a regular meeting. Adjournment STAFF REPORT AMENDED November 26, 2014 Docket Number: Address: Parcel ID: Location: Council District: Petitioner: Owner: Request: Lot size: CITY rezoning 2014-27-PC R-2014-22 AS AMENDED 5200 Lynch Road 82-06-12-017-176.012.027; .020-027; 021-027; 028-027; .029-027; .030-027; .033-027; .039-027; 040-027 Along the north side of Lynch Road, and along the east side of Green River Road Ward 1 – Dan McGinn Oak Hill Investments LLC Rita Folz, Cynthia Folz DiPrimo, Jennifer & Peter Cannon Rezone from R-1 and C-4 to C-2 25.59 acres BACKGROUND INFORMATION: This is a request for rezoning to allow development of apartments or commercial uses on the site. The existing C-4 that is a part of this site was rezoned in 1974, and has no apparent commercial usage. The remainder of the site was zoned Agricultural until annexed into the City of Evansville. Pursuant to the zoning code, any areas in the County that are zoned Agricultural become R-1 when annexed into the City. LAND USE: Section 18.175.020 of the Zoning Code provides criteria that the Area Plan Commission and legislative body shall consider in evaluating rezoning requests. The following facts relate to the Code evaluation criteria. EXISTING LAND USE: residential, agricultural, and a church CHARACTER OF SURROUNDING ZONING AND USE: North R-1 & C-4 residences & apartments South C-4 Lynch Road – mixed retail & offices East R-1 agricultural and/or undeveloped West C-4 & R-1 convenience mart & residences – Green River Rd - residences APPLICANT’S STATED USE: Apartments/Uses allowed in C-2 ALLOWED USES IN PROPOSED ZONE: The City zoning code allows 108 uses within the C-2 district, including multi-family residential, office, commercial, service, and recreational uses. The district allows maximum 75% lot coverage. There is a 50 foot height limit for structures. C-2 allows on-premises signs up to 500 sq. ft. at 50' height and off-premises signs up to 300 sq. ft. at 30' height. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Comprehensive Plan designates this area as undeveloped, including scattered residences. Due to the topography and the flood elevations on the rear half of the site, development for any higher density use could be difficult. IDEM and Corps of Engineers approval may be required prior to disturbance of the eastern part of the site. GENERAL INFORMATION FLOOD ZONE: A western part of this site is identified in Flood Zone X. The eastern part of the site is in flood zone AE which includes an area of waterway and an area of possible wetlands. UTILITIES: Information submitted by applicant indicates that all utilities are available to this site. CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE TRAFFIC/STREETS/ACCESS: The only access currently available to this site is from Green River Road. When the County purchased the land for the construction of Lynch Road, it was determined to be a limited access roadway. Any access to Lynch would need to be approved by the City Engineer. A traffic impact study may be necessary to determine if access should be permitted onto Lynch. COPY OF EVANSVILLE METROPOLITAN PLANNING COMMENTS ATTACHED. COMPLIANCE OF APPLICANT'S SUBMITTED/PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN: Site Review will address compliance with all code requirements upon submission of plans for the development of the site. PARKING: The number of required parking spaces is determined by the proposed use of the site. Compliance with all parking requirements will be addressed by staff upon submission of plans for the development of any new use on the site. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION The 36+ acre site immediately south across Lynch Road was rezoned to C-4 in 1989, and it has been developed as a commercial subdivision. The 1.3 acre lot at the northeast corner of Green River & Lynch Road was rezoned to C-4 in 1998, and has been developed as a convenience mart with gasoline sales. There is a 5 acre parcel at the eastern end of this proposed rezoning site that was rezoned to C-4 in 1974. The 5 acre C-4 parcel is predominantly in a floodplain, with no existing commercial use. UPDATED INFORMATION NOVEMBER 26, 2014 This rezoning, when originally filed, was a request to rezone 40.2 acres to C-2. The amended petition is a request to rezone 25.59 acres in two separate tracts of land. A part of the original legal description between the two proposed C2 parcels was eliminated per the amended petition. This is a request to rezone 2.28 acres north of the C-4 corner lot along the Green River Road frontage, and a 23.31 acre tract along the north side of Lynch Road for development as apartments or C-2 permitted uses. A HIRSCH ZONING A AIR C-1 MUNSEE C-2 C-3 C-4 E LENAP R-4 CO-1 CO-2 M-1 M-2 CULLEN PUD R-1 DAVIS LANT C-4 R-5 WR IBIS SA N D PIP EGRE T ER C-2 H E R ON GR EA TL AK IL PINTA WI GREEN RIVER R-4 GREEN RIVER R-3A DRAKE R-3 TURTLE DOVE R-2 PEACOCK STARLING M-3 COMMUNICATIONS LYNCH LYNCH ES 2014-27-PC R-2014-22 AMENDED 5200 Lynch Road Rezone R-1 & C-4 to C-2 R-1 MUNSEE SACHEM LENAPE R-2014-22 COMMUNICATIONS CULLEN LYNCH PEACOCK DURRE IBIS TURTLE DOVE GREEN RIVER DAVIS LANT LYNCH SA N D FITZGERALD PIP ER EGRE T SUBDIVISION STAFF FIELD REPORT July 31, 2014 October 30, 2014 November 26, 2014 Docket Number: Name of Subdivision: Location: Parcel ID Number: Owner: Representative: Size of development: Number of lots: LAND USE Existing zoning: Existing land use: Proposed land use: Comprehensive Plan: 9-S-2014 MAZZIER North end of Country Lake Drive and Meadow Circle, both north of New Harmony Road, between Church Road and Happe Road Lot 1: 82-05-05-003-167.014-022 & 82-05-05-003-167.013-022 Lot 2: 82-05-05-003-059.036-022 Lot 3: 82-05-05-003-167.012-022 Lot 1 & 2: William J & Sandra A Mazzier Lot 3: Daniel & Patricia T. Ritz Danny Leek 23.15 acres 3 Agricultural Lot 1: Single Family Residential Lot 2 & 3: Undeveloped 3-lot Residential subdivision The Future Land Use-2025 Map in the Comprehensive Plan recommends this area for Residential uses. GENERAL INFORMATION BACKGROUND/HISTORY: Lots 1 & 3 of this proposed subdivision were recorded as Lots 12, 13 and Outlot 1 of Country Lake Subdivision (Book L, Page 75) in 1979. The Subdivision Review Committee reviewed the Mazzier plat on July 21, 2014 and on July 28, 2014. FLOOD ZONE: A portion of Lot 1 lies within the 100-year floodplain as identified on the plat. The Building Commission comments are as follows: Any new development in the SFHA, A Zone, will require site grading plans and elevation certificates. The Base Flood Elevation (BFE) will have to be established as it is currently unstudied. UTILITIES: Water: City water is available by extension, or cost estimates and a Letter of Credit will be required. Sewer : On-site septic system Water and Sewer Engineering Department comments are as follows: Contact the Engineering Department for Water tap fees. Water extension will be required to get water extended across entire frontage of Lots 2 & 3. County Health Dept. comments are as follows: A dye test is required for any existing dwellings (Lot 1). A soil analysis is required on any new lots (Lots 2 & 3) and tests must be conducted by a certified soil scientist. TRAFFIC/STREET/ACCESS: The plat shows existing frontage for Lot 1 & 2 on Country Lake Drive; and Lot 3 on Meadow Circle. These roads appear to be public rights-of-way that are privately maintained. The plat should be revised to add a note clarifying that the roads will be privately maintained. Sidewalks are required unless waived by the County Commissioners. County Engineer’s comments are as follows: Vanderburgh County does not maintain Country Lake Drive or Meadow Circle. DRAINAGE PLAN/APPROVAL: UPDATE - Received exemption from the detention requirement by County Drainage Board on August 12, 2014. COMMENTS/ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Soil and Water Conservation District comments are as follows: This project requires a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWP3) be filed and approved before construction activities can begin on the site. STAFF RECOMMENDATION This plat complies with both the Comprehensive Plan and the requirements/standards of the Subdivision Code with the following conditions: Prior to recording: Provide written documentation that the Health Dept. has approved the results of the dye and soils tests, and that the project meets all other Health Department requirements. Revise the plat to add a note clarifying that the roads will be privately maintained. UPDATE Revise the plat by: Deleting in the Owner’s Certificate the second sentence that reads – All road right-of-ways shown and not previously dedicated are hereby dedicated to public use for the purpose of roadways and public utilities. Adding to the Boundary Description that this a Replat of Country Lake Estates Subdivision Lots 12, 13, and Outlot 1 as recorded in Book L, Page 75 in 1979. UPDATE This subdivision was continued at the owner’s request. MILL ZONING A ON D HAPPE DI AM A AIR DI AM C-1 C-2 ON D C-3 C-4 CO-2 M-1 M-2 NE W HA RM ON Y M-3 EA M PUD DO W R-1 COUNTRY LAKE CO-1 R-2 R-3 Y HOLLO W R-3A WI WR CHURCH R-5 H A R M ON R-4 9-S-2014 MAZZIER SUBDIVISION