March 16-24-P - Yellow Magazine


March 16-24-P - Yellow Magazine
March 1-10-P 2/17/06 3:13 PM Page 1
MARCH 2006
Houston, Texas
Yellow, What
Hue Are You?
In The Name
Of Yellow
Join the Celebration!
It’s ALL
Vera Wang black dress $760. Neiman Marcus
Photographer : Debbie Porter
Stylist : Summar Salah
Hair: David Bamford for Tovas
Makeup : Tree Vaello
Cake : Rosie Garcia for La Victoria Bakery
March 1-10-P 2/17/06 3:13 PM Page 2
Shakespeare immortalized the famous question, “What
In similar fashion, the mission of Yellow Magazine is to
is in a name?” It is a question that appears simple yet
introduce our readers to the artistic, fashion, lifestyle
belies a deeper and more complex nature. Consider my
and entertainment contributions made by Asian-
last name, Hoang. To most Americans, it is simply a
Americans. It is our hope that the depth and breadth of
common Vietnamese surname. It is very likely that only
the topics and events we cover do justice to the pride
a few are aware that it means “yellow” in English.
that the color yellow has represented throughout the
Similarly, other Asian nationalities have variations of
millennia. Of course, not every photo shoot or article
my surname such as Wong, Kwang, and Ong, amongst
will appeal to all readers, just as all crops produced by
others that also mean “yellow”.
the yellow earth will not appeal to all who eat.
Yellow. It would appear to be a very simple word. Yet,
We measure our success when one reader, similar to
when one considers the recurrent symbolic role it has
the Buddhist monk, appreciates us for one reason, and
played throughout the history of Asian culture, one
another reader, like the Emperor, appreciates us for
becomes keenly aware of its importance. Symbolizing
another. And, finally, if everyone emerges with a sense
the earth that sustains all life, yellow has been embraced
of pride and empowerment, notwithstanding whichever
by Buddhist monks as an expression of their humility
aspect of Yellow Magazine they enjoy, we will know we
and by reigning emperors as an expression of
have accomplished all that we had hoped.
unchallenged power. Such is the role of yellow, always
Thank you for supporting Yellow Magazine throughout
revered but in different ways under different
our first year of publication.
Viet Hoang
March 1-10-P 2/17/06 3:13 PM Page 3
Viet Hoang
Associate Publisher
Phi Hung
Henri Merceron
Arts and Entertainment Director
Celeste Tammariello
Lifestyle Editors
Jessica Ritter
Tina Hernandez
Events Calendar Editor
Kyle Fu
Contributing Writers
Kerwin McKenzie
Justine Hernandez
Philip Cusimano
Susie Hernandez
Leo Sipras
Art Director
Jeff Martin
Debbie Porter
Summar Salah
Hair Stylist
David Bamford
for Tovas
Makeup Artist
Tree Vaello
Account Executive
Tai Lai
Business Manager
Stephanie Vu
National Advertising
Verve Communications Group
325 N. St. Paul Street
Suite 2360
Dallas, TX 75201
214.965.9933 x106
Local Advertising
713.528.6000 x103
Yellow Magazine
3400 Montrose
Suite 510
Houston, TX 77006
Yellow Magazine is published monthly. All rights reserved.
Reproduction in whole or part of the magazine is strictly prohibited
without the permission of the publisher. Yellow Magazine is not
responsible for any unsolicited materials submitted. Subscriptions
to Yellow Magazine may be purchased for $36/12 issues. Mail check
to: Yellow Magazine, 3400 Montrose, Suite 510, Houston, TX 77006.
March 2006
March 1-10-P 2/17/06 3:13 PM Page 4
A Fashionable
Reality Star is Born
Fashion’s Other Chloe
Chloe Dao
For millions of fashionistas and TV addicts, watching Project Runway
has become a Wednesday night ritual. The irresistible reality show has
struck a chord with avid fans and has propelled it to become the marquee
show on the Bravo network. In its second season, Project Runway scoured
the country to find “the next great American designer”. Thousands
auditioned but only sixteen designers made it to New York City, hoping
to hear host Heidi Klum tell them “you’re in” instead of “you’re out”.
Being “in” is critical because it will put these designers closer to the
New York Fashion Week final collection competition and potentially
winning Project Runway. The show’s winning designer will receive a
$100,000 cash prize, a mentorship with the Banana Republic Design
Team, a new Saturn automobile, and a fashion spread in Elle Magazine.
Fortunately, Houston’s own Chloe Dao (featured in our July 2005
issue) has been “in” from the very beginning. By winning challenges
and impressing the judges with her creations, Ms. Dao showed the world
her design capabilities and her calm, focused demeanor. Her signature
working in New York City, Chloe returned to Houston and opened her
own boutique, Lot 8, in Rice Village. A self-professed one-woman
sweatshop operation, Ms. Dao’s creations are born in the garage of her
parent’s house in Houston. That’s a far cry from the fast-paced circus of
New York Fashion Week. But making it to Fashion Week was the goal
for the designers on Project Runway – a goal only obtainable for the final
three designers on the show.
At press-time, Chloe had made it into the final three, along with
fellow Project Runway designers Santino Rice and Daniel Vosovic, and
had just shown her Fall 2006 Collection under the watchful glare of
fashion industry insiders, celebrities, and the media – along with the
show’s judges. Her strong collection consisted of empire waist evening
gowns and chic cocktail dresses, and she also played with volume by
opening the show with a pink puffed sleeved dress and later a gold halter
baby doll dress with pockets. Her collection exemplified her talent as a
designer who understands the needs of women. Chloe’s female-friendly
Her signature style of clean lines and femininity
has garnered rave reviews from noted fashion designers
and Project Runway fans alike.
style of clean lines and femininity has garnered rave reviews from noted
fashion designers and Project Runway fans alike. Each week, Ms. Dao’s
professional eye and precise style has allowed her to move one step closer
to showing her collection in the final competition under the Bryant
Park tents at New York’s fabulous Fashion Week. For a fledgling designer,
showing in Fashion Week is a dream come true and can establish his or
her presence in the fashion industry.
Ms. Dao isn’t exactly a fledging
designer, though. As a graduate of The
Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT),
she has gained plenty of experience
on both the creative and business aspect
of the fashion world. After years of
Lot 8
6127 Kirby Drive
Houston, TX 77005
t 713.807.1565
aesthetic and her passion for design made her one of the Project Runway’s
stars from the very beginning of the show, and finally lead her to New
York Fashion Week and the finals. Although, the winner of Project Runway
won’t be known until the March 8 season finale, the exposure and
experience Ms. Dao has gained from the show is immeasurable. And
remember: you met her first here in Yellow Magazine last year!
Chloe-centric highlights from Project Runway:
• Chloe winning the “Clothes Off Your Back
Challenge”, where the Queen of wrap dresses
herself, Diane Von Furstenberg, praised her jersey
halter dress.
Bravo Photo: Barbara Nitke
• Insider and Chair of the Fashion Department at
Parsons, Tim Gunn, renaming a particular shade
of blue, “Chloe Blue”.
• A collaboration with fellow designer Emmett
McCarthy that resulted in a Bergdorf Goodmanworthy outfit consisting of a reversible jacket
For the “Garden Party Challenge”, Chloe
painstakingly glued thousands of leaves to create
a tiered effect that, from a distance, mimicked
printed fabric.
Regarded by many as her high point, this modern
design is a result of a jersey dress and black jacket
hybrid for the “Clothes Off Your Back” challenge.
Chloe’s first stab at menswear resulted in a win
for the “Makeover Another Designer” challenge.
with a high waist skirt and scarf tie top. Judge
Nina Garcia, fashion director of Elle magazine,
Getty Images
fell head over heels for it.
NEW YORK - FEBRUARY 10: The Dao sisters at the Project Runway Fall 2006 show during Olympus Fashion Week in Bryant Park.
March 2006
March 1-10-P 2/17/06 3:13 PM Page 5
International Décor Gallery Anniversary Celebration
International Décor Gallery
celebrates Chinese New Year
2006 with an art exhibition
preview “ The Art of Harmony”.
Guests enjoyed the classical and
exotic sounds performed by
violin quartet from the Houston
Symphony and traditional
Chinese dance presented by
Dance of Asian America.
Hannah Bacol Busch and Yali Zou, Shawn and Lilian Ai
Dr. Gerald Busch
Sirun Guan, Gordon and
Silvia Quan, Ms. Wang Chi
Paul Wishnow, Greg Hurst,
Suzanne Wishnow
Liang-Chern, Kathy Hsu
Dr. Ralph Espada, Monica Barry,
Hannah Bacol Busch, Susan Hessman
Erica Hui, Janie Yao, Julie Nguyen
March 1-10-P 2/17/06 3:13 PM Page 6
The Yellow Gleam
of Golden Buddhas and Temple Spires
Bangkok, Thailand
The readers of Travel & Leisure Magazine rated Bangkok as the
second best vacation spot after Sydney, Australia and followed by Rome
and Florence, Italy.
My favorite travel destinations are in Asia and I must concur that
Bangkok, the largest city and capital of Thailand, is an exciting destination.
The city is a manifestation of antiquity and the contemporary. Ancient
shrines with golden yellow domes shimmer in the sunset in close
proximity to gleaming glass skyscrapers that rival any found around the
world. There are more than 400 temples (wats) housing a multitude of
monks clad in traditional saffron yellow robes riding water taxis that race
past rice laden barges on their way to market on the Chao Phraya River
(“the River of Kings”).
King Rama I built the Grand Palace in 1782 when he moved the
capital across the river from Thonburi for strategic military purposes.
The city sprouted around the river which winds its way through the
central districts. While the grounds are open to visitation, none of the
buildings may be entered. Within the compound is the Wat Phra Kreo,
a royal chapel that is exquisitely decorated in gold and glass entrancing
visitors as they gaze upon it in the sunlight. It
houses the stunning Emerald Buddha that dates
back to the 14th century. Only the king of
Thailand may approach the statue; he changes
the robe worn by the Buddha seasonally in
accordance with the Buddhist calendar.
Wat Po, located about a half mile from the
Grand Palace, is the largest temple in Bangkok
and is known for its 150 foot long reclining
Buddha (the largest statue in Thailand) that is
clad entirely in gold leaf. Its feet are 9 feet long and decorated in
illustrations made from mother-of-pearl. This temple is considered to
be Thailand’s first university and the place to learn how to perform Thai
massage from the traditional source. Classes are available in English and
require 7 or more days of study. Thai massage is unique in that it
incorporates yoga positions to relieve stress and improve circulation.
Hence, it is more commonly described as “invigorating” versus “relaxing”.
The people
convey an
sense of joy.
Visitors should be advised that there are strict dress codes enforced
before entering the sites of temples. If your apparel is considered too
revealing or inappropriate (e.g., shorts, flip flops, mid-drifts etc.), unflattering
replacements will be loaned to you secured by your passport or deposit.
As is true in many Asian countries, the shopping environment in
Bangkok is world class. The city is considered to be a blend of New
York, Los Angeles and Washington DC because it is the center of
entertainment, finance and government. Many have the sense that the
city is far removed from the roots of the surrounding country because
so much of the country’s wealth and resources is concentrated there. It
is a city of 12 million people (one fifth of the country’s population). For
all of these reasons, the shopping culture in Bangkok rules supreme. The
Thai people place a premium upon fun (sanuk) which is responsible for
the country often being referred to as “The Land of Smiles.” The people
convey an intoxicating sense of joy. So, while bargaining is expected
while negotiating a sale, buyers will only prevail if they execute the
process with a sense of fun. Hard negotiators who do not display a sense
of fun may very well leave empty-handed.
As a final note, many visitors may want to more deeply experience
the mixture of traditional culture with the ultra-modern one that is
evident throughout the city. Consider renting a long-tail boat (hang yao)
at the Tha Chang ferry near the Grand Palace or the pier at the River
City Shopping Complex. Bare in mind that the boat operator will
probably not speak English well and, therefore, he will essentially be your
driver and not your tour guide. Have the boat travel the canals (called
Klongs) that crisscross a world of villages that occupy the Thonburi side
of the Chao Phraya River.You will capture a perspective of Bangkok of
which most tourists may be unaware. The banks of these canals, which
branch off into even smaller canals, are lined by old wooden homes
decorated colorfully with painted flower pots. Women sell rice and
noodle dishes from floating kitchens and the only way neighbors can
visit each other is by boat.
The contrast of complexity and simplicity, ancient and modern,
golden temples that are next to towering skyscrapers is what defines
Bangkok and makes it a destination of choice among the well traveled.
Kerwin McKenzie is a freelance travel writer based in Houston, Texas. He travels about 350,000 miles a year. You can check out his website at
March 2006
March 1-10-P 2/17/06 3:13 PM Page 7
Origami Puppies Adoption at Mo Mong Restaurant
Sandy Atha, Van Pavlik, Kyle Fu
Annie Peng, Mandy
Kyle Fu, Nan Leverett
Mikel Marketing Christmas Party
Tony Dinh, Mimi Dinh, Bao Han
Stephanie Iorio, Sarah Lampe
Austin Werner, Careen Plummer, Chris Smith
Cathlea Quirona, Ronnie Green
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Lee
Ardis Bartle
Kitty Wang
Chelsey and Brian Shor
March 1-10-P 2/17/06 3:13 PM Page 8
A Long History with
a Royal Reign
b y H E N R I M E RC E RO N
It may be stated with conviction that yellow has ruled supremely
within the context of Chinese history and has colored the very fabric
of its culture.
The name of the Yellow River is attributable to the fact that it contains
more silt than any other river in the world. The silt causes the water to
have a yellowish appearance. Huang Di (literally, the Yellow Lord) is
considered to be the founder of Chinese civilization and the central
ancestor of the largest ethnic group in the world (Han) who represent
92% of modern day Chinese (19% of the world’s population!). Prior to
his rule (2698 BCE – 2598 BCE), China consisted of farming tribes
governed by warring chieftains who sought to dominate one another
and the land they controlled around the Yellow River.
Huang Di’s military prowess enabled him to conquer the other tribes
who elected to unite under his leadership. His tribe honored the yellow
earth, the symbol of farming, and he came to be known as the legendary
for everyone else. For 500 years and throughout the reign of 24 emperors,
the confines of the Forbidden City were unseen by outsiders. The
placement of the palace and the architecture to which it conformed
strictly followed feng shui principles. It was aligned along a north-south
axis.The number nine which represents the ultimate symbol of masculinity
figures prominently throughout the structure: the corner towers are
supported by nine beams; there are eighteen pillars; there are 9,999 rooms
within. Completing the symbolism, the use of yellow is exclusively reserved
for the Forbidden City and its inhabitants.Yellow glazed roof tiles, painted
bricks, sheets, decorations and clothing were only found here.
Ironically, whereas yellow has been reserved for the highest echelon
of Chinese society, the royals, it has also been embraced by the most humble
of people who shun the accumulation of wealth and all things material,
Buddhist monks. Their saffron robes are symbolic of daylight, earth and
calm. Once a color worn by criminals, yellow was selected by Gautum
With a history that encompasses the richness
of mother earth to the splendor of royalty,
it is clear that the popularity of yellow
is well founded and all-inclusive.
Yellow Emperor. And so the yellow race was born.
Legend credits Huang Di with inventing the compass to find an
enemy that traveled safely under the cover of a sandstorm. He found the
enemy and conquered them. Notwithstanding the legend, scholars concur
that the first compass does appear to have originated in China. In
traditional Chinese culture, there is a fifth cardinal direction in addition
to north, south, east and west. It is the center. Each direction is represented
by a color. As the Yellow Emperor established the Yellow River as the
center of Chinese civilization, the center of the compass is symbolically
yellow, as well.
Chinese New Year is the most celebrated holiday in Chinese culture.
While the calendar is based upon a complex calculation of astronomical
measures such as the sun’s longitude and the phases of the moon, it is
believed to be a product of Huang Di’s inventiveness in the 61st year of
his reign. This is the year 4704, which is the sum of the West’s Gregorian
calendar year of 2006 added to the beginning year of Huang Di’s rule
in 2698.
Yellow has been used symbolically in other ways. In the early 1400’s
one of the Ming emperors relocated the capital of China to Beijing. The
capital consisted of the Forbidden City which housed the emperor and
his family, the Imperial City for government officials and the Outer City
March 2006
Buddha as a symbol of renunciation, the absence of desire and humility.
The reverence surrounding yellow is not unique to Asian culture.Ancient
Egyptians believed that since the sun and gold are yellow, the color represented
permanence, indestructibility and the eternal. Since the skin and bones of
the gods were believed to be made of gold, they constructed statues of gods
and the death masks of pharaohs from it, as well.
During England’s Elizabethan period, the Sumptuary Laws governed
the rules as to who was permitted to wear yellow garments. The wealth
and social status of citizens was conveyed by the colors they wore. Since
the colorfast dye used to produce yellow fabrics was made from expensive
imported saffron, only expensive clothes were fashioned in this color.
As a final testament to the pervasive presence of yellow within Asian
culture, consider that the surname, Huang, is the 7th most common
name in China with more than 29 million people so named. Further,
it is the name for more than 2 million overseas Chinese and 1 million
Koreans. (No data is presently available for Vietnamese). These numbers
do not include all the transliterations of the name (i.e., Wong, Hoang,
Vong, Bong, Ng, Wee, Oi, Oei, Ooi, Ong, Wang, Whang and Huynh),
which would surely elevate the numbers considerably. With a history
that encompasses the richness of mother earth to the splendor of royalty,
it is clear that the popularity of yellow is well founded and all-inclusive.
It is a popularity that has spanned millennia
and lives within the tens of millions of
people who are named after it.
Undoubtedly, the stature of yellow will
be significant for millennia to come.
Yellow Magazine
March 1-10-P 2/17/06 3:13 PM Page 9
Tiger Ball 2006 Uniquely Singapore
Jim Fonteno, Joe Ting
Tom Griffin, Glen Gondo, Mya Shay
Reiko Nip, Susie Ting
Elsie Huang
Monjula Chadambaram, Shaila Patel
Dan Nip, Reiko Nip, Diana Jackson, Honorable Chan Heng Chee
Aneeta Jamal, Michael D. Millard
Libbie and Greg Nelson, Honorable Yoshihiko Kamo, Etsuko Kamo
Louann Chae, Donna Cole, Linda Metcalf
Yang Park
Pat and Kathy Chaudhury
Susan Shagagi, Daniel Aparviz
Neil and Maria Bush
John Kim, Richard Cole
Mehwish Aejaz
Yuki Rogers, Alice Chen
Charles Foster, Hushang, Shahla Ansari, Geoffrey Connor
Nancy Hawes, Kay Ikawa
Fred and Donatella Benckenstein, Joyce Frassanito
Naila Qureshi
Michael and Shelley Dee
Mrs Chae, Mrs. Juhn
March 2006
March 1-10-P 2/17/06 3:13 PM Page 10
Practical tips
to enrich your daily life
Discovering Zen
b y SU SI E H E R N A N DE Z
Everyone wants to be rich, but does the amount of money you have
really determine how rich you are?
Some people want to be rich because they want to have enough
money to do anything and everything they want to do, therefore, they
think this will solve all of their problems and they will be happy. But if
this were true, why is it that wealthy people still have problems? This is
because having a lot money has absolutely nothing to do with solving the
issues. We can all make a long list of
The Four Tenets of Chung Tai:
successful athletes, musicians, actors, and
To our elders be respectful;
millionaires who have some serious issues.
To our juniors be kind;
Having an abundance of money does not
With all humanity be harmonious; make anyone immune to problems.
In reality, happiness is what everyone
In all endeavors be true.
really wants. We’ve all suffered and
probably know someone who is suffering now, and quite possibly has
been for years. For some, it could be due to a relationship ending, losing
a job, or something more tragic. And why do we even suffer at all? This
dreaded feeling usually comes around when our emotional and physical
desires are not satisfied with the reality of what life dishes out to us.
When we can tame our minds, become unattached, and grow out of
our ego-driven actions, this struggle will not exist.When we are flexible,
our minds, though intangible, can be likened to the physical characteristics
of water. Water can fit in any type of container, so when our minds are
like water, we can fit in any situation or condition without any struggle.
But how do we train our minds to do this? Meditation is a great and
easy way, and it has even been scientifically proven to improve health.
When we meditate, we become conscious of every thought that enters
our minds.The thoughts we choose to follow are like different investment
options. It’s a good idea to make the right choices so we can enrich our
lives with every thought.
How can the right choices lead to a rich life? By a universal law of
cause and effect. Good investments lead to good profits, just as poor
investments lead to poor profits. Likewise, if we choose to follow angry
thoughts, such as jealousy, greed, or hate, what does that make us? An
angry person. When we are angry, we become tense and stress is created.
Anger leads to irrational temper, violence, frustration, bad health and
harmful words that can damage relationships. All of these effects can be
summed up into one description: miserable. However, if we choose to
follow good thoughts, such as charity, kindness, forgiveness and compassion,
then we can become a happier person. When we are happy, our bodies
release revitalizing chemicals, we smile, we glow, people are drawn to
our magnetic personality, and our relationships with others improve.
When we are happy, even a breath of fresh air, the sound of chirping
birds, or an evening sunset can make us smile.When we are able to make
the right choices to avoid the path of emotional poverty, then we are
wise. Since money does not
bring true happiness, but
wisdom coupled with
compassion can, then the
way to become rich is to
cultivate the path of
meditation. True happiness
is not found in material
things, it comes from within,
and meditation can help us
cultivate this inner joy.
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March 16-24-P 2/17/06 4:39 PM Page 1
An Eye For Yellow
b y J U STI N E H E R N A N DE Z
The color yellow is associated with fun and happiness. It is not generally one that
we think about when we consider eye shadow, lip gloss, and makeup. Many have
the sense that yellow is an intimidating color to apply because of its brightness.
Accepting this challenge, I enlisted the assistance of Sergio Escalona, makeup artist
extraordinaire at Nature’s Way, an Aveda day spa and salon in the Galleria area.
Yellow is the base used in a host of shades
that include gold, bronze, cream, and
amber. Sergio began with an application
of Lemon Spice eye shadow to highlight
the area under my brow, adding an overall
yellow shimmer. Next, he used Gold Leaf
eye pencil under my eyeliner and to
brighten my lids. Copper eye shadow was
delicately blended into the crease of my
lid to create sultriness. By adding light
bronzes and illumination to my cheeks and
lips, Sergio gave me a natural, fresh, and
sexy appeal.
Consulting with a professional makeup
artist really opened my eyes about
including yellow among the colors that I
apply to my face. Consider yellow. You may
be very pleased you did.
March 16-24-P 2/17/06 4:00 PM Page 2
Chinese Consulate Celebrating Spring Festival
David Moon, George Gee, Joseph Lee
Charles and Lily Foster
Honorable Jinzhou Hua, Mya Shay, Tom Griffin Larry and Stacey Morris
David Lu, Phil Cao
Lily Foster, Loren Shen, Ya Li Zou, Mya Shay
Grace Li, Frank Chou
Tu Ha, Nu Ly, Linda Ho
John Ma, Katherine and Wea Lee
Grace Sun, Lisa Ma
Greg Crowe, Ping Chen, Barbara Crowe
Susan Guo, Mrs Tong, Connie Ruan
Jenny and James Callaway
March 16-24-P 2/17/06 4:00 PM Page 3
You’ll Be Golden With
These Yellow Essentials
Alexandra Knight Alligator Corralita Clutch
Houston handbag designer Alexandra Knight creates clean
no-fuss classics that have caught the eye of many celebs
and fashionistas who know a great thing when they see it.
9”W x 4”H x 2”D Clutch $3,100 or 713.527.8848
Mat;Yellow the Fragrance
Created by Japanese designer MasakÏ
MatsushÏma, Mat;Yellow is the
ultimate embodiment of the message
that Yellow is the color of hope and
love of life. It’s the perfect blend of
fresh fruits, sap, and leaves, blended
with watermelon, lotus flower, crystal
musk, and reed wood.
Eau de Parfum Spray 1.35 oz. $60
Retro Meitian Scooter
You’ll look so fab zipping around on this stylish scooter. Plus, you’ll save a pretty penny on gas with over 90
miles per gallon.
Priced from $1,550
Scootersmith, 3204 White Oak, 713.869.4885
shu uemura Limited Edition Sweet Lip Gloss
and Pressed Eye Shadow
Hello Kitty Champagne Diamond Pendant
shu uemura Limited Edition 24K Gold Eyelash Curler
Complement your lifestyle and taste with a shu uemura
Precious Metals Eyelash Curler - a special edition to celebrate
the 15th anniversary of this iconic product. Ideal for use on
sensitive skin or women who insist on only the best!
Eyelash Curler $22 or
Neiman Marcus, Houston Galleria 713.621.7100
18 |
March 2006
Who says Hello Kitty is just for kids? Even the most
sophisticated lady will love this character pendant which
features 1.3 total carat weight of champagne diamonds set
in yellow gold with a ruby hibiscus flower.
Available at Neiman Marcus by special order.
“Excitement and delights are essential to our happy lives”
says Shu Uemura, and his new Sweet Mode collection
delivers just that with a candy color inspired palette. It’ll be
hard to choose, but we bet you’ll love the sheer sunflowergold lip gloss and bright yellow metallic eye shadow.
Plumeria Sweet Lip Gloss $18
ME (Metallic) Yellow 330 Eye Shadow $19
shu uemura Depsea Water Mist
A floral and soothing mist that can be used anytime over
the face, skin, or hair to revive spirits and provide hydration.
Depsea Water is found only in three places in the world; it
is extracted from 320m below sea level, smells incredible,
and contains over 60 minerals that will do wonders for your
Hamamelis Water Mist $22 or
Neiman Marcus, Houston Galleria 713.621.7100
March 16-24-P 2/17/06 4:00 PM Page 4
Japan America Society of Houston Luncheon
Glen Gondo, Ryuichi Nakata, John D. Hoffmeister
Miguel Montenegro
Donna Cole,Ted Nava
Etsuko Kamo, Honorable Yoshihiko Kamo
Ryuichi Nakata
Toshimatsu Matsumoto
Gregory Crowe, Natsuo Tashiro, Pete Del Vecchio, Yuki Rogers, Yasush Tago
Stephanie Friedman, Grace Yung, Richard Dyo
David Mendez, Will Williams
Charles Duncan
Helen Chang
Katsunori Kobayashi
Paola Carvajah, Coleen Chang, Humberto Darraga
March 16-24-P 2/17/06 4:00 PM Page 5
Pour some of the next
big thing in wine
Be Soave
b y P H I LI P C U SIM A N O
It is difficult to predict trends in wine consumption, but I
believe there will be an uptick in the popularity of a dry white
from Italy known as “Soave.” It is a blend of grapes that takes its
name from the area where it is grown in the Veneto region. The
cuvee is a mixture of Garganega and Trebbiano, the former being
the more important grape.
A good producer will provide a wine that is crisp and dry with
fine acidity. You will taste an infusion of minerals typical for
quality Italian wines having a fruit profile
What you have ranging from citrus tropical to hints of apple
here is the top and pear. Due to its finely coordinated
secret formula balance, Soave is propped up by a firm
for a great wine backbone and one can even find slight hints
in its finish.
that is smooth of cream
One obstacle preventing consumers
and delicious with from embracing Soave is its past marketing
an underlying life. In the 1970’s, the wine was popular and
complexity. in demand. It could be found in grocery
stores, wine shops and restaurants. It was
advertised heavily on television and in print. To meet the huge
demand, the wine was mass produced and quality suffered as
a result.
It has been difficult in recent times to persuade people to
even try the wine. Thankfully, there is a whole new generation
of wine lovers who are open to new experiences. A large number
of these consumers have been weaned on Italian Pinot Grigio
and it will be easier for them to accept transition to another
type of Italian white wine. Most importantly, good rendentions
of Soave are available in the market. Look for the following
producers of quality wine: Pra, Anselmi, Inama and Gini.
In keeping with our celebration of Yellow Magazine’s one year
anniversary, we offer to our readers a selection of cool “yellow”
wine to contemplate:
Pra Soave Monte Grande 03
Graziano Pra only produces Soave
and he is a master. This
internationally acclaimed, single
vineyard cru consists primarily of
Garganega with a small bit of
Chardonnay and receives some
wood aging. Dry, crisp, with
minerals, tropical fruits, a subtle hint
of butter and soft wood undertones,
this wine could easily be mistaken
for white burgundy. Look for the
partially yellow label and foil and
get it while you can. I don’t think it
will be available for long. $24.00
Veuve Clicquot Brut “Yellow Label”
The house of Clicquot has become
a powerhouse. I believe this is the
most popular non-vintage blended
brut cuvee champagne in Houston
and, perhaps, America. The legacy
of the “widow clicquot” is
domination and her competitors
are reeling. The blend varies yearto-year but is about 55% Pinot
Noir,15% Pinot Meunier and 30%
Chardonnay. Elegant and toasty, this
dry champagne is consistently
produced to the highest standard
and is always in vogue. $39.00
Yellow Tail Shiraz 04
From South Eastern Australia comes
this popular brand and grape varietal
that I can enthusiasticly say is “not
too bad”. By this, I mean to say, it
should not offend anyone and
combined with its low price, it will
do very nicely in a pinch. Australia is
a monster wine producing region
known for their “shoot by the hip”
wine making style. They do what is
necessary to get the most out of
what the climate and soil has given
them in any year. This wine has nice
blackberry jam on the front and a
short finish. $6.00
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T H O U ?
Jones Hall
615 Louisiana St.,
Houston, TX 77002
The Peking Acrobats
Saturday, April 1 at 7pm and
Sunday, April 2 at 2pm
Daring maneuvers, powerful
precision and spellbinding
contortion – The Peking Acrobats
are coming back to Houston with
new acts and twists to old
favorites! This troupe of China’s
most gifted tumblers, jugglers,
cyclists and gymnastics,
complemented by live musicians
playing traditional Chinese
instruments, make for a
breathtaking, often hair-raising,
evening for the entire family. With
acts called “Meteors of Water,” “
Pagoda of Chairs” and “Peacock
on a Bicycle” audiences never
know what to expect. Rest
assured that the Peking Acrobats
will deliver an inspiring
exploration of the full extent of
physical human potential.
International Décor Gallery
2501 South Shepherd Drive, Houston, TX 77019
The Art of Harmony February 10 to March 31, 2006
Featuring the exquisite modern and traditional works of Asian Artists: Wang Qi, LiangChern Hsu, Peihong Endris, Sirun Guan, Monica Barry and Mari Omori. For more
information call 713-527-0523.
Wortham Center, Cullen Theater
500 Texas St., Houston, TX 77002
The 2006 Dance Salad Festival
April 13, 14, 15 at 7:30 pm
11th anniversary season in Houston and 14th season
since its inception in Brussels, Belgium, Dance Salad
Festival promises another gathering of world-class
performers. Famous in their own countries, the dance
companies have won praise from critics and audiences
everywhere they have toured. Dance Salad Festival has presented dancers, choregraphers
and companies from the Americas, Europe, Asia and Africa. The following companies
will perform at the 2006 Festival: The Beijing LDTX Modern Dance Company (China), The
Guangdong Modern Dance Company (China), The Dutch National Ballet (Netherlands),
Bejart Ballet Lausanne (Switzerland), Texas Ballet Theatre (Dallas/Ft. Worth), Royal Danish
Ballet (Denmark), Danish Dance Theatre (Denmark), Trey McIntyre Project (Florida),
Goteborgs Operans Balett (Sweden), Ballett der Staatsoper Hannover/Thoss-Tanz
Kompanie (Germany), Ronald K. Brown/ EVIDENCE (New York).
For tickets call 713-315-2525 or visit
Splash Gallery
6515 Corporate Dr. #M1, Houston, TX 77036, 713-270-8008
Featuring artists from China. Also offering painting classes.
Viet’s Art Gallery
12924 Bellaire Blvd., Houston, TX, 713-298-4045, by appointment only
Showing Asian artists from around the world.
321 B W. 19th Street Houston, TX 77008
Paper Planes March 28th to April 15th 2006.
Opening reception: Tuesday, March 28th 6-8pm; Closing
reception: Saturday, April 15th 6-8pm
Bronze sculptures that celebrate the unfolding of paper,
consciousness, and the spiritual plane. Tansu is proud to
present an exhibit by Austin-based artist Kevin Box. Box
marries paper and metal to create bronze sculptures with
origami influences for a contemporary fusion of both
mediums. Included in the Tansu exhibition will be a
signature piece “Crane Unfolding”, an 8 foot tall sculpture
of an origami crane unfolding into a star. “ This crane
reveals the meaning of life as it unfolds. It symbolizes the
complex and intelligent design just below the surface of
everything seen in creation. It sums up most of my work”, says Box.
Tansu is now offering origami classes, Chinese calligraphy workshops, and Chinese watercolor
classes. For more information visit
If you would like your event listed, please email the information to
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Color Me Yellow:
What Hue Are You?
Color plays a vitally important role in the world in which we live
every single day. Shades sway thinking, alter actions, and they certainly sell.
They can also irritate or soothe the eyes, raise blood pressure, or even
suppress appetite. Going far beyond the question of “what’s your favorite
color?” many people believe color reflects one’s innermost self. Take a
look at a few of these classic examples to see if your personality pops from
the pages and decide for yourself which hue rings true for you.
If your brightest color (your aura, in essence) is yellow, you value
order and cherish the traditions of home and family.You are the perfect
communicator. Steadfastness and loyalty are your trademarks.You provide
for and support the structure of society and are generous and parental
by nature. You show you care by making everyone do the right thing.
To disregard responsibility of any kind never occurs to you. “Be prepared”
is the motto of those with yellow as their brightest color.You enjoy the
status and security that being prepared offers. You have an instinct for
keeping the product in production, for maintaining the structure, and
for supporting the rules.You have a strong awareness of right and wrong.
You symbolize pillars of strength - the flag, the preservation of honored
institutions, and the purity of home and family.
• Respects authority, rules, routines, and policies.
• Allegiant, faithful, dependable, prepared, and efficient.
• Remembers the traditions that work and values family.
• Believes that work comes before play and is practical,
systematic, and orderly.
• Identifies with groups and strives for a sense of security.
• Thorough, sensible, punctual, conventional, and proper.
• Believes there is a right way to do everything. Perseverant.
• Evaluates actions as right or wrong.
• Stable, organized, and helpful.
Famous Yellows: Mother Teresa, George Washington, LBJ, George Washington,
Joan Rivers, Henry Ford, Florence Nightingale
If your brightest color is green, you feel best about yourself when
you are solving problems and when your ideas are recognized, especially
when you feel ingenious. You seek to express yourself through your
ability to be an expert in everything.Your idea of a great day is to use
your know-how to create solutions, in that you are a complex individualist
with great analytical ability. Although you do not express your emotions
openly, you do experience deep feelings.
People with green as their brightest color have curious minds. They
explore every facet of a problem or an idea to control the realities of
life.They are global by nature, always seeking universal truth.They acquire
skills and perfect any product or system upon which they choose to
focus. They symbolize the abstract thinker, the unknown challenge of
outer space, the complexity and simplicity of design, and the symmetry
of forms.
• Anticipates the impact of actions taken now.
• Explores all facets before deciding and checks for accuracy.
• Plans carefully and systematically. Enlivened by work.
• Defies the status quo, initiates change and acts inventively.
• Logical, theoretical, persistent, thorough, and self-sufficient.
• Often not in the mainstream.
• Intellectual, inquisitive, impartial, and improvement oriented.
Famous Greens: Socrates, Benjamin Franklin, Carl Jung,Thomas Edison,
Eleanor Roosevelt, Katherine Hepburn, Rosalyn Carter
22 |
March 2006
If your brightest color is orange, you need freedom to take immediate
action. A zest for life and a desire to test the limits best express your
nature.You take pride in being highly skilled in a variety of fields.You
are a master negotiator. Adventure is your middle name. You prefer a
hands-on approach to problem solving and a direct line of reasoning
creates the excitement and immediate results that you seek. For you, life
is one big party to enjoy. You live in “the here and now” because
tomorrow is uncertain.You are always ready for a business deal (or a deal
of any sort), loving competition and never missing an opportunity.
Impulsiveness drives everything you do and you are symbolized by the
flight of the eagle, the sensation of riding a motorcycle, the roaring of
the rapids, and the skillfulness of a virtuoso.
• “Just Do It” action oriented.
• Quick-witted, charming, and spontaneous
• Playful and injects fun into work.
• Lives in “the here and now.” A creative risk taker.
• Enjoys diversity, variety, and competition.
• Is a multi-tasker who is cheerful, energetic, and bold.
• Quick thinking, quick to act.
• A high visibility performer who enjoys problem-solving
and negotiating.
• Performs well under pressure and is resilient.
Famous Oranges: JFK, Amelia Earhart, Lucille Ball, FDR, Francis of Assissi,
Lee Iacocca,Winston Churchill
If your brightest color is blue, you seek to express the inner you.
Authenticity and honesty are valued above all other characteristics.You
are sensitive to subtlety and - with great flair - you create roles in life’s
drama. You enjoy close relationships with those you love and you are
strongly spiritual. Making a difference in the world is easy for you because
you cultivate the potential in yourself and in others.
You are a person of peace and love, a true romantic. You are most
satisfied when nurturing the potential of others and are symbolized by
the dove of peace, the romantic ballad, the drama of life, and the
importance of a simple touch.
• Sensitive to the needs of others and expresses appreciation freely.
• Sincere, cooperative, collaborative and creative.
• A “people person” who is a team builder and team player.
• Artistic, inspirational, spiritual.
• A mediator and peacemaker who is idealistic, intuitive,
romantic and loyal.
Famous Blues: Mozart,Thomas Jefferson, Ghandi, Mohammed Ali,
Jimmy Carter
If your brightest color is red, you are always maneuvering for control.
You have a strong desire to control people and your environment. If you
are in control, you feel you can somehow buffer yourself from the
unexpected.You do not like surprises.You are highly effective at using
intimidation and aggression in order to get what you want. Your need
to dominate is so strong that you are often accused of being insensitive
to the feelings and needs of others.You have a strong, forceful personality
and are driven by the need for power and status. Being fiercely competitive,
you are a survivor who will not back down from confrontation.Winning
is everything.
• Action-oriented, spontaneous and focused on “now.”
• Need freedom to follow impulses, which you trust over the
judgment of others.
• Cool headed and ever courageous.
• Proud of their ability to handle a crisis better than most.
• Excel as negotiators and troubleshooters.
• Resist schedules and hierarchies.
• Long term planning is a low priority as each day brings its own
Famous Reds: George W. Bush, Donald Trump, JFK, Ronald Reagan,
Christie Todd Whitman
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