Altevo FS4500/FS4100
Altevo FS4500/FS4100
A Altevo FS4500/FS4100 Cost-effective, scalable Fiber Channel to SATA RAID solution eSlim Korea Storage Product Series 1 AGENDA 1. Product Overview 2. Component Details 3. Architecture 4. Configurations 5. Performance 2 Product Overview ESLIM 3 KOREA INC Product Overview – Front & Rear View 12 9 6 3 11 8 5 2 10 7 4 1 2U Height APC Modules (Advanced Power & Cooling ) RAID I/O Modules ES Module (Environmental Services ) JBOD I/O Modules 4 Product Highlights FS-4500 RAID --Dual Dualactive, active,failover/failback failover/failback레이드 레이드컨트롤러 컨트롤러 provide up to 48,000 I/Os and 385MByte/sec provide up to 48,000 I/Os and 385MByte/sec --No NoSingle Singlepoint pointofoffailure failurewith withredundant, redundant, hot-swappable components hot-swappable components --최대 최대96개의 96개의드라이브 드라이브탑재, 탑재,24TB 24TB공간지원, 공간지원, 랙마운트(Rackmount) 또는 페데스탈(Pedestal) 랙마운트(Rackmount) 또는 페데스탈(Pedestal)구성 구성 --각 각드라이브의 드라이브의듀얼 듀얼포트 포트엑세스를 엑세스를위해 위해독립적으로 독립적으로 고안된 Mutliplexor Technology 고안된 Mutliplexor Technology --직관적 직관적및 및편의성이 편의성이돋보이는 돋보이는RAIDWatch RAIDWatch매니지먼트 매니지먼트 소프트웨어 소프트웨어 --추후 추후3Gb 3GbSATA를 SATA를지원하는 지원하는Midplane Midplane --비용 효율이 높은 싱글 컨트롤러 비용 효율이 높은 싱글 컨트롤러또는 또는안정성 안정성및 및 고가용성을 고가용성을 위한 위한듀얼 듀얼 컨트롤러 컨트롤러구성 구성 --컨트롤러당 최대 1GB의 캐시 메모리 컨트롤러당 최대 1GB의 캐시 메모리지원 지원 ((Total Total2GB 2GB)) --컨트롤러당 컨트롤러당2개의 2개의호스트 호스트포트, 포트,시리얼, 시리얼,이더넷, 이더넷, 확장포트 확장포트지원 지원 5 FS-4100 JBOD --Dual Dualactive, active,failover/failback failover/failback지능형 지능형컨트롤러 컨트롤러 provide up to 350MByte/sec provide up to 350MByte/sec --No NoSingle Singlepoint pointofoffailure failurewith withredundant, redundant, hot-swappable components hot-swappable components --최대 최대96개의 96개의드라이브 드라이브탑재, 탑재,24TB 24TB공간지원, 공간지원, 랙마운트(Rackmount) 또는 페데스탈(Pedestal) 랙마운트(Rackmount) 또는 페데스탈(Pedestal)구성 구성 --각 각드라이브의 드라이브의듀얼 듀얼포트 포트엑세스를 엑세스를위해 위해독립적으로 독립적으로 고안된 Mutliplexor Technology 고안된 Mutliplexor Technology --직관적 직관적및 및편의성이 편의성이돋보이는 돋보이는매니지먼트 매니지먼트소프트웨어, 소프트웨어, Storage Examiner Storage Examiner --추후 추후3Gb 3GbSATA를 SATA를지원하는 지원하는Midplane Midplane --비용 효율이 높은 싱글 컨트롤러 비용 효율이 높은 싱글 컨트롤러또는 또는안정성 안정성및 및 고가용성을 고가용성을 위한 위한듀얼 듀얼 컨트롤러 컨트롤러구성 구성 --유연한 구성을 위해 컨트롤러당 4개의 유연한 구성을 위해 컨트롤러당 4개의SFP SFP커넥션 커넥션 --독립형 독립형JBOD JBOD또는 또는FS4500 FS4500FC-to-SATA FC-to-SATARAID의 RAID의 확장형 JBOD 구성 확장형 JBOD 구성 Technical Specifications FS-4500 System ( Ordering Part Number : FS4500SR-AC ) Host HostInterface Interface --One or One ortwo twoFiber FiberChannel Channelcontrollers controllers; ; each eachcontroller controllersupports supportsdual dualoptical opticalor orcopper copper(SFP) (SFP) connections, connections,200MB/s 200MB/seach each(400MB/s (400MB/stotal) total) --Serial (RS232) port, Ethernet port, Serial (RS232) port, Ethernet port, copper copperor oroptical optical(SFP) (SFP)expansion expansionport port Disk DiskDrive DriveInterface Interface --Independent Independent150MB/s 150MB/spoint-to-point point-to-pointconnections connectionstoto each eachSATA SATAdisk diskdrive drivewith withdual dualport portaccess accessand and failover failoverby byeach eachcontroller controllertotoeach eachdrive drive Measured MeasuredPerformance Performance((Dual DualControllers, Controllers,RAID-5 RAID-5)) --Up Uptoto385MB/s 385MB/s(sustained (sustainedreads), reads), 48,000 I/Os (cached reads) 48,000 I/Os (cached reads) RAID RAIDController ControllerSpecifications Specifications --PowerPC 750 667 PowerPC 750 667MHz MHzRISC RISCprocessor processor --Hardware XOR Hardware XOR --Up Uptoto1GB 1GBMemory Memoryper percontroller controller --4MNB flash memory 4MNB flash memory --ECC ECCmemory memorysupport support 6 Controller ControllerFeatures Features --Dual active Dual activewith withautomatic, automatic,transparent transparentfailover/failback failover/failback --Auto-negotiate speeds Auto-negotiate speeds --In-band In-bandand andout-of-band out-of-bandmanagement management --Replacement Replacementcontroller controllerreflashes reflashesFW FWtotomatch matchpeer peer controller controller --Selective SelectiveLUN LUNdeletion deletion --LUN LUNMasking Masking––up upto to128 128LUNs LUNsand and1024 1024host hostports ports supported supported --F_port F_portand andFL_port FL_portsupport support --Cache Cachecoherency coherency --Battery protected Battery protectedmirrored mirroredwrite writecache cache --Write through, write back, or read-ahead Write through, write back, or read-aheadcache cachesupport support per perlogical logicaldrive drive --Variable cache Variable cacheline linesize sizeand andstripe stripesize size --Dedicated controller-to controller communication Dedicated controller-to controller communicationpath path --Background disk scrubbing and data integrity checking Background disk scrubbing and data integrity checking --Concurrent ConcurrentRAID RAIDlevel levelsupport support––0~5, 0~5,10, 10,30, 30,50 50 --Each logical drive can have an independent RAID Each logical drive can have an independent RAIDlevel level --On-line RAID group expansion/partitioning On-line RAID group expansion/partitioning --Up Uptoto32MB 32MBI/O I/Orequest requestsizes sizes --Global hot spare drives assign Global hot spare drives assignaaspare sparetotoaaspecified specifiedLUN LUN --Write through/back configurability per LUN Write through/back configurability per LUN --Write Writethrough throughperformance performanceoptimization optimization Technical Specifications FS-4100 System ( Ordering Part Number : FS4100SR-AC ) Host HostInterface Interface --One or One ortwo twoFiber FiberChannel Channelcontrollers controllers; ; each eachcontroller controllersupports supportsup upto tofour fouroptical opticalor orcopper copper (SFP) (SFP)connections, connections,200MB/s 200MB/seach each(800MB/s (800MB/stotal) total) --Port can be used for host connections or as a Port can be used for host connections or as a combination combinationofofhost hostconnection connectionand andexpansion expansion --Serial (RS232) port, Ethernet port, Serial (RS232) port, Ethernet port, Disk DiskDrive DriveInterface Interface --Independent Independent150MB/s 150MB/spoint-to-point point-to-pointconnections connectionstoto each eachSATA SATAdisk diskdrive drivewith withdual dualport portaccess accessand and failover by each controller to each drive failover by each controller to each drive Measured MeasuredPerformance Performance --Up to 350MB/s Up to 350MB/s(sustained (sustainedreads) reads) Intelligent IntelligentController ControllerSpecifications Specifications --PowerPC 440 400 MHz PowerPC 440 400 MHzRISC RISCprocessor processor --128MB memory per controller 128MB memory per controller --ECC ECCmemory memorysupport support 7 Controller ControllerFeatures Features --Dual active Dual activewith withautomatic, automatic,transparent transparentfailover/failback failover/failback --Auto-negotiate speeds Auto-negotiate speeds --In-band In-bandand andout-of-band out-of-bandmanagement management --Replacement Replacementcontroller controllerreflashes reflashesFW FWtotomatch matchpeer peer controller controller --F_port F_portand andFL_port FL_portsupport support --Dedicated Dedicatedcontroller-to controller-tocontroller controllercommunication communicationpath path Technical Specifications FS-4500 & FS-4100 공통 Capacity Capacity --Up Uptoto12 12drives drives(3TB) (3TB)capacity capacityper per2U 2Uenclosure enclosurewith with aatotal maximum of 96 drives (24TB) capacity per total maximum of 96 drives (24TB) capacity per subsystem subsystem Redundant, Redundant,Hot-swappable Hot-swappableComponent Component --Up to two RAID controllers Up to two RAID controllers --Two Twoindependent independentAC ACpower powerinlets inlets --Two advanced power and cooling Two advanced power and coolingmodules modules(APC) (APC) --Enclosure services module Enclosure services module --Up Uptoto12 12drives drives --No active No activecomponents componentson ondata datapath path Maximum MaximumCable CableLengths Lengths --Optical : Up to 23 Optical : Up to 23meters meters --Copper : Up to 6 meters Copper : Up to 6 meters Pedestal PedestalCabinet CabinetDimensions Dimensions --49.53 x 11.7 x 54.6 49.53 x 11.7 x 54.6mm mm(WxHxD), (WxHxD),27kg 27kg Rackmount Rackmountenclosure enclosuredimensions dimensions --8.9 x 44.7 x 49.53 mm (WxHxD), 8.9 x 44.7 x 49.53 mm (WxHxD),27kg 27kg 8 Monitoring Monitoring --Temperature, Temperature,advanced advancedpower powerand andcooling coolingmodules modules including fan speed control, disk drives, and including fan speed control, disk drives, andI/O I/Omodules modules Failure FailureNotification Notification --SCSI enclosure SCSI enclosureservices services(SES) (SES)over overI2C I2Cphysical physicalinterface interface , ,LEDs, audible alarms, FRU (Field Replaceable Unit) LEDs, audible alarms, FRU (Field Replaceable Unit) reversion reversionand andserial serialnumber numberreporting, reporting,events eventsreported reported totoRAIDWatch software RAIDWatch software AC ACPower Power --Input Inputvoltage voltage: :Autoranging, Autoranging,85~264 85~264VAC VAC --Input current : 100~240 VAC @ 4~25 Input current : 100~240 VAC @ 4~25AA --Output Outputpower power: :491W 491Wpeak, peak,430W 430Waverage average Operating OperatingEnvironment Environment --Temperature Temperature: :0℃ 0℃~~40 40℃ ℃ --Relative Humidity : 50% ~ Relative Humidity : 50% ~95% 95%(non-condensing) (non-condensing) Software Software RAIDWatch RAIDWatch --Local Localor orremote remotemanagement, management,monitoring, monitoring,and and configuration with host platform support for configuration with host platform support for Microsoft MicrosoftWindows, Windows,Sun SunSolaris SolarisSPARC, SPARC,and andLinux Linux Product Overview – FS-4XX0 SATA Platform 33 Versions Versions of of the the Fiber Fiber Channel Channel to to SATA SATA Platform Platform with with Multiple Multiple I/O I/O Options Options FS 4500 FS 4100 FS 4050 12 12 1” 1”SATA SATADisk DiskDrives Drives SATA SATA3Gb 3Gbready ready––downward downwardcompatible compatibleto toSATA SATA1.5Gb 1.5Gb 2 SES Interface SES(SCSI (SCSIEnclosures EnclosuresServices) Services)via viaII2CCInterface 2Gb 2GbFiber Fiberto toSATA SATARAID RAID 2Gb 2GbFiber Fiberto toSATA SATAJBOD JBOD --Dual DualPort PortMultiplexer Multiplexer(MUX) (MUX)card cardfor forhigh highavailability availability configurations configurations --Single Singleor orDual DualI/O I/OModules Modules 9 Cost-effective Cost-effective 2Gb 2GbFiber Fiberto toSATA SATAJBOD JBOD Single SingleChannel ChannelI/O I/OProcessor, Processor, Can’t be upgraded to Can’t be upgraded todual dualcontroller, controller, different differentbackplane, backplane,No NoMUX MUX Component Details ESLIM 10 KOREA INC Component Details - Enclosure Indicate LED LED 1 LED 2 LED 3 LED 4 11 Enclosure LED Descriptions Function LED 1 OFF : Power Off ON : Power On LED 2 ON LED 3 1.5 / 3.0 Gigabit Operation LED LED 4 Not used : Shelf Fault Component Details - Disk Drive LED Bicolor Information Green Drive Carrier LED Functions Indication LED1 LED2 LED3 12 Comments Not Used Not Used Bicolor Green/Amber Drive Detect/Error This LED is driven by the ES module. Green indicates drive detected Amber flashing indicates drive error per SES specification OFF indicates no drive detected Green Drive I/O Activity ON indicates drive activity OFF indicates no drive I/O activity Amber Condition OFF OFF Slot empty, ready for insert/remove ON OFF Drive online ON OFF Prepare for operation ON 125ms OFF125ms OFF OFF Drive identify/special POD identify ON 250ms OFF250ms OFF OFF Prepare for removal ON 500ms OFF125ms OFF OFF Drive rebuild OFF OFF ON 125ms OFF125ms Drive fail OFF OFF ON 125ms OFF750ms Drive offline ON 500ms OFF500ms OFF1000ms OFF500ms ON 500ms OFF1000ms Predicted failure Component Details - APC Advanced Power and Cooling module --Integrated Integratedpower powersupply supplyand andcooling coolingmodule module --Power Supply Power Supply Input InputVoltage Voltage: :Autoranging, Autoranging,85~264 85~264VAC VAC Input Frequency : 47~63 Hz Input Frequency : 47~63 Hz Input InputCurrent Current: :100~240 100~240VAC VAC@ @4~2.5A 4~2.5A Output Power : 491W peak, 430W Output Power : 491W peak, 430Waverage average --Cooling Cooling 33variable variablespeed speedfans fansper perAPC APC((66inintotal total)) 20 20CFM CFMper perfan fan N+1 N+1redundancy redundancy––requires requiresminimum minimumof of55fans fans 13 Component Details – ES module Environmental Services module --Reports Reportsstatus statusand andreceives receivescontrol controlinformation informationvia viaan anI2C I2Cbus busto tothe theI/O I/Ooption optionmodule module --Monitoring/control Monitoring/controlfor forthe theadvanced advancedpower powerand andcooling coolingunits units --Controls ControlsFRU FRUstatus statusLEDs LEDsand andglobal globalaudible audiblealarm alarm --ES ESprocessor processoramber amberLED LEDtotodenote denoteES ESprocessor processorfault fault --Reporting Reportingcapability capabilityofofPSU, PSU,I/O I/Omodule, module,ES ESmodule, module,and andbackplane backplaneserial serialnumber numberand andrevision revision --Hot-swappable Hot-swappablewithout withoutaffecting affectingthe thedata datapath path --Micro-controller Micro-controllerfor fordata dataprocessing, processing,control, control,and andcommunications communications --Housing Housingalso alsocontains containsthe theshelf shelfID IDswitch switch––each eachshelf shelfmust musthave haveunique uniqueID IDwhen whendaisy daisychained chained 14 Component Details – RAID Module FS4500 FC/SATA RAID Controller --Single Singleand anddual dualcontroller controllerconfigurations configurations Active-active, Active-active,automatic automaticfailover, failover,hot-swappable hot-swappable --PowerPC PowerPCmicroprocessor microprocessorplus plushardware hardwareXOR XORRAID RAIDengine engine RAID RAIDlevels levels0,0,1,1,0/1, 0/1,3,3,5,5,10, 10,30, 30,50 50 --Up Uptoto1GB 1GBofofECC ECCcache, cache,battery batterybacked-up backed-upper percontroller controller --Two Two2Gb 2Gb(SFP) (SFP)Fiber FiberChannel Channelhost hostinterfaces interfacesand andone one2Gb 2Gb(SFP) (SFP)expansion expansionport portper percontroller controller --10/100BaseT 10/100BaseTport portfor formanagement managementper percontroller controller --LEDs LEDsfor forstatus status --RS232 RS232port portfor forconfiguration configurationand anddiagnostics diagnosticsper percontroller controller 15 Component Details – RAID Module LEDs D1 ............ D7 D8-1 LED Color Designation D1 Green FC Host 1 Signal Detect When ON, this LED denotes that a valid FC signal has been detected on FC Host port 1. D2 Green FC Host 2 Signal Detect When ON, this LED denotes that a valid FC signal has been detected on FC Host port 2. D3 Green FC Disk Expansion Signal Detect When ON, this LED denotes that a valid FC signal has been detected on the FC Disk Expansion port. D4 Green Controller Ready This LED is ON when the controller is active and operating properly D5 Green FC Host Ports Active ON indicates activity on the FC host ports D6 Green SATA Device (Drive) Ports Active ON indicates activity on the SATA disk drive ports Partner Failed ON indicates that the partner controller has been detected as failed. OFF indicates that the partner controller is operating properly. In the case of a signal controller installed in the shelf, this LED will be OFF Cache/BBU Fault ON indicates Cache memory & Backup statues OFF indicates that the battery backup unit is capable of sustaining memory in case of power loss. D7 D8-1 16 D2 Amber Amber Description Component Details – JBOD module FS4100/FS4050 FC/SATA JBOD Controller --Single Singleand anddual dualcontroller controllerconfigurations configurationswith withfailover failover --RAID RAID00and and1( 1(future futurefirmware firmwarerelease release)) --128 128MB MBofofECC ECCmemory memory --Four Four2Gb 2Gb(SFP) (SFP)Fibre FibreChannel Channelinterfaces interfacesper percontroller controller --22host hostconnections connectionsand and22expansion expansionports portsor or44host hostconnections connections --LEDs LEDsfor forstatus status --RS232 RS232port portfor forconfiguration configurationand anddiagnostics diagnostics 17 Component Details – JBOD module LEDs 1357 2368 18 LED Color Designation Description 1 Green FC Host Ports Active ON indicates activity on the FC host ports. 2 Green FC Host 1 Signal Detect When ON, this LED denotes that a valid FC signal has been detected on FC Host port 1. 3 Green SATA Device (Drive) Ports Active ON indicates activity on the SATA disk drive ports. 4 Green FC Expansion 1 Signal Detect When ON, this LED denotes that a valid FC signal has been detected on the FC Expansion port 1. 5 Amber Partner Failed ON indicates that the partner controller has been detected as failed. OFF indicates that the partner controller is operating properly. In the case of a single controller installed in the shelf , this LED will be OFF. 6 Green FC Host 2 Signal Detect When ON, this LED denotes that a valid FC signal has been detected on FC Host port 2. 7 Green Controller Ready This LED is ON when the controller is active and operating properly. 8 Green FC Expansion 2 Signal Detect When ON, this LED denotes that a valid FC signal has been detected on the FC Expansion port 2. Component Details – Management Software [[Spheras SpherasRAIDWatch RAIDWatch(SRW) (SRW)]] --Remote Remotegraphical graphicalconfiguration configurationand andmonitoring monitoringutility utility --Event Eventnotification notificationthrough throughSNMP SNMPtraps, traps,pager, pager,e-mail e-mail --Easy-to-use, intuitive graphical user interface Easy-to-use, intuitive graphical user interface --Communicates Communicateswith withcontrollers controllersvia viaout-of-band out-of-bandtransmission transmissionover overEthernet Ethernetor orin-band in-bandover overHost HostFiber FiberChannel Channel --Runs in stand-alone model or remotely over LAN/WAN using any standard web browser via hybrid TCI/IP Runs in stand-alone model or remotely over LAN/WAN using any standard web browser via hybrid TCI/IPchannel channel RAIDWatch RAIDWatch Manager RAID Storage 19 Primary Agent Secondary Agent Architecture ESLIM 20 KOREA INC Architecture – RAID Controller Block Diagram Up to 1GB 133 MHz, 64-bit Memory Bus PowerPC 133 MHz, 64-bit Bus, 1064 MB/sec 750Cxe Hardware XOR ASIC 133 8-bit X-Bus Host 21 NVRAM, Flash, UART, I2C, Misc. 66 MHz, 64-bit PCI 528 MB/sec 66 MHz, 64-bit PCI 528 MB/sec 2Gb FC x2 Data Cache SDRAM w/ ECC SATA STAx2 x8 SATA x8 Disk Drives 2Gb FC x2 RCC Architecture – JBOD Controller Block Diagram Data Cache SDRAM w/ ECC 128 MB 133 MHz, 64-bit Memory Bus PowerPC NVRAM, Flash, UART, I2C, misc. PPC440 400 MHz 100 MHz, 64-bit PCIx 800 MB/sec 2Gb FC x2 Host 22 SATA STAx2 x8 SATA x8 Disk Drives Architecture – Dual Port Multiplexer MUX and Non-MUX --Multiplexor Multiplexorisisused usedwith withSATA SATAdrives drivesto togive giveDual DualPort Portcapability capability --Drive :: FS4500 Drivewith withMUX MUXcard card FS4500&&FS4100 FS4100 --Drive Drivewithout withoutMUX MUXcard card :: FS4050 FS4050 MUX Card FS4500 Single RAID & FS4050 JBOD = Cost-effective - Support Only Single RAID, Can’t upgraded to Dual RAID - Different Backplane FS4500 RAID & FS4100 JBOD + 23 = - MUX card for High Availability - Support Single or Dual RAID Architecture – FS4500 Channel Block Diagram Fiber Channel Host Port 0 Fiber Channel Host Port 1 Fiber Channel Host Port 0 RCCOM Channel (Fiber) Primary Controller 12 SATA Backend drive channels Secondary Controller 12 SATA Backend drive channels Backend Fiber Expansion Channel . . . . . . . . 12 X SATA Drives 24 Fiber Channel Host Port 1 All Expansion drives show up in the TUI on channel 2 Backend Fiber Expansion Channel . Drive MUX Cards (Only 2 shown) Architecture – FS4100 Channel Block Diagram Fiber Channel Host Port 0 Fiber Channel Host Port 1 Fiber Channel Host Port 0 Secondary Controller Primary Controller 12 SATA Backend drive channels 12 SATA Backend drive channels 2 X Backend Fiber Expansion Channels . . . . . . . . 12 X SATA Drives 25 Fiber Channel Host Port 1 2 X Backend Fiber Expansion Channels . Drive MUX Cards (Only 2 shown) Configurations ESLIM 26 KOREA INC Configurations – FS4500 Configuration Host 1 Host 2 Single Controller Configuration --22Hosts Hostsconnected connectedto toone onecontroller controller --11HBA HBAinin11Host Host Host 1 Cluster Configuration nd --Add Add22ndcontroller controller for forHigh HighAvailability Availabilityand andperformance performance --22HBAs HBAsinin11Host Host 27 Host 2 Configurations – FS4100 Configuration Host 1 Host 2 Host 3 Host 4 Host 1 Host 3 Single Controller Configuration --44Hosts Hostsconnected connectedto toone onecontroller controller --11HBA HBAinin11Host Host Host 2 Host 4 Host 6 Host 7 Dual Controller Configuration nd --Add Add22ndcontroller controller --88Hosts Hostsconnected connectedto toFS4100 FS4100 --11HBAs HBAsinin11Host Host 28 Host 5 Host 8 Configurations – Daisy Chaining FS4500 to FS4100 Host 2 Host 1 FS4500 Cluster & Daisy Chaining FS4100 --High HighAvailability AvailabilityConfiguration Configuration --Up Upto to88systems systemsdaisy daisychained chained ((FS4500 FS45001set, 1set,FS4100 FS41007sets 7sets)) --Up Upto to96 96drives, drives,24TB 24TB FS4100 --22HBAs HBAsinin1Host 1Host Further expansion shelves 29 Configurations – Multi-host FS4500 to FS4100 Host 1 Host 2 Host 3 Host 4 FS4500 Multi-host Daisy Chaining --Direct Directattach attachquad quadserver serverconfiguration configuration --Up Upto to88systems systemsdaisy daisychained chained FS4100 ((FS4500 FS45001set, 1set,FS4100 FS41007sets 7sets)) --Up Upto to96 96drives, drives,24TB 24TB FS4100 --11HBAs HBAsinin11Host Host Further expansion shelves 30 Configurations – FS4500 SAN Configuration with FS4100 Expansion Host 1 Host 2 Host 3 Host 4 SAN switch FS4500 FS4100 FS4100 31 Host n Performance ESLIM 32 KOREA INC Performance – Test Configuration Altevo FS4500 Fibre Channel Storage Performance Test Configuration Windows 2003 Standard Edition Qlogic qla2340L 2Gb Single path connection Write-back cache mode Stripe Size : 128KB 250GB SATA 12 Disks : RAID5 and no-Hot-spare Test Software Windows 2003 Standard Edition Iometer-2003-05-10 version : 5 clients 33 Performance – Test Result Altevo FS4500 2Gb Performance by Iometer under NTFS Sequential Read Random Read Sequential Write Random Write 210 190 173 170 165.3 152.87 150 190.09 189.87 188.5 188.8 190.14 190.04 189.45 189.26 191.03 190.25 189.51 186.55 168.64 154.57 152.48 123.34 113.3 110 70 189.99 186.2 185.82 183.05 144.76 130 90 179.52 178.05 177.56 189.39 188.58 183.45 178.14 100.27 95.75 71.27 64.78 50 8K 16K 32K 64K Horizon : File Size ( KB ) 34 128K 256K 512K Vertical : Transmit rate ( MB/sec ) 1M 10M
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