September 2016 - Mohawk
September 2016 - Mohawk
CLUB OFFICERS PRESIDENT David Liebschutz518-439-5089 VICE PRESIDENT Howie Diamond518-441-3519 SECRETARY Janet Reilly518-446-1766 TREASURER Janice Verrastro518-674-4473 S eptember 2 0 1 6 VOL U M E 49 | N U M B E R 7 BikeAbout T H E N E W S L E T T E R O F T H E M O H AW K - H U D S O N C Y C L I N G C L U B BOARD OF DIRECTORS Dave Beals518-456-3728 Dan Craven518-461-4241 Becky Lazorchak518-899-2845 Jude Sagor518-729-3933 Skip Holmes (Ex-Officio)518-466-1182 CENTURY COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSON Jonathan Benn TOUR COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSON Howie Diamond518-441-3519 CASUAL Eric Randall518-366-5353 QUICK Bruce Curtiss518-587-4408 TOUR Henry Wilkie518-482-3902 OTHER COMMITTEES GOVERNMENT RELATIONS Vacant. Contact David to Volunteer. MAPS & REPORTS, CLUB HISTORIAN John Berninger518-439-6473 MEMBERSHIP CHAIR & RENEWALS, DATABASE MANAGER Joanne Petrozzi-Jones518-831-1707 815 Herrick Road | Delanson, NY 12053 WEBMASTER John Petiet518-438-9102 Henry Wilkie crossing the Hudson into Fort Edward on his August 13th Saturday Morning Ride. Photo by John Ceceri. President’s Letter — by David Liebschutz Friends, Two big issues for this month: the Century Weekend and the 2016 Olympics. First, the Century Weekend. As I wrote in last month’s BikeAbout, the Century Weekend is our major event of the year. It brings together many members and non-members to enjoy some of the prettiest rides in the region and helps support all of the other activities we do for the rest of the year. Jon Benn and his committee have been busy working on the logistics for the weekend, and it should once again be a wonderful event. However, we can’t have the event unless you sign up to ride or to volunteer. As of midAugust, we only had about 45 participants, which is far below what we need to make this work. So either sign up to ride or volunteer to help (and ride free!). See the form on page 7, or register online at: Second, the Rio Olympics. The most inspiring story as far as cycling goes is that of Kristin Armstrong, the 43 year old healthcare executive and mother from Boise, Idaho, who won the women’s cycling time trial. Here’s a short article from the New York Times about her inspiring story: September 2016 09.10 DEADLINE FOR RIDES & BIKEABOUT SUBMISSIONS October/November Issue 09.11-12 MHCC CENTURY WEEKEND 100, 62, 50, 25 MI Saratoga Springs, NY See ride listings for more details. 09.16-18 ADIRONDACK 540 136, 272, 408, 544 MI Wilmington, NY 09.18 FIFTH ANNUAL TOM BOEHM MEMORIAL RIDES 30-50 MI | Valatie, NY See ride listings for details. 09.25 LET IT SHINE CHARITY RIDE To benefit the Let it Shine Foundation 10 & 35 MI | Johnsonville, NY “We’ve been told we should be finished at a certain age, but there are a lot of athletes out there who are showing that’s not true,” said Armstrong, who overcame a nose bleed at the 12-kilometer mark. Armstrong completed the 29.8-kilometer (18.5-mile) course in 44 minutes 26.42 seconds, just ahead of Olga Zabelinskaya of Russia, who finished in 44:31.97. Anna van der Breggen of the Netherlands won the bronze medal. Soon after her win, Armstrong got a pat on the back from another athlete who seemed to defy age: Barry Bonds. A cycling enthusiast, Bonds posted an image from the race and wrote, ‘Congratulations Kristin Armstrong 3 time gold medalist,’ on his Instagram account. BIKEABOUT Remarkably, Armstrong almost did not make it to Rio. She came out of retirement in 2015, three years after calling it quits. Her latest gold medal was ‘the most gratifying,’ she said. ‘It was the hardest of my Olympic journeys,’ she added. EDITOR & DESIGNER John Ceceri518-583-3708 Before becoming a full-time cyclist in 2001, she was a world-class triathlete, but she left that sport because she had osteoarthritis in her hips. She said she would not try to compete at the Tokyo Games in 2020. In addition to continuing her work as the director of community health at St. Luke’s Hospital in Boise, Idaho, she will push for ‘equal pay and equal recognition’ for female cyclists, she said. ADVERTISING Robin Obrecht Krumanocker Armstrong said the reason she had returned to the Olympics one last time was simple. ‘When you’ve already been two times at the pinnacle of the sport, why risk coming back for the gold medal?’ she said. ‘The best answer I can give is that I can.’ PHOTOGRAPHER Bob Cohen518-877-5552 While very few of us have the physical or mental stamina to be an Olympic athlete, much less win a medal, Armstrong’s story should be inspiring to all of us, shouldn’t it? Looking forward to seeing many of you at the Century ride! BikeAbout Mohawk-Hudson Cycling Club PO Box 12575 Albany, NY 12212-0575 A bout the Mohawk-Hudson Cycling Club The Mohawk-Hudson Cycling Club consists of over 800 members who live and cycle in the Capital District of New York State. MHCC sponsors road rides for all levels of cyclists within an 80-mile radius of the Albany-Schenectady-Troy area. T he M HCC is a ff il iated w it h t he L eag ue of American Bicyclists and the Adventure Cycling Association. To subscribe to the mailing list, send a blank e-mail to How to Join To join t he M HCC, contact t he membership chair, Joanne Petrozzi-Jones at: 518-831-1707 | for an application or visit our website. Each person must use a separate application form to join. Membership in MHCC costs $20 per year (includes subscription to BikeAbout) and $5 per year for each additional member of the same household (does not include additional subscriptions). R enewing Your Membership A reminder to renew will be e-mailed to you prior to your membership expiration date. Mail your renewal application and check to the membership chairperson: Joanne Petrozzi-Jones | 815 Herrick Road | Delanson, NY 12053. You may renew for up to three years. You may also renew on our website. MHCC Meetings M HCC ty pically holds meetings on t he first Thursday of each month during the winter and early spring. Locations are announced in BikeAbout’s calendar of upcoming dates and on our website. Guidelines for BikeAbout Article Submissions Submissions may be sent directly to the editor, John Ceceri at: The deadline for each issue is the 10th of the month preceding the issue date. Articles are accepted in DOC, ODF, RTF, or TXT; photos are accepted in JPEG, TIFF and EPS. Contact the editor regarding other formats. All rights to material published in BikeAbout revert to the contributor following publication. To advertise in BikeAbout To advertise in the MHCC BikeAbout, contact our Advertising Director Robin Obrecht Krumanocker at Ads are accepted as PDFs, with all fonts and images embedded and converted to grayscale. Commercial advertising rates are as follows: SIZEONCE Full Page Half Page Quarter Page Eighth Page Half Page (Back Cover) Preprinted Inserts $155 $95 $52 $32 $114 $160 MULTI $131.75* $80.75* $44.20* $27.20* — — * Repeat advertisers receive a 15% discount. Personal classified advertisements for members are free, and may be sent directly to the editor at: Ads will run for one issue unless they are renewed. We reserve the right to edit ads for space. If you have a lot of parts you want to sell, please describe them as “various miscellaneous parts” or fit as much description as you can into three or four lines. A ddress List We offer our address list on mailing labels for purchase. Please contact our database manager, Jo a n ne Pet ro z z i-Jo ne s at : 518 - 831-17 0 7 | for more information. S eptember 2 016 www. 2 mohawkhudsoncyclingclub .org Let it Shine Charity Ride Classified Ads Benefitting the Gabby Rocco Let it Shine Foundation On September 25, 2016 at 10am Tomhannock Bicycles is sponsoring the 1st annual Let it Shine Charity Ride. Personal classified advertisements from members are Gabriella Sharon Rocco was just two years, two months and two days old when she passed away from Neurocutaneous Melanosis in 2008. Despite the cruel and incurable disease, Gabby always shined bright with the love and light of the Lord. Inspired by their daughter and their faith, Gabby’s parents, Pete and Joan, along with their other daughter Samantha, continue to “Let It Shine” by providing support to families grieving the loss of a child. Tim Bonnier of Tomhannock Bicycles said: “We have become close friends of the extended Rocco family and are honored to host an event for this important cause. Please join us for a scenic fall ride in the rolling hills of Rensselaer and Washington Counties.” The 35 mile course offers cyclists a beautiful rolling terrain featuring a covered bridge crossing. The 10 mile loop is great for recreational riders and families to enjoy. Both courses start and finish at Tomhannock Bicycles, 3149 State Route 7, Johnsonville, NY. You can register for either ride on or at Tomhannock Bicycles up to and including the day of the ride. The donation is $35 for adults and $10 for youth up to age 17. free, and may be sent directly to the editor. Ads run for one issue, unless they are renewed by contacting the editor. We reserve the right to edit classified’s for space. If you have a lot of parts you want to sell, please describe them as “various miscellaneous parts” or fit as much description as you can into four or five lines. Roval Rapide CLX 40 Carbon Wheelset. About 1,000 miles. Includes both Campy and Shimano freehub bodies, but no skewers. Great condition. $1,250 for the pair. Contact John at: 518.583.3708 or Welcome New Members Blatt, Michael, Albany, New York DePuy, Garth, Delmar, New York Finlayson, David, Rexford, New York Grant, Robert, Colonie, New York Harrison , Daniel, East Greenbush, New York Huckins, Michelle , Delmar, New York Jones, Mike, West Coxsackie, New York Riders packing up their bounty from the Troy Farmer’s Market on Jude Sagor’s July 30th ride. Photo by Jude Sagor. Near, Robert, Athens, New York Oudekerk, Lynne, East Greenbush, New York Saple, Avdhoot, Albany, New York Trolian, Teniell , Albany, New York Trombley, Rich, Poestenkill, New York Wrona, Dan, Albany, New York T H E MOH AW K H U D S O N C YC L I N G C L U B 3 S eptember 2 016 September 2016 MHCC R IDE CALENDAR PLEASE CHECK THE MHCC WEBSITE AND/OR FORUM TO SEE IF THERE HAVE BEEN ANY LAST MINUTE CHANGES OR CANCELLATIONS. ALSO BE SURE TO CHECK THE ONLINE CALENDAR FOR RIDES THAT MAY HAVE BEEN ADDED AFTER THIS ISSUE HAS BEEN PRINTED. T H U R S DAY, S E P T E M B E R 1, 2 016 EE 5:30PM, ROAD CASUAL (12-14 MPH/ROLLING-HILLY) 20.5 MILES – Thank Goodness It’s Not Friday # 20 – Enjoy a ride from the Maple Inn with 1,443 TGIF. Rain cancels. Food is good, so think about staying for a bite afterwords. START: Maple Inn, 141 Warners Lake Road, East Berne, NY. LEADER: Robert Tomczak: PHONE: 518-797-3651. CELL: 518-817-7545. EE 5:30PM, ROAD TOUR (15-16 MPH/ROLLING-HILLY) 30.0 MILES – Thursday Night Pizza – Rain cancels. START: Bethlehem Elm Avenue Park & Ride, Route 32 Bypass and Elm Avenue, Delmar, NY. DIRECTIONS: The park & ride is on the SW corner of the intersection. LEADER: Walter Klimek: PHONE: 518-785-9262. S AT U R DAY, S E P T E M B E R 3 , 2 016 EE 9:00AM, ROAD TOUR (15-16 MPH/ROLLING) 58.0-67.0 MILES – Saturday Morning Ride – We may go to Schenectady, Rensselaer or Washington Counties. Rain cancels. START: Saratoga Spa State Park Little Theater parking lot, Avenue of the Pines, Saratoga Springs, NY. DIRECTIONS: Northway (I-87) exit 13N, north on Route 9 for 3 miles, left on Avenue of the Pines for 0.8 miles, turn left and go straight through the intersection and the parking lot is almost immediately on your left. LEADER: Henry Wilkie: PHONE: 518-482-3902. CELL: 518-461-8701. EE 9:00AM, ROAD CASUAL (12-14 MPH/ROLLING-HILLY) 26.0 MILES – Seven Lakes Ride – This great ride was created by Janice and Joe Verrastro and takes in no less than seven lakes and a bunch of ponds to boot! We’ll take a break at the charming Young’s Pharmacy and General Store in Averil Park. NOTE FASTER PACE THAN MY USUAL RIDES. Rain cancels. START: West Sand Lake Elementary School, 24 Meeler Road, West Sand Lake, NY. DIRECTIONS: I90 to Exit 8, straight to Route 43 for 5 miles, east to village of West Sand Lake, right onto Meeler Road – just before traffic light. LEADER: Dave Render: PHONE: 518-433-8316. CELL: 518-300-9602. S U N DAY, S E P T E M B E R 4 , 2 016 EE 7:15AM, ROAD CASUAL (11-13 MPH/FLAT-ROLLING) 18.0 MILES – Sunday Morning Wake Up Ride – Mid-ride bagels and coffee rest stop. Rain cancels. START: Voorheesville Hannaford, 5 Maple Road, Voorheesville, NY. DIRECTIONS: Hannaford is on 85A in the village of Voorheesville, between the NY 155 roundabout and the railroad bridge. LEADER: Steve Redler: PHONE: 518-428-8993. EE 9:00AM, ROAD MULTI-PACE (12-14 MPH/HILLY-MOUNTAINOUS) 41.9 MILES – RN # 23 Cobleskill HS – 4,228 TGIF, extended grades of 8-10%, max grade 15%. Beautiful views of the Catskills and Helderbergs. Ride is subject to change at leader’s discretion. Rain cancels. Make sure you have the appropriate gearing for your ability. START: Cobleskill-Richmonville High School, 1353 NYS-7, Richmondville, NY. DIRECTIONS: I-90 West to I-88 West, exit 21. Turn right on Hite Road, left on NYS-7. The school will be one mile on the right. LEADER: Robert Tomczak: PHONE: 518-797-3651. CELL: 518-817-7545. T U E S DAY, S E P T E M B E R 6 , 2 016 EE 10:00AM, ROAD CASUAL (12-14 MPH/ROLLING) 20.0-25.0 MILES – Tuesday Travels – Join our club president each Tuesday in September for a ride of 20-25 miles. START: Bethlehem Elm Avenue Park & Ride, Route 32 Bypass and Elm Avenue, Delmar, NY. DIRECTIONS: The park & ride is on the SW corner of the intersection. LEADER: David Liebschutz: PHONE: 518-439-5089. CELL: 518-466-7024. EE 5:00PM, ROAD MULTI-PACE (15-16 MPH/ROLLING-HILLY) 30.0 MILES – Tuesday Rensselaer County Ride – I’ll make every effort to make sure that slower riders aren’t dropped, so please come out and join us for a fun ride. START: Algonquin Middle School, 333 NY Route 351, Averill Park, NY. DIRECTIONS: At intersection of NY Routes 351 and 66 in Poestenkill, take 43 east from Albany to 351 in West Sand Lake. LEADER: William Leahey: Cell: 518-961-6001. W E D N E S DAY, S E P T E M B E R 7, 2 016 EE 5:30PM, ROAD TOUR (15-16 MPH/ROLLING) 28.0-35.0 MILES – Wacky Wednesday – Rain cancels. START: Chango School, 100 Chango Drive, Malta, NY. DIRECTIONS: Take Northway (I-87) to Exit 11, make a left onto Round Lake Road, then a left onto Chango Drive and a left into the school parking lot. LEADER: Henry Wilkie: PHONE: 518-482-3902. CELL: 518-461-8701. EE 5:30PM, ROAD TOUR (15-16 MPH/ROLLING-HILLY) 25.0 MILES – Savile Road Wednesday Night Ride – Join us for this continuing ride series with a new route aimed at keeping us off the busier stretches around Delmar. The store will be open before and after the ride. START: Savile Road - The Tailored Bicycle, 257 Delaware Avenue, Delmar, NY. LEADER: James Bethell: Phone: 518-446-1766. Cell: 518-466-8490. T H U R S DAY, S E P T E M B E R 8 , 2 016 EE 5:30PM, ROAD TOUR (14-15 MPH/ROLLING) 25.0-30.0 MILES – Thursday Night Pizza – Rain cancels. START: Schodack Park & Ride, 1800 Route 150, Castleton, NY. DIRECTIONS: I-90 to Exit 11E, left at first traffic light, then a right into the parking lot. LEADER: Andrew Michela: PHONE: 518-573-7688. EE 5:30PM, ROAD CASUAL (12-14 MPH/HILLY) 19.9 MILES – Thank Goodness It’s Thursday # 21 Bozenkill Boomerang – Climb for 15 miles, then descend for 5 miles. First we work, then we play. 1,394 TGIF. No one will be left behind. Rain cancels. START: St. John’s Church, 140 Maple Ave, Altamont, NY. DIRECTIONS: Maple Avenue off Route 146 in Altamont. LEADER: Jude Sagor: PHONE: 518-729-3933. CELL: 518-312-3900. S AT U R DAY, S E P T E M B E R 10 , 2 016 EE 7:00AM, ROAD MULTI-PACE (N/A/ROLLING) – MHCC 2016 Century Weekend – No Fund Raising! No Grand Fondo Sticker Shock! One registration good for two days! Well supported rest stops! Catered after ride buffet! All rides depart from the Carlsbed Pavilion in Saratoga Spa State Park, Saratoga Springs, NY. Volunteer one day and ride for free the other! Registration opens at 7 AM. 100 starts at 8 AM, 100 KM at 9 AM, 50 at 10 AM and 25 at 11 AM. (Also rides within Spa State Park all day!) See registration form on page 7 or register online at: www. LEADER: Jonathan Benn: PHONE: 518-482-6648. CELL: 518-577-5943. S U N DAY, S E P T E M B E R 11 , 2 0 16 EE 7:00AM, ROAD MULTI-PACE (N/A/ROLLING) – MHCC 2016 Century Weekend – No Fund Raising! No Grand Fondo Sticker Shock! One registration good for two days! Well supported rest stops! Catered after ride buffet! All rides depart from the Carlsbed Pavilion in Saratoga Spa State Park, Saratoga Springs, NY. Volunteer one day and ride for free the other! Registration opens at 7 AM. 100 starts at 8 AM, 100 KM at 9 AM, 50 at 10 AM and 25 at 11 AM. (Also rides within Spa State Park all day!) See registration form on page 7 or register online at: www. LEADER: Jonathan Benn: PHONE: 518-482-6648. CELL: 518-577-5943. T U E S DAY, S E P T E M B E R 13 , 2 016 EE 10:00AM, ROAD CASUAL (12-14 MPH/ROLLING) 20.0-25.0 MILES – Tuesday Travels – Join our club president each Tuesday in September for a ride of 20-25 miles. START: Bethlehem Elm Avenue Park & Ride, Route 32 Bypass and Elm Avenue, Delmar, NY. DIRECTIONS: The park & ride is on the SW corner of the intersection. LEADER: David Liebschutz: PHONE: 518-439-5089. CELL: 518-466-7024. EE 5:00PM, ROAD MULTI-PACE (15-16 MPH/ROLLING-HILLY) 30.0 MILES – Tuesday Rensselaer County Ride – I’ll make every effort to make sure that slower riders aren’t dropped, so please come out and join us for a fun ride. START: Schodack Park & Ride, 1800 East Schodack Road/Route 150, Castleton-On-Hudson, NY. DIRECTIONS: I-90 to Exit 11E, left at first traffic light, then a right into the parking lot. LEADER: William Leahey: CELL: 518-961-6001. W E D N E S DAY, S E P T E M B E R 14 , 2 016 EE 5:30PM, ROAD TOUR (15-16 MPH/ROLLING) 20.0-28.0 MILES – Wacky Wednesday – Rain cancels. START: Northway Exit 8 Park & Ride, 1530 Crescent Road, Clifton Park, NY. DIRECTIONS: Take Exit 8 on the Northway, go west on Crescent Road and the Park & Ride will be on the left, immediately past the Northway. LEADER: Henry Wilkie: hjwilkie@msn. com. PHONE: 518-482-3902. CELL: 518-461-8701. S eptember 2 016 www. 4 mohawkhudsoncyclingclub .org EE 5:30PM, ROAD TOUR (15-16 MPH/ROLLING-HILLY) 25.0 MILES – Savile Road Wednesday Night Ride – Join us for this continuing ride series with a new route aimed at keeping us off the busier stretches around Delmar. The store will be open before and after the ride. START: Savile Road - The Tailored Bicycle, 257 Delaware Avenue, Delmar, NY. LEADER: James Bethell: bethell. Phone: 518-446-1766. Cell: 518-466-8490. T H U R S DAY, S E P T E M B E R 15 , 2 016 EE 5:00PM, ROAD CASUAL (12-14 MPH/ROLLING-HILLY) 20.0 MILES – TGITH #22 Feura Bush Ramble – Spin through quiet roads in Feura Bush. 1,100 TGIF. This is a no drop ride. Rain cancels. START: Bethlehem Elm Avenue Park & Ride, Route 32 Bypass and Elm Avenue, Delmar, NY. DIRECTIONS: The park & ride is on the SW corner of the intersection. LEADER: Jonathan Benn: PHONE: 518-482-6648. CELL: 518-577-5943. S AT U R DAY, S E P T E M B E R 17, 2 016 EE EE EE 7:15AM, ROAD CASUAL (11-13 MPH/FLAT-ROLLING) 18.0 MILES – Sunday Morning Wake Up Ride – Mid-ride bagels and coffee rest stop. Rain cancels. START: Voorheesville Hannaford, 5 Maple Road, Voorheesville, NY. DIRECTIONS: Hannaford is on 85A in the village of Voorheesville, between the NY 155 roundabout and the railroad bridge. LEADER: Steve Redler: steveredler@ PHONE: 518-428-8993. 9:00AM, ROAD CASUAL (11-13 MPH/FLAT-ROLLING) 30.0 MILES – The Fifth Annual Tom Boehm Memorial Ride 30 miles – Tom was an avid cyclist and MHCC club member. He and his wife Anne were literally inseparable; they were TANDEM riders! Their bike ride across America was Tom’s response to his pancreatic cancer diagnosis and served to bring awareness to this dreaded disease (see the CBS 6 newscast about their ride at: When they weren’t biking cross-country or touring Alaska, their favorite area to ride was Columbia County. Join us to celebrate Tom’s life and take a ride on a route designed by Anne herself. Rain cancels. START: OKenny’s Express Restaurant, 3321 Route 9, Valatie, NY. Please Park In The Grassy Field Next To The Restaurant. DIRECTIONS: I 90 to exit 12, south on Route 9, 2.4 mi, just south of Steiners. LEADER: Dave Render: PHONE: 518-433-8316. CELL: 518-300-9602. 9:00AM, ROAD CASUAL (11-13 MPH/FLAT-ROLLING) 40.0 MILES – The Fifth Annual Tom Boehm Memorial Ride 40 miles – Tom was an avid cyclist and MHCC club member. He and his wife Anne were literally inseparable; they were TANDEM riders! Their bike ride across America was Tom’s response to his pancreatic cancer diagnosis and served to bring awareness to this dreaded disease (see the CBS 6 newscast about their ride at: When they weren’t biking cross-country or touring Alaska, their favorite area to ride was Columbia County. Join us to celebrate Tom’s life and take a ride on a route designed by Anne herself. Rain cancels. START: OKenny’s Express Restaurant, 3321 Route 9, Valatie, NY. Please Park In The Grassy Field Next To The Restaurant. DIRECTIONS: I 90 to exit 12, south on Route 9, 2.4 mi, just south of Steiners. LEADER: Anne Boehm: PHONE: 518-674-8978. 9:00AM, ROAD TOUR (15-16 MPH/ROLLING) 50.0 MILES – The Fifth Annual Tom Boehm Memorial Ride 50 miles – Tom was an avid cyclist and MHCC club member. He and his wife Anne were literally inseparable; they were TANDEM riders! Their bike ride across America was Tom’s response to his pancreatic cancer diagnosis and served to bring awareness to this dreaded disease (see the CBS 6 newscast about their ride at: When they weren’t biking cross-country or touring Alaska, their favorite area to ride was Columbia County. Join us to celebrate Tom’s life and take a ride on a route designed by Anne herself. Rain cancels. START: OKenny’s Express Restaurant, 3321 Route 9, Valatie, NY. Please Park In The Grassy Field Next To The Restaurant. DIRECTIONS: I 90 to exit 12, south on Route 9, 2.4 mi, just south of Steiners. LEADER: Henry Wilkie: PHONE: 518-482-3902. CELL: 518-461-8701. EE 9:00AM, ROAD MULTI-PACE (12-14 MPH/HILLY) 43.0 MILES – RN # 24 Central Bridge NY – 3,588 TGIF, extended grades of 8-10%, max grade 17%. Beautiful views. Ride is subject to change at leader’s discretion. Rain cancels. Make sure you have the appropriate gearing for your ability. START: Central Bridge Community Park, 633 Route 30A Central Bridge, NY. DIRECTIONS: Take I-88 to exit 23. Head north onto 30A. Make a left, then a right to stay on 30A at NY 7. Park will be 3,500’ on the right. Park in the ball park parking area. LEADER: Robert Tomczak: PHONE: 518-797-3651. CELL: 518-817-7545. T U E S DAY, S E P T E M B E R 2 0 , 2 016 EE 10:00AM, ROAD CASUAL (12-14 MPH/ROLLING) 20.0-25.0 MILES – Tuesday Travels – Join our club president each Tuesday in September for a ride of 20-25 miles. START: Bethlehem Elm Avenue Park & Ride, Route 32 Bypass and Elm Avenue, Delmar, NY. DIRECTIONS: The park & ride is on the SW corner of the intersection. LEADER: David Liebschutz: PHONE: 518-439-5089. CELL: 518-466-7024. 5:00PM, ROAD MULTI-PACE (15-16 MPH/ROLLING-HILLY) 30.0 MILES – Tuesday Rensselaer County Ride – I’ll make every effort to make sure that slower riders aren’t dropped, so please come out and join us for a fun ride. START: Algonquin Middle School, 333 NY Route 351, Averill Park, NY. DIRECTIONS: At intersection of NY Routes 351 and 66 in Poestenkill, take 43 east from Albany to 351 in West Sand Lake. LEADER: William Leahey: CELL: 518-961-6001. 5:30PM, ROAD TOUR (15-16 MPH/ROLLING-HILLY) 25.0 MILES – Savile Road Wednesday Night Ride – Join us for this continuing ride series. The store will be open before and after the ride. START: Savile Road - The Tailored Bicycle, 257 Delaware Avenue, Delmar, NY. LEADER: James Bethell: Phone: 518-446-1766. Cell: 518-466-8490. EE Riders should arrive at least 15 minutes before the ride starting time. All riders must wear helmets. A rider will not be allowed on a ride if he/she does not follow all traffic rules and regulations. Examples are stopping at stop signs and red traffic lights, as well as riding single file when being overtaken by traffic. See below for information about ride pace groups, and ride coordinators to contact if you would like to lead a ride. Rides will be in the Following pace groups: EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE 8-11 MPH 10-12 MPH 11-13 MPH 13-14 MPH 14-15 MPH 15-16 MPH 16-17 MPH 17-18 MPH 18-20 MPH 20 + MPH Ride Coordinators: Chairperson: Howie Diamond | 518-441-3519 Casual Rides: Eric Randall | 518-366-5353 Quick Rides: Bruce Curtiss | 518-587-4408 Tour Rides: Henry Wilkie | 518-482-3902 Safety Club Member LCIs Tami Flanders Bob Fullem | Claire Nolan | Bert Schou | John Vendetti | LCIs are League Certified Instructors, certified by t he L e a g ue of A mer ic a n B ic yc l i s t s, t he are individuals interested in promoting safe and effective cycling as a means of recreation and transportation to all age levels. All LCI candidates must pass courses covering varying topics including S AT U R DAY, S E P T E M B E R 2 4 , 2 016 EE us once a year. national organization for bicycle advocacy. LCIs W E D N E S DAY, S E P T E M B E R 21, 2 016 EE Mohawk-Hudson Cycling Club, however, our have a helmet. Riders are expected and required to EE EE Everyone is welcome on rides sponsored by the insurance policy only allows non-members to join 9:00AM, ROAD TOUR (15-16 MPH/ROLLING-HILLY) 50.0 MILES – Lake Lurzene – This ride will include Sacandaga Lake and Lake Lurzene. Rain cancels. START: Skidmore College - Perimeter Road West Parking Lot, 815 North Broadway, Saratoga Springs, NY. DIRECTIONS: Exit the Northway (I-87) at Exit 15 onto NY Route 50 West for 1.2 miles. Turn right on East Avenue for 0.4 miles. Turn right on North Broadway for 0.2 miles. Turn left into Skidmore College, Perimeter Road for 0.7 miles. Parking is across from soccer field. LEADER: Henry Wilkie: PHONE: 518-482-3902. CELL: 518-461-8701. S U N DAY, S E P T E M B E R 18 , 2 016 EE Road Ride Guidelines 8:00AM, ROAD TOUR (14-15 MPH/HILLY-MOUNTAINOUS) 83.0 MILES – Hillier Than Thou – Almost 9,000’ of climbing in 83 miles, including the fine climb up to Mt. Greylock from the north side. We will stop at Williamstown to refuel and at the top of Greylock to restart our hearts. START: Algonquin Middle School, 333 NY Route 351, Averill Park, NY. DIRECTIONS: At intersection of NY Routes 351 and 66 in Poestenkill, take 43 east from Albany to 351 in West Sand Lake. LEADER: John Ball: PHONE: 518-495-2412. 9:00AM, ROAD CASUAL (12-14 MPH/FLAT-ROLLING) 31.0 MILES – Indian Ladder Ride – This is return of my annual fall ride to Indian Ladder Farm. If you stay at the back of the pack, I will treat to cider and donuts at Indian Ladder. 1,325 TGIF. There is one significant climb at the start of the ride. Please be aware of the ride pace with the minimum 12 mph pace. Faster riders are welcome. Rain cancels. START: Bethlehem Elm Avenue Park & Ride, Route 32 Bypass and Elm Avenue, Delmar, NY. DIRECTIONS: The park & ride is on the SW corner of the intersection. LEADER: Jude Sagor: PHONE: 518-729-3933. CELL: 518-312-3900. T H E MOH AW K H U D S O N C YC L I N G C L U B 5 bike fit, bike maintenance, bike handling, vehicular cycling and the rules of the road. In addition, they review and reinforcing the topics learned and how to present them to others. They are qualified to lead classes in schools and for other interested groups for both children and adults. For more information or to set up a class, contact any of the LCIs. S eptember 2 016 EE 9:00AM, ROAD CASUAL (11-13 MPH/FLAT) 30.0 MILES – Warren County Bike Paths – Glen Falls to Fort Edward, back to Lake George than to back Glen Falls. We’ll bike on the Historic Feeder Canal Bike Path to Fort Edward, return to Glens Falls, then do an additional out-and-back to Lake George. Come and enjoy this old part of the Champlain Canal. On the way we can stop at Cooper’s Cave Pub or continue to Lake George for lunch or ice cream. START: Clifton Park Fire Road Park & Ride, 21-51 Fire Road, Clifton Park, NY. DIRECTIONS: From the north take I87 to exit 9, east on 146, and make the first left onto Fire Road. From the south take I87 to exit 9 and go straight at the light onto Fire Road. Park & Ride is immediately on the left. ALTERNATE START: Warren County Bikeway, Country Club Road Parking Lot. Take I-87 to Exit 19, turn right, go three lights and turn left onto Country Club Road. The parking lot will be on the left, just past Woodvale Road. LEADER: Claire Gregoire: PHONE: 518-383-4885. CELL: 518-788-8133. EE 9:30AM, ROAD MULTI-PACE (N/A/HILLY) 45.0 MILES – Cycle the Rensselaer Plateau – We’re taking to the hills for a Hudson River Valley RAMBLE Ride! Challenging loop with visiting stops at some of the Rensselaer Plateau’s natural and historic sites: the Rensselaer Plateau Alliance’s 350 acre Community Forest in East Poestenkill, Dyken Pond Dam, Grafton Peace Pagoda, Dickinson Hill Fire Tower and Barbersville Falls. For more info on the beautiful RPA, check out their website: And for info on RAMBLE events occurring on all weekends of September, go to START: Miller Hill Elementary School, 8439 Miller Hill Road, Averill Park, NY. DIRECTIONS: NY 66 east of Troy on the right, just before the light at intersection of NY 43 in Sand Lake. LEADER: Sharon Gibbs: PHONE: 518-283-0155. CELL: 518-928-8877. S U N DAY, S E P T E M B E R 2 5 , 2 016 EE 7:15AM, ROAD CASUAL (11-13 MPH/FLAT-ROLLING) 18.0 MILES – Sunday Morning Wake Up Ride – Mid-ride bagels and coffee rest stop. Rain cancels. START: Voorheesville Hannaford, 5 Maple Road, Voorheesville, NY. DIRECTIONS: Hannaford is on 85A in the village of Voorheesville, between the NY 155 roundabout and the railroad bridge. LEADER: Steve Redler: PHONE: 518-428-8993. EE 9:30AM, ROAD MULTI-PACE (11-13 MPH/HILLY-MOUNTAINOUS) 47.6 MILES – RN # 25 Oak/Wind/Hunt – 4,583 TGIF, extended grades of 8-10%, max grade 12 %. Beautiful views of the Catskills. Ride is subject to change at leader’s discretion. Rain cancels. Make sure you have the appropriate gearing for your ability. The Wayside Inn has burned down, but we ‘ll continue to park across the road. START: Wayside Inn, 7444 Route 81, East Durham, NY. DIRECTIONS: Take NY 32 south from Albany for 23 miles to Greenville. Make a right onto NY 81. Go 6.5 miles and the Inn will be on the right. LEADER: Robert Tomczak (link sends e-mail) Home Number: 518-797-3651, Cell Number: 518-817-7545 T U E S DAY, S E P T E M B E R 2 7, 2 016 EE 10:00AM, ROAD CASUAL (12-14 MPH/ROLLING) 20.0-25.0 MILES – Tuesday Travels – Join our club president each Tuesday in September for a ride of 20-25 miles. START: Bethlehem Elm Avenue Park & Ride, Route 32 Bypass and Elm Avenue, Delmar, NY. DIRECTIONS: The park & ride is on the SW corner of the intersection. LEADER: David Liebschutz: PHONE: 518-439-5089. CELL: 518-466-7024. EE 5:00PM, ROAD MULTI-PACE (15-16 MPH/ROLLING-HILLY) 30.0 MILES – Tuesday Rensselaer County Ride – I’ll make every effort to make sure that slower riders aren’t dropped, so please come out and join us for a fun ride. START: Schodack Park & Ride, 1800 Route 150, Castleton-On-Hudson, NY. DIRECTIONS: I-90 to Exit 11E, left at first traffic light, then a right into the parking lot. LEADER: William Leahey: CELL: 518-961-6001. W E D N E S DAY, S E P T E M B E R 2 8 , 2 016 EE 5:30PM, ROAD TOUR (15-16 MPH/ROLLING) 20.0-24.0 MILES – Wacky Wednesday – (Last Wacky of 2016!) — Healthy eating and healthy drinking at Pancho (beer, margarita, Tequila), after the ride. Rain cancels the ride, but not the healthy eating or drinking... START: Northway Exit 8 Park & Ride, 1530 Crescent Road, Clifton Park, NY. DIRECTIONS: Take Exit 8 on the Northway, go west on Crescent Road and the Park & Ride will be on the left, immediately past the Northway. LEADER: Henry Wilkie: PHONE: 518-482-3902. CELL: 518-461-8701. EE 5:30PM, ROAD TOUR (15-16 MPH/ROLLING-HILLY) 25.0 MILES – Savile Road Wednesday Night Ride – Join us for this continuing ride series with a new route aimed at keeping us off the busier stretches around Delmar. The store will be open before and after the ride. START: Savile Road - The Tailored Bicycle, 257 Delaware Avenue, Delmar, NY. LEADER: James Bethell: Phone: 518-446-1766. Cell: 518-466-8490. S eptember 2 016 www. 6 mohawkhudsoncyclingclub .org 2016 MHCC CENTURY WEEKEND ADVANCE MAIL-IN REGISTRATION SEPTEMBER 10-11, 2016 AT SARATOGA SPA STATE PARK DEADLINE: To register in advance by mail, this form must be postmarked by September 3rd, 2016 and must be accompanied by your check made payable to: Mohawk Hudson Cycling Club. Day of event registration is $10 more! Online registration is available until September 6th at: MAIL TO: Steve Segore 72 Phillip Street Albany, NY 12202 Contact Century Chair Jon Benn with questions at: Contact Jude Sagor to volunteer at: ~ eACH rIDer mUSt COmpLete A SepArAte FOrm. HOWeVer, YOU mAY pAY FOr mULtIpLe reGIStrAtIONS WItH ONe CHeCK. ~ pLeASe prINt LeGIbLY Or FILL OUt IN ADObe ACrObAt LAST NAME: HOME PHONE: FIRST NAME: CELL PHONE (DAY OF RIDE): ADDRESS 1: EMERGENCY CONTACT: ADDRESS 2: EMERGENCY PHONE: CITY: LICENSE PLATE # (IF DRIVING TO PARK): STATE: ZIP: E-MAIL (TO RECEIVE CENTURY UPDATES): REGISTRATION FEE (CHECK ONE): CHECK RIDING DAY & DISTANCE: MHCC MEMBER: $35 ($45 DAY OF EVENT) SATURDAY 25 MILES MINOR 12-17 W/REGISTERED PARENT/GUARDIAN: $10 SUNDAY 50 MILES MINOR UNDER 12 W/REGISTERED PARENT/GUARDIAN: FREE BOTH 100 KM/62 MILES NON-MEMBER: $45 ($55 DAY OF EVENT) COMMENTS: 100 MILES HELMETS ARE REQUIRED FOR ALL PARTICIPANTS. FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT MHCC VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT: WWW.MOHAWKHUDSONCYCLINGCLUB.ORG. ONLINE REGISTRATION IS AVAILABLE AT: WWW.BIKEREG.COM/MHCCCENTURYWEEKEND. T H E MOH AW K H U D S O N C YC L I N G C L U B 7 S eptember 2 016 MOHAWK HUDSON CYCLING CLUB PO BOX 12575 • ALBANY, NY 12212-0575 September 2016 Q UO T E OF T HE MON T H “I hurt so bad out there today and when my coach keeps on telling me to go deeper and deeper, I have to keep on telling myself that I can go deeper and that this is a result I have to live with.” —— Kristin Armstrong after winning her third consecutive gold medal at the Rio Olympics. MOHAWK HUDSON CYCLING CLUB preSeNtS SARATOGA CENTURY WEEKEND SEPTEMBER 10-11, 2016 AT SARATOGA SPA STATE PARK 2 0 16 CENTURY WEEKEND ALL SKILL LEVELS: 25 • 50 • 62 • 100 SCENIC WELL-MARKED ROUTES NO FUND R AISING R EST AREAS AND SAG SUPPORT NO GRAN FONDO STICKER SHOCK POST-RIDE LUNCH INCLUDED WITH REGISTRATION NON-MEMBERS WELCOME R IDE SATURDAY, SUNDAY OR BOTH DAYS FOR ONE LOW PRICE! FOR MORE INFORMATION AND TO DOWNLAOD A PAPER REGISTRATION FORM, VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT: WWW.MOHAWKHUDSONCYCLINGCLUB.ORG. FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION, CONTACT 2016 CENTURY WEEKEND CHAIR, JON BENN, AT: ALBANYBENN@AOL.COM. ONLINE REGISTRATION IS AVAILABLE AT: WWW.BIKEREG.COM/MHCCCENTURYWEEKEND. S eptember 2 016 www. 8 mohawkhudsoncyclingclub .org