R M R P C A 4 6 4 6 A Y W A 12 - Rocky Mountain Region Porsche
R M R P C A 4 6 4 6 A Y W A 12 - Rocky Mountain Region Porsche
D DE EC CE EM MB BE ER R V VO OL LU UM ME E T TH HE E W WA AT TC CH H O OU UT T F FO OR R R R O O C C K K Y Y M M T TH HE E P PU UB BL LI IC CA AT TI IO ON N 4 46 6 F FO OR R • • N NU UM MB BE ER R P PO OR RS SC CH HE E 2 20 00 04 4 T TW WE EL LV VE E C CL LU UB B E EN NT TH HU US SI IA AS ST TS S P PO OR RS SC CH HE E P PO OL LI IC CE E - P PA AG GE E 1 12 2 O O U U N N T TA A I I N N 4 46 6 R R E E G G I I O O N N T T H H A A P P O O R R S S C C H H E E N N N N I I V V E E R R S S A A R R Y Y Y Y C C L L U U B B E E A A R R O O F F A A M M E E R R I I C C A A 2 December 2004 l RMR Porsche P PRESIDENT RESIDENT’ ’S S M MESSAGE ESSAGE This is my last article as your President go out Friday afternoon and see if they participants got the truck going, loaded it will take over after the swearing-in cere- cones. was done. and it has been a great year. Andy Forberg mony at the Annual Meeting – Holiday Party and will do a great job. Andy has been on the Board for several years and has the experience and enthusiasm to keep this fine organization progressing in a posi- tive direction. could get it started and load the additional It was a big job. Alan and Dotty got it done and took the truck and packed contents to their house Friday night. much relieved. I was On Saturday I showed up at 2:30 PM at Bandimere and Graeme, Alan, Aaron Jacks and George Peabody wizardry to see what the best solution for the truck will be. Thank you to everyone who worked so hard to create a fun day for everyone. That is what Rocky Mountain Region is all about. We have the greatest can’t accomplish. never been associated with such willing Cross was a perfect example. Alan took the truck to his house and is using his technical and mechanical members and together there is nothing we We are a volunteer organization and I have and hard working volunteers. up and what could have been a big task The Trick or I will stay on the Board as Past President Because of until Andy ends his term. This year’s health reasons our scheduled event chairs Board has been a delight to work with and set up the course and organize the final Every one of you has done a superb job assistance was sent out and Graeme each of you and your fine efforts. were not available to shoulder the load to details of the event. has worked very hard making my job easy. A timely request for with your respective positions. Weston-Lewis answered the call as he fre- quently does. Graeme agreed to be in I hope to see you at the Holiday Party. charge with the reasonable request that we Marilyn Laverty and Robert Birney have get the equipment truck and cones to Bandimere on Saturday so he could set the course. The truck was the problem and I was worried. We are studying whether to overhaul the truck or get a new one. It has issues and I wasn’t sure we could get it started. I had visions of loading its con- tents into a convoy of pick-ups and SUV’s so the show could go on. Without solicita- tion Alan and Dotty Fritze volunteered to I appreciate worked very hard to plan a fun night where had the job done. Andy Forberg and I we can all celebrate a great Club with awesome members. Thank you for your sup- chatted a bit and had a beverage of our port and tolerance over the last year. work. Jim Everson choice and thanked them for their hard Sunday everything ran smoothly. Dotty did a great job with the costume contest and there were some really clever cos- tumes for cars and drivers. RMR President But best of all at the end of the day, without even asking, Photo: Walt Is a Flag Waving... Scott Bietenforf 3 December 2004 l RMR Porsche I IN NS SI ID DE E President’s Message T TH HI IS S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .page 2 I IS SS SU UE E B BO OA AR RD D Event Chair Meeting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .page 8 O OF F D DI IR RE EC CT TO OR RS S President Secretary Jim Everson Membership Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .page 4 Motorhead U Membership Meeting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .page 4 Tech Session . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .page 9 Event Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .page 5 Trick or Cross - The Aftermath . . . . . . . .page 12 Eiskhana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .page 6 October Dinner Tour . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .page 14 RMR Holiday Party . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .page 7 Need for Speed Snowmobile tour . . . . . .page 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .page 9 nd More 2 Creek Pictures . . . . . . . . . . . . .page 16 Member Ads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .page 18 David Speights jeverson@messner- dave reeves.com @countrysidevet.com (H) 303-779-4211 (H) 970-225-2201 (W) 303-605-1563 Membership Tamela Cash First Vice President Andy Forberg tcash@healthaxis.com daforberg@msn.com (H) 303-554-7464 (H) 303-399-3357 Newsletter Rex Heck Second Vice President Susan Bucknam RMR.Newsletter portia@ipa.net @WeBeGone.com (H) 303-237-3140 Porsche Parade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .page 8 (H) 303-841-8124 Treasurer 2 OM MM MI IT TT TE EE ES S 20 00 04 4 C CO Cover Photo: Rex Heck. Stan Paproki’s best dressed car at the annual Trick or Cross. Challenge Series Greg Curtiss (H) 303-699-9360 Colorado Motorsports Council Representative Jerry Schouten N NE EW WS SL LE ET TT TE ER R O ON N T TH HE E W WE EB B To see the RMR Newsletter on the Web go to www.pca.org/rmr and click on the Newsletter button. A AD DV VE ER RT TI IS SI IN NG G I IN NF FO OR RM MA AT TI IO ON N Commercial Advertising Rates Full page: Monthly placement in 12 issues $158.00/month, $474.00/quarter 1/2 page: 1/4 page: Monthly placement in 12 issues $85.00/month, $255.00/quarter Monthly placement in 12 issues $48.00/month, $144.00/quarter Bus. Card:Monthly placement in 12 issues $25.00/month, $75.00/quarter 10% discount for annual contracts paid in advance. E-mail Michael Elliott at porsche911sc_targa@msn.com for information. Member Ads Advertising is free for RMR/PCA members. Ads must be all text and less than 150 words. Deadline for classified ad submission is the 10th. Ads run for two months. Send your ad to rmr.newsletter@WeBeGone.com. (H) 303-777-3942 (W) 303-762-8806 Door Prizes Bob Sutherland (H) 303-795-0471 Jerry Medina 303-795-1651 Roger Sass 303-471-4650 Equipment Dave Bucknam (H) 303-237-3140 Historian Kathy Fricke (H) 303-499-6540 Instructors David Rossiter (H) 303-333-4223 Publicity/PR Dave Bucknam (H) 303-237-3140 Safety Craig Lord (H) 303-494-2171 Past President George Peabody Marv Ross gpeabody@nalco.com Tech Inspection marvin.ross@prodigy.net (H) 303-978-1129 (H) 303-543-0911 Dave Banazek (W) 303-296-1188 Timing Norma Nada (H) 303-699-9360 (Fax) 303-699-9358 Club Race Liaison Vicki Earnshaw (H) 720-981-5281 Western Slope Coordinator Allen Johnsen (H) 970-245-8685 Webmeister Andy Labout rsneunelf@attbi.com (H) 303-470-8192 Programs Rick Goncalves (H) 303-697-1960 Second Creek Rep. Chick Misura (H) 303-530-0911 (W) 303-776-0674 Zone 9 Representative Kathy Fricke (H) 303-499-6540 R RM MR R R RE ES SO OU UR RC CE ES S These members may be contacted for information regarding the maintenance and modification of your Porsche. They are specialists with detailed information about specific Porsche cars. 356 Tom Scott 303-671-9060 911 924 Dan Semborski 303-420-2708 928 Alan Fritze Mike Hemingway afritze22@yahoo.com mikeandgennie@ 303-697-8101 & John Haley 303-798-2177 targa72e@att.net 912 Dan Rose 303-979-4882 qwest.net 944 Richard Winnick 303-429-5213rewinnick@CS.com 303-666-9353 Boxster 914 Weston-Lewis 303-670-1279 gwl@rmsolo.org Dale Tuety d2t@aol.com Graeme 970-622-9972 4 December 2004 l RMR Porsche M MEMBERSHIP EMBERSHIP M MESSAGES ESSAGES Welcome to new and returning members! You should be receiving your renewal notices this month – if you don’t receive one or if you would like an email version, please contact me. Please fill out the forms completely even if you have no changes – this is my way of verifying our database and especially updating email addresses for RMR notices and reminders. or suggestions. Feel free to call me at (303)554-7464 or email tcash@healthaxis.com with any questions, problems, Tamela N NE EW W M ME EM MB BE ER RS S Scott Bietendorf & Vickie William & Dustin Carignan Bill & Mary Jones 16150 Geneva Ct Golden, CO Golden, CO Foster Brighton, CO 80602 H – (720)685-8005 W – (303)915-2975 nobonze@comcast.net 1977 911S green Paul Canizaro PO Box 3258 Nederland, CO 1930 Zang St 80401 H – (303)233-2720 will3154@comcast.net 1987 911 blue, 1963 356B red, 1985 944 green H – (303)258-3006 paul@lostsquadron.com 1987 911 Targa black Bob & Susan Wientzen H – (303)216-9041 Boulder, CO 80401 W – (303)277-1542 codimfg@qwest.net 1982 911SC Targa Matthew & Benjamin Fuller Gregg & Katie Phillips Golden, CO Westminster, CO 25974 Gateway Dr 80466 2335 Creighton Dr 80401 H – (303)526-5178 fullerfamily@wispertel.net 1990 993 C2 Cabriolet blue 6494 W 98th Dr 4614 Tally Ho Trail H – (303)494-5433 W – (303)661-4993 bobwientzen1@comcast.net 1985 Carrera blue 80021 H – (303)426-6689 W – (303)497-7685 gmhp@earthlink.net 1991 911 C4 Cab white M MEMBERSHIP EMBERSHIP M MEETING EETING Thursday, January 6 6:30 PM at 3R Automotive The January membership meeting will be held again at the spectacular shop of 3R Sandwiches, beer and pop will be served, door prizes will be given out, and a short membership meeting will be held just prior to 3R's program. To get to 3R Automotive, turn south from Hampden Ave. onto Inca, which flows into Automotive, located at 3701 South Jason, turn right (west) at Kenyon, then go be some of the vintage Porsches, and some on the corner of Kalamath and Kenyon. Kalamath in Englewood. On display will of the cars of the 3R Racing Team. 80301 one block to Kalamath. The shop is located 5 December 2004 l RMR Porsche E EVENT VENT C CALENDAR ALENDAR P PC CA A A AN NN NI IV VE ER RS SA AR RI IE ES S December 2004 10 years Harry & Cris Mathews Saturday Art & Sue Rancis Ric & Harold Tan Saturday 12/4 12/11 John & Marcia Crump AMR Holiday Party RMR Holiday Party Adele Arakawa & Barry Tiller January 2005 Monday Thursday Saturday Saturday Saturday Sunday Monday 1/3 1/6 1/8 1/15 1/22 1/23 1/31 RMR Board Meeting RMR Membership Meeting (3-R) Event Chair Meeting Tech Session Motorhead U. Eiskhana RMR Board Meeting 2/12-13 Saturday 2/19 Dinner & a Movie Monday 2/28 RMR Board Meeting Sunday 2/20 Swap Meet For the most up to date event schedule, check out our online calendar at www.pca.org/rmr or www.pca.org/alp for AMR events. Bobby Valentine 1 year Carl & Martha Cowley Jack & Margaret Fox Gregory Conley Dennis & Jessica Iler Robert Josephson Rich & Melinda Olsen William Redding & Shawn Hiembach Britt Terry 2 years AMR Snowmobile Tour Mark Thurber Michael & Ryan Brendle Michael & Carol Weichel February 2005 Sat/Sun 5 years Matthew & Karen Mitchell Grant Bayless Charlie & Scott Beville John & Sarah Kurts Scott Mercer Mary & John Mezger Randy & Patricia Mosele Peter Obuhanick Lance Rader Rick & Daphyne Reiff John Strom John Tarr Lars Waldner Jim Holmes & Peggy Clark Mitchell Wicks Joseph Garbee * due to space constraints we Garehime saries - 1 year, 2 year and 5 George Dikeou Donavan & Dr William Joe Sterrett & Kathleen Logan are unable to list all anniveryear increments are listed. 6 December 2004 l RMR Porsche Photo: S SN NO OW W' 'S S Graeme Weston-Lewis F FA AL LL LI IN NG G, , The wintertime test of driver and car takes dotted ice. Georgetown, Georgetown, CO. everyone is wel- place on Sunday, January 23, 2005 on Lake This clas- I IS S C CO OM MI IN NG G Afterwards, in Idaho Springs for your Porsche or your other marquee if for timed results, So come on out and see if you've got what it takes to master course, snow, ice and what- ever else mother nature throws at us. awards and of course, food and drink. We'll gather at the Georgetown Inn starting Rumor is that guidelines. Ice racing event at 8am for breakfast, registration and event At 10am, we will head out to E EI IS SK KH HA AN NA A the course for several runs around the cone since our annual is being held Photo: two weeks earlier than last year, the ice will be a smooth as a baby's bottom, slicker too. (That's what I was told). So, sharpen those ice studs and plan on showing what driver and car can do. Last year featured some outstanding displays of drifting and sliding by club members, friends from the Audi Quattro club and other winter frictionless fans. We even witnessed the first ever "Self-timed Run" by our own timing vehicle piloted by Dave Bucknam in his VW Photo: Graeme Weston-Lewis come to join us sic venue will feature an autocross course your baby is put away for the winter! Photo: Graeme Weston-Lewis Vanagon . 4WD Incredible! Graeme Weston-Lewis Photos from last year's event can be found, courtesy of Graeme Weston-Lewis at, http://gwl.rmsolo.org/EIS-04/index.html So, for $20 per driver, it's cheaper than a lift ticket or a speeding ticket and guaranteed to help develop your winter driving skills while getting pointers and technique tips from fellow members. it's safer too? Did I mention Registration will be at the event only and is brought to you by those fabulous, furry Grant brothers: Grant Remington (orcadig- ital@ yahoo.com) and Grant Bayless (gjb81612@yahoo.com) . Email us for event questions or if you are stumped about which vehicle to bring. More to fol- low in the next newsletter, mark your cal- endars now. 7 December 2004 l RMR Porsche Photo: Graeme Weston-Lewis Photo: Graeme Weston-Lewis Remembering the fun from last year. Would like to see you there this year! Photo: Graeme Weston-Lewis 8 December 2004 l RMR Porsche E EV VE EN NT T C CH HA AI IR R A AM MR R N NE EE ED D F FO OR R S SP PE EE ED D S SN NO OW WM MO OB BI IL LE E T TO OU UR R Chris Lennon, Event Chair That can only mean one thing for AMR and RMR members. It’s time for our annual winter extravagan- za – the Need for Speed Snowmobile Tour. This year, we’ll be holding the event on th Saturday, February 12 , 2005. This should be right in the heart of the good facilities. Get details at I can’t believe another year has come and www.monarchmountainlodge.com. We are limited to 25 snowmobiles, so if you’d like to join us, register as soon as possible to guarantee your spot. th Saturday, February 12 , 2005 When: Where: our tour won’t begin until early afternoon. Many of you who have joined us on past snowmobile tours have asked if we’d offer an overnight option so that you can better enjoy the tour without having to worry about driving home thought that was a great idea, and have arranged discounted rooms at the Monarch Mountain Lodge, right across the street from the tour base. Monarch Mountain Lodge has a restaurant, where we’ll be getting together for dinner following the tour. more for a passenger Lodging Option: $74 for a room the night th of February 12 at Monarch Mountain Lodge They also have an chairing or co-chairing an event. Chairing an event is a great opportunity to give a lit- more of Porsche Pals for a day or weekend! This job may sound more intimidating than it really is. Many volunteers through the years have worked hard setting the mold and creating templates which make the task easier than you may imagine. How To Register: Call 1-800-5392573, tell them you’re with the Porsche Club group on February th 12 , and give them your # of We Rocky Mountain Region is seeking members to help put on these events by be responsible for the happiness of 100 or How Much: $105 per driver, only $30 Colorado Springs and Denver areas, and endar of exciting Porsche events is brew- be recognized for an excellent event and to foot – Monarch Pass! Monarch is a nice drive from both the A new year is starting, and a whole new cal- tle back to your fellow club members, to Monarch Pass What: Three hour snowmobile tour typically measures their snowfalls by the gone but 2005 is just around the corner! ing. snow season, and we’ve picked a site that that night. M ME EE ET TI IN NG G indoor pool, sauna, game room, and other Another season of Porsche-friendly weather is winding down. I IN NF FO OR RM MA AT TI IO ON N drivers, passengers, and whether you’d like the overnight lodging option. Note – You can only get this $74 rate through Monarch Tours, who are hosting this event. Please don’t call Monarch Mountain Lodge directly. If you would also let me know that you’ve made arrangements, I’d appreciate it (cjlennon@adelphia.net or 719-487-2842). This year our goal is to match an experi- enced event chairperson with a new chairperson for each event to ease the load on all and bring some new perspectives and ideas to club events. There are still several events in need of a leader so please call or email Dave Speights [(970) 988-7258 or dave@countrysidevet.com], Susan Bucknam, Andy Forberg or any other Board member if you would like to help. There will be a meeting Saturday, January 8, from 10:00 AM to noon to explain all of the duties and responsibilities of an event chair. The meeting will be at the Denver Fire Department Federal Credit Union, 2 20 00 05 5 P PO OR RS SC CH HE E P PA AR RA AD DE E The annual Porsche Parade, a celebration admittance will be given to Parade goers. ing in Hershey, PA for the 50th anniversary More information about this spectacular filled Parade will be held from June 25 to 2004 issue of Panorama or at the Parade gathering of Porsche lovers, will be meetof the Parade. July 2, 2005. The week-long activity Mark your calendars now for Parade can be found in the November, website, http://www.pca.org/parade/2005/. this spectacular event. Registrations need to be submitted/post- There’s been rumors that there could be a Parade article of this November issue. drivers education event held on July 2-3, 2005 at Watkins Glen and preferential marked on the date mentioned in the Don’t be late as the Parade committee is expecting a sell-out of this event. 2201 Federal Blvd, Denver. If you are going to chair an event, or think we might be able to talk you into it, be sure to attend. Give Dave a call or send him an email so he will know to expect you. 9 December 2004 l RMR Porsche Don’t miss this year’s edition of… M Mo ot to or rh he ea ad d U U David Rossiter We are structuring this program with ample MOTORHEAD U is Rocky Mountain Region’s winter seminar about Porsches and how to drive them, how to prepare the cars and how to prepare yourself. It is a popular event, drawing both beginning and experienced drivers for interesting presen- tations and a healthy dose of bench racing. This year’s edition of MOTORHEAD U will have two concurrent sessions, one for those who are new to PCA driving events and one for intermediate and advanced drivers. The Basic Program: time for questions and answers to better most bang for your buck. Tools To Diagnose Your Car’s Behavior: assist first or second time participants. If How to make a systematic diagnosis of the would like to see addressed in the main ance information so that you can make you have any questions or topics that you body of the presentations, please email them to gregj911@yahoo.com. The Intermediate/Advanced Program: This program is for those who have at least a year or two of high performance driving experience. It will address important top- ics that cannot be covered very well during autocrosses and driver education events. car’s behavior, collecting specific performinformed decisions. Car Tuning: Best bets for setting up your 911, 944, 914, or Boxster. Trail braking: What it is and when to use it. Learn why it may not be as implausible as it sounds. PCA Club Racing: What’s cookin’, how to This program is an introduction to the Intermediate/Advanced Program topics are control as taught in PCA Driver Education in the January newsletter and on the RMR Faster Lap Times — Where Seconds are topics, along with some of the best topics points, entry speed, world of high performance driving and car events. We will be discussing the how’s and why’s of preparing yourself for a DE, what you will need to bring trackside with you, and basic car preparation. Another portion of the program will be dedicated to both corner working and driving skills. You will learn communication flags and what they mean, the types of corners that we will encounter at the track, and how to drive them correctly. A glos- sary of terms used will also be provided to minimize overload on your first or second time at an event. The program will conclude with a talk on car preparation beyond the basic safety issues of arriving with a track worthy car, currently being selected and will be listed website. We plan to present a mix of new from previous years, such as: The Mental Side of High Performance Driving: How mental processes help and hinder driving performance, and key skills that you can build to get the Big Muscle working for you. The Friction Circle: Mark Donohue’s simple and powerful model that can help you evaluate and improve your driving. Heel & Toe Gear Changing: If you cannot perform this basic maneuver, it’s time to learn! Gained and Lost: Analyzing braking cornering speed and exit speed and their effect on lap times. Tire Report: The newest, best, and fastest recurring expenses for your Porsche. If you have program suggestions or requests, please email them to david@rossitertraining.com. MOTORHEAD U will take place at the th Doubletree Hotel, 88 Ave. and Yates Street in Westminster, on Saturday, January 22, 2005. The program will begin at 8.30 a.m. and conclude by mid-afternoon. The hotel will offer a special buffet lunch for and delve into the modest adjustments and Planning Performance Upgrades: There are fun and responsive during DE’s. formance of your Porsche. equipment that can make any Porsche more get started, and tips on car preparation. PCA members for $10. many, many options for upgrading the perHow to get the T TE EC CH H S SE ES SS SI IO ON N Eurosport Automotive again invites us for and Dave assures me that even the most right (east) on 52nd. Turn left on Marshall technically challenged will not be in over (appropriate, don't you think?) and go past time, Dave will cover yearly vehicle tune January 15 from Eurosport Automotive is on the left, just decided later. This session is for anyone Lamar in Arvada. From I-70 take another of Dave Marshall's continuing sessions on Porsche Maintenance 101. This up & maintenance and other topics to be interested knowing more about their car their heads. The event will be Saturday, 9:00 AM to around noon. Eurosport Automotive is located at 5615 Wadsworth north to 52nd Avenue. Turn where it jogs and becomes Lamar. before you go over a bridge. The phone number is 303-423-3715. See you all there! 10 December 2004 l RMR Porsche December 2004 l RMR Porsche 11 12 December 2004 l RMR Porsche T TR RI IC CK K Class Graeme Weston-Lewis It was a foggy, cold, and altogether fore- boding morning. The doomed gathered for a last wander around the decked out cars and ogled those really odd looking driving suits. Welcome to the umpteenth annual Trick or Cross Autocross! Sixty-some hearty (foolhardy perhaps?) souls turned up for the event and were delighted to learn that there were 2 courses 1m 2m 3m 4w 7m to run on and they would get in 6 runs during the day. Costume contests were held at the beginning; everything from the laundry 8m ing around the parking area to the Royal 8w Course maps were handed out, the secret 9m maps to the twisted mazes laid out by King Henry and one of his wives taking the stroll. The weather brightened and the day turned into as lovely a Halloween as we’ve seen although as participants went through their paces screams and tire screeches and I’m sure some naughty words were heard. Total Time 1966 912 1.7 white 145.338 Best Time North 66.353 South 78.985 1965 346C 1.7 green 147.855 69.522 78.333 177 Ron Maxwell 1973 914 2.0 orange 137.376 63.272 74.104 185 924 Phil O’Brien Jim Fry 1985 944 2.5 silver 1988 924S 2.5 white 146.714 154.634 68.640 67.062 78.074 87.572 9 Dave Bucknam 1971 911T 2.2 red 191.851 81.217 110.634 9X Susan Bucknam 1971 911T 2.2 red 138.449 63.970 74.479 21 114 719 529 Dwight Ingram George Whitney Michael Quigley Craig Crease 1977 911 3.0 orange 134.342 1980 911SC green 146.095 1975 911 3.0 black 130.301 1978 911 3.2 Gray 132.039 62.136 67.423 60.146 61.594 72.206 78.672 70.155 70.445 968 George Peabody Andy Forberg 1989 911 3.2 red 133.813 60.640 73.173 89X Peggy Englert 1989 911 3.2 red 149.136 68.965 80.171 195 17 1992 968 3.0 blue 148.269 G. Weston-Lewis 2001 Boxster S 3.2 Greg Curtiss 9w 190 10m 131.534 2001 Boxster 3.0 132.887 59.816 61.217 79.860 71.718 71.670 62.363 74.566 K, Weston-Lewis 2001 BoxsterS 3.2 194.478 98.162 96.316 40 Jim Everson 136.284 62.464 73.820 13m 134 Jeff Mitchell Grant Bayless 1996 993TT 3.6 red DNS DNS DNS 15m 22 Alan Fritze 1970 911S 2.9 green 130.662 60.493 70.169 16m 189 94 96 113 Mike Ferguson Rex Heck Art Rancis 1989 944 2.5 silver 68.409 136.929 1998 C4S 3.6 silver 1979 911SC 3.0 gold 1974 914 2.7 white 137.266 143.946 1972 911 2.7 ruby 1987 911 Carrera 3.2 151.415 158.243 62.892 67.083 71.951 78.374 74.374 76.863 79.464 79.869 193 Skip Sauls 1996 993 3.8 yellow DNS DNS DNS 16w 96X Pat Newman 1972 911 2.7 ruby 162.777 72.953 89.824 s1w 666 Ariel Cash 1988 924S black DNF DNF 85.051 280 650 28 737 280X A Woody! Bud Raabe Car Type Lee Sammons Michael Martin s2m Photo: Name 744 Graeme and Alan, and folks had a wander around both. We even caught a glimpse of 183 Driver C CR RO OS SS S 2 20 00 04 4 199 89 machines and baskets of clothing wanderPorsche Police car and officer. Car Num O OR R Graeme Weston-Lewis Joseph Garbee Jim Thorburn Bob Speights Scott Rogers Chris Garbee 1982 911SC 3.0 red 146.872 911 red 1978 911SC 3.0 red 147.962 1981 911SC 3.0 silver 1982 911SC 3.0 red 156.751 DNF DNS 68.006 71.735 76.450 73.818 DNS 78.866 76.227 80.301 DNF DNS Photo: Rex Heck The Pres and Future Pres Ask for Devine Guidance 13 December 2004 l RMR Porsche THE AFTERMATH Class s2w s3m Car Driver Num 45 45X Car Name Total Type Tamela Cash Tai Cash Time 1981 911SC 3.0 white 1981 911SC 3.0 ivory 147.292 152.354 Best Time North 69.469 72.464 911 red 163.021 77.942 85.079 281 Aaron Jacks 2004 Boxster S 3.2 132.906 62.056 70.850 896X Chris Lennon 1992 968 Cabriolet 3.0 Evan Wright 1992 968 Cabriolet 3.0 James McDonald 1998 Boxster 2.5 red 145.602 148.738 149.365 68.680 71.852 69.585 153.417 79.290 74.127 s5m 305 Ken Lopata 2001 996C2 3.4 red 142.228 67.722 74.506 unk 1053 Lars Waldner 1978 911 green 140.921 64.745 76.176 1057 261 1051 335 870 1058 1050 1052 335X 1987 911 145.495 Louise Hurlbut 911SC black 148.966 69.798 79.168 Rob Shilling 1988 951 2.5 151.737 70.189 81.548 Geoff Shilling Arthur Dichard Roy Lange Greg Grossman Stan Paproki Ed Miller A. J. Dichard 487 Jerry Medina 792 Michael Steiger 150 792X exh Chris Fry 25 1056 R. Denbleyker Julie Steiger Mark Franklin Ross Franklin Matt Craft George Craft Male: 1987 924S 2.5 red 150.668 1995 C4 1987 911 3.2 black 944 gold 154.137 157.802 160.654 1978 911SC 3.0 brown 167.092 1995 C4 173.744 1997 993 C4s 3.6 silver 171.516 1988 951 2.5 white 2001 Boxster 2.7 red 2001 Boxster 2.7 red Mazda DNF DNF DNS DNS 135.914 Miata 1989 Toyota 1.8 gray 1989 Toyota 1.8 gray 162.234 DNS DNS 68.179 68.709 71.395 73.198 73.487 76.569 79.723 74.393 77.106 85.356 DNF DNS DNS 61.675 77.789 DNS DNS the event and for course design and execution, Bob and Norma for timing, Bob and Dave for refreshments and several intrepid folks who helped get the equipment van up and running for the event and helped with course set-up. 77.316 Prizes were awarded to Tamela Cash , 79.951 family and friends who showed up as “Laundry”. 79.273 South Course Best Time Total Female: North Course Best Time Total Best car costume went to Stan Paproki with his SC doing a great Royal 80.939 Porsche Police Car impersonation. 84.315 Runners-up in the “Best Car” category 84.085 went to Phil O’Brien for his 944 “Woodie” 87.369 97.123 and the Lennons for their 968 Porsche 96.638 “Spider”. DNS 78.376 Top time of day for the ladies was won by 77.317 DNS Susan Bucknam, while Mike Quigley battled hard with course designers Alan and 74.239 Graeme, but came away with top honors! 84.445 DNS DNS So, what should you expect next year? More spooky coursework, more costumes Best Times North Course South Course 1997 993 C4s 3.6 silver 148.660 and Alan for taking over the logistics of 79.780 1997 Boxster 2.5 silver Ann Miller due to all the helpers we had – Graeme 76.922 Cecil Morris 1054 ing distances to play with us). Thanks are 76.886 986 1052X exception of those who came from amaz- 77.823 Marie Robertson 896 all home before dark (with the possible 79.890 650X 571 A good time was had by all and we were South (we hope), and more fun! Graeme Weston-Lewis Michael Quigley Michael Quigley Susan Bucknam Susan Bucknam Susan Bucknam Photo: 59.816 63.97 74.479 138.449 Graeme Weston-Lewis Mama Said Not to Air Your Dirty Laundry in Public See you then! 70.155 130.301 Photo: Cowboy Boots? Rex Heck Photo: Graeme Weston-Lewis 14 December 2004 l RMR Porsche O OC CT TO OB BE ER R D DI IN NN NE ER R T TO OU UR R Diana Pool Well it’s the day after the tour and I am happy to report that the tour went without a hitch. It started at Panera Bread in Stapleton Plaza. I drove into the parking lot at 1:05pm, after a harrowing drive through traffic on 83, to Porsche upon Porsche parked all around. There were a total of 17 cars in all, five 986s, one 914, two 944s, one 356, seven 911s and one Mercedes ML320, what a great mix of gorgeous cars. We got somewhat split up getting out of the parking lot, but by the time we reached the Ward exit of I70 and with a little patience we were all together. We drove on Hwy 72 all the way to Ward and then over to Boulder via some back paved roads. Out of Boulder we took Hwy 119 to Hwy 46 and Golden Gate Canyon Road to Golden. DART auto, LLC New, Used, Race Parts for Porsches Dave Banazek and Art Schuster 3945 Blake St. Denver, CO 80205 303-296-1188 Visit our web site at: www.dartauto.com We buy wrecked Porsches At the Restaurant I had about 26 happy participants raving about the great roads we had just driven. Dinner too was good and we all went our own way around 7.30pm. Even though I put "Finally!" Affordable Health and Dental Insurance for the Self-Employed this event on I would summarize it as a success. Dennis Shefski 303-933-6934 *Insurance Plans are underwritten by The MEGA Life and Health Insurance Company. Optional Benefits require additional premium. M/COMB0183 15 December 2004 l RMR Porsche 6901 Tower Road Denver, CO 80249 QUALITY EUROPEAN AUTO SERVICE www.marriott.com/DENAP AT AFFORDABLE PRICES 303-371-0300 SINCE 1977 800-321-2211 BOSCH FOREIGN LTD Ask for the 2278 S KALAMATH ST Rocky Mountain Racing DENVER, CO 80223 Rate 303-692-0643 $59.00 boschforeignltd.com www.stayatcourtyard.com/racing • Repair and Maintenance of Porsche Automobiles • Tech Inspections • Performance Chipping • One on One Customer Service • New Clean Facility EUROSPORT AUTOMOTIVE PROFESSIONAL FOREIGN & DOMESTIC REPAIR David Marshall Telephone: (303) 423-3715 Fax: 303-423-3697 5615 Lamar Street Arvada, CO 80002 RMR/PCA MEMBER 10% off parts and labor with the mention of this advertisement CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT TODAY MOST SERVICE DONE IN ONE DAY MONDAY - FRIDAY 8:00 - 5:30 16 December 2004 l RMR Porsche M MO OR RE E P PI IC CT TU UR RE ES S F FR RO OM M S SE EC CO ON ND D C CR RE EE EK K This Track Is Going to the Dogs Off to a Slow Start Our Gang Another Satisfied Customer A Rehearsal for CSI? Better Than a Park Bench Photos: Scott Bietenforf 17 December 2004 l RMR Porsche 2004 1975 We are proud of our years of experience Offering •Repairs Fine • Maintenance serving Service •Tuning RMR/PCA for •Parts Porsches •Reasonable Rates •Engine & Suspension Modifications •Pre-Purchase Inspections 1475 Vine Street, Denver (303) 333-1911 The Porsche garage that listens to our customers 18 December 2004 l RMR Porsche M MEMBER EMBER A ADS DS Classified ads are free to RMR PCA mem- Ramp, beaver tail and extension. Deadline for classified ad submission is the wheels, emergency break-away brakes, plus bers. Ads must be 150 words or less. 10th for the next month’s issue. Unless otherwise notified, ads will run for two issues. Ads may be edited for content and to fit the space available. E-mail your ad to rmr.newsletter@webegone.com. For Sale: 2001 986 Boxster S, arctic silver, black full leather, 11 K miles. Pristine, 48" side door, #7000 GVWR, electric brakes all four $5600 "S" type front struts and hub assemblies, condition. Mileage approx 2300 miles. Tom Mitchell, Colorado Springs, 719/210-8926 tmitchcos@msn.com (Nov) For Sale: '74 Porsche 914: fresh 2.7L six machined from aluminum case, 11.5:1, port- ed, 40 IDA Weber's, turbo fan, headers, 18" wheels with colored crests, Xenon, BBS 3-piece wheels, street legal, bars, stainless sills, shifter, brake) premium sound, clear bra. Highest offer over $40,000. See it and know why it's worth cage, flared GT fenders, Gulf-Weyer livery, more.....Trade for Boxster or sell! Oliphint (719) 231-5181, e-mail: joliphint@springs.gov.com much Call John (Nov) premium price. Bob Ottewill, 3028 S. For Sale: Light weight open 17' trailer with 1792. bottewill@chsaa.org (Nov) brakes; new paint, tires, and lights. Porsche Dayton Ct., Denver, CO 80231. 303/873- For Sale: New old stock axle flange (stub axle) for 1974 and earlier 911. Part number 250/590 Yokohama slicks. Brakes, Carrera front rotors with 944 turbo calipers, 914-6 MSD ignition, 944 turbo brakes, full roll headrest crests, design package (painted roll 5 bolt Fuchs 7 X 15 wheels with like-new 1 spare tire. Always stored inside, like new garaged, no winters, no smoke, complete records and service by one fanatical owner. chassis, 5 point driver harness,Kirkey seats tire rack;10 ft ramps; dual axle with electric perfect! $1950.00 Call John Oliphint (719) 231-5181; joliphint@springsgov.com (Nov) 901 332 232 00. In wrapper, never used. For Sale: Great Tow Vehicle and Trailer! 906-4693 or email schroeder.fred@princi- with 6.0L PowerStroke TurboDiesel, Lariat front calipers/rotors transferred to rear Late with adjustable front sway bar Bilstein gas sport shocks-front, KYB rear shocks 21mm front torsion bars, 180 lb. Rear coil springs Hot Lap timing system, with receiving and sending units Approximately 30 hours since top engine rebuild on 1983 3 liter 9.3:1 Mahle Euro pistons with Nikisel cylinders and new rings Carrera chain tensioners, new chains and ramps, aux cooling system New oil return tubes and seals, new connecting rod bolts, nuts, rod bearings C2 cam grind by Elgin-New valve guides and valves throughout Stock 901 gears, with Weltmeister quick shifter Sachs racing clutch Price: $19,500/offers Bud McQuay Home: 719-633-3869 email: mcquays@copper.net (Pictures available on request) (Nov) 2004 Ford F350, 4x4, Crew Cab Dually For Sale: 2-165/15 Michelin XZX tires pal.com (Nov) edition, leather, heated seats, 6-disc CD, snows mounted on 914-4 steel wheels 5.5X For Sale: Pair of 911SC "A" calipers. New Trailer: 2000 28' Classic Terminator RTX $150, obo. Please call Fred Schroeder 303- seal kits included. $60. Call Fred Schroeder 303-906-4693. (Nov) For sale: Pirelli 210 Snowsport winter tires. 205/55R16. Mounted on 16" Porsche cup wheels, black crest centercaps. Used two winters. $1,000 OBO. Jep 303-638-7000. (Nov) For Sale: TRAILER, ENCLOSED: 24' Haulmark car trailer, new November 2003. power everything, Topper, only 1,900 miles! dual 5,200# axles, cabinets, int. paneling, interior and exterior lighting, Honda generator. rate. Whole enchilada $49,000. Will sepa- Dan 303-263-1801 dan@aweida.com (Nov) For Sale: 1976 914-6 track car, 3 liter 59K original miles, second owner. Rust free. Silver and black 916 flares and fiberglass front/rear bumpers. Never dented or wrecked. Roll cage, welded reinforced VCG $40 each. 4- 165/15 Gislaved studded 15, GC $200 the set. 2-7X16 & 2-8X16 ABS phone dials with almost worn out A032R's, $400 the set, includes extra set worn out 032R's for free! 2- 7X17 & 2- 9X17 C2 cup wheels-OK finish for track use, $1000 the set.L&R Biltstein front struts for 914-4 GC, $300. '85 3.2L Carrera engine VCG (call for specifics) 43K miles, $7500 outright, $6500 exchange. 4 5.5X 15 914-4 Fuchs wheels, not show wheels but straight, with lug bolts, $400. Wanted: 1-7X15 Fuchs, cosmetics unimportant, but must be straight. Greg 19 December 2004 l RMR Porsche M MEMBER EMBER A ADS DS Johnson 303-789-2545 or gregj911@yahoo.com (Nov) For Sale: 1984 911 Carrera Sunroof Coupe, Maroon/Tan, 114,000 miles, local Best offer around 25K. Trades? Both cars kit): $500, B-K Fire Extinguisher mount: John Foote 970-728-5594 work, 970-596- (~1”drop): $225, EVO camber plates (set are stored in Grand Junction. 7419 cell (Dec) For Sale: 719-380-0930hm, 719-577-4397wk, or tires, 93K miles, garaged, no winter, very Darryl or Irene Brown, dbrown5042@aol.com (Nov) For Sale: 914-6 Race Car. PCA logbook 1988 911 Carerra, red with black interior, sunroof, CD player, new clean car in excellent shape, $22,000 obo. I love this car but selling because daughter is of driving age and need family car. GT3S,SCCA SP. 3.3 twin plug, TWM consider a trade. tion. Tilton clutch/flywheel, Quaffe LSD, (Dec) induction, Electromotive management/igni915 race transmission w/active 1st gear and Will Contact Rob Dean at 303-919-8717 or r2dean@comcast.net. cooler. ERP 935 front suspension, AJRS For Sale: pression system, Fuel Safe tank, full cage sell it for financial reasons. Options: Sport rear suspension, 928 S4 brakes, fire sup- w/tubular chassis reinforcement, Sheridan motorsports body w/wing. Kinesis and 2001 Boxster. I am the original owner of this car and love it, but I need to Package, Litronic headlights, Headlight washers, Cupholders (rare), Wind deflector, Forgeline wheels. Fresh service, turnkey Behind seat storage compartment, Stainless $31,900. (Dec) White gauges, 3-spoke leather steering car. 303-902-8935, ski2bhappy@aol.com. For Sale: 7&9 x17 cup wheels. nice condition, $ 1000.00 , 3.2 cat converter, 2 muf- flers, stainless extractor for 2.7 to 3.0 liter, 6” Fuchs pair w/tires, make offer, John Foote jfoote@telluridecolorado.net (Dec) For Sale: 64’ C Coupe, yellow/black, matching numbers, 15K in recent mechinical work. new engine, original bore, new brakes, tires, suspension, ect. Good solid driver, solid pan, needs battery box. $ 17,000 OBO. Also mint 86’ Cabriolet, 34K original miles, no paintwork, no stories. steel doorsills, Silver interior accents, wheel, Silver roll bars, Sport exhaust tip, Upgraded stereo, Power leather seats, and 3 person programmable seat/mirror memory. Add ons: AutoTop (makes raising and lowering the top easier), Clear Bra, K&M air cleaner, Removable mud flaps, Boxster logo on spoiler, Porsche logo on wind deflector. New tires, New front brake rotors, and New brake pads on all wheels. $27,500 OBO Call Michael @ 303-9796093, mlstieger@netzero.net (Dec) For Sale just in time for Xmas: Boxster S stuff. Photos: of 4): $700, Custom exhaust system: $300, Simpson 5 point camlock harness with car, garaged, no track use, excellent condition. $15,000. $75, K&N Drop-in filter: $20, EVO springs B-K Rollbar Extension (w/padding Boxster mounting hw: $175, Front swaybar (non-S, non-M030): $50, Trailer hitch: $150. Available in December: ’01 Arctic Silver Boxster S, M030, Sport Package, PSM, Cruise, OBC, hardtop, 38k miles, warranty through 4/05, $40,000 obo. For details and pictures or car and parts, http://gwl.rmsolo.org/stuffforsale Graeme (970) 481 7824 or email gwl@rmsolo.org (Dec) Up for Adoption: Boxster S. My beautiful 2000 This is my baby and I am sad to have to let her go to another owner who will love and cherish her as I have. My lit- tle Boxie features Silver w/ special Boxster Red interior; hard top option; silver/gray matching soft top; Litronic headlights, new tires; Bose AM/FM/CD upgraded sound package; chrome plated accents on the door handles, shift knob and hand brake; heated seats; and windbreaker window option. Still under factory warranty until May 2005. 33,000 miles. $33,900. This is Porsche’s model car color scheme for all of their catalogs. See pictures at www.gamesterslair.com. appointment today! 888-8090. (Dec) Or call for an Leif Brandon at (303) Scott Bietenforf Always Need to Adjust Something Photos: Scott Bietenforf RMR Porsche Membership Chairperson Periodical Postage 1214 South Weldona Lane PAID Superior, CO 80027 RMR PORSCHE (ISSN1061-1746) is published monthly by the Rocky Mountain Region Porsche Club of America, 1214 South Weldona Lane, Superior, CO 80027. Periodicals postage paid at Superior, Colorado and at additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Membership 80027. Please send Chairperson, address 1214 S. changes Weldona to RMR Lane, Porsche, Superior, CO Subscriptions: Annual rate is $20.00, included in RMR regional dues. Single copy price is $2.00. The opinions and views appearing in RMR PORSCHE are those of the individual writers, and do not necessarily reflect the official opinions of the Rocky Mountain Region Porsche Club of America (RMR/PCA), PCA National, or this magazine as an official RMR/PCA publication. Additionally, none of these organizations nor this publication assume any responsibility for the accuracy of material provided by individual writers and contributors. RMR PORSCHE entire contents copyright 2004 by Rocky Mountain Region Porsche Club of America, Inc. all rights reserved. Office of Publications, 1214 S. Weldona Lane, Superior, CO 80027.