PARCEL No.: 15 220 10 002 - DeKalb County Planning
PARCEL No.: 15 220 10 002 - DeKalb County Planning
September 3, 2014 DEKALB COUNTY ITEM NO. N7 PLANNING COMMISSION ZONING AGENDA / MINUTES HEARING TYPE PUBLIC HEARING SUBJECT: ACTION TYPE ORDINANCE MEETING DATE: September 9, 2014 Rezoning, SLUP-14-19359 Samir Patel COMMISSION DISTRICTS: DEPARTMENT: 5&7 Planning & Sustainability ATTACHMENT: PAGES: x YES NO 4 PUBLIC HEARING: INFORMATION CONTACT: PHONE NUMBER: x YES NO Marian Eisenberg, Zoning Admin. (404) 371-2155 PETITION NO: SLUP-14-19359 PROPOSED USE: Alcohol Outlet LOCATION: 3952 Covington Highway, Decatur, Georgia PARCEL No.: 15 220 10 002 PURPOSE: To request a Special Land Use Permit to allow an Alcohol Outlet (Package Store) in a 24,778 square foot building in the C-1 (Local Commercial) District. The property is located on the northeast side of Covington Highway, the south side of Redan Road, and the northwest side of Paul Edwin Drive at 3952 Covington Highway in Decatur, Georgia. The property has approximately 746 feet of frontage along Covington Highway, 600 feet of frontage along Redan Road, and 875 feet of frontage along Paul Edwin Drive and contains 7.9 acres. RECOMMENDATIONS: COMMUNITY COUNCIL: DENIAL PLANNING STAFF: FULL CYCLE DEFERRAL PLANNING STAFF ANALYSIS: The applicant has submitted a request for a full cycle deferral to allow sufficient time to meet with the community, Planning Staff, and the District Commissioners to discuss the redevelopment of the subject property (See attached letter dated August 27, 2014) The applicant has discussed the possibility of tearing up the dilapidated parking lot to create more open space, landscaping, and street trees and redesigning the project site to be more consistent with the Master Active Living Plan (see attached) which calls for a commercial block of buildings along Covington Highway, Redan Road, and Paul Edwin Drive with parking behind the buildings to create a walkable environment. While there are other establishments that sell alcohol (i.e. beer) in the surrounding area, there are no establishments which sell distilled liquor in the area. The proposed size of the alcohol outlet (i.e. 24,778 square foot building) may limit competition in the immediate market area. Therefore, it is the request of the Planning and Sustainability Department that this request be “Deferred, Full Cycle” to allow sufficient time for the applicant to discuss and consider the redesign of the subject property. Petition Number: SLUP-14-19359 Planning Commission: 09/09/14 jlr September 3, 2014 COMMUNITY COUNCILVOTE/RECOMMENDATION: Denial 5-1-0. The Council recommended Denial, indicating that there is a saturation of package stores in District 5. The Council wanted more fine dining restaurants. Petition Number: SLUP-14-19359 Planning Commission: 09/09/14 jlr September 9, 2014 DEKALB COUNTY ITEM NO. N.8 PLANNING COMMISSION ZONING AGENDA / MINUTES HEARING TYPE PUBLIC HEARING SUBJECT: MEETING DATE: September 9, 2014 ACTION TYPE ORDINANCE Special Land Use Permit , SLUP-14-19360 Ophelia Datcher COMMISSION DISTRICTS: DEPARTMENT: Planning & Sustainability ATTACHMENT: PAGES: PETITION NO: 5&7 x YES NO 4 PUBLIC HEARING: INFORMATION CONTACT: PHONE NUMBER: x YES NO Marian Eisenberg, Zoning Admin. (404) 371-2155 SLUP-14-19360 PROPOSED USE: Child Day Facility for up to six (6) children LOCATION: 1348 Panola Road, Stone Mountain, Georgia PARCEL No.: 16-062-05-015 PURPOSE: Request a Special Land Use Permit to allow a child day care facility for no more than six (6) children in the R-100 (Single-Family Residential) District. The property is located on the east side of Panola Road at the northeast intersection of Joeclay Drive and Panola Road at 1348 Panola Road in Stone Mountain, Georgia. The property has approximately 125 feet of frontage along the east side of Panola Road and approximately 250 feet of frontage along the north side of Joeclay Drive and contains .72 acres. RECOMMENDATIONS: COMMUNITY COUNCIL: APPROVAL PLANNING STAFF: APPROVAL WITH CONDITIONS PLANNING STAFF ANALYSIS: Based on the submitted information, it appears that the application meets the criteria of the zoning ordinance for a Special Land Use Permit for a child day care facility for up to six children in an existing single family residential structure. The proposed child day care facility is not expected to have a negative impact on the surrounding neighborhood, due to the proposed hours of operation (6:00 AM to 6:00 PM, Monday thru Friday), and the relatively small number of children. There would be no changes to the exterior of the house in which the day care facility would be operating, so that the existing residential character of the property would remain unchanged. The proposed facility is consistent with the following policies of the 2005-2025 DeKalb County Comprehensive Plan: Petition Number: SLUP-14-19360 Planning Commission: 09/09/14 kfhill September 9, 2014 “Identify opportunities to enhance and expand supportive services for all age cohorts.” (PS7) and “Provide a variety of housing opportunities and choices to better accommodate the needs of residents” (HS13). The applicable requirements of the R-100 (Single-Family Residential) District have been met. Using the benchmark of 1,000 feet that has been established for similar special uses in residential areas, the proposed facility would not result in a disproportional proliferation of child care facilities or similar uses. To promote the successful operation of the facility, the Department of Planning and Sustainability recommends that the facility be operated in a manner that would minimize off-site impacts, as addressed in the recommended conditions, below. Therefore, the Department of Planning and Sustainability recommends “Approval” with Staff’s recommended conditions. COMMUNITY COUNCILVOTE/RECOMMENDATION: Approval 5-1-1. The Community Council recommended Approval with the recommendation that the owner/operator follow the rules of DeKalb County for in-home day care facilities. Petition Number: SLUP-14-19360 Planning Commission: 09/09/14 kfhill September 9, 2014 RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS SLUP-14-19360 1. The child care facility shall be limited to a maximum number of six children in care with ages of the children ranging from 6 weeks to 12 years old between the hours of 6:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M., Monday through Friday, in the existing single-family residence. 2. Refuse containers shall not be visible from the street except during pick-up. No identification sign for the child day care facility shall be posted on the property. 3. No evidence of a child day care facility shall be visible at the front of the property other than play accessories. 4. The existing eight-foot high fence that encloses the back yard play area shall be maintained in place for as long as the child day care facility is operated on the subject property. 5. The applicant shall secure the necessary certification by the State of Georgia Bright From The Start program and the necessary building permit and certificate of occupancy from DeKalb County before obtaining a business license. 6. The Special Land Use Permit shall be issued to Ophelia Datcher for operation of a child day care facility and shall not be transferrable. Petition Number: SLUP-14-19360 Planning Commission: 09/09/14 kfhill SLUP-14-19360 Site SLUP-14-19360 Proposed In-Home Day Care Facility Outdoor Child Play Area Site Windfern Ct September 3, 2014 DEKALB COUNTY ITEM NO. N9 PLANNING COMMISSION ZONING AGENDA / MINUTES HEARING TYPE PUBLIC HEARING SUBJECT: ACTION TYPE ORDINANCE MEETING DATE: September 9, 2014 Special Land Use Permit, SLUP-14-19361 Mahammed Heban COMMISSION DISTRICTS: DEPARTMENT: 5&7 Planning & Sustainability ATTACHMENT: PAGES: x YES NO 5 PUBLIC HEARING: INFORMATION CONTACT: PHONE NUMBER: x YES NO Marian Eisenberg, Zoning Admin. (404) 371-2155 PETITION NO: SLUP-14-19361 PROPOSED USE: Junkyard LOCATION: 1907 Rogers Lake Road, Lithonia, Georgia PARCEL No.: 16 156 01 010 PURPOSE: To request a Special Land Use Permit to allow a junk yard in an M-2 (Heavy Industrial) District. The property is located on the west side of Rogers Lake Road, approximately 700 feet north of Chapman Road at 1907 Rogers Lake Road in Lithonia, Georgia. The property has approximately 30 feet of frontage along Rogers Lake Road and contains 3.04 acres. RECOMMENDATIONS: COMMUNITY COUNCIL: APPROVAL PLANNING STAFF: APPROVAL WITH CONDITIONS PLANNING STAFF ANALYSIS: The Special Land Use Permit is required since the proposed use is a junkyard. Based on the submitted information, the SLUP proposal will permit a use that is compatible with adjacent and nearby properties since the junkyard is consistent with the heavy industrial development and M-2 zoning pattern in the surrounding area. The site does not abut any residential uses and is surrounded by the Rogers Lake Landfill, a truck terminal (Paynters Trucking), vacant land, a junkyard (K & D Used Auto Parts), and a collector road (Rogers Lake Road). Furthermore, it appears that approval of the SLUP with conditions relating to screening, use, and environment would mitigate any potential adverse impacts to the surrounding industrial area. (Section 27873 (B) (Compatibility)). Due to the irregular triangle shape of the property, proposed vehicle storage locations are extremely limited. Additionally, the property only has 30 feet of road frontage along Rogers Lake Road, and the zoning ordinance requires a minimum of 150 feet of frontage. Due to these limitations, the proposed vehicle storage is only 25 feet from the north, west, and south property lines, and directly on a portion of the eastern property line, necessitating a variance from the minimum 100-foot vehicle storage setback required by Section 27-738 (f) of the zoning ordinance. It does not appear that this encroachment and land use would adversely impact adjacent properties due to the following: 1) the property is surrounded by the Rogers Lake Landfill, a Trucking Terminal, and an abandoned railroad spur; 2) no automobile wrecking/crushing or auto repair is proposed; 3) the Petition Number: SLUP-14-19361 Planning Commission: 09/09/14 jlr September 3, 2014 property was previously used as a junkyard between 2005 and 2012 (licensed as Tommy’s New and Used Auto Part) with no complaints or code enforcement activity based on county records; and 4) the proposed use is consistent with the junkyard (K & D Used Auto Parts) located only 137 feet to the south along Rogers Lake Road ((Section 27-873 G Adverse Impacts)). Approval cannot be based on the submitted site plan given the anticipated vehicle storage setback variances. Nevertheless, it is the recommendation of the Planning and Sustainability Department that the proposed major modification be "Approved Conditionally" with Staff’s recommended conditions. COMMUNITY COUNCILVOTE/RECOMMENDATION: Approval 6-0-1. The Council recommended Approval. Petition Number: SLUP-14-19361 Planning Commission: 09/09/14 jlr September 3, 2014 RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS SLUP-14 19361 1. Use shall be restricted to a junk yard. No automobile wrecking or crushing shall occur on the property. Any stripping of vehicles for auto parts shall be done manually by mechanics employed by the operator. 2. No auto repair activities. 3. The stacking of cars in the outdoor display yards is prohibited. Any stripping of vehicles or draining of automobile fluids shall only occur on dedicated concrete pads with a dedicated collection system to contain any residential oils or liquids. 4. The outdoor vehicle display yards shall be at least 100 feet from the Rogers Lake Road right-of-way and shall be screened by an eight foot high screening fence so as not to be visible at ground level from any adjoining property or from the public street. 5. Access and circulation shall be subject to approval of the Transportation Division of the Public Works Department and the Development Division of the Planning and Sustainability Department. 6. Compliance with the DeKalb County Noise Ordinance. 7. A cross access easement allowing access to the vehicle storage display yard from Rogers Lake Road through the adjacent properties to the east (Parcel IDs 16 155 02 007 and 16 156 01 011) shall be recorded and submitted to the Planning and Sustainability Department prior to the issuance of any land disturbance permits or business licenses. 8. All refuse areas shall be completely screened from view of public right-of-way, parking and pedestrian areas. 9. Provide a 6-foot wide sidewalk and a 10-foot wide landscape strip along the property frontage of Rogers Lake Road. 10. All exterior lighting shall be screened or shielded to minimize glare and keep light inside the development. 11. Obtain variances from the Board of Appeals for the vehicle storage setback and/or other applicable requirements of the M-2 zoning district and Supplemental Regulations. Approval of this request for does not result in any action for which the Board of Zoning Appeals has authority. Petition Number: SLUP-14-19361 Planning Commission: 09/09/14 jlr September 9, 2014 DEKALB COUNTY ITEM NO. N.13 PLANNING COMMISSION ZONING AGENDA / MINUTES HEARING TYPE PUBLIC HEARING SUBJECT: MEETING DATE: September 9, 2014 ACTION TYPE ORDINANCE Modification of Zoning Conditions , CZ-14-19366 Jackie Irving COMMISSION DISTRICTS: DEPARTMENT: 5&7 Planning & Sustainability ATTACHMENT: PAGES: PETITION NO: x YES NO 5 PUBLIC HEARING: INFORMATION CONTACT: PHONE NUMBER: x YES NO Marian Eisenberg, Zoning Admin. (404) 371-2155 CZ-14-19366 PROPOSED USE: Tattoo Parlor in conjunction with an approved beauty salon LOCATION: 7295 Covington Highway, Lithonia, Georgia PARCEL No.: 16-121-05-007 PURPOSE: Request a major modification of approved conditions CZ-00110 which limits the use to a beauty salon in the existing residential structure to allow a tattoo parlor as a permitted use in the M (Light-Industrial) District within Tier 4 of the Stonecrest Overlay District. The property is located on the southwest side of Covington Highway, approximatelt 900 feet south of Lithonia Industrial Boulevard, at 7295 Covington Highway, in Lithonia, Georgia. The property has approximately 100 feet of frontage on the southwest side of Covington Highway and contains .88 acre. RECOMMENDATIONS: COMMUNITY COUNCIL: DENIAL PLANNING STAFF: APPROVAL WITH CONDITIONS PLANNING STAFF ANALYSIS: The applicant is requesting a modification to existing zoning conditions pursuant to CZ-00110 which limits the use to a beauty salon in the existing residential structure to allow a tattoo parlor as a permitted use in an M (Industrial) District within Tier 4 of the Stonecrest Overlay District. Planning Staff is of the opinion that the request is compatible with the existing approved personal service use on the site as well as other commercial uses adjacent and near the subject site. Located within a Light Industrial Character Area designated by the 2025 Comprehensive Plan, the proposed uses on the site reflect consistency with the following Comprehensive Plan Policies: Promote Petition Number: CZ-14-19366 Planning Commission: 09/09/14 kfhill September 9, 2014 the location of accessory commercial uses to support worker activity; and “Create compact mixed use districts and reduce automobile dependency and travel to obtain basic services” (CRCCAP5). Located on a major thoroughfare (Covington Highway), the additional use on the site will have little or no impact on traffic. There will be no impact on area schools. Given the consistency with Plan policies and compatibility with surrounding land uses, the Department of Planning and Sustainability recommends “APPROVAL” of the modification request subject to the following revised conditions: COMMUNITY COUNCILVOTE/RECOMMENDATION: Denial 6-0-1. The Community Council voted to Deny the modification request. Petition Number: CZ-14-19366 Planning Commission: 09/09/14 kfhill September 9, 2014 RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS CZ-14-19366 1. Limit the use of the existing house to a beauty salon and tattoo parlor and other personal service uses unless listed as a prohibited use within Tier 4 of the Stonecrest Overlay District. 2. Access and road improvements to the property shall be limited to one curb cut from Covington Highway subject to approval by the Transportation Division of the Department of Public Works and Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT). 3. All refuse areas shall be completely screened from view of the public right-of-way by landscaping, fencing, or building walls so as not to be visible from adjoining properties. 4. Limit ground signage to not more than one eight-foot high monument sign with brick base. Sign area shall be limited to 32 square feet. 5. Provide a row of parking spaces to provide demarcation along the east property line to distinguish and separate the different commercial uses. 6. Require and maintain visual screenings utilizing plantings or fencing, or a combination of both along the west property line adjacent to residential zoned property. 7. The approval of this modification application by the Board of Commissioners has no bearing on the requirements for other regulatory approvals under the authority of the Historic Preservation Commission, the Zoning Board of Appeals, or other entity whose decision should be based on the merits of the application under review by such entity. 8. These conditions replace all conditions of CZ-00110. Petition Number: CZ-14-19366 Planning Commission: 09/09/14 kfhill Site M Regional Center RM-100 Town Center Neighborhood Center RD A NI D IN TR US L IA PA RK W AY VD BL PA RK W AY Light Industrial Industrial CV Suburban Traditional Neighborhood Conservation/Open Space RM-100 CL O Lithonia CZ-02028 SE Z-05-46 C-1 CZ-92004 R-75 M OI CZ-99055 CZ-03014 R-75 LA YT ON DR R-75 SLUP-07-9446 Department of Planning & Sustainability - Long Range Planning Division 0 0.05 1 inch = 0.078914 miles 0.1 Miles C-1 CZ-88103 TO N CZ-14-19366 Future Land Use CO VIN HW Y GT ON C-1 CZ-08-14795 10 33 CZ-04019 CO VI NG CZ -9 R-A8 Z/2-2009 CZ-93063 ST R-75 R-75 PHILLIPS ST R-A8 CZ-04019 HA WE SD R SPRING ST M M Z/2-2009 / Institutional CZ-04019 M Created: August 2, 2013 Source: DeKalb County Planning & Sustainability/GIS Dept/ARC * This map is the property of DeKalb County Georgia. The use of this map is granted only on the condition that the map will not be sold copied or printed for resale without the express written permission of DeKalb County. Office Park Rural Residential R-75 R-A8 CZ-04019 R-A8 CZ-04019 Highway Corridor HU BE R O TH LI Commercial Redevelopment Corridor PARKWAY TRCE 01 10 PA RK W AY CZ -0 C-2 M Z-04019 Future Land Use CZ-85125 M C-1 M CZ-02028 DONNA LISA DR LITHO NIA W EST D R O-I-T PARKWAY TR L CZ-08-15162 RD CZ-93063 OI CZ-88104 CZ-07-11313 Site CZ-14-19366 Unique Learning Academy The Rose Garden Event Facility Site September 9, 2014 DEKALB COUNTY ITEM NO. N.17 PLANNING COMMISSION ZONING AGENDA / MINUTES HEARING TYPE PUBLIC HEARING SUBJECT: ACTION TYPE ORDINANCE MEETING DATE: September 9, 2014 Rezoning, Z-14-19370 APD Solutions COMMISSION DISTRICTS: DEPARTMENT: 5&7 Planning & Sustainability ATTACHMENT: PAGES: PETITION NO: x YES NO 4 PUBLIC HEARING: INFORMATION CONTACT: PHONE NUMBER: x YES NO Marian Eisenberg, Zoning Admin. (404) 371-2155 Z-14-19370 PROPOSED USE: Resort Complex with lodging, dining and indoor amusement venue LOCATION: Property formerly known as 5600 Covington Highway PARCEL No.: 16-007-10-001 thru 16-007-10-030 PURPOSE: To rezone from OCR (Office-Commercial-Residential) District to C-1 (Local Commercial) District to adapt the use of an existing vacant mixed used development consisting of unoccupied retail space and 23 condominium units into a resort complex with lodging, dining and indoor amusement venue (Panola Resorts) within Tier 1 of the Greater Hidden Hills Overlay District. The property is located on the south side of Covington Highway approximately 241 feet west of the southwest intersection of Hidden Creek Drive and Covington Highway on property formerly known as 5600 Covington Highway (Panola Slopes). The current addresses are 2280-2288 Marleen Place; 4901- 4924 Johnnye Way; 2260 - 2266 Susan Terrace; 4870 - 4890 Panola Slope Way; 2276 Martin Terrace & 5567 Covington Highway. The property has approximately 652 feet of frontage along the south side of Covington Highway and approximately 159 feet of frontage along the west side of Hidden Creek Drive and contains 10.15 acres. RECOMMENDATIONS: COMMUNITY COUNCIL: APPROVAL PLANNING STAFF: APPROVAL WITH CONDITIONS Petition Number: Z-14-19370 Planning Commission: 09/09/14 kfhill September 9, 2014 PLANNING STAFF ANALYSIS: The proposed rezoning on the subject site from the OCR (Office-Commercial-Residential) District to C-1 (Local Commercial) District is compatible with existing commercial zoned properties east and west of the site fronting along Covington Highway. Located within a Commercial Redevelopment Corridor Character Area designated by the 2025 Comprehensive Plan, the request to convert the vacant development into a resort venue with dining, lodging and commercial amusement is consistent with the following plan policy: “Locate higher-intensity/density developments along corridors while protecting residential neighborhoods from encroachment and maintaining traffic flow (HCCAP4)”. Located within Tier 1 of the Greater Hidden Hills Overlay District, the proposed development is consistent with the purpose of Tier 1 to allow more intense mixed-use development along Covington Highway, a major thoroughfare. The rezoning proposal to C-1 (Local Commercial) District will not adversely affect the existing use or usability of surrounding properties due to the commercial character of this portion of Covington Highway frontage and the existing mature heavily vegetated transitional buffer existing between the residential and non-residential uses. The subject rezoning would allow the applicant to develop the site to encourage economic growth in the area as well as provide employment opportunities and services to DeKalb County. The Department of Planning and Sustainability recommends “APPROVAL CONDITIONAL” of the rezoning request to C-1 (Local Commercial) District subject to the following conditions: COMMUNITY COUNCILVOTE/RECOMMENDATION: Approval 6-0-1. The Community Council voted to approve the rezoning request. Petition Number: Z-14-19370 Planning Commission: 09/09/14 kfhill September 9, 2014 RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS Z-14-19370 1. To the revised conceptual site plan entitled proposed Panola Slopes Resort dated 8/29/14 and stamped received by the Department of Planning and Sustainability on September 2, 2014. The maximum building square footage of all uses shall be limited to 83,679 square feet. Said site plan is conceptual and must meet or exceed the development standards of the C-1 (Local Commercial) District and the Greater Hidden Hills Overlay District and approved conditions. 2. Indoor amusement to serve adult patrons shall include 425 games consisting of simulators, virtual realities and coin operated machines. All prizes to be redeemable on-site. No cash redemption. 3. No more than 3 restaurants on the subject site. 4. Location of access, number of curb cuts and transportation improvements on Covington Highway shall be subject to approval of the Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) and the Transportation Division of the Public Works Department. 5. Provide one (1) curb cut on Hidden Creek Drive. Location is subject to approval of the Transportation Division of the Public Works Department. 6. Provide inter-parcel access from the adjacent C-1 (Commercial) zoned property as shown on the submitted site plan. 7. Refuse areas shall be screened from the public street and not be visible from adjoining properties. Enclosures shall be constructed of building materials matching the primary buildings. 8. Provide 50-foot wide undisturbed transitional buffer adjacent to residential zoned properties subject to the requirements of the Tree Preservation Ordinance. 9. Maintain the open green space area designated as park space on the submitted site plan. 10. Provide sidewalks along property frontages (Covington Highway and Hidden Creek Drive). 11. The approval of this rezoning application by the Board of Commissioners has no bearing on the requirements for other regulatory approvals under the authority of the Zoning Board of Appeals, or other entity whose decision should be based on the merits of the application under review by such entity. Petition Number: Z-14-19370 Planning Commission: 09/09/14 kfhill Z-14-19370 & SLUP-14-19372 0 85 170 340 510 680 Feet Date Printed: 7/25/2014 DeKalb County, ESRI ± Created by the DeKalb County GIS Department: DeKalb County provides GIS maps and data sets as a public information resource. Every reasonable effort has been made to assure the accuracy of maps and data. However, these maps and other information are only as accurate as the source of such maps and other information. Further, the maps and other information provided are updated only periodically and therefore may not reflect the most current information. Site Z-14-19370 & SLUP-14-19372 Stoneridge at Hidden Hills Apts. Parker & Son Screen & Glass Company. Hidden Creek Subdivision Hidden Creek Drive Gas Station September 9, 2014 DEKALB COUNTY ITEM NO. N.18 PLANNING COMMISSION ZONING AGENDA / MINUTES HEARING TYPE PUBLIC HEARING SUBJECT: MEETING DATE: September 9, 2014 ACTION TYPE ORDINANCE Special Land Use Permit, SLUP-14-19372 APD Solutions COMMISSION DISTRICTS: DEPARTMENT: Planning & Sustainability ATTACHMENT: PAGES: PETITION NO: 5&7 x YES NO 4 PUBLIC HEARING: INFORMATION CONTACT: PHONE NUMBER: x YES NO Marian Eisenberg, Zoning Admin. (404) 371-2155 SLUP-14-19372 PROPOSED USE: Late-Night Establishment LOCATION: Formerly 5600 Covington Highway. The current addresses are 2276 Martin Terrace, 4880 and 4890 Panola Slope Way in Decatur, Georgia. PARCEL No.: 16-007-10-024, 16-007-010-025, 16-007-10-026 PURPOSE: Request a Special Land Use Permit (SLUP) to allow a Late-Night Establishment within (3) buildings on the ground floor of a proposed resort complex consisting of lodging, dining and indoor arcade in a proposed C-1 (Local Commercial) District within Tier 1 of the Greater Hidden Hills Overlay District. The property is located on the south side of Covington Highway approximately 241 feet west of the southwest intersection of Hidden Creek Drive and Covington Highway on property formerly known as 5600 Covington Highway (Panola Slopes). The current addresses are 2280-2288 Marleen Place; 4901- 4924 Johnnye Way; 2260 - 2266 Susan Terrace; 4870 - 4890 Panola Slope Way; 2276 Martin Terrace & 5567 Covington Highway. The property has approximately 652 feet of frontage along the south side of Covington Highway and approximately 159 feet of frontage along the west side of Hidden Creek Drive and contains 10.15 acres. RECOMMENDATIONS: COMMUNITY COUNCIL: APPROVAL PLANNING STAFF: APPROVAL WITH CONDITIONS PLANNING STAFF ANALYSIS: The request for a Special Land Use Permit for a late-night establishment on the subject site is suitable for the proposed C-1 (Local Commercial) zoning district (Z-14-19370 companion case to this request). The subject site Petition Number: SLUP-14-19372 Planning Commission: 09/09/14 kfhill September 9, 2014 maintains an existing mature vegetated transitional buffer along the south property line adjacent to Hidden Creek Subdivision. The site is located on a major four-lane thoroughfare (Covington Highway) which is developed with various commercial uses and shopping centers. The late-night establishments would be part of the proposed Panola Slopes Resort, a destination place within DeKalb County, proposed to provide lodging, dining, boutiques and indoor arcade. Given the on-site lodging accommodations, the proposed SLUP would allow the resort to fully service their patrons by allowing restaurants to continue operation and offer alcoholic beverages beyond 12:30 a.m. The proposed late night establishment is compatible with adjacent and surrounding commercial uses along Covington Highway. Located within the Greater Hidden Hills Overlay District and designated as a Commercial Redevelopment Corridor, the proposed use is consistent with the following 2005-2025 Comprehensive Plan Policy: ); Locate higher-intensity/density developments along corridors while protecting residential neighborhoods from encroachment and maintaining traffic flow (HCCAP4). Therefore, it is the recommendation of the Department of Planning and Sustainability that the application be "Approved Conditional", subject to the following recommended conditions: COMMUNITY COUNCILVOTE/RECOMMENDATION: No vote. No discussion. Ran out of meeting time due to library closing. Petition Number: SLUP-14-19372 Planning Commission: 09/09/14 kfhill September 9, 2014 RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS SLUP-14-19372 1) The late night establishment shall be limited to the ground floor within Buildings A, B and C as depicted on the revised conceptual site plan entitled proposed Panola Slopes Resort dated 8/29/14 and stamped received by the Department of Planning and Sustainability on September 2, 2014. Said site plan is conceptual and must meet or exceed the development standards of the C-1 (Local Commercial) District and the Greater Hidden Hills Overlay District and approved conditions. 2) Late Night Establishments shall stop serving alcohol by 2:00 a.m. 3) A minimum of one outdoor security officer and a minimum of two indoor security officers shall patrol at regular intervals. 4) Compliance with the DeKalb County Noise Ordinance. 5) No dance floor allowed as part of the subject late night establishments. 6) The SLUP is non-transferable. Any new owner operator of a Late Night Establishment on the subject property shall be subject to a new SLUP application. Petition Number: SLUP-14-19372 Planning Commission: 09/09/14 kfhill Z-14-19370 & SLUP-14-19372 0 85 170 340 510 680 Feet Date Printed: 7/25/2014 DeKalb County, ESRI ± Created by the DeKalb County GIS Department: DeKalb County provides GIS maps and data sets as a public information resource. Every reasonable effort has been made to assure the accuracy of maps and data. However, these maps and other information are only as accurate as the source of such maps and other information. Further, the maps and other information provided are updated only periodically and therefore may not reflect the most current information. Site Z-14-19370 & SLUP-14-19372 Stoneridge at Hidden Hills Apts. Parker & Son Screen & Glass Company. Hidden Creek Subdivision Hidden Creek Drive Gas Station