Rural Water Spring13_9810 ARW winter inside
Rural Water Spring13_9810 ARW winter inside
A r k a n s a s R u r a l Wa t e r A s s o c i a t i o n WATERINSIGHT SPRING 2013 FROM YOUR EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Dennis Sternberg Members of the Arkansas Rural Water Association Board of Directors and I traveled to the National Rural Water Association “Water Rally” in Washington D.C. February 12-14, 2013. Those directors attending were Wayne Stallings, Diana Woodle, Greg Cross, Greg Hooten and Steve Wear. Also in attendance were David Rawls, Manager from Center Grove Water Association, winner of the Arkansas Great Water Taste Test, as well as Mark Bennett from ANRC. One of the guest speakers at the Water Rally was Senator Mark Pryor who spoke to all those attending pertaining to the uncertain political climate and what the possibility of future funding looks like for programs such as these. During the Water Rally we listened to different speakers talk about the USDA and EPA funding that assists water and wastewater systems in Arkansas and across the nation. The ARWA delegation attended meetings on February 12 and 13, 2013 with each Arkansas Congressional office detailing the continued need for federal funding to provide the services ARWA provides to all water and wastewater systems in the State of Arkansas. All the members were supportive of our programs but very frank about the federal governments financial condition and concerns for sequestration happening and the future cuts to government to reduce the federal debt. The Arkansas congressional delegation sees the need for continual funding; however, with the federal budget continuing to get tighter it could be another slim year for funding for these types of programs. I would to say “THANK YOU” to all of the Arkansas (continued on page 4) WATERINSIGHT • SPRING 2013 contents From Your Executive Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Lift Station Maintenance by Jim Barkie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Is Assessment of Public Drinking Water Source Important by David Quattlebaum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Arkansas Rural Water Association Working To Improve Life In Rural Arkansas BOARD OF DIRECTORS PRESIDENT Wayne Stallings — Greenwood FIRST VICE PRESIDENT Diana Woodle — Higginson SECOND VICE PRESIDENT Bradley Scheffler — Piggott SECRETARY Butch Bartholomew — West Fork Duplex Pump Stations by Terry Fortenberry . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Do you have the oldest Gorman-Rupp pump? by Susan Poe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Attending ARWA Classes increases chances for Four Wheeler Drawing by Susan Poe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 The Importance of Energy Conservation by Josh Freeman .9 “Green” Revolving Loan Fund Projects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 Drinking Water Update by James Philipp . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Arkansas Water Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Letters and Emails . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-19 TREASURER David Harper — New Edinburg Backflow Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-21 IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT Bobby Brown — McDougal Water Audits by Rodney Baldwin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 NRWA DIRECTOR Steve Wear — Morrilton MEMBERS Phil Miesner — Pine Bluff Greg Cross — Greenwood Doug Wasson — Harrison Greg Hooten — Guy Robert Stout — Jacksonville John Choate — Russellville Donnie Crawford — El Dorado Jo Ella Green — Tumbling Shoals Annual Operator Expo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 ARWA Training and Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28-29 Advertisers Index and Order Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33 Cover Photo Spring River ARWA STAFF Dennis Sternberg, Executive Director Sharon Wakefield, Office Manager Jeff Ford, Deputy Director Donna McGaha, Accountant Jim Philipp, Training Specialist Jim Barkie, Wastewater Trainer/Technician Susan Poe, Wastewater Trainer/Technician Terry Fortenberry, Circuit Rider/Trainer Tim Carey, Circuit Rider Josh Freeman, Circuit Rider Rodney Baldwin, Circuit Rider David Quattlebaum, USDA Source Water Technician Fatina Dodson, Receptionist The ARWA Magazine is published quarterly by ARWA, P.O. Box 860, Lonoke, AR 72086 Phone (501) 676-2255 Fax (501) 676-2266 E-Mail: Web page: ARWA Mission Statement To provide Arkansas’ Rural Water Utilities the highest level of Training and Technical Services in order to obtain Quality Water at the lowest possible cost. Arkansas Rural Water Association is a non-profit organization of rural and small publicly owned water and wastewater systems. Our goal is to enhance the lives of Arkansans. Our efforts to achieve this goal are focused on providing training and technical assistance to the managers and operators of all eligible systems serving populations not greater than 10,000. We work with other non-profit organizations in representing the interest of public water and wastewater systems at both the local and national levels. • ARWA is affiliated with the National Rural Water Association • 3 WATERINSIGHT • SPRING 2013 Dennis Sternberg (continued from page 2) Lift Station Maintenance Congressional members and their respective office staff who have always gone the extra mile to assist ARWA with our requests. The staff in each one of these offices do an outstanding job and are very knowledgeable on the issues and should be congratulated for all their hard work they do everyday for the constituents of Arkansas. The next time you see one of them, please remember to say thank you to them for all they do. The talk is that the federal government will probably see a Continuing Resolution (CR) for FY13 funding for the remainder of this year after sequestration is included. As we continue to talk with Congress we are hopeful ARWA and the National Rural Water Association funding requests will be considered as a very beneficial Environmental Program and be funded again for FY13 and FY14. Every water system should have heard the GOOD news by now that EPA has re-examined their regulations and agreed to allow water systems to post their Consumer Confidence Report on a web site if it meets certain requirements. Please contact the ADH for the specific requirements that water systems have to meet in Arkansas. Systems interested can also get your own website at a reasonable cost by logging onto the Arkansas Rural Water Association website: and clicking on RuralWaterImpact for the details of getting your systems own professional website which then you can post your CCR. This rule change will save water systems a considerable amount of money by not having to pay to have them published into the local newspaper or by sending them out to each customer by mail. Everyone should have received the Arkansas Drinking Water Update Winter 2012, which on page 6, there is an article asking for “Input Sought - Possible Water Licensing Regulations Revisions”. The Engineering Section is seeking wider industry stakeholder input and constructive comments prior to proposing actual regulation changes. So now is the chance for the water industry to make your feelings known. I am sad to report that longtime ARWA Board of Director Jim Jameson, Public Works Director of the City of Smackover, Arkansas lost his battle with cancer on February 27, 2013. Jim was very active in ARWA and was always looking for opportunities to provide new services to the ARWA membership. He will be greatly missed by the ARWA family and the water industry. If ARWA can be of any assistance please feel free to contact me or one of the ARWA staff at 501-676-2255. By Jim Barkie, ARWA Wastewater Trainer/Technician One of the most neglected components in a collection system are the lift stations. Following a checklist for sewage lift station maintenance can save your community a great deal of money and avoid potential problems that pose health-related risks. Lift stations contain pumps, valves and electrical equipment that function in pumping sewage waste water from lower areas to elevated pipe collection systems for further processing. All lift stations require routine preventive maintenance for hasslefree year-round functioning. Bi-Annual Inspections: Clean wet wells regularly to prevent build-up of solids which cause damage and odors. A full cleaning is required at least twice a year. Also on a bi-annual basis, check valves which stop back-flow to the wet well. Quarterly Inspections: Clean pumps, impellers and floats on a quarterly basis to keep them free and clear of build-up. If any of the lift station is left dirty for too long your lift station will work incorrectly and may cause major problems. Monthly Inspections: A monthly inspection is needed to see if the amp and vibration readings on the various motors in the lift station match the manufacturers’ requirements. If readings are off, this can cause damage to the motor and the wiring, as well as build up inside the motor or impeller. Weekly Inspections: Weekly inspections of the alarm and lighting functions are needed to ensure the system will alert you of any problems. Also important to check on a weekly basis is the general appearance of your lift station. If anything needs to be cleaned, it should be done as soon as it’s discovered. Weekly scans of the equipment to clean any noticeable debris or sludge build-up is needed to keep the lift station in proper working order. ✓ Sus tainable Infras tructure Prestressed Concrete Water Storage Tanks 913.681.6006 Dave Ornduff, Regional Manager dave. ornduff@dntanks. com 4 WATERINSIGHT • SPRING 2013 Is Assessment of Public Drinking Water Sources Important? By: David Quattlebaum, ARWA Source Water Technician One of the services performed by the Arkansas Department of Health was doing a Source Water Assessment for every water system inside the state. A source water assessment is intended to provide a basis for developing, implementing, and improving a source water protection program. When a Source Water Protection Plan is done for a water system, the Assessment done by the Arkansas Department of Health becomes an important part of the plan. These programs require administrative agencies or individuals to delineate protection areas for water intakes, inventory significant contaminants within the protection areas, and determine the susceptibility of the water supply, based upon the conditions found within the protection area(s). These assessments are often used to focus environmental or public health programs developed by local governments, and concerned citizens. In 1998, the Arkansas Department of Health (ADH) embarked on developing a source water assessment for Arkansas’ Public Water Supplies. The ADH collaborated with the USGS – Little Rock District Office and the Arkansas Water Resources Center (AWRC) to identify the needed assessment methods for the Public Water System (PWS) Intakes within Arkansas. The Center for Advanced Spatial Technologies joined the team to provide technical assistance with the Geographic Information System (GIS) analysis and procedures. This project marked the first time a statewide assessment of the source water resources and their susceptibility to potential contamination had ever been completed for Arkansas. Systems inside the state of were completed around the end of 2001. At Arkansas Rural Water Association (ARWA) we use the Source Water Assessment Plan as a cornerstone for the Source Water Protection Plans (SWPP) we do for Surface Water systems. During the process of putting together a SWPP we re-evaluate the watershed and identify potential sources of contamination (PSOC) within the watershed. If some of the old PSOC’s are no longer in place we will document it. We also document new PSOC’s that are within the watershed. Water Managers need to know what is in their watershed. Relying on old information sometimes will not tell the whole story. Many of the managers that have gone through the process of reevaluating their watershed have mentioned how valuable it is to them to know what is really inside their watershed. Having an idea of what exists within your watershed is the first step to having control of PSOC’s within your watershed. Hopefully, ARWA will have the opportunity to do a Source Water Protection Plan for all “surface water” systems within the state of Arkansas during the next few years. Some of the information within this article came from the University of Arkansas, Center for Advanced Spatial Technologies. ✓ ✓ TENCARVA MUNICIPAL DIVISION Steve Frankenberger, P.E. Sales Engineer Chicago Pumps Phone 479-872-8642 Fax 479-927-9453 5 1106 Shaver St. Springdale, Ar 72701 WATERINSIGHT • SPRING 2013 DUPLEX PUMP STATIONS Most of the time in the water and wastewater business, when it is necessary to pump water from one point of the system to another, such as from a water treatment plant to an elevated storage tank, or from one tank to another tank in the system, or from a lift station on a wastewater system, you will find what is known as a duplex pump station. Usually a Duplex Pump Station will consist of two pumps, usually the same size and type and when new, each pump will pump the same amount of water or wastewater. These pumps usually have controls that will turn pumps on and off as needed. The controls should be designed and function so that the two pumps alternate each cycle. This will allow each pump to have close to the same amount of run time. When a Duplex Pump Station is designed, the capacity of the pumps should be sufficient to assure that one of the two pumps will handle the Maximum Daily Flow rate. In other words there should never be the need for both pumps to have to run at the same time. Many times I find in my visits and assistance with water and wastewater systems that due to different reasons that both pumps operate together, or only one pump will operate due to the controls not alternating, or because the other pump is down due to need of repair. Sometimes it is assumed that because there are two pumps in our pump station that we can pump TWICE the capacity if it is needed by allowing both pumps to run together, which is how controls are normally installed on a duplex pump station. You can find this occurring quite often with duplex stations at wastewater lift stations after heavy rain fall due to inflow into the collection system; unfortunately this is not the way the pumps are designed to operate. Unless the pumps are installed in series (one pump hooked to the other), which is not usually the case when both pumps are run together, you can only expect at most about 40% capacity out of the second pump. I have checked this flow on some wastewater pumps by use of a sonic Duplex Booster Pump Station (Water) By: Terry Fortenberry, ARWA Circuit Rider meter or by calculating the flow by using the volume of the wet well as the pumps are pumping and found that the second pump would only deliver 5% of its capacity. One that I checked just recently was determined as following, when pumps were ran by themselves Pump #1 delivered 189 gpm, Pump #2 delivered 187 gpm, and when both pumps were ran together the total flow rate for both pumps was only 199 gpm. In this case the second pump was only pumping 10 gpm (5% of its normal flow) when ran with the first pump. With this known you can see that it would not be very beneficial to allow both pumps to run together and probably be better to maybe prevent the second pump to run with the first due to possible additional electrical cost to operate the second pump during a high demand period. The solution to this situation would be to try to find and stop the inflow into the system in order to minimize the pumps ever needing to run together. Another problem that is seen in my visits with duplex pump stations is due to the fact that there are two pumps we can sometimes get a false sense of security when one pump fails and needs repair because we still have one pump that can do the job. This is true in a way because this is however the sole reason for having the second pump, (to assure that we can continue pumping while the pump that fails is repaired.) Unfortunately, too often repairs to the first pump are not done immediately due to either lack of repair parts needed on hand, cost, lack of time to perform the repair when it happens, or because we feel that there is plenty of time to repair it later, and when the second pump fails and the first pump is still unrepaired we then have an emergency, when in fact it should be considered an emergency when the first pump fails and repairs should be done and first pump should be returned to service as soon as possible, to assure that we always have two pumps. If ARWA can assist you in this matter or any other please contact us. Duplex Lift Station (Wastewater) 6 EMERGENCY!!!!! One pump found non operational due to no repair parts (Wastewater Lift Station) WATERINSIGHT • SPRING 2013 DON’T REPLACE IT. PRESERVE IT. Maximize the life of your water storage tank and avoid expensive repairs with Caldwell Tanks’ exclusive Tank Asset Preservation® (TAP) program. American-owned Caldwell Tanks, Inc. is the oldest and largest full-service tank company in the world. Supported by Caldwell’s 36 in-house engineers and 15 NACE certified coating inspectors, our trained Preservation Teams draw on over 125 years of tank expertise and experience to ensure your tank stays safe, sanitary, secure and looking its best. ✓ TAP full-service maintenance contracts cover every facet of tank repair and maintenance, including: t"OOVBM*OTQFDUJPOT t3FQBJST3FQMBDFNFOU of Parts t*OUFSJPS$MFBO0VUT t(SBóUJ3FNPWBM t&YUFSJPS3FQBJOUJOH t*OUFSJPS3FMJOJOH Don’t get stuck in the expensive cycle of paying for emergency repairs and repainting. Call Caldwell Tanks today or visit us online at .BUU'JOOFZrr'BYrNñOOFZ!$BMEXFMM5BOLTDPN ✓ 7 WATERINSIGHT • SPRING 2013 Do you have the oldest Gorman-Rupp pump? Attending ARWA Classes increases chances for Four Wheeler Drawing You could win a prize!!!!!! By Susan Poe, ARWA Wastewater Trainer/Technician By Susan Poe, ARWA Wastewater Speaking of winning … for every school you have attended from January 1, 2013 through August 15, 2013, you will receive one extra ticket per class to go in for the FOUR WHEELER DRAWING at the luncheon on Tuesday at the Annual Arkansas Rural Water Conference. Odds are great as they are for someone to win but this will just make your chance better. You must be from an ARWA member system, be pre-registered (by August 15, 2013) and be present at the luncheon to win. Your extra tickets will be issued at the conference. Trainer/Technician Gorman-Rupp is in search of the oldest working T-Series pump in Arkansas. At the ARWA annual conference September 15th-18th at Hot Springs, Gorman-Rupp will be having a contest for the system with the oldest T-Series pump still in operation. In order to be eligible you will need to bring a photo of the pump and the serial number. The serial number will be verified to determine the age of the pump. You have to attend the ARWA conference to be eligible. What is the prize you ask? You have to attend the ARWA conference to find out! Hope to see you there. ✓ 8 WATERINSIGHT • SPRING 2013 The Importance of Energy Conservation By Josh Freeman, ARWA Circuit Rider How do you calculate water loss? Energy Conservation is getting more and more important in the water and wastewater industry due to things such as budgeting getting tighter, cost of chemicals, electricity, and etc. going up seems like everyday. That’s why Arkansas Rural Water Association has put two Energy Conservation/Water Loss Classes on the 2013 calendar this year (April 17 & August 7) at the ARWA Training Facility in Lonoke. One of the most important ways to conserve energy on a water system is the control of the system’s water loss. Lost water is lost money in pumping cost, wear on pumps, equipment, chemical cost, and most of all the loss to systems that purchase their water only to have it leak out of the system. This can cause a hardship financially to the system. Water loss can be caused by many different things such as un-known leaks, not accounting for fire hydrant usages or theft (which is becoming real common). One of the things I find the most is inaccurate meters in the master meters or the old residential meters that have slowed down throughout the system. Systems need to have a meter change out plan for old residential meters. Systems also need to try having their master meters tested once a year to make sure they are still in compliance for an accurate water loss report. I also get questions about accounted and unaccounted water loss and how do you calculate water loss. To calculate water loss you take water produced/purchased, minus water sold to find amount of water loss, then divide water loss by water produced/purchased. Example: Water produced/purchased 2,000,000 Water sold - 1,700,000 Water loss 300,000 divided by 2,000,000 = .15 or 15% Like water loss in a distribution system, infiltration can be just as important to control in a collection system in the wastewater industry. One of the ways to find infiltration is to perform a smoke test. This is where smoke is induced into the collection system and smoke will appear coming out of the ground where there may be broken mains, service lines, missing clean outs, as well as issues with manholes such as the upper sections being knocked off their centers causing a gap that allows the water to enter from the surface. Camera work is more effective when trying to locate line leaks very deep under the surface (5’ or more), as well as locating tree root penetration to the lines which not only allows unwanted water to enter. Another important aspect in energy conservation that gets looked over is the efficiency in the system pumps and motors. Pump efficiencies decline over time due to wear (such as impellers wearing down). One thing a system may do to get more bang for their buck out of the electric motors is to install a variablefrequency drive (VFD). The system in some cases can also use the VFD to keep pressure when performing repairs and maintenance on their water tanks. There is more learned everyday in how operators and utilities can conserve energy. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at or contact us at Arkansas Rural Water Association at 501-676-2255. I hope to see everyone at our 2013 Scholarship Golf Tournament & Operator Expo June 5-6 and the 36th Annual Technical Conference in Hot Springs September 15- 18. What is water loss? Water loss is the difference between the water produced/purchased and the water sold. There are two kinds of water loss accounted for and unaccounted for. Accounted for water loss such as breaks, hydrant flushing, and known storage tank over flows, water and waste water treatment plants, fire departments, and computer adjustments. Unaccounted for water loss is things such as un-known leaks, theft, and in-accurate meters. The acceptable percent of unaccounted water loss is 10% and 15%. 9 WATERINSIGHT • SPRING 2013 “Green” Revolving Loan Fund Projects project will receive funding. You may contact Mike Chandler at (501) 682-0547 or for additional information on the Programs and this solicitation. The Arkansas Natural Resources Commission is soliciting for “Green” wastewater projects from Publicly Owned Wastewater Systems (POTW) to be funded from the Clean Water Revolving Loan Fund Program. The Program has ten percent of its funds reserved for “Green” infrastructure projects. To be eligible for funding from this solicitation, the applicant must be a POTW and the project must demonstrate that it will facilitate compliance with Clean Water Act and meet the definition of “Green” below. Projects considered for Green will require a business case showing how energy savings are provided with supporting documentation. All requested information should be submitted to: “Green” Revolving Loan Fund Projects Water Resources Development Division Arkansas Natural Resources Commission 101 East Capitol Avenue, Suite 350 Little Rock, Arkansas 72201 Submittals will be accepted until 4:30 pm on Friday, May 24, 2013. Green wastewater projects for the Arkansas Program: Energy Efficiency – The project must conserve energy above the norms available in equipment currently. Energy efficiency projects should demonstrate substantial benefits/savings compared to the average level of efficiency currently available for the project or component, greater than twenty percent. Also, energy efficiency benefits/savings must be a substantial part of the rationale or justification for the project, and cannot simply be incidental energy efficiency benefits. If the project does not achieve the twenty percent net energy reduction, then a business case must show substantial energy savings. To submit a project for consideration under this solicitation, please send a preliminary engineering report containing information on the problem the POTW is having with its system, alternatives to solve the problem, costs estimates for the alternatives and the selected alternative the POTW is seeking funding for. Submission of a project does not guarantee the need something for this space ✓ ✓ TENCARVA MUNICIPAL DIVISION Steve Frankenberger, P.E. Sales Engineer Chicago Pumps Phone 479-872-8642 Fax 479-927-9453 10 1106 Shaver St. Springdale, Ar 72701 WATERINSIGHT • SPRING 2013 Drinking Water Update By James Philipp, ARWA Trainer, USEPA Training/Technical Assistance Provider financial assistance, all required under the Safe Drinking Water Act. While federal monies are being scrutinized in Washington, D. C., we assure you that ARWA will continue to provide the highest quality training and technical services to water systems and their customers across this great state. We encourage you to participate at the Operator EXPO June 6th and hope to tee off many new teams as well as our old friends at the memorial golf scholarship tournament on June 5th. Weather will be a perfect 82 degrees both days, promise. And, lastly but certainly no less important is the ARWA 36th Annual Technical Conference in beautiful Hot Springs, September 15-18th. Weather will be a perfect 82 degrees so come on down and experience new classes, innovative products, and a whole bunch of great times and good tunes. Don’t forget to pre-register for your chance at the 4-wheeler to be given away at the show. Until my next letter or I see you at one of our functions, REMEMBER - keep educating yourself, educating your public and keep that safe water flowing! Great Day Fellow Operators, If you have not checked out the new and improved ARWA web site recently, I encourage you to do so now at There, you will find all class information and can download the 2013 training calendar for your enjoyment. New this year is the Specialized Training for water and wastewater operators. Attending all three consecutive days will renew both licenses in one convenient location (yep, we are the only group in the state offering that benefit). With the loss of OPCERT funding for small systems, we hope by providing the three consecutive days, it will reduce the financial burden of sending operators to several locations versus only one. These specialized trainings will be held around the state so be sure to check your calendar for a location near you. Also new this year is a one day class dedicated to energy conservation and water loss (April 17 & August 7). Good class for anyone looking to save money, electricity, and especially WATER. And I’m sure I do not need to remind anyone license renewal hours must be completed before June 30, 2013 or you can expect a nice letter from Mr. Nutt at the ADH. We at rural water work hard assisting water and wastewater systems with technical, managerial and ✓ Water W ater a TTreatment reatment is our Business ✓ Haawkins Hawkins w W Water ater a Treatment Treatment Group has been meeting th thee requirements of commercial, industrial, m unicipal and institutional municipal organizati ons since 1938. organizations Columbia, MO 573-886-9500 Fort Smith, AR Fort 479-648-9900 Garnett, KS Garnett, 785-448-1610 .com www w.ha . awkinsinc w 11 WATERINSIGHT • SPRING 2013 Attention: Attention: Board Board M Members embers and and Managers Managers of Rural Water Water A Associations: of Rural ssociations: Airport Airport Road Water Association Arkansas Ark kaansas Rural Water Association, Inc. City of Ash Fl Flat at Bald Knob Nor North th Water Association Beaver Water District of Washington & Benton Benton Counties Counties Bee Branch Branch Water Association Benton Cou nty Ru Benton County Rural ral Water #5 Benton/Wash Benton/Washington Regional Public Water Authority Benton Benton Cou County n Water District #1 Bethesda Wat Water Association, Inc. Blue Mountain Mountai Water Department Breckenridge-Union BreckenridgeWater Association Brinkley Brinkklley Mun Municipal Waterworks City of Brookland Brook Brunerr Hill W Brune Water Association Buffalo Island Island Regional Water District Calhou Calhoun n Cou County n Water Association, Inc. Carthage Car Water & Sewer Commission thage Wat City of Cash Cedarville Water Wa Works Center Cent er Grove Water Users City of Cherry Cherry Valley Cherokee Cherokee Vill Village Waterwork Facilities City of McDougal McDo Regional Water Clay County County R Cleveland County Cou Rural Water Users Colt Water Department D Concordd Wat Water and Sewer P.F.B. Concor Conw Conway ay Cou County n Regional Water Cotton Water & Sewer Main and Control Cot ton Plant W Town of Cove Cross County Cross Cou nty Rural Water System Dennard Water Dennard W at Association Dorcheat Community Water Association, Inc. Dorcheat Com Dota Public Water W Authority Earle Water aand Sewer Division East Prairie County Co Water Association Edgewood Bay Association, Inc. Etowah Waster Water System Franklin Franklin Sebastian Public Water Author Authority ity Freedom Water Users Association Fulton Cou County nty Water Authority Authority City of Fulton Water & Sewer Department Gentryville Gentryville Water Association Gillham Lake Lake Regional Regional Water Association Glen Acres Mutual Water System Grange Calamine Water Association Grand Prairie Region Water Distribution Distribution District District Grand Prairie Bayou II Public Facilities Boar Boardd Greenfield Capital Development, LLC LLC City of Greenbrier Hardin Water Association, Inc. Town of Harrell Old Bella Vista POA, Inc. City of Omaha Water Department Outside Kingsland Kingsland Water Water Ozark Acres PFB of Sharp County County City of Haskell unicipal W ater & Sewer System Helena Helena M Municipal Water Highway Highway 4 & 24 Water Association Highway Highway 63 Water Users Association Highway Highway 71 Water District No. 1 Authority Highland Highland Public Water Authority City of Highland Sewer Department Horsehead Water Association City of Hoxie Independence-Jackson County Regional Water Users Jefferson Samples Dexter Water Association Johnson Township Water Keo Water and Sewer City of Kingsland Ladd Water Association Lafe Rural Water Association Lake Bull Shoals Water Association Lake Chicot Water Supply Association Lakeview Midway Public Water Authorities Lakeside Water Association Lawrence County Regional Water Lawson-Urbanna Water Association City of Lead Hill Water Letona Waste Water Lisbon Water Association Locke-Fern & Dollard Road Waterworks City of London Lost Bridge Village Water Association Louann Water & Sewer Lurton Pelsor Water Association Madison County Water Facilities Board Magnet Butterfield Water Association Marianna Water and Sewer Department Marysville Water Association, Inc. McKinnon Contractors, Inc. McNeil Water Association, Inc. Milltown Washburn Public Water Authority Mou Mountain ntain Top Public Water Authority Authority Mt. H Holly olly Water Association, Inc. Mt. Olive Water Association Dept. City of Moutain Moutain View Water and Waste Water Dept. Nail Swain Water Association arland Cou nty Regiona Nor th G North Garland County Regionall Water oward Rur al W ater Association North Howard Rural Water North H North North Pike County County Rural Water North White County North W hite Cou nty Rural Water Public Facilities Board Board Northeast Northeast Yell County County Water Oak Manor Manor Water and Waste WaterOzark WaterOzark Water & Sewer Ozone Ozone Water Association, Association, Inc. City of Pangburn Pangburn Waterworks Waterworkkss D Department Parkers Chapel Parkers Ch apel Water Association Parkin Rural Public Water Authority Paron Owensville Water Authority City of Perrytown Phillips County Sewer Facilities Board Pike City Rural Water Quadex, Inc. Quinn Water Association, Inc. Ratcliff Water & Sewer Department Riversouth Rural Water District Riviera Utilities of Arkansas, Inc. Rock Moore PWA of Arkansas Saline County Water & Sewer Saline Watershed Regional Water Distribution District trict Sardis Water Association PWA of the State of AR Sevier County Water Sidney Waterworks Southwest Arkansas Water System Southwest Atkins Water Users Southwest Boone County Water Association South Logan County Public Water South Pike County Public Facilities Board Southwest Section American Waterworks Association on South Sheridan and Little Creek Southeast White County Water Spadra-Goose Camp Water Users Association City of Sparkman SPG Water Association Subiaco Abbey, Inc. Sylamore Valley Water Association Toad Suck Public Facilities Board Tri-County Regional Water Trumann Water Association Princeton Water Association Tulip Princeton Water System, Inc. Tumbling Shoals Water City of Valley Springs Water Department Department Van Buren County County Water Association Vandale Birdeye Water Association Walkers Creek Walkeers Cr eek State LLine ine Water Association, Inc. Walker Walkeer Water Association Watalula Water Users Watson Ch Chapel apel Water Association, Inc. Wesson Newell Water Association Western Regionall Water Western Greene County County Regiona Water District District West Saline Water Users Users Association West Stone County County Water Association Wilburn Wilburn Water Association Wildwood Water Association Woodson-Hensley Water Co. Wright Pastoria Pastoria Water Association Yorktown Yorktown Water Association Everyone else is benefitting from arwa’s Aquasure insurance program. Why aren’t you? Call Call David David Feild Feild today today ffor or m more ore iinformation nformation at at 501-666-6653, 501-666-6653, or or email: email: 12 ✓ WATERINSIGHT • SPRING 2013 Attention: Attention: Board Board M Members embers and and Managers Managers of Rural Water Water A Associations: of Rural ssociations: ✓ arwa’s Aquasure program is the only insurance plan we recommend for you. ONLY Aquasure provides your system with these benefits of an arwa-endorsed plan: S A wide range of coverage that would cost much more in a non-gr oup policy; non-group S Protection specifically designed to meet your unique unique needs as a rural water provider; S Monetary dividends that have helped your arwa grow str onger; and, stronger; S Cost savings that demonstrate demonstrate your smart leadership to your your customers. Call Call David David Feild Feild today today ffor or m more ore information information at at 501-666-6653, 501-666-6653, or or email: email: 13 WATERINSIGHT • SPRING 2013 What is the Arkansas Water Plan? The Arkansas Water Plan is our program for the orderly development and management of water and related land resources—the state policy for water. The current Water Plan was developed after the drought of 1980. The issues identified and the proposed solutions to water problems are still relevant today. We have made great progress building drinking water supplies, improving wastewater treatment, and reducing non-point source pollution among other advances. It is now time to reassess and prepare for the future. What is the Update? Since the 1980s, we have developed years of new data on water use, groundwater declines, population changes, streamflows, and other water issues to update our planning documents. Advances in computer technology and science have given us the tools to analyze the data more effectively than ever before. This update will bring the data, science, and public input together to define water demands, water supply, and potential solutions to meet our needs for the next 40 years. Between now and the end of 2014, we will: • Quantify and identify current and future needs. • Quantify water supply available for use. • Work with the public to create a portfolio of water supply and management actions. In some cases, specific projects and activities will be identified. How Can You Get Involved? The Natural Resources Commission has contracted engineering firms to assemble data and review demands and supplies for agriculture, industry, recreation, municipal water, navigation, fish and wildlife, power generation, etc. To make sure the update calculates demands and supplies as accurately as possible, we will have to have the help of the people of Arkansas. In the early summer of 2013, we will hold several meetings around Arkansas to discuss the way to calculate water demand and forecast future demand. Feedback from the public will be essential. Everyone is welcome to be involved or observe the process, and public comment is encouraged at any time. Arkansas Natural Resources Commission, Attention Water Plan, 101 East Capitol Avenue, Suite 350, Little Rock, Arkansas 72201. Contact Information E-mail comments or questions to: Website: Telephone: 501-682-1611 14 WATERINSIGHT • SPRING 2013 ARWA Gets Letters and E-MailS From Systems • Dear Mr. Sternberg: Freeman and many more are very important to us for all they do. It’s not just the training programs. Thanks for the support and work you do with ADH and funding like USEPA. You go above and beyond the call. From all of us at Northeast Yell County Water, Thanks. January 5, 2013 We would like to take this time to express our sincere thanks for the services provided by ARWA. In the past twelve months we lost both of our water operators and have started from “scratch” on hiring non-experienced personnel who have been working under my direction and license. The time since has been and continues to be a learning experience for all of us and we have had to call on assistance from the ARWA circuit riders numerous times. Rodney Baldwin has helped us through several situations with his knowledge of the water industry and is a valuable “tool” for all water systems. Joseph B. Carter Northeast Yell County Water • ARWA, Just a quick note to say thank you for the Wastewater I certification training (Jim Barkie and Susan Poe) and testing which I attended recently at your agency. What a wonderful training facility and quality staff you have right here in Arkansas. I am thankful that your agency exists for not only agencies like Arkansas State Parks but also for our community members and the private sector. Also, thanks for the training classes and instructors which you provide in helping everyone to be able to get licensed and the continuing education hours for renewing existing license. Again, the ARWA assistance in all areas of the water industry is invaluable and greatly appreciated. The training that your staff provided was well attended by those in need of service hours and/or certifications for their jobs, communities and even households. I am thankful this agency exists and that they are able to provide these much needed and important public services to satisfy training and employment needs to our beautiful state of Arkansas. Donna Sefers, Manager & Employees of CRWA Crowley’s Ridge Water Association, Inc. • Dear ARWA ,January 9, 2013 On January 3, 2013, circuit rider, Josh Freeman conducted a tank inspection. He was inspecting a completed paint job on the interior of our 80 x 20 standpipe. Freeman performed a mil test on the paint and a sponge pin-hole test in the pits on the walls. Thank you for allowing this agency to continue their services, helping us to keep Arkansas beautiful, healthy and clean!!! Janelle Shepherd, Park Superintendent Lodge Trainee Arkansas State Parks I would like to thank ARWA and Josh Freeman for their time and professionalism. • Dear Mr. Sternberg, Josh Campbell, Operator Delight Rural Water and Sewer • Dear Mr. Sternberg, January 18, 2013 January 18, 2013 Hello Dennis. My name is Gary Morgan and I am the Mayor of Portland, Arkansas. My city has a population of 460. All of us here really appreciate a safe drink of water. Thanks to you and your staff and the training you give we are able to have this in our little town. I have attended classes for Water Distribution and Water Treatment that allowed me to test and receive a D1 and T2 license from ADH. Recently I attended Wastewater I and tested and passed to become a Class I operator to satisfy ADEQ regulations. All of this was made possible because you January 15, 2013 Just wanted to say “Thanks” to ARWA and its staff for playing a vital role in keeping us as Operators well informed and trained; not to mention all the other programs ARWA has to offer. I recently took the D4 exam at Clarksville. I truly believe that without ARWA training programs I would not have been able to pass the exam. I’m sure that many if not all Operators feel the same way. The people on ARWA’s staff like Jim Philipp, Josh (continued on next page) 15 WATERINSIGHT • SPRING 2013 Letters and E-MailS (continued) are there and willing to help small rural communities that do not have the funds to train and educate employees. I wish that every American could be as passionate about water as the Staff at ARWA. Thank you for your good work, and may you always be funded generously. • ARWA, January 28, 2013 Gary Morgan, Mayor, Water & Sewer Operator Portland Waterworks Hi, I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate that you offer classes in Wastewater training. I just completed Wastewater Class I about two weeks ago. I plan to continue on and also get my Class II license. I had a great instructor, Jim Barkie. I look forward to attending Wastewater Class II training. • Dear Josh, • Dear ARWA, January 23, 2013 We at Van Buren County Water offer our sincere appreciation to you for testing our fire hydrant meters. We suspected one of our meters was incorrect and your test was conclusive to the fact. We have returned that meter for warranty work that would not have been accepted without your proclamation. Watalula Water Users Association would like to thank Josh Freeman for coming and inspecting our tanks for us. The state is lucky to have such a great group of people working for ARWA. Susan Cloos, Manager Watalula Water Users Association Then just days later after we first had a lightning storm followed by the snow storm, we were losing approximately 100 thousand gallons a day, were short-handed and were really reluctant to call, but really in need of assistance and without any hesitation you again answered our call for help. Not only answered but within a few hours located the leak. • Mr. Josh Freeman, February 12, 2013 I would like to thank you for all the services that the Rural Water Association provides to us at the City of Cotter and for coming out upon our request to assess our water tank survey located on Highway 62. Your services and pictures that will be emailed to us will greatly assist us in making our plans and assessment for the date and time for which we will need to repaint our water tank. Once again we appreciate you taking the time and giving your expert opinion. Thank you. You are truly experts and we really appreciate you, your willingness and attitude. Max Gammill, Manager Van Buren County Water Association, Inc. • ARWA, February 12, 2013 January 27, 2013 Peggy Hammack, Mayor City of Cotter I recently took and passed my Wastewater I exam at Lonoke, AR. I was very pleased how the teacher (Jim Barkie) went over several key points and if anyone in the class had a question he would always do his best to answer it, and if there was ever a problem he was more than happy to help take care of it or further explain it. The class had a lot of information about several things I didn’t know till then and I work for City Corporation in Russellville, AR. I am a wastewater operator so it’s my job to know and I feel I can help a little more and do better overall at my job, knowing more about what goes on, furthermore I was very pleased with his attitude and the way he interacted with all of us not just certain ones. You guys are doing a great job and I thank you for everything you do. • Mr. Josh Freeman, February 12, 2013 We at RiverSouth Rural Water District would like to thank you for your help inspecting our standpipe number three. Your services along with ARWA are very valuable to RiverSouth Rural Water District. Thank you again. Jack Wells, Manager RiverSouth Rural Water District • Josh, February 13, 2013 Thank you so much for coming to Cotter and inspecting our tank. I was relieved to hear the good news. This will allow me to continue to plan for the necessary painting Austin Moody, Wastewater Operator City Corporation, Russellville (continued on next page) 16 WATERINSIGHT • SPRING 2013 Letters and E-MailS • ARWA, (continued) I would like to take a few minutes to thank your staff for the water training I recently attended. Your staff was excellent in their presentation in teaching the hands on and knowledgeable in the skills required for real life water treatment operations. Special thanks to Jim Philipp in course studies. Thank you very much. that will eventually be necessary. I will forward all your pictures to my Public Works Director for his files. Thank you for your expert opinion. Peggy Hammack, Mayor City of Cotter • Jim Philipp, Tony Scroggins East Prairie County Water February 21, 2013 • Dear Dennis, The City of Waldron would like to thank you for the course you gave on the Math classes during the month of January 2013. Your class was very informative to our employee. February 21, 2013 The City of Waldron would like to thank you for the course you gave on the Basic Water Treatment class February 5 through 7, 2013. Your class was very informative to our employee. Arkansas Rural Water Association has excellent staff and services that utility operators would suffer greatly if it were ever lost to us. We have also worked in the past with Tim Carey and Terry Fortenberry and would like to thank them again and especially Jim Philipp for the training he puts on in water. Hopefully your programs will remain funded and you will always be there in the future for us. We just couldn’t manage without all of you. Brandon Nelson, Water Superintendent City of Waldron • ARWA, February 28, 2013 I would like for you to know that your instructor Mr. Jim Barkie is a very good teacher. He explains problems and formulas in detail. He is an asset to your organization. I will recommend him for future classes to anyone, myself included. Thank you. I also sent Matt Hunter, one of our operators, to a class that Susan Poe set up at Bono on Specialized Training. Matt was pleased with the training he received and learned a lot on jetting collection lines and chlorinators from Henard Utility that he can use in his work at McCrory. He also learned a lot about safety on both that was a big benefit. These types of classes not only teach operators to do their job but also help with trying to keep them from being hurt on the job. Hope to see more of them in the future. Dennis, we do appreciate you and what all your staff does for the operators in the State of Arkansas. If we may be of assistance to you as well, please let us know. Billy Graves, Wastewater Superintendent HSV POA Water • ARWA, March 8, 2013 Once again the City of McCrory needs to send a letter to Rodney Baldwin and Susan Poe for their recent assistance. We had a problem in February with a manhole which Rodney located for us and a problem at our wastewater plant that Susan showed up shortly after we discovered it to help us correct it before it became a major issue and out of compliance. Susan and Rodney were also able to help us with a permanent solution to the problem so that it doesn’t happen again. When it comes to my treatment plant and distribution system Rodney is wonderful at solving all our problems. Susan is also my go to girl for any wastewater issues we have and also a big help with training my operators for wastewater licensing. Brandon Nelson, Water Superintendent City of Waldron • Ron Hickerson, March 8, 2013 February 28, 2013 Huntsville Water would like to say thank you to Josh Freeman and Arkansas Rural Water Association for the service they provide to the water systems across the state of Arkansas. Without these services we could not afford to have some of these services done. Not only has ARWA been of great service to us, but Josh Freeman has been wonderful to work with. We appreciate his knowledge and his willingness to help us out. Homer Reeves, Water and Sewer Superintendent McCrory Water & Sewer Department Larry D. Garrett, Director Huntsville Water Utilities (continued on next page) 17 WATERINSIGHT • SPRING 2013 Letters and E-MailS • Attn: Dennis Sternberg Pencil Bluff Water System. His help aided us in trying to locate a possible problem with water loss. Please tell Josh thanks, for being professional and timely in his works and diagnoses. (continued) March 8, 2013 Thank you for supporting the many rural water systems throughout the state. Without ARWA our jobs in a small water system would be much harder. Again thank you for your services. I wanted to take the time to thank Arkansas Rural Water Association for their help and support. Susan Poe recently updated and printed our Security Vulnerability Assessment and prepared a long range plan for us. It will be a tremendous help to have this completed so we can take care of other items. It’s always a pleasure to work with Susan and the rest of the ARWA staff. We look forward to working with you again in the future. James Strozewski, Superintendent Oden-Pencil Bluff Water System • Dear Mr. Sternberg, I also attended the Specialized Training at Bono this week that Susan Poe and Jim Philipp set up and the speakers were excellent. I enjoyed sitting through the class. Topics like pumps and motors, sewer jetting and chlorinators are beneficial to the operators. I learned a lot that I can take back and use at my job. Glad to see these schools and it was nice to get all my hours for both my water and wastewater license in one trip while enjoying the class so close to home. On behalf of our State Parks Division employees, I would like to express my gratitude for the specialized water and wastewater training recently provided by your staff. Your EPA training specialist, Mr. Jim Philipp, was instrumental in coordinating instructors to present topics specifically requested by our agency. The presentations for wastewater included National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permits in conjunction with Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMR), and parameters and maintenance for troubleshooting of lift stations. Once again thanks for all you do. I know you guys are always willing to help us water operators and that takes a load off our minds. Keep up the good work. Biennially, Arkansas Rural Water Association has been responsible for assisting our agency meet the training requirements set forth by the Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality and the Arkansas Department of Health for wastewater and water operator licensing. This year, thirty-three employees attended the four day workshop offered in January. An additional ten employees are Casey Shaw, Water Superintendent Mount Pleasant Water • ARWA, March 11, 2013 March 10, 2013 I just wanted to send my thanks to ARWA. Josh Freeman recently came out and tested two meters for the Oden- (continued on next page) ✓ ✓ PITTSBURG TANK & TOWER MAINTENANCE CO., INC. SAVE! We have a crew in YOUR AREA! Inspections Repair New & Used Wet In Service Cleaning Relocation Dry Paint Erectors ROV Insulation Dismantles (Robotic) API Mixing System Tanks Elevated Underground Ground Storage ROV inspections can be viewed on TV console during inspection & DVD provided. All inspections include bound reports, recommendations and cost estimates. Hugh McGee 270-826-9000 Ext. 330 18 WATERINSIGHT • SPRING 2013 Letters and E-MailS (continued) scheduled to attend other classes offered by your organization to upgrade their current licenses. • Jim Barkie, I would like to thank you for helping our city employees with the smoke testing of our city lines during the week of March 4, 2013. The Arkansas Department of Parks and Tourism is grateful for the expertise that your organization provides for our water and wastewater operators as that knowledge is used to serve the citizens and guests of this state. I appreciate your help and the Arkansas Rural Water Association’s assistance. Richard Davies Arkansas Department of Parks & Tourism • Mr. David Quattlebaum, Brandon Nelson, Water Superintendent City of Waldron March 12, 2013 I would like to thank you for taking the time to come and help out with our 2013 Annual Family Fun Day and for your support in helping spread the word on preserving and conserving our environment. • ARWA, March 21, 2013 Just another big thank you to ARWA and Terry Fortenberry. Once again they came to my rescue. I could not get my well to chlorinate and Terry came down and corrected the problem. Without all of you, we would have been out a lot of money that we don’t have. Again thank you ARWA. Our 2013 Family Fun Event was a success due largely to your efforts. We honestly could not have done this event without your help. I would like to let you and your supervisor know how much we appreciate your efforts. It was hard work but with everyone doing their part it was fun, although fast paced at times. Clifford Page Taylor Water Operator Again, thank you very much for your contribution and for helping support our community and other participants. We look forward to working again with you next year for our 2014 Family Fun Day. • Dear Ms. Susan, March 22, 2013 Thank you so much for providing the Operator 1 Class this week in Bono. You provided a very good course for us. Mike Farringer Cassatot River State Park-Natural Area • Dear Mr. Sternberg: March 19, 2013 As I am sure the applications indicated it was interesting how many different backgrounds were represented. Some of us were virtually beginners and some of us had spent our careers in the field. Some were from industrial backgrounds and some had an administrative background. It is obvious in your words and actions that you enjoy what you are doing. The examples you gave both verbally and in photos were exceptionally well placed within the curricula. I found it inspiring how you were able to keep all of us engaged and still were able to address individual needs and weaknesses in a professional and positive manner. March 14, 2013 Please accept this letter of appreciation from the City of Leslie on behalf of Rodney Baldwin, Circuit Rider. During the past year, the City of Leslie has benefited from Rodney’s assistance with leak detection on more than one occasion. Most recently, his expertise helped us locate several leaks that have been difficult to pinpoint. In closing, I would like to recognize the USDA and EPA for their funding of the Arkansas Rural Water Association’s Circuit Riders. Their funding provides valuable services to rural communities across the state. Without such funding, communities like Leslie, would struggle even more. I was well pleased with the class time versus future benefits and would recommend this class and you as an instructor to anyone interested in becoming an operator. Angie Rios Rios Appraisal and Consulting Services Talitha Hardin, Mayor City of Leslie 19 WATERINSIGHT • SPRING 2013 ARKANSAS RURAL WATER ASSN. BACKFLOW PROGRAM ✓ Arkansas Rural Water has been approved by the Arkansas Department of Health and is now offering training courses for persons wishing to be certified in backflow prevention and cross-connection. Below, you will find courses offered and their cost. If you wish to attend a course, please fill out and return this registration form, along with a check for the amount of the course. Please mail to: Arkansas Rural Water Association P.O. Box 860, Lonoke, AR 72086 PH-501-676-2255 – Fax 501-676-2266 ASSEMBLY TESTER CERTIFICATION COURSE COST: ARWA MEMBER: $350.00 NON-MEMBER: $395.00 The Assembly Tester Course is a 40-hour course that consists of classroom training and actual hands-on training to train the student to field test various backflow prevention devices. NOTE: (It is required by the Arkansas Department of Health that anyone wishing to be a Certified Tester, attend and pass this type of an approved course and also pass a test given by the Arkansas Department of Health after completion of this course.) ASSEMBLY TESTER RE-CERTIFICATION COURSE COST: ARWA MEMBER: $75.00 NON-MEMBER: $100.00 The Assembly Tester Re-Certification Course is an 8-hour course that consists of classroom training and lab training to re-certify CERTIFIED TESTERS. NOTE: (It is required by the Arkansas Department of Health that Certified Testers attend and pass this type of an approved course every two years in order to maintain Certification.) ASSEMBLY REPAIR CERTIFICATION COURSE COST: ARWA MEMBER: $250.00 NON-MEMBER: $295.00 The Assembly Repair Course is a 24-hour course that consists of classroom training and hands-on lab training to train the student to be able to repair Assemblies in the field. NOTE: (It is required by the Arkansas Department of Health that before someone can be a Certified Assembly Repair person they must be a Certified Tester, attend and pass an Assembly Repair Course and also pass a test given by the Arkansas Department of Health after completion of this course.) PLEASE FILL OUT THE INFORMATION ON THE FOLLOWING PAGE & MAIL IT TO ARKANSAS RURAL WATER 10 WORKING DAYS PRIOR TO THE CLASS DATE YOU ATTEND. 20 WATERINSIGHT • SPRING 2013 BACKFLOW CLASSES ✓ Please fill out information below and mail to Arkansas Rural Water, with payment, 10 working days prior to the class date you wish to attend. ARWA - P.O. Box 860, Lonoke, AR 72086 REGISTRATION FORM NAME: ______________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS: ____________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ PHONE: ______________________________________________________________________ EMPLOYER:_____________________________________ARWA MEMBER: YES___ NO___ NAME OF CLASS: _____________________________________________________________ DATE OF CLASS: ______________________________________________________________ BACKFLOW CLASSES IN 2013 February 11 - 15, 2013 April 8 - 12, 2013 July 15 - 19, 2013 October 14 - 18, 2013 Tester Tester Tester Tester Certification ............................................Lonoke Certification ............................................Lonoke Certification ............................................Lonoke Certification ............................................Lonoke February 11, 2013 April 8, 2013 July 15, 2013 October 14, 2013 Tester Tester Tester Tester Re-Certification .......................................Lonoke Re-Certification .......................................Lonoke Re-Certification .......................................Lonoke Re-Certification .......................................Lonoke March 19 - 21, 2013 June 18 - 20, 2013 August 13 - 15, 2013 Repair Course .....................................................Lonoke Repair Course .....................................................Lonoke Repair Course .....................................................Lonoke 21 WATERINSIGHT • SPRING 2013 ✓ 22 WATERINSIGHT • SPRING 2013 Water Audits By Rodney Baldwin, ARWA Circuit Rider tions. Having a good set of maps that are up to date will also add to your ability to locate your water lines and valves. This is very important in leak detection as well as in case of an emergency on your system that might keep you from draining your system down and having to be on a boil order. It can also minimize the number of customers that may be without water. Relying on your memory for locating valves during an emergency is not the best practice, as well protecting the system when persons familiar with locations of important elements are no longer there. Water audits will help to save lost water, as well as wasting of money to pump and treat, which in the long run will save your consumers increases in water rates. Being a good steward of preventing losses not only protects your supply it could also protect your job. If you would like to learn more about water audits or need assistance with valve location or leak detections please contact us at Arkansas Rural Water Association for more information. T here is a lot of focus these days on performing a water audit of your system to reduce costs and prevent unnecessary rate increases. Maintaining water loss is a big part of your water audit and should be done on an annual basis, this will help you to justify water rates as well as the need for a rate increase when it becomes necessary. Your system’s present rate may not be allowing you to keep up with an ageing system. Knowing not only the location of key components of your system, it is also important to be familiar who your minimum users are, as well as your high end users, which can also help you to save money by making necessary upgrades which should be done to keep up with demand. By locating and fixing leaks you will save money on chemicals and electrical power use, as well as possible emergency problems before they become a large problem. Another large part of a water audit is to know where your valves are on your system and having a good valve maintenance program, which will assure your system of being able to valve off and isolate sections to make repairs and help with leak detec- ✓ ✓ ! " #$% 23 WATERINSIGHT • SPRING 2013 ✓ 2747 Highway 65 South Clinton, Ar, 72031 501-745-6888 or 501-592-1663 Kazi Electric started in 2005. We are working with Arkansas Rural Water Operators and are providing special pricing to these facilities. We do Residential, Commercial and Industrial wiring. We have specialized in working with Industrial facilities doing Motor Controls and many other items. We work with several Water Plants, Waste Water Plants, Asphalt Plants, Rock Crushers Plants and other Plants throughout the Arkansas. We are based out of Clinton, Arkansas and will travel anywhere in the state. We started new division called Kazi Technologies in 2012. Kazi Technologies specializes in Automation and Infrared Scanning. Our office number is 501-592-1663 or 501-745-6888. We do the following and many other services as well: Water and Waste Pump Control: VFD Installation: Motor Controls installs and Troubleshooting Telemetry: Motor Starters: Lift Station controls: Motor Testing: Soft Starters: Capacitors: Generator and Transfer Switch Installation and Servicing: Lighting installation and Maintaining: Thermal Camera Imaging: Ground Testing and Installation: General and Advance Wiring: Phase Monitors: UPS Systems: Networking: Video Cameras: Automation: Phone Dialers: Pressure Controls: Panel Labeling: Panel Building: Valve Control installation and Troubleshooting: We can pull pumps, order new pumps with quick turn around time and repair damaged motors, and pumps. Ask about Infrared Thermal Scanning and how it can save you thousands of dollars. 24 WATERINSIGHT • SPRING 2013 It’s that time of year again, our golf tournament on the 5th and following the next day the operator expo. Any operator needing some hours to complete the much needed license requirement should attend this very informative event. Again, I ask for your input on ways to make this event better each year. We have made many changes to the event to make it better and more fun every year. I hope to have some new venders, and some that offer technology that brings water systems up to date for now and the future. Some of the events we have help raise money for the scholarship that is given away at the ARWA conference every year. One event, the Super Ditch Witch, will grab your attention drawing you to the display of raw power!! There will be contests such as repairing a leak in Annual Operator Expo June 6, 2013 By Tim Carey, ARWA Circuit Rider a pipe. This is a timed test which offers a prize for the best time. Our venders also have contests using the equipment being displayed to complete the task. New contests are added each year, with the chance to sharpen your skills and possibly win a prize. At the conclusion of the expo, a wonderful meal will be provided by HD Supply, a full service supply company that can help with any of your water and wastewater needs. All of our venders offer different types of equipment and products that will make our systems run smooth. I really hope to see you all at the Expo and get the chance to fellowship with our friends and partners. If you have any suggestions or comments, please feel free to contact me at any time at 870335-6599 or email at Shupe and Associates, Inc. ✓ Quality Solutions for Water and Wastewater Treatment representing ✓ Siemens Water Technologies Westech, Inc., ITT-Wedeco Johnson Screens, Yeoman Chicago Pumps, Prominent Fluid Control, Ebara Pumps, Thermo-Fisher Scientific, Kruger, Inc., Siemens Energy & Automation, Stamford Scientific, Inc., Severn Trent Services, Merrick Industries, Solar Bee 3100 W. 65th St. / Little Rock, AR 72209 Phone: 501.565.8446 / Fax: 501.565.5320 Daniel R. Dennis, Ron Glenn Account Managers ✓ ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNICAL SALES, INC. located at Chad B. Cooley, P.E. 6160 Getty Dr. • North Little Rock, AR 72117 Bus: (501) 834-4271 • Fax: (501) 834-6169 900 S. Shackleford Suite 300 Little Rock, Arkansas 72211 25 (501) 978-1025 Fax (501) 978-1026 Cell (501) 690-3721 WATERINSIGHT • SPRING 2013 LEHER PAINTING ENTERPRISES, INC. ARKANSAS LARGEST TANK COATING CONTRACTOR x WASH OUT AND INSPECTIONS WITH FULL COLOR DETAILED REPORTS AND COST ANALYSIS x FULL MAINENANCE PROGRAMS x SERVING ARKANSAS, TENNESSEE. MISSOURI, TEXAS,OKLAHOMA, KENTUCKY AND MISSISSIPPI x Lead Abatement and Containment x Piping/ Undergrounds x Welding/ Fabrication x Valves/ Altitude x Installation of Overflow Piping x Cable/ Float Repairs x Demolitions/ Relocates x Screen Replacements x Sand Blasting and Painting x Logos x Power Washing x Safety Code Upgrading x Hydro Blasting x Vent / Overflow Replacement or Repairs ✓ Leher Painting Enterprises, Inc., is the Largest Provider of Water Tank & Tower Maintenance Services in the State of Arkansas. We Perform a Wide Array of Industrial Maintenance on Potable and Non-Potable Water Tanks, Clearwells, Clarifiers, and Just about any other Ground Level or Elevated Steel Structure Requiring on going Maintenance To Protect the Useful Life of the Asset or Investment. These Services are including but not limited to the following; Abrasive Blasting, Painting, Piping & Altitude Valve Repairs, Tank Steel Repairs, Roof Replacements, Cleaning, Wash-Outs, NACE Certified Coatings Inspections, Logos, Lead Abatement, & General Maintenance concerning these Complex Structures. We have a Stringent Quality Control Program incorporated into our Service Program to Benefit our Clients. LEHER PAINTING ENTERPRISES INC. 167 A HWY. 89 NORTH MATFLOWER, AR 72106 OFFICE: 501-470-9675 FAX: 501-470-1930 PRESIDENT/ CEO: JASON C. LEHER: 501-425-6148 E-MAIL: SALES AND ESTIMATING CONTACT: JEFF GREEN: 501-454-3063 E-MAIL: 26 WATERINSIGHT • SPRING 2013 ✓ Arkansas Rural Water Association’s Debt Collection Program Eliminate Your Delinquent Accounts With Our Web Based Solution For Tracking Collections. With the rising cost of operations can you afford to absorb lost revenue from those leaving your service still owing you money. Stop The LEAK Of Lost Revenue Through ARWA’s WUDB System Features Benefits Personalized Company Info Affordable Fee’s Multiple User Security Levels Automatic Tracking Of Inquiries New Customer Inquiries Notice Of Matches Upon Login Debt Customer Entry Establishes Communication Built In Request Forms Ultimately Reduces Bad Debt THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS Continue To Be Collected Throughout The State, Get On Board And Add Your Name To The List Of Satisfied Members. Here’s What People Are Saying “We Have Had Our First Hit On WUDB Thanks To You And Shelby At Brookland Water, We Got Our Past Due Paid. I Hope More Companies Get On Board”. Alma, at Ozark Acres Water Assoc. “I Uploaded My Customer Debt File And Instantly Got Match On A Customer That Owed Over $400.00, That Impressed Me Greatly, Our Office Has Already Collected On Another That Owed Over $200.00. Thank You WUDB”. City of Paris Light & Water Questions Call Us At 800-264-0303 Or Go To And Join Today. 27 ✓ WATERINSIGHT • SPRING 2013 ARWA TRAINING AND EVENTS ARWA SCHOLARSHIP GOLF TOURNAMENT June 5, 2013 Bryant, AR CONFERENCES ARWA Annual Technical Conference Hot Springs Convention Center September 15-18, 2013 ARWA OPERATOR EXPO June 6, 2013 Lonoke, AR NRWA Annual Technical Conference Louisville, KY October 1-5, 2013 ARWA WATER TRAINING SCHEDULE FOR 2013 April 10-11, 2013 Water Specialized Training ..................................................................Mtn. Home April 17, 2013 ARWA Energy Conservation/Water Loss ....................................................Lonoke April 23, 2013 Basic Math ..................................................................................................Lonoke April 24, 2013 Applied Math ..............................................................................................Lonoke April 25, 2013 ADH Compliance........................................................................................Lonoke April 30-May 2, 2013 Intermediate Treatment ......................................................................Arkadelphia May 7-9, 2013 Advanced Distribution ...............................................................................Lonoke May 21-23, 2013 Intermediate Distribution......................................................................Clarksville June 4-6, 2013 Basic Distribution...........................................................................................Bono June 11, 2013 Basic Math............................................................................................Mtn. Home June 12, 2013 ADH Compliance .................................................................................Mtn. Home June 13, 2013 Applied Math .......................................................................................Mtn. Home June 12-13, 2013 Water Specialized Training .........................................................................Lonoke June 18-20, 2013 Basic Treatment...........................................................................................Lonoke July 9-11, 2013 Advanced Treatment ...........................................................................Arkadelphia July 16-18, 2013 Intermediate Distribution ..............................................................................Bono July 23-25, 2013 Intermediate Treatment..............................................................................Lonoke August 6-8, 2013 Basic Distribution.................................................................................Mtn. Home August 7, 2013 ARWA Energy Conservation/Water Loss ....................................................Lonoke August 20-22, 2013 Advanced Distribution ...................................................................................Bono August 27, 2013 Basic Math ..................................................................................................Lonoke 28 WATERINSIGHT • SPRING 2013 August 28, 2013 Applied Math ..............................................................................................Lonoke August 29, 2013 ADH Compliance........................................................................................Lonoke September 10-12, 2013 Basic Treatment .......................................................................................Nashville September 24-26, 2013 Basic Distribution ...................................................................................West Fork October 8-10, 2013 Intermediate Distribution....................................................................Mtn. Home October 16-17, 2013 Water Specialized Training .............................................................Eureka Springs October 22, 2013 Basic Math ..................................................................................................Lonoke October 23, 2013 Applied Math ..............................................................................................Lonoke October 24, 2013 ADH Compliance........................................................................................Lonoke October 29-31, 2013 Advanced Treatment...................................................................................Lonoke November 5-7, 2013 Intermediate Treatment...........................................................................Nashville November 12-14, 2013 Advanced Distribution.........................................................................Mtn. Home November 19-21, 2013 Basic Distribution .......................................................................................Lonoke December 3-5, 2013 Basic Treatment...........................................................................................Lonoke December 10-12, 2013 Advanced Treatment................................................................................Nashville December 17, 2013 Basic Math ..................................................................................................Lonoke December 18, 2013 ADH Compliance........................................................................................Lonoke December 19, 2013 Applied Math ..............................................................................................Lonoke 2013 WASTEWATER CLASS SCHEDULE April 9-10, 2013 Wastewater Specialized Training .........................................................Mtn. Home April 15-18, 2013 Class II Wastewater .....................................................................................Lonoke May 13-17, 2013 Class III Wastewater ........................................................................Eureka Springs May 23-24, 2013 Wastewater Microbiology (Fee Based) ........................................................Lonoke June 11-12, 2013 Wastewater Specialized Training ................................................................Lonoke July 8-12, 2013 Class III Wastewater....................................................................................Lonoke July 23-25, 2013 Class I Wastewater ...................................................................................Nashville August 12-15, 2013 Class II Wastewater ................................................................................Springdale August 19-22, 2013 Class II Wastewater .................................................................................Marianna September 16-18, 2013 Class I Wastewater ...............................................................................Hot Springs October 15-16, 2013 Wastewater Specialized Training ....................................................Eureka Springs October 21-24, 2013 Class II Wastewater .....................................................................................Lonoke December 2-6, 2013 Class III Wastewater....................................................................................Lonoke ARKANSAS DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH PLUMBING SCHOOLS IN 2013 August 8-9, 2013 Plumbing Inspector School ........................................................................Lonoke 29 ✓ WATERINSIGHT • SPRING 2013 HENARD UTILITY PRODUCTS, INC. P.O. Box 9238 Searcy, Arkansas 72145 Phone (501)268-1987 (800)776-5990 Fax (501)268-7437 ✓ PRODUCTS SOLD AND SERVICED AMERICAN ROAD MACHINERY A.Y. McDONALD Brass service Leaf loader/mulchers, fittings, 12 volt & pumps road maintenance equipment ARIES INDUSTRIES BADGER METER, INC. Water meters TV equipment & accessories, for underground electronicpipe meter inspection reading systems BANDIT INDUSTRIES CHEMICAL INJECTION TECHNOLOGIES ³ 6XSHULRU´JDVFKORULQDWRUVVXOIDQDWRUVJDVGHWHFWRUV& Brush, tree & wood chippers, & refuse grinders accessories CHLORINATORS, INC. CUES, INC. TV equipment and software systems for underground pipe inspection CHEMICAL INJECTION DFW PLASTICS, INC. TECHNOLOGIES Plastic meter boxes DIXIE CHOPPER ENDOT Polyethylene service tubing ENVIRONMENT ONE FISHER ; SCHONSTEDT Valve, pipe, & leak locating equipment FISHER RESEARCH LABORATORIES FOXCROFT EQUIPMENT CO. Electronic controls for chemical & water treatment FOXCROFT EQUIPMENT CO. GRUNDFOS Booster pumps for chlorinator service HERSEY/MUELLER HONDA POWER EQUIPMENT Pumps, generators, mowers, tillers & string trimmers HONDA POWER EQUIPMENT KUBOTA TRACTOR CORPORATION Tractors, backhoes, track excavators, mowers, utility vehicles HOTSY CORPORATION LIQUID METRONICS, INC. LMI chemical metering pumps, controllers, scales, & accessories HUSQVARNA PORTA MOLE Underground boring systems & culvert cleaners J.P. CARLTON REED MFG. Pipe wrenches, tubing cutters, squeeze-off tools, tapping machines KUBOTA TRACTOR CORPORATION RING-O-MATIC Vacuum trailers for hydroexcavation LAND PRIDE IMPLEMENTS ROMAC Pipe repair clamps, couplings, & fittings, tapping machines LIQUID METRONICS, INC. SCALETRON Scales for chemical & chlorine control POLARIS SEWER INDUSTRIES EQUIPMENT CO. OF AMERICA Sewer cleaners, hose, nozzles, root cutters, sewer rods, & accessories PORTA MOLE STANLEY HYDRAULIC TOOLS 3RUWDEOHK\GUDXOLFWRROV«VDZVSXPSVKDPPHUVLPSDFWZUHQFKHV SCALETRON STIHL Cutoff saws, chain saws, brush/weed trimmers, blowers, & tree pruners SEWER UEMSIEQUIPMENT CO. OF AMERICA TV systems, sewer cleaner hose, nozzles, tools, & accessories STIHL VAC-CON Combination vacuum-jetter sewer cleaner trucks TROYBILT WACKER Soil compactors, pumps, generators, breakers, drills, pavement rollers, saws UEMSI ZOELLER PUMPS Submersible sewer pumps, grinder pumps, controls, basins, & accessories WE APPRECIATE YOUR BUSINESS WACKER ZOELLER PUMPS 30 WATERINSIGHT • SPRING 2013 ® Water Pr ducts , INC. ✓ DISTRIBUTING THE INDUSTRIES BEST: AMCO – Water Meters JM-EAGLE – Ultra Blue PVC Pipe AMERICAN AVK – Fire Hydrants and Gate Valves KUPFERLE – Flushing Hydrants and Sampling Stations AQUATAP – Tapping Machine LADTECH – Poly Manhole Risers ASCO – Solenoid Valves MCCROMETER – Flow Meters ASSURED FLOW SALES INC. – Gradelok Adapters MCWANE CAST IRON PIPE CO – Ductile Iron Pipe and Fittings CARSON BROOKS – Plastic and Concrete Meter Boxes MIDCO – Pipe Restraints CHERNE – Pneumatic and Mechanical Pipe Plugs MIDSTATES PLASTICS – Meter Boxes, Galvanized Concrete and CHLORINATORS INC. – Regal Gas Chlorinators, Scales, Repair PVC Meter Boxes and Service NDS PLASTICS – Meter Boxes and Drainage Equipment CLA-VAL – Automatic Control Valves NEPTUNE – Water Meters CLAY & BAILEY – Domestic Municipal Castings NORTH AMERICAN PIPE CO – PVC Pipe CONNECTRA – P.E. Fusion Equipment, Sales & Rental NORWESCO – Poly Water and Septic Tanks CONTAINMENT SOLUTIONS – Fiberglass Manholes OCV – Automatic Control Valves CONTINENTAL INDUSTRIES – PVC Fastap Saddles REED – Pipe Tools DFW PLASTICS INC. – Rubber Sewer Saddles RIDGID – Pipe Cutters, Threaders, Hand Tools EAST JORDAN IRON WORKS – Domestic Municipal Castings ROMAC IND. – Pipe Repair Products EBAA IRON – Restraints SCHONSTEDT INSTRUMENT COMPANY – Pipeline and Valve FERNCO – Pipe Couplings Box Locators FISHER RESEARCH – Pipeline and Valve Box Locators SIGMA CORP – Import Municipal Castings and Fittings FLO CONTROL – PVC Compression Fittings SMITH-BLAIR – Clamps & Couplings FLOPLAST – Plastic Compression Fittings TPS – Hymax Couplings & Clamps FORD METER BOX – Brass, Clamps and Couplings TRANSMATE – Tapping Machine FORD UNI-FLANGE – Pipe Restraints TYLER – Domestic Iron Fittings, Valve Boxes, etc. GOULD’S – Wastewater, Sewage, Centrifugal, and Booster Pumps VALMATIC – Air Release Valves, Check Valves, and Butterfly Valves HAMMOND – Brass Valves WARREN RUPP – 12 Volt Pump HANCOR – Drainage Pipe and Fittings WATTS – Regulators, Backflow Preventers, Brass Ball Valves HARCO – PVC Pressure Fittings WHEELER-REX – Pipeline Tools, Hydro Pressure Pumps HONDA – Generators and Pumps LINE STOPS – thru 12” HONEYWELL – Regulators LIVE TAPS – thru 12” JCM INDUSTRIES – Clamps and Couplings PVC Water Pipe Up to 40 ft. Lengths P.E. Drainage Pipe Up to 60 Inches Diameter Galvanized Steel and Plastic Culvert Pipe P.E. Gas and Water Tubing Brass and Galvanized Pipe Fittings Water Treatment Chemical and Test Kits Meter Box Hand Pumps Complete Line of Hand and Power Tools Custom Signs, Boots, Gloves, Safety Equipment HDPE Pressure, Industrial and Sewer Pipe “LARGE ENOUGH TO SERVE YOU, SMALL ENOUGH TO KNOW YOU” P.O. Box 100 Tontitown, Arkansas 72770-0100 1-800-435-9099 Fax: 479-361-9058 Corporate Headquarters P.O. Box 349 Owasso, Oklahoma 74055-0349 1-800-225-2968 Fax: 918-371-4978 31 Arkansas Water Products,® LLC 8915 Fourche Dam Pike Little Rock, Arkansas 72206 1-888-AR WATER Fax: 501-490-1237 WATERINSIGHT • SPRING 2013 TRADE YOUR SERVER FOR SOMETHING BETTER: A CLOUD. Transform utility billing operations with QS/1®’s cloud computing: an IT innovation that virtually eliminates the need for servers and LQRI¿FHVRIWZDUHDQGQHWZRUNPDQDJHPHQW461’s secure off-site ³FORXG´LVIDUPRUHWKDQXWLOLW\ELOOLQJVRIWZDUH,WWDNHVVHFXULW\WR a new level with state of the art data centers including dual site UHGXQGDQF\VR\RXQHYHUKDYHWRZRUU\DERXWORVLQJDQ\GDWD7KH cloud also eliminates the need for expensive on-site servers and the RQJRLQJPDLQWHQDQFHDQGEDFNXSUHTXLUHPHQWVWKDWFRPHZLWKWKHP It’s next-generation utility billing infrastructure with a refreshing DIIRUGDELOLW\WKDW¶VEXGJHWDQGERDUGDSSURYHG Learn more about QS/1 Governmental Solutions at or call 800.231.7776. 1.800.231.7776 © 2011, J M SMITH CORPORATION. QS/1 is a registered trademark of the J M Smith Corporation. 32 ✓ WATERINSIGHT • SPRING 2013 ADVERTISERS INDEX DN Tanks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Przybysz & Associates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 TENCARVA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Caldwell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Maguire Iron, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 Rain for Rent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 PMI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 Alliance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 TENCARVA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Eagle Sandblasting & Painting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Hawkins Water Treatment Group . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 Aquasure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-13 Thornton•Musso•Bellemin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Pittsburg Tank & Tower . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 Utility Service Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Cunningham Sandblasting & Painting . . . . . . . . 23 Rain For Rent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 KAZI Electric . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Shupe and Associates, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Harcros Chemicals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 ETEC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Leher Painting Enterprises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26 WUDB System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Henard Utility Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Water Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 QS/1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 USABlueBook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Back Cover ARKANSAS WASTEWATER OPERATOR LICENSING PROGRAM RECOMMENDED STUDY REFERENCE MATERIALS O R D E R FORM FORM ORDER Arkansas Rural Water Assn. P.O. Box 860 Lonoke, AR 72086 Order Date: Phone: 501-676-2255 Fax: 501-676-2266 Name: System: Street Address : City, State, Zip: MATERIALS: Training Materials Title Operation of Wastewater Treatment Plants, Vol. 1 - 7th Edition Industrial Waste Treatment, Vol. 1 - 3rd Edition Operation of Wastewater Treatment Plants, Vol. II - 7th Edition Advanced Waste Treatment - 5th Edition Quantity Price $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 Total Please make checks payable to: ARWA Wastewater Education Account – P.O. Box 860 – Lonoke, AR 72086 Prepayment is required on all book orders! Shipping & Handling: $8.00 per book or $20.00 per set. Shipping/Handling must be included for order to be processed. 33 ARKANSAS RURAL WATER ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 860 Lonoke, AR 72086 PRST STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID Little Rock, AR 72201 Permit No. 88 ✓ EVERYTHING YOU NEED for Water & Wastewater Operations... …And the People Who Back It Up Unsurpassed personal customer service and expert technical support Call & request your FREE MASTER CATALOG 123 CHICAGO Over 27,000 items in stock for same-day shipping 95% of customers receive their in-stock orders in 2 days or less! LAS VEGAS BOSTON ATLANTA DALLAS Nationwide distribution centers to serve you better! 800-548-1234 •