Mexico`s Single Window


Mexico`s Single Window
Mexico’s Single Window (VUCEM) Federico Schaffler, PhD Texas Center for Border Enterprise and Economic Development Texas A&M Interna)onal University, Laredo, Texas. NASCO Con)nental Reunion Windsor, Ontario, Canada, September 28-­‐30, 2015. Interna)onal Trade in Mexico before VUCEM Customs Customs Brokers Warehouses Banks Carriers Exporters Importers 30 different stakeholders 40+ docs 200 kinds of data 70 % of the data was captured more than once International Freight Forwarders Services providers Buyer Federal Authorities The roles of all participants and the interaction between them and the
government agencies was outlined from January to April of 2011. The Ministry
of Economy guided the process and SAT was responsible of Customs.
Mexican Ministries and agencies included in VUCEM Ministry of the Treasury Ministry of the Economy Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Rural development, Fisheries and food Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources Ministry of Defense Ministry of Health Ministry of Energy Ins)tute of Tequila Mexican Ins)tute of Coffee Suppliers Na)onal Ins)tute of Anthropology and History Na)onal Ins)tute of Fine Arts Federal Agency of Environmental Protec)on Over 30 public and private stakeholders are included. 40+ documents and 246 different processes (265 by Dec. 2015) Customs dispatch with Mexico’s SW BUSINESS MEXICAN CUSTOM BROKER MEXICAN SINGLE WINDOW CAAAREM MEXICAN “IRS” BANK 1. Documents sent to Mexican Custom Broker A.A.) 2-­‐ A.A. sends COVE and documents to VUCEM Trade-­‐
related informa)on submi]ed only once in a single point of entry. 3.-­‐ Clasifies merchandise and prepares Pedimento 4.-­‐ Sends Pedimento to Pre-­‐validaOon 5. Sends correct Pedimento to ValidaOon. 6. Generates ValidaOon Code 7.-­‐ Pays Pedimento. 8.-­‐ Presents simplified Pedimento and merchandise at the Port of Entry MEXICAN CUSTOMS The four op)ons of VUCEM Importer or Exporter Mexican Custom Broker Export / Import STARTING POINT Export / Import STARTING POINT STARTING POINT Export / Import Export /Import STARTING POINT DigitalizaOon COVE Pedimento Sta)s)cs (September 20, 2015) 123,841 registered users 14.9 million visits 62.07 Million e-­‐invoices COVE’s 180 million previous import declaraIons have been digitalized 51.3 million new import declaraIons 148 e-­‐learning courses PEDIMENTOS 5.5 million Requirements processed. Not including manifest transacOons 27,000 Trees saved per year with eliminaOon of paperwork 51.3 million new import declaraIons 40% less Ome For resease of imports (5 to 3 days) 148 e-­‐learning courses $7 billion Pesos saved each year (by not sending hard copies of documents to SAT/AGA). The Next Phase: VUCEM2 Ø  VUCEM 2 migrates to a Cloud Based system in 18 months Ø  New Servers have been added to protect criOcal operaOons. Ø  Seeks to guarantee the operaOve conOnuity of the VUCEM. Ø  Wants to forOfy the logisOcs, safety and facilitaOon of internaOonal trade operaOons. Ø  Designed to improve VUCEM’s capacity and the availability of informaOon for businesses intelligence. Ø  Determined to avoid paper use, while sOll fulfilling normaOve requirements in an efficient and automated way. Ø  Wants to inhibit illicit behaviors of companies, people and civil employees. Ø  Develops tools and funcOonaliOes that will help analysis of informaOon and interoperability with other single windows. VUCEM2 key premises Ø  Cloud CompuOng aligned with the Digital NaOonal Strategy Ø  Applies the best worldwide SW pracOces, World Customs OrganizaOon data set, and a interoperable hub that traslates/
converts EDI message to XML, UNCFACT, GOV, X12, etc. Ø  Interoperability with other Single Windows Ø  Capable to connect with external process and operators Ø  Eficient use of the IT guided by the SAT’s regulaOons Ø  Service provider with experience in web app development, single window plataforms, big data and security of IT (Banks, CRM) Ø  Independent and modular processes for Business AnalyOcs and Risk Analysis What’s next for Mexican Customs Administra)on •  Transmissions of the Railroad Cargo Manifest (pilot program); mariOme and air traffics trough the Single Window. •  Inventory control of bonded warehouses in the Single Window environment. •  Access credenOals for users •  Control system for customs brokers •  Electronic Customs Clearance. What is next for SW Ø 
Governance and management of collaboraOon between naOons, stakeholders, systems, standarized info/datasets, directories, language. Ø 
DefiniOon and interoperability of Interagency InformaOon Exchange Systems, IOS (general, specialized; public, public-­‐private, comercial). Ø 
CentralizaOon or FederaOon? (network of networks) Ø 
Legal and regulatory frameworks (global, regional, naOonal) Ø 
All agencies, imports, exports or transits or only some of them? Ø 
One SW that fuses trade-­‐related and transport-­‐related SW’s Ø 
Cluster InternaOonal Trade transacOons into groups of closely-­‐related processes (Keretho & Pikart, UNECE, 2013). Ø 
HolisOc view. Best pracOces. PoliOcal will. Synergy. Time. Ø 
FacilitaOon and control. Risk Analysis. Common framework agreement. Conclusions SW’s should go beyond being only a web tool for government trade requirement compliance. VUCEM2 was conceived to be an integral system, focused in improving the processes and interoperability with other SW. SW’s should seek to simplify procedures that help, facilitate, promote and increase trade capabili)es with a more transparent and efficient flow of merchandises. There is s)ll much to be agreed upon, and done. Thank you Merci Gracias Federico Schaffler, PhD / (956) 326-­‐2546