royal galcutta golf club - The Royal Calcutta Golf Club
royal galcutta golf club - The Royal Calcutta Golf Club
ROYALGALCUTTAGOLFCLUB 18.GOLFCLUBROAD,TOLLYGUNGE KOLKATA- 7OO033 WESTBENGAL Phone No. Fax E- mail INDIA 2473-1352 2473-1288 2473-3315 Decoding theEGMNotice A guidefor themembers DearFriends, - andwehavealways Wehavefought manya pastbattle shoulder to shoulder won,Wewonbecause we puttheinterest havealways oftheClubabove ourselves. Butthisbattle, if anEGMcanbecalleda battle, isdifferent. Thisbattle isagainst anentrenched mindset inthepriceofa cinema thatmaintains anincrease ticketis acceptable butnotthemembership of a club.lf wewin aswemust theCIubsurvives andwe cancontinue tostrivetoputCalcutta backonthegolfmap.lf not,it maywellbetheendofgolfinCalcutta. P:qblem Wearebroke. Wesurvive bybEging"I havesaidthisoften,yethavelittlechoice butto repeat. Thefacts: Income : Rs.6.88crores Expense : Rs.10.1 1 crores Gap: Rs.3.23 crores Lastyear(2011-12) wemadethisupbysqueezing theAssociate members, begging andearning interests givenbyXanders" fromtheadvance Canwenotgo on likethis? No. Whv? Thecourseis full.Wecanhardlytakeanymoregolfers.Sponsorship is difficult to comeby whenthe economy isontheslide. ROYALCALCUTTA GOLFCLUB 18"GOLFCLUBROAD,TOLLYGUNGE KOLKATA- 7OO033 WESTBENGAL Phone No. i Fax E- mail | : INDIA 2473-1352 2473-1288 2473-3315 Whatthencanwedo? Donate theclubto Mother Teresa, Sheneedslandforleprosy. Orelse? Eamourkeep. How Bypaying enough sothattheClubcanmakebothendsmeet. Howmuch? Thefacts: peryear. DLF: Rs.2 lacspermember peryear, KGA: Rs.1 lacpermember RCGC Associates : Rs.60,000pluspermember peryear. shahRukh,salman andAamirKhan: Rs.50,000 a yearif oneseesonemovie a week. RCGC: Rs.8000pluspermember peryear. Youtellmehownuchweshould pay"I amwillingtolisten. Whataretheproposals ? Wereimburse theclubforsomeoftheexpenses it incursonourbehalf. Whatarethev? 1) Energy cost: WespendRs.50lacsperyear.lf Mr.Chidambaram hashiswaythisfigure islikelytogoup. ROYALCALCUTTA GOLFCLUB 18.GOLFCLUBROAD,TOLLYGUNGE KOLKATA- 7OO033 WESTBENGAL Phone No. i Fax E- mail : : INDIA 247y1352 2473-1288 2473-3315 2) Wagesurcharge. Wagebillis beingborneby the Club.We areonlyaskingfor the increase forcedon us by Govemment regulations, Wealready havewagesurcharge place. permitted clausein Butthe annualincrease, witha 10%ceiling, meanswe are akeady outof pocket. Theexisting clauseis notbeingchanged. Allweaskisthatinstead of 10%wedividetheacfualincrease prorafaamongallmembers. /s fhrsveryunfaift ls anambitious manaoement assuming toomuchpower? Arewe? Wecanonlychargethemembers forexpenses actually incurred. Orratherforcedon us.Not a paisaless.Nota paisamore. Ambition, Shakespeare's MarkAnthony, saidfamously is madeof sterner stuff. Whvnotincrease thesubscription ? A perfectly acceptable altemative. Butthere-imbunsement routeis moredemocratic. lt is prefened for thefollowing reasons : 1) Transparency : Youhavea better ideahowyourmoney isbeingspentandwhy, 2) Restraint : theClubmanagement cannotuseyourmoney on fancydreams. lt canonly yourmoney spend to meetspecified expenses. 3) Mutuality : A clubis anassociation of thelike-minded. A truemembers' cluboughtnotto havesubscription presumes fees.Mutuality thereshouldbe neitherprofitnor loss. Members' ClubsintheUKor intheUSAdonotcharge subscription fee.Allexpenses are divided amonga//members. Equally. Wearetakinga tentative firststepinforgingRCGC intoa trueClub. Whvis thata qoodidea? RCGCis an association formedwithoneintention : theenjoyment of golf,Wedothatby playing and promoting thissport.Thisis our mutualinterest. Morallyspeaking and in an idealworldsuch association cannothavea revenuestream.The members of the groupshouldmeetthe costsby dividing allexpenses equally. Oneshares andshares alike.Thatisthespiritofmutuality. DosuchCluberist? Yes.Mostmembers'club abroad donothavea subscription. Themembers sharetheexpenses. ROYALGALCUTTAGOLFCLUB 18. GOLFCLUB ROAD,TOLLYGUNGE KOLKATA - 7OO033 WEST BENGAL INDIA | Phone No. 2473-1352 2473-1288 Fax : 2473.3315 E- mail : ....and theRCGC ? Hopefully onedaywewillonlysharetheexpenses anddoawayaltogether withsubscription. Whataboutthegolfingfee? Notmyidea.Yours. lnOpenHouse youdemanded afterOpenHouse : 1) Thepresent feestructure bescrapped andmorerealistic ratesbeputin place.Cunently we paytheequivalent of30UScentsperroundmaking golfclub. ustheworld's cheapest golfers 2) Thatallmembers, paythischarge. ornot,should Sowhatshouldthefeebe? TheBeldih, a 9 - holecourse inJamshedpur, charges Rs.1000permonth. TheKGAinBangalore, thevenue forthelastIndian Open,charges Rs.1600permonth. Wecharge Rs.125permonth. Sawhatshould it be ? Youtellme.I amlistening. Bntwhynotcontrolthecost? Thefacts: 1 ) Wepayourworkers theleast.Inthelastlongtermwagenegotiations wegotthebestdealamongall clubsinCalcutta. 2) Wehavezerooperational overtime. Wearetheonlyclubin Indiato achieve this. 3) Wehavethelowest number of permanent employees. TheBengal Rowing Clubemploys 100people in alone. thekitchen ROYALCALCUTTAGOLFCLUB 18. GOLF CLUB ROAD,TOLLYGUNGE KOLKATA- 7OO033 WEST BENGAL INDIA Phone No. 2473-1352 2473-1288 Fax 2473-3315 E- mail 4) Wespendtheleaston a course ratedthebestinthecountry todaybybothSimiMehra andArjunAtwal.we haveachieved thisby spending merely Rs.4 croresplusa year. (Yes.Thefigureincludes paidto Quality theamount Golf).TheDLFspends around Rs. 10crores a year. Andtheotherresolutions ? Theyaremostly technical innature, ButI willbehappy totalkabout themif yousowant. Whyarewemoreexpensive thanotherlocalClubs? Whycompare applewitha banana quality ? Wearetheonlychampionship Golfclubin theeastem partof theentireIndiansub-continent. Otherlocalclubsaresocialassociations. We arealsothe cheapest. EvenBangladesh charges moreforgolf. WhatabouttheSeniors? TheSeniors aregenerally beingexempted. Theymayhaveto beara verynominal increase in one case. I lookfon,trard youintheOpenHouse to meeting yoursuggestions. andwillbedelighted to receive Withbestwishes, ,fut"* Aveek$arkar Kolkata, Date:9tt January,2013
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