Pink LadyTM News - International Pink Lady Alliance


Pink LadyTM News - International Pink Lady Alliance
Volume 1 Issue 2
Pink Lady
Date 1 May 2007
Prepared by International Pink LadyTM Alliance
From the Chairman
Peter Dall
In 2006 we were very worried that there was an increased
demand for Cripps Pink apples in Europe and United
Kingdom. I am very pleased to report in all markets we
have seen a dramatic reverse to this trend.
In Europe we have licensed additional importers as their customers ask for
Pink Lady® apples, previously they dealt only in Cripps Pink apples.
We have seen increased sales of Pink Lady® apples in Europe and United
Kingdom this past northern hemisphere season and northern hemisphere Pink
Lady® will be sold out by mid May in all markets. This is ideal and sets
the stage for a good market for southern hemisphere fruit this year in the
northern hemisphere.
I am very encouraged that all southern hemisphere producers have taken
extra precautionary measures to make sure that Pink Lady® of only the finest
quality will be shipped from their prospective countries this year. There have
been colour development problems in South Africa and Brazil this year but
despite this, the growers have made sure that they have harvested fruit at
the correct maturity especially for long term storage. The eating quality of all
Pink Lady® from the southern hemisphere should be excellent this year.
Pier to pier licensing for all southern hemisphere exports will be in place
this year and all trade of Pink Lady® apples will only be done between
licensed importers and exporters. Everyone must make sure that they only
use licensed traders for their Pink Lady® business.
IPLA have also decided that only in very special
circumstances, after prior authorization from IPLA,
APAL or Brandts will co-branding of Pink Lady® be
allowed. All fruit this year must be packed in Pink
Lady® packaging. All queries to be directed to brand
owners or IPLA.
The exciting news is that as I write this note, final
negotiations are taking place for the appointment of a
master licence holder for Brazil and we look forward to
inviting the new licence holder for Brazil into the IPLA
Inside this issue:
Marketing &
New Licencees
Crop & Harvest
Prepared by International Pink Lady Alliance Secretariat 39 O’Connell Street, North Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Ph: +61 3 9329 3511 Fax: +61 3 9329 3522 Email: Web:
Marketing & Promotion
Pink Lady® America
A Special Pink Lady® Connection to Heart Health
The Pink Lady® Brand and its relationship to the heart
have grown beyond the Flowing Heart™ logo as this apple
is now being associated with reducing the risk of heart
According to the U.S. Apple Association, a new study of more than 34,000 women
shows apples may prove to be a winner when it comes to lowing the rate of that
disease. The study, published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, says it has
to do with the fact apples are rich in flavonoids.
This study comes on the heels of updated heart disease prevention guidelines for
woman just released by the American Heart Association. As part of its guidelines, the
AHA emphasizes that women increase their intake of fruits and vegetables to help
prevent heart disease over their lifetime, not just to reduce short-term risk.
These guidelines are especially significant for the Pink Lady® Brand because it was the
first apple in the AHA Food Certification Program. Being in this AHA program for the
last three years and its connection to the heart-check mark has been very positive for
the Pink Lady® Brand as the guidelines certainly help emphasize the healthful aspects
of this apple.
To be in the AHA program, the Pink Lady® Brand had to meet the association’s food
criteria for saturated fat and cholesterol for healthy people over age two. It also scored
high marks for its fiber content.
New master licencees
Peter Dall, Jon Durham and Darral Ashton,
the Chair of Apple & Pear Australia Ltd,
recently visited the newest Pink Lady™
master licencee, Mr Francisco Schio - seen
here signing the master licence agreement.
The Schio family have traditionally been in
transport, and following a move to farming
in 1988, today farm approximately 2500
hectares of apples.
For further information on articles and more, visit
the Pink Lady websites :
Items for the IPLA Newsletter
can be forwarded by email to:
Pink Lady® UK - www.
Pink Lady® America -
Pink Lady® Europe -
Pink Lady® Australia -
Pink Lady News
Volume 1 Issue 2
Next Newsletter due out in July 2007
Close off date for articles 22 June 2007
Date 1 May 2007
Page 2
Marketing & Promotion
Coregeo - Pink Lady® UK
Pink Lady® has continued to capitalise on its association with health and fitness
by kick starting the New Year with a high profile link up with celebrity personal
trainer, Carly Zucker who is the girl friend of England and Chelsea footballer
Joe Cole.
Carly has developed an exclusive
exercise regime specifically for
women who carry weight around
their middle – known in the UK as
‘apple’ shaped.
The Pink Lady® Exercise for
Apples Campaign was featured
in the UK’s leading lifestyle and
celebrity titles and reached a total
of 6 million readers.
As this activity was deemed such
a success by both consumers
and the brand, the UK are in the
in the process of extending the
activity into competitions across
the summer to win a 1:1 exercise
class with Carly. The exclusive
exercise programme is available
on the UK website for anyone
wanting to tone up for summer.
Good Luck!
Once again Pink Lady® is the
official apple of the London
Marathon. This year two ‘modern
day Eves’, Hannah and Elaine, will
be pounding the pavements of
the capital on Sunday, 22nd April
dressed as the apple, to raise
money for Pink Lady’s charity of choice – the Laurie Engel Fund – part of the Teenage
Cancer Trust.
The Pink Lady® website has been updated to feature the event, where you can
also sponsor the ladies and check out their personal training blogs, describing their
progress over the last few weeks as they’ve ramped up their training in anticipation
of the big day.
Plus Pink Lady® is attending some of the most sought after summer events for a
spot of sampling, including the much hyped concert in memory of Diana, Princess of
Wales, an English Heritage concert, plus Ascot and Wimbledon.
The above activity and other elements of the plan continue to keep Pink Lady® apples
top of mind with UK consumers and aim to keep sales on the up.
Pink Lady News
Volume 1 Issue 2
Date 1 May 2007
Page 3
Crop & Harvest Updates
New Zealand
The majority of the New Zealand Pink
Lady™ harvest is over, with only a
very small amount of late harvest fruit
currently being picked.
Packhouses have commenced packing
early harvest fruit. Packouts are reported
to be around 80 – 85% and fruit is
cosmetically clean with good colour and
Some exporters have seized market
windows and have sent early shipments
of New Zealand Pink Lady™.
Peter Dall, Jon Durham and Darral Ashton visited Cripps Pink orchards in Brazil on Monday
29 April 2007 and witnessed Cripps Pink with very poor colour development.
South Africa
As the 2007 Cripps Pink harvest draws to a close we can report as follows:
Colour development was late – came only after the cold front of 27th-29th April
2007. For many producers this was too late or if they did harvest the fruit with
better colour this fruit was not suitable for long term storage and had to pack for
immediate marketing.
Other quality parameters such as size, sugars, etc were very good. Fruit picked
after the weather at the end of April was susceptible to bruising.
Volumes are very similar to the 2006 harvest. However, because of late colour
development of fruit, less fruit than originally planned was put away into long
term storage.
Very little fruit packed to date. Reports are that packouts are plus/minus 10%
below 2006 levels which were already a low base. However, this was not optimum
picked fruit that has been packed to date.
Latest South African Pink Lady® export estimates in 13kg cartons:
United Kingdom
South Africa
Pink Lady News
550 000 cartons
100 000 cartons
150 000 cartons
Volume 1 Issue 2
Date 1 May 2007
Page 4
Crop & Harvest Updates
Jon Durham and Darral Ashton visited
the orchard of Mr Luis Hughes on
Saturday 28 April 2007 and observed
the harvesting of what can only be
described as a magnificant crop of
Cripps Pink and Pink Lady apples.
Reports from Juan Concha in Chile
suggests that the total Cripps Pink/
Pink Lady volumes to be 10% greater
than 2006.
Because of good fruit size, a greater
percentage of fruit will be sent to USA
this year where the market for Pink
Lady® apples is very strong this year.
Darral with Luis in his orchard.
The outlook following a recent visit by Des Muir to the major growing regions in
Some regions are struggling to achieve good colour
In areas affected by drought where trees have produced crops under stressful
conditions, there has been extensive calyx cracking, rendering the fruit unsuitable
for export, and in some cases, unsuitable for the domestic market.
The crop in Western Australia has been subjected to heatwave conditions which
has resulted in higher than usual percentage of sunburn
In summary 2007 will be the worst year on record for Australian production of Cripps
Pink apples and our exportable fruit will be reduced significantly, possibly even as
much as 50% less than previous years exports.
New Appointment
The Pink Lady sub-committee of Asociacion de Exportadores de Chile A.G. [ASOEX]
recently appointed Mr Fernando Irarrazaval to the position of Pink Lady Development
Officer in Chile. Fernando’s main responsibilities will be to liaise with producers, packers
& exporters, fruit tree nurseries, the master licencee and to collect and distribute
technical information and market intelligence related to the Pink Lady business.
Pink Lady News
Volume 1 Issue 2
Date 1 May 2007
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