March - Cedar Lake Community Club
March - Cedar Lake Community Club
The BLURB March 2014 • • The President’s Message Events Calendar All Friday Nights -CLCC Pub open! March March 15th – St. Patrick’s Day Event. Bar opens 5.30pm. Food served 6.30-8.00pm March 21st – CLFC Meeting 7pm at the Clubhouse March 21st – Denville PRIDE Council 46th Annual Award Dinner April April 5th – PRIDE Community Blood Drive 9.30am – 3.00pm Denville Municipal Building April 12th – Denville Rid Litter Day from 8.30am Gardner Field April 18th - CLPO Annual Meeting April 26th – Joey Bella 25th Anniversary Cocktail Party May May 1st – National Day of Prayer. American Cancer Society Relay for Life May 9 - CLLA Annual Meeting May 16th – CLFC Annual Membership Drive May 21 - CLCC Annual Meeting Upcoming June 7th– CLCC 75th Anniversary Party – save the date June 21st –The Great Denville Duck Race sponsored by the Rotary Club, Gardner Field. September 6 – 21st Annual Pig Roast and culmination of the CLCC 75th Anniversary September 20 – Golf Outing – Great Gorge (George Strother, IV, Chairperson) In case anyone is wondering why the Blurb is out now it’s because our volunteer Editors’ work schedule is crazy at the end of the month and in the spirit of cooperation we are moving to the middle of the month. It’s the same great Blurb, with lots of great information, but for now we are on a different schedule. The CLCC is sponsoring its annual St. Patrick’s Day Party on Saturday, March 15th, at the Clubhouse. A flyer is enclosed, please check it out for the details, and PLEASE contact Ken with your reservations. We have a dilemma with our Hub Lakes Sports Program in that we are in dire need of a few coaches. Coaches are needed for: Men’s Volleyball, Table Tennis, Women’s Volleyball and Women’s Softball. Teams without coaches will have to be eliminated from the Hub Lakes Schedule. Surely there is someone who participates on those teams who can volunteer to coach? The Hub Lakes Board needs to know in order to print the names in the Booklet. Please call Susan if you would be willing to coach this season (201-280-8400). On February 21st the Cedar Lake Fishing Club sponsored a Spaghetti dinner at the Clubhouse that was a huge success. There was quite a crowd there and the Fishing Club really did a great job on the food, the decorations and the fun. Thank you Fishing Club for a lovely evening. The Cedar Lake Community Club is preparing for our 75th Anniversary party which is to be held on June 7th. If anyone would like to be a part of the committee or has any ideas, please call a board member or email Hopefully this warm weather will remain with us and summer will be right around the corner. Susan Ulversoy CLCC President Attention Cedar Lake photographers: Get your cameras ready… Cedar Lake Photography Contest The contest will run for one year, from October 1, 2013 to September 30, 2014. Winning photographs will be displayed at a gallery show in November 2014. Children’s contest – Age 12 and under You must be a Cedar Lake resident or property owner to enter Visit the CLLA website for contest details including how to submit your photos. CEDAR LAKE PLAYGROUP The Cedar Lake Playgroup meets every Thursday at 10am at the East Playground/Clubhouse. We are always looking for more kids and parents in the lake to join us. Contact the Leader Jackie Obeid if you are interested at See more photos and videos on our facebook group page: Cedar Lake-New Jersey RUN SQUIRREL RUN! P.R.I.D.E. Council News The Denville P.R.I.D.E. Council will be holding its 46th Annual Award Dinner on Friday, March 21, at Zeris Inn in Mountain Lakes. P.R.I.D.E. will be honoring Peg Feyl, Bob Unrath and the Denville Beautification Committee. The honorees will be presented with Muriel Hepner Volunteers of the Year Awards. Tickets for this year’s dinner are $40 and can be purchased at the Denville Municipal Building, Denville Dairy and Denville Vacuum. At the Dinner, P.R.I.D.E.’s new slate of officers will be introduced. They are Susan Richter, president; Bruce Patterson, vice president; Ken Charles, treasurer; and Fran McEnteer, secretary. P.R.I.D.E. will be sponsoring a Community Blood Drive on Saturday, April 5, in the Denville Municipal Building from 9:30-3:00. Due to the severe winter weather, blood supplies in our area are dangerously low. No reservations are needed to donate. P.R.I.D.E. will also be sponsoring Rid Litter Day on Saturday, April 12. All individuals and groups are welcome to participate. Who knows what we will find when all the ice and snow finally melts. T-shirts, gloves and trash bags will be provided to all volunteers. Registration will be at Gardner Field starting at 8:30. For more information, call (973) 722-2829. Other community events coming up are Green Fair – April 26, Joey Bella 25th Anniversary Cocktail Party – April 26, National Day of Prayer – May 1, American Cancer Society Relay for Life – May 31/June 1, Duck Race –June 21. Cedar Lake Property Owners Update The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection has approved the engineering plans as submitted by CHA, dam engineers, on behalf of the CLPO, for the dam repairs that were mandated by the department. A permit was issued to the CLPO on February 10, 2014 for the construction project to raise the existing road that traverses the dam crest and replace the riprap on the downstream slope of the spillway culvert outlet. The project also encompasses modifications to the East Beach as well as modifications to the parking lot and Community Club entrance. A meeting between the CLPO, CHA and the town engineer is slated for early March to review the project scope and formalize the work schedule. Roadwork and related construction is anticipated to begin in late summer of this year. Stockholders were assessed $475/household for the repairs in November, 2013 and are reminded that payment is due by March 1 or three installment payments of $159(due December 15); $158 (due March 15); and $158 (due June 15). Failure to pay this assessment will result in legal action. In addition, the annual Share of Expense of $450 was due February 1. Installment payments are available and encouraged to meet this obligation. For those stockholders in arrears for at least two years, the CLPO will take legal action to obtain these past due debts. A special thanks to Art Pfeils for removing a tree that had fallen into the lake at Landing #3. Art took advantage of the ice and “a warm Saturday” in late January to tackle the job. The CLPO would like to remind owners that it is not responsible for individuals who venture out on the ice. The CLPO does not monitor ice conditions at any time in any manner. Please be wary of thin ice caused by springs. Skating and Ice Fishing are at your own risk. You are responsible for yourself and your guests. Although summer seems a long ways off especially with all the snow and ice still covering the area, the CLPO Swim Committee is putting together the summer swimming staffing. Lifeguards are needed for the 2014 swim season. Applicants must be a minimum of 16 years old and hold a Red Cross Waterfront Certification and current CPR. No experience necessary. Full and part time positions are available. If interested please email clpo@ or contact the CLPO office at 973-586-6334. Our condolences go out to Daisy Sirico, 103 Cedar Lake West, whose husband, John, recently passed away. On Saturday, February 22, a horse drawn hearse carried John through the lake for one last time. The winter weather and storms has made travel on Cedar Lake roads even more challenging. Please be considerate of the conditions and slow down not only for others but also for your own safety. Cedar Lake Maps For Sale Suitable for framing, this reproduction of the Cedar Lake Map from the Clubhouse wall can now be yours. Hang one in your home and show everybody where you live. Small........12 x 22 inches $20 Large.........23 x 35 $25 Profits to CLCC. Contact to order. Continuing through the winter! Every other weekend Do you have your copy of the NEW CL Cookbook?! On sale now for only $12! E-mail Dawn Fallon @ or Or call Dawn at 974-945-5568 for your copy today! Are you an online shopper? Want One? Use it as a gift bag! Large Cedar Lake Beach bag with front pocket and key fob. $30.Very roomy! Contact Please write a check to the CLLA, or paypal a ‘personal payment’ to If so, join iGive now and help the Cedar Lake Community Club while you shop. iGive is a free online shopping mall with over 1,000 stores including Nordstrom’s, Macy’s, Barnes & Noble, Gap, Expedia, Pet Food Direct, Best Buy and many more! Sign up today at and identify the Cedar Lake Community Club as your cause. The CLCC will receive $5 for each new registrant who designates the CLCC as their cause as well as a percentage of all purchases. There are no costs or hidden fees for you. As a member you will receive discounts on shipping or special deals from over 1,000 online stores to choose from! Questions, contact Barbara Warriner 973 625-2928 Members Bulletin Board Happy Birthday March Tammy Baldwin-8th Peter Marshall – 8th Jolyn Veres-10th Jim Furman-11th Joanne Leonard -13th Tom Lancaster-14th Cori Eggert-15th Pat Zasadzinski-23rd Chris Kroeter-24th Chris Jackson-25th Jackie Leto-26th Bill Heilig-26th Ellen Leto-27th David Westerman-30th Anniversaries : Cathy Amon and Bill Hungerford – 13th CHILDCARE________________________ Baby Sitting I can watch your kids at your home. • Certified/Experienced/Mature Contact : Ria Ryerson 973 590 0176 (cell) Cedar Lake West 973-983-2620 (home) Please send all notices to Need Firewood? Cedar Lakers are welcome to bring their chainsaws and “cut their own” from the numerous trees that fell from the hurricanes. They are reasonably close to either my driveway or the road. Please call for directions and to let me know you’re coming. Gil at 973-625-0108. SERVICES_______________________ Need a tutor for your child? Certified preK-grade 8 teacher. Reading Recovery and National Board certified. Call Denise @ 862-209-1928 HELP WANTED_______________________ Lifeguards Wanted Full and Part time Lifeguards are needed for the Summer program at Cedar Lake, Denville. Must be a minimum of 16 years old, hold Red Cross Waterfront Lifeguard Certification and have completed current CPR training. Competitive wages offered. No experience necessary. Please forward interest letter or questions to or call the CLPO office at 973-586-6334. MERCHANDISE_______________________ Mary Kay - Independent Beauty Consultant Sandra Patterson - 85 Cedar Lake East Call 973-627-2293 or E-mail Lost: Missing rubber canoe lost in recent storm. Please call Bill Peer 973 418-3614 Thanks The Joey Bella Memorial Fund, Inc. Celebrates 25 Years of Faith, Family and Friends The Joey Bella Memorial Fund, Inc. will celebrate it’s 25thAnniversary with a Cocktail Reception on Saturday, April 26, 2014 from 6-10pm. The event will take place at The Skylands, Route 10W in Randolph, NJ. Tickets are $75 per person which will include cocktails, hors d’oeuvres, and desserts. Entertainment by Tom Hammer. Tickets are available for purchase at the following locations: Flowers by Candlelite, Bilori Jewelers, Ranft’s Vacuum & Appliance and Surprises In Store. Since its inception, The Joey Bella Memorial Fund has collected over one million dollars in donations and has helped more than 50 families in and around the Denvgeille area who needed assistance covering health care and related expenses of children who are suffering from catastrophic illnesses. For more information about JBMF, please check our website or our Facebook page. You may also email us at You can also call Susan Richardson Event Chairperson for tickets: at 973-625-1290 CUSTOM CEDAR LAKE T-SHIRTS Pre-order yours today ADULTS $15 (Mens - S, M, L, XL, XXL /Ladies – M, L, XL) BLUE GREEN _____________________________________________________________________________________ KIDS/YOUTH SIZES $12 (S, M, L) LIME BLUE TO ORDER/QUESTIONS, PLEASE CONTACT BETH MCNICHOL AT EMCNICHO9292@GMAIL.COM SAVE THE DATE Rockaway River Clean Up May 17th. More info to come soon. The Cedar Lake Community Club Invites Members and their Guests! St. Patrick’s Day Party Saturday, March 15th at the Clubhouse Bar opens at 5:30 Food Served 6:30-8PM Entertainment & Food - Adults-$15 Under 15-$7 8 and under no charge! Corned Beef and Cabbage Dinner Irish Dancers and Bagpiper Show Harp, Guinness and “Real” Irish Coffee “Pot of Gold” 50/50 Raffle RSVP to if you know you are coming or just stop down if you are feeling lucky!. Food tickets for the first 80 adults...catered event! CEDAR LAKE FISHING CLUB DONATION OF $10 per ticket (Only 100 tickets will be sold) ALL profit will be used for the improvement of the Lake. Drawing to be held once 100 tickets are sold or at our May Membership Meeting (which ever happens first) To get a ticket…. Contact Wayne Leonard 973-627-6215 or Tom Palmer 973-586-6894 or Kasha Vogt 973-960-1220 **Tickets also available at the Pub on Friday nights WINNER NEED NOT BE PRESENT CEDAR LAKE MARCH FISHING CLUB 2014 CLFC’S SPAGHETTI DINNER We hope you had a great time at our delicious event. Special thanks to Master Chef Gary Petrillo for his outstanding meatballs and Sandy Patterson for her delicious gummy worm cake. A big thank you goes out to all the CLFC Members and their family who helped pull this together. UPCOMING EVENTS: Fri, March 21— 21—Next Meeting at 7 p.m. Fri., May 16— 16—Annual Membership Drive
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