104 Sep 2015 - Great Paxton Village


104 Sep 2015 - Great Paxton Village
Edition 104 September 2015
Published Under Section
142 of the Local
Government Act 1972
The Paxton Post
Great Paxton’s Newsletter
The Village Shop
Hopefully many of you will know that there is a project underway to look into
the possibility and reality of opening a community village shop in Great Paxton.
A committee has been formed and in July we conducted a survey of the village
and of the 80 surveys received back there is a positive response to this project.
To get an idea of what we are thinking about some of you who might have been
to Grafham village and seen their shop, this would be a good model for us.
Now that we have the survey responses our next step is to look into the business
plan for the shop and then to start fund raising. Based on Grafham's experience
we will need to raise close to £30,000 to make the shop a reality. We are hoping
to tap into grants that should be available for this sort of project and also
donations from various sources but also we will need to do fund raising in the
village. We hope everyone will get behind this project as we believe it will be
an asset to our village as is The Bell.
The Plunkett Foundation have done quite a lot of research into the benefits of a
village shop. According to their research, the advantages to villages of having a
shop reach far beyond the goods they sell and the services they supply.
Communities which have a shop say that they can be important meeting places,
and are vital social and economic hubs for their area. The village shop will not
usually be the main source of shopping for most village residents but will be the
'convenience' store or the 'top up' shop. Some additional benefits are that instead
of jumping into the car to go to the nearest convenience store many will walk to
the community shop.
Community village shops help to create informal social support networks and if
people use them daily or weekly they get to know their neighbours. This is
especially important for more vulnerable groups such as the elderly, those caring
for children or relatives and those living alone. Recognising neighbours and
having the opportunity to interact helps develop a sense of belonging and safety
in the village.
For many of us however it will be that added convenience of popping out for
only 10 minutes to get bread or milk.
As the project develops we will keep you informed. If any of you have thoughts
or comments then please email in to Roger Widdowson
(widdowson.roger@gmail.com) or drop a note in at The Bell.
P.S. Could anyone with shop experience or willing to be the committee
treasurer please contact Roger
The Paxton Post
It’s in the Post
September 2015
Return of the Village Show
Vehicle Parking
Paxton United
Neighbourhood and Speed Watch
Can You Challenge Yourself for Charity
Community Shop
School News
Charity Begins At Home
Woodsooners Golf
Petanque News
Classified Ads
Whats On at The Bell
Church News
A Cornucopia of Song in St.Peter’s Church,
Offord D’Arcy
Politics - Parish, District and County
The Village Show is Back (Soon)
It’s Not Too Late to Enter
This year's Village Show, on Saturday 19th September, is creeping up fast so a
few reminders may be in order. Every house in the village was delivered a
schedule but if you have mislaid yours then the village website
www.greatpaxton.org , and the school site www.greatpaxton.cambs.sch,uk can
help; or contact the school office in term-time, or Jill Peters (01480 217559) at
7 Church Lane. Children's entries are free and adult classes only cost 30 pence
and completed entry forms should be handed-in at the school office or 7 Church
Lane by Tuesday, 15th September. The actual entries have to be taken to the
school on the morning of the show between 8.30 and 10.30 am.
Show classes include arts and crafts, cookery, plants and flowers, fruit and
vegetables, home produce, and let's see a great display of photographs, so there
should be something for everyone to take part.
September 2015
The Paxton Post
Vehicle Parking on Great Paxton High Street.
Police have recently been criticised for not dealing with the above. As St Neots Police
Community Support Officer with responsibility for the rural villages I have taken this
opportunity to try to explain my take on this issue.
It is not an offence to park on the footpath unless there are yellow-line parking
restrictions in place in which case any restrictions go from curtilage to curtilage which
usually includes the footpaths on either side of the road.
As there are no parking restrictions in Great Paxton High Street the offence would be
“unnecessary obstruction” which I interpret as a person, pram or mobility scooter not
being able to get past on the footpath. The offence of “unnecessary obstruction” refers
to that of a physical obstruction and not an obstruction to visibility. If it goes to
litigation the Court may want to know the person who was obstructed.
The car sales/garage business is permitted under Trading Standards legislation to offer
one vehicle for sale outside their premises and the only time I have seen more than
one is temporarily when they are moving vehicles around on their forecourt which is
reasonable. They cannot be held responsible for the parking of their customers but
again I have not recently seen an offence of obstruction at this location as the footpath
is very wide.
I monitor the situation in the High Street and I am aware that there are other locations
in the High Street where vehicles do park so as to create an obstruction where the
footpaths are narrower but this is mainly at night when there is little or no pedestrian
traffic. I have dealt with some of these in the past when I have received a complaint.
It is not an offence to park a vehicle with the nearside wheels on the footpath and I
appreciate that owners do this in an attempt to protect their vehicle or to create less
of an obstruction for traffic on the road. I would suggest that in most cases they do
not wilfully create an obstruction on the footpath. My opinion is that we should not
worry about passing traffic and that vehicles will generally find a safe way past parked
vehicles. Parked vehicles also have a beneficial role in slowing down passing traffic.
In future please try to exercise consideration for pedestrians when parking your
vehicle. Put it on your drive if you have one. It is not acceptable for pedestrians,
mothers with pushchairs, children or partially-sighted persons to have to
endanger themselves by walking into the road to pass a parked vehicle.
PCSO 7045 St Neots.
The Paxton Post
September 2015
Paxton United
Football still at the Rec
Following the last article in the Paxton Post things have moved on in the football
There are now two teams playing under the banner of ‘Paxton United’ at the
Recreation Ground. And also looking after the pitch and facilities.
The senior team are playing in the Cambridgeshire FA Kershaw Senior A division
(just trips off the tongue doesn’t it!), taking the place of the old Great Paxton
team, and have had a brilliant start to the season, winning their first three games
and occupying first place in the league. Long may it continue.
The reserves are playing in the Cambridgeshire FA Newmarket Motor Company
2A (another tongue twister), but their games have not yet started.
There is also a Ladies team, but what they are called and what league they will
be in is still a mystery to me, hopefully all will become clear as time goes on.
Oh, and a colts team that I think are still Little Paxton but play down at the rec
Confusion rules, but all will become clear as the season progresses.
Anyway, whatever they are called, and whatever leagues they play in, and
whether they are young, old, male or female, we wish them all successful seasons
Neighbourhood and Speed Watch
The organisation of these two village groups is still ongoing, but is taking rather
longer than expected due to lack of communication, volunteers and general
enthusiasm, but we are still working on them. If you volunteered to join either
or both of these groups please be patient, you haven’t been forgotten.
In the mean time try not to get burgled, or speed through the village!
September 2015
The Paxton Post
Can you challenge yourself for Charity?
Would you like to see Cambridge from a unique perspective? Do you know
anyone brave enough to scale the 80 foot drop off the historic Cambridge
Guildhall? Registration is open to be part of the East Anglia’s Children’s
Hospices (EACH) Cambridge Abseil on Sunday 18th October. Sign up, take part
and help raise valuable funds for EACH, who care for children and young people
with life-threatening conditions across Cambridgeshire.
Spaces are limited so please do book quickly to avoid disappointment. People
who take part always feel a great sense of achievement – so even if you don’t
have a head for heights why not push yourself to take part and raise money for
a great cause at the same time! Entry fees are £15 per person, with a minimum
sponsorship figure of £85 per person for anyone aged 17 and over or sponsorship
figure of £30 per person for anyone aged 16 and under. Minimum age for
participants is 12 years.
Abseilers will be in the safe hands of professional company, Creation Climbing
Centre, who will be running the event on the day.
To sign-up for the abseil visit: www.each.org.uk/cambridgeabseil or call: 01223
Lucy Glover
Supporter Services Administrator- Cambridgeshire
EACH House, 42 High Street, Cambridge, CB24 6DF
01223 204916
Follow us on twitter @EACH_Cambs
The Paxton Post
September 2015
The Paxton Post
September 2015
Great Paxton Church of England
Primary School
Mount Pleasant
Great Paxton
Cambs PE19 6YJ
E-Mail: office@greatpaxton.cambs.sch.uk
Mr L Frost
Web address: www.greatpaxton.cambs.sch.uk
Deputy Headteacher:
Mrs A Gallacher
01480 472132
01480 471735
Remember, you can find out more about the school via our website http://www.greatpaxton.cambs.sch.uk
Last year was an extremely successful year for the school.
Highlights included:
● The inaugural winners of the Kwik Fire Threes cricket competition
● Winners of the Small School Football Competition twice (Autumn and
● Winners of the Pig Pedal Competition for the East for a third year in a row
(7th Nationally)
● SIAMs Church Inspection – graded Good
● Visited by Lydia Greenway – England Ladies cricketer
● School Summer Fete raised over £3000 (thank you everyone for the support
as it was a great evening and event)
● Fantastic residential trips to Burwell and the Isle of Wight
● An amazing Firework display
Energy upgrade at Great Paxton
We are pleased to be able to update you that over the summer holidays the school
has had an ‘energy’ upgrade to its infrastructure. The school has been involved
in a pilot with Cambridgeshire County Council that has allowed us to upgrade
some of our ageing equipment, reduce our energy bills and consumption and
provide an educational tool that can be used in class.
We have had installed:
● New Energy Efficient Boilers
● LED Lighting
The Paxton Post
September 2015
● 30kW Solar Array
● State of the Art Building Controls
● Increased Thermal Insulation
In all, this means that we will be reducing our energy consumption by over
70000kWh which equates to 33 tonnes of Carbon Dioxide.
Finally, may I wish all our past students the best as they start their journey at
secondary school and welcome all our new families. We are looking forward to
another hugely successful year and thank you all for your continued support!
Yours sincerely
Mr Lee Frost
Charity Begins At Home
The Charity of Great Paxton
There is an historic charity linked to the parish of Great Paxton dating back to
before 1700 that still exists to the present day. The charity gives grants to the
residents of the village who may find themselves in difficult financial
circumstances and hardship due to any number of present day pressures.
The Trustees are able to award grants once a year, at the end of December.
Applicants must live in the parish of Great Paxton. We would welcome
applications for funds for a range of needs, for example: household items, help
with things for school , uni or college, items for special needs or even help with
recreational activities. There are simple qualifying criteria for applicants. For
enquiries or an informal discussion please contact the vicar, Canon Annette Reed
at 24 St James Road, Little Paxton, St Neots PE19 6QW. 01480 211048 or
All applications will be treated in the strictest confidence by the trustees who
will meet in early November to consider applications.
Mrs Ruth Black, Trustee
September 2015
September 2015
The Paxton Post
The Autumn meeting will be held on Friday 9th October 2015 at the Bedfordshire
Golf Club, Spring Lane, Stagsden, Bedford. It has been a few years since the
Society has played at this venue and we hope for a fine Autumn day full of golfing
The day will follow its usual format of breakfast on arrival consisting of bacon
rolls and coffee or tea. In the morning there will be a 9 hole pairs competition
playing for the Bell trophy followed by lunch. Then there will be the afternoon
singles competition playing for the Chris Curran cup and also the Pottery Plate
will be up for grabs for those that also played in the Spring meeting.
Prizes shall be given for nearest the pin and longest drive.
Dinner shall be at the Bell in Great Paxton followed by prize giving.
I am pleased to advise that the cost for the day will still only be £60 and will
include breakfast, lunch, dinner, golf and prizes.
Cheques to be made out to "Woodsooners Golf Society".
Woodsooners golf days are always a lot of fun and new players of any standard
are more than welcome so please come along. If you would like to know any more
information about the society then please contact me.
Martin Bazley.
Mobile 07733 122702
Email - woodsooners@btinternet.com
Please note my address is
75 Gordon Road, Little Paxton
St Neots, Cambs, PE19 6NH
The Bell Petanque Double
This year The Bell petanque teams have excelled themselves. The Wednesday
team are up there challenging for the league title, 3rd with two games to play. The
Tuesday B team look like finishing mid table in division 2, but the Tuesday A
team have already won the knockout competition, and with only one fixture to go
are uncatchable in division 1. Well done!
The Paxton Post
September 2015
4 wheeled
Petrol mowers
Inc Vat
Garden machinery
42,48, & 53cm
Roller Mowers
Electric Mowers
Riding Mower
Garden Tractors
Visit our showroom to view the largest
range of machinery in the area!
Open Mon– Fri 8.00-5.00 Sat 8.00-12.00
Tel: 01480 473452
River Lane, Great Paxton, PE19 6RD
September 2015
The Paxton Post
The Cost of Advertising
Advertising in the Paxton Post and on the Web Site costs as follows:
In Village Organisation
Full Page - £12 - including Web Site £15
Half Page - £6 - including Web Site £9
Quarter Page - £3 - Including Web Site £6
Other Organisations
Full Page - £15
Half Page - £7.50
Quarter Page - £5
The Paxton Post is delivered to over 350 houses, reaching a
population of 800 plus.
Please note that by advertising in the Paxton Post you are not only
increasing your visibility, but helping to fund a vital village
communcation, thus putting something back into Great Paxton.
Thank You
The Paxton Post
September 2015
Courtesy Cars
Customer Car Collection and Return
Car And Van Sales
For all enquiries and
bookings call :
01480 217806 or
07946 300380
A/C Servicing
You can also contact us by email
Unit 11 Harley Industrial Park,
Paxton Hill, St.Neots, PE196TA
September 2015
The Paxton Post
What’s On at The Bell
From Friday 18th September Rugby World Cup
Come and watch England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales in the 2015 World
Cup and enjoy our snacks and special offers on beer
Starting with England v Fiji at 8pm on Friday 18th September
See http://www.rugbyworldcup.com/fixtures for all fixtures
Friday 25th September Singer - Tom Lumley
Friday 2nd October - Harvest Supper
Friday 9th October - Woodsooners Dinner
Friday 16h October Trafalgar Night Dinner
(Book early)
Saturday 24h October Singer - Tom Lumley
Friday 30th October - Children’s Halloween Party
Saturday 14th November - Paxton Factor C21
Have a fun evening playing Bagatelle, Skittles, Shove Ha’penny and more,
enjoy a fish or chicken supper and maybe walk away with the Brian Shears
To Get the Latest News about the Bell
The Paxton Post
September 2015
DKB Services
For Home and Garden
Your Great Paxton Source
for Provision
Installation and
Maintenance of
General Handywork Also Undertaken
Telephone: 07515 111083
Get in touch for a free quote
Village references available
September 2015
The Paxton Post
Paxton Hill, Great Paxton, St.Neots, PE19 6RA
01480 470425
Bed & Breakfast & Self Catering facilities
Beauty room
Whitehouse Cottage and Courtyard Cottage are perfect for Singles,
Couples or Group bookings, Hen weekends, wedding parties or
holidays. We can also arrange a private chef who appeared on
Master chef.
Secure bookings for Bed &Breakfast can be made online via our
NEW for 2015 is The Whitehouse Beauty Room where you can
book packages or ‘One off’ treatments. You don’t need to stay with
us to be pampered. We are open All year round.
Call, text or Facebook message to make an appointment at the
Beauty room.
Certificate of Excellence on Trip advisor in St.Neots 3 years
Gold award for lodging world 3 years running.
We are on Facebook and Twitter.
The Paxton Post
September 2015
Services of a
good reliable
Wooden/laminate floors
Doors hung
Handles and Locks Fitted
Architraves, Skirting Boards
Kitchen and Window Fitting
Stud walls, etc.
Many years of experience.
Please contact
Aurimas on 07930 245993
Ruta on 07810 428848.
September 2015
The Paxton Post
Best of Beauty Great Paxton
New Treatment Launches for Men and
Red Vein Treatment
Facial Thread Veins often caused by sun damage,
smoking, pregnancy and harsh weather conditions.
Skin Tag Removal
Found on the face, neck and areas of friction.
These mushroom shaped tags are easily removed with
instant results.
Blood spots
Red Vascular blemishes found on the face and bod,
common to both men and women.
Milia Removal
Tiny, white, hard spots found just under the skin, are treated
quickly and easily.
A full consultation will be carried out prior to any without any
You may need a doctor’s note prior to any treatment being carried out.
For further information and costs please contact: Abigail Best on
07929 918 965
The Paxton Post
September 2015
Need a Plumber or Heating Engineer?
Need a new bathroom, En-Suite or kitchen fitted?
Then look no further for a fast, friendly and
reliable service
In the industry for over 25 years with a vast
amount of knowledge and expertise so you can
rest assured that whatever job requirements you
have will be carried out to the highest standard
No job is too small and no call out charges
incurred, including weekends
For further enquiries please call Dale Green on
07904 654 263 or 01480 403993
September 2015
The Paxton Post
Great Paxton Motor Company
Up to 40 hand picked cars ...From £1000 to £30000
something for everybody !
Family owned and run specialist car dealer since 1994.
Part exchange a pleasure.
Close and Motonovo finance agents,
online quotes a pleasure
Up to 24 month warranties available for
total peace of mind
You will always be welomed and free to
look at you leisure
All of our cars are HPI CHECKED.
We have a straight forward, relaxed and
easy to do business approach.
I had a refreshing experience with Bill & Simon,
they helped me to make my mind up, had honest
answers ready for my questions. All in all very easy
to do business with, would not hesitate to
recommend them.
James Robinson. Bedford
I have just purchased a lovely BMW 535 from the Great Paxton Motor
Company and I have to say they were excellent from start to finish !
The car was excellent and exactly as described, they were very relaxed
and gave me as much time as I wanted.
Once I had made my mind up this was the car, they dealt with the
finance and part exchange and I was in the car the next day.
The whole experience was first class and so is the car !! Well done !!
Mark Dean, Harlow
The Paxton Post
September 2015
The Butterfly House Day Nursery Is a
small homely nursery where the new
owner and friendly team provide the
highest standards of childcare,
encouraging learning through play.
Newly decorated and with wonderful resources that support the
Early Years Foundation Stage.
Exciting home-cooked meals
Our nursery is a safe environment for your child to explore, grow
and most importantly ….. have lots of fun.
we now have a wonderful outdoor classroom…. our own allotment!
: www.ofsted.gov.uk
URN : EY445517
We are pleased to be able
to accept ‘FREE TWOS’
placements, In addition
to the government
funded 15hrs for
children aged 3+
Please phone us for
September 2015
The Paxton Post
The Paxton Post
September 2015
September 2015
The Paxton Post
News from Holy Trinity Church
Regular Services at Holy Trinity.
1st Sunday of : 9.00am Holy Communion
2nd Sunday 10.45am All Age Worship
3rd Sunday 10.45am Holy Communion
4th Sunday Morning Prayer.
All Age Worship Services up until Christmas
Sunday September 13th at 10.45am
Sunday October 11th at 10.45am – Harvest Festival
with a collection of food gifts for St Neots Foodbank.
Produce needs to have a shelf life of 3 months.
Sunday November 9th at 10.45am – Service for Remembrance Sunday
Sunday December 20th at 3pm – Christingle!
We look forward to welcoming several families who will be bringing their children
for baptism this autumn.
Please do contact Annette ( 01480 211048) if you want to make enquiries about
weddings, baptisms and funerals. Perhaps you might like a visit or you know
someone who might like a visit at home in confidence.
Holy Trinity church is 1,000 years old and is the parish church – it serves the whole
community and is there in time of need and in times of celebration and in the “
ordinary” days of life.
The Paxton Post
September 2015
There is a service every Sunday where prayers are prayed and God worshipped
as has been the case for so many centuries. Anyone who joins us will be made
most welcome.
Friday October 2nd at 7.30pm
Great Paxton Church Harvest Supper at The Bell Inn Great Paxton.
35 tickets at £8.00 each will be available for this festival occasion.
Book now by contacting Annette Reed on 01480 211048
They will sell like... hot potatoes!
Giant raffle and live entertainment from Dave Weir and friends.
News of Church Fabric repairs.
Following the Quinquennial Inspection of our building recently, several
areas of repair work were identified as needing doing in future. This
includes lead work to the north aisle roof, repainting the frames of the lofty
clerestory windows and repairs to the tower roof.
We are very grateful that Alan Smith recently installed a new ladder in the
tower which has meant that the tower roof could be inspected , hence the
need for some repairs to the roof. Alan is also restoring the weather vane
which, he found, was constructed in 1910 and had several bullet holes in the
iron work. Target practice maybe?
We are awaiting quotes for this urgent work and hope we can carry it out
Two other issues are the organ and the bells.
The organ would benefit from a good overhaul and clean and we are
obtaining quotes for that work.
The fittings of the bells need a complete overhaul and again we are looking
at quotes for that work from bell hanging firms. As this would cost several
thousand pounds, we would need to go to grant making bodies if we were to
undertake this project. We are very grateful to ringers from Little Paxton and
area and also our local village ringers for their interest in this project and for
ringing the bells again more regularly.
Meanwhile, the churchyard is being kept very tidy with dedicated volunteers
who are building upon hard work done last year. We have also had several
September 2015
The Paxton Post
visits from Community Pay Back gentlemen and ladies. Why not take a stroll
around the lovely acres of the churchyard sometime?
Now for some history from Bert Goodwin reproduced from St Neots
Local History Magazine No 11.
It would seem that a number of cross bases, or ‘stubs’ as they were called, still
exist in various villages, and there is one such base in Great Paxton churchyard,
the remains of a Mediaeval cross set on a rough stone base.
One wonders what has happened to the crosses themselves. In earlier times,
when the church was greatly revered, it seems most unlikely that they would
have been defaced or otherwise disposed of, and even though crosses set up in
town or village centres might have fallen into disuse and disrepair, it seems
strange that this should have happened to the ones set up in churchyards. Some
crosses may have been damaged during the Civil War in the 17th century, but
many crosses were ruined long before that. This seems to be true of Great Paxton
A number of documents refer to the cross. The earliest one is a will dated
1491, which names it ‘Stub Cross’, so it was probably already broken by then.
Land terriers mention it as ‘The SAXON CROSS’ which, if correct, means that
it is about the same age as the church itself, dating from a time when Great Paxton
was the minster church serving several other parishes.
In later times, late 17th and early 18th centuries, it was known as ‘Owls Cross’
and the road it stood on was ‘Cross Way’. The base is made of roughly-hewn
Barnack stone, and the piece of shaft which remains has simple carved buttresses
at the bottom corners. Its plain style makes it possible that it was indeed of Saxon
origin, as many others were.
There is an old tradition that the rest of the cross of Great Paxton is buried in
the wall of the church. Was it perhaps incorporated into the wall, or perhaps the
floor of the nave or chancel at a time when extensive alterations were made?
The Royal Commissioners for Historic Monuments record the Great Paxton cross
as 15th century. This may well be true of the shaft, but the base on which it stands
appears to be much older. Perhaps it once held the ‘Saxon Cross’ mentioned in
documents. For it to be called ‘Stub Cross’ by 1491, however, suggests that it
is older altogether than the Commissioners claim. Other old cross bases can be
seen at Brampton, Fenstanton, Great Gransden, etc.
The Paxton Post
September 2015
· The Great Paxton Local history Group meets again on Monday September
7th 2015 at 7.30pm at the Bell Inn. A very friendly group who always seem to
come up with new items to share about village history. Anyone very welcome!
· Do check out the St James Church Little Paxton Facebook Page which often
carries articles and news about Holy Trinity Church and Great Paxton Village.
Below is the link to the page:
The Benefice Web-Site also carries news of all four of our Benefice Churches
and is updated regularly. http://www.littlepaxtonchurch.org.uk/
The Friends of St Peter’s Church, Offord Darcy are delighted to be hosting our
seventh concert to be held on SUNDAY 20th September at 7.30 pm in St Peter’s
Church, High Street, Offord Darcy.
Returning to Offord, we welcome back Morag McLaren, Theresa Goble, Michael
Dore, Brian Parsons, their pianist and narrator. They are well known national
and international artists from the opera, musical theatre and concert stage,
including BBC Radio 2‘s “Friday Night is music night” and London’s West End.
Theresa is also a professor of vocal studies at the Guildhall School of Music and
Drama; Michael Dore was formerly a member of the Swingle Singers and Morag
McLaren performs in her acclaimed one woman shows.
This is a fantastic opportunity to hear these artists performing in the beautiful
church of St Peter, dating back to Norman times, and which has exceptional
acoustics and lends itself to all types of music. Why go to London's West End
theatres, or even to Cambridge, when you can enjoy a great variety of music
performed by these professional stars, right here on your doorstep?
If you have ever wondered whether to come to an event like this, you won't be
disappointed - it will be a magical evening. Smart dress is preferred.
Ticket prices are £13.00 and include a pre-concert glass of bubbly. Tickets for
this popular event always sell out very quickly and are available from:
ticketoffice.stpeters@gmail.com or Jenny Griffiths on 01480 811126.
Free parking on the archery field adjacent to the Church. Toilet facilities will be available.
September 2015
The Paxton Post
Great Paxton Parish Council Report
Speeding Vehicles – We have received several reports of vehicles speeding
through the village and the danger to residents. Suggestions have been made
that a cycleway should be provided between the village and St. Neots, a 50mph
limit from Brook Farm, and the 30mph speed limit sign should be re-sited close
to the Toseland Road junction. As there is little funding available to provide a
cycleway it was agreed that the Council should apply to the Highways
Department to see what funding is available under the Local Highways Initiative
programme to alleviate some on the these problems. It has been suggest that a
Community Speedwatch group should be established in the village to obtain a
record of speeds. All equipment and training will be provided by the police and
in other areas these schemes have been found to dramatically reduce speeding.
If you are interested in becoming involved in Speedwatch or in Neighbourhood
Watch please contact the Clerk or Simon Black at The Bell PH.
Saxon Green Play Area – a new fence has been erected to provide a physical
and visual reminder to cyclists that the path does not just continue on to Adams
Lane. This was erected in response to residents’ concerned for childrens’ safety.
The Council have also agreed to a request for permission from a resident to erect
a seat at Saxon Green in memory of her son.
Planning – Applications for extensions to 9 Church Lane and 10 Towgood Way
were recommended for approval by the Council. Approved by Huntingdonshire
District Council on the 3rd August.
Electoral Review of Cambridgeshire – A letter has been sent to the Review
Officer stating that the Council strongly objects to the proposal to include Great
Paxton within the St. Neots East Division, rather than with the 5 other villages,
on the grounds that the review does not take into account the different needs and
issues of rural communities.
Village Website – We are still looking for a new Editor to continue the excellent
contribution David Lloyd has made which together with the Newsletter produced
by Simon Black and his family, are great assets for the village.
Registering Assets of Community Value – Since the last meeting
Huntingdonshire District Council has confirmed that land west of the High Street
has now been registered as an Asset of Community Value.
Recreation Ground – The Recreation Ground Committee have made a proposal
that the Parish Council should take over the running of the Ground. This was
discussed at the last meeting and additional information has been requested.
The Paxton Post
September 2015
Proposed Community Shop at The Bell – The council were advised that a
survey had been compiled for distribution to all residents. It is hoped that
responses will be received within the next month, so that an analysis can be
carried out prior to another meeting in September.
Graveley Wind Farm
A meeting is to take place to address the noise problem which is having a severe
impact on residents living closeby. It is hoped that an analysis of noise can be
Councillor Vacancies – We currently have two vacancies on the Parish Council.
If anyone is interested in becoming a councillor please contact the Clerk for
guidance and an application form.
New Clerk – As from 7th September we have a new Clerk – Mrs Christine
Brandon of
18 Crowhill, Godmanchester, Huntingdon, Cambs. PE29 1LP (Tel No and email
address to be provided)
Our present Clerk Sheila Childerley is standing
down due to other commitments.
Date of Next Meeting - Monday 14th September at 8 pm in the School
Hall. Everyone welcome to attend. The Agendas for the meetings go
onto the notice boards and village website the week before the meeting.
Minutes are also on the noticeboards and website.
There is an open forum at each meeting where residents can speak about
any concerns they might have. 24 hours notice of the intention to speak
will enable the Clerk and the Councillors to prepare an adequate response.
Village e-mail: If you would like your e-mail address to be included
which will enable you to receive Agendas, Minutes, and details of other
events, please contact the Clerk. In addition most of this information can
also be found on the village website
Editors Note:
Great Paxton owes a massive vote of thanks to Sheila Childerley for doing such
a splendid job as Parish Clerk, and we wish her all the best with her future.
Thanks Sheila!
September 2015
The Paxton Post
News from Barbara Boddington, District
Councillor for Gransden and The Offords
The Huntingdonshire District Council Community Chest
Grant Aid Awards
The Awards to Voluntary Organisations 2015/16 throughout the District
in this Ward were:· Abbotsley Village Hall
· Applepips Pre-School Offord
· Holly Cross Church Yelling PCC
· Friends of St Peters Church Offord D’Arcy - £600
· Yelling Parish Council
The total available was doubled this year to £60,000 - recipients totalling
29 this year, cannot apply again for two years – the highest award was
£5,000 - applications can be made on line at the start of 2016 – any
problems please let me know.
Discretionary Rate Relief Scheme supporting
Huntingdonshire Retailers
Discretionary Rate Relief Scheme supporting over 500 Retailers –for the
second year discretionary powers to award the Government’s temporary
Retail Rate Relief to entitled business premises ( with a rateable value not
exceeding £50k) Currently 567 ratepayers throughout Huntingdonshire
received £750k of this support. PLEASE contact HDC Business Rates
Team for advice.
Electoral Review
The Local Government Association Boundary Commission for England
is carrying out an Electoral Review of Huntingdonshire District Council.
This has been triggered by anomalies in the St Neots area as to the size of
Wards – this will be in two parts – Numbers of Councillors and Size of
the Wards. The public will be able to influence these decisions during the
two phases of public consultation.
The Paxton Post
September 2015
Call Centre – Huntingdonshire District Council
The Call Centre is celebrating its 10th Birthday since opening its doors in
St Ives – taking on more services including – Operations- Housing –
Council Tax – Planning – Pest Control and others. The Call Centre
receives about 120,000 calls and 16,000 emails per year – it has been
challenging and gone from strength to strength with maybe a move to
Pathfinder House next year.
If you have a problem relating to Huntingdonshire District
Ring Call Centre – 01480 388388
I am here to help All the Electorate
Tel: 01480 880929
Email: barbara.boddington@huntsdc.gov.uk
News from Julie Wisson, County Councillor for
Buckden and The Offords
Do you have a spare room in your house? Do you have patience,
understanding, time and love to offer a child? If you have answered ‘Yes’ to
these questions you might like to consider fostering for Cambridgeshire County
Council. Looked after children numbers are at there highest for a number of
years. This is partly due to asylum seeking children in Cambridgeshire. If you
have the skill set that can be transferred to caring for looked after children and
the time to offer then maybe you would like to find out more about fostering.
Offering a child or children the chance to make positive changes in their life/lives
is a privilege that takes a very special person/people. Full training and support
is given throughout your fostering journey and professional development
encouraged. Why not consider starting your journey into changing a child’s life
and give the Fostering team a call 0800 052 0078 email
Please do not hesitate to contact me.
Julie Wisson 01767 677837, 07725 791459
September 2015
The Paxton Post
News from Richard West, District Councillor for
Gransden and The Offords
2015- 2016.
Huntingdonshire District Council has responsibility for most food safety and
hygiene enforcement functions within the district. The Food Standards Agency
( FSA ) is the Competent Authority and National Regulator for food safety and
hygiene issues within England.
It requires every local authority ( food authority ) to outline how it will fulfil its
duty to deliver official food controls, the arrangements detailing how and at what
level the official controls will be delivered must be laid down in the form of a
Service Plan for food law enforcement . Food Enforcement service plan must be
approved by the Council members( the Councillors) .
The overall aim of the service is to work with businesses and consumers to secure
the production , distribution and service of safe and wholesome food within
These are the key activities which contribute to the delivery of the overall aim.
Planned and reactive inspections of registered and approved food establishments.
The investigation of service requests and complaints relating to food and food
The investigation of cases and outbreaks of food- borne and food poisoning
Richard West District Councillor Offord and Gransden Great Paxton.
Tele 01480 811467
Email richard.west@buckdencambs.co.uk or
The Paxton Post
September 2015
1st Gt. Paxton Brownies
Lyn Taylor
Church Bell Ringers
Michael Matthews
Holy Trinity Church
Rev Annette Reed
Church Warden
Bob Hacking
Community Room
Julie Edwards
Community Room Chairman
Joan Addison
Community Shop Committee
Roger Widdowson
Crib Team
Simon Black
Darts - Ladies Only
Holly Smith
Darts - Anybody
Bryony Black
Football Club
Les Niccolls
07982 926118
Gt. Paxton Cubs
Andy Ottley
Neighbourhood Watch
Simon Black
Bobbie Elsom
Julie Marks
07917 164114
Recreation Ground
Jason Anderson
School Headteacher
Lee Frost
St. Neots Police Station
George Dixon?
Great Paxton Web Site
Woodsooners Golf Society
Martin Bazley
Walkers (feet not crisps)
Linda Richardson
If I have missed anyone out, or not got the correct contact details for any
organisation, please let me know on greatpaxtonnews@yahoo.co.uk
Whilst every effort is made by the Editor to ensure that the interpretation and
content of the information contained in this publication is correct, the Editor and
the Parish Council cannot be held liable for any consequential action based on
this information. Also, none of the views expressed in this newsletter are
necessarily those of the Editor or the Parish Council.