2014 Annual Report Agape Pregnancy Resource Center


2014 Annual Report Agape Pregnancy Resource Center
Agape Pregnancy Resource Center
2014 Annual Report
Agape PRC exists to demonstrate and share the life-changing message of Jesus Christ by
providing practical help and loving support to those facing an unplanned pregnancy.
From the Board President
& Executive Director
Dear Friends,
“Behold, I am doing a new thing,” ...words so true for Agape this year. We joyously celebrated our 10th year of
ministry in February, then embarked upon implementing a strategic plan to make Agape stronger and more
effective during the next decade...Agape 2.0!
During this past year, we have implemented new financial policies and are working
towards accreditation with the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability. In
addition, we fine-tuned our administrative processes by converting to a new client
database that provides even better reporting and statistical data. Also, we trained the
largest crop of new volunteers in our history!
Next we formed a team to take our successful “Earn While You Learn Program” to the
next level. The result is the new “Bloom...with Earn While You Learn,” which includes
new classes and a 12-week, intensive Foundations Class led by local churches. Each
session begins with a meal and then focuses on career/personality assessment, healthy
relationships, the Gospel and bridging the gap between Agape and local churches. The
goal: breaking cycles of poverty and poor relationships and becoming members of a
local church. The inaugural class, led by members of Hill Country Bible Church Round
Rock ran this fall and was an amazing time of ministry and growth!
Finally, we set our sights on saving more lives, both physically & eternally. We
implemented a new evangelism strategy in partnership with EvanTell called “Save a
Mother, Save a Child,” making it possible to reach even more clients AND their families with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Then, with the help of our donors, we purchased
a new ultrasound machine, making it possible to see babies by 5 1/2 weeks...our most
powerful tool for saving babies’ lives.
For this amazing ministry, we always praise God first. He is our
rock, our hope and our reason to exist. But you, our donors and
supporters, are truly the hands and feet He uses to keep the
doors open. With us, you are a part of saving lives. We are
humbled and abundantly grateful for your continued generosity.
We are eager to see just how He uses all of us for His glory as
we enter into a new phase of growth. So, keep the prayers
coming, and thank you for making this ministry possible.
John Smith
Jo Markham
Board of Directors
Executive Director
What we do:
Confidential & Free Services Include:
- Pregnancy tests
- Ultrasound to located the baby’s heartbeat
- Bloom...with Earn While You Learn program
- Maternity clothing
- Sessions with a professional counselor
- Referrals for community services
2014 “Bloom...with Earn While You
Learn” Classes
EWYL Independent Work
Bible Studies (Spanish & English)
Financial Planning
Foundations Class
Hopes & Dreams
Infant CPR & First Aid
Labor & Childbirth
Mommy Time
Newborn & Infant Care
Nutrition & Cooking
Love Lessons
Sibling Class
Woman to Woman:
Spiritual Mentoring
Client Age
Client Race
Client City
Test Results
Feelings about
Prior Abortions
 First-Time Visits: 1,030
 Class Attendance: 1,898
 Ultrasounds: 182
 Gospel Presentations: 677+
 Professions of Faith: 51
 Rededicated Life to Christ: 19
Referral Sources
 32% of those with a positive
test return for classes
 Lives SAVED...physically
& eternally!
Financial Overview
Total Cash Receipts: $288,898.81
Total Cash Expenditures: $296,070.32
Income Sources:
In 2014, Agape was blessed with over $40,460
worth of in-kind donations… everything
from baby items to repair work, catering,
photography and more!
Life Shareholders
We offer heartfelt thanks to those who gave to Agape throughout 2014. Because of the generous support of our
“Life Shareholders,” Agape is able to continue this life-saving ministry well into the future. A non-profit agency, we
are sustained by individual and church donations, grants and fundraising events. We do not receive any federal
funding. Thanks to all who gave in-kind or monetary gifts in 2014.
Charles & Dora Abdouch
Marvis Bond
Classic House Restoration
Jeff & Darlene Edwards
Sherice Grant
Victor & Gaye Abijaoudi
Lester Bostic
Jonathan & Theresa Clyburn
Paula Eifert
Foster & Helen Gray
Active Network
Gayle Bovlais
Wayne & Laurel Coleman
Mitch & Tresa Elengold
Alan & Debbie Grim
Marc & Barbara Alarcon
Joan Bowden
Compassion Ministries
Mike & Becky Ellis
Wes & Jan Griffin
Alathean Home Mission
Jeff & Elisa Boyd
Krista Conn
Embree Construction Group
G.D. & T.L. Gross
Gale & Eileen Albertson
Cindi Brandenburg
P.J. Condit
Bill & Harriet Emmons
Lisa Gruver
Randy Allen
Dan & Miranda Bradley
Gene & Marian Coppin
Drew Engstrom
Patrick Gudeau
Larry & Gina Allhands
Jerry & Linda Bradley
Peter & Margarita Corpus
The Escape Fine Crafts & Gifts
Frank & Linda Guttman
Carrie Allison
Roland & Charlotte Brinkley
Wayne & Linda Cotton
Bill Espinosa
Erica Hailes
Chris Almendaro
Barbara Bronleewe
Betty Courtney
Richard & Connie Evers
James & Susan Halbert
American Boat & RV Storage
Brough Family
Covenant Management Systems
Joe & Robin England
Mitch & Kellie Hall
John & Valerie Armstrong
Mike Brown
Bill & Sharlyne Crisp
Mr. & Mrs. J.R. Farren
W.C. & Faye Hall
Sharon Arnold
Lt. Cl. R.D. & Vivian Brown
Edmond & Alma Croix
Kerry & Kathy Fehlis
Robert & Joella Halmon
James Askton
Sandy Brown
Joshua Crosby
Virgil & Racene Feller
Karen Halsema
Jenny Aspillaga
Trevor & Hannah Brown
Crossfit Texas
Sandy Feriks
Pat & Beverly Hamilton
AT&T Employee Giving
Ronald Buffum
Buddy & Patsy Crossley
Sara Field
Tammy Hanna
Austin Multi-Sport Inc.
Karen Burdsall
Jonathan Crow
Scott & Melinda Field
Steve & Holly Hansen
Bob & Eileen Avery
Jeanette Burk
Charles & Kathy Culpepper
Firehouse Subs
P.W. & M.E. Haragan
Charles & Beth Avery
D.O. & Sandra Burnett
William & Anne Curtis
FBC Deborah Class
Todd Hargrove
Clint & Terri Autrey
Mark & Kathryn Burson
Dahill Austin
FBC Elderberries
Mr. & Mrs. D.R. Harris
Patti Ayres
W.L. & Maxine Byrd
Cynergy Data
FBC Joy Class
Lisa Harris
Fred & Donna Baird
Brian Cahak
Linda Daniel
Andrew & Courtney Fisher
John & Jodi Hawkins
Kevin Baker
Rebecca Cahak
Dr. Mark Dankis
Russ Fletcher
Bob & Mary Hawkins
Mark Baker
John & Carolyn Calmont
Cody & Sylvia Daves
Nadine Flowers
Pauline Hawkins
Shirley Barker
Rocio Campos
James & Nancy Davidson
Tommie Ford
Edward & Lyla Hayward
Edward Balderas
Walt & Emily Canady
Jim & Joyce Davis
Forest Creek Family Dental
Beverly Haywood
Tracy Balderas
Connie Canales
James & Stephanie Davis
Jennifer Fowler
HCBC Sew to Serve
Martin & Marilyn Barlett
Greg & Jamie Canter
Josh & Brooke Davis
Gary & Bobbi Franke
Donna Heinemann
Bonnie Barnes
Hurschel & Sally Cantwell
S.L. & J.P. Davis
Star Frasier
David & Carol Helms
Stacey & Susan Barnes
Barbara Carpenter
Teresa Dear
Front Porch Frozen Desserts
William & Stephanie Hendrix
Bev Bavousett
Kailey Carson
Anne Delao
Ava Funk
Henkel Family Trust
Eddie & Patti Bell
Teresa Carson
Dell Direct Giving Campaign
Mark & Dr. Teri Gaddy
Henna Chevrolet
Mario Bennett
John & Erica Carter
James Dempsey
Ron & Retta Gaddy
Bob & Ruthie Herber
Bill Chappell
Mary Castom
Phillip & Brenda Denney
Yuric Galarraga
Kiah Heriford
The Benson Company
Central Baptist Quilters
Dick’s Sporting Goods
Vivian Galloway
Mike & Megan Bickers
Gene & Linda Chappell
Richard Doan
Roland & Lois Gamble
Hill Country Christian School,
2nd Grade
Timothy & Dana Bisch
R.E. & Mary Chavanne
Ann Dodson
Doug & Maxine Gammon
Rosalyn Bishop
Daniel & Kim Chew
Austin & Zenobia Dorman
Mary Lou Garcia
P. Blair
Wiley & Carol Christal
Dr. Rebecca Dorsett
Richard Garcia
Richard & Linda Blount
Darrell Christianson
Margo Drake
S.L. Garcia
Curtis & Carlotta Bomar
Charles Christopher
Marshall & Kathryn Duke
Heather Gardner
Jim & Barbara Bond
Dr. Larry & Ann Claborn
Kevin & JaNae Dunaway
Howard & Linda Gardner
Rose Garrett
Bob Garrnett
Anderson Mill Baptist Church
First Evangelical Free Church
North Hills Baptist Church
Fred Garza
Austin Chinese Church
First United Methodist Church
Our Savior Lutheran Church
Celebration Church
Grace Fellowship, Lago Vista
Round Rock Life Connection Church
Central Baptist Church
Grace Presbyterian, Round Rock
St. Phillips Methodist Church
Community Christian Church
Hill Country Bible Church, Pflugerville
St. Williams Catholic Church
Crosswalk Church
Hill Country Bible Church, Round Rock
Sweet Home Baptist Church
Hillcrest Baptist Church
True Life Fellowship
The Fellowship
Legacy Church
Westover Hills Church of Christ
First Baptist Church, Pflugerville
Main Street Baptist
First Baptist Church of Round Rock
New Hope Community Church
Georgetown Jewelry
Giggle Moon
Mike & Jennifer Giles
Menalaus & Tracy
Dwight & Mary Ann Hipp
Donald & Ruth Hisle
Clifford & Imagene Hobbs
John Hoch
Fremont & Trina Hodson
Pamela Holland
Jimmy & Kay Holliday
Susie Holliday
Robert & Shonda Hollier
Eric & Christine Hollingsworth
Leah Holt
Connie Hornsby
Hospira Employee Giving
Nancy Houston
Theodore & Patricia Howe
Melissa Godfrey
Robert & Leah Hoyt
Robert & Melissa
Michael & Mary Hudec
Mirelis Gonzales
Roger & Thelma Gore
Life Shareholders
Johnny & Glynis Hugghins
DeJuana & Jhaylen Lozada
Beverly Nord
Dawn Rust
John Thomas
Ben & Nancy Hulsey
Frank & Helene Luciano
J.T. O’Connor
Patricia Saddler
Delos Thompson
Laura Humbert
Lisa Lyon
Mike Odem
Molly Salzwedel
Gary & Linda Thompson
John Hurley
Hunter Madden
Dennis Oettle
Bobby & Deborah Sams
Emogene Thornhill
Gayle Hutchings
Paul & Cam Maeyaert
Susan Oglesbee
George & Kimberly Sanchez
David & Chrissy Thurman
John & Amy Hyde
Al & Jan Magness
Pavel & Deborah Olchovik
David Sanders
Natalie Townsend
Travis & Cassandra Isaacson
Nelda Magruder
Jeff & Starr O’Neal
Larry & Niki Sanders
Weldon & Shirley Townsend
Jack Allen’s Kitchen
John & Pat Manly
Miles & Sharon O’Neal
Tomma Sargent
Texas Heat Treating
Karla Jahangir
Steve & Dawn Orand
Steve & Anna Searle
Becky Todd
Curtis & Lisa Janis
Mark & Jo Markham
Beverly Owen
Gaylene Jensen
Zenobia Marshall
Randy & Sharon Owens
Christine Johnson
Michael Martin
Jennifer Paladino
Darryl & Anissa Johnson
Frank Matchett
Michael Panarelli
The Chew Foundation
The Redman Foundation
John & Beverly Johnson
Jimmy Matthews
Debra Pantalion
Chisholm Trail Community Foundation
Rothell Charitable Foundation
Patricia Johnson
Maxwell Family of Dealerships
Janice Parker
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Round Rock Future Fund
Donna Jolley
Rick & Janet Maynard
Rich & Kathryn Parker
Darrell & Laura Jourdan
Mays St. Boutique
Maria Parson
Greater Round Rock Community
Round Rock Noon Kiwanis
Sharon Judson
Charles & Holly McCord
State Sen. Dan Patrick
Howard Family Foundation
Andrew & Pamela King
Bill & Lou McCorkle
Barbara Patschke
Miller Trust Agreement
Ronald & Alice Kellam
Wesley McCoy
Brenda Patterson
Network for Good
Matthew & Candace Kennedy
Chris McDaniel
Jack & Helen Payne
Matthew & Julie Kennedy
Frank & Sylvia McDonald
Will & Nikki Peckham
Suman Khisty
Deborah McIntire
Jack & Mary Pelath
Richard & Kellie Schindel
Donald Tracy
Billy & Rosa Lee Killion
Jan McIntosh
Steve & Nancy Pena
Gerald & Marie Schubkegel
Travis Glass
William & Frances Kindla
Patrick & Sara McKeever
Patricia Perez
John & Sharon Schureman
Holly Tucker Music
Dwight & Kathy Kirscht
Dr. Wade & Judy McLeod
Lindsey Pershern
Bob Schweter
Louise Tulley
Marvin & Karen Kiser
Thomas & Kelli McMurran
Brian Peschke
Joe & Billie Scurlock
Don & Ava Turner
Greg & Charlotte Kirwin
Dan & Donna McNery
Diana Peschke
Libbie Seaton
Ted & Diana Vanderlaan
Paul Knight
Bill & Betty McRight
Marty Petosia
Philip & Gayle Segrest
Sanjay Venamanikam
Daniel Knox
Steve & Christi McWhirter
Ed & Evelyn Petrere
Michael & Megan Shannon
Sharon Vernon
Debbie Kobe
Cathy Medina
Frank & Renee Petsche
Tracy Shannon
Lili Kohutek
Charles Merchant
Louis & Elizabeth Petrik
Steve & Bobbie Sheets
Teresa Wagner
David & Nancy Koinm
Greg & Donna Meyer
Wayne & Linda Phillips
Clark & Melva Shubert
Beth Walker
Joe & Pat Kramer
Penny Meza
W.A. Polson
Mary Sigler
James & Gerrianne Waring
Claudia Krawczyk
Arlen & Claudia Miller
Brittany Powell
Mike & Terrie Sigmon
Raymond Kubala
Carl & Deanna Miller
R.L. Powell
Joseph & Cheryl Simcik
Forrest & Betty Watson
Jan Kubsch
Eric & Cecily Miller
Rosemary Powell
Dustin & Deborah Simmons
Jason & Lisa Watson
Tim Kuykendall
James & Marianne Miller
Hayden Price
Marcelle Simms
Hayden Watson
Clifford Kuxhaus
Rebecca Mouser
Tanner Price
Dorale & Debbie Sims
Vicki Watts
Betsy Lambeth
Gregg & Gail Miller
R Bank
Becky Sloan
Timothy Weber
Douglas Landers
Rod & Camille Minor
Nancy Rabb
Taylor Sims
Craig & Connie Weeks
Charles & Carolyn Lance
Keith & Betty Lou Mitchell
Richard & Carol Ream
Angie Smith
Taylor & Laurie Weisensel
Sue Langston
Greg & Diann Moerbe
Bruce Reaves
Billie Smith
Joyce West
John & Charlotte Larson
Lewis Momede
Pastor B.R. Reese
Gina Smith
Steve & Marion West
Ryan & Wendy Larson
Bill & Nancy Montgomery
Les & Marietta Reed
John & Kathy Smith
Mark & Pam Westerfield
Dwight & Cherry Laughlin
John & Bernadette Moody
Bob & Debra Reynolds
Philip & Jolene Smith
Ann White
Terry & Lori Laws
Sue Ann Moore
Maurice & Karen Rhynard
Vincent Soorholtz
Buster & Linda White
Michael Leeds
Jim & Pam Moorhead
Matthew & Lora Richmond
John & Lisa Spangenberg
George & Sally White
Frank & Bethany Leffingwell
Bill & Cathy Moorhouse
Donna Rivers
Randy & Edna Staudt
Marcelina White
Patricia Leger
Mary Beth Mosher
Road ID
Ezra & Kendra Stanton
Fr. Dean Wilhelm
Brent Roberts
Larry & Jeanne Stehr
Kyle & Sylvia Wilkie
Kent & Marilyn Roberts
Debbie Stein
Dixie Wilkinson
Nathan & Shanon Robnett
Lisa Lynn Stewart
Travis & Jean Williams
Emily Roder
Janet Stone
Travis & Shannon Williams
Roger Beasley Automotive
Dennis & Rebecca Sundbeck
Savannah Winner
We sincerely apologize if we inadvertently left
a donor name off this list. If that is the case,
please contact us at jo@agapeprc.org so that
our records can be corrected.
Rachel & Ben Vaughan Foundation
Round Rock Noon Rotary
Round Rock Woman’s Club
Schwab Charitable Fund
Texas Alliance for Life Trust Fund
Don & Nancy LeMay
Mrs. Mac’s Shining Stars
Rogue Running
Savannah Swanberg
D.A. Wolf
Hayley Lewis
Rob & Cem Mulkey
Round Rock Christian Academy
Sweet Love & Sugar Britches
Verna Lee Wood
Bethany Libby
Marty & Julie Mundell
Round Rock Express
Rick & Barbara Swetman
Amber Work
Libby Ann Photography
Cynthia Murrell
Round Rock Industrial Equipment
Theron & Jill Talley
Leroy & Charlesetta Wormley
Jessie Lidgard
National Instruments
Round Rock Travel
Geraldine Taylor
Julian & Judy Wright
Living Waters Fly Fishing
James & Elizabeth Nazarenus
Rudy’s Bar-B-Q
Kenneth Taylor
John & Judith Wynn
Cathy Long
Scott Nazarenus
Glen Teinert
Joe Young
Tim & D’Andre Long
James & Marilyn Neilson
Richard & Cheryl Rusk
Ryan Therrell
Lowe Family
Richard & Sylvia Neusch
Rebecca Russo
Bonnie Thoma
Meet our team
Board of Directors
Back Row, L-R:
Dr. Teri Gaddy, John Smith, Nancy
Montgomery, Buddy Crossley,
Al Magness, Dr. Vincent Sherman,
Robin England & Zach Lambert
Front Row, L-R:
Ruthie Herber, Kathy Culpepper, Linda
Cotton, Ava Turner, Mary Hawkins &
Sharon Irwin
Not pictured:
Greg Meyer & Fred Garza
Miranda Bradley, Development & Marketing
Shirley Barker, Administrative Assistant
Jo Markham, Executive Director
Sharon O’Neil, Administrative Assistant
Nancy Montgomery, Administrative Assistant
(Our Admin Assistants also serve as volunteers one day a week!)
Jo Markham, Executive Director,
Miranda Bradley, Development &
Marketing Coordinator, Nancy
Montgomery, Shift Leader,
Shirley Barker, Shift Leader,
Sharon O’Neal, Admin. Assistant
Back Row, L-R: Tresa
Elengold, Cindi Brandenburg,
Bernadette Moody, Ava
Turner, Sharon O’Neal, Sally
Ripple, Marietta Reed, Kathy
Culpepper & Rocio Campos.
Front Row, L-R: Nancy
Montgomery, Anne Curtis,
Nadine Flowers, Shirley Barker, Kathy Kirscht, Suman
Khisty, Tina Edge, Liz Bonine
Agape’s wonderful volunteers have served
more than 5,000 hours in 2014!
Not Pictured: Emily Canady,
Iwhona Carter, Monica Cline,
Patsy Crossley, Melissa
Godfrey, Janeet Gonzales,
Mary Hawkins, Julie Pressley,
Anna Searle, Becky Sundbeck
& Rob Vires
From our clients:
“Agape has been such a blessing to me & my family. It has been forever lifechanging. The first day I came I was with little hope or faith. I was scared and
immature. God has spoken to me through all of Agape’s advocates and taught me
how to become a loving mother and wife. Thank you for molding me into a loving
woman.” ~Victoria
104 E. Main Street
Round Rock, TX 78664
(512) 248-8200
“Agape has shown me how to open up and allow others to get close to
me. It has shown me how to love others. Most importantly it has helped
me grow and shape my relationships with God.” ~Estele
Jo Markham, Executive Director
“I thank you guys because you have introduced God back in my life.” ~Maria
Miranda Bradley, Development
& Marketing Coordinator
“These wonderful people feel like a second family.” ~Shameka
“We have been so grateful for the emotional support and resource support provided
by Agape’s staff & supporters! My husband & I were in between jobs when we
moved to Round Rock to be near family for the birth of our beautiful daughter.
During a time of transition and financial stress, the ladies at Agape offered
friendship, advice, and kind words...
and the resources available helped us to
adequately prepare for the arrival of
our daughter. Thank you!” ~Jana
“I love Agape! Everyone is great
and so nice. I received a lot of
good information. I am a firsttime mom...and it helps so much
to have a place to receive
education and items that help
with a new baby. This place is
amazing and everyone is
wonderful! ~Jessica
“I now feel prepared and informed to be
able to begin motherhood...You guys
have made an impact on my life in
ways that I can’t begin to describe.”
“I have really enjoyed getting to
know the staff & realizing that
everything will be OK if I keep my
focus on God. It has been a
beautiful journey. Thank you for
allowing me to learn while being
able to get ready for our baby
through the Earn While You
Learn program. We are blessed to
have attended Agape’s program.”
Nancy Montgomery, Shirley Barker
& Sharon O’Neil, Administrative
John J. Smith, CPA, President
Ava Turner, Vice- President
Mary Hawkins, Treasurer
Rev. Al Magness, Secretary
Linda Cotton
Buddy Crossley
Kathy Culpepper
Robin England
Dr. Teri Gaddy, DDS
Rev. Fred Garza
Ruthie Herber
Glynis Hugghins
Sharon Irwin
Zach Lambert
Jo Markham
Greg Meyer
Nancy Montgomery
Dr. Vincent Sherman
Wendi Lester, Attorney at Law
Judy McLeod
The Honorable Edna Staudt, Justice of
the Peace, Williamson County
Special thanks to Shelley Elena
Photography for photos of
Agape clients & babies!