15450 IWBC Newsletter - International Women`s Brass Conference
15450 IWBC Newsletter - International Women`s Brass Conference
OFFICIAL NEWSLETTER OF THE IWBC www.myiwbc.org 6XPPHU9RO1R From the President IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENTS ONLINE MEMBERSHIP, DUES, AND DONATIONS Wow, a lot has happened since the last newsletter! Many congratulations and thanks to Raquel Rodriquez and Karen Koner for hosting a wonderful and successful 2014 IWBC at Northern Kentucky University. You will be reading about many of the events in this edition of Noteworthy. In addition to presenting some incredible playing by established artists, these conferences give an opportunity to many new musicians and composers, female and male, to be heard. We are aiming for the next conference to take place in 2016. Read on for details of the 2014 IWBC, and if you would like to view or purchase photos from the conference, please visit KWWSFDYLWWSURGXFWLRQVSKRWRUHÀHFWFRP )RUWKH¿UVWWLPHODVW'HFHPEHUPHPEHUVZHUHDEOHWRVLJQXSIRUPHPEHUVKLSDQG pay dues online, which makes it easier for many members to stay connected. See the box (in this newsletter) for how to do this if you have not done so already. As we continue to work on upgrades to the website, look to be able to create a member SUR¿OHWKLVIDOO One of the website upgrades this fall will be the creation of a visual directory (map) of female brass players. We are starting with professional players, with plans for H[SDQGLQJLWWRLQFOXGHDPDWHXUSOD\HUV7KLVLVDFRQWLQXDWLRQRIWKH'LUHFWRU\RI )HPDOH%UDVV3OD\HUVFUHDWHGE\6XVDQ6ODXJKWHUDQG¿UVWSXEOLVKHGE\WKH,:%& in 1991. Please see the notice by Jan Owens in this Newsletter -- Jan is spearheading the project and would love to hear from you. I have started sending emails to membership on a monthly basis, or as often as possible, to maintain a more consistent connection with IWBC members. If you are not receiving these, please update your email address with Membership Coordinator Jeanie Lee, jeanieklee@gmail.com. Soon, I will be soliciting input from members to include in the email – a short synopsis of a larger article for the newsletter, a brief description of a larger news item for the website, a short news item, etc. The idea LVQRWWRUHSOLFDWHWKHZHEVLWHDQGQHZVOHWWHUEXWWRHQFRXUDJHQHZVÀDVKHVOHDGLQJ to articles that cover a topic in more depth. Perhaps at some point in the future, we can provide a way for research articles and dissertations, by or about female brass players, to reach a wider audience. 15450 IWBC Newsletter 1 Your suggestions for improvements to the website, as well as any suggestions to help strengthen the work we do, are always welcome. <RXFDQQRZUHQHZ\RXUPHPEHUVKLSDQGSD\\RXU dues online. Signing up online will enable renewal QRWL¿FDWLRQHDFK\HDURQH\HDUIURP\RXURULJLQDO online dues payment. Please go to http://myiwbc.org/, click on Join IWBC on the top bar, and follow the prompts. You will be able to choose a user name and password.* Registration and dues payment will enable you to access existing and future members-only portions of the website using that name and password. *Please note that retrieval of a lost user name is a ELW GLI¿FXOW ZLWK RXU V\VWHP VR EH VXUH WR VDYH this username for future reference. Also note the password that you create is for your access to the members-only portions of the website. We will continue to provide you with the password to access the online directory and current newsletter. NEWSLETTER :HGHOLYHUWKHQHZVOHWWHUERWKHOHFWURQLFDOO\DQG by mail. If you are currently receiving the newsletter in the mail, we ask you to please consider receiving it electronically. To switch to electronic delivery of the newsletter, please send an email to jeanieklee@gmail.com and let her know your name, address where you are currently receiving the newsletter, and email address to which you want it sent. In this Issue As always, your input and support are greatly appreciated. Coming Soon To The IWBC Website IWBC Visual Directory .............................. 3 NoteWorthy News .........................................4 IWBC Conference News.................................6 Maureen Horgan President, IWBC maureenhorganmusic@gmail.com Spotlight on...Haley Hoops .............................14 IWBC Contributors..........................................15 Haley Hoops Membership Form ..........................................16 Co-Editors Corner OFFICIAL NEWSLETTER OF THE IWBC IWBC President Maureen Horgan is Professor of Music at Georgia College in Milledgeville, GA and performs with the New Hampshire Music Festival. She was a freelance trombonist in Boston for many years where she performed with such diverse groups as the Opera Company of Boston, the Boston Philharmonic, Nashua (NH) Symphony, Capital Brass, and the Jazzabelles. Maureen holds degrees from the New England Conservatory, the Yale School of Music, and SUNY Stony Brook. She has performed at major international festivals including the International Trombone Workshop, the Eastern Trombone Workshop, and the International Women’s Brass Conference, and has been a Guest Artist/Teacher at Yale University, University of North Texas, University of New Mexico, Western Connecticut State University, and others. Maureen’s teaching credits include public schools in Massachusetts and Hawaii, Wheelock College, and the New England Conservatory Preparatory School. She has also taught and performed in Honduras, most recently in June 2009 where she was the featured soloist with the Banda de los Supremos Poderes de Honduras. An active proponent of new music, she has commissioned works four works, which FDQEHKHDUGRQKHU&'0RH¶V%LWR¶%OXHV, recently released by Centaur Records. Co-Editors Jennifer Marotta is currently a freelance musician and trumpet teacher in Los Angeles, California. She is originally from Naperville, IL, and earned her BM IURP1RUWKZHVWHUQ8QLYHUVLW\DQG00IURP'H3DXO8QLYHUVLW\-HQQLIHUZDVD member of “The President’s Own” United States Marine Band from 2001–2005, where she was an active soloist and chamber musician. She is currently a member of the Grand Teton Music Festival and the Chicago Music of the Baroque. She has also performed with the Los Angeles Philharmonic, San Francisco Symphony, St. Louis Symphony, Atlanta Symphony Orchestra, Los Angeles Chamber Orchestra, LA Master Chorale, Atlanta Opera, Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra, Greenville Symphony, Annapolis Symphony, and the New World Symphony. Ms. Marotta acted as a visiting professor at Illinois State University in 2006, was Artist in Residence at Emory University from 2006–2010, and was Assistant Professor of Trumpet at Kennesaw State University from 2006 - 2012. 15450 IWBC Newsletter 2 6DQGUD&RI¿Qtrumpet, is an active soloist, chamber musician, and orchestral player in the Greater New York area. She is a founding member of Prometheus Brass, Principal Trumpet of the Garden State Philharmonic, a member of the Grammercy Brass Orchestra of NY, and a frequent guest artist with Chamber 6KHVHUYHVDV'LUHFWRURI%UDVV%DQGDW6W+LOGD¶V6W+XJK¶V6FKRROLQ 1<&DQGLVWKHIRXQGHUDQG$UWLVWLF'LUHFWRURI³0XVLFIRU6XPPHU(YHQLQJV´DW KLVWRULF*UDFH&KDSHO6KHKDVRUJDQL]HGVXFFHVVIXOEHQH¿WFRQFHUWVIRUSURMHFWV such as Hurricane Sandy relief efforts and the Lake George Land Conservancy. Sandy earned a BA in Latin and a BM in Trumpet Performance from Oberlin College/Conservatory, and an MM from the Manhattan School of Music. Board of Directors Velvet Brown Daniel Burdick Amy Cherry Jan Z Duga Theresa Hanebury Joanna Ross Hersey Maureen Horgan Sharon Huff Kana Madarame Jennifer Marotta Lynn Mostoller Laurel Ohlson Jan Owens Marquita Reef Gail Robertson Faye-Ellen Silverman Susan Slaughter Janet Tracy Ginger Turner Kelly Watkins Honorary Board of Directors Clora Bryant Barbara Butler JoAnn Falletta Langston Fitzgerald, III Fred Irby, III Julie Landsman Eugene Pokorny Gerard Schwarz Leonard Slatkin Gail Williams 2IÀFHUV Maureen Horgan, President Laurel Ohlson, Vice-President Sharon Huff, Treasurer Secretary Amy Cherry Membership Chair Jeanie Lee jeanieklee@gmail.com Newsletter Editors 6DQGUD&RI¿Q Jennifer Marotta Design & Production Debra J. Quinton ItsASnapDesign.com Web Site Manager Alex Thio LexoGraphix themusicianscoach @gmail.com Web Site Content Manager Susan Rider smrider@verizon.net 6DQGUD&RI¿Q VFRI¿QWSW#JPDLOFRP Jennifer Marotta MHQQLIHUPDURWWD#JPDLOFRP Articles and NoteWorthy News Submissions Please contact the co-editors for all potential article and NoteWorthy News submissions. The co-editors PDLQWDLQ¿QDOHGLWRULDOULJKWVRYHU all materials. IWBC Web Site Address www.myiwbc.org IWBC Online Membership Directory Password Membership directory is available on www.myiwbc.org. Current password: 2014iwbc14 If you join online, you will be able to access this and other features when you sign in. Please Send Any Changes in Your Contact Information to: Jeanie Lee IWBC Membership Chair 5241 Pine Grove Ct. Toledo, OH 43615 jeanieklee@gmail.com Editorial 6DQGUD&RI¿Q VFRI¿QWSW#JPDLOFRP Jennifer Marotta MHQQLIHUPDURWWD#JPDLOFRP Dues/Subscriptions Online: Go to myiwbc.com and click on “Join IWBC” on the top bar. By check, send to: IWBC Subscriptions c/o Sharon Huff, IWBC Treasurer &KHOWHQKDP'ULYH Normal, Illinois 61761-2733 seh819@aol.com +HOS,:%&*2*5((1 Go to myiwbc.org and sign up for the online version of the IWBC News letter and help to save our planet. International Women’s Brass Conference &20,1*6221727+(,:%&:(%6,7( ,:%&9LVXDO'LUHFWRU\ Susan Slaughter Solo Competition Have you ever wondered where in the world the women brass players are? The Susan Slaughter Solo competition proved to be a showcase of amazing young talent! There were 34 competitors in the 28 and under category, and 16 in the 29 and over category, which made for a very competitive grand prize round. The 18 and under category didn’t have any contestants, so a new competition will be created with that prize money. Stay tuned for updated information! In addition to the solo competition, we had a total of 25 participants in the mock orchestral and military audition categories, giving our participants a chance to practice the skills that they will need at future auditions. )URPWKH¿UVW,:%&GLUHFWRU\FUHDWHGE\6XVDQ6ODXJKWHULQWKH,:%& has provided a place for women brass players from around the world to connect. A new tool will launch later in 2014 that will assist women to connect through the ,:%&ZHEVLWH7KH¿UVWHGLWLRQRIWKHPDSZLOOLQFOXGHSURIHVVLRQDOSOD\HUVDQG later editions will open up to everyone who is interested. WHAT IS IT? 7KH,:%&9LVXDO'LUHFWRU\LVDQRQOLQHPDSWKDWVKRZVWKHFLWLHVZKHUHIHPDOHSURfessional brass players work. This directory will provide another avenue to network, cultivate academic exchanges, and provide mentoring opportunities between women brass players. WHERE IS IT? 7KH9LVXDO'LUHFWRU\ZLOOEHDFFHVVLEOHIURPWKH,:%&ZHEVLWHODWHULQ9LHZ a sample map here: http://www.maptive.com/ver3/53639b77a305ac898aaec3c7f6d692df WHO’S ON THE MAP? The map will include full-time professional brass players who are either orchestral, academic, military, freelance artists, studio teachers, retired brass players and/or IWBC Pioneers. HOW DO I SIGN UP? 7RMRLQSOHDVH¿OORXWWKLVVKRUWVXUYH\http://tinyurl.com/IWBCsurvey Once the map is active, it will display your name, instrument, position, employer name, a link to either your professional website or employer’s website, and a space for additional description, such as your doubling instruments, training and/or teachers, or other positions you may hold. We hope that many of you will take advantage of this opportunity. If you have questions or cannot access the survey, please contact Jan Owens at buzzpipe@gmail.com BY GINGER TURNER 7KHFRPSHWLWRUVWKDWDGYDQFHGWRWKH¿QDOURXQG of the solo competition from category 2 were Erin Yanacek, Catherine Turner, Sasha Schumacher, and 'DYLG0F/HPRUH7KHFDWHJRU\¿QDOLVWVZHUH :LOOLDP+HVVDQG'DQLHO6WXOO(DFKRIWKHVH¿QH soloists received $600.00 and an opportunity to compete for the $1200.00 grand prize with a public performance in Greaves Hall. The winner of 2014 Susan Slaughter Solo CompetiWLRQRQ7XEDZDV'DYLG0F/HPRUHFRQJUDWXODWLRQVWRKLPRQDYHU\¿QHSHUIRUPDQFH7KHMXGJHV were thrilled with the caliber of the performances. Congratulations to all of the participants, judges, and volunteers for a very successful competition. $OOIHPDOH+LJK6FKRRO7URPERQH6HFWLRQ:LQVDQ2XWVWDQGLQJ 7URPERQH6HFWLRQ$ZDUGDWWKHWK$QQXDO-D]]DW/LQFROQ&HQWHU (VVHQWLDOO\(OOLQJWRQ&RPSHWLWLRQDQG)HVWLYDO BY CHRISTINA RANKIN AND MAUREEN HORGAN 15450 IWBC Newsletter 5 7KH0HG¿HOG0$+LJK6FKRRO-D]]%DQGDWWHQGHGWKHWKDQQXDO(VVHQtially Ellington High School Jazz Band Competition and Festival at Lincoln Center in New York City this past April, and brought home an Outstanding 7URPERQH6HFWLRQDZDUG7KH0HG¿HOGWURPERQHVHFWLRQZDVWKHRQO\DOO female trombone section at the festival. According to Essentially Ellington’s records (kept since 2003), this is the only all-female trombone section to win the award. The members of the section are seniors Christina Rankin and Rachel Thornton (1st and 2nd chairs respectively), and junior Allegra 3HULFOHVUGFKDLU7KHLUVXSSRUWLYHGLUHFWRULV0U'RXJ2OVHQZKRWKH players describe as “absolutely incredible.” People refer to Essentially Ellington as the “Super Bowl of high school jazz competitions,” giving young jazz musicians an opportunity to connect with leaders in the industry and other teenagers who share their passion. After three days of workshops, jam sessions, and mentoring by Vincent Gardner and Elliot Mason (trombonists in the Jazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra), 7KH0HG¿HOGEDQGSOD\HGPerdido (Tizol/arr. Wilson), &KLQRLVHULH, and )OLUWLELUG (Ellington). Their performance can be viewed on YouTube. Section leader Christina Rankin says, “This award means a great deal to us because it proves that passion and hard work pay off…Before we went on stage to compete, a stage manager retrieved the band from our warm-up room and tried to get us pumped up. He said (paraphrase) ‘You have an all-girl trombone section, it don’t mean you can’t swing,’ and I like to think that we showed him and anyone else who was surprised to see an all-female section that girls can swing just as hard as guys can.” To hear a clip of the performance, follow this link. https://www. \RXWXEHFRPZDWFK"Y %[3FQ)-W&OLVW 88 mQ4kwNRiaEw2a1srGVkeA. 3 NoteWorthy: Summer 2014 Emmi Fish 127( :257+< 1(:6 Emmi Fish, a student member of IWBC and winner of the Penny Turner Scholarship for 2014, is off to a blazing start at Ryle High School Band Camp in Boone County, Kentucky. Emmi, who has autism, fought for and earned the opportunity to go to band camp this year for the school’s highly competitive marching band. In preparation for camp, Emmi borrowed an old sousaphone from Miles Ahead Music in Louisville, Kentucky, and began walking in her subdivision seven weeks ago. She challenged herself to go farther on every walk, and went from one walk a day to two walks a day in the weeks leading up to camp. Emmi has become a virtual one-woman parade. Bicycle riders, children, and dog walkers stop to watch and speak to Emmi to see what she’s up to. She tells them that she is getting ready for band camp. People are usually amazed at her dedication, as they don’t see many band kids working this hard prior to camp. This will be Emmi’s rookie year, and she knows that it won’t be easy, but she is ready to give it her best shot! Susan Fleet has posted a tribute to pioneer trumpeter and brass teacher, Laurie Frink, on her website. You can see this tribute at ZZZVXVDQÀHHWFRPODXULHIrink.html Please visit www.lauriefrink.com for information on the Laurie Frink Career Grant, which honors Laurie’s legacy. Two trumpet works of Lauren Bernofsky have been released from Theodore Presser: 6DOWDUHOOR, for trumpet and piano, and &RQFHUWRIRU7UXPSHW, in the version for trumpet and full orchestra. 15450 IWBC Newsletter 6 Anne McNamara recently won a post-doctoral fellowship at the University of Utah to become one of their trumpet professors for the next two years. The fellowship is minority based (beLQJ D ZRPDQ LQ D SUHGRPLQDQWO\ PDOH ¿HOG DQG one of the classes that she will teach is Women in Music, for both the music school and the gender studies program. Elizabeth Raum’s horn concerto, Sherwood LegHQG, is soon to be released on a Centrediscs label featuring Kurt Kellan, horn, with the Calgary Philharmonic. Also, her &RQFHUWRIRU%DVV7URPERQH was recently SHUIRUPHGE\'DYLG%UXEHFNZLWKWKH*UHDWHU0LDPL Symphonic Band. He also premiered a new setting of the Canadian composer’s )RXU (OHPHQWV IRU 9LROLQ DQG7URPERQH, transcribed for trumpet and trombone, DWWKHEHKHVWRIWKH%UXEHFN1HDO'XR 6HQG\RXU1RWH:RUWK\1HZVLWHPVWR6DQGUD&RI¿QVFRI¿QWSW#JPDLOFRPRU-HQQLIHU0DURWWDMHQQLIHUPDURWWD#JPDLOFRP 4 International Women’s Brass Conference Laura Pettigrew On February 25, 2014, Laura Pettigrew’s work $ 7HUUD, written for and dedicated to 6HUJLR&DUROLQRDQG0$66,9(%5$66$77$&.ZDVUHFRUGHGOLYHLQFRQFHUWWR'9' by the ensemble under the direction of Mr. Carolino, and was broadcasted worldwide via Internet at http://www.classicalplanet.com 7KHULFKVRXQGVRIWKH)RRWKLOOV%UDVV¿OOHG5LYHU3DUN&KXUFKLQ&DOJDU\RQ0DUFK DV WKH\ FHOHEUDWHG ,QWHUQDWLRQDO:RPHQ¶V 'D\ EHIRUH DQ HQWKXVLDVWLF DQG DSSUHciative audience. The concert featured twelve works by women composers worldwide, including members from ACWC. Five of the works performed were world premieres including Pettigrew’s work, (ZIDV, which was supported by a grant from the Saskatchewan Arts Board. 127( :257+< 1(:6 2Q0DUFK/DXUDUHOHDVHGKHUGHEXW&'(OHPHQWV, featuring some of her works, which is DYDLODEOHRQOLQHDW%DQGFDPS&'%DE\,7XQHV$PD]RQDQGQXPHURXVRWKHURQOLQHVLWHV On May 24, 2014, Pettigrew traveled to Vancouver to attend the World premiere of her work, Mei Li de +XD for Erhu and piano. The concert featured Erhu virtuoso Nicole Ge Li and acclaimed Canadian piaQLVW'U&RUH\+DPP3(33URMHFWDW5R\%DUQHWW+DOO8%&7KHGXRSUHPLHUHGVHYHQQHZZRUNVE\ FRPSRVHUVIURP&DQDGDDQG&KLQDDOORIZKLFKZLOOEHUHFRUGHGWR&'7KHEUHDGWKRIFRPSRVLWLRQDO styles and techniques employed by the composers in their works clearly demonstrated the rejuvenated interest in and popularity of writing for ensembles comprised of old world, far East, and new world instruments. 15450 IWBC Newsletter 7 Pettigrew had the fortune of attending an Artist Residency at Wildacres June 21 – 28, 2014, situated on 1,600 acres atop Pompey’s Knob, a mountain near the Blue Ridge Parkway in Little Switzerland, North Carolina. While there, she wrote 3DFLV4XRGWLQWLQQDEXOD (for clarinet, violoncello, organ and percussion), which will be premiered and performed by the Italian Ensemble Senza Frontiere in Rome, ,WDO\DQGLQVXUURXQGLQJDUHDVRQWKH1DWDOHLQ0XVLFD&RQFHUW6HULHVLQ'HFHPEHUKRVWHGE\WKH Adkins Chiti Foundation. Pettigrew was offered a position as a Resident Scholar for the Adkins Chiti )RXQGDWLRQIRU'HFHPEHUDQG-DQXDU\ZKHUHVKHZLOOVSHQGKHUWLPHUHVHDUFKLQJDQGZRUNing on a tuba concerto for Sergio Carolino. MirrorImage, horn duo of Lisa Bontrager and Michelle Stebleton with collaborating pianist Tomoko Kanamaru, has been busy this year. They performed and presented masterclasses at Florida State, Michigan State, Western Michigan, Central Michigan, and the University of Michigan in April, 2014. In May, they recorded commissions by 0LFKDHO 'DXJKHUW\ 3DXO Basler, Laurence Lowe, James Naigus, Mark Schultz, and Luis Szaran for an upcoming release on MSR Classics label, MirrorImDJHRQ6DIDUL. Penn State HORNFEST will take place on Sunday, January 25, 2015 at the School of Music on the University Park campus in State College, PA. Featured artist will be Paul Basler, a wellknown composer, hornist, and teacher. As one of the most performed composers of his generation, Basler’s music has been received with enthusiastic acclaim throughout the world. The New <RUN7LPHV describe his music as “virtuosic and highly athletic.” Events will include a mass horn choir for all participants, a masterclass by Basler, a high-school horn competition, and the recitals will highlight Basler’s music. For information, contact host Lisa Bontrager at ljb5@psu.edu or 814-865-3221. Black Bayou Brass, resident faculty brass ensemble at the University of Louisiana at Monroe, presented a program of music for brass trio by women composers at the 2014 IWBC conference. The program included (QJHOEHUJ7ULRIRU%UDVVDQG2UJDQ, by Libby Larsen, 7KUHH&KRUDOVIRU%UDVV7ULR, by Adriana Isabel Figueroa Mañas, :DQGO¶ LFK LQ GHP :DOG GHV$EHQGV, by Fanny Mendelssohn Hensel (arr. Boldin), and 7ULRIRU%UDVV, by Lauren Bernofsky. Members of the ensemble are Aaron Witek (trumpet), James Boldin KRUQ-DPHV/D\¿HOGWURPERQHDQG6FRW+XPHVRUJDQ 5 NoteWorthy: Summer 2014 &21)(5(1&(1(:6 formed on Saturday, backing up featured artists ,QJULG -HQVHQ WUXPSHW DQG 'DYLG %DQGPDQ (euphonium). The IWBC commissioned new works by prominent female composers Marilyn Shrude, FayeEllen Silverman, and Barbara York, which were sprinkled throughout the conference. Marilyn Shrude’s 7KH)DFHRI:DWHU for Brass and Percussion was premiered by the Monarch Brass. Faye-Ellen Silverman’s &RPELQHG(IIRUWV was SUHPLHUHGE\WKH6\PELRVLV'XRFRQVLVWLQJRI 'U*DLO5REHUWVRQHXSKRQLXPDQG'U6WDF\ Baker (tuba). Barbara York’s $&DJHG%LUG for solo trombone and piano was premiered by Ava Ordman. By Raquel Rodriquez 15450 IWBC Newsletter 8 Awards were presented by the Pioneer Committee to a myriad of worthy ladies, including The 8th International Women’s Brass Conference was held on the campus Marie Speziale, who received the 2014 Pioneer of Northern Kentucky University in Highland Heights, KY (Greater Cincin- Award. Marie, a former IWBC board member QDWLRQ-XQH1.8IDFXOW\PHPEHUV'U5DTXHO5RGULTXH]DQG DQGFRQIHUHQFHKRVWZDVWKH¿UVWIHPDOHWRKROG 'U.DUHQ.RQHUVHUYHGDVFRKRVWVRIWKHFRQIHUHQFH7KHFRQIHUHQFHDW- a trumpet position in a major US Orchestra (sectracted over 200 participants from all over the world for a week of competi- ond trumpet in the Cincinnati Symphony). The tions, performances, and scholarly presentations. ,:%&DOVRKRQRUHG¿YHZRPHQZLWKWKH%HDTuesday, June 3rd, began with the mock orchestral and military band au- FRQ$ZDUGIRUHDUO\LQÀXHQFHLQHGXFDWLRQDQG ditions. The following day included the 2014 Susan Slaughter Solo Brass performance. These women honored were Lois Competition and the opening concert by the Fillmore Wind Ensemble. The Wiggins, Tanya Bromley, Mary Scaggs, Jo-Ann Fillmore Wind Ensemble featured two soloists; Brad Kerns, Professor of Christen and Mary Squire. The Circle of ExcelTrombone at the University of Kentucky and Raquel Rodriguez, Assistant lence Award, for service in military bands beProfessor of Trumpet at Northern Kentucky University. Kerns played a lovely ginning with World War II, was given to Sylvia rendition of Arthur Pryor’s 7KH7LS7RSSHU3ROND, and Rodriquez performed *UHHQVWHLQ-HDQQH3DFHDQG'L[LH-HQVHQ the Kentucky premiere of 8SDOO1LJKW, composed by NKU faculty mem- Participants were able to visit exhibits to purEHU(ULF.QHFKWJHV7KHJURXSZDVFRQGXFWHGE\-LP'DXJKWHUV6WHSKHQ chase sheet music, brass mutes, brass instruLytle, and John Morris Russell, who is the conductor of the Cincinnati Pops PHQWV DQG KDYH WKHLU LQVWUXPHQWV ¿[HG E\ DQ Orchestra. on-site repair shop. Participants were also inThe conference continued into Sunday, June 8, 2014, and included recitals by guest artists Amy McCabe (trumpet), Ava Ordman (trombone), Joanna Hersey (tuba), Liz Freimuth (French Horn), Lauren Veronie Curran (euphonium), and the Stiletto Brass Quintet. Presenters, carefully selected in the Fall of 2013, gave recitals/masterclasses/lectures in both Greaves &RQFHUW+DOODQGWKH'LJLWRULXPLQ*ULI¿Q+DOO7KHHYHQLQJFRQFHUWVRQ Thursday through Saturday featured large ensemble performances. The Monarch Brass, conducted by Marie Speziale, performed on Thursday and featured Ava Ordman (trombone). Athena Brass Band, conducted by Jessica Sneeringer and Kate Wohlman, performed on Friday and featured Lauren Veronie Curran (euphonium). The Northern Kentucky Jazz Combo per- 6 vited to participate in a brass ensemble reading session led by Wendy K. Matthews and Randall Faust on Sunday, June 8, 2014. 7KH,:%&LVDQRQSUR¿WRUJDQL]DWLRQDQGH[LVWVWR³HGXFDWHGHYHORSVXSSRUWLQVSLUHDOO women brass musicians.” Founded by Susan Slaughter in 1991, the organization has held numerous conferences and competitions, commissioned new works by major female composers, and presented performances by the all-female all-star Monarch Brass. (http://myiwbc.org) International Women’s Brass Conference 7KH0RQDUFK Brass (QVHPEOH %\6XVDQ5LGHUDQG0DULH6SH]LDOH “Monarch is an elite ensemble who understands that music begins with breathing together,“ says percussionist, Julie Angelis Boehler. The group, in existence since 1993, comes together for each IWBC Conference. It is comprised of the most notable women brass and percussion players from throughout North America. “It is humbling and inspiring to play with, and be surrounded by so many talented, supportive and phenomenal players,” states Theresa Hanebury, Personnel Manager and a member of the trumpet section. The concert, led by the recently named 2014 IWBC Pioneer, Marie Speziale, performed on Thursday, June 5th in Greaves Hall. Regarding the invitation to conduct this program, Ms. Speziale says “It has long been a dream of mine to have an opportunity to conduct an entire Monarch program. What a thrilling experience to conduct such an amazing ensemble of accomplished women brass performers! I am indebted to everyone in the ensemble for their support, tireless efforts, unwavering enthusiasm, and extraordinary commitment to making our program such an enormous success. I had the sounds of Monarch Brass resonating in my ears long after the conference ended.” For the performance, the musicians came together for two days of intensive rehearsals prior to the concert. Many had played with Monarch beIRUHRWKHUVZHUHSOD\LQJZLWKWKHJURXSIRUWKH¿UVWWLPH+RUQLVW$P\ /DVVLWHUFRPPHQWHG³,WZDVP\¿UVWWLPHSOD\LQJZLWK0RQDUFKHYHQ though some of the players were colleagues, friends, and former teachers. Many were women I’d never met, but an outsider probably would have never guessed that, based on all the support and friendliness of the interacWLRQV´$QRWKHUSHUIRUPLQJIRUWKH¿UVWWLPHWURPERQLVW1LFROH$ELVVLVDLG “I was completely blown away by the professionalism, positive attitude, and virtuosic playing that surrounded me.” Veteran Monarch performer, trumpeter Stacy Simpson, added “The group never ceases to amaze me; from the immediate unity of sound, the world class musicianship comes together so naturally.” 15450 IWBC Newsletter 3 Photos by The program began ZLWK 'PLWUL 6KRVtokovitch’s exciting and energetic FesWLYH 2YHUWXUH (arr. By Tim Northcutt). It continued with the 2014 IWBC commission and world premiere of 7KH )DFH RI :DWHU by Marilyn Shrude. Hornists Elizabeth Freimuth, Elizabeth Porter, and Rebecca McLaughlin were featured on .DULWDV+DEXQGDW DQWLSKRQ by Hildegard von Bingen (arr. Phil Snedecor). Trumpeters Theresa Hanebury and Ginger Turner, and percussionists Julie Angelis Boehler, Heather Brown, Sidonie Wade, and Marie Speziale (who joined our percus- sion section for this performance) executed a rousing performance of Phil Snedecor’s arrangement of &RPRSRGRQSHUVDVFXOSDV from &DQWLJDV GH 6DQWD 0DULD by Alfonso X. To ¿QLVK WKH ¿UVW KDOI WKH HQVHPEOH SHUIRUPHG D very colorful arrangement by Michael Allen of George Gershwin’s $Q$PHULFDQLQ3DULV. The second half of the program began with the hardcharging µ*DWKHULQJRIWKH$UPLHVRQWKH5LYHU 6FKHLGW¶ from Richard Wagner’s /RKHQJULQ (arr. Jay Friedman). Then, trombonist Ava Ordman displayed her beautiful lyrical prowess on Giacomo Puccini’s 1HVVXQ'RUPD from the opera 7XUDQGRW (arr. Joel Brown). Next, trumpeters Judy Saxton, Susan Rider, Lauraine Carpenter, - continued on page 8 - 7 NoteWorthy: Summer 2014 7KH0RQDUFK%UDVV(QVDPEOH&RQWLQXHG and Stacy Simpson were featured on a very clever arrangement of the trumpet solo &RQFHUW(WXGH by Alexander Goedicke (arr. Michael Allen). To end the programmed portion of the concert, Monarch performed the spirited and powerful work +RSHE\'RURWK\*DWHV$VDQHQFRUHDOOPHPEHUVFDPHRQ stage to perform Richard Strauss’ 9LHQQD3KLOKDUPRQLF)DQIDUH. “I am forever grateful to the IWBC for the honor and privilege of conducting the Monarch Brass at the 2014 Conference, and I will treasure this experience for the rest of my life” said Ms. Speziale. The 2014 Monarch Brass Ensemble: Conductor/Music Director: Marie Speziale; Personnel Manager/Music Librarian: Theresa Hanebury. Trumpet: Lauraine Carpenter, Amy Cherry, Lauren Ewing, Amy Gilreath, Theresa Hanebury, Cathy Leach, Susan Rider, Judy Saxton, Stacy Simpson, and Ginger Turner. Horn: Elizabeth Freimuth, Rose French, Nancy Joy, Amy Lassiter, Rebecca McLaughlin, Elizabeth Porter, Misty Tolle, and Catherine Turner. Trombone: Nicole Abissi, Natalie Mannix, Ava 2UGPDQ 'HEUD 7D\ORU DQG 5DFKHO 7KRPDV Bass trombone: Isabelle Lavoie and Julia McIntyre. Euphonium: Lauren Curran and Gail Robertson. Tuba: Stacy Baker, Velvet Brown, and Joanna Hersey. Percussion: Kristin Agee, Julie Angelis Boehler, Heather Brown, Erica 'UDNH DQG 6LGRQLH :DGH 7LPSDQL -XOLH$Qgelis Boehler. 15450 IWBC Newsletter 4 Performing as a member of the Monarch Brass is truly a special experience for all involved. Lauraine Carpenter, a long time trumpeter with the group, summed it up this way: “What is Monarch? Fantastic musicians with varyLQJEDFNJURXQGVWKDWDUHWRSVLQRXU¿HOG0RQDUFKKDVJUXHOLQJUHKHDUV- als which highlight our individual strengths and challenge our weaknesses. Monarch is saying hello to old friends, and meeting new ones. Monarch feeds my musical soul, brings tears of laughter, joy, goose bumps, mutual respect and a memorable performance.” Photos by 8 International Women’s Brass Conference 7KH$WKHQD Brass Band by Joanna Hersey 15450 IWBC Newsletter 13 A highlight of the 2014 IWBC Conference was a performance by the Athena Brass Band on Friday, June 6th. The Athena %UDVV%DQGLVWKH¿UVWDOO female brass band in the United States, named after Athena, the Greek goddess of wisdom. The band was formed in 2003, organized by U.S. Army Band euphonium player and librarian Laura Lineberger, for that year’s International Women’s Brass Conference. In putWLQJWRJHWKHUWKHEDQG/DXUD¿UVWHQOLVWHG$QLWD&RFNHU+XQWDVFRQGXFWRU$QLWD is the conductor of Cincinnati Brass Band and was then President of NABBA, the North American Brass Band Association. She then set to work contacting some of the best female brass players in the U.S. The Athena Brass Band roster of 28 musicians includes current or former members of the U.S. Army Band, U.S. Coast Guard Band, Brass Band of Battle Creek, and the New Sousa Band. There are several college professors and public school music educators, conductors, music therapists, a sound engineer, a music publisher, a biologist, a sociologist, an MBA, an author, and a composer who is also a nuclear physicist. Most of the ladies also play with a NABBA brass band in their hometown, and women travel from across the country to participate in Athena. Athena’s successful debut resulted in invitaWLRQVWRSHUIRUPDWWKH*UHDW$PHULFDQ%UDVV%DQG)HVWLYDOLQ'DQYLOOH.HQWXFN\ in 2005, and a return to the IWBC in 2006, followed by a Brass Band Invitational at Indiana University Southeast in June, 2009. In 2012, the group performed at the Kalamazoo, Michigan IWBC, as well as the Gettysburg Brass Band Festival in Pennsylvania. For the Highland Heights performance, two women shared the podium to present music from both sides of the pond. Jessica Sneeringer, currently in her ninth year DV'LUHFWRURI%DQGVDW&ROXPEXV$FDGHP\LQ*DKDQQD2KLRLVDQ2KLR6WDWH graduate, and has been principal trombone and then conductor of the Central Ohio %UDVV%DQGVLQFH6KHVKDUHGWKHEDWRQZLWK'U.DWH:RKOPDQDQDWLYHRI the United Kingdom, who grew up in the Salvation Army tradition and received her education from Manchester University, the Royal Northern College of Music, Pennsylvania State University, and the University of Iowa. The repertoire chosen .HHSLQJLQ7RXFKDW the IWBC Web Site 'R \RX KDYH DQ\ SURIHVVLRQDO news you would like to share? Would you like to list a job announcement? Please let us know, and we can put it on the web site (contact Susan Rider at smridHU#YHUL]RQQHW). The IWBC is here to serve, educate and support you. Thank you for your continued membership! for the IWBC 2014 performance was a mix of American and British brass band music, featuring jazz, with Ellington’s &DUDYDQ, and the works of legendary brass music composers, including James Curnow’s %UDVV0LQLDWXUHV. The American folk tune $VKRNDQ)DUHZHOO, by Jay Unger, was featured alongside the music of Gustav Holst, William Rimmer, and Eric Whitacre, providing a tough and varied program. As the concert was performed RQWKHWKDQQLYHUVDU\RI''D\-XQH Athena honored all veterans with a performance of the traditional Welsh tune, $U/DQ<0RU, featuring U.S. Army euphonium performers Laura Lineberger and Lauren Veronie Curran in duet. Staff Sergeant Veronie Curran also performed the virtuosic and classic *\SV\$LUV, to great acclaim. The group opened the concert with $WKHQLDQ)DQIDUH, which was written for the women of Athena Brass Band by member and composer Lisa Galvin. For many of WKH,:%&DXGLHQFHWKLVZDVWKHLU¿UVWH[SHULence hearing an all-female brass band, or perhaps a brass band of any kind, and the performance served as a reminder of the high level of performance women have achieved in the world of brass band performance. 9 NoteWorthy: Summer 2014 %ULQJLQJ+LVWRU\WR/LJKW 1HZ,:%&Awards for 2014 by Joanna Hersey In keeping with the mission of the IWBC, to “develop, support, and inspire” all brass performers, the organization presents awards at each conference to those who have been outstanding examples in WKH¿HOGRISHUIRUPDQFHDQGHGXFDWLRQ This year, the IWBC Pioneer Committee presented three types of awards to honor and share the work of women in music. For the 2014 conference, the IWBC introduced a new award, given to women who have been beacons of light IRUWKRVHDURXQGWKHPERWKLQWKH¿HOGV RISHUIRUPDQFHDQGHGXFDWLRQ7KHVHZRPHQLQÀXHQFHPDQ\JHQHUDWLRQV of musicians throughout their careers, sharing the art of performance, and have stood for values of equity, perseverance, and H[FHOOHQFH7KH,:%&KRQRUHG¿YHZRPHQWKLV\HDUZLWKWKH Beacon Award. 15450 IWBC Newsletter 14 Three of the Beacon Award winners are local educators in Kentucky who were honored for their dedication to teaching. Lois Wiggins, a band director at Edythe J. Hayes Middle School in Lexington ,KY, has taught instrumental music for twentynine years in Kentucky, Tennessee, and Indiana. Ms. Wiggins received a Bachelor of Science in Music Education from Austin Peay State University in Clarksville, TN., a Masters in Music Education from the University of Georgia in Athens, GA. and a Rank I in Secondary Education, from Western Kentucky University. Tanya Bromley, who taught instrumental and vocal music in the Kentucky public schools for twenty-seven years, received her Bachelor of Music Education from Eastern Kentucky University, and her Master of Music Education (minor in Trumpet Performance) from the University of Cincinnati-College Conservatory of Music. Mary Scaggs has been teaching elementary music in the Northern Kentucky area since 1986 and is currently teaching in Fort Thomas, KY at three elementary schools. She received a Bachelor of Music Education from University of Kentucky, a Master of Music from University of CinFLQQDWLDQGD5DQN,LQ0XVLFDQG'UDPDIURPWKH.HQWXFN\'HSDUWPHQW of Education’s continuing education option. Two women from outside the Kentucky area were also honored with this award for breaking barriers, and for their dedication to the perforPDQFH¿HOG7URPERQLVWDQGFRQGXFWRU-R$QQ&KULVWHQKDVSHUIRUPHG with the New Jersey Symphony, Seattle Symphony, Seattle Opera 2UFKHVWUD3DFL¿F1RUWKZHVW%DOOHWDQG1RUWKZHVW&KDPEHU2UFKHVWUD She received her Bachelor of Arts in Music Education from Montclair 10 State University, and her Masters in Bass Trombone Performance from the Manhattan School of Music. Christen has remained active in music education, teaching vocal and instrumental music at all levels, and has had students placed at Juilliard, Manhattan School of Music, Oberlin College Conservatory, and many more. Mary Squire was a performer and educator who received her education from the University of Michigan, and was on faculty at Baldwin-Wallace College from the late 1960’s until 1993. Mary was Principal Trumpet of the Ohio Chamber Orchestra, the Cleveland Opera Orchestra, the Cleveland Ballet Orchestra, and the Blossom Festival Band. She acted as a substitute trumpet with The Cleveland Orchestra for approximately twenty years, and worked as a freelance musician in the Cleveland area, also performing with the BW Faculty Brass Quintet. A very special group of women was honored with a second new award category, a group that had a very important impact on the lives of many, but of which little is known today. These women answered the call of their nation, and beginning in World War II, served their country as musicians. When it became clear that the war was going to involve the service of all available men, the United States government enlisted women to take over many jobs on the home front, and playing music was RQHRIWKRVHMREV'XULQJWKHZDUEDQGVZHUH formed in the Army, Navy, Coast Guard, and Marines, and shortly after the war, the Air Force formed a band of women. While most International Women’s Brass Conference 15450 IWBC Newsletter 9 of these women served only for the duration of the war years, some bands UHPDLQHGDFWLYHDQGWKHZRPHQ¶VEDQGSURJUDPFRQFOXGHGRI¿FLDOO\LQ 1976, in the Army. A roundtable discussion during the conference was led E\'U-LOO6XOOLYDQDXWKRURIWKHERRN%DQGVRI6LVWHUV86:RPHQ¶V 0LOLWDU\%DQGV'XULQJ:RUOG:DU,,, which allowed those of us present to hear what some of these women’s experiences have been. The Circle of Excellence Award was awarded to women from all services who served as musicians during and after World War II. The IWBC is working to compile as much information as possible about these women in order to be included on our website. Several veterans joined us in Highland Heights to accept this award in person. Sylvia Greenstein, of Hackensack, NJ, served in the Women’s Army Corps from 1943 to 1946 playing the euphonium, and at ninety-three years young, she made the trip by herself to bring us all a wonderful taste of her warmth and spirit. Also joining us was trombonist 'L[LH-HQVHQZKRHQOLVWHGLQWKH$UP\LQDQGVWLOOSHUIRUPVWRGD\LQ retirement, spearheading the reunions and concerts for the Women’s Army Corps (WAC) Bands, held each year in Alabama and attended by people from across the nation. Representing the active duty military was Chief :DUUDQW2I¿FHU-HDQQH3DFHZKRHQOLVWHGLQ-XO\ZLWKWKHWK Army Band (WAC), then the only band assignment open to women. Fortyone years have passed since Pace joined the Army, and she is still serving the nation. In her words, “I believe I still have something to offer and I still enjoy my job.” It was such a special part of the conference to meet some of these women and hear their stories. $WHDFKFRQIHUHQFHEHJLQQLQJZLWKWKH¿UVWLQWKH,:%&KDVUHFognized women who have been pioneers in the top levels of brass performance, who break down barriers and live their lives by affecting change for those who follow. A full list of past award recipients may be found on the IWBC website at http://myiwbc.org/about/iwbc-pioneers/. This tradition continued with a new Pioneer Award for 2014, awarded to a woman whose career and spirit exemplify the goals and traditions of the IWBC at WKHKLJKHVWOHYHO0DULH6SH]LDOH$FNQRZOHGJHGDVWKH¿UVWZRPDQWUXPpeter in a major symphony orchestra, Marie retired from the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra in 1996 after having served as its Associate Principal Trumpet for thirty-two years. A graduate of the College-Conservatory of Music in Cincinnati, Ms. Speziale studied with Robert Price, Robert Braunagel, Eugene Blee, and Arnold Jacobs. Her tenure with the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra included playing Associate Principal Trumpet with the Cincinnati Opera Orchestra, Cincinnati May Festival Orchestra, Cincinnati Ballet Orchestra, and Cincinnati Pops Orchestra. Ms. Speziale performed under the batons of Igor Stravinsky, George Szell, Leonard Bernstein, Aaron Copland, Eugene Ormandy, Eric Leinsdorf, and Max Rudolf. Her extensive performance experience also includes solo appearances with the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra, Cincinnati Pops Orchestra, Cincinnati Chamber OrchesWUD'XNH(OOLQJWRQDQGZLWK'DYH%UXEHFN on the Johnny Carson NBC Tonight Show. In addition, she also performed solos on the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra European tour, and at the Interlochen Arts Academy. Since retiring from the orchestra, she has remained active as a performer, teacher, and clinician. She has served as a visiting principal, associate principal, and second trumpet of the St. Louis Symphony Orchestra, including their European tour, Carnegie Hall concerts, and their recording of Beethoven’s Symphony No. 5. She has WRXUHGZLWK',9$WKHZRPHQ¶VMD]]EDQGDQG the Florida Symphony Orchestra. She performs with the Monarch Brass Quintet and Monarch Brass Ensemble, which she also conducted at the 1997 and 2014 International Women’s Brass Conferences. The IWBC salutes Marie for all of her energy and spirit, and is proud to award her with the 2014 Pioneer Award. Check our website soon for full biographies and photos of these award winners, and to learn more about past winners. If you are interested in nominating someone for an IWBC award or volunteering with the IWBC Pioneer Committee as we prepare for the next conference, please contact Joanna Ross Hersey at joanna.hersey@uncp.edu. 11 NoteWorthy: Summer 2014 15450 IWBC Newsletter 10 INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S BRASS CONFERENCE / 2014 Photos by 12 International Women’s Brass Conference I N T E R N AT I O N A L P E R S P E C T I V E Kana Miyashita %\.DQD0L\DVKLWDWUXPSHW(QJOLVKWUDQVODWLRQE\5DQNR6KLPL]X 0\¿UVWH[SHULHQFHZLWKWKH,:%&ZDVLQ7KLVZDVP\VHFRQG conference, and I competed in the solo competition and service band mock audition. The result was not something that I expected, but I got more from preparing for the competitions than the result. For several years under the guidance of Ms. Kana Madarame, one of the new IWBC board members, I had achieved the sound in my trumpet playing that I was working toward for a long time, yet something was still missing. This experience at IWBC 2014 helped to improve my trumpet playing even more. I am always very thankful to the feedback from judges; not only the tips IRULPSURYHPHQWEXWDOVRWKHFRQ¿GHQFH,UHFHLYHGIURPWKHFRPSOLments. I wish to come back to the IWBC solo competition again in the future. Ranko Shimizu. Without their help, I would not be able to communicate with any of the conference participants. Not only an interpreter, Ranko was also a coordinator for this trip to IWBC. I also want WRWKDQN'U5DTXHO5RGULTXH]IRUKRVWLQJWKLV amazing conference. In addition to the solo competition and the mock auditions, there are many lectures, recitals, and concerts at the conference. Listening to a EURDGUDQJHRIPXVLFDQGHQVHPEOHHYHU\GD\GH¿QLWHO\JDYHPHLQVSLUDWLRQ'XULQJWKHFRQIHUHQFH,KDGDFKDQFHWRWDNHDSULYDWHOHVson from Susan Slaughter; it was an honor to take a lesson from her. Even though people say that English is an international language, it still PDNHVDELJGLIIHUHQFHWREHDEOHWRVSHDN(QJOLVKÀXHQWO\,QUHJDUGWR my lack of English language skills, I want to thank Kana Madarame and IWBC always inspires me and makes me a better musician. I am looking forward to the next conference and wish you all continued success. Kana Madarame By Kana Madarame I have been taking part in IWBC since 2003, and have been bringLQJP\VWXGHQWVVLQFH$WP\¿UVWFRQIHUHQFH,ZDVDZDUGHG 2nd prize in the competition. I remember taking a breathing class ZLWK'HDQQD6ZRERGDWKDWZDVYHU\KHOSIXO7KHUHZHUHPDQ\ things that changed my musical and trumpet life in Japan, including my playing, which has improved since then. The friendship of ten years with IWBC members has greatly helped my career. In return, I’d like to contribute to the development of IWBC for the future. 15450 IWBC Newsletter 11 INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S BRASS CONFERENCE / 2014 13 NoteWorthy: Summer 2014 Spotlight on…Haley Hoops or with my horn (on stage). Hometown: Novi, Michigan Greatest Accomplishments: -Able to maintain a very content lifestyle as a professional horn player since 1999 Education: Bachelor of Music Performance University of Michigan: 1995 -Winning the International Horn Competition of America in 2013 Masters of Music Performance Northwestern University: 1996 SKRWRE\0DUN.LWDRND Professional Positions: 2nd Horn, Grant Park Music Festival - Chicago, IL (1998-99) Associate Principal/3rd Horn, Richmond Symphony Orchestra - Richmond, VA (1999) QG+RUQ'DOODV6\PSKRQ\2UFKHVWUD'DOODV7;SUHVHQW Assistant Instructor of Horn, Southern Methodist University'DOODV7;SUHVHQW %LJJHVW,QÀXHQFHV *DLO:LOOLDPV'DYLG.UHKELHODQG Lowell Greer Most Memorable Musical Moment: Playing the second movement of Schoeck’s &RQFHUWRIRUKRUQ at the International Horn Competition of $PHULFD¶V¿QDOURXQG Favorite Pieces of Music: I can’t name one, I like all kinds of music, every genre. I prefer any music that inspires me to feel - and allows me to sing along (in my car) Words of Wisdom: This is what I have learned so far, although I’m not sure how wise I am... -Anything is possible if you work toward it every day. -Music is a small world; aim to be the best colleague possible. - Never pass up an opportunity to educate audiences and students. -Challenge yourself with new goals, both personally and professionally. 15450 IWBC Newsletter 12 INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S BRASS CONFERENCE / 2014 Photos by 14 International Women’s Brass Conference Contributors Bravo Circle $1000+ Barbara Liberman *Susan Slaughter *Ginger Turner Benefactor’s/Patron’s Circle $200-999 * Laurel Bennert-Ohlson Blackburn Trumpets Stephen Chenette *Amy Cherry *Jan Duga Joan Fann Robert Feller Christine Hayes *Joanna Hersey *Maureen Horgan Fred Irby III Dr. Ann Johanson James King (In honor of the Laurie Frink memorial) Malcolm McNab Beth Mitchell *Lynn Mostoller *Jan Owens Supporter’s Circle $100-199 Kevin Cobb Robert Coil *Lin Foulk GE Foundation Betty Glover Steven Hendrickson Dawn & Boyde Hood Joyce Johnson-Hamilton Mary Newbauer *Faye-Ellen Silverman Marie Speziale Mary Thompson 15450 IWBC Newsletter 15 Donor’s Circle Up to $99 Nicole Abissi Andrea Adams Tracey Allison Valerie Ankeney Elise Armstrong Spencer Aston Noreen Baer Stacy Baker Karen Ballard Ion Balu Charline Bambauer Steph Beatty Carolyn Becker Monica Benson Lauren Bernofsky Blake Birmingham Alexander Blazek Amy Bliss Siana Bobst James Boldin Annie Bosler Amy Boyd Jennifer Brown *Velvet Brown Steven Bryant James Bundy Daniel Burdick Elaina Burns Mary Burroughs Jessica Butler Lauraine Carpenter Christina Carroll Emily Carter Janell Carter Sandra Chesnut Bronwyn Clagett Genevieve Clarkson 6DQGUD&RI¿Q Rob Conway Linda Cook Zachary Cooper Zachary Corpus Katie Cox Lorna Crafton Kay Crowley Ashley Cumming Barton Cummings Jean Davis Kayla Davis Olivia Davis Cecilia DeFurianni Paul Dickinson Emily Dietz Mary Jo Douglass Amy Dunker Martina Duperret Ashley DuVal Deb Eastwood Virginia Ehlers Robbie Elliott Joan Engel Sophia Enriquez Caitlin Everhart Lauren Ewing Randall Faust Emmiline Fish Susan Fleet Michael Frasier Kenneth Friedrich Daniel Frost Stephanie Frye Susan Gessford Nancy Goodearl Wayne Grace Gary Gray Mandy Haggen Helen Halligan Theresa Hanebury Gwendy Harrington Lauren Harris Seretta Hart Jillian Hayden James Helton Brittany Hendricks William Hess Cindy Hicks Betty Hilbrant Laurel Hinkle Rachel Hockenberry Gemma Horbury Janet Horton *Sharon Huff Scot Humes Barbara Hunter Ayano Ishikawa Wesley Jacobs Stephen James Naomi Jarvis Carly Johnson Katie Johnson Andrew Jones Betsy Jones Nancy Joy Kenkichi Kawada Teralyn Keith Casey Keller Anita Kerwin Allyson Keyser Brittany Klever Sheila Klotz Elisa Koehler Catherine Kozub Donna Kwasinski Jo Ann Lamolino Isabelle Lavoie -DPHV/D\¿HOG Jeanie Lee Charlotte Leonard Jean Leonhardt Sara Lewis .LUVWHQ/LHV:DU¿HOG Laura Lineberger Janet Loomis Kana Madarame William Mann Natalie Mannix Brynn Marchiando John Marchiando Wendy Matthews Nikki McCaslin Sandra Anne McCausland Audree McConnell Julia McIntyre Rebecca McLaughlin David McLemore Anne McNamara Bryce Mecham Jessica Mecham Nancy Meckstroth Joan Mell Betty Meyer Stacie Mickens Amy Mills Alison Miserendino Kana Miyashita Margaret Moran Ruth Morris Beth Natali Amy Nelson Denise Nelson James Nelson Kayla Nelson Sarah Nietupski Maggie Niro Jesssica Norton Joy O’Day Kanako Oi Mary Beth O’Quinn Mary Orr Gerry Pagano Laura Pettigrew Emelie Pfaff Donna Philippus Jancie Philippus Carrie Pierce Kala Pierson Blythe Polreis Stacy Rapach Carole Dawn Reinhart Gretchen Renshaw Rachel Richards Billie Richardson Susan Rider Michelle Riechers *Gail Robertson Julie Rochus Raquel Rodriquez Victoria Romanenko Angela Romero Jo-Ellyn Ryall Dr. Shara Sand Judith Saxton Leslie Scarpino Amy Schendel Todd Schendel Lori Schiff Sarah Schmalenberger Donna Schneider Sasha Schumacher Laura Shea-Clark Ranko Shimizu Hitomi Shoji Mikaela Simmons Stacy Simpson Phillip Slater Janet Carol Smith Kimberly Smith Stephanie Smith Jessica Sneeringer Ellie Snyder Jennifer Snyder Leanne Stamp Samantha Stevens Stefan Stolarchuk Daniel Stull Lois Swigert Debra Taylor Katie Thigpen Rachel Thomas Guyron Thompson Mary Thornton Julia Towner Catherine Turner Ginny Ulbricht Julie Vish Sidonie Wade Brian Walker Cheri Ward .LUVWHQ:DU¿HOG *Kelly Watkins Erin Wehr Rebecca Wells Sharon Weyser Brittany Wilson Aaron Witek Kate Wohlman Courtney Wolterman Erin Yanacek Kevin Young Mary Young Kimberly Zoeller *Denotes Board Member )URPWKH,:%&:HJUDWHIXOO\DFNQRZOHGJHDQGWKDQNDOORI\RXIRU\RXUFRQWLQXHGVXSSRUW 15 OFFICIAL NEWSLETTER OF THE IWBC &KHOWHQKDP'ULYH1RUPDO,/ Return Service Requested 15450 IWBC Newsletter 16 <RXFDQQRZMRLQ,:%&RQOLQHVHH3DJHIRUGHWDLOV 1RQ3UR¿W2UJ U.S. Postage PAID 6DLQW/RXLV02 Permit No. 2631