the Regional Plan
the Regional Plan
Southeast Clean Energy Resource Team Strategic Energy Plan Summary June 2005 INCREASING EFFICIENCY AND DEVELOPING CLEAN ENERGY WILL HELP SE/SC C E RT M E E T THE REGION’S ENERGY D E M A N D. CERTs Partners: Minnesota Department of Commerce, The Minnesota Project, University of Minnesota Regional Sustainable Development Partnerships, Rural Minnesota Energy Board, Metropolitan Counties Energy Task Force, Resource Conservation and Development Councils Funded by: The Legislative Commission on Minnesota Resources from the U.S. Department of Energy Oil Overcharge Money, The Carolyn Foundation, The Blandin Foundation, Minnesota Department of Commerce, U.S. Department of Energy, Community Assistantship Program, University of Minnesota, with financial support from the Otto Bremer Foundation and the Regional Sustainable Development Partnerships Program, University of Minnesota Initiative for Renewable Energy and the Environment, University of Minnesota Regional Sustainable Development Partnerships The vision, goal and mission of the Southeast/South Central Clean Energy Resource Team is to lead the region toward energy self-sufficiency, where the energy needs of the region are being met from local clean renewable energy resources, using energy more wisely, and renewable energy projects owned and managed by people in the region. C E RT C O N F I D E N T A C L E A N R E N E WA B L E E N E R G Y FUTURE IS POSSIBLE The SE/SC CERT region has wonderful renewable energy resources, including wind, solar, biomass, biogas, and geothermal, and opportunities for cogeneration. The team is confident that the current and future needs of the people in the region for energy in various forms can be met by using existing resources more wisely and by implementing clean energy projects throughout the region. C E RT E M P H A S I Z E S N E E D F O R C I T I Z E N S TO B E I N V O LV E D I N T H E I R HOMES, SCHOOLS, CHURCHES, BUSINESSES, AND COMMUNITIES In Phase 1, the SE/SC CERT gathered information about energy and how it is being used and identified renewable energy resources and opportunities to use energy more wisely in our region. In Phase 2, the team will launch an education and outreach campaign to share the information gathered and work with citizens, utilities, schools, government officials, churches, economic development organizations, interested businesses, and communities to implement renewable energy and energy efficiency programs in our region. AC C O M P L I S H M E N T S O F T H E S E / S C C E RT J A N U A RY 2 0 0 3 TO J U N E 2 0 0 5 What has the team accomplished in Phase I of the project? · Prepared a strategic plan with vision and mission statements, a goal, objectives and strategies to guide the team's work · Completed a broad inventory and assessment of the SE/SC CERT region, including land use, demographics, and infrastructure · Finished an assessment of the current energy situation in the region, including who is providing energy, what types of energy and amounts are being used, locations of power plants and renewable energy projects in the region · Identified renewable energy resources and opportunities to use energy more wisely in the region · Identified barriers to implementing renewable energy projects and started working on ways to address them · Began developing an education/outreach campaign about energy and the findings in our various assessments · Began work on a demonstration renewable energy home at Eagle Bluff Environmental Learning Center · Held five regional meetings. Topics included: Principles and Possibilities of Renewable Energy in SE MN, Renewable Energy and Economic Development, Agriculture as a Producer and User of Energy. S E / S C M I N N E S OTA AT A G L A N C E The region encompasses nearly 6 million acres. According to the latest Land Use Census, 70% of the land was being cultivated; 14% was forested; and 10% was pasture and hay ground. Only 3.5% of the land was being used for urban and rural development The 2000 Census showed that there were approximately 580,000 people living in 220,000 households. By 2030 the population is expected to grow to 704,930, with the fastest growth occurring in Olmsted, Rice, and Dodge Counties. Southeast/South Central CERT Member Snapshot: Blue Earth County Commissioner Citizens United for Responsible Energy Dairyland Power Cooperative Eagle Bluff Environmental Learning Center Farm Wind Power, LLC Individuals interested in energy issues Isaac Walton League OT H E R C I T I Z E N I N V O LV E M E N T I N R E N E WA B L E E N E R G Y I N THE REGION: Olmsted Waste-to-Energy Facility · The CERT members in Olmsted County have formed the Olmsted CERT RENew Northfield · The Three Rivers RC&D has formed an energy committee to work within Region 9 · Citizens are forming an energy committee in Houston County to work within the Tri-County Co-operative territory · Citizens in Winona County are involved in a variety of renewable energy projects · RENew Northfield is very active in Rice County and the Northfield area · CURE is actively involved in renewable energy projects in Lake City and Wabasha County Prairie Country RC&D Southern Minnesota Municipal Power Agency Sun’s Warmth Winergie Wind Energy Development Corp Winona County Environmental Services For More Information: Erin Tegtmeier Experiment in Rural Cooperation, Southeast Minnesota Regional Sustainable Development Partnership 507.536.6313 Melissa S.B. Pawlisch University of Minnesota’s Regional Sustainable Development Partnerships 612.624.2293 W W W. C L E A N E N E R G Y R E S O U R C E T E A M S . O R G Southeast Clean Energy Resource Team Strategic Energy Plan CERTS PARTNERS: Minnesota Department of Commerce The Minnesota Project University of Minnesota Regional Sustainable Development Partnerships Rural Minnesota Energy Board Metropolitan Counties Energy Task Force Resource Conservation and Development Councils F U N D E D B Y: The Legislative Commission on Minnesota Resources from the U.S. Department of Energy Oil Overcharge Money The Carolyn Foundation The Blandin Foundation Minnesota Department of Commerce U.S. Department of Energy Community Assistantship Program, University of Minnesota, with financial support from the Otto Bremer Foundation and Regional Sustainable Development Partnerships Program University of Minnesota Initiative for Renewable Energy and the Environment University of Minnesota Regional Sustainable Development Partnerships FINAL REPORT Energy Use, Renewable Energy Resources and Potential for Meeting the Energy Needs of the Fifteen Counties in SE/SC MN from Local Renewable Energy Resources and Energy Efficiency From the Citizens on the THE SE/SC CLEAN ENERGY RESOURCE TEAM Representing 15 Counties in SE/SC Minnesota: Blue Earth, Dodge, Faribault, Fillmore, Freeborn, Goodhue, Houston, Le Sueur, Mower, Olmsted, Rice, Steele, Wabasha, Waseca, Winona JUNE 2005 Dedicated to Dick Broeker, 1942 - 2004 The SE/SC Clean Energy Resource Team (CERT) dedicates this report to the memory of Dick Broeker. As Director of the Experiment in Rural Cooperation in SE Minnesota, Dick was involved in establishing the CERTs Project. When the Clean Energy Resources Teams were formed in regions around the state in December 2003, Dick was instrumental in organizing our team and helping us with our work through June 2004, when he retired. During this time, we completed a Strategic Plan to guide our work and an Inventory and Assessment of the people, infrastructure and resources in our area. Dick was our friend, mentor and cheerleader. He believed strongly that individuals could make a difference and that citizens working together in new public and private partnerships could make the world a better place. He helped us in myriad ways -- by connecting us with technical experts, finding resources for us and helping us think through and articulate complex issues. Most importantly, Dick had great faith that we -- ordinary citizens in SE/SC Minnesota - could design a clean renewable energy plan for our region and then shape an energy future based on that plan. Because he believed in us, we believed in ourselves. We’ve done -- and will do -- our best to live up to his vision. This report is part of Dick’s legacy, which will continue on as we use it to shape our work and create the clean renewable energy future for our region that we envisioned at the start of our journey together in December 2003. June 2005 2 PREFACE “The thing to do with the future is not to forecast it, but to create it. The objective of planning should be to design a desirable future and to invent ways of bringing it about.” -Russele Achoff We believe it is essential for citizens of the state to be involved in the decisions being made about our energy future and the type of energy future we want. Energy impacts every aspect of our lives; those decisions shouldn’t be left to technical experts, politicians, government officials and/or executives at the power companies. Section 1 defines the type of clean, renewable energy future we want for our area. This includes an articulation of the values and principles that serve as the foundation or underpinnings of the type of energy future and energy system we want – one that is clean, renewable, affordable, reliable and safe. The rest of the report sets out to accomplish five things: (1) provide information about the Clean Energy Resource Team Project and our SE/SC CERT; (2) paint a broad picture of the people, resources and infrastructure in our 15 counties in SE/SC Minnesota – things such as land use, how many people there are, where they are living, how they are moving about and the major economic activities they are engaged in; (3) describe briefly what energy is, how we use energy in different forms and amounts, where different sources of energy comes from and future prospects for their availability, the health and environmental impacts resulting from using different types of energy, external costs and subsidies masking the true costs of using different types of energy; (4) identify and assess the renewable energy resources in the region and the potential for saving energy and replacing conventional fuels with energy produced from those local renewable resources; and (5) identify barriers to implementing renewable energy projects in our region. Hopefully this information will serve as a road map for designing and implementing a clean, renewable energy future for our region, our counties and our communities. When we started this project, we weren’t sure if we would be able to meet our energy needs in different forms from local renewable energy resources and using energy more wisely. We are now confident that we can do so and export energy to other regions. The question becomes do we have the June 2005 3 political will and fortitude to make it happen for our children and our grandchildren. There are different reasons why members of our Clean Energy Resource Team support clean renewable energy and using energy more wisely. Some of us are interested in the good jobs and economic development benefits that accompany locating renewable energy and energy efficiency projects throughout our area. We estimate that well over a billion and a half dollars are leaving our area every year to import energy. By developing renewable energy projects within our area to meet our energy needs, we could keep those dollars at home. Some of us are farmers who want to earn more income from having wind generators on our farms and adding value to our commodities. Some of us are environmentalists concerned about global warming, mercury pollution and acid rain. Most of us are parents and grandparents concerned about what the future holds for our children and grandchildren. The beauty of renewable energy is that it has something for everyone – Republicans and Democrats, liberals and conservatives, farmers and city dwellers, young and old, environmentalists and business people. Renewable energy makes good sense for everyone and good dollars and cents for our region. So if you read something in this paper that you don’t agree with, please keep reading. You don’t have to believe in global warming or be an environmentalist to support renewable energy. Renewable energy has something for everyone. We decided not to assess the potential of renewable technologies that are on the horizon, such as fuel cells, producing ethanol from cellulose, hydrogen. We think that producing ethanol from cellulose and being able to charge fuel cells from locallyproduced biogas hold great potential for our future. We are also interested in progress being made to extract hydrogen from water using wind-powered electrolysis for local and regional use. However, we do not think it is wise to be producing hydrogen from nonrenewable fuels, such as natural gas, other fossil fuels or nuclear power. We hope the reader will keep in mind that this report was prepared by citizen volunteers, who took time from their regular busy lives over the course of a year and a half to prepare it and be part of designing and creating a clean renewable energy future for the 15 counties in SE/SC Minnesota. It is broad sweeping and was not meant to be highly technical or comprehensive or provide in-depth information about renewable energy technologies or energy efficiency programs that the reader could easily find elsewhere. We regret any errors. June 2005 4 Acknowledgements Many individuals and organizations have supported our efforts and contributed to this report’s content and preparation. We thank them and anyone we may have inadvertently forgotten. Individuals we want to thank include Dick Broeker, Director of the Experiment in Rural Cooperation (the SE MN Regional Sustainable Development Partnership) through June 2004; Erin Tegtmeier, Director of the Experiment in Rural Cooperation (the SE MN Regional Sustainable Development Partnership) beginning July 2004; Joel Haskard, CERT Assistant Coordinator; Shannon Drake, our research assistant extraordinaire; David Morris and John Bailey from the Institute for Local Self Reliance for advising us on myriad topics throughout the project; Lola Schoenrich, Amanda Bilek, and Mark Lindquist from the Minnesota Project; Jamie Schultz for doing GIS work; Mike Michaud, Jeff Cook-Coyle, and Lee Dilley for their wind assessments; Douglas Tiffany from the University of Minnesota for his agriculture/energy use information; Rich Huelskamp for his assessment of conservation potential; Charles Peterson from the PCA for help in obtaining information about waste water treatment plants, biosolids, and feedlots for the potential biogas assessment; Jeff Cook-Coyle for his outline of the barriers issues and economic development potential for wind development in our region; Mike Michaud for helping identify barriers and working on how we might remove barriers we have identified; Carol Overland and Kristen Eide-Tollefson for their help in understanding transmission line issues; Ward Lutz for his help on the energy used in transportation in our region and the definitions of energy conservation and energy productivity; and Norm Erickson for all his comments and contributions. We want to give special thanks to Nancy Adams, who chaired the SE/SC Clean Energy Resource Team with dedication and enthusiasm and wrote this report, and to Melissa Pawlisch, the statewide CERT coordinator, who has worked tirelessly on our behalf and helped identify, gather and assess important information, connected us with technical experts and resources, and cheered us on when we were overwhelmed with the enormity and complexity of the task at hand. June 2005 5 SECTION 1: THE KIND OF ENERGY FUTURE WE WANT 10 SECTION 2: INTRODUCTION TO THE CLEAN ENERGY RESOURCE TEAMS 15 SECTION 3: THE SE/SC CLEAN ENERGY RESOURCE TEAM (CERT) 17 SECTION 3.1 TEAM MEMBERS, RECRUITMENT , STRUCTURE , MEETINGS 17 SECTION 3.2 TEAM VISION , MISSION, GOAL, AND STRATEGIC PLAN WITH STRATEGIES AND OBJECTIVES 19 SECTION 3.3 PRIORITIES FOR WORK AND ALLOCATION OF RESOURCES 21 SECTION 3.4 FUTURE PLANS FOR PHASE II OF CERT S’ WORK 23 SECTION 4: PEOPLE, RESOURCES, AND INFRASTRUCTURE IN THE SE/SC CERT REGION 25 SECTION 4.1 SECTION 4.2 SECTION 4.3 SECTION 4.4 SECTION 4.5 SECTION 4.6 SECTION 4.7 25 25 26 26 26 27 28 COUNTIES IN THE SE/SC CERT REGION REGIONAL DEMOGRAPHICS, HOUSEHOLDS , PROJECTED GROWTH HOUSEHOLD AND HOUSEHOLD OCCUPANT INFORMATION LAND USE WATERSHEDS , RIVERS, AND AQUIFERS TRANSPORTATION INFRASTRUCTURE AGRICULTURE SECTION 5: DISCUSSION ABOUT ENERGY 35 SECTION 5.1 SECTION 5.2 SECTION 5.3 SECTION 5.4 SECTION 5.5 SECTION 5.6 SECTION 5.7 SECTION 5.8 SECTION 5.9 AFFORDABLE 35 35 35 35 36 36 37 37 DEFINITION OF ENERGY BEST ENERGY RESOURCE ENERGY CAN BE RENEWABLE OR NON RENEWABLE ENERGY RESOURCES COME IN AND ARE USED IN MANY FORMS. CONVERSION AND TRANSMISSION OF ENERGY ENERGY IS BEING USED BY VARIOUS SECTORS ENERGY MEASUREMENTS CLEAN , RENEWABLE, SAFE, AFFORDABLE AND RELIABLE ENERGY RENEWABLE ENERGY RESOURCES ARE CLEAN , SAFE, RELIABLE AND SECTION 6 ENERGY USE IN MINNESOTA June 2005 38 50 6 SECTION 6.1 MN ENERGY USE IN 2000 BY TYPE, AMOUNT , COST AND PERCENT OF ENERGY CONSUMED SECTION 6.2 MN ENERGY USE IN 2000 BY SECTOR SECTION 6.3 MN ENERGY USE IN 2000 FOR PETROLEUM , NATURAL GAS AND ELECTRICITY 50 51 52 SECTION 7 ENERGY USE IN SE/SC CERT AREA 58 SECTION 7.1 SECTION 7.2 SECTION 7.3 SECTION 7.4 SECTION 7.5 SECTION 7.6 SECTION 7.7 58 59 59 64 65 67 69 LARGEST ENERGY USERS NATURAL GAS PROVIDERS ELECTRICITY RESIDENTIAL ENERGY USE TRANSPORTATION SECTOR COMMERCIAL ENERGY USE INDUSTRIAL ENERGY USE SECTION 8 ENERGY CONSERVATION, PRODUCTIVITY AND EFFICIENCY 74 SECTION 8.1 DEFINITIONS SECTION 8.2 EMBARKING ON A CAMPAIGN TO CONSERVE ENERGY AND USE IT MORE PRODUCTIVELY 75 SECTION 8.3 TRANSPORTATION ENERGY EFFICIENCY SECTION 8.4 COMMERCIAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY SECTION 8.5 INDUSTRIAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY SECTION 8.6 CONSERVATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM SECTION 8.7 ENERGY SERVICES COMPANIES (ESCO) SECTION 8.9 BUILDING CODES 74 80 80 82 85 85 86 SECTION 9: RENEWBLE ENERGY RESOURCE INVENTORY AND ASSESSMENT FOR THE SE/SC CERT REGION 88 SECTION 9.1 WIND RESOURCES AND POTENTIAL FOR SE/SC MN 88 SECTION 9.2 SOLAR 92 SECTION 9.3 BIOMASS 94 SECTION 9.4 BIOGAS 99 SECTION 9.5 HYDROELECTRIC 104 SECTION 9.6 COGENERATION OR COMBINED HEAT AND POWER (CHP) 105 SECTION 9.7 GEOTHERMAL GROUND SOURCE HEAT PUMPS , GEOTHERMAL WATER SOURCE HEAT PUMPS AND AIR-TO-AIR HEAT EXCHANGERS 107 June 2005 7 SECTION 9.8 SECTION 9.9 BIOFUELS AND NEW TECHNOLOGIES FOR TRANSPORTATION (HYBRIDS ) 108 ALTERNATIVE CARS AND HYBRID ELECTRIC VEHICLES (HEVS) 110 SECTION 10. BARRIERS TO ENERGY EFFICIENCY AND RENEWABLE ENERGY DEVELOPMENT 112 SECTION 10.1 SECTION 10.2 SECTION 10.3 SECTION 10.4 SECTION 10.5 ECONOMIC BARRIERS REGULATORY ISSUES INSTITUTIONAL BARRIERS COMMERCIAL BARRIERS INTERCONNECTION BARRIERS 112 114 114 115 116 TABLES______________________________________________________________________ TABLE 1: A CHANGE IN VALUES TABLE 2: ACTIVE MEMBERS OF SE/SC CERT TABLE 3: CROP PRODUCTION 2002 TABLE 4: LIVESTOCK PRODUCTION 2004 TABLE 5: POWER PLANT POLLUTANT EMISSIONS TABLE 6: POLLUTION FROM TWO COAL PLANTS IN THE SE/SC CERT REGION & MINNESOTA 14 17 28 28 39 TABLE 7: COSTS OF ELECTRICITY WITH AND WITHOUT EXTERNAL COSTS TABLE 8: MINNESOTA ENERGY USE IN 2000 BY FUEL TYPE TABLE 9: MN ENERGY USE BY SECTOR (2000) TABLE 10: PETROLEUM PRODUCTS USED IN MINNESOTA TABLE 11: MINNESOTA ELECTRICITY RATES IN 2000 BY SECTOR TABLE 12: MINNESOTA’S RENEWABLE ENERGY POTENTIAL TABLE 13: ELECTRIC CONSUMPTION PER COUNTY IN THE SE/SC CERT TABLE 14: RESIDENTIAL ENERGY USE IN MINNESOTA (2000) TABLE 15: TRANSPORTATION ENERGY USE IN MINNESOTA (2000) TABLE 16: COMMERCIAL ENERGY USED IN MINNESOTA (2000) TABLE 17: INDUSTRIAL ENERGY USE IN MINNESOTA (2000) TABLE 18: ENERGY USED IN MN AGRICULTURE AND LIVESTOCK TABLE 19: FUEL EXPEN DED ON MAJOR CROPS (2000) TABLE 20: ENERGY USED IN MAJOR CROP PROCESSING FACILITIES (2001) TABLE 21: WIND POTEN TIAL BY COUNTY -- SE/SC CERT TABLE 22: POSSIBLE RENEWABLE ENERGY GENERATION SITES IN SE/SC TABLE 23: MAJOR CROPS TABLE 24: SAWMILLS AND OTHER WOOD PRODUCERS TABLE 25: SAWMILL RESIDUE BY COUNTY IN THE SE/SC CERT REGION 46 51 51 52 53 54 60 64 65 68 70 71 71 72 89 91 96 98 98 June 2005 40 8 TABLE 26: DAIRIES IN SE/SC REGION TABLE 27: OPEN LANDF ILLS TABLE 28: CLOSED SANITARY LANDFILLS 101 103 104 GRAPHS_____________________________________________________________________ GRAPH 1: MINNESOTA ENERGY SOURCES GRAPH 2: MINNESOTA ENERGY USE BY SECTOR GRAPH 3: COMPARATIVE USE OF ENERGY BY SECTOR GRAPH 4: SOURCES OF RESIDENTIAL ENERGY USE GRAPH 5: SOURCES OF TRANSPORTATION ENERGY GRAPH 6: SOURCES OF COMMERCIAL ENERGY IN MINNESOTA GRAPH 7: SOURCES OF INDUSTRIAL ENERGY IN MINNESOTA 50 51 52 64 65 67 69 APPENDICES________________________________________________________________ Chart 1 Cities and Towns and Population Projections Chart 2 Cities and Towns by Population and Households Chart 3 Feedlots Chart 4 Agriculture and Livestock Processors Chart 5 Soybeans and Corn Consumed in Area Chart 6 Gyles Randall Statement on Corn-Soybean Rotation Not Sustainable Chart 7 Energy to Raise Corn and Soybeans -- MN, CERT Region Chart 8 Major Energy Users Chart 9 Natural Gas and Electricity Providers Chart 10 Co-ops, Munis and Power Providers in the 15 County SE/SC CERT Region Chart 11 Munis and Coops and Customers by Sector, Power Consumption Chart 12 Power Plants Fuel Types Chart 13 Renewable Energy Projects Chart 14 Transmission Line Map Chart 15 Substations Chart 16 Conservation Chart for Houses Chart 17 Small Wind Potential - Mike Michaud Chart 18 Updates ILSR Biomass Charts, Ethanol from Corn Stover Chart 19 Biomass Estimates - Oak Ridge National Laboratory Chart 20 Forest Products Industries Chart 21 Livestock Chart 22 WWTP, Biosolids, Stab Ponds Chart 23 E-85 Stations June 2005 9 SECTION 1: THE KIND OF ENERGY FUTURE WE WANT – ONE THAT IS CLEAN RENEWABLE, RELIABLE, AFFORDABLE AND SAFE – AND ITS UNDERLYING PRINCIPLES AND VALUES During the course of the past year and a half, we have had several fruitful discussions about what kind of energy future we want for ourselves, our children and future residents of our region. Several principles and values emerged, as outlined below. We think it is imperative that citizens articulate the principles and values that are important to us and that these principles and values be the basis against which to weigh future decisions being made about energy. Politicians, government officials, and technicians can develop policies and technologies, but it is the citizens who should articulate the vision, principles and values on which to form those policies and develop those technologies. It was interesting to us that three of the attributes we identified are the same as the three pillars of the electric industry: safe, reliable and affordable. The first thing we grappled with was a definition of renewable energy. We decided to accept the following definition: renewable energy is a naturally occurring form of energy that has t he capacity to replenish itself through ecological cycles and sound management principles. These include wind, active and passive solar, geothermal, biogas, cogeneration, sustainably-grown biomass and biofuels, and low impact hydro. Defining “clean”, as in Clean Energy Resource Team, wasn’t as clear-cut. Since all forms of energy, except the sun hitting the earth directly, disrupt the environment in one way or another while being produced, transformed or transmitted, we decided to weigh the issue of “cleanliness” on a continuum – some energy technologies definitely did less environmental damage over their lifecycles than other forms and were thus “cleaner” than other technologies. PRINCIPLES OF A CLEAN, RENEWABLE ENERGY SYSTEM AND FUTURE 1. Efficiency. Our cheapest, safest, cleanest and most available energy resource involves using energy more wisely. We must use less energy, increase the efficiency with which we use energy, and increase the productivity of the energy we use to do more work. This applies to both renewable and nonrenewable energy resources. For definitions of these terms, see Section 8.1. 2. Sustainability. We must maximize the use of renewable energy resources and technologies that are sustainable. When people talk about something being sustainable, they usually consider three factors: the environment, society and economics. June 2005 10 Sustainable renewable energy systems: • Come from a diverse mix of decentralized, local renewable energy resources • Do the least amount of harm to the environment possible, make no net contribution of greenhouse gases and promote stewardship rather than exploitation of natural resources • Are designed to contain and/or reuse their own waste, rather than release it into the environment • Match energy technologies with the work to be done, taking scale into account (as Amory Lovins says, we don’t need to use a chain saw to cut butter) • Are affordable and enrich, rather than bankrupt, local communities and people; keep energy dollars at home to provide good jobs and taxes to be used for schools, roads, infrastructure and other societal needs in our state and local communities; are not rationed, with energy going to people who can afford to pay over those who cannot • Are based on full cost accounting, or life cycle analysis, which include paying for external costs and not saddling future generations with debt; take a long-term view, rather than be based on short-term profit; consider the rights of future generations to have clean air, water, forests, productive land and wilderness areas • Minimize risk and prevent harm from price volatility, unknown or unproven technologies, disruptions in supply and delivery from shortage, terrorist attack or overloading an antiquated, centralized grid system. 3. Equity and Place. We must maximize the use of energy sources that most benefit the local and regional community. These systems will include a mix of different types of smaller, decentralized renewable energy projects that produce energy as close to the place where they will be used as possible. Communities will own and manage their energy systems and keep their energy dollars at home to use for the betterment of their own communities. People who are impacted by the energy system will receive information about the system at every step and have some say about how it is managed. Changes on the Horizon for Our Civilization. We and future generations will be dealing with two events that are changing life on this planet forever: the end of the cheap oil and global climate change. One way historians define different periods in history is by the predominant type of energy used. Using this definition system, our civilization is in transition – moving from the end of the Petroleum Age and into the dawn of the Solar Era. There is a great deal of discussion today about “Peak Oil.” Peak oil is the point in time when extraction of oil from the earth reaches its highest point and then begins to decline. Some people believe that global oil production has already June 2005 11 “peaked” or will in the next few years. At the time global oil production peaks, supplies of oil will decrease, oil prices will rise and shortages will occur. The world will probably never run out of oil, but we will reach a time when it is too difficult or expensive to extract. Every aspect of our lives in the past has been impacted by cheap oil, and increasing costs and shortages of oil will impact every aspect of our lives in the future. In addition to the end of cheap oil, our climate is changing. We have only begun to see the changes that are coming as a result of global climate change – melting glaciers, rising sea levels, changing temperatures of ocean currents, more frequent and intense storms, flood and drought cycles, people dying from the heat and so on. Energy use and global climate change are intertwined. Global climate change is happening primarily because of the accumulation of greenhouse gases from burning fossil fuels in our power plants, factories, buildings and vehicles. Plants capture and store solar energy. In the Solar Era the carbohydrates of plant materials will replace the hydrocarbons of petroleum to meet our needs for fuel and raw materials for industry, in addition to providing food. We will become more aware of how dependent we are on the earth’s biological systems – agricultural lands, fresh water, forests, air and fisheries, which are currently being degraded from overuse and exploitation. We will become increasingly dependent on our agricultural lands and forests to grow crops and cellulose for biofuels in sustainable ways. Our ability to grow enough crops hinges on whether or not we will have enough water, either in our groundwater aquifers that we can use for irrigation or through adequate rainfall. The rainfall patterns and aquifer recharge patterns in Minnesota are changing because of global warming, and our climate is becoming hotter and drier. Thus, we are concerned about having adequate water resources in the future to support the carbohydrate economy of the Solar Era. Plans are being made in Washington, St. Paul and utility board rooms around the world to move ahead to build new coal-fired plants, natural gas plants, nuclear plants and extensive transmission line systems to move energy from one region of the country to another. This business-as-usual approach to meeting future energy needs is advocated by many decision-makers. However, all of these big projects have tremendous social, environmental and economic costs that we have identified in Section 5. When these costs are taken into account, the business-as-usual approach offers no hope of a safe, reliable or affordable energy future. These are not acceptable to us: going to war to maintain access to foreign oil, building more nuclear, natural gas and coal-fired plants, imposing tremendous environmental June 2005 12 problems and debt on future generations and degrading the environment to obtain energy at any cost. Business-as-usual is a dark alley we cannot afford to go down. Future generations will judge us harshly if we do. Fortunately, there is another way. We can change the wasteful ways we use energy in all forms without sacrificing our comfort or compromising the comfort of future generations. We can meet the needs of our region for energy in various forms from renewable resources located in our region and using energy more wisely. In addition to providing the sustainable, clean energy future we need and want, investing in energy efficiency and developing the bountiful renewable energy resources found in our region would keep our energy dollars at home, create hundreds of small businesses and good jobs and spearhead economic development throughout SE/SC Minnesota. Transitions are often difficult and perilous. The following table suggests the shift in values that will be necessary to guide us as we move from the end of the Petroleum Age into the Solar Era. June 2005 13 Table 1: A Change in Values1 Petroleum Age Values No Limits Pillage earth’s resources Limits-resources under stress Relation to Nature Domination of nature Harmony with nature Human Beings Separate from nature Part of nature Economy Materialism Throw-away society Sustainability Reuse, recycle Nature of Products Planned Obsolescence Durability, high quality design and engineering Scale Bigger is better Centralization Specialization Small has a place too Decentralization Diversity, Holistic thinking Speed Let’s go faster Where are we going? National Security Military might People able to meet basic needs, protect ecosystems Determinants of Status Material Possessions Personal development and social contributions Happiness Accumulation Spiritualism Relationships Do what you want Competition Individual Prudence, Self-restraint Cooperation Community Earth’s Resources 1 Solar Era Values Stewardship Adapted from Brown, Lester. 1981. Building a Sustainable Society. Worldwatch Institute, p. 351 June 2005 14 SECTION 2: INTRODUCTION TO THE CLEAN ENERGY RESOURCE TEAMS The Clean Energy Resource Teams (CERTs) were established in the fall of 2003 to engage citizens and communities in planning and designing their own energy futures. The project is a partnership and collaboration between the Minnesota Department of Commerce, Minnesota Project, University of Minnesota Regional Sustainable Development Partnerships, Rural Minnesota Energy Board, Metro County Energy Task Force, Resource Conservation and Development Councils, and citizens in six regions around the state. One of the main goals of the project is to connect communities and citizens with the technical resources and expertise necessary to design and implement renewable energy projects. Funding for the first phase of the CERTs project was provided by the Legislative Commission on Minnesota Resources, Minnesota Department of Commerce, U.S. Department of Energy, Carolyn Foundation, Blandin Foundation, University of Minnesota Initiative for Renewable Energy and the Environment, University of Minnesota Regional Sustainable Development Partnerships and University of Minnesota Community Assistantship Program. A statewide coordinator, Melissa Pawlisch, was hired on September 29, 2003, and an assistant coordinator, Joel Haskard, was hired on November 3, 2004. The CERTs manual, “Designing a Clean Energy Future: A Resource Manual” provides case studies of renewable energy projects located throughout the state and information on available renewable energy technologies. The Minnesota Project manages the CERTs web page, which includes a wealth of information about different renewable energy technologies, team activities and ways to save energy and use it more efficiently and productively: Seven Clean Energy Resource Teams are working throughout the state (see map). Teams include between 30 and 200 stakeholders representing area local governments, farmers, utilities, colleges, universities, businesses and environmental and economic development June 2005 15 groups. Individuals are involved at different levels, ranging from serving on team steering committees, examining topics of particular interest, attending quarterly team meetings and weighing in with opinions and ideas on the regional CERTs list serves. The Metro County Energy Task Force is serving as the CERTs team in the metro area. All of the teams are studying their region’s energy systems and identifying areas where conservation efforts and community scale renewable energy projects can be introduced. Each team has had at least one workshop with expert speakers on various renewable energy topics or taken tours to help them understand the regional energy system and identify areas of regional economic opportunity. Each CERT is developing a clean renewable energy plan for its region based on its vision of the kind of energy future it wants for the region and a careful study of its regional renewable energy resources and conservation potential. All of the visions articulated by the CERTs teams recognize the two-pronged potential of renewable energy to foster economic development in their regions and protect the environment. June 2005 16 SECTION 3: THE SE/SC CLEAN ENERGY RESOURCE TEAM (CERT) Citizens from the following 15 counties in SE/SC Minnesota have come together to form the SE/SC CERT to develop a renewable energy plan for the region and begin some conservation and renewable energy projects in the area: Blue Earth, Dodge, Faribault, Fillmore, Freeborn, Goodhue, Houston, Le Sueur, Mower, Olmsted, Rice, Steele, Wabasha, Waseca and Winona. Section 3.1 Team Members, Recruitment, Structure, Meetings 3.1.1 Initial Team Membership Recruitment. The first meeting to organize the SE/SC CERT was held on December 16, 2003. Individuals were recruited by various methods: letters of invitation, press releases, announcements in local papers, follow up stories in the local press and on local radio stations, Sierra Club mailings to their members in the region and announcements in its newsletter and word-of-mouth. Individuals who attended signed in and the CERTs mailing list was started. 3.1.2 Team Members and Steering Committee. The SE/SC CERT represents a wide variety of stakeholders in the region. Around 150 names are on the core membership list. These are people who have attended meetings and/or indicated an interest in being kept apprised of SE/SC CERT activities at different events where SE/SC CERT has had a display table. A core group of around 20 steering committee members has been meeting monthly to develop a renewable energy plan for the region and to help establish projects throughout the region. The members of the steering committee as of May 2005 are as follows: Table 2: Active Members of SE/SC CERT Member Nancy Adams Farmer/Citizen Activist Bruce Anderson President, ReNew Northfield Sig Anderson Business Owner Jeff Cook -Coyle Wind Developer Joe Deden Director, Eagle Bluff Environmental Learning Center Lee Dilley Malt-O-Meal Kristen Eide-Tollefson Clean Energy Advocate Gael Entrikin Citizen Activist John Helmers Manager, WTE Facility Rich Huelskamp Larry Landherr June 2005 Energy Consultant Citizen Activist Town Le Roy Northfield Lake City Rochester Lanesboro Northfield Frontenac Rochester Rochester Red Wing Rochester 17 Ward Lutz Anne Morse Nick Nichols Roger Wacek Tim Wagar Citizen Activist Winona County Recycling Independent contractor Citizen Activist Citizen Activist Rochester Winona LaCrosse Owatonna Rochester Katy Wortel County Commissioner Mankato Section 3.1.3 Team Organization. The SE/SC CERT originally set up three committees that met independently from the steering committee: the Policy, Outreach and Education Committee (POE); the Inventory, Assessment and Planning Committee (IAP); and the Project Committee. After the completion of the Assessment and Inventory, the steering committee was expanded to include members from the three committees and met as a committee of the whole. Section 3.1.4 Team Meetings Steering Committee Meetings. The SE/SC Steering Committee met on the following dates: January 13, 2004; February 18, 2004; April 7, 2004; May 3, 2004; May 17, 2004; June 7, 2004; August 19, 2004; September 7, 2004; October 5, 2004; October 18, 2004; November 11, 2004; December 14, 2004; January 28, 2005; March 22, 2005; April 19, 2005, May 5, 2005; May 17, 2005. Quarterly Meetings. The SE/SC CERT held seven quarterly meetings, as outlined below. Before each meeting, press releases were sent to regional media outlets and email invitations were sent to the SE/SC CERT list serve and through the e-mail lists of some of our CERT partners in the region. Written letters of invitation and a SE/SC CERT brochure were sent to all legislators, Economic Development Authorities (EDAs) and Chambers of Commerce in the region prior to the quarterly meeting on Economic Development and Renewable Energy. The meeting dates and locations of all quarterly meetings were also posted on the CERTs website. Meeting summaries were sent to the list serve and posted on the CERTs website. Presentations from meetings were also posted to the website when available. Dates and topics for the SE/SC CERT quarterly meetings follow: 1. December 16, 2003: “An Introduction to CERTs” initial meeting 2. March 3, 2004: “SE/SC CERT Mission, Vision and Goal Statements,” Brainstorming Session. June 2005 18 3. June 26, 2004: “Principles & Possibilities of Renewable Energy in SE MN” and Assessment Findings. Key-Note Speaker: David Morris. Summary of Inventory and Assessment: Nancy Adams. 4. September 14, 2004: “Renewable Energy and Economic Development.” Keynote Speaker: Kevin Knobloch, President, Union of Concerned Scientists. Panelists: Dean Harrington, President of the 1 st National Bank of Plainview; Duane Johnson, Planning Director of Dodge County; Dan Hayes of Southeast Minnesota Public Power Association (SMMPA); and Tara Widner of the International Steelworkers Union. 5. January 11, 2005: Review of Work To Date and Plans for Moving Ahead. Committee Members. 6. February 5, 2005: “Agriculture as a Producer and User of Energy.” Keynote Speakers: Alan Teel, “ Biomass Energy - Opportunities and Challenges;” Linda Meschke, “Growing Renewable Energy Communities and Biomass;” Amanda Bilek, “On Farm Energy Use & Efficiency Potential;” Nancy Adams, “Changing Prospects for Minnesota Agriculture.” 7. June 22, 2005: Tour of Renewable Energy Projects. Statewide Meeting. Representatives from all of the CERTs met for a statewide meeting on February 28, 2005 in St. Cloud. Section 3.2 Objectives Team Vision, Mission, Goal, and Strategic Plan with Strategies and Vision: We envision citizens, businesses and communities producing a rapidly increasing share of the region’s energy through locally owned renewable energy projects. This vision can only be realized through the wise and efficient use of all energy resources, e.g., energy conservation and energy efficiency. Mission: The Southeast/South Central Minnesota Clean Energy Resource Team’s mission is to lead our region toward energy self-sufficiency. Goal: Our goal is to create a future for ourselves and generations to come based on clean, locally owned, renewable energy. June 2005 19 Objective 1: Conserve energy and use less energy. Every gallon of gasoline unburned and every watt of electricity saved will move us closer to our goal most efficiently and economically. Strategy 1. Implement an education and public relations campaign regarding energy, the importance of conserving energy and using less energy and ways in which individuals, schools, businesses, etc. can save energy. Strategy 2. Identify energy conservation opportunities being promoted by our power providers. Help publicize these and encourage the providers to change them if they aren’t meeting the needs of the area. Strategy 3. Implement energy-saving programs at targeted locations throughout the region. Objective 2: Design a Renewable Energy Plan for the region based on the indigenous renewable energy resources of the region and the types and quantities of energy needed in the future. Strategy 1. Carry out an assessment of the 15-county region. This will identify things like the population, cities and towns, number of households, schools, hospitals, airports, transportation methods, large energy users and natural resource base. Determine projected growth and future energy needs based on that growth. Strategy 2. Understand the types, forms and amounts of energy currently used in the region. We consume energy primarily in the forms of liquid fuels, gas - natural gas and LP - and electricity. The electricity used in the region is generated largely by coal-fired and nuclear power plants. The major sectors using energy are transportation, residential, commercial, industrial (including as raw materials for other products) and agriculture. Strategy 3. Identify critical points where existing energy supplies are likely to face constraints due to supply, delivery, cost, public health or other environmental factors over the next 20 years. June 2005 20 Strategy 4. Establish target goals for how much and what types of energy we will need in the future. Take the amounts we are now using, subtract the amounts we can save from conservation, add the needs from projected growth. Strategy 5. Identify opportunities for renewable energy projects – large wind, small wind, photovoltaic solar, active and passive solar thermal, biomass including residues and potential for growing biomass crops on marginal lands, biogas, cogeneration and small low-head hydroelectric. Strategy 6. Establish a renewable energy mix that will meet the future energy needs of the region, as determined above, from clean, renewable sources. Objective 3: Facilitate in all possible ways the establishment of renewable energy projects throughout the region to meet our needs for clean renewable energy in the forms we will need – liquid, gas and electricity. Strategy 1. Use the resources of the Regional Partnerships, CERTs and their associates to obtain information, technical expertise and ideas for and access to funding sources. Strategy 2. Identify barriers to the implementation of renewable energy projects and identify ways to eliminate or get around them. Strategy 3. Encourage Minnesota citizens and policymakers to support clean energy initiatives whenever and wherever they have the opportunity. Section 3.3 Priorities for Work and Allocation of Resources 3.3.1 Work Plan. The SE/SC CERT members felt that they were being asked by the LCMR and their CERT partners to do several things, including: (1) Complete a broad, sweeping inventory of the region, which included people, resource bases, land use, major economic activities and infrastructure; June 2005 21 (2) Complete an assessment of current energy use; (3) Identify potential renewable energy technologies and renewable energy resources in the region; (4) Identify potentials for using less energy and using energy more productively and efficiently; (5) Develop a plan to meet future energy needs of the region using a threepronged approach: using energy more efficiently and productively, reducing energy use and developing a decentralized mix of renewable energy projects around the region; (6) Implement energy education, conservation programs and renewable energy projects in the region. 3.3.2 Allocation of Resources. Our SE/SC CERT received approximately $22,200 to accomplish our work. We allocated those funds in the following ways: Student Researcher. We hired a student worker to help do research and compile information for the inventory and assessment and community outreach program. Prepare Final Report. We interpreted our main responsibility to be to prepare a credible renewable energy plan for our area. We obtained the help of consultants to help us determine what kinds of information to gather for the assessment and inventory, help us understand technical information and give us ideas for renewable energy projects we could undertake in the region to replace conventional fuels and review the final draft to see that it was correct and as inclusive as a group of volunteers could be expected to make it. Model home project at Eagle Bluff Environmental Learning Center near Lanesboro. Representatives from SE/SC CERT, the Initiative for Renewable Energy and the Environment (IREE) at the University of Minnesota and Eagle Bluff Environmental Learning Center began working together to design a conventional, energy-efficient home that would use renewable energy. The home is being designed with three purposes in mind: 1) serve as a model home that Eagle Bluff’s participating students could see themselves living in; 2) provide an educational, renewable energy demonstration and classroom; and 3) serve as a residential home for Eagle Bluff’s two graduate naturalists. The walkout basement will be used for classroom access (25 June 2005 22 persons) and an energy center. The classroom will be able to show different loads in the house being switched from different sources, depending on their availability and use – wind, solar, storage. The home will be designed with real time monitors so students can monitor how the home is receiving its power and other conditions back in their classrooms via the Internet. Address Barriers. We obtained the help of a consultant to address one of the major barriers we identified to getting renewable energy projects established throughout our area: being able to obtain access to the grid. He prepared and presented a statement on behalf of the SE/SC CERT at the Meeting of the Minnesota Transmission Owners in Rochester on October 6, 2004 and is preparing the outline of a paper that will address this issue. Outreach and Education Campaign. We felt one of the most important things we could do was disseminate information throughout the region about (1) energy, (2) the findings from our inventory and assessment on how energy is being used in our region, how it can be used more wisely and renewable energy resources in the region, and (3) ideas for things individuals, schools, communities and businesses could do to use energy more wisely and start renewable energy projects across the region. We devoted part of our money to developing this Outreach and Education Campaign and compiling and printing materials to hand out at presentations in each county that could serve as the beginning of a county information center on renewable energy. Section 3.4 Future Plans for Phase II of CERTs’ Work 3.4.1 Phase 2. The original funding for Phase 1 of CERTs work ends on June 30, 2005. The SE/SC CERT intends to devote the next two years - Phase 2 - to working with citizens, utilities, schools, government officials, churches, economic development organizations, interested businesses and communities throughout the area to engage them in discussions about what kind of energy future they want and how we can work together to create a clean renewable energy future for our region. Phase 2 will begin with an education/outreach campaign with one meeting in each county to present the findings of the SE/SC CERT inventory, assessment and regional plan. Hopefully, citizens who attend these meetings will serve as a core group to help start renewable energy projects and energy conservation/efficiency programs in their communities. We are in the process of breaking out all the information we have compiled for our region by county for use in county planning efforts. We are also planning to contact all of the major energy providers in our region to learn more about their plans for renewable energy projects and conservation/efficiency programs and see how we might work together to create a clean energy future for our region. June 2005 23 3.4.2. County CERT Groups and Other Organizations are being formed to work on renewable energy throughout the 15-county region. The Olmsted County CERT has been formed to focus on renewable energy efforts in Olmsted County. Their monthly newsletter can be found at: The group is currently working on county-wide energy awareness projects, such as supporting use of biodiesel beyond B2 in community fleets, lowering residential energy use and exploring partnerships for specific alternative energy projects. For more information contact Ward Lutz at The Three Rivers Resource Conservation and Development Council has formed an Energy Committee to work within Region 9. Current participants include Nicollet County, Blue Earth County, Martin County, Watonwan Soil and Water Conservation District, Blue Earth River Basin Initiative, University of Minnesota Extension Service, Gustavus Adolphus College, Minnesota State University - Mankato, Region 9 Development Commission, Three Rivers RC&D, Greater Mankato Economic Development, Benco Electric, Windfinity and other interested parties. The group is identifying the area’s current renewable energy resources, assessing current projects and working collaboratively to establish renewable energy projects and conservation projects in the area. For more information, contact Amy Stratton at Houston County citizens are in the process of forming a group to work on renewable energy projects in the Tri-County Co-op service area. They want to take the findings of the SE/SC CERT assessment and create renewable energy projec ts throughout the area to create positive economic change in their counties. For more information, contact Nick Nichols at Winona County. Contact Anne Morse to learn about many exciting programs happening in Winona County at June 2005 24 SECTION 4: PEOPLE, RESOURCES, AND INFRASTRUCTURE IN THE SE/SC CERT REGION The following is a summary of the broad inventory and assessment the SE/SC CERT undertook to learn more about the region, its people, resources, infrastructure and agriculture. Section 4.1 Counties in the SE/SC CERT Region The region of the SE/SC CERT includes the following 15 counties: Blue Earth, Dodge, Faribault, Fillmore, Freeborn, Goodhue, Houston, Le Sueur, Mower, Olmsted, Rice, Steele, Wabasha, Waseca and Winona. Section 4.2 Regional Demographics, Households, Projected Growth The 2000 Census showed that there were 577,176 people living in the 15 counties in 219,167 households. The population is spread out across the landscape as follows: 14.9 percent of the population lives in one city – Rochester; 38.8 percent of the population lives in six cities with populations over 20,000; 19.5 percent of the population lives in 17 cities with populations ranging from 3,000 to 19,000; and 41.7 percent of the population lives in 377 towns with fewer than 3,000 people. 23.2 percent of the people live in towns of less than 999 people (see Charts 1 and 2 in the Appendix) . The population of the region is expected to grow to 622,700 people with 244,810 households by 2010 and 704,930 people with 292,790 households by 2030. The fastest growth is occurring in Olmsted, Rice and Dodge Counties. 2 2 Minnesota State Demographic Center. 2002. “Minnesota Population Projections 2000-2030.” Retrieved from:, June 12, 2005.. June 2005 25 Section 4.3 Household and Household Occupant Information Seventy-seven percent of the 219,167 houses in the SE/SC region are occupied by their owners. This is important because people who own the homes they live in are much more likely to invest in conservation and renewable energy projects to save money on their utility bills and enhance their property values. However, other factors impact on the willingness and/or ability of homeowners to invest in renewable energy/conservation projects, such as the age of the owner/occupant, median family income and value of the home. Twenty-six percent of the households in the region are occupied by one person and 25 percent of the households in the region have one member over age 65. Median family income in the region ranges from a high of $61,610 in Olmsted County to $41,793 in Faribault County. The percentage of families living below the poverty level range from less than four percent in Olmsted and Goodhue Counties to over 6 percent in Blue Earth, Mower and Fillmore Counties. Five counties have median house values over $100,000: Steele, LeSueur, Goodhue, Olmsted and Rice. 3 Section 4.4 Land Use The 15 counties encompass a large and diverse area: over 9,000 square miles or almost six million acres. The land varies from the hilly, forested area in the southeast to the flat prairie agricultural lands in the western part of the region. According to the latest land use census, 70 percent of the area is being cultivated, 14 percent is in forests, 10 percent is pasture and hay ground, 3.5 percent is taken up by urban and rural development, 2 percent is water and 1 percent is wetland. 4 Thus, 94 percent of the land in the region is being or can be used to produce biomass for energy in the form of intentionally planted energy crops and crop and forest products residues. Section 4.5 Watersheds, Rivers, and Aquifers The area has wonderful rivers and water resources. There are two major watersheds: the Lower Mississippi River Basin and the Minnesota River Basin. Major rivers include the Blue Earth, Cannon, Cedar, LeSueur, Minnesota, Mississippi, Root, Shell Rock, Upper Iowa, Wantonwan, Wapsipinican, Winnebago and Zumbro. It was not possible to get good information about the aquifers in the region, including sizes and aquifer 3 US Census Bureau. 1999. “Income and Poverty in 1999.” Retrieved from: in February 2005. 4 Data Net. 1990. “Minnesota Land Use and Cover Statistics.” Retrieved from: on June 12, 2005. June 2005 26 recharge rates. We are concerned about changing rainfall patterns and changing aquifer recharge patterns because of global warming and future residents of the area having enough drinking water and water to grow crops, produce biofuels and use for other purposes. Section 4.6 Transportation Infrastructure 4.6.1 Major Highways. Two major interstates cross through the area: Interstate 90 runs east and west across the southern part of the region and Interstate 35 heads north and south. Other major state highways include 169, 218, 52, 63 and 61, which lead north to the Twin Cities, and 14, which crosses east to west. 4.6.2 Railways. The following railroads are operating in the area: from east to west, the DM&E (Dakota Minnesota and Eastern), UP (Union Pacific) and IMRL (I & M Rail Link) and, from north to south, the Canadian Pacific and Union Pacific Railways. As oil prices soar, railroads will play a much greater role in our transportation system in the future. Rail is one of the most efficient ways to move goods and people, and various fuel sources, including sustainably -grown wood, can be used to power the trains. Increasingly, goods will move through our area by rail to and from barges going up and down the Mississippi River and other major rivers. 4.6.3 Airports. The following eight commercial airports are located in the area: Albert Lea, Austin, Faribault, Mankato, Owatonna, Red Wing, Winona and Rochester (which is an international airport). Six municipal airports are located at Blue Earth, Dodge Center, LeSueur, Preston, Rushford and Waseca. 4.6.4 Public Transportation in and Between Cities. According to the Minnesota Atlas, the following cities in the area had fixed ride public transit systems in 2002: Faribault, Mankato, Red Wing and Rochester. Albert Lea, Northfield, Stewartville and Winona had Dial-A-Ride systems. Many counties had countywide public transit systems, including Dodge, Fillmore, Goodhue, Houston, Mower, Rice, Steele, Wabasha and Winona. 4.6.5 Vehicles. In 2003 there were 578,027 registered vehicles in the area, as follows: passenger cars (361,024), pick-up trucks (154,376), buses (1,720), other trucks (26,571), motorcycles (22,651), recreational vehicles (5,738), mopeds (1,372), van pool vans (6), state-owned tax exempt vehicles (513) and tax exempt vehicles (4,056). June 2005 27 Section 4.7 Agriculture Agriculture production is the predominant use of land in the region (70 percent) and a major economic activity. In the latest agricultural census (2002), there were 16,748 farms in the 15 counties, utilizing 4,847,624 acres. 5 4.7.1 Crop Production. In 2002, the region had 1,799,100 acres planted with corn, yielding 289,843,940 bushels; 1,362,400 acres in soybeans, yielding 72,600,900 bushels; 414,600 acres in hay, yielding 1,656,900 tons; 61,600 acres in oats, yielding 4,703,700 bushels; and 3,000 acres in wheat, yielding 133,600 bushels. 6 Table 3: Crop Production 2002 Crop Acres - 2002 Yield - 2002 Corn Soybeans Hay Oats Wheat 1,799,100 1,362,400 414,600 61,600 3,000 289,843,940 bushels 72,600,900 bushels 1,656,900 tons 4,703,700 bushels 133,600 bushels 4.7.2 Livestock Production. In 2002, there were 9,354 registered feedlots in the 15county area (see Chart 3 in the Appendix). Livestock numbers for 2004 included 572,000 cattle, 131,000 milk cows in 1,494 dairies and 20,100 sheep and lambs. 7 In 2002, there were approximately 2,021,000 hogs and pigs, 3,359,000 turkeys and 2,874,000 chickens in the region. 8 Table 4: Livestock Production 2004 Animals NUMBERS 2002 Numbers 2004 Cattle Milk Cows Sheep & Lambs Turkeys Chickens Hogs & Pigs 3,359,000 2,874,000 2,021,000 572,000 131,000 20,100 - 5 USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service. 2002. “2002 Census of Agriculture”. Retrieved from: in Fall 2004. 6 USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service. 2004. “Minnesota Agricultural Statistics: Crop County Estimates.” Retrieved from: in Fall 2004. 7 Minnesota Agricultural Statistics Service. 2004. “Minnesota Ag News.” Retrieved from: in Fall 2004. 8 Feedlot and poultry statistics came from the Pollution Control Agency via personal conversation with Nancy Adams. June 2005 28 4.7.3 Processing of Crops and Livestock. The region has several grain, oil seed, dairy, fruit and vegetable, fat rendering and livestock processing facilities, which are listed by type and location below. Many of them are among the largest users of energy in the region and should be good candidates for using cogeneration, biomass, biogas, biofuels and other renewable energy technologies to replace the large amount nonrenewable fuels they are currently using. The processors who use the largest amounts of energy are listed in Table 20 along with the amounts and types of energy used. A list of the food processors by name, county and town as of January 2005 is in the Appendix, Chart 4.9 9 • Oilseed Crushing Plants: Two soybean-crushing plants are located in Mankato – ADM (4,200 T/Day) and Cenex Harvest States (3,600 T/Day). There is an oilseed crushing plant in Red Wing (usually sunflower or flax) with a capacity of 3,000 T/Day. • Soydiesel: SoyMor is building a new biodiesel plant expected to produce 25 million gallons of soydiesel per year in Glenville in Freeborn County; it is expected to open in mid 2005. A second biodiesel plant is being considered for Eyota in Olmsted County. • Corn/Ethanol: As of May 2005, approximately 202 million gallons of ethanol from corn are being produced in the region per year: Lake Crystal (50 million gallons), Winnebago (44 million gallons), Preston (40 million gallons), Albert Lea (38 million gallons) and Claremont (30 million gallons). A new ethanol plant is being proposed for Janesville that would produce 100 million gallons of ethanol per year and use 37 million bushels of corn every year. • Dairy Processing & Sales: Faribault, Harmony, Houston, Le Sueur, New Prague, Owatonna, Pine Island, Preston, Rochester, Spring Valley, Wanamingo, Waseca and Zumbrota. • Fat Rendering Companies: Blue Earth, Chatfield, Le Sueur and Mankato. • Fruit and Vegetable Processing & Sales: Blue Earth, Caledonia, Dodge Center, Kenyon, Le Sueur, Mankato, Montgomery, Owatonna, Plainview, Rochester, Waseca and Wells. Figures taken from Texas A&M University “AgriNet” website: June 2005 29 • Meat Processors & Sales: Albert Lea, Alden, Austin, Brownsdale, Chatfield, Faribault, Good Thunder, Le Center, Lonsdale, Mankato, Montgomery, Northfield, St. Charles, Spring Valley, Wanamingo, Wells, Winona and Zumbro Falls. • Grain Processing & Sales: Adams, Albert Lea, Alden, Austin, Blooming Prairie, Blue Earth, Brownsdale, Byron, Cannon Falls, Chatfield, Grand Meadow, Harmony, Hayfield, Janesville, Kiester, Lake City, LeSueur, Lewiston, Le Roy, Lonsdale, Lyle, Mankato, Mapleton, New Prague, New Richland, Northfield, Owatonna, Pine Island, Stewartville, Wabasha, Waldorf, Waseca, Wells, Windom and Winona. 4.7.4 Amounts of Local Corn and Soybeans Being Used in the Region and Processing Techniques. Soybeans Consumption in the Region and Prospects. In 2002, livestock consumed 28 percent of the soybeans produced in the region. 10 If the two soybean processing plants in Mankato ran at maximum capacity, the region would have to import 1,135,283 tons of soybeans (see Appendix, Chart 5). With the addition of the soydiesel plant at Glenville and talk of a new soydiesel plant at Eyota, it is clear that the area will be importing large quantities of soybeans for the soybean processing plants in the area. Soybean Processing. Soybeans are processed into oil and protein meal before being used. As a general rule, one 60-lb bushel of soybeans yields 11 lbs of soy oil and 47.5 lbs of soybean meal. The soybean meal is crushed and formulated into livestock feed. Corn Consumption in the Region. In 2002, livestock consumed 34 percent of the corn produced in the region. Nineteen percent was used to produce ethanol and the remaining 47 percent was sold or used for other purposes. 11 Ethanol Production from Corn. Sixty percent of U.S. ethanol production uses a dry-grind technology, instead of a wet-milling process, because of lower capital costs. Basically, the process or recipe for making ethanol, as described by Matt Sederstrom, is as follows: Begin with # 2 yellow corn, grind a bushel (56 pounds), add water, make a mash, cook to kill the bacteria and expose the starch, add enzymes to convert the starches to sugars, add yeast to the sugars to begin fermentation and produce beer. 10 Douglas G. Tiffany and Jerry Fruin. 2001. Filling the Livestock Feed Troughs of Minnesota. Retrieved from: fall 2004. 11 Ibid. June 2005 30 Distill the beer into ethanol (2.75 gallons – requires heat to distill), carbon dioxide (18 pounds food grade) and distillers dried grains with solubles (18 pounds - generally requires drying). One hundred-fifty bushels of corn yield 413 gallons of ethanol per acre and 2,700 pounds of distillers dried grains with solubles (DDGS). 12 A complete description for making ethanol can be found at: There is a huge debate about whether it takes more energy to produce ethanol than is in the ethanol that is produced. Net-energy balance figures vary because of how the studies to determine them are conducted (what they include) and when they were done. Recent technological advances in ethanol production have reduced the amount of energy needed to produce ethanol and changed the net-energy balance considerably. We refer the reader to the following website to read an objective analysis of this debate entitled “The Net Energy of Ethanol: An Introduction to the Studies,” 4.7.5 Changing Prospects for Growing Corn and Soybeans and Minnesota Agriculture. We believe sustainability and diversity are two imperative principles. We are concerned that so much emphasis is currently being placed on corn and soybeans to produce biofuels and raw materials for industry to replace those currently being made from oil. We believe that ethanol from corn and biodiesel from soybeans are important transitional fuels to replace gas and diesel until future technologies, such as fuel cells and ethanol from cellulose, are commercially available. We also support local farmers owning and operating renewable energy facilities to keep energy dollars and control of energy production in our local communities. However, we caution against putting too many of our eggs into the corn/soybean basket because the current production system for raising corn and soybeans is not sustainable. Dr. Gyles Randall, a well-respected soil scientist from the University of Minnesota, has stated that the current corn/soybean rotation is not sustainable – economically, socially, ecologically or environmentally. His reasoning is explained, in part, below. A press release explaining his reasoning can be found in the Appendix, Chart 6. 13 Conventional agricultural production systems use a large amount of oil, petroleum products and natural gas to produce corn and soybeans. Oil and natural gas prices are skyrocketing and will continue to do so as global demand exceeds supplies in the 12 Sederston, Matt. 2005. “Corn Processing in Corn Fields.” Presentation at Grand Forks Renewable Energy Conference, February 2005, Grand Forks, ND. 13 Randall, Gyles. 2001. “Commentary: Intensive Corn-Soybean Agriculture is Not Sustainable.” Retrieved from: on June 12, 2005. June 2005 31 coming years. This will make it more and more expensive to grow agriculture commodities like corn and soybeans. In 2002 Minnesota farmers used approximately 123 million gallons of diesel fuel, 15 million gallons of gasoline, 74 million gallons of LP, 462 million kWh of electricity and 23 million CFA of natural gas to grow corn and soybeans (see Appendix, Chart 7). 14 Already dependent on government subsidies, our farmers can’t cover their production costs when oil and natural gas prices rise. As pressures mount from the World Trade Organization (WTO) and others to curtail government subsidies to agriculture producers and the cost of production soars because of rising fuel prices, it is doubtful that the current high-energy input agricultural production systems can continue. This in turn casts doubt on whether we will have enough corn and soybeans in the future to be able to fulfill all the end uses being planned for them. Rainfall patterns and aquifer recharge patterns in Minnesota are changing because of global warming. Annual row crop production depends on reliable rainfall and adequate water at critical times throughout the growing season. Because of global warming, weather patterns and rainfall patterns in Minnesota are changing. Many areas of the state are experiencing flood and drought cycles and more frequent and intense storms, which scientists predicted would result from global warming. Snow in the spring is melting and running off, instead of replenishing our aquifers. Rain events are not as gentle or evenly spread throughout the growing season as in the past, but rather sporadic and often torrential. These torrential downpours are running off the land rather than soaking in and recharging our aquifers and groundwater. As rainfall becomes sporadic, farmers growing annual row crops will need to increase irrigation. Because our aquifers aren’t being recharged the way they used to be, it is questionable if there will be enough water in our aquifers to meet all the demands that will be placed upon them in the future, including growing crops, making biofuels and providing for the needs of people and industries in urban and rural areas. 15 Our agricultural lands are being degraded or being lost to development . According to the American Farmland Trust, from 1992-1997, Minnesota lost over 27,000 acres of agricultural land and almost 47,000 acres of rural land each year to development, i.e., roads, parking lots, housing developments, etc. Of those 371,700 acres that were developed during this five-year period, 53,400 acres were irreplaceable prime 14 Derived from figures in: Tiffany, Douglas. “Minnesota Farm Energy Use and Kyoto Accord.” Calculations are based on gallons of diesel per acre, gallons of gasoline per acre, gallons of LP per acre, kWh of electricity per acre and Mcf natural gas per acre. 15 ME3. 2002. Playing with Fire. Retrieved from: on June 12, 2005. Kling, George, et. al. 2003. Confronting Climate Change in the Great Lakes Region. Retrieved from: on June 12, 2005. June 2005 32 agriculture land and 71,600 were prime rural land. 16 Due to all of the development that has taken place since 1997, we think it is safe to assume that we have been losing approximately the same amount or more of agricultural and rural land each year since 1997. In addition to losing our agricultural lands to development, the productivity of our soils is being compromised in several ways, as described below. If these trends continue unabated year after year, future generations may not have enough land or productive land to grow the crops they will need. In partic ular, future residents of the state will need green belts around all the major cities to grow food for people residing in the cities. Without cheap oil to grow food and transport it an average of 1,500 miles from where it is grown to where it is consumed, as is currently happening, our whole food production and distribution systems will change in the future. We will need every available acre of land in our region and Minnesota to grow energy crops, food crops and raw materials for industry to be used locally and replace food, energy and raw materials currently being shipped into the area. Our agricultural lands are being degraded through erosion, burning of the humus in the soil from the application of harsh chemicals, lack of biodiversity and the buildup of diseases and pests from non-rotational plantings. In addition, Professor David Tillman from the University of Minnesota has warned that the corn/soybean rotation has broken down and in essence become a monoculture cropping system. As a result, diseases and pests from corn planting are remaining in the soil throughout the soybean planting cycle and remain present for the next planting of the corn crop and vice versa. This buildup of diseases and pests from both corn and soybeans in the soil is also leading to loss of productivity of Midwestern agricultural lands. 17 Scientists have found that yields in the world’s major crops, including corn and soybeans, are dropping because of higher temperatures and other factors due to global warming. Studies have found that increasing temperatures, particularly at night and during the grain filling period, negatively affected crop yields for rice, soybeans and corn. 18 The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change predicts that global warming may cause corn yields to crop by 15 to 30 percent across the U.S.19 In addition, warming conditions attract different diseases and pests to move into new territories and stay for 16 American Farmland Trust. 2004. “Minnesota Statistics Sheet.” Retrieved from: on June 12, 2005. 17 DeVore, Brian. 1998. “Biodiversity and Agriculture: A House Divided.” The Land Stewardship Letter. Vol. 16, No. 5, November 1998. Retrieved from: . 18 Pore, Robert. 2004. “Global Warming Impacting Nebraska?” The Independent. July 3, 2004. Retrieved from: on June 12, 2005. 19 Service, R.F. 2004. “As the West Goes Dry”, Science. Vol. 303, pp. 1124-27. Retrieved from: on June 12, 2005. June 2005 33 longer periods. Plants in those areas have no natural immunities to protect themselves against the invading pests and diseases. No one knows, for example, what will happen to soybean production in Minnesota because of the soybean rust that is currently impacting yields in the Southern U.S. Prices and competition for Minnesota crops will increase in the coming years, which will make them more expensive and not as available for local use. Countries around the world with growing populations, particularly China and India, will compete to buy Midwestern corn and soybeans for food in the years ahead, when they can no longer grow enough to meet their local demands. Prices for corn and soybeans will more than likely increase. Selling larger quantities of corn and soybeans overseas to fill these growing markets and provide a favorable trade balance for our economy will mean fewer quantities left in Minnesota to convert to fuels and other products. June 2005 34 SECTION 5: DISCUSSION ABOUT ENERGY In this section, we try to do several things: define energy, define renewable and nonrenewable energy, present some general information about energy and then look at renewable and nonrenewable energy technologies and assess them in terms of which energy technologies are the (1) cleanest, (2) most affordable if you weigh their true cost, i.e., if you take out government subsidies and add external costs, (3) safest and (4) most reliable. SECTION 5.1 Definition of Energy. The capacity to do work. SECTION 5.2 Best Energy Resource. Our cheapest, safest, cleanest and most available energy resource involves using less energy and increasing the productivity of the energy we use to do more work. SECTION 5.3 Energy Can Be Renewable or Non Renewable. 5.3.1 Nonrenewable energy resources are finite and supplies will reach a point where they are exhausted or too expensive to extract. Nonrenewable energy resources are primarily hydrocarbons in fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) and nuclear energy. They require drilling and/or mining to be extracted, and their sources are often located long distances from the power plants where they are used. Thus, they must be transported long distances via pipelines, ships, trains or other methods. 5.3.2 Renewable energy is obtained from sources that are virtually inexhaustible when managed properly, such as wind, solar, biogas, hydroelectric, geothermal and sustainably produced biomass and biofuels. Renewable energy can be provided from local resources located in the vicinity of end users. SECTION 5.4 Energy resources come in and are used in many forms. 5.4.1 Liquid. Sources include gasoline, oil, kerosene and used vegetable oil. 5.4.2 Solid. Sources include coal, wood, construction wood waste, garbage and biomass. 5.4.3 Gas. Sources include propane (LPG), landfill gas and natural gas. June 2005 35 5.4.4 Electricity. Electricity is generated from burning coal, wood, biomass and waste materials, nuclear fission, hydropower, wind, biogas or solar sources. 5.4.5 Geothermal. The heat of the earth is used as a seasonal source/sink for energy. 5.4.6 Sunlight/Solar. The energy from the sun that hits the earth can be used in active systems, i.e., photovoltaic solar panels which convert sunlight into electricity and hot water heating units and passive systems, i.e., orienting a building to take advantage of the sun’s heat. 5.4.7 Biomass. Plants capture and store solar energy, which can be utilized by converting biomass to electricity, syngas or liquid fuels, i.e., ethanol from cellulose or corn, biodiesel from various organic products and soy-diesel and other biofuels from oil crops. 5.4.8 Wind. Wind, caused by the uneven heating of the earth by sunlight, can be used by large wind turbines to generate power for utilities or smaller wind turbines to generate electricity for individual homesteads. Great strides have been made in wind technology so that electricity can now be generated from winds in areas formerly thought to be unsuitable for wind generation. SECTION 5.5 Conversion and Transmission of Energy. Energy may be converted from one form to another and moved from one place to another. In the conversion and transmission process, substantial amounts of energy may be required and/ or lost and pollution in various forms and wastes may be created. The efficiency of most power plants is only around 30 percent. SECTION 5.6 Energy Is Being Used By Various Sectors and energy information is kept by sector, as well as fuel type. 5.6.1 Residential. Energy is used in home heating and cooling, refrigeration, water heating, lighting, cooking and other appliances. 5.6.2 Commercial. Energy is used by hospitals, schools, offices, businesses and the service sector. 5.6.3 Transportation. Energy is used by cars, trucks, buses, planes, trains and boats. 5.6.4 Industrial. Energy is used in manufacturing and agriculture. June 2005 36 5.6.5 Generation of electricity. Electricity is generated from nonrenewable and renewable resources, i.e., coal, nuclear, natural gas, wood and wood waste, hydroelectric, solar, wind and biogas. SECTION 5.7 Energy Measurements. Energy can be mea sured in different ways, i.e., BTUs, joules, kilowatt-hours. Electric energy in the U.S. is usually expressed in kilowatt-hours (kWh), which is 1,000 watt-hours, or in megawatt-hours (MWh), which is one million watt-hours or one-thousand kilowatt-hours. To compare different forms of energy, i.e., the amount of energy in a gallon of gas to the amount of energy in a cord of wood, both are converted to BTUs (British Thermal Units). A BTU is the amount of heat produced when you strike a match. A typical hom e in Minnesota uses around 650 kWh a month. The average size of US power plants is 213 MW. A 1000 MW power plant is a large power plant. One MW can provide electricity to 400-900 houses. SECTION 5.8 Clean, Renewable, Safe, Affordable and Reliable Energy. The three pillars the electricity industry uses to describe the electricity they generate using coal, oil, natural gas and nuclear power are safety, reliability and affordability. In their analysis, they don’t consider or include many important factors, such as (1) large government subsidies supporting the fossil fuel and nuclear industry, (2) external costs society and individuals have to pay for health and environmental problems stemming from power plant pollution, including global warming, acid rain, cancer and respiratory problems resulting from particulate pollution, toxins and mercury and (3) the costs of our military to protect oil fields in the Middle East. In addition, they don’t consider the vulnerability we face from disruptions of energy supplies being shipped around the world, antiquated and overtaxed grid systems, future shortages due to increasing demand for finite resources, price volatility and price gouging or terrorism. Recent events show how vulnerable we are – from the blackouts on August 14th, 2003, that shut off power to the Eastern seaboard to bombings of oil refineries and pipelines in Saudi Arabia to skyrocketing natural gas and oil prices. We believe, when you weigh all the issues, using energy more wisely and obtaining our energy from a variety of clean, renewable energy resources located in our region is an energy system that is truly safe, reliable and affordable. After completing an inventory and assessment of the renewable energy resources in our region, we now know it is possible to create such a system for our region. For the purposes of this discussion, we are defining these concepts as follows. 5.8.1 Clean. Energy is being produced in a way that does the least amount of harm to the environment in terms of releasing pollution, including carbon dioxide. June 2005 37 5.8.2 Renewable. Energy is being provided by sources that are virtually inexhaustible when managed properly. 5.8.3 Safe. Energy technologies, production sites and transmission systems are not targets that would create widespread chaos if they were attacked or broke down; they are not too complex, big or dangerous to manage; they do not harm or threaten the current or future health of people, ecosystems and the planet. 5.8.4 Reliable. We can depend on getting energy and supplies when we need them, taking into consideration where they are located, how they are delivered, who controls them, if they will be subject to price volatility resulting from increasing global demand on diminishing finite resources; we can depend on the availability of required ancillary inputs, such as water. 5.8.5 Affordable. The actual cost of the energy resource is practical after full cost accounting methods are applied, i.e., subsidies are taken out and external environmental, health and security costs are factored in. SECTION 5.9 Renewable Energy Resources are Clean, Safe, Reliable and Affordable.20 5.9.1 Clean. Energy is being produced in a way that does the least amount of harm to the environment in terms of releasing damaging emissions, including carbon dioxide. Nonrenewable energy resources According to Power Scorecard, the generation of electric power from conventional power plants produces more pollution than any other single industry in the U.S. There are five major types of emissions from power plants, as shown below in column one. The second column shows the percentage of the emissions power plants contribute to total U.S. emissions for the category, and the third column indicates a few of the many health and environmental problems they cause. In addition to these emission impacts, power plants also use large quantities of water for cooling processes that can impact local water resource availability. 20 Power Scorecard. “Electricity and the Environment.” Retrieved from: January 2005. June 2005 38 Table 5: Power Plant Pollutant Emissions Pollutants Sulfur oxides – SOx Nitrogen oxide – NOx Particulates Carbon dioxide – CO2 Mercury % Attributable to Power Plants 67% 33% 33% 34% Environmental & Health Problems Acid rain and respiratory problems Smog, acid rain, depletion of the ozone layer particulates Acid raid, cancer, respiratory diseases and heart disease Global warming and climate change Nervous system damage in babies Coal-fired Plants are the dirtiest – generating 97 percent of the particle soot and sulfur dioxide emissions, 92 percent of NOx, 86 percent of carbon dioxide and almost 100 percent of mercury emissions coming from power plants. 21 According to the Union of Concerned Scientists, a 500 MW coal plant produces 3.5 billion kilowatt-hours per year, enough to power a city of about 140,000 people. It burns 1,430,000 tons of coal and uses 2.2 billion gallons of water and 146,000 tons of limestone. One 500 MW coal-fired plant gives off the following every year: • • • • • • • • • • • 10,000 tons of sulfur dioxide 10,200 tons of nitrogen oxide 3.7 million tons of carbon dioxide 500 tons of small particulates 220 tons of hydrocarbons 720 tons of carbon monoxide 125,000 tons of ash 193,000 tons of sludge from the smokestack scrubber 225 pounds of arsenic 114 pounds of lead 4 pounds of cadmium and many other toxic heavy metals, including mercury and trace elements of uranium 22 Table 6 shows how many tons/pounds of pollutants are being given off by the two coalfired power plants in the SE/SC CERT region and totals for Minnesota. 21 Clear the Air. 2002. Minnesota’s Dirty Power Plants. Retrieved from: on June 10, 2005. 22 Union of Concerned Scientists. 2000. “How Coal Works.” Retrieved from: on June 8, 2005. June 2005 39 Table 6: Pollution from Two Coal Plants in the SE/SC CERT Region & Minnesota23 2002 Tons SO2 Tons NOx Tons CO2 Lbs Mercury Rochester Silver Lake 882 224 111,668 4 Austin 2,001 407 186,060 Null All Minnesota 100,945 86,408 40,885,395 1,628 Nuclear power plants produce wastes that are among the most toxic substances known, and there is no way to store or safeguard them for two hundred and fifty thousand of years. Nuclear plants can release small amounts of airborne radioactive gases. Mining uranium contaminates local land and water resources with radioactive materials and poses radioactive contamination hazards for mine workers and nearby populations. In the enrichment process, large amounts of electricity are used, most of which is provided by coal-fired power plants, which release the above pollutants into the environment. Nuclear plants that rely upon water for cooling systems require two and a half times the amount of water used by a fossil fuel plant. Therefore, nuclear plants have substantial impacts on ecosystems and health – from mining to production. Natural gas is the cleanest of all the fossil fuels, however, it is not clean. On a per BTU basis, burning natural gas produces about half as much CO2 as coal, less particulate matter and very little sulfur dioxide or toxic air emissions. Burning natural gas also produces nitrogen oxides and carbon monoxides in quantities comparable to burning coal. Natural gas drilling and exploration can negatively impact the land and pollute nearby waters. Oil. When oil is burned to produce electricity, it pollutes the air, land and water with nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, particulates, carbon dioxide, methane and heavy metals, such as mercury, and volatile organic compounds. Drilling and refining oil produces a long list of pollutants that poison the air, land and water and threaten the health of workers, residents near the sites and ecosystems. Oil spill accidents during transportation can result in grave environmental damage to wildlife and ecosystems. 23 National Campaign Against Dirty Power, “Power Plant Air Pollution Calculator.” Retrieved from: on June 10, 2005. June 2005 40 Renewable energy resources Biomass. When biomass is burned, the two main emissions are particulates and NOx, depending on the type of biomass and technology being used. Carbon dioxide is also released, but if plants are grown sustainably, they will absorb CO2 to offset the amount of CO2 released when they are burned. Thus, there may be no overall contribution of greenhouse gases. However, unsustainable production of biomass crops would lead to the degradation of the soils, water resources, forests and other biotic communities. An example of the impact of unsustainable practices is the contribution of agricultural chemicals from farmlands throughout the Midwest to the “dead zone” in the Gulf of Mexico, via the Mississippi River. Open-looped geothermal systems could pollute the water in pond or well outlets. Closed loop systems are preferred. Landfills produce methane and give off methane, which is a greenhouse gas. Thus, it is better to capture and utilize the methane rather than simply release it into the environment. Manufacturing solar PV cells involves the generation of some hazardous materials, which can be handled and contained to protect the workers and environment. Wind power’s most controversial negative impacts are noise and the impact of early wind turbines on bird and bat populations. Some people object to having turbines sited near their property. The manufacture of wind generation technology also creates some air emissions. 5.9.2 Renewable. Energy is obtained from sources that are virtually inexhaustible when managed properly. By definition, oil, natural gas, coal and uranium for nuclear power are finite, nonrenewable resources. The world may never run out of them, but they will become too expensive to extract. Minnesota has none of these resources, so we must import them from long distances and at great expense. As global demand exceeds supplies in the years ahead, they will become more expensive and difficult to obtain on a regular basis or when needed at predictable prices. By definition, solar, wind, geothermal, sustainably produced biomass and biogas are all renewable resources. We have them in great abundance in our region and state. If managed properly, they will provide energy as long as life endures on this planet. June 2005 41 Energy systems can be developed to insure that our electricity needs can be met from a mix of these renewable energy resources, i.e., disperse wind generators at many sites to take advantage of where the wind might be blowing that day, mix wind with biomass plants or biogas facilities and so on. 5.9.3 Safe. Energy technologies, production sites and transmission systems are not targets that would create widespread chaos if they were attacked or broke down; they are not too complex, big or dangerous to manage; they do not harm or threaten the current or future health of people, ecosystems and the planet. Nonrenewable Resources Coal, oil and natural gas. As we have seen in the previous paragraphs, burning coal, oil, and natural gas pollute the environment, cause serious health problems for people and destabilize global ecological systems. Global warming is causing glaciers to melt, sea levels to rise, currents to become warmer, thousands of heat-related deaths, more frequent and violent storms, floods and drought cycles around the globe. In our opinion, these things alone make burning fossil fuels unsafe. There are also safety concerns regarding potential terrorist attacks along pipelines and at liquid natural gas terminals (discussed more in Section 5.9.4, Reliability). Nuclear waste is the most toxic substance known and there is no way to store it safely. In addition, nuclear plants in the U.S. and around the world are aging. Both nuclear power plants and nuclear waste facilities are targets for terrorists. Insurance companies in the U.S. have consistently refused to insure nuclear facilities. A major failure at a nuclear power plant and the release of massive quantities of radioactive materials would be a catastrophic accident that could injure or kill thousands of people, cause enormous environmental damage and create severe consequences for hundreds of thousands of years. The nuclear accidents at Three Mile Island and Chernobyl and several other serious malfunctions in nuclear plants around the world illustrate that these systems are not fail-safe. Big centralized power plants, elaborate transmission systems that carry power around the country and transportation systems that carry supplies to power plants and wastes away from power plants are very vulnerable to terrorist attacks or being shut down because of disruptions of various types including malfunctions, lack of fuel, water or other needed inputs. Renewable Resources, such as local, decentralized wind, solar, sustainably produced biomass and biogas, don’t cause global warming. They don’t require large June 2005 42 grid systems. They do not encourage terrorist attacks. They rely on a variety of local energy resources that can be managed such that they are dependable. They do not emit toxic chemicals or toxins that harm human health. 5.9.4 Reliable. We can depend on getting energy and supplies when we need them, taking into consideration where they are located, how they are delivered, who controls them, if they will be subject to price volatility resulting from increasing global demand on diminishing finite resources; we can depend on the availability of required ancillary inputs, such as water. Nonrenewable Resources Coal. The U.S. has 25 percent of known coal reserves and the largest share of the world’s recoverable coal. The former Soviet Union has 23 percent; China has 12 percent; Australia, India, Germany and South Africa combined have 29 percent. Within the U.S., supplies are evenly divided between low-sulfur coal in the West, mediumsulfur coal in the West and Appalachia and high-sulfur coal in the Midwest and Appalachia. Most bituminous coal comes from the Appalachian Basin and the Midwest, while western coals are mostly sub-bituminous. This means it takes almost twice as much western coal to provide the same amount of energy as coal from the East. Transportation of coal within the U.S. is primarily by barge and rail, and transportation costs comprise a high percentage of the cost of coal. Railroads have been increasing their rates to ship coal, and there are often not enough cars to transport coal within the U.S. Terrorists could attack rail lines, bridges, coal facilities and large coal-fired plants in the future, which would make both supplies and prices unstable. A 500 MW coal plant uses 2.2 billion gallons of water per year for cooling and steam production. Much of that can be recycled; however, the western states have been experiencing drought the last several years, which has impacted water availability. Droughts may impact Minnesota and affect Minnesota power plants in the future. Droughts in Canada and the Pacific Northwest curtailed production from hydroelectric plants. Minnesota buys 20 percent of its electricity from outside the state, and much of that comes from Manitoba Hydro in Canada. Natural Gas. Most of the natural gas used in the U.S. currently comes from domestic supplies and Canada and is transported through natural gas pipelines. These supplies are being depleted, and we will need to import increasing amounts of natural gas in the future from other sources. Seventy-five of the known reserves for natural gas are located in the Middle East, Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. Russia, Iran and Qatar have about 60 percent of the world’s natural gas supplies. Many of the world’s natural gas reserves are located in isolated pockets away from pipelines and June 2005 43 developed infrastructure; a further complication in the supply chain is the need to liquefy natural gas to transport it long distance. Qatar is setting up the facilities and infrastructure to produce and ship liquefied natural gas (LNG) from one city – Ras Laffan. The world currently doesn’t have enough ships built to transport large quantities of LNG, and Japan, Korea and Taiwan have made long-term lease arrangements for the few ships that are available. 24 In addition there are only four terminals in the U.S. that can accept LNG. According to the Department of Energy, “The major challenge regarding the future of LNG in the U.S. is not the availability of terminals (a need that is slowly being met), rather it is the reliability of supply.” 25 The plant in Qatar, freighters carrying LNG and ports where LNG is unloaded in the U.S. are all viable terrorist targets and demonstrate that reliable supplies could be shut down at one of several points. Oil. The U.S. imports more than 60 percent of our oil needs. In 2003, we imported approximately 11.1 million barrels of oil per day for a cost of over $200,000 per minute. In March 2005 US oil imports came from, in order of quantity, from Canada, Saudi Arabia, Venezuela, Mexico, Nigeria, Angola, Iraq, Russia, the United Kingdom, and Algeria. 26 In the future, as oil reserves are depleted around the world, more of the world’s oil supplies will become concentrated in the Middle East. Already five Persian Gulf nations control two-thirds of the world’s proven oil reserves, but as these nations gain an ever increasing share of the market and further concentrate oil resources, the chance of supply disruption also increases. 27 China has recently become the world’s second largest importer of oil and has been making long-term contracts around the world to buy oil in the future. Many people think that global oil production has peaked and from now on supplies will decrease as demand for oil increases. There is a shortage of refining capacity for oil in the U.S., which has put a strain on U.S. supplies of petroleum products. Prices for crude oil have doubled since 2001, which will negatively impact the economy at some point. When oil prices quadrupled in the 1970s, the U.S. experienced double-digit unemployment and double-digit inflation. Since January 2000, there have been 105 reported grid failures in the U.S.; 11 of those impacted more than half a million people, which indicates that electricity being sent through large complex grid systems is not all that reliable. We believe a more reliable system is based on smaller, decentralized distributed generation projects using local 24 Duffin, Murray. 2004. “The Energy Challenge 2004 -- Natural Gas.” Retrieved from: on June 10, 2005. 25 US Department of Energy: Energy Information Administration. 2004. “International Energy Outlook 2004.” Retrieved from: on June 10, 2005. 26 American Petroleum Institute. 2005. “Estimated Crude and Products Imports to the US from Leading Supplier Countries.” Retrieved from on June 14, 2005. 27 __. 2005. “The Real Trouble with Oil.” Economist. Vol. 375, No. 8424. April 30, 2005 – May 6, 2005. June 2005 44 renewable energy resources and located as near as possible to the people who are using it. 28 Renewable Resources Wind. Some people are concerned that the winds don’t blow all the time and there isn’t a good way to store the energy. In our area where the winds are good, wind is available at different speeds over 95 percent of the time. The annual rate of wind occurrence is now well understood at all areas of Southeast Minnesota. One day ahead wind occurrence can now be predicted for generation scheduling within 20 percent of actual generation, a similar accuracy used to predict current loads. 29 Along the wind turbine supply chain, steel can be a concern, as can transmission. Solar. The primary reliability concern with solar is that the sun doesn’t shine all the time. Biomass. If we don’t have enough rain or water for irrigation, we won’t be able to grow biomass. 5.9.5 Affordable. The actual cost of the energy resource is practical after full cost accounting methods are applied, i.e., subsidies are taken out and external environmental, health and security costs are factored in. External Costs. Some costs attributed to energy production are not paid for by utilities that produce or sell energy or their customers; thus, their per kilowatt hour cost does not reflect the “true” cost of doing business. Some examples of “external” costs of production not being paid by the utilities include human health problems caused by air pollution from burning coal and oil; damage to the land from coal mining and to the miners from black lung disease; environmental degradation and property damage caused by global warming, acid rain and water pollution; and national security costs, such as protecting foreign sources of oil in the Middle East. The chart below estimates the per kilowatt-hour external costs of select health and environmental impacts that utility companies do not pay. It does not include estimates from insurance companies for property damage caused by more frequent and intense storms attributable to global warming, which some believe were $55 billion in 2002, $60 billion in 2003 and over $100 billion in 2004. Nor does it include costs of approximately 28 Casten, Thomas R. and Brennan Downes, 2004. “Optimizing Power.” Retrieved from: on June 10, 2005. 29 Windlogics. June 2005 45 $60 billion a year to keep troops in the Middle East during peace time to protect our access to oil, the net $7 billion dollars spent for the 1991 Gulf War or the billions currently being spent on the war in Iraq – so far around $30 billion for deployment and $5 billion a month. 30 The external costs for solar photovoltaics and wind are quite small because their impact on the environment and health are negligible. The external costs for coal are the highest. External costs for nuclear, coal and natural gas would have been much higher if they had included government subsidies. We were not able to find a per kilowatthour charge that included this. Table 7: Costs of Electricity With and Without External Costs31 Electricity Generatin External Total g Source Costs Costs Costs (U.S. cents per kilowatt-hour) Coal/Lignite 4.3 - 4.8 Natural Gas (new) 3.4 - 5.0 Nuclear 10.0 - 14.0 Biomass 7.0 - 9.0 Hydropower 2.4 - 7.7 Photovoltaics 24 - 48 Wind 3 -5 2.3 - 16.9 1.1 - 4.5 0.2 - 0.8 0.2 - 3.4 0 - 1.1 0.7 0.1 - 0.3 6.6 - 21.7 4.5 - 9.5 10.2 - 14.8 7.2 - 12.4 2.4 - 8.8 24.7 - 48.7 3.1 - 5.3 Notes: Generating costs are for the U.S. and/or Europe. External costs are environmental and health costs for 15 counties in Europe and are converted to U.S. cents from eurocents at the 2003 average exchange rates of U.S. $ = 0.8854 Euros. Casten and Downes identified an additional external cost for electricity generation. They estimated power outage costs of 105 reported grid failures in the U.S. since January 2000 to be $80 billion to $123 billion a year, which adds 29 to 45 percent to the cost of U.S. power. 32 Government Subsidies, Research and Development, Tax Breaks, Liability Insurance. It is difficult to assess the true costs of different energy technologies because the oil, gas, 30 Lovins, Amory. 2003. U.S. Security Energy Facts. (p2). Retrieved from: 31 Sawin, Janet L. May 2004. "Mainstreaming Renewable Energy in the 21st Century." Worldwatch Institute. p 13. Retrieved from: 32 Casten, Thomas R. and Brennan Downes, 2004. “Optimizing Power.” Retrieved from: on June 10, 2005. June 2005 46 coal and nuclear industries are so heavily subsidized by government policies. These subsidies distort the global economy, artificially lower energy pric es and hold back the development of renewables. Many different sources cite different levels of subsidies and government spending on energy resources, but the common theme depicted in each of these studies is that energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies are not receiving the same level of support as their more conventional fossil fuel and nuclear counterparts. The following depict a few examples. R & D. According to the Green Scissors Campaign, the federal government spent $111.5 billion on energy research and development between 1948 and 1998. Sixty percent of this -- or $66 billion -- was spent on civilian nuclear energy research and 23 percent was directed to fossil fuel energy research. 33 Subsidies Globally. In a report called “The Price of Power”, the New Economics Foundation estimated that annual global fossil fuel subsidies (coal, oil and gas) were $235 billion a year. 34 U.S. Tax Breaks. In “Energy Subsidies: How Do Energy Subsidies Distort the Energy Market?” the authors found that from 1999-2003 the oil and gas industries received tax breaks of $11 billion. In a 1993 study called “Federal Energy Subsidies: Energy, Environmental, and Fiscal Impacts,” author Douglas N. Koplow reported that in 1989 subsidies to the energy sector were $36 billion -$21 billion to fossil fuels, $11 billion to nuclear, $1 billion to renewables, $1 billion to energy efficiency and $600 million to hydro. He said the pattern of federal subsidies in 1989 promoted poor energy policy for several reasons: “First, it represented a radical tilt toward energy supply and away from energy efficiency. End-use efficiency received only $1 worth of subsidies for every $35 received by energy supply. Second, this pattern favors mature, conventional energy resources – fossil fuels, fission-nuclear, and hydroelectric – by more than eight to one ($32.3 billion to $3.8 billion) over emerging energy resources such as solar or 33 Green Peace. 2001. “Bush-Cheney National Energy Policy Delivers Another Blow To Earth.” Retrieved from: on June 12, 2005. 34 New Economics Foundation. 2004. “The Price of Power.” Retrieved from: June 2005 47 wind technologies. It may be appropriate to subsidize emerging energy resources, but mature resources should stand the test of the market. When this test is applied to subsidies in 1989, the pattern appears to be almost completely backward. In other words, the mature, conventional energy sources received almost 90 percent of the subsidies. This pattern of subsidies also represents poor environmental policy because it encourages the use of polluting and environmentally -risky energy sources. Fifty-eight percent of all subsidies ($21.1 billion) directly promote the use of fossil fuels – over 18 times more than subsidizes efficiency and 23 times more than subsidizes emerging renewable technologies. Given the growing concern in this country about global warming, acid rain, and other fossil-fuel related pollution problems, this imbalance is unwarranted…” 35 In addition to these subsidies and targeted funding programs, the tax code also institutionalizes fuel preferences. One of the major cost differences between fossil fuel generation and fuel free wind and solar generation is the tax deduction for fuel consumed in generation. Natural gas now gets about 1.8cents/kwh tax deduction based on a typical Investor Owned Utility cost. This is a loss to Federal and state revenue that is permanent in the tax code. All of this is not to indicate that renewable energy technologies do not get subsidies. They do. Renewable energy technologies are, however, not as mature as their fossil fuel and nuclear counterparts. Liability Insurance. The Price-Anderson Act offers another massive subsidy for the nuclear industry by limiting the liability of the nuclear industry in case of a nuclear accident in the U.S. Not having to pay for liability insurance to cover the full costs of accidents saves the nuclear industry billions of dollars and distorts the “real” cost of nuclear power. Difference in Cost between Distributed Generation and Central Generation – Dollar Costs and Environmental Costs. In “Optimizing Power,” Casten and Downes evaluated the costs of generating projected U.S. load growth to 2020 with decentralized generation and centralized generation. They found that full reliance on decentralized generation would be 39 percent less expensive than centralized generation (avoiding $326 billion in 35 American Wind Energy Association. 2000. “Energy Subsidies: How do Energy Subsidies Distort the Energy Market.” Includes excerpts from the 1993 Alliance to Save Energy Report. Retrieved from: on June 10, 2005. June 2005 48 capital by 2020), reduce incremental power costs by 36 percent ($53 billion) and reduce emissions as follows: NOx by 58 percent, SO2 by 94 percent, CO2 by 49 percent and particulates by 43 percent. Power generated near the user avoids the costs of transmission and distribution systems and reduces line losses. 36 5.9.6 Difference in Costs Based on Efficiency of Technologies. The efficiency today in most power plants is approximately 33 percent. Thus, two-thirds of the input energy is being wasted. This is not cost -effective or efficient. Combined heat and power (CHP) achieve 65 to 95 percent net electrical efficiency by recycling normally wasted heat and by avoiding transmission and distribution losses. These systems that recover as much energy as possible from a given resource are far more affordable, and we believe that new generation in our area should strive to incorporate combined heat and power so as to reach these high efficiency levels. 36 Casten, Thomas R. and Brennan Downes, 2004. “Optimizing Power.” Retrieved from: on June 10, 2005. June 2005 49 SECTION 6 ENERGY USE IN MINNESOTA Graph 1: Minnesota Energy Sources Renewable 0.50% Hydro 3.60% Other 0.70% To gain a clear picture of how energy is being used in SE/SC Minnesota in different forms and by different sectors, it is Nuclear necessary to look at state energy data. Electric consumption 8.00% data was the only energy consumption data we could find Petroleum that separated information by county. Thus, we are 40.30% Coal including information about statewide energy use by 22.10% fuel type, cost, sector, and amount consumed in our report. Most of the data is for year 2000, but it still provides a reasonable baseline for energy usage. For Natural Gas reference purposes, in 2000 the cost of a barrel of oil 21.30% Wood fluctuated between $21 and $35 a barrel. In April 2005, the 3.50% cost of a barrel of oil is around $56 – more than double the $21 price. When reviewing the fuel costs through the rest of this section, please keep this cost increase in mind. SECTION 6.1 MN Energy Use in 2000 by Type, Amount, Cost and Percent of Energy Consumed. In 2000, Minnesotans used 1,688 trillion BTUs of energy for a cost of $12,223.5 million. This energy was derived from fuels as shown in Graph 1: Minnesota Energy Sources. More than 92 percent of the state’s fuel came from nonrenewable energy resources located outside the state. $6,722 million left the state to buy petroleum products; $1,954 million left the state to buy natural gas; $434 million left the state to buy coal; $43 million was used to buy wood and wood waste products; and almost $3,477 million left the state to buy 20 percent of the electricity used in the state. That works out to $2,485 per person in Minnesota that left the state to purchase energy in 2000, and this is before the rise in oil prices mentioned above. In 2000, the cost of a barrel of oil fluctuated between $21 and $35 a barrel. June 2005 50 Table 8: Minnesota Energy Use in 2000 by Fuel Type37 Fuel Type Consumed Amount Petroleum Natural Gas Coal Nuclear Fuel Wood & Waste Total Primary Other Renew Hydroelectric Electricity Less Fuel TOTAL 125,560,000 354.4 20,700,000 13.00 60.4 Barrels Billion Cu Ft Short Tons Billion KWH Trillion BTU 7.9 63.6 Trillion BTU Trillion BTU Trillion BTU Trillion BTU 680.30 359.70 373.80 135.20 60.40 1,609.40 7.90 63.60 % 40.3 21.3 22.1 8.0 3.5 Cost Million $ 6,722.00 1,954.00 434.00 60.00 43.00 9,213.00 1,688.00 .5 3.6 3,477.00 -499.00 12,223.5 SECTION 6.2 MN Energy Use in 2000 by Sector Graph 2: Minnesota Energy Use by Sector Industrial 36.00% Graph 2 shows how much energy was used by each sector in Minnesota in 2000, the percentage of state energy Residential consumption, and the cost. Types of fuel, costs, and 20.00% percentages of use by sector in Minnesota in 2000 are described in subsequent sections as follows: Residential, Section 7.4; Transportation, Section 7.5, Commercial, Section 7.6; Industrial, Section 7.7. Transportation 31.00% Commercial 13.00% Table 9: MN Energy Use by Sector (2000)38 Sector Cost Million $ Residential Commercial Industrial Transportation TOTAL 2,683.70 1,447.40 2,543.20 5,549.20 12,223.50 Energy Used Per Cent Trillion BTU Energy Used 345.70 221.20 603.80 517.30 1,688.00 20 13 36 31 100 37 US DOE: Energy Information Administration: Note: Totals don’t add up due to rounding; costs for fuels used to generate electricity were subtracted (-499) so they wouldn’t be counted twice. 38 US Department of Energy: Energy Information Administration: June 2005 51 SECTION 6.3 MN Energy Use in 2000 for Petroleum, Natural Gas and Electricity. It’s important to focus on three aspects of our state energy picture: petroleum, natural gas and electricity (Graph 3). Graph 3: Comparative Use of Energy by Sector 100% 90% 80% 70% Petroleum 60% 50% Residential Transportation Industrial Electricity Loss Electricity Natural Gas Petroleum Electricity Loss Electricity 0% Natural Gas Petroleum Natural Gas Electricity Loss 10% Electricity 20% Petroleum 30% Natural Gas 40% Commercial 6.3.1 Petroleum. Forty percent of the energy consumed in Minnesota in 2000 was derived from imported crude oil and petroleum products for a cost of $6.7 billion. Minnesota petroleum use contributed to end sector energy consumption broke out as follows: 96 percent of the energy used for transportation; 22 percent for industrial; 10 percent for residential; and 4.6 percent for commercial. Almost 14.5 million gallons of petroleum products (344,000 barrels) were used in Minnesota EACH DAY in the year 2000, as follows, totaling over five billion gallons per year. Table 10: Petroleum Products Used in Minnesota39 BARRELS/ Day MOTOR GASOLINE DISTILLAGE FUEL JET FUEL RESIDUAL FUEL LPG ALL OTHER TOTAL 39 167,000 69,000 36,000 3,000 27,000 42,000 344,000 GALLONS/ Day 7,014,000 2,898,000 1,512,000 126,000 1,134,000 1,764,000 14,448,000 BARRELS/ Year 60,955,000 25,185,000 13,140,000 1,095,000 9,855,000 15,330,000 125,560,000 GALLONS/ Year 2,560,110,000 1,057,770,000 551,880,000 45,990,000 413,910,000 643,860,000 5,273,520,000 US Department of Energy: Energy Information Administration: June 2005 52 6.3.2 Natural Gas. Natural gas accounted for 21.3 percent of the energy used in Minnesota in 2000. In the same year it contributed to end sector energy use in Minnesota as follows: commercial (43 percent;), residential (38 percent), industrial (17 percent) and transportation (4 percent). 6.3.3 Electricity. In 2000, Minnesota used approximately 60 million MWh of electricity. Eighty percent of the electricity used in the state was being generated within the state, while 20 percent had to be purchased from outside the state for a cost of almost $3.5 billion. In 2001, Minnesota’s electrical mix was being generated from the following sources: 66 percent coal, 24 percent nuclear, 3 percent renewables, 2 percent hydroelectric, 2 percent natural gas, 3 percent other. Over 92 percent of the electricity was being produced with nonrenewable resources from outside the state. The other 8 percent was being generated with renewable energy resources, including hydroelectric energy generated at Manitoba Hydro in Canada and various renewable energy projects around the state. Projected Growth Rates in Electrical Consumption. In the CAPX 2020 Report, the following electricity generating companies operating in Minnesota predicted the following annual growth rates in electricity consumption: Alliant Energy (1.6 percent), Xcel Energy (2.68 percent), MN Power (1.7 percent), SMMPA/RPU (2.7 percent), Great River Energy (3.05 percent), Otter Tail Power (2.7 percent) and Dairyland Power Coop (2.6 percent), for an average annual increase of 2.49 percent. 40 Minnesota Electricity Rates in 2000 by sector were as follows. Electricity prices are different for different sectors because of volume of purchases, length of contracts, time of usage and other service options. Table 11: Minnesota Electricity Rates in 2000 by Sector 41 Residential Commercial Industrial Average Cents/kWh Lowest Cents/kWh Highest Cents/kWh U.S. Average Cents/kWh 7.5 6.4 4.6 4.4 3.7 2.7 14.3 8.7 7.8 8.2 7.4 4.6 40 (CapX 2020) Capital Expenditures by the Year 2020. A Vision for Transmission Infrastructure Investments for Minnesota. p.12. Retrieved from: on May 27, 2005. 41 US Department of Energy: Energy Information Administration. 2001. “Prices and Expenditures.” Retrieved from: on June 12, 2005. June 2005 53 Percentage of Minnesota’s Electricity Coming from Renewable Resources in 2003 and the Potential for Renewable Energy to Provide for 17 Times Our Needs for Electricity in the Future. According to Mike Bull from the Minnesota Department of Commerce Renewable Energy Division, renewables provided 11 percent of Minnesota’s electricity in 2003. This renewable energy came from: hydro (74.1 percent - mostly from Manitoba Hydro in Canada), wind (11.4 percent ), biomass (3.2 percent), RDF (garbage) (11 percent) and other (0.3 percent). 42 The Union of Concerned Scientists estimates that Minnesota has the capability of producing more than 17 times the electricity used in 2001 from renewable energy resources, as follows: Table 12: Minnesota’s Renewable Energy Potential43 % of 2001 (billion Resource Electricity kWh) Sales Wind 991.3 1,644% Solar PV 55.3 92% Bioenergy 30.3 50% Landfill Gas 0.3 1% TOTAL 1,077.2 1,787% Minnesota’s Renewable Electricity Programs. Several state programs are fostering the development of renewable energy projects to produce an increasing amount of the state’s electricity. These include a 10 percent Renewable Energy Objective by 2015, green pricing programs, net metering, solar and wind incentives and Xcel’s renewable energy mandate. All of these programs are described briefly below. Minnesota 10 Percent Renewable Energy Objective by 2015. Minnesota Statute requires that each electric utility make a good faith effort to generate or procure sufficient renewable energy such that one percent of the utility’s total retail electric sales is generated by eligible renewable energy technologies. This percentage then increases one percent per year until 2015 when utilities are required to make a good faith effort to have a 10 percent renewable energy mix. 44 42 Bull, Mike. 2005. “Minnesota: America’s Renewable Energy Capitol.” February 2005, Renewable Energy in the Upper Midwest, Grand Forks ND, p.5. 43 Union of Concerned Scientists. 2003. “Renewing Minnesota.” Retrieved from in September 2004. 44 Minnesota Statutes 2004. Chapter 216B. Retrieved from on May 27, 2005. June 2005 54 Eligible technologies include solar, wind, hydroelectric with a capacity of less than 60 MW, hydrogen (provided that after January 1, 2010, the hydrogen is generated from solar, wind or small hydro) or biomass. 45 Green Pricing Programs. All power companies are now providing an optional service called green pricing, wh ich allows customers to pay a small premium to purchase electricity generated from clean, renewable ("green") energy sources. The premium covers the increased costs incurred by the power provider when adding renewable energy to its power generation mix. We encourage readers to contact their local utility for more specific information about each utility’s green pricing program. Xcel Mandate. Xcel Energy, as an electric utility owning a nuclear generation facility in Minnesota, is required to generate or purchase electricity from renewable resources to account for one percent of its total retail sales by 2005. This required percentage of renewables will then increase by one percent per year until 2015, when it is required to have 10 percent of total retail sales. Beyond this standard for percent of retail sales, Xcel Energy, as a nuclear power generation utility, is also required to deploy an additional 1,125 MW of wind. The last 300 MW of this mandate must be installed by 2010 and require that 100 MW of this mandate be fulfilled via wind projects with nameplate capacities of 2 MW or less. Xcel Energy is also mandated to deploy 125 MW of installed biomass capacity.46 In addition, Xcel Energy created the Renewable Development Fund (RDF) in May 1999 as an outcome of 1994 Minnesota legislation concerning spent fuel storage at the Prairie Island nuclear power plant. 47 In May 2003, Minnesota extended nuclear wast e storage at Xcel Energy's Prairie Island plant, and increased the amount Xcel must pay toward the development of renewable-energy sources. As a result, Xcel now must pay $16 million into the RDF annually, for as long as the Prairie Island plant is in operation. (Prior to this legislation, Xcel was required to contribute $8.5 million each year). The 2003 legislation mandates that up to $6 million annually must be allocated to fund renewable-energy production incentives. Of this annual amount, $4,500,000 will fund production incentives for wind energy, and approximately $1,500,000 will fund production incentives for eligible on-farm biogas recovery facilities. 48 45 Ibid. Ibid. 47 This information was taken from the Database of State Incentives for Renewable Energy (DSIRE). For more information, please visit: Retrieved June 13, 2005. 48 Ibid. 46 June 2005 55 In 2001 the Xcel Energy RDF program selected a total of 19 research projects, during two phases, to receive nearly $16 million in funding. 49 In August 2004, 25 proposed renewable-energy projects featuring hydroelectric, biomass, wind, solar and biofuel technologies were selected by the Renewable Development Board to receive more than $22 million in funding; all selected projects are subject to final approval by the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission. 50 During the 2003 Minnesota Legislative Session the University of Minnesota Initiative for Renewable Energy and the Environment (IREE) was awarded $10 million dollars from Xcel Energy’s Renewable Development Fund. They were also awarded 5% of Xcel’s CIP obligation annually for the next five years (estimated at $1.7 - $2.0 million dollars each year). 51 Small Wind Production Incentive: 1.5 cents/kWh for 200 MW wind. In 1996, the State of Minnesota passed an incentive that paid the owners of small wind generators (under 2 MW) 1.5 cents per kWh sold to a utility. This incentive had a 100 MW cap on it. This cap was reached in 2002. In 2003, the legislature funded another 100 MW from Xcel Energy’s Renewable Development Fund (RDF). This additional 100 MW was fully subscribed by November 2003. The legislation stated that the generators had to be on-line within 18 months of listing with the state “queue” of projects eligible to receive the state incentive. Most of the projects in the second 100 MW didn’t get built during the allotted time. In May 2005, the state legislature amended the rules of the Small Wind Production Incentive so that projects that missed their deadline, as well as projects that joined the queue after the second 200 MW was subscribed, could receive 1-cent/kWh. This is only true for projects that entered the queue before the end of 2004. Future expansion of this program appears unlikely as of May 2005. Renewable Incentives – Rebates, Tax Credits, Sales Tax Waivers, etc. There are numerous incentives available for renewable energy and energy efficiency projects. For the most current information on these incentives, we recommend that readers visit the 49 Ibid. Ibid. 51 For more information, visit: Retrieved June 13, 2005. 50 June 2005 56 Database of State Incentives for Renewable Energy ( A summary of a few of the incentives as of May 2005 include: 52 § § § § § § § § § § Federal Production Tax Incentive $0.015/kWh tax incentive adjusted for inflation (currently $0.018/kWh) Accelerated depreciation LCMR Community wind rebates (2 active @ $150,000; 2 anticipated @ $200,000) Net metering (retail & average retail rates) for sub 40 kW systems Low-interest loan programs available to farmers developing renewable energy projects through the MN Department of Agriculture's Rural Finance Authority State sales tax exemption (Wind & Photovoltaics) State property tax exemption State production tax exemption for projects sited in Job Opportunity Building Zones (JOBZ) USDA 9006 funding (competitive) - $23 million FY04; MN has been successful at receiving significant portion in both years offered USDA Value Added Grant Program - $13.2 million FY04 Programs to Encourage Conservation or Using Energy More Efficiently and Productively are located in Section 8.2. These include utility Conservation Improvement Programs (CIP), Energy Service Companies (ESCOs) and Green Mortgages. Minnesota’s Sustainable Building Guidelines, also referred to as Buildings, Benchmarks and Beyond (B3) encourage greater efficiency by requiring publicly funded buildings to exceed the existing energy efficiency guidelines by 30 percent. 53 52 Minnesota Department of Commerce. 2004. “Minnesota’s Leadership in Renewable Energy.” Retrieved from: omplete-NoH1-13.pdf on May 27, 2005. 53 Center for Sustainable Building Research. 2004. “The State of Minnesota Sustainable Building Guidelines.” Retrieved from: on May 2, 2005. June 2005 57 SECTION 7 ENERGY USE IN SE/SC CERT AREA Other than records for electricity consumption, the Minnesota Department of Commerce and federal Department of Energy don’t keep statistics on energy use by sector (residential, commercial, industrial, and transportation) by county. This has made it difficult to obtain accurate figures or even estimate total energy use in the region. For reference purposes, the SE/SC CERT 15-county region comprises approximately 12 percent of the population of the state, as well as approximately 12 percent of the households in the state, and 9.1 percent of the landmass of the state. This section includes information on energy users, power providers, electricity production and use in the region, Minnesota fuel usage by sector in 2000 and estimates, where possible, on how much energy is being used in the region by sector and fuel type. Section 7.1 Largest Energy Users A chart listing the major fuel users in the region and the amounts of various fuels they used in 2001 is located in the Appendix, Chart 8. The largest users of natural gas, fuel oil, coal and coke are listed below, along with the largest consumers of all forms of energy overall. Natural Gas The largest users of natural gas (over 100,000 million BTUs) were ADM and CHS Oilseed Processing (Mankato), Al-Corn Clean Fuel (Claremont), McNeilus Truck & Mfg (Dodge Center), Corn Plus (Winnebago), Pro-Corn LLC (Preston), Agra Resources Coop dba EXOL (Albert Lea), Land O’Lakes (Pine Island), ADM (Red Wing), Dairy Farmers of America, Inc (Zumbrota), Unimin Minnesota Corp. (Kasota), Le Sueur, Inc (Le Sueur), Unimim Minnesota Corp. (Le Sueur), Austin Utilities NE Power Station and Hormel Foods Corp (Austin), Associated Milk Producers, Crenlo Inc Plant 2, IBM, Mayo Medical Center Quest International, Rochester Public Utilities Silver Lake Plant, Seneca Food Corp (Rochester), Carleton College and Malt-O-Meal Plant 2 (Northfield), Crown Cork & Seal and Owatonna Public Utilities (Owatonna), Federal Mogul Corp Powertrain Systems and Lakeside Foods (Plainview), Brown Printing Company (Waseca) and Froedtert Malt (Winona). Fuel Oil The largest users of fuel oil (over 100,000 million BTUs) were CHS Oilseed Processing (Mankato), ADM (Red Wing), Hormel Foods (Austin), Associated Milk Producers, Mayo Medical Center (Rochester) and Minnesota Correctional Facilities (Faribault). June 2005 58 Coal and Coke The largest users of coal and coke (over 100,000 million BTUs) were ADM (Mankato) USG Interiors (Red Wing), Austin Utilities NE Power Station (Austin) and Rochester Public Utilities Silver Lake Plant (Rochester). Overall Fuel Users Overall, the entities that used the most natural gas, coal, coke and fuel oil in our area (over 500,000 million BTUs) were ADM and CHS Oilseed Processing (Mankato), AlCorn Clean Fuel (Claremont), Corn Plus (Winnebago), Pro-Corn LLC (Preston), Agra Resources (Albert Lea), USG Interiors (Red Wing), Austin Utilities NE Power Station and Hormel Foods (Austin), Mayo Medical Center and Rochester Public Utilities Silver Lake Plant (Rochester). 54 Section 7.2 Natural Gas Providers. The following companies are providing natural gas in our area: Center Point Energy (Minnegasco), Aquila Networks (People’s), Alliant Energy, Xcel Energy, Greater Minnesota Gas Company, Owatonna Public Utilities and Alliant Energy. They are listed in the Appendix on Chart 9, along with the electricity providers. Section 7.3 Electricity 7.3.1 Regional and County Consumption of Electricity. In 2000, 6,319,734 MWH of electricity were consumed in the SE/SC region. The county breakouts with percentages consumed by county are shown below. Blue Earth and Olmsted Counties combine to account for 33 percent of the electricity consumed in the region in 2000. 54 “Major Fuel Users and Amount of Fuel Used in 2001” by Shalini Gupta, ME3. June 2005 59 Table 13: Electric Consumption per County in the SE/SC CERT Region and Percent of Total Consumption 200055 County BLUE EARTH DODGE FARIBAULT FILLMORE FREEBORN GOODHUE HOUSTON LE SUEUR MOWER OLMSTED RICE STEELE WABASHA WASECA WINONA TOTAL MWH % Region 723,929 11.46% 148,264 2.35% 225,267 3.56% 148,002 2.34% 409,980 6.49% 489,413 7.74% 146,215 2.31% 270,334 4.28% 394,730 6.25% 1,372,514 21.72% 588,238 9.31% 430,218 6.81% 221,536 3.51% 224,953 3.56% 526,141 8.33% 6,319,734 100.00% 7.3.2 Major Companies that Generate, Transmit and Distribute Electricity. Electric utilities in Minnesota are owned and operated by investors (IOUs), cooperatives (coops), municipalities (munis) and/or non-utility companies. Different entities generate, transmit and distribute electricity. Distribution to end-users is provided by each utility category as follows: IOUs (37 percent), co-ops (24 percent) and municipal utilities (39 percent). The major energy players in our region are the following: 55 • Six Wholesalers: Dairyland Power Cooperative (DPC), Great River Energy (GRE), Southern Minnesota Municipal Power Agency (SMMPA), Alliant Energy, Xcel Energy and Central Minnesota Municipal Power Agency (CMMPA). • Four Generating and Transmission Organizations: Southern Minnesota Municipal Power Agency (SMMPA) , Dairyland Power Cooperative, Great River Energy and Central Minnesota Municipal Power Agency (CMMPA). Minnesota Department of Commerce, 2000. The 2000 Minnesota Utility Data Book. June 2005 60 • Six Utilities that Own Transmission Facilities: Great River Energy, Dairyland Power Cooperative, Interstate Power and Light Company, Rochester Public Utilities, SMMPA and Excel Energy. • Twenty-seven Munis: (16 Non-SMMPA, including CMMPA): Blue Earth, Caledonia, Eitzen, Harmony, Janesville, Kasota, Kasson, Kenyon, Lake Crystal, Lanesboro, LeSueur, Mabel, Rushford, Spring Grove, St. Charles, Whalen. (11 SMMPA): Austin, Blooming Prairie, Lake City, New Prague, Owatonna, Preston, Rochester, Spring Valley, St. Peter, Waseca, Wells. • Eight Co-ops: Freeborn Mower, Peoples, Tri-County Electric, BENCO, Goodhue, Minnesota Valley, Steele-Waseca, and Dakota. • Two IOUs: Alliant, Xcel. Chart 10 in the Appendix shows the regional power provider’ service territories. Chart 11 in the Appendix shows how much electricity the municipalities and cooperatives in the region are providing to various customers by sector, i.e., industrial, commercial, farm, non-farm residential, and number of customers in each category. We were not able to find out this information for the 37 percent of the electricity being distributed by IOUs in the region. 7.3.3 Power Plants in the Region: Coal, Nuclear, Natural Gas, Gas and Oil. Power generators located in the SE/SC CERT region are located at Montgomery, Austin, Blue Earth, Janesville, Kenyon, Lake Crystal, Lanesboro, Rochester, Blooming Prairie, New Prague, Owatonna, Preston, Spring Valley, Waseca, Wells, Key City, Prairie Island, Red Wing, West Faribault, Dexter and Mankato. Chart 12 of the Appendix lists the names of the power facilities located in the region, along with fuel source, type of generator, nameplate capacity and year the facility was built. The SE/SC CERT region has two of the state’s coal-fired power plants: Austin Utilities Northeast Plant in Austin and the Rochester Public Utility Silver Lake Plant in Rochester. The Prairie Island Nuclear Plant is located near Red Wing. 7.3.4 Renewable Energy Facilities and Projects in the Region. A chart listing the renewable energy projects identified in the region as of June 2004, including solar homes and smaller wind generators, is in the Appendix in Chart 13. The region has three hydroelectric dams at Lanesboro, Lake Zumbro and Mankato, three Waste-ToEnergy projects at Rochester, Red Wing and Mankato, Waste Water Treatment Plants at Rochester and Owatonna that collect and utilize their own biogas for both heat and electric resources and several larger wind turbines and wind farms at Dodge Center, June 2005 61 Adams, Rochester, Northfield and Owatonna. There are two large geothermal facilities: the school at Grand Meadow and the correctional facility in Steele County. 7.3.5 Plans to Build or Expand Area Power Plants and Larger Wind Farms. Plans for building or expanding new power plants or undertaking serious energy conservation/efficiency programs in our region that we could identify as of May 2005 include: • • • • • • • Faribault Energy Park, LLC proposes to build, own and operate a 250 MW combined-cycle, natural gas fired plant 2.5 miles north of Faribault, Rice County. Mankato, Calpine Project plans to install two 320 MW natural gas fueled combustion turbines. Cannon Falls, Invenergy, a power plant developer from Chicago, has a contract with Xcel Energy to deliver 350 MW of peak power from a natural gas-fired power plant. Rochester’s Silver Lake Plant has increased its capacity utilization significantly as natural gas prices have escalated. Its energy output up to its 100 MW capacity is wholesaled to the Minnesota Municipal Power Association for use by ring suburbs on the south side of the Twin Cities. The MMPA contract is being stepped down to free up capacity for Mayo steam sales and future local utilization of Silver Lake Power Plant generated power. In May 2005 we learned about a proposal from Simon Industries to locate a 325 MW natural gas peaking plant for Blooming Grove Township in Waseca County. The Olmsted County Waste to Energy facility announced in May 2005 that it would be adding a third boiler and doubling its operation. Rochester Public Utilities (RPU) is planning its energy resources for the next thirty years, 2005 - 2034. It hired Burns & McDonnell as consultants to identify the lowest cost and optimal way to meet the energy and power needs of RPU’s customers. Burns & McDonnell concluded that the energy mix that created both the lowest customer bills and the lowest customer rates was an intensive focus on energy efficiency and load management. Burns & McDonnell recommended that RPU’s various customer classes save $577 million worth of electricity over the next thirty years. By doing so, they would delay the construction of two natural gas combustion turbines by two years and the construction of a coal-fired baseload power plant by five years. In addition, the baseload plant would only need to be half the size that it would be without an intensive energy efficiency effort. 56 56 Rochester Public Utilities. 2005. “Discussion of Phase II and Phase III, RPU Public Meeting, March 29, 2005.” Retrieved from: on June 10, 2005. June 2005 62 • Additional wind projects being discussed for the SE/SC Region include a minimum of 400 MW from Zilkha Wind Energy and 500 MW from another developer for Mower County, 80 MW for the Northfield area, a 100 MW project in Steele County, a 100 MW project in Goodhue County, a 40 MW project in Olmsted County and another 100 MW of distributed projects across the region – for a total of 1,320 MW. 7.3.6 Transmission Lines and Substations. The region’s transmission system consists of 345 kV, 161 kV, 115 kV and 69 kV lines (Chart 14 in the Appendix). According to the 2003 MN Biennial Transmission Projects Report: The 345 kV system is used to import power to the SE Planning Zone for lower voltage load service from generation stations outside of the area. The 345 kV system also allows the seasonal and economic exchange of power from Minnesota to the east and south from large generations stations that are located within and outside of the zone. The 161 kV and 115 kV systems are used to carry power from the 345 kV system and from local generation sites to the major load centers within the zone. From the regional load centers and smaller local generation sites, 69 kV lines are used for load service to the outlying areas of the SE Planning Zone. 57 A list of approximately 159 substations located on 69kV transmission lines in our region by county is in the Appendix, Chart 15. This list will be helpful in locating potential sites of distributed generation renewable energy projects that might be connected to the grid at or near these substations. 57 Rochester Public Utilities. 2003. “2003 MN Biennial Transmission Projects Report,” p. 131-132. Retrieved from: June 2005 63 Section 7.4 Residential Energy Use Energy use in homes generally breaks out as follows: § § § § 44 percent heating and cooling 33 percent lighting 14 percent hot water heating 9 percent refrigeration Graph 4: Sources of Residential Energy Use Wood 2.00% Renewable 0.15% Petroleum 9.99% Electricity Loss 31.95% The following chart shows the different types, amounts and costs of residential energy use in Minnesota in 2000. The numbers of households in the 15-county SE/SC CERT area comprise approximately 12 percent of the state totals. Thus, to obtain estimates of total residential energy use in our area by fuel type, we took 12 percent of the state totals residential energy use (Table 14). Natural Gas 37.9% Electricity 17.97% for Table 14: Residential Ener gy Use in Minnesota (2000)58 Residential Residential SE Region Residential Residential Quantity Amount Residential Trillion Million $ Amount BTU (12% of state) FUEL TYPE Coal Natural Gas Distillate Fuel Kerosene LPG Total Petroleum Wood Geothermal Solar Electricity Elect Losses TOTAL 58 Short Ton Billion Cu Ft Barrels Barrels Barrels Barrels SE Region Residential Million $ (12% of state) 1000 120 2,260,000 33,000 5,436,000 7,730,000 15.48 271,200 3960 652,320 927,480 131.4 13.2 0.2 19.6 33.0 923.2 116.8 1.8 230.3 348.9 110.78 14.02 0.22 27.64 41.87 Cords 409,000 49,080 11.5 1.38 Million KWH Million KWH 18,629.0 2,235.48 8.2 0.2 0.3 63.6 1,400.1 168.01 2,683.7 322.04 31,941.0 109.0 345.7 US Department of Energy: Energy Information Administration. Retrieved from: /. June 2005 64 Section 7.5 Transportation Sector Graph 5: Sources of Transportation Energy Natural Gas 4.00% This table below shows how much energy, what kind of energy and the total costs of that energy that were used in Minnesota transportation in 2000. Petroleum products accounted for 96 percent of fuels used in the transportation sector, with mot or gas use at 61 percent, followed by distillate fuel use at 19 percent and jet fuel use at 15 percent. Petroleum 96.00% Table 15: Transportation Energy Use in Minnesota (2000)59 Transportation Transport Transport Transport Quantity Amount Trillion Per Cent Million $ BTU FUEL TYPE Natural Gas Billion Cu Ft 21.00 21.40 4% (s) Aviation Gas 1,000 Barrels 136.00 0.70 .1% 7.2 Distillate Fuel 1,000 Barrels 17,191.00 100.10 19% 1,093.2 Jet Fuel 1,000 Barrels 13,301.00 75.40 15% 492.2 Lubricants 1,000 Barrels 831.00 5.00 1% 90.6 Motor Gas 1,000 Barrels 60,074.00 313.00 61% 3,857.8 Residual Fuel 1,000 Barrels 270.00 1.70 .3% 7.8 LPG 1,000 Barrels 7.00 (s) 0.3 Total 1,000 Barrels 91,809.00 496.00 96% 5,549.1 Petroleum Ethanol 1,000 Barrels 5,589.00 19.80 4% ** TOTAL 517.30 5,549.2 **The ethanol was blended into gasoline, so the cost is not figured separately. (s) value less than .05 million nominal dollars. There were 578,027 registered vehicles in the SE/SC CERT area in 2003. These vehicles included the following: 361,024 passenger cars, 154,376 pickup trucks, 1,720 buses, 59 US Department of Energy: Energy Information Administration. Retrieved from: June 2005 65 26,571 other trucks, 22,651 motorcycles, 5,378 recreational vehicles, 1,372 mopeds and 4,575 other vehicles. 60 According to the Energy Information Annual Energy Review 2002, in 2001 passenger cars used an average of approximately 547 gallons of gasoline per year; vans, pickup trucks and sport utility vehicles used on average 633 gallons per year; trucks used on average 4,491 gallons per year; and miscellaneous vehicles combined together used 692 gallons per year. 61 Using these figures and the data on registered vehicles, we calculated that fuel uses in our region for VEHICLES ONLY totaled almost 416 million gallons of liquid fuel in 2003. If the category “other trucks and buses” can be assumed to be diesel fuel, the region used approximately 122 million gallons of diesel and 294 million gallons of gasoline. None of these figures include oil for lubrication, etc. We were not able to estimate fuel figures for airplanes, trains, barges or other forms of transportation for our region. 60 Minnesota Department of Safety. Transportation Roadway Data Section Retrieved from: . 61 US Department of Energy: Energy Information Administration. 2002. “Annual Energy Review.” p.61. June 2005 66 Section 7.6 Commercial Energy Use Graph 6: Sources of Commercial Energy in Minnesota Wood 0.50% Coal 0.05% Petroleum 4.59% Commercial energy is the energy used in hospitals, schools, offices and the service sector. Data on commercial energy use in Minnesota in 2000 is listed below. As you can see in Electricity Loss Table 17, the commercial sector used primarily electricity 32.95% and natural gas. We were not able to estimate Natural Gas 42.94% commercial energy use for the SE/SC region at this time. Commercial use of electricity being provided by the coops and munis in our region (67 percent of the electricity) are shown on Chart 11 in the Appendix. One of the largest Electricity 18.97% users of energy in our area is a commercial user: the Mayo Clinic. Our region has approximately 20 hospitals and 300 schools that fall under this sector. June 2005 67 Table 16: Commercial Energy used in Minnesota (2000)62 Commercial Commercial Commercial FUEL TYPE Quantity Amount Trillion BTU Coal 1,000 Short 5.0 0.1 Tons Natural Gas Billion Cu Feet 95.0 96.0 Distillate Fuel 1,000 Barrels 875.0 5.1 Kerosene 1,000 Barrels 55.0 0.3 LPG 1,000 Barrels 959.0 3.5 Lubricants 1,000 Barrels Motor 1,000 Barrels 50.0 0.3 Gasoline Residual Fuel 1,000 Barrels 167.0 1.0 Other 1,000 Barrels Total 1,000 Barrels 2,106.0 10.2 Petroleum Wood 1,000 Cords 50.0 1.0 Hydroelectric Million KWH Geothermal 0.0 Other Electricity Million KWH 12,311.0 42.0 Net Energy 149.2 Elect Losses Million KWH 21,107.0 72.0 TOTAL 221.2 Per Cent Commercial Million $ .05% 0.1 43.00% 2.00% .10% 1.60% 566.2 37.0 2.9 40.9 .10% 3.2 .50% 4.4 4.60% 88.2 .50% 1.4 19.00% 67.00% 33.00% 791.5 1,447.4 62 US Department of Energy: Energy Information Administration. Table 3. Commercial Sector Energy Price and Expenditure Estimates, 1970-2001, Minnesota. Retrieved from: June 2005 68 SECTION 7.7 Industrial Energy Use Graph 7: Sources of Industrial Energy in Minnesota Hydro 0.50% Other 1.20% Industrial energy is the energy used by manufacturing and Coal agriculture. The types, amounts and costs of energy being Wood 7.02% Petroleum used by the industrial sector in Minnesota in 2000 are 8.02% 22.07% shown in the chart below. Electricity (16 percent), petroleum (22 percent) and natural gas (17 percent) are the main energy sources for this sector. The estimates for Natural Gas Electricity Loss energy use in our region for agriculture and livestock 17.05% 28.08% production and some agricultural processing follow. We were not able to estimate the amount of energy by type Electricity used for manufacturing in our region. The amount of 16.05% electricity being supplied by the coops and munis to industrial users (67 percent of the electricity being used in the area) is shown on Chart 11 in the Appendix. The largest energy users in our area, most of which are industrial users, are listed on Chart 6 in the Appendix. June 2005 69 Table 17: Industrial Energy Use in Minnesota (2000)63 Industrial Industrial Industrial FUEL TYPE Quantity Amount Trillion BTU Coal 1,000 Short 2,091.0 40.4 Tons Natural Gas Billion Cu Feet 104.0 105.5 Asphalt/Road 1,000 Barrels 7,420.0 49.2 Distillate Fuel 1,000 Barrels 4,784.0 27.9 Kerosene 1,000 Barrels 4.0 LPG 1,000 Barrels 3,442.0 12.4 Lubricants 1,000 Barrels 338.0 2.0 Motor 1,000 Barrels 996.0 5.2 Gasoline Residual Fuel 1,000 Barrels 522.0 3.3 Other 1,000 Barrels 5,557.0 33.3 Total 1,000 Barrels 23,062.0 133.4 Petroleum Wood 1,000 Cords 47.0 Hydroelectric Million KWH 296.0 3.0 Geothermal Other 7.4 Electricity Million KWH 28,842.0 98.4 Net Energy 435.0 Elect Losses Million KWH 49,451 168.7 TOTAL 603.8 Percent Industrial Million $ 7.0% 63.7 17.0% 8.0% 5.0% 2.0% .3% .9% 440.1 216.7 220.9 0.2 147.7 36.8 63.9 .5% 5.5% 22.0% 8.3 31.2 725.7 8.0% .5% 28.2 1.2% 16.0% 72.0% 28.0% 1,285.6 2,543.3 7.7.1 Agriculture Energy Use. Over the past 30 years, agriculture has consistently accounted for about 6 percent of the state’s energy use. 64 Unfortunately, the state no longer breaks out energy use for agriculture in its statistics; rather, agriculture energy use is included in with Industrial Use in state energy data. Douglas Tiffany, an agriculture economist working at the University of Minnesota, identified the following amounts of various forms of energy being used in crop and livestock production in Minnesota. We used these formulas to estimate the amounts of energy being used to raise crops and livestock in our region. 63 US Department of Energy: Energy Information Administration. Table 10. Industrial Sector Energy Consumption Estimates, 1960-2001, Minnesota. Retrieved from: 64 Minnesota Energy Data Book – “Energy Trends from 1960-1993”, p. 21. June 2005 70 Table 18: Energy Used in MN Agriculture and Livestock65 Crop per Acre/ Animal Diesel Gallon Corn Soybean Alfalfa Dairy (15,000#) Turkey (head) Swine Finish (lit) Swine Finish (head) Beef Cow (head) Beef Finish (head) Gas Gallon LP Gallon Electricity Natural Gas kWh MCF 9.37 7.43 9.80 1.15 0.91 0.81 9.58 0.75 0 35.63 27.50 37.23 34.50 0.10 9.55 1.11 3.00 0.01 1.11 0.11 16.50 0.50 4.06 0.34 600.00 1.24 148.25 12.38 6.37 4.78 0.74 0.46 1.62 1.08 59.25 39.38 3.945 0.199 0.719 The types and amounts of fuel to grow corn, soybeans and alfalfa are summarized below. Table 19: Fuel Expended on Major Crops (2000) 2000 Fuel or Energy Diesel (gal) Gasoline (gal) LP (gal) Electricity (kWh) Natural Gas MCF TOTAL CROPS Corn, Soybeans & Alfalfa 31,043,279 3,644,575 18,257,178 117,003,491 7,666,664.5 7.7.2 Energy Being Used for Crop and Livestock Processing in 2001. The following chart shows the amount of natural gas, fuel oil, propane, wood/wood wastes and coal that was used in 2001 by the major crop and livestock processing facilities in the SE/SC CERT region. 65 Tiffany, Douglas. “Agriculture Energy: Understanding Usage and Anticipating Policy Directions.” Retrieved from: on June 12, 2005. June 2005 71 Table 20: Energy Used in Major Crop Processing Facilities (2001)66 FUEL CITY NAME NAT GAS PROP OIL Million British Thermal Units Consumed in 2001 Mankato ADM - Mankato 293,720 23,624 Mankato CHS Oilseed Processing 815,584 397,660 Mankato Claremont Al-Corn Clean Fuel 659,976 Blue Earth Seneca Foods Corp - Blue 36,391 Earth Winnebago Corn Plus 879,968 Preston Pro-Corn LLC 769,365 137 Albert Lea Agra Resources Coop dba 745,290 EXOL Pine Island Land O'Lakes Inc - Pine 202,979 32,258 Island Red Wing ADM - Red Wing 105,576 164,659 Zumbrota Dairy Farmers of America Inc 178,461 22,241 - Zumbrota Montgomery Seneca Foods Corp 70,202 Montgomery New Prague ConAgra Flour Milling Co 5,397 165 New Prague Austin Hormel Foods Corp - Austin 306,985 364,530 Rochester Associated Milk Producers 119,762 108,061 Inc -Rochester Rochester Pace Dairy Foods Co 30,778 Rochester Seneca Foods Corp 133,198 Rochester Northfield Malt-O-Meal Co - Plant 2 342,735 Northfield Plainview Lakeside Foods Inc 101,320 15,525 Plainview Winona Froedtert Malt - Winona 321,456 WOOD COAL 1,427,031 2,330 66 “Major Fuel Users and Amount Fuel Used in 2001” Source: PCA Boiler and Fuel Use database. Consolidated by: Shalini Gupta, ME3. June 2005 72 7.7.3 Ethanol Production. The chart on the previous page shows that the four ethanol plants operating in SE/SC MN in 2001 used 3,054,599 million BTUs of natural gas and 137 million BTUs of propane. This does not include the Lake Crystal Plant (50 million gallons) that began producing ethanol in May 2005. 7.7.4 Soybean Crushing Facilities. The chart on the previous page also shows that in 2001 the two soybean crushing facilities in Mankato used 1,109,304 million BTUs of natural gas, 421,284 million BTUs of fuel oil and 1,427,031 million BTUs of coal. This does not include the Glenville soydiesel plant that is expected to begin production in Summer 2005. June 2005 73 SECTION 8 ENERGY CONSERVATION, PRODUCTIVITY AND EFFICIENCY Our cheapest, safest, cleanest and most available energy resource involves using less energy and increasing the productivity of the energy we use to do more work. We use energy in various forms to do work. We think we can reduce energy consumption in all sectors by at least 20 percent by reducing energy use, using energy more productively and using energy more efficiently. We all can take steps to conserve energy and use it more productively in our homes, schools, churches, businesses, buildings, communities and industries. If we use less energy and use energy more productively, we will save money, reduce the number of new power plants that need to be built, be able to retire old cold-fired and nuclear power plants, reduce pollution and greenhouse gases that harm our health and environment, reduce our reliance on energy imports from abroad and secure a safer, healthier future for our children and grandchildren. Because of energy efficiency programs undertaken during the oil crisis in the mid 1970’s, the U.S. gross national product grew 36 percent between 1973 and 1986 with no appreciable increase in energy use. As a result of efficiency programs implemented then, the U.S. saved 13 million barrels of oil each day, didn’t have to build 250 large power plants that would otherwise have been required and saved $150 billion in energy costs each year. 67 Amory Lovins says that since 1975, the U.S. has doubled the economic activity wrung from each barrel of oil. He claims from 1977 to 1985 GDP rose 27 percent, oil use fell 17 percent, net oil imports fell 42 percent and imports from the Persian Gulf fell 87 percent. The key to this huge savings was Detroit’s 7.6 mile per gallon improvement in new cars and light trucks, which use 70 percent of oil imports. The overall savings of doubling the economic activity from each barrel of oil has meant an overall energy savings of $365 billion in 2000 alone. The Rocky Mountain Institute estimates that the U.S. today has an overall energy-efficiency potential, mostly in oil and electricity, exceeding $300 billion per year.68 Section 8.1 Efficiency Definitions. Energy Productivity, Energy Conservation and Energy 67 Wilson, Alex and John Morrill . 1998. “Consumer Guide to Home Energy Savings.” American Council for an Energy-Efficient Environment: p5. 68 Lovins, Amory. 2003. “U.S. Energy Security FACTS (for a typical year, 2000).” June 2005 74 8.1.1 Energy productivity for the purpose of this discussion is defined as the amount of energy used to perform a given task. Examples include miles per gallon of fuel and kilowatt-hours of electricity per unit of air conditioning. When we increase gas mileage in a vehicle from 25 miles per gallon to 50 miles per gallon, we can go twice as far with the same amount of energy. Thus, we increase the productivity of the energy in a gallon of gas. If we replace an older air conditioner with a newer more efficient model, we can leave the air conditioner on longer and cool our building longer but still use the same amount of energy as the older model. In essence, we get more bang for our buck. We believe one of the most important things we can do in our region to increase productivity of energy is to find creative ways to use the heat being produced during electric generation via combined heat and power, or cogeneration, arrangements. We look forward to fueling such units with renewable resources from our plentiful local wind, biomass and biogas potential. 8.1.2 Energy conservation is defined as using less energy to accomplish a given task. If we decide to walk to work every day, rather than drive, we are using less energy to accomplish a given task, i.e., get to work. Thus, we are conserving energy. If we leave the air conditioner off and use shade trees, green roofs and blinds to cool our houses, we accomplish our objective of having a cooler home but use less energy. The task gets done; we just don’t have to use as much energy to do it. 8.1.3 Energy efficiency combines energy productivity and energy conservation. Obviously, a combination of increased energy productivity and increased energy conservation will result in the greatest reduction in overall energy use – energy efficiency. If we live in the country and need to drive, using the most efficient hybrid car with the best gas mileage and using it only when absolutely necessary will reduce overall energy use and be the most efficient use of the energy we do use. Section 8.2 Embarking on a Campaign to Conserve Energy and Use It More Productively. After you have decided to implement an energy-savings program in your home, school or place of work, there are several important things to do. 1. Gather Information. The Minnesota Department of Commerce has a wealth of information on how to save energy and use it more productively. In addition to fact sheets and bulletins around particular topics like “lighting,” they have several comprehensive CD ROMs full of good ideas and information available for the public. One CD ROM provides specialized Commercial and Industrial Energy Efficiency Information. Their web site is They also have a monthly tip that outlines energy saving action that any homeowner could utilize, along with a program called “kids only” to teach elementary and middle school age kids about June 2005 75 energy and what they can do to utilize energy efficiently. A second outstanding web site is the Energy Star website: That site has information about energy efficient products and appliances, home improvement, new energy efficient home construction and ways different groups can save energy and use renewable energy, such as businesses, congregations, schools and other institutions. Two excellent books are “Consumer Guide to Home Energy Savings” by Alex Wilson and John Morrill and “Homemade Money, How To Save Energy Dollars in Your Home” by Richard Heede and the staff of the Rocky Mountain Institute. There is wonderful information that you can find about almost any topic on the Internet if you do a “Google search” – just be sure the source is reliable. 2. Conduct an Energy Audit. You need to know how you use energy and then figure out what you can do to reduce your energy consumption or increase the productivity of the energy being used. There are worksheets to do this on your own, but it would be beneficial to have a trained professional conduct an energy audit. Some power providers have technicians who conduct energy audit for their customers, either someone who works for their company or one who has been contracted to do the work. Energy Services Companies are described at the end of this section. 3. Get Everyone on Board. Be sure that your family members, students, staff or employees know about the campaign and will participate enthusiastically. This involves getting them to think about energy and change their behavior, if necessary, by turning off lights when they leave a room, turning off computers when they are finished using them, combining errands and reducing the number of trips they take and carrying out routine maintenance on appliances or machines. These small steps can add up to big energy savings and savings of dollars. 4. Turn Things Off.69 Although it may seem like a simple measure to take, remember that every 1,000 kilowatt-hours (kWh) that you save by turning things off equals US$70 off your utility bill (assuming average electricity costs of seven cents/kWh). Lights. Turn off lights when they are not in use. Occupancy sensors can help, but a less expensive alternative is to train staff and family members to turn off lights when they leave unoccupied rooms. Computers. Computers are used intermittently in laboratories and offices and should employ sleep-mode settings or be shut off when the machines are not in use. The typical desktop computer, monitor and shared printer draw about 200 watts, with the monitor 69 NSTAR, 2004. “Managing Energy Costs in Office Buildings” Retrieved from: on June 8, 2005. June 2005 76 alone drawing about 100 watts. "Smart" power strips with built-in occupancy sensors are ava ilable to shut off plugged-in devices like printers and monitors when no users are present. Television sets, entertainment centers and the like use energy when they are “off” to be ready to come on in an instant when you hit the “on” button. Energy savings can be realized if plugs for all entertainment equipment are put in a power strip and turned off at one time when they are not in use. Air-handling units. There may be large fan systems serving areas unoccupied at night—such as the cafeteria, educational areas or offices—that can be shut off. 5. Turn Things Down.70 Some equipment cannot be turned off entirely, but turning it down to minimum levels where possible can save energy. Room temperature setbacks. Not all rooms in a building are occupied 24 hours a day. Such rooms should have programmable thermostats that turn temperatures up in the cooling season and down in the heating season during hours of no occupancy. 6. Do Routine Cleaning and Maintenance.71 Making sure that your HVAC system is regularly cleaned and serviced can help to prevent costly heating and cooling bills. Check the economizer. Many air-conditioning systems use a dampered vent called an economizer to draw in cool outside air when it is available to reduce the need for mechanically cooled air. If not regularly checked, the linkage on the damper can seize up or break. An economizer stuck in the fully opened position can add as much as 50 percent to a building's annual energy bill by allowing in hot air during the airconditioning season and cold air during the heating season. About once a year, have a licensed technician check, clean and lubricate your economizer's linkage, calibrate the controls and make repairs if necessary. Check air-conditioning temperatures. With a thermom eter, check the temperature of the return air going to your air conditioner and then check the temperature of the air coming out of the register nearest the air-conditioning unit. If the temperature difference is less than 14° Fahrenheit (F) or more than 22°F, have a licensed technician inspect your air-conditioning unit. Change filters. Filters should be changed on a monthly basis; they should be changed more often than this if you are located next to a highway or construction site where the air is much dirtier. 70 71 Ibid. Ibid. June 2005 77 Check cabinet panels. On a quarterly basis, make sure the panels to your rooftop airconditioning unit are fully attached with all screws in place, and also check to see that gaskets are intact so no air leaks out of the cabinet. If chilled air leaks out, it can cost $100 per year in wasted energy per rooftop unit. Clean condenser coils. Check condenser coils quarterly for debris, natural or otherwise, that can collect there. Thoroughly wash the coils at the beginning or end of the cooling season. Check for airflow. Hold your hand up to air registers to ensure that there is adequate airflow. If there is little airflow or if you find dirt and dust at the register, have a technician inspect your unit and duct work. 7. Commissioning.72 Commissioning is a process in which engineers observe a building and perform a tune-up to ensure that its systems are operating appropriately and efficiently. Studies have shown that continuously monitoring a building's energy systems can lead to reductions of 10 to 15 percent in annual energy bills. For the typical 100,000 square foot hospital, that's equal to about $34,000 in savings per year! Savings typically result from resetting existing controls to reduce HVAC waste while maintaining or even increasing comfort levels for occupants. Commissioning usually costs between five and 40 cents per square foot. 8. Upgrade to More Efficient Lighting.73 Take advantage of daylighting where possible to reduce the need for electric light; proper design is critical to avoid glare and overheating. If your facility uses T12 fluorescent lamps, relamping with modern T8 lamps and electronic ballasts can reduce your lighting energy consumption by 35 percent. Adding specular reflectors, new lenses and occupancy sensors or timers can double the savings. Paybacks of one to three years are common. Compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) can replace incandescent lamps in many applications, reducing energy use by two-thirds and saving up to $20 per lamp per year. Light-emitting diode exit lights that consume only two watts represent a great energy savings over incandescent fixtures, and they are easier to maintain because of their long service life. 9. Install Occupancy Sensors.74 Many facilities have many rooms that are used periodically, such as restrooms, storage rooms, break rooms and offices. For work areas, a combination of occupancy sensors, time switches and local override controls can accommodate people who arrive early or stay late. 72 Ibid. Ibid. 74 Ibid. 73 June 2005 78 10. Buy Energy Star appliances, office equipment, lights, appliances, media equipment, etc. when you are buying new items and think about replacing appliances more than 15 years old with new energy-saving ones. See: for a list ing of appliances and products that have earned the Energy Star label. They may cost a little more, but using them can reduce energy use from 30 to 50 percent because they are more efficient to use. The Union of Concerned Scientists estimated that if every household and business switched to Energy Star appliances in the next 15 years, it would save $100 billion in energy bills and reduce carbon dioxide emissions equivalent to taking 17 million cars off the road for each of those years. 75 11. Buy Energy Efficient Windows and Doors. Replace old, single-pane windows. 12. Improve Insulation, Fill Cracks. If you have an attic that is used for storage, increasing the level of insulation from two to three inches (R5) to eight to 14 inches (R30) can save $100 to $150 per year for every 1,200 square feet of ceiling area. 13. Replace Inefficient Vehicles with Energy Efficient Cars or Hybrids 8.2.1 Residential Energy Efficiency. Residential energy use comprises 20 percent of the energy used in Minnesota. Energy use in the home generally breaks out as follows: heating and cooling (44 percent), lighting (33 percent), heating hot water (14 percent), and refrigeration (9 percent). Energy efficient homes generally use one-third to onefourth less energy than conventional homes. If your home energy bills are high, you can cut them by 20 to 30 percent by taking the following steps. • • • • • • • • • • • 75 Replace older appliances with Energy Star Appliances, appropriately sized Replace older furnaces with more efficient ones Clean and replace air filters Switch to a solar hot water heater or on-demand water heater Turn the temperature on your hot water heater down, insulate it with a blanket, insulate exposed hot water pipes Replace older windows with energy-efficient ones Put more insulation in the attic, basements and crawl-ways Fill in cracks and holes with caulk Keep thermostats low, add a clock thermostat that sets your thermostat back automatically at times when you won’t be in a particular part of the house Generate electric ity on site with a small wind generator or solar panels Install a geothermal system or air-to-air heat exchanger Ibid. June 2005 79 • • • • • Plant shade trees around your house Add a sun room on a south-facing side of the house Turn lights off when you leave a room Unplug your TV and other media equipment when they aren’t in use; they use a lot of electricity to keep the machines ready to turn on in the instant the “on” button is pushed Wash your clothes in cold water and hang dry them Once you’ve completed these energy saving measures, you can also undertake some renewable energy projects to reduce conventional energy. Chart 16 in the Appendix illustrates the amount of energy – and money – that can be saved in different types of homes. A typical older home with a less than 75 percent efficient furnace, less than R11 insulation in the walls and less than R20 insulation in the ceilings would use around 120 million BTUs of energy per year. A solar home of the same size that is super-insulated in the walls and ceiling and had a furnace with greater than 95 percent efficiency would use around 30 million BTUs. Section 8.3 Transportation Energy Efficiency. Transportation accounts for 31 percent of the state’s energy use. Ninety-six percent of the fuel is petroleum based (including four percent ethanol) and four percent is natural gas. You can reduce the amount of energy you use for transportation by taking the following steps. • • • • • • • Reducing the number of trips you take in your vehicle, combining errands into one trip Taking public transportation when possible Carpooling Undertaking routine maintenance to keep filters and lubricants clean Keeping the tire pressure at the correct amount Buying a smaller more efficient car, such as a hybrid, that gets better mileage and/or uses biofuels Traveling at reduced speeds Section 8.4 Commercial Energy Efficiency. Commercial energy accounts for 13 percent of the state’s energy use. This category includes schools, hospitals, nursing homes and the service sector. Our area has around 300 schools and 20 hospitals. Natural gas accounts for 44 percent of the energy used by this sector, followed by electricity and petroleum products. June 2005 80 8.4.1 Commercial and Industrial Energy Efficiency Information. The Department of Commerce has a CD ROM that provides information on ways business and industries can save energy entitled “Commercial and Industrial Energy Efficiency Information.” Their web site is 8.4.2 Schools. The Energy Smart Schools Program ( has prepared a handbook entitled “School Operations and Maintenance: Best Practices for Controlling Energy Costs.” This 132 page Guidebook for K-12 School System Business Officers and Facilities Managers offers strategies and opportunities for reducing energy costs and increasing energy efficiency at existing schools that can reduce energy costs up to 20 percent. 8.4.3 Hospitals and Nursing Homes. 76 The first six steps hospital and nursing homes should take are the same as those described in items 4 through 9 in Section 8.2: • Turn Things Off • Turn Things Down • Cleaning and Maintenance • Commissioning • Upgrade to More Efficient Lighting • Install Occupancy Sensors Two other important steps for hospitals and nursing homes include exploring other laundering options and considering cogeneration options (described further in the next section). Laundry systems consume large amounts of energy to heat water. Following are some options to consider that are more energy efficient. Use ozone laundering. This method performs better than traditional technology on some stains—including Betadine and blood—but worse on others. It saves energy, requires less detergent and uses much less water. Although this technology does have a different cost structure than the conventional methods (an ozone generator is required and the system needs more maintenance), a two-year payback period is often possible. It is important to select a vendor that has an effective maintenance support network. Reduce temperatures. Hospital laundry can be safely washed at lower temperatures. The common practice of laundering in water at 160° Fahrenheit (F) is outdated. Modern detergents and bleaches allow hospital laundry to be effectively washed at 120°F. 76 Ibid. June 2005 81 Recycle water and heat. Another efficient laundry system uses a storage tank or pit to extract the heat energy from the washer's wastewater to preheat incoming raw water. Additionally, final rinse water can be recovered in a holding tank and used for the first wash cycle of the next dirty load. Micro-filtration systems remove particles as small as 0.5 microns from laundry wastewater so that the water can be reused. This not only saves heat energy but also cuts down on your water bill. 8.4.4 Consider Cogeneration and Other Sources of Heat Recovery. Cogeneration systems provide both heat (for space or water heating) and power. They have more applications and offer more savings potential for hospitals than for any other class of commercial building. Some hospitals are installing advanced incineration systems to destroy medical waste. Capturing and using the waste heat from incinerators can be cost-effective in some cases. The University of Michigan saved $400,000 in yearly steam bills by coupling medical waste incinerators with cogeneration. Sterilization equipment, la undry and kitchen operations can all benefit from heatrecovery systems. Waste heat from boiler exhaust stacks can also be effectively recovered and used to preheat boiler makeup water. 77 Energy use can be reduced in the commercial and industrial sectors by the following amounts if the steps indicated are taken: • zero to five percent by changing the behavior of the occupants, such as having them turn off lights when they leave a room • five to 10 percent from better operation and maintenance of building equipment and schedules • 10 percent to 15 percent from equipment efficiency improvements • 15 percent to 25 percent from energy production equipment strategies Section 8.5 Industrial Energy Efficiency. The Department of Commerce has a CD ROM that provides information on ways business and industries can save energy entitled “Commercial and Industrial Energy Efficiency Information.” Their web site is The items below identify 20 steps plant managers can take to make their plants more energy efficient. Industrial energy accounts for 36 percent of the state’s energy use. Petroleum accounts for 22 percent of the energy used, followed by electricity and natural gas at 17 percent. As described above, industries can find major savings by taking steps to change behavior and upgrade equipment. 77 Ibid. June 2005 82 The following ideas were taken directly from a brochure from the Department of Energy entitled “20 Things Industry Plant Managers and Engineers Can Do to Save Energy.” 78 All Combustion Systems 1. Operate furnaces and boilers at or close to design capacity 2. Reduce excess air used for combustion 3. Clean heat transfer surfaces 4. Reduce radiation losses from openings 5. Use proper furnace or boiler insulation to reduce wall heat losses 6. Adequately insulate air or water-cooled surfaces exposed to the furnace environment and steam lines leaving the boiler 7. Install air preheat or other heat recovery equipment Steam Generation Systems 1. Improve water treatment to minimize boiler blow down 2. Optimize deaerator vent rate 3. Repair steam leaks 4. Minimize vented steam 5. Implement effective steam trap maintenance program 6. Use high-pressure condensate to make low-pressure steam 7. Utilize backpressure turbine instead of pressure-reducing or release valves 8. Optimize condensate recovery Process Heating Systems 1. Minimize air leakage into the furnace by sealing openings 2. Maintain proper, slightly positive furnace pressure 3. Reduce weight of or eliminate material handling fixtures 4. Modify the furnace system or use a separate heating system to recover furnace exhaust gas heat 5. Recover part of the furnace exhaust heat for use in lower-temperature processes. 8.5.1 Energy Savings in Agriculture. Agricultural energy consumption has declined since the mid-1970s, but numerous opportunities and methods are still available to further improve agricultural efficiency. Mechanical improvements, such as more 78 Brochure is available at: June 2005 83 efficient pumps and motors and use of diesel rather than gasoline-powered tractors, offer great opportunities. Livestock operations can see major benefits from making their buildings more efficient with the conversion to more energy-efficient lighting and more efficient heating and cooling systems. Efficiency can also be maintained by ensuring that all equipment, from tractors to grain driers to irrigation engines, is in good working condition. Farmers should ensure that tires are properly inflated, air filters, fans and screens are cleaned or replaced and all moving parts are well lubricated. Precision farming could also help minimize waste, increase outputs and minimize environmental impacts often associated with over-application of chemicals because it tailors field management to site specific conditions rather than a whole field average. 79 Nutrient management practices that incorporate soil tests as means of determining optimal timing and rates for fertilizer application also allow farmers to tailor their onfarm management to current local conditions thereby decreasing field inputs, saving the farmer money and avoiding fertilizer run-off. Conservation tillage practices may offer the greatest room for improvement. Conservation tillage is a farming practice that allows plant residue or st ubble to remain on the surface of the field, rather than being plowed into the soil. No-till practices that leave the prior year’s entire crop residue on the field can save the equivalent of 3.5 gallons of diesel fuel per acre over conventional tillage methods. While this method may not be realistic in Northwestern Minnesota, where farmers generally need to do some tilling to speed spring soil warming, mulch till practices may be an option and would still result in savings of 2.5 gallons of diesel fuel per acre over conventional methods. 80 Farmers are also well equipped to substitute renewable fuels and supplies into their energy mix. Some changes that farmers could literally make today include using biofuel substitutes like E85 and biodiesel instead of gasoline and diesel in on-farm vehicles, trucks and tractors. Other changes might require a little more time, but are also readily available options. Wind energy presents farmers with a means of offsetting their own electric use and/or developing an additional income-generating use of their lands. Biogas from anaerobic digestions is a way that dairy farmers can either offset their heating fuels needs or, if paired with a generator, offset some of their electric requirements. Biomass from perennials or agricultural residues is another potential 79 Ryan, Barry and Douglas G. Tiffany. 1998. Minnesota Agricultural Energy Use and the Incidence of a Carbon Tax. Retrieved on April 24, 2005 from 80 Ibid, p.37-38. June 2005 84 feedstock for heating, electricity and ethanol. Solar technologies, such as solar water heating, could cut down heating needs in barns by supplying pre-heated water. SECTION 8.6 Conservation Improvement Program As part of the Conservation Improvement Program (CIP), all of Minnesota’s energy utilities are required to set aside a percentage of their revenues to be used in projects that will reduce electric and natural gas consumption. Accordingly, Great River Energy, SMMPA, Dairyland Power Cooperative and Alliant Energy put aside 1.5 percent of their revenues a year for their CIP energy efficiency programs. Because it operates nuclear facilities in the state, Xcel is required to put aside two percent of its gross revenues for conservation purposes. Some of the types of services and rebates Xcel and Alliant Energy provide to their customers are outlined below. People who receive electricity from cooperatives and municipalities should check with their local power providers to see what kind of incentives and programs they offer to promote energy conservation and efficiency. Xcel Energy provides information for its customers to assess their energy use and ideas on how they can reduce it and use energy more efficiently. To encourage customers to use compact florescent light bulbs (CFL) Xcel provides $0.50 coupons to offset the cost of recycling the CFL bulbs. More information about Xcel Energy and its programs can be found on its website at Alliant Energy provides its customers with an online questionnaire to help them assess their energy usage. Alliant processes the questionnaire and sends the customer a personalized report that highlights opportunities for that customer to save energy. Alliant also provides rebate incentives for their customers who purchase high-efficiency furnaces, central air conditioners, efficient lighting, washers and efficient replacement windows. 81 Section 8.7 Energy Services Companies (ESCO) Private companies offer services to businesses and industries where they visit your enterprise, assess how energy is being used, recommend energy efficiency improvements and install the upgraded equipment. They receive payment from the amount of money the business saved by implementing the recommendations for so many years. Once the contract is fulfilled, the economic savings go directly to the customer. 82 81 For more information visit Alliant’s website at: 82 For more information, go to: June 2005 85 Section 8.8 Green Mortgages Fannie Mae is promoting “green” mortgages through its energy-efficient mortgage (EEM) program. To qualify for the program, homeowners must either buy a new energy-efficient home or commit to upgrades of an existing building as recommended by a certified HERS (Home Energy Rating System) inspector. The projected savings from energy efficiency are considered part of the borrower’s income and can help homebuyers qualify for larger mortgages. Such factors like window efficiency, heating and cooling efficiency, wall-to-wall ratios, insulation levels, local climate and the solar orientation of the home determine a home’s HER rating. The cost of the energy improvements can be included in the homeowner’s mortgage but cannot exceed 15 percent of the home’s values. A borrower with a new home can qualify for an EEM if the house was built according to guidelines set by the Energy Star Builder Option Program (BOP).83 Section 8.9 Building Codes The Building Code Division of the Minnesota Department of Administration is responsible for establishing the minimum efficiencies of residential, multifamily and commercial buildings built in Minnesota. Homeowners, architects, engineers and builders are required to complete paperwork so the local building inspectors can see that the design will meet the minimum structural, energy efficiency, electrical and HVAC requirements. Local inspectors visit the construction site to verify that the minimum requirements are being installed per the design plans submitted. Home/building owners need to be aware that these are the absolute minimum requirements. With today’s energy costs and building material choices available, the minimum is not good enough. The consumer believes they are getting the best building possible, since it meets the Minnesota building code requirements. However, for another five percent investment, the consumer can have a building that is much more efficient, healthier and durable and should last for 75-100 years. There is less chance for moisture intrusion from wind driven rain or interior air leaks that cause mold and rapid deterioration problems, better control of room temperatures and humidity throughout the whole building, and better indoor air quality. A 1990’s study by the Minnesota Dept. of Commerce reports that an estimated 15 to 20 percent of new homes will have failures in the building envelope, indoor air quality and/or mechanical systems due to design errors and improper installation. In addition, 83 Scheer, Roddy. “Borrowing Power: Financing Energy Efficiency Through ‘Green Mortgages’.” Retrieved from: June 2005 86 building owners are not educated on how to operate and maintain the home. Instead they are being informed that they are now the proud owners of a maintenance free home. Today’s homes and material choices can fail and cost tens of thousands of dollars to repair/rebuild. Houses can also be built today that are net zero energy homes. With the installation of solar electric systems, the house’s annual electric bill can be close to zero. One can sell an equivalent amount of electricity to the utility as what is being used. This can be a real benefit to the utility during the peak summer electricity loads. When the sun is shining, and when air conditioning requirements are the highest, the solar electric system is producing its maximum output. High performance homes using natural products, long life products, durable products, renewable energy products and more sustainable products can be designed and built to greatly out perform the minimum building code built house with an on average additional investment of five percent. These houses will have a higher resale value, lower insurance costs and can be eligible for an energy efficient mortgage. June 2005 87 SECTION 9: RENEWBLE ENERGY RESOURCE INVENTORY AND ASSESSMENT FOR THE SE/SC CERT REGION This section summarizes our findings of the assessment and inventory of renewable energy resources in our 15-county SE/SC CERT region and estimates, where possible, the contribution we believe they can make toward providing for the energy needs in our region and export energy to other areas. We are confident that we have the renew able energy resources in our region that, when coupled with wise energy use, can meet our energy needs in different forms. The clean renewable energy resources we have identified for our region include solar energy, which falls everywhere; geothermal energy that can capture and utilize the warmth of the earth almost everywhere; abundant wind resources showing 55 percent of our area has winds that can be commercially developed; biogas potential from livestock, food processing plants, sanitary landfills, waste water treatment plants and stab ponds distributed throughout the region; biomass from energy crops and residues from crops throughout our area, from urban wood waste and from the forests and forest products industries; combined heat and power/cogeneration from various sources; and biofuels. For some of our findings, we are simply listing the resources we have been able to identify. We have not estimated their potential for generating electricity or producing biofuels and hope that we will be able to find the technical assistance to evaluate the data in the future. Chart 13 in the Appendix lists the renewable energy projects identified in our region as of June 2004 by type, size and location. Section 9.1 Wind Resources and Potential for SE/SC MN Wind energy resources have national, regional, local and site-specific variation and can vary greatly from location to location. Wind resources can be used with both large wind turbines for utility applications and with small wind turbines for on-site generation. Below are estimates for the resource potential of large and small wind resources in SE/SC MN. 9.1.1 Assessment of wind from smaller turbines. In his report entitled “Distributed Wind Production Capability in Minnesota,” Mike Michaud identified 91,775 potential homestead sites in the SE/SC CERT region capable of hosting a 10 kW wind turbine. Development of all of these sites would result in an annual energy production capability equal to 34 percent of the total energy consumed in the region. While the development of every residential household is unlikely, the magnitude of the energy June 2005 88 produced in this scenario points out that many distributed resources, even this small, can in aggregate significantly affect future load serving needs in the region (Chart 17, Appendix). 84 9.1.2 Assessment of wind from larger wind turbines. The following analysis of wind from larger wind turbines was provided by SE/SC CERT team members Jeff CookCoyle and Lee Dilley. The wind energy resources in the SE/SC region are such that the newer wind turbines, designed for lower class wind regimes, can be installed successfully in many parts of the SE/SC CERT region. As shown in the following chart, 55 percent of the 15-county SE/SC CERT region has good wind resources that could be developed commercially for a total maximum capacity of 17,549 MW. We are using a conservative estimate of 80 acres per MW. This number will not get larger as turbines grow in size. As wind turbines grow, the spacing between them will grow as well. The chart below shows the counties in the SE/SC CERT region and the percent of good wind, the acres that could be developed as wind farms and the MW wind capacity we estimate per county. Table 21: Wind Potential by County -- SE/SC CERT County Blue Earth Dodge Faribault Fillmore Freeborn Goodhue Houston Le Sueur Mower Olmsted Rice Steele Wabasha Waseca Winona Total 84 Acres in County Unusable Acres Available % Good Acres Wind Wind Farm MW Development Capacity Acres 489,696 71,436 418,260 15% 62,739 392 281,135 461,618 551,478 461,959 498,672 363,909 303,018 455,034 418,409 329,809 276,540 351,373 276,910 410,296 5,929,856 23,051 32,237 125,873 44,971 127,804 164,802 58,945 30,752 72,463 64,594 26,243 115,621 27,698 173,791 1,160,281 258,084 429,381 425,605 416,988 370,868 199,107 244,073 424,282 345,946 265,215 250,297 235,752 249,212 236,505 4,769,575 92% 99% 50% 98% 55% 10% 1% 97% 60% 35% 92% 20% 70% 30% 0.5493333 237,437 425,087 212,803 408,648 203,977 19,911 2,441 411,554 207,568 92,825 230,273 47,150 174,448 70,952 2,807,813 1,484 2,657 1,330 2,554 1,275 124 15 2,572 1,297 580 1,439 295 1,090 443 17547 Mike Michaud. 2004. “Distributed Wind Production Capability in Minnesota.” June 2005 89 Mower County has the best wind resource located closest to the Twin Cities load center. We could easily envision over 1,000 MW of development there if transmission were available to the Twin Cities. About 12 MW of wind projects are already installed in Mower County. Additional wind projects being discussed for Mower County include a minimum of 400 MW from Zilkha Wind Energy and 500 MW being proposed by other developers. Wind projects being proposed in other places of the SE/SC CERT region include an 80 MW project for the Northfield area, a 100 MW project in Steele County, a 100 MW project in Goodhue County, a 40 MW project in Olmsted County and another 100 MW of distributed projects across the region. The wind projects in the MISO interconnection request queue are indicators of the desire for generation projects in the SE/SC region. The SE/SC CERT believes that 1,675 MW of wind could be developed and utilized with existing markets and transmission systems in the next ten years in the region, as follows. 1. 475 MW for regional consumption. Experts believe that wind can provide up to 15 percent of the electrical capacity in a region. Based on electricity consumption of 6,319,734 MWH in 2000, the region can carry 475 MW of wind production for regional consumption. 2. 800 MW of wind energy could be produced in the region and sent to the Twin Cities. Significant south-north transmission capacity exists presently from Mankato and Mower County to the Twin Cities. 3. 400 MW of wind energy could be produced to send eastward to Milwaukee/Chicago. Wind on the Wires predicts that 1,200 MW of wind energy development will take place in Iowa, south of the SE/SC CERT area to serve the Milwaukee/Chicago metropolitan area. Our area could provide an additional amount to add to that. The following chart lists 21 potential sites for large wind and wind/biomass projects and their interconnection points to the grid that could be developed in the next 10 years in the SE/SC CERT region to provide an additional 2,100 MW of electricity in the region. The list doesn’t include facilities that have already entered into commercial operation. The chart lists both capacity (MW) and annual energy production (GWh). It includes both conventional wind energy generating stations (35 percent capacity factors) and wind energy combined with biomass (70 percent capacity factor). It is our belief that it will become technically and economically feasible to combine the operations of wind energy and a “filling” generation resource before 2015. June 2005 90 Table 22: Possible Renewable Energy Generation Sites in SE/SC Interconnection Points and Delivery Points that Could Be Established 2005-2015 High side Voltage Existing Substations 161 161 161 161 161 69 161 161 161 345 345 161 161 161 161 161 161 New Substations 161 161 161 345 345 Total Interconnection Point County MW GWh Fuel Delivery Point Hayward Winnebago Al-Corn West Faribault Rochester Lewiston Austin Albert Lea Ethanol Harmony Adams Pleasant Valley Cannon Falls Wabaco Harmony Twin Lakes Adams Harmony Freeborn Faribault Steele Rice Olmsted Winona Mower Freeborn 100 100 200 100 100 50 50 100 300 600 900 600 600 300 300 600 Wind Wind, Biomass Wind, Biomass Wind, Biomass Wind, Biomass Wind, Biomass Wind, Biomass Wind, Biomass Hayward Dickinson Prairie Island Black Dog Rochester Prairie Island Austin Prairie Island Fillmore Mower Mower Goodhue Olmsted Fillmore Freeborn Mower Houston 200 200 100 50 10 10 10 10 10 600 600 300 150 30 30 30 30 30 Wind Wind Wind Wind Wind Wind Wind Wind Wind Prairie Island Prairie Island Pilot Knob Prairie Island Wabaco Harmony Hayward Adams Harmony Rice Lake Blue Earth Grand Meadow Dexter Goodhue Steele Faribault Mower Mower Goodhue 150 150 100 200 150 2100 450 450 300 600 450 8100 Wind Wind Wind Wind Wind Prairie Island Dickinson Prairie Island Prairie Island Prairie Island Please address any questions about this analysis to Jeff Cook-Coyle at or Lee Dilley at They prepared the analysis of potential for larger wind projects for our region and this chart . 9.1.3 Potential for Future Wind Development if Transmission Were Available. If all 17,549 MW of wind energy capacity in the 15 counties in SE/SC Minnesota were developed, it would provide approximately 10 percent of the energy for Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio and Michigan, plus the Dakotas, Iowa and Nebraska. While this may be highly desirable, it isn't realistic. If the region were to provide 10 percent of Minnesota's generation, it would produce 2,500 MW of wind energy. This June 2005 91 seems like a much more realistic target. However, there isn't transmission capacity to get all of this energy from the wind areas in our region up to the Twin Cities loads. Section 9.2 Solar “In 15 hours the sun delivers as much energy to the Midwest as its inhabitants consume in a year.” 85 “Minnesota has more annual solar energy potential than Houston, TX and nearly as much as Miami, FL.” 86 There are many ways to use solar energy that generally fall into two categories: passive and active. The number of homes/buildings that can profitably utilize solar applications is somewhat limited by solar access/shading, building orientation, topography, restrictions in building covenants, landlord/renter interests and space limitations. Ideally, building codes would be modified to require the use of solar energy for water and space heating wherever feasible. Prices of solar panels, solar shingles and solar hot water heaters would drop if volume of sales rose. For utilityscale solar projects, a square kilometer of PV panels would provide between 20 and 60 MW of electricity. 9.2.1 Passive solar design uses a building’s orientation, materials and structure to capture the sun’s energy, store it and releases it when it is needed after dark in the cool months and to provide ventilation and shade to cool the building in the hottest months. A building can be built into a hill or underground to use the earth for insulation; a sunroom can be built on a south-facing wall to capture the heat of the sun and move it into the main structure; and planting trees around a structure can provide shade and protect a building from the intensity of the sun. An elaboration on passive solar design implements the concept of Seasonal Thermal Energy Storage to capture and store energy through the spring, summer and fall for use during the winter. Massive earth storage is coupled to the building as an energy source/sink. A more modest amount of windows and the absence of window shading enable the energy to be collected without overheating the space. 9.2.2 Active solar energy can be used in two important ways. First, the rays of the sun can provide hot water through a solar hot water heating system. The sun heats a fluid that is flowing through the solar panels to a heat exchanger in the home. That heat is used to heat hot water that is then stored in the home. Second, the rays of the sun can 85 Union of Concerned Scientists. 1993. “Powering the Midwest, Executive Summary.” p. 6. Pawlisch, Melissa, Carl Nelson, Lola Schoenrich. 2003. “Designing a Clean Energy Future: A Resource Manual.” p. 61. Retrieved from: 86 June 2005 92 generate electricity through the use of photovoltaic cells or panels made from semiconductor materials. The electricity can be used directly, stored in batteries for use when the sun is not providing power or moved onto the grid and sold to utilities. Potential of Solar Hot Water Heaters. Heating water accounts for approximately 14 percent of residential energy use. In 2000, residential household energy use in Minnesota was 345.7 trillion BTUs. The households in our region comprise approximately 10 percent of state households. If each house in our region installed a solar hot water heater and saved 14 percent of its home energy use by replacing their current water heater, our region would save approximately 4.84 trillion BTUs per year. A Heliodyne HX Freeze-Proof Solar Hot Water System for cold climates costs between $2,580 and $3,580 depending on the size of the system. This does not include the cost of the copper tubing, a 50- to 120-gallon water heater tank or installation fees. Homeowners could reduce this cost considerably by making their own solar panels and installing the system themselves. In the past, solar domestic hot water (DHW) systems using cheap fuel oil or natural gas didn’t make financial sense. However, since natural gas and oil prices have skyrocketed and will continue to escalate dramatically in the near future because of depletion of resources in the U.S. and Canada, solar domestic hot water heating is going to make financial sense for many more homeowners. Potential of PV Solar. Solar PV panels can be placed on tops of buildings or on racks on the ground – in large or small-scale arrangements. We didn’t try to assess the potential of locating large-scale solar projects in our region. However, if all of the houses and commercial structures in SE/SC Minnesota were to install solar PV panels, it is estimated that they could generate around 1170 MW of electricity. Of this, homes would account for 688 MW and commercial/industrial facilities would add another 484 MW. It is not likely that all of the homes and businesses in the region would install solar panels, so a conservative estimate of developing 3.5 percent of the potential by 2025 would give 24 MW for homes and 17 MW for businesses – for a total of 41 MW. 87 87 These figures were derived from the following study: “PV Grid Connected Market Potential under a Cost Breakthrough Scenario”, by Maya Chaudhari, Lisa Frantzisa and Dr. Tom E. Hoff for the Energy Foundation,, September 2004. The authors based their calculations on Minnesota having 2,078,775 residential customers and 231,313 commercial customers in 2001. The authors concluded that overall roof space available for PV installations in Minnesota in 2010 is around 671 million sq. ft for residential and 472 million sq. ft. for commercial. This leads to a technical market potential of 6,883 MW (residential) and 4,843 MW (commercial) for the entire state. SE/SC MN has around 10% of the total households in June 2005 93 Section 9.3 Biomass 9.3.1 Definition of Biomass. For our purposes, we consider biomass to be plants and plant residues – trees, grasses, crops and all the byproducts or residues left after they are harvested and processed. Included in this definition is urban wood waste, such as wood from houses that have been torn down or left over after the construction of new buildings. As plants grow, they capture and store solar energy and that energy is released when the plant material is burned or converted into biofuels. Municipal solid waste is also a form of biomass. Estimates are that 70 percent of municipal trash consists of paper based products, yard wastes and wood, which produce energy when burned. 88 Refuse-derived fuel can be burned directly or co-fired in coal plants to reduce coal emissions. 9.3.2 Ways Biomass Can Be Used as an Energy Source. Biomass, such as wood, can be burned directly in stoves and furnaces of various sizes. There are a number of efficient furnaces on the market that burn pellets made from different biomass sources, such as wood chips, sawdust and switchgrass. Although we don’t advocate burning food for fuel, some people in our region are buying furnaces which burn corn to heat their homes and buildings. There are three primary ways to convert biomass into electricity. The first is direct combustion, where the biomass is burned to create steam that runs a turbine to generate electricity. The second is to convert the biomass into a liquid or gas fuel that can be burned in a combust ion turbine, i.e., gasification. The third is to extract oil from the crop seed and use it to power a diesel engine that drives a generator. Some diesel engines can burn the raw oil without coking problems, other engines require a blend of vegetable oil and petroleum diesel or the conversion of the raw vegetable oil to an ester form prior to use (a simple DIYS process). The latter is low tech, simple and suitable for distributed power generation on farms. Research is being conducted to develop the most effective and efficient ways to use biomass to replace or reduce the use of fossil fuels. A power plant that burns whole, fast-growing poplars was being planned for our region but was not able to move forward. Chipped wood and sawdust from a variety of sources and switchgrass are being co-fired with coal in different ratios in coal-fired plants. Researchers have had success combining 15 percent switchgrass with coal. However, when it is burned, the state; and we estimated 10% of the commercial users. Thus, we estimated that SE/SC MN has the potential for having 688.3 MW of solar potential for residences and 484.3 MW for commercial. 88 Franklin Associates. 1992. “Characterization of Municipal Solid Waste in The United States: 1992 Update, Prairie Village, Kansas.” June 2005 94 switchgrass leaves four to ten percent ash, which has been causing problems for the coal plants. An alternative method of co-firing that is being tried is burning the switchgrass separately in between periods when coal is burned, rather than mixing the two. In Little Falls, Minnesota, the Central Minnesota Ethanol Coop is planning a wood waste gasification facility as an alternative to using natural gas for heat. By using finely chipped hardwood as fuel, the plant will be able to better control its fuel costs by eliminating the need for natural gas. They estimate that the biomass-derived energy will generate 50 to 75 percent of the plant’s own electricity requirements. This use of biomass holds great promise for our area because of the large amounts of natural gas being used by our five and soon to be six ethanol plants. The ethanol plants in our area and the amounts of natural gas they are using can be found in Table 20. 9.3.3 Resource Base in SE/SC MN to Produce Biomass Sustainably and Potential Biomass Resources. According to the latest Land Use Census in 1990, 94 percent of the approximately six million acre area in our 15-county region (5,640,000 acres) was being used to grow crops, trees or grasses and would be available to grow energy crops or provide forest and crop residues for biomass energy. Thus, our region currently has extraordinary biomass resources and the potential to produce biomass for energy production along with current crops. This should bode well for the future, if there is enough water to grow the crops, the land remains productive and in sufficient quantities and the crops can be grown sustainably without petroleum, petrochemicals, and natural gas inputs. We believe it is essential to be growing and harvesting biomass sustainably, so that the resource will continue to produce more biomass after it has been harvested. Switchgrass is currently receiving a great deal of attention as a biomass resource for the future. We don’t believe that growing hundreds of acres of switchgrass as a monoculture crop is sustainable. Switchgrass requires heavy annual inputs of fertilizer comparable to corn, and a monoculture cropping system invites the buildup of diseases and pests in the soil, which lead to a loss of productivity in our soils. It is also not sustainable to clear-cut forests or take every blade of corn stover from the fields. Several studies are now being conducted to evaluate the state’s biomass resources. The Institute for Local Self-Reliance did a comprehensive study of the state’s biomass resources in 1997. A summary of that study for the counties in our SE/SC CERT region is located in the Appendix at Chart 18. We added current crop yields from 2002 to that chart. An assessment of biomass resources in our area compiled by Marie Walsh from the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in 2003 is in the Appendix at Chart 19. These can be compared by resource to the ILSR assessment. June 2005 95 Evaluating the potential of all the biomass resources we have identified in our area to produce electricity or biofuels is a complex task and the data presented here, showing various types of biomass resources at different prices per ton, are based on varying assumptions. As prices for oil and natural gas skyrocket and the costs to produce these forms of biomass increase, the figures for their prices will change drastically. Thus, we question the wisdom of making decisions based on them. We do have two estimates of biomass potential to produce biofuels, electricity and heat based on corn stover and urban wood waste, which are below. We will simply include the resources we have identified and hope to find technical help to assess their potential later and return to this section when the other estimates of biomass resources are completed. Farmland in SE/SC MN and Potential Biomass Resources. According to the 2002 Agriculture Census, our 15-county area has 4,847,642 acres of farmland. Of this, 3,640,700 acres or just over 75 percent was planted to corn, soybeans, alfalfa/hay, oats and wheat. The other 25 percent, or 1,206,942 acres, have huge potential for growing energy crops sustainably. Table 23: Major Crops Crop Corn Soybeans Alfalfa./Hay Oats Wheat Total: Acres Yield 289,843,940 1,799,100 bu 1,362,400 72,600,900 bu 414,600 1,565,900 tons 61,600 4,703,700 bu 3,000 133,600 bu 3,640,700 Major Crops Planted on 3,640,700 Acres and Their Crop Residues – 75 percent Farmland. Based on the ratios used by ILSR in its earlier assessment, we estimate that in 2002 our region produced 8,652,810 tons of crop residue and hay as follows: corn (6,637,426 tons), soybeans (239,583 tons), hay (1,656,900 tons), oats (112,889 tons) and wheat (6,012 tons). According to an analysis done by David Morris of the Institute for Local Self-Reliance, if half the corn stover in the 15-county SE/SC CERT region were used, it alone could provide over 202 million gallons of ethanol per year and the leftover cellulose from making the ethanol could be burned to produce up to 2.1 billion kWh of electricity each year (27.9 trillion BTUs). We estimate that the region currently uses around 300 million gallons of gasoline and 122 million gallons of diesel fuel for transportation. The ethanol from half the corn stover would provide approximately 67 percent of the gasoline currently used in the region and 37 percent of the electricity currently consumed in our region. June 2005 96 Farmland Not Being Planted to Corn, Soybeans, Alfalfa Hay, Oats and Wheat – 25 Percent Farmland and Potential Biomass Resources. There is potential to grow massive amounts of sustainably produced biomass on the 1,206,942 acres of farmland not being used to produce the major crops outlined above. Researchers are developing sustainable cropping systems for what are called “Third Crops,” such as fast-growing trees (poplars and willows), mixes of prairie grasses and legumes, flax, hazelnuts and other crops that can be grown sustainably on farms in our region. These can be burned directly or converted into ethanol when the technology is perfected to use cellulose to produce ethanol. CRP Lands. There are approximately 167,000 acres in SE/SC MN that are currently enrolled in the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP). This is a voluntary setaside program run by U.S. Department of Agriculture. Farmers and/or landowners receive cost-share funds and a small annual payment to plant grasses and trees or bushes as permanent cover to protect sensitive areas, such as lands on steep slopes that are threatened by erosion, marginal pasture lands and wetlands, and take them out of annual row crop production. The trees, grasses and other woody perennial crops stabilize the soils and water tables and provide wildlife habitat and diversity to the landscape. Nationally, there are currently a total of 34,819,557 acres enrolled in various CRP programs. 89 Although there is a rule that prohibits biomass on CRP land from being harvested or sold, there is discussion about allowing the trees and grasses on CRP lands to be harvested for energy production and exemptions have been granted in some areas to allow this to happen. Forest and Forest Products and Potential Biomass Resources. In 1990, 14 percent of the land (804,149 acres) in the 15 counties in SE/SC Minnesota was covered with of forests. 90 The largest forested areas were in the following counties: Winona, Houston, Fillmore, Goodhue and Wabasha. Wood from the forests can provide biomass for energy in several ways: (1) forests can be harvested sustainably and the logs can be burned directly, chipped or pelletized for fuel, (2) forest residues from logging operations can be collected and burned and (3) mill residues, such as sawdust, can be collected and burned. Wood and wood waste products provided for 3.5 percent of the fuel used in the state in 2000 and accounted for 2 percent of the residential heating in the SE/SC CERT area. 89 USDA, Farm Service Agency Newsroom. 2005. “USDA Celebrates Earth Day 2005.” Retrieved from: April 2005. 90 Land Management Information Center. Minnesota Land Use and Cover: 1990s Census of the Land. Retrieved from on August 25, 2004. June 2005 97 The following table lists the location of the major sawmills and other primary wood producers in SE/SC MN by county. Some of them produce fuel wood, sawdust and wood chips that could be used for biomass energy production. Chart 20 in the Appendix lists the names of the facilities in the SE/SC CERT area and a list of their products. 91 Table 24: Sawmills and Other Wood Producers County Sawmills and Other Primary Wood Producers in SE/SC MN Blue Earth Fillmore Freeborn Goodhue Houston Mower Olmsted Rice Steele Janesville, North Mankato Chatfield, Lanesboro, Peterson, Preston (2), Rushford Alden, Glenville, Oakland Cannon Falls (2), Goodhue, Red Wing, Wanamingo, Welch Caledonia, Hokah, Houston Brownsdale, Walthan Byron (2), Elgin, Oronoco, Rochester, Stewartville Kilkenny, Webster Blooming Prairie, Ellendale, Medford, Owatonna Kellogg (2), Lake City, Millville, Plainview, Wabasha, Zumbro Falls St. Charles, Utica Wabasha Winona Table 25: Sawmill residue by county in the SE/SC CERT Region92 MN County Blue Earth Faribault Fillmore Freeborn Goodhue Houston Olmsted Steele Wabasha Total Bark 0 0 5,130 0 1,425 5,796 86 0 257 12,694 Sawmill survey 2001 data (green tons) Bark mixed with Slabs/edgings Sawdust and Total Residues Slabs/edgings with Chips Shavings ( green tons) 38 0 16 54 48 0 20 67 10,792 14,070 12,597 42,589 19 0 8 27 50 3,350 1,970 6,795 764 10,945 6,683 24,188 61 201 131 479 96 0 128 223 1,439 603 944 3,243 13,307 29,169 22,497 77,665 91 2002 Minnesota Primary Forest Products Directory. Data provided by Keith Butcher, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources based on 2001 Sawmill Survey of Available Sawmill Wood Residue. 92 June 2005 98 Urban Wood Waste. Urban wood waste that can be used for fuel comes from trees that are cut down or trimmed for maintenance and wood products that are disposed of during construction or demolition of structures. It has been estimated that urban wood wastes in the SE/SC Region alone could produce significant resources for electricity and heat. Waste to Energy Facilities. Our region currently has three waste-to-energy facilities in Rochester (4,200 kW), Mankato (24,750 kW) and Red Wing (22,770 kW). The Olmsted County Waste to Energy facility announced in May 2005 that it would be adding a third boiler and double its capacity. We didn’t assess potential for increasing the size of these facilities or adding new ones. Section 9.4 Biogas When liquid manure, sewage or other organic wastes or organic materials are placed in a container (biogas digester) with no oxygen, bacteria break down the materials and create biogas through a process called anaerobic digestion. The biogas contains from 55 to 70 percent methane, which can be burned directly or used to run diesel generators to produce electricity after it has been “cleaned.” There are several sources of materials in the SE/SC region that could be used to produce biogas: wastes from food processing facilities, waste water treatment facilities, biosolids from stab ponds, landfill gas and animal manure – dairy and beef cows, swine, poultry. In addition to generating electricity, experiments are being conducted at the Haubenschild 800-cow dairy in Princeton, MN, to use biogas from their successful biogas digester to charge a fuel cell. Fuel cells that use renewably -derived local fuel sources hold great promise in the medium or long term horizon for on-site electricity and heat production. At the moment, they are too expensive to be used. 9.4.1 Livestock Manure. In 2002, there were 9,345 registered feedlots in our region (Chart 3 in the Appendix). Livestock totals for our region by animal and county can be found on Chart 21 in the Appendix. Using these totals, we estimate that over 75 million pounds of manure are being generated by the livestock in the 15 counties in SE/SC Minnesota per day. This manure could be collected and used to generate electricity for on-farm use or to sell to the local utility. The heat generated in the process could be used on the farm directly or to support other activities, such as heating a greenhouse. In the digestion process, the weed seeds and pathogens in the original manure are destroyed. However, all of the nutrients in the original manure remain. That residue can be turned into bedding material, composted and sold, or put directly back on the land to enrich the soil. June 2005 99 Through anaerobic digestion something considered a waste is turned into three valuable resources: electricity, heat and a nutrient-rich residue. In addition, anaerobic digestion contains the waste streams of larger concentrations of animals and processing plants and can help reduce problems, such as odor, flies and air and water pollution. Although we understand the benefits of biogas digesters, many of us are opposed to large concentrations of animals for a variety of reasons. The SE/SC CERT does not advocate constructing large CAFO’s (concentrated animal feedlot operations) to generate electricity. According to a report, “Minnesota’s Potential for Electricity Production Using Manure Biogas Resources,” the numbers of animals it takes to make a project economically viable depend on the financial incentives, tax credits, power purchase agreement, grants and other incentives a farmer receives. In general, the authors of the report believed it took at least 500 dairy cows for an operation to break even and more than 800 cows for a project to be economically viable. They estimated that it would take more than 12,000 swine for a digester to be economically feasible. 93 Dairyland Power Cooperative has developed a creative “cookie cutter model” to establish biogas digesters on dairy farms with 800 to 1,000 cows in its service area in Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa and Michigan. There are three partners in the project: (1) the farmer who has the farm, cows, manure and owns the digester, (2) Dairyland Power and its member cooperatives that own the electricity generation set and buys the electricity and (3) a company called Microgy Cogeneration Systems that works with the farmer and builds and manages the digester from its operations in Colorado and Europe. Dairyland Power in essence offers a Power Purchase Agreement to buy the electricity, which enables the farmer to pay off the $1,000,000 digester in 10 years. A digester of this size will produce 775 kW of electricity 24 hours a day, seven days a week and provide electricity for approximately 600 average-sized homes. Microgy indicated that they are currently working on developing a similar “cookie cutter model” to use manure from hogs to generate electricity but couldn’t estimate how many hogs would be necessary to create enough manure for the model at this point. We have feedlot information from the year 2002 by animal type, size and location by township, range and section that is available to estimate how many of these model 93 Minnesota Department of Commerce State Energy Office. 2003. “Minnesota’s Potential for Electricity Production Using Manure Biogas Resources.” p. iii. Retrieved from: June 2005 100 digesters could be established throughout the SE/SC MN region. Rather than just relying on one operation to have the necessary numbers of animals, i.e., 800 to 1,000 dairy cows, 1,600 to 2,000 beef cows or 12,000 hogs, central digesters could be built within a township and manure from several different farms could be brought into a central digester. We think the potential for creating dozens of centralized digesters in our area is quite large and will analyze that potential at some point. The numbers we have include all sizes of animals per farm, but for this analysis we are just counting “big” dairy, “big” hogs and steers. We are not counting numbers of animals categorized as little dairy, dairy heifer, dairy calf, beef heifer, beef cow-calf, beef calf, medium swine or little swine, even though there are thousands of these animals in our area that are producing manure. We will need technical help to analyze this information. From a quick analysis of the feedlot permits in the 15 counties in SE/SC MN, there are 16 dairies with approximately 25,525 cows where one of the Microgy digesters could be located. If 1,000 cows produce 775 kW of electricity, these 16 dairies with 25,525 cows could produce 19,782 kW or 19.8 MW capacity per year. Table 26: Dairies in SE/SC Region Dairy Size > 2000 cows 1,285 – 1,426 cows 1,000 – 1,070 cows 800 – 999 June 2005 Number of Cows per Farm One with 4,160; one with 3,480; one with 2,400; one with 2,140 One with 1,415; one with 1,315; one with 1,426; one with 1,285 Two with 1,067; one with 1,070; one with 1,000 Two with 999; one with 900, one with 800 101 Section 9.4.2 Agricultural Processors. There are several crop and livestock processors in the SE/SC Region, which are listed in Table 20. The waste stream of many of these processors could be used to produce biogas to heat and provide fuel for their plants and use the “waste” heat for entirely different purposes, such as heating a greenhouse to produce food. In addition to providing useful energy, anaerobic digestion can serve another important function of treating organic wastes at food processing plants before they are released into the environment. Six food processors in our region have waste water treatment facilities: Seneca Foods at Blue Earth, Land O’Lakes at Pine Island, Seneca Foods at Montgomery, AMPI and Seneca Foods in Rochester and Lakeside Foods Inc in Owatonna. Section 9.4.3 Wastewater Treatment Plants. A chart listing waste water treatment plants, stab ponds and amounts of and disposition of biosolids by county is located in the Appendix in Charts 22 and 23. The potential of these resources for producing energy has yet to be assessed. Waste Water Treatment Plants with Biosolids Applications are located at the following locations: Blue Earth County (Amboy, Lake Crystal, Madison Lake, Mankato, St. Clair), Dodge County (Dodge Center, Hayfield, Mantorville, West Concord), Faribault County (Blue Earth, Blue Earth-Seneca Foods, Winnebago), Fillmore County (Canton, Chatfield, Fountain, Harmony, Lanesboro, Mabel, Preston, Rushford, Spring Valley), Freeborn County (Albert Lea, Emmons), Goodhue County (Cannon Falls, Goodhue, Kenyon, Pine Island, Pine Island-Land O’Lakes, Red Wing, Zumbrota, St. Charles), Houston County (Brownsville, Caledonia, Hokah, Houston, LaCrescent, Spring Grove), Le Sueur County (Le Center, Le Sueur Cheese Pretreatment Facility, Montgomery, Montgomery-Seneca Foods, Waterville), Mower County (Austin, AustinHormel), Olmsted County (Byron, Rochester, Rochester-AMPI and Seneca Foods, Stewartville), Rice County (Faribault, Morristown), Steele County (Blooming Prairie, Medford, Owatonna, Owatonna-Lakeside Foods Inc), Wabasha County (Lake City, Plainview-Elgin), Waseca County (New Richland, Waseca), Winona County (Lewiston, Winona). Waste Water Treatment Plants with Stab Ponds are located at the following sites: Blue Earth County (Good Thunder, Madison Lake, Mapleton, Pemberton), Faribault County (Bricelyn, Delevan, Elmore, Frost, Kiester, Wells), Freeborn County (Alden, Clarks Grove, Freeborn, Geneva, Glenville, Hartland, Hollandale, Oakland, Twin Lakes), Houston County (Eitzen), Le Sueur County (Elysian, Kilkenny, St. Peter, Waterville), Mower County (Dexter, Elkton, Grand Meadow, Lansing, LeRoy, Lyle, Racine, Rose Creek, Sargeant, Waltham), Olmsted County (Rochester), Steele County June 2005 102 (Ellendale, Medford, Owatonna), Wabasha County (Kellogg, Zumbro Falls), Winona County (Lewiston, Rollingstone, Stockton, Utica). Waste Water Treatment Plants Generating Electricity & Using Digesters for Heat. Two waste water treatment plants in our region are generating electricity – Owatonna and Rochester. The plant is Rochester has two generators – one 400 kW generator and one 1,000 kW generator. Municipal waste water treatments plants at Rochester, Austin, Albert Lea, Blue Earth, Mankato, Fairbault, Red Wing, Pine Island, New Richland, Harmony, Hokah and Owatonna are using the anaerobic digestion of biosolids for heating the digesters. All but Blue Earth are using the heat for their buildings. Six of the plants are flaring excess gas. 9.4.4 Open and Closed Sanitary Landfills. Municipal solid waste contains organic materials that produce a variety of gases when they are dumped, compacted and covered in landfills. Anaerobic bacteria thrive in the oxygen-free environment and break down the organic materials, producing carbon dioxide and methane. Carbon dioxide leaches out of the landfill because it is soluble in water. Methane, which is less soluble in water and lighter than air, is likely to migrate out of the landfill. Landfill gas energy facilities capture the methane (the principal component of natural gas) and combust it for energy. The potential to generate electricity from landfill gas in our region has yet to be assessed. Open Sanitary Landfills. There are four open landfills in our 15-county area: Ponderosa Sanitary Landfill in Blue Earth County, Kalmar Sanitary Landfill in Olmsted County, Rice County Sanitary Landfill and Steele County Sanitary Landfill. They are described more fully in the chart below. Table 27: Open Landfills Facility Location Capacity Filled Rice Cty SLF Steele Cty SLF Ponderosa SLF Olmsted Cty SLF Dundas Blooming Prairie Mankato 60/100 acres 40/70 acres 290/416 acres Rochester 160 acres June 2005 Waste Volume 2.8 mill cu yds 1.3 mill cu yds 2.0 mill cu yds 1.3 mill cu yds Methane No No Flaring No 103 Table 28: Closed Sanitary Landfills Acres Filled/Total Waste in Volume 14.7/40 13.7/17 11/23 23.2/40 240,000 cu yd 100,000 cu yd 328,000 cu yd 785,000 cu yd 12/123 200,000 cu yd 1.77 million cu yd 90,000 cu yd 303,000 cu yd 130,411 cu yd 1.35 million cu yd 178,000 cu yd 234,000 cu yd 50,000 cu yd 2.8 million cu yd 272,000 cu yd 400,000 cu yd 50,000 cu yd County Facility City Blue Earth: Dodge: Faribault: Hansen SLF City of Mankato Dodge County SLF Faribault. Cty SLF Fillmore: Ironwood SLF Mankato Mankato St. Peter Blue Earth Spring Valley Freeborn Goodhue Houston Le Sueur Albert Lea SLF Goodhue Coop SLF Houston Cty SLF Sun Prairie SLF Albert Lea 27/36 Goodhue 5.5/85 Houston 5.7/30 Montgomery 20/80 Le Sueur Le Sueur Mower Mower Tellijohn SLF MN San Serv SLF Red Rock Adams SLF Le Sueur St. Peter Austin Adams 35/80 2/3 acres Olmsted Wabasha Waseca Winona Olmsted Cty SLF Wabasha Cty SLF Waseca Cty SLF Geisler’s SLF Rochester Wabasha Waseca Stockton 51.1/290 8/8.3 24.3/133 6/10 acres Section 9.5 27.5/80 Hydroelectric Hydroelectricity was the first large-scale source of energy and electricity in our region. Hydro-powered dams ran numerous grain mills and municipal power stations. Hydroelectric facilities in our region include Rochester Public Utility’s 2,680 kW plant on the Zumbro River, Lanesboro Public Utility’s 240 kW plant at Lanesboro and Rapidan’s 3,400 kW plant at Mankato. We didn’t include any new hydroelectric facilities in our assessment. However, we are intrigued with new technologies being developed that use the natural flow of rivers to generate electricity on a flow-through basis, so that large hydroelectric dams and reservoirs aren’t needed. Since there are a large number of rivers in our area, this technology holds potential for the future. If electricity supplies tighten dramatically in the future, this resource may prove to be useful again, as long as it doesn’t adversely impact the river and its ecosystems. June 2005 104 Section 9.6 Cogener ation or Combined Heat and Power (CHP) When electricity is produced, large amounts of heat are also produced. Cogeneration, or combined heat and power (CHP), allows the waste heat to be used for some other useful purpose, like hot water heating, space heating, heating a greenhouse or some other thermal application. Using the heat increases the productivity of the energy used in the power plant from a relatively low efficiency of 30 percent to one as high as 90 percent. Fuels commonly used in cogeneration include natural gas, oil, diesel fuel, propane, coal, wood, wood-waste and biomass. 9.6.1 Potential for CHP in the SE/SC CERT Region. The potential for CHP in our area has not been assessed. We think there is large potential for CHP in communities that have processing plants and a municipal utility which has an electricity generating facility. The processing plant can make use of the heat being generated, and the municipal utility is likely to have skilled staff available to manage the operation. The following chart shows which communities have munis and/or electrical generation capability and/or crop and livestock processing plants in the SE/SC CERT area. Municipal Utility Austin Blooming Prairie Blue Earth Janesville Kenyon Lake Crystal Lanesboro New Prague Owatonna Preston Rochester Spring Valley Waseca Wells Caledonia Harmony Lake City LeSueur St. Charles June 2005 Electrical Generation Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No Processing Plant(s) Meat, Grain Grain Fat, Grain, Fruit/Veg Grain, Ethanol Fruit/Veg Ethanol Dairy, Grain Dairy, Fruit/Veg, Grain Dairy, Ethanol Dairy, Fruit/Veg Diary, Meat Dairy, Fruit/Veg, Grain Meat, Grain, Fruit/Veg Fruit/Veg Dairy, Grain Grain Dairy,Fat, Fruit/Veg,Grain Meat 105 The following communities have municipal power agencies, but to our knowledge don’t have generation facilities or crop or livestock processors: Whalen, Eitzen, Kasota, Kasson, Mabel, Rushford, Spring Grove and St. Peter. 9.6.2 Two Examples of CHP/Cogeneration Projects in Rochester. According to “Opportunities to Expand Cogeneration in Minnesota,” Rochester has two cogeneration projects – one in operation and one being developed in May 2005. First, Rochester Public Utilities is planning to supply electrical and thermal energy to the Mayo Clinic and a portion of the Kahler Hotel. The system should supply all of the heating and cooling needs for the five million square foot hospital campus, as well as one-half of the approximately 20 MW electrical load. A coal fired boiler will supply 800 psig steam to three turbines. Low pressure steam at 10 psig will be used for space heating. The largest of the three turbine generators is a 6.6 MW backpressure turbine, while the other two are extraction turbines with condensers. Second, Olmsted County operates a cogeneration/district heating system with a 3 MW refuse-fired plant that came on line in 1987. They sell excess power to the Southern Minnesota Municipal Power Agency and thermal energy to the city district heating system. 9.6.3 Example of a Possible Commercial CHP Project in Rochester. There is a large commercial laundry located south of Menards South in Rochester. The facility could generate power with natural gas, use waste heat to heat water and power a heat pump to recover energy from waste water to aid in drying the laundered fabrics. In a commercial operation, power could also be used to create a modest vacuum to accelerate the drying of the fabrics. A similar application exists in the maple sugar industry where sap is batch heated under vacuum to accelerate the evaporation process. An energy transfer/desiccant wheel could be powered by waste heat and be used to pull moisture from inbound dryer air. 9.6.4 Example of Utilization of CHP on Farms. A farmer could use a biodiesel powered generator to generate electricity and use the waste heat from the engine to heat water and space. Massive Earth Seasonal Thermal Energy Storage could store heat for winter space heating of living and shop space. It might also be adapted for crop drying in the fall. Low cost units would probably not be acceptable to grid interconnection (synchronization, power factor, harmonics, etc.), so an either-or switch between line and local power would have to be utilized. As time-of-day metering is implemented by utilities, on-site power generation during peak demand periods could save energy costs substantially. As mentioned previously, heat from the process of turning manure into biogas and generating electricity can be used on the farm to heat buildings or water. June 2005 106 Section 9.7 Geothermal Ground Source Heat Pumps, Geothermal Water Source Heat Pumps and Air-to-Air Heat Exchangers. We were unable to find a recent, comprehensive assessment of the potential for ground, water or air source heat pumps in Minnesota. A study by the EPA found that ground source heat pumps are the most energy efficient and environmentally clean heating and cooling system available, and they are 72 percent more efficient than electric heating and cooling systems. 94 Depending on the existing heating and cooling systems that are replaced, installing a geothermal energy system can save homeowners and businesses between 25 and 50 percent of their annual energy costs. Taking information from the Geo-Heat Center and assuming that five percent of the households in the SE/SC CERT area installed heat pump systems over the next 20 years, we calculate the potential for using heat from the earth in the region at 250 billion Btu/year. 95 9.7.1 Air to Air Heat Exchangers. An air to air heat exchanger takes air from one source and transfers the heat in the air to another source through a contained fluid. In the winter, a heat pump takes heat from outside air and brings it inside the home. When the outside air temperature drops below 25 to 30 degrees Fahrenheit, the air source heat pump uses electric resistance heat. In the summer, the heat pump reverses the process. It cools the house by transporting heat from inside the home to the outside. Electric resistant heating is very expensive and inefficient from a total system perspective because of the huge losses between the energy source in the ground and delivery to the end users. 9.7.2 Closed Loop Geothermal Heating and Cooling Systems. Geothermal heating and cooling systems work a little differently. They use the seasonal average 50 degree temperature of the soil six feet or more beneath the earth’s surface to heat and cool buildings and heat water. Tubes that are coiled into loops are buried beneath the frost line. The tubes can be placed horizontally or vertically in boreholes or wells, depending on space limitations. A heat transfer fluid circulates through the tubes. During the winter, heat energy is conducted from the ground (the heat source) to the fluid and then to the geothermal unit in the home. In the home the heat can be distributed through either a conventional duct system or hydronic radiant heat system. During the summer, 94 Union of Concerned Scientists. Retrieved September 2004 from: 95 Geo-Heat Center. Retrieved from: Using a coefficient of operation (COP) of 3.0 and 1,000 full-load hours per year in the heating mode, a 12 kW (3.4 ton) heat pump unit removes approximately 27.2 million Btu/yr from the ground. June 2005 107 the process is reversed to cool the house. Heat is removed from the home and transferred to the loop fluid. As the warm fluid travels through the pipe in the earth, it is cooled. In the cooling mode, the earth serves as a “heat sink,” a place to deposit the heat removed from the home. A hot water heater can be added to the geothermal systems to replace conventional electric or gas hot water heaters. 9.7.3 Open Loop Geothermal Heating and Cooling Systems. Open loop geothermal systems have outlets in wells, lakes, or streams and work in a similar fashion as described above. Legislation is pending and will most likely be passed in Minnesota in 2005 that would provide geothermal energy equipment with a sales tax exemption. 9.7.4 Larger Geothermal Systems in Our Region. Steele County installed a geothermal system in its recently constructed detention center. County officials believe that the geothermal system will pay for itself by 2007 through the energy savings. 96 The school in Grand Meadow also has a large geothermal system. 9.7.5 Geothermal Power Plants and Systems Can Be Established On a Community Scale. A consortium including Environment Canada and a number of other organizations recently announced a pilot program near Calgary, Alberta, to build 52 homes, put solar panels on the garages and collect and store energy throughout the year in a shared earth storage area using boreholes. Their goal is to demonstrate the viability of seasonal thermal energy storage for space and water heating of a group of homes. SECTION 9.8 Biofuels and New Technologies for Transportation (Hybrids). We are concerned about the sustainability of using corn and soybeans to produce biofuels over the long term; however, they are important transitional liquid fuels until new technologies, such as fuel cells and producing ethanol from cellulose, are perfected and commercially available. 9.8.1 Using Biofuels. Ethanol from corn and biodiesel are the two alternative transportation fuels available to Minnesota customers in May 2005. A number of passenger vehicles - called Flexible Fuel Vehicles - are equipped to run on alternative fuels. Several Ford, Daimler Chrysler, and General Motors vehicles are equipped to run on E85 and diesel cars like the VW Jetta can easily be converted to using biodiesel. 96 Mary Overlee Olson – Steele County Recycling Coordinator, 507-444-7476 June 2005 108 9.8.2 Ethanol. All gasoline in Minnesota is mixed with a 10 percent blend of ethanol, and the legislature passed a mandate in May 2005 that fuel must contain 20 percent ethanol blends. Under the legislation, a new E20 mandate would take effect in 2013 unless ethanol has already replaced 20 percent of the state’s motor vehicle fuel by 2010. The rule would expire at the end of 2010 if Minnesota is not granted federal approval to use E20 gasoline blends. Ethanol is also available in an 85 percent blend (E85) that is sold at select gas stations across the state. The stations in our region that we identified as of April 2005 are listed in the Appendix at Chart 23. Ethanol is being produced at five plants in the SE/SC Region, and a new plant is being constructed at Janesville. 9.8.3 Biodiesel. Biodiesel fuel is made from vegetable oil or animal fats and is usable in any unmodified diesel engine. Most U.S. biodiesel is made from soybean oil. Biodiesel, where available, is generally provided in either two percent (B2) or 20 percent (B20) blends. Minnesota law requires that diesel fuel sold in Minnesota contain two percent biodiesel after June 20,2005, when eight million gallons of biodiesel are being produced in the state. Diesel off-road equipment, buses, trucks and passenger vehicles, such as VW Jetta and Passat, TDIs and diesel pickups, may burn biodiesel blended at any percentage with regular petroleum diesel or even straight (“B100”) biodiesel. The other opportunity for using biofuels in transportation is with buses and with tax-exempt vehicles. Currently the Department of Commerce is running a B20 School Bus Demonstration project at three school districts to test the viability of using B20 in winter months. The overall results from this project show that for at least nine months of the year, avoiding the three coldest months, B20 is viable fuel for school buses and may actually be viable on all but the very coldest days. Another example is the use of biodiesel in the entire City of Brooklyn Park fleet, where over 100 vehicles are using a B20 blend. The same sort of program could be used at city and county fleets throughout the SE/SC Region Combustion of B100 yields no net increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide, since the carbon dioxide released during combustion is equal to the carbon dioxide taken out of the atmosphere to grow the soybeans. The lifecycle carbon dioxide emissions of B100, taking into account all fossil fuel inputs in the soybean growing, harvesting, transportation and biodiesel production process, total about 22 percent that of petroleum diesel according to a recent study by the U.S. Department of Energy and USDA. Farm Country Co-op of Wanamingo is one of the few retailers in the region selling B100 at this time. That biodiesel is being made from animal wastes. B100 should become more readily available when new Minnesota biodiesel facilities begin production later June 2005 109 in 2005. Blended biodiesel may be purchased at a number of retail facilities in southeastern and south central Minnesota (see for a relatively comprehensive list). SoyMor is building a 25 million gallon soydiesel plant in Glenville, with production planned to begin in the spring/summer of 2005. There is discussion about building another biodiesel plant in our region in Eyota. Electric applications for Biofuels. There is also great potential for using biodiesel as a substitute for petroleum-based diesel in diesel generators used to generate electricity. Converting diesel generators to use a 20 percent biodiesel blend, would reduce air emissions of carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons and particulates. Homescale Production of Biofuels. The production of biofuels requires growing, storage and processing space that puts it out of reach for the majority of Minnesota residents. However, for the rural residents, it is possible to raise oil crops, press the oil, and process it to fuel tractors, trucks, cars and generate electricity. Diesel engines do not have to be modified to use biodiesel, in fact they last longer because of the increased lubricity of the fuel. Small stills can be purchased to process used vegetable cooking oil from restaurants. SECTION 9.9 Alternative Cars and Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEVs) 97 9.9.1 How Hybrids Are Different from Traditional Vehicles. Hybrids offer fuel economy and emissions benefits because they operate differently than conventional gasolinefueled cars. In a gasoline vehicle, the heat energy obtained by burning gasoline powers the engine, which drives the transmission that turns the wheels. In an electric vehicle, a set of batteries provides electricity to a motor, which drives the wheels. 9.9.2 There are different types of hybrid vehicles, depending on the ways the engine motor, generator and battery are combined. Three basic hybrid configurations are the series, parallel and split (or through-the-road) designs. 1. Series. The engine never directly powers the car. Instead, the engine drives the generator, and the generator can either charge the batteries or power an electric motor that drives the wheels. 97 US Department of Energy. “Technology Snapshot”. Retrieved from: June 2005 110 2. Parallel. The engine connects to the transmission, as does the electric motor. Thus, both the engine and the generator/motor can supply power to the wheels, switching back and forth as driving conditions vary. This configuration may run battery-only in town, engine plus battery/motor while accelerating and engine-only while cruising at constant speed. 3. Split. The engine drives one axle and the electric motor drives the other. There is no connection between the engine and the motor except “through the road.” The Toyota Prius combines features of both a series and parallel hybrid electric vehicle, and it is the world’s first mass-produced HEV. The Prius is a breakthrough in many ways, combining an efficient gasoline fueled internal combustion engine with a clean, quiet electric motor powered by a battery. Like other HEVs, the Prius has many innovative features. • • • • • Regenerative braking: The motor recovers energy from the brakes when they slow down or stop the vehicle and uses it to recharge the battery. Lighter, smaller engine: To improve efficiency, the Prius engine is sized to accommodate its average power load, not its peak load. Most gasoline engines are sized for peak power requirements, yet most drivers need peak power only one percent of the time. Better fuel efficiency: The Prius consumes less fuel than vehicles powered by gasoline alone, partly because the engine is turned off when it’s not needed. Conventional gasoline engines run constantly, regardless of power requirements. Lower emissions: The Prius reduces regulated tailpipe emissions by up to 90 percent and greenhouse gas emissions by about 50 percent compared with Tier 2 standards. More aerodynamic: The streamlined Prius exterior (0.29 coefficient of drag) reduces drag by about 14 percent compared with the typical family sedan. Other Hybrid cars include the Honda Civic and Ford Escape. Many more hybrid models are expected to be introduced in the near future, including Toyota and Ford SUVs. June 2005 111 SECTION 10. BARRIERS TO ENERGY EFFICIENCY AND RENEWABLE ENERGY DEVELOPMENT Section 10.1 Economic Barriers Perhaps the major barrier to widespread development of energy efficiency and renewable energy projects is the difficulty of establishing their cost effectiveness in the current economic environment. Several factors are at work. Energy efficiency projects are simple in that just the capital cost and financing of the project hardware and the value of the energy that is saved are at issue. For renewable energy projects, three principal factors affect a project’s economic viability. These are (1) the availability of the renewable energy resource, (2) the capital cost and financing of the project hardware and (3) the value of the energy that is produced. The availability of the renewable energy resources is addressed elsewhere in this report and will not be discussed here. 10.1.1 Raising Capital and Financing. Raising the initial capital cost of the installed renewable energy system can be a substantial barrier, depending on the technology type and size of the project. Smaller size projects have a relatively higher capital cost burden per unit of energy produced than larger projects because of a lack of economies of scale. Because these emerging renewable technologies are new to the banking and investment community, they are naturally cautious about providing debt or equity financing. Educating bankers about the risks and economic performance of various technology types is one of the barriers that must be overcome. Often there is a need for developmental capital, which is money necessary for engineering and cost estimates, system integration studies or even economic performance predictions that create additional barriers to finding enough initial capital to get a project going. Ideally, investments in efficiency and renewables should be part of a mortgage. Energy savings may then be shows to be equivalent to an income generator that will pay off the mortgage. 10.1.2 Determining the Value of the Electricity To Be Sold. The relative value of the energy produced is often determined by the avoided fuel cost for what the most competitive fossil fuel alternative to provide the energy would be. In the case of electricity, most situations will have the price of obtaining or selling electricity to or from the grid as the market competition. However, the value assigned typically ignores the value of the energy when provided during periods of peak loads. The avoided June 2005 112 demand charge contribution should be recognized in the rate paid for the renewable energy. The complex state and federal regulatory structure regarding purchase and sale of electricity from the grid can make a barrier out of determining the prices one could get for electricity sold or purchased when an on site generator is present. Often the dollar value of energy delivered to the grid is substantially lower than the dollar value of energy purchased. One exception in Minnesota is the case of a renewable generator rated less than 40 kW, where the selling price of energy produced locally is essentially the retail purchase price. Historically, a project developer has either had to accept the utilities “avoided cost” rates, which have seemed artificially low to some, or individually negotiate a contract price arrangement with the utility. Negotiating rates and other contract terms and conditions with the utility adds time and cost to the process. Simply off-setting normally purchased kWhs with energy produced locally on a kWh equal price basis has not been an option in Minnesota. Utility rates for backup power may not properly reflect actual costs. Retail rate structures in place for providing back up power to a generating facility when the unit is out of service have had large negative economic impacts on local generation projects. Recently, Xcel Energy has offered a special tariff (at $0.033 per kWh) available to only wind energy technologies. Other special retail tariffs may be in development for clean energy technologies and for community based energy systems. The time it takes for these items to move through the regulatory approval process will continue the status quo of pricing for some time yet. Generally, commercial and industrial customers purchase about two-thirds of the electricity produced each year. Focused on the bottom line, most commercial and industrial customers want to purchase the cheapest energy available, rather than more expensive green energy with long-term benefits, such as environmental protection. At this time, distributed generation customers can’t easily sell power directly from onsite generation to the utility through a competitive bidding process to a wholesale marketer or to other retail customers. The generally low prices available for energy produced create an impression that renewable energy doesn't save enough money to be worthwhile. Low electricity prices lead to long simple payback periods. Life cycle costing analyses that factors in the June 2005 113 probability of increasing costs of grid energy in the future are rarely used to evaluate project economics. Creative financing structures that would allow for a positive cash flow in the early years of a project life are not available from the financial community. Section 10.2 Regulatory Issues 10.2.1 Siting and Permitting. Getting zoning permits from local governments for wind turbines solar systems and biogas digesters can be problematic because the standards for green energy are still developing. Many communities lack wind or solar access protection ordinances, and thus do not yet know how to deal with requests to build wind turbines or are currently in the processes of formatting ordinances with regard to many green energy programs. Wind plants over 5 MW in size must get a siting permit from the state Environmental Quality Board. 10.2.2 Subsidies. The government subsidizes nuclear and fossil fuel technologies to a much greater degree than it does renewables, making it all the more difficult to mainstream renewable energy. 10.2.3 Taxes. Current property tax law in Minnesota assesses an in-lieu of property tax fee on wind energy projects based on their size. Since the mid-1990s, almost every single medium to large-scale fossil-fueled energy project has sought and received a property tax exemption from the state legislature. This is a form of barrier to renewable energy, since the major renewable energy technology (wind power) pays a form of property taxes and other conventional technologies don't. The “Biomass Mandate” energy projects in Minnesota have also received legislative property tax exemptions. Section 10.3 Institutional Barriers 10.3.1 Monopoly status. Utilities have little incentive to voluntarily buy energy from distributed generation projects or allow reduced energy purchases from customer-sited generation. The utilities are in the business of selling electricity, so they will tend to be adversarial toward efforts to move toward on-site, self-generation of energy. Of course, they also have to keep the safety of all of their line workers in mind, and this can also cause utilities to, understandably, put up barriers. 10.3.2 Older Planning Standards. Utility planning for energy and capacity needs (known as Integrated Resource Planning in Minnesota) is done in isolation from June 2005 114 distribution system and transmission system planning, and neither generally considers distributed generation options as a viable planning tool. 10.3.3 New Technology Issues. Emerging technologies are usually met with some resistance: “Everything works the way it is now.” We have to overcome inertia to implement change. Resistance from utility and/or building inspector can be simply due to unfamiliarity with the technology. 10.3.4 Information. Most electricity customers don’t have enough information to make informed decisions about the type of energy they would prefer to purchase and/or don’t know how to find a competent contractor or technician to help them sort it out. Among the potential users of the new technology there can be a general lack of perceived benefits, a perception that it will cause inconvenience or hardship or that it is just to hard to try to figure out. This can result in a lack of commitment to make it happen. 10.3.5 Implementation Gap. Even when people are given a choice about the type of electricity they can purchase and are provided with information about renewable energy "green pricing programs," they don’t participate. This can result in the public benefit/free rider dilemma described next. 10.3.6 Free Rider Dilemma. Currently, green energy suffers the free rider dilemma. Even though most people respond when surveyed that they would be willing to pay higher electricity bills if the energy they were purchasing was from renewable sources, many do not to participate in the voluntary programs. People who choose not to buy into green energy programs still receive the benefit of clean air and water without the cost. 10.3.7 The Interests of Landlords Run Counter to the Interests of Renters. Building owners are interested in realizing minimum costs of operating their buildings and reducing their capital investment/mortgage. The occupants/renters of a building typically are not part of the initial building design process and have few options regarding building efficiency and utilization of renewable energy. Section 10.4 Commercial Barriers 10.4.1 Prospecting. It takes time to locate and evaluate applications for green energy programs. Wind site evaluation can take a long time, especially for a larger turbine system, perhaps several years of monitoring. Getting access to sufficient land and/or associated wind rights can also take substantial time. June 2005 115 10.4.2 Marketing. New green energy companies have to compete in the current established energy industry with high level of marketing. This is expensive and marketing alone raises the cost of this new green energy considerably. 10.4.3 Installation & Upkeep. People must be trained to install, operate maintain and trouble shoot new technologies. Some renewables operate differently in different climates, thus training has to be very thorough and specific. This lack of infrastructure creates a classic “chicken and egg” problem for industry growth. 10.4.4 Assembly Line. Most nonrenewable energy technologies are manufactured in an assembly line. Mass production could greatly reduce the per item cost. However, there is not a high enough demand yet for renewable energy products to mass produce them and realize cost savings from volume production. Section 10.5 Interconnection Barriers Minnesota now has developed technical safety and reliability standards for connections to the distribution system in the entire state, but tariff rates for projects under 10 MW are still being developed. For small-scale, onsite projects there may be problems getting an interconnection with the local distribution utility. A lack of historical experience with the new standards at many utilities could lead to delays in getting a project completed. Transmission system interconnection studies and waiting in queue for this analysis do be done by Midwest Independent System Operator (MISO) can be time consuming and expensive to implement. For medium- or commercial-sized projects, transmission bottlenecks can limit the potential locations for projects or may require additional transmission line investments before moving forward. Potentially financially burdensome liability insurance requirements may be part of the interconnection process. This may be especially burdensome to smaller-sized projects. Evolving federal interconnection standards for small generators (less than 20 MW) at MISO and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) are also a barrier to interconnection when the energy produced by a project impacts the transmission grid. The time it takes to get these uniform standards adopted will continue uncertainty for these type projects. June 2005 116 CHART 1. Cities and Towns and Population Projections CERT'S REGION: POPULATION, HOUSEHOLDS 2000 & PROJECTIONS 2010 & 2030 POPULATION 2000 # HOUSEHOLDS 2000 POP. HSEHOLD POP. % CHANGE HSEHOLD % CHANGE ESTIMATE ESTIMATE ESTIMATE POP ESTIMATE HSEHOLD 2010 2010 2030 2000-2030 2030 2000-2030 COUNTY BLUE EARTH DODGE FAIRBAULT FILLMORE FREEBORN GOODHUE HOUSTON LE SUEUR MOWER OLMSTED RICE STEELE WABASHA WASECA WINONA 55,941 17,731 16,181 21,122 32,584 44,127 19,718 25,426 38,603 124,277 56,665 33,680 21,610 19,526 49,985 21,062 6,420 6,652 8,228 13,356 16,983 7,633 9,630 15,582 47,807 18,888 12,846 8,277 7,059 18,744 58,810 19,860 15,710 21,820 33,670 47,140 20,780 27,300 39,900 140,510 64,540 36,390 23,270 20,430 52,570 22,420 7,460 6,620 8,660 13,760 19,160 8,560 10,850 16,270 56,490 22,610 14,250 9,360 7,770 20,570 60,910 24,450 16,050 23,780 35,660 52,890 23,060 30,100 42,990 170,530 80,010 40,330 26,090 21,990 56,090 8.9% 37.9% -0.8% 12.6% 9.4% 19.9% 16.9% 18.4% 11.4% 37.2% 41.2% 19.7% 20.7% 12.6% 12.2% 24,150 9,670 6,950 9,850 14,970 23,050 10,270 12,900 18,350 72,510 29,740 16,690 11,160 9,150 23,380 14.7% 50.6% 4.5% 19.7% 12.1% 35.7% 34.5% 34.0% 17.8% 51.7% 57.5% 29.9% 34.8% 29.6% 24.7% TOTAL 577,176 219,167 622,700 244,810 704,930 22.1% 292,790 33.6% Data From: Minnesota Household Projections 2000-2030, Minnesota State Demographic Center, December 2003 Population Projections for Minnesota Counties, Minnesota State Demographic Center, October 2002 CITIES, TOWNS > 80,000 > 40,000 20,000 - 30,000 20,000-80,000 1 1 4 6 TOTAL POP 85,806 44,225 93,635 223,666 % POP 14.9% 7.7% 16.2% 38.8% 3 2 4 8 17 51,062 14,652 19,062 27,876 112,652 8.8% 2.5% 3.3% 4.8% 19.5% 2,000 - 2,999 1,000 - 1,999 <999 1-2,999 15 51 311 377 36,875 69,976 134,007 240,858 6.4% 12.1% 23.2% 41.7% TOTAL 400 577,176 100% 10,000 - 19,999 6,000 - 9,000 4,000 - 5,000 3,000 - 3,999 3,000-19,999 NUMBER CHART 2: Cities and Towns by Population and Households CERTS: COUNTIES WITH CITIES AND TOWN BY POPULATION & SIZE COUNTY CITIES>8,000 BLUE EARTH MANKATO N. MANKATO POP. # HOUSE CITIES 2000-7999 32,427 12,759 LAKE CRYSTAL 11,798 5,046 POP. # HOUSE CITIES 1000-1999 2,420 973 EAGLE LAKE LIME TWNSHIP MANKATO TWNS MAPLETON RAPIDAN TWNS S.BEND TWNS POP. # HOUSE 1,787 663 1,314 511 1,833 636 1,678 656 1,061 409 1,491 559 DODGE KASSON DODGE CENTER 4,398 2,226 1,711 HAYFIELD 859 MANTORVILLE MANTOR. TWNS 1,325 1,054 1,610 519 378 531 FARIBAULT BLUE EARTH WELLS 3,621 2,494 1,666 WINNEBAGO 1,097 1,487 705 FILLMORE SPRING VALLEY 2,518 1,090 CHATFIELD HARMONY PRESTON RUSHFORD 1,257 1,080 1,426 1,096 526 500 616 761 1,065 404 FREEBORN ALBERT LEA 18,356 8,133 BANCROFT TWN GOODHUE RED WING 16,116 6,867 CANNON FALLS PINE ISLAND ZUMBROTA 3,795 2,219 2,789 1,611 CANNON F. TWN 856 FLORENCE TWN. 1,191 KENYON STANTON TWNS WANAMINGO 1,236 1,450 1,661 1,080 1,007 427 633 719 384 411 HOUSTON LA CRESCENT CALEDONIA 4,923 2,965 2,014 HOUSTON 1,286 LA CRESC TWNS SPRING GROVE 1,020 1,487 1,304 459 531 610 LE SUEUR LE SUEUR LE CENTER LANESBURGH TW MONTGOMERY 3,919 2,240 2,074 2,794 1,588 NEW PRAGUE 877 KASOTA TWNS 637 WATERVILLE 1,137 1,402 1,487 1,833 540 642 864 AUSTIN TWNSHIP LANSING TWNS 1,396 1,292 527 514 CHATFIELD EYOTA HAVERHILL TWN HIGH FOR. TWN KALMAR TWN NEW HAVEN TWN SALEM TWNSHIP 1,137 1,644 1,601 1,085 1,196 1,205 1,061 433 614 543 384 431 433 409 MOWER AUSTIN 23,314 10,261 OLMSTED ROCHESTER 85,806 35,346 STEWARTVILLE BYRON CASCADE TWNS MARION TWNS ORONOCO TWNS ROCHESTER TWN RICE FARIBAULT NORTHFIELD 20,818 16,590 7,668 4,891 BRIDGEW. TWN CANNON TWNS FOREST TWNS LONSDALE SHIELDS. TWNS WARSAW TWNS WEBSTER TWNS WELLS TWNS WHEATL. TWNS 1,898 1,212 1,136 1,491 1,153 1,433 1,825 1,743 1,358 643 429 488 577 583 566 615 949 444 STEELE OWATONNA 22,434 8,940 BLOOMING PRAIR 1,933 774 WABASHA WASECA WASECA 8,493 WINONA WINONA 27,069 5,411 3,500 3,183 6,159 2,239 2,916 2,074 1,206 1,103 2,244 872 1,024 LAKE CITY PLAINVIEW WABASHA 4,330 3,190 2,599 1,948 GREENFIELD TW 1,223 1,166 1,254 720 3,563 JANESVILLE WOODVILLE TWN 2,109 2,273 848 NEW RICHLAND 478 1,197 503 3,373 3,295 1,419 HOMER TWNS 1,276 LEWISTON ROLLING TWNS WILSON TWNS 1,472 1,484 1,087 1,152 571 563 461 446 10,666 GOODVIEW ST. CHARLES CHART 3. Feedlots See attached file, Chart 3. CHART 4. Agriculture and Livestock Processors CERTS AG AND LIVESTOCK PROCESSORS COUNTY NAME OF BUSINESS LOCATION BLUE EARTH DICK'S LOCKER GOOD THUNDER BLUE EARTH ADM CO MANKATO BLUE EARTH HONEYMEAD PRODUCTS CO MANKATO BLUE EARTH CENTRAL BI-PRODUCTS RENDERING MANKATO BLUE EARTH SHARI CANDIES INC MANKATO BLUE EARTH HUBBARD PETFOOD MANKATO BLUE EARTH BIG GAIN INC MANKATO BLUE EARTH CO-OP FEED MILL MANKATO BLUE EARTH FEED SERVICE CO MANKATO BLUE EARTH HILLTOP MEAT MARKET MANKATO BLUE EARTH PIONEER SNACKS MANKATO BLUE EARTH CHIP STEAK & PROVISION CO MANKATO BLUE EARTH ADM - CRUSHING SOYBEANS MANKATO BLUE EARTH CENEX - CRUSHING SOYBEANS MANKATO BLUE EARTH PURINA MILLS INC MAPLETON DODGE AL-CORN ETHANOL PLANT CLAREMONT DODGE OWATONNA CANNING CO DODGE CENTER DODGE HUNTTING ELEVATOR CO HAYFIELD FARIBAULT GREEN GIANT CO & PILLSBURY CO BLUE EARTH FARIBAULT PA PA D'S PIZZA WHOLESALE BLUE EARTH FARIBAULT CUSTOM FOOD BLUE EARTH FARIBAULT BLUE EARTH & FROST ELEVATOR BLUE EARTH FARIBAULT BLUE EARTH RENDERING CO BLUE EARTH FARIBAULT KIESTER FEED & GRAIN INC KIESTER FARIBAULT STOKELY USA INC WELLS FARIBAULT GRAIN LAND CO OP WELLS FARIBAULT SWIFT ECKRICH INC WELLS FARIBAULT CORN PLUS ETHANOL PLANT WINNEBAGO FILLMORE GRANGER FARMERS CO-OP HARMONY FILLMORE HARMONY AGRI SVC INC HARMONY FILLMORE PRO CORN LLC ETHANOL PLANT PRESTON FILLMORE WISCONSIN DAIRIES CO-OP PRESTON FILLMORE VALLEY CHEESE INC SPRING VALLEY FILLMORE SPRING VALLEY FEED SPECIALISTS SPRING VALLEY FILLMORE BUSTER'S CUSTOM PROCESSING SPRING VALLEY FREEBORN AGRA RESOURCES ETHANOL PLANT ALBERT LEA FREEBORN ALBERT LEA ELEVATOR CO ALBERT LEA FREEBORN FREEBORN FOODS CO ALBERT LEA FREEBORN JEFF'S FEED & SEED ALBERT LEA FREEBORN SEABOARD FARMS-MINNESOTA INC ALBERT LEA FREEBORN HUDSON FOODS INC ALBERT LEA FREEBORN ALDEN CO-OP ELEVATOR ALDEN FREEBORN MANSFIELD MEAT MARKET & LOCKER ALDEN FREEBORN SOYDIESEL PLANT TO BE OPENED GLENVILLE GOODHUE MINNESOTA GRAIN PEARLING CO CANNON FALLS GOODHUE FARMERS ELEVATOR CO CANNON FALLS TYPE MEAT FAT FAT FAT Fruit & Veg GRAIN GRAIN GRAIN GRAIN MEAT MEAT MEAT SOYBEANS SOYBEANS GRAIN CORN Fruit & Veg GRAIN Fruit & Veg Fruit & Veg GRAIN GRAIN GRAIN GRAIN Fruit & Veg GRAIN MEAT CORN DAIRY GRAIN CORN DAIRY DAIRY DAIRY MEAT CORN GRAIN GRAIN GRAIN MEAT MEAT GRAIN MEAT OIL SEED GRAIN GRAIN GOODHUE GOODHUE GOODHUE GOODHUE GOODHUE GOODHUE GOODHUE GOODHUE HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON LE SUEUR LE SUEUR LE SUEUR LE SUEUR LE SUEUR LE SUEUR LE SUEUR LE SUEUR LE SUEUR LE SUEUR LE SUEUR MOWER MOWER MOWER MOWER MOWER MOWER MOWER MOWER MOWER OLMSTED OLMSTED OLMSTED OLMSTED OLMSTED OLMSTED OLMSTED OLMSTED RICE RICE RICE RICE RICE RICE RICE RICE STEELE STEELE STEELE STEELE STEELE STEELE GOODHUE CANNING CO LAND O'LAKES INC PINE ISLAND FARMER'S ELEVATOR ADM CO - CRUSH SUNFLOWER/FLAX MAPLE ISLAND INC WANAMINGO LOCKER SERV KRUSMARK PROCESSING MID-AMERICA DAIRYMEN INC SNO-PAC FOODS INC HOUSTON-MONEY CREEK CO-OP RIDGEWAY FOODS INC LE CENTER MEAT MARKET LE SUEUR CHEESE CO MIDLAND SOYA GREEN GIANT CO HUBBARD MILLING CO HIGHCROFT CO LE SUEUR FARMERS ELEVATOR GREEN GIANT CO & PILLSBURY CO SCHATZ BROTHERS MEAT MARKET ASSOCIATED MILK PRODUCERS INC CONAGRA INC C & M AUTOMOTIVE HUNTTING ELEVATOR CO QUALITY PORK PROCESSOR HORMEL FOOD CORP LOL AG CTR BROWNSDALE MEAT SVC INC HUNTTING ELEVATOR CO LE ROY FARMERS CO-OP HUNTTING ELEVATOR CO BYRON ELEVATOR CO KARK RENDERING CO ALL AMERICAN CO-OP HUCKSTADT MEAT PROCESSING INC PACE DAIRY FOOD CO MARIGOLD FOODS INC ASSOCIATED MILK PRODUCERS INC ALL AMERICAN CO-OP BEATRICE CHEESE INC LAND O'LAKES INC JEROME FOODS INC LONSDALE FEED MILL VOSEJPKA MEAT PROCESSING MALT-O-MEAL CO CANNON VALLEY CO-OP WATERFORD MEATS & PROCESSING BIXBY FEED MILL INC ASSOCIATED MILK PRODUCERS INC OWATONNA CANNING CO HARVEST STATES FARMLAND FEED BENSON QUINN CO CASHMAN SEED & FERTILIZER INC KENYON Fruit & Veg PINE ISLAND DAIRY PINE ISLAND GRAIN RED WING OILSEED WANAMINGO DAIRY WANAMINGO MEAT ZUMBRO FALLS MEAT ZUMBROTA DAIRY CALEDONIA Fruit & Veg HOUSTON DAIRY HOUSTON DAIRY LE CENTER MEAT LE SUEUR DAIRY LE SUEUR FAT LE SUEUR Fruit & Veg LE SUEUR GRAIN LE SUEUR GRAIN LE SUEUR GRAIN MONTGOMERY Fruit & Veg MONTGOMERY MEAT NEW PRAGUE DAIRY NEW PRAGUE GRAIN ADAMS GRAIN AUSTIN GRAIN AUSTIN MEAT AUSTIN MEAT BROWNSDALE GRAIN BROWNSDALE MEAT GRAND MEADOW GRAIN LE ROY GRAIN LYLE GRAIN BYRON GRAIN CHATFIELD FAT CHATFIELD GRAIN CHATFIELD MEAT ROCHESTER DAIRY ROCHESTER DAIRY ROCHESTER DAIRY STEWARTVILLE GRAIN FARIBAULT DAIRY FARIBAULT DAIRY FARIBAULT MEAT LONSDALE GRAIN LONSDALE MEAT NORTHFIELD GRAIN NORTHFIELD GRAIN NORTHFIELD MEAT BLOOMING PRAIRIE GRAIN OWATONNA DAIRY OWATONNA Fruit & Veg OWATONNA GRAIN OWATONNA GRAIN OWATONNA GRAIN STEELE WABASHA WABASHA WABASHA WABASHA WABASHA WABASHA WASECA WASECA WASECA WASECA WASECA WASECA WASECA WASECA WINONA WINONA WINONA WINONA WINONA WINONA WINONA WINONA WINONA WILDUNG ALFALFA MILL OWATONNA CARGILL FLOUR MILLING DIV LAKE CITY DUNCANS INC LAKE CITY FARMERS ELEVATOR CO LAKE CITY INDEPENDENT GRAIN & FEED CO LAKE CITY LAKESIDE FOODS INC PLAINVIEW CON AGRA FLOUR MILLING CO WABASHA SOUTHERN VALLEY CO-OP JANESVILLE CARGILL INC NEW RICHLAND HUNTING ELEVATOR CO NEW RICHLAND MATAWAN GRAIN & FEED INC WALDORF WASECA FOOD & STORAGE WASECA KRAFT GENERAL FOODS WASECA SOUTH CENTRAL FEDERATED FEEDS WASECA SOUTHERN VALLEY CO-OP WASECA LEWISTON FEED & PRODUCE LEWISTON NORTH STAR FOODS INC ST CHARLES AG SPECIALISTS ST CHARLES PRAIRIE LAND CO-OP WINDOM ADM GROWMARK WINONA BAY STATE MILLING CO WINONA SECOND LOOK WINONA WATKINS INC WINONA LEDEBUHR MEAT PROCESSING WINONA GRAIN GRAIN GRAIN GRAIN GRAIN Fruit & Veg GRAIN GRAIN GRAIN GRAIN GRAIN DAIRY Fruit & Veg GRAIN GRAIN GRAIN MEAT MEAT GRAIN GRAIN GRAIN GRAIN GRAIN MEAT CHART 5. Soybeans and Corn Consumed in Area CERTS 2000: CORN GROWN, CONSUMED, PROCESSED BY COUNTY CORN COUNTY BLUE EARTH DODGE FARIBAULT FILLMORE FREEBORN GOODHUE HOUSTON LE SUEUR MOWER OLMSTED RICE STEELE WABASHA WASECA WINONA TOTAL BU CORN PRODUCED 2002 30,099,600 18,060,000 33,667,200 24,252,600 30,249,900 21,386,000 8,316,600 14,023,800 31,087,800 16,699,600 1,243,340 17,064,800 11,939,200 19,388,700 12,364,800 289,843,940 LIVESTOCK County Level Corn Equivalents Consumed (bushels) 1 7,752,430 3,409,515 2,551,329 10,251,831 6,165,588 9,160,096 4,891,049 4,446,529 7,777,329 4,754,968 10,326,939 5,183,763 5,406,662 7,482,618 8,886,297 98,446,943 Bushels Used in Ethanol Production 11,111,111 16,296,296 14,814,814 14,074,074 56,296,295 Bushels Remaining 22,347,170 3,539,374 14,819,575 -814,045 10,010,238 12,225,904 3,425,551 9,577,271 23,310,471 11,944,632 -9,083,599 11,881,037 6,532,538 11,906,082 3,478,503 135,100,702 1 Filling the Livestock Feed Troughs of Minesota, Douglas G. Tiffany and Jerry Fruin, 2001 CERTS 2000: SOYBEANS GROWN, CONSUMED, PROCESSED BY COUNTY BU SOY PRODUCED 2002 COUNTY BLUE EARTH DODGE FARIBAULT FILLMORE FREEBORN GOODHUE HOUSTON LE SUEUR MOWER OLMSTED RICE STEELE WABASHA WASECA WINONA TOTAL TONS of SOYBEANs PRODUCED 2002 8,232,000 4,763,200 8,355,000 4,936,800 7,894,800 4,580,000 1,204,800 4,051,200 8,729,100 3,796,000 3,350,000 4,320,000 1,960,000 5,002,400 1,425,600 72,600,900 LIVESTOCK County Level Soybean Equivalents Consumed (tons) 1 246,960 142,896 250,650 148,104 236,844 137,400 36,144 121,536 261,873 113,880 100,500 129,600 58,800 150,072 42,768 2,178,027 1 Filling the Livestock Feed Troughs of Minesota, Douglas G. Tiffany and Jerry Fruin, 2001 Soybean Crushing Potential Tons: Soybeans Available Tons: Deficit Tons Soybeans For Crushing Facilities at Maximum Capacity 2,700,000 1,564,717 1,135,283 50,331 22,272 17,077 62,469 37,558 56,148 26,998 24,728 44,998 27,255 79,788 31,357 33,269 44,917 54,145 613,310 Tons Remaining 196,629 120,624 233,573 85,635 199,286 81,252 9,146 96,808 216,875 86,625 20,712 98,243 25,531 105,155 -11,377 1,564,717 CHART 6. Gyles Randall Statement on Corn-Soybean Rotation Not Sustainable COMMENTARY: Intensive corn-soybean agriculture is not sustainable By Gyles Randall, University of Minnesota soil scientist 9/27/01 Present-day corn and soybean production in southern Minnesota does not appear to be sustainable from economic, environmental, ecological and sociological perspectives. Let's examine these four factors: 1. Economics is a primary determinant as to whether an agricultural production system is sustainable-to the producer, the agricultural infrastructure and the surrounding community. Global competition, primarily from Argentina, Brazil, and China, will put extreme pressure on the U.S. corn and soybean market. Visitors to Brazil say there are over 200 million acres of relatively flat land outside of the Amazon River Basin available to be cleared for crop production. This is more than the total acreage of corn and soybeans in the U.S. (about 140 million acres). Due to low prices, federal assistance with loan deficiency payments (LDPs) has been the primary source of profit for most corn and soybean producers the last two years. Some have said that without them we would have witnessed the largest bankruptcy ever in American agriculture. Unfortunately, LDPs have stimulated all-out field edge to field edge production, since the farmer is rewarded based on number of bushels produced. Although economically good for the producer, this government policy has come at the expense of soil and water stewardship and has created severe long-term consequences. Coupled with global competition and taxpayers questioning government payments to produce crops they see as not essential to food in grocery stores and restaurants, the economic picture for current corn-soybean production becomes bleak. 2. Environmental factors have become more prominent in recent years when determining the sustainability of crop production systems. In my travels throughout south central and southeastern Minnesota, I've never seen as much erosion as in the last few years. We've had some intense rains, but we've also converted the landscape to a crop production system (corn and soybeans) that is extremely susceptible to soil erosion. We must question the sustainability of the corn-soybean rotation from an environmental perspective. This is due to more soil erosion, greater and more "flash flood" runoff water compared to cropping systems containing alfalfa and grass perennials, and more loss of nitrate-nitrogen to ground and surface waters. 3. Ecological factors must be considered when evaluating sustainability. More and diverse plant and wildlife is considered highly favorable in a rural ecosystem and presents an aesthetically pleasing quality, which is gaining value in American society. But the current corn-soybean cropping system provides little opportunity for animal and plant diversity on the landscape. CHART 6. Gyles Randall Statement on Corn-Soybean Rotation Not Sustainable (continued) Transportation of corn and soybeans to New Orleans for overseas shipment is another ecological challenge. The judicial branch recently denied attempts by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to reconstruct the lock and dam system to better accommodate barge traffic for grain shipment. My guess is that corn and soybean agriculture will not win this ecological debate. 4. Sociological impacts are also seen as side effects of present-day corn and soybean agriculture. As farms get larger to support profitable corn and soybean production, we have fewer farms and farm families. Rural populations decline, student numbers in schools dwindle and church membership shrinks. Producers often bypass the local community to purchase inputs at larger regional outlets where prices are cheaper due to volume purchases. And as more production contracts are developed between agribusiness and the farmer, the farmer will gradually assume the role of "custom operator" or "indentured servant" and lose the freedom to manage. These trends will likely continue regardless of the cropping system, but the corn-soybean rotation has speeded the process. What does this all mean? Present-day corn and soybean production systems with little livestock in the enterprise do not appear sustainable. We will need substantial changes in federal farm policy, cropping systems and usage of crops produced on the farm to sustain a healthy environment and rural community. Gyles Randall is a soil scientist and professor at the University of Minnesota Southern Research and Outreach Center, Waseca. He can be reached at 507-835-3620, or This commentary was distributed by the University of Minnesota Extension Service. -30- CHART 6. Gyles Randall Statement on Corn-Soybean Rotation Not Sustainable (continued) These photos graphically illustrate the effects of intensive corn-soybean farming on water quality. They were taken at a spot where the Root River drains into the Mississippi River in southeast Minnesota. The Root is recognized nationally as a premier trout stream. But in these photos, which were taken Aug. 20, 1999, by Jeff Janvrin of the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, the Root is so laden with eroded soil that it appears chocolate brown against the relatively blue waters of the Mississippi (which is no pristine stream itself). Parts of the Root flow through intensivelyfarmed corn and soybean country in southern Minnesota. CHART 7: Energy to Raise Corn and Soybeans – SE/SC MN CERT Region ENERGY USED TO PRODUCE CORN AND SOYBEANS IN MN AND SE MN CERTS** CORN DIESEL/ACRE/GAL ACRES MN DIESEL MN CERTS ACRES DIESEL CERTS SOYBEANS MINNESOTA 9.37 7,100,000 66,527,000 1,799,100 16,857,567 7.43 7,600,000 56,468,000 1,362,400 10,122,632 122,995,000 GAS/ACRE/GAL ACRES MN GAS MN CERTS ACRES GAS CERTS 1.15 7,100,000 8,165,000 1,799,100 2,068,965 0.91 7,600,000 6,916,000 1,362,400 1,239,784 15,081,000 LP/ACRE ACRES MN LP/MN CERTS ACRES LP CERTS 9.58 7,100,000 68,018,000 1,799,100 17,235,378 0.75 7,600,000 5,700,000 1,362,400 1,021,800 73,718,000 35.63 7,100,000 252,973,000 1,799,100 64,101,933 27.50 7,600,000 209,000,000 1,362,400 37,466,000 461,973,000 3.945 7,100,000 28,009,500 1,799,100 7,097,450 0.199 7,600,000 1,512,400 1,362,400 271,118 29,521,900 ELECTRICITY/ACRE ACRES MN ELECTRICITY MN CERTS ACRES ELECTRICITY CERTS NAT GAS/ACRE* ACRES MN NAT GAS MN CERTS ACRES NAT GAS CERTS SE MN CERTS 26,980,199 3,308,749 18,257,178 101,567,933 7,368,567 **SE CERTS: Blue Earth, Faribault, Freeborn, LeSueur, Rice, Steele, Waseca, Dodge, Fillmore, Goodhue, Houston, Mower, Olmsted, Wabasha, Winona * - Natural Gas figures represent thousand cubic feet of natural used per acre in fertilizer for each crop type. Figures from Doug Tiffany -- University of Minnesota - power point presentation at under programs, Endowed Chair, power point CHART 8: Major Energy Users Major Fuel Users and amount fuel used in 2001 Source: PCA Boiler and Fuel Use database Consolidated by: Shalini Gupta, ME3 COUNTY CITY NAME Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Earth Earth Earth Earth Earth Earth Earth Earth Earth Annual NATURAL FUEL LPG/ WOOD GAS OIL PROP WOOD Coal Coke Million British Thermal Units Consumed in 2001 Lake Crystal Crysteel Manufacturing Inc Mankato ADM - Mankato Mankato Associated Finishing Inc Mankato CHS Oilseed Processing - Mankato Mankato Crown Cork & Seal Co Inc - Mankato Mankato Dotson Co Inc Mankato Minnesota Elevator Inc Mankato NSP dba Xcel Energy - Key City/ Wilmarth North Mankato Taylor Corp Campus 4,019 293,720 22,842 815,584 29,678 3,290 21 41,737 19,532 Dodge Dodge Claremont Al-Corn Clean Fuel Dodge CenterMcNeilus Truck & Manufacturing Inc 659,976 131,563 Faribault Faribault Faribault Faribault Faribault Faribault Blue Earth Blue Earth Blue Earth Blue Earth Wells Winnebago 1,408 15,626 36,391 4,647 1,614 879,968 Fillmore Fillmore Fillmore Fillmore Fillmore Chatfield Strongwell - Chatfield Division Chatfield Tuohy Furniture Corp - Chatfield Preston Pro-Corn LLC Spring Valley BP Products North America -Spring Valley Spring Valley Spring Valley Utilities 2,416 3,793 769,365 31 2,128 Freeborn Freeborn Freeborn Freeborn Albert Albert Albert Albert 745,290 7,669 9,951 49,807 Goodhue Goodhue Goodhue Goodhue Goodhue Goodhue Goodhue Goodhue Goodhue Goodhue Goodhue Goodhue Cannon FallsBergquist Co - Cannon Falls Kenyon Foldcraft Co Pine Island Land O'Lakes Inc - Pine Island Red Wing ADM - Red Wing Red Wing Minnesota Correctional Facility-Red Wing Red Wing Minnesota State College - SE Technical Red Wing NSP dba Xcel Energy - Red Wing Red Wing Red Wing Solid Waste Boiler Facility Red Wing SB Foot Tanning Co Red Wing USG Interiors Inc - Red Wing Welch NSP dba Xcel Energy - Prairie Island Zumbrota Dairy Farmers of America Inc - Zumbrota Houston Spring Grove Northern Engraving Corp Le Le Le Le Le Le Le Le Kasota Le Sueur Le Sueur Le Sueur Le Sueur Montgomery New Prague New Prague Unimin Minnesota Corp - Kasota Plant DAVISCO International Inc - Le Sueur Le Sueur Inc Minnesota Valley Health Center Unimin Minnesota Corp - Le Sueur Seneca Foods Corp - Montgomery ConAgra Flour Milling Co - New Prague New Prague Water - Light - Power & Bldg 115,958 79,876 246,042 7,669 162,218 70,202 5,397 1,028 Mower Mower Mower Mower Austin Austin Austin Austin Austin Utilities - 4th Ave Plant Austin Utilities - NE Power Station Hormel Foods Corp - Austin Riverland Community College 56,530 101,186 306,985 34,243 Olmsted Olmsted Olmsted Olmsted Olmsted Olmsted Olmsted Olmsted Olmsted Rochester Rochester Rochester Rochester Rochester Rochester Rochester Rochester Rochester Associated Milk Producers Inc -Rochester 119,762 Crenlo Inc - Plant 2 127,359 IBM - Rochester 323,316 Mayo Medical Center - Rochester 1,947,875 Olmsted Waste-to-Energy Facility 10,989 Pace Dairy Foods Co 30,778 Quest International 147,210 Rochester Public Utilities - Silver Lake 273,962 Seneca Foods Corp - Rochester 133,198 Sueur Sueur Sueur Sueur Sueur Sueur Sueur Sueur Lea Lea Lea Lea Blue Earth Area Schools Blue Earth Light & Water Seneca Foods Corp - Blue Earth St Luke's Lutheran Care Center Wells Public Utilities Corn Plus Agra Resources Coop dba EXOL Alliance Pipeline - Albert Lea 25-A ISD 241 - SW Jr High & Sibley Elementary Streater Inc 76,288 2,087 202,979 105,576 38,982 4,184 29,401 6,446 12,901 21,691 178,461 23,624 (MWh) 4,019 1,744,375 22,842 1,213,245 29,678 3,290 21 41,737 19,532 1,427,031 397,660 659,976 131,563 226 3,926 1,634 19,552 36,391 4,663 1,614 879,968 17 2,416 15,595 769,502 31 2,128 11,802 137 745,290 7,669 9,951 49,807 9,185 32,258 164,659 69 48 523 627,520 25 22,241 30,449 344 30,794 186 116,144 79,876 246,042 7,719 162,944 70,202 5,562 1,028 50 725 165 1,405,844 364,530 226 76,288 11,271 235,237 270,235 38,982 4,253 29,449 6,446 13,424 649,211 25 200,702 2,330 108,061 13,532 19,160 203,229 1,498 2,289,091 56,530 1,507,030 673,845 34,469 227,823 140,891 342,476 2,151,104 12,487 30,778 147,210 2,563,053 133,198 CHART 8: Major Energy Users (continued) Major Fuel Users and amount fuel used in 2001 Annual Electrcity Generation Source: PCA Boiler and Fuel Use database Consolidated by: Shalini Gupta, ME3 COUNTY CITY NAME NATURAL FUEL LPG/ WOOD GAS OIL PROP WOOD Coal Coke Million British Thermal Units Consumed in 2001 Catholic Charities Covenant Academy MN 3,505 Crown Cork & Seal Co Inc - Faribault 70,099 2,310 Minn Correctional Facility - Faribault 85,118 102,074 Carleton College 149,852 Malt-O-Meal Co - Plant 2 - Northfield 342,735 McLane Minnesota Inc 1,480 3,162 Northfield Acquisition Co - East & West 77,100 100 Northfield Hospital - Rice County 13,179 Rice Rice Rice Rice Rice Rice Rice Rice Faribault Faribault Faribault Northfield Northfield Northfield Northfield Northfield Steele Steele Steele Steele Bloom PrairieBlooming Prairie Public Utilities Owatonna Crown Cork & Seal Co Inc - Owatonna Owatonna Owatonna Public Utilities - Power Plant Owatonna Truth Hardware Paint Plant - Owatonna 109,924 122,805 70,829 Wabasha Wabasha Wabasha Wabasha Lake City Lake City Lake City Plainview Federal-Mogul Corp Powertrain Systems Hearth & Home Technologies of Lake City Valley Craft Inc Lakeside Foods Inc - Plainview 116,164 75,394 11,421 101,320 Waseca Waseca Janesville Waseca Janesville Municipal Utilities Brown Printing Co - Waseca Division 11,483 156,667 Winona Winona Winona Winona Winona Winona Winona Winona Winona Winona Winona Winona Winona Winona Winona Winona Badger Equipment Co Badger Foundry Co Bay State Milling Co Cytec Engineered Materials Inc Froedtert Malt - Winona ISD 861 - Winona High School St Mary's University Ticona Celstran Inc 236 39,917 9,920 87,873 321,456 1,214 1,975 15,525 941 1,634 770 3,505 72,409 187,192 149,852 342,735 4,642 77,200 13,179 1,214 109,924 122,805 70,829 1,401 70,665 82 (MWh) 118,139 75,394 11,421 116,845 11,483 157,608 236 41,551 9,920 87,873 321,456 1,401 71,434 82 CHART 9: Natural Gas and Electricity Providers County Blue Earth Blue Earth Blue Earth Blue Earth Blue Earth Dodge Dodge Dodge Dodge Dodge Faribault Faribault Faribault Fillmore Fillmore Fillmore Fillmore Fillmore Freeborn Freeborn Freeborn Goodhue Goodhue Goodhue Goodhue Goodhue Goodhue Goodhue Goodhue Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Le Sueur Le Sueur Le Sueur Le Sueur Le Sueur Le Sueur Le Sueur Le Sueur Olmsted Olmsted Olmsted Olmsted Olmsted Olmsted Olmsted Olmsted Rice Rice Rice Steele Steele Steele Steele Steele Steele Steele Wabasha Wabasha Wabasha Wabasha Wabasha Waseca Waseca Waseca Waseca Winona Winona Winona Community_Name Mankato Mankato Mankato N. Mankato N. Mankato Dodge Center Hayfield Hayfield Mantorville Mantorville Blue Earth Wells Winnebago Chatfield Harmony Rushford Rushford Spring Valley Albert Lea Albert Lea Albert Lea Cannon Falls Cannon Falls Kenyon Pine Island Red Wing Wanamingo Zumbrota Zumbrota Caledonia Caledonia Houston La Crescent La Crescent Spring Grove Spring Grove Le Center Le Sueur Montgomery Montgomery Montgomery Montgomery Montgomery Montgomery Byron Byron Eyota Eyota Rochester Rochester Stewartville Stewartville Faribault Faribault Northfield Blooming Prairie Blooming Prairie Medford Medford Owatonna Owatonna Owatonna Lake City Lake City Lake City Plainview Wabasha Janesville New Richland Waseca Waseca Goodview Lewiston Winona Electric Utility_Name BENCO Electric Dakota Electric Association Xcel Energy (NSP) BENCO Electric Xcel Energy (NSP) Xcel Energy (NSP) People's Cooperative Services Xcel Energy (NSP) People's Cooperative Services Xcel Energy (NSP) Blue Earth Light and Water Office Wells Public Utilities Alliant Energy Alliant Energy City of Harmony Rushford Municipal Tri-County Electric Cooperative Spring Valley Public Utilities Comm. Alliant Energy Dakota Electric Association Freeborn-Mower Cooperative Services Dakota Electric Association Xcel Energy (NSP) Kenyon Municipal Utilities Xcel Energy (NSP) Xcel Energy (NSP) Xcel Energy (NSP) Goodhue County Cooperative Electric Association Xcel Energy (NSP) Caledonia Mun Light & Power Dept. Tri-County Electric Cooperative Tri-County Electric Cooperative Tri-County Electric Cooperative Xcel Energy (NSP) City of Spring Grove Xcel Energy (NSP) Alliant Energy Le Sueur Municipal Utilities Alliant Energy Alliant Energy Alliant Energy Minnesota Valley Electic Cooperative Minnesota Valley Electic Cooperative Minnesota Valley Electic Cooperative People's Cooperative Services Xcel Energy (NSP) Alliant Energy People's Cooperative Services People's Cooperative Services Rochester Public Utilities Alliant Energy People's Cooperative Services Steele-Waseca Cooperative Xcel Energy (NSP) Xcel Energy (NSP) Blooming Prairie Municipal Utilities Southern Minnesota Municipal Power Alliant Energy Steele-Waseca Cooperative Alliant Energy Owatonna Public Utilities Steele-Waseca Cooperative Lake City Water & Light Southern Minnesota Municipal Power Xcel Energy (NSP) Alliant Energy Xcel Energy (NSP) Janesville Municipal Xcel Energy (NSP) Waseca Utility Xcel Energy (NSP) Xcel Energy (NSP) Alliant Energy Xcel Energy (NSP) Gas Utility_Name CenterPoint Energy Minnegasco CenterPoint Energy Minnegasco CenterPoint Energy Minnegasco CenterPoint Energy Minnegasco CenterPoint Energy Minnegasco Aquila Networks (Peoples) Aquila Networks (Peoples) Aquila Networks (Peoples) Aquila Networks (Peoples) Aquila Networks (Peoples) CenterPoint Energy Minnegasco Aquila Networks (Peoples) CenterPoint Energy Minnegasco Aquila Networks (Peoples) Aquila Networks (Peoples) Aquila Networks (Peoples) Aquila Networks (Peoples) Aquila Networks (Peoples) Alliant Energy Alliant Energy Alliant Energy Aquila Networks (Peoples) Aquila Networks (Peoples) Aquila Networks (Peoples) Aquila Networks (Peoples) Xcel Energy Aquila Networks (Peoples) Xcel Energy Xcel Energy Aquila Networks (Peoples) Aquila Networks (Peoples) Aquila Networks (Peoples) Aquila Networks (Peoples) Aquila Networks (Peoples) Aquila Networks (Peoples) Aquila Networks (Peoples) Alliant Energy CenterPoint Energy Minnegasco Greater Minnesota Gas, Inc CenterPoint Energy Minnegasco Alliant Energy Greater Minnesota Gas, Inc CenterPoint Energy Minnegasco Alliant Energy Aquila Networks (Peoples) Aquila Networks (Peoples) Aquila Networks (Peoples) Aquila Networks (Peoples) Aquila Networks (Peoples) Aquila Networks (Peoples) Aquila Networks (Peoples) Aquila Networks (Peoples) Xcel Energy Xcel Energy Xcel Energy Aquila Networks (Peoples) Aquila Networks (Peoples) CenterPoint Energy Minnegasco CenterPoint Energy Minnegasco Owatonna Pub. Utilities Owatonna Pub. Utilities Owatonna Pub. Utilities Xcel Energy Xcel Energy Xcel Energy Aquila Networks (Peoples) Xcel Energy CenterPoint Energy Minnegasco Aquila Networks (Peoples) CenterPoint Energy Minnegasco CenterPoint Energy Minnegasco Xcel Energy Alliant Energy Xcel Energy CHART 10: Co-ops, Munis and Power Providers in the 15 County SE/SC CERT Region Legend: Olive -- Alliant Energy Purple -- Dairyland Power Cooperative Turquoise -- Xcel Energy Coral -- Great River Energy White -- Munis and Others CHART 11: Munis and Coops and Customers by Sector, Power Consumption SE/SC CERTS: ELECTRICITY CONSUMED, POWER PROVIDERS, NO. CUSTOMERS 2001 *info withheld to avoid disclosure of individual company data # NONNON-FARM COMMERNUMBER FARM FARM RESIDENT NUMBER CIAL NUMBER INDUSTRIAL TOTAL DAIRYLAND FARMS MWH RESID. MWH COMM. MWH INDUST MWH CUSTOMER Freeborn Mower 5,688 103,609 0 0 57 23,557 4 24,924 5,749 Peoples 3,500 47,086 10,345 137,201 231 23,439 0 0 14,076 Tri-Co Elect 10,027 167,536 1,701 1,554 352 28,525 2 14,044 12,082 TOTAL DAIRY 19,215 318,231 12,046 138,755 640 75,521 6 38,968 31,907 GREAT RIVER BENCO Dakota -- part Goodhue Coop Minn Valley Steele Waseca TOTAL G.RIV 5,700 na 2,284 0 6,879 14,863 MUNIS NON-SMMPA Blue Earth P&L Caledonia Mun Eitzen Harmony Janesville Kasota Kasson Kenyon Lake Crystal Lanesboro LeSueur Mabel Rushford Spring Grove St. Charles Whalen TOT NON-SMMPA # FARM MUNIS SMMPA Austin Blooming Prairie Lake City New Prague Owatonna Preston Rochester Spring Valley St. Peter Waseca Wells TOTAL SMMPA # FARM 696 0 2 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 703 TOTAL ALL 80,572 na 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 18 0 182 0 0 6 0 0 214 34,995 50,967 0 99,483 231,022 MWH 0 87 0 0 0 0 0 0 180 0 2,389 0 0 226 0 0 2,882 558,361 71,451 na 1,824 23,181 599 31,051 #NF RESID 1,667 1,297 121 607 937 324 1,878 752 986 441 1,585 384 743 610 1,381 50 13,763 MWH # NF RESID 6,069 9,500 0 805 48 2,535 0 1,754 0 9,182 109 658 0 37,196 0 1,236 0 3,195 0 3,569 0 1,136 6,226 70,766 TOTAL INV OWN TOTAL 2000 ELECT USE BLUE EARTH DODGE FARIBAULT FILLMORE FREEBORN GOODHUE HOUSTON LE SUEUR MOWER OLMSTEAD RICE STEELE WABASHA WASECA WINONA TOTAL 5,447 na 127,626 546 na 21,491 270,564 1,592 365,098 MWH 13,816 9,568 1,181 4,050 11,665 3,500 14,636 5,923 8,099 2,689 12,152 2,389 6,381 3,890 10,607 203 110,749 144 2,361 426 3,477 # COMM 332 165 26 166 133 0 245 103 175 80 254 92 97 136 173 6 2,183 MWH # COMM 67,309 1,513 6,414 188 18,025 340 14,043 253 72,395 868 5,019 188 281,644 3,952 8,365 189 23,292 397 26,464 503 8,224 197 531,194 8,588 1,145,796 80,696 na 14,888 0 na 2,613 181,099 34,119 298,527 MWH 6,611 3,946 477 4,498 4,421 0 11,203 1,594 7,566 3,012 13,471 2,702 3,416 4,724 4,778 173 72,592 6 0 4 10 # INDUST 56 67 4 6 0 0 0 22 0 0 57 0 20 5 13 0 250 MWH # INDUST * 1 14,978 0 15,908 6 25,947 31 63,334 63 * 13 605,628 2 9,234 0 30,284 3 35,185 0 16,000 0 816,498 119 1,263,138 0 na 385 11,693 na 730 0 44,100 44,830 MWH 32,409 7,800 336 83 0 0 0 7,293 0 0 73,656 0 5,163 5,474 9,218 0 141,432 MWH * 0 74,571 16,221 209,520 * 242,010 0 23,658 0 0 565,980 791,210 TOTAL MWH 152,090 207,726 211,659 571,475 232,719 na 4,258 25,542 7,908 49,401 TOT CUST 2,055 1,537 151 779 1,070 324 2,123 877 1,179 521 2,078 476 860 757 1,567 56 16,410 75,801 451,663 179,294 939,477 TOT MWH 52,836 21,401 1,994 8,631 16,086 3,500 25,839 14,810 15,845 5,701 101,668 5,091 14,960 14,314 24,603 376 327,655 TOT CUST TOT MWH 11,710 301,397 993 21,392 2,883 108,552 2,038 56,211 10,113 345,249 864 12,631 41,150 1,129,282 1,425 17,599 3,595 77,234 4,072 61,649 1,333 24,224 80,176 2,155,420 177,894 3,994,027 63% 2,325,707 37% 6,319,734 100% MWH 723,929 148,264 225,267 148,002 409,980 489,413 146,215 270,334 394,730 1,372,514 588,238 430,218 221,536 224,953 526,141 6,319,734 CHART 12. Power Plants Fuel Types POWER PLANTS CERT'S REGION 2000 Capacity Summer MWH 22.200 Capacity Winter MWH Year Inst. County 27.400 1974 LeSueur Mower 9.000 1935 Mower 7.500 1946 Mower 12.100 1955 Mower 5.000 1961 Mower 31.500 1971 Mower Faribault 1.500 1960 Faribault 1.600 1993 Faribault 1.600 1993 Faribault 1.600 1993 Faribault 1.800 1995 Faribault Waseca 1.365 1972 Waseca 1.100 1964 Waseca 0.675 1955 Waseca 1.825 1998 Waseca Goodhue 1.825 1997 Goodhue 1.825 1997 Goodhue 1.825 1997 Goodhue Blue Earth 0.700 1952 Blue Earth 2.100 1971 Blue Earth 1.300 1955 Blue Earth 1.800 1999 Blue Earth Fillmore 1.000 1968 Fillmore 0.230 1923 Fillmore Olmsted 40.000 1974 Olmsted Wabasha 1.000 1984 Wabasha 1.000 1984 Wabasha 9.000 1949 Olmsted 14.000 1953 Olmsted 23.000 1962 Olmsted 58.000 1969 Olmsted Utility Alliant Montgomery Gas Turbine Austin Utilities DT Plant Unit 2 DT Plant Unit 3 DT Plant Unit 4 DT Plant Unit 5 Northeast Plant Blue Earth Light & Power Unit 1 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5 Unit 6 Janesville Municipal Utilities Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Kenyon Municipal Utility Unit 5 Unit 6 Unit 7 Lake Crystal Municipal Utility Unit 1 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5 Lanesboro Public Utilities Power Plant Diesel Unit 2 Hydroelectric Plant Rochester Public Utilities Cascade Creek Unit 1 Lake Zumbro Hydroelectric Unit 1 Unit 2 Silver Lake Steam Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Southern MN Mun Power Agency Blooming Prairie Plant Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 New Prague Power Plant Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 6 Owatonna Downtown Unit 5 Unit 6 Owatonna West Sub Unit 7 Preston Municipal Plant Unit 4 Unit 5 Unit 6 Spring Valley Plant Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Steele Waseca Coop Electric Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Wells Public Utilities Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5 Xcel Energy Key City Gas Turbine Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Prairie Island Nuclear Unit 1 Unit 2 Red Wing Steam Unit 1 Unit 2 West Faribault Jet Engine Unit 2 Unit 3 Wilmarth Steam Unit 1 Unit 2 Type of Facility Gas Turbine Fuel Oil #2 Steam Steam Steam Gas Turbine Steam Gas/oil # 2 Gas/oil # 2 Gas/oil # 2 Gas/oil # 2 Coal/gas Int Combustion Int Combustion Int Combustion Int Combustion Int Combustion Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil #2/Gas #2 #2 #2 #2 1.500 1.600 1.600 1.600 1.800 Int Combustion Int Combustion Int Combustion Int Combustion Oil Oil Oil Oil #2/Gas #2/Gas #2/Gas #2 1.300 1.100 0.675 1.825 Int Combustion Int Combustion Int Combustion Oil #2 Oil #2 Oil #2 1.825 1.825 1.825 Int Combustion Int Combustion Int Combustion Int Combustion Gas/oil # 2 Gas/oil # 2 Gas/oil # 2 Oil #2 0.700 2.100 1.300 1.800 Int Combustion Hydro Diesel Water 1.000 0.230 Gas Turbine Oil #2 28.000 Hydro Hydro Steam Steam Steam Steam Water Water Coal/gas Coal/gas Coal/gas Coal/gas 1.500 1.500 9.000 14.000 23.000 58.000 Int Combustion Int Combustion Int Combustion Oil #2/Gas Oil #2/Gas Oil #2/Gas 1.500 1.300 0.400 1.500 1.300 0.400 Int Combustion Int Combustion Int Combustion Int Combustion Steam Steam Gas Turbine Gas/oil # 2 Gas/oil # 2 Gas/oil # 2 Gas/oil # 2 Gas Gas Gas 4.900 2.600 3.800 6.400 4.900 2.600 3.800 6.400 21.200 14.600 21.200 19.400 Int Combustion Int Combustion Int Combustion Int Combustion Int Combustion Int Combustion Oil #2/Gas Oil #2/Gas Oil #2/Gas Gas/oil # 2 Gas/oil # 2 Gas/oil # 2 0.700 1.100 2.100 0.900 0.900 2.000 0.700 1.100 2.100 0.900 0.900 2.000 Wind Wind Wind Wind Int Combustion Int Combustion Int Combustion Int Combustion Int Combustion Wind Wind Wind Wind Oil #2/Gas Oil #2/Gas Oil #2/Gas Oil #2/Gas Oil #2/Gas 0.004 0.018 0.025 0.035 1.400 1.500 1.000 2.300 2.200 0.004 0.018 0.025 0.035 1.400 1.500 1.000 2.300 2.200 Gas Turbine Gas Turbine Gas Turbine Gas Turbine Nuclear Nuclear Steam Steam Gas/oil # 2 Gas/oil # 2 Gas/oil # 2 Gas/oil # 2 Uranium Uranium RDF/Gas RDF/Gas 15.500 16.200 16.100 16.800 525.000 524.000 10.800 10.500 19.500 19.500 19.500 19.500 546.000 545.000 11.600 11.300 1969 1969 1969 1969 1973 1974 1949 1949 Gas Turbine Gas Turbine Steam Steam Gas Gas RDF/Gas RDF/Gas 0.000 0.000 10.600 11.400 1,555.752 1965 1965 1948 1951 Great River Pleasant Dexter Combustion Natural Gas Nat Gas 16.600 13.800 10.100 10.800 1,506.987 420 Source: Department of Commerce, The Minnesota Utility Data Book, June 2002, pages 51-74 9.000 7.500 12.100 5.000 31.500 Steele 1957 Steele 1975 Steele 1975 Steele LeSueur 1975 LeSueur 1963 LeSueur 1967 LeSueur 1981 LeSueur 1957 Steele 1969 Steele 1982 Steele Fillmore 1949 Fillmore 1954 Fillmore 1974 Fillmore 1952 Fillmore 1952 Fillmore 1960 Fillmore Steele 1984 Steele 1984 Steele 1996 Steele 1997 Steele 1953 Faribault 1957 Faribault 1950 Faribault 1966 Faribault 1975 Faribault Blue Earth Blue Earth Blue Earth Blue Earth Goodhue Goodhue Goodhue Goodhue Rice Rice Rice Blue Earth Blue Earth Mower CHART 13. Renewable Energy Projects RENEWABLE ENERGY PROJECTS IN OUR CERTS AREA Renewable Energy Operating Facilities by Technology in the 15 County CERTS AREA: Blue Earth, Dodge, Fairbault, Fillmore, Freeborn, Goodhue, Le Sueur, Mower, Olmsted, Rice, Steele, Wabasha, Waseca, Winona 6/2004 Technology Location Owner Fuel Type Plant Name Capacity (kW) Biomass ROCHESTER OLMSTEAD COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS Municipal Solid Waste (Incl Industrial, Medical) OLMSTEAD COUNTY W-T-EFACILITY Biomass RED WING NORTHERN STATES POWER CO Municipal Solid Waste (Incl Industrial, Medical) RED WING 22,770.0 Biomass MANKATO NORTHERN STATES POWER CO Municipal Solid Waste (Incl Industrial, Medical) WILLMARTH 24,750.0 ROCHESTER PUBLIC UTILS DEPT Water LAKE ZUMBRO HYDRO Water LANESBORO 4,200.0 Hydro Rochester Hydro LANESBORO LANESBORO PUBLIC UTILITY Hydro MANKATO RAPIDAN REDEVELOPMENT Water LTD. RAPIDAN Photovoltaic Northfield -- Left Empty -- Solar Ciernia House 2.5 Photovoltaic Red Wing Util/Homeowner Solar Red Wing Residential 2.0 Photovoltaic LaCrescent Stankevitz, Alan Solar Residential 4.2 Wind Dodge Center -- Left Empty -- Wind -- Left Empty -- Wind ZUMBROTA BACH, JOHN Wind BACH, JOHN 10.0 Wind NORTHFIELD BRIEBELL, LLOYD Wind BRIEBEL, LLOYD 10.0 Wind WASECA JONES, DOUG Wind DOUG JONES 10.0 Wind MABLE SWENSON, GARRY Wind GARRY SWENSON 38.0 -- Left Empty -- Wind Garwin McNeilus Windfarm Wind 2,680.0 240.0 3,400.0 9,000.0 1,800.0 Wind FAIRBAULT WUNDERLICH, GARY Wind GARY WUNDERLICH 35.0 Wind SPRING VALLEY GUNDERSON, DENNIS Wind GUNDERSON, DENNIS 10.0 Wind BYRON HARRISON Wind HARRISON 10.0 Wind MANKATO TACHNEY, JAMES Wind JAMES TACHNEY 20.0 Wind ZUMBROTA OLSON, LARRY Wind LARRY OLSON 10.0 Wind PRESTON MAUST, ROBERT Wind MAUST, ROBERT 10.0 Wind LONSDALE KNAPPER, PAUL Wind PAUL KNAPPER 17.5 Wind BLOOMING PRARIRE VOGT, PETER Wind PETER VOGT 35.0 Wind DODGE CENTER NASH, RANDY Wind RANDY NASH 25.0 Wind RED WING RED WING ENERGY CENTER Wind FRONTENAC HEDLIN, ROBERT Wind ROBERT HEDLIN 10.0 Wind PINE ISLAND SANFORD, DON Wind SANFORD, DON 10.0 Wind Northfield -- Left Empty -- Wind Scotia Wind Farm 20.0 Wind DUNDAS SHERMAN, LLOYD Wind SHERMAN, LLOYD 18.0 Wind ROCHESTER NORTHERN ALTERNATIVE ENERGY Wind SMMPA TURBINE Wind MONTGOMERY STANGLER, WILLIAM Wind STANGLER, WILLIAM 10.0 Wind LAKE CITY SCHWEN, STEVE Wind STEVE SCHWEN 10.0 Geothermal Grand Meadow Grand Meadow School Geothermal - - Geothermal Owatonna Steele County Jail Geothermal - - Wind RED WING HI 61 @ 19 Renewable Energy Projects (continued) Municipal Wastewater Plants with Anaerobic Digestion of Biosolids § § § § § § § § § § § § Rochester Water Reclamation, Rochester – also produces electricity (400 kW and 1000 kW turbines) Austin Waste Water Treatment Facility, Austin Albert Lea Wastewater Treatment, Albert Lea Blue Earth Waste Water Treatment Facility, Blue Earth Mankato Wastewater Treatment, Mankato Faribault Wastewater Treatment, Faribault Red Wing Municipal Wastewater, Red Wing Pine Island Facility, Pine Island New Richland Facility, New Richland Harmony Facility, Harmony Hokah Facility, Hokah Owatonna Wastewater Treatment, Owatonna – also produces electricity Biofuels: Ethanol Plant Ethanol Plant Ethanol Plant Ethanol Plant Preston Albert Lea Winnebago Claremont 30-40 million gal/yr 30-40 million gal/yr 30-40 million gal/yr 15-30 million gal/yr 2.0 900.0 CHART 14: Transmission Line Map CHART 15. Substations SUBSTATIONS BY COUNTY IN SE/SC CERT AREA Map Electric Transmission Lines and Substations 60 kV or Larger - GOODHUE (20) Prairie Island Burnsville Spring Creek Red Wing Frontenac Belvidere Mills Goodhue Wells Creek Zumbrota Lena Pine Island Cherry Grove Kenyon Ner/Kenyon Hader S. Cannon Falls Cannon Falls Dist Cannon Falls Tran Byllesby Vasa FILLMORE (14) Rushford (2) Riceford Peterson Henrytown Canton Dsub (2) Granger Fountain Spring Valley Cherry Grove Alliant Sub Other Sub BLUE EARTH (21) FREEBORN (11) Mn Lake Corning Danville Freeborn Mapleton Alden Sterling Center Mansfield Willow Creek Twin Lakes St. Clair Glenville Decoria Riceland Garden City Lerdal Rapidan Hayward Century Other Sub Pohl Other Sub Butternut Sibley Park Eastwood Eagle Lake Johnson Willmarth Dome Pipeline Butternut Jamestown Other Sub RICE (16) Veseli Circle Lake Northfield Dundas Valley Grove Faribault (2) French Lake Fair Park W. Faribault S. Faribault Nerstrand Walcott Warsaw Morristown Other Sub LE SUEUR (9) New Prague Other Sub (2) Montgomery St. Thomas Lake Emily Cleveland Elysian Waterville HOUSTON (8) La Crescent DSUB Houston Brownsville Caledonia Mun Caledonia Mun Caledonia Mun Spring Grove MOWER (7) Taopi Adams Rose Creek London Sargeant Brownsdale Austin NE SUB FARIBAULT (6) Clark Easton Blue Earth Bricelyn Winnebago Other Sub WABASHA (6) Peoples Wabaco Zumbro Falls Mazeppa Lake City Wabasha STEELE (8) Merton Owatonna W. Owatonna (2) Pratt River Point Bixby Blooming Prairie WASECA (6) Other Sub Meriden Loon Lake Waseca Sub Matawan St. Olaf Lake OLMSTED (14) Byron (2) Maple Leaf Other (4) Willow Creek Bamber Valley Silver Lake Crosstown Northern Hills IBM Zumbro River WINONA (9) Winona East Winona Goodview Altura Stockton St. Charles Lewsiton Wilson Witoka DODGE (4) Kasson (2) Claremont Other Sub CHART 16. Conservation Chart for Houses The Advantages of Energy Conservation Rich Huelskamp Based on 2000 sq.ft. Annual Approx. Mbtu Btu/Sqft Older home <R11 walls, 7 ACH, <R20 ceilings, <75% eff. furnace R11 walls, 3 ACH, R35 ceilings, <80% eff. Furnace Newer home R19 wall, 1.5 ACH, R40 ceiling, 80% eff. Furnace Energy Star home R 25 walls, <1.0 ACH, >R40 ceilings, >85% eff. Furnace <10% window area Solar home R25 walls, <.5 ACH, R50 ceilings, >90% eff. Furnace >10% window area >R25 walls, <.3 ACH, >R50 ceilings, >95% eff. Furnace >10% window area Peak Furnace Input Btu/hr $20 Energy costs per Mbtu $15 $10 Energy costs per year $1,800 $1,200 $1,500 $1,000 $5 120 100 70,000 60,000 140,000 120,000 $2,400 $2,000 $600 $500 70 50,000 100,000 $1,400 $1,050 $700 $350 50 30,000 80,000 $1,000 $750 $500 $250 40 20,000 60,000 $800 $600 $400 $200 30 15,000 40,000 $600 $450 $300 $150 CHART 17: Small Wind Potential – Mike Michaud Total Production by County from 10 kW turbines placed at all rural sites Annual MW-hrs Produced 191112 Total MW-hrs Consumed 723929 % From Wind Dodge 108950 148264 73 Faribault 134400 225267 60 Fillmore 192072 148002 130 Freeborn 148992 409980 36 Goodhue 195202 489413 40 Houston 91242 146215 62 Le Sueur 140059 270334 52 Mower 150693 394730 38 Olmsted 211173 1372514 15 Rice 136925 588238 23 Steele 105595 430218 25 Wabasha 114788 221536 52 Waseca 85711 224953 38 Winona 145737 526141 28 Blue Earth 26 CHART 18. Updates ILSR Biomass charts, Ethanol from Corn Stover See attached file, Chart 18. CHART 19. Biomass Estimates – Oak Ridge National Laboratory County Level Estimates of Biomass Resource Curves, April 2003 Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Marie Walsh 2003 Note: Data suitable for pre-feasibility, screening studies for individual firms, but not for developing a business plan. Data suitable for economic and policy analysis at a regional/national level. General methodology used is the same as is described in the Biomass Feedstock Availability Data. TOTAL Energy Crop Quantities (dry tons) at Selected Prices County Data County <$12.50/dt Blue Earth Dodge Faribault Fillmore Freeborn Goodhue Houston Le Sueur Mower Olmsted Rice Steele Wabasha Waseca Winona <$15.00/dt 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 <$20.00/dt 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 <$25.00/dt 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 <$30.00/dt 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6060 0 6060 0 6060 0 0 6060 0 0 6060 6060 0 6060 0 42423 <$35.00/dt 6060 36372 6060 36372 6060 36372 36372 6060 36372 36372 6060 6060 36372 6060 36372 333399 <$40.00/dt 6060 36372 6060 36372 6060 36372 36372 6060 36372 36372 6060 6060 36372 6060 36372 333399 <$45.00/dt 6060 38930 6060 38930 6060 38930 38930 6060 38930 38930 6060 6060 38930 6060 38930 353860 <$50.00/dt 6060 38930 6060 38930 6060 38930 38930 6060 38930 38930 6060 6060 38930 6060 38930 353860 TOTAL Forest Residue Quantities (dry tons) at Selected Prices County Data County Blue Earth Dodge Faribault Fillmore Freeborn Goodhue Houston Le Sueur Mower Olmsted Rice Steele Wabasha Waseca Winona <$12.50/dt 2 1 2 33 0 22 69 2 1 9 11 0 31 0 41 224 <$15.00/dt 2 1 2 33 0 22 69 2 1 9 11 0 31 0 41 224 <$20.00/dt 2 1 2 37 0 25 78 2 1 10 12 0 35 1 49 255 <$25.00/dt 234 135 190 3896 25 2612 8277 240 68 1112 1257 12 3684 55 5055 26851 <$30.00/dt 1021 591 833 17040 108 11423 36203 1048 296 4865 5497 54 16118 242 22121 117458 <$35.00/dt 1465 848 1195 24444 154 16386 51934 1504 424 6978 7887 77 23149 347 31802 168595 <$40.00/dt 1700 984 1387 28358 179 19010 60250 1744 492 8096 9147 89 26819 403 36800 195459 <$45.00/dt 1780 1031 1452 29703 187 19911 63107 1827 515 8480 9580 94 28075 422 38504 204667 <$50.00/dt 1785 1033 1456 29774 188 19959 63258 1832 517 8500 9603 94 28148 423 38610 205180 CHART 19. Biomass Estimates – Oak Ridge National Laboratory (continued) TOTAL Mill Residue Quantities (dry tons) at Selected Prices County Data County <$12.50/dt Blue Earth Dodge Faribault Fillmore Freeborn Goodhue Houston Le Sueur Mower Olmsted Rice Steele Wabasha Waseca Winona <$15.00/dt 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 <$20.00/dt 0 0 0 655 0 252 1209 0 0 0 0 0 201 0 0 2318 <$25.00/dt 0 0 0 1242 0 448 2382 0 0 0 0 0 397 0 0 4469 0 0 0 3695 0 1406 6448 0 0 0 0 0 935 0 0 12484 <$30.00/dt 0 0 0 5872 0 2440 10803 0 0 0 0 0 1969 0 0 21085 <$35.00/dt 0 0 0 6552 0 2695 12014 0 0 0 0 0 2150 0 0 23412 <$40.00/dt 0 0 0 7386 0 3005 13512 0 0 0 0 0 2375 0 0 26278 <$45.00/dt 0 0 0 8325 0 3336 15284 0 0 0 0 0 2653 0 0 29598 <$50.00/dt 0 0 0 8678 0 3471 15884 0 0 0 0 0 2736 0 0 30768 TOTAL Urban Wood Waste (dry tons) at Selected Prices County Data County Blue Earth Dodge Faribault Fillmore Freeborn Goodhue Houston Le Sueur Mower Olmsted Rice Steele Wabasha Waseca Winona $12.50/dt $15.00/dt 1037 335 313 398 607 835 375 490 715 2293 1059 617 407 357 920 10759 $20.00/dt 2075 670 626 797 1213 1670 751 981 1431 4586 2118 1235 814 715 1840 21519 $25.00/dt 10373 3350 3128 3983 6066 8350 3753 4903 7154 22928 10588 6173 4070 3574 9201 107594 13831 4466 4171 5311 8088 11134 5003 6537 9538 30571 14117 8231 5427 4765 12268 143459 $30.00/dt 17289 5583 5214 6639 10110 13917 6254 8172 11923 38214 17646 10289 6784 5956 15335 179324 $35.00/dt 17289 5583 5214 6639 10110 13917 6254 8172 11923 38214 17646 10289 6784 5956 15335 179324 $40.00/dt 17289 5583 5214 6639 10110 13917 6254 8172 11923 38214 17646 10289 6784 5956 15335 179324 $45.00/dt 17289 5583 5214 6639 10110 13917 6254 8172 11923 38214 17646 10289 6784 5956 15335 179324 $50.00/dt 17289 5583 5214 6639 10110 13917 6254 8172 11923 38214 17646 10289 6784 5956 15335 179324 TOTAL Agricultural Residue Quantities (dry tons) at Selected Prices County Data County Blue Earth Dodge Faribault Fillmore Freeborn Goodhue Houston Le Sueur Mower Olmsted Rice Steele Wabasha Waseca Winona $12.50/dt $15.00/dt 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $20.00/dt 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $25.00/dt 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 256927 121333 285001 160130 229476 140001 32529 100497 207595 172166 111625 122349 87198 169134 76561 2272521 $30.00/dt 307741 183090 349364 160130 292567 193340 41223 148826 300932 172166 132989 180102 113778 199757 76561 2852566 $35.00/dt 307741 183090 349364 188486 292567 193340 41223 148826 300932 172166 132989 180102 113778 199757 76561 2880921 $40.00/dt 307741 183090 349364 188486 292567 193340 41223 148826 300932 172166 132989 180102 113778 199757 76561 2880921 $45.00/dt 307741 183090 349364 188486 292567 193340 41223 148826 300932 172166 132989 180102 113778 199757 76561 2880921 $50.00/dt 307741 183090 349364 188486 292567 193340 41223 148826 300932 172166 132989 180102 113778 199757 76561 2880921 CHART 20. Forest Products Industries Sawmill & Other Primary Wood Producers SE/SC MN 2002 Minnesota Primary Forest Products, DNR, August 2002 Blue Earth Janesville Custom Woodworks Blue Earth North Mankato Kerry Koestler Fillmore Chatfield Tuohy Furniture Corp Fillmore Lanesboro Clair Hartlevig Fillmore Peterson Lynn Mattson Fillmore Preston Root River Hardwood Fillmore Preston Scotland Sawmill Fillmore Rushford Ellefson Sawmill Freeborn Alden Richard Babcock Freeborn Glenville Dennis Baseman Freeborn Oakland Len's Wood Prod. Goodhue Cannon Falls Johnson Logging Inc Goodhue Cannon Falls Northern Hardsoods Inc Goodhue Goodhue Mark Bode Goodhue Red Wing Hi Park Hardwoods Goodhue Wanamingo Robert Benson Goodhue Welch Jurgen Nemcek Houston Caledonia Staggemeyer Stave Co Houston Hokah Tri State Forest Prod Houston Houston Crystal Val Hardwood Mower Brownsdale Phil Hatten Mower Walthan Ben Christians Olmsted Byron Mike Logan Olmsted Byron Nepstad Sawmill Olmsted Elgin Edgewood Lumber Olmsted Oronoco Shady Haven Tree Farm Olmsted Rochester Hathaway Tree Service Olmsted Stewartville John Payne Rice Kilkenny Roger Madden Rice Webster Wilmot's Woodworking Steele Blooming Prairie Gary Carlson Steele Ellendale Richards Wood Prod. Steele Medford Svenby's Milling Steele Owatonna William Pieper Wabasha Kellog Axley Brothers Inc Wabasha Kellog G & G Logging Wabasha Lake City Richard Schuman Wabasha Millville Village Mill Wabasha Plainview Jeff Kolb Wabasha Wabasha Village Mill Wabasha Zumbro Falls Dorance Gerken Winona St. Charles Pete Jilk Winona Utica Claude Patzner Sawmill & Dry Kiln Shaving Mill Dry Kiln Facility Sawmill/planer/shavings Sawmill & Other PP Sawmill & Other PP Sawmill & Other PP Sawmill & Other PP Sawmill & Other PP Sawmill & Other PP Sawmill & Dry Kiln Sawmill & Chipper Dry Kiln Facility Sawmill & Other PP Dry Kiln Facility Dry Kiln Facility Sawmill & Dry Kiln Sawmill & Chipper Sawmill & Chipper Sawmill/DryKiln/Chipper Sawmill & Dry Kiln Sawmill & Other PP Sawmill & Other PP Sawmill & Dry Kiln Sawmill & Dry Kiln Sawmill & Dry Kiln Whole Tree Chippers Sawmill & Other PP Sawmill & Other PP Sawmill & Other PP Sawmill & Other PP Sawmill & Other PP Sawmill & Dry Kiln Sawmill & Other PP Sawmill & Other PP Sawmill & Other PP Sawmill & Other PP Sawmill - posts, etc Sawmill & Other PP Sawmill & Other PP Sawmill & Other PP Sawmill & Other PP Sawmill & Other PP fuel products shavings 2.0 MBF Dehum Steam 150.0 MBF shavings saw dust fuel wood fuel wood/shavings fuel products Solar 0.0 MBF fuelwood, sawdust Dehum 600.0 MBF Steam 0.5 MBF Dehum 1.0 MBF Dehum 2.0 MBF chips sawdust/shavings Dehum 3.0 MBF Dehum 1.0 MBF fuel prod/shavings Dehum 3.0 MBF Dehum 3.0 MBF shavings Dehum 2.0 MBF Dehum 6.0 MBF fuelwood fuel prod/sawdust fuel prod/shavings CHART 21. Livestock CERT'S LIVESTOCK INFORMATION BY COUNTY AND REGION 2002, 2003, 2004 ALL FEEDLOTS DAIRIES ALL HOGS CATTLE 2002 2004 2003 2003 COUNTY BLUE EARTH 487 22 416,000 14,000 DODGE 448 49 125,000 23,000 FARIBAULT 522 12 203,000 12,500 FILLMORE 1,468 172 122,000 77,000 FREEBORN 284 24 240,000 15,500 GOODHUE 1,028 196 102,000 68,000 HOUSTON 540 122 24,000 58,500 LE SUEUR 322 42 78,000 18,000 MOWER 811 58 225,000 25,500 OLMSTED 631 126 46,000 50,500 RICE 490 121 97,000 28,000 STEELE 579 77 100,000 20,000 WABASHA 667 195 22,000 62,500 WASECA 320 30 180,000 14,000 WINONA 757 248 41,000 85,000 TOTAL 9,354 PCA 1,494 DEPT AG 2,021,000 DEPT AG 572,000 DEPT AG BEEF COWS 2003 MILK COWS 2003 OTHER CATTLE 2003 CHICKENS 2002 1,200 6,300 2,500 12,600 1,500 21,000 9,600 3,700 5,100 8,900 8,600 4,700 17,200 2,600 25,500 11,400 14,800 8,900 46,300 11,800 40,500 38,900 12,100 17,000 31,800 17,000 14,000 37,300 10,000 51,700 2,000 500 800 2,400 1,300 2,800 1,000 1,400 1,300 1,400 1,000 800 1,100 1,600 2,200 141 57,760 17,259 627,272 40,552 223,151 2,847 99,484 156,000 503,204 485,000 403,823 249,315 217,327 275,823 137 543,700 17,231 20,754 40,552 12,235 598 28,878 27,970 502,150 1,326,000 96,000 248,199 1,663 7,549 77,500 DEPT AG 131,000 DEPT AG 363,500 DEPT AG 21,600 DEPT AG 3,358,958 PCA 2,873,616 PCA All Cattle, Cattle on Feed, and All Breeding Sheep & Lambs January l Inventory by County and District, Minnesota, Dairy: Farm Numbers by County and District, Minnesota, January 2004 TURKEY 2002 1,400 1,900 1,100 18,100 2,200 6,500 10,000 2,200 3,400 9,800 2,400 1,300 8,000 1,400 7,800 Minnesota Ag Statistics: Hogs and Pigs…by County and District, Minnesot, 2002-2003 SHEEP & LAMBS 2003 2003-04 CHART 22. WWTP, Biosolids, Stab Ponds CERT COUNTIES WWTP, STAB PONDS, OPEN & CLOSED LANDFILLS County Name Location Solids Type Appl/Prod. Quanity BLUE EARTH Amboy WWTP Amboy Biosolids Application BLUE EARTH Amboy WWTP Amboy Biosolids Production 10.05 BLUE EARTH Amboy WWTP Amboy Biosolids Production BLUE EARTH Lake Crystal WWTP Lake Crystal Biosolids Production BLUE EARTH Lake Crystal WWTP Lake Crystal Biosolids BLUE EARTH Lake Crystal WWTP Lake Crystal Biosolids BLUE EARTH Madison Lake WWTP Madison Lake BLUE EARTH Madison Lake WWTP BLUE EARTH Madison Lake WWTP Units Disposal 10.01 Dry Tons To 18.2 acres Dry Tons Applied 36000 Gallons Applied 16.8 Dry Tons Applied Application 16.82 Dry Tons To 11.6 acres Production 144000 Gallons Applied Biosolids Production 10.1 Dry Tons Applied Madison Lake Biosolids Application 19.36 Dry Tons To 17.6 acres Madison Lake Biosolids Production 154600 Gallons Applied BLUE EARTH Mankato WWTP Mankato Biosolids Production 270.2 Dry Tons Transferred BLUE EARTH Mankato WWTP Mankato Biosolids Application 806.4 Dry Tons To 303.0 acres BLUE EARTH Mankato WWTP Mankato Biosolids Production 815.7 Dry Tons BLUE EARTH Mankato WWTP Mankato Biosolids Production 4606 Wet Tons Applied BLUE EARTH Hillcrest Health Care Center Mankato Biosolids Production 4000 Gallons Transferred BLUE EARTH Knollwood Park WWTP Mankato Biosolids Production 16000 Dry Tons Transferred BLUE EARTH Midwest Electric Products Inc Mankato Biosolids Production 6400 Gallons Transferred BLUE EARTH St Clair WWTP St. Clair Biosolids Application 7 BLUE EARTH St Clair WWTP St. Clair Biosolids Production 7.4 Dry Tons Applied BLUE EARTH St Clair WWTP St. Clair Biosolids Production 78000 Gallons Applied Location Stab Pond Facility Class Design Flow Name BLUE EARTH Good Thunder WWTP D 0.06 BLUE EARTH Washington Park Association Madison Lake Stab Pond D 0.01 BLUE EARTH Mapleton WWTP Mapleton Stab Pond D 0.406 BLUE EARTH Pemberton WWTP Pemberton Stab Pond D 0.053 Location Open Landfill Name Good Thunder Stab Pond BLUE EARTH Ponderosa Sanitary Landfill Name Applied Dry Tons To 10.0 acres Size Open Landfill Location Closed SLF BLUE EARTH Hansen Mankato Closed Landfill 14.7 acres/40 240,000 cu yd Size Stored Waste Closed BLUE EARTH City Of Mankato SLF Mankato Closed Landfill 13.7/17 100,000 cu yd 1973 County Name Location Solids Type Appl/Prod. Quanity Units DODGE Dodge Center WWTP Dodge Center Biosolids Application 50.44 Dry Tons To 64.0 acres DODGE Dodge Center WWTP Dodge Center Biosolids Production 50.8 Dry Tons Applied DODGE Dodge Center WWTP Dodge Center Biosolids Production 582000 Gallons Applied DODGE Hayfield WWTP Hayfield Biosolids Production 20.68 Dry Tons Applied DODGE Hayfield WWTP Hayfield Biosolids Application 20.855 Dry Tons To 21.5 acres DODGE Hayfield WWTP Hayfield Biosolids Production 533.7 Wet Tons DODGE Hayfield WWTP Hayfield Biosolids Production 128000 Gallons Applied DODGE Mantorville WWTP Mantorville Biosolids Application 2.4 Dry Tons To 8.0 acres DODGE Mantorville WWTP Mantorville Biosolids Production 2.5 Dry Tons Applied DODGE Mantorville WWTP Mantorville Biosolids Production 39600 Gallons Applied DODGE West Concord WWTP West Concord Biosolids Production 24848 Gallons Transferred 1993 Disposal Applied Closed Sanitary Landfill Location Closed Landfill Stored Waste Closed DODGE Dodge County SLF St. Peter Closed Landfill 11/23 acres 328,000 cu yds 1994 County Name Location Solids Type Appl/Prod. Quanity Units Disposal FARIBAULT Blue Earth WWTP Blue Earth Biosolids Production 106.5 Dry Tons Applied FARIBAULT Blue Earth WWTP Blue Earth Biosolids Application 109.12 Dry Tons To 72.0 acres FARIBAULT Blue Earth Biosolids Production 777000 Gallons Applied Blue Earth Spray Application 2601982 Gallons To 106.0 acres Blue Earth Industrial Production 1.3 Gallons Applied FARIBAULT Blue Earth WWTP Seneca Foods Corp - Blue Earth 2 Seneca Foods Corp - Blue Earth 2 Seneca Foods Corp - Blue Earth 2 Blue Earth Industrial Production 450 Wet Tons Applied FARIBAULT Winnebago WWTP Winnebago Biosolids Production 48 Dry Tons Applied FARIBAULT Winnebago WWTP Winnebago Biosolids Application 48.28 FARIBAULT Winnebago WWTP Winnebago Biosolids Production 257400 FARIBAULT FARIBAULT Size Name Location Stab Pond Facility Class Design Flow FARIBAULT Bricelyn WWTP Bricelyn Stab Pond D 0.067 FARIBAULT Delavan WWTF Delavan Stab Pond D 0.0276 FARIBAULT Elmore WWTP Elmore Stab Pond D 0.126 FARIBAULT Frost WWTP Frost Stab Pond D 0.048 FARIBAULT Kiester WWTP Kiester Wells Easton Minnesota Lake WWTP Wells Stab Pond D 0.09 Stab Pond D 1.088 Name Location Closed SLF FARIBAULT Faribault County SLF Blue Earth Closed Landfill County Name Location Solids Type Appl/Prod. FILLMORE Canton WWTP Canton Biosolids Application FILLMORE Canton WWTP Canton Biosolids FILLMORE Chatfield WWTP Chatfield Biosolids FILLMORE Chatfield WWTP Chatfield Biosolids FILLMORE Chatfield WWTP Chatfield Biosolids FILLMORE Fountain WWTP Fountain FILLMORE Fountain WWTP FILLMORE Fountain WWTP FILLMORE FARIBAULT Dry Tons To 22.0 acres Gallons Applied Size Stored Waste Closed 23.2/40 785,000 cu yds 1990 Quanity Units Disposal 4.483 Dry Tons To 5.9 acres Production 4.52 Dry Tons Applied Application 165.6 Dry Tons To 18.0 acres Production 165.93 Dry Tons Applied Production 248900 Gallons Applied Biosolids Production 4.08 Dry Tons Applied Fountain Biosolids Application 4.095 Dry Tons To 4.5 acres Fountain Biosolids Production 217.26 Wet Tons Applied Fountain WWTP Fountain Biosolids Production 52100 Gallons Applied FILLMORE Harmony WWTP Harmony Biosolids Application 30.16 Dry Tons To 13.0 acres FILLMORE Harmony WWTP Harmony Biosolids Production 30.2 Dry Tons FILLMORE Harmony WWTP Harmony Biosolids Production 98000 Gallons Applied FILLMORE Lanesboro WWTP Lanesboro Biosolids Application 10.5 Dry Tons To 5.0 acres FILLMORE Lanesboro WWTP Lanesboro Biosolids Production 10.5 Dry Tons Applied FILLMORE Lanesboro WWTP Lanesboro Biosolids Production 40200 Gallons Applied FILLMORE Mabel WWTP Mabel Biosolids Production 80400 Gallons Transferred FILLMORE Preston WWTP Preston Biosolids Production 35 Dry Tons Applied FILLMORE Preston WWTP Preston Biosolids Application 35.105 FILLMORE Preston WWTP Preston Biosolids Production 220000 FILLMORE Rushford WWTP Rushford Biosolids Application 47.4 Dry Tons To 48.0 acres FILLMORE Rushford WWTP Rushford Biosolids Production 48.99 Dry Tons Applied FILLMORE Rushford WWTP Rushford Biosolids Production 435500 Gallons Applied FILLMORE Spring Valley WWTP Spring Valley Biosolids Production 14.08 Dry Tons Applied FILLMORE Spring Valley WWTP Spring Valley Biosolids Application 14.098 Dry Tons To 10.6 acres FILLMORE Spring Valley WWTP Spring Valley Biosolids Production 153600 Applied Dry Tons To 29.5 acres Gallons Gallons Applied Applied Name Location Closed SLF Size FILLMORE Ironwood SLF Spring Valley Closed Landfill 13/123 acres 200,000 cu yd 1980 County Name Location Solids Type Appl/Prod. Quanity Units Disposal FREEBORN Albert Lea WWTP Albert Lea Biosolids Production 902 Dry Tons Applied FREEBORN Albert Lea WWTP Albert Lea Biosolids Application 1063.5 FREEBORN Albert Lea WWTP Albert Lea Biosolids Production 5509000 Gallons Applied FREEBORN Emmons WWTP Emmons Biosolids Production 6.73 Dry Tons Transferred Name Location Stab Pond Facility Class Design Flow FREEBORN Alden WWTP Alden Stab Pond D 0.159 FREEBORN Clarks Grove WWTP Clarks Grove Stab Pond D 0.1164 FREEBORN Freeborn WWTP Freeborn Stab Pond D 0.0356 FREEBORN Geneva WWTP Geneva Stab Pond D 0.069 FREEBORN Glenville Stab Pond D 0.13 FREEBORN Glenville WWTP MNDOT Albert Lea Travel Information Ctr Glenville Stab Pond D 0.0097 FREEBORN Hartland WWTP Hartland Stab Pond D 0.045 FREEBORN Hollandale Stab Pond D 0.0427 FREEBORN Hollandale WWTP Oakland Sanitary District WWTP Oakland Stab Pond D 0.0121 FREEBORN Twin Lakes WWTP Twin Lakes Stab Pond D 0.03 Stored Waste Closed Dry Tons To 601.0 acres Name Location Closed SLF FREEBORN Albert Lea SLF Albert Lea Closed landfill 27/36 acres 1.77 mil cu yds 1993 County Name Location Solids Type Appl/Prod. Quanity Units GOODHUE Cannon Falls WWTP Cannon Falls Biosolids Application 14.7 Dry Tons To 30.0 acres GOODHUE Cannon Falls WWTP Cannon Falls Biosolids Production 14.7 Dry Tons GOODHUE Cannon Falls WWTP Cannon Falls Biosolids Production 252500 Gallons Applied GOODHUE Goodhue WWTP Goodhue Biosolids Application 3.71 Dry Tons To 5.3 acres GOODHUE Goodhue WWTP Goodhue Biosolids Production 19.6 Dry Tons Applied GOODHUE Goodhue WWTP Goodhue Biosolids Production 25 Wet Tons Applied GOODHUE Goodhue WWTP Goodhue Biosolids Production 12000 Gallons Applied GOODHUE Kenyon WWTP Kenyon Biosolids Production 8.4 Dry Tons Applied GOODHUE Kenyon WWTP Kenyon Biosolids Application 8.8 Dry Tons To 11.0 acres GOODHUE Kenyon WWTP Kenyon Biosolids Production 104000 GOODHUE Land O'Lakes - Pine Island Pine Island Industrial Application 48.06 GOODHUE Land O'Lakes - Pine Island Pine Island Industrial Production 124 Wet Tons Transferred GOODHUE Land O'Lakes - Pine Island Pine Island Industrial Production 491 Wet Tons Applied GOODHUE Pine Island WWTP Pine Island Biosolids Application 66.631 Dry Tons To 34.5 acres GOODHUE Pine Island WWTP Pine Island Biosolids Production 66.69 Dry Tons Applied GOODHUE Pine Island Biosolids Production 488000 Gallons Applied GOODHUE Pine Island WWTP Red Wing - Bench Street Plant Red Wing Biosolids Production 4100 Dry Tons Transferred GOODHUE Red Wing WWTP Red Wing Biosolids Application 293.4 Dry Tons To 135.0 acres GOODHUE Red Wing WWTP Red Wing Biosolids Production 294 Dry Tons Applied GOODHUE Red Wing WWTP Red Wing Biosolids Production 1199700 Gallons Applied GOODHUE Zumbrota WWTP Zumbrota Biosolids Application 75.6 Dry Tons To 36.0 acres GOODHUE Zumbrota WWTP Zumbrota Biosolids Production 75.6 Dry Tons Applied GOODHUE Zumbrota WWTP Zumbro Ridge Est. Mobile Home Park Zumbrota Biosolids Production 348900 Gallons Applied Biosolids Production 62000 Gallons Transferred GOODHUE Size Stored Waste Closed Gallons Disposal Applied Applied Dry Tons To 90.0 acres Name Location Closed SLF GOODHUE Goodhue Coop SLF Goodhue Closed landfill 5.5/85 90,000 cu yd 1983 County Name Location Solids Type Appl/Prod. Quanity Units HOUSTON Brownsville WWTP Brownsville Biosolids Application 1.7 Dry Tons To 10.0 acres HOUSTON Brownsville WWTP Brownsville Biosolids Production 1.7 Dry Tons Applied HOUSTON Brownsville WWTP Brownsville Biosolids Production 80000 Gallons Applied HOUSTON Caledonia WWTP Caledonia Biosolids Production 43.2 Dry Tons Applied HOUSTON Caledonia WWTP Caledonia Biosolids Application 43.244 HOUSTON Caledonia WWTP Caledonia Biosolids Production 1159 HOUSTON Caledonia WWTP Caledonia Biosolids Production HOUSTON Hokah WWTP Hokah Biosolids Production HOUSTON Hokah WWTP Hokah Biosolids Application HOUSTON Hokah WWTP Hokah Biosolids Production 60000 HOUSTON Houston WWTP Houston Biosolids Application 13.252 HOUSTON Houston WWTP Houston Biosolids Production 13.3 Dry Tons Applied HOUSTON Houston WWTP Houston Biosolids Production 255763 Gallons Applied HOUSTON La Crescent WWTP LaCrescent Biosolids Application 28.31 HOUSTON La Crescent WWTP LaCrescent Biosolids Production 31 Dry Tons Applied HOUSTON La Crescent WWTP LaCrescent Biosolids Production 136500 Gallons Applied HOUSTON Spring Grove WWTP Spring Grove Biosolids Production 6.07 Dry Tons Applied HOUSTON Spring Grove WWTP Spring Grove Biosolids Application 60.7 Dry Tons To 10.0 acres HOUSTON Spring Grove WWTP Spring Grove Biosolids Production 50250 Name Location Stab Pond Facility Class Design Flow Eitzen WWTP Eitzen Stab Pond D HOUSTON Size Stored Waste Closed Disposal Dry Tons To 56.9 acres Wet Tons Applied 278000 Gallons Applied 2.39 Dry Tons Applied 2.401 Dry Tons To 5.6 acres Gallons Applied Dry Tons To 41.4 acres Dry Tons To 19.0 acres Gallons Applied 0.024 Name Location Closed SLF HOUSTON Houston County SLF Houston Closed landfill 5.7/30 County Name Location Solids Type Appl/Prod. Quanity LE SUEUR Le Center WWTP Le Center Biosolids Application 120 LE SUEUR Le Center WWTP Le Center Biosolids Production 120 Dry Tons Applied LE SUEUR Le Center Biosolids Production 397 Wet Tons Applied Le Sueur Industrial Application 1801420.5 Gallons To 188.5 acres LE SUEUR Le Center WWTP Le Sueur Cheese Pretreatment Fac Le Sueur Cheese Pretreatment Fac Le Sueur Industrial Production 1801440 Gallons Applied LE SUEUR Montgomery WWTP Montgomery Biosolids Production 51.48 Dry Tons Applied LE SUEUR Montgomery WWTP Montgomery Biosolids Application 52.3 Dry Tons To 50.0 acres LE SUEUR Montgomery Biosolids Production 837600 Montgomery Industrial Application 35077.65 Montgomery Industrial Production 35080 Wet Tons Applied Montgomery Industrial Application 5856715 Gallons To 397.0 acres LE SUEUR Montgomery WWTP Seneca Foods Corp Montgomery Seneca Foods Corp Montgomery Seneca Foods Corp Montgomery Seneca Foods Corp Montgomery Montgomery Industrial Production 5896158 Gallons Applied LE SUEUR Waterville WWTP Waterville Biosolids Production 11.79 Dry Tons Applied LE SUEUR Waterville WWTP Waterville Biosolids Application 11.8 Dry Tons To 2.0 acres LE SUEUR Waterville WWTP Waterville Biosolids Production 33.68 Wet Tons Applied LE SUEUR LE SUEUR LE SUEUR LE SUEUR Size Stored Waste Closed 303,000 cu yd 1983 Name Location Stab Pond Facility Class Design Flow LE SUEUR Elysian WWTP Elysian Stab Pond D 0.0186 LE SUEUR Kilkenny WWTP Kilkenny Stab Pond D 0.0228 LE SUEUR St Peter WWTP St. Peter Stab Pond D 4 LE SUEUR MDNR Sakatah State Park Waterville Stab Pond D 0.0036 Units Disposal Dry Tons To 12.5 acres Gallons Applied Dry Tons To 435.0 acres Name Location Closed SLF LE SUEUR Sun Prairie SLF Montgomery Closed landrill LE SUEUR Tellijohn SLF Le Sueur Closed landrill LE SUEUR MN Sanitation Services SLF St. Peter Closed landrill County Name Size Stored Waste Closed 20/80 130,411 cu yds 1992 27.5/80 1.25 mill cu yd 1993 Jul-78 178,000 cu yd 1979 Location Solids Type Appl/Prod. Quanity Units Disposal MOWER Austin WWTP Austin Biosolids Production 629 Dry Tons Applied MOWER Austin WWTP Austin Biosolids Application 629.4 MOWER Austin WWTP Austin Biosolids Production 3496000 Gallons Applied MOWER Hormel Foods Corp - Type IV Austin Industrial Production 8746 Dry Tons MOWER Hormel Foods Corp - Type IV Austin Industrial Application 8746.31 Dry Tons Applied To 2,864.0 acres Name Location Stab Pond Facility Class Design Flow MOWER Dexter WWTP Dexter Stab Pond D 0.0454 MOWER Haven Hutterian Brethren Dexter Stab Pond D 0.0112 MOWER Elkton WWTP Elkton Stab Pond D 0.017 MOWER Grand Meadow Stab Pond D 0.12 MOWER Grand Meadow WWTP Lansing Township WWT Improvements Lansing Stab Pond D 0.026 MOWER Leroy WWTP Le Roy Stab Pond D 0.12 MOWER Lyle WWTP Lyle Stab Pond D 0.1774 MOWER Racine WWTP Racine Stab Pond D 0.039 MOWER Rose Creek WWTP Rose Creek Stab Pond D 0.065 MOWER Sargeant WWTP Sargeant Stab Pond D 0.0106 MOWER Waltham WWTP Waltham Stab Pond D 0.027 Name Location Closed SLF MOWER Red Rock Austin Closed landfill MOWER Adams SLF Adams Closed landfill Location Solids Type Appl/Prod. County Name Size Dry Tons To 280.0 acres Stored Waste Closed 35/80 acres 234,000 cu yd 1980 2/3 acres 50,000 cu yd 1981 Quanity Units Disposal Applied OLMSTED Byron WWTP Byron Biosolids Production 92.4 Dry Tons OLMSTED Byron WWTP Byron Biosolids Application 104.4 Dry Tons To 47.0 acres OLMSTED Byron WWTP Byron Biosolids Production 506800 Gallons Applied OLMSTED AMPI - Rochester - General Rochester Industrial Application 2947522.98 Gallons To 789.0 acres OLMSTED Rochester Industrial Production 2955263.01 Gallons Rochester Biosolids Application 2730.51 Dry Tons Applied To 2,012.0 acres Rochester Biosolids Production 2731.19 Dry Tons Applied Rochester Biosolids Production 13366600 Gallons Applied Rochester Industrial Production 87 Dry Tons Applied OLMSTED AMPI - Rochester - General Roch WWTP/Water Reclamation Pl Roch WWTP/Water Reclamation Pl Roch WWTP/Water Reclamation Pl Seneca Foods Corp Rochester Seneca Foods Corp Rochester Rochester Industrial Application 87.5 Dry Tons To 35.0 acres OLMSTED Stewartville WWTP Stewartville Biosolids Application 75.98 Dry Tons To 103.3 acres OLMSTED Stewartville WWTP Stewartville Biosolids Production 77.88 Dry Tons Applied OLMSTED Stewartville WWTP Stewartville Biosolids Production 934500 Gallons Applied Name Location Stab Pond Facility Class Design Flow Hallmark Terrace Inc Rochester Stab Pond D Name Location Open Landfill OLMSTED OLMSTED OLMSTED OLMSTED OLMSTED OLMSTED OLMSTED Kalmar Sanitary Landfill 0.018 Size Open Landfill Name Location Closed SLF Olmsted County SLF Rochester Closed landfill Size Stored Waste Closed 51.1/290 2.8 mil cu yd 1993 County Name City Solids Type Appl/Prod. Quanity Units Disposal RICE Faribault WWTP Faribault Biosolids Application 741.542 RICE Faribault WWTP Faribault Biosolids Production 742.3 Dry Tons Applied RICE Faribault WWTP Faribault Biosolids Production 3971500 Gallons Applied RICE Morristown WWTP Morristown Biosolids Application 13.5 Dry Tons To 5.0 acres RICE Morristown WWTP Morristown Biosolids Production 13.5 Dry Tons Applied RICE Morristown WWTP Morristown Biosolids Production 107800 Gallons Applied Name Location Open Landfill Dry Tons To 326.1 acres Size RICE Rice County Sanitary Landfill County Name City Solids Type Appl/Prod. Quanity Units Disposal STEELE Blooming Prairie WWTP Bloom Prairie Biosolids Application 9.6 Dry Tons To 8.0 acres STEELE Blooming Prairie WWTP Bloom Prairie Biosolids Production 9.6 Dry Tons Applied STEELE Blooming Prairie WWTP Bloom Prairie Biosolids Production 164000 Gallons Applied STEELE Medford WWTP Medford Biosolids Application 21 Dry Tons To 10.0 acres STEELE Medford WWTP Medford Biosolids Production 21 Dry Tons Applied STEELE Medford Biosolids Production 141000 Gallons Applied Owatonna Industrial Application 0 Owatonna Industrial Application 2885.938 STEELE Medford WWTP Lakeside Foods Inc Owatonna Plant Lakeside Foods Inc Owatonna Plant Lakeside Foods Inc Owatonna Plant Owatonna Industrial Production 9837 Dry Tons Applied STEELE Owatonna WWTP Owatonna Biosolids Production 102 Dry Tons Transferred STEELE Owatonna WWTP Owatonna Biosolids Production 361 Dry Tons Applied STEELE Owatonna WWTP Owatonna Biosolids Application 361.4 STEELE Owatonna WWTP Owatonna Biosolids Production 2845000 STEELE STEELE Open Landfill To 0.0 acres Dry Tons To 692.2 acres Dry Tons To 253.0 acres Gallons Applied Quanity Units Disposal Name Location Stab Pond Facility Class Design Flow STEELE Ellendale WWTP Ellendale Stab Pond D 0.1003 STEELE Medford Stab Pond D 0.0218 STEELE Lazy U Mobile Home Park MNDOT Straight River Rest Area Owatonna Stab Pond D 0.0093 Location Open Landfill STEELE Name Steele County Sanitary Landfill County Name City Solids Type Appl/Prod. WABASHA Lake City WWTP Lake City Biosolids Production 166.1 Dry Tons Transferred WABASHA Lake City WWTP Plainview -Elgin San Dist WWTP Plainview -Elgin San Dist WWTP Plainview -Elgin San Dist WWTP Lake City Biosolids Production 2567336 Gallons Transferred Biosolids Production 63 Dry Tons Applied Biosolids Application 63.108 Biosolids Production 346000 Name Location Stab Pond Facility Class Design Flow WABASHA Kellogg WWTP Kellogg Stab Pond D 0.06 WABASHA Zumbro Falls WWTP Zumbro Falls Stab Pond D 0.0297 WABASHA WABASHA WABASHA Size Open Landfill Name Location Closed SLF WABASHA Wabasha County SLF Wabasha Closed landfill 8/8.3 Size County Name City Solids Type WASECA New Richland WWTP New Richland WASECA New Richland WWTP New Richland WASECA New Richland WWTP New Richland Stored Waste Dry Tons To 33.5 acres Gallons Applied Closed 272,000 cu yds 1989 Appl/Prod. Quanity Units Disposal Biosolids Production 11.52 Dry Tons Applied Biosolids Application 12 Biosolids Production 93000 Dry Tons To 15.0 acres Gallons Applied WASECA Waseca WWTP Waseca Biosolids Application 105.099 Dry Tons To 97.9 acres WASECA Waseca WWTP Waseca Biosolids Production 105.1 Dry Tons Applied WASECA Waseca WWTP Waseca Biosolids Production 1294678 Gallons Applied Name Location Closed SLF Size Stored Waste Closed WASECA Waseca County SLF Waseca Closed landfill 24.3/133 400,000 cu yd 1994 County Name City Solids Type Appl/Prod. Quanity WINONA Lewiston WWTP Lewiston Biosolids Application 15.375 Dry Tons To 102.5 acres WINONA Lewiston WWTP Lewiston Biosolids Production 15.46 Dry Tons Applied WINONA Lewiston WWTP Lewis ton Biosolids Production 639250 Gallons Applied WINONA Winona WWTP Winona Biosolids Application 502.99 WINONA Winona WWTP Winona Biosolids Production 503 Dry Tons Applied WINONA Winona WWTP Winona Biosolids Production 3185 Wet Tons Applied Name Location Units Disposal Dry Tons To 280.0 acres Stab Pond Facility Class Design Flow WINONA MNDOT Enterprise Rest Area Lewiston Stab Pond D 0.0026 WINONA Rollingstone WWTP Rollingstone Stab Pond D 0.101 WINONA Stockton WWTP Stockton Stab Pond D 0.07 WINONA Utica WWTP Utica Stab Pond D 0.04 Name Location Closed SLF Stored Waste Closed Geisler's SLF Stockton Closed Landfill 6/10 acres 50,000 cu yds 1977 Solids Type Appl/Prod. Quanity Units Disposal Biosolids Production 10000 Gallons Transferred Biosolids Production 52.8 Dry Tons Applied Biosolids Application 123.007 Biosolids Production 1341500 WINONA Size will find out the following info to add Tuesday Name Location St George Community WW System Whitewater River Poll Control Fac Whitewater River Poll Control Fac Whitewater River Poll Control Fac Dry Tons To 153.1 acres Gallons Applied CHART 23. E-85 Stations E85 Fuel Sites as of April 2005: Station Freeborn County Coop Cenex Address 302 E Clark St City Albert Lea Status Open Freeborn County Coop Cenex Freeborn County Coop Cenex Severson's Conoco 125 Northstar Rd Alden Open 21604 State Highway 56 1401 4th St NW Austin Open Austin Open Cenex 347 Hwy 218S Ampride Express 714 E 14th St Farm Country Coop Cenex 1217 5 th St. N. Bloom Prairie Open Blue Earth Open Cannon Falls Open Saver Stop Seversons Conoco 100 Twilite St. 303 S. Lakeshore Dr. La Crescent Lake City Open Open Kwik Trip #334 Market Place Shell Holiday #60 1271 N River Dr 100 10th Ave SE 100 Water St. Mankato New Prague Northfield Open Open Open Central Coop Cenex Kwik Trip Meadowland Cenex 712 N. Cedar 4120 Hwy 52N Hwy 68E Owatonna Rochester Wabasso Open Open Open Farm Country Coop Cenex 900 3 rd Avenue Sportman Stop 1818 N State St Wanami ngo Waseca Open Open Corn Plus - Ethanol Plant ProLube Express Severson's Food Plus Conoco Winnebago Winona Winona Open Open Open 711 6th Ave SE 1656 W Service Dr 50 Riverview Dr