Simple Tricks To Optimize Your Adwords Campaign and Increase ROI


Simple Tricks To Optimize Your Adwords Campaign and Increase ROI
Simple Tricks To Optimize Your Adwords
Campaign and Increase ROI
June 29, 2011
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Google Adwords (PPC) Snapshot
• What is Google Adwords/Pay-Per-Click?
– Online advertising product provided by Google
– An auction platform where advertisers bid on key words & phrases
– Helps advertisers of all levels:
• Local
• National
• International
• How does Pay-Per-Click work?
– Consumers search for products and services through the Google
search engine
• Search results are provided in 3 areas
1. Paid Search (PPC)
2. Natural or organic results
3. Google Places Listing
Google Places
Natural/Organic (SEO)
Setting Up an Effective Campaign
How do I determine my budget?
• There is no easy answer here
– Analyze your location
• $100 budget in Orlando is different than $100 budget in Sun Valley
– Research the competition
• Perform a search and see how many viable competitors are using
– Remember Adwords works with a daily budget
• You only pay when your ad is clicked
– There is no minimum spend
• Monitor the performance and adjust accordingly
Where do I target my ads?
Utilize your “map overlay” option in Google Analytics
– It may not be necessary to target the entire US
– Identify your primary, secondary and tertiary markets and start there
– Gather data to help make informed decisions
Who will see my ads?
– Ads are targeted to a geographic location.
– During the initial setup of the account you will determine a territory
• Your ads will only be shown in this area
– An exception would be if someone outside your target area does a geographic specific search
Another thing to consider is what time to run your ads
– Test, Test, Test
Effective Adwords Campaign
Campaign Structure
• What makes up a Pay-Per-Click Campaign?
– Overall campaign name
– Ad Groups
• A high-level category that is directly related to the product or service
you are advertising
• Each ad group contains numerous keywords
– Keywords
• The actual words or phrases we bid on that consumers potentially
search for
– Ads
• No less than 3 text ads are created for each ad group
• The ads placement on the page is determined by how you much
your are willing to pay or bid for the keyword and your quality score
Campaign Hierarchy
Adgroup Development
Creating Adgroups
• Adgroups make your campaign:
– Easier to manage
– Easier to monitor performance
• To develop adgroups think about your business
– What sort of properties are in your portfolio
– Example: I am a property manager in Sun Valley, ID
Riverfront Cabins
Mountain View Cabins
Pet Friendly Cabins
• We have now determined our 3 adgroups
– Riverfront Cabins
– Mountain View Cabins
– Pet Friendly Cabins
• You can have up to 2000 adgroups per campaign!
• You can assign a Maximum Cost Per Click to each
– Or how much you are willing to pay for keywords in that
• So we have our adgroups what’s next?
Keyword Creation
Keyword Lists
• Creating your Keyword list
– Brainstorm
• What sort of keywords do you want to be found for
– Use Google Analytics Keyword Report
• Google Adwords Keyword tool
– Think like a consumer
• More specifically a qualified consumer – further down the purchase cycle
– Interest, Research, Purchase
• Geo-Target your keywords
– Example:
• Cabin Rentals
– Generic and expensive!
• Sun Valley Cabin Rentals with Mountain Views
– Longtail!
• I’ve got my Keywords, now what!?
Organize your Keywords into Adgroups
Assign your keywords to their corresponding adgroups
Riverfront Cabins
Mountain View Cabins
Pet Friendly Cabins
Sun Valley Riverfront Cabin Rentals
Sun Valley Cabin Rentals with Mountain Views
Pet Friendly Cabin Rentals in Sun Valley
Riverfront Cabin Rentals in Sun Valley
Mountain View Cabin for Rent in Sun Valley
Sun Valley Cabins Pet Friendly
Sun Valley Cabin Rentals on River
Mountain View Cabins for Rent in Sun Valley*
Sun Valley Rentals that Allow Dogs
Riverfront Cabins for Rent in Sun Valley
Sun Valley Mountain View Cabin Rentals
Sun Valley Pet Friendly Rentals
Cabin Rentals with River Access in Sun
Sun Valley Mountain Cabin Rentals
Sun Valley Cabin Rentals Pet Friendly
You are allowed ~2,000 keywords per adgroup
Quick Tips for Keywords
• Quality Score
– Google assigns each one of your Keywords a 0-10 Quality
• This is how closely related the keyword is to your site
• Partially determines ranking and cost per click
• Get rid of anything 2/10 or below
• Negative Keywords
– Run a Keyword Report and check for terms you don’t want
to be found for – wasted impressions
• Example: Hotels, Car etc
• Utilize the broad, phrase and exact match options
– Impressions and Cost
Qualified Clicks
Ad Copy
Writing Your Ads
• 4 Parts to an Ad
Title – Maximum 12 characters
Ad Body – Maximum 70 characters
Display URL – Maximum 35 characters
Destination URL – Plenty of room
Where the consumer goes
Ensure Display URL accurately represents your
Destination URL
What the consumer sees
No need for HTTP:// or WWW.
Include a call to action!
Writing Your Ads
• Writing ads is an art
– This is your one chance to draw in the consumer
• Again think like your consumer
– Make the ad copy fun
– Try out different versions of ads
• Test until you find the sweet spot!
Quick Tips for Ads
• Make the experience seamless for the consumer
– If your ad is about pet friendly rentals, input your pet friendly
properties URL as the destination
• Less searching/clicking = happy consumer
• The display URL only needs to match the destination URL
up to the .com
• Dynamic Keyword Insertion
– Little tricky but super effective
– Can be used in the title or the body
– {Keyword:Sun Valley Cabin Rentals}
• This ad will display consumers search term or the default
Create Relevant Ad
Groups & Keywords
Optimize, Optimize,
Test Ads & Keywords
Use Reporting Tools
To Measure Results
PPC – Return on Investment (ROI)
Measuring ROI with Pay-Per-Click
– Getting a consumer to click on your ad and visit your website is only half the
– Once the consumer is on your website you may want them to:
Book a home
Purchase a product
Fill out a form
Sign up for a giveaway
View a key page
– With Google AdWords, you can assign a dollar value to any of these actions
and track them through what Google calls conversions
– Having a well designed landing page for consumers will help to increase your
total number of conversions
*When you have access to conversion data in your reports, you can make smarter
online advertising decisions, particularly about what ads and keywords you invest
in. Given better data, you can better measure your overall return on investment
(ROI) for your AdWords campaigns.
*Source: Google AdWords Help
Benefits of PPC
• Reach
– Access to ~80% of Internet users worldwide (Google)
• Cost
– Low cost for high ROI
• No minimum spend
– Only charged when consumers click on your ad
• Timing
– Ads are seen by users looking to purchase
• Qualified leads
– Reach your audience at the right time, with the right message
• Flexibility
– Gives you the ability to start advertising quickly
– Target ads to the specific location(s) of your target consumers
– Optimize and change your ads continually
PPC Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Why isn’t my ad showing up?
– Google delivers ads evenly over the course of a day with respect to the budget. If your
ad doesn’t show the first time you search, Google is likely conserving your budget for
the day.
• The best way to search for your ad is by using the Google Ad Preview Tool – wasted impressions
are not good
Why is my competitor’s ad in a better position than mine?
– This is due to your competitor’s willingness to pay more for that particular keyword.
Remember the first position is the most expensive and not always the best place to be!
– Check your Quality Scores!
How do I get ranked higher in the organic results?
– Organic results are based on SEO or Search Engine Optimization
How do I get my name on the Business Listings?
– You can add your business to the Google Business Listings section at Google Places.
Can someone just keep clicking on my ad and spend all of my money?
Google has systems in place to protect their customers from this type of situation. Google Adwords
looks at various data points for each click and filters out any potentially invalid clicks.
Additional Resources
To learn more about Google Adwords/Pay-Per-Click visit Google’s
Adwords Support website:
Also check out:
Google AdWords Help
Google AdWords Advertising Policies
Google Adwords Optimization Center
Google Adwords Editor