2009_03_04 BC Hydro Proof of Pu


2009_03_04 BC Hydro Proof of Pu
Joanna Sofield
Chief Regulatory Officer
Phone: (604) 623-4046
(604) 623·4407
bchydroregulatorygroup @bchydro.com
March 4, 2009
Ms. Claudine Dutil-Berry
Secretary of the Board
National Energy Board
444 Seventh Avenue SW
Calgary, Alberta
Dear Ms. Dutil-Berry:
National Energy Board
British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority (BC Hydro)
Application for Storage and Equichange Export Permits, EPE-192 and EPE-193
Proof of Publication
Further to Be Hydro's application for Electricity Export Permits filed January 31,2009, please
find attached proof of publication of the Notice of Application and Directions on Procedure
which was placed in the Canada Gazette (Part I), the Vancouver Sun and the Globe and Mail
(national edition). As noted in the attached these notices appeared on February 7, 2009.
Yours sincerely,
Joanna Sofield
Chief Regulatory Officer
Enclosures (3)
British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority, 333 Dunsmuir Street, Vancouver Be V6B SR3
. February], 2009
Canada Gazette Part I
British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority
British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority .
By an application dated January 30, 2009, the British Columbia
Hydro and Power Authprity (the "Applicant'~) has applied to the
National Energy Board (the "Board"), under Division IT of
Part VI of the National Energy Board Act (the "Act"), for authorization to make storage and equichangetransfer exports up to
, the transfer limits of the high voltage transmission lines in British
Columbia that are directly interconnected with the United States
for a period of 10 years commencing on May 1, 2009. These eJ5.ports would be -in accordance with the AppliCant's role as the
operator of the BC Hydro generation system in relation to certain
storage contracts, and other transactions, which are unique to
adjacent or neighbouring U.S. utilities.
The Bpard wishes to obtain the views of interested parties on
this application before iSSUIng a permit or recommending to the
Governor in Council that a, public hearing be held. The. directions
on procedure that follow explain in detail the procedure that will
be used.
1. The Applicant shall deposit and keep on file, for public inspection dt\ring normal busin<;:!ss hours, copies of the application
at its offices located at BC Hydro's Regulatory office located at
333 Dunsmuir Street, 17th Floor, Vancouver, British Columbia
V6B. \5R3, . 604 c 623-4046 ,(telephone), 604:623-4407 (fax),
regulatory:group@bchydra:com (email), and provide a COpy of the
application td any person whoreguests one. A copy of the application is also available for viewing during normal business hours
in the Board's library, 444 Seventh Avenue SW, Room 1002,
Calgary, Alberta T2P OXS.
2. Submissions that any party wishes to present shall be filed
with the Secre~ary, National Energy Board, 444 Seventh Avenue
SW, Calgary, Alberta T2P OXS, 403"292~5503 (fax), and served
on the ApplicantbyMarch 9,2009.
3. Pursuant to subsection 119.06(2) of theAct, the Board shall
have regard to all considerations that appear to it to be relevant. In
partiCular, the Board is interested in the views of submj.tters with
respect to
(a) the effect of the exportation of the electricity on provinces
other than that frbm which the electricity is to be exported;
(b) the impact of the exportation on the 'environment; and
(c).whether the Applicant has
,(i) informed those who have decl~ed an interest in buying
electncity for consumption in Canada of the quantities and
classes of service available for sale, and
(ii) given ~n opportu~ity to purchase electricity on terms and
conditions as favourable as the terms and conditions specified in the application to those who, within a reasonable time
of being so informed, demonstrate an 'Intention to buy electricity for consumption in Can'ada.··
4. Any answer to submissions that the Applicant wishes to present in'response to items 2 and' 3 of .thi~ noticeQf appliC;ation arid
directions on procedure shall be fileq with the' Secretary of the
Board and served on the party that filed the submission by
March 24,2009.
5. For further' information on the procedures governing the
, , Board's examination, contact the Secretary of the Board, Claudine
Dutil-Berry, at 403-299-2714 (telephone) or 403-292-5503 (fax).
British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority (Ie «demandeuf») a depose aupres de 1'Office national de 1'energie
(1'« Office»), aux termes de la section IT de lapartie VI de la Loi
sur l'Office national de l' energie (la « Loi »), une demande datee
du 30 janvier 2009 en vue d'obtenir 1'autorisation d'exporter du
stockage et des transferts d' equivalents jusqu' a concurrence des
limites de transfert d!,'!s lignes de transportll,'haute !ension. en
Colombie-Britannique directement raccordees aux Etats-Vnis,
pour une periode de 10 ans debutant Ie 1er mai 2009. Ces exportations seraient conformes au role du demandeur a titre d'exploitant
du systeme de generation de BC' Hydro relativement a certains
accords de stockage, et autres transactions, qui sont propn'is aux .
serviees publics americains adjacents ou avoisinants.
L' Office souhaite obtenir les commentaires des parties interessees sur cette demande avant de deIivrer unpermis ou, de 'recommander aU gouverneur en conseilla tenue d'une audience' publique. Les instructions relatives a la procedure enoncees ci-apres
exposent en detailla demarche qui sera suivie.
1. Le demandeur doit deposer et conserver en dossier des copies de la demande, aux fins d'examen public pendant les heures
normales d' ouverture, a ses bureaux sitties 'au 333, rue Dunsmuir,
17e etage, "Vancouver (Colombie~Britannjque) V6B 5R3, 604623-4046 (telephone), 604-623-4407 (teIecopieur), regulatory.
group@bchydro.com (courriel), et en foumir une copie a quiconque en fait la detnande. II est egalement possible de consulter
une copie de la demande, pendant les heures nQrmaleS d' ouverture, a la bibliotMque de l' Office, situee au 444 Seventh Avenue
SW, Piece 1002, Calgary (Alberta) T2P OXS.
2.. Les parties qui desirent deposer un memoire dbivent Ie faire
aupres.de la Secretaire, Office national de 1'energie, 444 Seventh
Avenue SW, Calgary (Alberta) T2P OXS, 403-292-5503 (telecopieur), et Ie signifier au demandeur; au plus tard Ie 9 mars 2009.
3. Conformement au paragraphe 119.06(2) de la Loi, 1'Office
tiendracompte de tous 1es facteurs qu'il estime pertirients. En
Particulier, il s'interesse aux points de vue des deposants sur les
questions suivantes :
a) les consequences de 1'exportation sur 1es provinces autres
que laprQvince exportatrice;
b) 1es consequences de 1'exportation sur l'environnement;
c) si Ie demandeur:
(i) a informe quieonque s'est montre interesse par l'achat
d' e1ectricite pour consommation au Canada des quantites et
des categories de services offerts,
(ii) a donne la possibiiite d'acheter de 1'electricite a des conditions aussHavorablesque celles indiquees dans la demande
a ceux qui ont, dans un delai raisonnable suivant la communieation de ce fait, manifeste 1'intention d' acheter de l' electricite 'pour consommation au Canada. "
,4. Si Ie demartdeur souhaite repondre aux menioires vises aux
points 2 et 3 du present avis de la demande et des presentes instructions telativesa la procedure, i1 doit deposer sa reponse au~
pres de la secretaire de 1'Office et en signifier une capie a la partie qui a depose Ie memoire, au plus tard Ie 24 mars 2009.
5. Pour obtenir de plus arnples renseignements sur'les methodes regissant l'examen mene par l'Orfice, veuillez communiquer
avec la secretaire de 1'Office, Cla1l9ine Dutil-Berry, par telephone
au 403-299-2714 ou par telecopieuFau 403-292-5503.
La secreta ire
ᔤ The Globe and Mail, Saturday, Feb. 7, 2009
British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority (le Demandeur) a déposé auprès de l’Office national de
l’énergie (l’Office), aux termes de la section II de la partie VI de la Loi sur l’Office national de l’énergie,
une demande datée du 30 janvier 2009 en vue d’obtenir l’autorisation d’exporter du stockage et des
transferts d’équivalents jusqu’à concurrence des limites de transfert des lignes de transport à haute
tension en Colombie-Britannique directement raccordées aux États-Unis, pour une période de 10 ans
débutant le 1 mai 2009. Ces exportations seraient conformes au rôle du Demandeur à titre d’exploitant
du système de génération de BC Hydro relativement à certains accords de stockage, et autres
transactions, qui sont propres aux services publics américains adjacents ou avoisinants.
L’Office souhaite obtenir les points de vue des parties intéressées sur cette demande avant de délivrer
un permis ou de recommander au gouverneur en conseil la tenue d’une audience publique. Les
Instructions relatives à la procédure énoncées ci-après exposent en détail la démarche qui sera suivie.
Le Demandeur doit déposer et conserver en dossier des exemplaires de la demande aux fins
d’examen public pendant les heures normales d’affaires, aux bureaux réglementaires de
BC Hydro situés au 333 Dunsmuir Street, 17e étage, Vancouver, C.B., V6B 5R3,
tél.: 604 623 4046, téléc.: 604 623 4407 et adresse électronique: regulatory.group@bchydro.com,
et en fournir un exemplaire à quiconque en fait la demande. Il est également possible de
consulter un exemplaire de la demande, pendant les heures normales d’affaires, à la bibliothèque
de l’Office, pièce 1002, 444, Septième Avenue S.O., Calgary (Alberta) T2P 0X8.
Les parties qui désirent déposer un mémoire doivent le faire auprès de la secrétaire de l’Office,
au 444, Septième Avenue S.O., Calgary (Alberta) T2P 0X8 (fax: 403 292 5503), et le signifier au
demandeur, au plus tard le 9 mars 2009.
Conformément au paragraphe 119.06(2) de la Loi, l’Office tiendra compte de tous les facteurs
qu’il estime pertinents. En particulier, il s’intéresse aux points de vue des déposants sur les
questions suivantes:
By an application dated January 30, 2009, the British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority (the
Applicant) has applied to the National Energy Board under Division II of Part VI of the National Energy
Board Act for authorization to make storage and equichange transfer exports up to the transfer
limits of the high voltage transmission lines in British Columbia that are directly interconnected with
the United States for a period of 10 years commencing on May 1, 2009. These exports would be in
accordance with the Applicant’s role as the operator of the BC Hydro generation system in relation to
certain storage contracts, and other transactions, which are unique to adjacent or neighbouring U.S.
The Board wishes to obtain the views of interested parties on this application before issuing a
permit or recommending to the Governor in Council that a public hearing be held. The Directions on
Procedure that follow explain in detail the procedure that will be used.
The Applicant shall deposit and keep on file, for public inspection during normal business hours,
copies of the application at its offices located at BC Hydro’s Regulatory office located at
333 Dunsmuir Street, 17th Floor, Vancouver, BC, V6B 5R3, phone: (604) 623 4046
fax: (604) 623 4407 and email: regulatory.group@bchydro.com, and provide a copy of the
application to any person who requests a copy. A copy of the application is also available for
viewing during normal business hours in the Board’s library, Room 1002, 444 Seventh Avenue
SW, Calgary, Alberta, T2P 0X8.
Submissions that any party wishes to present shall be filed with the Secretary of the Board,
444 Seventh Avenue SW, Calgary, Alberta, T2P 0X8, facsimile: (403) 292 5503, and served on the
Applicant by March 9, 2009.
Pursuant to Section 119.06(2) of the Act, the Board shall have regard to all considerations that
appear to it to be relevant. In particular, the Board is interested in the view of submittors with
respect to:
(a) the effect of the exportation of the electricity on provinces other than that from which the
electricity is to be exported;
a) les conséquences de l’exportation sur les provinces autres que la province exportatrice;
b) les conséquences de l’exportation sur l’environnement;
(c) whether the Applicant has: (i) informed those who have declared an interest in buying
electricity for consumption in Canada of the quantities and classes of service available for sale,
and (ii) given an opportunity to purchase electricity on terms and conditions as favourable as the
terms and conditions specified in the application to those who, within a reasonable time of being
so informed, demonstrate anintention to buy electricity for consumption in Canada.
(ii) a donné la possibilité d’acheter de l’électricité à des conditions aussi favorables que celles
indiquées dans la demande à ceux qui ont, dans un délai raisonnable suivant la communication
de ce fait, manifesté l’intention d’acheter de l’électricité pour consommation au Canada.
(i) a informé quiconque s’est montré intéressé par l’achat d’électricité pour consommation au
Canada des quantités et des catégories de services offerts;
4. Si le demandeur souhaite répondre aux mémoires visés aux points 2 et 3 du présent Avis de la
demande et des présentes Instructions relatives à la procédure, il doit déposer sa réponse auprès
de la secrétaire de l’Office et en signifier un exemplaire à la partie qui a déposé le mémoire, au
plus tard le 24 mars 2009.
5. Pour obtenir de plus amples renseignements sur les méthodes régissant l’examen mené par
l’Office, communiquez avec la secrétaire de l’Office, par téléphone au 403 299 2714, ou par fax au
403 292 5503.
Any answer to submissions that the Applicant wishes to present in response to items 2 and 3 of
this Notice of Application and Directions on Procedure shall be filed with the Secretary of the
Board and served on the party that filed the submission by March 24, 2009.
For further information on the procedures governing the Board’s examination, contact the
Secretary at (403) 299 2714, facsimile: (403) 292 5503.
(b) the impact of the exportation on the environment; and
c) si le demandeur:
Claudine Dutil-Berry
Secretary of the Board
La secrétaire de l’Office,
Claudine Dutil-Berry
Sale By Tender
Assets of Humber Valley Resort Corporation et al
(Located at Humber Valley, Newfoundland and Labrador)
Estate of William Bolechiwka
who died on February 14,
1992, at the City of Calgary,
Province of Alberta.
Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned until 12 o’clock
noon (Newfoundland Standard Time) on Friday, 6 March 2009 for
the purchase of the following assets:
If you have a claim against this
estate you must file your claim
by April 2, 2009, and provide
details of your claim with Bennett
Jones LLP, Barristers and
Solicitors, Attention: Barbara J.
Stratton at 1000 ATCO Centre,
10035 105 Street, Edmonton,
Alberta, T5J 3T2, Phone: (780)
421-8133. Fax: (780) 421-7951.
Parcel 1
Humber Valley Resort River Course
(Championship Golf Course)
Parcel 2
Eagles Perch Golf Club House
Parcel 3
Various Land Lots (Development
Lots/Driving Range)
Parcel 4
Beach House
Parcel 5
Administration and Storage Facilities
(Land and Buildings)
CANDY ROUTE! Cash income.
High Profits. We support breast cancer
awareness. www.uturncanada.com
Parcel 6
Strawberry Hill Resort
Parcel 7
Forest Park Condominium Units
If you don not file by the date
above, the estate property can
lawfully distributed without regard
to any claim you may have.
The highest or any offer will not necessarily be accepted.
Tenders must be accompanied by a certified cheque payable
to Ernst & Young Inc. for 15% of the amount of the offer price
as a deposit which will be refunded if the offer is not accepted
and forfeited to the undersigned on account of liquidated
damages if the offer is accepted and the sale is not completed
by the offerer. The balance of the offer price will be payable by
certified cheque or banker’s draft on closing. Tenders may be
made for individual parcels or en bloc but en bloc offers must
stipulate a separate price for each parcel.
Tenders will only be accepted in sealed envelopes, clearly
marked “Tender – Humber Valley”.
All tenders shall be subject to the Conditions of Sale, which shall
form part thereof and may be obtained from the undersigned.
Market / Feasibility Business Study
Great Lakes Passenger Cruise Ship
S.S. Norisle
The Corporation of the
Township of Assiginack & the
S.S. Norisle Steamship Society
are seeking a qualified firm to
verify and develop a business
case for the refit of the S.S.
Norisle as a Great Lakes Heritage
Steam Passenger Cruise Ship
Date of Issue:
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Mandatory Site Meeting:
Saturday, February 14, 2009 at
1:00 P.M. in Manitowaning,
Manitoulin Island, Ontario
Preliminary Proposals Due:
Monday, March 2, 2009
(no later than 12:00 Noon)
Details of the Request For
Proposals can be viewed at the
S.S. Norisle website @
Terms of Reference can be
obtained from Rob Maguire,
Telephone (705) 859-3196
Email: asigmtg@amtelecom.net
© 2009 Ernst & Young Inc. All rights reserved.
A more detailed description of the assets, appointments for
viewing or further information may be obtained by contacting
Mr. Neil Jones at 902 421 6267.
Ernst & Young Inc.
Trustee in Bankruptcy for
Humber Valley Resort Corporation,
Newfoundland Travel and Tourism Corporation,
Humber Valley Construction Limited and Humber Valley
Interiors Limited
1959 Upper Water Street, Suite 1301
Halifax NS B3J 3N2
for HRonline Project
Visit www.merx.com February 9 to 20, 2009 to view.
Deadline for submission is February 20, 2009.
dans le cadre du Projet RHenligne
Rendez-vous au www.merx.com pour consulter la DP
disponible du 9 au 20 février 2009.
Date limite de soumission des propositions : 20 février 2009.
Business Opportunities
Business Opportunities
Complete Tool & Dye Machine Shop
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COSMETIC CO. for sale. Distributor or
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SMALL METAL Fabricating company
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Asking $125K. Terms negotiable.
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Right-wing ex-Soviet could be Israeli kingmaker
ISRAEL I Avigdor Lieberman’s Yisrael
Beiteinu party is now gaining support
outside the country’s Russian minority
JERUSALEM — A Russianspeaking immigrant who favours
stripping more than one million
Arabic-speaking Israelis of their
citizenship unless they declare
an oath of loyalty to the Jewish
state may hold the balance of
power after national elections on
Soviet Moldova-born Avigdor
Lieberman’s Yisrael Beiteinu party has surged recently in the
polls, gaining support for the first
time outside the country’s Russian minority. By outflanking them
on the right, he has been taking
votes away from the front-running Likud party and its hawkish
leader, Benjamin Netanyahu.
If all the polls are correct, Yisrael Beiteinu is poised to become
Israel’s third-ranking party in the
Knesset. Such a development
would seriously complicate the
coalition-building plans of
Netanyahu or Tzipi Livni of Kadima, who could f inish f irst if
Lieberman’s party grabs enough
right-wing votes from Likud.
“If the mood of the country is
that it is being besieged and fac-
ing problems, it tends to help the
right” in elections, said Shlomo
Avineri, one of Israel’s most
respected political scientists.
Likud had held a big lead over
Kadima in the polls for months
but it was suddenly cut to only
two or three seats, according to
the last polls before the election
which were published Friday. At
the same time, Lieberman’s party jumped three seats to 18 seats,
putting it well ahead of Labour,
which has not finished as poorly
as fourth since Israel became a
country more than 60 years ago.
Lieberman had benefited from
having focused his campaign on
Israeli Arabs, whose recent
demonstrations against the Israel
Defence Forces offensive against
Hamas in Gaza had enraged
Israel’s Jewish majority, Avineri
The recent war was the first
time that such demonstrations
had taken place. Some protesters
were “openly flying the Hamas
flag and using language that supports Hamas,” the Hebrew University professor said. “There is
no other explanation for Lieberman’s rise than the support of
Avigdor Lieberman, leader of the
Yisrael Beiteinu party, may hold
the balance of power in Israel.
Israel’s Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni receives flowers from well-wishers in Jerusalem Friday as she
makes a public appearance five days ahead of Israel’s national elections.
Hamas by some Arab Israelis.”
Among Lieberman’s radical
ideas are a land swap with the
Palestinians that would see what
Israelis usually call Israeli Arab
communities — almost one-fifth
of the country’s population —
being essentially traded for Jewish settlers and their homes in
the West Bank.
Lieberman, who is himself a
settler, had been part of Kadima’s
coalition but left one year ago
because he objected to Prime
Minister Ehud Olmert having
begun negotiations with the
moderate Fatah-led Palestinian
Authority over a future Palestin-
ian state.
“Lieberman doesn’t scare me,
but his ideas such as not negotiating with the Palestinians and
keeping all the settlements scare
me,” said Iris Shaul, a health care
worker, wife and mother of two.
“Lieberman wants to do to others what they try to do to us. He
believes in the language of force.
Citizens should of course be loyal to the state, but they should
never have to sign a piece of
paper declaring that.”
Marianna Gershon, a Russianspeaking Ukrainian, explained
his growing support beyond
Israel’s Russian community: “He
doesn’t like Arabs and a lot of
Israelis don’t like Arabs.”
Canwest News Service
Can Bush’s ‘war on terror’
vocabulary survive Obama?
ANALYSIS I Language suggests policy change, rhetoricians report
WA S H I N G T O N — T h e
“decider” is gone. ‘‘Axis of evil” is
out. Can “war on terror” be far
As U.S. President Barack Obama moves to roll back his predecessor’s rhetoric as well as his
policies, the phrase that came to
define George W. Bush’s postSept. 11 call to arms is losing
ground in the war of words.
While the new administration
hasn’t dumped “war on terror”
from its vocabulary, there are
signs that use of the term has
been deliberately limited as Obama seeks to repair the United
States’ image abroad, especially in
the Muslim world.
“It may be only symbolic but it
signals that Obama is serious
about avoiding the kind of Bushstyle foreign policy that proved so
divisive,” said historian David
Greenberg, an expert on presidential communication at Rutgers University in New Jersey.
Bush first spoke of a “war on
terror” after the Sept. 11 attacks of
2001, turning it into his administration’s shorthand for what he
envisioned as a broad, U.S.-led
global fight against al-Qaida and
allied Islamist groups.
But the approach soon became
controversial because of what
international critics saw as an
arrogant with-us-or-against-us
philosophy overly dependent on
military force and what many
Muslims decried as an attack on
The 2003 invasion of Iraq, the
Abu Ghraib prisoner abuse scandal and the U.S. military detention camp at Guantanamo drew
more overseas criticism of Bush’s
Since taking office Jan. 20, Obama has moved swiftly to reverse
some of Bush’s practices, ordering the closing of Guantanamo
and an end to harsh interrogation
of terrorism suspects and dispatching a peace envoy to the
Middle East.
He has also reached out to the
Muslim world, seeing toneddown rhetoric as crucial to winning over moderates.
That doesn’t mean “war on terror” has been banned from the
new administration’s lexicon.
Obama, in fact, has used it once
in public since taking office, and
his press secretary, Robert Gibbs,
has uttered it several times.
But the strategy is to avoid the
Bush administration’s broadbrush rhetoric and focus the
tough talk on specific Islamist
groups while making
Afghanistan, not Iraq, the central
“This president is not going to
be branding anybody Islamic fascists,” said Martin Medhurst, professor of rhetoric at Baylor University in Texas, referring to
Bush’s short-lived 2006 use of a
term that deeply offended many
Newsweek magazine reported
this week that administration
officials were brainstorming
alternatives to “war on terror.”
The White House would not confirm that.
Obama and his aides have
made clear, however, he wants to
convey a realistic view of a long
fight against terrorism and not a
war without end.
So far, he has cast the battle in
terms such as an ‘‘enduring struggle” and taken pains to avoid
harsher rhetoric used by his predecessor. Bush, who had famously called himself the “decider,”
once dubbed Iran, Iraq and North
Korea as an ‘‘axis of evil,” a grouping critics derided and Obama
Despite that, analysts caution
that if Obama stops calling the
anti-terrorism fight a war altogether, he will face a conservative
British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority (le Demandeur) a déposé auprès de l’Office national de l’énergie
(l’Office), aux termes de la section II de la partie VI de la Loi sur l’Office national de l’énergie, une demande
datée du 30 janvier 2009 en vue d’obtenir l’autorisation d’exporter du stockage et des transferts d’équivalents
jusqu’à concurrence des limites de transfert des lignes de transport à haute tension en Colombie-Britannique
directement raccordées aux États-Unis, pour une période de 10 ans débutant le 1 mai 2009. Ces exportations
seraient conformes au rôle du Demandeur à titre d’exploitant du système de génération de BC Hydro
relativement à certains accords de stockage, et autres transactions, qui sont propres aux services publics
américains adjacents ou avoisinants.
L’Office souhaite obtenir les points de vue des parties intéressées sur cette demande avant de délivrer un
permis ou de recommander au gouverneur en conseil la tenue d’une audience publique. Les Instructions
relatives à la procédure énoncées ci-après exposent en détail la démarche qui sera suivie.
By an application dated January 30, 2009, the British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority (the Applicant)
has applied to the National Energy Board under Division II of Part VI of the National Energy Board Act for
authorization to make storage and equichange transfer exports up to the transfer limits of the high voltage
transmission lines in British Columbia that are directly interconnected with the United States for a period of
10 years commencing on May 1, 2009. These exports would be in accordance with the Applicant’s role as the
operator of the BC Hydro generation system in relation to certain storage contracts, and other transactions,
which are unique to adjacent or neighbouring U.S. utilities.
The Board wishes to obtain the views of interested parties on this application before issuing a permit or
recommending to the Governor in Council that a public hearing be held. The Directions on Procedure that
follow explain in detail the procedure that will be used.
Le Demandeur doit déposer et conserver en dossier des exemplaires de la demande aux fins d’examen
public pendant les heures normales d’affaires, aux bureaux réglementaires de BC Hydro situés au
333 Dunsmuir Street, 17e étage, Vancouver, C.B., V6B 5R3, tél.: 604 623 4046, téléc.: 604 623 4407 et
adresse électronique: regulatory.group@bchydro.com, et en fournir un exemplaire à quiconque en fait la
demande. Il est également possible de consulter un exemplaire de la demande, pendant les heures
normales d’affaires, à la bibliothèque de l’Office, pièce 1002, 444, Septième Avenue S.O., Calgary
(Alberta) T2P 0X8.
Les parties qui désirent déposer un mémoire doivent le faire auprès de la secrétaire de l’Office, au 444,
Septième Avenue S.O., Calgary (Alberta) T2P 0X8 (fax: 403 292 5503), et le signifier au demandeur, au
plus tard le 9 mars 2009.
The Applicant shall deposit and keep on file, for public inspection during normal business hours, copies
of the application at its offices located at BC Hydro’s Regulatory office located at 333 Dunsmuir Street,
17th Floor, Vancouver, BC, V6B 5R3, phone: (604) 623 4046 fax: (604) 623 4407 and email:
regulatory.group@bchydro.com, and provide a copy of the application to any person who requests a copy.
A copy of the application is also available for viewing during normal business hours in the Board’s library,
Room 1002, 444 Seventh Avenue SW, Calgary, Alberta, T2P 0X8.
Submissions that any party wishes to present shall be filed with the Secretary of the Board, 444 Seventh
Avenue SW, Calgary, Alberta, T2P 0X8, facsimile: (403) 292 5503, and served on the Applicant by
March 9, 2009.
Pursuant to Section 119.06(2) of the Act, the Board shall have regard to all considerations that appear to
it to be relevant. In particular, the Board is interested in the view of submittors with respect to:
Conformément au paragraphe 119.06(2) de la Loi, l’Office tiendra compte de tous les facteurs qu’il estime
pertinents. En particulier, il s’intéresse aux points de vue des déposants sur les questions suivantes:
b) les conséquences de l’exportation sur l’environnement;
c) si le demandeur:
a) les conséquences de l’exportation sur les provinces autres que la province exportatrice;
(a) the effect of the exportation of the electricity on provinces other than that from which the electricity is
to be exported;
(i) a informé quiconque s’est montré intéressé par l’achat d’électricité pour consommation au Canada
des quantités et des catégories de services offerts;
(b) the impact of the exportation on the environment; and
(c) whether the Applicant has: (i) informed those who have declared an interest in buying electricity for
consumption in Canada of the quantities and classes of service available for sale, and (ii) given an
opportunity to purchase electricity on terms and conditions as favourable as the terms and conditions
specified in the application to those who, within a reasonable time of being so informed, demonstrate an
intention to buy electricity for consumption in Canada.
(ii) a donné la possibilité d’acheter de l’électricité à des conditions aussi favorables que celles indiquées
dans la demande à ceux qui ont, dans un délai raisonnable suivant la communication de ce fait, manifesté
l’intention d’acheter de l’électricité pour consommation au Canada.
4. Si le demandeur souhaite répondre aux mémoires visés aux points 2 et 3 du présent Avis de la
demande et des présentes Instructions relatives à la procédure, il doit déposer sa réponse auprès de la
secrétaire de l’Office et en signifier un exemplaire à la partie qui a déposé le mémoire, au plus tard le 24
mars 2009.
5. Pour obtenir de plus amples renseignements sur les méthodes régissant l’examen mené par l’Office,
communiquez avec la secrétaire de l’Office, par téléphone au 403 299 2714, ou
par fax au 403 292 5503.
La secrétaire de l’Office,
Claudine Dutil-Berry
Any answer to submissions that the Applicant wishes to present in response to items 2 and 3 of this
Notice of Application and Directions on Procedure shall be filed with the Secretary of the Board and
served on the party that filed the submission by March 24, 2009.
For further information on the procedures governing the Board’s examination, contact the Secretary
at (403) 299 2714, facsimile: (403) 292 5503.
Claudine Dutil-Berry
Secretary of the Board