Newsletter 11th May - Week 5 - MacKillop Catholic Primary School


Newsletter 11th May - Week 5 - MacKillop Catholic Primary School
Wednesday, 11th May 2016
Newsletter No: 14
Term 2
Dear Parents and Friends,
MacKillop’s biannual fete is happening on Saturday 3 September from 4.00pm – 8.00pm. Our fetes are
always wonderful events that take a massive amount of planning and preparation. Our dedicated fete
committee is already working hard preparing for this event. The members of the committee include:
Mon 9
- 15
Sacrament of
Sacrament of
Assembly Yr 6M
- Pentecost
Class Stall Coordinator
Catering Coordinators
Entertainment/Ride Coordinator
Cent Sale & Raffle Coordinator
Fete Electrician
Mon 16 – 22
ICAS Digital
Class Mass Yr
5D / 1P
Assembly Yr 2D
- Month of Mary
Mackay Catholic
Church 150
Steff Neal
Jo Oliver and Janet Dalglish
Melissa Durnsford
Elspeth Ledwy
Heath La Gerche
I would like to sincerely thank these parents for taking on these roles. Our next Fete Meeting is this
Friday 13 May at 3.00pm in the library. If you are interested in assisting we would love to see you at the
MacKillop’s Fete is a biannual affair because it involves a lot of support from you, the family and friends
of our great school. It is a wonderful opportunity for all of us to work together to raise funds to promote
the spiritual, academic, cultural and sporting endeavours of our school community. It is our only
fundraiser that we hold as a school and raises a great profit to go towards purchasing resources to better
the learning of the students at our school. Our fetes in the past have raised anywhere from $10000 to
$20000 and have helped purchase IT equipment, playground equipment, reading resources to name just
a few.
On Friday 20 May we will be having a free dress day to help with gathering cent sale items. Children
are asked to come to school in free dress and in return they are asked to bring in an item for the cent
sale. This could include items such as: toys, stationery, linen, beauty products, vouchers etc. You may
choose to send in one larger item as a family or you may prefer each child to bring in a smaller item. We
would really appreciate any items at all you can donate. It all helps. I thank you for your support of our
fete and encourage you to keep reading the newsletter for fete updates and other ways you may be able
to assist. There is only 16 weeks to go.
The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child
Sexual Abuse will close new applications for private sessions on
30 September 2016. If you know of people who would like to
apply for a private session, it is important that they come forward
People who have already registered for a private session will not
be affected. They have each been notified and are guaranteed
to receive a private session if they still wish to attend.
Please contact the Royal Commission with any questions or for
support by calling 1800 099 340 or by emailing
This week we farewell Tarra and Oliver Rivers and their
family who are moving towns. We wish you all the best with
your move and at your new school.
Congratulations to Kirsty Bailey and Paul Evans on the birth of
their daughter Paige Susan who was born on the 5 May. Paige
is a sister for Bella in Prep E.
Thank you to our wonderful parents who organised and
assisted at our Mother’s Day Stall last week. Special thanks
to Stephanie Neal for organising the stall and purchasing all
the gifts. It was run very well and the service is always well
patronised by the children. I hope all Mums were pampered
and spoilt by their families on Sunday. And for those in our
community who remember beloved Mums who have passed,
may the day have been one of cherished memories.
 Please remember in your prayers the
following people who are unwell:
 For anyone who is sick within our
community, we pray for God’s healing and
Three ways to help children become more confident
Feeling confident helps children do well in all aspects of their life, both
now and into the future.
Confidence is important for developing and maintaining good mental
health as confident children are more able to build positive relationships,
do better at school and become happier, successful adults.
Confident children are motivated learners
Children who are confident are motivated to engage in more
experiences; they expect to have successful and positive experiences
because they have done so in the past.
Children who lack confidence in their abilities can sometimes try to
avoid having a go at some things and this can stop them from
developing the skills they need to tackle tasks confidently.
Three ways to help children build their confidence
Kids develop confidence and a sense of independence when they see
how others react to their abilities.
Here are some ways parents and carers can help build children’s
1. Encouraging them to participate and have a go!
Encouraging children to have a go and valuing individual improvement is
one good way to support children’s confidence.
Participation is less about winning and losing, and more about valuing
individual effort, persistence and improvement.
It’s important to celebrate with children the experience of participating in
something for the enjoyment it creates, rather than for a reward.
2. Supporting their self-esteem
Confidence and self-esteem go hand in hand. It's important to help
children feel positive and accept themselves the way they are, and see
that they don’t have to be as good as everyone else.
Confidence improves through building on small successes, so make sure
you celebrate your child’s improvements and successes.
Enrolments for Prep for 2017 are now being taken. If you have a
child due to commence Prep next year (born between 1 July
2011 and 31 July 2012), please complete an enrolment form
available from the office or on our website. Enrolments for Years
1 -6 are also currently being taken for 2017. When returning the
enrolment form, please ensure that there is a certified copy of
your child’s birth certificate, baptismal certificate and
immunisation records. It is essential that we have our current
families accounted for so that we know the number of places
available for new families. We will begin interviewing in the next
few weeks so please ensure your enrolments forms are handed
in to the office.
When a child says he or she can’t do something that you know he or she
can do, try not to get caught up in the attempts to avoid doing the task.
As existing families within our school, you are our best form of
advertising when it comes to attracting new families to our
school. If you know of anyone considering a Catholic Education,
please put them in touch with our friendly office staff or direct
them to our school website which has all current enrolment
information available.
When children are disappointed, it’s easy for them to get into an “I can’t”
or “I’m no good” mindset, which can chip away at confidence.
The combined Catholic Schools of Mackay are celebrating
Catholic Education with a Masquerade Ball for staff, parents and
the extended community. It will be held on Friday 22 July from
6.30pm at the Marquee at the Clarion Hotel, Mackay marina.
Tickets include a drink upon arrival, deluxe seafood buffet, live
music by Kaviar, photo booth and prize draws throughout the
night. Tickets are $125 per person and are available online at
Instead, try and motivate the child by making the task fun and
interesting. You might set a challenge to help make learning fun, for
example: “I wonder how many spelling words you can get through in one
Reminding children of positive goals can also help them to keep trying,
for instance: “Keep practising a few more times. Just think how proud
you will feel when you are ready to perform in a couple of weeks.”
3. Dealing positively with disappointment
Children need to learn ways to deal with disappointment positively, and
to feel good about their efforts - win or lose.
Parents and carers can help children focus on their own efforts and on
achieving personal goals as the best way to measure success.
Here’s some good tips for helping children deal positively with
Responding sympathetically and with encouragement (eg. “that was
disappointing, but at least you had a go.”).
Helping children focus on what they can change to make things better,
rather than thinking that the situation is unchangeable or that there is
something wrong with them (eg. “What can you try that might make that
work better next time?”)
Challenging ‘I can’t’ thinking by showing and saying you believe in them
and reminding them of what they have achieved.
KidsMatter. Helping children learn to manage anger, © Commonwealth
of Australia 2008, reproduced with permission.
The Federal Election is just around the corner and education is
front and centre for this election campaign. Attached to this
week’s newsletter is a document from the NCEC (National
Catholic Education Commission) entitled ‘Funding Principles for
Catholic Schools’. The NCEC is established by the Australian
Catholic Bishops Conference for Catholic Education to maintain
effective liaison with the Commonwealth Government. The
NCEC serves Catholic education through collaboration,
advocacy and leadership on national education policy. I have
also attached a link to access NCEC’s new website about how
Catholic schools are funded -
Keep Smiling
Allison Blakey
Friday 20th May
Your free dress fine is to bring in a “new” item for
the Cent Sale for our School Fete.
Some item suggestions could include:
-Toys, stationary pack, beauty items, small appliances,
linen, doll, vouchers.
If you have more than one child at the school
instead of one small item per child
consider donating one larger item!!
It can be whatever you like
…Big or small…
Something you know people would like to win
Pentecost Sunday
“The Coming of the Holy Spirit”
This Sunday's Gospel Paraphrased
John 14:15-16, 23-26
Jesus said, “If you love me, keep my commandments. And I
shall ask the Father and he will give you a ‘paraclete’ to remain
with you for ever. If someone loves me and keeps my words, my
Father will love that person and we shall come and make our
home within that person. The one who doesn’t love me, doesn’t
keep my word. Be sure of this, the word I speak is not my own, it
is the word of the one who sent me, the Father! I have spoken
these words to you while I was with you but the Consoler, the
Holy Spirit whom the Father will send you in my name, will teach
you and remind you of all that was said to you.
This Sunday's Reflection
Loneliness is a terrible affliction- so awful that it is
difficult to remember what it felt like after a period
of loneliness has passed. We can readily recall
feelings of anger, shame, illicit desire but
something in our psyche so abhors the feeling of being alone
that it is hard to recall it. Quite simply, we are so deeply made for
relationship that it is hard to imagine the opposite. We want to
relate and we want someone looking out for us.
In this Gospel for Pentecost, Jesus tells of the great gift of the
Father that will be given on his departure – the ‘Paraclete’. It is
hard to convey in English the range of meanings of this word:
guide, legal advocate, counsellor, consoler, teacher, support,
strengthener – in short a person who is totally on our side,
looking out for our best interests, caring for us better than we
could do for ourselves. So why don’t we feel it? Maybe one
reason lies in how we judge our lives. Our vision is so often
short-sighted. We experience our immediate needs and desires
and we tend to judge how well they are fulfilled in the short term
and we can be very disgruntled or upset if life does not go
according to our terms. We need a mental revolution, to see as
God sees. Even in small events, we have to open to consider
how the Spirit might be looking out for us according to our overall
needs, the big picture of our lives. The missed train, the lost
clothing can be small lessons that enrich our lives on a daily
We are so naturally self-centred that it is almost impossible for
us to stop our constant, narrow minded judgements. That is why
we need the Paraclete. But when you read the above list of
meanings, you realise that life will never be very easy with such
a person on our side. The Spirit person wants so much for us
than we could possibly want for ourselves: the fullness of life and
love within God.
Sacrament of Reconciliation – 10 /11 /12 May
Family Preparation Day – 2pm Sunday 15 May
Confirmation Practice – Monday 23 3:30pm
Confirmation Ceremony – Tuesday 24 May 6:30pm
Eucharist Practice – Friday 3 June, 3:30pm
Eucharist Celebration – 4 /5 June Weekend Masses
Ritual of Commissioning – 18 /19 June Weekend Masses
Please pray for all those who are
preparing for the Sacraments.
Spend some quiet time with the Lord
God Bless,
Helen Privett
Assistant Principal Religious Education
We acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the land and pay respects to their
Elders and all Elders, past, present and future.
Held during:
6pm Mass - 2nd & 4th Saturday of the month
9am Mass - 2nd & 4th Sunday of the month
Held during:
7:30am Mass - 1st & 3rd Sunday of the month
Please note: * Run during school terms excluding holidays
Catholic Diocese of Rockhampton
Easter to Pentecost
Parish communities, school communities, families and individuals are
invited to interact with this resource. The Easter season begins on
Easter Sunday and is an opportunity for us to reflect on what living the
spirit of the Easter season in this Jubilee of Mercy means in personal
and practical terms. Access for parish
liturgies, individual reflection and understanding of this season
through to Pentecost Sunday.
Australian dishes of roasts, chicken and vegetables plus
Chinese and Pilipino Foods.
Including dessert and tea & coffee.
Entertainment plus mini cent sale.
Cost: $30 (Normally $38) per head.
To book please phone parish office 49574855 Monday to Friday
9am to 12noon
or purchase tickets at St Joseph’s & St Brendan’s Churches after
weekend Masses.
All classes have enjoyed their visits to the Life Education Van
this week. The children also enjoyed meeting Harold.
A big thank you to all of our Mums who
came along to the Prep Mother’s Day pamper
morning on Monday. The children certainly
had a fantastic time giving their Mums a foot
soak, painting their nails and making them
some very fashionable jewellery!
A special thank you also to our very creative
and talented Mrs E, for preparing the children
with two very special Mother’s Day songs!
Prep E
Your google slides presentation on the Australian Dietary
Guidelines is coming along beautifully, Jack. You are eager
to master the art of animating objects and creatively
transitioning between slides. Keep up the excellent effort!
Sky Neal
Ava Woods
Your nature show and tell of “The lifecycle of a
strawberry” was fantastic! You had the whole class
engaged with the accurate information you shared, using
scientific words such as pollination. You are a “Science
Harry Warne
We love your dedication and enthusiasm towards learning
your sightwords at home and at school. You are a
sightword “Master”.
Bailey Reid
Your response to our reading of the Rainbow Fish story
was just lovely. You wrote, “I think the Rainbow Fish
learnt to treat others how you want to be treated.” What
a wonderful idea Grace!
William Murphy
I can see that you are trying really hard to improve your
handwriting William. It is great to see you concentrating
on writing your letters neatly in the red and blue lines.
Keep up the super work!
Joe Dlask
Thank you for sharing reasons why you love your Mum.
We loved hearing how special she is and how much she
means to you. She is lucky to have such a caring son.
Sophie Frost
You shared so many “long e” words with us. It was great
to see you so excited to write new words on the board.
Kallis Stevens
It was wonderful to read your detailed diary writing about
your family holiday. You also did an excellent job of
editing your work.
Lani Graham
Thank you for your hard work during our assembly
rehearsals. You were always focused, spoke beautifully,
and did an excellent job of singing and remembering the
actions. Well done!
Jacob Derdziak
For your consistent neat handwriting. Your writing is
precise with the correct entries and exits. Spelling is also
accurate throughout your writing activities. Well done!
Isabella Johnson
Thank you for making an extra effort to use capital letters
where required. I can tell you are really concentrating and
editing your writing. Keep it up!
Oliver Rivers
For the effort you have been putting into all tasks this
week. I particularly liked your Religion title page. It was
neatly and carefully presented, and you used symbols
appropriate to our unit on the Eucharist. Fantastic work
For working so diligently during Maths lessons this week.
You are working competently with common fractions and
applying yourself consistently when working on mastering
your 8 x tables. Super effort, Sky!
Alex Dlask
You are a Mathematics Whiz! You know your number
facts and times tables very well and this in turn makes
problem solving in mathematics easier for you. You think
logically and clearly and enjoy learning. Awesome work
Brandan Strauss
Congratulations on your fine effort with knowing almost
every letter and sound in the alphabet! You are also doing
a Super job with learning your sightwords!! What a
Alice Cundell
I would like to congratulate you for the way you get so
many tasks completed on time all the time!! I am also
very impressed with your knowledge of sightwords! It is
fantastic to see you onto red words already! Wow! Keep
up the hard work, Alice!
Grace Bettinelli
Jack Fogarty
Wow Brandon you are a writing star! We have been
thoroughly entertained and amazed by your clever writing
skills. You have well thought out reasons and arguments
for your persuasive writing tasks with high modality words
and strong vocabulary. Keep up the fantastic work.
Cate Gauci
I liked your thought provoking questions in your
persuasive writing task Cate. You displayed good use of
emotive language. I also enjoyed your characterisation of
Matilda during reading. Great work Cate!
Ella Steel
I am impressed with the effort you are displaying during
our technology time. You had some good, strong points to
support your point of view in your persuasive text. Well
done Ella!
Joele Cruikshank
We are so proud of you for delivering an engaging oral
presentation this week. Congratulations for overcoming
those nasty nervous obstacles. Well done!
Mikeely Blee
You should be proud of the effort you are putting into your
maths, particularly with the recall of multiplication facts.
The hard work and determination you put in each day is
inspiring. Keep it up.
Phoebe Franklin
Who knew we had a politician in the making! You
absolutely had our “Members of Parliament” convinced
with your strong and supported arguments during our
Federal Parliament role play. You played the part of the
Leader of the Opposition masterfully. We were amazed
and inspired by you – so much so that even two members
of the “government” crossed the floor! Superb work
“Member for Phoebe”!
Hayden Lane
I really enjoy listening to you read. One of the special
things about your reading is the way you strive to put
expression into your reading, to create interest and to
develop characterisation. You are always ready and willing
to read aloud at any opportunity and you do so with great
PE Award
Tydon Ramshaw
For your perfect discus technique! Your discus looked like
a real flying saucer! Keep up the awesome effort!
Jayce Smith
Cate Gauci
Not only was I impressed by your shot put technique, you
followed through this week by also being an amazing
discus thrower! You listened carefully to my cues and in
turn what amazing results you have achieved.
For the way you have worked on keeping your workspace
neat and tidy these past two weeks. You are becoming
much more organised. Keep it up Jayce!
Tessa Pirie
For always following our safety and game rules during our
PE lessons.
Joseph Dlask
For following instructions, waiting patiently for your turn
and putting 100% effort into our games…..especially when
it involves sprinting!
Visual Art
Carter Cundell
For the way you worked in our Arts Lesson this week. You
concentrated on your work to carefully create a beautiful
patterned drawing. Well done, Carter!
Joe Dlask
For a fantastic sketch drawing using pattern. I am
particularly impressed with the way you tried to show
objects in the distance. Great work, Joe!
Marli Steel
In recognition of the pride you take in the presentation of
your book work. Well done Marli.
Thanks to all who attended the P & F Meeting on Monday night.
We were updated on the Tuckshop, Fete and P&F Conference
which was attended by our President, Natalie Mogg and the
Regional Delegate, Vera Ramshaw. The next meeting is
scheduled for Monday 13 June 2016.
FETE 2016!
There will be another Fete Meeting held this Friday afternoon at
3.00pm in the library for those who are interested. We have had
confirmation from Bill’s Amusements that Ride Armband’s will be
$30 each if pre-sold, and $35 each if sold on the day. We hope
to have these available for purchase next term. Bill’s
Amusements have also purchased 2 exciting new rides that they
are hoping to bring.
These children have been ‘Making Jesus Real’ at
MacKillop. Congratulations!
The next Disco will be held on Friday 27 May 2016 in the hall.
Thanks so very much to Stephanie Neal and her band of helpers
for holding the Mother’s Day Stall last Friday. What fantastic
presents!! I know I absolutely loved mine!
If you have any suggestions for the P & F, please fill out a
suggestion form available in the office and pop it into the
red box. Alternatively you can email your suggestions to Remember to check out the
MacKillop P & F page on the website where you can find our
contact details and the latest meeting minutes. MacKillop
Catholic Primary School.
Natalie, Liz, Rachel & Mel
Dylan Le Garde
Shae Petersen
Cody Lankin
Caitlyn Kitchin
Amelia Hokins
Ava Cunningham
Ashleigh Hollingsworth
School Fees are now OVERDUE
Thank you to those families who have already
finalised their account. If you did not receive your
statement please contact the office ASAP.
Fete Meeting – Friday 13 May 2016
Pizza Meal Day – Friday 20 May 2016
Disco – Friday 27 May 2016
P & F Meeting – Monday 13 June 2016
2016 Catholic Schools Masquerade Ball – Friday 22 July 2016
Fete – Saturday 3 September 2016
Please be advised that the cut-off date for pizza
order forms is Tuesday 17th May, not Tuesday 10th
TRAINING DAYS – Subject to ground and weather conditions
U7 – Mackillop School 3.15pm on front oval Monday
U11 – Hockey fields 3.30pm on Thursday’s Bridge Road side
Due to the resignation of Sue Walker our Tuckshop
Coordinator, there will be no tuckshop in Term 2 until
further notice.
Keep an eye out for the draw by email.
Please contact Stacey Davidson for enquiries.
Spots are available to learn an instrument at MacKillop. The
electric program includes Vocals, Electric Guitar, Electric Bass
Guitar, Keyboard and Electric Drums. The acoustic program
includes the Flute, Clarinet, Alto Saxophone, Trumpet,
Trombone, Percussion, Cello, Violin and Acoustic Guitar.
Expression of interest forms are available at the office or call
1300 858 911 for more information.
Josh Notting, Musicorp
1P Families are invited to an afternoon play date at Northview
Park, Schapers Road Glenella, on Friday 3rd of June at 3.30pm.
Please bring a small plate to share for afternoon tea.
1P Parents and carers are invited to catch up over coffee at
Jamaica Blue, Mt Pleasant on Thursday 16th June at 10.00am.
Many thanks, Paula La Gerche
We are having a morning skating session
at Mackay Leisure Centre at 10.00am, Sunday
29th May. Please bring your skates if you
have any, if not, you can hire them. Siblings
also welcome.
We hope you can make it!
RSVP: 19th May to Renae on 0409 490 173
P.S. Don’t forget your socks
This event will be held in Mackay on May 29th. For further
information please see the office.
The P&F have decided to design volunteers shirts for parents to
purchase. These can be worn when you volunteer or attend
school events and functions. These shirts are the same design
as our MacKillop sporting teams.The cost of the shirts are $34.
We have sample shirts in the office to try on for sizing. If you
wish to purchase a MacKillop supporters shirt please complete
the slip below and return to the office with money enclosed.
Name: __________________________
I would like to purchase a MacKillop supporter’s shirt
and have enclosed
Size: (Please Circle)
Signed: __________________
Cybersafety – were you aware of age limits for internet sites?
For more information on cyber safety follow this link: