TCT WEST, INC. - Wyoming Public Service Commission
TCT WEST, INC. - Wyoming Public Service Commission
TCT WEST, INC. EXCHANGE TARIFF WYOMING Issued: SECTION 5 Page 31 Release 1 9/12/94 Effective: 5. EXCHANGESERVICES 5.2 LOCM EXCHANGESERVICE 5.2.5 Locm SERVICEOPTIONS A. Combination Access Line Service (Cent’d) 3. Rates and Charges a. Each access line will be charged for at the established individual line rate, and the appropriate business or residence rate will apply. b. Where combination access line service is fi.u-nishedin connection with individual line message sewices, the local message allowances and message use for all lines are combined and excess local message charges are computed on the combined basis provided that all services involved are in the same billing period. c. Exchange zone or locality rate area charges for individual lines apply to each access line located outside the base rate area, but within the exchange area. d. FCO charges, as specified in the Access Service Tariff, will apply in addition to any other charges applicable when the access lines are not located in the same CO area in multioffice exchanges. e. FX charges for individual lines will apply to each access line located outside the exchange area of the foreign (serving) exchange; except that when more than one access line is located outside the exchange area and such lines are served by the same CO circuit, the rates will be determined by the circumstances in each individual case. t-. The rates quoted for Combination Access Line Service contemplate the use of standard equipment. Where, in the opinion of the Company, messages cannot be satisfactorily transmitted fi-om or to any one station by using standard equipment, and where it is feasible to overcome the transmission difficulties by using special equipment, such special equipment will be provided at additional rates or charges based on the circumstances in each individual case. g No mileage charges will be applied for extension bells in consideration of the distance between any station and the bell associated with such station but located at another station. h. To establish Combination Access Line apply: . The service and equipment charge per line for new access line(s) plus . A charge per line equal to the service and equipment charge for Companion Line service. TCT WEST, INC. EXCHANGE TARIFF WYOMING Issued: SECTION 5 Page 32 Release 1 9/12/94 Effective: 5. EXCHANGESERVICES 5.2 5.2.5 B. Loc.u EXCHANGESERVICE LOCM SERVICEOPTIONS(Cent’d) Service Stations 1. Description a, Generally the Company will provide facilities for local exchange service within the exchange area. The customer may elect to obtain service station service in lieu of paying facility extension costs or special assessments as outlined in the Rural Network Assessment and Other Special Charges section of the Tariff. The option of Service Station Service applies in the following cases: ● ● ● Where facilities would need to be extended to the applicant’s location and the applicant is requesting temporary service. Where the applicant is requesting service at a location outside of the exchange boundary. Where facilities would need to be extended to the applicant’s location within the exchange and a special assessment in addition to the rural network assessment would apply. b. Service Station Service line applicants will be assessed a rural network assessment. c. Service station associations will be required to appoint a secretary or representative to transact all business with the Company. An association will be required to execute through its delegated representative, an agreement with the Company covering the privileges and obligations of either party to the other. d. After written notice, service may be discontinued on any line or lines at the option of the Company when the service station association or the owner of the service station line neglects or refkes to make such additions, replacements, changes, and repairs as may be necessa~ to place the line or lines and equipment in cc@ition satisfactory to the Company for furnishing adequate service of the type established by the Company for the exchange zone area in which the service stations are located. TCT WEST, INC. SECTION 5 Page 33 Release 1 EXCHANGE TARIFF WYOMING Issued: Effective: 9/12/94 5. EXCHANGESERVICES 5.2 Locw EXCHANGESERVICE Locw SERVICEOPTIONS 5.2.5 B. 1 (Cent’d) e. The Company may limit the number of telephones connected to a line in order that the The association’s general quality of telephone service may be maintained. representative will report immediately to the Company any installations or removals of telephones on a service station line. f. A line will not be terminated at more than one CO. Lines will not be interconnected except as provided through the Company’s CO unless permission for such interconnection is granted in writing. g. Both business and residence stations may be connected with the same service station line. h. Except as specifically provided herein, the finishing of service will be subject to standard rules and regulations, Where the provisions of any equipment requires unusual installation, special charges based on cost may apply. TCT WEST, INC. SECTION 5 Page 34 Release 1 EXCHANGE TARIFF WYOMING Issued: Effective: 9/12/94 5. EXCWGE 5.2 5.2.5 B. SERVICES LOCM EXCHANGESERVICE Loc.u SERVICEOPTIONS Service Stations (Cent’d) 2. Service Stations Connected with a Central Office a. The local service area for customers will be the same as for other customers connected with the CO at which the semice station line terminates. All customers on any one service station line must have the same local service area. b. The service station rates shown herein provide for the necessary switching at the CO and allow each customer one listing in the alphabetical section of the directory, c. Charges for exchange service, toll service, etc., will be billed against the individual service station customer or, in the case of service station associations, billing may be against the association. Bills against the association will be rendered in the name of the individual customers and sent to the authorized representative of the association for payment. The representative of the association will be held responsible for the payment of such accounts. d. Service Station Service is an option available to customers requesting temporary service, customers requesting semice outside of the exchange area or customers requesting service outside of the base rate area who would otherwise be charged a special assessment charge. The associated special charges are outlined in Section 4. e. The service and equipment CO change charge applies when changing from exchange Sefice Station Service to individual line, party line or rural grades of service. In addition, when it is necessary to replace customer provided station equipment with that fhmished and installed by the Company, all applicable rates and charges apply. f. The Company will provide and maintain the necessary circuit between the CO and a mutually agreed upon junction point. Service station customers will be required to construct and maintain the necessary circuit or circuits and pole lines beyond such junction point. A rural network assessment, as outhned in Section 4. will apply. TCT WEST, INC. SECTION 5 EXCHANGE TARIFF WYOMING Issued: Page 35 Release 1 Effective: 9/12/94 5. EXCHANGESERVICES LOCAL EXCHANGESERVICE LOCAL SERVICEOPTIONS 5.2.5. B.2. (Cent’d) 5.2 g. Special Service Arrangements (1) Service station circuits may, under separate agreement, be attached to poles of the Company. (2) Service station lines may be connected with one, two, four, five or eight party line of the Company. The regular main station line rates plus the appropriate exchange zone increments will be applicable for each main station line comected. h. Rates (1) The rate for a service station line does not include Company-provided service station telephone or equivalent. (2) Service station lines connected to line of the Company. (3) The sewice and equipment charge in 5.2.A.7.b. applies to changes. TCT WEST, INC. EXCHANGE TARIFF SECTION 5 WYOMING Issued: Page 36 Release 1 9/12/94 Effective: 5. EXCHANGESERVICES 5.2 LOCAL EXCHANGESERVICE 5.2.5. LOCAL SERVICEOPTIONS B.2.h. (Cent’d) Usoc SERVICE& EQUIPMENT CHARGE MONTHLYRATEPERRATEGROUP 1 2 Each Service Station Line Connected One-party residence[1] 1ss $41.25 $8.84 $9.57 Two-party residence[1] 2ss 41.25 7.94 8.56 Four-party residence[l] 4ss 41.25 7.35 7.89 Eight-party residence[ 1] 8SS 41.25 6.43 6.86 One-party business[l] SB 1 86.25 17.12 19.42 c Two-party business[l] SB2 86.25 15.32 17.30 Four-party business[l] SB4 86.25 14.12 15.86 Eight-party business[l] SBB 86.25 11.24 12.44 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● [1] Regular rates applicable at point of connection for the grade of semice the facility is equipped to provide. ,.. ,-,:: ., ).,, _; J ‘, “w, !.0/!!...$? ,- ,,,,.*.,,. . .-q ,. %wf... . TCT WEST, INC. SECTION 5 Page 37 Release 1 EXCHANGE TARIFF WYOMING Issued: Effective: 9/12194 5. EXCHANGESERVICES 5.2 5.2.5 C. LOCAL EXCHANGESERVICE LOCALSERVICEOPTIONS(Cent’d) Companion Line Service 1, This is an optional arrangement available to customers with two or more individual line or trunk services. Where facilities permit, such lines/trunks will be arranged so that incoming calls to a busy line/trunk will overflow to other available lines/trunks for that customer, 2. The rate for each individual line/trunk arranged for companion (rotary) line service is in addition to the regular access line/trunk rate. 3. Effective June 10, 1990, lines arranged to provide Uniform Call Distribution companion line service will not be provided as new installations. Existing customers may continue this arrangement at the same location and may add and/or remove lines in the existing companion line group, up to the capacity of the group. Existing customers wishing to add Queuing or Delay Announcement, or expand beyond the capacity of the group, must subscribe to Uniform Call Distribution Service as specified in section 9.4.4 of this document, 4. The service and equipment charge applies to establish, change to or from or to rearrange companion line service. 5. The following monthly increments are for each access line/trunk arrangedfor companion line service. SERVICE& EQUIPMENT MONTHLY Usoc CHARGE RATE ● Residence, per line HTG $10.75 $2.43 ● Business, per line or trunk HTG 14.05 6.50 . .... TCT WEST, INC. SECTION 5 EXCHANGE TARIFF WYOMING Issued: Page 38 Release 1 Effective: 9/12/94 5. EXCHANGESERVICES 5.2 5.2.5. D. LOCAL.EXCHANGESERVICE LOCAL SERVICEOPTIONS(Cent’d) Party Line Service 1. Terminal equipment may be directly comected at the customer premises to the telecommunications network. The equipment must be registered or grandfathered under Part 68 of the FCC’s Rules for connection to single line service. 2. Automatic equipment used on party line setice which is incapable of relinquishing the line in an emergency is not permitted. ----- J TCT WEST, INC. SECTION 5 EXCHANGE TARIFF Page 39 Release 1 WYOMING Issued: Effective: 9/12/94 5. EXCHANGESERVICES 5.2 5.2.5 E. LOCALEXCHANGESERVICE LOCAL SERVICEOPTIONS(Cent’d) TEENLINE Senrice 1. Description TEENLINE Service is a flat rated residence additional line, which includes flat local usage, a directory listing, and a selection of CO features: Toll Restriction, Touch-Tone, Three-Way Calling, and Call Waiting. 2, Regulations a. The customer must have a primary residence flat or measured rate service on the same premises to subscribe to TEENLINE Service. b. TEENLINE Service is provided subject to the availability of existing facilities c. The customer will be responsible for all third party and collect calls charged to the TEENLINE Service. d. TEENLINE Service will be billed to the primary service. Service will be denied on both lines for nonpayment of the bill. e. Substitution of other than offered CO features associated with this service offering will not be permitted. f. Other Custom Calling features are available for use at the rates and charges specified in section 5.4.3. g. Regulations, rates, and charges as described elsewhere in this Tariff apply as appropriate. TCT WEST, INC. SECTION 5 EXCHANGE TARIFF Page 40 WYOMING Release 1 Issued: 5.2 5.2.5 E. Effective: 9/12/94 5. EXCHANGESERVICES Loc& EXCHANGESERVICE LOCALSERVICEOPTIONS TEENLINE Service (Cent’d) 3. Rates and Charges ● ● ● a. TEENLINE Service Flat Usage Package SERVICE& MONTHLYRATEPERRATEGROUP EQUIPMENT 2 1 CHARGE Usoc Toll Restriction, Touch-Tone, Three-Way $14.00 $14.50 Calling AL63B $38.15 Toll Restriction, Touch-Tone, Call Waiting AL63C 38.15 14.00 14.50 Touch-Tone, Three-Way Calling, Call Waiting AL63D 38.15 14.00 14.50 b. Service and Equipment Change Charges The service and equipment charge for changes applies: ● To each line when regrading a TEENLINE line to a primary residence flat rate service or vice versa, at customer’s request; ● For temporary transfer of calls, at customer’s request; ● To change from one TEENLINE Service package to another. SERVICE& EQUD?MENT CHARGE - Residence, per activity, per CO access line changed $21.55 ,, ,.’ w~ J’ (OJaQ 7owf l-fy-3 TCT WEST, INC. EXCHANGE TARIFF SECTION 5 Page 40.1 ‘ WYOMING Release 1 Issued: 9/12/94 Effective: 5. EXCHANGESERVICES 5.2 5.2.5 Loc~ EXCHANGESERVICE LOCM SERVICEOPTIONS(Cent’d) F. S7MND-BYLine Service 1. Description STAND-BYLine service is an additional line service which allows business customers to expand access to their business and expand the capacity to make outgoing calls on an as needed basis. This service is designed for customers that experience periodic peaks and valleys in calling volumes to and from their business, 2. Regulations a. S7’’D-BY Line service is available to business customers b, S7’’D-BY Line service cannot be used as the primary business line. Customers must have flat business individual line or trunk service at the location for which they are ordering STXN1l-BYLine service. c. STAND-BYLine service provides an additional line which measures both incoming and outgoing calls on a per minute of use basis. The incoming and outgoing call capability is always active. d. This service is offered subject to the availability of existing central office facilities. e. Regulations, rates and charges as described elsewhere in the Company’s tariffs, apply as appropriate. f. A directory listing will not be provided with 5Z4ND-BY Line service g The service and equipment charge will not apply to customers who change from STAND-BYLine service to an individual business line. h. ST~D-BY Line service may be temporarily suspended only when the main service with which it is associated is suspended. ST~D-BY Line service will remain at the full rate while the customer’s local exchange service is on fidl suspension. TCT WEST, INC. EXCHANGE TARIFF SECTION 5 Page 40.2 WYOMING Release 1 Issued: Effective: 9/12/94 5. EXCHANGESERVICES 5.2 5.2.5 LOCAL EXCHANGESERVICE LOCAL SERVICEOPTIONS F. STMVD-BYLine Service (Cent’d) 3. 5’7’’D-BY Line service will be provided at the following rates and charges: SERVICE& EQUIPMENT Usoc Per line ● A2YI lTM MONTHLY RATE CHARGE $13.50 $86.25 4. Usage Charge PER MINUTE OF USE[l] Incoming and outgoing ● $0.05 5. Service and Equipment Change Charge a. The following service and equipment charge for changes applies: ● To each line when changing from flat rate to STMD-BY Line at customer’s request unless othemvise specified. SERVICE& EQUIPMENT CHARGE ● [1] Per activity, per CO access line changed Applies to connections of one minute or any fraction thereof. $34.60 I WYO. PSC TARIFF NO.~, SECTION 5, 1“ REVISED SHEET NO. 4] CANCELS RELEASE 1 SHEET No= TCT WEST, INC. BASIN , WYOMING LOCAL EXCHANGE ACCESS SERVICE 5.2.6 Low-Income Assistance Programs (A) Telephone Assistance Program (1) Definition: The Telephone Assistance Program (TAP) provides for a discount on the recting monthly rate for the provision of local residential service for certain Medicaid eligible customers. (2) Application a. The TAP discount is only available to residence customers who meet .. eligibility requirements established by Senate Enrolled Act No. 45, enacted by the Wyoming legislature in 1991. To be considered eligible, the applicant must receive Medicaid benefits under Title XIX of the Social Security Act. Subscription to expanded services will only be allowed at the principal residence of those recipient physically handicapped subscribers certified by the Wyoming Department and Social Services. b. Eligible Lifeline/TAP subscribers will receive credits or discounts to the normal rates as follows: (c) (c) Residential Access Line Monthly Credit or Discount (N) Federal Baseline Lifeline Reduction $3.50 Federally Funded Reduction in Local Rate $1.75 State Matching Local Rate Reduction $3.50 Federal Matching of State Reduction $1.75 The discount will be applicable to the following local exchange services: Individual flat rate residential service. Flat multiparty residential service. Service station residential service. In no case will the discount exceed the rate charged for the grade of residential service subscribed to by each individual. &SUED: WED BY: TCT WEST, Inc. EFFECTIVE: By: Randall M. Lowe TITLE : President JAN 01. ?ggg m) WYO. PSC TARIFF NO.L, SECTION 5,1” REVISED SHEET NO. 42 CANCELS RELEASE 1 SHEET NO. 42 TCT WEST, INC. BASIN , WYOMING LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICE 5.2.6 LOW-INCOME ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS {Cent’d\ A. Telephone Assistance Program (Cent’d) 2. Application (Cent’d) (N) a. Services covered under the Lifeline/TAP offering include: 1. Voice grade access to the Public Switched Network 2. Access to emergency services 3. Access to operator services 4. Access to Interexchange services, unless toll blocking is chosen 5. Access to directory assistance 6. Toll Blocking m) 3. Funding (I) The total cost of providing the Telephone Assistance Program shall be fimded from a uniform monthly surcharge of $.03 to each residential access I line and each business access line, not to exceed one hundred (100) lines per (I) customer. 4. Regulations a. The TAP discount will begin with the date the Company receives a valid ( application form the customer or when new service is establish for a qualifying customer. The discount will be prorated on the basis of a 30day month from the effective date of the customer’s application. b. The regular service and equipment charges and regulations applicable to The service offerings specified in 5.2.6 will apply for initial service establishment. Eligible subscribers may request the Link Up plans identified in (B) below. The service and equipment charges for current subscribers to change to or from this program due to eligibility status will be waived. @UED: ‘UED BY: TCT WEST, Inc. I By: Randall M. Lowe PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION APPROVED EFFECTIVE: TITLE : President .\ (M WYO. PSC TARIFF NO.~,SECTION 5. lSTREVISED SHEET NO. 43 CANCELS RELEASE 1 SHEET NO~ TCT WEST, INC. BASIN , WYOMING I LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICE 5.2.6 LOW-INCOME ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS (Cent’d] A. Telephone Assistance Program (Cent’d) 3. Regulations (cent’d) c. The discount is applicable to a single residence line at the principle residence of the eligible subscriber. d. Customers must provide recertification from the appropriate agency for which they quali& for the Lifeline/TAP service and must noti~ the Company when they are no longer participants in the Program e. Lifeline will not be fhrnkhed on Foreign Exchange circuits. 5. (-N Rates and Charges Local service options as identified in 5.2.6A.2.b. will be applicable for the Lifeline dkcounts. Discounts will be applied to the class of service chosen by the customer up to the amount charged for that class of semice. (c) I (c) B. Link up America 1. Link up America provides Wyoming residents who qwdify for the Federal Communication Commission’s Link Up America Program a discount on installation charges. A 50°/0discount (up to $30.00) will be applied on access line service and equipment charges to comect service at a new address. This discount applies on a single line at the principal place of residence for the applicant. (N) In addition, the customer may defer payment on up to $200.00 of the above charges without interest for a period not to exceed one year. The deferred charges do not include any permissible security deposits required. Payments shall be equally paid over a twelve month period. If any payments are delayed, interest shall accrue from that day forward. m) .JA~ {I ~ ;353 ISSUED: UED BY: TCT WEST, Inc. EFFECTIVE: By: Randall M. Lowe TITLE : President ‘LJELlcSERVICE COMMISS APPROVED I N ‘-8 ,, WYO. PSC TA.IUFFNO.~, SECTION 5 lS’REVISED SHEET NO~ CANCELS RELEASE 1 SHEET NO. M TCT WEST, INC. BASIN , WYOMING LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICE 5.2.6 LOW-INCOME ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS (Cent’d) B. Link Up America (cent’d) 2. The following eligibility criteria will apply: a. Eligibility will be established base on the same criteria as eligibility for Lifeline services, or through the additional programs listed in c. below. b. Applicant must not be a dependent for federal income tax purposes, unless he or she is more than 60 years of age. c. Applicant must be cumently receiving benefits ftom one of the following four programs administered by the Wyoming Department of Health and Social Services. . . ● Supplemental Security Income (SS1) Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) Food %amps Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LIEAP) m) 3UBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION EFFECTVE BxKE-r [ 3 &@ ‘pp&&! m< “ s l&UED: WED BY: TCT WEST, Inc. EFFECTIVE: ~ ‘“ By: Randall M. Lowe TITLE : President ‘ ““? TCT WEST, INC. SECTION 5 Page 45 Release 1 EXCHANGE TARIFF WYOMING Issued: Effective: 9/12/94 5. EXCHANGESERVICES LOCAL EXCHANGESERVICE(Cent’d) 5.2 5.2.7 A. TELECHOICE SERVICE Residence 1. Description TELECHOICE Service provides a combination of telecommunication services in packages to residence customers. A monthly rate is billed to the customer based upon the option chosen. Packages available are Unlimited I or 11. 2. Regulations a. TELECHOICE Service is available only on individual line service. b. TELECHOICE Service requires special CO equipment and is fin-nished only in exchanges where facilities are available. c. TELECHOICE Service will not be offered with WATS, Toll Station, Semite Station, Foreign Central Office (FCO), or Foreign Exchange (FX) services. d. Substitution of TELECHOICE services with non-TELECHOICE services will not be permitted. e. Other telecommunication services are available for use at the rates and charges specified in this Tariff, except as othenvise excluded in this section 5.2.7. f. Within 60 (sixty) days of purchase of TELECHOICE Service, customers may revert to previous service at no charge. g. The service and equipment change charge, as specified in 5.2. 1.C.3 and 5.2.4.C. 1, applies to change from TELECHOICE Service to measured rate or flat rate service after 60 days of subscribing to TELECHOICE Service. TCT WEST, INC. .. SECTION 5 Page 46 EXCHANGE TARIFF WYOMING Release 1 Issued: Effective: 9/12/94 5. EXCHANGESERVICES 5.2 5.2.7 A. LOCAL EXCHANGESERVICE TELECHOICE SERVKE Residence (Cent’d) 3. Packages a. Unlimited 1. This package includes: Flat usage service Touch-tone or rotary semice Any two of the custom calling services: Call forwarding variable, three-way calling, call waiting, speed calling 8, speed calling 30 . a choice of either one additional directory listing or a 4 directory assistance call allowance per month[ 1] ● ● ● b. Unlimited II. This package includes: ● ● ● ● ● [1] ,.,,. Flat usage service Touch-tone or rotary service Any or all of the custom calling services: Call forwarding variable, three-way calling, call waiting, speed calling 8, speed calling 30 choice of one of the following listing services: Nonpublished service, nordisted semice, additional listing, dual listing 25 directory assistance call allowance per month[l] Includes current directoxy assistance call allowance. TCT WEST, INC. SECTION 5 EXCHANGE TARIFF Page 47 Release 1 WYOMING Issued: Effective: 9/12194 5. EXCHANGESERVICES 5.2 5.2.7 A. LOCAL EXCHANGESERVICE TELECHOICE SERVICE Residence (Cent’d) 4. Rates and Charges a. TELECHOICE Service will be provided at the following rates and charges: SERVICE& EQUIPMENT CHARGE MONTHLY RATE Unlimited[ 1] ● ● 1] Package I - Features with an additional listing (Class of Service 1Q3) - Features with a directory call allowance (Class of Service 1Q8) Package II (Class of Service 1Q2) $69.50 $7,91 69.50 7.91 69.50 17.76 In addition, added to the package rates will be a flat rate access line at the same monthly rates as for a lFR as specified in 5.2.4. 4 dab 44 ?awf-- (-$V--3 TCT WEST, INC. EXCHANGE TARIFF SECTION 5 WYOMING Page 48 Release 1 Issued: 9/12/94 Effective: 5. EXCHANGESERVICES 5.2 LOCAL EXCHANGESERVICE 5.2.7 TELECHOICE SERVICE A.4. (Cent’d) b. Service and Equipment Change Charges (1) This charge applies to: ● ● Each line when changing to TELECHOICE Service, at customers request, unless otherwise specified; Change fkom one package to another within TELECHOICE Service SERVICE& EQUIPMENT CHARGE - Per order $30.00 (2) This charge applies to: - Add or change custom calling features; - Change listing 10.35 10.75 TCT WEST, INC. EXCHANGE TARIFF SECTION 5 Page 49 WYOMING Release 1 Issued: 9/12/94 Effective: 5. EXCHANGESERVICES 5.3 PRWATEBRANCHEXCHANGE(PBX) TRUNKS 1. PBX Service is not provided on a one-way basis, Therefore, in-only, out-only, or twoway trunks must be used in combinations which provide for two-way setice for the PBX system. 2. Where PBX trunks are provided outside of the base rate area, a monthly increment equal to the increment for individual line business service will apply. 3, Loop Diversity and/or Avoidance defined in the Access Service Tariff are available with business trunks. a. The provision of Loop Diversity is subject to the availability of facilities for the diverse route. b. Customers subscribing to Avoidance may also be required to pay Foreign Central office charges, as defined in Section 13 of the Access Service Tariff. 5.3.1 MEASUREDRATE TRUNKS 1. Trunks are offered at the following rates SERVICE& EQUIPMENT ● Business - 2-Way - 1-Way Out - 1-Way In - Hotel, LD terminal Usoc CHARGE Tvl $107.40 86.25 107.40 138.15 TV4 MONTHLY RATE $25.13 18.63 25.13 18.63 K?E!4?i-f -Y-3 ,.,, I-Qq+ d TCT WEST, INC. SECTION 5 EXCHANGE TARIFF Page 50 WYOMING Release 1 Issued: Effective: 9/12/94 5. EXCHANGESERVICES 5.3 5.3.1 PRIVATEBRANCHEXCHANGE(PBX) TRUNKS MEASUREDRATE TRUNKS(Cent’d) 2. The following semice and equipment change charge applies to each trunk when changing the types of trunks within the categories of in-only, out-only or both-way at the customer’s request. SERVICE& EQUIPMENT CHARGE $61.65 “TTT “ ml. 53.25 TV4 37.35 “I-VW ● [1] Rearrange hunting arrangement within a trunk group 3. Measured Rate Network Access Registers[2] Usoc ● ● ● SERVICE& EQUIPMENT CHARGE MONTHLY RATE Two-way operation, each EQA, EZ5++ $10.75 $20.55 One-way incoming operation, each EQB, EZ5++ 10.75 15.80 One-way outgoing operation, each EQC, EZ5++ 10.75 14.05 [1] See Section 5.2.5.C for Service and Equipment Change Charge. [2] See 5.2.1 for measured usage charges, TCT WEST, INC. EXCHANGE TARIFF WYOMING Issued: SECTION 5 Page 51 Release 1 9/12/94 Effective: 5. EXCHANGESERVICES 5.3 PRIVATEBRANCHEXCHANGE(PBX) TRUNKS(Cent’d) 5.3.2 MESSAGERATE TRUNKS 1. Trunks are offered at the following rates. Also, see message unit charge Usoc ● Business - Hotel, first - Hotel, addition - Hotel, LD termina[l] - h 0111~,with hunting - out only - Business, first - Business, additional - Business, additional - Business, additional TMN TMU TMB TM2 TM3 TM4 SERVICE& EQtJEWIENT CHARGE $107.40 107.40 138.15 107.40 86.25 107.40 107.40 107.40 107.40 MONTHLY RATE $25.13 25.13 18.63 25.13 18.63 25.13 25.13 18.63 25.13 ~ ..-.. -. —-.. ——.—-—..- ,,.,._.. __. . \ ; WEKL SERVICE CCMivliSSIC)IV ... [1] Message units do not apply. 1 APPRQ’$ED w / (’D(~GL I DOCKET N(?,%t -%’’-3’ ; EfTECTiVE: STK-FOF WYOMING [ ---— —.. -—........ .._ _*J --- TCT WEST, INC. SECTION 5 Page 52 Release 1 EXCHANGE TARIFF WYOMING Issued: Effective: 9112/94 5. EXCHANGESERVICES 5.3 5.3.2 PRIVATEBRANCHEXCHANGE(PBX) TRUNKS MESSAGERATE TRUNKS(Cent’d) 2. The following service and equipment charge applies to each trunk when changing the types of trunks within the categories of in-only, out-only or both-way at the customer’s request. SERVICE& EQUIPMENT CHARGE “’n--r $61.65 ● THB, TI-IF, TMN, TMB, TM2, TM3, TM4 53.25 ● TMU 37.35 ● Rearrange hunting arrangement within a trunk group [1] 3. Trunk Message Unit Charge CHARGEFOR EACH UNIT ● Trunk $0.08 4. Semipublic Message Rate Trunk Service is available to hotels, motels to meet the telephone service requirements of their transient guests. Where warranted, in the opinion of the Company, this service arrangement may also be provided for hospitals where a considerable portion of the rooms are regularly occupied by patients for relatively short periods of time so that it is impracticable to provide regular exchange-type telephone service. [1] See Section 5.2.5 .C for Service and Equipment Change Charge -. ., ,,, , ,,,t, ,1 ,,, ‘,’”, ‘l.’. ,, ,;.. ,.. , lqQ~/ qq imwFy+-3 l., -. . . .. . .. . . TCT WEST, INC. EXCHANGE TARIFF SECTION 5 WYOMING Page 33 Release 1 Issued: 9/12194 Effective: 5. EXCHANGESERVICES 5.3 5.3.2 PRIVATEBRANCHEXCHANGE(PBX) TRUNKS MESSAGERATETRUNKS(Cent’d) 5. Any class, grade or type of business sewice regularly offered may be fimished to such locations in addition to the Semipublic Service, provided the use of the business setice is confined to the management of the particular business establishment. Regular residence service may also be fhmished in the quarters of guests and/or tenants in addition to Semipublic Service. 6. The customer receiving Semipublic Service is responsible to the Company for all charges at the regularly quoted rates for telephone messages, telegrams, cablegrams, and radiograms sent-paid from or received-collect at telephones of the service whether sent or received by the customer for their own account or by or for others. 7. A single Semipublic System may be arranged to provide flat or message rate trunk service to the administrative portion of the service and either flat or message rate trunk setice to the guest portion of the service; providing, where both flat and message rate trunk services are used, one trunk service will not supplement the other. TCT WEST, INC. SECTION 5 Page 54 EXCHANGE TARIFF WYOMING Release 1 Issued: Effective: 9/12/94 5. EXCHANGESERVICES 5.3 PRIVATEBRANCHEXCHANGE(PBX) TRUNKS(Cent’d) 5.3.3 FLATRATE TRUNKS 1. Trunks are offered at the following rates and charges: SERYICE& EQUIPMENT BUSINESS Usoc 2-way TFB 2-way, 4-wire with E&M signaling and DID[l] THHcx ● 1-Way out TFU ● 1-Way in TFN ● l-Way out JPN ● ● CHARGE MONTHLYRATE PER RATE GROUP 1 2 3 $107.40 $23.96 $26.33 $28.72 107.40 66.75 66.75 66.75 86.25 17.46 19.83 22.22 107.40 23.96 26,33 28.72 [2] [2] [2] [2] [1] Requires a DID trunk circuit termination. See 5.3.4 for regulations, rates and charges. [2] Same rates and charges as TFU apply. TCT WEST, INC. SECTION 5 EXCEIANGETARIFF Page 55 WYOMING Release 1 Issued: Effective: 9/12/94 5. EXCHANGESERVICES 5.3 5.3.3 PRIVATEBRANCHEXCHANGE(PBX) TRUNKS FLAT RATE TRUNKS(Cent’d) 2. The Business Trunks rates do not apply when a customer subscribes to a Rate Stabilized Plan as specified following. 3. The following service and equipment charge applies to each trunk when changing the types of trunks within the categories of in-only, out-only or both-way at the customer’s request. SERVICE& EQUIPMENT CHARGE ● TFB, THHCX, TFN, CTA ● TFU ● $53.25 37.35 Rearrange hunting arrangement within a trunk group [1] 4. Flat Rate Network Access Registers SERVICE& EQUIPMENT ● ● ● 1 MONTHLYRATE PER RATE GROUP 2 Usoc CHARGE Two-way operation, each EQA, EZ4++ $10.75 $19.38 $21.75 One-way incoming operation, each EQB, EZ4++ 10.75 14.63 17.00 One-way outgoing operation, each EQC, EZ4++ 10.75 12.88 15.25 ~ ,j,.,r.,!. [1] See Section 5.2.5.C for Service and Equipment Change Charge. ,, TCT WEST, INC. SECTION 5 Page 56 Release 1 EXCHANGE TARIFF WYOMLNG Issued: Effective: 9/12/94 5. EXCHANGESERVICES 5.3 5.3.3 PRIVATEBRANCHEXCHANGE(PBX) TRUNKS FLAT RATE TRUNKS(Cent’d) 5. Rate Stabilized Flat PBX Trunk a. Description Rate Stabilized Flat PBX Trunk is an optional plan offered for Flat PBX Trunk customers only. The rate levels are determined by two elements: the total number of PBX trunks at a single customer location and the period of the Rate Stability Plan as agreed to by the customer and the Company. b. Regulations (1) A customer subscribing to the Rate Stability Plan agrees to a specified rate, based upon the number of customer trunks at a given location and a specified rate stability period. (2) Regulations, rates, and charges as specified elsewhere in this Exchange and Network Services Tariff will apply as appropriate. (3) The Rate Stability Plan till facilities. be offered subject to the availability of existing (4) The minimum stabilized period for this plan is twelve (12) months. (5) The Rate Stability Plan rates and charges will be guaranteed against Company initiated changes during the length of the Plan. This Rate Stability Plan provides discount rate stability for the analog transport loop portion of service only. (6) The customer must subscribe to at least 20 trunks at a primary or secondary location in order to quality for Rate Stabilization. d47$’ ?wf-7i=’#3 TCT WEST, INC. SECTION 5 Page 57 Release 1 EXCHANGE TARIFF WYOMING Issued: Effective: 9/12/94 5. EXCHANGESERVICES 5.3 5.3.3 PRIVATEBRANCHEXCHANGE(PBX) TRUNKS FLAT RATE TRUNKS 5.b. (Cent’d) (7) Termination charges will apply if the customer violates the terms and conditions of the Rate Stability Plan or the Rate Stability Plan is terminated for cause by the Company. ● ● A customer will be considered to have violated the terms and conditions of the Plan if the customer cancels service during the term of the Rate Stability Plan or reduces the number of trunks at the customer location to a level 20°/0below that in senice at the rate stability initiation. The Rate Stability Plan may be terminated for “cause” if the Company provides the customer with 30 days written notice speci~g the cause for termination and the customer does not comply with the requirements specified in the notice within the 30 day period. “Cause” constitutes any customer material breach of the terms of the the Plan including, but not limited to, failure to timely pay applicable charges (see Section 2), (8) Termination charges will be applied as follows: (1) Monthly Termination Charges for Service Terminated (2) 40’XO x x Factor[l] (5) (4) All Billed (3) Annuity + but Unpaid Recurring and Nonrecurring Charges = Charge These termination charges apply regardless of the reason for the Rate Stability Plan violation, including closure or sale of the business. (9) The customer may substitute the Rate Stabilized Flat PBX Trunks with another USWC service that functionally supplants Rate Stabilized Flat PBX Trunks and provides equivalent or greater feature fimctionality. [1] The annuity factor will be determined by a standard annuity table based on ( 1) an effective percentage rate that reflects the appropriate USWC cost of money; and (2) the number of . .. . .....—. ——-... —-.—_. -.-___i months remaining in the term of this Agreement, / PiJ&J~ ~~~~1~~ ~Q~}sslrJ~ APPROV D EFFECTIVE: 3(0 ‘ Y)mv MfkMR= +, .— w. -3 TCT WEST, INC. SECTION 5 EXCHANGE TARIFF Page 58 Release 1 WYOMING Issued: Effective: 9/12/94 5. EXCHANGESERVICES 5.3 PRIVATEBRANCHEXCHANGE(PBX) TRUNKS 5.3.3 FLATRATE TRUNKS 5.b. (Cent’d) (10) Additional trunks purchased during the rate stability period can be incorporated into the terms of the existing Plan without renegotiating the Plan. If a lower rate is applicable due to the additional number of trunks, the larger discount will be applied once the trunks are in se~ice, until the conclusion of the Plan. (11) If a customer’s business is moved during the Plan period, the Plan may remain in effect as long as the new location is served by the Company and the minimum number of PBX trunks is maintained. (12) In the event a customer’s business is sold, the Rate Stability Plan maybe transferred to the new owner, if the following conditions are met: ● ● The Company is notified in advance of the sale and a “Change of Responsibility” form is issued. The new customer assumes the liabilities and terms of the existing Plan which are in effect at the time of transfer. ● Existing facilities remain in place. ● A “Change of Responsibility” agreement is signed by both parties and notarized. ● The transfer of responsibility is accepted by the Company. (13) The appropriate rates and charges found in 2. of this Exchange and Network Services Tariff would apply for service transferred from one customer to another. (14) Once the Rate Stability Plan period ends, the customer may negotiate a new Plan or continue service under the standard applicable rates in effect at that time. (15) Each customer will be required to sign a contractual agreement for the furnishing of services on a rate stabilized basis. .$ TCT WEST, INC. SECTION 5 EXCHANGE TARIFF Page 59 WYOMING Release 1 Issued: Effective: 9/12/94 5. EXCHANGESERVICES 5.3 PRIVATEBRANCHEXCHANGE(PBX) TRUNKS 5.3.3 FLAT RATE TRUNKS 5. (Cent’d) c. Rates and Charges (1) Rates will be applied on a “stairstep” scale, This means a separate rate will be applied to a customer’s first 1-20 trunks; a lower rate will be applied to the same customer’s next 21-50 trunks; and a lower rate applied to 51 trunks and over. (2) Rate Stabilized Flat PBX Trunks Usoc (a) Rate stabilized flat PBX trunk, 2-way, 1-way in, each TF4CX, TF41X,TKK1X TCT WEST, INC. EXCHANGE TARIFF SECTION 5 WYOMING Issued: Page 60 Release 1 9/12/94 Effective: 5. EXCHANGESERVICES 5.3 PRIVATEBRANCHEXCHANGE(PBX) TRUNKS 5.3.3 FLAT RATE TRUNKS 5c.(2)(a) (Cent’d) RATE GRouP 1 36 12 TO SERVICE& 35 EQULPMENT MONTHS CHARGE 1- .. TO 59 MONTHS 60 TO 84 MONTHS 50 Trunks $107.40 $23.96 $23.40 $23.03 21 - 50 Trunks 107.40 22.47 21.72 21.17 51 Trunks and over[ 1] 1 Qtr mile from CO 2 Qtr miles fi-omCO 3 Qtr miles from CO 4 Qtr miles from CO 5 Qtr miles fi-omCO 6 Qtr miles from CO 7 Qtr miles from CO 8 Qtr miles fi-omCO 9 Qtr miles from CO 10 Qtr miles from CO 11 Qtr miles from CO 12 Qtr miles from CO 13 Qtr miles from CO 14 Qtr miles from CO 15 Qtr miles from CO 16 Qtr miles from CO 17 Qtr miles from CO 18 Qtr miles fi-omCO 19 Qtr miles fi-omCO 20 Qtr miles from CO[2] 107.40 107.40 107.40 107.40 107.40 107.40 107.40 107.40 107.40 107.40 107.40 107.40 107.40 107.40 107.40 107.40 107.40 107.40 107.40 20.36 20.81 21.27 21.87 22.39 22.95 23.64 24.20 25.08 26.84 27.63 30.01 31.99 32.76 36.35 39.20 40.09 40.88 41.56 45.68 19.85 20.22 20.61 21.10 21.54 22.01 22.58 23.05 23.78 25.25 25.90 27.89 29.54 30.18 33.57 35.94 36.69 37.34 37.91 41.34 19.59 19.93 20.28 20.72 21.12 21.54 22.05 22.47 23.13 24.45 25.04 26.83 28.32 28.89 32.18 34.31 34.98 35.57 36.09 39.17 107.40 [1] Local Service increments are not applicable for distance-sensitive Rate Stabilized flat PBX trunk, [2] All rate stabilized trunks beyond this increment will be priced on an individual case basis. .—.-+———. —..... [r, W !’:’St;H’U’ICE COMMSSION APPR014ED i EFFECTIVE: ~,.,,,.,,-,- .,, A9QQJLJ_-945 ‘w- ..+1!,;!- TCT WEST, INC. EXCHANGE TARIFF SECTION 5 WYOMING Page 61 Release 1 Issued: 9/12194 Effective: 5. EXCHANGESERVICES 5.3 PRIVATEBRANCHEXCHANGE(PBX) TRUNKS 5.3.3 FLAT RATE TRUNKS 5 c.(2)(a) (Cent’d) RATE GROUPII 12 SERVICE& TO 35 EQUIPMENT MONTHS CHARGE 1- [1] 36 60 TO TO 59 MONTHS MONTHS 84 50 Trunks $107.40 $26.33 $25.77 $25.40 21 - 50 Trunks 107.40 24.84 24.09 23.54 51 Trunks and over[ 1] 1 Qtr mile from CO 2 Qtr miles from CO 3 Qtr miles from CO 4 Qtr miles from CO 5 Qtr miles from CO 6 Qtr miles from CO 7 Qtr miles from CO 8 Qtr miles fi-omCO 9 Qtr miles horn CO 10 Qtr miles from CO 11 Qtr miles from CO 12 Qtr miles from CO 13 Qtr miles from CO 14 Qtr miles from CO 15 Qtr miles from CO 16 Qtr miles from CO 17 Qtr miles from CO 18 Qtr miles from CO 19 Qtr miles from CO 20 Qtr miles from CO[2] 107.40 107.40 107.40 107.40 107.40 107.40 107.40 107.40 107.40 107.40 107,40 107.40 107.40 107.40 107.40 107.40 107.40 107.40 107.40 107.40 22.73 23.18 23.64 24.24 24.76 25.32 26.01 26.57 27.45 29.21 30.00 32.38 34.36 35.13 36.35 39.20 40.09 40.88 41.56 45.68 22.22 22.59 22.98 23.47 23.91 24.38 24.95 25.42 26.15 27.62 28.27 30.26 31.91 32.55 33.57 35.94 36.69 37.34 37.91 ‘41.34 21.96 22.30 22.65 23.09 23.49 23.91 24.42 24.84 25.50 26.82 27.41 29.20 30.69 31.26 32.18 34.31 34.98 35.57 36.09 39.17 Local Service increments are not applicable for distance-sensitiveRate Stabilized flat PBX trunk. [2] All rate stabilized trunks beyond this increment will be priced on anindividual case basis. TCT WEST, INC. EXCHANGE TARIFF SECTION 5 WYOMING Issued: Page 62 Release 1 9/12/94 5. EXCHANGESERVICES 5.3 PRIVATEBRANCHEXCHANGE(PBX) TRUNKS 5.3.3 FLAT RATE TRUNKS 5c.(2)(a) (Cent’d) RATE GROUPIII 12 TO SERVICE& 35 EQUIPMENT MONTHS CHARGE 1- 36 TO 59 MONTHS 60 TO 84 MONTHS 50 Trunks $107.40 $28.72 $28.16 $27.79 21 - 50 Trunks 107.40 27.23 26.48 25.93 51 Trunks and over[ 1] 1 Qtr mile from CO 2 Qtr miles from CO 3 Qtr miles from CO 4 Qtr miles from CO 5 Qtr miles from CO 6 Qtr miles from CO 7 Qtr miles from CO 8 Qtr miles from CO 9 Qtr miles from CO 10 Qtr miles from CO 11 Qtr miles from CO 12 Qtr miles from CO 13 Qtr miles from CO 14 Qtr miles from CO 15 Qtr miles from CO 16 Qtr miles fi-omCO 17 Qtr miles from CO 18 Qtr miles from CO 19 Qtr miles from CO 20 Qtr miles from CO[2] 107.40 107.40 107.40 107.40 107.40 107.40 107.40 107.40 107.40 107.40 107.40 107.40 107.40 107.40 107.40 107.40 107.40 107.40 107.40 107.40 25.12 25.57 26.03 26.63 27.15 27.71 28.40 28.96 29.84 31.60 32.39 34.77 36.75 37.52 38.74 41.59 42.48 43.27 43.95 48.07 24.61 24.98 25.37 23.86 26.30 26.77 27.34 27.81 28.54 30.01 30.66 32.65 34.30 34.94 35.96 38.33 39.08 39.73 40.30 43.73 24.35 24.69 25.04 25,48 25.88 26.30 26.81 27.23 27.89 29.21 29.80 31.59 33.08 33.65 34.57 36,70 37.37 37.96 38.48 41.56 [1] Local Service increments are not applicable for distance-sensitive Rate Stabilized flat PBX trunk. [2] All rate stabilized trunks beyond this increment will be priced on an individual case basis. TCT WEST, INC. EXCHANGE TARIFF SECTION,5 Page 63 Release 1 WYOMING Issued: 9112/94 Effective: 5. EXCHANGESERVICES 5.3 PRIVATEBRANCHEXCHANGE(PBX) TRUNKS 5.3.3 FLAT RATE TRUNKS 5.c.(2)(a) (Cent’d) RATE GROUP IV 36 12 SERVICE& TO EQUEWIENT 35 MONTHS CHARGE 1- 50 Trunks 21 - 50 Trunks 51 Trunks and over[ 1] 1 Qtr mile from CO 2 Qtr miles from CO 3 Qtr miles from CO 4 Qtr miles from CO 5 Qtr miles from CO 6 Qtr miles from CO 7 Qtr miles from CO 8 Qtr miles from CO 9 Qtr miles from CO 10 Qtr miles from CO 11 Qtr miles from CO 12 Qtr miles from CO 13 Qtr miles from CO 14 Qtr miles from CO 15 Qtr miles from CO 16 Qtr miles from CO 17 Qtr miles from CO 18 Qtr miles from CO 19 Qtr miles from CO 20 Qtr miles from CO[2] TO 59 MONTHS 60 TO 84 MONTHS $107.40 $31.11 $30.55 $30.18 107.40 29,62 28.87 28.32 107.40 107.40 107.40 107.40 107.40 107.40 107.40 107.40 107.40 107.40 107.40 107.40 107.40 107.40 107.40 107.40 107.40 107.40 107.40 107.40 27.51 27.96 28.42 29.02 29.54 30.10 30.79 31.35 32.23 33.99 34.78 37.16 39.14 39.91 41.13 43.98 44.87 45,66 46.34 50.46 27.00 27.37 27.76 28.25 28.69 29.16 29.73 30.20 30.93 32.40 33.05 35.04 36.69 37.33 38.35 40.72 41.47 42.12 42.69 46.12 26.74 27.08 27.43 27.87 28.27 28.69 29.20 29.62 30.28 31.60 32.19 33.98 35.47 36.04 36.96 39.09 39.76 40.35 40.87 43.95 [1] Local Service increments are not applicable for distance-sensitive Rate Stabilized flat PBX trunk. [2] All rate stabilized trunks beyond this increment will be priced on an individual case basis. -------- ----.~w ,!w~~$$Rj~~C=NV APPROVED EFFECTIVE: mlab 1 ~20CK!7 WI Wi!+$fd ____ “1 \’/~f)~fifl~~~: TCT WEST, INC. SECTION 5 Page 64 Release 1 EXCHANGE TARIFF WYOMING Issued: Effective: 9/12/94 5. EXCHANGESERVICES 5.3 PRIVATEBRANCHEXCHANGE(PBX) TRUNKS 5.3.3 FLATRATE TRUNKS 5.c.(2)(a) (Cent’d) RATE GROUP V 60 36 TO TO TO SERVICE& 84 59 35 EQUIPMENT MONTHS MONTHS MONTHS CHARGE 12 50 Trunks $107.40 $33.49 $32.93 $32.56 21 - 50 Trunks 107.40 32.00 31.25 30.70 51 Trunks and over[l] 1 Qtr mile from CO 2 Qtr miles from CO 3 Qtr miles from CO 4 Qtr miles from CO 5 Qtr miles from CO 6 Qtr miles from CO 7 Qtr miles from CO 8 Qtr miles from CO 9 Qtr miles from CO 10 Qtr miles from CO 11 Qtr miles from CO 12 Qtr miles from CO 13 Qtr miles from CO 14 Qtr miles from CO 15 Qtr miles from CO 16 Qtr miles from CO 17 Qtr miles from CO 18 Qtr miles from CO 19 Qtr miles from CO 20 Qtr miles from CO[2] 107.40 107.40 107.40 107.40 107.40 107.40 107.40 107.40 107.40 107.40 107.40 107.40 107.40 107.40 107.40 107.40 107.40 107.40 107.40 107.40 29.89 30.34 30.80 31.40 31.92 32.48 33.17 33.73 34.61 36.37 37.16 39.54 41.52 42.29 43.51 46.36 47.25 48.04 48.72 52.84 29.38 29.75 30.14 30.63 31.07 31.54 32.11 32.58 33.31 34.78 35.43 37.42 39.07 39.71 40.73 43.10 43.85 44.50 45.07 48.50 29.12 29.46 29.81 30.25 30.65 31.07 31.58 32.00 32.66 33.98 34.57 36.36 37.85 38.42 39.34 41.47 42.14 42.73 43.25 46.33 1- [1] Local Service increments are not applicable for distance-sensitive Rate Stabilized flat PBX trunk [2] All rate stabilized trunks beyond this increment will be priced on anindividual case basis. : !!,L; ,>;,!; j,+ !, ‘. qiie 5?7! -L %zY’i -w3 ., ,.. . TCT WEST, INC. EXCHANGE TARIFF SECTION 5 Page 65 Release 1 WYOMING Issued: 9/12/94 Effective: 5. EXCHANGESERVICES 5.3 PRIVATEBRANCHEXCHANGE(PBX) TRUNKS 5.3.3 FLAT RATE TRUNKS 5.c. (Cent’d) I C@JY-1 -W’WH=-!2E3 (2) Rate Stabilized Flat PBX Trunks Usoc (b) Rate stabilized flat PBX trunk, 1-way out, each SERVICE& EQUIPMENT CHARGE TF40X RATEGROUP I 36 60 12 TO TO TO 59 84 35 MONTHS MONTHS MONTHS 50 Trunks $86.25 $17.46 $16.90 $16.53 21 - 50 Trunks 86.25 15.97 15.22 14.67 51 Trunks and over[l] 1 Qtr mile from CO 2 Qtr miles from CO 3 Qtr miles from CO 4 Qtr miles from CO 5 Qtr miles from CO 6 Qtr miles from CO 7 Qtr miles from CO 8 Qtr miles from CO 9 Qtr miles from CO 10 Qtr miles from CO 11 Qtr miles from CO 12 Qtr miles from CO 13 Qtr miles from CO 14 Qtr miles from CO 15 Qtr miles from CO 16 Qtr miles from CO 17 Qtr miles from CO 18 Qtr miles from CO 19 Qtr miles from CO 20 Qtr miles from CO[2] 86.25 86.25 86.25 86.25 86.25 86.25 86.25 86.25 86.25 86.25 86.25 86.25 86.25 86.25 86.25 86.25 86.25 86.25 86.25 86.25 13.86 14.31 14.77 15.37 15,89 16.45 17.14 17.70 18.58 20.34 21.13 23.51 25.49 26.26 27.48 30.33 31.22 32.01 32.69 36.81 13.35 13.72 14.11 14.60 15.04 15.51 16.08 16.55 17.28 18.75 19.40 21.39 23.04 23.68 24.70 27.07 27.82 28.47 29.04 32.47 13.09 13.43 13.78 14.22 14.62 15.04 15.55 15.97 16.63 17.95 18.54 20.33 21.82 22.39 23.31 25.44 26.11 26.70 27.22 30,30 1- [1] Local Service increments are not applicable for distance-sensitive Rate Stabilized flat PBX trunk. [2] All rate stabilized trunks beyond this increment will be priced on an individual case basis TCT WEST, INC. SECTION 5 Page 66 Release 1 EXCHANGE TARIFF WYOMING Issued: Effective: 9/12/94 5. EXCHANGESERVICES 5.3 PRIVATEBRANCHEXCHANGE(PBX) TRUNKS 5.3.3 FLAT RATE TRUNKS 5c.(2)(b) (Cent’d) SERVICE& EQUIPMENT CHARGE RATE GROUPII 60 36 12 TO TO TO 84 59 35 MONTHS MONTHS 1MONTHS 1 - 50 Trunks $86.25 $19.83 $19.27 $18.90 21 - 50 Trunks 86.25 18.34 17.59 17.04 51 Trunks and over[l] 1 Qtr mile from CO 2 Qtr miles from CO 3 Qtr miles from CO 4 Qtr miles from CO 5 Qtr miles from CO 6 Qtr miles from CO 7 Qtr miles from CO 8 Qtr miles from CO 9 Qtr miles from CO 10 Qtr miles from CO 11 Qtr miles from CO 12 Qtr miles from CO 13 Qtr miles from CO 14 Qtr miles from CO 15 Qtr miles from CO 16 Qtr miles from CO 17 Qtr miles from CO 18 Qtr miles from CO 19 Qtr miles from CO 20 Qtr miles from CO[2] 86.25 86.25 86.25 86.25 86.25 86.25 86.25 86.25 86.25 86.25 86.25 86.25 86.25 86.25 86.25 86.25 86.25 86.25 86.25 86.25 16.23 16.68 17.14 17.74 18.26 18.82 19.51 20.07 20.95 22.71 23.50 25.88 27.86 28.63 29.85 32.70 33.59 34.38 35.06 39.18 15.72 16,09 16.48 16.97 17.41 17.88 18.45 18.92 19.65 21.12 21.77 23.76 25.41 26.05 27.07 29,44 30.19 30.84 ‘31.41 34.84 15.46 15.80 16.15 16.59 16.99 17.41 17.92 18.34 19.00 20.32 20.91 22.70 24.19 24.76 25.68 27.81 28,48 29.07 29.59 32.67 [1] Local Service increments are not applicable for distance-sensitive Rate Stabilized flat PBX trunk. [2] All rate stabilized trunks beyond this increment will be priced on an ~.-.., individual case basis. .... TCT WEST, INC. EXCHANGE TARIFF SECTION 5 WYOMING Issued: Page 67 Release 1 9112/94 ,,–-JIJYective: ...———.. 5. EXCHANGE SERVICES P@+’-/ 5.3 PRIVATE BRANCH EXCHANGE (PBX) TRUNKS 5.3.3 FLAT RATE TRUNKS 5.c.(2)(b) (Cent’d) 300WFW-3 RATE GROUP III SERVICE & TO EQUIPMENT 35 36 TO 59 CHARGE MONTHS MONTHS 12 [1] 60 TO MONTHS 84 1 - 50 Trunks $86.25 $22.22 $21.66 $21.29 21 - 50 Trunks 86.25 20.73 19.98 19.43 51 Trunks and over[l] 1 Qtr mile from CO 2 Qtr miles from CO 3 Qtr miles from CO 4 Qtr miles from CO 5 Qtr miles from CO 6 Qtr miles from CO 7 Qtr miles from CO 8 Qtr miles from CO 9 Qtr miles from CO 10 Qtr miles ilom CO 11 Qtr miles from CO 12 Qtr miles from CO 13 Qtr miles from CO 14 Qtr miles from CO 15 Qtr miles from CO 16 Qtr miles from CO 17 Qtr miles from CO 18 Qtr miles from CO 19 Qtr miles from CO 20 Qtr miles from CO[2] 86.25 86.25 86.25 86.25 86.25 86.25 86.25 86.25 86.25 86.25 86.25 86.25 86.25 86.25 86.25 86.25 86.25 86.25 86.25 86.25 18.62 19.07 19.53 20.13 20.65 21.21 21.90 22.46 23.34 25.10 25.89 28.27 30.25 31.02 32.24 35.09 35.98 36.77 37.45 41.57 18.11 18.48 17.85 18.19 18.87 19.36 18.54 18.98 19.80 19.38 20.27 20.84 19.80 20.31 21.31 20.73 22,04 21.39 23.51 22.71 24.16 23.30 26.15 27.80 25.09 26.58 28.44 27.15 28.07 30.20 30.87 29.46 31.83 32.58 33.23 33.80 37.23 31.46 31,98 35.06 Local Service increments are not applicable for distance-sensitive Rate Stabilized flat PBX trunk. [2] All rate stabilized trunks beyond this increment will be priced on an individual case basis. TCT WEST, INC. EXCHANGE TARIFF SECTION 5 WYOMING Issued: Page 68 Release 1 9/12/94 Effective: 5. EXCHANGESERVICES 5.3 PRIVATEBRANCHEXCHANGE(PBX) TRUNKS 5.3.3 FLAT RATE TRUNKS 5.c.(2)(b) (Cent’d) SERVICE& EQUIPMENT CHARGE RATE GROUP IV 60 36 12 TO TO TO 84 59 35 MONTHS MONTHS ~ONTHS 1 - 50 Trunks $86.25 $24.61 $24.05 $23.68 21 - 50 Trunks 86.25 23.12 22.37 21.82 51 Trunks and over[ 1] 1 @r mile from CO 2 Qtr miles from CO 3 Qtr miles from CO 4 Qtr miles from CO 5 Qtr miles from CO 6 Qtr miles from CO 7 Qtr miles from CO 8 Qtr miles fi-omCO 9 Qtr miles from CO “10 Qtr miles from CO 11 Qtr miles from CO 12 Qtr miles from CO 13 Qtr miles from CO 14 Qtr miles from CO 15 Qtr miles from CO 16 Qtr miles from CO 17 Qtr miles from CO 18 Qtr miles from CO 19 Qtr miles from CO 20 Qtr miles from CO[2] 86.25 86.25 86.25 86.25 86.25 86.25 86.25 86.25 86.25 86.25 86.25 86.25 86.25 86.25 86.25 86.25 86.25 86.25 86.25 86.25 21.01 21.46 21.92 22.52 23.04 23.60 24.29 24.85 25.73 27.49 28.28 30.66 32.64 33.41 34.63 37,48 38.37 39.16 39.84 43.96 20.50 20.87 21.26 21.75 22.19 22.66 23.23 23.70 24.43 25.90 26.55 28,54 30.19 30.83 31.85 34.22 34.97 35.62 36.19 39.62 20.24 20.58 20.93 21.37 21.77 22.19 22.70 23.12 23.78 25.10 25,69 27.48 28.97 29.54 30.46 32.59 33.26 33.85 34.37 37.45 [1] Local Service increments are not applicable for distance-sensitive Rate Stabilized flat PBX trunk. [2] All rate stabilized trunks beyond this increment individual case basis, -, TCT WEST, INC. EXCHANGE TARIFF WYOMING SECTION 5 Page 69 Release 1 Issued: Effective: 9/12/94 5. EXCHANGESERVICES 5.3 PRIVATEBRANCHEXCHANGE(PBX) TRUNKS 5.3.3 FLAT RATE TRUNKS 5c.(2)(b) (Cent’d) RATE GROUP V 36 60 TO TO TO SERVICE& 59 84 35 EQUIPMENT MONTHS MONTHS MONTHS CHARGE 12 1 - 50 Trunks $86.25 $26.99 $26.43 $26.06 21 - 50 Trunks 86.25 25.50 24.75 24.20 51 Trunks and over[l] 1 Qtr mile from CO 2 Qtr miles from CO 3 Qtr miles from CO 4 Qtr miles from CO 5 Qtr miles from CO 6 Qtr miles from CO 7 Qtr miles from CO 8 Qtr miles from CO 9 Qtr miles from CO 10 Qtr miles from CO 11 Qtr miles from CO 12 Qtr miles from CO 13 Qtr miles from CO 14 Qtr miles from CO 15 Qtr miles from CO 16 Qtr miles fi-omCO 17 Qtr miles from CO 18 Qtr miles from CO 19 Qtr miles fi-omCO 20 Qtr miles from CO[2] 86.25 86.25 86.25 86.25 86.25 86.25 86,25 86.25 86.25 86.25 86.25 86.25 86.25 86.25 86.25 86.25 86.25 86.25 86.25 86.25 23.39 23.84 24.30 24.90 25.42 25.98 26.67 27.23 28.11 29.87 30.66 33.04 35.02 35.79 37.01 39.86 40.75 41.54 42.22 46.34 22.88 23.25 23.64 24.13 24.57 25.04 25.61 26.08 26.81 28.28 28.93 30.92 32.57 33.21 34.23 36.60 37.35 38.00 38.57 42.00 22.62 22.96 23.31 23.75 24.15 24.57 25.08 25.50 26.16 27.48 28.07 29.86 31.35 31.92 32.84 34.97 35.64 36.23 36.75 39.83 [1] Local Service increments are not applicable for distance-sensitive Rate Stabilized flat PBX trunk. [2] All rate stabilized trunks beyond this increment will be priced on an individual case basis. TCT WEST, INC. EXCHANGE TARIFF SECTION 5 WYOMING Page 70 Release 1 Issued: 9112/94 Effective: 5. EXCHANGESERVICES 5.3 PRIVATEBRANCHEXCHANGE(PBX) TRUNKS(Cent’d) 5.3.4 A. DHZECT-IN-DIALING (DID) SERVICE Description Direct-In-Dialing (DID) Service is a special trunking arrangement which permits incoming calls from the exchange network to reach a specific PBX (Private Branch Exchange) station directly without an attendant’s assistance. B. Regulations 1, This feature may be provided, in addition to regular, FCO or FX rates and charges, where CO facilities are available and the PBX system or customer-provided switching equipment capabilities permit. 2, One primary directory listing in the main directo~ of the serving CO is provided for each PBX system. An additional listing of each DID number may be provided subject to the regulations, rates, and charges as specified in 5.7.1. 3. The provision of this feature requires that the customer subscribe to a sufficient number of trunk facilities to adequately handle the volume of incoming calls. 4. DID numbers are directly associated with the primary customer and the Company will not reassign the individual DID numbers to another customer and/or service. 5. The customer may reserve additional DID number blocks for future use at the rate specified in C. 1. following for USOC ND4. 6. Dill Service is available to new and existing customers from non ESS offices if the office is equipped for DID Service and has sufficient DID capacity available. 7. A power failure channel may be required subject to the regulations, rates and charges specified in the Access Service Tariff. ‘- b ‘.y .,,. ,.. . ,.,! .$ ~- l@Q/’7Y 7ct)Fi-T-%ff ,-,.,,,. TCT WEST, INC. EXCHANGE TARIFF SECTION 5 WYOMING Issued: Page 71 Release 1 Effective: 9/12/94 5. EXCHANGE SERVICES 5.3 PRIVATE BRANCH EXCHANGE (PBX) TRUNKS 5.3.4 C. DIRECT-IN-DIALLNG (DID) SERVICE (Cent’d) Rates And Charges 1. DID Service SERVICE & Usoc ● ● ● ● EQUIPMENT CHARGE MONTHLY RATE Each in-only trunk circuit terrnination[ 1,2] NDT $14.89 $45.00 Each 2-way digital trunk circuit termination with answer supervision 1,2,3] ND2 30.00 45.00 Each 2-way, 4-wire analog trunk circuit terrnination[4] NAY 30.00 45.00 Each block of20 DID numbers[ 1] ND4 14.89 3.00 [1] In addition, a PBX or DSS trunk is required. [2] In addition, a Narrowband circuit maybe required per trunk group. [3] Only available with DSS trunks. [4] In addition, a THHCX PBX trunk, specified in 5.3.3, is required. TCT WEST, INC. EXCHANGE TARIFF SECTION 5 WYOMLNG Page 72 Release 1 Issued: 9/12/94 Effective: 5. EXCHANGESERVICES 5.3 5.3.4 D. PRIVATEBRANCHEXCHANGE(PBX) TRUNKS DIRECT-IN-DIALING(DID) SERVICE(Cent’d) Optional Features 1. Expanded Answer for lA/lE ESS Central Offices a. Description Expanded Answer enables customers with Call Forwarding - Don’t Answer or Call Forwarding - Busy Line/Don’t Answer to forward their unanswered calls to a DID station number in 1N 1E ESS central offices. This feature includes common equipment and Call Completion Software Positions. b. Regulations (1) Expanded Answer is firnished only in lA/lE ESS central offices where adequate and suitable facilities are available. Central offices will be equipped with this feature at the discretion of the Company. (2) The Expanded Answer common equipment includes two Call Completion Software Positions (CCSP). Additional CCSPS may be required if the volume of calls attempting to complete to the DID station number exceeds the processing limitations of the software. (3) Both the DID station number and the number equipped with the Call Fon.vard - Don’t Answer or Call Forward - Busy Line/Don’t Answer feature must be in the same central office. “Pi-j&it.3xx-iRiiiiisG”\ APPR~’+~~ “!-l ~E::;E)?k . ‘F WYOMING i...-...,~ETE ..”-- .---—--——————— TCT WEST, INC. EXCHANGE TARIFF SECTION 5 WYOMING Issued: Page 73 Release 1 9/12/94 Effective: 5. EXCHANGESERVICES 5.3 PRIVATEBRANCHEXCHANGE(PBX) TRUNKS 5.3.4 DJRECT-IN-DIALING(DID) SERVICE D. 1.(Cent’d) c. Rates and Charges (1) Expanded Answer Usoc ● ● ● ● [1] Common equipment, including first two CCSPS Each DID station number equipped - Initial installation charge - Subsequent installation charge FT3CX SERVICE& EQUIPMENT CHARGE $165.00 — FT5 FT5 2.25 OPPSL 2.25 Additional CCSPS - Third CCSP - Fourth CCSP - Fifth CCSP - Sixth CCSP - Seventh CCSP - Eighth CCSP - Ninth CCSP - Tenth CCSP FT3A1 FT3A2 FT3A3 FT3A4 FT3A5 FT3A6 FT3A7 FT3A8 — — — Addition or removal[l] of CCSP subsequent to initial installation of common equipment, per order PT3CT Only applies if Expanded Answer remains in service. — — — 90.00 MONTHLY RATE $16.00 0.05 — 34.00 49.00 61.00 70.50 77.00 87.00 94.00 101.00 — TCT WEST, INC. SECTION 5 EXCHANGE TARIFF Page 74 Release 1 WYOMING Issued: Effective: 9/12/94 5. EXCHANGESEIWTCES 5.3 5.3.4 D. PRIVATEBRANCHEXCHANGE(PBX) TRUNKS DIRECT-IN-DIALING(DID) SERVICE Optional Features(Cent’d) 2. DID Trunk Queuing a. Description DID Trunk Queuing is an arrangement whereby incoming calls that are placed to station lines within a DID system can be held in queue if all trunks between the central office switch and the customer’s PBX are busy. Calls in queue will be held ~ their order of arrival until a trunk becomes available. Calls in queue are served on a first-in first-out basis. Calls held in queue will hear ringing until answered. b. Optional Features Delav Announcement This option allows for incoming calls held in queue to hear a recorded announcement after a predetem-ined amount of time. The announcement can be accessed a maximum of four times and the customer has the option of providing their own announcement or a standardized Company announcement. Depending upon the customer’s choice, ringing, silence or music will be returned after each announcement. Music on Queue This option allows for customer provided music to be played to customers held in queue after a recorded announcement has been accessed. This option can only be provided with Delay Announcement. ,., K&@ $w/-7Fw-3 TCT WEST, INC. EXCHANGE TARIFF SECTION 5 WYOMING Page 75 Release 1 Issued: 9/12/94 Effective: 5. EXCHANGESERVICES 5.3 PRIVATEBRANCHEXCHANGE(PBX) TRUNKS 5.3.4 DIRECT-IN-DIALING(DID) SERVICE D.2. (Cent’d) c. Regulations (1) DID Trunk Queuing and its associated options will only be provided where adequate and suitable CO facilities exist. (2) The provision of this feature requires that the customer subscribe to a sufficient number of facilities to adequately handle the volume of incoming calls. (3) The customer must purchase one queue slot for each call the customer wants to hold in queue. For example, a customer wanting to hold two calls in queue when all lines are busy, must have two queue slots in the queue group. (4) The music on queue option requires a Voiceband/Data Circuit between the seining central office and a customer-provided music source at the customer’s premises. (5) The customer must speci~ the length of time a call is held in queue before going to delay announcement, The customer must also specifj the number of announcements (maximum of four) and the amount of time between announcements. Changes to these values may only be made through the issuance of a service order. ‘i~;Gi—;ETiiVICE 7 COMMISSION APPRO ED EFFECTIVE: & ~ EM(XET N(?: ~ O --- STATE OF WYOMING TCT WEST, INC. SECTION 5 Page 76 EXCHANGE TARIFF WYOMING Release 1 Issued: Effective: 9/12/94 5. EXCHANGESERVICES 5.3 PRIVATEBRANCHEXCHANGE(PBX) TRUNKS 5.3.4 DIRECT-IN-DIALING(DID) SERVICE D.2. (Cent’d) d. Rates and Charges Usoc ● SERVICE& EQUIPMENT CHARGE MONTHLY RATE $2.50 $0.25 Queuing - Per DID Station number equipped UQQ,URQ - Per queue group URQPG UQQPG, 175.00 - Per queue slot in group URQPQ UQQPQ, ,.”, ..-..,, 15.00 - Change in quantity of queue slots in queue group, per group REAE9 ● Delay Announcement ● Music on Queue 100.00 — NIA [1] [1] NIA [2] [2] [1] Apply rates and charges as specifiedin 9.4.4 for DelayAnnouncement. [2] Apply rates and charges as specifiedin 9.4.4 for Music on Queue. TCT WEST, INC. ..— EXCHANGE TARIFF SECTION 5 WYOMING Page 77 Release 1 Issued: 9/12/94 Effective: 5. EXCHANGESERVICES 5.3 5.3.4 D. PRIVATEBRANCHEXCHANGE(PBX) TRUNKS DXRECT-IN-DI.AIXNG (DID) SERVICE Optional Features(Cent’d) 3. DID Two-Way Call Transfer a. Description DID Two-way Call Transfer allows the user of a 2-way trunk with Dill to transfer any incoming call to another line or trunk outside of the system and then to leave the connection without disconnecting the call, b, Rates and Charges Usoc ● [1] .- . DID Two-way Call Transfer, each 2-way trunk equipped 3CW SERVICE& EQUIPMENT CHARGE [1] Same service and equipment charge as specified in 5.4.3 for business Custom Calling services. MONTHLY RATE 13.00 TCT WEST, INC. SECTION 5 EXCHANGE TARIFF Page 78 WYOMING Release 1 Issued: Effective: 9/12/94 5. EXCHANGESERVICES PREMIUMEXCHANGESERVICES 5.4 TOUCH-TONECALLINGSERVICE 5.4.2 A. Description Touch-Tone Calling Service k a distinctive type of telephone service using audible voice frequency tones to actuate the CO equipment. B. Regulations 1 Touch-Tone Calling Service is fimnished only in CO areas where touch-tone CO equipment is available. Central offices will be equipped for touch-tone operation at the discretion of the Company and in accordance with regular engineering practices. 2 The rates and charges for Touch-Tone Service will apply to each customer subscribing to Touch-Tone Semite on a 2- or 4-party line and to each access line in connection with combination access line service. 3 Touch-Tone Calling Service rates and charges shall apply where the customer has the capability to originate calls by means of instruments equipped for tone-type address signaling. 4 Except as specifically provided herein, Touch-Tone Service is subject to the regulations, rates, and charges applicable to other types of service. These rates and charges are in addition to the rates and charges for the service with which the Touch-Tone Service is with Shared Payphone (main telephone) Service, the associated. In connection touch-tone rates are in (addition to the regular monthly rate otherwise applicable. TCT WEST, INC. ... EXCHANGE TARIFF SECTION 5 Page 79 WYOMING Release 1 Issued: Effective: 9/12/94 5. EXCHANGESERVICES 5.4 5.4.2 C. PREm.mI EXCHANGESERVICES TOUCH-TONECALLINGSERVICE(Cent’d) Rates And Charges 1. The service and equipment charge specified below applies per line, per customer request, to establish Touch-Tone Service. 2. Touch-Tone Increment SERVICE& EQUIPMENT Usoc ● ● Touch-Tone Calling Service Increment - Residence, per line - Business, per line - Trunks, each Touch-Tone Increment for Shared Payphone Coin Stations,each CHARGE MONTHLY RATE TJB $10.75 10.75 10.75 $1.02 2.20 4.75 NIA — 0.51 TTR TTB CaUinU Services are pmv((ied in conjunction with Local .Emkm,ge Access Swvice find include the folhvig: .. custom 11.2 lllgi?~!lfl~ (Al, —.—.— Autom3tic_c~ll 13ttclc.‘1’hecustomer c<a.n hang up after reacting a ~j~~Ystation ~~ then dial a call-back activation code to initiate the automatic call-back process. As soon as the called party goes cm-hook, the customer will rcccive a distinctive ringing pattern (intraswitch only) to indicate that the desired line is available. (II) (C) QH ~’orwardi.n~, An tarr.angernentwhereby incoming calls maybe transferred to another telephone number by a prefix code and the telephone number of the sen’ice to which calls .a.reto be transferred. Calls forwarded by this feature are subject to long distance message charges. These Lalls ‘are also subject to transmission limitations. - I .4N 151997 ‘ @#=Fq~d gl.@LK kRVICE Co W~oM~f~G 1..._.-_-4=c ‘L _—— &to Ilecall, This featu~e is sixnilm to Automatic Call 13ackexcept that with Auto Recall the customer may automatictdly place a call to the number last calkxl or “camp on” to the last outgoing cali if that telephone number is busy. Camp-on tallows the switch to monitor ‘boththe customers phone line and the line caIlcd until they both become idle. Once both. lines are idle, the customer initiating Auto Rc:call will be given n ringback with a distinctive ring. When the customer answers the calj, a call will be autornatjcNy placed to the other party’s phone and the calls ean be connected J$S~ QIY) Cd] — W~i~i~\$’ifi ~pTJCC\ —-—.—-.— —-i— ..... ~1-Ja,rrnngemcr~twherchy a customer Wl10is using an exch.ayp access line a.rrangtxl for call waiting is alerted, by means of a tone signal, -– when another caller is trying to reach that line. lhe customer, by flashing the switchhook, is able to have altcrrmtive conversations between parties. The “with cancel” feature al~ows the customer to deactivate caU.waiting during a conversation i~ —— ~ —..— .. . I VJYO. I%C TARIFF NO. _I__SECTION CANCELS _RELL’~sE r 5 REVISEDs~~ET ~o, 81 2A sHEET NO. 81 ~ __ , TCT WEST, INC. -__.--J. —– 13rWJN — WYOMING LOCAT.,EXCTIANGE ACCESS SERVICI? 11. .-— (%3torn C(alliQgkW~.@ \ 11.2 ?Mlnitions (Cent’d) k mmmgement whereby a customer has the ability . . to (E) g_sImQtif@tti=’ request and automatic trace of the last call received. TN call tmce informat~on IS provided to an aut.horizcd a~~ent,such as the telephone cornpmy m a law enforcement agency, not to the customer. After a trace has been activated, an anno~cement will be returned to the customer providing infornwtiorl on any further action required regarding the trace including the telephone number of the agency. An arrangement whereby a second (T) D~3ttiC&VERMg@?- Local and Lorm Dfitm% ring E11OWS the customer to distinguish between incomin~ local and komin~ long %. distance telephone calls (G) Home hter~~m A smviw that allows u cwtorner to caH an etiension telephone 1 served by the same line. In addition to the Home Intercom feature defined in (G) above, the customer can an additiond parties (including addition:~l lines) to the call. (H) Home hMxcOdVatietY (1) LgLa_c{tllU NurnbcgJdYofi.zs<ltmfl” (Caller ID) ArI arrangement that allows for the — .—-— nutomatic delivery of a calling pm-ty’s telephone number ( Muding non-published and non-listed telephone numbers) to the czlled customer, which gives the called customer an opportunity to decide whether to answer (he cd immediately or not. The number is displayefl cm customer provided equipment. ~99&7 .p+-fl ~ERv,tt ~o~~)ss\@$ J AN15 ~@~~c ~ION\\lG M+p~:j~n&d~[gl~@l ~~yough ysig:me?~~ of ~ additic)nal n~]~ber with dlstmct~ve r~ng, the customer can KIcntiiy m mtend[~d call recipient. As opposed to a second line, this service opatcs through use of a single line. N) An arrangement ~AmQtKCall_Eow*ALIti~fl- whereby a customer can activate andkn deactivate call forwarding from a remote location. IssuED;/ 7@l& ..—J- EFFECJ3VE: 7 &M/!15H7 ‘~rrlJ: president , ::2!!&?~a:”-z l?,lw.cbdl M. Lowe L-—-.————— . .....—-—-. ——— ...< ,“,, ... WYO. WC TARIFF ??0._ I_sE(m3N CANCELS — RELE.LV3El,- 5 ~d . IWWSH3 SHEET NO. 82 ““= TCT WEST, INC. BASIN , WYOMING / LOCAL EXCHANGE ACCESS SEIWiCIZ 11. Custom Calling Services *. 11.2 Defiuitkms (Cent’d) b (I.) ..... Sprrd:—— (hhg+hti or hms. A fwttlre that dkm the cwm~e~the~bW tostore —A. . from !l(shmt) to 30 ( or emergency numbers and enables the customer to call a prcselecte(l group of telephone numbers by dialing one or two digits instead of the actual telephone number. (M) .Wee WZVCalling. ‘f’hwe-waycalling. permits an existing cidl to be held ,and a wcond call to be established md added to the connection for confemncing. Conference calls made with this service arc subject to transmission limitations. a,J~ED J, N 151997 (N) Tm~m-itin call g_Service. Two or more centrsl office lines or trunk arranged so that a for the first line or trunk is cornpMed to a succeedin~ line in the group when the first line is in use. 7(-y314-m=@%7 WBLJ~ . _. S Toll denial prevents the subscriber from placing RVICE COMMiSSIOt{”~ direct ~~~ti.!L~~MRestiction. dialed or operator handled calls while allowing local calls to be placed. This WYOMING service does not prevent imoming calls of any type or 911 calls where available. 11.3 U_ndertakinKof the Telephone -—-—Clmuany i (A) Th Telephone Company may provide certain Custom Calling Features in packa~e offerings at reduced rates. (A) Custom Calling Services me available only in those exckmges where the centrid office equipment is available to provide such service. I ,—. .—— (B) The acceptance OIIOBEdistance collect CM messages is not restricted by the we of Toll ~CS&iCtiOfL ... ——_—. —— .—— -~ —. ~ . .. . . .. .. TCT WEST, INC. BASIN , WYOMING t II I l-- .. I I LOCAL EXCHAINGEACCESS SERVICE :.!14 15 19$!7 70CM=TT47-7 11, Custom CallinE l?fxvice~ EU.WC SERVICE CMWW ---- WYOMING /=-” 11.4 Limit:itions (Cent’d) .N 1 (C) Custom CMtig Services am only available on single party service. Public and Sempublic access lines are excluded. 11.5 9C)CO_~Jnblocking Servi~g (A) 900LJnMocking Serviceis offerecl only where cen;ral office facilities permit. (13)900 Unblocking Service is only available on direct dialed calls. When customers dial a unrestricted numbe~ from a restricted Iirw, the call will be diverted to a Company provided inlcrcept message. (C) !300l-.Mdocking Service is available to M access lines or Foreign Exchange service wkm applicable. (D) 900 Unblocking Service pmmits access to N 900 numbers. (E) ‘I%eCompany will provide the subscriber the opportunity to unblock access to all 900 numbers through the local exchange company, These requests shall be fulfilled at no charge to the subscriber. I I 11.6 ObliJ@@.n.S_of.theEnd User The obligations of the end USMare as set forth in Section 2.3 preceding. % 11.7 &yrment Arrmwernents and Crt’ditNQY_~JQ .—,— ——-.. Payment man~cments and credit allowances as set Rmth in Section 2.4 preceding apply. ‘ ~gg&fl&a__ EFFECTIVE:_ , — TITLE : President :,. . —-—.—.- . .— .-— —— ,,,T,,7 _-_J ‘A’lN’”o’’mG ~- LOCAL EXCHANGE ACCESS SERVIC; Business $1.00 $1.50 (B) Auto Recall ,$1.00 $1.50 (C) Cdl Fo~~din~ $1.00 $1.50 (A.) ihtomztic 1 I Gill Back $3.00 \ I (E) Customer Qriginat~d Tr~c’~, $2.00 $3.00 (F) Distinctive Ringing $ .?.5 $.40 $25 $’.40’ (H) Home Intercofltiiety $.50 $-75 (1) Local Cdlcr Number HI (Caller ID) $3.50 $5.25 (G) Home Intercom I I (J) Multiple Desigm~tcd Number Teen LMPer Line Business,Ter Line (K) Remclte CEII Forwarding With Access ‘ (L) Speed Calling-8 or 30 I HUED I $6.00 J,4N 151997 ! ?oc)14-mq7.7 1 WijLE SERV!CE COMMM$IOM $3.00 WfOMiNG $9.00 $2.00 $1.00 $1.50 I F sEcrIoN Wlro. Ps~ TARIFF ~o, .~_ CANCELS __RELEAs~ l_ RE\/~sE)) SHTZT NO. $5 . zl.a!SFDXTNO. 85 5< TCT WEST, INC. BASm , WYOMING LOCAL EXCHANGE ACCESS SERVICE 11. Cnstorn Ca,llinx Se.wices. 11.8 ———:--— Cmtom calling Services IGNxs*,* * (!!XXfii) ,# Residence Business (lvf) Three Way Calling $2.00 $3’.00 ‘ (N) Tmnk Hunting Service $2.50 $6.50 (0) Toll Denial or l“oll Restric?.ion $2.00 $3.00 No CIm.rge (P) 900 Unblocking Service No Charge $3.75 $2.50 (A) Value Pak A Ml W3iting plus 1 of the following: Auto Recall, Auto Call ~iCk, Call Forwarding Or speed Dial 8. I $2.50 m) ., value Ilk B 3-Way calling plus 1 of the following: Auto Recall, Al~tOCdl B~ck ~al~ Forwarding or Speed Dial g. $.4$00 (c) value Pak c cl?mtdi M. Lowe —-.—.- ——— —————---— — JW!ED JIN 151997 7CX!I)WFW7 SERVICE (X)MM] PUBLIC $6.00 NW W’OMING I I following: Auto Recall, Atlto Call Back, Call Forwarding m Speed L_ *, I Cdlcr ID plus 1 of the I $3.75 —— J . . .. . ..J .”_ WYO. PSC TARIFF NO. _I __SECTION RELEASE 1 CANCELS —. * 5 zfl i . oRJG~AL —— Business Residence $18.00 $12.00 (D) ?i%miwn Pall Includes Auto Recall, ~~~toCdl J3ack, CM Forward, Customer Ckigi??atcdTrace, Call forward with Remote, Speed Dial-30, Call Waiting with Cancel, 3-Way Calling and CaHer U) $4.00 (E) Service . . Supm . J.ncludes Customer Ori~inated Trace, Call Forward with Remote Access and Spe~d Dial-30 sHEET No 86 SHEET NO. S6 $6.00 ‘ **The ‘~clcphon,e Compmy \,ri]I waive ~pp~ic~~l~ Sub~equcnt ACCW+order and Line Connection Charges from time to time to promote these services. HI!ED JAN 151997 7cQ)4”n-q7-7 .JWJC SERVICE COMMISSJOR WYOMING 1 ISSUED: ISSUED E, :“ T(Y B,: 4 _!2?-VES 4 , w .- ,/f&& Rmfallll Lowe EFFECHVE:_ / ,., [ &. - TITLE: @q!4zl!2z—— PnAkm2 ‘1 TCT WEST, INC. EXCHANGE TARIFF SECTION 5 WYOMING Issued: Page 100 Release 1 9/12/94 Effective: 5. EXCHANGE SERVICES 5.4 PREmUM EXCHANGE SERVICES (Cent’d) 5.4.4 MARKET EXPANSIONLLNE(MEL) SERVICE A. Description When a customer activates MEL Service on the customer’s service, all incoming calls are automatically routed to another customer-selected telephone number in the local calling area or a distant exchange. B. Regulations 1. Market Expansion Line Service is firnished only where adequate and suitable facilities are available. Central offices will be equipped for MEL Service at the discretion of the Company. 2. Market Expansion Line Service is provided on the condition that the customer subscribe to sufficient MEL features and facilities to adequately handle calls to the MEL customer without interfering with or impairing any services offered by the Company. It in the opinion of the Company, additional MEL features at the call forwarding location or facilities at the terminating telephone are needed, the customer will be required to subscribe for such additional MEL features and facilities. 3. The service is not offered where the terminating telephone, telephone is a public coin 4. The Company cannot provide the customer with the telephone number of the originating call. .,.. .. .-”---1 TCT WEST, INC. SECTION 5 Page 101 EXCHANGE TARIFF WYOMING Release 1 Issued: Effective: 9/12/94 5. EXCHANGE SERVICES 5.4 PREMIUM EXCHANGE SERVICES 5.4.4 MARKET EmANSION LINE (MEL) SERVICE B. Regulations (Cent’d) 5. The Company provides one free directory listing in the exchange where the MEL CO is located; however, at the customer’s request, the listing maybe omitted at no charge. Additional listings may be provided at rates and charges for business additional listings. 6. Directory assistance charges, or allowances, are not applicable to MEL Service since this is an inward only calling arrangement. 7. The message charges applicable to remotely forwarded calls shall be comprised of two separate charges; (a) a charge for that portion of the call from the calling telephone to the called number, and (b) a charge for that portion of the call from the called telephone to the remotely call fomvarded terminating telephone. The respective charge for each such portion shall be as follows: a, Between the calling telephone and the called (MEL) location. The calling party is responsible for the payment of these charges with the exception of those calls which are placed collect and accepted by the MEL customer. b. From the called telephone (MEL) location to the terminating telephone. The applicable charges for this portion of the remotely forwarded call shall be the applicable local message unit charges. These charges apply to all calls answered at the terminating telephone, including person-to-person and collect calls, even though such calls might not be accepted at the answering location. The MEL customer is responsible for the payment of these charges. ;, v:,.’ ,, L+WJ w ,;,,. , ?QWH%W”3 TCT WEST, INC. EXCHANGE WYOMING SECTION 5 Page 102 Release 1 Issued: Effective: 9/12/94 5. EXCHANGE SERVICES 5.4 5.4.4 C. FREiWrLJMEXCHANGE SERVICES MARKET EXPANSIONLINE (MEL) SERVICE (Cent’d) Rates And Charges 1. The appropriate business service and equipment charge specified in this section will apply for the installation of MEL Service. Subsequent to the initial establishment of MEL service, the appropriate service and equipment charge will also apply to add or change one or more of the MEL numbers, to change a call forwarding telephone number and to restore service for Company initiated termination of service. 2. The following rates and charges are added to all rates and charges for associated setwices: SERVICE & ● ● EQUIPMENT MONTHLY Usoc CHARGE RATE Market Expansion Line, each line arranged RCF $10.75 $19.21 Each additional line arranged RCA 10,75 19.21 I(ywpi %W%W3 TCT WEST, INC. SECTION 5 EXCHANGE TARIFF Page 103 Release 1 WYOMING Issued: Effective: 9/12/94 5. EXCHANGE SERVICES 5.4 PREMIUM EXCHANGE SERVICES (Cent’d) 5.4.5 ,r PUBGE~s~ .&w. T-Y’:~} ~~ (>F \)JV APPR@#~D BASIC EXCHANGE ENHANCEMENT I EFFECTIVE. J A. f [):)~;~>~”? ~@ Description .-.-,. . .. .. Amplified Voice Grade Circuit This grade of service provides a circuit with no more than a 4 decibel (d. B.) loss (measured at 1004 Hz.) from the local CO to the customer’s network interface. This service provides the customer a premium quality transmission line and signaling for use on all local switched service, B. Regulations 1 Amplified Voice Grade Circuit is fin-nished only in CO areas where adequate and suitable facilities are available. Central Offices will be equipped for Amplified Voice Grade Circuit at the discretion of the Company and in accordance with regular engineering practices. - The services will be provided only in comection with individual access line or A. individual trunk service. Amplified Voice Grade Circuit is not available in connection with Public Telephone and Shared Payphone Semite, Multi-party Service, FX, FCO, WATS, and long distance terminal trunk (TTT). 3. When a customer subscribes to Amplified Voice Grade Circuit all access lines in a hunt group or trunk group must be equipped with this service. C. Rates And Charges 1. Except as specifically provided herein, Amplified Voice Grade Circuit is subject to the regulations, rates, and charges applicable to other types of customer service and are in addition to the basic rates and charges for the service with which it is associated. SERVICE & ● Amplified Voice Grade Circuit, per access line or trunk EQUIPMENT MONTHLY Usoc CHARGE R.ATE VGA $28.44 $9.00 TCT WEST, INC. EXCHANGE TARIFF SECTION,5 Page 104 Release 1 WYOMING Issued: Effective: 9/12/94 5. EXCHANGE SERVICES . ‘,,,,: :’, c,,g.-. ,1: 5.4 :,.,,, PREnm-JJMEXCHANGE SERVICES (Cent’d) 5.4.7 A. “1-,,“: @&2/?q INTRA CALL SERVICE ?C?(W”T”74.3 Description The IiVTMCALL Service allows an individual access line, noncomplex residence or business customer to use the line as an intercom system. This feature is activated when the customer dials their own number from any station on the line, receives a busy signal and hangs up. Upon hanging up, all stations on the line will ring. Two or more stations may speak over the intercom line. B. Regulations 1. If the customer has call waiting, the feature will be deactivated for the duration of the intercom call. 2. If the customer has call forwarding, and the feature is activated, all INTMCALL Service calls will also be forwarded. 3. This service is furnished only in Co areas where adequate and suitable facilities are available. 4. INTRACALL Service is not offered with companion line service or combination service arrangements 2 and 3 c. Rates And Charges 1 The following service and equipment charge applies per line to establish. These charges are in addition to the basic rates and charges for the service with which it is associated. 2 The service and equipment charge will not apply when INTRACALL is established at the same time a custom calling feature(s) is established or changed. SERVICE & Usoc ● INTMCALL Service, per line EIN EQUIPmm CHARGE MONTHLY RATE $10.35 $1.50 TCT WEST, INC. SECTION 5 Page 105 Release 1 EXCHANGE TARIFF WYOMING Issued: Effective: 9/12/94 5. EXCHANGE SERVICES PRENDTJNT EXCHANGE SERVICES (Cent’d) 5.4 5.4.8 A. OPEN SWITCH INTERVAL PROTECTION (OSIP) Description When transferring or extending a call, a momenta~ open is generated on the line and may result in false disconnection of the call, Open Switch Interval Protection (OHP) provides constant supervision on the customer’s line by adding a signal distributor and signal distributor applique during CO switching until the call connection is completed. B Regulations 1. This sewice is fi.n-nished only in CO areas where facilities permit as determined by the Company. 2. All lines equipped for this service prior to 11-2-87 may retain this service in place at the same location at no charge. c. Rates And Charges These charges are in addition to the rates and charges for the service with which it is associated. Usoc ● Open Switching Internal Protection (OSIP), per line equipped 53W INsTALL.4T10N MONTHLY CHARGE RATE $48.00 $4.00 TCT WEST, INC. SECTION 5 Page 106 Release 1 EXCHANGE TARIFF WYOMING Issued: Effective: 9/12/94 5. EXCHANGE SERVICES PREmt.mI EXCHANGE SERVICES (Cent’d) 5.4 5.4.10 A. US WEST CUSTOM RINGLNGSERVICE Description Custom Ringing Semite is a central office based service which provides up to three distinctive ringing codes on incoming calls, using one individual access line. The distinctive ringing codes are achieved by assigning up to 3 additional telephone numbers to the access line. Two types of Custom Ringing Service are available: B. ● Custom Ringing - above sewice without a listing. ● Custom Ringing Plus - above service with a listing. Regulations 1. Custom Ringing Service is provided with individual exchange access lines and may be unavailable with some services due to technical limitations. 2, Custom Ringing numbers are subject to a minimum service period of one month. 3. Custom Ringing Service will be billed to the primary access line number. Itemized billing is not available on Custom Ringing numbers. 4. A directory listing is provided on Custom Ringing Plus with each number subject to 5.7 regulations. 5. Intercept service regulations and charges, as specified in 5.8.4, apply to Custom Ringing Service on a per number basis. In addition, the following regulations will apply: ● ● ..- When the access line number remains in semice, Custom Ringing numbers can be individually intercepted. When the access line number is intercepted, all Custom Ringing numbers must be intercepted. EXCEPTION: If another access line is installed at the premises, Custom I&ging numbers can either remain in semi intercepted. TCT WEST, INC. SECTION 5 Page 107 Release 1 EXCHANGE TARIFF WYOMING Issued: 9/12/94 Effective: 5. EXCHANGE SERVICES 5.4 PREMIUM EXCHANGE SERVICES 5.4.10 US WEST CUSTOM RINGING SERVICE B. Regulations (Cent’d) 6. When the customer’s access line is equipped with Call Waiting, and the line is busy, incoming calls will generate a distinctive Call Waiting tone at no additional charge, 7. When the customer’s access line is equipped with Call Forwarding, the customer can choose one of the following options: ● ● To have Call Forwarding only on the access line number, or To have all Custom Ringing Number Service numbers forwarded access line number. with the This choice is made, or changed, at the time the customer places an order with the Company. Call Forwarding rates apply only to the access line number. Distinctive ringing will not be heard at the forwarded location. 8. At the time of initial installation, the customer has the option of choosing the ringing pattern associated with Custom Ringing or Custom Ringing Plus Service. ,., dxJ2/w . ... TCT WEST, INC. EXCHANGE TARIFF SECTION 5 Page 108 Release 1 WYOMING Issued: 9/12/94 Effective: 5. EXCHANGE SERVICES 5.4 5.4.10 ,,. , PREMIUM EXCHANGE SERVICES US WZSTCUSTOM RINGING SERVICE (Cent’d) ,,, a?/9q /0 m C. . . i X+4-3 Rates And Charges 1. This service is subject to the regulations, rates and charges applicable to other exchange services and is in addition to the basic rates and charges for the service with which it is associated. SERVICE & EQUKPMENT MONTHLY Usoc CHARGE [l] RATE Residence - First additional number - Second additional number - Third additional number RGG1+ RGG2+ RGG3+ $7.00 $3.95 7.00 7.00 3.00 Business - First additional number - Second additional number - Third additional number RGG1+ RGG2+ RGG3+ 10.00 7.45 5.25 5.25 Residence - First additional number - Second additional number - Third additional number DRS 1+ DRS2+ DRS3+ 7.00 Business - First additional number - Second additional number - Third additional number DRS1+ DRS2+ DRS3+ 10.00 a. Custom Ringing ● ● 10.00 10.00 3.00 b. Custom Ringing Plus ● ● 7.00 7.00 10.00 10.00 4.75 3.50 3.50 8.65 6.25 6.25 ..” [1] Only one service and equipment Ringing SeNice. charge will apply per order to install Custom TCT WEST, INC. SECTION 5 EXCHANGE TARIFF Page 109 Release 1 WYOMING Issued: Effective: 9/12/94 5. EXCHANGE SERVICES 5.4 5.4.10 PREmUM EXCHANGE SERVICES US WEST CUSTOM RINGING SERVICE C.1.(Cent’d) SERVICE & EQUIPMENT CHARGE c. Sewice and Equipment Change Charges ● ● ---- [1] Residence Change ringing pattern, per order - Change telephone number Change call fomvarding options in B.7 above Change Custom Ringing Service number to access line number Business Change ringing pattern, per order Change telephone number Change call forwarding options in B.7 above Change Custom Ringing Service number to access line number Service and equipment charge same as for the installation of a new line, $7.00 21.55 10.35 [1] 10.00 34.60 10.35 [1] TCT WEST, INC. EXCHANGE TARIFF SECTION 5 WYOMING Issued: Page 110 Release 1 9/12/94 Effective: 5. EXCHANGE SERVICES 5.5 ~LIc 5.5.1 A. COMMUNICATI.ONSERVICE - COIN AND COLNLESS PUBLIC TELEPHO~ SERVICE Description A public telephone is an exchange telephone with an associated coin-collecting device installed at the Company’s initiative or option. The Company chooses or accepts the locations as suitable or necessary for fi.mnishing semice to the general public. Enclosures, including the necessary power wiring, may be firnished by the Company (see 5.5.2 .D.). B. Regulations 1. Public telephones are installed for the use of the general public and any use by occupants of the premises in which they are located is considered as incidental to this principal purpose. 2. The telephone will be removed or relocated when, in the opinion of the Company, the telephone or its contents maybe subjected to thefl or damage. 3. The Company will arrange with the owner or tenant of the premises for space and install the public telephones. Where desirable, additional arrangements will be made with the owner or tenant of the premises for supervision. 4. Enclosures and other items of supplemental equipment, and other facilities will be fiu-nished without charge where such provision will improve the quality of the service from the standpoint of the general public. 5. The Company will fimnish and display such of its standard signs as are necessary to properly advertise the station. At locations where it is necessary to secure a permit and pay a fee for the privilege of placing a sign, the owner or tenant may be required both to secure the permit and pay the fee. TCT WEST, INC. SECTION 5 Page 111 EXCHANGE TARIFF WYOMING Release 1 Issued: Effective: 9/12/94 5. EXCHANGE SERVICES ~LIC COMMUNICATION SERVICE - COIN AND COINLESS PUBLIC TELEPHONE SERVICE (Cent’d) 5.5 5.5.1 C. Message Charges CHARGE $0.35 ● Local messages, each ● Other local messages[ 1] 0.25 ● Local Calling Card Station-to-Station [2] ● Local Operator Station-to-Station [2] ● Local Operator Person-to-Person [2] [1] Applies to elementary, jr. high schools and high school locations. [2] See 6.2.1 for application of operator handled calls. This charge k in addition to the local message charge. ,-,, I+.Q/w ‘3xw-7T=q%-——— TCT WEST, INC. SECTION 5 Page 112 EXCHANGE TARIFF WYOMLNG Release 1 Issued: Effective: 9/12/94 5. EXCHANGE SERVICES 5.5 PUBLIC COMMUNICATION SERVICE - COIN AND COINLESS (Cent’d) 5.5.2 A. SHARED PAYPHONE SERVICE Description 1, Shared Payphone Service is a business exchange semice firnished to a customer intending to make the service available to the public on a charge per call basis. 2. Shared Payphone Senice is designed to meet telephone service requirements the following types of locations: ● ● Where, in the opinion of the Company, the installation of a public telephone is not warranted, but where there is a demand for service on the part of transients, Where there is a collective use of the service by a relatively stable body of guests, members, employees, or occupants. Such use should be incidental and therefore not as a substitute for regular telephone semice. 3. The shared payphone is equipped with collecting device. B. at either a touch-tone or rotary dial coin- Regulations 1. The location of the shared payphone will be mutually agreed upon by the customer and the Company. The telephone will be removed or relocated when, in the opinion of the Company, the telephone or its contents may be subject to theft or damage. 2. When extension service is provided per Section 5.5.5 with a shared payphone, notice stating thk fact shall be placed by the Company payphone location. a at the main shared —— . .. PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION r APPFKW [ EFFECTiVE: ~lXJC#(ET No: &~ c) D ~ W’G7 !3TATEOF lW~Ofifl~NG . .. .. . .... . ... ..... . . . . . .. - .~ -3 TCT WEST, INC. SECTION 5 EXCHANGE TARIFF Page 113 WYOMING Release 1 Issued: Effective: 9/12/94 5. EXCEIANGESERVICES 5.5 PUDLIC COMMUNICATION SERVICE- COIN AND COINLESS 5.5.2 B. SHARED PAYPHONE SERVICE Regulations (Cent’d) 3. The customer will reimburse the Company for any loss through theft of monies from the collecting device and for any damage or injury to the equipment from any source, including theft of the collecting device. See 4. below. 4, The Company has the right to require the redemption by the customer of all slugs and spurious, mutilated or foreign coins deposited in the coin receptacle at the value for which they were evidently deposited. The Company may disconnect and remove the coin telephone and any extension equipment if the customer refises to honor these arrangements. 5. Shared Payphone Service is not designed to supplant regular telephone service and, as such, will be provided only upon request and where there is an apparent need for the service to be used by the public as well as the customer. 6. Shared Payphone Semite will be fiwnished only on an individual line basis. 7. Shared Payphone Service is not provided on an FX basis nor in connection with combination access line service. The senice is not subject to discounts or concessions. 8. Shared Payphone Semite rates and charges include one business Additional listings will be furnished at regular rates and charges. listing. 9. The premises work charge, service and equipment and/or installation charge will not apply to moves and/or changes of shared payphones, where, in the opifion of the Company, such moves or changes are primarily to improve the service rendered to the public. 10. When service is fiumished outside the base rate area, local service increments specified in 5.1.6 will apply. 11. The minimum contract period is one month. 12. Shared Payphone Service will not be permitted Telephone Systems. to appear on PBX or Key ‘:>i:?::;p; i; ...ib’ml$i., fjl(’pd ‘?> ?:p~;+; ] ~j~~x ., ~. f0[% y. _ ; “%OP/-,J? -q ~ TCT WEST, INC. EXCHANGE TARIFF SECTION 5 Page 114 Release 1 WYOMING Issued: Effective: 9/12/94 5. EXCHANGE SERVICES 5.5 PUBLIC Co MMUNICATIONSERVICE - COIN AND COINLESS 5.5.2 SHARED PAYFHONE SERVICE B. Regulations (Cent’d) 13, The Company will fhrnish and display, at the customer’s request, such of its standard signs as are necessary to properly advertise the telephone. At locations where it is necessary to secure a permit and pay a fee for the privilege of placing a sign, the customer will be required to secure the permit and pay the fee. 14. Enclosures and other items of supplemental equipment will be provided in accordance with the rates, charges and regulations specified in D. The style, finish, and durability of the enclosure type selected will be mutually agreed upon by the customer and the Company. 15. Customers must provide, to Company personnel, ready access to the telephone equipment during normal working hours, Failure to do so could result in a loss of Shared Payphone Service. 16. Only one single slot coin box instrument shared payphone line. will be iimished and installed per 17. Shared Payphone Service is not represented as adapted for extension or data service. The service contemplates the provision of satisfactory voice transmission when only the main coin telephone station is in use. 18. The Company may apply, at no charge, additional ancillary equipment to the shared payphone for the purpose of enhancing or protecting service. Equipment such as an amplified handset, loud button, plug rejection apparatus, and informational stickers are examples of this type of equipment. 19. Toll calling plans, offered as Optional Service Offerings in Section 6., are not available to Shared Payphone Service customers. lo~c%’ w -%xw-jqq.. ,, - .-.-.. ., J TCT WEST, INC. EXCHANGE TARIFF WYOMING Issued: SECTION $ Page 115 Release 1 9/12/94 Effective: 5. EXCHANGE SERVICES 5.5 5.5.2 IWBLIC COMMUNICATION SERVICE - COIN AND COINLESS SHARED PAYPHONE SERVICE (Cent’d) Rates And Charges c. 1 The following service and equipment charge applies: ● ● To establish shared payphone main station semice; To changes in class of service to or from shared payphone service. SERVICE & EQUIPMENT - 2-way line, each[ 1] - Outgoing only line, each[l] - Unfidfilled termination agreement main station MONTHLY RATE Usoc CHARGE 1GS 1GK $137.50 137.50 $35.00 35.00 N/A 301.50 — 9 The following service and equipment change charge applies: L. “ for temporary transfer of calls, at customer’s request. SERVICE & EQUIPMENT CHARGE - Per activity, per CO access line changed [1] $30.00 Additionally, the network premises work charges, found elsewhere, will apply. With the signature of a termination agreement, the sewice and equipment charge and network premises work charges will be waived.