August 2014
August 2014
August 2014 H K NEWSLETTER The Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (Hong Kong) Chairman’s Message Hi Members of IOSH HK May I introduce myself as Mr Allen Wan working for a local university and grateful to be voted as the Chairman for 2014/15. More importantly, I hope you are just as proud as I am and the new ECs to be involved in this largest professional health and safety organization in the world (globally and locally) with over 40,000 total members in 99 countries strong as well as supported by over 100 monthly staff. In terms of strategy ahead, our team will: 1. Promote CMIOSH as the preferred choice of local OSH employment; 2. Be more active in bringing our voices to influence Hong Kong government’s policy related to OSH; 3. Strengthen the IPD processes aiming to assist local members in obtaining their Chartership status smoother at IOSH; and 4. Attempt to form closer alliances with key Hong Kong and South East Asia & Pacific region stakeholders as to be more influential in this region. Many consider 2014 is a challenging year for Hong Kong. No doubt, we being part of IOSH Hong Kong will encounter challenges too. If you are still not clear how you can be relevant for IOSH, consider reading the IOSH in 60 seconds here, or watch the new IOSH strategy 2012-17 here or simply talk to me or one of the ECs. Inside this Issue Chairman’s Message 1 New Management Team for 2014/15 2 Asia Pacific Occupational Safety & Health Organization 29 3 IOSH Chief Executive Talk: Our Strategic Directions for Promoting Health and Safety 4 IOSH Hong Kong Executive Networking Dinner 5 Guangzhou Work Safety Symposium 2014 6 Professional Development 7 Event Management 8 Snapshots of Professional Development Events 9 Membership Update 10 OSH Article for Sharing: Paper of Mr H K Lee, Extracted from Hong Kong Engineer of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (Sep 2013 Issue) 11 Acknowledgement 13 Editorial 13 Allow me to echo President Tim Briggs’ slogan that “Together wE Achieve More” (TEAM) and look forward to meeting you in person soon. Good health and safety, Allen Wan Chairman 2014/15 IOSH Hong Kong 1 of 13 New Management Team for 2014/15 Executive Committee Members 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Chairman Immediate Past Chairman Vice-Chairman Honorary Secretary Honorary Treasurer Director – Mainland China Affairs Director – International Affairs Director – Public Relations Director – Technical Supports Director – Membership Director – Mentorship Programme Director – Professional Development Director – Event Management Director – Publications Director – Communications Mr Ir Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Ir Dr Mr Mr Mr Mr Allen Wan Chi-kong Richard Tse Wing-ning Wong Wai-yin Lewis Cheng Wing-cheung Ivan Lam Kai-wing Chow Chi Wai Chow Kwok-yiu Tang Pak-shing Tang Wai-hung Ma Chi-sing Cheung Ka-fu Edmund Fung Chi-leung Tony Tang Chi-hou So Kin-hoi Hayes Wong Hon-hei 温志剛 謝永寕 黃偉賢 鄭永祥 林啟榮 周志偉 周國堯 鄧伯誠 鄧偉雄 馬志成 張嘉富 馮志良 鄧志豪 蘇建開 黃漢希 Honorary Advisors 1 2 3 4 5 6 Mr Mr Ir Ir Mr Ir Dr Philip Ng Mau-cheong Alexander Chan Chung-shing Jonathan Chung For Poon Yut-ming Alex Tse Chun-kuen Sammy Wan Kin-man 吳茂昌 陳宗城 鍾 科 潘日明 謝津權 温建文 Administrative Support 1 Mr Raymond Man Siu-fung 文少峰 2 of 13 Asia Pacific Occupational Safety & Health Organization 29 The Asia Pacific Occupational Safety & Health Organization (APOSHO) is a non-government, not profit-making, non-political organization. One of the major aims of APOSHO is to promote Occupational Safety & Health Standard in Asia Pacific area. With the support from our HQ, we submitted our application for Member to APOSHO this year. To show the importance, our Chairman, Mr Allen Wan and EC Member for International Affairs, Mr K Y Chow therefore attended the 29th Annual Conference of APOSHO (APOSHO 29) and Annual General Meeting (AGM) of APOSHO. The AGM of APOSHO was held in the morning of 5 July 2014 and our application was recommended by the Membership Committee and approved in the AGM of the APOSHO. Our Chairman Mr Allen Wan then represented IOSH HK to declare to join APOSHO as full member after the announcement of approval. Mr Wan then announced that IOSH HK would like to join 3 committees of APOSHO, namely: 1) Technical Committee; 2) Education and Training Committee; and 3) OSH Management System Committee. More, Hong Kong would also be the host of APOSHO 33 in Year 2018. Mr Allen Wan declared to join APOSHO as Full Member Mr John Lacey (right), Vice President of IOSH was presenting his talk in the conference Secretary General of APOSHO, Mr C M Law (centre) and IOSH Officers in APOSHO 29 Mr Tim Briggs was presenting his talk in the conference 3 of 13 IOSH Chief Executive Talk: Our Strategic Directions for Promoting Health and Safety The IOSH Chief Executive Talk: Our Strategic Directions in Promoting Health and Safety was held on 28 May, 2014 at PQ305, Core P, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom. The seminar attracted more than 50 participants. IOSH Chief Executive, Mr Jan Chimel, visited Hong Kong in late June and it provided unrivalled opportunities for our members of the Hong Kong Branch to talk to Mr Chimel and of course, share our experience and ideas for promoting a world of work which is safe, healthy and sustainable. With a wealth of international experience in developing and implementing strategies in various sectors, Mr Chimel shared with our members his experience and updated us on the IOSH strategies and directions. In his talk, he updated our members on how IOSH is progressing in promoting health and safety at works. He presented the strategic directions’ in the context of the vision and highlighted the key components in achieving the vision which are through influential leadership and membership development. Furthermore, he presented the roadmap for influential leadership and membership development. In summary of the way forward, he stated that the profession needs to become more externally facing to shape its future direction as this would drive more aspiration and clarity about its role. He also stated that competence of members needed to reflect the changing demand placed on the profession from this external world. Finally, he expressed that IOSH needed to ensure that all members of the profession, whatever their role or location, were supported in delivering the IOSH vision. At the end of his presentation, he promoted all the participants the following three questions for Hong Kong for discussion. • • • What were the key challenges facing Hong Kong? What could we do to support the health and safety agenda in Hong Kong? How could IOSH support members to deliver its agenda? At the same evening, Mr Lawrence Waterman, OBE, former president of IOSH and the former Head of Health and Safety of the Olympic Delivery Authority also shared his experience in managing health and safety for the London Olympic project in 2012 for a five step programme in achieving high performance. Mr Jan Chimel in his presentation Mr Lawrence Waterman in his presentation Group photos taken at end of the seminar 4 of 13 IOSH Hong Kong Executive Networking Dinner An Executive Networking Dinner was organised by IOSH Hong Kong on the evening of 27 May 2014 at World Trade Club aiming to provide an excellent opportunity for the local and overseas experts, professionals and executives to share their valuable experiences and exchange ideas and good practices in health and safety together with our IOSH Chief Executive, Mr Jan Chimel, and our Past President and the former Head of Health and Safety of Olympic Delivery Authority, Mr Lawrence Waterman, OBE, and the government officials, industry influencers and safety professionals during their visit to Hong Kong from 26 – 29 May 2014 for the Construction Safety Week 2014. During the Networking Dinner, Mr Jan Chimel, shared with the participants IOSH’s experience and updated us on the IOSH strategies and directions in promoting health and safety at works. He presented the strategic directions’ in the context of the vision and highlighted the key components in achieving the vision which are through influential leadership and membership development. Finally, he expressed that IOSH needed to ensure that all members of the profession, whatever their role or location, were supported in delivering the IOSH vision. Further to Jan’s talk, Mr Lawrence Waterman, OBE, also shared his experience in managing health and safety for the London Olympic project in 2012 for a five step programme in achieving high performance. The speeches were well received by the participants and some of the participants shared their own views at the end of their speeches. Guests attended the CE Networking Dinner Mr Lawrence Waterman, OBE was presenting his speech Mr. Jan Chimel was presenting his speech Experience sharing captured most participants’ attention as well as high tide of the dinner 5 of 13 Guangzhou Work Safety Symposium 2014 A group of 3 IOSH HK EC members attended the above Symposium, including the Chairman, Mr Allen Wan; Mr K Y Chow, EC Member, and Director for International Affairs; and Mr C W Chow, EC Member, and Director for Mainland China Affairs. IOSH HK supported the captioned Symposium by participation and contribution of a talk. In his name, Chairman Allen Wan delivered a talk titled “Sharing of Hong Kong’s examples” in the Symposium. The paper was published in the Symposium. The Symposium was chaired by Mr YU Shu-xi (俞述西), Chairman of Guangzhou Association of Work Safety (GZAWS); and the Guest of Honour included Miss ZHOU Xue-fang (周雪芳), Head of Guangzhou Administration of Work Safety. The person liaised with IOSH HK for the event was Miss Annie Wang ( 王 燕 玲 ), Secretary of GZAWS. The symposium was a success with about 100 participants. Opening address by Miss ZHOU Xue-fang (周雪芳), Head of Guangzhou Administration of Work Safety (middle) Mr Allen WAN Chi-kong in his presentation. Mr Allen WAN Chi-kong (left) received an appreciation certificate from Mr YU Shu-xi (俞述西) Audience of the Symposium. Group Photo: Miss Zhou Xue-fang (周雪芳) (3rd from left), Mr Yu Shu-xi (俞述西) (3rd from right), Mr Allen Wan Chi-kong (2nd from left), Mr Chow Kwok-yiu (2nd from right) 6 of 13 Professional Development Date Event Speaker 23 Apr 2014 Occupational Safety and Health Seminar on Protecting People from Respiratory Diseases at Work Mr Tim Briggs, IOSH President 25 Apr 2014 Hong Kong Annual Safety Conference 2014 - Measuring Safety performance 25 Apr 2014 The 14th Annual General Meeting and Members' Dinner 26 Apr 2014 Occupational Safety and Health Seminar on Upgrading your IOSH Skills from the President and more Ir Conrad T C Wong BBS, JP Chairman, Occupational Safety and Health Council, Hong Kong Mr S K Wu Risk Manager, Alliance Construction Materials Ltd Mr Victor C L Kwong Head of Corporate Health, Safety and Environment, The Hong Kong and China Gas Co. Ltd Mr Kam Yiu-kuen Head of Health, Safety and Environment, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Ir Terence T M Lam Chief Assistant Secretary (Works), Development Bureau, Government of the HKSAR Mr Timothy C T Lau Senior Manager / Safety and Health, Hong Kong Housing Authority, Government of the HKSAR Ir Christopher To Executive Director, Construction Industry Council Mr Tim Briggs IOSH President Mr Tim Briggs IOSH President 27 May 2014 IOSH Hong Kong Executive Networking Dinner Mr Jan Chimel, IOSH Chief Executive Mr Lawrence Waterman, OBE 28 May 2014 IOSH Chief Executive Talk on Our Strategic Directors for Promoting Health and Safety Mr Jan Chimel, IOSH Chief Executive 28 Jun 2014 Technical Visit – Sharing of Safety Aspects at West New Territories Landfill 15 Aug 2014 Occupational Safety and Health Seminar on Integrated S&E Management System in Container Terminal Mr William Wan Process Plant Manager, West New Territories Landfill Mr Bernard Wong Safety and Environment Manager of ATL Logistics Centre Hong Kong Ltd 7 of 13 Event Management Date Event Hosting Organisation 9 May 2014 Symposium on Mindset Change & Technology Embrace in Safety Engineering HKIE – SSC SOEHK 12 May 2014 Safety Seminar at Housing Department Housing Department 17-18 May 2014 2nd International Behavioural Safety Management Symposium Natural Scientific Foundation of China (NSFC) 10 Jun 2014 MTR Corporate Safety Month Opening Ceremony MTR Corporation 21 Jun 2014 Society Link Gathering on “MTR Ease Crowding Measures” MTR Corporation 14 Jul 2014 HK Electric Safety Week and delivered a speech Hong Kong Electric 15 Jul 2014 Safety Practitioner Award 2014 Lighthouse Club Hong Kong 24 Jul 2014 Technical Seminar on "Safety Operation of Mobile Cranes" CIC 30 Jul 2014 Information Session of BSc (Hons) in Occupational Safety, Health and Environment (Top-up) OUHK LiPACE 8 of 13 Snapshots of Professional Development Events Dr William Wan demonstrated a stretching exercise how to relieve the neck and back pain during the seminar on Chiropractic at Work Vice-Chairman Mr WY Wong presented a certificate of appreciation to Dr William Wan at the end of Seminar Mr Bernard Wong was presented his talk in the seminar on Integrated S&E Management System in Container Terminal Vice-Chairman Mr WY Wong presented a certificate of appreciation to Mr Bernard Wong at the end of Seminar A panorama view of West New Territories Landfill (WENT) at Nim Wan, Ping Shan Chairman Mr Allen Wan presented a certificate of appreciation to Mr William Wan, Processing Manager at the end of visit 9 of 13 Membership Update NO. OF IOSH MEMBERS Membership Statistics as of 23 June 2014 CFIOSH CMIOSH FIOSH (retired) Grad IOSH MIOSH (retired) Tech IOSH Affiliate Total Member 28 454 2 174 4 42 200 904 Tech IOSH 5% MIOSH (retired) 1% Affiliate 22% CFIOSH 3% CMIOSH 50% Grad IOSH 19% FIOSH 0% 10 of 13 OSH Article for Sharing: Paper of Mr H K Lee, Extracted from Hong Kong Engineer of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (Sep 2013 Issue) 11 of 13 OSH Article for Sharing: Paper of Mr H K Lee, Extracted from Hong Kong Engineer of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (Sep 2013 Issue) (cont.) 12 of 13 Acknowledgement We are most grateful to the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers for their kind permission to insert this article in our Newsletter for sharing with members. Editorial Welcome to the new and existing readers of our Branch Newsletter. This is the first issue for the session 2014/2015. As usual, you may find a summary of activities that IOSH HK has involved since last issue. In the AGM of APOSHO on 5 July 2014, IOSH HK succeeded in joining APOSHO as a full member. Mr Wan then announced that IOSH HK would join three committees, viz, Technical Committee, Education and Training Committee, and OSH Management System Committee. IOSH HK has accepted the invitation of the Hong Kong Federation of Occupational Safety & Health Association and will be joining the Federation as a full member. Besides, IOSH HK is actively liaising with Safety Specialist Committee (SSC) of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE) the feasibility of partnering in OSH issues in future. Commencing this issue, the Editorial got the consent of Hong Kong Engineer, Journal of the HKIE, to share with members and readers an OSH article from the September 2013 issue. We would appeal to members with any articles, papers, etc. being valuable for sharing in this Newsletter to contact the Editorial Team at for coming issues. Editorial Team Mr Allen Wan Mr K H So Mr Hayes Wong Mr Raymond Man IOSH Hong Kong P.O. Box 60010 Tsat Tsz Mui Post Office North Point, Hong Kong. Tel: 9025 6767 Fax: 2773 0550 Website: Email: Copyright 2014 IOSH Hong Kong All Rights Reserved 13 of 13