10-15emai8page template - Carmel Valley Women`s Club
10-15emai8page template - Carmel Valley Women`s Club
October 2015 Monterey Symphony’s Max Bragado Darman at Baja Cantina November 4th Holiday Extravaganza at Rancho Canada December 9th Pac Rep’s Stephen Moorer at Bernardus January 6th Carmel Valley Women’s Club Foundation Wednesday, December 9th 1 am—2 pm—Rancho Canada An Afternoon of Shopping—Luncheon—Entertainment Live and Silent Auctions Holiday Gifts and Goodies Michael Martinez, Pianist—Plus More Tickets: $40 available by calling 659-0934 Reserve by December 2nd Your Doctor Lays it on the Line at CVWC Lunch Laura Alexander and speaker Dr. David Weaver at the CVWC luncheon at Wills Fargo Restaurant WHAT to do (while you’re sitting in the waiting room) ‘til the doctor comes? Organize, organize, organize. That was the word from the doctor himself as he addressed members of the Carmel Valley Women’s Club at the luncheon at Wills Fargo earlier this month. When you are finally facing your 15 minutes of quality time, you can’t have too much info with you. Dr. David Weaver, a radiologist by profession and a reservoir of Weltschmerzian understanding, rattled off a number of items that will make your initial head-to-head meeting a successful one: Be specific about your complaint Bring records with you Know your medications and amounts Carmelvalleywomensclub.org Proceeds benefit the CVWC Foundation’s Fund for Scholarships and Grants Stay tuned for more details!!! Know your family history Know your level of stress (if you have a level; if you don’t, how did you wind up being so lucky?) Most important, know about your insurance Armed with these details, your visit will be much more meaningful, and you and your doctor will get to the heart of the matter much faster. Dr. Weaver led off the discussion by asking for questions himself. And so his audience complied. In fact, they dominated the conversation. tor has to extrapolate from your explanations, so be frank and fully honest with your comments. Don’t assume there’s nothing wrong; find out for sure. The afternoon ended with exciting upcoming reminders as Judy Zerlinden, co-chair of the Holiday Extravaganza with Cynthia Rivera, gave details for silent auction donations. She urged everyone to check out those closets, basements and attics for potential items. More on that in the next few pages of this newsletter. President Demi Briscoe’s opening remarks noted the successful campaign by the CVWC Foundation to assist firefighters in the recent Carmel Valley blaze. She also introduced recent members to the club, who are listed on the back of the newsletter. The winner of a cleverly concocted raffle basket by Pinkie Terry was Marilyn Clifton. How do you face your doctor alone? You don't. Bring someone else with you. It’s another pair of ears. How do you know if your complaints are real, or products of stress? Again, you don’t. A doc- Raffle winner Marilyn Clifton Page 2 CARMEL VALLEY WOMEN’S CLUB October 2015 Lunch With Dr. Weaver (contd): (Top row, left) Monique Gardiner, Gail Swihart; (middle) Eva Lindberg, Bergit Eisner; (right) Peggy Dickson, Betsy Shea and Sandi Sellmeyer; (Row 2, left) Demi Briscoe, Penny Wood; (middle) Marti Roberti, Jane Kelly; (right) June Fellows, Judi Zaches; bottom row, left) Judy Zerlinden, Renee Wagner; (middle) Robin Sokolow and Stephanie Byrne; (right) Pat Gray and Laura Dost. October 2015 CARMEL VALLEY WOMEN’S CLUB Page 3 November Lunch—Say It With Music ence at the upcoming CVWC luncheon, November 9th, at Baja Cantina in Carmel. Maestro Bragado will discuss the prevailing trend of treating symphonic concerts for children as one-off performances by overworked orchestras with too few rehearsals and too many visual and verbal distractions to make them vibrant, distinctive experiences for young audiences. The man at the helm of the Monterey Symphony has had his own personal date with destiny since his first year in Monterey over ten years ago. His directive was to take charge of one of the state’s top symphony orchestras, but his own personal mission was to engage children in serious music appreciation, and that mission hasn’t changed. He will explain all to his audi- He will explain the Monterey Symphony’s approach, his approach, and the proven success rate for area youth. Thousands of young people each year, from Watsonville to King City, are exposed to this hands-on type of experience and the results speak for themselves. His students don’t get a truncated version of a musical piece; they get the whole piece. At the concerts, Bragado is aided in his musical interpretations by the flamboyant, charismatic Dr. Todd Samra, who directs the pre-concert lectures and engages his young subjects. As you savor the topic, you’ll enjoy the luncheon menu as well. Baja Cantina is offering an exciting buffet of chicken, steak and veggie fajitas, followed by the Cantina’s own caramel flan. The all-inclusive menu is a mere $35. HERE’S ALL YOU NEED TO DO Contact our own Penny Wood at 659-0934, or you can e-mail her, at pennyw45@yahoo.com and give her the number of people in your party. Mail your check made payable to CVWC Founda- tion PO Box 407, Carmel Valley, CA 93924, but be sure to call Penny first. Reservations must be made by Friday, October 30th, and remember, space at Baja is limited, so sign up now. As you’re readying your check for the party, why not take this opportunity to enclose an additional $40 for next year’s CVWC dues? The new 2015-16 directory will be printed in midNovember, so you must handle your transactions accordingly. If you want to be in it, you’re simply two weeks away from deadline. This is one envelope, one check, and no one bugging you. See you October 7th at Baja Cantina.. Message from President Demi Briscoe Dear Members, Behind the scenes are a score of women who are making things happen for your Carmel Valley Women’s Club. The group of ladies who are planning the Holiday Extravaganza, Judy Zurlinden and Cynthia Rivera, along with the famous crew from last year who did such a wonderful job: Connie Hong-Smith, Sally King, Monique Gardiner Pinkie Terry, Janice Robertson and Cheryl Thompson are already hard at work. They are preparing for a wonderful celebration, so mark your calendars: Wednesday, December 9th at noon at Rancho Canada. women have met with their committees and have already started the planning that will result in another stunning event. This next general meeting November 4th at noon we will have the privilege of hearing the wisdom of Max Bragado-Darman, the Music Director of our Monterey Symphony. Max is an entertaining speaker who has infinite wisdom about the world of classical music and we are honored that he agreed to come and entertain us as the Symphony celebrates their 70th anniversary season. So make your reservations with Penny Wood early as seating is limited at Baja Cantina. In addition to these magnificent fundraisers Why not consider introducing a friend to the are the two women heading up the Fashion Show world of the Carmel Valley Women’s Club? We Committee, Stephanie Byrne and Jackie Lynch, love guests at our luncheons! both of whom have begun preparations for next Regards, year’s major event in April, 2016. These two busy Demi Page 4 CARMEL VALLEY WOMEN’S CLUB ADVERTISEMENT Spotted on the Streets WHEREVER you head, in the Village and environs, there are events that bring our CVWC family together. Lately it was the Carmel Valley Fiesta and the BBQ at the horse sta- October 2015 ADVERTISEMENT bles, and some evening soirees. You might say, Women’s Club members hang out. Here are a few shots. You know who you are... American-Mexican Cuisine MON-SAT • 7 a.m-8 p.m. Sunday • 8:30-2:45 Phone: 659-4601 13 W Carmel Valley Road in the Village ADVERTISEMENT Giving investors a fighting chance in both Up and Down markets Carmel Rancho Boulevard, Carmel 831 624 7783 kilzerwealth@gmail.com Carmel Valley Business Service and Variety Store Kathy Sharpe Studio & Gallery 13766 Center Street in Carmel Valley Village Oil and Watercolor Paintings Scarves, cards, needlepoint canvas For all your printing needs, call 659-3161 www.CVbizservice@gmail.com Open for your convenience.. Monday -- Friday 7 am--7 pm Saturday -- 8 am -- 7 pm Sunday -- 9 am -- 6 pm Desiree Gillingham www.shellshades.com MARKETING & DESIGN Located at 2 Chambers Lane In the heart of Carmel Valley Village 659 • 2472 www.carmelvalleymkt.com Web & Social Media Communications Marketing and Press Relations Graphic Design WENDY LOFTIN (831) 731-0246 info@makmlook.com Carmel ~ 915-5052 October 2015 CARMEL VALLEY WOMEN’S CLUB December Extravaganza is Nearing! 015 nza 2 C a CVW Extravag ay d i l o H ARE you prepared? December is just around the corner...well, a mere month and some change away, and the stage is literally being set for the first grand fund raiser of the 2015-16 season, the CVWC Holiday Extravaganza, December 9th. The location is the favorite Rancho Canada, replete with tons of space for dining, silent auction items and entertainment. So that’s what we’ll do, with your help. We’ll even throw in some live auction items—trips to Paris, balloon tours, a fine dining experience on the Italian Riviera—of course, it’s up to you to come up with all those dreamy events. But you can begin doing some scouting right now for silent auction items. Below is a clipable form to tuck into your reticule as you pursue daily activities. You stop at the dry cleaners. Are they up for a free coupon? How about your favorite restaurant? There’s always the art gallery on your block—a photo, maybe, or a certificate to frame. Wine is a favorite, particularly when you couple it with a box lunch from your local deli. Beer and wine tours always sell quickly, and they can be packaged with other Page 5 ADVERTISEMENT items. When you make your contact, ask your contributor to fill out this form and bring it with you to the next lunch. Don’t forget your own private collections of goodies. Check the basement, attic, garage, neighbor’s garage. Or consider making a donation of cash. It’s a great, uncomplicated way to go. When you have your items together, here’s where you can take them: 7-Eleven Stores 2 Convenient Locations 425 425 Canyon Canyon Del Del Rey Rey Road Road Del Del Rey Rey Oaks Oaks 381 381 David David Avenue Avenue Pacific Pacific Grove Grove Jacqueline Jacqueline Lynch, Lynch, Franchisee Franchisee July Zurlinden’s house at 90 Ford Road in the Village, or Isolis Pizza in the Mid Valley Shopping Center. Janice Robertson is the owner. Then be sure to sign up for the lunch! It’s a sell-out you won’t want to miss! All proceeds go to the CVWC Foundation’s Scholarship Fund. A fabulous new shop for Patio ~ Home ~ Garden in Carmel Valley Village Carmel Valley Women’s Club and Foundation—Holiday Extravaganza Wednesday, December 9th, at Rancho Canada Brought to you by Brintons 8 Pilot Road ~ Carmel Valley, CA 93924 Donation Form Item Submitted by: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Value of Your Item:____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Description of Item (Use separate Sheets): __________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Start Bidding At: _______________________________ Cash/Check Donation: $________________________________ Contact Phone: ___________________________________ E Mail:________________________________________________________ The pretty party date, where you can help create silent auction baskets and packages, is December 8th at 10 am at Los Laureles Lodge’s Boronda Room. Any questions, or for help with pick‐up, call Judy Zurlinden, 595‐0848; Cynthia Rivera, 624‐3757; Sally King, 659‐2631; or Connie Hong‐Smith, 659‐8169. CARMEL VALLEY ~ COMPUTER ~ PHONE REPAIR carmelvalleycpr@gmail.com Ryan Zotovich 13 W. Carmel Valley Road Carmel Valley, CA 93924 831-659-5309 on the web: CVCPR.COM October 2015 CARMEL VALLEY WOMEN’S CLUB ADVERTISEMENT Page 6 ADVERTISEMENT Carmel Valley Women’s Club Renewal Application Please fill out and return with $40 dues payment to: Membership Chair, PO Box 407, Carmel Valley, CA 93924 A A California California Historic Historic Country Country Inn Inn Please print Everything to Build a Home Fine Dining Name_____________________Spouse____________ Carmel Valley, CA 93924 Address:_____________City_____________Zip____ Reservations: Building Materials • Tools Plumbing • Electric Paint • Landscape Needs Home phone:______________Cell:________________ 659-2291 Work Phone:_________E-Mail:___________________ Family owned & operated since 1904 Saloon • 659-2233 www.loslaureles.com Newsletter by mail: yes_____ no_____ Here is your last chance to be a part of the Carmel Valley Women’s Association 2015-16 Directory! Don’t miss the opportunity! FYI,, delivery by US mail costs the Women’s Club $2.50 per copy. That’s $25 per person a year that doesn’t go to the scholarship winners! Your email delivery is appreciated. ANNUAL DUES $40.00! Attorneys at Law Estate Planning • Civil Litigation Land Use/Real Estate • Business Law Salinas, CA 831 424 1414 Monterey, CA 831 373 3622 indig design indigenous California gardens Peigi Duvall, APLD, BFQL 650-704-3926 www.indigdesign.com Sustainable Landscape Design DoctorsofOptometry 106MidValleyCenter For the finest in locatedleftofSafeway interior design… ServingtheMontereyPeninsula contact withthebestinprofessional eyecare 625-3911 In Carmel Valley www.drshartford.com Britton Designs 659-0444 In Carmel Valley Village Page 7 CARMEL VALLEY WOMEN’S CLUB CVWC Foundation News The group has several goals in mind, many of which were already reached. The formation phase of the foundation is moving along according to strategy. The foundation exceeded its fundraising goals of $25,000 last year, and distributed a total of $28,000— $22,000 for scholarships and $6,000 to local non profit organizations. AT the newly minted Carmel Valley Women’s Club Foundation meeting this past summer, the board added new members and elected a slate of new officers for its board of directors. New board members are Jackie Lynch and Debra Crawford. Reelected are June Dawson and Pinkie Terry for two– year terms. “Designated Directors” include Demi Briscoe, Monique Gardner and Renee Wagner, while continuing board members are Connie HongSmith through June, 2016, and Peggy Dickson through December, 2015. Kimberly Briggs is legal advisor. The board reviewed accomplishments to date and envisioned several plans. Officials elected are the following: Chairman of the Board and President, Demi Briscoe; Vice President, Debra Crawford; Secretary, Monique Gardner; Treasurer, June Dawson, and Assistant Secretary, Pinkie Terry. The CVWC has received scores of thank you notes from students and groups alike. The YWCA proudly mentioned its new emergency shelter, the CV Community Youth Center was pleased to put their donation to use in the Senior Meals program, the Friends of the CV Public Library will use its grant for renovation, and meals on Wheels will apply its funding to the Sally Griffin Active Living Center programs. In addition, the foundation’s new Community Allocation Committee has created an emergency relief fund of $2000 to be put into use immediately if a situation occurs. Its first use was to fund the Carmel Valley fire department during this summer’s flare up. Other highlights include an expansion of our donor base to include several trusts formed by individual members, and one member has generously named the foundation as a life insurance beneficiary. Fashion Show co-chair Ann October 2015 ADVERTISEMENT Flood was heartily thanked for her five-year stint as runway queen, and the reins have been handed over to co-chairs Stephanie Byrne and Jackie Lynch. Other good news guaranteeing last year's success came from generous outside support. Pebble Beach Corporation had waived the $6,000-rental fee for the Fashion Show; Scheid Vineyards had donated over $2,500 for three events; Los Laureles Lodge had donated meeting space and two pretty parties, Isolis Pizza proprietor and member Janice Robertson gave numerous donations of food, coffee and meeting space. Pinkie Terry continued to donate copious amounts of paper, printer ink and time to create menus, posters and programs for the foundation’s many fund raising events. She has also been mistress of the raffle basket surprises that accompany every lunch. Outgoing chair Peggy Dickson noted that all these fund raising successes were made possible by the members and their contacts. ’s y e r f Jef GRILL & CATERING When your occasion matters. * Weddings * Reunions * Birthdays* Our innovative offerings, or your personal favorites 112 Mid Valley Center Carmel Valley, CA 93924 831-624-2029 est roperties . Real Estate Management • Sales Vacation Rentals Commercial Leases Residential Rentals Management & Maintenance 659-0445 BRE # 00953487 New plans are currently afoot for the upcoming Holiday Extravaganza and the Fashion Show. More foundation news will appear in the November newsletter. CST 31005049-10 PAMELA NORTON BOB McGINNIS TRAVEL PO BOX 5097—5th & Mission Carmel, CA 93921 Office : 541-708-6158 or, Cell: 831-809-0476 norton3721@gmail.com VIRTUOSO MEMBER SPECIALISTS IN THE ART OF TRAVEL Page 8 CARMEL VALLEY WOMEN’S CLUB October 2015 Something to Buzz About Carmel Valley Office Whiz Lindsey ~ 831-277-1868 whiz.lindsey@sothebyhomes.com BRE#02176877 Shelley Risko ~ 831-238-2101 Shelley@shelleyrisko.com BRE#01440339 Sotheby’s — “Global Reach, Local Knowledge” IF you can’t get enough news about bees, come to the Friends of the Carmel Valley Library’s First Saturday speaker series, Saturday, November 7th, at 10:30. Expert beekeeper Jake Reisdorf will instruct you how to keep your bees “healthy and happy,” in our present climate—no easy feat. ADVERTISEMENT The Finest Specialty Cuts The 12-year old beekeeper comes by his knowledge after a homework assignment in elementary school led him into extensive and well-respected research on the lives of bees. ≈ Cured ≈ Spiced ≈ Smoked ≈ Great For Holiday Gift giving! 831 620 5520 WWW.ALEXANDERGOURMET.COM His talk will be followed by an open house celebration at 1PM. For more information, call 659-2377. Who We Are THE Carmel Valley Women’s Club is a social organization consisting of community-minded Monterey Peninsula women con- Who’s New? cerned with the welfare of Carmel Valley, the education of Carmel Valley’s young women, and the individual needs of its membership. Photo by Marcia Hayes CARMEL VALLEY WOMEN’S CLUB P.O. BOX 407 CARMEL VALLEY, CA 93924 Welcome to new members, Mary George, Shelby Lambert, Christine Oster, Shirley Peake, Karolyn Stone, If you’re interested in joining an active group of women donating time and funding to our community, call Membership Chair, Pat Gray, at 650-417-5902, or pat@patgrayincolor.com.