Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual
Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual
Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual Release 16.5 ii Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual Please direct questions about Xpediter/CICS or comments on this document to: Xpediter/CICS Customer Support http://go.compuware.com/ This document and the product referenced in it are subject to the following legends: Copyright 1984 - 2016 Compuware Corporation. All rights reserved. Unpublished rights reserved under the Copyright Laws of the United States. U.S. GOVERNMENT RIGHTS-Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in Compuware Corporation license agreement and as provided in DFARS 227.7202-1(a) and 227.7202-3(a) (1995), DFARS 252.227-7013(c)(1)(ii) (OCT 1988), FAR 12.212(a) (1995), FAR 52.227-19, or FAR 52.227-14 (ALT III), as applicable. Compuware Corporation. This product contains confidential information and trade secrets of Compuware Corporation. Use, disclosure, or reproduction is prohibited without the prior express written permission of Compuware Corporation. Access is limited to authorized users. Use of this product is subject to the terms and conditions of the user’s License Agreement with Compuware Corporation. Xpediter, Xpediter/CICS, Xpediter/Xchange, Xpediter/Code Coverage, Abend-AID for CICS, FrontLine, and Compuware are trademarks or registered trademarks of Compuware Corporation. CICSPlex, CICS Transaction Server, DB2, DFSMS, IBM, MQ Series, MVS, MVS/ESA, OS/390, VTAM, WebSphere MQ, and z/OS are trademarks or registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation. Adobe® Reader® is a trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries. All other company and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. Doc. JAN2016 December 18, 2015 iii Contents Figures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xv Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xix Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xxi Intended Audience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xxii System Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xxii Related Publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xxii Online Documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .xxiii Reading the Syntax Diagrams. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .xxiii Customer Support. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xxiv Compuware Go Customer Support Website . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xxiv Contacting Customer Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xxiv Corporate Website . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xxv Information for Customer Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xxv Chapter 1. Product Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 Product Architecture. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-2 XPED and XPRT Transactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3 XPSP Transaction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4 Product Functions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5 Chapter 2. Product Conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1 Accessing Xpediter/CICS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1 Accessing the XPED and XPRT Transactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1 Accessing XPSP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-3 Selecting Functions from Menus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-5 Transferring Between Screens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-5 Interface Conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-5 Common Screen Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-6 PF Key Settings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-7 Update Password Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-8 Preparing Programs for Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-9 Optimization Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-9 Automatic Trap Activation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-10 Setting and Removing Breakpoints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-11 Setting Breakpoints by Primary Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-11 Setting Breakpoints by Line Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-11 Setting Breakpoints by Statement Number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-11 Setting Breakpoints by Offset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-12 Setting Multiple Breakpoints. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-12 Deleting Breakpoints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-12 Retaining Breakpoints When Loading a New Copy of a Program . . . . . . 2-13 Setting and Deleting Keeps. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-13 Intelligent Autokeeps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-13 Setting Keeps for Qualified Variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-14 Removing Keeps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-14 Finding and Locating Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-15 3270 Web Bridge Support. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-15 Exiting Xpediter/CICS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-16 Input Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-17 iv Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual Output Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-17 Chapter 3. Primary Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1 Variable and Common Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1 Variable Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1 Common Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-9 Primary Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-23 ABEND (ABE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-23 ACCESS (ACC, LINK) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-23 AFTER (AFT, A) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-24 ALLOW. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-25 BEFORE (BEF, B) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-25 BOTTOM (BOT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-26 CALC (??) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-27 CANCEL (CAN) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-28 CAPTURE (CAP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-28 CHAIN (CHN) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-30 CHECK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-31 CLOSE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-31 COLS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-31 COUNT (COU, C) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-31 CREATE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-32 DBOTTOM (DBOT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-33 DDOWN (DDN) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-33 DELETE (DEL, D) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-34 DISPLAYP (DP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-35 DLEFT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-35 DLET. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-36 DOWN (DN). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-36 DRIGHT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-37 DS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-38 DTOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-38 DUP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-38 ELEMENT (ELEM, EL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-39 END . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-39 EXCLUDE (EXC, EX, X) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-40 EXEC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-41 EXIT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-41 FILE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-42 FIND (F) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-42 FIRST (FIR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-46 GETPUT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-46 GHN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-46 GHNP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-47 GHU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-47 GN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-47 GNP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-48 GO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-48 GOTO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-51 GPREGS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-53 GROUP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-53 GU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-53 HELP (HLP). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-54 HEX (HX) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-59 INCLUDE (INC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-59 INSERT (I) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-60 INTERCEPT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-61 v ISRT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-62 KEEP (K) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-62 KEYS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-64 LEFT (LE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-64 LIBRARY (LIB) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-65 LOAD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-65 LOCATE (LOC, L) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-66 LOCK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-76 MEMORY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-76 MENU (MEN). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-77 MONITOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-77 MOVE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-77 NEXT (NXT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-79 ONETIME. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-80 OPEN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-81 PCB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-81 PEEK (P) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-81 PFSHOW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-82 PREV (PRV) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-82 PRINT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-82 PSEUDOSOURCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-83 PUT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-85 READ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-85 REDISP (RED). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-85 REFRESH (REF) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-85 RELEASE (REL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-86 REMOVE (REM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-86 REPEAT (REP). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-87 REPL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-87 REPLACE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-87 RESAVE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-88 RESET (RES) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-88 RESTORE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-89 RESUME (RSM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-89 RETRIEVE (?) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-90 REVERSE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-90 REWRITE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-91 RFIND (RF). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-92 RIGHT (RI) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-92 RUNTO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-93 SAVE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-94 SELECT (SEL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-94 SET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-104 SHOW (SH) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-113 SKIP (SKI, S) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-118 SOURCE (SOU) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-120 SVCDUMP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-120 TERM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-120 TOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-120 UNLOCK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-120 UP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-121 UPDATE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-122 USING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-122 VERIFY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-122 VS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-123 WHEN (W). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-123 vi Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual WRAUX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WRITE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . = Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-124 3-124 3-125 3-125 Chapter 4. Line Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1 A (After) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-4 Source Listing and List Breakpoints screens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-4 Other screens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-5 AC (After Conditional) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-5 B (Before) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-5 Source Listing and List Breakpoints screens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-5 Other screens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-5 B (Browse) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-6 BC (Before Conditional) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-6 C (Close) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-6 C (Copy) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-6 C (Count). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-6 CC (Count Block) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-6 D (Delete) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-7 Source Listing Screen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-7 List Breakpoints Screen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-7 Break/Abend Screen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-8 Intercept Summary Screen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-8 Load Profile Screen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-8 Saved Traps Screen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-8 CSECT Screens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-8 Editing and Listing DL/I Segments Screens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-8 Other File Utility Screens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-8 DA (Delete After) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-8 DB (Delete Before) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-8 DC (Delete Count) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-9 DD (Delete Block) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-9 DH (Delete Hex) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-9 DK (Delete Keep) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-9 DO (Delete Onetime) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-9 DS (Delete Skip). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-10 DV (Delete Verify) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-10 DZ (Delete Runto) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-10 DDA (Delete Block After) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-10 DDB (Delete Block Before) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-10 DDC (Delete Block Count) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-11 DDK (Delete Block Keep). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-11 DDS (Delete Block Skip) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-11 DDV (Delete Block Verify) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-11 F (First). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-12 GT (Go To). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-12 H (Hex) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-12 I (Insert) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-12 Trap, Trace, and, Storage Protection Screens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-12 Edit DL/I Segment (5.4.4) Screen and DB2 File Utility Screens. . . . . . . . 4-12 I (Intercept) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-13 IA (Insert After) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-13 IB (Insert Before) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-13 K (Keep) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-13 KK (Keep Block) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-13 L (Last) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-14 vii L (Lock) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-14 M (Move) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-14 MM (Move Block) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-14 O (Onetime) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-14 O (Open) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-15 P (Path) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-15 P (Peek) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-15 Q (Easy Query) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-15 R (Release) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-15 R (Reload) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-15 R (Rename) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-15 R (Replicate) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-16 S (Save) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-16 S (Select) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-16 S (Unconditional Skip) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-16 SC (Conditional Skip) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-17 SS (Select Block) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-17 SS (Skip Block). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-17 U (Unlock) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-17 V (Verify). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-17 VV (Verify Block) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-17 X (Exclude) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-18 DB2 Build SQL Easy Query (5.5.2) Screen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-18 Source Listing Screen (2.L) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-18 XX (Exclude Block) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-18 DB2 Build SQL Easy Query Screen (5.5.2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-18 Source Listing Screen (2.L) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-18 Z (Runto) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-18 Chapter 5. Restricted Operating Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1 Diagnosis Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1 Utilities Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-2 Diagnosis/Utilities Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-2 Available Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-3 Chapter 6. Session Profile Screens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-1 Establishing a Profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-1 Session Profile Menu (0) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-2 Set Profile Defaults (0.1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-3 Global Parameters Used to Initialize Defaults. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-3 Input Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-4 Primary PF Key Settings (0.2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-9 Global Parameters Used to Initialize Defaults. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-9 Input Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-10 Translate Table (0.3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-10 Load Profile (0.4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-11 Loading a Profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-11 Input Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-12 Output Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-12 Establishing a New Profile from Another User . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-13 Establishing a New Name for the Profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-13 Save Profile (0.5) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-13 Updating a Profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-14 Script Dataset Allocation (0.6) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-14 Input Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-15 Output Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-17 viii Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual Chapter 7. Session Control Screens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-1 Session Control Menu (1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-1 List Breakpoints (1.1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-2 Input Field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-2 Output Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-3 Setting Breakpoints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-3 List Abends (1.3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-4 Input Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-5 Output Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-5 Trace Summary (1.4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-5 Input Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-6 Output Field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-7 Saved Traps (1.5) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-7 Input Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-8 Output Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-8 Trap Summary (1.6). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-9 Input Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-10 Output Field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-13 Trapping in a CICSPlex Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-13 Trapping Remote Abends or Breakpoints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-14 Intercept Summary (1.7) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-14 Input Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-15 Output Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-15 Storage Protection (1.8). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-15 Input Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-16 Output Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-18 Define User Labels (1.9) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-18 Default Base Labels. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-19 Input Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-20 Output Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-21 MONITOR Summary (1.M) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-21 Input Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-22 Output Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-23 NEWCOPY Programs (1.N) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-23 Input Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-23 Output Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-24 Resource Summary (1.P) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-24 Input Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-25 Output Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-25 Chapter 8. Debugging Facilities Screens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-1 Debugging Facilities Menu (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-1 Source Listing (2.L) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-3 Line Commands. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-4 Data Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-7 Break/Abend (2.1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-8 Input Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-9 Output Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-9 Memory Display (2.2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-10 Data Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-11 Input Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-12 Select Address Screen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-14 Input Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-14 Output Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-14 Program Storage (2.3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-15 Data Display Formats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-16 Input Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-18 ix Output Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-18 Program Trace (2.4). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-19 Output Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-20 PRINT Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-20 Display EIB (2.5) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-22 CSECT/Function Display Menu (2.6) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-23 List of CSECTs (2.6.1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-24 Input Field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-24 Output Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-24 Long Mixed Case CSECT Name Display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-25 CSECT Selections (2.6.2). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-25 Input Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-26 Output Field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-26 List of DLL Functions (2.6.F) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-26 Input Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-27 Output Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-28 SHOW WHEN (2.7). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-28 Input Field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-29 Output Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-29 Last 3270 Screen (2.8) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-29 Channels and Containers Menu (2.C) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-29 Program Channel Display (2.C.1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8-30 Input Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-30 Output Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-31 Channel Container Display (2.C.2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-31 Input Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-32 Output Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-32 Browse Container Data (2.C.3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-33 Input Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-33 Data Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-34 DSECTs (2.D). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-34 Data Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-35 Input Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-35 CICS Resources (2.R) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8-36 Input Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-36 Output Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-37 Task Storage Display (2.S) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-45 Input Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-46 Output Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-47 Assembler Break/Abend (2.20) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-47 Data Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-48 Input Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-48 Output Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-49 Chapter 9. File Utility Screens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-1 Using the Xpediter/CICS I/O Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-1 File Utility Menu (5) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-2 CICS Datasets Menu (5.1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-3 CICS Dataset List (5.1.1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-3 Input Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-4 Output Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-5 Browse CICS Dataset (5.1.2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-6 Input Field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-7 Output Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-7 Edit CICS Dataset Record (5.1.3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-8 Input Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-9 Output Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-10 x Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual Temporary Storage Menu (5.2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Temporary Storage Queue List (5.2.1). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Input Field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Output Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Browse Temporary Storage (5.2.2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Input Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Output Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Edit Queued Record (5.2.3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Input Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Output Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Transient Data Menu (5.3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Transient Data Queue List (5.3.1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Input Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Output Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Edit Transient Data Queue Record (5.3.2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Input Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Output Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DL/1 Database Menu (5.4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DL/1 PSB List (5.4.1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Input Field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Output Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DL/1 PCB List (5.4.2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Input Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Output Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DL/1 Segment List (5.4.3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Input Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Output Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Edit DL/1 Segment (5.4.4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Input Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Output Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DB2 Easy Query Menu (5.5) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DB2 Setup (5.5.0). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Input Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Output Field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DB2 Table/View List (5.5.1). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Input Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Output Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DB2 Build SQL Easy Query (5.5.2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Input Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Output Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DB2 Browse Generated SQL Call (5.5.3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Output Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DB2 Browse Result Table (5.5.4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Input Field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Output Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DB2 Edit Result Table Row (5.5.5) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Input Field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Output Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DB2 Edit Composite Column (5.5.6) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Data Display Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Input Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Output Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DB2 Long Identifier Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MQ Menu (5.6) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MQ Setup (5.6.0) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Input Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-11 9-11 9-12 9-13 9-14 9-14 9-15 9-15 9-16 9-17 9-17 9-18 9-18 9-19 9-20 9-21 9-21 9-22 9-22 9-23 9-23 9-24 9-24 9-24 9-25 9-25 9-26 9-26 9-28 9-32 9-34 9-34 9-35 9-37 9-37 9-38 9-39 9-40 9-40 9-42 9-43 9-44 9-44 9-44 9-45 9-45 9-46 9-46 9-48 9-49 9-49 9-49 9-50 9-51 9-52 9-53 xi MQ Queue List (5.6.1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-53 Input Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-54 Output Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-55 Browse MQ Queue Message (5.6.2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-55 Input Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-56 Output Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-56 Update MQ Queue Message (5.6.3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-58 Input Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-58 Output Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-59 Chapter 10. Abend-AID for CICS Interface Screens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-1 Abend-AID for CICS Interface Menu (7) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10-1 Abend-AID for CICS Snap Dump (7.1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-2 Abend-AID for CICS Report Directory (7.2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-2 Abend-AID for CICS Diagnostics (7.3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-3 Chapter 11. System Facilities Screens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-1 Using the XPSP Transaction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-1 Primary Menu for XPSP Users . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-2 System Facilities Menu (9) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-2 View Single Task (9.1). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-4 Data Display Areas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-4 Output Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-4 Memory Display (9.2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-5 Data Display Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-6 Input Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-6 Select Address Screen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-8 Input Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-9 Output Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-9 List All Tasks (9.3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-9 Input Field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-10 Output Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-10 Monitor Facilities (9.4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-11 Monitor Exceptions (9.4.1). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11-11 Default Monitor Exceptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-12 Input Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-14 Output Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-14 Monitor Eligibility (9.4.2). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-14 Input Field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-15 Output Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-15 CSECT Exclusions (9.5). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-15 Input Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-16 Trap Summary (9.6) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11-16 Input Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-18 Output Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-21 Trapping in a CICSPlex Environment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-21 Trapping Remote Abends or Breakpoints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-21 Storage Exceptions (9.7) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-22 Input Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-23 Storage Protection (9.8) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-24 Input Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-25 Output Field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-26 Define System Labels (9.9) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-26 Input Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-27 Output Field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-28 DSECTs (9.D). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-28 Data Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-29 xii Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual Input Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SLS Datasets (9.L). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Input Field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Output Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Resource Summary (9.P) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Input Field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Output Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-29 11-30 11-31 11-31 11-31 11-32 11-32 Chapter 12. Xpediter/Code Coverage Interface Screen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-1 Code Coverage Interface Menu (C). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-1 Chapter 13. Xpediter/Xchange Interface Screen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-1 Xpediter/Xchange Simulated Date Time Settings Menu (G) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-1 Chapter 14. CICSPlex Facilities Screens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CICSPlex Menu (P) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Registered Xpediter/CICS Regions (P.1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Output Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Registered Xpediter Sessions (P.2). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Output Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Routing Mask Summary (P.3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Output Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Routing Trace Summary (P.4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Output Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Registered WLM Regions (P.5) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Output Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Xpediter Subsystem User Summary (P.6) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Output Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-1 14-1 14-2 14-2 14-3 14-3 14-4 14-4 14-5 14-6 14-7 14-8 14-9 14-9 Chapter 15. Storage Protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Using Storage Protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Protecting Against Storage Violations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Disabling Storage Protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Protecting Language Environment User Condition Handlers . . . . . . . . . . . . System Labels for Creating Storage Protection Exceptions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Storage Protection Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Transaction Dump Output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CSMT Message . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Transaction Dump Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Address Validation Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Detailed Error Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-1 15-1 15-2 15-2 15-3 15-4 15-4 15-5 15-6 15-6 15-7 15-9 15-9 Chapter 16. NEWCOPY Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-1 Chapter 17. Intercommunication Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MRO and ISC Debugging Considerations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Example Debugging Procedure Using CICS Static Transaction Routing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Distributed Transaction Processing Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Distributed Program Link (DPL) Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Local Region. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Remote Region . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CPSM Dynamic Transaction Routing (DTR) Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . Xpediter Transaction Routing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . User Transaction and Distributed Program Link Routing . . . . . . . . . . . . XPON Transaction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Adding a Service Provider to an Active CICSPlex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-1 17-1 17-2 17-2 17-3 17-3 17-3 17-4 17-4 17-6 17-7 17-8 xiii Non-CPSM Dynamic Transaction Routing (DTR) Considerations . . . . . . . . . 17-8 Example 1. Manually Start Xpediter in Multiple AORs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-8 Example 2. Automatically Start Xpediter in Multiple AORs. . . . . . . . . . . 17-9 Example 3. Automatically Start Xpediter in Multiple AORs. . . . . . . . . . . 17-9 Chapter 18. Using the Xpediter TP Configuration File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-1 Efficiency Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-1 Record Identifiers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-1 Service Provider Records . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-1 Batch Interface to Xpediter/CICS NEWCOPY Records . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-2 Chapter 19. Remote Operations Command Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19-1 Using the ROCI Feature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19-1 Remote Operations Primary Menu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19-1 Configuration File (0) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19-2 Input Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19-3 Output Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19-3 ADD ENTRY Screen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19-4 Input Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19-5 Output Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19-6 UPDATE ENTRY Screen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19-6 Input Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19-7 Output Field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19-8 Operations Commands Screen (1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19-8 Input Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19-9 Output Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19-10 Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G-1 Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I-1 xiv Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual xv Figures 1-1. 1-2. 1-3. 2-1. 2-2. 2-3. 2-4. 2-5. 2-6. 2-7. 3-1. 3-2. 3-3. 3-4. 3-5. 3-6. 3-7. 3-8. 3-9. 3-10. 3-11. 3-12. 3-13. 3-14. 3-15. 3-16. 3-17. 3-18. 3-19. 3-20. 6-1. 6-2. 6-3. 6-4. 6-5. 6-6. 6-7. 6-8. 7-1. 7-2. 7-3. 7-4. 7-5. 7-6. 7-7. 7-8. 7-9. 7-10. 7-11. 7-12. 7-13. 8-1. 8-2. 8-3. 8-4. 8-5. Primary Menu (XPED/XPRT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-4 Copyright/Trade Secret Notice Screen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-4 System Facilities Menu (9) for XPSP Users . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-5 Primary Menu (XPED/XPRT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-2 Primary Menu (XPSP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-4 Common Screen Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-6 OPT Indicator on Source Listing (2.L) Screen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-9 ATA Notification Screen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-10 3270 Web Bridge Support. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-15 Exit Session Screen (X) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-16 FOOT Register Hotspots 32-bit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-96 FOOT Register Hotspots 64-bit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-96 FOOT Float Hotspots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-96 FOOT Float Hotspots IEEE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-97 FOOT Data Hotspots. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-97 FOOT Status Hotspots. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-97 Define User Labels Screen (1.9) Hotspots. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-98 DSECTs Screen (2.D) Hotspots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-98 Source Listing Screen (2.L) Hotspots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-99 Break/Abend Screen (2.1) Hotspots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-99 Memory Display Screen (2.2) Hotspots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-100 Defined Storage Screen (2.3) Hotspots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-100 Using SHOW ADDRESS Command and Hotspots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-101 Assembler Break/Abend Screen (2.20) Hotspots. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-101 Assembler Break/Abend Screen (2.20) Hotspots. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-102 List of CSECTs Screen (2.6.1) Hotspots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-102 Memory Display Screen (9.2) Hotspots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-103 Storage Exceptions Screen (9.7) Hotspots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-103 Define System Labels Screen (9.9) Hotspots. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-104 DSECTS Screen (9.D) Hotspots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-104 Session Profile Menu (0) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-2 Set Profile Defaults Screen (0.1) Page 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-3 Set Profile Defaults Screen (0.1) Page 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-7 Primary PF Key Settings Screen (0.2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-9 Output Translate Table Screen (0.3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-11 Load Profile Screen (0.4). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-11 Save Profile Screen (0.5) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-14 Script Dataset Allocation Screen (0.6) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-14 Session Control Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-1 List Breakpoints Screen (1.1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-2 List Abends Screen (1.3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-4 Trace Summary Screen (1.4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-6 Saved Traps Screen (1.5) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-7 Trap Summary Screen (1.6) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-10 Intercept Summary (1.7). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-14 Storage Protection Screen (1.8). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-16 Define User Labels Screen (1.9) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-19 MONITOR Summary Screen (1.M) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-22 NEWCOPY Programs Screen (1.N) Before Wildcard Expansion . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-23 NEWCOPY Programs Screen (1.N) After Wildcard Expansion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-24 Resource Summary Screen (1.P) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-25 Debugging Facilities Menu (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8-2 Source Listing Screen (2.L) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8-4 Break/Abend Screen (2.1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8-8 Memory Display Screen (2.2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8-11 Select Address Screen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8-14 xvi Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual 8-6. 8-7. 8-8. 8-9. 8-10. 8-11. 8-12. 8-13. 8-14. 8-15. 8-16. 8-17. 8-18. 8-19. 8-20. 8-21. 8-22. 8-23. 8-24. 8-25. 8-26. 8-27. 8-28. 8-29. 9-1. 9-2. 9-3. 9-4. 9-5. 9-6. 9-7. 9-8. 9-9. 9-10. 9-11. 9-12. 9-13. 9-14. 9-15. 9-16. 9-17. 9-18. 9-19. 9-20. 9-21. 9-22. 9-23. 9-24. 9-25. 9-26. 9-27. 9-28. 9-29. 9-30. 9-31. 9-32. 9-33. 10-1. 10-2. 10-3. 10-4. Working Storage Screen (2.3) for COBOL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8-15 Program Trace Screen (2.4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8-19 Program Trace Screen (2.4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8-19 Program Trace Output Parameters Screen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8-21 Display EIB Screen (2.5) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8-23 CSECT/Function Display Menu (2.6) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8-23 List of CSECTs Screen (2.6.1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8-24 List of CSECTs Screen Displaying Long Name Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8-25 CSECT Selections Screen (2.6.2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8-26 List of DLL Functions Screen (2.6.F). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8-27 SHOW WHEN Screen (2.7) for C, COBOL and PL/I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8-28 Local Abend on the Last 3270 Screen for the COBOL Demo Program . . . . . . . . .8-29 Channels and Containers Menu (2.C) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8-30 Program Channel Display (2.C.1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8-30 Channel Container Display (2.C.2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8-32 Browse Container Data (2.C.3). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8-33 DSECTs Screen (2.D) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8-35 Program Attributes on the CICS Resources Screen (2.R) (Part 1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8-37 Program Attributes on the CICS Resources Screen (2.R) (Part 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8-37 Transaction Attributes on the CICS Resources Screen (2.R) (Part 1) . . . . . . . . . . .8-42 Transaction Attributes on the CICS Resources Screen (2.R) (Part 2) . . . . . . . . . . .8-42 Task Storage Display (2.S). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8-46 Assembler Break/Abend Screen (2.20) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8-47 Assembler Break/Abend Screen (2.20) z/Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8-48 File Utility Menu (5) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-2 CICS Datasets Menu (5.1). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-3 CICS Dataset List Screen (5.1.1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-4 Browse CICS Dataset Screen (5.1.2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-6 Edit CICS Dataset Record Screen (5.1.3). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-9 Temporary Storage Menu (5.2). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-11 Temporary Storage Queue List Screen (5.2.1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-12 Browse Temporary Storage Screen (5.2.2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-14 Edit Queued Record Screen (5.2.3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-15 Transient Data Menu (5.3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-17 Transient Data Queue List Screen (5.3.1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-18 Edit Transient Data Queue Record Screen (5.3.2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-20 DL/1 Database Menu (5.4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-22 DL/1 PSB List Screen (5.4.1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-23 DL/1 PCB List Screen (5.4.2). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-24 DL/1 Segment List Screen (5.4.3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-25 Edit DL/1 Segment Screen (5.4.4). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-27 DB2 Easy Query Menu (5.5) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-34 DB2 Setup Screen (5.5.0) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-35 DB2 Table/View List Screen (5.5.1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-38 DB2 Build SQL Easy Query Screen (5.5.2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-40 DB2 Browse Generated SQL Call Screen (5.5.3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-43 DB2 Browse Result Table Screen (5.5.4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-44 DB2 Edit Result Table Row Screen (5.5.5) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-46 DB2 Edit Composite Column Screen (5.5.6) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-48 DB2 Table/View List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-50 DB2 Build SQL Easy Query . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-51 DB2 Browse Generated SQL Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-51 MQ Menu (5.6) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-52 MQ Setup Screen (5.6.0) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-52 MQ Queue List Screen (5.6.1). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-54 Browse MQ Queue Message Screen (5.6.2). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-56 Update MQ Queue Message Screen (5.6.3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-58 Abend-AID for CICS Interface Menu (7) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10-1 Abend-AID for CICS Diagnostic Summary Screen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10-2 Abend-AID for CICS Directory Screen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10-3 Abend-AID for CICS IBM Message Text Screen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10-4 Figures 11-1. 11-2. 11-3. 11-4. 11-5. 11-6. 11-7. 11-8. 11-9. 11-10. 11-11. 11-12. 11-13. 11-14. 11-15. 11-16. 11-17. 12-1. 13-1. 14-1. 14-2. 14-3. 14-4. 14-5. 14-6. 14-7. 15-1. 15-2. 15-3. 15-4. 15-5. 15-6. 19-1. 19-2. 19-3. 19-4. 19-5. xvii Primary Menu (XPSP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11-2 System Facilities Menu (9) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11-3 View Single Task Screen (9.1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11-4 Memory Display Screen (9.2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11-6 Select Address Screen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11-9 List All Tasks Screen (9.3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11-10 Monitor Facilities Screen (9.4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11-11 Monitor Exceptions Screen (9.4.1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11-12 Monitor Eligibility Screen (9.4.2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11-15 CSECT Exclusions Screen (9.5) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11-16 Trap Summary Screen (9.6) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11-17 Storage Exceptions Screen (9.7) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11-22 Storage Protection Screen (9.8). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11-24 Define System Labels Screen (9.9) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11-27 DSECTs Screen (9.D) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11-29 SLS Datasets Screen (9.L) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11-30 Resource Summary Screen (9.P) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11-32 Code Coverage Interface Menu (C) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12-1 Xpediter/Xchange Simulated Date Time Settings Menu (G) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13-1 CICSPlex Menu (P) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14-1 Registered Xpediter/CICS Regions Screen (P.1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14-2 Registered Xpediter Sessions Screen (P.2). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14-3 Routing Mask Summary Screen (P.3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14-4 Routing Trace Summary Screen (P.4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14-6 Registered WLM Regions Screen (P.5) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14-8 Xpediter Subsystem User Summary Screen (P.6) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14-9 Storage Protection Entries for Protecting Storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15-2 Storage Protection Entries for Disabling Storage Monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15-3 Language Environment Storage Protection Entries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15-4 Handler Module Exclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15-4 System Labels for Accessing the EIB Transaction ID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15-5 Transaction Dump Example. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15-8 Remote Operations Primary Menu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19-2 Configuration File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19-3 Add Entry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19-5 Update Entry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19-7 Operations Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19-9 xviii Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual xix Tables 1-1. 2-1. 2-2. 3-1. 3-2. 3-3. 4-1. 5-1. 6-1. 6-2. 9-1. 9-2. 9-3. 9-4. 9-5. 9-6. 9-7. 11-1. 17-1. Product Function Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-5 Optimization Indicator Display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-6 Default PF Key Settings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-7 Reserved Label Values. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-3 LIBRARY Information Sections. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-65 LOCATE Listing-Section Parameter Keywords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-68 Line Command Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-1 Available Xpediter/CICS Functions by Operating Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-3 Xpediter Global Parameters for Set Profile Defaults Screen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-3 Xpediter Global Parameters for Script Dataset Allocation Screen . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-15 File Utility Scrolling Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-2 Qualified SSA Sections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-29 Relational Operators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-31 Xpediter Global Parameters for DB2 Setup Screen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-35 Xpediter Global Parameters for DB2 Table/View List Screen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-38 DB2 Relational Operators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-41 DB2 Boolean Operators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-42 System Entries for Exceptions to Monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11-12 Transactions Requiring SYsid or Applid Parameter in DTR Environment. . . . . . .17-5 xx Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual xxi Introduction Intro This manual documents the functions, commands, screens, and messages for Xpediter/CICS Release 16.5, and contains the following chapters: Chapter 1, “Product Overview”: Introduces you to Xpediter/CICS and discusses the need for an interactive debugging tool. The overview also includes a list of the functions and new features for Xpediter/CICS 16.5. Chapter 2, “Product Conventions”: Describes information that is common throughout Xpediter/CICS, including PF key assignments, common screen fields, and accessing and exiting Xpediter/CICS. Chapter 3, “Primary Commands”: Describes each primary command available in Xpediter/CICS. Chapter 4, “Line Commands”: Describes each line command available in Xpediter/CICS. Chapter 5, “Restricted Operating Modes”: Describes the three modes that allow a site to tailor its Xpediter/CICS implementation to suit the processing integrity and throughput requirements of its various CICS regions. Chapter 6, “Session Profile Screens”: Describes the screens used to establish or modify user profile values for Xpediter/CICS sessions. Chapter 7, “Session Control Screens”: Describes the screens used to control selected options for a debugging session. Chapter 8, “Debugging Facilities Screens”: Describes the screens used to assist you in debugging programs. Chapter 9, “File Utility Screens”: Describes the screens used to access CICS file resource functions. Chapter 10, “Abend-AID for CICS Interface Screens”: Describes the screens used to access the Abend-AID for CICS interface function. Chapter 11, “System Facilities Screens”: Describes the screens used to control the processing of Assembler, C, COBOL, or PL/I programs. (Available to XPSP-level users only.) Chapter 12, “Xpediter/Code Coverage Interface Screen”: Describes the screen used to provide direct access to Code Coverage from within Xpediter/CICS. Chapter 13, “Xpediter/Xchange Interface Screen”: describes the screen available to provide direct access to Xpediter/Xchange from within Xpediter/CICS. Chapter 14, “CICSPlex Facilities Screens”: Describes the screens available in the Xpediter CICSPlex facility to aid in debugging programs in a CICSplex. Chapter 15, “Storage Protection”: Describes the different methods of initiating Xpediter’s storage protection facility and the ways in which it can be tailored to meet your site’s needs. Chapter 16, “NEWCOPY Function”: Describes the NEWC transaction and its ability to create new copies of programs containing breakpoints. Chapter 17, “Intercommunication Considerations”: Describes special procedures for using Xpediter/CICS in a multi-region environment. xxii Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual Chapter 18, “Using the Xpediter TP Configuration File”: Describes the dataset used to identify Service Providers to share CICSPlex information and identify the CICS regions for contact by the Batch Interface to Xpediter/CICS NEWCOPY. Chapter 19, “Remote Operations Command Interface”: Describes the use of the Remote Operations Command Interface (ROCI), which allows both Startup and Shutdown of the product in multiple CICS regions from an ISPF interface. “Glossary”: Defines Xpediter features and key terms. Once the product is installed, you can take advantage of Xpediter’s extensive HELP facility. It provides detailed information on all product features. Intended Audience Xpediter/CICS is structured for several levels of users. Its three access transactions — XPED, XPRT, and XPSP — are described below: XPED: Intended for application programmers who are familiar with a source level focus. XPRT: Intended for application programmers who are familiar with a break/abend focus. XPSP: Intended for experienced system programmers who are authorized to update CICS tables and control areas. Access to this transaction should be restricted. System Environment See the Xpediter/CICS Release Notes for the most current system environment information. Related Publications The documents in the following list are no longer provided in the installation package. For details, see “Online Documentation” below. • Xpediter/CICS Release Notes: Overview of release features, supported operating environments, customer support, and any new Xpediter information. • Xpediter/CICS Installation and Configuration Guide: Gives step-by-step instructions for the system programmer to configure, customize, and maintain Xpediter/CICS. Refer to it when installing Xpediter/CICS according to the Compuware Installer Mainframe Products SMP/E Installation Guide. • Xpediter/CICS Quick Configuration Guide: Provides an abbreviated set of steps to quickly configure Xpediter. • Xpediter/CICS User Guide for Assembler, COBOL, PL/I, or C: Introduction to Xpediter’s levels, screens, and functions. • Xpediter/CICS Quick Reference: Handy reference for screen IDs and command syntax. • Xpediter/CICS Messages and Codes: Lists error and warning messages that might be encountered during installation or use of Xpediter. For information regarding Compuware Shared Services, refer to the Enterprise Common Components Installation and Customization Guide. Introduction xxiii Online Documentation The Xpediter/CICS product installation package does not include the product documentation. Access the Xpediter/CICS documentation from the Compuware Go customer support website at http://go.compuware.com in the following electronic formats: • • • • Release Notes in HTML format Product manuals in PDF format Adobe PDF index file (PDX file) Product manuals in HTML format. The product documentation is available for viewing or downloading: • View PDF files with the free Adobe Reader, available at http://www.adobe.com. • View HTML files with any standard web browser. Reading the Syntax Diagrams Syntax diagrams define primary command syntax. A parameter is either a keyword or a variable. All KEYWORDs are shown in uppercase characters and must be spelled exactly as shown. You cannot substitute another value. If any part of a KEYWORD is shown in lowercase characters, that part is optional. Variables are user-specified values and are printed in lowercase italics. For example, dataset-name indicates you are to substitute a value. The syntax for commands is described in diagrams that help you visualize parameter use. The following example shows a command and a parameter: Read the diagrams from left to right and from top to bottom. These symbols help you follow the path of the syntax: indicates the beginning of a statement. indicates the statement is continued on the next line. indicates the statement is continued from the previous line. indicates the end of a statement. Required parameters appear on the horizontal line (the main path). Optional parameters appear below the main path. Default parameters appear above the main path and are optional. The command executes the same regardless of whether the default parameter is included. Vertically stacked parameters are mutually exclusive. If you must choose a parameter, one item of the stack appears on the main path. If the parameters are optional, the entire xxiv Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual stack appears below the main path. If a parameter in a stack is the default, it appears above the main path. If the same parameters are used with several commands, their syntax may be documented in a separate diagram. In the command syntax, these common parameters are indicated with separators before and after the parameter name. An arrow returning to the left indicates a repeatable item. If the arrow contains a comma, separate the repeated items with a comma. Customer Support Compuware provides a variety of support resources to make it easy for you to find the information you need. Compuware Go Customer Support Website You can access online information for Compuware products via our Compuware Go customer support website at http://go.compuware.com. Compuware Go provides access to critical information about your Compuware products. You can review frequently asked questions, read or download documentation, access product fixes, or e-mail your questions or comments. The first time you access Compuware Go, you are required to register and obtain a password. Registration is free. Contacting Customer Support Phone • USA and Canada: 1-800-538-7822 or 1-313-227-5444. • All other countries: Contact your local Compuware office. Contact information is available at http://go.compuware.com. Web You can report issues via the Quick Link Create & View Support Cases on the Compuware Go home page. Note: Please report all high-priority issues by telephone. Mail Compuware Customer Support Compuware Corporation Introduction xxv One Campus Martius Detroit, MI 48226-5099 Corporate Website To access Compuware’s site on the Web, go to http://www.compuware.com. The Compuware site provides a variety of product and support information. Information for Customer Support If problems arise, please check your manual for assistance. If problems persist, please obtain the following information before calling Compuware for assistance. This information will help determine the exact cause of the problem as quickly as possible. 1. Identify the release number of Compuware product(s) in use. 2. Identify the operating system. 3. Identify the release of CICS Transaction Server that is being used. 4. If an abend occurs, note the displacement and the module in which it occurs. If possible, obtain a copy of the system dump. 5. Note the sequence of steps (including all commands issued) that resulted in the problem. Also note any variable data types and programming languages involved. 6. To receive product fixes electronically, be ready to provide your email address. xxvi Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual 1-1 Chapter 1. Product Overview Chap 1 Xpediter/CICS gives the CICS programmer complete control over the execution of application code, trapping of abends, and access to data files and CICS storage, including tables and DSECTs. An easy-to-use architecture allows you to interactively debug application programs quickly and accurately. Xpediter/CICS lets you control the execution of your program and monitor its status at any time. You can set breakpoints to suspend execution (with or without conditions), change the program logic flow, intercept abends or storage violations, and many other functions, all without leaving the test session or recompiling. Xpediter/CICS allows you to interact directly with the program as it executes, allowing you to perform the following functions: • View and interact with program source code, online. • Display and update records in files, transient data, temporary storage, DB2 tables, and DL/I databases. Xpediter also gives you the option of logging any changes. • List, browse, and update MQ message queues. • Stop execution of a program at any point and examine working storage. • Resume execution at any point in the program. • Execute statements one at a time while examining program logic. • Modify any unprotected program data, CICS table, or CICS area. • Monitor remote transactions. • Ensure region integrity through storage protection. Using Xpediter/CICS, you can observe a program as it executes, stop execution, look at intermediate results, correct problems as they arise, and proceed with the test. When Xpediter/CICS traps an abend, it displays a wealth of information that aids in understanding and correcting that abend. You can even resolve multiple problems during a single test session. Xpediter’s Script Facility allows you to record selected primary and line commands entered during a debugging session, save them in a dataset, and then replay them later. Xpediter/CICS provides alternatives for problem resolution. When the product identifies a problem, you can select particular statements at which to suspend execution, then analyze both working storage and a program trace. If a program stops at an abend, you can correct the problem or bypass the abend. To bypass an abend, just instruct Xpediter to resume execution at a statement number or offset past the point of the abend. Three restricted modes of operation — Diagnosis Mode, Utilities Mode, and Diagnosis/Utilities Mode — allow a site to tailor its Xpediter implementation to suit the processing integrity and throughput requirements of its various CICS regions. This means you can deploy Xpediter/CICS as a crucial, safe, and effective tool in your production CICS regions. Utilizing Xpediter in a restricted operating mode, especially along with Abend-AID for CICS, lets you quickly diagnose and resolve critical production failures without wasting time and effort recreating the problem in a test region. Note: All descriptions in this manual, unless otherwise noted, pertain to Xpediter’s standard, non-restricted operating mode. 1-2 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual Product Architecture Xpediter/CICS is designed to provide different levels of functionality. The ISPF-like nature of Xpediter and its source-based approach make it immediately familiar. Yet it is powerful enough to meet your most complex debugging requirements. Xpediter/CICS provides an efficient, non-intrusive architecture that can protect the CICS region from storage violations. It also offers complete CICS-specific debugging capabilities for both application and system programmers in the CICS environment. Xpediter/CICS supports applications written in Assembler, C, COBOL, or PL/I, plus a variety of other programming languages on a sourceless Assembler instruction-level basis. Xpediter’s unique multi-access design lets users access the product through their choice of three separate and securable debugging transactions: • XPED access causes Xpediter to display the Source Listing screen (2.L) when an abend occurs or a breakpoint is encountered. • XPRT retains the feel of earlier releases by displaying the Break/Abend screen (2.1) at an abend or breakpoint. • XPSP access provides all the power of the XPED and XPRT transactions, plus additional system maintenance capabilities for the CICS specialist responsible for supporting the CICS region. XPED is the standard transaction used by application programmers. All the commands and functions available with XPED can also be accessed through the XPRT transaction. With either transaction, Xpediter/CICS provides: • Display-only access to CICS storage areas • Update capability for application transaction storage areas • Access to FCT or CEDA-defined files, transient data, temporary storage, IMS databases, DB2 tables, and MQ message queues. The only real difference between the two transactions is that when a breakpoint is reached or an abend occurs, XPED displays the Source Listing screen (2.L), while XPRT displays the Break/Abend screen (2.1). The XPSP transaction is designed for those system programmers authorized to update unprotected CICS tables and control areas. It permits unrestricted storage area updates and provides hung task analysis, along with other special region maintenance and debugging functions. XPSP allows you to establish and control system-wide storage protection. Xpediter can also be configured to operate in any of three restricted modes of operation: • Diagnosis Mode • Utilities Mode • Diagnosis/Utilities Mode. These modes allow a site to tailor its Xpediter implementation to suit the processing integrity and throughput requirements of its various CICS regions. In Diagnosis Mode, the user is prevented from modifying data or changing the sequence of program execution. In Utilities Mode, only the Xpediter file utility, storage display facility, and source listing utility are accessible. Storage, databases, and files can be viewed and modified, but trap, trace, and monitor functions are unavailable. Diagnosis/Utilities Mode combines the restrictions of the other two modes. You can access Xpediter’s file utility and source listing utility and view storage on the Memory Display (2.2 and 9.2) and DSECTs (2.D and 9.D) screens. A mode indicator message is displayed in the upper left-hand corner of all Xpediter screens when the product is operating in one of the restricted modes. For more information see Chapter 5, “Restricted Operating Modes”. Product Overview 1-3 Note: All descriptions in this manual, unless otherwise noted, pertain to Xpediter’s standard, non-restricted operating mode. XPED and XPRT Transactions The XPED transaction accesses all of Xpediter/CICS’s functions for source-level testing and debugging of your application program. The XPRT transaction is intended for CICS application programmers who prefer the break/abend approach to testing and debugging that was used in earlier releases of Xpediter/CICS. Both transactions provide the same enhanced debugging features and allow you to browse CICS storage areas. XPED and XPRT also let you specify storage protection options, abend traps, and trace options. You can customize your debugging session through profile options that you can store and use again. If an abend occurs, Xpediter/CICS automatically displays either the Source Listing screen (2.L) for XPED users, or the Break/Abend screen (2.1) for XPRT users. The Xpediter/CICS Primary Menu, shown in Figure 1-1, lists the screen number and name of each product facility menu available via the XPED and XPRT transactions. The option shown for Code Coverage, a sophisticated and powerful tool used with Xpediter/CICS to verify the thoroughness of testing, is only displayed if the separate Xpediter/Code Coverage product has been installed for the current CICS region. The option shown for Xchange/CICS is only displayed if Xpediter/Xchange is active in the CICS region. The option shown for CICSPlex facilities is only displayed if the CICSPLX global parameter is set to YES. There are four main ways you can navigate through Xpediter/CICS: • Type one of the screen numbers from a displayed menu in the COMMAND field and press Enter. • Move the cursor next to the desired screen number on a menu, type S, and press Enter. • Transfer directly to any product screen by typing an equal sign (=) followed by the complete screen number — for instance =5.2.2 — then pressing Enter. • Use PF keys to transfer to commonly used screens. The PF keys and defaults for the corresponding screens are as follows: PF6 LOCATE * (2.L or 2.20) PF13 Primary Menu PF14 Memory Display screen (2.2) PF16 Defined Storage screen (2.3) PF17 Program Trace screen (2.4) PF21 File Utility Menu (5). 1-4 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual Figure 1-1. Primary Menu (XPED/XPRT) --------------------- XPEDITER/CICS 16.05.00- PRIMARY MENU ----------------C123 COMMAND ===> PROGRAM: MODULE: 0 1 2 5 7 SESSION PROFILE SESSION CONTROL DEBUGGING FACILITIES FILE UTILITY ABEND-AID FOR CICS - Set default session attributes Analyze summary of session events Interactively debug application programs Access datasets, temp stg, trans data, DLI, DB2 Interface to Abend-AID for CICS C G P X CODE COVERAGE XCHANGE/CICS CICSPLEX FACILITIES EXIT - Interface to Xpediter/Code Coverage Interface to Xpediter/Xchange CICS Facilities Access CICSPlex Control Facilities Exit Xpediter To set breakpoints in your program or keep specific data fields, enter your program name and use either the SOURCE command or PF key. For Online Technical Support refer to: http://frontline.compuware.com NOTICE: Press PF2/PF14 to display the Copyright/Trade Secret Notice While the Primary Menu is displayed, pressing PF2 or PF14 will display the copyright and trade secret notices as shown in Figure 1-2. Figure 1-2. Copyright/Trade Secret Notice Screen ------------------------ XPEDITER/CICS - HELP FACILITY --------------------C123 COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> CSR MODULE: ******** HIT PF1 AGAIN FOR HELP ON USING TUTORIALS ******** Help Module: DBUHLEGL Commands: END (Prev screen) CANCEL (Exit help) UP DOWN Line 1 of 19 Copyright 1984 - 2016 Compuware Corporation. All rights reserved. Unpublished - rights reserved under the Copyright Laws of the United States. | | | | | | | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- U. S. GOVERNMENT RIGHTS | Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to | restrictions as set forth in Compuware Corporation license agreement | and as provided in DFARS 227.7202-1(a) and 227.7202-3(a) (1995), | DFARS 252.227-7013(c)(1)(ii)(OCT 1988), Far 12.212(a) (1995), FAR | 52.227-19, or FAR 52.227-14 (ALT III), as applicable. | Compuware Corporation | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- THIS PRODUCT CONTAINS CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION AND TRADE SECRETS OF COMPUWARE CORPORATION. USE, DISCLOSURE, OR REPRODUCTION IS PROHIBITED WITHOUT THE PRIOR EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMISSION OF COMPUWARE CORPORATION. ACCESS IS LIMITED TO AUTHORIZED USERS. USE OF THIS PRODUCT IS SUBJECT TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS XPSP Transaction The XPSP transaction gives the CICS system programmer all the functionality of the XPED and XPRT transactions, and adds special CICS region-related utilities. When you access Xpediter/CICS with XPSP, the Primary Menu displayed is similar to the XPED/XPRT Primary Menu, but with one additional option: 9 SYSTEM FACILITIES - Access global region analysis facilities When you select option 9, System Facilities, you have access to the extended XPSP functions, which include: • A CICS storage and table editor Product Overview 1-5 • Power to activate storage protection anywhere in the CICS region • Ability to analyze hung (system suspended) CICS transactions and chain through CICS storage areas. The System Facilities Menu (Figure 1-3) shows the additional functions available to the XPSP user. Figure 1-3. System Facilities Menu (9) for XPSP Users ------------------ XPEDITER/CICS - SYSTEM FACILITIES MENU (9) -------------C123 COMMAND ===> MODULE: CSECT: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 D L P VIEW SINGLE TASK MEMORY TASK LIST MONITOR FACILITIES CSECT EXCLUSIONS TRAP SUMMARY STORAGE EXCEPTIONS STORAGE PROTECTION SYSTEM LABELS DSECTS SLS DATASETS RESOURCE SUMMARY - View a selected task Display/modify memory List all Tasks in the CICS region Display/modify monitoring rules Display/modify CSECT exclusions Display/modify global ABEND traps Display/modify global storage protection exceptions Display/modify global storage protection entries Create system labels for storage areas Display formatted DSECTs Process SLS datasets Display/remove global breakpoints/keeps Product Functions All screens and functions that are available to XPED and XPRT users are also available to XPSP users. All screens that are numbered with an initial 9 are available only to XPSP users. This manual includes eight chapters devoted to each of the high level menus accessed from the Primary Menu. For example, the Source Listing screen (2.L) and all the other screens that start with a 2 can be found in Chapter 8, “Debugging Facilities Screens”. Table 1-1 shows all the functions available in Xpediter/CICS. It also briefly describes each function and lists the screens from which each function is available. Table 1-1. Product Function Summary Function Description Screen ID Set profile defaults Sets default session options which control the Xpediter/CICS session. XPED/XPRT 0.1 XPSP 0.1 Primary PF key settings Sets the PF key settings for controlling the session. XPED/XPRT 0.2 XPSP 0.2 Load new user profile Loads default session values from an existing profile. XPED/XPRT 0.4 XPSP 0.4 Save user profile Saves the current session default values to the Xpediter/CICS profile dataset. XPED/XPRT 0.5 XPSP 0.5 Script dataset allocation Defines allocation parameters for system and user script XPED/XPRT 0.6 datasets. XPSP 0.6 List breakpoints Sets and removes program breakpoints and displays those already set. XPED/XPRT 1.1 XPSP 1.1 List abends Shows a summary of all breaks/abends trapped during the current debugging session. XPED/XPRT 1.3 XPSP 1.3 Trace summary Sets the logic flow trace facility options for the current session. XPED/XPRT 1.4 XPSP 1.4 1-6 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual Table 1-1. Product Function Summary Function Description Screen ID Saved traps Displays all saved traps and allows users to delete or reload individual save traps, or reload all saved traps. XPED/XPRT 1.5 XPSP 1.5 Trap summary Sets traps and/or conditional traps for transaction abends by user ID, NETNAME, terminal, program, transaction, client IP address, server IP address, and/or server port number. XPED/XPRT 1.6 XPSP 1.6 (also 9.6) Intercept summary Provides an easy method for entering multiple intercept XPED/XPRT 1.7 commands. XPSP 1.7 Storage protection Sets storage protection by terminal, transaction, or program and displays all current storage protection entries. XPED/XPRT 1.8 XPSP 1.8 (also 9.8) Define user labels Defines, changes, and deletes labels that equate to storage locations. XPED/XPRT 1.9 XPSP 1.9 Resource summary Displays, by program, a list of breakpoints, skips, counts, XPED/XPRT 1.P and keeps set at the terminal. XPSP 1.P, 9.P Source listing Allows online viewing of the compiled program listing. XPED/XPRT 2.L XPSP 2.L Break/abend Views break, abend, or storage violation information. XPED/XPRT 2.1 XPSP 2.1 Memory display Allows the display of all tables and storage areas in CICS XPED/XPRT 2.2 and the update of certain tables and storage areas. XPSP 2.2, 9.2 View break/abend Assembler format Displays Assembler instructions and registers at break/abend time. XPED/XPRT 2.20 XPSP 2.20 Program storage Allows display and update of variables in Assembler, C, COBOL, and PL/I programs for a program that is currently at a break or abend. XPED/XPRT 2.3 XPSP 2.3 Program trace Displays the logic flow trace of an application program XPED/XPRT 2.4 that has just executed or is currently at a break/abend if XPSP 2.4 trace is on. Display EIB Displays the execute interface block (EIB) in an easy-to- XPED/XPRT 2.5 read format. XPSP 2.5 List of CSECTs Displays the list of CSECTs used in the program identified as well as indicating the offset and length. XPED/XPRT 2.6.1, XPSP 2.6.1 CSECT Selections Displays the CSECTs selected for debugging. XPED/XPRT 2.6.2 XPSP 2.6.2 List of Functions Displays a list of functions in the DLL identified. XPED 2.6.F Show When screen Displays active when-conditions set during a debugging XPED/XPRT 2.7 session. XPSP 2.7 Last 3270 screen Displays the last 3270 application screen sent or received by the application program at a break/abend. Available for local traps only. Channels and containers Allows access to a list of all channels active for a task or XPED/XPRT 2.C a list of all containers in a channel, and browsing of data XPSP 2.C within a container DSECTs Displays a DSECT for a given area in a format that includes field names, field lengths, and data. CICS Resources Displays program and transaction resource information XPED/XPRT 2.R and additional DB2 information. XPSP 2.R Task Storage Displays a list of transaction storage areas that belong to XPED/XPRT 2.S the task and may be selected for viewing and/or XPSP 2.S updating. XPED/XPRT 2.8 XPSP 2.8 XPED/XPRT 2.D XPSP 2.D, 9.D Product Overview Table 1-1. 1-7 Product Function Summary Function Description List of CICS datasets Displays a list of datasets defined in the CICS system and XPED/XPRT 5.1.1 allows status and service request changes. XPSP 5.1.1 Browse a CICS dataset Displays multiple records in a CICS dataset in a browse (read only) mode. Edit a CICS dataset record Allows the display and update of individual records in a XPED/XPRT 5.1.3 CICS dataset. XPSP 5.1.3 List of CICS temporary storage queues Displays a list of all CICS temporary storage queues currently available in this CICS system. XPED/XPRT 5.2.1 XPSP 5.2.1 Browse CICS queued temporary storage queue records Displays records in a CICS queued (multiple record) temporary storage queue in browse (read only) mode. XPED/XPRT 5.2.2 XPSP 5.2.2 Edit CICS queued temporary storage queue record Displays and updates individual records in a CICS queued (multiple record) temporary storage queue. XPED/XPRT 5.2.3 XPSP 5.2.3 List of CICS transient data Displays a list of all CICS transient data queues defined queues in the CICS system and allows status changes. Screen ID XPED/XPRT 5.1.2 XPSP 5.1.2 XPED/XPRT 5.3.1 XPSP 5.3.1 Edit CICS transient data queue record Displays and allows the addition of individual records in XPED/XPRT 5.3.2 a CICS transient data queue. XPSP 5.3.2 List of DL/I PSBs Displays a list of DL/I PSBs defined in this CICS system and the DBCTL region to which this CICS region is connected. XPED/XPRT 5.4.1 XPSP 5.4.1 List of DL/I PCBs within a PSB Displays a list of the PCBs defined within a DL/I PSB. XPED/XPRT 5.4.2 XPSP 5.4.2 List of DL/I segments within a PCB Displays a list and hierarchy of segments that can be accessed from a DL/I PCB. XPED/XPRT 5.4.3 XPSP 5.4.3 Edit a DL/I database segment Displays and updates individual records within a DL/I database. XPED/XPRT 5.4.4 XPSP 5.4.4 Set DB2 parameters Displays default DB2 parameters and allows for override XPED/XPRT 5.5.0 options. XPSP 5.5.0 List of DB2 tables/views Displays a list of all DB2 tables and views based on a user’s DB2 security. Build SQL Easy Query Displays a list of all columns defined for a DB2 table and XPED/XPRT 5.5.2 allows building of a DB2 query. XPSP 5.5.2 View generated SQL Displays the SQL call generated by the Easy Query and lets you save the SQL call. XPED/XPRT 5.5.3 XPSP 5.5.3 Browse DB2 result table Displays the DB2 result table returned by DB2. XPED/XPRT 5.5.4 XPSP 5.5.4 Edit DB2 result table row Allows editing data in a single row of the DB2 result table. XPED/XPRT 5.5.5 XPSP 5.5.5 Edit DB2 composite column Allows editing data in a column of the DB2 result table. XPED/XPRT 5.5.6 XPSP 5.5.6 Set MQ Parameters Displays default MQ parameters and allows for override XPED/XPRT 5.6.0 options. XPSP 5.6.0 MQ Queue List Displays a list of active CICS MQ queues. XPED/XPRT 5.6.1 XPSP 5.6.1 Browse MQ Queue Message Allows browse access to a message in an MQ queue. XPED/XPRT 5.6.2 XPSP 5.6.2 Update MQ Queue Message Allows update access to a message in an MQ queue. XPED/XPRT 5.6.3 XPSP 5.6.3 XPED/XPRT 5.5.1 XPSP 5.5.1 1-8 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual Table 1-1. Product Function Summary Function Description Screen ID Abend-AID for CICS snap dump Produces a snap dump for the transaction. XPED/XPRT 7.1 XPSP 7.1 Abend-AID for CICS report file directory Displays the report file directory and allows selection of XPED/XPRT 7.2 the desired report. XPSP 7.2 Abend-AID for CICS diagnostics Displays the Abend-AID for CICS diagnostics for the break/abend trapped or for any other abend code. View single task Displays information and registers about a selected task XPSP 9.1 without interrupting the task. Memory display Displays/modifies memory. XPSP 9.2 List all tasks Displays the status of all active and suspended tasks in the CICS region. XPSP 9.3 Monitor facilities Displays/modifies monitoring rules. XPSP 9.4 Monitor exceptions Displays/modifies monitoring exceptions. XPSP 9.4.1 Monitor eligibility Displays/modifies monitoring eligibility by program. XPSP 9.4.2 CSECT exclusions Displays CSECTs which cannot be selected for debugging. XPSP 9.5 Trap summary Sets traps for transaction abends by user ID, NETNAME, terminal, program, transaction, client IP address, server XPSP 9.6 IP address, and/or server port number. Storage protection exceptions Creates, deletes, lists, and changes entries in the storage XPSP 9.7 protection exceptions table. Storage protection Sets storage protection by terminal, transaction, or program and displays all current storage protection entries. XPSP 9.8 Define systems labels Creates, deletes, lists, and modifies system labels that equate to storage locations. XPSP 9.9 Manage source listings List, open, and close SLS datasets XPSP 9.L Access Xpediter/Code Coverage Query, display, and update the status of Xpediter/Code XPED/XPRT C Coverage in the current CICS region. (Only available if XPSP C Xpediter/Code Coverage is active in the CICS region.) Access Xpediter/Xchange Use Xpediter/Xchange to automate date and time testing of application programs. (Only available if Xpediter/Xchange is active in the CICS region.) XPED/XPRT G XPSP G CICSPlex facilities Select the Xpediter CICSPlex facility to be used. (Only available if Xpediter/CICSPlex facility is active in the CICS region.) XPED/XPRT P XPSP P Exit session Defines exit options and terminates the Xpediter debugging session. XPED/XPRT X XPSP X XPED/XPRT 7.3 XPSP 7.3 2-1 Chapter 2. Product Conventions Chap 2 This chapter contains information that applies to all Xpediter/CICS screens in the system unless specifically stated otherwise. The following topics are discussed in this chapter: • Accessing Xpediter/CICS – Accessing the XPED and XPRT transactions – Accessing XPSP – Selecting functions from menus – Transferring between screens • Common screen fields • PF key settings • Update password security • Preparing programs for testing • Automatic Trap Activation • Setting and removing breakpoints – Setting breakpoints by primary command – Setting breakpoints by line command – Setting breakpoints by statement number – Setting breakpoints by offset – Setting multiple breakpoints – Deleting breakpoints • Setting and deleting keeps • Finding and locating data • 3270 Web Bridge support • Exiting Xpediter/CICS. Accessing Xpediter/CICS To access the appropriate transaction, type XPED, XPRT, or XPSP on a blank CICS screen and press Enter. Additional transaction parameters are explained in “Accessing the XPED and XPRT Transactions”. Accessing the XPED and XPRT Transactions You can access the XPED or XPRT transaction level functions either through the Primary Menu or directly by specifying the corresponding screen ID, for example 2.L for the Source Listing screen. The Primary Menu shows the name and screen number for each functional area in XPED/XPRT. Use this screen to transfer to a functional area or to enter a program name for setting breakpoints and/or keeps before returning to CICS. 2-2 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual Figure 2-1. Primary Menu (XPED/XPRT) -------------------- XPEDITER/CICS 16.05.00 - PRIMARY MENU ----------------C123 COMMAND ===> MODULE: CSECT: 0 1 2 5 7 SESSION PROFILE SESSION CONTROL DEBUGGING FACILITIES FILE UTILITY ABEND-AID FOR CICS - Set default session attributes Analyze summary of session events Interactively debug application programs Access datasets, temp stg, trans data, DLI, DB2 Interface to Abend-AID for CICS C G P X CODE COVERAGE XCHANGE/CICS CICSPLEX FACILITIES EXIT - Interface to Xpediter/Code Coverage Interface to Xpediter/Xchange CICS Facilities Access CICSPlex Control Facilities Exit Xpediter To set breakpoints in your program or keep specific data fields, enter your program name and use either the SOURCE command or PF key. For Online Technical Support refer to: http://frontline.compuware.com NOTICE: Press PF2/PF14 to display the Copyright/Trade Secret Notice To access a menu for an XPED/XPRT function, type the screen number for that menu in the COMMAND field and press Enter. The menu lists the screens available for that function. The following menus are available from the Primary Menu: Session Profile (0): Establishes default values used during an Xpediter/CICS session. Session Control (1): Provides options for controlling the Xpediter/CICS session. Debugging Facilities (2): Provides options for interactively debugging application programs. File Utility (5): Displays and updates CICS datasets, temporary storage queues, transient data queues, and DL/I databases. Also lists and browses MQ queues. Abend-AID for CICS (7): Accesses the Compuware Abend-AID for CICS product if it is installed and active on your system. Code Coverage (C): Provides an interface to the Xpediter/Code Coverage product if it is installed and active on your system. Xchange/CICS (G): Provides an interface to the Xpediter/Xchange product if it is installed and active on your system. CICSPlex Facilities (P): Accesses CICSPlex control facilities if they are installed and active on your system. Exit (X): Ends a debugging session or requests a dump. To use the XPED/XPRT level: 1. Type XPED or XPRT on a blank CICS screen and press Enter. The Primary Menu is displayed as shown in Figure 2-1. Xpediter/CICS automatically sets transaction abend trapping unless the default for trap has been changed to OFF. Product Conventions 2-3 Use the following transaction format to access a function directly: If you want to set breakpoints or keeps via source, you can enter the XPED or XPRT transaction code followed by one space and the load module name. You can also specify a load module and CSECT combination separated by a colon (:). This transfers you directly to the 2.L (Source Listing) screen and displays the source for the module name entered, as well as the desired CSECT, if specified. You can then immediately set breakpoints or keeps. Note: The CSECT name can be entered in its abbreviated format or in its full long mixed case format as specified in the program source. As an XPED/XPRT user, you can also specify a particular screen ID, with or without a module or module:CSECT combination, and go directly to the desired function, all in one step. Enter the XPED or XPRT transaction code followed by one space, and then enter the desired screen ID. For example, entering either XPED 2.2, or XPRT 2.2 will take you directly to the Memory Display screen (2.2). Parameters can be specified in any sequence, so entering either XPED CWDEMCB2 2.2 or XPED 2.2 CWDEMCB2 will load program CWDEMCB2 and display its load module storage on the Memory Display screen (2.2). Entering XPED CWDEMCB2:CWCDSUBA 2.2 will load program CWDEMCB2, select the CSECT named CWCDSUBA, and display the storage for the module and CSECT on the Memory Display screen (2.2). 2. Execute the transaction or identify a program in which to set breakpoints. – If you are not setting breakpoints, press Clear to return to CICS, then enter the transaction code of the application you are testing. If an abend occurs, Xpediter/CICS automatically displays the Source Listing screen (2.L). – To stop the program at a specific statement, or to display specific data names at an abend, type the program name and =2.L to display the Source Listing screen (2.L). Set your breakpoints, then press Clear to display a blank screen. Enter your test transaction. You can establish a profile to use with the XPED/XPRT session. See “Establishing a Profile” on page 6-1 for more information. A user or system script can also be specified to execute at session initialization. Accessing XPSP You can access XPSP transaction level functions either through the Primary Menu or directly by specifying the corresponding screen ID. The XPSP Primary Menu is identical to the XPED/XPRT menu except for the system facilities area that is available to XPSP users. This Primary Menu shows the name and screen number for each available function menu. Use it to transfer to another system area. 2-4 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual Figure 2-2. Primary Menu (XPSP) --------------------- XPEDITER/CICS 16.05.00- PRIMARY MENU ----------------C123 COMMAND ===> MODULE: CSECT: 0 1 2 5 7 9 C G P X SESSION PROFILE SESSION CONTROL DEBUGGING FACILITIES FILE UTILITY ABEND-AID FOR CICS SYSTEM FACILITIES CODE COVERAGE XCHANGE/CICS CICSPLEX FACILITIES EXIT - Set default session attributes Analyze summary of session events Interactively debug application programs Access datasets, temp stg, trans data, DLI, DB2 Interface to Abend-AID for CICS Access global region analysis facilities Interface to Xpediter/Code Coverage Interface to Xpediter/Xchange CICS Facilities Access CICSPlex Control Facilities Exit Xpediter To set breakpoints in your program or keep specific data fields, enter your program name and use either the SOURCE command or PF key. For Online Technical Support refer to: http://frontline.compuware.com NOTICE: Press PF2/PF14 to display the Copyright/Trade Secret Notice To access a menu for a function, type the screen number for that menu in the COMMAND field and press Enter. To use the XPSP level: 1. Type XPSP on a blank CICS screen and press Enter. The Primary Menu is displayed (see Figure 2-2). Xpediter/CICS is ready for system programming functions or transaction debugging. Select the desired function from the menu. Use the following transaction format to access a function directly: If you want to set breakpoints or keeps via source, you can enter the XPSP transaction code followed by one space and the load module name. You can also specify a load module and CSECT combination separated by a colon (:). This transfers you directly to the 2.L (Source Listing) screen and displays the source for the module name entered, as well as the desired CSECT, if specified. You can then immediately set breakpoints or keeps. Note: The CSECT name can be entered in its abbreviated format or in its full long mixed case format as specified in the program source. As an XPSP user, you can also specify a particular screen ID, with or without a module or module:CSECT combination, and go directly to the desired function, all in one step. Enter the XPSP transaction code followed by one space, and then enter the desired screen ID. For example, entering either XPSP 9.2 will take you directly to the Memory Display screen (9.2). Parameters can be specified in any sequence, so entering either XPSP CWDEMCB2 9.2 or XPSP 9.2 CWDEMCB2 will load program CWDEMCB2 and display its load module storage on the Memory Display screen (9.2). Entering XPSP CWDEMCB2:CWCDSUBA 9.2 will load program CWDEMCB2, Product Conventions 2-5 select the CSECT named CWCDSUBA, and display the storage for the module and CSECT on the Memory Display screen (9.2). 2. Type 1.6 in the COMMAND field to access the Trap Summary screen (1.6) and set an abend trap. (Alternatively, the SET TRAP ON command provides the same functions.) 3. Type 1.4 in the COMMAND field to access the Trace Summary screen (1.4) and set the trace facility on. (Alternatively, the SET TRACE ON command provides the same functions.) 4. Type 1.8 in the COMMAND field to access the Storage Protection screen (1.8) and set storage protection options. (Alternatively, the SET PROTECT ON command provides the same basic function but for store protection only.) You can establish a profile to use with the XPSP session. See “Establishing a Profile” on page 6-1 for more information. A user or system script can also be specified to execute at session initialization. Selecting Functions from Menus You can access all Xpediter/CICS functions through the menu system. Each menu lists the primary functions for that level and contains submenus that list all the functions related to that topic. To select a function from a menu: • Type the number or letter associated with the desired screen in the COMMAND line and press Enter. • Position the cursor next to the desired function, type an S, and press Enter. • Position the cursor anywhere within the description of the desired function and press the PF key to which the SELECT command has been assigned (default PF15). • Enter the SELECT command in the COMMAND line, position the cursor anywhere within the description of the desired function, and press Enter. Transferring Between Screens Because Xpediter/CICS is based on a menu structure much like that of ISPF/PDF, you can transfer from one screen to another in several ways: • To transfer from the Source Listing screen (2.L) to one of the Program Storage screens (2.3) for example, type =2.3 from the 2.L screen and press Enter. • To transfer from the Program Trace screen (2.4) to the Session Control Menu (1) for example, type =1 from the 2.4 screen and press Enter. • To transfer to the Exit Session screen, type =X. Notes: 1. You must use the equal sign (=) to transfer between screens unless you are at a menu. 2. Xpediter/CICS only recognizes the transfer request when it is entered in the COMMAND field. Interface Conventions This section discusses the following Xpediter/CICS product conventions: • Common screen fields • PF key settings • Update password security. 2-6 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual Common Screen Fields Each screen is identified on the top line by a title or a screen ID. You can navigate from one Xpediter/CICS screen to another using menus, screen IDs (fast path), or commands. Figure 2-3 shows the fields that are common across Xpediter/CICS screens. Each field is described below. Figure 2-3. Common Screen Fields MODE:DIAG----------- XPEDITER/CICS - LIST BREAKPOINTS (1.1) -------OPT(2)--C123 COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> CSR MODULE: CWDEMCB2 CSECT: CWDEMCB2 COMPILED: 12 MAY 2015 - 11.17.38 • Mode Indicator Message — If Xpediter is operating in one of it’s restricted modes, a message is displayed in the upper left corner of all screens. • Screen Title and ID — Each screen title and ID is unique. Specify the screen ID in the COMMAND field to display that screen. For example, =1.1 displays the List Breakpoints screen. A portion of the title is overlaid with the current date and time if the SET SUPPORT ON command has been issued. • Optimization Indicator — As shown in Table 2-1, OPT is displayed for any program compiled with some level of optimization or inlining. For optimized COBOL 5.1 and above programs, OPT(n) is displayed, where n is the level of optimization. For optimized C programs, either OPT or OPT(n) is displayed, depending on the level of optimization. Table 2-1. Optimization Indicator Display Language Compile Compiler Option OPT Indicator OPT(n) Indicator COBOL OPTIMIZE Yes for COBOL 4.2 Yes for COBOL 5.1 or OPT and below and above C OPTIMIZE Yes or OPT Yes C INLINE Yes No PL/I OPTIMIZE Yes or OPT No PL/I INLINE No Yes • System ID — The SYSIDNT value for the current CICS region is conveniently displayed in the upper-right corner of every screen. • COMMAND Field — Type primary commands and screen IDs in the COMMAND field. Some PF keys also depend on the parameters that you enter in this field. Multiple primary commands, separated by the current command delimiter, can be entered at the same time. A semi-colon (;) is the default delimiter. Note: The default command delimiter can be changed with the CMDDLM global parameter. (See the Xpediter/CICS Installation and Configuration Guide chapter entitled “Global Parameters Table” for more information.) The CMDDLM value is the default delimiter only for users with no delimiter stored in their user profile, such as new users or existing users invoking a new release of Xpediter for the first time. Once a command delimiter has been set for a given user, it can be changed using the DELIM field on the Set Profile Defaults screen (0.1). See “Set Profile Defaults (0.1)” on page 6-3 for details. Product Conventions 2-7 Note: The HELP primary command cannot be entered together with other commands, and multiple primary commands cannot be entered from Xpediter’s Help facility. • SCROLL Field — Sets the scroll value for screens that permit scrolling. • MODULE Field — Displays the current load module name regardless of what CSECT within the load module is being debugged. • CSECT Field — Identifies the program/CSECT being displayed on the Xpediter screen. To change to another program or CSECT, simply type the new name. Current breakpoints and keeps are retained for the new program until they are deleted or the session is ended. Notes: – The CSECT field accommodates mixed-case CSECT names. – This field is protected on the Script Dataset Allocation screen (0.6), the Data Area screens (2.3), and the Break/Abend screen (2.1). • COMPILED ON Field — Displays the date and time the program was compiled in DD MMM YYYY format. When Xpediter/CICS issues a diagnostic or informational message, the message displays instead of the compilation date and time. When the text of the message is surrounded by plus signs (++), type HELP in the COMMAND field and press Enter, or use PF1 (HELP), to obtain more detailed information about the message. PF Key Settings Xpediter/CICS uses PF keys for command shortcuts. For example, to display HELP information about the SHOW command, type SHOW in the COMMAND field and press PF1 (HELP). You can elect to display the current PF key assignments at the bottom of your non-menu screens. To set this option, use the PFSHOW or SET FOOT KEYS command. The default values for the PF keys are shown in Table 2-2. To customize the PF keys to suit your individual needs, use the KEYS primary command. Table 2-2. Default PF Key Settings Function PF Key Description HELP PF1 Provides help information on the function currently in use. RUNTO CSR PF2 Generates a runto before breakpoint on the source line containing the cursor. If you are at a trapped task, the GO command will also be issued, and the runto breakpoint will be deleted when it is subsequently taken. END PF3 Ends current function and returns to the next higher level screen. For DB2 screens only, returns to previous screen. =X PF4 Transfers to the Exit Session screen. RFIND PF5 When used with a previously issued FIND command, searches for the next occurrence of the specified data. LOCATE * PF6 Directly transfers from any screen to the Source Listing screen (2.L) or Assembler Break/Abend screen (2.20). UP PF7 Scrolls up through the data portion of a screen or the Help facility. DOWN PF8 Scrolls down through the data portion of a screen or the Help facility. GO 1 PF9 Resumes program execution for one instruction or statement, then halts the program. LEFT PF10 Scrolls the data portion of the screen to view data to the left of the current display. On the Memory Display screens (2.2 and 9.2), PF10 acts as the PREV command. 2-8 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual Table 2-2. Default PF Key Settings Function PF Key Description RIGHT PF11 Scrolls the data portion of the screen to view data to the right of the current display. On the Memory Display screens (2.2 and 9.2), PF11 acts as the NEXT command. GO PF12 Steps through program logic by the specified parameters. If no parameters are specified, resumes program from current location. This key is available in all situations where resuming is allowed. MENU PF13 Ends the current Xpediter/CICS function and transfers to the highest level System Menu. From the Help facility or the Primary Menu, the copyright and trade secret notices are displayed. MEMORY PF14 Transfers to the Memory Display screens (2.2). On the Primary Menu, PF14 displays the copyright and trade secret notices. SELECT PF15 Selects a function from a menu or selection screen, or lists the sixteen most recently accessed addresses from the Memory Display screens (2.2 and 9.2). WS, DS, or PF16 VS Transfers to the Working Storage screen (2.3) for COBOL, the Defined Storage screen (2.3) for Assembler, or the Variable Storage screen (2.3) for PL/I and C. =2.4 PF17 Transfers to the Program Trace screen (2.4). =2.8 PF18 Transfers to the Last 3270 screen (2.8). UP MAX PF19 Scrolls up the maximum amount possible. DOWN MAX PF20 Scrolls down the maximum amount possible. FILE PF21 Transfers to the File Utility Menu (5). DLEFT PF22 Scrolls the data in the keep window to view data to the left of the current display. DRIGHT PF23 Scrolls the data in the keep window to view data to the right of the current display. RETRIEVE PF24 Displays the last command entered in the COMMAND field, allowing it to be changed or reissued. Update Password Security The Update Security field provides security from memory updates on selected screens. When this security is implemented by the Xpediter/CICS system administrator, unauthorized users are prevented from making updates to the following screens: 2.2 Memory Display (XPED/XPRT) 2.D DSECTs (XPED/XPRT) 5.1.3 Edit CICS Dataset Record 5.2.3 Edit Queued Record 5.3.2 Edit Transient Data Queue Record 5.4.4 Edit DL/I Segment 5.5.5 DB2 Edit Result Table Row 5.5.6 DB2 Edit Composite Column 5.6.3 Update MQ Queue Message 9.2 Memory Display (XPSP) 9.D DSECTs (XPSP). When this facility is enabled, the following field is displayed on the screen when using a given transaction: UPDATE PASSWORD: xxxxxxxx Where xxxxxxxx is a non-displayed field used for entering the password. Product Conventions 2-9 To update memory displayed on the screen, enter the password and modify the data to be changed before pressing Enter or a PF key. If no password is entered or the password is invalid, all modifications to the data area of the screen are ignored. If memory is not updated, you receive a message indicating why the update was bypassed. Preparing Programs for Testing To use source level trace and source listing displays and data name support, you must prepare your programs using a Compuware language processor. Refer to the Enterprise Common Components Installation and Customization Guide for more information on the language processors. Optimization Considerations C, COBOL, and PL/I programs that are optimized using compiler options or using the CAOPTIMIZER® compiler can be symbolically debugged with Xpediter/CICS. Depending on the optimizing algorithm employed, execution trace, code stepping, and resuming execution at another statement under Xpediter/CICS can appear to be incorrect. An OPT indicator is displayed near the upper right corner of the screen if a C, COBOL, or PL/I program has been compiled with some level of optimization or inlining, as shown in Figure 2-4. For COBOL 5.1 and above, OPT(n) is displayed, where n is the level of optimization. For optimized C programs, either OPT or OPT(n) is displayed, depending on the level of optimization. Figure 2-4. OPT Indicator on Source Listing (2.L) Screen --------------------- XPEDITER/CICS - SOURCE LISTING (2.L) --------OPT(1)--C123 COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> CSR MODULE: CWDEMCB2 CSECT: CWDEMCB2 COMPILED: 03 JUN 2015 - 10.37.09 LV ----- COBOL DATANAME KEEPS ---- -- ATTRIBUTES -- ----+---10----+---20---> 77 CURR-PAY 9(5)V99 NUM-DIS 0000000 02 WA-HOURS 999 NUM-DIS $$$ 02 WA-RATE 9(3)V99 NUM-DIS 00950 **END** -----000356 000357 ----------------------------- ASRA (DATA EXCEPTION) at CWDEMCB2.359 -> 300-EMPLOYEE-PAY-RTN. The optimization technique used by high level language compilers attempts to improve the run-time performance of application programs. The methods typically used involve the rearrangement of object code to the point where there may be little correspondence between the sequence of generated machine instructions and the sequence of the source statements generated by the programmer. Whether debugging is performed through specialized debugging software such as Xpediter/CICS, or through the conventional method of manually reading dumps and matching them to compile listings, the process is more complicated when optimization has been used. In circumstances where code has been relocated and/or re-sequenced by optimization, it may be much more difficult to debug logic path problems. For information about using the optimize and inline compile options with C programs, refer to the C User’s Guide. 2-10 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual Automatic Trap Activation With Automatic Trap Activation (ATA) enabled (global parameter ATA=XPED, XPRT, or XPSP), Xpediter/CICS will trap all terminal-related transaction abends (but not breakpoints) in a CICS region—even on terminals that don’t have an Xpediter session started. Xpediter/CICS will create a temporary session to handle the abend. The session becomes permanent if a SET TRAP, SET PROTECT, or SET TRACE command is entered or if an equivalent function is performed on the Trace Summary (1.4), Trap Summary (1.6/9.6), or Storage Protection (1.8/9.8) screen. To disable Xpediter's abend trapping for an individual terminal, start an Xpediter session, then enter the command SET TRAP OFF. When Automatic Trap Activation intercepts a transaction abend, an optional notification screen may be displayed (Figure 2-5 on page 2-10). This screen is displayed only if the value of the Xpediter/CICS global table parameter ATASCRN is set to YES. Portions of the text on the notification screen can be customized using the global table parameters ATAUSR1, ATAUSR2, and ATAUSR3. When the notification screen is displayed, the user can either press Enter to continue with Xpediter diagnosis or press Clear to continue with transaction abend. If the ATASCRN global parameter is set to NO, the notification screen is not displayed, the user is taken directly to the appropriate Xpediter screen. The screen displayed depends on which transaction was specified for global parameter ATA and whether the abending program has source available to Xpediter. Figure 2-5. ATA Notification Screen -------------------------- AUTOMATIC TRAP ACTIVATION ----------------------C123 COMMAND ===> MODULE: CWDEMCB2 CSECT: CWDEMCB2 COMPILED: 28 MAY 2003 - 11.11.29 * * * XPEDITER/CICS AUTOMATIC TRAP ACTIVATION - BULLETIN * * * AN ABEND HAS BEEN AUTOMATICALLY TRAPPED AT THIS TERMINAL PRESS THE ENTER KEY TO CONTINUE DEBUGGING THIS TRANSACTION OR PRESS THE CLEAR KEY TO ABEND THE TRANSACTION THIS LINE AND THE FOLLOWING TWO LINES CAN BE USED TO INCLUDE ANY CUSTOM MESSAGE THAT THE CUSTOMER DEEMS APPROPRIATE. FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION TYPE HELP. Individual transactions and/or individual programs can be excluded from Automatic Trap Activation with the Xpediter/CICS global parameters ATAXTRN and ATAXPRG. The exclusions specified can be complete transaction names and/or program names. They can also be wildcarded transactions or programs. By default, specific IBM transactions (CEDA, CEMT, CESN, and CESF) are excluded from being trapped by Xpediter's ATA support. IBM CICS programs and DB2 programs (DFH*, DSN*, and DB2*) are also excluded by default. A site may also decide to prohibit certain users from being automatically given access to Xpediter/CICS when a transaction abend occurs. If the value of global parameter ATASEC is YES, the site’s external security manager will be used to verify the user’s authority for access to Xpediter. If ATASEC=YES and a transaction abend occurs, ATA will verify that the user is authorized to access Xpediter/CICS. If the user is not authorized to use Xpediter, the transaction will abend just as it would have if ATA were not activated. Note: ATA is deactivated if the Xpediter/CICS global parameter CICSPLX=YES. Product Conventions 2-11 Setting and Removing Breakpoints Xpediter/CICS uses breakpoints to pause program execution during the debugging process. You can set a breakpoint in a program either just before or just after the statement is executed using any of the following procedures: • • • • By By By By primary command (AFTER, BEFORE, COUNT, RUNTO, and SKIP) on any screen line command on the Source Listing screen (2.L) statement number on the List Breakpoints screen (1.1) offset on the List Breakpoints screen (1.1). Each of these screens allow you to set either conditional, unconditional, or multiple breakpoints during program execution. • A conditional breakpoint is set with an IF clause that provides Xpediter/CICS with selection criteria. Xpediter/CICS processes these criteria and stops execution only if they are met. • An unconditional breakpoint always stops program execution if the instruction is executed. • Multiple breakpoints (such as an after breakpoint and a before breakpoint set on the same statement) stop both before and after statement execution. Note: Certain PL/I verbs—DO, for example—may compile without generating any executable code. If you use the Source Listing screen (2.L) to set a breakpoint on a statement containing one of these verbs, the breakpoint will actually be placed on the next executable line. If a conditional breakpoint already exists on that line, Xpediter will disallow the newer breakpoint and issue an error message. Setting Breakpoints by Primary Command You can set breakpoints using the following primary commands on any screen in Xpediter/CICS: • • • • AFTER — sets a breakpoint after the execution of a statement. BEFORE — sets a breakpoint before the execution of a statement. COUNT — sets a counter and monitors execution frequencies. INTERCEPT — loads a program or statically-linked subroutine within the program, then sets a before breakpoint at the entrypoint of the specified program or subroutine. • RUNTO — sets a one-time breakpoint before the execution of a statement. • SKIP — temporarily bypasses execution of a statement. Setting Breakpoints by Line Command On the Source Listing screen (2.L), you can set breakpoints using the following line commands: • • • • • • • A (Unconditional After) AC (After Conditional) B (Unconditional Before) BC (Before Conditional) C (Count) Z (Runto, a one-time Unconditional Before) S (Skip). Setting Breakpoints by Statement Number Breakpoints can be set by statement number through the List Breakpoints screen (1.1) (or on any screen using a primary breakpoint command). To set a breakpoint in the program 2-12 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual by statement number, type a statement number in any line in the statement area of the screen. Xpediter/CICS sets a breakpoint at that statement. The following conditions apply: • If the statement number is not an executable statement, Xpediter/CICS sets the breakpoint at the first verb in the next executable statement. • If the statement number is prior to the first executable statement, Xpediter/CICS sets the breakpoint at the first executable statement in the program. • If the statement number is higher than the last statement in the program, Xpediter/CICS sets the breakpoint at the last executable statement in the program. After entering the statement numbers to indicate the placement of breakpoints, press Enter. If source code is available, Xpediter/CICS displays the source statement associated with each statement where a breakpoint is set. Setting Breakpoints by Offset Breakpoints can be set by offset through the List Breakpoints screen (1.1) (or on any screen using a primary breakpoint command). To set a breakpoint in the program by offset, type a plus sign (+) followed by the hexadecimal offset on any line in the statement area of the screen. Breakpoints can be set by offset for Assembler, C, COBOL, and PL/I programs. The following conditions apply only if a source listing is available. • If the breakpoint is in the executable code for the program, Xpediter/CICS sets the breakpoint at that offset. • If the offset is prior to the first executable statement, Xpediter/CICS sets the breakpoint at the first executable statement in the program. • If the offset is past the end of the program, Xpediter/CICS sets the breakpoint at the last executable statement in the program. After entering the offset, press Enter. If source code is available, Xpediter/CICS displays the source statement associated with each statement and offset. Setting Multiple Breakpoints You can set multiple breakpoints on a single statement from the Source Listing screen (2.L). The rules for setting multiple breakpoints are as follows: • Set after and before (or runto) breakpoints and counts on the same statement. • Set a count and a skip on the same statement. • Skips take precedence over after and before (or runto) breakpoints. For example, if a skip is set on a statement that already has an after and/or before (or runto) breakpoint, the after and before (or runto) breakpoint are deleted. Deleting Breakpoints Breakpoints can be deleted by entering the D line command in the STMT field of the line that contains the statement or offset. To individually remove a breakpoint when multiple breakpoints are set on a line, type a D followed by the breakpoint to be removed. For example, if both a before and after breakpoint are set on one line, DA (Delete After) would remove only the after breakpoint and leave the before breakpoint active. To remove all breakpoints in a program, use the RELEASE primary command or the Resource Summary screen (1.P). The DELETE primary command can also be used to remove breakpoints from any Xpediter screen. Product Conventions 2-13 Retaining Breakpoints When Loading a New Copy of a Program Under certain conditions, breakpoints can be retained when Xpediter/CICS is used to load a new copy of a program. For more information, see Chapter 16, “NEWCOPY Function”. Setting and Deleting Keeps Xpediter/CICS uses keeps to select variables for display during a break/abend. When a break/abend occurs, these variables are displayed either on the Break/Abend screen (2.1), or in the keep window of the Source Listing screen (2.L). You can display and modify the current contents of variables during program execution by typing over the displayed value. There is no limit to the number of variables that you can keep. Keeps that you set yourself are called explicit keeps. Xpediter/CICS automatically sets temporary keeps for all variables referenced in the current statement. These are called automatic keeps or autokeeps. Autokeeps are sorted for display below any explicit keeps you set. Intelligent Autokeeps (called intellikeeps) are Autokeeps of variables modified in the previous statement. Note: Labels, registers, and EQUated symbols do not participate in autokeeps for Assembler. Explicit keeps for array variables default to displaying the first occurrence in the keep window. The occurrence number can be modified in the keep window to view other occurrences of the variable. Appending a signed integer (-1 or +1, for example) to any disassociated occurrence level number causes Xpediter/CICS to repeatedly increment or decrement the subscript by the specified amount. An example of this helpful feature is illustrated as part of the Keep command on “KEEP (K)” on page 3-62. Intelligent Autokeeps With Intelligent Autokeeps enabled, Xpediter/CICS will: • Retain modified autokeeps when stepping to the next statement • Suppress duplicate autokeeps when an explicit keep exists. Retain Modified Autokeeps During Stepping With Intelligent Autokeeps enabled, Xpediter/CICS will retain autokeeps for variables whose value will be modified by the current statement. When you step to the next statement, the autokeep for any variable modified by the previous statement will still be displayed. This type of autokeep is called an intellikeep. Xpediter displays intellikeeps after any explicit keeps and before any new autokeeps associated with the new current statement. This lets you view the changed contents of the variable without having to set an explicit keep. If you step again, the list of autokeeps is refreshed, and any autokeeps which are no longer needed are removed from the list. Restrictions The compilers or assemblers used must support a cross-reference that contains the modified tag. Assembler programs must have been processed with release 08.00.00 or above of Compuware Shared Services. COBOL and PL/I programs must have been processed with release 07.09.00 or above of Compuware Shared Services. This feature is not yet supported for C programs. Suppress Duplicate Autokeeps When an Explicit Keep Exists The second benefit gained by enabling Intelligent Autokeeps is the suppression of duplicate autokeeps. That means if an autokeep is a duplicate of an explicit keep, the 2-14 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual autokeep will not be displayed. This eliminates redundancy and helps to unclutter Xpediter’s keep window. Duplicate autokeeps will not be suppressed if the autokeep variable is an array. There are no other restrictions affecting this enhancement. Help Information For a more complete explanation of autokeeps and intellikeeps, Compuware encourages you to use the HELP AUTOKEEPS and HELP INTELLIKEEPS commands built into Xpediter/CICS. These Help topics provide highly detailed information and examples, as well as performing real-time evaluations to point out any restrictions you might encounter while attempting to use these facilities. Setting Keeps for Qualified Variables This section discusses using the KEEP primary command to set keeps for qualified variables. If a variable name occurs in multiple definitions in a program, it must be qualified to the point that it is unique. A data name is either a group or an elementary item and can be unique or not unique. All data names can be qualified. Non-unique data names must be qualified. For example, suppose the following structures are defined in a program: 01 02 03 STRUCTURE1 X Y 01 02 03 STRUCTURE2 X Z X is not unique because it occurs in both structures. Y and Z are unique because they only occur in one definition. To qualify each X you would code: X in STRUCTURE1 X in STRUCTURE2 (COBOL syntax) OR STRUCTURE1.X STRUCTURE2.X (PL/I and Assembler syntax) All variables may be qualified if you wish. For example: Y in X in STRUCTURE1 STRUCTURE1.X.Y (COBOL) (PL/I and Assembler) The entire level of qualification is not necessary; only use enough qualification to make the variable unique. Since a variable can also be defined in more than one PL/I procedure, the PL/I syntax allows for qualifying a variable at the highest level by use of the procedure name in which it is declared. PROC1:STRUCTURE1.X PROC1:STRUCTURE2.X PROC2:STRUCTURE1.X PROC2:STRUCTURE2.X Removing Keeps The DELETE primary command is used to remove keeps that have been set. For example, if the KEEP WA-HOURS command was used to set a keep for data name WA-HOURS, the command DELETE KEEP WA-HOURS removes the keep for data name WA-HOURS, and DELETE KEEPS removes all keeps for the program. Note: The KEEP primary command with the OFF parameter can also be used to remove keeps. Use KEEP OFF with a variable name to remove the keep from that variable. Use KEEP OFF ALL to delete all keeps for the current program. Product Conventions 2-15 Finding and Locating Data Both the FIND and LOCATE commands can be used on the Source Listing screen (2.L). However, the commands function differently and have different effects on the system. Choosing the most efficient command for a task can ensure the best use of the system. The LOCATE command helps you locate data faster and more efficiently. It provides a way to locate specific listing areas such as the procedure division, the working storage section, or the cross reference sections. LOCATE provides abbreviations that allow you to locate these areas, and allow you to position at either the top or bottom of any listing area. LOCATE is much faster to use because it utilizes the listing file’s internal index to locate data names and paragraphs. The FIND command must sequentially process each line of the listing. Use this command to find multiple occurrences of a data name. FIND can also find data names when only part of the data name is known, such as entering FIND HOURS to find WA-HOURS. FIND positions the cursor to a data name on the Variable Storage screen (2.3). FIND only functions within the data name portion of the screen. The following command searches for WA-HOURS: FIND WA-HOURS If WA-HOURS occurs in multiple data names such as WA-HOURS-TODAY and YESTERDAYS-WA-HOURS, then use the RFIND command to find the next occurrence of WA-HOURS. 3270 Web Bridge Support The XPED, XPRT, and XPSP transactions can now be run using the 3270 Web Bridge, as shown in Figure 2-6 on page 2-15. Xpediter’s Web Bridge support gives you full access to nearly every Xpediter/CICS facility. Figure 2-6. 3270 Web Bridge Support 2-16 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual Observe the following considerations when running Xpediter using the 3270 Web Bridge: • When you are at another terminal, you cannot specify the terminal ID for a 3270 Web Bridge task when setting traps or creating storage protection or trace entries. This is because CICS assigns a different terminal ID at the start of each transaction run using the 3270 Web Bridge. • When using the 3270 Web Bridge, remote tasks cannot be trapped because Xpediter communicates between remotely-trapped tasks and the owning terminal using START TERMID(xxxx). CICS does not allow the 3270 Web Bridge terminal to be the target of START TERMID. • When using the GO nn command to step through an EXEC CICS SEND or EXEC CICS SEND MAP command in your program, you must press Enter, a PF key, or a PA/Attention key to continue execution. • Xpediter’s slow stepping capability cannot function properly using the 3270 Web Bridge. If you attempt to slow step by entering the GO nn nn command, the specified number of lines will all be executed, with the specified delays, before the screen is redisplayed. Note: 3270 Web Bridge tasks cannot be trapped by IP address. Xpediter/CICS treats them as 3270 tasks and cannot obtain their IP information. Exiting Xpediter/CICS The Exit Session screen (X) is used to check the status of exit options before ending the Xpediter/CICS test session. You can terminate the session and/or produce a CICS transaction dump. To exit Xpediter/CICS, do one of the following: • Access the Exit Session screen (X) by typing an X on the Xpediter/CICS Primary Menu, =X on any Xpediter/CICS screen, or typing XPED X from a cleared screen. • To use the END SESSION and DUMP OPTION default options shown on the sample screen (Figure 2-7) and return to CICS, leave the COMMAND field blank and press Enter or the Clear key. • To end a debugging session, type YES in the END SESSION field. Always use this method to shut down Xpediter/CICS when you have completed a debugging session. Figure 2-7. Exit Session Screen (X) ----------------------- XPEDITER/CICS - EXIT SESSION (X) ------------------C123 COMMAND ===> MODULE: CWDEMCB2 CSECT: CWDEMCB2 COMPILED: 28 MAY 2003 - 11.11.29 END SESSION: NO YES terminates the session, cleans up resources, and frees any waiting remote tasks. NO returns to CICS and leaves Xpediter active. DUMP OPTION: NO YES forces a dump (or Abend-AID for CICS report) for any active abends currently trapped by this terminal. The site options for dump suppression have precedence. POST SCRIPT: Script to execute at session termination. PROGRAMS WITH BREAKS: PROTECTION ENTRIES: ACTIVE ABEND TRAPS: WAITING TASKS: 001 001 001 (Individual trap entries set by this terminal) 000 (Active remote traps that have not been processed) Press ENTER to process options. Product Conventions 2-17 The input and output fields on the Exit Session screen (X) provide you with several options for terminating an Xpediter/CICS session. Input Fields END SESSION Specifies whether to end the Xpediter/CICS session or to just return to CICS with the session active. Valid entries are: NO: Returns to CICS, leaving Xpediter/CICS active. The default is NO. YES: Performs the following: – Ends the session and releases all programs for which you have set breakpoints or keeps. – Terminates remote traps waiting for an Xpediter/CICS response and removes their breakpoints. – Cleans up resources and frees waiting remote terminals. – Gives control to CICS and turns off Xpediter/CICS for your terminal. DUMP OPTION Specifies whether to force a dump for active abends or breakpoints currently trapped by this terminal. Valid entries are: NO: Does not produce a dump. The default is NO. YES: Produces a dump (or Abend-AID for CICS report) for the abend or breakpoint currently trapped by this terminal. POST SCRIPT Allows you to specify a user or system script to be run at session termination. Output Fields PROGRAMS WITH BREAKS Number of programs still containing breakpoints. Review these breakpoints using the List Breakpoints screen (1.1) to see if they are needed for later testing. See “Setting and Removing Breakpoints” on page 2-11. Release the breakpoints and/or the program if not needed. PROTECTION ENTRIES Number of storage protection entries added during the debugging session. Review these entries using the Storage Protection screen (1.8). Only auto and user entries are deleted when the session is ended. SYST-type entries are not deleted by ending an Xpediter/CICS session. ACTIVE ABEND TRAPS Individual trap entries set by this terminal. Note: Program trace, monitor, and abend trapping have defaults that are set for an XPED user when Xpediter/CICS is installed. 2-18 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual WAITING TASKS Active remote abends that have been trapped and have not been processed. The remote terminal is locked until the transaction is resumed or terminated. 3-1 Chapter 3. Primary Commands Chap 3 This chapter contains a full description of each primary command. The command descriptions are arranged alphabetically by command name. For a brief syntax summary of the primary commands, refer to the Xpediter/CICS Quick Reference. For more detailed descriptions and examples for each command, refer to the corresponding HELP screen. You can access command HELP during an Xpediter/CICS session by typing HELP COMMANDS from the command line. Xpediter’s HELP system includes hyperlinks for easy navigation. Variable and Common Parameters The following variable and common parameters are used in the primary command syntax in this document: Variable Parameters assembler-data-label A label or reserved-label used in commands for Assembler programs. data-field A COBOL data name or an Assembler, C, or PL/I variable defined within the current program. function A C function. hexvalue A string containing only hexadecimal characters. Hexadecimal characters are: 0 through 9 and A through F. hexstring A delimited hexvalue string. The following chart describes the hexstring syntax: 3-2 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual Examples of a hexstring: • These two strings are equivalent. They represent the hexadecimal string 0FE2. X'0FE2' X"0FE2" • The following are invalid, since the delimiters do not match, do not start with X, or contain invalid hexadecimal digits. X"A02F' X'A02F" 'A01F' "A01F" X’A01N’ X'QBCD' label A variable that is defined within an Assembler program. This parameter is valid only for Assembler programs. For this parameter to function, you must either use the Compuware Assembler language preprocessor, or use the LABELS option of the ASSEMBLER parameter with the Compuware Assembler language postprocessor. Each label must be unique within a CSECT and a listing. A label may be up to 64 characters. Note: CSECT names are not valid as labels. If you set a breakpoint using a CSECT name, it will not be recognized as a label. On the Break/Abend screen (2.1), Defined Storage screen (2.3), and within the keep window of the Source Listing screen (2.L), Xpediter/CICS uses the first 34 characters of a label for display purposes. Commands like FIND and LOCATE, when used on these screens or within the keep window, also operate on the first 34 characters of the label. If you are searching for a string which is beyond the first 34 characters, the FIND command will not be able to find the string. Assembler labels may be qualified when a label is defined within a DSECT and its scope falls within the range of a current labelled USING. For example: MYPROGRAM DSECTA FIELD1 . . . DSECTB FIELD1 USINGA USINGB CSECT DSECT DS CL5 DSECT DS CL5 USING DSECTA, R5 USING DSECTB, R6 MVC USINGA.FIELD1,USINGB.FIELD1 To allow access to FIELD1 in DSECTA, you would qualify FIELD1 by using USINGA.FIELD1. To allow access to FIELD1 in DSECTB, you would qualify FIELD1 by using USINGB.FIELD1. paragraph A COBOL paragraph name or PL/I label. reserved-label A symbol used to access a predefined value. Primary Commands 3-3 register A value, R0 to R15, that causes the contents of the corresponding general purpose register to be used. PSW The address from the program status word (PSW) at the time of a breakpoint or abend. Xpediter defines reserved labels for general purpose registers (GPREGs) and the current program status word (PSW). A reserved-label is only valid for Assembler programs or when used in the syntax of the KEEP and PEEK commands. Reserved labels override programmer-defined data labels when they are used with the KEEP command. If a label R0 is defined in a program, for example, a KEEP R0 command will always set a keep for Register 0, not for the programmer-defined label of R0. A keep set for a register displays the contents of the appropriate general purpose register within the keep window on the Break/Abend (2.1) and Source Listing (2.L) screens and can be modified. A keep set for the PSW reserved label displays the value of the PSW in a Break/Abend state and cannot be modified. Table 3-1 lists what each reserved-label stands for. Table 3-1. Reserved Label Values Symbol Predefined Value R0 General purpose register 0 R1 General purpose register 1 R2 General purpose register 2 R3 General purpose register 3 R4 General purpose register 4 R5 General purpose register 5 R6 General purpose register 6 R7 General purpose register 7 R8 General purpose register 8 R9 General purpose register 9 R10 General purpose register 10 R11 General purpose register 11 R12 General purpose register 12 R13 General purpose register 13 R14 General purpose register 14 R15 General purpose register 15 PSW Program status word statement Decimal statement number within the program. string A simple character string. A simple character string consists of EBCDIC characters. A string may be delimited by a matching set of characters. Apostrophes (') or quotes (") are usually used as delimiters. 3-4 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual Delimiters are only necessary if the string you wish to use contains embedded blanks, apostrophes, or quotes. The following chart describes the string syntax: Examples of a string: • The following all refer to the string ABCDE. ABCDE 'ABCDE' "ABCDE" • The following all refer to the string AB/DE. AB/DE 'AB/DE' "AB/DE" • The following is the string AB"DE. Note that apostrophes are required since the string contains an embedded quote. 'AB"DE' • The following is the string AB’DE. Note that quotes are required since the string contains an embedded apostrophe. "AB’DE" • The following is the string AB DE. Note that quotes are required since the string contains an embedded blank. "AB DE" • The following are invalid, since the delimiters do not match. "ABCDE' 'ABCDE" 'ABCDE/ string-literal A string-literal can be any of the following types: • • • • text-string preceded by the letter T (the default). ascii-string preceded by the letter A char-string preceded by the letter C hex-string preceded by the letter X Note: If the current program is a C language program, the string-literal default type is a char-string. char-string A char-string is a case-sensitive string of EBCDIC characters delimited by matching single or double quotes. The string is considered to be a match only if it is exactly the same as the value to which it is being compared. Primary Commands 3-5 For example, C'XPED' specifies the upper case EBCDIC characters XPED, and C"XpeD" specifies the mixed case EBCDIC characters XpeD. ascii-string An ascii-string is like a char-string, except the characters in the string will be converted to the ASCII character set when the string is stored in memory. Like a char-string, it is case sensitive and matches another string only when every character exactly matches. For example, A'XPRT' specifies the upper case ASCII characters XPRT, and A"XprT" specifies the mixed case ASCII characters XprT. Note: If your terminal does not support mixed-case input, any ascii-string you enter will be treated as upper case ASCII. hex-string A hex-string allows you to specify a series of hexadecimal characters (0-9, A-F) delimited by single or double quotes. A hex-string can be used to represent characters that cannot be entered directly with the keyboard. For example, both X'E7D7C5C4' and X"E7D7C5C4" can be used to specify the hexadecimal characters E7D7C5C4. The hex-string X'E7D7C5M4' would not be valid because M is not a valid hexadecimal character. text-string A text-string is a non-case-sensitive string of EBCDIC characters delimited by matching single or double quotes. The string is considered to be a match regardless of the case. For example, both T'XpEd' and T'xPeD' can be used to specify the EBCDIC characters XPED. substring-expression A substring-expression is used to specify a condition than can be used for conditional traps and breakpoints. A substring expression consists of three components: • substring-phrase • operator • string-literal. During execution, the contents of the storage pointed to by the substring-phrase is tested against the string-literal value using the operator. If the expression is entered on the Trap Summary screen (1.6 or 9.6, based on Xpediter transaction) and the condition evaluates as true, the trap will be taken if all other trap values match. If the expression is entered as a conditional breakpoint, the breakpoint will be taken. The format of a substring-expression is: substring-phrase A substring-phrase is used to specify an area to be used in conditional traps and breakpoints. Three parameters are required for a valid substring-phrase: • area-keyword • position • length. 3-6 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual The substring-phrase must exactly match the format below with no embedded blanks. area-keyword A substring-phrase uses an area-keyword to specify the area to be located and acted upon by a conditional trap or breakpoint. Note that an area-keyword consists only of alphabetic characters (A-Z) unless the keyword is CONT or CONTAIN. These keywords must be followed by a plus sign and the specific container name, which may consist of A-Z a-z 09 $ @ # / % & ? ! : | “ = ¬, ; < > . - and _. Leading and embedded blank characters are not permitted in the container name. If the name supplied is less than 16 characters, it is padded with trailing blanks up to 16 characters. The following keywords and abbreviations are allowed: INITCOMM or The COMMAREA passed to the initial program in a transaction (task). ICA CURRCOMM or CCA The current COMMAREA of a transaction (task) when there is a transfer of control within the task. MQDATA or MQD The data area of an MQ message. MQMD The message descriptor of an MQ message. CONTAIN or CONT A specific container that is available on the current channel associated with a program. Note that if this parameter is used, it must be followed by a plus sign (+) and the container name. TDD or TD The most recent Transient Data retrieved by an EXEC CICS READQ TD command. TSD or TS The most recent Temporary Storage data retrieved by an EXEC CICS RETRIEVE command (this is the data passed by an EXEC CICS START command) or retrieved by an EXEC CICS READQ TS command. TIOA The most recent terminal input message data from the terminal allocated to this task. Note that, depending on the terminal device, TIOA input may contain scattered control/positioning information that is not actual input data. Compuware recommends that you wildcard the position parameter when referencing TIOA data unless you are experienced with input messages from this type of terminal. position A substring-phrase uses the position parameter to specify the location of the first byte to start at within the area described by the area-keyword parameter. The position parameter must be within the range of 1 to 32767 or be a wildcard, which is an asterisk (*). Wildcarding the position parameter has the following restrictions: • The CONTAIN keyword cannot be wildcarded. • When wildcarding is specified, the relational operator must be EQUALS (EQ or =). For example, INITCOMM(3:7) specifies the COMMAREA initially passed to the first program in a transaction (task) starting at position 3 for a length of 7. As another example, CONT+PAYROLL1(20:3) specifies the data in the current program’s PAYROLL1 container starting at position 20 for a length of 3. Primary Commands 3-7 length A substring-phrase uses the length parameter to specify the length of data to be used within the area described by the area-keyword parameter. The length parameter must be within the range of 1 to 48. For example, MQDATA(4:6) specifies the data area of an MQ message starting at position 4 and extending for 6, the length. system-label A label previously defined by an authorized user on the Define System Labels screen (9.9). These labels also include labels predefined by Compuware such as TCA, CSA, etc. symbolic-label A special label, available only on the Source Listing screen (2.L), defined by typing the label into the line command area preceding a source line. A symbolic-label is a character string that must begin with a period (.) and is followed by one to five alphabetic characters (A through Z). No numbers or special characters are allowed. Because labels beginning with .Z are reserved for special system symbolic-labels, Z is not a valid character for user assigned symbolic-labels. There are several special system symbolic-labels that are automatically assigned and maintained whenever a source listing is accessed. These labels begin with the letter Z. Unlike user assigned symbolic-labels, system labels do not necessarily stay with the same line in the listing, but represent a logical line in the source. System symbolic-labels currently supported are: .ZCSR Corresponds to the line on which the cursor is currently located. .ZFIRST Corresponds to the first line in the source listing being displayed. This label can be abbreviated as .ZF. .ZLAST Corresponds to the last line in the source listing being displayed. This label can be abbreviated as .ZL. symbolic-label rules: • Multiple labels can be defined on the same line, but only the first defined label is displayed. The other labels remain hidden until the first label defined for that line is moved or deleted. • A symbolic-label can be deleted by blanking out the label characters in the line command area. • A symbolic-label can be moved by rekeying the label on another line. Typing over a label with a line command does not remove the assignment from the label. Once the line command is processed, the symbolic-label is redisplayed. • symbolic-labels remain with a source listing until you end the Xpediter/CICS session. They are unique for each user and program. • symbolic-labels are used only on the Source Listing screen (2.L) and only with the following commands: – – – – EXCLUDE FIND LOCATE RESET 3-8 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual user-label A user-defined label that has been previously established on the Define User Labels screen (1.9). variable A COBOL data name or a C or PL/I variable defined within a program. Variables may be either unique or qualified. Unique variable names are entered as the actual variable name with the following restriction: C variable names are case-sensitive. No further qualification is necessary if this variable name is unique within the program. Qualified variable names are necessary when a variable name is not unique within a program. For COBL and PL/I, this occurs when a variable is part of a structure. For C, a duplicate variable name may be: 1. Part of a struct/union 2. Defined in more than one function or code block within a function 3. A combination of 1 and 2 above Note: For COBOL and PL/I programs, you may enter qualified data names in either COBOL or PL/I syntax. For C programs, the data name must be entered fully qualified just as you would manipulate a variable in a C program. The syntax of a variable is language dependent. The syntax diagrams supported for variables are: C Since a given variable name may be defined in more than one procedure and in more than one structure, the specific C syntax must be used to uniquely qualify a variable. For example, suppose that variable X and STRUCTURE1 and STRUCTURE2 are declared in an identical manner in Functio1 and Function2. To uniquely qualify both variable Xs and member Xs in STRUCTURE1 and STRUCTURE2: Function1:X Function1:STRUCTURE1.X Function1:STRUCTURE2.X Function2:X Function2:STRUCTURE1.X Function2:STRUCTURE2.X COBOL If a variable name occurs in multiple structures within a program, it must be qualified as unique. For example: 01 02 STRUCTURE1 X 03 Y 01 02 STRUCTURE2 X 03 Z Primary Commands 3-9 X is NOT a unique variable because it occurs in both STRUCTURE1 and STRUCTURE2, and must be qualified. Y and Z are unique variables, assuming that they are not defined elsewhere in the program. To qualify each X, code the following: X IN STRUCTURE1 X OF STRUCTURE2 You may qualify unique variables. For example: Y IN X IN STRUCTURE1 could be used for Y, even though Y is unique. Z IN X IN STRUCTURE2 could be used for Z, even though Z is unique. The entire level of qualification is not necessary; you need only use enough qualification to make the variable unique. For example: Y IN X IN STRUCTURE1 is complete qualification, but Y IN X or Y IN STRUCTURE1 are enough as they provide uniqueness. PL/I Since a variable may also be defined in more than one procedure, PL/I syntax allows you to qualify a variable at the highest level using the procedure name in which it is declared. For example, suppose that both STRUCTURE1 and STRUCTURE2 are declared in an identical way in PROC1 and PROC2. To uniquely qualify X in all four structures: PROC1:STRUCTURE1.X PROC1:STRUCTURE2.X PROC2:STRUCTURE1.X PROC2:STRUCTURE2.X PL/I based variable The syntax of a PL/I based variable is: This syntax is valid only with the SET command. The address of the pointer variable remains the base for the based-variable in all of the screens. In order to change the base address, you must re-issue the SET command. Common Parameters The following common parameters are used in the primary command syntax in this document. 3-10 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual ALL-TYPE Specifies the type of data associated with the ALL keyword. ALL BAL Sets/removes breakpoints, counts, skips at all statements where the given instruction is used. Note: This option is valid for Assembler programs only. ALL BALR Sets/removes breakpoints, counts, skips at all statements where the given instruction is used. Note: This option is valid for Assembler programs only. ALL BAS Sets/removes breakpoints, counts, skips at all statements where the given instruction is used. Note: This option is valid for Assembler programs only. ALL BASR Sets/removes breakpoints, counts, skips at all statements where the given instruction is used. Note: This option is valid for Assembler programs only. ALL CALLS Sets/removes breakpoints, counts, skips at all CALL verbs within a COBOL or PL/I program, or all BAL, BALR, BAS, and BASR instructions in an Assembler program. Primary Commands 3-11 ALL IDMS Sets/removes breakpoints, counts, skips at all IDMS calls within a program. For COBOL and PL/I programs, the breakpoints are set/removed at the generated CALL verb. For Assembler programs, the breakpoints are set/removed at the BALR 14,15 instruction that branches to the IDMS stub. ALL label Sets/removes breakpoints, counts, skips at all statements/instructions where a label is used or referenced. ALL SVC number Sets/removes breakpoints, counts, skips at SVC instructions in an Assembler program. The optional parameter number sets/removes breakpoints, counts, skips only at the specified SVC instructions. Note: This option is valid for Assembler programs only. ALL variable Sets/removes breakpoints, counts, skips at all statements where the variable is referenced. ALL CICS type Sets/removes breakpoints, counts, skips at all EXEC CICS calls within the program. For COBOL and PL/I programs, the breakpoints are set/removed at the generated CALL verb. For Assembler programs, the breakpoints are set/removed at the BALR 14,15 instruction that branches to the command-level stub. You may further qualify the type of EXEC command by using the type parameter to allow you to set/remove breakpoints at a specific type of CICS call. As an example, ALL CICS READ will set/remove breakpoints at all EXEC CICS READ calls. ALL DLI type Sets/removes breakpoints, counts, skips at all EXEC DL/I calls within the program. For COBOL and PL/I programs, the breakpoints are set/removed at the generated CALL verb. For Assembler programs, the breakpoints are set/removed at the BALR 14,15 instruction that branches to the DLI stub. You may further qualify the type of EXEC DL/I calls by using the type parameter. As an example, ALL DLI GU will set/remove breakpoints on all DL/I GU calls. ALL EXEC type Sets/removes breakpoints, counts, skips at all EXEC (High Level Program Interface) calls. For COBOL and PL/I programs, breakpoints are set/removed at the generated CALL verb. For Assembler programs, the breakpoints are set/removed at the BALR 14,15 instruction that branches to the stub. You may further qualify the type of EXEC command by using the type parameter which sets/removes breakpoints for a particular EXEC call. As an example, ALL EXEC READ will set/remove breakpoints at all EXEC CICS READ calls. Note: This parameter includes support for any EXEC CICS, EXEC DLI, and EXEC SQL High Level Program Interface calls. ALL MQ type Sets/removes breakpoints, counts, skips at all WebSphere MQ (MQSeries) calls within the program. This is a functionally equivalent abbreviation of ALL MQSERIES type. 3-12 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual ALL MQSERIES type Sets/removes breakpoints, counts, skips at all WebSphere MQ (MQSeries) calls within the program. For COBOL and PL/I programs, the breakpoints are set/removed at the generated CALL verb. For Assembler programs, the breakpoints are set/removed at the BALR 14,15 instruction that branches to the WebSphere MQ stub. You may further qualify the type of CALL command by using the type parameter to allow you to set/remove breakpoints at a specific type of WebSphere MQ call. As an example, ALL MQSERIES MQOPEN will set/remove breakpoints at all WebSphere MQ MQOPEN calls. Other valid types are MQBACK, MQDISC, MQCLOSE, MQCMIT, MQCONN, MQPUT1, MQSET, MQGET, MQINQ, and MQPUT. ALL SQL type Sets/removes breakpoints, counts, skips at all EXEC SQL calls within the program. For COBOL and PL/I programs, the breakpoints are set/removed at the generated CALL verb. For Assembler programs, the breakpoints are set/removed at the BALR 14,15 instruction that branches to the SQL stub. You may further qualify the type of EXEC command by using the type parameter. As an example, ALL SQL SELECT will set/remove breakpoints at all EXEC SQL SELECT calls. ALL WEB type Sets/removes breakpoints, counts, skips at all EXEC CICS WEB calls within the program. For COBOL and PL/I programs, the breakpoints are set/removed at the generated CALL verb. For Assembler programs, the breakpoints are set/removed at the BALR 14,15 instruction that branches to the command-level stub. You may further qualify the type of WEB command by using the type parameter to allow you to set/remove breakpoints at a specific type of CICS WEB call. As an example, ALL WEB READ will set/remove breakpoints at all EXEC CICS WEB READ calls. This command is more powerful than ALL CICS WEB because a type of WEB command can be specified. Valid types are EXTRACT, STARTBROWSE, READNEXT, ENDBROWSE, READ, RECEIVE, WRITE, SEND, and RETRIEVE. COLUMNS Used to specify a single or range of columns for selected commands in the Source Listing screen. begcol Beginning column of each line where Xpediter/CICS is to search for a string. A valid entry is a decimal number from 1 to 132. If begcol is entered and no endcol parameter is specified, Xpediter/CICS searches for the string only when it begins in this column. endcol Ending column of each line where Xpediter/CICS is to search for a string. A valid entry is a decimal number from 1 to 132. The specified value must be greater than that of begcol. The length of the specified string must be less than or equal to the difference of endcol minus begcol. Primary Commands 3-13 Note: The begcol and endcol parameters are allowed only with the FIND command for a string, and only on the Source Listing screen (2.L). DELETE-OBJECT Specifies an Xpediter/CICS facility that is acted upon by the DELETE primary command. ALL Deletes all objects. AFTERS (AFTER, A) If no location parameter is coded, all after breakpoints will be deleted. If the location parameter is coded, only those after breakpoints set at the specific location will be deleted. BEFORES (BEFORE, B) If no location parameter is coded, all before breakpoints will be deleted. If the location parameter is coded, only those before breakpoints set at the specific location will be deleted. BREAKS (BREAK, BR) If no location parameter is coded, all after, before, and onetime breakpoints will be deleted. If the location parameter is coded, only those after, before, and onetime breakpoints set at the specific location will be deleted. COUNTS (COUNT, C) If no location parameter is coded, all counts will be deleted. If the location parameter is coded, only those counts set at the specific location will be deleted. ONETIMES (ONE, O) If no location parameter is coded, all onetime breakpoints will be deleted. 3-14 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual If the location parameter is coded, only those onetime breakpoints set at the specific location will be deleted. SKIPS (SKIP, S) If no location parameter is coded, all skips will be deleted. If the location parameter is coded, only those skips set at the specific location, will be deleted. KEEPS (KEEP, K) If no variable parameter is coded, all keeps will be deleted. If the variable parameter is coded, only the keep set for the variable will be deleted. MONITOR Ends monitoring of the currently-displayed module and CSECT. VERIFYS (VERIFY, VER, V) If no label or statement parameters are coded, then all verifys are deleted. If the label parameter is coded, only the verify set for the statement where the label is defined will be deleted. If the statement parameter is coded, only the verify set at that statement will be deleted. WHENS (WHEN, W) If no when-condition parameter is coded, all whens will be deleted. If the when-condition parameter is coded, only the whens that match that condition will be deleted. DIRECTION Used to specify the direction in which a command processes data. Note: The descriptions for the direction parameters below describe the action of the parameter in general. Specific commands may act in a slightly different fashion and are discussed in detail for the specific command. NEXT Looks forward in the data being displayed for the next occurrence of the object you wish to locate. The scan begins at either: • The next byte beyond the cursor position (if the cursor is within the data portion of the display) Primary Commands 3-15 • The beginning of the currently displayed data (if the cursor is NOT within the data portion of the display). The default is NEXT. FIRST Starts at the beginning of the data being displayed and looks forward for the first occurrence of the object you wish to locate. LAST Starts at the end of the data being displayed and looks backward for the last occurrence of the object you wish to locate. PREV Looks backward in the data being displayed for the previous occurrence of the object you wish to locate. The scan begins at either: • The byte previous to the cursor position (if the cursor is within the data portion of the display) • The beginning of the currently displayed data (if the cursor is NOT within the data portion of the display). FIND-OBJECT Specifies an Xpediter/CICS facility, program line, or program area that is acted upon by the FIND and EXCLUDE primary commands. AFTERS (AFTER, A) Line where an after breakpoint has been set. BEFORES (BEFORE, B) Line where a before breakpoint has been set. BREAKS (BREAK, BR) Line where an after and/or before breakpoint has been set. 3-16 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual COUNTS (COUNT, C) Line where a count has been set. KEEPS (KEEP, K) Line where a variable selected for viewing has been defined. You can use the QUALIFIED parameter to show the line where a kept variable is defined as well as the lines containing the higher level variables that are used to uniquely qualify the variable. For example, FIND ALL KEEP QUALIFIED. Note: The QUALIFIED parameter is only available for COBOL and PL/I programs. LABELS (LABEL, LABS, LAB, LBLS, LBL) Line that contains an Assembler label, a COBOL paragraph or label, or a PL/I label or procedure name. ONETIMES (ONE, O) Line where a onetime breakpoint has been set. PARAGRAPHS (PARAGRAPH, PARAS, PARA) Statement that contains a COBOL paragraph or label. PROCEDURES (PROCEDURE, PROCS, PROC) Statement that contains a PL/I procedure name. RESUME Resume location where Xpediter/CICS continues execution. SKIPS (SKIP, S) Line where a program skip has been set. SYMBOLICS (SYMBOLIC, SYMBOLS, SYMBOL, SYMB, SYM) Line where a symbolic-label has been defined. GO-UNTIL-CONDITION Uses parameters as operands to specify conditions for the GO UNTIL command. Notes: • The data-field operand is only allowed for C, COBOL, and PL/I programs. • When the data-field operand is used, a keep is automatically set for this data-field. Primary Commands 3-17 CHANGES Causes the current value for the first operand to be used as the value against which to compare. This is equivalent to entering NE * for the operator and second operand. If program execution is halted for any reason (for a before breakpoint or an abend, for example), the value of the first operand is re-acquired to obtain the current value when execution resumes. An asterisk (*) indicates the current first operand value. enum-const The enum-const sub-operand may be used when debugging a C program, and the first operand specifies a variable which is an Enumeration Type. In this case, you can specify an Enumeration Constant that is a member of the Enumeration Type being tested. For example: In the Xpediter/CICS C demonstration program, CWDEMC, CallType is defined in procedure main as Enumerated Type CALLTYPE. typedef enum _CallType { CallInternal, CallStatic_ASM, CallStatic_C, CallDynamic_C, CallDLL_C } CALLTYPE; CallType may be assigned one of the above values, for example: CallInternal CallStatic_ASM CallStatic_C CallDynamic_C or CallDLL_C Usage Notes The condition is executed according to the following rules: – The tests between the first operand and the second operand are made as logical comparisons. – Comparisons are made using the length of the first operand or the second operand, whichever is shorter. – If the second operand is a numeric value, the data is converted to a format compatible with the first operand. Comparisons are made using the length of the first operand. IF-CONDITION 3-18 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual Uses parameters as operands to specify if-conditions for conditional breakpoints. COUNT A keyword that associates a counter with a statement. Two counters may be associated with a statement. The first counter is associated with the statement by use of the COUNT command. The second counter is associated with a statement when a conditional breakpoint (after, before, or skip) is set using the COUNT keyword in the condition. Each counter is incremented separately. XDUSERID Keyword for the userID CICS associates with the transaction’s execution. The operand it will be compared with must be a 1 to 8-byte string or a valid hexstring containing an even number of digits. You can use the XDUSERID keyword to set conditional breakpoints or skips that Xpediter will trap only if the program’s execution is initiated by a particular user. For example, entering the primary command BEFORE 400 IF XDUSERID EQ 'MYUSERID' sets a conditional breakpoint on statement number 400. Xpediter will stop at the breakpoint only when CICS identifies MYUSERID as the user who started the transaction. If the SET FOOT DATA command has been issued, you can enter CALC XDUSERID to display the current userID in the footing area of screen. For information, see “CALC (??)” on page 3-27. The SET FOOT STATUS command will also display the current userID in the footing area of the screen. Note: If the data-field operand is used, a keep is created for this data-field. enum-const The enum-const sub-operand may be used when debugging a C program, and the first operand specifies a variable which is an Enumeration Type. In this case, you can specify an Enumeration Constant that is a member of the Enumeration Type being tested. For example: In the Xpediter/CICS C demonstration program, CWDEMC, CallType is defined in procedure main as Enumerated Type CALLTYPE. typedef enum _CallType { CallInternal, CallStatic_ASM, CallStatic_C, CallDynamic_C, CallDLL_C } CALLTYPE; CallType may be assigned one of the above values, for example: CallInternal Primary Commands 3-19 CallStatic_ASM CallStatic_C CallDynamic_C or CallDLL_C substring-expression See “substring-expression” on page 3-5 for details about the substring-expression variable. Usage Notes The if-condition is executed according to the following conditions: – The tests between the first operand and the second operand are made as logical comparisons. – Comparisons are made using the length of the first operand or the second operand, whichever is shorter. – If the second operand is a numeric value, the data is converted to a format compatible with the first operand. Comparisons are made using the length of the first operand. KEYWORD One of the following figurative constants: • SPACE or SPACES: A string of x'40' characters. • ZERO, ZEROS, or ZEROES: Zero in the form of the first operand. • HIGH-VALUE or HIGH-VALUES: A string of x'FF' characters. • LOW-VALUE or LOW-VALUES: A string of x'00' characters. • NULL or NULLS: In a PL/I or C program, the null pointer value. Otherwise, a string of x'00' characters. • NUMERIC: Test the first operand for numeric data. The relational operator must be either EQ (=) or NE (= or NOT). LITERAL A number, string, or hexstring that is used to specify a value. • Numbers can be optionally preceded or followed by a sign. • A string must be enclosed in single or double quotes. • A hexstring must be enclosed in single or double quotes and preceded by an X. LOCATION 3-20 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual Used to set or delete breakpoints, counts, or skips. none Omitting the location parameter defaults the location as follows: – If the current program is not in a break/abend state, the location is the first statement in the procedure division for a COBOL program, or the first executable instruction in an Assembler, C, or PL/I program. – If the current program is in a break/abend state, the location is the RESUME location; that is, the statement or instruction to which the current execution pointer is pointing. ALL LABELS Sets/removes breakpoints and counts at all labels in an Assembler program. This parameter is not valid for skips. For this option of function, either use the Compuware Assembler language preprocessor, or use the LABEL option of the ASSEMBLER parameter with the Compuware Assembler language postprocessor. ALL PARA Sets/removes breakpoints and counts for all paragraphs or routines in the program. This parameter is not valid for skips. The counts are set/removed at the first executable verb in all paragraphs in a COBOL program or the first executable instruction following all labels within an Assembler or PL/I program. ALL PROC Sets/removes breakpoints and counts for all main and internal procedures in the program. This parameter is not valid for skips. The counts are set/removed at the first executable verb in all paragraphs in a COBOL program or the first executable instruction following all labels within an Assembler or PL/I program. ALL FUNC Sets/removes breakpoints and counts for all functions in the C program. This parameter is not valid for skips. The counts are set/removed at the point the C function is defined. OPERATOR Relational operator used in a conditional test. The following operator values are valid. Synonyms for the values are shown in parentheses. Primary Commands EQ NE (=) (<>) or (¬ =) or (NOT) GT GE (>) (>=) LT LE 3-21 (<) (<=) Note: For C programs, the comparison operators (==) and (!=) are also accepted. RANGE A range consists of a starting and ending symbolic-labels. These labels specify the beginning and ending points of the command execution. Symbolic labels are defined and used only on the Source Listing screen (2.L). start-range-label Specifies the symbolic-label to be used as one of the endpoints of the range. end-range-label Specifies the symbolic-label to be used as the other endpoint of the range. Range rules: • The range parameter is used only on the Source Listing screen (2.L) and only with the following commands: – EXCLUDE – FIND – RESET. • The range parameter consists of exactly two labels that must be separated by a blank or comma. Therefore, using a single label or more than two labels is invalid. • The label with the lowest relative line number is the start of the range, and the label with the highest relative line number is the end of the range, regardless of the order in which they are specified. WHEN-CONDITION Uses parameters as operands to specify conditions for the WHEN command. Notes: 1. The data-field operand is only allowed for C, COBOL, and PL/I programs. 2. When the data-field operand is used, a keep is automatically set for this data-field. 3-22 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual CHANGES Causes the current value for the first operand to be used as the value against which to compare. This is equivalent to entering NE * for the operator and second operand. If program execution is halted for any reason (for a before breakpoint or an abend, for example), the value of the first operand is re-acquired to obtain the current value when execution resumes. An asterisk (*) indicates the current first operand value. XDUSERID Keyword for the userID CICS associates with the transaction’s execution. The operand it will be compared with must be an 8-byte string or a valid hexstring containing 16 digits. You can use the XDUSERID keyword to set conditional breakpoints, skips, or whenconditions that Xpediter will trap only if the program’s execution is initiated by a particular user. For example, entering the primary command WHEN XDUSERID = "MYUSERID" sets a when-condition causing the program to be stopped if the ID of the user who started the transaction is MYUSERID. If the SET FOOT DATA command has been issued, you can enter CALC XDUSERID to display the current userID in the footing area of screen. For information, see “CALC (??)” on page 3-27. The SET FOOT STATUS command will also display the current userID in the footing area of the screen. enum-const The enum-const sub-operand may be used when debugging a C program, and the first operand specifies a variable which is an Enumeration Type. In this case, you can specify an Enumeration Constant that is a member of the Enumeration Type being tested. For example: In the Xpediter/CICS C demonstration program, CWDEMC, CallType is defined in procedure main as Enumerated Type CALLTYPE. typedef enum _CallType { CallInternal, CallStatic_ASM, CallStatic_C, CallDynamic_C, CallDLL_C } CALLTYPE; CallType may be assigned one of the above values, for example: CallInternal CallStatic_ASM CallStatic_C CallDynamic_C or CallDLL_C Usage Notes The when-condition is executed according to the following conditions: – The tests between the first operand and the second operand are made as logical comparisons. Primary Commands 3-23 – Comparisons are made using the length of the first operand or the second operand, whichever is shorter. – If the second operand is a numeric value, the data is converted to a format compatible with the first operand. Comparisons are made using the length of the first operand. – Use parentheses when compound conditions are necessary. – Use the AND, OR, and parentheses when compound conditions are necessary. Primary Commands ABEND (ABE) The ABEND command ends the current Xpediter/CICS function and transfers to the Exit Session screen (X). From the Exit Session screen (X), you may choose to produce either a Transaction Abend or Abend-AID for CICS dump or suppress both. ACCESS (ACC, LINK) The ACCESS command allows you to link to third party software programs to display system data or to Xpediter/Xchange to perform date/time change simulation. The ACCESS command also allows you to display user-written basic mapping support (BMS) maps and mapsets. If you want to access information from a third party software package that displays system information with a conversational program, contact Xpediter/CICS Customer Support (see “Customer Support” on page xxiv) for assistance with linking to this program. HOGAN, KORE, SMART Specifies access to the Hogan data group information display. MAPSETS, MAPSET, MAPS, MAP Accesses BMS maps via the Map Display Utility. XCHANGE, XCH Accesses the Xpediter/Xchange CICS Simulated Date Time Settings screen. 3-24 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual AFTER (AFT, A) The AFTER command pauses program execution after the execution of a statement. See “Variable and Common Parameters” on page 3-1 for details about location and ifcondition. ON Sets a breakpoint. OFF Removes the breakpoint. +offset Hexadecimal offset within a program. The plus sign (+) is required. You may set either conditional, unconditional, or multiple breakpoints on a statement. • Conditional breakpoints are set with an IF clause that provides Xpediter/CICS with a selection criterion. Conditional breakpoints halt program execution only if the condition is met. You can only set one conditional breakpoint on a statement. • Unconditional breakpoints always halt program execution when they are encountered. No IF clause is used. • Multiple breakpoints (after, before, count, or onetime) can be set on one statement. However, if you set a skip on a statement that already contains after, before, count, or onetime breakpoints, SKIP deletes the set breakpoints. Note: When you single-step (GO 1) through a statement containing multiple breakpoints, the execution pointer is positioned at the statement that logically follows the one containing the breakpoint. The contents of the data fields associated with the next logical statement are displayed in the keep window — not those from the statement at which the breakpoints are set (unless you are running with option IKeep set ON, which will display any modified fields from the last statement executed). Usage Notes The if-condition is executed according to the following conditions: • The tests between the first operand and the second operand are made as logical comparisons. • Comparisons are made using the length of the first operand or the second operand, whichever is shorter. • If the second operand is a numeric value, the data is converted to a format compatible with the first operand unless the second operand is in apostrophes or quotes. Comparisons are made using the length of the first operand. • After the statement executes, Xpediter/CICS evaluates the first operand and compares its value with the second operand value using the specified operator. Primary Commands 3-25 – If the condition is met, Xpediter/CICS takes the breakpoint and halts program execution after the statement executes. – If the condition is not met, normal program execution continues, and the breakpoint is not taken. If an attempt is made to use the AFTER command to set a breakpoint on a COBOL EXIT, GOBACK, or CALL statement, a C return, a PL/I RETURN statement, or an EXEC CICS ABEND, RETURN, or XCTL command, Xpediter/CICS will change the after breakpoint to a before breakpoint and issue a message informing the user of the change. ALLOW The ALLOW command permits a currently trapped storage violation to take place. Use this command after a potential storage violation is trapped and Xpediter displays a message. Entering either the RESUME or GO command allows the storage violation to occur. Note: Use of the ALLOW command can be enabled individually for the XPED, XPRT, and XPSP transactions using the ALLOWCM global parameter. The default is (OFF,OFF,ON). For more information, refer to the Xpediter/CICS Installation and Configuration Guide. When you enter either a RESUME or a GO command, the system checks to see if the resume location has changed. If it has, the RESUME or GO command is redisplayed with a message to indicate that the ALLOW command has been turned off. Pressing Enter at this point causes the RESUME or GO to execute, causing the next statement to be monitored for storage violations. For more information, refer to “Using Storage Protection” on page 15-1. BEFORE (BEF, B) The BEFORE command pauses execution before the execution of a statement. See “Variable and Common Parameters” on page 3-1 for details about location and ifcondition. ON Sets the breakpoint. OFF Removes the breakpoint. +offset Hexadecimal offset within a program. The plus sign (+) is required. You may set either conditional, unconditional, or multiple breakpoints on a statement. 3-26 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual • Conditional breakpoints are set with an IF clause that provides Xpediter/CICS with a selection criterion. Conditional breakpoints halt program execution only if the condition is met. You can only set one conditional breakpoint on a statement. • Unconditional breakpoints always halt program execution when they are encountered. No IF clause is used. • Multiple breakpoints (after, before, count, or onetime) can be set on one statement. However, if you set a skip on a statement that already contains after, before, count, or onetime breakpoints, SKIP deletes the set breakpoints. Note: When you single-step (GO 1) through a statement containing multiple breakpoints, the execution pointer is positioned at the statement that logically follows the one containing the breakpoint. The contents of the data fields associated with the next logical statement are displayed in the keep window — not those from the statement at which the breakpoints are set (unless you are running with option IKeep set ON, which will display any modified fields from the last statement executed). Usage Notes The if-condition is executed according to the following conditions: • The tests between the first operand and the second operand are made as logical comparisons. • Comparisons are made using the length of the first operand or the second operand, whichever is shorter. • If the second operand is a numeric value, the data is converted to a format compatible with the first operand unless the second operand is in apostrophes or quotes. Comparisons are made using the length of the first operand. • Before the statement executes, Xpediter/CICS evaluates the first operand and compares its value with the second operand value using the specified operator. – If the condition is met, Xpediter/CICS takes the breakpoint and halts program execution before the statement executes. – If the condition is not met, normal program execution continues, and the breakpoint is not taken. BOTTOM (BOT) The BOTTOM command scrolls to the end of the data currently displayed on the screen. Xpediter/CICS displays the last available line of data as the second to last line in the data area. An (***END***) indicator appears in the last line of the data area. This command is the same as the DOWN MAX command. See “DOWN (DN)” on page 3-36 for information on the DOWN command. On the 2.L screen, where multiple windows can exist (one each for Keep displays and Source displays), the BOTTOM command scrolls the current window. The current window depends on the cursor position when the BOTTOM command is issued. If the cursor is outside of both windows, then the Source window is scrolled. Primary Commands 3-27 CALC (??) The CALC command is a full-function, COMMAND line decimal/hexadecimal calculator that is available on any screen. The CALC command can be used to perform any arithmetic operation, including those with parentheses. Literals are treated as hexadecimal unless preceded by a blank. Any expression may be entered using the following arithmetic and logical operators, evaluated left to right, with the usual precedence: ( Left parentheses, used for grouping * ‘Use contents’ when used as a prefix operator * / Multiply and divide + - Add and subtract & Logical AND operator | Logical OR operator ) Right parentheses, used for grouping. If an asterisk (*) is used as a prefix operator, it acts as a use contents or indirection operator. For example, entering CALC (*AB000 & 00FFFFFF) + 4 results in the contents of the fullword at address X’AB000’ being logically ANDed with X’00FFFFFF’. The result of this operation is then added to the decimal constant 4. Xpediter/CICS then displays the final result in the message field of the screen in decimal, hexadecimal, and character format. For example, if location AB000 contains hexadecimal value F1001234, the result of the above CALC command will be decimal 4664 and hexadecimal 00001238. CALC parameters need not be separated by spaces. However, if an otherwise valid decimal constant is not preceded by a blank, the CALC command assumes that it is in hexadecimal format. All arithmetic is done in 32-bit binary integers. Addresses default to 32 bits unless an AMODE-24 program is currently at a break or abend. When in doubt, use the logical AND operator to zero out unnecessary data in the high-order byte of an address. Xpediter/CICS also allows the following system and user variables in expressions: • R0 through R15 denote the contents of program registers. These are only valid when a break/abend is trapped. • Values CSA, OFL, CWA, TCA, TWA, TUA, PGM, TCT, DCT, EIB, PSW, FCT, TIOA, and COMM are used in the same manner as on the Memory Display screens (2.2 and 9.2). For areas that require a table entry, enter the table name followed by a period and the table entry name (for example, FCT.DBUGEMP). • User variables defined on the Define User Labels screen (1.9) can be used. • System variables defined on the Define System Labels screen (9.9) can be used. • CICS labels used in the various CICS macros and DSECTs may be referenced. However, only the associated offset value is used, not the data at the location in the area presently referenced. • The special operand (??) may be used in two ways: – On the Memory Display screens (2.2 and 9.2) to refer to the result of the last executed CALC command. Enter ?? in the ADDRESS or OFFSET field to refer to the last CALC command result. 3-28 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual – With an expression to refer to the saved result of the last executed CALC command. For example, entering CALC ?? +4 will add 4 to the last CALC command result. • The XDUSERID if-condition keyword can be used. If the SET FOOT DATA command has been issued, the userID CICS associates with the current transaction will be displayed in the footing area of the screen. If the SET FOOT DATA command has been issued, Xpediter/CICS displays the 64 bytes (hex 40) of data at the address pointed to by the last CALC command result. The data is displayed in block hexadecimal format in the footing area of any non-menu screen. This footing can be used to monitor the value of any miscellaneous area. See “SET” on page 3-104 for information on using the SET command to display footing data. CANCEL (CAN) The CANCEL command ends the current DB2 edit session, without saving the data, and returns to the previous screen. Within the DB2 file utility, this command is only available on the DB2 Browse Result Table screen (5.5.4), the DB2 Edit Result Table Row screen (5.5.5), and the DB2 Edit Composite Column screen (5.5.6). Within the DL/I file utility, the CANCEL command can be used on the Edit DL/1 Segment screen (5.4.4) to roll back any changes made for the currently scheduled PSB. CAPTURE (CAP) The CAPTURE command is used both to start the capture of a script and to end the capture and save the script to a system or user script dataset. During the capture process, certain primary commands and corresponding line commands are saved in main storage. This process continues until the script is saved or cancelled, or the debugging session is terminated. To execute a captured script, use the INCLUDE command. CANCEL Terminates the current script capture and discards any commands that have been captured. scriptname A 1- to 8-character member name used to identify an individual Xpediter script within a system or user script dataset. A script name must begin with an alphabetic or national character (A-Z, @, #, and $), and can be made up only of alphanumeric or national characters (A-Z, 0-9, @, #, and $.) REPLACE Causes the current script to overwrite any existing script with the same scriptname. Primary Commands 3-29 Although screen-specific and transfer commands are not supported, the CAPTURE command fully supports and captures the following primary commands and the equivalent line commands: • • • • • • • • • • • AFTER BEFORE COUNT DELETE INCLUDE KEEP LOAD MOVE ONETIME SET SKIP Capturing and saving a script is a two step process. The first step is to capture the commands you issue during your debugging session. Once the commands are captured, you can then either save them to a script dataset or discard them. To begin a capture, simply enter the CAPTURE command. A message will be displayed based on the status of the Script Facility and your current capture mode. If the Script Facility is available and you are not already in capture mode, a CAPTURE STARTED message will be displayed. Continue your debugging session, and as you enter commands eligible for capture, Xpediter will save them in memory. When you are done capturing your script, enter the primary command CAPTURE OFF scriptname. The script of captured commands will be saved to the system or user script dataset specified on the Script Dataset Allocation screen (0.6). A message will be displayed if a script with the specified name already exists. You can then either re-enter the CAPTURE OFF command with a different scriptname parameter, or replace the existing script by re-entering the command as CAPTURE OFF scriptname REPLACE. To abort an active capture process, enter the CAPTURE CANCEL command. The capture will be terminated, and the commands saved in memory will be discarded. In addition to using the CAPTURE command, you can manually create or edit a script offline using an editor such as the ISPF editor. A few simple considerations must be observed when manually creating or editing scripts: • A primary command in a script cannot exceed 120 positions. • Only one primary command is allowed per script line. • Comment lines can be embedded in a script created or edited offline. A line beginning with an asterisk (*) in column one is considered to be a comment line and will not be executed. • Only the primary commands listed above should be included in a script. • Scripts can be nested, but nesting is limited to seven levels deep. If that limit is exceeded, execution of the script will be terminated. Example 1: To capture a script that establishes some breakpoints and keeps you often use when testing program CWDEMCB2, you would enter the following primary commands: CAPTURE starts capture process LOAD CWDEMCB2 or type CWDEMCB2 in MODULE field BEFORE 0 breakpoint at first statement in CWDEMCB2 KEEP WA-HOURS keep for dataname WA-HOURS BEFORE ALL CICS RETURN breakpoint at every CICS RETURN statement CAPTURE OFF CWDEMCB2 saves script with name CWDEMCB2. 3-30 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual The resulting script, named CWDEMCB2, will be saved in either the system or user script dataset, depending on what is specified on the Script Dataset Allocation screen (0.6). To establish the same breakpoints and keeps later in that debugging session or in some future session, just type INCLUDE CWDEMCB2 in the COMMAND field and press Enter. Example 2: You could capture a script that included the same common breakpoints and keeps and added breakpoints in program CWDEMCB2’s statically linked subprogram CWCDSUBA by entering the following commands: CAPTURE starts capture process INCLUDE CWDEMCB2 executes script CWDEMCB2 from Example 1 LOAD CWDEMCB2:CWCDSUBA selects and loads CSECT CWCDSUBA source BEFORE 0 breakpoint at first statement in CWCDSUBA BEFORE 999999 breakpoint at last statement in CWCDSUBA CAPTURE OFF CWDEMCBA saves script with name CWDEMCBA. The resulting script, CWDEMCBA, is saved in whatever script dataset is specified on the Script Dataset Allocation screen (0.6). To re-establish the same breakpoints and keeps type INCLUDE CWDEMCBA in the COMMAND field and press Enter. Usage Notes For the INCLUDE command with a user script name specified to function properly, the Script Dataset Allocation screen (0.6) must have the Dataset to use field set to U and must specify the correct user script DSN. CHAIN (CHN) The CHAIN command follows a CICS storage chain from the Memory Display screens (2.2 and 9.2). Use this command to specify a hexadecimal value as a parameter that is used as an offset into displayed data in which the chain address is held. The default is 0. The CHAIN command simplifies the action of tabbing to the HEX OFFSET field, entering a value, tabbing to the USE CONTENTS field, typing in a non-blank value, and pressing Enter. For example, if the current data displayed is a control block that uses offset 4 as a chain to the next block, you would perform the following: 1. Type CHAIN 4 in the COMMAND field to specify offset 4 and press Enter. You would be positioned to the next block in the chain. 2. Type RETRIEVE or simply ? — or press the PF key assigned to the RETRIEVE command — to redisplay the entry in the COMMAND field. 3. Press Enter to reexecute the CHAIN command. Note: If you have a PF key assigned to the REPEAT command, you could press that key instead of performing steps 2 and 3. Primary Commands 3-31 CHECK The CHECK command allows you to perform a fast syntax check of SQL data entered on the DB2 Build SQL Easy Query screen (5.5.2). CLOSE The CLOSE command closes a currently opened dataset or transient data queue. This command is available only from the File Utility screens. COLS The COLS command allows you to set or remove a scale line as the first line in the source area of the Source Listing screen (2.L). ON Displays the scale line. OFF Removes the scale line. COUNT (COU, C) The COUNT command gathers information about the flow of execution in your program. When you enter the COUNT command, it sets a counter that is incremented each time the statement executes. At any time during program execution, use the SET FOOT ANALYZE command to display program execution statistics in the footing area of the screen. See “Variable and Common Parameters” on page 3-1 for details about location. ALL Sets/removes counts at all executable statements in a program. When each statement executes, the count is incremented by one. Once the program has finished executing, you may view the results on either the List Breakpoints screen (1.1), or the Source Listing screen (2.L). To reset the count to zero, re-enter the COUNT command. 3-32 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual Using the COUNT command during program execution allows you to: • • • • Check program efficiency Validate that all logic paths have been tested Help to locate dead code in the program Assist in locating loops. When you use the COUNT command, you also have the ability to collect data on multiple programs simultaneously: 1. Change the program name in the MODULE field. 2. Enter the COUNT command to select the type of count for the new program. 3. Once the programs execute, enter the name of the program you want in the MODULE field, and the counts will display for that program. MAX countvalue Is the equivalent of keying a separate BEFORE breakpoint with the condition “IF COUNT = countvalue”. MAX countvalue is supported for compatibility with Xpediter/TSO syntax. Usage Notes If you are using the COUNT command with a called subroutine: • If you are stepping through the main program and reach the subroutine call in which you have set counts, you must set a breakpoint immediately after the call, and then enter the RESUME command instead of the GO command. • You may then continue to step when execution halts after the call. Examples: COUNT ALL PARA: Turns count on for all paragraphs within the program. COUNT ALL EXEC: Turns count on for all EXEC CICS, EXEC DLI, and EXEC SQL statements in the program. COUNT ALL WA-HOURS: Turns count on for all statements in the program that reference the WA-HOURS data name. COUNT OFF ALL: Turns count off completely for the program. COUNT OFF ALL CICS READ: Turns count off for all EXEC CICS READ commands. If count is on for any other type of EXEC CICS command, it will remain set. COUNT ALL SVC 10: Turns count on for all SVC 10 instructions in the Assembler program. COUNT ALL: Turns count on for all statements in the program. CREATE The CREATE command writes the generated SQL call to the Xpediter/CICS SQL transfer dataset on the DB2 Browse Generated SQL Call screen (5.5.3). key-name Any one to eight-character name used to save the generated SQL call record in the dataset. Primary Commands 3-33 If the name already exists, either reissue the CREATE command with a different name, or use the REPLACE command to rewrite the SQL call in the dataset. If you use the REPLACE command, the previous SQL call will be overwritten and no longer available. Use the Xpediter/CICS batch SQL utility (DBSQLUTL) to either print the saved call or copy it to another dataset for possible inclusion in an application program. DBOTTOM (DBOT) The DBOTTOM command scrolls to the end of the data currently displayed on the screen. Xpediter/CICS displays the last available line of data as the second to last line in the data area. An (***END***) indicator appears in the last line of the data area. This command is the same as the DOWN MAX command. See “DOWN (DN)” on page 3-36 for information on the DOWN command. On the 2.L screen, where multiple windows can exist (one each for Keep displays and Source displays), the DBOTTOM command scrolls the Keep window exclusively, regardless of cursor position. DDOWN (DDN) The DDOWN command scrolls forward through the data currently displayed on the screen. On the 2.L screen, where multiple windows can exist (one each for Keep displays and Source displays), the DDOWN command scrolls the Keep window exclusively, regardless of cursor position. The DDOWN command is used with a scrolling value. The default scrolling value is taken from the SCROLL field on the screen unless it is overridden by entering a temporary scroll value on the COMMAND field. The valid scrolling values are: CSR Scrolls the display down so that the line of data on which the cursor is positioned the top line of data. If the cursor is positioned outside of the data area, DDOWN CSR has the same effect as DDOWN PAGE. HALF Scrolls the display down n/2 lines, where n is the number of lines of data that can be displayed on a screen. MAX Makes the last line of data available the second from the last line displayed. Xpediter/CICS displays an indicator in the last line of the data area to show the end or bottom of the data. 3-34 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual PAGE Scrolls the display down n lines, where n is the number of lines of data that can be displayed on a screen. nnnn Scrolls forward through the data for nnnn lines, where nnnn is a decimal value from 1 to 9999. DELETE (DEL, D) The DELETE command, available on all screens, removes either a specific object or a dataset record, depending on which screen you enter the command. The difference in functionality and command syntax is described separately according to screens: • All screens • Source Listing screen (2.L) • File Utility screens. All screens: The DELETE command removes any afters, befores, counts, keeps, runtos, skips, verifys, and whens previously set in a program. See “Variable and Common Parameters” on page 3-1 for details about delete-object. For example, DELETE BEFORE ALL PARA removes only the before breakpoints set at all paragraphs in your COBOL program. Source Listing Screen (2.L) See “Variable and Common Parameters” on page 3-1 for details about delete-object. Use the ALL NX operand on the Source Listing screen (2.L) to delete objects (i.e. counts, keeps, skips, or breakpoints) contained in ALL lines that are not excluded. The ALL NX operand is a powerful tool when used in conjunction with the SHOW or FIND ALL commands on the Source Listing screen (2.L). Refer to “SHOW (SH)” on page 3-113 and “FIND (F)” on page 3-42 for more information on these commands. File Utility Screens Using the DELETE command on the File Utility screens allows you to delete the currently accessed record from a dataset, to delete a temporary storage queue, to delete the currently accessed message from an MQ queue, or to delete a record from an Primary Commands 3-35 intrapartition transient data queue. Records in extrapartition transient data queues cannot be deleted. To delete a record from a dataset, you must first access the record using the READ command. Note: When applied to temporary storage queues, the entire queue is deleted. DISPLAYP (DP) The DISPLAYP command ends the current function, and transfers to the Memory Display screen (2.2). From this screen, you can modify memory within a CICS region. DLEFT The DLEFT command scrolls the current window to the left. On the 2.L screen, where multiple windows can exist (one each for Keep displays and Source displays), the DLEFT command scrolls the Keep window exclusively, regardless of cursor position. On the Memory Display screens (2.2 and 9.2), the DLEFT command functions in the same way as the LEFT and PREV commands. See “LEFT (LE)” on page 3-64 and “PREV (PRV)” on page 3-82. Note: When a COBOL program containing fields defined as USAGE NATIONAL (or PIC N) is being debugged, the scroll amount is rounded down to an even number of positions. The DLEFT command is used with a scrolling value. The default scrolling value is taken from the SCROLL field on the screen unless it is overridden by entering a temporary scroll value on the COMMAND field. The valid scrolling values are: CSR Scrolls the display to the left so that the column in which the cursor is positioned becomes the rightmost column of data displayed. If the cursor is positioned outside of the data area, DLEFT CSR has the same effect as DLEFT PAGE. HALF Scrolls the display left half the width of the screen. 3-36 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual MAX Scrolls the display left to show column 1 as the leftmost column of data. nnnn Scrolls the display nnnn columns to the left, where nnnn is a decimal value from 1 to 9999. PAGE Scrolls the display left the width of the screen. DLET The DLET command issues a DL/I DLET call to delete a segment from a database. It is available only on the Edit DL/1 Segment screen (5.4.4). This command is used when the PSB in use is scheduled via a PCB call. The DLET command must be preceded by a GHU, GHN, or GHNP call. DOWN (DN) The DOWN command scrolls forward through the data currently displayed on the screen. On the 2.L screen, where multiple windows can exist (one each for Keep displays and Source displays), the current window depends on the cursor position when the DOWN command is issued. The DOWN command is used with a scrolling value. The default scrolling value is taken from the SCROLL field on the screen unless it is overridden by entering a temporary scroll value on the COMMAND field. The valid scrolling values are: CSR Scrolls the display down so that the line of data on which the cursor is positioned the top line of data. If the cursor is positioned outside of the data area, DOWN CSR has the same effect as DOWN PAGE. HALF Scrolls the display down n/2 lines, where n is the number of lines of data that can be displayed on a screen. Primary Commands 3-37 MAX Makes the last line of data available the second from the last line displayed. Xpediter/CICS displays an indicator in the last line of the data area to show the end or bottom of the data. PAGE Scrolls the display down n lines, where n is the number of lines of data that can be displayed on a screen. nnnn Scrolls forward through the data for nnnn lines, where nnnn is a decimal value from 1 to 9999. DRIGHT The DRIGHT command scrolls the current window to the right. On the 2.L screen, where multiple windows can exist (one each for Keep displays and Source displays), the DRIGHT command scrolls the Keep window exclusively, regardless of cursor position. In the Memory Display screens (2.2 and 9.2), the DRIGHT command functions in the same way as the RIGHT and NEXT commands. See“RIGHT (RI)” on page 3-92 and “NEXT (NXT)” on page 3-79. Note: When a COBOL program containing fields defined as USAGE NATIONAL (or PIC N) is being debugged, the scroll amount is rounded down to an even number of positions. The DRIGHT command is used with a scrolling value. The default scrolling value is taken from the SCROLL field on the screen unless it is overridden by entering a temporary scroll value on the COMMAND field. The valid scrolling values are: CSR Scrolls the display to the right so that the column in which the cursor is positioned becomes the leftmost column of data displayed. If the cursor is positioned outside of the data area, DRIGHT CSR has the same effect as DRIGHT PAGE. HALF Scrolls the display right half the width of the screen. MAX Scrolls the display right to show the last position of a line of data as the rightmost column of data. MAX is not valid when it is used with DRIGHT or RIGHT to scroll the Keep window. 3-38 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual nnnn Scrolls the display nnnn columns to the right, where nnnn is a decimal value from 1 to 9999. PAGE Scrolls the display right the width of the screen. DS DS transfers to the Defined Storage screen (2.3) for Assembler, to the Working Storage screen for COBOL, and to the Variable Storage screen for C and PL/I. DTOP The DTOP command scrolls to the start of the data currently displayed on the screen. The first line of data available is displayed as the first line in the data area. This command is the same as the UP MAX command. On the 2.L screen, where multiple windows can exist (one each for Keep displays and Source displays), the DTOP command scrolls the Keep window exclusively, regardless of cursor position. DUP The DUP command scrolls backward through the data currently displayed on the screen. On the 2.L screen, where multiple windows can exist (one each for Keep displays and Source displays), the DUP command scrolls the Keep window exclusively, regardless of cursor position. The DUP command is used with a scrolling value. The default scrolling value is taken from the SCROLL field on the screen unless it is overridden by entering a temporary scroll value on the COMMAND field. The valid scrolling values are: CSR Scrolls the display up so that the line on which the cursor is positioned the bottom line of data. If the cursor is positioned outside of the data area, DUP CSR has the same effect as DUP PAGE. Primary Commands 3-39 HALF Scrolls the display up n/2 lines, where n is the number of lines of data that can be displayed on a screen. MAX Displays the first line of data available as the top data line. nnnn Scrolls the display up nnnn lines, where nnnn is a decimal value from 1 to 9999. PAGE Scrolls the display up n lines, where n is the number of lines of data that can be displayed on a screen. ELEMENT (ELEM, EL) The ELEMENT command displays all elementary fields in a program’s variable storage when scrolling and is valid only in HEX ON mode. Use this command on the Program Storage screens (2.3) when viewing data in vertical hexadecimal format for COBOL and PL/I programs only. END The END command ends the current Xpediter/CICS function and transfers to the next higher level menu. File Utility Screens When accessed from the File Utility screens, the END command takes you back to the previous screen. This occurs only once, however. Using the END command a second time takes you back to the next higher level menu. DB2 File Utility Screens When accessed from the DB2 File Utility screens, the END command always returns you to the previous screen. Xpediter Menus If you are already at a menu, the END command executes one of the following: • Transfers you to the next higher level menu • Transfers you from the highest level menu to the Primary Menu • Transfers you from the Primary Menu to the Exit Session screen (X). 3-40 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual EXCLUDE (EXC, EX, X) The EXCLUDE command excludes specific lines in the source listing being displayed. It is especially powerful when used in conjunction with the FIND command. Use the RESET command to reset the screen display. See “Variable and Common Parameters” on page 3-1 for details about find-object, range, direction, and columns. ALL Excludes all occurrences of the string or find-object. Example 1: EXCLUDE ALL .HERE .THERE Example 1 excludes all lines in the range from the label .HERE through the .THERE label. The difference between the FIND and EXCLUDE commands is: • The FIND command changes lines from excluded to non-excluded. • The EXCLUDE command changes lines from non-excluded to excluded. • The FIND command default is to search all lines. • The EXCLUDE command interprets the ALL parameter as a keyword when no search string is specified. • The FIND command interprets the ALL parameter as the search string if no other search string is specified. The following examples show the power of these two commands when used in conjunction: Example 2: EXCLUDE ALL FIND ALL PARAGRAPHS Example 2 excludes all lines in the program and redisplays only paragraph names in the program. Example 3: EXCLUDE ALL FIND ALL BREAKPOINTS Example 3 excludes all lines in the program and redisplays the statements where breakpoints have been set. The paragraph or label associated with each of these statements is also redisplayed. Primary Commands 3-41 Example 4: EXCLUDE ALL FIND ALL KEEPS Example 4 excludes all lines in the program and redisplays the statements where the data names for which keeps have been set are defined. Note: The FIND command operates on strings and objects. For an example of a string FIND (the string “KEEPS”), refer to Example 7. Example 5: EXCLUDE ALL FIND ALL WA-HOURS Example 5 excludes all lines in the program and redisplays the statements where the string WA-HOURS is found. Example 6: EXCLUDE ALL GO 1 Example 6 excludes all lines in the program and redisplays the line just executed. Subsequent GO 1 commands cause a redisplay of each line executed, enabling the Source Listing screen (2.L) to act in a fashion similar to the Program Trace screen (2.4). Example 7: EXCLUDE ALL FIND ALL 'KEEPS' Example 7 excludes all lines in the program and displays the statements where the string “KEEPS” is found. This example demonstrates the FIND command for the string ’KEEPS’. Note: When a string conflicts with an object, you must enclose the string within quotes. Note: The FIND command operates on strings and objects. For an example of a KEEP object, refer to Example 4. EXEC The EXEC command ends the current Xpediter/CICS function and transfers you to the File Utility Menu. The File Utility allows you to access CICS datasets, temporary storage queues, transient data queues, DL/I databases, DB2 tables, and MQ queues. EXIT The EXIT command performs different functions depending on the AUTOXIT global parameter setting and storage protection, trace, and trap settings. 3-42 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual AUTOXIT Global Parameter Set to YES YES is the default for the AUTOXIT global parameter when Xpediter/CICS is shipped. If AUTOXIT is set to YES, the EXIT command clears the screen and returns you directly to CICS. If storage protection, trace, or trap entries are set, the debugging session remains active. If an abend or breakpoint is trapped, the current transaction abends. If no storage protection, trace, or trap entries exist, the debugging session is terminated. AUTOXIT Global Parameter Set to NO If the AUTOXIT global parameter is set to NO, the EXIT command ends the current Xpediter/CICS function and transfers you to the Exit Session screen (X). From the Exit Session screen (X) you can end your current Xpediter/CICS session or keep it active. You can also produce a transaction abend or a Abend-AID for CICS report. Once on the Exit Session screen, you can press Enter without making an entry to return you directly to CICS. FILE The FILE command ends the current Xpediter/CICS function and transfers you to the File Utility Menu. The File Utility allows you to access CICS datasets, temporary storage queues, transient data queues, DL/I databases, DB2 tables, and MQ queues. FIND (F) The FIND command positions to a specified string or area. The command’s syntax depends on the screen that is accessed: • • • • • • Memory display screens Browse Container Data screen (2.C.3) File Utility screens CSECT Selections screen (2.6.2) Source Listing screen (2.L) Task Storage screen (2.S). Each screen’s syntax is discussed separately. Memory Display Screens and Browse Container Data Screen The FIND command syntax for the Memory Display screens and the Browse Container Data screen is as follows: See “Variable and Common Parameters” on page 3-1 for details about the direction operand. * (asterisk) Xpediter/CICS searches for the string specified in the previous FIND command. If a FIND command has not been issued during the session, the * is used as the search string. Primary Commands 3-43 Usage Notes To repeat the search for the string, use the RFIND command. See “RFIND (RF)” on page 3-92. The result of RFIND depends on the values entered in the FIND command: • If the previous FIND command specified FIRST or NEXT, RFIND repeats the search for the string as if FIND NEXT were used. • If the previous FIND command specified LAST or PREV, RFIND repeats the search for the string as if FIND PREV were used. File Utility Screens The FIND command syntax for the File Utility screens is as follows: See “Variable and Common Parameters” on page 3-1 for details about the direction and columns operands. * (asterisk) Xpediter/CICS searches for the string specified in the previous FIND command. If a FIND command has not been issued during the session, the * is used as the search string. Usage Notes The columns operand is only available on the following screens: • • • • Browse CICS Dataset (5.1.2) Edit CICS Dataset Record (5.1.3) Browse Temporary Storage (5.2.2) Edit Queued Record (5.2.3) To repeat the search for the string, use the RFIND command. See “RFIND (RF)” on page 3-92. The result of RFIND depends on the values entered in the FIND command: • If the previous FIND command specified FIRST or NEXT, RFIND repeats the search for the string as if FIND NEXT were used. • If the previous FIND command specified LAST or PREV, RFIND repeats the search for the string as if FIND PREV were used. CSECT Selections Screen The FIND command syntax for the CSECT Selections screen (2.6.2) is as follows: See “Variable and Common Parameters” on page 3-1 for details about the direction operand. 3-44 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual Source Listing Screen The FIND command syntax for the Source Listing screen (2.L) is as follows: ALL Finds all occurrences of the string or find-object. * (asterisk) Xpediter/CICS searches for the string specified in the previous FIND command. If a FIND command has not been issued during the session, the * is used as the search string. See “Variable and Common Parameters” on page 3-1 for details about find-object, range, direction, and columns. Example: FIND 'A' .HERE .THERE The example finds the first ’A’ in the range of lines from the label .HERE through the .THERE label. When the find-object parameter is used, the found line becomes the top line of displayed data. When the specified object is a string, Xpediter/CICS highlights the string on the display and positions the cursor below the first position of the string. If the object cannot be found, Xpediter/CICS redisplays the current data along with an error message. Usage Notes To repeat the search for the object, use the RFIND command. See “RFIND (RF)” on page 3-92. The result of RFIND depends on the values entered in the FIND command: • If the previous FIND command specified FIRST or NEXT, RFIND repeats the search for the object as if FIND NEXT were used. • If the previous FIND command specified LAST or PREV, RFIND repeats the search for the object as if FIND PREV were used. When optional keyword parameters or search boundaries are entered as part of the FIND command, they can be specified in any order and separated by either blanks or commas. Although not normally required, quotes or apostrophes can always be used to enclose the character string that is to be found, avoiding any confusion with the keywords or boundaries. If the FIND command cannot be interpreted, a prompting message is displayed requesting a correction. Examples: FIND FIND FIND FIND 'WA-HOURS' PREV .HERE .THERE PREV ’WA-HOURS’ .HERE .THERE PREV .HERE .THERE 'WA-HOURS' .HERE .THERE ’WA-HOURS’ PREV Primary Commands 3-45 Variable Storage and Keep Window Displays (2.1, 2.3, and 2.L) Use the following syntax within the Keep Window sections on the 2.1 and 2.L screens, as well as the 2.3 Variable Storage Screen. The FIND command works uniquely within the keep window of the Source Listing screen (2.L), the Break/Abend screen (2.1), and on the Program Storage screen (2.3). On the Listing screen (2.L) the Find command functions as described here only when the cursor is positioned within the keep window portion of the screen. When used as described, it only functions within the dataname/variable name area of the keep window (2.L) or data portion of the 2.1 and 2.3 screens. • When string is used with an Assembler, COBOL, or PL/I program, it is uppercased before comparing. You may enter the string either by itself, or may be enclosed within quotation marks (") or apostrophes ('). The leading quotation mark or apostrophe may be preceded by a c, as in character notation, however, at this time, the actual data is always uppercased. – Examples: * abc 'abc' "abc" C'abc' C"abc" are equivalent, and represent the value ABC. • When string is used with a C program, it should always use the C' or C" notation. Using this notation ensures that the string you want to use is not mistakenly uppercased. While you can code a string without using the C' or C" notation, unpredictable results may occur. Examples: – C'abc' C"abc" are equivalent and represent the value abc. – C'a' and C"a" are equivalent and represent the value a. – Specifying a without the C' or C" notation gets uppercased and represents the value A . If the requested string is found, an informational message is issued, the cursor is positioned on the first character of the found string, and the entire field is highlighted. If the string is not found, a warning message is issued. You can add a parameter (for example, FIRST or LAST) in the FIND command to specify where to start the search and in which direction (forward or backward) to proceed. If no direction parameter is specified, the default NEXT is assumed. This causes the search to start from the current cursor position and continue forward until the string is found or BOTTOM is reached. The FIND command is case-sensitive. NEXT – Causes the search to start from the current cursor position and search forward until the string is found or BOTTOM is reached. FIRST – Causes the search to start from the TOP of the storage display and search forward until the string is found or BOTTOM is reached. LAST – Causes the search to start from the BOTTOM of the storage display and search backward until the string is found or TOP is reached. PREV – Causes the search to start from the current cursor position and search backward until the string is found or TOP is reached. 3-46 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual The RFIND (Repeat FIND) command reissues the last entered FIND command. The syntax is as follows: The RFIND command requires no parameters. It is very useful when a FIND PREV or FIND NEXT request reaches TOP or BOTTOM before finding the string and you want to continue searching until the whole table has been searched. The RFIND command, after a FIND FIRST or FIND LAST command, is treated as another FIND NEXT or FIND PREV command, respectively. If no previously saved string is found, an error message is issued. Processing of the FIND and RFIND commands involves many physical I/O operations and is also CPU-intensive. As the number of datanames in a program increases, the average search time also increases. Task Storage Display Screen (2.S) The FIND command syntax for the Task Storage Display screen (2.S) is as follows: FIRST (FIR) The FIRST command gets the first message from a queue on the Browse MQ Queue Record screen (5.6.2). GETPUT The GETPUT command deletes the currently accessed message from an MQ queue and adds a new message to the queue. This command is available only in the File Utility. GHN The GHN command performs a DL/I Get Hold Next call on a database. It is available only on the Edit DL/1 Segment screen (5.4.4). This command is used in the same manner as the GN call, except that it holds the segment open for a possible update by a REPL or DLET call. Use the GHN command only if the program specification block (PSB) in use was scheduled via a PCB call. The GHN command requests a segment, described by the user-supplied search segment argument (SSAs), that is linked to the preceding call performed on the database. DL/I begins the search at the position where the last call was performed. This position is named the current position in the database. If previous calls have not been performed in the current session and SSAs are not provided, Xpediter/CICS retrieves the first segment in the database. If any SSAs are provided and a current position does not exist in the Primary Commands 3-47 database, Xpediter/CICS returns the first segment matching the supplied SSAs. Xpediter/CICS releases the hold on the segment when another DL/I call is made on the database. A REPL or DLET command may not be used for this segment after another DL/I call is made on the database. GHNP The GHNP command performs a DL/I Get Hold Next within Parent call on a database. It is available only on the Edit DL/1 Segment screen (5.4.4). GHNP is used in the same manner as the GNP command, except that it holds the segment open for possible update by a REPL or DLET call. Use the GHNP command only if the PSB in use was scheduled via a PCB call. The GHNP call is similar to a GNP call because it retrieves segments sequentially in a database. Only dependent segments with a given parent segment may be retrieved. The hold on the segment is released when another DL/I call is made on the database. A REPL or DLET command may not be used for this segment after another DL/I call is made on the database. GHU The GHU command issues a DL/I Get Hold Unique call on a database. This command is available only on the Edit DL/1 Segment screen (5.4.4). GHU is used in the same manner as the GU command, except that it holds the segment open for possible update by a REPL or DLET call. Use the GHU command only if the PSB in use was scheduled via a PCB call. The GHU command is a request for a segment as qualified by the user-supplied SSAs. It can be used to access a segment in the database or to establish a position in the database. The hold on the segment is released when another DL/I call is made on the database. A REPL or DLET command may not be used for this segment after another DL/I call is made on the database. GN The GN command performs a DL/I Get Next call on the database. It is available only on the Edit DL/1 Segment screen (5.4.4). Use the GN command only if the PSB in use was scheduled by a PCB call. The GN command requests a segment, described by the user-supplied SSAs, that is linked to the preceding call performed on the database. DL/I begins the search at the position where the last call was performed. This position is named the current position in the database. If previous calls have not been performed in the current session and SSAs are not provided, Xpediter/CICS retrieves the first segment in the database. If any SSAs are provided and a current position does not exist in the database, Xpediter/CICS returns the first segment matching the supplied SSAs. When using the GN command, the following tasks occur: 3-48 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual • Processing moves forward from the current position, except if the *F (retrieve first occurrence of this segment) command code is used in the SSA. • DL/I uses the current position set by the previous call on the database as the starting point for the search. • The retrieved segment is determined by the next sequential position in the hierarchy of the database and the SSAs used to qualify the call. To sequentially process through a database, delete all SSAs displayed on the Edit DL/1 Segment screen (5.4.4). Schedule the PSB using the PCB command, and repeat the GN command. Sequential retrieval through the database hierarchy is always top to bottom and left to right. GNP The GNP command performs a DL/I Get Next within Parent call on a database. It is available only on the Edit DL/1 Segment screen (5.4.4). Use this command only if the PSB in use was scheduled via a PCB call. The GNP call is similar to a GN call because it retrieves segments sequentially in a database. Only dependent segments with a given parent segment may be retrieved. A GNP call is related to the previous call against the database as follows: • The search begins at the current position in the database. If no current position exists, it precedes the first root segment in the database. • The search is limited to the dependents of the lowest segment previously retrieved by a GU or GN call. Parentage limits the end of the search and is in effect only after a successful GU or GN call. • Parentage is not affected by a GNP call. GO The GO command steps through the logic of a program that is currently at a breakpoint, abend, or storage violation trap. GO provides several operands to facilitate program logic checking, and to allow monitoring for data name changes. The GO command without any operands specified resumes execution of the program. To single step through a program, you must use the GO 1 command (default PF9 key). number Number of statements to be executed. This parameter signals Xpediter/CICS that more than one statement will execute before you receive control. Valid entries depend on the value of the delay parameter: • If the delay value is 0, valid values are from 1 to 5000. • If the delay value is greater than 0, valid values are from 1 to 99. The default values may be changed by the system programmer. Primary Commands 3-49 If Xpediter/CICS encounters a break/abend while executing GO, it halts execution and returns control to you. When GO is executed from a breakpoint, however, the statement executes but the breakpoint is not retaken. Examples of the use of the number parameter are: GO 5: Executes five statements, then returns control to you. GO 1500: Executes 1500 statements, then returns control to you. delay Delay factor that allows each statement to execute slowly, allowing you to observe program execution or changes in data values without pressing a PF key repeatedly. This value may be from 0 (zero) to 20 seconds. A value of 0 specifies that no delay occurs between the execution of successive statements. The maximum value of 20 seconds can be overridden by the system programmer. You can also set a delay interval in a user profile. If a delay-interval is not coded in a profile, the default value shipped with Xpediter/CICS is 0. With a nonzero delay-interval value, Xpediter/CICS waits for a specified number of seconds between the execution of each statement in this GO command. The displayed screen is updated at the time indicated by the delay, and each update occurs immediately after execution of one statement. From the Source Listing screen (2.L), you can watch the logic flow as the program executes at the specified rate. If you have opened the keep window on this screen, you can see the contents of the variables for which you have set keeps or those that participate in the statement about to be executed. CAUTION: Once the GO command has been issued, it only terminates when the value for the number of statements to be executed is reached, or if a break/abend occurs. You cannot stop execution with a PF key or PA/Attention key. Examples of the use of the number and delay parameters are: GO 5 0: Executes five statements immediately, without delaying between statements. The screen is refreshed only once. After the fifth statement executes, control is returned to you. GO 5 5: Executes five statements, delaying 5 seconds between statements. The screen is refreshed after each statement is executed. After the fifth statement executes, control is returned to you. GO 99 2: Executes 99 statements (the maximum allowed when the delay-interval is non-zero), delaying two seconds between each statement. The screen is refreshed after each statement is executed. After the ninety-ninth statement executes, control is returned to you. GO 5000 0: Executes 5000 statements (the maximum allowed when the delayinterval is 0), without delaying between statements. This example is the same as entering GO 5000. The screen is refreshed only once after the 5000th statement executes. After the 5000th statement executes, control is returned to you. TRACE Executes and traces the next n statements, paragraphs, labeled statements, programs, functions, or procedures. The TRACE operand allows you to turn Program Trace on temporarily. Program Trace is turned off when stepping is halted. Temporary tracing is accomplished by adding a trace rule for this task and program, with the TRACE option initially set to YES. When stepping is halted, that trace rule is modified to reset the TRACE option to NO. 3-50 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual If another trace rule on the Trace Summary (1.4) screen already includes the task in its tracing criteria, then a temporary trace rule is superfluous; no action is taken. The trace data will remain available for viewing on the Program Trace (2.4) screen until all trace rules that include this facility are deleted. UNTIL Places a condition on the GO command to halt step execution. Before each statement executes in a GO command, Xpediter/CICS tests the condition. When it is found to be true, Xpediter/CICS halts execution of the program, and you regain control. This parameter is useful in tracking changes in variables or unexplained changes in program logic. Usage Notes Note: When you single-step (GO 1) through a statement containing multiple breakpoints, the execution pointer will remain at that statement but the execution pointer will change from a single arrow (>) to a double arrow (>>) to signify that we are at an after breakpoint. The UNTIL parameter is executed according to the following conditions: • If the when-condition is omitted, execution continues until the value of the first operand changes. For example: GO UNTIL WA-HOURS NE * is equivalent to GO UNTIL WA-HOURS • The tests between the first operand and the second operand are made as logical comparisons. • Xpediter/CICS makes comparisons using the length of the first operand or the second operand, whichever is shorter. • Before the statement executes, Xpediter/CICS evaluates the first operand and compares its value with the second operand value using the specified operator. – If the condition is met, Xpediter/CICS halts execution and you regain control. – If the condition is not met, the statement executes, and Xpediter/CICS repeats the process until either a break/abend occurs, or execution of the specified number of statements is completed. The conditions of the UNTIL parameter are only active for the duration of each GO command. Either reenter the conditions for each GO command, or repeat them with the REPEAT primary command. Complete the following procedure to use the GO command most effectively: 1. Set a breakpoint in the program at some point before the location of the problem. 2. Execute the transaction, and wait for the breakpoint. 3. Once at the breakpoint, enter the GO command and the condition at which to break. When the condition is reached, Xpediter/CICS returns control to you with a message indicating that the condition was met. If the condition is not met, Xpediter/CICS displays a message of the number of statements executed, unless a break/abend occurred or the program terminated. Primary Commands 3-51 Examples: GO 20 UNTIL WA-RATE NE * Executes 20 statements from the current position without waiting between each statement. If the value of WA-RATE changes from its current value, program execution halts after the statement in which the value was changed. This parameter can be abbreviated to GO 20 UNTIL WA-RATE. GO 50 5 UNTIL WA-RATE EQ 500 Executes 50 statements from the current position, waiting 5 seconds between each statement. If the value of WA-RATE becomes 500, program execution is halted after the statement in which WA-RATE was set to 500. GO UNTIL R0 = X’00000011’ Executes up to 5000 statements (default num-stmts value when the delay-interval value is 0) or until the contents of register 0 becomes X’00000011’. GO UNTIL WA-HOURS NE * Executes up to 5000 statements or until the contents of WA-HOURS changes. This parameter can abbreviated as GO UNTIL WA-HOURS. GO UNTIL WA-HOURS NE 10 Similar to second example, except 10 will be converted to a format compatible with WA-HOURS. GO UNTIL WA-RATE LT ZERO Program execution halts only if the value of WARATE becomes less than 0. GO UNTIL WA-HOURS NOT NUMERIC Program execution halts only if the value of WA-HOURS becomes non-numeric. GO 20 TRACE Executes and traces 20 statements from the current location in your program without waiting between each statement, then turns Program Trace off. GO 5 5 TRACE Executes and traces five statements, waiting five seconds between statements, then turns Program Trace off. Control is returned to you after the fifth statement has been executed. GO 20 TRACE UNTIL WA-RATE CHANGES Executes and traces 20 statements from the current location in your program without waiting between each statement, then turns Program Trace off. If the value of WA-RATE changes from its current value, program execution is halted at the statement that caused the change and Program Trace is turned off. Note: Using GO UNTIL to monitor a condition may cause the following results. These results are normal and can be expected. When the GO UNTIL condition is met, Xpediter/CICS treats the condition as an after breakpoint and positions you at the statement that caused the condition to be met. Once the condition is met, it continues to be true, and execution does not continue as long as the condition remains true. For example: GO UNTIL WA-HOURS = '$$$' Once the GO UNTIL condition is met, program execution halts, and GO UNTIL is redisplayed in the COMMAND field. Normally, pressing Enter causes the GO UNTIL to be reexecuted. However, as the condition is still true, execution does not continue, the breakpoint becomes a before, and the arrow moves to the next statement. GOTO The GOTO command changes the current execution pointer (resume location) of a program that is currently at a breakpoint, abend, or storage violation trap. If the keep window is open, the data values at the current execution point are displayed. 3-52 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual statement The number of the statement at which to resume execution if source is available for the current program. +offset The offset at which to resume execution. This parameter must be a valid hexadecimal number. The plus sign (+) is required. ADDR address The address at which to resume execution. The address must be a valid hexadecimal number. Unlike the GO and RESUME commands, the GOTO command does not resume execution. It only changes the current execution pointer. Use the GO or RESUME command to resume execution from this location. The GOTO command causes the Source Listing screen (2.L) to relocate to the statement where the current execution pointer has been moved. The resume location displayed on the Break/Abend screen (2.1) and the STATUS footing area reflects the new resume location. If you are an XPED or XPRT user, the resume location must be within the current program. If you are an XPSP user, a resume location outside of the current program is accepted. CAUTION: Please note that using the SKIP or GOTO commands with your C, COBOL, or PL/I programs causes changes in the execution of the underlying Assembler instructions generated by the compiler. This is normal, and generally does not cause problems. However, in some situations (most commonly when the program has been optimized or, for C programs, if functions are inlined, or for Enterprise PL/I procedures are inlined), the normal flow of execution is artificially interrupted by either the SKIP or GOTO commands, and the following conditions may occur: • Data appears incorrectly in the keep window, or on the Data Area screen (2.3). • The program may take an incorrect logic path. • An unexpected abend condition may result. Xpediter/CICS displays the word OPT on line 1 of the page heading if a program has been compiled with the OPTIMIZE (C, COBOL, and PL/I optimization) or INLINE (C and PL/I inlining) compile options. You can use the HELP OPTIMIZE or HELP OPT primary command to view information about the current program/CSECT as displayed in the MODULE and CSECT fields. If the profile option OPTWARN is set to ON, the optimization warning will also be displayed in the footing of the screen for any program compiled with OPT or INLINE. If you do experience any unexpected results, use the HELP OPT primary command or check the program listing to see if the program was optimized at compile time or, for C, function inlining is active, or, for Enterprise PL/I, procedure inlining is active. If the program was optimized or, for C or PL/I, inlining is active, recompile the program without the optimize/inline option. If the program was not optimized, inlining is inactive, and SKIP or GOTO are not functioning correctly, contact Xpediter/CICS Customer Support (see “Customer Support” on page xxiv). For detailed examples of the SKIP and GOTO commands, refer to the Help screens during your Xpediter/CICS session. Refer to page 3-118 for information on the SKIP command. Primary Commands 3-53 GPREGS Use the GPREGS command to display the contents of the general purpose registers in the footer area of the screen. GROUP Use the GROUP command on any of the Program Storage screens (2.3) when displaying data in vertical hexadecimal format. Note: This command is valid only in HEX ON display mode. The GROUP command displays only 01 and 77 level items when scrolling. However, if a field is requested using the LOCATE command, Xpediter/CICS displays the requested field as the first item, regardless of its level number. This command is only valid for COBOL and PL/I programs. GU The GU command performs a DL/I Get Unique call on the database. It is available only on the Edit DL/1 Segment screen (5.4.4). This command can only be used when the PSB in use was scheduled via a PCB call. The GU command requests a segment as qualified by the user-supplied SSAs. Use this command to access a segment in the database or to establish a position in the database. The GU command is the only call that can establish a position backward in a database. Unlike the GN and GNP commands, the GU command does not allow forward movement through a database. DL/I always retrieves the same segment each time the GU call is issued. 3-54 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual HELP (HLP) The HELP command requests Xpediter’s interactive Help facility. The default is to display help for the current screen. ALLOC Displays dynamic allocation return and reason codes to help with diagnosis of log and script allocation failures. ATA Displays information about Xpediter’s Automatic Trap Activation feature. Primary Commands 3-55 AUDIT Displays information about the File, including whether logging is active, the dataset to which requests are being logged, and the number and type of requests logged since the most recent activation of the File Utility Audit Trail. FAUDIT is treated the same way as AUDIT. BREAKS Displays information about breakpoints. CHANGES Displays information about the CHANGES in the current release. COMMANDS Displays summary of all primary and line commands. COV Displays summary of Xpediter/Code Coverage information. CUSTINFO Displays Xpediter/CICS customer information including product release and licensed options, licensed CPUs, LMS security release, and license management certificate ID. Xpediter/Code Coverage information is included, if applicable. DBCTL Displays current DBCTL status. DL/I Displays information about DL/I and I/O commands available. DL/I-return-code Displays causes and action information about the DL/I return code. GLOBAL Displays the current values of global table parameters. parameter Limits the display to the value of the parameter specified. LEGAL Displays trade secret notice. MESSAGES Displays log messages and explanations. 3-56 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual MODE Displays customer information, the transaction used to start Xpediter, and the current operating mode. Also provides a list of available commands when using Diagnosis, Utilities, or Diagnosis/Utilities Mode. MODULE Provides product and module information. MQ Displays information about the MQ Adapter connection. MQMD Displays information about the MQ Message Descriptor. MQRC Displays a list of MQ completion codes and reason codes. NEWS Displays the new features for this Xpediter/CICS release. NOSOURCE Displays probable causes to help determine why a source listing cannot be displayed for a program. OPTimize Displays the effects of optimization or inline on Xpediter/CICS. primary-command An Xpediter/CICS primary command listed in this chapter. PROGRAM Describes MODULE field. PTFS Lists currently applied Xpediter/CICS and Compuware Shared Services PTFs. RANGES Displays information about the RANGE parameter. RPL Displays all library datasets in the DFHRPL concatenation. Primary Commands 3-57 SCRIPT Displays either information about the Script Facility or, if a script has been run during the current debugging session, information about the site’s implementation of the Script Facility, the script dataset name and run time, and the results of the script execution. SCROLL Describes the SCROLL field. SET Displays information about Xpediter’s SET primary command. SLSERR Displays information about what action to take if a SLS (source level support) error occurs on any source listing screen. SQLERROR Displays additional text regarding the current value of the SQL return code. SQLCODE Displays information about SQL codes. SRC Provides an overview of the Source Listing screen (2.L). SUBSYSTEM Displays the status of the Xpediter/CICS subsystem. SUPPORT Displays information on contacting Xpediter/CICS Customer Support. SYSINFO Provides CICS exit information. SYSTEM Displays CICS system environmental information. This includes, if applicable, the release number of CICSPlex System Manager in use. TABLES Lists CICS Table/Area values. 4038 Displays extended Language Environment information when a user 4038 abend has occurred. 3-58 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual Valid Help Facility Commands The following commands are valid in the Xpediter/CICS Help facility. For your convenience, the default PF key assignments for these commands are also included in this section. Default PF key assignments are those which are shipped with Xpediter/CICS. The default PF key for the HELP command is PF1. BOTTOM Same as DOWN MAX. CANCEL Cancels the current help displays returning back to the original screen from which you entered the Help command. COLS Displays a ruler line at the top of each Help screen. Use the COLS OFF to disable the ruler line. DOWN Scrolls down by the current scroll amount. Valid only when the SCROLL field is displayed. If you are currently located at the last line of the help screen, the DOWN command skips forward to the next topic. If you are currently located on a help menu, the DOWN command skips forward to the next topic. The default is PF8. END Ends returns to the previous help screen. The default is PF3. FIND Finds data within the currently displayed Help screen. HELP Displays the Help menu. The default is PF1. MENU Displays the Help Table of Contents. The default is PF13. UP Scrolls up by the current scroll amount. Valid only when the SCROLL field is displayed. If you are currently positioned at the beginning of a help screen, the UP command returns you to the next higher level help menu. If you are currently located on a help menu, the UP command returns you to the next higher level help menu. The default is PF7. TOP Same as UP MAX. Primary Commands 3-59 HEX (HX) On the Break/Abend (2.1), Program Storage (2.3), and Source Listing (2.L) screens, the HEX command changes the way data items or working storage data is displayed. In the File Utility, the HEX command changes the way record or segment data is displayed. HEX ON Displays the data in vertical hexadecimal format. HEX ON is the default. HEX DUMP Displays the data in dump format. HEX DUMP is not available on the 2.1 and 2.L screens. HEX OFF Formats the data according to the individual field definitions. In the File Utility, HEX OFF displays data in character format. HEX VERT Displays the data in vertical hexadecimal format. VERT is a synonym for ON. INCLUDE (INC) The INCLUDE command initiates execution of a previously created script. Primary commands in the script are executed sequentially until the end of the script is detected or an error condition occurs. scriptname A 1- to 8-character member name used to identify an individual Xpediter script within a system or user script dataset. The DSN and type of script dataset must be previously specified on the Script Dataset Allocation screen (0.6). Although screen-specific and transfer command are not supported, the INCLUDE command fully supports and executes scripts containing the following primary commands and the equivalent line commands: • • • • • • • • • AFTER BEFORE COUNT DELETE INCLUDE KEEP LOAD MOVE ONETIME 3-60 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual • SET • SKIP When the INCLUDE command has finished execution, either successfully or unsuccessfully, Xpediter will display a message. The results of the execution are stored in a temporary log and can be viewed with the HELP SCRIPT command. INSERT (I) The INSERT command modifies the length of the current I/O area used in the File Utility. The I/O area is used in CICS read/write operations. When Xpediter/CICS reads a new record, it automatically acquires a new I/O area and adjusts the length for the current length of the record. offset Offset into the current I/O area in which the data is inserted. This parameter may be specified either as a decimal value or a hexadecimal value from 0 to the current size of the I/O area. A leading plus sign specifies a hexadecimal value. This parameter is relative to zero, that is, specifying 0 or +0 inserts the data at the beginning of the I/O area. If an I/O area does not exist (the record length is zero), only 0 is valid. When the insert takes place, the fill character is replicated for the specified length and inserted in the record beginning at the specified offset. Xpediter/CICS shifts all existing data in the record to the right, within the I/O area, so that data is not lost. To add data to the end of the record, specify the current I/O area length displayed as the offset parameter. Data is inserted at the end of the area. length Specifies the length of data (number of bytes) that Xpediter/CICS can insert into the I/O area. This parameter may be specified either as a decimal value or a hexadecimal value from 1 to the number of bytes remaining until the maximum record size is reached. A leading plus sign specifies a hexadecimal value. fill Specifies the fill character that Xpediter/CICS uses when inserting data into the I/O area. This parameter specifies a one-byte value that is used to initialize the data in the record. Two types of fill characters are allowed: • Single-character value enclosed in single or double quotes • Two-position hexadecimal value enclosed in single or double quotes with a leading X (for example, X'C1'). The default fill-character value is X’00’ (binary zeros). If you access a display/update screen, an I/O area may not be acquired yet (the record length field will be 0). In this case, enter the INSERT command without parameters. An I/O area the size of the maximum allowed record length is automatically acquired and initialized to binary zeroes. However, parameters can also be coded to acquire an I/O of a different length and fill character. Note: INSERT can be entered without parameters only if no I/O area currently exists. Primary Commands 3-61 The following examples show uses of the INSERT command: Example 1: INSERT 0 INSERT +0 80 80 Example 1 inserts 80 bytes of binary zeroes in front of the current I/O area. Example 2: INSERT 64 80 'A' INSERT +40 +50 X'C1' INSERT 64 +50 X"C1" Example 2 inserts 80 bytes of the letter A into the I/O area beginning at offset 64 (X’40’). Bytes 0 through 63 remain unchanged. Bytes 64 through 143 now contain the letter A (X’C1’). Bytes 144 through the end of the I/O area contain the data that previously began at offset 64 in the I/O area. Example 3: INSERT 64 80 INSERT +40 80 Example 3 inserts 80 bytes of binary zeroes beginning at offset 64 (X’40’) into the I/O area. Bytes 0 through 63 remain unchanged. Bytes 64 through 143 contain binary zeroes (the default fill character). Bytes 144 to the end of the I/O area contain the data that previously began at offset 64 in the I/O area. Example 4: INSERT 64 12 INSERT +40 +C Example 4 inserts 12 bytes of binary zeroes beginning at offset 64 (X’40’) into the I/O area. Bytes 0 through 63 remain unchanged. Bytes 64 through 75 contain binary zeroes (the default fill character). Bytes 76 through the end of the I/O area contain the data that previously began at offset 64 in the I/O area. Example 5: INSERT 64 80 X'00' INSERT +40 +50 X"00" Example 5 inserts 80 bytes of binary zeroes beginning at offset 64 (X’40’) into the I/O area. Bytes 0 through 63 remain unchanged. Bytes 64 through 143 contain binary zeroes (the default fill character). Bytes 144 to the end of the I/O area contain the data that previously began at offset 64 in the I/O area. INTERCEPT The INTERCEPT command is used to load the program or a statically-linked subroutine within the program, then set a before breakpoint at the entry-point of the specified program or subroutine. The parameter descriptions for the INTERCEPT command are: 3-62 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual program-name The name of the load module. A value is required for this field. The value can be any valid program name not exceeding eight characters. subroutine-name The name of the statically-linked subroutine to be tested. The value cannot exceed eight characters. When this format of the command is used, the breakpoint is set at the start of this subroutine and the subroutine is selected for debugging. LOAdm To test a statically-linked subroutine within a load module, enter the name of the composite load module as the value for program-name. ISRT The ISRT command performs a DL/I ISRT call on a database to insert a segment. It is available only on the Edit DL/1 Segment screen (5.4.4). This command can only be used when the PSB in use was scheduled via a PCB call. Before entering an ISRT command, build the new segment in the I/O area. If an I/O area does not currently exist, use the INSERT command to create one. The fields of the new segment in the I/O area must have the same order and length as defined for the segment. When inserting a root segment, DL/I places it in the correct sequence in the database using the key fields supplied in the I/O area. When the inserted segment is not a root, but its parent was just inserted, use the ISRT command with an unqualified SSA to insert the child segment. An unqualified SSA may also be used to insert a root segment. Add new segments directly or sequentially after building them in the I/O area. At least one SSA is required; the last or only SSA must specify the new segment. If the new segment contains a unique key field, Xpediter/CICS uses the key to determine where the segment is inserted into the database. If a unique key field does not exist for the segment, the insert rules defined by the site’s database administrator during the DBD generation are used. KEEP (K) The KEEP command turns on or off data-name keeps for variables in Assembler, C, COBOL, and PL/I programs. Keeps allow you to display and modify the current contents of variables during program execution. Array variables default to displaying the first occurrence in the keep window. The occurrence number can be modified in the keep window to view other occurrences of the variable. The Xpediter/CICS 2.L screen and the variable display portion of the 2.1 and 2.3 screens contain a helpful feature that continuously displays the next occurrence of a table element each time you press Enter. Appending a signed integer (-1 or +1, for example) to any disassociated occurrence level number causes Xpediter/CICS to repeatedly increment or decrement the subscript by the specified amount. For example, if the current occurrence number is: OCCURS X,Y,Z TIMES 3,4,5 Primary Commands 3-63 and you append +1, like this: OCCURS X,Y,Z TIMES 3,4,5+1 Xpediter/CICS displays occurrence 3,4,6. The occurrence field now displays: OCCURS X,Y,Z TIMES 3,4,6+1 When you press Enter again, occurrence 3,4,7+1 is displayed and so on. This technique can be applied at any level and at more than one level at a time. This means that OCCURS X,Y,Z TIMES 3-1,4,6+1 and other combinations of this type are permitted. When a break/abend occurs, you can display the current contents of variables on the Source Listing screen (2.L), Break/Abend screen (2.1), or Program Storage screens (2.3). Xpediter/CICS supports setting the KEEP command on 88 level fields in COBOL programs. Setting a keep on an 88 level field also sets a keep on the associated parent field. Deleting a keep from an 88 level field will leave the keep on the parent field, but deleting the keep from the parent field will also delete the keep from any associated 88 level fields. The KEEP command is allowed only for programs that have been compiled using the Compuware language processors. This command only works with the data labels described in “Variable Parameters” on page 3-1 and statements that define data fields with a label. ON Adds the specified variable name to the list of keeps that display for this program when a break/abend occurs. The default is ON. OFF Removes a keep that has been set for this variable name from the program’s keep list. ALL Indicates that all keeps for the current program should be deleted. ALL is valid only in combination with OFF. Note: You cannot set a keep on an EQUated item — the KEEP command is rejected. To view EQUated items, check the Program Storage screens (2.3). 3-64 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual KEYS The KEYS command temporarily displays the PRIMARY PF KEY SETTINGS (0.2) screen that is used to modify the current PF key settings. The PRIMARY PF KEY SETTINGS screen has two fields for each PF key: VALUE: Command data substituted into the COMMAND field when the PF key is pressed. LABEL: Eight-character label for the PF key that displays on the footing if the SET FOOT KEYS command has been entered. If the label field is left blank, Xpediter/CICS displays the first eight characters of the PF key value. After modifying key values, use the END command to return to the previous screen, or press Enter to view and modify the alternate PF keys PF13 - PF24. Note that when a PF key is pressed, the value on the COMMAND field is appended to the current value of the PF key. For example, typing the number 10 in the COMMAND field and pressing the GO PF key is the same as a GO 10 command. If a user has specified a profile name for the session, any changes in PF key values are stored and remain in effect in following sessions. LEFT (LE) The LEFT command scrolls the current window to the left. On the 2.L screen, where multiple windows can exist (one each for Keep displays and Source displays), the current window depends on the cursor position when the LEFT command is issued. On the Memory Display screens (2.2 and 9.2), the LEFT command and the PF key assigned to the LEFT command function in the same way as the PREV command. See “PREV (PRV)” on page 3-82. By the same token, the RIGHT command functions in the same way as the NEXT command. See page “NEXT (NXT)” on page 3-79. The LEFT command is used with a scrolling value. The default scrolling value is taken from the SCROLL field on the screen unless it is overridden by entering a temporary scroll value on the COMMAND field. The valid scrolling values are: CSR Scrolls the display to the left so that the column in which the cursor is positioned becomes the rightmost column of data displayed. If the cursor is positioned outside of the data area, LEFT CSR has the same effect as LEFT PAGE. HALF Scrolls the display left half the width of the screen. Primary Commands 3-65 MAX Scrolls the display left to show column 1 as the leftmost column of data. nnnn Scrolls the display nnnn columns to the left, where nnnn is a decimal value from 1 to 9999. PAGE Scrolls the display left the width of the screen. LIBRARY (LIB) Use the LIBRARY command from any screen to display information about the current program entered in the MODULE field. The LIBRARY command includes information such as load library information and source listing dataset information, and provides the same information as the HELP MODULE command. Table 3-2 lists the information sections of the LIBRARY command. Use the UP/DOWN commands to scroll through the display. Use the END command to return to where the LIBRARY command was originally issued. Table 3-2. LIBRARY Information Sections Section Information Provided General Product and CICS release Load Module Module, CSECT, load library, language, timestamp Processor Compuware processor release, listing dataset Interface Interface load library, release, return code Code Coverage Program Status Collection status for current program. Provides reason if data will not be collected. DFHRPL Concatenation Sequence of datasets loaded at CICS startup. LOAD The LOAD command allows you to load a program just as though you had typed the program name in the MODULE field of an Xpediter/CICS screen. You can also select an individual CSECT within the specified load module. When the Script Facility is performing a capture, if you enter a program name in the MODULE field, Xpediter will generate an equivalent LOAD command in the script being captured. Example 1 LOAD CWDEMCB2 3-66 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual Example 1 loads the load module for program CWDEMCB2. Example 2 LOAD CWDEMCB2:CWCDSUBA Example 2 loads the load module for program CWDEMCB2 and selects the CSECT CWCDSUBA. LOCATE (LOC, L) The LOCATE command positions to an area in the data currently displayed on the screen. This command is available in the following screens: • • • • • • • • • Source Listing (2.L) Program Storage (2.3) File Utility (5) List of CSECTs (2.6.1) List of DLL Functions (2.6.F) Program Channel Display (2.C.1) Channel Container Display (2.C.2) Task Storage (2.S) Load Profile (0.4) The command’s syntax depends on the screen that is accessed. Global Command The LOCATE * global primary command allows the user to transfer from any screen within Xpediter (except a menu) directly to the Source Listing screen (2.L) or Assembler Break/Abend screen (2.20). The LOCATE * command is supported for Assembler, C, COBOL, and PL/I. It provides an easy-to-use command for repositioning to the Source Listing screen. Usage Notes The LOCATE * global primary command executes according to the following processing rules: • If the current debugging session is not in a break/abend state: – If no program name is currently displayed in the MODULE field, Xpediter/CICS will transfer to the Source Listing screen (2.L), and the message PROGRAM NAME IS REQUIRED will be displayed. – If a program name is currently displayed in the MODULE field, but no source exists for the program, Xpediter/CICS will transfer to the Source Listing screen (2.L), and the message NO SOURCE AVAILABLE will be displayed. – If a program name is currently displayed in the MODULE field and source exists for the program, Xpediter/CICS will transfer to the Source Listing screen (2.L), and the listing will be positioned to the first executable statement in the program. • If the current debugging session is in a break/abend state: – The MODULE field will be examined and updated as follows: Primary Commands 3-67 • If the program name displayed in the MODULE field is not the program currently at a breakpoint or abend, or the MODULE field is blank, the name of the program that is currently at a breakpoint or abend will be displayed in the MODULE field. • If the program name displayed in the MODULE field is the program currently at a breakpoint or abend, the MODULE field will remain unchanged. – After the MODULE field has been examined and updated, one of the following will occur: • If no source exists for the program name displayed in the MODULE field, Xpediter/CICS will transfer to the Assembler Break/Abend screen (2.20). • If source exists for the program name displayed in the MODULE field, Xpediter/CICS will transfer to the Source Listing screen (2.L), and the listing will be positioned to the current execution pointer. Source Listing Screen The LOCATE command is used to position quickly to a line in the source listing. This command differs from the FIND command because it positions to a unique area within a source listing by using internal indexes, which allow quick and efficient positioning. The FIND command, on the other hand, positions to multiple occurrences of a string within a source listing by interrogating each line of the listing while looking for the given string. The LOCATE command requires entering the entire data name or paragraph, while FIND allows locating partial strings. Use the LOCATE command on the Source Listing screen (2.L) to: • • • • • • • • Locate Locate Locate Locate Locate Locate Locate Locate the current execution point by omitting the parameter the current execution point with ABEND parameter a decimal statement number a hexadecimal offset an area in a program a paragraph (label) in a program a line where a variable is defined to a symbolic label. Each of these uses of the LOCATE command is described separately. Note: The following syntax diagram only applies when the cursor is not within the keep window. Please refer to the Xpediter/CICS User’s Guides for more information. Locate by Omitting the Parameter If currently at a break/abend, enter LOCATE without a parameter to position the line where the break/abend occurred near the top of the source display portion of the screen. If not at a break/abend, Xpediter/CICS positions the first executable statement or instruction in the program at the top of the source display. 3-68 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual Locate with the STOP or ABEND Parameters If currently at a break or abend state, LOCATE STOP or LOCATE ABEND positions the line where the break/abend occurs at the top of the source display portion of the screen. If not currently at a break or abend state, LOCATE STOP or LOCATE ABEND cause an error message to be displayed, and the listing is not repositioned. Locate a Decimal Statement Number The line corresponding to the specified statement number displays as the first line in the source display. However, if the specified statement number is before the first statement in the program, Xpediter/CICS displays the first statement. If the statement number is greater than the last statement in the program, Xpediter/CICS displays the last statement. Examples of this use of the LOCATE command are: LOCATE 0: Positions the display at the first statement in the program. LOCATE 255: Positions the display at statement 255 in the program. LOCATE 999999: Positions the display at the last statement in the program. Locate a Hexadecimal Offset Enter a hexadecimal offset preceded by a plus sign (+). The line corresponding to that offset in the program displays as the first line in the source display portion of the screen. However, if the specified offset is before the first executable instruction in the program, Xpediter/CICS displays the line corresponding to the first executable instruction. If the offset is greater than the last executable instruction in the program, Xpediter/CICS displays the line corresponding to the last executable instruction. Examples of this use of the LOCATE command are: LOCATE +0: Positions at the first executable instruction in the program. LOCATE +AD2: Positions at the executable instruction associated with offset X’AD2’. LOCATE +FFFFE: Positions at the last executable instruction in the program. Note: When using a hexadecimal string, the specified offset must be an even number. Locate a Section in a Program This method positions the display to the section in the listing associated with the keyword. Enter a listing-section parameter from the keyword list in Table 3-3. The parameter positions the display based on one of two options: TOP: Positions at the start of the section. The default is TOP. BOTTOM (BOT): Positions at the end of the section. Table 3-3. LOCATE Listing-Section Parameter Keywords Keyword Abbreviations Section (Language) CELLS BLL BL BL/BLL CELLS (COBOL) Primary Commands Table 3-3. LOCATE Listing-Section Parameter Keywords Keyword Abbreviations Section (Language) CONDENSED LISTING (COBOL) TABLES OF OFFSETS (PL/I) CLIST CONFIGURATION CONFIG CONFIGURATION SECTION (COBOL) DATADIV DDIV DD DATA DIVISION (COBOL) STORAGE REQUIREMENTS (PL/I) DMAP ENVIRONMENT DATA-NAME MAP (COBOL) ENV ERRORS ENVIRONMENT DIVISION (COBOL) AGGREGATE LENGTH TABLE (PL/I) ERROR MESSAGES (Assembler, COBOL, and PL/I) FILE FS FILE SECTION (COBOL) VARIABLE STORAGE MAP (PL/I) IDENTIFICATION ID IDENTIFICATION DIVISION (COBOL) ASSEMBLER LISTING (PL/I) LINKAGE LINK LS LINKAGE SECTION (COBOL) LITERAL LIT LITERAL POOL (Assembler and COBOL) MMAP MEMORY MAP (COBOL) STATIC INTERNAL MAP (PL/I) PGT PROGRAM GLOBAL TABLE (COBOL) PMAP PROCEDURE MAP (COBOL) PROCEDURE PROC PROCEDURE DIVISION (COBOL) FIRST PROCEDURE STATEMENT (PL/I) PXREF PROCEDURE CROSS REFERENCE (COBOL) RELO RELOCATION DICTIONARY (Assembler) REPORT 3-69 RPT RS REPORT SECTION (COBOL) SYM EXTERNAL SYMBOL DICTIONARY (Assembler) TGT TASK GLOBAL TABLE (COBOL) VXREF VERB CROSS REFERENCE (COBOL) WORKING-STORAGE WORK WS WORKING-STORAGE SECTION (COBOL) XREF CROSS REFERENCE (Assembler) DATA-NAME CROSS REFERENCE (COBOL) VARIABLE CROSS REFERENCE (PL/I) Examples of this use of the LOCATE command are: LOCATE WS: Positions at the first line in the working storage section of the program. LOCATE WS BOTTOM or L BOT WS: Positions at the last line in the working storage section of the program, which becomes the bottom line of the display. L PROC: Positions at the first line in the procedure division of the program. Locate a Label in a Program To locate a paragraph in a COBOL listing or a label in an Assembler or PL/I program, use PARAGRAPH and paragraph-name parameters. PARAGRAPH (PARA): Specifies a particular paragraph name in a COBOL program or a label in a PL/I or Assembler program. 3-70 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual paragraph-name: Set of one or more COBOL sentences making up a logical processing entity and preceded by a paragraph name or a paragraph header. This can also refer to a label in the executable part of an Assembler or PL/I program. Note: The positions of the PARAGRAPH and paragraph-name parameters can be interchanged. If the paragraph or label can be found in the program, the top line of the source display begins with the line in which the paragraph is defined. For example, L PARA XYZ positions the display at the statement defining XYZ. Locate a Line Where a Variable is Defined To locate a line where a COBOL variable, PL/I variable, C variable, or Assembler label is defined, use the DATANAME and variable parameters. Note: The positions of the DATANAME and variable parameters can be interchanged. If the variable has been defined in the program, the top line of the source display begins with the line in which the variable is defined. For example, enter LOCATE DATA ABC to position to the line where ABC is defined. Note: Variablename is case-sensitive for C programs. Note: If the DATANAME or PARAGRAPH parameter is omitted, Xpediter/CICS searches the program in the following order: 1. Keyword list for the matching keyword. 2. Procedure cross-reference for the procedure name. 3. Variable cross-reference for the variable. For example, if LOCATE ABC is entered, Xpediter/CICS first determines if ABC matches the list of area keywords. If a match is found, that area is displayed. If a match with the area keywords is not found, Xpediter/CICS searches for a paragraph or label ABC defined in the program; if found, it is displayed. If a match in the procedure cross-reference is not found, Xpediter/CICS then searches the variable cross-reference and displays it if found. If no matches are found, the UNABLE TO LOCATE error message is displayed. Locate to a Symbolic Label To locate where the symbolic label is defined, use the symbolic label parameter. Symbolic labels are defined in the line command field of the Source Listing screen (2.L). For example, LOC .HERE positions to the line where the .HERE symbolic label was previously defined. Source Listing and Break/Abend Screens — Keep Window The LOCATE command positions to the variable in the keep window of the Break/Abend screen (2.1) and is valid in formatted, vertical hex, and dump display modes. If the cursor Primary Commands 3-71 is in the Keep window of the Source Listing screen (2.L), it will also position to the variable in the Keep window. If the cursor is in the Command line or listing area, it will position to the variable in the source area of the screen. Note: Variable is case-sensitive for C programs. Working Storage Screen for COBOL Programs The following syntax lists the parameters necessary to locate a particular section or data name in working storage. This syntax is valid only on the Working Storage screen (2.3) when in a break/abend state. WS Positions the current display to the beginning of working storage. This command is valid: • for COBOL programs only • on the Working Storage screen (2.3) or the Source Listing screen (2.L) • in all display modes. TWA Positions the current display to the beginning of the Terminal Work Area (TWA). This command is valid: • for COBOL programs only • on the Working Storage screen (2.3) • for dump display mode only. EIB Positions the display to the beginning of the Execute Interface Block (EIB). This command is valid: • for COBOL and PL/I programs • on the Data Area screens (2.3) only • in the following display modes: – formatted – vertical hex (only if DFHEIBLK is defined within the program) – dump (only if DFHEIBLK is defined within the program) COMM Positions the current display at the beginning of the CICS communication area (COMMAREA). This command is valid: • for COBOL programs only • on the Working Storage screen (2.3) 3-72 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual • in dump display mode. locator-cell Positions the current display at the beginning of the storage pointed to by a COBOL locator cell. The format of a locator cell is: cellnnn Where cell may be one of the following: BL Base Locator Cell (Working Storage Section) BLW Base Locator Working Storage (COBOL II BL equivalent) BLL Base Linkage Locator (Linkage Section) BLF Base Locator File (Not for CICS) BLX Base Locator External (External variables) Where nnn may be a 1 to 3 digit cell number. This command is valid: • For COBOL programs only • On the Working Storage screen (2.3) • In the following display modes: – formatted – vertical hex – dump. Enter a data-label name or partial name followed by an asterisk to position to the first occurrence of the string in the keep window if the requested string is found. If the requested string is not found, a warning message saying the requested string is not found is issued. Variable Storage Screen for PL/I Programs Locates to a particular section of PL/I variable storage or data name in variable storage only when the program is in a break/abend state on the Variable Storage screen (2.3). Enter a data-label name or partial name followed by an asterisk to position to the first occurrence of the string in the keep window if the requested string is found. If the requested string is not found, a warning message saying the requested string is not found is issued. Note: To use EIB, DFHEIBLK must be defined in the program. Defined Storage Screen for Assembler Programs Use the following LOCATE command syntax to locate to a particular data label in an Assembler program. It can only be used when in a break/abend state on the Defined Primary Commands 3-73 Storage screen (2.3), or in the keep window of the Break/Abend (2.1) and Source Listing (2.L) screens. Enter a data-label name or partial name followed by an asterisk to position to the first occurrence of the string in the keep window if the requested string is found. If the requested string is not found, a warning message saying the requested string is not found is issued. Variable Storage Screen for C Programs Use the following LOCATE command syntax to locate to a particular section of the C variable storage. It can only be used when in a break/abend state on the Variable Storage screen (2.3), or in the keep window of the Break/Abend (2.1) and Source Listing (2.L) screens. Enter a variable name to position to the definition of the variable within the variable storage map. Variables may need to be fully qualified so they position to the correct occurrence. The PARAMETERS and LOCALS operands may be entered with a Function name to position to the appropriate section of the variable storage map. List of CSECTs Screen The LOCATE command is used to position quickly to a specific CSECT within the list. CSECT-name Locates a specific CSECT within the list. List of DLL Functions Screen The LOCATE command is used to position quickly to a specific function within the list. 3-74 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual function Locates a specific function within the list. Program Channel Display Screen The LOCATE command is used to move a specific channel to the top of the screen. function Moves a specific channel to the top of the screen. Note: If the Program ID field has been set to * to display all active program levels for the task, a given channel ID may occur within several programs. To locate the channel ID in a specific program, use the syntax LOCATE pgm:channel. Channel Container Display Screen The LOCATE command is used to move a specific container to the top of the screen. function Moves a specific container to the top of the screen. Task Storage Screen The LOCATE command is used to position quickly to a specific area within the list which contains that address within its boundaries. storage-address Locates a specific storage area. File Utility List Screens The LOCATE command is used in the following File Utility List Screens: • • • • • • • • CICS Dataset List (5.1.1) Temporary Storage Queue List (5.2.1) Transient Data Queue List (5.3.1) DL/I PSB List (5.4.1) DL/I PCB List (5.4.2) DL/I Segment List (5.4.3) DB2 Table/View List (5.5.1) DB2 Build SQL Easy Query (5.5.2) Primary Commands • • • • 3-75 DB2 Browse Result Table (5.5.4) DB2 Edit Result Table Row (5.5.5) DB2 Edit Composite Column (5.5.6) MQ Queue List (5.6.1) The syntax of the LOCATE command on these screens is as follows: file-resource Storage area that can be defined in CICS, such as queues or files. Valid types vary depending on the screen from which the LOCATE command is entered: • • • • • • • • • • • 5.1.1 5.2.1 5.3.1 5.4.1 5.4.2 5.4.3 5.5.1 5.5.2 5.5.4 5.5.5 5.6.1 Screen: Screen: Screen: Screen: Screen: Screen: Screen: Screen: Screen: Screen: Screen: Dataset Temporary storage queue Transient data queue PSB PCB Segment Creator/table Column name Column name/number Column name MQ Queue File Utility Display Screens The LOCATE command is used in the following File Utility Display screens: • • • • • Edit CICS Dataset Record (5.1.3) Edit Queued Record (5.2.3) Edit Transient Data Queue Record (5.3.2) Edit DL/1 Segment (5.4.4) DB2 Edit Composite Column (5.5.6). The syntax for the LOCATE command on these screens is as follows: variable Positions the display at the specified data name. This parameter is available only when a record has been mapped with the USING command. See “USING” on page 3-122 for more information. The types of variables that can be subscripted are: • Arrays (PL/I) • Tables (COBOL) • Labels with a duplication factor greater than 1 (Assembler). bound Acts as a subscript to specify the occurrence of the variable for a given level. The number of bounds and their values are checked against the current bounds for a variable to 3-76 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual ensure the correct number of bounds and that the value of the bound matches. The number of bounds for each variable is restricted by the language of the application program. They must be numeric. If a bound is used, the bound values will be used as the occurrence of the variable when displayed. If the array has multiple bounds, but you wish to change only the first few, you need only enter the bounds that you wish to change and erase the remaining bounds. The unmodified bounds will default to the first element. In a multi-dimensional array, if a selection is made at a higher logical level, the selection is propagated to all levels directly below this entry, that is, to all levels logically subordinate to this level. Load Profile Screen The LOCATE command is used to position quickly to a specific NAME within the list of profile names. Full or partial (leading-position) profile names can be used. Profile Locates a specific profile name within the list. LOCK The LOCK command is used on the Memory Display (2.2 and 9.2) screens or the Select Address screen to lock the current address in the address table so it will not be deleted. The table holds sixteen entries; when the table is full, the oldest unlocked entry is automatically deleted to allow for the next entry. Locking an entry prevents it from being deleted when a new entry is added. If 16 entries are locked, no new entries are added to the table. See “SELECT (SEL)” on page 3-94. label Assigns a label to the entry being locked. Labels can be no longer than eight characters, can be alphanumeric, and must be unique. If a duplicate label is entered, an error message is issued and the command is redisplayed. MEMORY The MEMORY command ends the current Xpediter/CICS function and transfers to the Memory Display screen (2.2). From the Memory Display screen you can modify memory allocated to your task. Primary Commands 3-77 MENU (MEN) The MENU command ends the current Xpediter/CICS function and transfers to the Primary Menu. When using the Help facility, the MENU command transfers you to the highest level Help menu. MONITOR The MONITOR and REVERSE commands are used to activate review mode. Review mode enables you to record and then review the execution path by reversing the direction of program execution. When review mode is active, the direction in which the current review is processing, Forward or Reverse, will be displayed on the execution status line. Use the MONITOR command before executing your program to record execution. Then use the REVERSE command to review the execution history by tracing through the recorded history in the reverse direction. You can see the execution path and the changing data values as you review program execution. MONITOR records the program’s execution in containers. Usage Notes • Use the DELETE MONITOR command to stop recording the execution history. • The REVERSE and RESUME commands are valid only if MONITOR has first been turned on. • If MONITOR is turned on, MNTR will be displayed in the first header line. You can also use the MONITOR Summary screen (1.M) to view the status of the MONITOR function. MOVE The MOVE command allows you to modify the contents of program variables. It has the same rules and behavior as the COBOL MOVE verb. data A data item or variable defined in the current program. The source of the data being moved is data-1, and the target of the move is data-2. This parameter can be substringed to move only specific bytes as shown in the examples below. literal The literal to be moved can be any of the following: • signed or unsigned integer 3-78 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual • floating point number • alphanumeric string enclosed in single or double quotes, such as 'CURRPAY' or "WRKHOUR". • hexadecimal string enclosed in single quotes, such as x’A7978584’ • bit string enclosed in single quotes, such as b'101' (PL/I only) • figurative constant, such as spaces, zeros, high-values, or low-values. TO Required keyword separating the data-1 or literal value from data-2. Usage Notes • When the Script Facility is performing a capture, if you overtype a value displayed with the PEEK or KEEP command, Xpediter will generate an equivalent MOVE command in the script being captured. • A MOVE command cannot be longer than 120 character positions. • No validation is performed on hexadecimal strings other than to verify that they contain valid hex digits. • All moves except hexadecimal strings are subject to COBOL compatibility rules. A message will be displayed if those rules are violated. The message will include a matrix of compatibility rules. • If an attempt is made to move a non-numeric data type into a numeric field, the data will be validated. If the data contains only numeric characters, it will be converted to the same data type as the receiving field. If the data contains other non-numeric characters, a message will be displayed indicating whether or not it was moved. • If specific decimal formatting is desired in the receiving field, a decimal point must be provided in the literal value. • Floating point literal input is essentially “free-form”. Non-numeric characters—such as E, e, plus (+), minus (-), and the decimal indicators comma (,) and period (.)—in floating point literals are optional if the desired value can be determined without them. For example, the values 5, +5, 5.0, +5.0, 5e1, +5E1, and +5.0E+01 all generate the same internal value. • Moves to COMP-1 or COMP-2 fields from COMP (binary) and COMP-3 (packed decimal) fields are supported. Moves from COMP-1 or COMP-2 fields to COMP or COMP-3 fields are not supported. The following examples show uses of the MOVE command: Example 1 MOVE WA-RATE TO WA-HOURS Example 1 moves a value from one program variable to another. Example 2 MOVE ZEROS TO WA-HOURS Example 2 moves zeros to a numeric program variable. Example 3 MOVE X'F1F94BF5F0' TO WA-RATE Example 3 moves a hex value to a program variable. Primary Commands 3-79 Example 4 MOVE 'STRATTON' TO LASTNAME(2:8) Example 4 demonstrates the use of displacement and length on the data-2 parameter. This overlays the LASTNAME field starting at the second character for a length of eight. Example 5 MOVE 'STRATTON' TO LASTNAME-ARRAY(2) Example 5 moves a value to a program variable defined as an array. “STRATTON” is moved to the second element of the array field LASTNAME-ARRAY. Example 6 MOVE 'AFFORD' TO LASTNAME-ARRAY(2)(3:6) Example 6 demonstrates the use of displacement and length with the same array program variable used in Example 5. “AFFORD” is moved to the second element of the array field LASTNAME-ARRAY and overlays it starting at the third character for a length of six. Combined with the move in Example 5, this creates the literal “STAFFORD.” Example 7 MOVE ZEROS TO WA-COMP1-FIELD Example 7 moves zeros to a floating point program variable. Example 8 MOVE WA-RATE TO WA-COMP2-FIELD Example 8 demonstrates how to move a value from one numeric program variable to a floating point program variable. Example 9 MOVE +1.2345E+02 TO WA-COMP2-FIELD Example 9 moves a specific value to a floating point program variable. The plus (+) symbols and the exponent are optional. If either the value or the exponent are negative, minus (-) symbols and the exponent are required. NEXT (NXT) The NEXT command scrolls to the next area in the data currently displayed on the screen. The functionality of this command depends on the screen from which it is accessed: • File Utility screens • Memory Display screens (2.2 and 9.2). Each is discussed separately. File Utility Screens The NEXT command reads the next record from the currently accessed dataset, temporary storage queue, transient data queue (input only), or MQ queue. For datasets, the BROWSE option must be specified in the file resource definition. 3-80 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual This command is the same as the READ NEXT command in the File Utility. Memory Display Screens The NEXT command displays data by using the next address from the address table used in the Memory Display screens (2.2 and 9.2). Each time a new address is displayed on a Memory Display screen, Xpediter/CICS records the address in a table. The NEXT command redisplays the address from the next entry in the table. Each time the NEXT command is used, the next entry in the table becomes the current entry. You can use the NEXT command in conjunction with the PREV command to reposition to entries within this table. The RIGHT command performs the same function as the NEXT command on the Memory Display screens (2.2 and 9.2). The LEFT command performs the same function as the PREV command on the Memory Display screens (2.2 and 9.2). ONETIME The ONETIME command sets a temporary breakpoint on a statement. The onetime breakpoint pauses execution before the statement and is then automatically deleted. See “Variable and Common Parameters” on page 3-1 for details about location. ON Sets the breakpoint. OFF Removes the breakpoint. 0 Set the breakpoint before the first statement in the program. 0 is the default. CSR The CSR option is only valid on the Source Listing screen (2.L). If the cursor is located within the listing window of the 2.L screen when the command is entered, a onetime breakpoint will be generated as though the O line command had been entered on that line. If the cursor is not located within the listing section, the ONETIME CSR command is not valid and will result in an error message. +offset Hexadecimal offset within a program. The plus sign (+) is required. You may set multiple breakpoints on a statement. Primary Commands 3-81 • Multiple breakpoints (after, onetime, or count) can be set on one statement. However, if you set a skip on a statement that already contains after, count, or onetime breakpoints, SKIP deletes the set breakpoints. Before breakpoints take precedence over onetime breakpoints. If a before already exists, the onetime cannot be set. OPEN The OPEN command opens a currently closed dataset or transient data queue. This command is only available in the File Utility on the Edit CICS Dataset Record screen (5.1.3) and the Edit Transient Data Queue Record screen (5.3.2). PCB The PCB command schedules a DL/I PSB for processing. It is available only on the Edit DL/1 Segment screen (5.4.4). This command can be used only if authorized by your system programmer via the Xpediter/CICS global table. The PCB command schedules the PSB and holds it open for use on the Edit DL/1 Segment screen (5.4.4). The PSB remains scheduled until a TERM call (TERM command) is used to terminate the PSB, the PSB time-out limit is exceeded (default is 2 minutes), the END command is used to transfer off the screen, or the CANCEL command is used to roll back changes in progress. The PSB time-out limit is set in the Xpediter/CICS global table. This prevents a PSB from unintentionally locking out access to a DL/I database if a terminal is left active while on the 5.4.4 screen. If processing to a database takes place (that is, a DL/I call is performed while a PSB is scheduled), Xpediter/CICS resets the time-out counter to a full 2 minutes. If no DL/I calls are performed on the PSB within the time-out limit, Xpediter/CICS automatically terminates the PSB, rolling back any changes in progress, and displays a message. If the PSB is not terminated before leaving the 5.4.4 screen, Xpediter/CICS automatically terminates the PSB and rolls back any changes in progress when leaving the 5.4.4 screen. If a PSB is currently scheduled, Xpediter/CICS displays the message PSB IS SCHEDULED to the right of the RECFM field on the screen. If a PSB is not scheduled, the PSB IS NOT SCHEDULED message is displayed. PEEK (P) The PEEK command, when entered with a variable as the parameter, transfers to the Program Storage screen (2.3) and positions the display so the variable is displayed at the top of the screen. This allows the value of the variable to be displayed and edited. If the reserved-labels PSW or Rn (register) are entered as the parameter, no transfer will occur. Instead, the command will function identically to the CALC command, with the value of the PSW or register being displayed in the message area of the screen. This command is only valid while in a break/abend state. 3-82 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual PFSHOW The PFSHOW command is used to display or hide the current PF key settings. Enter PFSHOW or PFSHOW ON to display the current PF key settings. This is equivalent to entering SET FOOT KEYS. Enter PFSHOW OFF to hide the current PF key settings. This is equivalent to entering SET FOOT OFF. PREV (PRV) The PREV command scrolls to the previous area in the data currently displayed on the screen. The command’s function depends on the screen that is accessed: • File Utility screens • Memory Display screens (2.2 and 9.2). Each is described separately. File Utility Screens The PREV command reads the previous record from the currently accessed dataset or temporary storage queue. This function is only available for temporary storage queues and for VSAM datasets that are defined to allow browsing. This command is the same as the READ PREV command in the File Utility. Memory Display Screens The PREV command displays data based on the previous address from the address table used in a Memory Display screen (2.2 or 9.2). Each time a new address is displayed on a Memory Display screen, Xpediter/CICS records the address in a table. The PREV command redisplays the address from the previous entry in the table. Every time the PREV command is used, the previous entry in the table becomes the current entry. You can use the PREV command in conjunction with the NEXT command to reposition to entries within this table. The LEFT command performs the same function as the PREV command on the Memory Display screens (2.2 and 9.2). PRINT The PRINT command is available on the Program Trace screen (2.4). This command allows you to spool a hard copy printout of the current program trace to your JES2/JES3 HOLD queue. Primary Commands 3-83 A second screen is displayed when you use the PRINT command. This screen prompts for additional routing information needed to produce the JES output. You must provide at least a JES SYSOUT class and DESTINATION for the output. Printed output includes heading lines at the top of each page with the APPLID of the region, date and time the output was spooled to the JES HOLD queue, and userID of the owner of the Xpediter/CICS debugging session from which the Program Trace screen was accessed. The heading lines also include the terminal ID associated with the Program Trace screen being displayed, the terminal ID associated with the actual trace output, and a summary of the operands specified on the PRINT command. After the PRINT command spools the output to the JES HOLD queue, you receive a message indicating under what jobname the output was created and the destination to which it was routed. The jobname is the same as the CICS region in which you are running. You can then log on to TSO and use SDSF browse facilities to view the printed output. If you specify your userID as the destination, and then use SDSF’s OWNER userID command, your trace output will be listed among the print datasets available for viewing. After viewing the data using SDSF, which also provides you with the SDSF FIND command, you can choose to do any of the following: • Use the PRINT command facility of SDSF to copy the output to another permanent dataset. • Use the O (output) line command of SDSF to release the output to a specific printer. • Use the P (purge) line command of SDSF to purge the output, if you don’t want it. If you are uncertain how to specify a print destination or how to use SDSF to view the printed output, contact your Xpediter/CICS system administrator. If no operands are specified for the PRINT command, the default is to print the entire program trace for the terminal currently being viewed. If source exists for a program in the trace, the actual source statements executed are printed. Lines indicating the range of offsets executed are printed for programs that have no source listing available. The LABEL, PARA, and PROC operands are used to print a paragraph-level-only trace of program execution. A series of lines indicating the statement numbers executed in each paragraph or label are displayed. The source statements themselves are not displayed. The TASK nnnnn operand lets you specify a task number (nnnnn) for which you want the trace displayed. This must be a task number for which trace currently exists in your program trace display. Some examples of the PRINT command are: PRINT Causes the program trace currently available to be routed to a JES SYSOUT dataset. Actual source statements will be printed. PRINT PARA Causes the program trace currently available to be routed to a JES SYSOUT dataset. Only a condensed summary of statements executed will be printed. PRINT TASK 73 Causes the program trace of task 73 that is available to be routed to a JES SYSOUT dataset. Actual source statements will be printed. Causes the program trace of task 73 that is currently available to be routed to a PRINT PARA TASK 73 JES SYSOUT dataset. Only a condensed summary of statements executed will be printed. PSEUDOSOURCE The PSEUDOSOURCE command is used to create a temporary Assembler source image of a CSECT that does not have a matching Compuware source listing. The source image created by this command is an Assembler view of the machine code in memory, regardless of the original language used to create that machine code. The 3-84 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual PSEUDOSOURCE command can be abbreviated as PSEUDOSO, PSEUDO, or PS. Because multiple Assembler images can usually be generated to match machine code, the initial image may not exactly match the intent of the original source code. There could be areas of the program that were marked as instructions in the middle of what are really data areas. Before using another command, review the PSEUDOSOURCE output. The CSECT name that specifies the machine code to be converted into Assembler source code can be specified in any of four ways: • If no name is specified, the current load module and CSECT name are used. • If the loadmod:CSECT is specified, the load module specified is loaded and the CSECT specified is used. • If only the loadmod name is specified, the CSECT with the entry point of the current load module is used. • If only the CSECT name is specified, the current load module is searched. The hex-offset operand is used when you want to re-generate the source code beginning at the hex-offset specified. Xpediter/CICS analyzes the underlying machine code beginning at this offset and reconstructs the pseudo-Assembler image starting at this offset. You would ordinarily use this operand when the initial pseudo-Assembler listing reflects incorrectly disassembled instructions or data. The hex-offset operand must be coded as a + (plus sign) immediately followed by one or more hexadecimal digits (0..F) specifying the hexadecimal offset within the CSECT. If you want to regenerate the entire pseudo-Assembler listing, do not specify the hexoffset operand. Usage Notes 1. Once a source image has been created with the PSEUDOSOURCE command, that image can be redisplayed by entering the SOURCE command or the =2.L command at any time in your debugging session. 2. When multiple copies of the module exist, you must uniquely qualify the load module and CSECT name/program name combination. For example, PSEUDO LOADM1:CSECTA displays the source for CSECT CSECTA in load module LOADM1 and PSEUDO LOADM2:CSECTA displays the source for CSECT CSECTA in load module LOADM2. 3. Code Coverage statistics are not collected for modules with generated pseudoAssembler source. 4. The PSEUDOSOURCE command does not create Assembler source if the specified CSECT has a matching Compuware Shared Services listing. 5. Regenerating a pseudo-Assembler listing (once it has been generated) may cause breakpoints and/or keeps to be deleted. This can occur if the breakpoint or keep was placed on an incorrectly generated instruction, which can happen when an area was examined and determined to be an instruction, but is really data. 6. The DISCARD operand can be used to release the pseudo-Assembler listing created previously. Using it causes the storage associated with the generated pseudoAssembler listing to be freed, and effectively restores the state of the program:csect to ‘No Source Available.’ 7. Xpediter/CICS limits you to four pseudo-Assembler listings per debugging session. If you have previously created four pseudo-Assembler listings during your current Primary Commands 3-85 debugging session and then use the PSEUDOSOURCE command on a fifth program:CSECT combination, the first pseudo-Assembler listing created will be discarded. A new pseudo-Assembler listing will be created for the program:CSECT specified. PUT The PUT command adds a message to an MQ queue. This command is available only in the File Utility. READ The READ command reads a record from a CICS dataset, temporary storage (multiple record queues), or a transient data queue. This command is only available in the File Utility. See “Variable and Common Parameters” on page 3-1 for details about direction. UPDATE Edit CICS Dataset Record screen (5.1.3) only. If the system programmer established a READ UPDATE wait value in the global table, the user must issue a READ UPDATE command before updating a dataset record using the REWRITE command. Xpediter/CICS locks the record for this number of seconds when a READ UPDATE command is issued. This prevents other users from updating the record. The lock is released if any of the following conditions occur: • • • • A REWRITE command is issued to update the record. Another command is issued for the dataset. The user exits from the Edit CICS Dataset Record screen (5.1.3). The number of seconds pass without issuing any command from the 5.1.3 screen. If the wait time in the global table is set to 0 (zero is the default), a READ UPDATE is not required before issuing a REWRITE command, and a lock is not placed upon the record. REDISP (RED) The REDISP command redisplays the current screen. REFRESH (REF) The REFRESH command redisplays the list of queues on the MQ Queue List screen (5.6.1). 3-86 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual RELEASE (REL) The RELEASE command removes breakpoints, counts, skips, and (optionally) keeps, from the specified program. program-name Name of the program from which breakpoints are removed. The default value is the program name specified in the MODULE field. ALL Removes breakpoints and keeps from all programs based on the specified terminal ID. terminal-ID Terminal that owns the breakpoints. For XPED and XPRT users, the only valid entry is the current terminal ID. For XPSP users, both breakpoints and keeps are removed from any terminal specified. ALL Removes breakpoints from all other terminals. Valid only for XPSP users. REMOVE (REM) The REMOVE command decreases the length of the I/O area used in the File Utility. When a new record is read, Xpediter/CICS automatically acquires a new I/O area and adjusts the length for the current length of the record. However, it is often helpful to change the length of the record, if allowed for the resource in use. To decrease the size of the I/O area, use the REMOVE command. offset Offset into the I/O area where the removal will occur. A valid entry is either a decimal value or a hexadecimal value from 0 to the current size of the I/O area minus 1. A leading plus sign (+) specifies a hexadecimal value. This parameter is relative to zero, that is, specifying 0 or +0 removes the data at the beginning of the I/O area. If no I/O area exists (the record length is zero), REMOVE is invalid. When the removal occurs, Xpediter/CICS deletes the number of bytes to be removed (second parameter) from the record beginning at the specified offset. All existing data in the record following the offset plus length is shifted to the left in the I/O area. Data within the specified limits is lost. length Specifies the length of data (number of bytes) to REMOVE from the I/O area. A valid entry is either a decimal value or a hexadecimal value from 1 (one) to the number of Primary Commands 3-87 bytes remaining from the offset specified (parameter 1) to the end of the current I/O area. A leading plus sign (+) specifies a hexadecimal value. Example 1: REMOVE 0 REMOVE +0 20 20 Example 1 removes 20 bytes from the beginning of the current I/O area. Example 2: REMOVE 64 20 REMOVE +40 +14 Example 2 removes 20 bytes of data starting at offset 64 (X’40’) into the I/O area. Bytes 0 through 63 remain unchanged. Bytes 64 to the end of the I/O area contain the data that was formerly in bytes 84 to the end of the I/O area. Thus, the data was shifted 20 bytes to the left. REPEAT (REP) The REPEAT command re-executes the most recently entered primary command or the value associated with the most recently pressed PF key. REPL The REPL command issues a DL/I REPL call to replace (update) an existing segment in a database. REPL is available only on the Edit DL/1 Segment screen (5.4.4). It can be used when the PSB in use was scheduled via a PCB call. The REPL call must be preceded by a GHU, GHN, or GHNP call. You may then modify the segment in the I/O area and enter the REPL command to replace it in the database. REPLACE The REPLACE command replaces the generated SQL call to the Xpediter/CICS SQL transfer dataset. If the name does not exist in the dataset, it is created. When the REPLACE command is used, the previously saved SQL call is overwritten and no longer available. Once a call is saved in the SQL transfer dataset, you can use the Xpediter/CICS batch SQL utility DBSQLUTL to either print the call or copy it into another dataset for inclusion in an application program. Note: Each call is stored as a single record in the SQL transfer dataset, and the batch SQL utility must be used to print or copy the call. 3-88 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual key-name A one- to eight-character name that is used to save the generated SQL call record in the dataset. RESAVE The RESAVE command overlays the last excludes, which have been saved by the SAVE command, with the current level of excludes. Use the EXCLUDE or FIND commands to establish a view of your program. You can then use the RESAVE command to resave those excludes, allowing you to recall them should your view of the source change. Use the RESTORE command to view the original excludes. Only one level of screen exclusions can be saved at a time. RESET (RES) The RESET command redisplays excluded lines and columns. The functionality of this command depends on the screen from which it is accessed: • DB2 Build SQL Easy Query screen (5.5.2) • Source Listing screen (2.L). DB2 Build SQL Easy Query Screen (5.5.2) The RESET command restores the display so that excluded columns are redisplayed on the DB2 Build SQL Easy Query screen. Source Listing Screen The RESET command redisplays excluded lines. It can also redisplay a range of excluded lines. See “Variable and Common Parameters” on page 3-1 for details about range. COMMANDS, COMMAND, CMDS, CMD Discards all pending BLOCK line commands such as CC, DD, etc. RESET COMMANDS discards only pending BLOCK commands for which no ending line command has been specified. Any line commands that can be processed (including block line commands) are processed normally and cannot be reset. Note: The RANGE operand is ignored when used in conjunction with the COMMANDS operand. For example, all pending line commands throughout the entire listing are discarded. Primary Commands 3-89 EXCLUDES, EXCLUDE, EXCS, EXC, X Redisplays all excluded lines. If a range is specified, redisplays only those lines within that range. SPECIALS, SPECIAL, SPEC Removes all special lines in the listing. The only special line currently supported on the Source Listing screen (2.L) is the <COLS> (column or ruler) line. Note: The RANGE operand is ignored when used in conjunction with the SPECIALS operand. For example, all special lines throughout the entire listing are discarded. LABELS, LABEL, LABS, LBLS, LBL Deletes all symbolic labels specified for a particular listing. Symbolic labels begin with a period (.) and can be used to establish paperclip points within the listing. If a range is specified, only symbolic labels within the specified range are deleted. Example: RESET .HERE .THERE This example redisplays lines in the range from the label .HERE through the .THERE label. RESTORE The RESTORE command restores a previous level of excludes on the source listing screens. If the EXCLUDE or FIND commands were used to establish a view of the program, the SAVE or RESAVE commands can save the excludes, allowing you to view the source changes. You can then recall the excludes using the RESTORE command. Only one level of screen excludes can be restored. Once the RESTORE command has been issued, a SAVE or RESAVE command causes the current set of excludes to be saved again. RESUME (RSM) The RESUME command resumes execution of a program that is currently at a breakpoint, abend, or storage violation trap. The RESUME command is also used to end review mode, which is entered with the MONITOR command. From review mode, RESUME will reposition execution at the next instruction. You must then enter a GO command to release the task. There are no abbreviations or parameters in the syntax of the RESUME command while in review mode. none If no resume location is specified, execution continues from the current execution pointer. 3-90 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual statement The statement number at which to resume execution, if source is available for the current program. +offset The offset at which to resume execution. The offset must be a valid hexadecimal number. The plus sign (+) is required. ADDR address The address at which to resume execution. The address must be a valid hexadecimal number. Note: For XPED and XPRT users, the resume location must be within the current program. For XPSP users, a resume location that is outside of the current program is accepted. RETRIEVE (?) The RETRIEVE command displays the last command entered in the COMMAND field. Because a stack of the last 20 commands entered in the COMMAND field is retained, repetitive use of the RETRIEVE command cycles through the stack. The RETRIEVE command does not redisplay the commands entered through any PF or PA keys. If Xpediter’s multiple command support was used, the RETRIEVE command will display the entire group of commands that were entered together. REVERSE Use the REVERSE command iteratively to change the current execution direction to review the sequence of instructions that led to the current breakpoint. A requirement for using the REVERSE command is that you enter the MONITOR command at the point from where you want to review your program, or before you begin program execution. The MONITOR command activates review mode for program execution and makes it possible for you to review the path of forward execution. After the MONITOR command is executed, the status of each statement as it is executed is kept in the review log. All changes occurring from the point where the MONITOR command was entered are logged. Steps in Using REVERSE 1. Enter the MONITOR command to begin recording the instruction path and data. 2. Begin forward execution of your COBOL program. 3. When you reach a breakpoint or abend in your program, enter the REVERSE command. The command acts as a toggle that changes the review direction. During review mode, the Xpediter/CICS status line will show the mode and direction. Note: Entering REVERSE only changes the direction of review mode. It does not cause program execution to occur. Primary Commands 3-91 4. Enter GO n or GO to begin review of already executed commands. GO n moves the active arrow n lines in the current direction. GO 1 is recommended. The GO command causes the active arrow to move until either the logical end of the review or a breakpoint is reached. The logical ends are: – where monitoring began or – the last instruction monitored. At the instruction where monitoring began, the review direction is automatically changed to forward. While in forward review mode, when the last instruction monitored is reached, review mode is automatically ended. 5. During review mode you may set and remove breakpoints and keeps, as well as use other Xpediter/CICS screens. Data field values on all screens are READ-ONLY. Commands GOTO and MOVE are not valid during review mode. 6. To exit review mode, enter RESUME to return to the current execution location. Usage Notes • REVERSE displays the actual path that was taken during forward execution of the program. Note: The REVERSE command changes the direction of execution only if review mode was in effect during forward execution. In addition to REVERSE, you must enter GO to activate execution. • When executing in reverse, Xpediter/CICS restores the values of all data items to their previous values. If you open a Keep window, you can watch the values change interactively. • All Xpediter/CICS commands are valid during review mode, except GOTO, SKIP, INSERT, and MOVE. • You cannot type over data displayed in Keep or Peek windows while in review mode. • While the MONITOR (review) mode is in effect, you can set and remove breakpoints and display data. • The GO and GO n commands perform the same as they do in normal execution, regardless of the direction. For example, you can repeatedly inspect the before and after values of a data item with respect to a COBOL MOVE statement in review mode by entering the sequence REVERSE, GO 1, REVERSE, GO 1, REVERSE, GO 1. • GO n executes n statements regardless of what module the statements are in. REWRITE The REWRITE command updates the currently accessed record to a dataset and/or temporary storage. For temporary storage, this allows you to update a record without issuing a READ command. This command is only available in the File Utility. For datasets, the system programmer can specify that updates occur without first reading the record for update, or that the READ UPDATE command be issued before a REWRITE command. If the RUWAIT parameter in the Xpediter/CICS global parameter table is set to 0 (zero is the default), a REWRITE command can be issued for any record. A READ UPDATE is issued, immediately followed by a WRITE command to perform the update. This allows you to overlay changes made by someone else. 3-92 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual If the RUWAIT parameter is greater than 0, you must issue a READ UPDATE command before issuing a REWRITE command. The record is locked for the number of seconds specified by the RUWAIT parameter. You can then modify the record and issue the REWRITE command to update the record. For more information about READ UPDATE, refer to the READ command. RFIND (RF) The RFIND command finds the next occurrence of a string/area of previously found data. Xpediter/CICS continues the search from the current location. If the data cannot be found, Xpediter/CICS redisplays the current data and an error message. The RFIND command positions to the next occurrence of previously found data based on the following conditions: • If the previous FIND/EXCLUDE command used the FIRST or NEXT parameter, RFIND repeats the search forward through the data. • If the previous FIND/EXCLUDE command used the LAST or PREV parameter, RFIND repeats the search backward through the data for the previously found data. • If the data cannot be found, Xpediter/CICS redisplays the current data and an error message. RIGHT (RI) The RIGHT command scrolls the current window to the right. On the 2.L screen, where multiple windows can exist (one each for Keep displays and Source displays), the current window depends on the cursor position when the RIGHT command is issued. In the Memory Display screens (2.2 and 9.2), the RIGHT command and the PF key assigned to the RIGHT command function in the same way as the NEXT command. See “NEXT (NXT)” on page 3-79. By the same token, the LEFT command functions in the same way as the PREV command. See page “PREV (PRV)” on page 3-82. The RIGHT command is used with a scrolling value. The default scrolling value is taken from the SCROLL field on the screen unless it is overridden by entering a temporary scroll value on the COMMAND field. The valid scrolling values are: CSR Scrolls the display to the right so that the column in which the cursor is positioned becomes the leftmost column of data displayed. If the cursor is positioned outside of the data area, RIGHT CSR has the same effect as RIGHT PAGE. Primary Commands 3-93 HALF Scrolls the display right half the width of the screen. MAX Scrolls the display right to show the last position of a line of data as the rightmost column of data. MAX is not valid when it is used with RIGHT or DRIGHT to scroll the Keep window. nnnn Scrolls the display nnnn columns to the right, where nnnn is a decimal value from 1 to 9999. PAGE Scrolls the display right the width of the screen. RUNTO The RUNTO command sets a onetime breakpoint on a statement. The onetime breakpoint pauses execution before the statement and is then automatically deleted. If the RUNTO command is issued from a trapped transaction, the onetime breakpoint is set, then the GO command is issued. See “Variable and Common Parameters” on page 3-1 for details about location. ON Sets the breakpoint. OFF Removes the breakpoint. 0 Set the breakpoint before the first statement in the program. 0 is the default. CSR The CSR option is only valid on the Source Listing screen (2.L). If the cursor is located within the listing window of the 2.L screen when the command is entered, a onetime breakpoint will be generated as though the Z line command had been entered on that line. If the cursor is not located within the listing section, the RUNTO CSR command is not valid and will result in an error message. +offset Hexadecimal offset within a program. The plus sign (+) is required. 3-94 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual You may set multiple breakpoints on a statement. • Multiple breakpoints (after, onetime, or count) can be set on one statement. However, if you set a skip on a statement that already contains after, count, or onetime breakpoints, SKIP deletes the set breakpoints. Before breakpoints take precedence over onetime breakpoints. If a before already exists, the onetime cannot be set. SAVE The SAVE command saves one level of excludes on the Source Listing screen (2.L). If the EXCLUDE or FIND commands are used to establish a view of the program, you can use the SAVE command to save the excludes. This allows you to recall the information using the RESTORE command. Only one level of screen excludes can be saved. If a SAVE command has already been issued, this command has no effect. Use the RESTORE command to reissue the SAVE command at a later time. To overlay your currently saved excludes, use the RESAVE command. SELECT (SEL) The SELECT command (default PF15) will cause the data currently pointed at by the cursor to be selected as an address to access other data. Not all data can be used as an address. The SELECT command may perform a function specific to a screen, or it may act as a “point and shoot” operator. As a “point and shoot” operator, the SELECT command uses a predefined hotspot area to refer to a memory location. For hotspots, the underlying data is usually an 8-byte character field containing hexadecimal data. If one of the hotspot fields is selected, a Memory Display screen (2.2 or 9.2) will be displayed. If you started your session with the XPED or XPRT transaction, the 2.2 screen will be displayed. If you started your session with the XPSP transaction, the 9.2 screen will be displayed. When the screen has been displayed, you can use all of the functions normally available there. The END command (default PF3) will return you to the original screen from which you issued the SELECT command, instead of the Debugging Facilities menu or System Facilities menu. The hexadecimal data defined as a hotspot is address mode sensitive. Consider an 8-byte hexadecimal key AABBAAAA to be broken into mode 31 (A) and mode 24 (B) characters. When the SELECT command is used and the cursor is located over a mode 31 (A) character, the key will be considered to be a 31-bit address. When the cursor is located over a mode 24 (B) character, the key will be considered to be a 24-bit address. Several screen footings in Xpediter have hotspots defined, so footing hotspots are available on every screen. If the cursor is over a footing hotspot when the SELECT command is used, it will process that footing hotspot. If a screen does not have any hotspots defined, using the SELECT command with the cursor in the data portion of the screen will do nothing, and Xpediter will react as though you had pressed Enter. The syntax of the SELECT depends on the screen or hotspot from which it is accessed: • Menus • Memory Display screens (2.2 and 9.2) • “Point and shoot” hotspots. Primary Commands 3-95 • List of CSECTs screen (2.6.1). Menus The SELECT command is used to select a topic from a menu. Type the SELECT command and move the cursor to the line defining the topic for selection. Press Enter or the associated PF key to select that topic or function. Memory Display Screens The SELECT command can also be used directly from the Memory Display screens (2.2 and 9.2) in one of two ways: • Use the SELECT command and position the cursor on an address in the hexadecimal portion of the display. Press Enter to select that address. • Position the cursor to an address in the hexadecimal portion of the display and press the PF key (default PF15) that is assigned for the SELECT command. When the cursor is positioned outside of the data portion of a Memory Display screen (2.2 or 9.2), the SELECT command causes Xpediter/CICS to display the Select Address screen, which shows all entries in the address table. Each time a new address is displayed on a Memory Display screen, Xpediter/CICS records the address in a table. Use the SELECT command or the associated PF key to display this table. Directly access an address one of three ways: • Type the letter S in the field preceding the desired address and press Enter. • Use the SELECT command and move the cursor to the desired address line. Press Enter to select that address. • Move the cursor to the line for the desired address. Press the PF key assigned to the SELECT command. When the address is accessed, Xpediter/CICS returns to the Memory Display screen. The selected address is used to display data starting at that address. The table only holds 16 entries, and the oldest entry is always the one that is lost. You may use the L (LOCK) line command to ensure that the address is not deleted from the table. If a locked entry is no longer needed, use the SELECT command to display the screen, then use the U (UNLOCK) line command to remove the lock, or enter UNLOCK on the Memory Display screen. See Chapter 4, “Line Commands” for more information. You can use the LOCK and UNLOCK primary commands on this screen. If the cursor is in the data portion of a Memory Display screen (2.2 or 9.2) when the SELECT command is entered, Xpediter/CICS uses the full word address at the cursor location to display the next screen. This procedure is the same as using the USE CONTENTS field on the Memory Display screens. List of CSECTs Screen (2.6.1) The SELECT command can be used on the List of CSECTs screen (2.6.1) to select a CSECT. Simply enter the SELECT command with the desired CSECT name as a parameter. Xpediter will select the CSECT and position it to the top of the display. List of DLL Functions Screen (2.6.F) The SELECT command can be used on the List of DLL Functions screen (2.6.F) to select the CSECT containing the function that you want to debug. Simply enter the SELECT 3-96 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual command with the desired DLL function name as a parameter. Xpediter selects the CSECT containing that function and positions the function at the top of the display. Note: The function name parameter is case-sensitive. Hotspot Areas Various hotspots have been defined for “point and shoot” operation of the SELECT command. They are indicated with underlined text in the following figures. Note that the text is not underlined on the actual screens. FOOT Register When the footing area is set to display registers, the defined hotspots shown in Figure 31 will be active. Figure 3-1. FOOT Register Hotspots 32-bit --------------------- C U R R E N T R E G I S T E R0-R7 00141AE0 00141840 8004DE20 16007028 153EAC90 R8-R15 14EC6D5C 14EC7D5B 160075D8 001400D0 008AF000 INSTRUCTION: 960072A4 0027C FC42 D2F7 D2EA MP R S --------------------- 14EC3D5F 14EC4D5E 14EC5D5D 001417D8 9600717C 00000000 X'2F7'(5,13),X'2EA'(3,13) Non-z/Architecture users see the above (32-bit) version. z/Architecture users see the following (64-bit) version by default but can use the primary command SET REGISTERS 32 to see the 32-bit version. Figure 3-2. FOOT Register Hotspots 64-bit --------------------- C U R R E N T R E G I S T E R S --------------------- 0-3 00000000_00201B60 00000000_00201950 00000000_80050F98 00000000_3588A088 4-7 00000000_35AC4870 00000000_355E3EEF 00000000_355E4EEE 00000000_355E5EED 8-B 00000000_355E6EEC 00000000_355E7EEB 00000000_35AC4D70 00000000_002000D0 C-F 00000000_008B4000 00000000_002018E8 00000000_B588A1B8 00000000_00000000 INSTRUCTION: B588A2DA 00252 FC42 D267 D25A MP X'267'(5,13),X'25A'(3,13) FOOT Float When the footing area is set to display floating point registers, the defined hotspots shown in Figure 3-3 will be active. Figure 3-3. FOOT Float Hotspots --------------------- C U R R E N T R E G I S T E R S --------------------- R0-R7 00141AE0 00141840 8004DE20 16007028 153EAC90 14EC3D5F 14EC4D5E 14EC5D5D R8-R15 14EC6D5C 14EC7D5B 160075D8 001400D0 008AF000 001417D8 9600717C 00000000 F0-F6 14EC6D5C14EC7D5B 160075D8001400D0 008AF000001417D8 9600717C00000000 INSTRUCTION: 960072A4 0027C FC42 D2F7 D2EA MP X'2F7'(5,13),X'2EA'(3,13) If your machine supports IEEE, the following version of the footing will display. Primary Commands 3-97 Figure 3-4. FOOT Float Hotspots IEEE --------------------- CURRENT FLOATING POINT REGISTERS ---------------------- 0-3 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 4-7 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 8-B 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 C-F 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 FOOT Data When the footing area is set to display data, the defined hotspots shown in Figure 3-5 will be active. Figure 3-5. FOOT Data Hotspots ----------------------------- M I S C 0000 040C0000 813A6D10 00000000 0010 00FCE8B8 00000000 070C2000 0020 076C0000 80FCE90A 040C2000 0030 070E0000 00000000 070E0000 D A T A 00000000 810AF774 80FFA0EC 00000000 ----------------------------- * ....a._......... * 00000000 * ..Y.........a.7. * 00000010 * .%....Z......... * 00000020 * ................ * 00000030 FOOT Status When the footing area is set to display status information, the defined hotspots shown in Figure 3-6 will be active. Figure 3-6. FOOT Status Hotspots ------------------------ C U R R E N T S T A T U S ------------------------ ABEND: ASRA PROG: CWDEMASM CAUSE: DATA EXCEPTION (TR) APPLID: ACMEM123 USERID: ACMJET0 TERM: 0565 NETNAME: TCW00565 TRAN: XASM INTERRUPT STMT: 000682 OFFSET: 00027C ADDRESS: 960072A4 TRANNO: 00959 RESUME STMT: 000682 OFFSET: 00027C ADDRESS: 960072A4 Define User Labels Screen (1.9) The defined hotspots shown in Figure 3-7 are active on the Define User Labels screen (1.9). 3-98 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual Figure 3-7. Define User Labels Screen (1.9) Hotspots ------------------- XPEDITER/CICS - DEFINE USER LABELS (1.9) --------------C123 COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> CSR MODULE: CWDEMCB2 CSECT: CWDEMCB2 COMPILED: 09 JUN 2005 - 11.23.01 DEFAULT BASE LABELS: CSA DCT EIS FCT MOD OFL PGM TCA TCT ADDR PADDR PLEN R0..R15 INITCOMM MQMD MQDATA USER BASE ENTRY OR + OR USE RESULTING DEL LABEL LABEL PGM-NAME OFFSET CONTENT LENGTH VALUE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ _ MYLABEL R1 0 N 00000001 00145840 _ MYLABEL1 MYLABEL 400 N 00000001 00145C40 _ MYLABEL2 MYLABEL1 400 N 00000001 00146040 _ MYLABEL3 MYLABEL2 400 N 00000001 00146440 _ MYLABEL4 MYLABEL3 400 N 00000001 00146840 _ MYLABEL5 MYLABEL4 400 N 00000001 00146C40 _ MYLABEL6 MYLABEL5 400 N 00000001 00147040 _ MYLABEL7 MYLABEL6 -200 N 00000001 00146E40 _ MYLABEL8 MYLABEL7 -200 N 00000001 00146C40 _ MYLABEL9 MYLABEL8 -200 N 00000001 00146A40 _ MYLABELA MYLABEL9 -200 N 00000001 00146840 _ MYLABELB MYLABELA -200 N 00000001 00146640 _ MYLABELC MYLABELB -200 N 00000001 00146440 _ MYLABELD MYLABELC -200 N 00000001 00146240 DSECTs Screen (2.D) The defined hotspots shown in Figure 3-8 are active on the DSECTs screen (2.D). Figure 3-8. DSECTs Screen (2.D) Hotspots ------------------------ XPEDITER/CICS - DSECTS (2.D) ---------------------C123 COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> CSR MODULE: CSECT: TABLE/AREA: CSA TABLE ENTRY ID: ________ LABEL: ______________________________ 8004FA18 8004FA18 8004FA18 8004FA60 8004FA60 DFHCSADS DFHCSABA CSAOSRSA CSASOSI CSASSI1 CSAFPURG CSAFTCAB CSASDTRN CSACSDOP CSASOSON 8004FA61 049 CSAKCMI 8004FA61 049 CSASSI2 CSATCPEV CSAMXTON CSATQIM CSATCPQM CSAPLTPI CSATCSCN 000 000 048 048 DSECT EQU DS DS DS EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU DS DS EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU *-DFHCSADS XL72 00000198 0004B020 * ...q..^. * 0C XL1 00 * . * X'80' X'40' X'20' X'02' X'01' 0C XL1 10 * . * X'01' X'02' X'04' X'08' X'10' X'20' Source Listing Screen (2.L) The defined hotspots shown in Figure 3-9, all in the keep window, are active for the Source Listing screen (2.L). The hotspots are only valid if they are displayed in hex as indicated by the highlighted literal 'X preceding the field. They are only valid if the data is scrolled completely to the left, i.e. the scroll indicator in position one is a dash (-). Additionally, the hotspot can only be valid if the field is not a Halfword or EQUated value. In Figure 3-9, there would only be four hotspots available. The REPEATS(13) value of 1 is not considered a hotspot because there is no 'X preceding it. Primary Commands 3-99 Note: When you are displaying C variables in the Keep Window and have used the SHOW ADDRESS command, the address displayed for the variable can be used as a hotspot. See Figure 3-13 on page 3-101 for an example of how variables are displayed in this mode. Figure 3-9. Source Listing Screen (2.L) Hotspots --------------------- XPEDITER/CICS - SOURCE LISTING (2.L) ----------------C123 COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> CSR MODULE: CWDEMASM CSECT: CWDEMASM COMPILED: 09 JUN 2005 - 11.22 -------- DATA LABEL KEEPS -------- -- ATTRIBUTES -- ----+---10----+---20---> K DFHEIPL 13F 'X 16007519 REPEATS(13) 1 K DFHEIR13 F 'X 001457D8 K DFHEIRS1 F 'X 008A8000 K DFHEIBP F 'X 001440D0 ---------------------------------- ASRA (DATA EXCEPTION) at CWDEMASM.682 -> 000680 * IF 00001 WAS ENTERED, AN ASRA WILL 000681 * OCCUR ON THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTION.... =====> MP CURRPAY,WRKHOUR MULTIPLY CURRPAY BY WRKHOUR. 000683 MVC CURRTAXS+2(5),CURRPAY MOVE CURRPAY INTO CURRTAXS. 000684 MP CURRTAXS,WRKTAX MULTIPLY CURRTAXS BY WRKTAX. 000685 AP WRKYTDG,CURRPAY ADD WRKYTDG TO CURRPAY. 000686 AP WRKYTDT,CURRTAXS ADD WRKYTDT TO CURRTAXS. 000687 SENDMAP2 LA R0,PAYMAP2 MOVE 000688 LH R1,PAYMP2L SPACES 000689 LA R14,SPACES2 TO 000690 L R15,=X'40000000' MAP 000691 MVCL R0,R14 TWO. -----XPEDITER/CICS ASSEMBLER LANGUAGE DEMO PROGRAM -----SOURCE STATEMENT ASM H V 02 15. Break/Abend Screen (2.1) The defined hotspots shown in Figure 3-10 are active on the Break/Abend screen (2.1). Note: When you are displaying C variables in the Keep Window and have used the SHOW ADDRESS command, the address displayed for the variable can be used as a hotspot. See Figure 3-13 on page 3-101 for an example of how variables are displayed in this mode. Figure 3-10. Break/Abend Screen (2.1) Hotspots ---------------------- XPEDITER/CICS - BREAK/ABEND (2.1) ------------------C123 COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> CSR MODULE: CWDEMASM CSECT: CWDEMASM COMPILED: 09 JUN 2005 - 11.22 CAUSE: PROGRAM STOP ENCOUNTERED ABEND CODE: STOP TRAN ID: XASM LABEL: CWDEMASM INTERRUPT STMT: 000450 OFFSET: 00046 LAST CICS MACRO/EXEC: 000421 RESUME STMT : 000450 OFFSET: 00046 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 445 *------------------------------------ 446 * 3 BLANK LINES FOLLOW 000046 4100 D1A0 001A0 450 LA R0,BEGWS 00004A 4110 0AA0 00AA0 451 LA R1,WSLENWS 00004E 41E0 3540 00558 452 LA R14,WSBEGWS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------- DATA LABEL KEEPS -------- -- ATTRIBUTES -- ----+---10----+---20---> K R1 REGISTER 'X 00140050 K R2 REGISTER 'X 8004DF70 K R3 REGISTER 'X 00200040 K R4 REGISTER 'X 16969DE0 K R5 REGISTER 'X 1638080F K R6 REGISTER 'X 1638180E BEGWS 0C . 3-100 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual Memory Display Screen (2.2) The defined hotspots shown in Figure 3-11 are active on the Memory Display screen (2.2). Figure 3-11. Memory Display Screen (2.2) Hotspots --------------------- XPEDITER/CICS - MEMORY DISPLAY (2.2) ----------------C123 COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> CSR MODULE: CWDEMASM CSECT: CWDEMASM COMPILED: 09 JUN 2005 - 11.22 TABLE/AREA: PGM TABLE ENTRY ID: ________ ADDRESS: 38CCD028 HEX OFFSET: _______________________________ USE CONTENTS: _ ADD OFFSET: _____ ERDSA 00000000 00000010 00000020 00000030 00000040 00000050 00000060 00000070 00000080 00000090 000000A0 000000B0 000000C0 000000D0 000000E0 000000F0 000 010 020 030 040 050 060 070 080 090 0A0 0B0 0C0 0D0 0E0 0F0 90ECD00C 33E805EF 3028D207 D1004110 D20033C0 4110D068 96801004 472030F8 58F033F4 D30BD21C D617D34A D21CD707 3483D21B 1BFF1B00 90EF100C D27D3483 183F4510 50D01004 F05C1000 0AA041E0 D20FDB80 41E03450 58F033F0 4100D477 0E0ED20E D527D310 D21CD667 D3A1D21C D49033F8 90E01000 96801010 47F03354 300E0BA2 18F1BF1F 18DF58B0 354018F1 33D0F820 41F033EC 05EFD501 4810D260 D477D2FC D21CD577 D367D21C D757D3BE 4110D068 41E0D477 58F033F0 4110D068 000058F0 D0184780 D05C4100 0E0ED20F D25A3482 90EF1000 B0183466 41E0D476 D204D48B D32DD21C D6B7D384 D204D486 41E03488 41F0D260 05EFD204 41E03468 CCSID TYPE: EBCDIC * ..}........s...0 * .Y..&}...1..}... * ..K.0*.....^}*.. * J......\. .1..K. * K..{K....}8.K!.b * ..}..\.&.0...... * o....0.0..N.^... * ...8..M...K-.\M. * .0.4..K.M.K.K.M. * L.K.N.L.K.N.L.K. * O.L¢K.O.L.K.O.Ld * K.P.L~K.P.L.K.Mf * .cK.M..8..}..\.h * .....\...\M..0K* ....o....0.0..K. * K'.c.0....}..\.. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 38CCD028 38CCD038 38CCD048 38CCD058 38CCD068 38CCD078 38CCD088 38CCD098 38CCD0A8 38CCD0B8 38CCD0C8 38CCD0D8 38CCD0E8 38CCD0F8 38CCD108 38CCD118 Defined Storage Screen (2.3) The defined hotspots shown in Figure 3-12 are active on the Defined Storage screen (2.3). The hotspots are only valid if they are displayed in hex as indicated by the highlighted literal 'X preceding the field. They are only valid if the data is scrolled completely to the left, i.e. the scroll indicator in position one is a dash (-). Additionally, the hotspot can only be valid if the field is not a Halfword or EQUated value. In Figure 3-12, there would be 13 hotspots available. The REPEATS(nn) values are not considered hotspots because there are no 'Xs preceding them. Figure 3-12. Defined Storage Screen (2.3) Hotspots -------------------- XPEDITER/CICS - DEFINED STORAGE (2.3) ----------------C123 COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> CSR MODULE: CWDEMASM CSECT: CWDEMASM COMPILED: 09 JUN 2005 - 11.22 K K K K K -------- DATA LABEL -------------- -- ATTRIBUTES DFHEISA 18F REPEATS(18) DFHEILWS F DFHEINAB F DFHEIRS0 F DFHEIR13 F DFHEIRS1 F DFHEIBP F DFHEICAP F DFHEIV00 H DFHEIRS2 H DFHEIPL 13F REPEATS(13) 51F REPEATS(51) DFHEIRS3 F DFHEIRS4 F DFHEITP1 F -- ----+---10----+---20---> 'X 00000000 1 'X 00000000 'X 00000000 'X 00000000 'X 001457D8 'X 008A8000 'X 001440D0 'X 15500008 'X 0000 'X 0000 'X 16007519 1 'X 00000000 1 'X 00000000 'X 00000000 'X 00000000 Primary Commands 3-101 When you are displaying C variables and have used the SHOW ADDRESS command to display the address of the variable in storage rather than the actual value of the variable, the address displayed under the heading ADDRESS: is considered to be a hotspot. Figure 3-13. Using SHOW ADDRESS Command and Hotspots -------------------- XPEDITER/CICS - VARIABLE STORAGE (2.3) ---------------C123 COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> CSR MODULE: CWDEMC CSECT: CWDEMC COMPILED: 14 NOV 2006 - 14:54:47 Scope: BLOCK0 LV ---- C VARIABLE --------------- <-- LINE# --- ADDRESS:LENGTH ----------> chWsGrossPay 9817 38005AB9 0000000B 01 RateTable 9839 380060FC 00000058 DIM [11] 0 02 sEmployeeNo 9835 380060FC 00000002 DIM [11] 0 02 dCurrentPayRate 9836 380060FE 00000004 DIM [11] 0 02 dCurrentTaxRate 9837 38006102 00000002 DIM [11] 0 K 01 pWsEIB 9859 <NULL> :00000004 02 eibtime 58 Null Ptr:00000004 02 eibdate 59 Null Ptr:00000004 K 02 eibtrnid 60 Null Ptr:00000004 02 eibtaskn 61 Null Ptr:00000004 K 02 eibtrmid 62 Null Ptr:00000004 02 eibfil01 63 Null Ptr:00000002 02 eibcposn 64 Null Ptr:00000002 K 02 eibcalen 65 Null Ptr:00000002 Assembler Break/Abend Screen (2.20) The defined hotspots shown in Figure 3-14 are active on the Assembler Break/Abend screen (2.20). Figure 3-14. Assembler Break/Abend Screen (2.20) Hotspots ----------------- XPEDITER/CICS - ASSEMBLER BREAK/ABEND (2.20) ------------C123 COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> CSR MODULE: CWDEMASM CSECT: CWDEMASM COMPILED: 09 JUN 2005 - 11.22 CAUSE: DATA EXCEPTION (TR) ABEND CODE: ASRA APPLID: ACMEC123 USERID: ACMJET0 TERM: 0393 NETNAME: TCW00393 TRAN: XASM PSW: 079D0000 960072AA 00060007 INTERRUPT OFFSET: 00027C ADDRESS: 960072A4 LAST CICS COMMAND: 00152 RESUME OFFSET: 00027C ADDRESS: 960072A4 INSTRUCTION: FC42 D2F7 D2EA MP X'2F7'(5,13),X'2EA'(3,13) REGISTERS: 1533B7C0 14ED8000 R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 00145AE8 00145840 8004DE20 16007028 153B7C90 14ECE9CF 14ECF9CE 14ED09CD 16007600 00145800 R8 R9 R10 R11 R12 R13 R14 R15 14ED19CC 14ED29CB 160075D8 001440D0 008A8000 001457D8 9600717C 00000000 Non-z/Architecture users see the above (32-bit) version. z/Architecture users see the following (64-bit) version by default but can use the primary command SET REGISTERS 32 to see the 32-bit version. 3-102 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual Figure 3-15. Assembler Break/Abend Screen (2.20) Hotspots ----------------- XPEDITER/CICS - ASSEMBLER BREAK/ABEND (2.20) ------------C123 COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> CSR MODULE: CWDEMASM CSECT: CWDEMASM COMPILED: 09 JUN 2005 - 11.22 CAUSE: DATA EXCEPTION (PR/TR) ABEND CODE: ASRA APPLID: ACME123 USERID: ACMJET0 TERM: 0225 NETNAME: TCW00225 TRAN: XASM PSW: 079D0000 B588A2E0 00060007 INTERRUPT OFFSET: 000252 ADDRESS: B588A2DA LAST CICS COMMAND: 0012E RESUME OFFSET: 000252 ADDRESS: B588A2DA INSTRUCTION: FC42 D267 D25A MP X'267'(5,13),X'25A'(3,13) REGISTERS: 0-3 00000000_00201B60 00000000_00201950 00000000_80050F98 00000000_3588A088 0-3 00011100_00201B60 00011100_00201950 00011100_80050F98 00011100_3588A088 4-7 00000000_35AC4870 00000000_355E3EEF 00000000_355E4EEE 00000000_355E5EED 4-7 00022200_35AC4870 00022200_355E3EEF 00022200_355E4EEE 00022200_355E5EED 8-B 00000000_355E6EEC 00000000_355E7EEB 00000000_35AC4D70 00000000_002000D0 8-B 00033300_355E6EEC 00033300_355E7EEB 00033300_35AC4D70 00033300_002000D0 C-F 00000000_008B4000 00000000_002018E8 00000000_B588A1B8 00000000_00000000 C-F 00044400_008B4000 00044400_002018E8 00044400_B588A1B8 00044400_00000000 List of CSECTs Screen (2.6.1) The defined hotspots shown in Figure 3-16 are active on the List of CSECTs screen (2.6.1). Figure 3-16. List of CSECTs Screen (2.6.1) Hotspots -------------------- XPEDITER/CICS - LIST OF CSECTS (2.6.1) ---------------C123 COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> CSR MODULE: CWDEMCB2 CSECT: CWDEMCB2 COMPILED: 28 MAY 2003 - 11.11.29 LINE COMMANDS: D (Deselect) S (Select) I (Intercept) V (View Source) LOADED FROM LIBRARY: ACME.TEST2.LOAD CMD CSECT LISTING SEL OFFSET LENGTH ADDRESS ERROR ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- DFHECI EXCL 00000000 00000048 000FBB20 _ CWDEMCB2 CWDEMCB2 YES 00000048 00002558 000FBB68 _ CWCDSUBA CWCDSUBA YES 000025A0 000000C1 000FE0C0 ILBOCOM0 EXCL 00002668 00000173 000FE188 ILBOSRV EXCL 000027E0 000004D4 000FE300 ILBOMSG EXCL 00002CB8 00000100 000FE7D8 ILBOBEG EXCL 00002DB8 000001DC 000FE8D8 Memory Display Screen (9.2) The defined hotspots shown in Figure 3-17 are active on the Memory Display screen (9.2). Primary Commands 3-103 Figure 3-17. Memory Display Screen (9.2) Hotspots --------------------- XPEDITER/CICS - MEMORY DISPLAY (9.2) ----------------C123 COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> CSR MODULE: CWDEMASM CSECT: CWDEMASM COMPILED: 09 JUN 2005 - 11.22 TABLE/AREA: PGM TABLE ENTRY ID: ________ ADDRESS: 38CCD028 HEX OFFSET: _______________________________ USE CONTENTS: _ ADD OFFSET: _____ ERDSA 00000000 00000010 00000020 00000030 00000040 00000050 00000060 00000070 00000080 00000090 000000A0 000000B0 000000C0 000000D0 000000E0 000000F0 000 010 020 030 040 050 060 070 080 090 0A0 0B0 0C0 0D0 0E0 0F0 90ECD00C 33E805EF 3028D207 D1004110 D20033C0 4110D068 96801004 472030F8 58F033F4 D30BD21C D617D34A D21CD707 3483D21B 1BFF1B00 90EF100C D27D3483 183F4510 50D01004 F05C1000 0AA041E0 D20FDB80 41E03450 58F033F0 4100D477 0E0ED20E D527D310 D21CD667 D3A1D21C D49033F8 90E01000 96801010 47F03354 300E0BA2 18F1BF1F 18DF58B0 354018F1 33D0F820 41F033EC 05EFD501 4810D260 D477D2FC D21CD577 D367D21C D757D3BE 4110D068 41E0D477 58F033F0 4110D068 000058F0 D0184780 D05C4100 0E0ED20F D25A3482 90EF1000 B0183466 41E0D476 D204D48B D32DD21C D6B7D384 D204D486 41E03488 41F0D260 05EFD204 41E03468 CCSID TYPE: EBCDIC * ..}........s...0 * .Y..&}...1..}... * ..K.0*.....^}*.. * J......\. .1..K. * K..{K....}8.K!.b * ..}..\.&.0...... * o....0.0..N.^... * ...8..M...K-.\M. * .0.4..K.M.K.K.M. * L.K.N.L.K.N.L.K. * O.L¢K.O.L.K.O.Ld * K.P.L~K.P.L.K.Mf * .cK.M..8..}..\.h * .....\...\M..0K* ....o....0.0..K. * K'.c.0....}..\.. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 38CCD028 38CCD038 38CCD048 38CCD058 38CCD068 38CCD078 38CCD088 38CCD098 38CCD0A8 38CCD0B8 38CCD0C8 38CCD0D8 38CCD0E8 38CCD0F8 38CCD108 38CCD118 Storage Exceptions Screen (9.7) The defined hotspots shown in Figure 3-18 are active on the Storage Exceptions screen (9.7). Figure 3-18. Storage Exceptions Screen (9.7) Hotspots ------------------- XPEDITER/CICS - STORAGE EXCEPTIONS (9.7) --------------C123 COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> CSR MODULE: CSECT: ADDRESS ADDR-TO <-ALLOW ALLOW UNPRO DEL TERM TRAN PROGRAM FROM OR LNTH A/L STORE FETCH INSTR ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- _ **** **** ******** C2000 C2FFF A NO NO NO 000C2000 000C2FFF _ **** **** ******** C3000 C3FFF A NO NO NO 000C3000 000C3FFF _ **** **** ******** C1000 C1FFF A NO NO NO 000C1000 000C1FFF _ **** **** ******** C0000 C0FFF A NO NO NO 000C0000 000C0FFF _ **** **** ******** C4000 C4FFF A NO NO NO 000C4000 000C4FFF _ **** **** ******** C5000 C5FFF A NO NO NO 000C5000 000C5FFF _ **** **** ******** CF000 CFFFF A NO NO NO 000CF000 000CFFFF _ **** **** ******** C9000 C9FFF A NO NO NO 000C9000 000C9FFF _ **** **** ******** C8000 C8000 A NO NO NO Define System Labels Screen (9.9) The defined hotspots shown in Figure 3-19 are active on the Define System Labels screen (9.9). 3-104 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual Figure 3-19. Define System Labels Screen (9.9) Hotspots ------------------ XPEDITER/CICS - DEFINE SYSTEM LABELS (9.9) -------------C123 COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> CSR MODULE: CWDEMASM CSECT: CWDEMASM COMPILED: 09 JUN 2005 - 11.22 DEFAULT BASE LABELS: CSA DCT EIS FCT MOD OFL PGM TCA TCT ADDR PADDR PLEN INITCOMM MQMD MQDATA USER BASE ENTRY OR + OR USE RESULTING DEL LABEL LABEL PGM-NAME OFFSET CONTENT LENGTH VALUE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ _ SYLABEL ADDR 7E000 N 00000001 0007E000 _ SYLABEL1 SYLABEL 400 N 00000001 0007E400 _ SYLABEL2 SYLABEL1 400 N 00000001 0007E800 _ SYLABEL3 SYLABEL2 400 N 00000001 0007EC00 _ SYLABEL4 SYLABEL3 400 N 00000001 0007F000 _ SYLABEL5 SYLABEL4 400 N 00000001 0007F400 _ SYLABEL6 SYLABEL5 400 N 00000001 0007F800 _ SYLABEL7 SYLABEL6 -200 N 00000001 0007F600 _ SYLABEL8 SYLABEL7 -200 N 00000001 0007F400 _ SYLABEL9 SYLABEL8 -200 N 00000001 0007F200 _ SYLABELA SYLABEL9 -200 N 00000001 0007F000 _ SYLABELB SYLABELA -200 N 00000001 0007EE00 _ SYLABELC SYLABELB -200 N 00000001 0007EC00 _ SYLABELD SYLABELC -200 N 00000001 0007EA00 DSECTs Screen (9.D) The defined hotspots shown in Figure 3-20 are active on the DSECTS screen (9.D). Figure 3-20. DSECTS Screen (9.D) Hotspots ------------------------ XPEDITER/CICS - DSECTS (9.D) ---------------------C123 COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> CSR MODULE: CWDEMCB2 CSECT: CWDEMCB2 COMPILED: 09 JUN 2005 - 11.23.01 TABLE/AREA: CSA TABLE ENTRY ID: ________ LABEL: ______________________________ CSAFRCQR 8004FADD 0C5 CSACIMOD CSAMOD00 CSAMOD01 CSAMOD02 CSAMOD03 8004FAE0 0C8 CSAOPFLA 8004FAF0 0D8 CSABTCCB 8004FAFA 0E2 CSALEN 8004FAFC 0E4 CSACWAA 8004FB00 0E8 CSACWAL 8004FB04 0EC CSATCA31 8004FB0C 0F4 CSATCA24 8004FB14 0FC CSARMSBP 8004FB20 108 CSATCADF 8004FB24 10C CSAQRTCB 8004FB28 110 CSAEIPAD 8004FB2C 114 CSABRSAA EQU DS EQU EQU EQU EQU DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS X'10' XL1 X'00' X'01' X'02' X'03' XL4 XL4 XL2 XL4 XL2 XL8 XL8 XL8 XL4 XL4 XL4 XL4 00 * . * * ..2. * 0004F2A0 00000000 * .... * 020C * .. * * .... * 000C0000 0200 * .. * 373767DC 0000007A * .......: * 37376890 0000007B * .......# * 00000000 00000000 * ........ * 37E00080 * .\.. * * .... * 008C4B68 * .... * 0008463C 37E1E000 * ..\. * SET The SET command allows you to change selected debugging session parameters and changes the settings on the 0.1 screens. If the profile dataset is installed at your site, the parameter settings are saved in your user profile when you exit the session. See “Establishing a Profile” on page 6-1 for more information on session profiles. Primary Commands 3-105 3-106 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual ALARM Turns ON or OFF the audible alarm that sounds when an error is detected. ON: Allows the alarm to sound when an error is detected. An error message is always displayed. If neither the ON nor OFF parameter is used, ON is the default. OFF: Prevents the sounding of the alarm when an error is detected; however, an error message is always displayed. ALT Turns ON or OFF the alternate screen size capability for 3270-type Model 3, 4, and 5 terminals. This command has no effect if the terminal does not support alternate screen sizes or the terminal control table (TCT) has not been generated with alternate screen size support. Note: Xpediter/CICS uses only the extra vertical size. Only 80 columns are used, even on a Model 5 display. The only exception to this is the Source Listing screen (2.L), which displays 132 columns. ON: Turns ON the alternate screen size capability. The default is ON. If an alternate screen size has been generated for the terminal in the CICS TCT, use the ALT ON command to switch between the default screen size and the alternate screen size. When an abend is trapped and ALT ON is entered, Xpediter/CICS switches to the alternate screen size, even if the trapped transaction was not using the alternate screen size. If the task is resumed, the default screen size for the transaction is restored. OFF: Turns OFF the alternate screen size capability and resets to the default screen size. AUTOKEEP Turns ON or OFF the display of variable data for all variables participating in the current statement while stepping. The default is ON. Note: At abend time, all variables participating in the current statement will be displayed overriding this value. ON: Causes all variables in the currently stopped/abended statement to display, as well as all explicitly kept variables. OFF: Only explicitly kept variables (set via the KEEP primary or K line command) will be displayed during stepping. BTRACE Controls the updating of an internal branch trace table used for diagnostic purposes. The default is YES. Note: If BTRACE is set to NO and an Xpediter/CICS problem occurs, recreate the problem with BTRACE set to YES or FULL before gathering documentation for Xpediter/CICS Customer Support. YES or FULL: Xpediter/CICS updates an internal branch trace table used to help diagnose any Xpediter/CICS issues. FULL should only be used at the request of Xpediter/CICS Customer Support. NO: Unless Xpediter/CICS Customer Support has requested that you run with this option set to YES or FULL, it may be set to NO to save CPU. Primary Commands 3-107 CMDSIZE Allows users to set the command line size to 1 (the default), 2, or 3 lines. Note: This feature is not available for Code Coverage screens. 1: Sets the command line size to one line. This is the default. 2: Sets the command line size to two lines. 3: Sets the command line size to three lines. DELIM Specifies the delimiting character to be used to separate multiple Xpediter/CICS primary commands entered together. Any character is a valid delimiter except alphanumeric characters (a to z, A to Z, and 0 to 9), period (.), comma (,), blank ( ), underscore (_), and equal (=). The default is a semi-colon (;). DATETIME Turns ON or OFF the requirement that the date and time stamps match for the program being tested and its corresponding source listing file. The default is ON. CAUTION: If DATETIME is turned OFF and breakpoints are set in a program that no longer matches its source listing file, unpredictable results could occur, including abends and CICS storage violations. ON: If a mismatch exists between the date and time stamps of the program loaded in CICS storage and its source listing file, a NO SOURCE AVAILABLE message will be issued and program source will not be displayed. OFF: Xpediter will allow date and time stamp mismatches between programs and their source listing files. A warning message will be displayed along with the program source. DELAY Specifies a default delay interval for the GO command. This value is the number of seconds you wish to wait between the execution of successive statements. The range for this value is between 0 (zero) and 20 seconds. The default value for this parameter is 0; however, this value can be overridden by the system programmer or the value set in your user profile. FOOT The foot parameter turns ON and OFF footing information at the bottom of the screen. It also allows you to establish the type of data that you would like displayed in the footing area. Footing information is never displayed at the bottom of a menu. The following types of footing information can be displayed at the bottom of your screen: • • • • • • • • • ANALYZE DATA FLOAT KEYS MENU OFF ON REGS STATUS 3-108 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual • SOURCE Following is a brief description of each of these FOOT parameters. ANALYZE: This footing display contains the following statement analysis information which is initiated through the COUNT command: – – – – – – – – STATEMENTS TO BE COUNTED COUNTED STATEMENTS EXECUTED COUNTED STATEMENTS NOT EXECUTED PERCENTAGE STATEMENTS EXECUTED TOTAL COUNT HIGHEST COUNT HIGHEST COUNT STATEMENT PARA. DATA: This display contains four lines of block hex showing the contents of the area pointed to by the result of the CALC command. See “CALC (??)” on page 3-27 for information on the CALC command. KEYS: This display contains the PF key settings currently established for your debugging session. PF key settings can be modified using the KEYS command or the Primary PF Key Settings screen (0.2) or with the SET PFnn command. MENU: This display contains a menu of the screens that are available in the functional area you are currently using. You can transfer to any of the screens in this area by typing the screen number of your choice. OFF: Turns OFF the footing information at the bottom of the screen. ON: Turns ON the footing information at the bottom of the screen with MENU content. REGS: This display contains the current program register contents, PSW of where the break/abend has occurred, and the current assembler instruction. The contents of the registers are modifiable. The data is only displayed if you are in a break/abend state. If you are not in a break/abend state, a warning message is displayed to indicate this. FLOAT: If the machine that CICS is running on does not support IEEE floating point, then the display contains the current program’s: – – – – – general register contents (R0 through R15) standard floating point registers (F0, F2, F4, and F6) the PSW of where the break/abend has occurred the offset within the current CSECT the current Assembler instruction. If the machine does support IEEE floating point, then only the 16 IEEE floating point registers are displayed in this footing. This data is displayed only if your program is in a break/abend state. Otherwise, a warning message is displayed. You can modify the contents of general and floating point registers by overtyping the data. Overtyping rules are as follows: – Partial overtyping is not flushed out automatically. – Entering one or more spaces or pressing Erase EOF flushes unwanted digits. The data is padded with binary zeros and right justified. – Entering Rn followed by one or more spaces or pressing Erase EOF in a general register field copies general register n to the overtyped general register. Rn can be entered on any digit position. – Entering #n followed by one or more spaces or pressing Erase EOF in a floating point register field copies floating point register n to the overtyped floating point register. #n can be entered on any hex digit position. Primary Commands 3-109 – Pressing Erase EOF at the first digit position restores the general or floating point register to its value at the last breakpoint or GO. – Modified registers will be committed on a GO 1 or GO. STATUS: This display contains a summary of the current abend and terminal information. One or more abbreviations indicating which product functions or options were active at the time of the break or abend may be displayed in the STATUS field. Abbreviation Active Function or Option PR Storage protection TR Trace CC Xpediter/Code Coverage SF System flow ALL All of the above SOURCE: This display contains the current source statement, the preceding statement, and the following two statements when at a break/abend. The current statement is highlighted. If source is not available, the message NO SOURCE CAN BE DISPLAYED is displayed in the footing area. IKEEP Turns ON or OFF the availability of the Intelligent Autokeeps feature during stepping. For more information, refer to “Intelligent Autokeeps” on page 2-13. Note: Using the Intelligent Autokeeps feature requires that SET AUTOKEEP ON has been specified. ON: Causes the keep window to display intellikeeps and remove duplicate autokeeps. OFF: Causes the keep window to bypass the display of intellikeeps and the removal of duplicate autokeeps. JUSTIFICATION (JUSTIFY, JUST) Clips the current source listing so that extraneous data to the left and the right of the source lines is removed from the display. In addition, all lines prior to the first source line and following the last source line are also removed from the display. This provides a more source-like display, but prohibits the viewing of areas such as the cross reference. ON is the default. ON: Clips the display. OFF: Restores the display of all data provided in the source listing. LOADTRAP Loads saved traps at session start. ON: (Default) Loads saved traps at session start. OFF: Does not load saved traps at session start. KEEPS Opens or closes the keep window on the Source Listing screen (2.L). This allows you to perform the majority of debugging functions from the Source Listing screen (2.L). This window can also be closed via this command. 3-110 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual SET KEEPS n or SET KEEPS ON n or SET KEEPS ON: Enables the keep window on the Source Listing screen (2.L). This window is displayed when the program is in a break/abend state. You may size this window to 0 or any number 3 to 11. The default is 5. This makes the window n lines deep. Note that if you resize your keep window, any line commands entered since the Enter key or PF key was last pressed are ignored. The SET KEEPS n command accepts a numeric value of 0 (zero) and treats it as though the keyword OFF was entered. SET KEEPS OFF: Closes the keep window on the Source Listing screen (2.L). Note that any line commands entered since the Enter key or PF key was last pressed are ignored. The SET KEEPS n command accepts a numeric value of 0 (zero) and treats it as though the keyword OFF was entered. Note: Because SET WIDEHEX ON requires five screen lines, you cannot set KEEPS to 3 or 4 while WIDEHEX is ON. Attempting to SET KEEPS to 3 or 4 while WIDEHEX is ON will generate an error message and the value of KEEPS will not be changed. MAXSTEP Specifies a default maximum number of statements to execute when the delay value of the GO command is greater than zero (0). The maxstep-value must be in the 1 to 99 range. OPTIMIZE Turns ON or OFF the internal screen optimizer. This parameter is only valid if the system programmer specifies the use of the screen optimizer in the global table. ON: Turns ON screen optimization, which provides smoother displays, because only modified data is sent to the screen. The default is ON. OFF: Disables screen optimization. When screen optimization is disabled, a SEND/ERASE is issued every time a screen is displayed. This may cause the screen to flash. Note: The use of SET OPTIMIZE ON in combination with other products and/or screen optimizers may cause data written to your screen to be merged with data previously displayed on your screen. To avoid this problem, use OPTIMIZE OFF when using other products or screen optimizers. OPTWARN Specifies whether program optimized warnings are to be displayed in the footer section of the screen. ON: Displays optimized warnings on the first line of the footer. The default is ON. OFF: Disables optimized warnings in the footer section. PFnn Specifies the Xpediter command to be executed when a particular PF key is pressed. nn: PF key number. Valid entries are 1 to 24. command: Command to execute when you press the PF key. description: Label to display for this PF key in the footing area of the screen. The footing is displayed with the SET FOOT KEYS command. The maximum label length is eight characters. These labels are also used for the PF key buttons displayed when running Xpediter/CICS using the 3270 Web Bridge. For more information, see “3270 Web Bridge Support” on page 2-15. If the description is blank, it is the same as the Primary Commands 3-111 command. PL/I based variable (pointer-var -> based var) Specifies a pointer for a PL/I based variable for use when displaying a data variable on the Break/Abend screen (2.1), Variable Storage screen (2.3), or Source Listing screen (2.L). The address of pointer-var will remain the base for based-var. In order to change the base address, you must reissue the SET command. pointer-var: A variable whose address will be used as the pointer of based-var. ->: Must be entered without leading or trailing blanks. based-var: A based variable which has not been declared either with an implicit pointer of type pointer or via a function call such as ADDR(...). An attempt to use this syntax with a based variable that has an implicit pointer will be flagged with an error. PROTECT (PROT) Turns storage protection ON or OFF. Storage protection allows you to check your program or transaction for possible storage violations. The request is effective immediately within the current CICS task for this LINK/enclave level and any enclave levels created from this point on. Programs within the current CICS task at a higher (existing) LINK/enclave level are not included in this request. Note: If storage protection is specified by the system programmer as the default, this default cannot be disabled using the PROTECT parameter. ON: Turns ON storage protection. ON is the default. OFF: Disables storage protection. SAVETRAP Saves traps automatically at session end. ON: (Default) Saves traps automatically at session end. OFF: Does not save traps automatically at session end. REGS Specifies the display format for the General Purpose (GP) registers. These registers are shown on the “Assembler Break/Abend” screen (2.20) and on the REGISTERS footing. This parameter is ignored when CICS is not running on a z/Architecture machine. Valid values are: 64: (Default) Display all positions of the GP registers when CICS is running on a z/Architecture machine. 32: Display only the lower 32 bits of the GP registers when CICS is running on a z/Architecture machine. SOURCE (SRCE, SRC) Displays the Source Listing screen (2.L) or the Break/Abend screen (2.1) whenever a break or abend is encountered. ON: Displays the Source Listing screen when a break or abend is encountered. OFF: Displays the Break/Abend screen when a break or abend is encountered. 3-112 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual SUPPORT Used only when directed by Xpediter/CICS Customer Support. When ON is specified, a portion of the Xpediter/CICS screen heading line is overlaid with the current date and time. ON: Turns ON the SUPPORT feature. OFF: Turns OFF the SUPPORT feature. OFF is the default. TRACE Turns ON or OFF the program TRACE feature. When a transaction is executed and a source listing for the program exists, the statement level execution can be viewed on the Program Trace screen (2.4). The request is effective immediately within the current CICS task for this LINK/enclave level and any enclave levels created from this point on. Programs within the current CICS task at a higher (existing) LINK/enclave level are not included in this request. Deletion of a Trace rule by primary command SET TRACE OFF causes all trace data collected as a result of that rule to also be deleted. Review your trace results on screen (2.4) before deleting the rule. ON: Turns ON the TRACE feature. OFF: Turns OFF the TRACE feature. OFF is the default. TRANSLATE Allows you to override how non-alphanumeric characters are displayed in output fields. SET TRANSLATE ON causes all existing profile-level translate overrides to be put into effect. SET TRANSLATE OFF causes all profile-level translate overrides to be disabled while retaining the previously-requested values. SET TRANSLATE RESET causes all profile-level translate overrides to reset to their original default substitution values. The hexadecimal value yy replaces hex value xx in screen output fields. Specifying ND causes a period character (x'4B') to be substituted for hex value xx. SET TRANSLATE xx RESET causes all previously entered TRANSLATE commands for hex value xx to be undone, allowing the original default substitution to occur. Omitting the second parameter causes hex value xx to be replaced with hex value xx. Validation is done on the replacement value to ensure it is not a 3270 order or SO/SI controls. 3270 orders and SO/SI controls include: x'05', x'08', x'0E', x'0F', x'11', x'13', x'1D', x'28', x'2C', and x'3C'. For further information about 3270 orders, refer to IBM 3270 Information Display System Data Stream Programmer's Reference (GA23-0059-xx). Any SET TRANSLATE operand other than OFF also has the effect of turning this option ON. The current settings for the TRANSLATE option and the entire output field translate table are displayed and may be altered on the SET PROFILE DEFAULTS (0.1) screen. TRAP Turns ON or OFF the ABEND TRAP feature. This feature allows you to trap any abend that occurs at your terminal or, optionally, to your user ID during a debugging session. ON: Turns ON the TRAP feature. ON is the default. OFF: Turns OFF the TRAP feature. Primary Commands 3-113 WIDEHEX Turns ON or OFF the alternate format for displaying vertical hex in keep windows and on the Working Storage screen (2.3). The standard format for vertical hex shows up to 24 positions of each field on a screen using three screen lines per field to display field name, field attributes, and the data vertically (character, zone, and decimal). When WIDEHEX is ON, up to 74 positions of each field will be displayed, using five screen lines per field as follows: • the field name and attributes are displayed on line 1 • data is displayed vertically (character, zone and decimal) on lines 2, 3, and 4 • a scale is displayed on line 5. Because five screen lines are used, SET WIDEHEX ON impacts the KEEPS value. (See “KEEPS” on page 3-109.) When WIDEHEX is OFF, the value for KEEPS can be from 3 to 11. When WIDEHEX is ON, the value for KEEPS can only be from 5 to 11. Attempting to SET WIDEHEX ON while the value for KEEPS is 3 or 4 will generate an error message and WIDEHEX will remain OFF. SHOW (SH) The SHOW command modifies the format of selected screens to display data in different forms. The command’s function depends on the screen that is accessed: • • • • • • • Source Listing screen (2.L) Edit DL/1 Segment screen (5.4.4) DB2 Screens in the File Utility File Mapping Variable Storage screen (2.3) and Keep Display Areas Program Trace screen (2.4) SHOW WHEN command. Each is described separately. Source Listing Screen The following SHOW command syntax acts upon the source listing area of the Source Listing screen (2.L). Use the RESET command to reset the screen display. ALL Shows all program labels, COBOL paragraphs, and PL/I procedures in the program, as well as any statement where one of the following commands is defined: • • • • • • • • • • AFTER BEFORE COUNT KEEP LABEL ONETIME PARA PROC SKIP SYMBOLIC 3-114 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual Edit DL/1 Segment Screen The following SHOW command syntax allows you to change the display format on the Edit DL/1 Segment screen (5.4.4). DATA Displays data in the defined I/O area. This portion of the display allows for four modes of data display. Use the HEX and USING commands to display data in the following formats: HEX OFF: Displays the data in character mode. HEX or HEX ON: Displays the data in vertical hex mode. HEX DUMP: Displays the data in dump mode. HEX OFF and USING: Formats the data in a COBOL or PL/I 01 level. KEYS Rebuilds the SSA list to reflect the current position within the DL/I database, based upon the last DL/I call made. It builds qualified SSAs and then displays the newly built list. This SSA list is then used in subsequent DL/I calls. SSA Displays the current list of SSAs being utilized. DB2 Screens in the File Utility The following SHOW command syntax allows you to display the SQL call generated by an EASY QUERY. It also allows you to execute the result table from the EASY QUERY. RESULT Displays result table. SQL Displays generated SQL. File Mapping The following SHOW command syntax displays information in the SHOW field, which is located between the field name and data. See “USING” on page 3-122 for more information on File Mapping screens. Primary Commands 3-115 FORMAT (F) Displays, in bytes, both the length and format of the field. LINE (L) Displays the line number on which the field was defined. OCCURS Displays the current occurrence for subscripted or indexed fields. OFFSET (O) Displays the cell type, number, and offset from the cell. PICTURE (P) Displays the picture clause for the COBOL data names. Program Storage Screens (2.3) and Keep Display Areas The following SHOW command syntax acts upon the variables and values that are displayed in the keep areas of the Source Listing screen (2.L), the Break/Abend screen (2.1), and the Program Storage screens (2.3). Languages Operands Support The following table shows the languages that each operand supports. Operand Assembler COBOL ADDRess ATTRibutes C PL/I x x CBL88 x x x x CELL x x x DATA x x x x DATAOnly x x x x DSECT x 3-116 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual Operand Assembler COBOL C PL/I FORMAT x x LENgth x x x x LINE x x x x OFFset x x QUALified x x USING x x x x x ADDRESS Displays the address of the data item (C Only). If the data item is a pointer, the address of the pointer is displayed, not the address that it contains. ATTRIBUTE Changes the display of data items so that only the data name and a 40-position extended information area are displayed. This format displays the current attributes associated with the data item. The information area can be scrolled left or right. Scrolling right displays the same information as the SHOW OFFSET command. Scrolling right again shows the same information as the SHOW QUALIFIED command. CBL88 Displays the contents of all COBOL 88 level variables. The associated parent data item is also displayed. The default is ON. To remove all 88 level fields from the display, enter SHOW CBL88 OFF. CELL Displays the type and cell number of COBOL locators. DATA Changes the display of data items so that only the data name, a short attribute area, and a 24-position data value area are displayed. The LEFT and RIGHT commands can be used to scroll the data value area. A scale line is displayed. DATAONLY Changes the display of data items so that the data name and a 40-position data value area are displayed. The LEFT and RIGHT commands can be used to scroll the data value area. A scale line is displayed. DSECT Displays the DSECT/CSECT name in which the data label is defined. This parameter is only valid for Assembler programs. FORMAT Displays the format (Assembler notation) in which the data is stored for a COBOL data item. LENGTH Displays the number of bytes of storage occupied by a data item. This is a decimal value. Primary Commands 3-117 LINE Displays the line or statement number where this data item is defined. OFFSET Displays the offset within working storage or PL/I DSA where this data item is found. This value is hexadecimal for Assembler and COBOL and decimal for PL/I. QUALIFIED Changes the display of data items so that the data name and a 40-position extended information area are displayed. This format displays the fully qualified name for the data item. The extended information area can be scrolled left and right. Scrolling left displays the same information as the SHOW OFFSET command. Scrolling left again displays the same information as the SHOW ATTRIBUTES command. USING Displays the current active USING or base register for the data label. If no addressability is established, ??? will be displayed. If addressability has been established, the general purpose register will be displayed. This parameter is only valid for Assembler programs. Program Trace The following SHOW command syntax allows you to change the display to a list of paragraphs, procedures, or labels that have been executed, thus omitting the actual statements themselves. This enables you to examine the flow of a program in a compact form. ALL Displays a complete statement trace. LABEL Displays a label trace. PARA Displays a paragraph trace. PROC Displays a procedure trace. Show When Screen (C, COBOL and PL/I only) The SHOW WHEN command is equivalent to typing =2.7 and transfers you to the Show When screen (2.7). This screen lists active when-conditions that have been established during your debugging session. 3-118 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual SKIP (SKI, S) The SKIP command temporarily skips execution of a statement during the debugging process. Either conditional or unconditional skips can be set. The SKIP command provides several options for setting and deleting skips within a program. See “Variable and Common Parameters” on page 3-1 for details about location and ifcondition. ON: Sets a skip. OFF: Removes a skip. +offset Hexadecimal offset within a program. The plus sign (+) is required. Only valid for Assembler programs. You may set either conditional or unconditional skips on a statement. • Conditional skips are set with an IF clause that provides Xpediter/CICS with a selection criterion. Conditional skips cause a statement to be skipped only if the condition is met. You can only set one conditional skip on a statement. • Unconditional skips always cause a statement to be skipped when they are encountered. No IF clause is used. Multiple breakpoints (after, before, count, or onetime) can be set on one statement. However, if you set a skip on a statement that already contains after, before, or onetime breakpoints, SKIP deletes the set breakpoints. Usage Notes The if-condition is executed according to the following conditions: • The tests between the first operand and the second operand are made as logical comparisons, that is, CLC instructions. • Xpediter/CICS makes comparisons using the length of the first operand or the second operand, whichever is shorter. • If the second operand is a numeric value, the data is converted to a format compatible with the first operand unless the second operand is in apostrophes or quotes. Comparisons are made using the length of the first operand. • Before the statement executes, Xpediter/CICS evaluates the first operand and compares its value with the second operand value using the specified operator. – If the condition is met, the statement is skipped. – If the condition is not met, normal program execution continues. Examples: SKIP 300 IF COUNT EQ 50 Sets a skip at statement 300 that is taken only upon the fiftieth execution of statement 300. SKIP ON +1FEA IF R9 EQ X'000000FB' Sets a skip at offset 1FEA that is taken only if the value of register 9 is equal to X’000000FB’. Primary Commands 3-119 SKIP ON ALL PARA IF WA-RATE NE 10 Sets skips at all paragraphs in a COBOL program that are taken if the numeric value of the WA-RATE variable is not equal to 10. SKIP ALL WA-HOURS IF WA-HOURS EQ '002050' Sets skips at all statements in a COBOL program that refer to the WA-HOURS variable. Skips are only taken if the value of WA-HOURS is equal to the string 002050. SKIP ALL WA-HOURS IF WA-HOURS EQ 2050 Xpediter will convert 2050 to a format compatible with WA-HOURS. Then skips will be taken only if the numeric value of WA-HOURS is 2050. SKIP ALL WA-HOURS IF WA-HOURS LT ZERO Sets skips at all statements in a COBOL program that refer to the WA-HOURS variable. Skips are only taken if the numeric value of WA-HOURS becomes less than 0. SKIP ALL WA-HOURS IF WA-HOURS NOT NUMERIC Sets skips at all statements in a COBOL program that refer to the WA-HOURS variable. Skips are only taken if the value of WA-HOURS becomes non-numeric. If an attempt is made to use the SKIP command to skip the last executable statement of a program, a COBOL EXIT statement, or a PL/I END statement, Xpediter/CICS will prevent the skip from being set and alert the user by highlighting the skip and issuing an illegal skip message. CAUTION: Please note that using the SKIP or GOTO commands with your C, COBOL, or PL/I programs causes changes in the execution of the underlying Assembler instructions generated by the compiler. This is normal, and generally does not cause problems. However, in some situations (most commonly when the program has been optimized or, for C programs, if functions are inlined, or for Enterprise PL/I procedures are inlined), the normal flow of execution is artificially interrupted by either the SKIP or GOTO commands, and the following conditions may occur: • Data appears incorrectly in the keep window, or on the Data Area screen (2.3). • The program may take an incorrect logic path. • An unexpected abend condition may result. Xpediter/CICS displays the word OPT on line 1 of the page heading if a program has been compiled with the OPTIMIZE (C, COBOL, and PL/I optimization) or INLINE (C and PL/I inlining) compile options. You can use the HELP OPTIMIZE or HELP OPT primary command to view information about the current program/CSECT as displayed in the MODULE and CSECT fields. If the profile option OPTWARN is set to ON, the optimization warning will also be displayed in the footing of the screen for any program compiled with OPT or INLINE. If you do experience any unexpected results, use the HELP OPT primary command or check the program listing to see if the program was optimized at compile time or, for C, function inlining is active, or, for Enterprise PL/I, procedure inlining is active. If the program was optimized or, for C or PL/I, inlining is active, recompile the program without the optimize/inline option. If the program was not optimized, inlining is inactive, and SKIP or GOTO are not functioning correctly, contact Xpediter/CICS Customer Support (see “Customer Support” on page xxiv). For detailed examples of the SKIP and GOTO commands, refer to the Help screens during your Xpediter/CICS session. 3-120 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual SOURCE (SOU) The SOURCE command ends the current function and transfers to the Source Listing screen (2.L). From this screen you can view your current program and debug it. SVCDUMP Entering the SVCDUMP command produces an MVS SVC dump of the address space. The SVCDUMP command is only available to XPSP users. TERM The TERM command terminates a currently scheduled DL/I PSB. The TERM command is performed only if a PSB has been previously scheduled on the Edit DL/1 Segment screen (5.4.4) using the PCB command. If a PSB is currently scheduled, Xpediter/CICS displays the message PSB IS SCHEDULED to the right of the RECFM field on the screen. If a PSB is not scheduled, the message PSB IS NOT SCHEDULED is displayed. The TERM command terminates the currently scheduled PSB. Any ISRT, REPL, and DLET calls made while the PSB was scheduled are retained. To roll back changes made, use the CANCEL command instead of the TERM command. The Xpediter/CICS global table contains a pre-defined PSB time-out limit. This prevents a PSB from unintentionally locking out access to a DL/I database when the terminal is left active through the Edit DL/1 Segment screen (5.4.4). If processing on a database takes place (that is, a DL/I call is performed while a PSB is scheduled), the time-out counter is reset to a full 2 minutes (the default). If no DL/I calls are performed on the PSB within the time-out limit, Xpediter/CICS automatically terminates the PSB, rolls back any changes in progress, and displays a message. If the PSB is not terminated before leaving the Edit DL/1 Segment screen (5.4.4), Xpediter/CICS automatically cancels any changes in progress. TOP The TOP command scrolls to the start of the data currently displayed on the screen. The first line of data available is displayed as the first line in the data area. This command is the same as the UP MAX command. On the 2.L screen, where multiple windows can exist (one each for Keep displays and Source displays), the current window depends on the cursor position when the TOP command is issued. UNLOCK The UNLOCK command is used on the Memory Display screens (2.2 and 9.2) or the Select Address screen to unlock the current address in the select address table. The table Primary Commands 3-121 holds up to sixteen entries. When the table is full, the oldest entry is automatically deleted to allow for the next entry. Locking an entry prevents it from being deleted when a new entry is added. Unlocking an entry allows it to be deleted. See “SELECT (SEL)” on page 3-94. label Used as search criteria for unlocking an entry. If the label is found, the entry is unlocked. If the label is not found, an error message is issued, and the UNLOCK command is redisplayed. If the label parameter is not used, the current entry is unlocked. UP The UP command scrolls backward through the data currently displayed on the screen. On the 2.L screen, where multiple windows can exist (one each for Keep displays and Source displays), the current window depends on the cursor position when the UP command is issued. The UP command is used with a scrolling value. The default scrolling value is taken from the SCROLL field on the screen unless it is overridden by entering a temporary scroll value on the COMMAND field. The valid scrolling values are: CSR Scrolls the display up so that the line on which the cursor is positioned the bottom line of data. If the cursor is positioned outside of the data area, UP CSR has the same effect as UP PAGE. HALF Scrolls the display up n/2 lines, where n is the number of lines of data that can be displayed on a screen. MAX Displays the first line of data available as the top data line. nnnn Scrolls the display up nnnn lines, where nnnn is a decimal value from 1 to 9999. PAGE Scrolls the display up n lines, where n is the number of lines of data that can be displayed on a screen. 3-122 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual UPDATE The UPDATE command transfers from the Browse MQ Queue Message screen (5.6.2) to the Update MQ Queue Message screen (5.6.3) with the currently accessed message. USING The USING command formats the current I/O area according to the specified COBOL or PL/I 01 level data name. The data name must be defined in the program specified in the MODULE field on the screen. The program must have been processed by the Compuware language processor. The USING command is available in the File Utility screens (5.1.3, 5.2.3, 5.3.2, 5.4.4, 5.5.6, 5.6.2, and 5.6.3) to map the current I/O area. Note: The USING command will not function correctly if the specified data name has been discarded by using the COBOL compiler’s storage optimization function. To modify the display after the USING command is used: • Use the HEX command to switch display modes out of the USING formatted mode, or use the USING OFF form of this command. To return to USING formatted mode, type the USING command without a parameter. • Navigate through the record using the LOCATE and FIND commands. If the record contains any OCCURS DEPENDING ON clauses, the specified name must be within the record. You must check for the correct contents of these fields. The record will not map correctly if the field specified in an OCCURS DEPENDING ON clause does not contain the correct value. dataname COBOL and PL/I 01 level data name in the current program. Data names discarded by using the COBOL compiler’s storage optimization function are not supported. VERIFY The VERIFY command for Assembler programs displays underlying object code in memory that corresponds to the Assembler source statement on the Source Listing screen (2.L). You can modify the Assembler instructions by overtyping the VERIFY fields. The VERIFY command is not supported for programs residing in (E)RDSA. Statement Sets a verify at the specified statement number. Primary Commands 3-123 Label-name Sets a verify at the specified label in the program listing. ALL, ALL STATEMENT, ALL STATE Sets a verify at all supported statements in the program listing. Note: If an instruction is modified via the VERIFY command, the original values do not get restored by deleting the verify. VS VS transfers to the Variable Storage screen (2.3) for PL/I. WHEN (W) The WHEN command establishes conditions to be monitored during the execution of a C, COBOL, or PL/I program. You can set several when-conditions in one program with a single WHEN command. See “Variable and Common Parameters” on page 3-1 for details about the whencondition parameter. Note: Using the WHEN command to monitor conditions may cause the following results. These results are normal and can be expected. When the specified when-condition(s) are met, Xpediter/CICS treats it as an after breakpoint and positions you at the statement that caused the condition to be met. After the breakpoint has been taken, execution may be resumed. While a condition remains true, Xpediter will ignore it. If the condition becomes no longer true, Xpediter will resume testing for it and will treat the specified condition(s) as another breakpoint if met again. Usage Notes Within each conditional statement, the comparison is done according to the following rules: • The tests between the first operand and the second operand are made as logical comparisons. • Xpediter/CICS makes comparisons using the length of the first operand or the second operand, whichever is shorter. • If the second operand is a numeric value, the data is converted to a format compatible with the first operand unless the second operand is in apostrophes or quotes. Comparisons are made using the length of the first operand. • Use the AND, OR, and parentheses when compound conditions are necessary. 3-124 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual Examples: WHEN WA-HOURS = '000500' Once the when-condition is met, and you use the GO command, execution resumes. While the condition remains true, Xpediter will ignore it. If the condition becomes no longer true, Xpediter will resume testing for it and will treat the condition as another breakpoint if it is met again. WHEN WA-HOURS=500 Xpediter will convert 500 to a format compatible with WAHOURS. WHEN WA-HOURS LT ZERO Program execution halts only if the numeric value of WA-HOURS becomes less than 0. WHEN WA-HOURS NOT NUMERIC Program execution halts only if the value of WA-HOURS becomes non-numeric. WRAUX The WRAUX command writes data to auxiliary temporary storage. This is for use only with temporary storage queues. This command is available only in the File Utility. Notes: • To write temporary storage records to main storage, use the WRITE command. • The WRAUX and WRITE commands can be used on the Edit Queued Record screen (5.2.3) to write a shared temporary storage record if the SYSID field contains the system ID of a shared temporary storage queue or the queue prefix matches a TSMODEL entry for shared temporary storage. Once an I/O area is available for use, modify the record length and data as necessary. Once the data has been modified, issue the WRAUX command to write the record to auxiliary temporary storage. WRITE The WRITE command adds a record to a dataset, temporary storage, and transient data destinations (output only). This command is available only in the File Utility. Notes: • For temporary storage records, use WRITE to write records to main storage. Use the WRAUX command to write records to auxiliary storage. • The WRAUX and WRITE commands can be used on the Edit Queued Record screen (5.2.3) to write a shared temporary storage record if the SYSID field contains the system ID of a shared temporary storage queue or the queue prefix matches a TSMODEL entry for shared temporary storage. To use this command, first acquire an I/O area by issuing a READ command to access data in the dataset/database or temporary storage or doing an INSERT. Once an I/O area is available for use, modify the record length and data as necessary. Once the data has been modified, enter the WRITE command to add the record. For the WRITE command to execute on keyed datasets, change both the KEY field on the screen and the data in the record. Primary Commands 3-125 WS The WS command ends the current function and transfers to one of the Data Area screens (2.3). This transfer can occur only if you are currently in a break/abend state. The program name automatically changes to the program in which the break or abend occurred. = Command The = command is used to transfer you from one Xpediter/CICS function to another. The variable screen-id is the identification number of an Xpediter/CICS screen. Because Xpediter/CICS is based on a menu structure similar to ISPF/PDF, you can transfer from one screen to another in several ways: • Transfer from one function to the highest level menu in Xpediter/CICS. To transfer from the Storage Protection screen (1.8) to the Session Control Menu (1), type =1 from the 1.8 screen, then press Enter. • Transfer out of the Xpediter/CICS session. To transfer to the Exit Session screen (X), type =X and press Enter. Notes: 1. You must use the = sign to transfer between screens in all levels of Xpediter/CICS. 2. Function transfer commands may only be entered in the COMMAND field. 3-126 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual 4-1 Chapter 4. Line Commands Chap 4 Line commands are used to select an option or cause the current Xpediter/CICS function to take a particular action, such as deleting a previously set breakpoint. Line commands are inserted in the field preceding each line of the display, allowing a function to be performed upon that line. Xpediter/CICS line commands are used for several different functions: • • • • • • • • • • • Source listing Editing trap, trace, and storage protection entries Address selection Abend, task, and CSECT selection File Utility Editing DL/I segments DB2 File Utility Task Storage Display Processing SLS datasets Resource Summary Session Profile. Table 4-1 summarizes the Xpediter/CICS line commands by function. Because the function of a line command can vary slightly depending on which screen is being used, each screen description in this manual also includes detailed information on the line commands that can be used on that screen. A Session Profile Description Sets unconditional breakpoint after statement • A Resource Summary SLS Datasets Task Storage Display, Channels/Containers DB2 File Utility Editing DL/I Segments File Utility Abend, Task, and CSECT Selection Address Selection Editing Trap, Trace, and Storage Protection Entries Line Command Line Command Summary Source Listing Table 4-1. • • • Marks line after for move or copy AC • Sets conditional breakpoint after statement B • Sets unconditional breakpoint before statement B • B BC • • • Browse in File Utility Sets conditional breakpoint before statement • C C Marks line before for move or copy • • • • Closes SLS dataset Copies entry to marked location Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual C Session Profile Resource Summary SLS Datasets Task Storage Display, Channels/Containers DB2 File Utility Editing DL/I Segments File Utility Abend, Task, and CSECT Selection Address Selection Line Command Line Command Summary Editing Trap, Trace, and Storage Protection Entries Table 4-1. Source Listing 4-2 • Description Sets execution count for statement C • Copies the selected profile to create a new profile record CC • Sets execution count within block of statements D • Deletes after, before, and onetime breakpoints, count, keep(s), skip, and verify from statement D • D Deletes individual saved traps • D • • • Deletes entry or record • D • Removes the profile record from the Profile Dataset Deletes intercepts or lines in error. DA • Deletes only after breakpoint from statement DB • Deletes only before breakpoint from statement DC • Deletes only count from statement DD • Deletes after and before breakpoints, counts, keeps, skips, and verifies from block of statements DH • Turns off the Hex mode display for an item in the KEEP window. DK • Deletes the Keep in the KEEP window. DO • Deletes only onetime breakpoint from statement DS • Deletes only skip from statement DV • Deletes only verify from statement DZ • Deletes only onetime breakpoint from statement DDA • Deletes only after breakpoints from block of statements DDB • Deletes only before breakpoints from block of statements DDC • Deletes only counts from block of statements DDK • Deletes only keeps from block of statements DDS • Deletes only skips from block of statements Line Commands Session Profile Resource Summary SLS Datasets Task Storage Display, Channels/Containers DB2 File Utility Editing DL/I Segments File Utility Abend, Task, and CSECT Selection Address Selection Editing Trap, Trace, and Storage Protection Entries Line Command Line Command Summary Source Listing Table 4-1. Description DDV • Deletes only verifies from block of statements F[n] • Redisplays first, or first n, excluded lines GT • Sets resume location H • Displays an item in the KEEP window in Hex mode. I • • I • Inserts line Selects the CSECT and sets a breakpoint at the entry point for that CSECT. • IA • Inserts line after specified SSA IB • Inserts line before specified SSA K[n] • Sets keep for first, or nth, defined variable K* • Sets keeps for all defined variables in statement KK • Sets keeps for all defined variables in block of statements L[n] • Redisplays last, or last n, excluded lines L • Locks in address selection M • MM O • Moves entry to marked location • Moves block to marked location Sets onetime breakpoint before statement • O • P P[n] • • Path Sets peek for first, or nth, defined variable • Q R • Reloads individual traps • R Replicates DB2 row Removes breakpoints and keeps from entire program • R S Easy query • R S Opens SLS dataset • Renames the selected profile Saves the specified trap into the profile dataset immediately, rather than at the end of the session • • • • • Selects entry 4-3 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual S Session Profile Resource Summary SLS Datasets Task Storage Display, Channels/Containers DB2 File Utility Editing DL/I Segments File Utility Abend, Task, and CSECT Selection Address Selection Line Command Line Command Summary Editing Trap, Trace, and Storage Protection Entries Table 4-1. Source Listing 4-4 • Sets unconditional skip at statement S Selects a single area for display/update or a channel/container for display • S • SC • SS • Description Selects the profile to load Sets conditional skip at statement • U • Skips block of statements Unlocks entry V • Displays object code for Assembler source VV • Displays object code for block of Assembler source X[n] • • Excludes one, or n, lines from display XX • • Excludes block of lines from display Z • Sets onetime breakpoint before statement and issues GO if transaction has been trapped A (After) The A (After) line command sets a breakpoint, or marks a line as the destination for data to be moved or copied. The difference in functionality is described separately according to screens: • Source Listing screen (2.L) and List Breakpoints screen (1.1) • Other screens. Source Listing and List Breakpoints screens On these screens, the A line command sets an unconditional after breakpoint. With this breakpoint, Xpediter/CICS always halts execution of the program after executing the statement. Note: Xpediter/CICS does not support after breakpoints for CALL statements or COBOL perform verbs. Note: If an attempt is made to use the A line command to set a breakpoint on a COBOL EXIT, GOBACK, PERFORM or CALL statement, a PL/I RETURN statement, or an EXEC CICS ABEND, RETURN, or XCTL command, Xpediter/CICS will change the after breakpoint to a before breakpoint and issue a message informing the user of the change. Line Commands 4-5 Other screens When used on the following screens, the A line command marks the destination for data to be copied or moved: • • • • • Edit DL/I Segment screen (5.4.4) Trace Summary screen (1.4) Trap Summary screen (1.6) Storage Protection screen (1.8) DB2 File Utility screens (5). The copied or moved data is placed after the line on which the A line command is entered. AC (After Conditional) The AC (After Conditional) line command sets a conditional breakpoint after a program statement. Use the AC command on the Source Listing screen (2.L) and the List Breakpoints screen (1.1) to halt execution after a statement. See “Common Parameters” on page 3-9 for syntax of an if-condition. Note: If an attempt is made to use the AC line command to set a breakpoint on a COBOL EXIT, GOBACK, or CALL statement, a PL/I RETURN statement, or an EXEC CICS ABEND, RETURN, or XCTL command, Xpediter/CICS will change the after conditional breakpoint to a before conditional breakpoint and issue a message informing the user of the change. B (Before) The B (Before) line command sets a breakpoint, or marks a line as the destination for data to be moved or copied. The difference in functionality is described separately according to screens: • Source Listing screen (2.L) • Other screens. Source Listing and List Breakpoints screens On these screens, the B line command sets an unconditional before breakpoint. With this breakpoint, Xpediter/CICS always halts execution of the program before executing the statement. Other screens When used on the following screens, the B line command marks the destination for data to be copied or moved: • • • • • Edit DL/I Segment screen (5.4.4) Trace Summary screen (1.4) Trap Summary screen (1.6) Storage Protection screen (1.8) DB2 File Utility screens. The copied or moved data is placed before the line on which the B line command is entered. 4-6 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual B (Browse) The B (Browse) line command selects a dataset or queued temporary storage queue for multiple record browsing. This command is used only on the File Utility screens (5.1.1, 5.2.1, and 5.6.1). BC (Before Conditional) The BC (Before Conditional) line command is used on the Source Listing screen (2.L) to set a conditional breakpoint before a statement in a program. Use the BC command on the Source Listing screen (2.L), and the List Breakpoints screen (1.1) to halt execution before executing a statement. See “Common Parameters” on page 3-9 for syntax of an ifcondition. C (Close) The C (Close) line command selects an SLS dataset to be closed. This command is only used on the SLS Dataset screen (9.L). C (Copy) When used on the following screens, the C (Copy) line command specifies the line to be copied to another location: • • • • • Edit DL/I Segment screen (5.4.4) Trace Summary screen (1.4) Trap Summary screen (1.6) Storage Protection screen (1.8) DB2 File Utility screens. To complete the copy, specify a destination with an A (After) or B (Before) line command. When used on the Load Profile (0.4) screen, the C (Copy) line command copies the selected profile to create a new profile record. C (Count) The C (Count) line command selects statements to be counted during program execution. This command is used on the Source Listing screen (2.L) and the List Breakpoints screen (1.1). The C (Count) line command provides a quick method for counting single statements. A COUNT field is displayed to the right of every statement selected for counting and is incremented by one each time the statement is executed. CC (Count Block) The CC (Count Block) line command selects a block of statements to be counted during program execution. This command is used on the Source Listing screen (2.L). Line Commands 4-7 The CC (Count Block) line command provides a quick method for counting blocks of statements. The first CC prefix establishes the upper or lower boundary of the block. The second CC establishes the opposite boundary. A COUNT field is displayed to the right of every statement selected for counting and is incremented by one each time the statement is executed. D (Delete) The D (Delete) line command deletes any after breakpoint, before breakpoint, count, keep(s), onetime breakpoint, skip, and verify from a statement. It also deletes an entry or record from a dataset, deletes individual saved traps, deletes individual intercepts, and removes the profile record from the Profile Dataset. The difference in functionality is described separately according to screens: • • • • • • • • • Source Listing screen (2.L) List Breakpoints screen (1.1) Break/Abend screen (2.1) Intercept Summary screen (1.7) Saved Traps screen (1.5) Load Profile screen (0.4) CSECT screens Editing and Listing DL/I Segments screens Other File Utility screens Source Listing Screen Deletes any previously set after breakpoint, before breakpoint, count, keep(s), onetime breakpoint, skip, and verify from a statement. Use the following line commands to set these for a statement: • • • • • A, AC, B, BC, O, or Z line commands to set a breakpoint C line command to set a count K line command to set a keep SK line command to set a skip V line command to set a verify. When you use the D line command, the following conditions apply: • On a statement that has a conditional breakpoint set (AC or BC), the associated breakpoint and condition are removed. • On the -COND- flag for a conditional breakpoint, only the condition is deleted, and the breakpoint then becomes unconditional. For example, an AC changes to an A. List Breakpoints Screen Deletes any previously set after breakpoint, before breakpoint, count, or onetime breakpoint from a statement. Use the following line commands to set these for a statement: • • • • • A, AC, B, BC, O, or Z line commands to set a breakpoint C line command to set a count. K line command to set a keep SK line command to set a skip V line command to set a verify. When you use the D line command, the following conditions apply: 4-8 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual • On a statement that has a conditional breakpoint set (AC or BC), the associated breakpoint and condition are removed. • On the -COND- flag for a conditional breakpoint, only the condition is deleted, and the breakpoint then becomes unconditional. For example, an AC changes to an A. Break/Abend Screen If a keep has been set for a variable, as indicated by a K in the line command field, the keep can be deleted by overtyping it with a D. Intercept Summary Screen Deletes a prior intercept that was set or a new line in error. Load Profile Screen Removes the profile record from the Profile Dataset. Saved Traps Screen Deletes individual saved traps. CSECT Screens Deselects a CSECT for processing. Editing and Listing DL/I Segments Screens Deletes an SSA from the SSAs displayed. Other File Utility Screens Deletes one record from a dataset. On the Temporary Storage Queue List screen (5.2.1), deletes the entire queue. DA (Delete After) The DA (Delete After) line command deletes only an after breakpoint from a statement. Any before breakpoint, count, keep(s), onetime breakpoint, skip, and/or verify on the statement are unaffected by the DA line command. Use the A or AC line commands to set an after breakpoint for a statement. When you use the DA line command on a statement that has a conditional after breakpoint set (AC) or on the -COND- flag for that breakpoint, both the breakpoint and the associated condition are removed. The DA line command is available on the Source Listing screen (2.L) and the List Breakpoints screen (1.1). DB (Delete Before) The DB (Delete Before) line command deletes only a before breakpoint from a statement. Any after breakpoint, count, keep(s), onetime breakpoint, skip, and/or verify on the Line Commands 4-9 statement are unaffected by the DB line command. Use the B or BC line commands to set a before breakpoint for a statement. When you use the DB line command on a statement that has a conditional before breakpoint set (BC) or on the -COND- flag for that breakpoint, both the breakpoint and the associated condition are removed. The DB line command is available on the Source Listing screen (2.L) and the List Breakpoints screen (1.1). DC (Delete Count) The DC (Delete Count) line command deletes only the count from a statement. Any after breakpoint, before breakpoint, keep(s), onetime breakpoint, skip, and/or verify on the statement are unaffected by the DC line command. Use the C or CC line commands to set a count for a statement or block of statements, respectively. The DC line command is available on the Source Listing screen (2.L) and the List Breakpoints screen (1.1). DD (Delete Block) The DD (Delete Block) line command deletes all of the breakpoints, counts, keeps, skips, and verifies from a block of statements. To begin a block, type DD on the line where the block of statements begins. Type DD again on the line where the block of statements ends. The DD line command is available on the Source Listing screen (2.L). DH (Delete Hex) Turns off the Hex mode display for an item in the KEEP window. This command is only valid if the H line command was previously used on the data field. The DH line command is available on the Source Listing screen (2.L), the Break/Abend screen (2.1), and the Variable Storage screen (2.3). DK (Delete Keep) Deletes the Keep in the KEEP window. This command is only valid if a KEEP was previously used on the data field. The DK line command is available on the Source Listing screen (2.L), the Break/Abend screen (2.1), the Variable Storage screen (2.3), and the List Breakpoints screen (1.1). DO (Delete Onetime) The DO (Delete Onetime) line command deletes only a onetime breakpoint from a statement. Any after breakpoint, count, keep(s), skip, and/or verify on the statement are unaffected by the DO line command. A onetime breakpoint can be indicated by an O or by a Z. Use the O line command to set a onetime breakpoint for a statement. If you have currently trapped a break or abend, use 4-10 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual the Z line command to set a onetime breakpoint for a statement and issue the GO command. The DO line command is available on the Source Listing screen (2.L) and the List Breakpoints screen (1.1). DS (Delete Skip) The DS (Delete Skip) line command deletes only the skip from a statement. Any after breakpoint, before breakpoint, count, keep, onetime breakpoint, and/or verify on the statement are unaffected by the DS line command. The S or SC line commands can be used to set a skip for a statement. The SS line command can be used to set skips for a block of statements. The DS line command is available on the Source Listing screen (2.L). DV (Delete Verify) The DV (Delete Verify) line command deletes only the verify from a statement. Any after breakpoint, before breakpoint, count, keep, onetime breakpoint, and/or skip on the statement are unaffected by the DV line command. The V or VV line commands can be used to set a verify for a statement or block of statements, respectively. The DV line command is available on the Source Listing screen (2.L). DZ (Delete Runto) The DZ (Delete Runto) line command deletes only a onetime breakpoint from a statement. Any after breakpoint, count, keep(s), skip, and/or verify on the statement are unaffected by the DZ line command. A onetime breakpoint can be indicated by an O or by a Z. Use the O line command to set a onetime breakpoint for a statement. If you have currently trapped a break or abend, use the Z line command to set a onetime breakpoint for a statement and issue the GO command. The DZ line command is available on the Source Listing screen (2.L) and the List Breakpoints screen (1.1). DDA (Delete Block After) The DDA (Delete Block After) line command deletes only all the after breakpoints from a block of statements. Any before breakpoints, counts, keeps, onetime breakpoints, skips, and verifies in the block of statements are unaffected by the DDA line command. To begin a block, type DDA on the line where the block of statements begins. Type DDA again on the line where the block of statements ends. The A or AC line commands can be used to set an after breakpoint for a statement. The DDA line command is available on the Source Listing screen (2.L). DDB (Delete Block Before) The DDB (Delete Block Before) line command deletes only all the before breakpoints from a block of statements. Any after breakpoints, counts, keeps, onetime breakpoints, Line Commands 4-11 skips, and verifies in the block of statements are unaffected by the DDB line command. To begin a block, type DDB on the line where the block of statements begins. Type DDB again on the line where the block of statements ends. The B or BC line commands can be used to set a before breakpoint for a statement. The DDB line command is available on the Source Listing screen (2.L). DDC (Delete Block Count) The DDC (Delete Block Count) line command deletes only all the counts from a block of statements. Any after breakpoints, before breakpoints, keeps, onetime breakpoints, skips, and verifies in the block of statements are unaffected by the DDC line command. To begin a block, type DDC on the line where the block of statements begins. Type DDC again on the line where the block of statements ends. The C or CC line commands can be used to set a count for a statement or block of statements, respectively. The DDC line command is available on the Source Listing screen (2.L). DDK (Delete Block Keep) The DDK (Delete Block Keep) line command deletes only all the keeps from a block of statements. Any after breakpoints, before breakpoints, counts, onetime breakpoints, skips, and verifies in the block of statements are unaffected by the DDK line command. To begin a block, type DDK on the line where the block of statements begins. Type DDK again on the line where the block of statements ends. The K or KK line commands can be used to set a keep for the variable in a statement or all the variables in a block of statements, respectively. The DDK line command is available on the Source Listing screen (2.L). DDS (Delete Block Skip) The DDS (Delete Block Skip) line command deletes only all the skips from a block of statements. Any after breakpoints, before breakpoints, counts, keeps, onetime breakpoints, and verifies in the block of statements are unaffected by the DDS line command. To begin a block, type DDS on the line where the block of statements begins. Type DDS again on the line where the block of statements ends. The S or SC line commands can be used to set a skip for a statement. The SS line command can be used to set skips for a block of statements. The DDS line command is available on the Source Listing screen (2.L). DDV (Delete Block Verify) The DDV (Delete Block Verify) line command deletes only all the verifies from a block of statements. Any after breakpoints, before breakpoints, counts, keeps, onetime breakpoints, and skips in the block of statements are unaffected by the DDV line command. To begin a block, type DDV on the line where the block of statements begins. Type DDV again on the line where the block of statements ends. The V or VV line commands can be used to set a verify for a statement or block of statements, respectively. The DDV line command is available on the Source Listing screen (2.L). 4-12 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual F (First) The F (First) line command displays the first line or the first n lines in a block of excluded lines on the Source Listing screen (2.L). • F displays the first line in an excluded block. • Fn displays the first n lines in an excluded block. For example, F5 displays the first five lines in an excluded block. An F typed on a line that is not excluded is ignored. If the number used with an F is greater than the number of excluded lines, all lines that were excluded in the block are displayed. Lines are excluded using the X or XX line command or the EXCLUDE primary command. GT (Go To) The GT (Go To) line command repositions the execution pointer (=====>) that indicates where a program in a break/abend state will resume processing. H (Hex) Displays an item in the KEEP window portion in Hex mode. This command is only valid while in SHOW ALL display mode. Note: Assembler and COBOL programs that were not originally processed with CSS release 8.3 (or 8.2 with PTF CXJ0088) must be reprocessed if they reference more than 4,000 data fields and the user wants to enter the H line command on fields above 4,000. The H line command is available on the Source Listing screen (2.L), the Break/Abend screen (2.1), and the Variable Storage screen. I (Insert) The I (Insert) line command inserts either a new blank line or a new record, depending on the screen from which it is entered: • Trap, Trace, and Storage Protection screens • Edit DL/I Segment and DB2 File Utility screens. Trap, Trace, and, Storage Protection Screens When used on the following screens, the I line command inserts one blank line into the data: • Trace Summary screen (1.4) • Trap Summary screen (1.6) • Storage Protection screen (1.8). Edit DL/I Segment (5.4.4) Screen and DB2 File Utility Screens When used on these screens, the I line command inserts one record after the line. Line Commands 4-13 I (Intercept) The I (Intercept) line command selects the CSECT and sets a breakpoint at the entry point for that CSECT. This line command is only available on the List of CSECTS (2.6.1) screen. IA (Insert After) The IA (Insert After) line command inserts one new SSA line into the data immediately after the specified SSA. This line command is used on the Edit DL/I Segment screen (5.4.4). IB (Insert Before) The IB (Insert Before) line command inserts one new SSA line into the data immediately before the specified SSA. This line command is used on the Edit DL/I Segment Screen (5.4.4). K (Keep) The K (Keep) line command selects variables to be kept for viewing. It is used on the following screens: • Source Listing screen (2.L) • Break/Abend screen (2.1) • Program Storage screens (2.3). Variables are selected to be kept for viewing by typing a K in the line area preceding the variable on the Program Storage screens (2.3), the statement on the Source Listing screen (2.L), or the line area preceding the variable on the Break/Abend screen (2.1). • K sets a keep for the first variable on a line. • Kn sets a keep for the nth variable on a line in a C, COBOL or PL/I program. For example, K3 sets a keep for the third variable on the line. • K* sets a keep for every variable on the line in a C, COBOL or PL/I program. There is no limit to the number of variables that can be kept for viewing. When an abend occurs, or the program reaches a breakpoint, the current values of the selected variables are displayed on the View Break/Abend screen (2.1) and in the keep window on the Source Listing screen (2.L). KK (Keep Block) The KK (Keep Block) line command selects all the variables in a block of statements to be kept for viewing. It is used in the line area preceding the first and last statements of the desired block on the Source Listing screen (2.L). There is no limit to the number of variables that can be kept for viewing. When an abend occurs, or the program reaches a breakpoint, the current values of the selected variables are displayed on the View Break/Abend screen (2.1) and in the keep window on the Source Listing screen (2.L). 4-14 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual L (Last) The L (Last) line command displays the last line or n lines of code in an excluded block. • L displays the last line of code. • Ln displays the last n lines of an excluded block. For example, L5 displays the last five lines of an excluded block. An L typed on a line that is not excluded is ignored. If the number used with an L is greater than the number of excluded lines, all lines that were excluded in the block are displayed. Lines are excluded using the X or XX line commands or the EXCLUDE primary command. L (Lock) The L (Lock) line command is used on the Select Address screen to ensure that an address is not deleted from the table. The table holds only sixteen entries and the oldest entry is always the one that is deleted. See the primary command “SELECT (SEL)” on page 3-94. M (Move) When used on the following screens, the M (Move) line command specifies the line to be moved to another location: • • • • • Trace Summary screen (1.4) Trap Summary screen (1.6) Storage Protection screen (1.8). Edit DL/I Segment screen (5.4.4) DB2 Build SQL Easy Query screen (5.5.2) When used on the DB2 File Utility screens, this command specifies the DB2 column to be moved to another location. To complete the move, specify the destination with an A (After) or B (Before) line command. MM (Move Block) The MM (Move Block) line command indicates the starting and ending range of a block of DB2 columns that are to be moved after or before another column. The first MM establishes the upper or lower boundary of the block. The second MM establishes the opposite boundary. To complete the move, specify a destination with an A (After) or B (Before) line command. The MM (Move Block) line command is available on the DB2 Build SQL Easy Query screen (5.5.2). O (Onetime) The O (Onetime) line command sets a temporary breakpoint on a statement. The onetime breakpoint pauses execution before the statement and is then automatically deleted. Line Commands 4-15 O (Open) The O (Open) line command selects an SLS dataset to be opened. This command is only used on the SLS Dataset screen (9.L). P (Path) The P (Path) line command highlights the hierarchical path needed to access a DL/I segment. This command is used on the DL/I Segment List screen (5.4.3). P (Peek) Available on the Source Listing screen (2.L) and Break/Abend screen (2.1), and their KEEP windows. P transfers to the applicable Program Storage screen (2.3) and positions to the first variable selected. Pn transfers to the applicable Program Storage screen (2.3) and positions to the nth variable selected. Only valid when in a break/abend state. Q (Easy Query) The Q line command transfers you from the DB2 Table/View List screen (5.5.1) to the DB2 Build SQL Easy Query screen (5.5.2). R (Release) The R (Release) line command releases all breakpoints, counts, and skips from a selected program. The R line command is used on the Resource Summary screens (1.P and 9.P). From the 9.P screen, keeps are also released. From the 1.P screen, only the resources of the local debugging session can be released. From the 9.P screen, the R line command can release resources for any debugging session in the CICS region. This is helpful if a user signs off from CICS without ending their debugging session, then signs back on with a different debugging session ID. An XPSP user can use the R line command to free up resources used by the first debugging session. R (Reload) The R (Reload) line command is used on the Saved Traps (1.5) screen to reload individual traps. R (Rename) The R (Rename) line command is used on the Load Profile (0.4) screen to rename the selected profile. 4-16 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual R (Replicate) The R (Replicate) line command creates an exact copy of the row on which the command is entered. The new row is displayed immediately following the replicated row. Note: You may need to modify key fields in this new row to avoid errors when it is inserted into the table. This R line command is used on the DB2 Browse Result Table screen (5.5.4). S (Save) The S (Save) line command is used on the Trap Summary screens (1.6 and 9.6) to save the specified trap into the profile dataset immediately, rather than at the end of the session. S (Select) The S line command is used to select entries in menus, the Memory Display screens (2.2, 9.2), the Select Address screen, and the Load Profile (0.4) screen. It is also used to select channels on the Program Channel Display (2.C.1) or containers on the Channel Container Display (2.C.2) screens. Address Selection: The S line command is used on the Select Address screen to select an address. The data at that address is then displayed on the Memory Display screens (2.2, 9.2). List All Tasks: The S line command is used to select a task from the list on the List All Tasks screen (9.2). List Abends: When listing abends on the List Abends screen (1.3), use the S line command to select an abend for viewing on the View Break/Abend screen (2.1). File Utility: The S line command is used to select a record, PSB, PCB, segment, or MQ queue for further processing. List of CSECTs: The S line command is used to select a CSECT for processing. Channels and Containers: The S line command is used to select a channel on the Program Channel Display (2.C.1) screen and transfer to the Channel Container Display (2.C.2) screen to display a list of its containers. It may also be used on the 2.C.2 screen to select a container and transfer to the Browse Container Data (2.C.3) screen to display the data it contains. Task Storage Display: The S line command is used to display/update a single area from the list on the Memory Display screen (2.2 or 9.2, based on Xpediter session type). Load Profile: The S line command is used to select the profile to load. S (Unconditional Skip) The S line command sets an unconditional skip before a statement in a program. Note: If an attempt is made to use the S line command to skip the last executable statement of a program, a COBOL EXIT statement, or a PL/I END statement, Xpediter/CICS will prevent the skip from being set and alert the user by highlighting the skip and issuing an illegal skip message. Line Commands 4-17 SC (Conditional Skip) The SC line command sets a conditional skip before a statement in a program. See “Common Parameters” on page 3-9 for syntax of an if-condition. Note: If an attempt is made to use the SC line command to skip the last executable statement of a program, a COBOL EXIT statement, or a PL/I END statement, Xpediter/CICS will prevent the skip from being set and alert the user by highlighting the skip and issuing an illegal skip message. SS (Select Block) The SS line command selects a block of entries or columns for display on the DB2 Build SQL Easy Query screen (5.5.2). SS (Skip Block) The SS (skip block) line command sets unconditional skips for all statements within the block selected on the Source Listing screen (2.L). Note: If an attempt is made to use the SS line command to skip the last executable statement of a program, a COBOL EXIT statement, or a PL/I END statement, Xpediter/CICS will prevent the skip from being set and alert the user by highlighting the skip and issuing an illegal skip message. U (Unlock) The U (Unlock) line command is used on the Select Address screen to unlock an entry. The entry is then eligible to be deleted when new entries are added. V (Verify) The V (Verify) line command displays Assembler object code and allows it to be modified on the Source Listing screen (2.L) for Assembler programs. Assembler object code cannot be modified using the V line command for a program residing in a protected (E)RDSA. VV (Verify Block) The VV (Verify Block) command displays a block of Assembler object code and allows it to be modified on the Source Listing screen (2.L) for Assembler programs. Assembler object code cannot be modified using the VV line command for a program residing in a protected (E)RDSA. 4-18 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual X (Exclude) The X (Exclude) line command specifies a line or DB2 column to be excluded from display. The difference in functionality is described separately according to screens: • DB2 Build SQL Easy Query screen (5.5.2) • Source Listing screen (2.L). DB2 Build SQL Easy Query (5.5.2) Screen The X line command specifies a DB2 column to be excluded from the display. Source Listing Screen (2.L) The X line command excludes one or n lines from the display. • X excludes a single line. • Xn excludes n number of lines. For example, X5 excludes five lines from the display. XX (Exclude Block) The XX (Exclude Block) line command specifies a block of lines or block of DB2 columns to be excluded from display. The difference in functionality is described separately according to screens: • DB2 Build SQL Easy Query screen (5.5.2) • Source Listing screen (2.L). DB2 Build SQL Easy Query Screen (5.5.2) The XX line command specifies a block of DB2 columns to be excluded from the display. Source Listing Screen (2.L) The XX line command specifies a block of lines to be excluded from the display. Z (Runto) The Z (Runto) line command is valid on the Source Listing screen (2.L). It sets an unconditional onetime breakpoint and will issue a GO command if you have currently trapped a break or abend. After the onetime breakpoint has been taken, it is deleted. If the onetime breakpoint is not taken, it is redisplayed as an O. 5-1 Chapter 5. Restricted Operating Modes Chap 5 In addition to its standard operating mode, Xpediter/CICS can be activated in three restricted modes of operation: • Diagnosis Mode • Utilities Mode • Diagnosis/Utilities Mode. These modes allow a site to tailor its Xpediter implementation to suit the processing integrity and response time requirements of its various CICS regions. In this way a customer can eliminate unnecessary processing overhead while preventing any potentially disruptive user activity. To display a complete list of commands available for the current mode, type HELP MODE and press Enter. Table 5-1 on page 5-3 provides a matrix of the Xpediter functions available in each of the three modes. Diagnosis Mode In Diagnosis Mode, Xpediter/CICS is fully enabled, and primary functions such as monitor and trace are available. Users are prevented, however, from doing anything that could alter the execution path of a program. This is accomplished in the following ways: • Storage values on the Memory Display screens (2.2 and 9.2) and the DSECTs screens (2.D and 9.D) cannot be updated. • Register values and resume offsets cannot be updated. • Commands such as GOTO, VERIFY, and SKIP that reroute program flow cannot be used. Diagnosis Mode gives users access to all of Xpediter’s problem diagnosis and storage protection capabilities, without the risk of data integrity violations in fully secured environments such as quality control or production regions. The global table parameter OKUPDT contains three separate ON or OFF values that correspond to the Xpediter/CICS startup transactions XPED, XPRT, and XPSP. If a value is set to OFF, entering the corresponding transaction will start Xpediter in Diagnosis Mode. Access to Xpediter/CICS update capabilities can be limited to system programmers by setting OKUPDT to OFF,OFF,ON and using an external security manager such as RACF to restrict access to the XPSP transaction. Sites utilizing Xpediter’s global parameter override facility must also restrict access to the XSIT transaction. To prevent delays in response-time-critical regions, Compuware recommends that entries made on the Trap Summary screen (1.6 or 9.6) be as specific as possible. The USERID, NETNAME, TERM, TRAN, PROGRAM, CLIENT IP, SERVER IP, and PORT columns should contain few, if any, wildcard characters. Users should not set global traps made up of all wildcard characters in every column. The mode indicator MODE:DIAG is displayed in the upper left-hand corner of all Xpediter screens when the product is running in Diagnosis Mode. 5-2 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual Utilities Mode In Utilities Mode, only the file utility, task storage display, storage display facility, and source listing utility are functional. Xpediter’s CICS exits are disabled. Utilities Mode gives users access to Xpediter/CICS utilities in response-time-critical environments, such as production CICS regions, without incurring the overhead of Xpediter’s exits and sacrificing only Xpediter’s debugging capabilities. Storage can be viewed and modified on the Memory Display screens (2.2 and 9.2), the Task Storage Display screen (2.S), and the DSECTs screens (2.D and 9.D). Files and databases can also be viewed and modified with Xpediter’s file utility, and program listings can be viewed on the Source Listing screen (2.L). Trap, trace, and monitor functions, however, are unavailable in Utilities Mode. Note: Without its CICS exits, Xpediter cannot trap internal abends. If an internal abend occurs while in Utilities Mode, the user will receive a generic CICS abend message. Generate an SVC dump, then contact Xpediter/CICS Customer Support (see “Customer Support” on page xxiv). Note: Compuware recommends that customers using Xpediter/CICS in a production environment configure the file utility for read only access. This can be done by using the default global table, DBUGGBLP, or global override sample, DBCGBLP, supplied with the product. CAUTION: Xpediter’s file utility operates as a fully conversational CICS transaction, similar to other interactive file manipulation products. Record locks and enqueues may be held for long periods of time. If your site will be using the file utility to update records in a high-volume production environment, Compuware recommends using caution to avoid transaction abends due to record deadlocks. Care should also be taken in updating common or control records regardless of transaction volume. Utilities Mode is designated by setting the global table parameter UTILMOD to YES (the default in DBUGGBLP). Xpediter will then run in Utilities Mode for the entire region, and the Xpediter IVP will issue the following warning message when the product is initialized: XPEDITER/CICS IS SET TO INITIALIZE IN UTILITIES ONLY MODE. TRAP, TRACE, AND PROTECT WILL NOT BE AVAILABLE. The UTILMOD global table parameter can be overridden by shutting down Xpediter with the XPOF transaction and restarting it with an XPSP# transaction. Only the XPSP transaction will accept the # override parameter. Sites utilizing Xpediter’s global parameter override facility can also override the UTILMOD parameter by modifying their input dataset and running the XSIT transaction. The mode indicator MODE:UTIL is displayed in the upper left-hand corner of all Xpediter screens when the product is running in Utilities Mode. Diagnosis/Utilities Mode The most restrictive operating mode is a combination of Diagnosis and Utilities modes. Diagnosis/Utilities Mode lets a site implement Xpediter/CICS in production with all the restrictions of Utilities Mode, while also restricting update capabilities as in Diagnosis Mode. A user in Diagnosis/Utilities Mode cannot activate trap, trace, or monitor and cannot update storage. This mode does provide access to Xpediter’s file utility and source listing utility. The user can also view storage on the Memory Display screen (2.2 or 9.2), the Task Storage Display screen (2.S), and the DSECTs screen (2.D or 9.D). Restricted Operating Modes 5-3 Diagnosis/Utilities mode is designated by setting the global table parameter OKUPDT to OFF for the desired Xpediter transaction(s) and setting the UTILMOD global table parameter to YES. The mode indicator MODE:DIAG/UTIL is displayed in the upper left-hand corner of all Xpediter screens when the product is running in Diagnosis/Utilities Mode. Available Functions Table 5-1 provides a matrix of the Xpediter functions available in each of the three restricted operating modes. The bullets in each mode column indicate the corresponding functions available while operating in that mode. Diagnosis/Utilities Mode Update program register values •x Update program resume offsets •x Reroute program flow with SKIP and GOTO commands •x File utility (subject to normal global table restrictions) •x •x •x •x Source listing utility •x •x •x •x Task Storage Display screen (2.S) •x •x •x •x View storage on Memory Display screens (2.2 and 9.2) •x •x •x •x Update storage on Memory Display screens (2.2 and 9.2) •x View storage on DSECTs screens (2.D and 9.D) •x Update storage on DSECTs screens (2.D and 9.D) •x View variables in keep window •x Update variables in keep window •x View variables on Program Storage screen (2.3) •x Update variables on Program Storage screen (2.3) •x Modify Assembler instructions with VERIFY command •x Trap •x •x Trace •x •x Protect •x •x Xpediter Function Standard Mode Utilities Mode Available Xpediter/CICS Functions by Operating Mode Diagnosis Mode Table 5-1. •x •x •x •x •x •x •x •x 5-4 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual 6-1 Chapter 6. Session Profile Screens Chap 6 This chapter describes the screens available in the session profile function. Use these screens to establish or modify user profile values for Xpediter sessions. You can save these profile settings in a profile dataset so that you can recall and use them in future sessions. The following session profile screens are available to all XPED, XPRT, and XPSP users: • Session Profile Menu (0) – – – – – – Set Profile Defaults (0.1) Primary PF Key Settings (0.2) Translate Table (0.3) Load Profile (0.4) Save Profile (0.5) Script Dataset Allocation (0.6) If Xpediter is started without a session profile, default values are used. These values are based on the global parameters listed under the “Input Fields” section for each applicable screen. Three profile settings have defaults not based on a global parameter: AUTOKEEP and OPTWARN both have a default of ON, and REGS has a default of 64 when CICS is running on a z/Architecture machine. Access the profile screens either from the “Session Profile Menu (0)” on page 6-2, or as described in “Transferring Between Screens” on page 2-5. The description for each screen includes an explanation and illustration of the screen, how you access it, and a discussion of the input and output fields. Establishing a Profile If the profile dataset is installed at your site, you can establish a profile with the values associated with the Xpediter/CICS session. Note: The installation of Xpediter/CICS 8.1 includes a utility to reformat the profile dataset. The new format of the profile dataset is necessary to use the new “Save Trap Summary Entries” feature. Also, the new format of the profile dataset improves usability of the revised LOAD PROFILE (0.4) screen by enabling Xpediter to maintain “ownership” of profile records. However, the prior format of the profile dataset is still supported in this release if you choose not to use this new functionality. By default, Xpediter/CICS automatically loads a profile based upon the userID of the current user. This userID is obtained from the CICS sign-on transaction or from your external security manager. The following profile names are reserved for system use: • • • • DBUGGBL DBUGUSER XBUGUSER SBUGUSER. If your site does not require you to sign on to CICS, use the following transaction format to activate this profile at the start of a session, where profile is the name of the desired profile in the profile dataset: 6-2 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual • XPED P=profile • XPRT P=profile • XPSP P=profile If you enter a transaction in this format and a profile does not exist for the specified name, Xpediter/CICS automatically establishes a profile with the specified name. When you exit Xpediter/CICS, the profile is automatically saved in the profile dataset. To directly access a function and simultaneously establish a profile, enter a transaction in the following format, where n.n is the screen number: • XPED n.n P=profile • XPRT n.n P=profile • XPSP n.n P=profile To directly access a program and load a profile, enter a transaction in the following format: • XPED program-name P=profile • XPRT program-name P=profile • XPSP program-name P=profile Session Profile Menu (0) The Session Profile Menu (0) displays the session profile options that allow you to customize your profile. Access this by entering the number 0 on the Primary Menu. Figure 6-1. Session Profile Menu (0) ------------------- XPEDITER/CICS - SESSION PROFILE MENU (0) --------------C123 COMMAND ===> MODULE: CSECT: 1 2 3 4 5 6 DEFAULTS KEYS TRANSLATE TABLE LOAD PROFILE SAVE PROFILE SCRIPT DSN - Set profile default values Set profile PF key default values Set profile Output Translate Table values Load default values from another profile Save profile default values immediately Script Dataset allocation values To select a screen, type the appropriate screen ID in the COMMAND field and press Enter, or follow the procedure described in “Selecting Functions from Menus” on page 2-5. The following screens are available from the Session Profile Menu: Defaults (1): Sets various profile values that can be used to control your debugging sessions. See “Set Profile Defaults (0.1)”. Keys (2): Sets the PF keys used to control your debugging session. See “Primary PF Key Settings (0.2)” on page 6-9. Translate Table (3): Specifies the translation table to be used when user data is written to the terminal (output). Xpediter/CICS translates non-displayable characters into dots (periods) to avoid potential ATNI (PROG7xx) abends. See “Translate Table (0.3)” on page 6-10. Load Profile (4): Loads default values from an existing profile. See “Load Profile (0.4)” on page 6-11. Save Profile (5): Saves the current default values to the Xpediter/CICS profile dataset. See “Save Profile (0.5)” on page 6-13. Session Profile Screens 6-3 Script DSN (6): Sets profile values associated with the Xpediter Script Facility. See “Script Dataset Allocation (0.6)” on page 6-14. Set Profile Defaults (0.1) The Set Profile Defaults screen (0.1) shown in Figure 6-2 is used to set profile values for controlling Xpediter/CICS sessions. The fields on this screen establish the automatic transaction values that are used when you begin an Xpediter/CICS session. The options are carried throughout the session unless you override them. Access this screen by typing the number 1 on the Session Profile Menu, or as described in “Transferring Between Screens” on page 2-5. Figure 6-2. Set Profile Defaults Screen (0.1) Page 1 ------------------ XPEDITER/CICS - SET PROFILE DEFAULTS (0.1) -------------C123 COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> CSR MODULE: CSECT: PROFILE ===> ABCDEFG DESCRIPTION ==> Current profile name DEBUGGING OPTIONS: FOOT ===> OFF DELAY ===> 0 TRACE ===> OFF PROTECT ===> OFF MAXSTEP ===> 20 REGISTERS ===> 64 (ANALYZE/DATA/KEYS/MENU/REGS/FLOAT/SOURCE/STATUS/OFF) (0-20) Set default wait intervals for stepping (ON/OFF) Trace program execution in the background (ON/OFF) Intercept all storage violations (1-99) Set default maximum value for execution (32/64) Register format, if z/Architecture active TRAP OPTIONS: TRAP ===> ON SAVE TRAPS ===> ON LOAD TRAPS ===> OFF (ON/OFF) (ON/OFF) (ON/OFF) Intercept all abends Save traps automatically at session end Load saved traps at session start SOURCE OPTIONS: SOURCE ===> ON JUSTIFY ===> ON OPTWARN ===> ON (ON/OFF) (ON/OFF) (ON/OFF) Show source display at entry Display the source segment of listing Program optimized warning message Global Parameters Used to Initialize Defaults The input fields on the Set Profile Defaults screen are initialized based on the values of the Xpediter/CICS global parameters listed in Table 6-1. The only exceptions are AUTOKEEP and OPTWARN (both with a default of ON) and REGS (with a default of 64). The REGS parameter, however, has no impact unless the CICS region is running on a z/Architecture machine. For a complete description of Xpediter’s global parameters table, refer to the Xpediter/CICS Installation and Configuration Guide. Note: The SET primary command can also be used to override any value on the 0.1 screen except DELIM and CSECTS. For more information, see “SET” on page 3-104. Table 6-1. Xpediter Global Parameters for Set Profile Defaults Screen Set Profile Defaults Screen Field Global Parameter Used to Initialize Field TRAP DEFTRAP PROTECT DEFPROT TRACE DEFTRAC ALARM DEFALM ALT DEFALT 6-4 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual Table 6-1. Xpediter Global Parameters for Set Profile Defaults Screen Set Profile Defaults Screen Field Global Parameter Used to Initialize Field DELAY DEFSTPD FOOT DEFFOOT JUSTIFY DEFJUST KEEP DEFKEEP SAVE TRAPS TRPSAVE LOAD TRAPS TRPLOAD MAXSTEP DEFMAXS OPT DEFOPT SOURCE DEFSRC IKEEP IKEEP DELIM CMDDLM CSECTS DEFCSE Input Fields Header Area PROFILE Name of the current profile record being used for this Xpediter session. This field can be modified. If modified and the entered value exists, the 0.1 screen is repopulated with that profile’s values. If the entered value does not exist, the user is transferred to the 0.4 screen to get a listing of available profiles. DESCRIPTION Allows users to enter a free-form description of the profile record. Debugging Options FOOT Turns footings on or off and establishes the type of data to be shown in the footing. Valid entries are: ANALYZE: Displays statement analysis information that can be activated using the COUNT command. DATA: Displays four lines of block hex, showing the contents of the block to which the result of the last CALC command points. KEYS: Displays the PF key settings for your current session. MENU: Displays a menu of the screens for whichever transaction you are using. REGS: Displays the current program registers, PSW, and disassembled current assembler instruction. FLOAT: If the machine that CICS is running on does not support IEEE, then it displays the current program general registers, the standard floating point registers (0,2,4,6), the PSW, the program offset, and the current disassembled instruction. If the machine does support IEEE, then only the 16 floating point registers are displayed. Session Profile Screens 6-5 SOURCE: Displays the current source statement, the preceding statement, and the following two statements when at a break or abend. The current statement is highlighted. STATUS: Displays a summary of the current abend and terminal information. OFF: No footing is displayed, leaving more room for data. DELAY Number of seconds you want to wait between the execution of successive statements when single-stepping a program. Valid entries are 0 through the maximum wait value your system administrator set in the MAXWAIT parameter of the global table. TRACE Specifies whether the program execution trace facility is active (ON) or inactive (OFF). Note: The TRAP, PROTECT, and TRACE settings control whether or not these three options are automatically activated when the XPED, XPRT, or XPSP transaction is entered. To deactivate these options for an existing debugging session, you can enter OFF in these fields, use the SET command, or delete the entries on the Trap Summary (1.6), Trace Summary (1.4), or Storage Protection (1.8) screens. PROTECT Specifies whether storage protection is active (ON) or inactive (OFF). MAXSTEP Specifies a default maximum number of statements to execute when the delay value of the GO command is greater than zero. Valid values are 1 to 99. REGS Specifies the display format for the General Purpose (GP) registers. These registers are shown on the Assembler Break/Abend screen (2.20) and on the REGISTERS footing. This parameter is ignored when CICS is not running on a z/Architecture machine. Valid values are: 64: Displays all positions of the GP registers when CICS is running on a z/Architecture machine. 64 is the default. 32: Displays only the lower 32 bits of the GP registers when CICS is running on a z/Architecture machine. Trap Options TRAP Specifies whether to trap any abend or breakpoint that occurs at your terminal during a debugging session. Valid entries are ON and OFF. If global parameter UNIQUEIP is YES, TRAP also controls whether Xpediter will trap any abends or breakpoints that occur at your TCPIP-based workstation during a debugging session. (For more information, see DEFTRAP and UNIQUEIP in the Xpediter/CICS Installation and Configuration Guide chapter entitled “Global Parameters Table”.) SAVE TRAPS Saves traps automatically at session end. This parameter is ignored if the profile dataset is in the old format. Valid entries are: ON: (Default) Saves traps automatically at session end. 6-6 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual OFF: Does not save traps automatically at session end. LOAD TRAPS Loads saved traps at session start. This parameter is ignored if the profile dataset is in the old format. Valid entries are: ON: Loads saved traps at session start. OFF: (Default) Does not load saved traps at session start. Source Options SOURCE Specifies whether to display the Source Listing screen (2.L) whenever a breakpoint or abend is encountered. Valid values are: ON: Causes the Source Listing screen (2.L) to be displayed whenever a breakpoint or abend is encountered. OFF: Causes the View Break/Abend screen (2.1) to be displayed whenever a breakpoint or abend is encountered. JUSTIFY Specifies whether to clip or expand program source listings. Valid entries are: ON: Clips the current source listing so that data to the left and right of the source lines are removed from the display. ON also removes areas of the source listing, such as the cross reference, from in front and following the active source listing for this program. OFF: Expands the display to show all data provided in the source listing. OPTWARN Specifies whether program optimized warnings are to be displayed in the footer section of the screen. Valid values are: ON: Program optimized warnings will be displayed on the first line of the screen footer. If foot is set to OFF, a one-line footer will be generated with the optimized warning. The default is ON. OFF: No program optimized warnings will be displayed in the footer. You can set additional user default settings by scrolling DOWN. The following screen (Figure 6-3 on page 6-7) is displayed. Session Profile Screens 6-7 Figure 6-3. Set Profile Defaults Screen (0.1) Page 2 ------------------ XPEDITER/CICS - SET PROFILE DEFAULTS (0.1) -------------C123 COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> CSR MODULE: CSECT: KEEP OPTIONS: KEEP ===> AUTOKEEP ===> IKEEP ===> WIDEHEX ===> 5 ON ON NO TERMINAL OPTIONS: ALT ===> OFF OPT ===> ON ALARM ===> ON DELIM ===> ; CMDSIZE ===> 1 TRANSLATE ===> OFF (0/3-11/OFF) Open/close the KEEP window (ON/OFF) Show automatic keeps (ON/OFF) Intellikeeps (Intelligent Autokeeps) (YES/NO) Use entire lines to show HEX data (ON/OFF) (ON/OFF) (ON/OFF) (;/delim) (1/2/3) (ON/OFF) Set alternate screen size Enable 3270 data stream optimizer Enable terminal alarm at error Command Delimiter (Default: semi-colon) Number of COMMAND input lines Use profile-level output translate table For the 1st CSECT entry below, specify ALL or NONE. Otherwise, enter all csect-names (max 6) that are to be automatically selected. CSECT 1 ===> NONE CSECT 2 ===> ________________ CSECT 3 ===> ________________ CSECT 4 ===> ________________ CSECT 5 ===> ________________ CSECT 6 ===> ________________ ***END*** Keep Options KEEP Specifies whether the keep window is to be open or closed on the Source Listing screen (2.L). The keep window allows you to perform most debugging functions from the Source Listing screen (2.L). Valid entries are: n: Specifies the size (in lines deep) of the keep window. Valid entries are 0 (OFF) and any number 3-11 (5 is the default). OFF: Closes the keep window on the Source Listing screen (2.L). Setting the KEEP value to 0 is equivalent to setting it to OFF. Note: Because setting WIDEHEX to YES requires five screen lines, you cannot set KEEP to 3 or 4 while WIDEHEX is set to YES. Attempting to set KEEP to 3 or 4 while WIDEHEX is set to YES will generate an error message and the value of KEEP will not be changed. AUTOKEEP Specifies whether or not automatic keeps should be displayed when stepping. Valid values are: ON: Automatic and manual keeps are displayed when stepping. OFF: Only manual keeps are displayed when stepping. Note: When an abend occurs, both automatic and manual keeps are displayed, regardless of the value in this field. IKEEP Specifies whether the Intelligent Autokeeps feature will be available during stepping. For more information, refer to “Intelligent Autokeeps” on page 2-13. ON: If AUTOKEEP is also set to ON, intellikeeps will be displayed during stepping and duplicate autokeeps will be removed. OFF: Deactivates the Intelligent Autokeeps feature. 6-8 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual WIDEHEX Specifies whether to use the alternate format for displaying vertical hex in keep windows and on the Working Storage screen (2.3). The standard format for vertical hex shows up to 24 positions of each field on a screen using three screen lines per field to display field name, field attributes, and the data vertically (character, zone, and decimal). When WIDEHEX is set to YES, up to 74 positions of each field will be displayed, using five screen lines per field as follows: • the field name and attributes are displayed on line 1 • data is displayed vertically (character, zone and decimal) on lines 2, 3, and 4 • a scale is displayed on line 5. Because five screen lines are used, setting WIDEHEX to YES impacts the KEEP value. (See “KEEP” on page 6-7.) When WIDEHEX is set to NO, the value for KEEP can be from 3 to 11. When WIDEHEX is set to YES, the value for KEEP can only be from 5 to 11. Attempting to set WIDEHEX to YES while the value for KEEP is 3 or 4 will generate an error message and WIDEHEX will remain set to NO. Note: If a footing is displayed on the Break/Abend screen (2.1), there may be insufficient screen lines to display a field in WIDEHEX format. Terminal Options ALT Specifies whether to use an alternate screen size for the terminal, if it supports more than one size. Valid entries are: ON: Uses the alternate screen size generated in the CICS terminal definition for the terminal. OFF: Uses the default screen size from the CICS terminal definition in use. OPT Turns the internal screen optimizer on and off. Valid values are: ON: Screen optimization is on; only modified data is sent to the screen. OFF: Screen optimization is off. A SEND/ERASE command is issued every time a screen is displayed. Note: You cannot set screen optimization from this field if your system administrator has specified OPTIMIZ=NO in the global parameter table. ALARM Specifies whether to sound the audible alarm on your terminal when an error is detected. Valid entries are ON and OFF. DELIM Specifies the delimiting character to be used to separate multiple Xpediter/CICS primary commands entered together. Any character is a valid delimiter except alphanumeric characters (a to z, A to Z, and 0 to 9), period (.), comma (,), blank ( ), underscore (_), and equal (=). The default is a semi-colon (;). CMDSIZE Allows users to set the command line size. Valid values are: 1: (Default) Sets the command line size to one line. Session Profile Screens 6-9 2: Sets the command line size to two lines. 3: Sets the command line size to three lines. TRANSLATE Specifies whether the profile-level translate overrides should be used. OFF: (Default) Does not use the profile-level output translate table. ON: Uses the profile-level output translate table. CSECTS Specifies whether to automatically select CSECTs for debugging when you initiate a debugging session. Valid values are: NONE: (Default) No CSECTs are to be selected automatically. ALL: All CSECTs are to be selected automatically. Mask: CSECTs matching the specified mask are to be selected automatically. You may specify up to six masks. As asterisk (*) can be used as a wildcard character. Primary PF Key Settings (0.2) The Primary PF Key Settings screen (0.2) is used to set the PF key settings to control Xpediter/CICS sessions. Establishing commands for each PF key makes the debugging sessions easier and faster. Access this screen by typing the number 2 on the Session Profile Menu, or as described in “Transferring Between Screens” on page 2-5. Figure 6-4. Primary PF Key Settings Screen (0.2) ---------------- XPEDITER/CICS - PRIMARY PF KEY SETTINGS (0.2) ------------C123 COMMAND ===> MODULE: CSECT: VALUE LABEL PF1 ====> HELP ====> HELP PF2 ====> RUNTO CSR ====> RUNTO PF3 ====> END ====> END PF4 ====> =X ====> EXIT PF5 ====> RFIND ====> RFIND PF6 ====> LOCATE * ====> LOCATE * PF7 ====> UP ====> UP PF8 ====> DOWN ====> DOWN PF9 ====> GO 1 ====> GO 1 PF10 ====> LEFT ====> LEFT PF11 ====> RIGHT ====> RIGHT PF12 ====> GO ====> GO Press ENTER to display alternate keys. Enter END command to exit. Global Parameters Used to Initialize Defaults The input fields on the Primary PF Key Settings screen are initialized based on the values of the Xpediter/CICS global parameters PF1 through PF24. For a complete description of Xpediter’s global parameters table, refer to the Xpediter/CICS Installation and Configuration Guide. 6-10 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual Input Fields VALUE Command to execute when the specified PF key is pressed. To change the value, type over the current value or type in a new value in the blank space provided. Press Enter to see the alternate PF keys (PF13 through PF24). Press PF3, or type END in the COMMAND field and press Enter, to exit the screen. For more information, enter HELP KEYS on the COMMAND line. LABEL Name to be associated with the PF key when PF key settings are displayed in the footing. The footing is displayed with the SET FOOT KEYS command. The maximum label length is eight characters. These labels are also used for the PF key buttons displayed when running Xpediter/CICS using the 3270 Web Bridge. For more information, see “3270 Web Bridge Support” on page 2-15. Translate Table (0.3) The Output Translate Table specifies which hex characters are displayable on a terminal. Hex values can be modified to either allow the display of characters that are valid for your terminal codepage or accommodate differences between a listing codepage and your terminal codepage. When your profile record is created, the Output Translate Table portion is initialized from the Xpediter/CICS Global Table based on the NLS parameter setting. To reset to the current values from the Xpediter/CICS global table (based on the current value of the global table NLS parameter), enter the primary command SET TRANSLATE RESET on the command line. You may need to combine elements from two codepages if the terminal displays one codepage but the listing was compiled with a different codepage. For example, in the USA codepage 037 terminals do not display brackets ( "[" and "]" ) correctly when the listing codepage was 1047. This problem could be corrected by modifying the Output Translate Table. Access this screen by typing the number 3 on the Session Profile Menu, or as described in “Transferring Between Screens” on page 2-5. Session Profile Screens 6-11 Figure 6-5. Output Translate Table Screen (0.3) ----------------- XPEDITER/CICS - OUTPUT TRANSLATE TABLE (0.3) ------------C123 COMMAND ===> MODULE: CSECT: ................ ................ ................ ................ X00 - X3F 4444444444444444 4444444444444444 4444444444444444 4444444444444444 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB âäàáãåçñ¢.<(+| &éêëèíîïìß!$*);^ -/ÂÄÀÁÃÅÇѦ,%_>? øÉÊËÈÍÎÏÌ`:#@'=" X40 - X7F 4444444444444444 5555555555555555 6666666666666666 7777777777777777 0123456789ABCDEF 0123456789ABCDEF 0123456789ABCDEF 0123456789ABCDEF Ruler: 0...4...8...C... 0...4...8...C... 0...4...8...C... 0...4...8...C... Øabcdefghi""ðýþ± °jklmnopqrªºæ¸Æ¤ μ~stuvwxyz¡¿Ð[Þ® £¥·©§¼½¾Ý¨¯]´× X80 - XBF 8888888888888888 9999999999999999 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 0123456789ABCDEF 0123456789ABCDEF 0123456789ABCDEF 0123456789ABCDEF {ABCDEFGHI-ôöòóõ }JKLMNOPQR¹ûüùúÿ \÷STUVWXYZ²ÔÖÒÓÕ 0123456789³ÛÜÙÚ. XC0 - XFF CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF4 0123456789ABCDEF 0123456789ABCDEF 0123456789ABCDEF 0123456789ABCDEB Load Profile (0.4) The Load Profile screen (0.4) is used to choose an existing profile from which to load default session values. These values can be used to: • Replace the current session values with those from another profile. • Establish a new profile from an existing one. Access this screen by typing the number 4 on the Session Profile Menu, or as described in “Transferring Between Screens” on page 2-5. Figure 6-6. Load Profile Screen (0.4) ---------------------- XPEDITER/CICS - LOAD PROFILE (0.4) -----------------C123 COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> CSR MODULE: CSECT: ENTRY 000001 CURRENT PROFILE: AJMTRACE.ACMEJET0 DISPLAY MASK ==> ******** ACMEJET0 LINE COMMANDS: S (Select) C (Copy) D (Delete) R (Rename) CMD NAME OWNER NEWNAME DESCRIPTION ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- _ AFHHOS0 ACMEJET0 ________ ____________________________________________ _ AJMCSECT ACMEJET0 ________ Profile 1 _ AJMNONE ACMEJET0 ________ Profile 2 _ AJMTRACE ACMEJET0 ________ Profile 3 _ AUTOSEL ACMEJET0 ________ ____________________________________________ **END** Loading a Profile 1. Type the name of the desired profile in the first DISPLAY MASK field and do one of the following: – If the profile dataset is in the new format and the profile you want is already owned by you (keyed by your user-ID), then simply locate the profile that you want to use, select it, and press Enter. – If the profile dataset is in the new format and the profile you want is owned by someone else, overtype your CICS user ID in the second DISPLAY MASK field 6-12 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual with wild-card characters ('*') and press Enter. All profiles on the profile dataset are now displayed. Locate the profile that you want to use, select it, and press Enter. – If the profile dataset is in the old format, all profiles on the profile dataset are already displayed. Locate the profile that you want to use, select it, and press Enter. Note: If the profile dataset is in the old format, the second DISPLAY MASK field does not exist. 2. Use the S line command to select the profile to use. Press Enter. Input Fields DISPLAY MASK Used for limiting the number of profiles to be displayed on this listing screen. The first field is for matching to the profile name while the second field is for matching to the owner. The second field is only available if the profile dataset is in the new format. The initial value for the first field is all asterisks and for the second field is your CICS user ID, so that all profiles you own are displayed initially. If the profile you are looking for is not displayed, you can modify the second field with wildcards ('*') to display additional profiles, including those with no known owner. CMD Line command entry field. Valid entries are: • S (Select): Selects the profile to use. • C (Copy): Copies the selected profile to create a new profile record. Use of this line command requires that the NEWNAME field be entered and, if the name already exists, that profile is replaced with the profile you have copied. The OWNER field of the new profile is the current CICS userID. • D (Delete): Removes the profile record from the Profile Dataset. XPSP users can delete any profile. XPED/XPRT users can only delete profiles in which the OWNER field matches the current CICS userID. • R (Rename): Renames the selected profile then deletes the original profile. XPSP users may rename any profile. Because the original profile will be deleted, XPED/XPRT users may only rename profiles in which the OWNER field matches the current CICS userID. NEWNAME Used when renaming or copying a profile. DESCRIPTION Allows users to enter a free-form description of the profile record. Output Fields ENTRY Indicates which Profile Dataset record number is being displayed at the top of the screen. Session Profile Screens 6-13 CURRENT PROFILE Indicates which profile is currently being used by Xpediter/CICS for this debugging session. It is formatted as NAME.OWNER. If the profile dataset is not in the new format, only NAME is displayed (no period and no OWNER). DISPLAY MASK The name of the profile and, if the profile dataset is in the new format, the CICS userID from which default session values were loaded. An asterisk indicates a wildcard. NAME Used to identify the profile record. This field is often identical to OWNER field because Xpediter/CICS defaults the NAME field to the CICS user ID unless an explicit "P=...." parameter is entered with session startup. OWNER The CICS userID that was in effect on this terminal when this profile record was created. If the profile dataset is not in the new format, this field does not display. DESCRIPTION Displays a free-form description of the profile record. If the description is supplied at the same time as a C(Copy) or R(Rename) line command, then the description entered is applied only to the new profile record. Establishing a New Profile from Another User 1. Access the Load Profile screen (0.4). 2. If “ownership” has been established, change the second part of the DISPLAY KEY to asterisks. This will show all profiles on file. Find the one that you want to copy. 3. Using line command C and the NEWNAME field, copy the profile that you want to the name that you want. 4. To immediately establish any profile as the profile in effect, use line command S to select the profile. Establishing a New Name for the Profile 1. Access the Load Profile screen (0.4) and find the profile you want to rename. 2. Using line command C and the NEWNAME field, copy the profile that you want to the name that you want. 3. To immediately establish any profile as the profile in effect, use line command S to select the profile. Save Profile (0.5) The Save Profile screen (0.5) saves the current session default values to the Xpediter/CICS profile dataset. The contents can be saved under the current profile name associated with this session or changed to a new name. Access this screen by typing the number 5 on the Session Profile Menu, or as described in “Transferring Between Screens” on page 2-5. 6-14 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual Figure 6-7. Save Profile Screen (0.5) ---------------------- XPEDITER/CICS - SAVE PROFILE (0.5) -----------------C123 COMMAND ===> MODULE: CSECT: SAVE DEFAULT VALUES TO PROFILE ===> XPEDITER To save the current profile, specify the profile name and press ENTER. Updating a Profile Xpediter/CICS initially displays the current profile name in the SAVE DEFAULT VALUES TO PROFILE field. To change the name, type the new name. Pressing Enter saves the current settings under the profile name displayed. If the profile already exists, the new data overlays the old data in the profile dataset. Script Dataset Allocation (0.6) The Script Dataset Allocation screen (0.6) is used to define the allocation parameters for the system and user script datasets. These datasets are accessed when the CAPTURE or INCLUDE primary commands are used to record or execute a script. The Dataset to use field allows you to choose which script dataset Xpediter will search for the specified script member when an INCLUDE command is executed. The dataset chosen is also the one in which script members created with the CAPTURE command will be saved. If Xpediter has been installed with access to user-defined user script datasets, additional fields are available to define their attributes. If you use the CAPTURE command to create a script, these attributes are used to allocate the dataset before the script is saved. Values entered on this screen are saved in the profile dataset. Access this screen by typing the number 6 on the Session Profile Menu, or as described in “Transferring Between Screens” on page 2-5. Figure 6-8. Script Dataset Allocation Screen (0.6) --------------- XPEDITER/CICS - SCRIPT DATASET ALLOCATION (0.6) -----------C123 COMMAND ===> MODULE: CSECT: System Dataset Name..... ACME.XPED.SYSTEM.SCRIPT User Dataset Prefix..... Suffix..... MYUSRID.SCRIPT.DATASET Dataset to use.......... U S (System) U (user) Start capture at session initiation? NO Save script if CAPTURE ON at session termination? YES If YES save as: MYUSRID Attributes To Apply If New User Dataset Is Allocated: Allocate SMS dataset.... NO Yes (SMS) No (Non-SMS) Volume Serial...... Space Units........ BLK Management Class... Primary............ 10 Storage Class...... Secondary.......... 5 Data Class......... Directory Blocks... 10 Library............ NO Block Size......... 32760 Yes (PDSE) No (PDS) Unit............... SYSDA (CYL,TRK BLK) (0 | Mult of 120) Session Profile Screens 6-15 Input Fields Global Parameters Used to Initialize Defaults The input fields on the Script Dataset Allocation screen are initialized based on the values of the Xpediter/CICS global parameters listed in Table 6-2. For a complete description of Xpediter’s global parameters table, refer to the Xpediter/CICS Installation and Configuration Guide. Table 6-2. Xpediter Global Parameters for Script Dataset Allocation Screen Script Dataset Allocation Global Parameter Screen Field Used to Initialize Field User Dataset Suffix XDUSDSN Dataset to use XDUSCR Save script if CAPTURE ON XDSCRXO at session termination? If YES save as XDSCRXN Allocate SMS dataset XDUSSMS Management Class XDUSMC Storage Class XDUSSC Data Class XDUSDC Library XDUSLIB Volume Serial XDUSVOL Space Units XDUSTYP Primary XDUSPA Secondary XDUSSA Directory Blocks XDUSDB Block Size XDUSBLK Unit XDUSUNI User Dataset Suffix The suffix of the user script dataset name. Valid values are 1- to 44-character user script dataset names. The default value, which can be changed on this screen, is set with the global parameter XDUSDSN. The entire user script dataset name, including the value in the Prefix field, cannot be more than 44 characters in length. Dataset to use Specifies whether Xpediter is to search only the system script dataset when the INCLUDE primary command is entered, or search the user script dataset first, then the system script dataset. Valid values are U for user and S for system. If user script datasets are enabled, the default value, which can be changed on this screen, is U. Otherwise, the default value is S. Start capture at session initiation? Specifies whether a script capture should be started when Xpediter/CICS is first entered. Valid values are YES and NO. When YES is specified, Xpediter/CICS always attempts to begin capturing data from the start of the session, preventing the loss of possibly valuable data. Allocation errors because of insufficient space or other system problems cause an error message to display on the initial Xpediter/CICS screen. When NO is 6-16 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual specified, the CAPTURE ON primary command can still be used later in the session to manually start capturing. Save script if CAPTURE ON at session termination? Specifies whether Xpediter is to save a script or discard it if the capture process is active when a debugging session is terminated. Valid values are YES and NO. The default value, which can be changed on this screen, is set with the global parameter XDSCRXO. If YES save as The name of the script dataset member in which to save a script being captured when a debugging session is terminated. Valid values are 1- to 8-character member names. The default value, which can be changed on this screen, is set with the global parameter XDSCRXN. Attributes To Apply If New User Dataset Is Allocated Area: Allocate SMS dataset Specifies whether IBM’s Storage Management Subsystem (SMS) is to be used when dynamically allocating user script datasets. Valid values are YES and NO. The default value, which can be changed on this screen, is set with the global parameter XDUSSMS. Management Class Specifies the SMS management class for dynamically allocated user script datasets. This field is only available if the Allocate SMS dataset field is set to YES. Valid values are 1- to 8-character management classes. The default value, which can be changed on this screen, is set with the global parameter XDUSMC. Storage Class Specifies the SMS storage class for dynamically allocated user script datasets. This field is only available if the Allocate SMS dataset field is set to YES. Valid values are 1- to 8character storage classes. The default value, which can be changed on this screen, is set with the global parameter XDUSSC. Data Class Specifies the SMS data class for dynamically allocated user script datasets. This field is only available if the Allocate SMS dataset field is set to YES. Valid values are 1- to 8character data classes. The default value, which can be changed on this screen, is set with the global parameter XDUSDC. Library Specifies the type of SMS dataset, either PDS or PDSE, to be used for dynamically allocated user script datasets. This field is only available if the Allocate SMS dataset field is set to YES. Valid values are YES for PDSE and NO for PDS. The default value, which can be changed on this screen, is set with the global parameter XDUSLIB. Volume Serial Specifies the volume serial number for dynamically allocated user script datasets. This field is only available if the Allocate SMS dataset field is set to NO. Valid values are 1- to 6-character volume serial numbers. The default value, which can be changed on this screen, is set with the global parameter XDUSVOL. Session Profile Screens 6-17 Space Units Specifies the space units for dynamically allocated user script datasets. This field is only available if the Allocate SMS dataset field is set to NO. Valid values are TRK for tracks, BLK for blocks, and CYL for cylinders. The default value, which can be changed on this screen, is set with the global parameter XDUSTYP. Primary Specifies the primary allocation size, in the designated space units, for dynamically allocated user script datasets. This field is only available if the Allocate SMS dataset field is set to NO. Valid values are 1 to 8,388,607. The default value, which can be changed on this screen, is set with the global parameter XDUSPA. Secondary Specifies the secondary allocation size, in the designated space units, for dynamically allocated user script datasets. This field is only available if the Allocate SMS dataset field is set to NO. Valid values are 1 to 8,388,607. The default value, which can be changed on this screen, is set with the global parameter XDUSSA. Directory Blocks Specifies the number of directory blocks to be used for dynamically allocated user script datasets. This field is only available if the Allocate SMS dataset field is set to NO. Valid values are 1 to 8,388,607. The default value, which can be changed on this screen, is set with the global parameter XDUSDB. Block Size Specifies the size of directory blocks to be used for dynamically allocated user script datasets. This field is only available if the Allocate SMS dataset field is set to NO. Valid values are 0 to 32760 and must be evenly divisible by 120. The default value, which can be changed on this screen, is set with the global parameter XDUSBLK. Unit Specifies the unit name for dynamically allocated user script datasets. This field is only available if the Allocate SMS dataset field is set to NO. Valid values are 1- to 8-character unit names. The default value, which can be changed on this screen, is set with the global parameter XDUSUNI. Output Fields System Dataset Name The name of the system script dataset. The value is set with the global parameter XDSSDSN. User Dataset Prefix The prefix of the user script dataset name. The value is set with the global parameter XDUSPFX. The CICS region must be authorized by your site’s external security manager — RACF for example — to create datasets with the prefix specified in this field. 6-18 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual 7-1 Chapter 7. Session Control Screens Chap 7 This chapter describes the screens available for the session control function. The session control screens allow XPED, XPRT, and XPSP users to control session performance options during an Xpediter/CICS debugging session. The chapter discusses the following session control screens and provides illustrations and field-level explanations for each screen: • Session Control Menu (1) – – – – – – – – – – – List Breakpoints (1.1) List Abends (1.3) Trace Summary (1.4) Saved Traps (1.5) Trap Summary (1.6) Intercept Summary (1.7) Storage Protection (1.8) Define User Labels (1.9) MONITOR Summary (1.M) NEWCOPY Programs (1.N) Resource Summary (1.P). Session Control Menu (1) The Session Control Menu lists the available screens that control an Xpediter/CICS session. To access this menu, type the number 1 on the Primary Menu, or type =1 in the COMMAND field from anywhere in the product, and press Enter. Figure 7-1. Session Control Menu ------------------- XPEDITER/CICS - SESSION CONTROL MENU (1) --------------C123 COMMAND ===> MODULE: CSECT: 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 M N P LIST BREAKPOINTS LIST ABENDS TRACE SUMMARY SAVED TRAPS TRAP SUMMARY INTERCEPT SUMMARY STORAGE PROTECTION USER LABELS MONITOR SUMMARY NEWCOPY PROGRAMS RESOURCE SUMMARY - Display breakpoints for a single program Display abends associated with the session Display program trace entries Display saved local or remote traps Display local or remote traps Display active intercepts Set storage protection options Define user labels Display active MONITOR entries NEWCOPY (phasein) programs Display count of breakpoints and keeps To select one of the following screens, type the appropriate screen ID in the COMMAND field and press Enter. • List Breakpoints (1): Sets and removes program breakpoints and counts. See “List Breakpoints (1.1)” on page 7-2. 7-2 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual • List Abends (3): Displays the break/abend summary information retained each time Xpediter/CICS traps a break/abend. See “List Abends (1.3)” on page 7-4. • Trace Summary (4): Sets the trace facility options for this session. See “Trace Summary (1.4)” on page 7-5. • Saved Traps (5): Displays all saved traps associated with the current profile record. See “Saved Traps (1.5)” on page 7-7. • Trap Summary (6): Sets traps for transaction abends by user ID, NETNAME, terminal, program, and transaction as well as for non-terminal tasks. See “Trap Summary (1.6)” on page 7-9. • Intercept Summary (7): Provides an easy method for entering multiple intercept commands. See “Intercept Summary (1.7)” on page 7-14. • Storage Protection (8): Sets storage protection by terminal, transaction, or program, and displays all current storage protection entries. See “Storage Protection (1.8)” on page 7-15. • User Labels (9): Defines, changes, and deletes labels that equate to storage locations. See “Define User Labels (1.9)” on page 7-18. • MONITOR Summary (M): Displays active entries for the MONITOR command. • NEWCOPY Programs (N): Provides an easy method for performing a PHASEIN of one or more programs. • Resource Summary (P): Lists the programs that have breakpoints, skips, counts, and keeps set from the user’s terminal, and allows the release of all breakpoints, skips, and counts from selected programs. See “Resource Summary (1.P)” on page 7-24. List Breakpoints (1.1) Use the List Breakpoints screen (1.1) to review, set, and remove program breakpoints and counts. If, however, source is available, you will probably find it easier to use the Source Listing screen (2.L) to set breakpoints and counts. Breakpoints and counts may be modified at any time during a debugging session. Access this screen by typing the number 1 on the Session Control Menu, or as described in “Transferring Between Screens” on page 2-5. Figure 7-2. List Breakpoints Screen (1.1) -------------------- XPEDITER/CICS - LIST BREAKPOINTS (1.1) ---------------C123 COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> CSR MODULE: CWDEMCB2 CSECT: CWDEMCB2 COMPILED: 09 JUN 2005 - 11.23.01 BREAK AT -STMT-OFFSET- ---------------000353 B 00000C5E 000425 A 00000F3E 1 000428 A 00000F82 ______ ______ ______ SOURCE / CONDITION ----------------------- PROCEDURE DIVISION USING DFHEIBLK DFHCOMMAR ADD CURR-PAY TO WA-YTD-GRS IF PAYEMP1 EQUAL '00001' Input Field STMT Statement or offset numbers where the program will stop. Session Control Screens 7-3 To delete breakpoints or counts, type the D (Delete) line command in the six-position STMT field. The following line commands are available only when a statement number or offset is displayed in the statement field. • D (Delete): Deletes the breakpoints or counts displayed. • A (After): Sets an unconditional after breakpoint at the statement displayed. • AC (After Conditional): Sets a conditional after breakpoint at the statement displayed. • B (Before): Sets an unconditional before breakpoint at the statement displayed. • BC (Before Conditional): Sets a conditional before breakpoint at the statement displayed. • S (Skip): Sets an unconditional skip breakpoint at the statement displayed. • SC (Skip Conditional): Sets a conditional skip breakpoint at the statement displayed. • C (Count): Sets a count at the statement displayed. If an attempt is made to use the AFTER command to set a breakpoint on a COBOL EXIT or GOBACK statement, a C return, a PL/I RETURN statement, or an EXEC CICS ABEND, RETURN, or XCTL command, Xpediter/CICS will change the after breakpoint to a before breakpoint and issue a message informing the user of the change. See Chapter 4, “Line Commands” for more information. Output Fields OFFSET Offset associated with the statement number where the breakpoint or count is set. SOURCE/CONDITION Source code for the statement where the breakpoint or count is set. If it is conditional, the condition appears below the source code. Setting Breakpoints Xpediter/CICS uses the name in the MODULE field to verify that a statement number identified for a breakpoint (after, before, count, or skip) is valid. If you specify an invalid statement number, Xpediter/CICS sets the breakpoint and displays a message as follows: • If the statement number is within the executable portion of the program but is invalid, the breakpoint is set at the next verb. • If the specified statement number is before the first executable statement, the breakpoint is set at the first executable statement. • If the specified statement number is after the end of the program, the breakpoint is set at the last executable statement. To stop at a specific verb within a statement, set breakpoints using offsets. Breakpoints can be set by offset if an online source listing is not available, or by statement number if an online source listing is available. To skip execution of a statement within the program, set the skip by statement number or offset (Assembler programs only). With either technique, use the following procedure: 1. Check that the name of the program where the breakpoints will be set is identified in the MODULE field. 7-4 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual 2. Check that the compile date and time on the screen match the compile date and time on the source listing. Otherwise, the statement numbers may not match the statement numbers Xpediter/CICS recognizes for valid breakpoints. 3. Type the statement and/or offset number(s) where the program is to stop in the STMT field. Specify an offset with a leading plus sign (+) followed by the hexadecimal offset in a line command area. To skip execution of the statement, type the statement and/or offset number(s) in the STMT field and press Enter. Then put an “S” in the STMT field. If many breakpoints are required, type as many as will fit on the screen and press Enter. Then type a new statement/offset number over any displayed statement/offset number. The new number is added the next time Enter is pressed. You can also scroll down to get blank areas to enter statement numbers. 4. When all breakpoints are identified, press Clear to return to CICS. Enter a transaction ID and press Enter. The transaction begins to run and Xpediter/CICS is invoked when a break/abend is encountered. As each breakpoint or count is set, Xpediter/CICS displays it in the data portion of the screen, showing the statement number and offset. If the source listing for the program is available, Xpediter/CICS also displays the source statement associated with the breakpoint or count. An unlimited number of breakpoints and counts may be set. Use the UP/DOWN primary commands to scroll through the list to see any breakpoints or counts that may be set but not displayed. Breakpoints and counts always display in ascending sequence. If a breakpoint or count is entered incorrectly, enter the D line command in the appropriate STMT field that contains the statement/offset to delete. To remove all breakpoints, skips, and counts in a program, use the RELEASE command or the Resource Summary screen (1.P). List Abends (1.3) The List Abends screen (1.3) displays the summary information retained each time a break/abend is trapped by Xpediter/CICS. This screen displays entries occurring at this terminal or remote task entries from designated remote terminals. If a remote break/abend is still active (highlighted), it can be selected for viewing by using the S (Select) line command. However, if you are working on a local break/abend, you cannot select a remote abend for viewing. Access this screen by typing the number 3 on the Session Control Menu, or as described in “Transferring Between Screens” on page 2-5. Figure 7-3. List Abends Screen (1.3) ---------------------- XPEDITER/CICS - LIST ABENDS (1.3) ------------------C123 COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> CSR MODULE: CSECT: CLIENT-IPADDR / SEL TERM NETNAME TRAN PROGRAM STMT OFFSET ABEND TIME ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- M002 VCTRM002 XCB2 CWDEMCB2 000423 00F04 ASRA 15:49:56 CWBA BUG32IM 000267 00000 STOP 16:57:50 CWBA BUG32IM 000267 00000 STOP 16:57:27 **END** Session Control Screens 7-5 Input Fields SEL This field is located at the left of each abend listed on the screen. For an abend that is still active (highlighted), type an S to select it for viewing. Any Xpediter/CICS function can be used to view this abend. Output Fields TERM The ID of the terminal at which the abend occurred. NETNAME The VTAM network name of the terminal at which the abend occurred. Due to a limitation of CICS using MRO, this field cannot always be propagated across regions and can display as blanks. CLIENT-IPADDR The Client IP Address is displayed for TCP/IP-based tasks in the field where Terminal ID and Netname are shown for 3270-based tasks. TRAN The CICS transaction ID of the task that abended. PROGRAM Name of the program that has abended. STMT Statement number where the abend occurred within the program, if a source listing exists for the program. OFFSET Hexadecimal offset in the program where the abend occurred. ABEND Abend code of the abend. It can be a CICS abend code or a user-supplied abend code. TIME Time that the abend occurred. Trace Summary (1.4) The Trace Summary screen (1.4) sets the Xpediter/CICS trace facility options for this session. You can specify whether or not to perform a trace for any terminal, transaction, or program. You can then examine the path of a program to determine bad branching or the execution of improper routines. 7-6 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual The SET TRACE ON primary command creates an entry on this screen to trace all transactions on this terminal. See “SET” on page 3-104 for more information. The Program Trace screen (2.4) displays the trace report generated by the facility. Each entry is effective immediately within the current CICS task for this LINK/enclave level and any enclave levels created from this point on. Programs within the current CICS task at a higher (existing) LINK/enclave level are not included in this request. Deletion of a Trace rule by deleting the entry on the Trace Summary screen (1.4), causes all trace data collected as a result of that rule to also be deleted. Review your trace results on the Program Trace screen (2.4) before deleting the rule. Access this screen by typing the number 4 on the Session Control Menu, or as described in “Transferring Between Screens” on page 2-5. Figure 7-4. Trace Summary Screen (1.4) --------------------- XPEDITER/CICS - TRACE SUMMARY (1.4) -----------------C123 COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> CSR MODULE: CWDEMCB2 CSECT: CWDEMCB2 COMPILED: 09 JUN 2005 - 11.23.01 ENTRY 000001 LINE COMMANDS: A (After) B (Before) C (Copy) D (Delete) I (Insert) M (Move) TRACE CMD TERM TRAN PROGRAM YES/NO ---------------------------------------------- _ M002 **** ******** YES _ ____ ____ ________ ___ _ ____ ____ ________ ___ _ ____ ____ ________ ___ The automatic trace feature uses a separate area for each terminal, so that trace entries from multiple terminals are not intermixed. If the trace is reset, the trace facility remains off until activated from this screen or by the SET TRACE ON command. Input Fields Data can be entered on any line shown on the screen. CMD Line command entry field. Valid entries are: • • • • • • A (After): Line after which a moved (M) or copied (C) entry is to be inserted. B (Before): Line before which a moved (M) or copied (C) entry is to be inserted. C (Copy): Line that is to be copied. (Must be used with the A or B line command.) D (Delete): Line that is to be deleted. I (Insert): Line after which a blank line is to be inserted. M (Move): Line that is to be moved. (Must be used with the A or B line command.) TERM Terminal for which trace entries are or are not created. Valid options are: • • • • asterisk (*): Wildcard character. Xpediter/CICS matches any character with it. ALL: Sets the trace for all terminals. ALL is translated to a field of asterisks. HERE (Default): Causes the ID of this terminal to be entered in the TERM field. NONE: Disables the trace function for the TRAN/PROGRAM combination. TRAN Transaction that should or should not be traced. Wildcard character is asterisk (*). Session Control Screens 7-7 PROGRAM Program that should or should not be traced. Wildcard character is asterisk (*). TRACE Indicates if tracing is to be done for transactions specified in the TERM, TRAN, and PROGRAM fields. The table is scanned from top to bottom. Once a match is found, Xpediter/CICS does not check the table further. Valid entries are: • YES (default): Transaction is traced. • NO: Transaction is not traced. Use NO to exempt certain transactions, terminals, or programs from being traced. Note: After the requested number of statements have been traced, the TRACE YES/NO value is set to NO. For more information on the TRACE command, refer to “TRACE” on page 3-112. Output Field ENTRY Relative entry number represented by the first entry on the screen. Saved Traps (1.5) The Saved Traps screen (1.5) displays all saved traps associated with the current profile record and allows users to delete or reload individual saved traps, or reload all saved traps. Figure 7-5. Saved Traps Screen (1.5) ---------------------- XPEDITER/CICS - SAVED TRAPS (1.5) ------------------C123 COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> CSR MODULE: CSECT: RELOAD ALL ===> LINE COMMANDS: ___ (Yes) D (Delete) ENTRY 000014 R (Reload) NETNAME/ TERM/ TRAP USERID CLIENT IP SERVER IP PORT TRAN PROGRAM ABEND IF ...................... TRAP CONDITION ....................... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _ TEST *.*.*.* 00018 NBR7 CONDITN YES IF ICA(2:2) GT C'12' _ TEST *.*.*.* 00027 **** CONDITN YES IF ICA(1:3) LT C'123' _ TEST *.*.*.* *.*.*.* 00009 NBR6 ******** YES CMD _ _ TEST *.*.*.* IF ICA(2:2) GT C'12' TEST *.*.*.* IF ICA(1:3) LT C'123' **END** *.*.*.* 00018 NBR7 CONDITN YES *.*.*.* 00027 **** CONDITN YES Note: If the profile dataset is not in the new format, the Saved Traps Summary screen displays no data and the error message “Profile dataset must be in new format”. 7-8 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual Input Fields RELOAD ALL Reloads all saved traps. Valid values are YES and NO. CMD Line command entry field. Valid entries are: • D (Delete): Deletes individual saved traps. • R (Reload): Restores individual saved traps. Output Fields USERID User ID for which abends were trapped. NETNAME Terminal NETNAME for which abends were trapped. CLIENT IP Client IP address for which abends were trapped. TERM Terminal for which abends were trapped. SERVER IP Server IP address for which abends were trapped. TRAP CONDITION Displayed on the second line of a trap entry following the word IF, the trap condition indicates any optional condition that must be true for abends to be trapped. PORT Server port number for which abends were trapped. TRAN Transaction in which abends were trapped. PROGRAM Program in which abends were trapped. TRAP ABEND Whether abend trapping was bypassed. Session Control Screens 7-9 Trap Summary (1.6) The Trap Summary screen (1.6) sets traps for transaction abends and/or breakpoints by user ID, NETNAME, terminal, program, and transaction, as well as for non-terminal (asynchronous) tasks. You may also set enhanced conditions that allow traps and breakpoints to only be taken when data in predefined areas, such as the Initial Task COMMAREA (ICA), specific container (CONT+containername), MQ Message Descriptor (MQMD), or MQ Message Data (MQD), matches a certain value. A bulletin is displayed whenever the trapping terminal captures a remote abend. If the terminal is not active when the remote abend is trapped — and ATI (automatic transaction initiation) has been specified in the TYPETERM definition — Xpediter/CICS will start automatically. To help in the identification of a specific transaction instance, sites are adding identifiers to data areas so they can identify the instance and allow it to be processed successfully. Xpediter/CICS recognizes the need to trap abends or take breakpoints when transactionspecific data is present and has added an Enhanced Trap facility to provide this ability. Enhanced traps allow you to use the TRAP CONDITION field, indicated by the word IF, to specify an optional condition which must be true in order for abends and breakpoints to be trapped. This condition field is specifically designed to enable you to trap transactions that may be initiated as a result of MQ messages or browser-initiated transactions. In these types of transactions, data may exist in the CICS COMMAREA, individual containers, Transient Data, Temporary Storage, MQ Message Descriptor, or MQ Message Data that can uniquely identify the owner or initiator of the task. Note: To perform enhanced trapping of remote transactions, be sure to enter asterisks (*) in the NETNAME and TERM fields on the Trap Summary screen (1.6 or 9.6). To provide further granularity, the Trap Summary screen also allows you to specify TCP/IP information instead of NETNAME and terminal. Client IP address, server IP address, and server port number trap criteria can be specified for tasks started from TCPIPSERVICE (Socket Domain tasks) or after tasks have issued a TAKESOCKET (MVS CICS Sockets). Change the MODE of the Trap Summary screen from TERM to either IP or ALL to allow creation of this type of trap. The ALL mode displays both TERM and IP mode traps. Note: To determine your client IP address on a Windows-based device: a. From the Start menu, select Run. The Run dialog box appears. b. Type CMD.EXE and click OK or press Enter. A Command Prompt window appears. c. In the Command Prompt window, type IPCONFIG and press Enter. The IP address appears. This is the value to use as your Client IP Address for Xpediter/CICS. The characters => on the left side of the screen highlight the exact trap entry that caused the current interception. Access this screen by typing the number 6 on the Session Control Menu, or as described in “Transferring Between Screens” on page 2-5. 7-10 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual Figure 7-6. Trap Summary Screen (1.6) ---------------------- XPEDITER/CICS - TRAP SUMMARY (1.6) -----------------C123 COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> CSR MODULE: CSECT: MODE: ALL (IP TERM or ALL) ENTRY 000001 LINE COMMANDS: A (After) B (Before) C (Copy) D (Delete) I (Insert) M (Move) S (Save) NETNAME/ TERM/ TRAP CMD USERID CLIENT IP SERVER IP PORT TRAN PROGRAM ABEND IF ...................... TRAP CONDITION ....................... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ _ => ******** ******** 0082 **** ******** YES IF _ ABCD ******** **** EFGH I******* YES IF INITCOMM(1:9) = C'COMPUWARE' _ ABCD *.123.*.* 23.45.6.* 00000 EFGH I******* YES IF MQDATA(1:8) = T'XPEDITER' _ WXYZ 7.89.100.* 11.*.*.* 17448 **** D******* YES IF _ LMNOPQRS *.*.*.* *.*.*.* 00000 **** ******** YES IF MQDATA(9:5) = T'/CICS' _ DEFG ******** **** PAY1 ******** YES IF CONT+PAYROLL1(80:2) EQ C‘MI’ _ ________ _______________ _______________ _____ ____ ________ ___ IF The Trap Summary screen allows a master terminal to trap abends and/or breakpoints occurring on other terminals or in non-terminal tasks: • To set a trap for a specific terminal, type the terminal ID in the TERM field and/or the NETNAME in the NETNAME field. • To set a trap for non-terminal tasks only, type NONE in the TERM field and all asterisks (*) or ALL in the NETNAME field. • To set a trap for all terminals and for non-terminal tasks, type all asterisks (*) or ALL in the TERM and NETNAME fields. • To set a trap for a specific client IP address, server IP address, and/or server port number, type IP or ALL in the MODE field, press Enter, then type the desired values in the appropriate input fields. Input Fields MODE Designates the type of trap displayed and entered. Valid entries are: • TERM (default): Traps are based on terminal ID. • IP: Traps are based on the IP address of the server or client. • ALL: Both terminal and IP traps are displayed. When an entry is added in ALL mode, its format determines the type of trap that will be created. In the NETNAME/CLIENT IP field, a NETNAME is one to eight positions long and does not contain embedded periods. In the TERMID/SERVER IP field, TERMID is one to four positions long and does not contain embedded periods. The last MODE value used is saved in your profile and becomes the default for your next debugging session. CMD Line command entry field. Valid entries are: • A (After): Line after which a moved (M) or copied (C) entry is to be inserted. • B (Before): Line before which a moved (M) or copied (C) entry is to be inserted. Session Control Screens • • • • • 7-11 C (Copy): Line that is to be copied. (Must be used with the A or B line command.) D (Delete): Line that is to be deleted. I (Insert): Line after which a blank line is to be inserted. M (Move): Line that is to be moved. (Must be used with the A or B line command.) S (Save): Saves the specified trap into the profile dataset immediately, rather than at the end of the session. Note: To use line command S (Save), the profile must be in the new format. Profile datasets in the old format can still be used in release 8.1 and above, however, the S (Save) line command on this screen is not available; an error message is returned. USERID User ID for which abends will be trapped. Wildcard character is asterisk (*). If global parameter TRAPUSR=YES, current user ID is the default. If TRAPUSR=NO, asterisks are the default. Global parameter TRAPUSR does not apply to TCPIP-based traps. For TCPIP-based traps, if global parameter TRAPIPU=YES, current user ID is the default. If TRAPIPU=NO, asterisks are the default. NETNAME Terminal NETNAME for which abends will be trapped. If global parameter TRAPNET=YES, the current terminal NETNAME is the default. If TRAPNET=NO, the default is ALL (asterisks). Valid options are: • asterisk (*): Wildcard character. Xpediter/CICS matches any character with it. • ALL: Sets the trap for all terminal NETNAMEs. ALL is translated to a field of asterisks. • HERE: Causes the terminal NETNAME of this terminal to be entered in the NETNAME field. CLIENT IP Client IP address for which abends will be trapped. Valid options are: • The desired address in nodal format with four segments separated by periods (n.n.n.n). The value of each segment must be from 0 to 255. An asterisk (*) wildcard character can be substituted for any of the segments, but not for part of a segment. • ALL: Sets the trap for all client IP addresses. ALL is translated to: *.*.*.* • HERE: Causes the IP address associated with this terminal to be entered in the field. This keyword is only valid when the terminal is connected to the mainframe by TCPIP. TERM Terminal for which abends will be trapped. If global parameter TRAPTRM=YES, current terminal ID is the default. If TRAPTRM=NO, the default is ALL (asterisks). Valid options are: • asterisk (*): Wildcard character. Xpediter/CICS matches any character with it. • ALL: Sets the trap for all terminals and non-terminal tasks. ALL is translated to a field of asterisks. • HERE (Default): Causes the ID of this terminal to be entered in the TERM field. • NONE: Sets the trap for only non-terminal (asynchronous) related tasks for the TRAN/PROGRAM combination. 7-12 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual SERVER IP Server IP address for which abends will be trapped. Valid options are: • The desired address in nodal format with four segments separated by periods (n.n.n.n). The value of each segment must be from 0 to 255. An asterisk (*) wildcard character can be substituted for any of the segments, but not for part of a segment. • ALL: Sets the trap for all server IP addresses. ALL is translated to: *.*.*.* • HERE: Causes the IP address associated with this terminal to be entered in the field. This keyword is only valid when the terminal is connected to the mainframe by TCPIP. PORT Server port number for which abends will be trapped. Enter a numeric value from 1 to 65536. Enter a zero to trap all server ports. TRAN Transaction in which abends will be trapped. Wildcard character is asterisk (*). PROGRAM Program in which abends will be trapped. Wildcard character is asterisk (*). Note: The value in the PROGRAM field is not a routable attribute when using the Xpediter CICSPlex Workload Manager exit. For more information, see “User Transaction and Distributed Program Link Routing” on page 17-6. TRAP ABEND Allows the optional bypass of abend trapping. Breakpoints continue to be trapped. Disabling of abend trapping allows debugging of CICS handle abend routines and Language Environment user condition handlers (UCHs). Valid entries are: • YES: Abends will be trapped as specified in the entry. The default of YES can be modified by changing the value of the GBLTRPA global parameter. For more information, see the chapter entitled “Global Parameters Table” in the Xpediter/CICS Installation and Configuration Guide. • NO: Only breakpoints will be trapped as specified in the entry. Can be used to debug handle abend routines and UCHs. TRAP CONDITION Enter the optional trap condition following the word IF. A substring-expression is used to specify a condition than can be used for conditional traps and breakpoints. A substringexpression consists of three components: • substring-phrase • operator • string-literal. During execution, the contents of the storage pointed to by the substring-phrase is tested against the string-literal value using the operator. If the substring-expression is entered on the Trap Summary screen (1.6 or 9.6, based on Xpediter transaction) and the condition evaluates as true, the trap will be taken if all other trap values match. If the substringexpression is entered as a conditional breakpoint, the breakpoint will be taken if all trap values also match. Session Control Screens 7-13 See “Common Parameters” on page 3-9 for a more detailed explanation of a substringexpression. Examples MQMD(5:3) EQ 'ABC' specifies that if the MQ message descriptor starting in position 5 for a length of 3 is equal to ABC, the condition evaluates as true. INITCOMM(3:7) GT 'AAAA123' specifies that if the initial COMMAREA for the transaction starting in position 3 for a length of 7 is greater than AAAA123, the condition evaluates as true. MQDATA(17:1) NE 'X' specifies that if the MQ message data at position 17 is not an X, the condition evaluates as true. CONTAIN+PAYROLL1(40:2) EQ 'MI' specifies that if the program has access to a container named PAYROLL1 whose position 40 for a length of 2 equals MI, the condition evaluates as true. TD(1:9) = '135724680' Specifies that if the most recent Transient Data input begins with 135724680, the condition evaluates as true. TS(8:5) = T'Weiss' Specifies that if the most recent Temporary Storage input contains Weiss in position 8 for a length of 5 (including matching the exact case), the condition evaluates as true. TIOA(*:6) = 'ABCDEF' Specifies that if the most recent terminal input message contains ABCDEF anywhere within it and in any case, the condition evaluates as true. Note: User and system labels defined on the Define User Labels (1.9) or Define System Labels (9.9) screens are not valid for specifying conditional traps. Output Field ENTRY Relative entry number represented by the first entry on the screen. Trapping in a CICSPlex Environment Be as specific as possible when defining trap masks for use in a CICSPlex environment with transaction and distributed program link (DPL) routing. Use non-generic mask information for at least one of the following fields: • • • • • • • USERID NETNAME TERM TRAN Client IP address Server IP address Server port number The values of the other fields are not routable attributes. For more information, see “User Transaction and Distributed Program Link Routing” on page 17-6. 7-14 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual Trapping Remote Abends or Breakpoints When the remote transaction abends, it is halted and this terminal may investigate all areas permitted by Xpediter/CICS at abend time. The remote transaction remains active. The remote user is not able to clear the screen or start another transaction until the investigation is complete and the remote transaction is resumed or terminated. Xpediter/CICS takes control of the remote terminal when a remote abend has been trapped. A bulletin appears on the local terminal when the abend occurs. • If Xpediter/CICS is not currently active on the monitoring terminal, it is automatically started when the remote abend occurs. Note: For remote trapping, Xpediter/CICS issues an EXEC CICS START from the task that is trapped. Starting that transaction cancels any outstanding POST commands executed by the trapped task. For more information, refer to the CICS Application Programming Reference manual. • If Xpediter/CICS is started on the monitoring terminal, you can view an active remote abend on the List Abends screen (1.3). The highlighted tasks are active and can be selected by typing an S next to the task to be investigated. Local abends must resume or terminate before you can select a remote abend. Remote tasks can resume from a breakpoint or from certain program check abends. To view the task at the next breakpoint or at another abend, access the List Abends screen (1.3) after the bulletin informs you that a break/abend has been encountered. Resuming a remote task produces a TASK HAS BEEN RESUMED message on the System Facilities Menu. You can terminate the remote task from a breakpoint or abend by accessing the Exit Session screen, typing YES in the DUMP OPTION field, and pressing Enter. Intercept Summary (1.7) The Intercept Summary (1.7) provides an easy method for entering multiple intercept commands. Before breakpoints set at the entry point of a CSECT are considered intercepts. Access this screen by typing the number 7 on the Session Control Menu, or as described in “Transferring Between Screens” on page 2-5. Figure 7-7. Intercept Summary (1.7) ------------------- XPEDITER/CICS - INTERCEPT SUMMARY (1.7) ---------------C123 COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> CSR MODULE: CWDEMCB2 CSECT: CWDEMCB2 COMPILED: 09 JUN 2005 - 11.23.01 LOAD DEL MODULE CSECT LISTING OFFSET STATUS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _ cwdemasm ________________ _ cwdemasm cwcdsuba _ ________ ________________ _ ________ ________________ _ ________ ________________ _ ________ ________________ _ ________ ________________ Session Control Screens 7-15 Input Fields DEL Deletes existing intercepts or a line in error from screen. LOAD MODULE The name of the module that you want to intercept. A value is required for this field. Value can be any valid program name not exceeding eight characters. CSECT The name of the statically linked subroutine to be tested. The value cannot exceed eight characters. The breakpoint is set at the entry point of this subroutine and the subroutine is selected for debugging. Output Fields LISTING Gives the listing name of the CSECT to be intercepted. OFFSET The offset of the Before breakpoint within the CSECT. STATUS Shows whether an intercept has been set. Valid values are: • INTERCEPT SET: Indicates an intercept has been set. • CSECT NOT SELECTED: An intercept was previously set for this load module/CSECT, however, this CSECT was later deselected on the 2.6.1 screen. The intercept will not be taken unless this CSECT is reselected on the 2.6.1 screen. • INVALID LOAD MODULE: The program is disabled, not defined, or not available. • INVALID CSECT: The CSECT does not exist in that load module. • NO SOURCE: The intercept has not been set because of the restriction that source is required. Storage Protection (1.8) The Storage Protection screen (1.8) sets storage protection by terminal, transaction, or program and displays all current storage protection entries. You are only allowed to modify storage protection selections created at this terminal. These entries show the type of storage protection in effect for this CICS region. You can type over data to change it or use line commands to insert, delete, move, and copy. The request is effective immediately within the current CICS task for this LINK/enclave level and any enclave levels created from this point on. Programs within the current CICS task at a higher (existing) LINK/enclave level are not included in this request. Access this screen by typing the number 8 on the Session Control Menu, or as described in “Transferring Between Screens” on page 2-5. 7-16 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual Figure 7-8. Storage Protection Screen (1.8) ------------------- XPEDITER/CICS - STORAGE PROTECTION (1.8) --------------C123 COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> CSR MODULE: CSECT: ENTRY 000001 LINE COMMANDS: A (After) B (Before) C (Copy) D (Delete) I (Insert) M (Move) CMD TYPE TERM TRAN PROGRAM STORE FETCH SHR PGM CMD Store ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _ USER S123 **** ******** NO NO NO NO YES _ USER **** XCB2 ******** NO NO NO NO YES _ USER **** **** ******** NO NO NO NO YES _ ____ ____ ____ ________ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ _ ____ ____ ____ ________ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ _ ____ ____ ____ ________ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Features of this screen are: • TYPE and TERM fields are protected and cannot be changed. • Entries made on this screen are always assigned a TYPE of USER. User entries (USER) for this terminal can be moved or copied. • Entries marked with the user’s terminal ID can be inserted, changed, or deleted. • System entries (SYST) can be modified only by an XPSP user via the Storage Protection screen (9.8). SYST entries are displayed on the 1.8 screen to provide an accurate status of storage protection for the terminal. Xpediter/CICS performs the following procedure on every LINK and XCTL: 1. Matches the program to be invoked, the current terminal ID, and the transaction code with the storage protection table entries. 2. Searches the storage protection table sequentially top to bottom. 3. When it finds the first match, the corresponding protection options are applied. 4. If no table entry matches the TERM, TRAN, and PROGRAM fields, no storage protection takes place. Protection of program storage applies to all resource-defined programs. If a program executes the following command: EXEC CICS LOAD PROGRAM(NAME) and then branches to that program, Xpediter/CICS searches the protection tables to see if the new program qualifies for a different protection table entry. If no new entry is found, the current entry’s protection parameters are used. Input Fields CMD Line command entry field. Valid entries are: • • • • • • A (After): Line after which a moved (M) or copied (C) entry is to be inserted. B (Before): Line before which a moved (M) or copied (C) entry is to be inserted. C (Copy): Line that is to be copied. (Must be used with the A or B line command.) D (Delete): Line that is to be deleted. I (Insert): Line after which a blank line is to be inserted. M (Move): Line that is to be moved. (Must be used with the A or B line command.) Session Control Screens 7-17 TRAN and PROGRAM Valid entries in these fields set terminal storage protection. Anything keyed into the TRAN or PROGRAM fields is accepted. CICS tables are not validated. The TERM, TRAN, and PROGRAM fields are treated as masks. Asterisks in these fields represent a wildcard character and will match any character. PROTECTION OPTIONS The remaining input fields are used to specify YES or NO for various storage protection options. STORE Defines whether Xpediter/CICS monitors instructions that update storage. Valid entries are: • NO: Bypasses storage protection for transactions that match the values specified in the TERM, TRAN, and PROGRAM fields. The default is NO. • YES: Performs storage protection for transactions that match the values specified in the TERM, TRAN, and PROGRAM fields. FETCH Defines whether Xpediter/CICS monitors instructions that access storage. Valid entries are: • NO: Bypasses fetch protection for transactions that match the values specified in the TERM, TRAN, and PROGRAM fields. The default is NO. • YES: Performs fetch protection for transactions that match the values specified in the TERM, TRAN, and PROGRAM fields. SHR Defines whether Xpediter/CICS monitors instructions that update shared storage. Valid entries are: • NO: Xpediter/CICS allows storing into shared storage for transactions that match the values specified in the TERM, TRAN, and PROGRAM fields. The default is NO. • YES: Xpediter/CICS does not allow storing into shared storage for transactions that match the values specified in the TERM, TRAN, and PROGRAM fields. PGM Defines whether Xpediter/CICS monitors instructions that update program storage. This option allows you to determine whether the program is reentrant. Valid entries are: • NO: Xpediter/CICS allows storing into program storage for those transactions that match the values specified in the TERM, TRAN, and PROGRAM fields. The default is NO. • YES: Xpediter/CICS does not allow storing into program storage for those transactions that match the values specified in the TERM, TRAN, and PROGRAM fields. This setting should be used for testing reentrant code. CMD Store Defines whether Xpediter/CICS monitors CICS command level commands that update storage. Valid entries are: 7-18 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual • NO: Xpediter/CICS will not validate the storage associated with the INTO parameter of CICS commands that match the values specified in the TERM, TRAN, and PROGRAM fields to determine whether it can be updated. The default is NO. • YES: Xpediter/CICS will validate the storage associated with the INTO parameter of CICS commands for those transactions that match the values specified in the TERM, TRAN, and PROGRAM fields to determine whether it can be updated. Output Fields ENTRY Relative entry number represented by the first entry on the screen. TYPE Type of interaction a storage protection entry has with other entries. Three labels are used: • SYST: Value was entered on the Storage Protection screen (9.8) and cannot be altered by the Storage Protection screen (1.8). SYST entries are automatically grouped at the beginning of the table of storage protection entries. • USER: Value was entered on either the 9.8 or 1.8 screen. It can be changed on the 1.8 screen only if it is for this terminal. USER entries for other terminal IDs have the CMD field unprotected, but accept only the I (Insert), B (Before), or A (After) line commands. • AUTO: Value is placed at the end of the table. AUTO entries are automatically created for the user when the XPED, XPRT, or XPSP transaction is entered and PROTECT ON is specified in the user’s profile. Refer to the screen for “Set Profile Defaults (0.1)” on page 6-3. Note: All entries made by the Storage Protection screen (1.8) are automatically labeled USER. When the session is ended, Xpediter/CICS deletes all USER and AUTO entries created during this session. TERM User’s terminal ID. Define User Labels (1.9) Use the Define User Labels screen (1.9) to define, change, and delete labels that identify a storage location or numeric value. Use labels on the Memory Display screen (2.2), and for the following: • Conditional breakpoints. • UNTIL operand of the GO primary command. See “GO” on page 3-48. • CALC command. System labels differ from user labels. See “Define System Labels (9.9)” on page 11-26. System labels can be used by any Xpediter/CICS user, while user labels are reserved for the user who established them. Access this screen by typing the number 9 on the Session Control Menu, or as described in “Transferring Between Screens” on page 2-5. Figure 7-9 is an example of the Define User Labels screen. Session Control Screens 7-19 Figure 7-9. Define User Labels Screen (1.9) ------------------- XPEDITER/CICS - DEFINE USER LABELS (1.9) --------------C123 COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> CSR MODULE: CWDEMCB2 CSECT: CWDEMCB2 COMPILED: 09 JUN 2005 - 11.23.01 DEFAULT BASE LABELS: CSA DCT EIS FCT MOD OFL PGM TCA TCT ADDR PADDR PLEN R0..R15 INITCOMM MQMD MQDATA USER BASE ENTRY OR + OR USE RESULTING DEL LABEL LABEL PGM-NAME OFFSET CONTENT LENGTH VALUE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ _ ________ ________ ________ _________ _ ________ _ ________ ________ ________ _________ _ ________ _ ________ ________ ________ _________ _ ________ Usually, users cannot define absolute storage addresses of CICS or transaction control blocks before startup. Most of those locations can vary depending on the region started or the number of transactions executing. Default base labels and user labels act as building blocks, allowing you to equate labels to relative locations. A user label can build upon any other user, system, or default base label. For example, when using the CSA default base label, you can locate and label many CICS or transaction storage location. Default Base Labels Default base Xpediter/CICS labels are: ADDR The offset field represents a storage address. CSA Common system area. DCT Destination control table that allows an entry name in the ENTRY field. If no name is provided, the table’s first entry is used. EIS Execute interface storage. FCT File control table that allows an entry name in the ENTRY field. If no name is provided, the table’s first entry is used. INITCOMM Transaction’s initial COMMAREA only. When INITCOMM is specified, the USE CONTENT field cannot be set to Y. MOD References a pre-defined module name defined in the program resources. 7-20 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual MQMD MQ message descriptor that was most recently read. When MQMD is specified, the USE CONTENT field cannot be set to Y. MQDATA MQ message data that was most recently read. When MQDATA is specified, the USE CONTENT field cannot be set to Y. OFL CICS optional features list. PADDR Enter a program name in the ENTRY field. The value associated with PADDR will be the program’s beginning address. PGM Requires a program name, defined as a program resource, in the ENTRY field. PLEN Enter a program name in the ENTRY field. The value associated with the PLEN will be the program’s length. R0. . . R15 Current value of registers 0 through 15. TCA User TCA area, which is the area defined by DFHUSTCA. TCT Terminal control table that allows an entry name in the ENTRY field. If no name is provided, the table’s address is used. Input Fields DEL Type a D (Delete) line command to delete a user label entry. When the Xpediter/CICS session ends, user labels defined during the session are automatically deleted. USER LABEL Your identifier that identifies a storage location. The label must begin with an alphabetic character. BASE LABEL Valid user label defined on an earlier entry or a default base label. A user label used as a base for another label cannot be deleted until all references to it are deleted. Session Control Screens 7-21 ENTRY OR PGM-NAME Valid program name if the BASE LABEL is PGM, PADDR, PLEN, or a valid entry for the table named in the BASE LABEL field. + OR - OFFSET Hexadecimal number or an existing user or system label preceded by a plus (+) or minus (-) sign. If no sign is entered, the offset is assumed to be positive. If an existing user label is used, that label cannot be deleted until it is no longer being used as an offset. USE CONTENT Valid entries are N, Y, or a number from 1 to 4. • N: Resolution of the BASE LABEL plus the value of the offset is the value for the new user label. • Y or 4: Four bytes at the location described by BASE LABEL and OFFSET are used as the resolution for the new user label. • 1, 2, or 3: The 1, 2, or 3 bytes at that location are used as the new value for the new user label. LENGTH Actual length for the user label in the range of 1 to 99999999. The following formats are available for input: • • • • • • nnnnnnnn: A decimal number ranging from 0 to 99999999. Xnnnnnnn: A hexadecimal number ranging from 0 to FFFFFFF. X'nnnnnn: A hexadecimal number ranging from 0 to FFFFFF. X'nnnnn': A hexadecimal number ranging from 0 to FFFFF. X"nnnnnn: A hexadecimal number ranging from 0 to FFFFFF. X"nnnnn": A hexadecimal number ranging from 0 to FFFFF. Example The user has an Assembler program that refers to a field at offset X'16' from register 7. They set a conditional breakpoint at +1AEE to be taken if the halfword value of this field is x'0038'. The user defines a user label MYFIELD as base label R7, offset +16, use-content N, length 2. This label can be used with the AFTER command as follows: AFTER +1AEE IF MYFIELD = X’0038’ Labels defined on the Define User Labels screen (1.9) can be used immediately. Output Fields RESULTING VALUE The current resolution is displayed in this field to help identify incorrect entries. All addresses and lengths are resolved at the time they are used. The actual address can be different at execution time. If the address cannot yet be resolved, zero is displayed. MONITOR Summary (1.M) The MONITOR Summary screen (1.M) allows you to enter a list of Programs and CSECTs that you want to MONITOR. Entries may not be wildcarded. If the CSECT field is not 7-22 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual supplied, it is assumed that the CSECT name is the same as the load module name. Only COBOL CSECTs with valid SLS listings can be monitored. Access this screen by typing the letter M on the Session Control Menu (1), or as described in “Transferring Between Screens” on page 2-5. Figure 7-10. MONITOR Summary Screen (1.M) -------------------- XPEDITER/CICS - MONITOR SUMMARY (1.M) ----------------C123 COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> CSR MODULE: *********** Error(s) found. See results below ************ ENTRY 000001 LINE COMMANDS: D (Delete) CMD --_ _ _ _ _ _ LOAD MODULE -------CBUMOVE4 DBLZOS34 DBLZOS33 DBLZOS32 CBZMOVE3 CW100CB2 CWMAPCB2 CWWEBCB2 CWMQMCB2 LINKCOB1 PLZMOVE ________ ________ ________ ________ CSECT ---------------CBUMOVE4 DBLZOS34 DBLZOS33 DBLZOS32 CBZMOVE3 CW100CB2 CWMAPCB2 CWWEBCB2 CWMQMCB2 LINKCOB1 PLZMOVE ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ OWNER ----0587 0587 0587 0587 0587 0587 0588 0588 0588 USER-ID -------- ACMJET0 ACMJET0 ACMJET0 ACMJET0 ACMJET0 ACMJET0 ACMJET1 ACMJET1 ACMJET1 No listing found Not a COBOL listing If an error is detected in an entry — such as an invalid line command, an entry that doesn't match a listing, or an entry for a non-COBOL program — it must be corrected or deleted before another action, such as paging, can be done. The only valid line command is D (delete the entry on that line). The line command field only exists for valid entries. Application programmers may only delete entries that they created. System programmers may delete any entry. Input Fields CMD Line command entry field. This field is only displayed for entries eligible to be deleted by the current user. The only valid entry is: D (Delete): Deletes a load module/CSECT from the list displayed when Enter is pressed. LOAD MODULE Program load module entry field. CSECT Program CSECT entry field. If a CSECT is not specified, Xpediter assumes that the CSECT name is the same as the load module name. Session Control Screens 7-23 Output Fields OWNER Displays the terminal ID of the MONITOR entry’s owner. USER-ID Displays the user ID of the user who created the MONITOR entry. NEWCOPY Programs (1.N) The NEWCOPY Programs screen (1.N) allows you to specify one or more programs for PHASEIN. Wildcards can be used when entering program names, and programs matching wildcarded entries are displayed the first time Enter is pressed. This allows you to eliminate unwanted entries before initiating the PHASEIN. When Enter is pressed a second time and PHASEIN occurs, the following is displayed in the message area of the screen: ******** PHASEIN(s) completed - see results below ********* Access this screen by typing the letter N on the Session Control Menu (1), or as described in “Transferring Between Screens” on page 2-5. Figure 7-11. NEWCOPY Programs Screen (1.N) Before Wildcard Expansion -------------------- XPEDITER/CICS - NEWCOPY PROGRAMS (1.N) ---------------C123 COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> CSR MODULE: CSECT: LINE COMMANDS: CMD --- D (Delete) LOAD MODULE RESULTS -------- --------------------------------------------------------------- ACMEP*__ CWDEMCB* *PRG____ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ Input Fields CMD Line command entry field. The only valid entry is: D (Delete): Deletes a program from the list displayed when wildcard expansion is performed the first time Enter is pressed. (See Figure 7-12 on page 7-24.) The D line command allows you to remove any unwanted programs returned by the expansion of wildcarded entries before Enter is pressed a second time to initiate PHASEIN of the remaining programs listed. 7-24 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual LOAD MODULE Program load module entry field. Valid entries can include an asterisk (*) wildcard character, but specifying all wildcards is not allowed. When Enter is pressed, the screen is redisplayed with a list of all load modules matching any wildcarded entries. Unwanted entries can then be deleted before Enter is pressed a second time to initiate PHASEIN of the remaining listed modules. Figure 7-12. NEWCOPY Programs Screen (1.N) After Wildcard Expansion -------------------- XPEDITER/CICS - NEWCOPY PROGRAMS (1.N) ---------------C123 COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> CSR MODULE: CSECT: LINE COMMANDS: CMD --_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ D (Delete) LOAD MODULE RESULTS -------- --------------------------------------------------------------- ACMEPAYR ACMEPAR1 ACMEPERS ACMEP001 CWDEMCBL CWDEMCBN CWDEMCB2 PAY01PRG INV01PRG DAT01PRG ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ Output Fields RESULTS Displays the result of PHASEIN for each module listed. Results can include the length and dataset name of the module, a program not found message, or the userID of the Xpediter/CICS user currently working with the program. Resource Summary (1.P) The Resource Summary screen (1.P) displays a summary of all breakpoints, skips, counts, and keeps that have been set by a particular terminal. Select one of the displayed program CSECTs with the S (Select) line command to transfer to the Source Listing screen (2.L). A program can be released from this screen with the R (Release) line command. Access this screen by typing the letter P on the Session Control Menu (1), or as described in “Transferring Between Screens” on page 2-5. Session Control Screens 7-25 Figure 7-13. Resource Summary Screen (1.P) -------------------- XPEDITER/CICS - RESOURCE SUMMARY (1.P) ---------------C123 COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> CSR MODULE: CWDEMCB2 CSECT: CWDEMCB2 COMPILED: 09 JUN 2005 - 11.23.01 ENTRY 000001 LINE COMMANDS: R (Release) S (Select) CMD TERM MODULE CSECT KEEPS BREAKS SKIPS COUNTS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- _ A011 CWDEMCB2 CWDEMCB2 00001 00001 00004 00006 **END** Input Fields CMD Line command entry field. Valid entries are: • S (Select): Selects a program to view the specific breakpoints and dataname views. Press Enter to transfer automatically to the Source Listing screen (2.L), where the source listing for that program will be displayed. • R (Release): Removes all breakpoints, skips, and counts set for a particular program. Dataname keeps are not removed by this command. Use the DELETE KEEP command to remove dataname keeps. XPSP users can also remove keeps from the Resource Summary screen (9.P). Output Fields TERM Terminal ID at which breakpoints, skips, counts, and/or keeps are set for a program. MODULE The name of the load module that contains the specified CSECT. CSECT The name of the program in which the indicated number of keeps, breakpoints, skips, and counts have been set. KEEPS Number of keeps set for the program. BREAKS Number of breakpoints set for the program. SKIPS Number of skips set for the program. COUNT Number of statements counted for the program. 7-26 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual 8-1 Chapter 8. Debugging Facilities Screens Chap 8 This chapter describes the screens available in the Xpediter/CICS debugging facility, which is used to assist you in debugging programs. The chapter describes the following screens: • Debugging Facilities Menu (2) – Source Listing (2.L) – Break/Abend (2.1) – Memory Display (2.2) • Select Address – Program Storage (2.3) – Program Trace (2.4) – Display EIB (2.5) – CSECT/Function Display Menu (2.6) • List of CSECTs (2.6.1) • CSECT Selections (2.6.2) • List of DLL Functions (2.6.F) – Show When (2.7) – Last 3270 Screen (2.8) – Channels and Containers Menu (2.C) • Program Channel Display (2.C.1) • Channel Container Display (2.C.2) • Browse Container Data (2.C.3) – DSECTs (2.D) – CICS Resources (2.R) – Task Storage Display (2.S) – Assembler Break/Abend (2.20). These screens can be accessed either from the “Debugging Facilities Menu (2)”, or as described in “Transferring Between Screens” on page 2-5. The description for each screen includes an explanation and illustration of the screen, how you access it, and a discussion of the input and output fields. Debugging Facilities Menu (2) The Debugging Facilities Menu (2) (Figure 8-1) is used to select the debugging facility to be used in the program you want to debug. Access this screen by typing the number 2 on the Primary Menu, or as described in “Transferring Between Screens” on page 2-5. 8-2 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual Figure 8-1. Debugging Facilities Menu (2) ---------------- XPEDITER/CICS - DEBUGGING FACILITIES MENU (2) ------------C123 COMMAND ===> MODULE: CSECT: L 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 C D R S SOURCE LISTING BREAK/ABEND MEMORY DISPLAY PROGRAM DATA AREA PROGRAM TRACE CICS EIB CSECT DISPLAY SHOW WHEN LAST 3270 SCREEN CHANNELS/CONTAINERS DSECTS CICS RESOURCES TASK STORAGE - Display program source listing Display breakpoint/abend information Display/modify memory Display/modify program data area Display statement level execution trace Display CICS Execution Interface Block Display program CSECT names or selections Display active WHEN conditions Redisplay the last user 3270 screen Display channel/container data Display formatted DSECTs Display information about CICS resources Display transaction storage areas 20 ASSEMBLER BREAK/ABEND - Display breakpoint/abend and register information Select an option by typing the appropriate screen ID in the COMMAND field and pressing Enter, or as described in “Selecting Functions from Menus” on page 2-5. The following screens are available: • Source Listing (L): Allows viewing of the compiled program listing online. See “Source Listing (2.L)” on page 8-3. • Break/Abend (1): Allows viewing of breakpoint, abend, or storage violation information for a program. See “Break/Abend (2.1)” on page 8-8. • Memory Display (2): Allows the display of any area within the user region. It also allows you to modify any storage area related to the task where a break/abend has occurred. See “Memory Display (2.2)” on page 8-10. • Program Storage (3): Allows viewing and updating of all data in the working storage and linkage sections of a COBOL program or any currently allocated variables in a C or PL/I program, or any data label that can currently be addressed and edited in an Assembler program. See “Program Storage (2.3)” on page 8-15. • Program Trace (4): Traces the logic flow of an application program that has just executed or is at a break/abend. See “Program Trace (2.4)” on page 8-19. • Display EIB (5): Displays the Execute Interface Block (EIB). See “Display EIB (2.5)” on page 8-22. • CSECT Display (6): Displays a menu of functions for debugging programs that consist of several CSECTs. See “CSECT/Function Display Menu (2.6)” on page 8-23. – List Of CSECTs (6.1): Displays the CSECT names used in a program. See “List of CSECTs (2.6.1)” on page 8-24. – CSECT Selections (6.2): Displays the CSECTs selected by the user for debugging. See “CSECT Selections (2.6.2)” on page 8-25. – List of DLL Functions (6.F): Displays the names of functions that make up the DLL. See “List of DLL Functions (2.6.F)” on page 8-26. • Show When (7): Displays all the active when-conditions. The Show When screen (2.7) indicates the location of all active conditions set in a program. See “SHOW WHEN (2.7)” on page 8-28. • Last 3270 Screen (8): Displays the last 3270 application screen sent or received by the application program at a break/abend. See “Last 3270 Screen (2.8)” on page 8-29. Note: This screen is valid for locally trapped transactions only. Debugging Facilities Screens 8-3 • Channels and Containers Menu (C): Displays channel/container data. See “Channels and Containers Menu (2.C)” on page 8-29. – Program Channel Display (C.1): Lists all channels active for the task. See “Program Channel Display (2.C.1)” on page 8-30. – Channel Container Display (C.2): Lists all containers in a channel. See “Channel Container Display (2.C.2)” on page 8-31. – Browse Container Data (C.3): Allows users to browse data within a container. See “Browse Container Data (2.C.3)” on page 8-33. • DSECTs (D): Displays a DSECT for a given area. For areas related to your task, you may update the displayed information. See “DSECTs (2.D)” on page 8-34. • CICS Resources (R): Displays information on program, transaction, and DB2 resources. See “CICS Resources (2.R)” on page 8-36. • Task Storage (S): Displays a list of a transaction’s allocated and/or freed areas on the USER31, USER24, CICS31, and/or CICS24 storage chains. See “Task Storage Display (2.S)” on page 8-45. • Assembler Break/Abend (20): Shows where and why a breakpoint or abend occurred, including the register contents. See “Assembler Break/Abend (2.20)” on page 8-47. Source Listing (2.L) The Source Listing screen allows online viewing of the compiled program listing. This screen allows you to: • View any program source listing processed with the Compuware Language Processor. • Find or locate any character string or statement number. • Use line commands to view, set, change, and delete program breakpoints, skips, and counts. • Use line commands to view, set, change, and delete selections for data name keeps. • Identify a resume statement by line command, if at a break/abend. • Exclude and redisplay lines within the listing. Access this screen by typing the letter L on the Debugging Facilities Menu, or as described in “Transferring Between Screens” on page 2-5. 8-4 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual Figure 8-2. Source Listing Screen (2.L) --------------------- XPEDITER/CICS - SOURCE LISTING (2.L) ----------------C123 COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> CSR MODULE: CWDEMCB2 CSECT: CWDEMCB2 COMPILED: 09 JUN 2005 - 11.23.01 LV ----- COBOL DATANAME KEEPS ---- -- ATTRIBUTES -- ----+---10----+---20---> 77 CURR-PAY 9(5)V99 NUM-DIS 0000000 02 WA-HOURS 999 NUM-DIS $$$ 02 WA-RATE 9(3)V99 NUM-DIS 00950 **END** -----000356 000357 000358 =====> 000360 000361 000362 000363 000364 000365 000366 000367 000368 000369 ----------------------------- ASRA (DATA EXCEPTION) at CWDEMCB2.359 -> 300-EMPLOYEE-PAY-RTN. IF WA-TYPE EQUAL 'N' OR 'I' OR 'S' COMPUTE CURR-PAY EQUAL WA-HOURS * WA-RATE COMPUTE CURR-TAXES EQUAL CURR-PAY * WA-TAX-RAT ADD CURR-PAY TO WA-YTD-GRS ADD CURR-TAXES TO WA-YTD-TAX. IF PAYEMP1 EQUAL '00001' MOVE WORK-AREA TO PAYROLL-DATA-EMP001. IF PAYEMP1 EQUAL '00999' MOVE WORK-AREA TO PAYROLL-DATA-EMP999. Line Commands The following line commands may be entered on this screen: A (After) Sets a breakpoint to be taken after the execution of a statement. AC (After Conditional) Sets a conditional breakpoint to be taken after the execution of a statement. B (Before) Sets a breakpoint to be taken before the execution of a statement. BC (Before Conditional) Sets a conditional breakpoint to be taken before the execution of a statement. C (Count) Sets counter and monitors the frequency of execution for a statement. CC (Count Block) Specifies a block of statements to set counters. D (Delete) Deletes from a statement any previously set after breakpoint, before breakpoint, count, keep(s), skip, and/or verify. DA (Delete After) Deletes a previously set after breakpoint. Debugging Facilities Screens 8-5 DB (Delete Before) Deletes a previously set before breakpoint. DC (Delete Count) Deletes a previously set count. DD (Delete Block) Deletes all breakpoints, counts, keeps, skips, and verifies in the lines delimited by two DD commands. DK (Delete Keep) Deletes a previously set keep. DS (Delete Skip) Deletes a previously set skip. DV (Delete Verify) Deletes a previously set verify. Note that a delete verify will reset the source display, but will not delete any changes made in memory. DZ (Delete Runto) Deletes a previously set runto breakpoint. DDA (Delete Block After) Deletes previously set after breakpoints in the lines delimited by two DDA commands. DDB (Delete Block Before) Deletes previously set before breakpoints in the lines delimited by two DDB commands. DDC (Delete Block Count) Deletes previously set counters in the lines delimited by two DDC commands. DDK (Delete Block Keep) Deletes previously set keeps in the lines delimited by two DDK commands. DDS (Delete Block Skip) Deletes previously set skips in the lines delimited by two DDS commands. DDV (Delete Block Verify) Deletes previously set verifies in the lines delimited by two DDV commands. Note that a delete verify will reset the source display, but will not delete any changes made in memory. 8-6 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual DH (Delete Hex) Turns off the Hex mode display in the KEEP window portion. This command is only valid if the H line command was previously used on the data field. DK (Delete Keep) Deletes the Keep in the KEEP window portion. This command is only valid if a KEEP was previously used on the data field. F (First) Displays the first line or, if entered as Fn, the first n lines in an excluded block. GT (Go To) Changes the resume point for a program when at a break/abend. H (Hex) Displays the KEEP window portion in Hex mode. This command is only valid while in SHOW ALL display mode. Note: Assembler and COBOL programs that were not originally processed with CSS release 8.3 (or 8.2 with PTF CXJ0088) must be reprocessed if they reference more than 4,000 data fields and the user wants to enter the H line command on fields above 4,000. K (Keep) Sets a keep for a variable in the program. • K sets a keep for the first variable on a line. • Kn sets a keep for the nth variable on a line in a C, COBOL or PL/I program. For example, K3 sets a keep for the third variable on the line. • K* sets a keep for every variable on the line in a C, COBOL or PL/I program. KK (Keep Block) Sets a keep for all variables in the lines delimited by two KK commands. L (Last) Displays the last line or, if entered as Ln, the last n lines in an excluded block. P (Peek) Transfers to the applicable Program Storage screen (2.3) and positions to the first variable or, if entered as Pn, the nth variable selected when at a break/abend. S (Unconditional Skip) Temporarily skips execution of the statement. Note: If an attempt is made to use the S line command to skip the last executable statement of a program, a COBOL EXIT statement, a C return, or a PL/I END statement, Xpediter/CICS will prevent the skip from being set and alert the user by highlighting the skip and issuing an illegal skip message. Debugging Facilities Screens 8-7 SC (Conditional Skip) Temporarily skips execution of the statement if a user-specified condition is met. Note: If an attempt is made to use the SC line command to skip the last executable statement of a program, a COBOL EXIT statement, or a PL/I END statement, Xpediter/CICS will prevent the skip from being set and alert the user by highlighting the skip and issuing an illegal skip message. SS (Skip Block) Sets unconditional skips for all the lines delimited by two SS commands. Note: If an attempt is made to use the SS line command to skip the last executable statement of a program, a COBOL EXIT statement, or a PL/I END statement, Xpediter/CICS will prevent the skip from being set and alert the user by highlighting the skip and issuing an illegal skip message. V (Verify) Displays and allows modification of Assembler object code for the selected line of an Assembler program. Note: Assembler object code cannot be modified using the V line command for a program residing in a protected (E)RDSA. VV (Verify Block) Displays and allows modification of Assembler object code for the lines delimited by two VV commands in an Assembler program. Note: Assembler object code cannot be modified using the VV line command for a program residing in a protected (E)RDSA. X (Exclude) Excludes a line or, if entered as Xn, n lines from the display. XX (Exclude Block) Excludes the lines delimited by two XX commands from the display. See Chapter 4, “Line Commands” for more information. You can also use the FIND or LOCATE primary command to advance to a character string. See “Finding and Locating Data” on page 2-15 for more information. For information on setting and removing breakpoints and keeps, see “Setting and Removing Breakpoints” on page 2-11 and “Setting and Deleting Keeps” on page 2-13. Z (Runto) Sets a runto breakpoint to be taken one time, before the execution of a statement, then deleted. If you have currently trapped a break or abend, the GO command will be issued after the runto is set. Data Area The data area of the Source Listing screen (2.L) consists of three areas: the keep window, the source window, and the footing area. 8-8 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual Open the keep window to display and modify kept data items during program execution. The keep window is opened only in a break/abend state for the program in which a breakpoint has been set or an abend has occurred. See “Program Storage (2.3)” on page 8-15 for methods of modifying data in the keep window. Note: (PL/I only) The keep window does not support PL/I automatic variables with adjustable extents. The source area of the screen allows you to see the output from the compiled/assembled program that was processed by the Compuware Language Processor. The source data shows the source code for the program. The exact statement where the break/abend occurred is marked with an arrow (=====>) in the statement number column. If at a before breakpoint, the statement at which the user is stopped is marked with a =====> in the statement number column. If the breakpoint is an after breakpoint or the breakpoint is taken as a result of a GO UNTIL or when-condition being met, a double arrow (====>>) instead of a single arrowhead is displayed. The footing area displays additional lines of code as well as status information via the SET FOOT command. To display additional lines of source code in the data area, use the SET FOOT OFF primary command to remove the footings from the bottom of the screen. You can also use the SET KEEPS OFF command to close the keep window. Break/Abend (2.1) The Break/Abend screen (2.1) appears automatically if the SET SOURCE OFF option is used and allows you to view breakpoint, abend, or storage violation information for an Assembler, C, COBOL, or PL/I program. This screen can be used to change data in storage, change logic flow, or bypass a problem statement. Access this screen by typing the number 1 on the Debugging Facilities Menu, or as described in “Transferring Between Screens” on page 2-5. Figure 8-3. Break/Abend Screen (2.1) ---------------------- XPEDITER/CICS - BREAK/ABEND (2.1) ------------------C123 COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> CSR MODULE: CWDEMCB2 ****** STATEMENT 000423 EXECUTED STEP=00001 ******* CAUSE: PROG. PSW ADVANCED BY ONE-STEP (TR) ABEND CODE: STOP TRAN ID: XCB2 PARAGRAPH: 300-EMPLOYEE-PAY-RTN INTERRUPT STMT: 000424 OFFSET: 00F14 LAST CICS COMMAND: 000398 RESUME STMT : 000424 OFFSET: 00F14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 000422 IF WA-TYPE EQUAL 'N' OR 'I' OR 'S' 000423 1 COMPUTE CURR-PAY EQUAL WA-HOURS * WA-RATE 000424 1 COMPUTE CURR-TAXES EQUAL CURR-PAY * WA-TAX-R 000425 1 ADD CURR-PAY TO WA-YTD-GRS 000426 1 ADD CURR-TAXES TO WA-YTD-TAX. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LV ----- COBOL DATANAME KEEPS ---- -- ATTRIBUTES -- ----+---10----+---20---> 77 CURR-TAXES 9(5)V99 NUM-DIS 0000000 77 CURR-PAY 9(5)V99 NUM-DIS 3400000 02 WA-TAX-RAT 9(3)V9 NUM-DIS 0200 **END** If a source listing is available (if the program has been processed with a Compuware Language Processor), the listing can be seen on the Source Listing screen (2.L). Although multiple programs may be running in a test session, only the data from the halted program is displayed on the screen for investigation. Once a break/abend is reached and analyzed, three options are available: • Resume program execution if a resume from abends is allowed. Debugging Facilities Screens 8-9 • Enter =X or press Clear to return to CICS and continue testing. • End the session. Input Fields RESUME STMT Resumes program processing from the displayed statement or offset. Resume processing from any executable statement in the program by entering the statement number to execute next. OFFSET Resumes program execution from a displayed statement/offset. Enter the offset number to execute next. This field follows the RESUME STMT field. data field values Current values of the corresponding data field. To modify the field, overtype the displayed data if the data is within storage owned by the task. bounds Bounds, occurrence numbers, or repetition factor displayed if the data item is an array or repetitive Assembler item. Overtype the bounds to see different array elements. The current bounds are displayed for a data item when referenced in the current statement for C, COBOL and PL/I programs only. Output Fields The middle data area of the screen displays five lines of SEGMENT source code around the statement where the break/abend occurred. Line 3, the line where the program halted, is highlighted. CAUSE Description of the abend or a message explaining why the program halted. One or more abbreviations indicating which product functions or options were active at the time of the break or abend may be displayed within parentheses at the end of the CAUSE field. Abbreviation Active Function or Option PR Storage protection TR Trace CC Xpediter/Code Coverage SF System flow ALL All of the above ABEND CODE Identifier of the current abend code (e.g., ASRA), if an abend was intercepted. The following values can also be listed: • STOP: Identifies a program breakpoint. • FTCH: Identifies that a fetch violation has been trapped. • STOR: Identifies that a storage violation has been trapped. 8-10 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual TRAN ID Current executing transaction at the time of the break/abend. PARAGRAPH Last paragraph (for COBOL programs), label (for Assembler and PL/I programs), or function (for C programs) through which the logic of the program passed. INTERRUPT STMT Statement number where the program halted. OFFSET Offset number where the program halted. The offset is provided to determine the verb in the statement that caused the halt condition. Breakpoints set by the statement number are always applied to the first verb in the statement. This field follows the INTERRUPT STMT field. LAST CICS COMMAND Statement number of the last CICS command that was executed in the program. LV (FIELD LEVEL) Level number as defined in the COBOL DMAP of the displayed dataname or the level number for a variable within a PL/I structure. DATA LABEL KEEPS, COBOL DATANAME KEEPS, or C or PL/I VARIABLE KEEPS Name of the data item being displayed. ATTRIBUTES Attributes associated with the data item. Memory Display (2.2) The Memory Display screen (2.2) is used to display tables and storage areas in CICS and update certain storage areas. It can be used to update user and terminal class storage, TWA, TUA, and program storage areas. The following screen functions are available: • Updating is allowed for certain tables and areas. Data can be modified in either hexadecimal or character format. • Invalid hexadecimal input data is highlighted. To restore the original data, press Erase EOF, then Enter. • Program storage is accessed when a table or area is not specified and a PROGRAM name is present. Access this screen by typing the number 2 on the Debugging Facilities Menu, entering the MEMORY command from any screen, or as described in “Transferring Between Screens” on page 2-5. The PPT, PCT, and RCT keywords are no longer valid in the TABLE/AREA field. If any of these keywords is entered, Xpediter/CICS automatically transfers to the CICS Resources screen (2.R) and displays the attributes for the particular program, transaction, or DB2 resources. Debugging Facilities Screens 8-11 Figure 8-4. Memory Display Screen (2.2) --------------------- XPEDITER/CICS - MEMORY DISPLAY (2.2) ----------------C123 COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> CSR MODULE: CWDEMCB2 CSECT: CWDEMCB2 COMPILED: 09 JUN 2005 - 11.23.01 TABLE/AREA: PGM TABLE ENTRY ID: ________ ADDRESS: 38CD9EB8 HEX OFFSET: _______________________________ ERDSA USE CONTENTS: _ ADD OFFSET: _____ 4 1 00000000 00000010 00000020 00000030 00000040 00000050 00000060 00000070 00000080 00000090 000000A0 000000B0 000000C0 000000D0 000000E0 000000F0 2 000 010 020 030 040 050 060 070 080 090 0A0 0B0 0C0 0D0 0E0 0F0 3 47F0F070 40F14BF4 F1F14BF2 00000000 00880400 40404040 38CD9EBD 90ECD00C 00004040 40404040 40F0F0F0 38CD9F74 38CDBB00 00000000 0320041D F540E3C5 23C3E6C4 4BF040F0 F34BF0F1 50800308 000000F4 38CD9EB8 38CD9EB8 5810F028 40404040 40404040 F0F0F0F0 38CDA730 38CDAA9E 00100032 0050E3C8 D3C5C7D9 C5D4C3C2 F661F0F9 38CD9F0C 00000000 00000094 38CD9F38 38CDAA9E 98EFF068 40404040 40404040 0000000C 38CDB730 FFFFFFFF 001E1140 D6D440E3 C1D7C840 F240C3F2 61F0F540 60E86C0C 09000000 00000000 38CDB8A8 38CDBBC8 07FF0000 40404040 40404040 F0F0C040 38CD9E78 00000001 00080005 C8E4D4C2 D9C4C4C5 CCSID TYPE: EBCDIC * .00..CWDEMCB2 C2 * 1.4.0 06/09/05 * 11.23.01..¤.-Y%. * ....&........... * .h.....4...m.... * ......¤....y * ...¨..........]H * ..}...0.q.0..... * .. * * 0000000....00{ * ..¤...x......... * ..]............. * ........... .... * .....&THOM THUMB * 5 TELEGRAPH RDDE * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 5 38CD9EB8 38CD9EC8 38CD9ED8 38CD9EE8 38CD9EF8 38CD9F08 38CD9F18 38CD9F28 38CD9F38 38CD9F48 38CD9F58 38CD9F68 38CD9F78 38CD9F88 38CD9F98 38CD9FA8 The screen can display areas that are critical to the operation and protection of the CICS region, and are protected from update. XPED and XPRT users can only update user and terminal class storage, the TWA, TUA, and program storage areas. XPSP users can use the Memory Display screen (9.2) to update other areas. Data Area Figure 8-4 shows the data fields numbered for explanation only. The numbers 1 through 5 do not appear on the screen. The data area consists of five groups of fields. The first and second fields on the left of the screen cannot be changed. The third and fourth fields in the middle and the right can be changed. They consist of actual user data in normal dump format. The fifth field on the far right cannot be changed. The fields are described from left to right as follows: 1 Eight-position field displays the hexadecimal offset from the address displayed in the ADDRESS field. 2 Three-position field displays the hexadecimal offset relative to zero for the data on this screen. 3 Four sets of eight hexadecimal digits with four bytes each. Modify any data by overtyping it with valid hexadecimal digits (0 through 9 and A through F). If invalid data is entered, the field is highlighted, and an error message is displayed. Press Erase EOF and Enter to restore the original data. Data is not changed if the input is invalid. Note: If the message EDIT NOT ALLOWED appears, data cannot be edited, and the data portion is protected. 4 16-position field of the character representation of the hexadecimal data displayed in the third field. Overtype data in this field. 5 Eight-position field of the actual address of the data displayed on each line. 8-12 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual Input Fields TABLE/AREA Enter the table, area, register, or label to be accessed as follows. The items are searched for in the order shown: 1. A label that has been assigned to an entry in the select address table. 2. Labels defined on the Define User Labels screen (1.9). 3. If the current program is Assembler, and it is at a breakpoint or abend, any label (31 characters or less) defined in the program can be used. The current base register and offset are used to calculate the address to be displayed. 4. Labels that have been defined on the Define System Labels screen (9.9). 5. Any of the following names: – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – CLOT: CICS life of task block (DB2 only) COMM: Command-level COMMAREA CSA: Common system area CURRCOMM: Current COMMAREA CWA: Common work area DCT: Destination control table DSA: Local Storage for High-Level Language programs EIB: Execute interface block EIS: Execution interface structure EIUS: Execute interface user structure FCT: File control table INITCOMM: Initial COMMAREA MQDATA: WebSphere MQ data area MQMD: WebSphere MQ Message Descriptor OFL: Optional features list PGM: Program storage for the current program PLIST: Parameter list (DB2 only) PSW: Program status word SIT: System initialization table SQLCA: SQL communication area (DB2 only) SQLDA: SQL descriptor area (DB2 only) STCA: System task control area TCA: Task control area TCT: Terminal control table TD: Most recent Transient Data retrieved by EXEC CICS READQ TD command TDD: Most recent Transient Data retrieved by EXEC CICS READQ TD command TGT: Task Global Table, for High-Level Languages TIOA: Terminal I/O area TS: Most recent Temporary Storage data retrieved by EXEC CICS RETRIEVE command (data passed by EXEC CICS START command) or retrieved by EXEC CICS READQ TS command – TSD: Most recent Temporary Storage data retrieved by EXEC CICS RETRIEVE command (data passed by EXEC CICS START command) or retrieved by EXEC CICS READQ TS command – TUA: Terminal user area – TWA: Task work area. Notes: 1. The PCT and PPT table entry keywords are no longer supported. Instead, Xpediter/CICS automatically transfers to the CICS Resources screen (2.R) and displays the attributes of the program or transaction requested with the message CICS Resources Screen Replaces PPT/PCT. Debugging Facilities Screens 8-13 2. The RCT table entry keyword is no longer supported. Instead, Xpediter automatically transfers to the CICS Resources screen (2.R) and displays the attributes of the requested resource with the message CICS Resources Screen Replaces RCT. TABLE ENTRY ID Entry to access in the table or area. Type the table entry name for direct retrieval of the requested area. When no entry is specified, the display starts with the beginning of the table. ADDRESS Address to access. When the requested data is displayed, the address of the data appears in the ADDRESS field. As the user scrolls through the data, the HEX OFFSET field changes to indicate the relative offset of the display from the beginning of the area. Typing over either the ADDRESS or the HEX OFFSET field and pressing Enter produces a display of the data at the specified address and offset. If ?? is entered, the last value calculated by the CALC primary command is used as the address to access. See “CALC (??)” on page 3-27. HEX OFFSET Adds an offset to the ADDRESS field. Enter a hexadecimal offset value, a standard CICS label, or a label from a current Assembler program. Xpediter/CICS replaces the symbolic label with the appropriate hexadecimal offset value. If ?? is entered, the last value calculated by the CALC primary command is used as a hexadecimal offset. See “CALC (??)” on page 3-27. USE CONTENTS Allows you to view the data at an address contained in the body of the displayed data. Enter the offset of the location of the address into the ADD OFFSET field, type any character into the USE CONTENTS field, and press Enter. Xpediter/CICS displays a screen of the data at the address identified from the previous display. This is similar to using the SELECT primary command with the cursor positioned on the address. See also “CHAIN (CHN)” on page 3-30. ADD OFFSET Adds an additional offset to the address field. Xpediter/CICS can calculate the data offset. The left side of the screen always contains the offset from the first position on the screen. Determine the screen offset of the address to be used and enter it in this field. Xpediter/CICS automatically adds it to the contents of the HEX OFFSET field. CCSID TYPE Allows you to specify ASCII as the CCSID Type to be used on the character data portion (right side) of the screen when your data is in ASCII. When ASCII is specified, the characters portion of the screen is translated with a table that causes ASCII values to display corresponding EBCDIC characters and entries into the characters portion of the screen will be converted from EBCDIC into ASCII. When ASCII translation is specified, users see a blank where data contains an x’20’, and the uppercase letters A through O where data contains x’41’ through x’4F’ (instead of the mostly periods that display when EBCDIC is specified). The default is EBCDIC. The CCSID Type reverts to EBCDIC upon exiting the screen. 8-14 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual Select Address Screen When the SELECT primary command is entered and the cursor is not within the data portion of the screen, the Select Address screen appears. This screen displays the last 16 addresses used to display data in the Memory Display screen (2.2). See “SELECT (SEL)” on page 3-94 for more information. Figure 8-5. Select Address Screen ------------------------ XPEDITER/CICS - SELECT ADDRESS -------------------C123 COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> CSR MODULE: CWDEMCB2 CSECT: CWDEMCB2 COMPILED: 09 JUN 2005 - 11.23.01 LINE COMMANDS: L (Lock) S (Select) U (Unlock) CMD LABEL ADDRESS OFFSET AREA ENTRY ID FIRST 16 BYTES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ L PROG____ 3B886988 PGM CWDEMCB2 * .00..CWDEMCB2 C2 * _ ________ 0004E350 CSA * ..............M * _ ________ 001440D0 EIB * .&/*..."XCB2.... * _ ________ 3BD47DB0 TCT 0005 * 0005.2.... ..... * _ ________ 3A0C8090 SIT * X.X............. * The displayed list of addresses is circular. New entries overlay the first entries on the list unless they are locked. The current entry is highlighted. Input Fields CMD This field is used to select an address for display or to lock and unlock entries. Valid values are: • L (Lock): Locks the entry to prevent it from being deleted. • S (Select): Selects an address to review. Xpediter/CICS then displays the Memory Display screen (2.2). • U (Unlock): Unlocks the entry so that it can be deleted when new entries are added. The oldest entry is deleted when the table is full and a new entry is added. LABEL An eight-character identifier to attach to an entry. Any data is valid in this field. Output Fields ADDRESS Address from the ADDRESS field on the Memory Display screen (2.2). OFFSET Offset from the HEX OFFSET field on the Memory Display screen (2.2). AREA Contains the CICS area in which the address is located. Debugging Facilities Screens 8-15 ENTRY ID If a table was displayed, this field shows the table entry that was displayed on the Memory Display screen (2.2). FIRST 16 BYTES Shows, in character format, the first 16 bytes of data at the address. Program Storage (2.3) The Program Storage screens (2.3) allow you to view and edit data areas (for Assembler), allocated variables (for PL/I and C), and linkage sections and working storage (for COBOL). If the program was compiled with the Compuware Language Processor, data names are displayed along with their contents. If the Language Processor was not used, working storage for COBOL displays in dump format. In either format, change the contents of working storage by typing over the displayed data. The dump format is not available for Assembler, C, or PL/I. Access this screen by typing the number 3 on the Debugging Facilities Menu, or use one of the following primary commands shown below in parentheses: • Defined Storage screen (DS) for Assembler • Variable Storage screen (VS) for C or PL/I • Working Storage screen (WS) for COBOL. DS, VS, and WS all work for any of the listed languages. Figure 8-6. Working Storage Screen (2.3) for COBOL -------------------- XPEDITER/CICS - WORKING STORAGE (2.3) ----------------C123 COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> CSR MODULE: CWDEMCB2 CSECT: CWDEMCB2 COMPILED: 09 JUN 2005 - 11.23.01 LV ----- COBOL DATANAME ---------- -- ATTRIBUTES -- ----+---10----+---20---> 01 EMPLOYEE-INFORMATION GROUP 02 FILLERA X(67) JOHN T DOE1 TELEGRAPH RD 02 FILLERB X(67) JOE SCHMOE2 TELEGRAPH RD 02 FILLERC X(67) CLARK KENT3 TELEGRAPH RD 02 FILLERD X(67) MARY LAMB 4 TELEGRAPH RD 02 FILLERE X(67) THOM THUMB5 TELEGRAPH RD 01 EMPLOYEE-INFO GROUP 02 E-DETAILED-INFO GROUP OCCURS 5 TIMES 1 03 E-NAME X(10) JOHN T DOE OCCURS 5 TIMES 1 03 E-ADDRESS X(14) 1 TELEGRAPH RD OCCURS 5 TIMES 1 03 E-CITY X(11) DETROIT, MI OCCURS 5 TIMES 1 03 E-PHONE X(8) 987-6789 OCCURS 5 TIMES 1 03 E-SOC-SEC X(11) 123-45-6789 Locate the data on the screen with scrolling commands, the FIND command, or with the LOCATE command. 8-16 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual Data Display Formats All data in variable storage can be updated. Data in the linkage section can be updated unless Xpediter/CICS write-protects the field. To change data, overtype either the character or hexadecimal portions of the display. Data in the working storage and linkage sections can be displayed in different formats. Use the following primary commands to control the format: • • • • HEX GROUP ELEM SHOW HEX The display can be affected by three commands: HEX DUMP Displays data in dump format. This is the default display for programs that have not been processed with the Compuware COBOL Language Processor, and is available only for COBOL. A hexadecimal offset can be entered in the OFFSET field, which appears below the MODULE field when the HEX DUMP mode is enabled. Entering an offset moves the display to its current position plus the specified offset. The LOCATE command can be used with the OFFSET field. LOCATE is useful when the program has not been processed with the Compuware COBOL Language Processor, but a listing with a DMAP is at hand. See “LOCATE (LOC, L)” on page 3-66. HEX ON Displays data in vertical hexadecimal format. The program must have been processed with the Compuware Language Processor. HEX OFF The default screen display when the program has been processed by the Compuware Language Processor. (See Figure 8-6 on page 8-15.) Displays data in a format according to the field definition in the program. If the data does not match the field definition, Xpediter/CICS displays it in hexadecimal format with an 'X indicator next to the data. The rules for changing the contents of each field definition: COBOL only: • Alphanumeric field (AN): Enter any character. Excess data is truncated. • Numeric field (NUM or SNUM): Data must be numeric and the number of digits is limited to the number of nines. A minus sign is allowed only if the field is signed. • Packed or COMP-3 field (PN or PS): Data must be numeric and the number of digits is limited to the number of nines rounded up to an odd number. A minus sign is allowed only if the field is signed. • Binary or COMP field (BIN or SBIN): Data must be numeric. The values allowed for a field are -32768 to 32767 for 1 to 4 nines, or -2147483648 to 2147483647 for 5 to 9 nines. A minus sign is allowed only if the field is signed. • Hexadecimal field display: Data must be valid hex characters. • Floating point fields (COMP-1 and COMP-2): Data must be in scientific notation (for example, +1.2345E+6) and must be numeric except for plus and minus signs, Debugging Facilities Screens 8-17 period or comma decimal indicators, and E or e exponent delimiter. The number of input digits is “free-form”, but is adjusted to the precision of the target variable: 7 digits for COMP-1 and 16 digits for COMP-2. Plus signs are optional. The exponent delimiter is optional if the number can be represented without it. Floating point support only applies to S/390 hex format. IEEE binary floating point numbers are not valid in COBOL or supported by Xpediter/CICS. Note: Rounding errors are inherent in floating point calculations. Values entered or displayed may not precisely reflect the values derived by the conversion algorithms used in language library routines. PL/I only: Note: Xpediter/CICS does not support PL/I automatic variables with adjustable extents on the Variable Storage screen (2.3). • Alphanumeric: Any character may be entered in a CHAR field. Excess data is truncated. If the item is VARYING CHAR, you may change the length by using the HEX ON command to go into vertical hex mode. This mode provides a field for setting the length of the data. • Numeric fields (DEC, BIN, or FLOAT): Data must be numeric. Standard IBM conversion routines are utilized to perform the conversions if the value does not conform exactly to the data type. • PIC fields: PIC fields may be modified by overtyping the data to match the PIC attributes. If the PIC attributes include digits (9 or Z characters in the PIC), you may enter a valid numeric value and the conversion will be done for you. • BIT fields: BIT fields may consist only of the characters 0 and 1. When in HEX ON mode (vertical hex), data for BIT fields is entered in vertical hexadecimal mode (digits 0..F). If the item is VARYING BIT, you may change the length by using the HEX ON command to go into vertical hex mode. This mode provides a field for setting the length of the data. • Hexadecimal field display: For a field displayed in hexadecimal (preceded by 'X), data must be entered using valid hexadecimal digits (0..F). • Binary data: Data must be numeric and within the range specified by precision and scaling. There can be an optional plus (+) or minus (-) sign. • Decimal data: Data must be numeric with values limited by declared precision and scaling. • Floating point data: Data must be entered as a mantissa followed by an exponent. Its value is restricted by declared precision. • Bit data: Data must be either 0 (zero) or 1. Excess data is truncated. • Pointer data: Data entered must be a valid hexadecimal address. You must enter the entire address, which consists of eight hexadecimal digits. Assembler only: Note: Xpediter/CICS supports Assembler labels with a zero duplication factor on the Defined Storage screen (2.3). • Alphanumeric field: Any character may be entered in a CHAR field. Excess data is truncated. • Numeric field (P, Z, etc.): Data must be numeric and must conform to size and data type specification. Data conversion is done for you. Note: If the length of a packed decimal field is greater than the size of the data area in the current keep window display mode, then data is displayed in horizontal hex 8-18 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual format. This means that up to 12 bytes of packed decimal data (24 digits) is formatted for display in the default keep window display mode, while in SHOW DATAONLY mode, where there are 40 positions for data, up to 16 bytes of packed decimal data (32 digits) is formatted for display. • Hexadecimal field display (preceded by ’X): Data must be entered using valid hexadecimal digits (0..F). GROUP (COBOL and PL/I only) Set automatically when you access working storage. For rapid scrolling with PF7 and PF8, only 01 and non-structure level (77 level for COBOL) items are displayed. Valid only in HEX ON mode. ELEM (COBOL and PL/I only) All items display when scrolling with PF7 and PF8 through working storage. Valid only in HEX ON mode. SHOW Modifies the screen format. See “SHOW (SH)” on page 3-113 for details. Input Fields data field values Current values of the corresponding data field. Modify this field by typing over the data. occurs Occurrence numbers, or bounds for PL/I, display when the data item is an array. Overtype them to see different array elements. During execution, Xpediter automatically selects the current occurrence of an array, unless you already explicitly specified an actual occurrence. When an array data item is displayed, the DATANAME area contains an indicator specifying the number of and current bounds of the array. The data field area contains an occurrence number showing which entry in the area is being displayed. The occurrence number can be modified to any valid value within the bounds displayed. This allows you to locate to a particular occurrence of an array value. Xpediter/CICS contains a helpful feature that continuously displays the next occurrence of a table element each time you press Enter. Appending a signed integer (-1 or +1, for example) to any disassociated occurrence level number causes Xpediter/CICS to increment or decrement the subscript by the specified amount. An example of this feature is illustrated as part of the Keep command on “KEEP (K)” on page 3-62. For PL/I BASED data items, -> is displayed in the DATANAME area of the screen, indicating that the value in the data field area is the actual address of the based data item’s value. This field is modifiable if the pointer is another variable. Output Fields LV Level number as defined for the displayed data name. For PL/I based variables, -> appears in this field followed by the name of the pointer upon which the variable is based. Debugging Facilities Screens 8-19 ASSEMBLER DATA LABEL, C VARIABLE, COBOL DATANAME, or PL/I VARIABLE Name of the data field. Program Trace (2.4) The Program Trace screen (2.4) traces the logic flow of an application program that has just executed or is at a break/abend. This screen displays the Xpediter/CICS TRACE facility data only if it was activated by the TRACE option on the Set Profile Defaults screen (0.1), by the SET TRACE ON primary command, or by an entry on the Trace Summary screen (1.4). Note: Program tracing can be used for Assembler, C, COBOL, and PL/I programs. Figure 8-7. Program Trace Screen (2.4) --------------------- XPEDITER/CICS - PROGRAM TRACE (2.4) -----------------C123 COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> CSR MODULE: CW100CB2 CSECT: CW100CB2 COMPILED: 28 FEB 2001 - 09.33.58 TERM: 0210 -------------------------- ASRA (DATA EXCEPTION) at CW100CB2.100460 =======> TASK(00370) MODULE:CW100CB2 CSECT:CW100CB2 LANGUAGE:COBOL II 100426** MOVE '......................00329 ' TO DFHEIV0 100427** CALL 'DFHEI1' USING DFHEIV0 100428** SERVICE LABEL 100429** GO TO 500-MAPERR DEPENDING ON DFHEIGDI. <BRANCH> 100434** MOVE '..{........ ...00332 ' TO DFHEIV0 100435** CALL 'DFHEI1' USING DFHEIV0 DUMMY-EMP DUMMY-LEN. 100436** 100437** 100438** MOVE DUMMY-PAYEMP1 TO PAYEMP1. 100439** IF PAYEMP1 EQUAL '00001' 100440** 1 MOVE PAYROLL-DATA-EMP001 TO WORK-AREA 100441** 1 GO TO 300-EMPLOYEE-PAY-RTN. <BRANCH> 100458** 300-EMPLOYEE-PAY-RTN. 100459** IF WA-TYPE EQUAL 'N' OR 'I' OR 'S' <ABEND "ASRA" HAS BEEN TRAPPED> 100460** 1 COMPUTE CURR-PAY EQUAL WA-HOURS * WA-RATE ******************************** BOTTOM OF DATA ******************************* Access this screen by typing the number 4 on the Debugging Facilities Menu (2), or as described in “Transferring Between Screens” on page 2-5. If multiple facilities have been traced, the Program Trace Directory screen appears. Select your terminal on that screen. Figure 8-8. Program Trace Screen (2.4) ---------------- XPEDITER/CICS - PROGRAM TRACE DIRECTORY (2.4) ------------C123 COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> CSR MODULE: CSECT: SEL TERM/IP TYPE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _ 0451 Terminal _ 0484 Terminal *END* 8-20 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual Output Fields data area The data area shows the task number, program name, language, statement number, and the source statement that executed. The data displays with the most recent entry in the trace table as the last entry on the screen. Scroll up to see the statements executed earlier. If no source is available for a program, the Program Trace screen will display a list of offsets executed for the program. Several highlighted separator lines may be displayed throughout the trace. These separator lines provide additional information about the actual execution of the program. These separator lines may designate any of the following: • A new program or task was reached. This line includes the task number, program name, program language. • A <BRANCH> where a change in program flow was detected, such as a GOTO, IF, PERFORM, branch, etc. • An abend code when an abend was trapped by Xpediter/CICS. • The number of executable statements skipped when one or more consecutive skips were encountered during execution. • New resume statements when the execution pointer was moved to a new statement. Use the SHOW primary command with the LABEL, PARA, or PROC operand to view a more compact display of program flow. The resulting display will show only a trace of the labels, paragraphs, or procedures that were executed. See “SHOW (SH)” on page 3-113 for details. Note: The trace of an optimized program may not be in the order expected. The optimizer process reorders the logic for efficiency, and the object module may end up different from the source. This trace table is not purged until the session terminates or the trace is turned off. It contains trace information for transactions in this session. The trace table is a wraparound table. As it fills up, the oldest entries are displaced by the newer ones. TERM Current terminal identification. TASK CICS task number to which the trace entries apply. PROGRAM Program name to which the trace entries apply. LANGUAGE Language for the specified program. PRINT Command The PRINT primary command can be used to produce hard copy output of the program trace at the current point of execution. For more information, see “PRINT” on page 3-82. A site must be running JES2 or JES3 as its print spooler for this printout to be available. Debugging Facilities Screens 8-21 Output is written to a JES SYSOUT dataset that is routed to the JES HOLD queue. By logging onto TSO and using SDSF, you can view and perform finds in the output before directing it to a printer. The OUTPUT PARAMETERS screen (Figure 8-9) is displayed when the PRINT command is entered. Additional data for routing the output to the desired destination is entered on this screen. Figure 8-9. Program Trace Output Parameters Screen --------------------- XPEDITER/CICS - PROGRAM TRACE (2.4) -----------------C123 COMMAND ===> PRINT SCROLL ===> CSR MODULE: CWDEMCB2 CSECT: CWDEMCB2 COMPILED: 09 JUN 2005 - 11.23.01 OUTPUT PARAMETERS VALID COMMANDS: END = OUTPUT TO JES QUEUE CANCEL = ABORT OUTPUT SYSOUT CLASS..... NODE............. DESTINATION...... TITLE............ NAME............. ROOM............. BUILDING......... DEPARTMENT....... ADDRESS.......... Enter any data that is required at your installation. To complete the print operation, simply use the END command or key. Output will be spooled to the JES HOLD queue so you can review it before printing. To cancel the print operation, enter a CANCEL command. If your site is using Xpediter’s profile dataset, parameters entered on this screen are saved in your profile and retained when you end your Xpediter debugging session. Otherwise the data will not be saved between sessions. The following three fields are always displayed on the Output Parameters screen: SYSOUT CLASS Enter a 1-byte value in the range A to Z, 0 to 9, or an asterisk (*) to specify the JES output class to be used for the program trace SYSOUT dataset. NODE (Optional) If your site has multiple JES nodes available, you can route the output to a specific node by entering the JES node name here. If you do not have multiple nodes, or wish the output to be routed to the node associated with your CICS region, leave this field blank. Data entered in this field must be 1 to 8 positions in length and designate a valid JES node. DESTINATION (Required) Specify the JES remote or local terminal, remote workstation, local device, or userID to which you want the output directed. In most cases, you will enter your userID. If you specify a printer ID in this field, the output will stay in the HOLD queue until it is released for printing. Data entered in this field must be 1 to 8 positions in length. The following six fields are displayed if your JES2 or JES3 supports use of the OUTADD and OUTDEL macros. These macros are used to specify data corresponding to the six fields that are supported on the OUTPUT JCL statement. Each field is 1 to 60 bytes in 8-22 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual length and all are optional. Text entered in these fields is printed on the JES banner pages that accompany the printed output. Many sites use this data to ensure proper delivery of printed output. TITLE Enter text to be printed in the TITLE field of the JES banner page. NAME Enter text to be printed in the NAME field of the JES banner page. ROOM Enter text to be printed in the ROOM field of the JES banner page. BUILDING Enter text to be printed in the BUILDING field of the JES banner page. DEPARTMENT Enter text to be printed in the DEPARTMENT field of the JES banner page. ADDRESS Enter text to be printed in the ADDRESS field of the JES banner page. Only one address line can be used. Display EIB (2.5) The Display EIB screen (2.5) displays many commonly used components of the EIB in an easy-to-read format that allows them to be quickly identified. Components include the ID of the terminal being used, the transaction ID that initiated the task, and the results of the last executed command. Access this screen by typing the number 5 on the Debugging Facilities Menu, or as described in “Transferring Between Screens” on page 2-5. The DSECTs screen (2.D) can be used to display the complete EIB. See “Channels and Containers Menu (2.C)” on page 8-29. Debugging Facilities Screens 8-23 Figure 8-10. Display EIB Screen (2.5) ---------------------- XPEDITER/CICS - DISPLAY EIB (2.5) ------------------C123 COMMAND ===> MODULE: CWDEMCB2 CSECT: CWDEMCB2 COMPILED: 09 JUN 2005 - 11.23.01 EIBTIME EIBDATE EIBTRNID EIBTASKN EIBTRMID EIBCPOSN EIBCALEN EIBAID EIBFN EIBRCODE EIBDS EIBREQID EIBRSCE EIBRESP EIBRESP2 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 15:19:13 (1)03/237 (25 AUG 2003) XCB2 01245 0005 0004 00000 X'7D' (ENTER) X'0000' X'000000000000' ........ ........ X'00000000' X'00000000' (NORMAL) The displayed EIB fields are formatted by the data type. The fields are displayed using the datanames as provided within the copy statements for CICS. For additional information on these fields, refer to the appropriate application reference manuals. CSECT/Function Display Menu (2.6) The CSECT/Function Display Menu (2.6) is used to access CSECTs/DLL functions available to work with. There are three types of lists: • List of all CSECTs defined in the current program • List of all CSECTs selected for debugging • List of all functions in a DLL Access this screen by typing the number 6 on the Debugging Facilities Menu, or type =2.6 in the COMMAND field. Figure 8-11. CSECT/Function Display Menu (2.6) -------------- XPEDITER/CICS - CSECT/FUNCTION DISPLAY MENU (2.6) ----------C123 COMMAND ===> MODULE: CW@DLL 1 2 F CSECT: CWZDLL_F LIST OF CSECTS CSECT SELECTIONS DLL FUNCTIONS COMPILED: 29 MAR 2006 - 11:18:58 - Display all CSECTs in current program - Display/modify list of selected CSECTs - Display all FUNCTIONs in a DLL To access a screen, do any of the following: • Type the screen ID number in the command field and press Enter. • Tab the cursor to the prefix field that precedes the item on the menu to be selected, type S for select, and press Enter. • Type SELECT in the COMMAND field, move the cursor to the line on which the item to be accessed is displayed, and press Enter. • Type SELECT csectname in the COMMAND field. 8-24 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual List of CSECTs (2.6.1) The List of CSECTs screen (2.6.1) displays the names of CSECTs used in a program, as well as the offset, length, and address of each CSECT within the load module. You can specify a different module name by overtyping any of the listing fields. The SELECT primary command can be used to select a CSECT and position it to the top of the display. Access this screen by typing 1 on the CSECT/Function Display Menu (2.6), or type =2.6.1 in the COMMAND field. Figure 8-12. List of CSECTs Screen (2.6.1) -------------------- XPEDITER/CICS - LIST OF CSECTS (2.6.1) ---------------C123 COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> CSR MODULE: CWDEMCB2 CSECT: CWDEMCB2 COMPILED: 28 MAY 2003 - 11.11.29 LINE COMMANDS: D (Deselect) S (Select) I (Intercept) V (View Source) LOADED FROM LIBRARY: XD.TEST.R80.CX820.LOADLIB CMD CSECT LISTING SEL OFFSET LENGTH ADDRESS ERROR ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- DFHECI EXCL 00000000 00000048 38CEC100 _ CWDEMCB2 CWDEMCB2 INTR 00000048 00001C48 38CEC148 _ CWCDSUBA XWCDSUBA YES 00001C90 000000C1 38CEDD90 IGZEBST EXCL 00001D58 00000490 38CEDE58 **END** Input Field CMD This field is used to select and deselect CSECTs. The following line commands are valid on this screen: • S: Select this CSECT. After you press Enter, the SELECTED field shows a value of YES for the CSECT that was selected. When a CSECT has been selected, an entry is made in the CSECT selections table. This entry appears on the CSECT Selections screen (2.6.2). • D: Remove the selection of this CSECT. A value of NO appears in the SELECTED field for this CSECT after you press Enter and deletes the entry from the CSECT Selections screen. • I: Intercept this CSECT, select the CSECT, and set a breakpoint at the entry point for it. • V: Transfer to the 2.L screen and displays the source for the specified CSECT. Output Fields CSECT This field shows the names of all CSECTs contained in the application program. LISTING This field allows you to specify the listing name by overtyping the current value if it differs from the CSECT name. SELECTED This field shows the status of the CSECT. Possible values are: Debugging Facilities Screens 8-25 • NO: CSECT is not selected. • YES: CSECT is selected. • EXCLUDED: CSECT was excluded on the 9.5 screen and cannot be selected. The CMD field is protected from input. • INTRCEPT: CSECT is selected and a break has been set at the entry point for the CSECT. OFFSET Shows the hexadecimal offset of each CSECT relative to the beginning of the module. LENGTH Shows the hexadecimal length of each CSECT contained in the module. ADDRESS Shows the address of each CSECT within the module. ERROR Indicates NO SOURCE if no source listing exists for the CSECT. You can only set an Intercept if source exists for the CSECT. Long Mixed Case CSECT Name Display To view long mixed case CSECT names, enter the RIGHT command (PF11) on the List of CSECTs screen (2.6.1). Long CSECT names will be displayed as shown in Figure 8-13. Figure 8-13. List of CSECTs Screen Displaying Long Name Format -------------------- XPEDITER/CICS - LIST OF CSECTS (2.6.1) ---------------C123 COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> CSR MODULE: LNDEMC CSECT: CPWR_Main-C_Code COMPILED: 30 MAY 2007 - 16:22:18 LINE COMMANDS: D (Deselect) S (Select) I (Intercept) V (View) LOADED FROM LIBRARY: XD.TEXT.R80.CX820.LOADLIB CMD CSECT LONG CSECT NAME (1st 55 characters) --- ---------------- ------------------------------------------------------- _ CPWR_Main-C_Code CPWR_Main_Demo_C_Code _ Extern_CO-outine Extern_COBOL_Subroutine _ LNSUBPL LNSUBPL _ CPWR_Exte-e_Code CPWR_Extern_C_Subroutine_Code _ chWsTSQName chWsTSQName _ MAIN_EYECATCHER MAIN_EYECATCHER CEEMAIN CEEMAIN _ SUB_EYECATCHER SUB_EYECATCHER @@DLLI @@DLLI @@PPA2 @@PPA2 IEWBLIT IEWBLIT IEWBCIE IEWBCIE WSA WSA ***** END ***** CSECT Selections (2.6.2) The CSECT Selections screen (2.6.2) displays the CSECTs that have been selected by the user for debugging. It also allows input if you desire to add, change, or delete CSECT selections. 8-26 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual Access the screen by typing 2 on the CSECT Display Menu, or as described in “Transferring Between Screens” on page 2-5. Figure 8-14. CSECT Selections Screen (2.6.2) ------------------- XPEDITER/CICS - CSECT SELECTIONS (2.6.2) --------------C123 COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> CSR MODULE: CWDEMCB2 CSECT: CWDEMCB2 COMPILED: 28 MAY 2003 - 11.11.29 ENTRY 000001 DEL MODULE CSECT LISTING OFFSET LENGTH ADDRESS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _ CWDEMCB2 CWDEMCB2 CWDEMCB2 00000048 00001C48 3B886988 _ CWDEMCB2 CWCDSUBA CWCDSUBA 00001C90 000000C1 3B8885D0 _ ________ ________________ ________ ________ ________ _ ________ ________________ ________ ________ ________ _ ________ ________________ ________ ________ ________ Input Fields DEL Enter D in this field to delete a CSECT selection. MODULE This field shows the name of the module containing the CSECT. CSECT This field shows the name of the CSECT that has been selected. The name can be changed if the user wishes, or a new CSECT can be selected by entering the name in a blank field. LISTING This field allows you to override the default name used to address a listing for the CSECT. The default is CSECT Name. OFFSET This field shows the hexadecimal offset of the CSECT within the module. LENGTH This field contains the hexadecimal length of the CSECT. Output Field ADDRESS This field shows the resulting address of the CSECT. It can be used to check for possible errors in the input. List of DLL Functions (2.6.F) The List of DLL Functions screen (2.6.F) displays the list functions that make up a DLL. It can be used to select/deselect a DLL function (actually the underlying CSECT) in the same manner as the List of CSECTs screen (2.6.1). It can also be used to set a breakpoint Debugging Facilities Screens 8-27 at the beginning of a DLL function (similar to the INTERCEPT command on the List of CSECTs screen) and to transfer to the Source Listing Screen (2.L) and position the listing at the start of the function indicated. Note: If a CSECT contains more than one function (as is possible with Assembler, C, and PL/I), all functions in that CSECT are selected. Also, setting a breakpoint in a DLL function and/or viewing the source of a DLL function automatically selects that function. Access this screen by typing F on the CSECT/Function Display Menu (2.6), or type =2.6.F in the COMMAND field. Figure 8-15. List of DLL Functions Screen (2.6.F) ---------------- XPEDITER/CICS - List of DLL Functions (2.6.F) ------------C123 COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> CSR MODULE: CW@DLL CSECT: Invoke_C COMPILED: 01 MAY 2006 - 08:07:07 LINE COMMANDS: S (Select) D (Deselect) B (Before) V (View Source) LOADED FROM LIBRARY: XD.TEST.R81.LOADLIB CMD FUNCTION CSECT LISTING SEL LANG ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ _ Call_A_2nd_ASM_DLL_Routine CWADLL CWADLL NO HLASM _ Do_A_PLI_DLL_Function DLLPLIB CWPDLL NO PLI _ Do_C_2nd_DLL_Function CWZDLL_F CWZDLL NO C _ Exec_3rd_C_DLL_Test CWZDLL_F CWZDLL NO C _ Invoke_COBOL_DLL_Function Invoke_C CWCDLL1 NO COBOL _ Perform_ASM_DLL_Function CWADLL CWADLL NO HLASM _ Perform_C_DLL_Function CWZDLL_F CWZDLL NO C _ Try_A_2nd_COBOL_DLL_Call Try_A_2n CWCDLL2 NO COBOL _ Yet_A_2nd_PLI_DLL_Routine DLLPLIB CWPDLL NO PLI **END** Input Fields MODULE Field used to show the name of the current application program. For a DLL, this defaults to the first physical CSECT in the DLL load module for which source is available. Access to the source listing for the DLL function is available by entering the DLL name in the MODULE field at the top of the screen and transferring to the Source Listing screen (2.L). CMD This field is used to select and deselect DLL functions. The following line commands are valid on this screen: • S: Select this DLL function. After you press Enter, the SEL field shows a value of YES for the DLL function that was selected. When a DLL function has been selected, an entry is made in the CSECT selections table. When you select a DLL function, all DLL functions in that CSECT are selected. This entry appears on the CSECT Selections screen (2.6.2). • D: Remove the selection of this DLL function. A value of NO appears in the SEL field for this DLL function after you press Enter and deletes the entry from the CSECT Selections screen. When you deselect a DLL function, all DLL functions in that CSECT are deselected. • B: Select the DLL function and set a breakpoint at the entry point for that DLL function. • V: Transfer to the 2.L screen and position at the beginning of the source for the specified DLL function. 8-28 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual Output Fields FUNCTION This field shows the functions in the DLL. CSECT This field shows the names of all CSECTs contained in the DLL module. LISTING This field allows you to specify the listing name by overtyping the current value if it differs from the CSECT name. SEL This field shows the status of the DLL. Possible values are: • NO: DLL function is not selected. • YES: DLL function is selected. • EXCLUDED: CSECT containing the DLL functions was excluded on the 9.5 screen and cannot be selected. The CMD field is protected from input. LANG This field shows the language for the specified DLL functions. SHOW WHEN (2.7) The SHOW WHEN screen (2.7) displays active when-conditions set in a program. The screen also allows you to remove when-conditions. Access the SHOW WHEN screen by typing the number 7 on the Debugging Facilities Menu (2), or from any screen type =2.7 in the COMMAND field, or use the SHOW WHEN primary command. Figure 8-16. SHOW WHEN Screen (2.7) for C, COBOL and PL/I ----------------------- XPEDITER/CICS - SHOW WHEN (2.7) -------------------C123 COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> CSR MODULE: CWDEMC CSECT: Main_C_Demo_Code COMPILED: 21 MAR 2007 - 12:14:34 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MODULE:CSECT DEL ACTIVE WHEN CONDITIONS --- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- _ CWDEMC:Main_C_Demo_Code WHEN main:sWsEmployeeNumber = 999 _ CWDEMCB2:CWDEMCB2 WHEN PAYEMP1 CHANGES _ CWDEMCB2:CWDEMCB2 WHEN PAY999-LST-PCT CHANGES _ CWDEMCB2:CWDEMCB2 WHEN WA-RATE CHANGES **END** Debugging Facilities Screens 8-29 Input Field DEL The D Line command may be used to delete a when-condition. To use the command, type a D in the DEL field next to the when-condition that you wish to delete, and press Enter. Output Fields ACTIVE WHEN CONDITIONS The ACTIVE WHEN CONDITIONS field shows the when-conditions that are currently in effect. The entire WHEN command is displayed in this field. Refer to “WHEN (W)” on page 3-123 and “WHEN-CONDITION” on page 3-21 for more information on the format of the when-condition. MODULE:CSECT The MODULE:CSECT field shows the name of the module and CSECT with which the when-condition is associated. Last 3270 Screen (2.8) The Last 3270 Screen (2.8) displays the last 3270 application screen (for local abends only) sent or received by the application program at a break/abend. This function only applies to 3270-type terminals. Press any key to return to the previous Xpediter/CICS display. Access this screen by typing the number 8 on the Debugging Facilities Menu (2), or from any screen type =2.8 in the COMMAND field. Figure 8-17. Local Abend on the Last 3270 Screen for the COBOL Demo Program XCB2 00001 - ENTER EMPLOYEE NUMBER *** COMPUWARE CORPORATION *** DEMONSTRATION TRANSACTION ENTER 00001 00002 00003 00004 00005 00333 00999 DESIRED EMPLOYEE ABOVE: - CAUSES ASRA ABEND - CAUSES AEIM (AND OTHER ABENDS) - CAUSES A WRITE TO TEMPORARY STORAGE - STARTS UP XCB2 AS AN ASYNCHRONOUS TASK - USED TO SHOW MULTIPLE CSECT SUPPORT - CAUSES A STORAGE VIOLATION OF A SAA - ENDS NORMALLY Channels and Containers Menu (2.C) The Channels and Containers Menu (2.C) is used to: • Access a list of all channels active for a task. • Access a list of all containers in a channel. • Browse data within a container. 8-30 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual Access this screen by typing the letter C on the Debugging Facilities Menu, or type =2.C in the COMMAND field. Figure 8-18. Channels and Containers Menu (2.C) -------------- XPEDITER/CICS - CHANNELS AND CONTAINERS MENU (2.C) ---------C123 COMMAND ===> MODULE: CWDEMCHS CSECT: CWDEMCHS COMPILED: 05 JUN 2006 - 09.52.14 1 2 3 CHANNEL LIST CONTAINER LIST BROWSE CONTAINER - List all channels active for the task - List all containers in a channel - Browse data within a container To access a screen, do any of the following: • Type the screen ID number in the command field and press Enter. • Tab the cursor to the prefix field that precedes the item on the menu to be selected, type S for select, and press Enter. • Type SELECT in the COMMAND field, move the cursor to the line on which the item to be accessed is displayed, and press Enter. Program Channel Display (2.C.1) The Program Channel Display screen (2.C.1) displays the names of the channels associated with the specified program and task, as well as the program name, channel name, whether the channel is input or output to the program, the program that created the channel, and the number of containers in the channel. If the PROGRAM field is set to *, data for all active programs in the task is displayed. Access this screen by typing 1 on the Channels and Containers Menu (2.C), or type =2.C.1 in the COMMAND field. Figure 8-19. Program Channel Display (2.C.1) --------------- XPEDITER/CICS - PROGRAM CHANNEL DISPLAY (2.C.1) -----------C123 COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> CSR MODULE: CWDEMCHS CSECT: CWDEMCHS COMPILED: 05 JUN 2006 - 09.52.14 TASK: 00103 PROGRAM: CWDEMCHS NUMBER OF SEL PROGRAM CHANNEL TYPE CREATOR CONTAINERS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _ CWDEMCHS CCC-CHANNEL INPUT CWDEMCHC 3 _ CWDEMCHS lowercase OUTPUT CWDEMCHS 1 _ CWDEMCHS UPPERCASE_CHANEL OUTPUT CWDEMCHS 1 _ CWDEMCHS Cs3-CHANNEL OUTPUT CWDEMCHS 1 _ CWDEMCHS Cs2-CHANNEL OUTPUT CWDEMCHS 1 **END** Input Fields TASK By default, the number of the current task being executed on this terminal. Users can view a list of channels for a different task by typing a task number for a valid, currently active task. Tasks should be trapped by Xpediter/CICS or suspended via other means to ensure predictable results since available channels and containers will change as a task executes. Debugging Facilities Screens 8-31 PROGRAM By default, the current program being executed on this terminal. Users can change the program by typing a different program name or by entering a wildcard (*), which lists channels for all programs that are currently active in the task. The program must be currently active or at a higher link level for the displayed task. SEL This field is used to select a channel so you can view a list of the containers associated with it. The following line command is the only one valid on this screen: • S: Select this channel. After you press Enter, you are transferred to the Channel Container Display (2.C.2) screen. Output Fields PROGRAM This field shows the program that has access to the channel. If the PROGRAM field was wildcarded, all active program levels in the task are displayed. CHANNEL This field shows the channels related to the program in the PROGRAM field. A specific channel can be positioned to the top of the screen by using the LOCATE command. Use LOCATE channelid if the screen only shows one program level and use LOCATE pgm:channelid if more than one program level is displayed (as indicated by * in the PROGRAM field in the header). TYPE This field shows whether the channel was input or output relative to the program in the PROGRAM field on the same line. CREATOR This field shows the program that created the channel. NUMBER OF CONTAINERS This field shows the number of containers currently in the channel. Channel Container Display (2.C.2) The Channel Container Display screen (2.C.2) displays a list of the containers associated with the specified task, program, and channel. Access this screen by typing 2 on the Channels and Containers Menu (2.C), typing =2.C.2 in the COMMAND field, or selecting a channel via the S line command on the Program Channel Display screen (2.C.1). 8-32 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual Figure 8-20. Channel Container Display (2.C.2) -------------- XPEDITER/CICS - CHANNEL CONTAINER DISPLAY (2.C.2) ----------C123 COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> CSR MODULE: CWDEMCHS CSECT: CWDEMCHS COMPILED: 05 JUN 2006 - 09.52.14 TASK: 00040 PROGRAM: CWDEMCHS CHANNEL: CCC-CHANNEL CHANNEL TYPE: INPUT SEL CONTAINER LENGTH FIRST 40 BYTES OF DATA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _ UPPERCASE_TEST12 33 KB 4327859437 Roma tomatoes 99 47 _ Contain2 33 KB 9999654 87653jk8888 5657 fg657770 _ AxD_@&TESTnames 105 B Doe Jane Kay Detroi **END** Input Fields TASK By default, the number of the current task being executed on this terminal. Users can view a list of channels for a different task by typing a task number for a valid task that is currently on the active or suspended chain. Tasks should be trapped by Xpediter/CICS or suspended via other means to ensure predictable results since available channels and containers will change as a task executes. PROGRAM By default, the current program being executed on this terminal. Users can change the program by typing a different program name. The program must be currently active for the displayed task or at a higher link level. CHANNEL By default, this field shows the current input channel for the current program being executed on this terminal or the channel you selected on the Program Channel Display (2.C.1) screen. Users can also change the channel by typing a different channel name directly into the field. SEL This field is used to select a container so you can view the data in the container. The following line command is valid on this screen: • S: Select this container. After you press Enter, you are transferred to the Browse Container Data (2.C.3) screen. Output Fields CONTAINER This field shows the containers in the channel displayed in the CHANNEL field. A specific container can be positioned to the top of the screen by using the LOCATE command. Use LOCATE containerid. LENGTH This field shows the length of the data in the container. The length of containers less than 10K are displayed in bytes (B). Those with a length over 10K but less than 1MB are displayed in KB. Finally, those with a length 1 MB or higher are displayed in MB. Debugging Facilities Screens 8-33 FIRST 40 BYTES OF DATA This field shows, in character format, the first 40 bytes of data in the given container. Browse Container Data (2.C.3) The Browse Container Data screen (2.C.3) displays the contents of the requested container for the specified task, program, channel, and container IDs. Access this screen by typing 3 on the Channels and Containers Menu (2.C), typing =2.C.3 in the COMMAND field, or selecting a container on the Channel Container Display screen (2.C.2) by using the S line command. Figure 8-21. Browse Container Data (2.C.3) ---------------- XPEDITER/CICS - BROWSE CONTAINER DATA (2.C.3) ------------C123 COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> CSR MODULE: CWDEMCHS CSECT: CWDEMCHS COMPILED: 05 JUN 2006 - 09.52.14 TASK: 00040 PROGRAM: CWDEMCHS CHANNEL: CCC-CHANNEL CONTAINER: UPPERCASE_TEST12 DEC-OFFSET: 000000 ADD-OFFSET: 000000 CONTAINER-LENGTH: 0000033105 ----+---10----+---20----+---30----+---40----+---50----+---60----+---70----+---> 4327859437 Roma tomatoes 99 47865 ----+---10----+---20----+---30----+---40----+---50----+---60----+---70----+---> Input Fields TASK By default, the number of the current task being executed on this terminal. Users can view a list of channels for a different task by typing a task number for a valid task that is currently on the active or suspended chain. Tasks should be trapped by Xpediter/CICS or suspended via other means to ensure predictable results since available channels and containers will change as a task executes. PROGRAM By default, the current program being executed on this terminal. Users can change the program by typing a different program name. The program must be currently active for the displayed task or at a higher link level. CHANNEL By default, this field shows the current input channel for the current program being executed on this terminal or the channel you selected on the Program Channel Display (2.C.1) screen. Users can also change the channel by typing a different channel name directly into the field. CONTAINER By default, this field shows the last container that was written to the current input channel or the container that you selected on the Channel Container Display screen (2.C.2). 8-34 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual HEX-OFFSET or DEC-OFFSET This field displays the current offset where the display of the container data area begins, relative to 0. Users can change the offset by typing a value in the range of 0 to the maximum decimal value length of the container area. The field name is DEC-OFFSET when the display mode is character (HEX OFF) or vertical (HEX ON). ADD-OFFSET This field allows users to add to or subtract from the value in the HEX-OFFSET or DECOFFSET field to set a new starting offsetvalue for the container data area. Precede the value with a minus sign (-) to add a negative offset. In HEX DUMP mode, only hexadecimal values can be used. In HEX OFF and HEX ON modes, either decimal or hexadecimal values can be used. Hexadecimal values should be preceded by a plus (+) sign. CONTAINER-LENGTH This field shows the length of the data in the specified container. If the data is currently being displayed via hex dump, the length is displayed in hex. Any other mode is displayed in decimal. Data Area The container data can be displayed in several different formats: HEX OFF: Displays the data in character format. The LEFT and RIGHT primary commands can be used to position data in this format. HEX or HEX ON: Displays the data in vertical hex format. The LEFT and RIGHT primary commands can be used to position data in this format. HEX DUMP: Displays the data in dump format. The UP, DOWN, TOP, and BOTTOM primary commands can be used to position data in this format. The FIND and RFIND primary commands can be used to position to an actual string within the container area. DSECTs (2.D) The DSECTs screen (2.D) displays CICS control blocks that are formatted as Assembler DSECTs for a given area in a format that includes field names, field lengths and attributes, and data. XPSP users can use the DSECTs screen (9.D) to make updates. Note: Many areas are protected from update for XPED/XPRT users. Access this screen by typing the letter D on the Debugging Facilities Menu (2), or type =2.D in the COMMAND field. Debugging Facilities Screens 8-35 Figure 8-22. DSECTs Screen (2.D) ------------------------ XPEDITER/CICS - DSECTS (2.D) ---------------------C123 COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> CSR MODULE: CWDEMCB2 CSECT: CWDEMCB2 COMPILED: 09 JUN 2005 - 11.23.01 TABLE/AREA: CSA TABLE ENTRY ID: ________ LABEL: ______________________________ 8004FA18 8004FA18 8004FA18 8004FA60 8004FA60 DFHCSADS DFHCSABA CSAOSRSA CSASOSI CSASSI1 CSAFPURG CSAFTCAB CSASDTRN CSACSDOP CSASOSON 8004FA61 049 CSAKCMI 8004FA61 049 CSASSI2 CSATCPEV CSAMXTON CSATQIM CSATCPQM CSAPLTPI CSATCSCN 000 000 048 048 DSECT EQU DS DS DS EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU DS DS EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU *-DFHCSADS XL72 00000198 0004B020 * ...q..^. * 0C XL1 00 * . * X'80' X'40' X'20' X'02' X'01' 0C XL1 10 * . * X'01' X'02' X'04' X'08' X'10' X'20' Data Area The fields in the data area can be changed in one of two ways: • Type over the data on the hexadecimal display portion of the screen. • Type over the translated section on the right side of the screen between the asterisks with actual character values. Input Fields TABLE/AREA Table or area to be displayed. Valid entries are: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • CLOT: CICS life of task block (DB2 only) CSA: Common system area DCT: Destination control table EIB: Execute interface block EIS: Execute interface storage FCT: File control table OFL: Optional features list PCT: Program control table PLIST: Parameter list (DB2 only) PPT: Processing program table RCT: Resource control table (DB2 only) SIT: System initialization table SQLCA: SQL common area (DB2 only) SQLDA: SQL description area (DB2 only) STCA: System task control area TCA: Task control area TCT: Terminal control table User-defined DSECTs. For more information, see the Xpediter/CICS Installation and Configuration Guide chapter entitled “User-Defined DSECTs”. Notes: 1. If a PPT or PCT entry is requested from this field, Xpediter/CICS automatically transfers to the CICS Resources screen (2.R). If the RCT is requested from this field, Xpediter automatically transfers to the CICS Resources screen (2.R). 8-36 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual 2. To position the display at the correct area of storage, specify a TABLE/AREA, a LABEL, or both. TABLE ENTRY ID Entry to access in the table or area. Type the table entry name for direct retrieval of the requested area. When no entry is specified, the display starts with the beginning of the table. LABEL Indicates the label where the display should begin in a CICS DSECT. CICS Resources (2.R) The CICS Resources screen (2.R) displays program and transaction resource information in place of the PPT and PCT control block display. This screen allows users to view formatted program and transaction resource information without having to interpret bit and byte values in control blocks. This screen will also display DB2 information for resource types DB2CONN, DB2ENTRY, and DB2TRAN. Enter a resource type and a resource name to display resource attributes in text format as shown in Figure 8-23. If a program is currently loaded, its attributes are displayed when the screen is accessed. If a program is not defined to CICS — and program autoinstall is active in the region — entering the program name causes Xpediter/CICS to define the program automatically. Cursor-sensitive field-level help is available for input fields and resource attributes. Access this screen by typing the letter R on the Debugging Facilities Menu, or type =2.R in the COMMAND field. You can also access the screen from either Memory Display screen (2.2 or 9.2) by entering PCT, PPT, or RCT in the TABLE/AREA field. Figure 8-23 and Figure 8-24 show the CICS Resources screen displaying program attributes, and Figure 8-25 and Figure 8-26 show the screen displaying transaction attributes. Input Fields RESOURCE TYPE Used to select between the five types of displayable resources: programs, transactions, DB2 connection, DB2 entry, and DB2 transaction. Valid entries are: • • • • • PROGRAM, PROG, or PGM TRANSACTION, TRANS, or TRAN DB2CONN or DB2C DB2ENTRY or DB2E DB2TRAN or DB2T RESOURCE NAME Name of a program or transaction defined to CICS, depending on which category is specified in the RESOURCE TYPE field. Debugging Facilities Screens 8-37 Figure 8-23. Program Attributes on the CICS Resources Screen (2.R) (Part 1) --------------------- XPEDITER/CICS - CICS RESOURCES (2.R) ----------------C123 COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> CSR MODULE: CSECT: Line 1 of 19 RESOURCE TYPES: PROGram TRANsaction DB2Conn DB2Entry DB2Tran RESOURCE TYPE: PROGRAM APIST: CEDFSTATUS: COBOLTYPE: COPY: CONCURRENCY: DATALOCATION: DYNAMSTATUS: ENTRYPOINT: EXECKEY: EXECUTIONSET: HOLDSTATUS: JVMCLASS: JVMPROFILE: LANGUAGE: LANGDEDUCED: LENGTH: CICSAPI CEDF COBOLII NOTREQD QUASIRENT BELOW NOTDYNAMIC X'BA0FD020' USERKEY FULLAPI NOHOLD DFHJVMPR COBOL COBOL X'000023A0' RESOURCE NAME: cwdemcb2 LPASTATUS: PROGTYPE: REMOTENAME: REMOTESYSTEM: RESCOUNT: RUNTIME: SHARESTATUS: STATUS: TRANSID: USECOUNT: CHANGEAGENT: CHANGEAGREL: CHANGETIME: CHANGEUSRID: DEFINESOURCE: DEFINETIME: NOTLPA PROGRAM 0 LE370 PRIVATE ENABLED 1 CSDBATCH 0660 17 Aug 2009 09.39.55 ACMJET0 APPLGRP 17 Aug 2009 09.39.55 Figure 8-24. Program Attributes on the CICS Resources Screen (2.R) (Part 2) --------------------- XPEDITER/CICS - CICS RESOURCES (2.R) ----------------C123 COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> CSR MODULE: CSECT: Line 17 of 19 RESOURCE TYPES: PROGram TRANsaction DB2Conn DB2Entry DB2Tran RESOURCE TYPE: PROGRAM RESOURCE NAME: cwdemcb2 LIBRARY: DFHRPL INSTALLAGENT: GRPLIST LIBRARYDSN: XD.TEST.R80.PDSE.LOADLIB INSTALLTIME: 30 Apr 2010 11.34.51 LOADPOINT: X'3A0FD000' INSTALLUSRID: ACMJET0 ** END ** Output Fields The output fields displayed for programs are obviously different from those displayed for transactions or DB2 resources. CICS TS 4.1 introduced resource signature fields for resource auditing. If available, these fields are shown after other resource attributes. As shown in Figure 8-23, these fields begin with CHANGEAGENT:. For more details, see the CICS Resource Definition Guide or CICS Information Center. Program Attributes The following output fields are displayed when PROGRAM is specified as the type of resource. The fields are shown in Figure 8-23 and Figure 8-24, and they may vary depending on which release of CICS Transaction Server is in use. APIST Identifies the API attribute of the installed program definition. Possible values are: • CICSAPI: The program is restricted to use of the CICS permitted application programming interfaces only. • OPENAPI: The program is not restricted to use of the CICS permitted application programming interfaces only. 8-38 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual CEDFSTATUS Displays diagnostic screens when the program executes under EDF. Possible values are: • CEDF: EDF displays the diagnostic screens when the program executes under EDF. • NOCEDF: EDF does not display any diagnostic screens when the program executes under EDF. • N/A: EDF is not applicable, either because it is defined as remote, or because it is a mapset or partitionset. COBOLTYPE Identifies the type of COBOL being used — COBOL or COBOLII. Possible values are: • COBOL, COBOLII • N/A: The program is either not COBOL, or it is remote. • NOTINIT: The program is COBOL, but has not yet been initialized, therefore the type cannot be determined. COPY The load status of the program. Possible values are: • NOTREQUIRED: The program status is either loadable or not-loaded, and a SET PROGRAM NEWCOPY/PHASEIN operation is not required. • REQUIRED: The program status is not-loadable. A SET NEWCOPY/PHASEIN command is required to reset the status to not-loaded, which will enable the program to be reloaded. Before issuing this command you should make sure the DFHRPL concatenation contains a copy of the program. CONCURRENCY Indicates whether the program is written to threadsafe standards or is only quasireentrant. Possible values are: • QUASIRENT: The program is quasi-reentrant and relies on the serialization provided by CICS when accessing shared resources. • THREADSAFE: The program is written to threadsafe standards and takes into account that other programs may be executing concurrently and attempting to modify the same resources. DATALOCATION Location of the data above or below the 16MB line. Possible values are: • ANY: The program’s data can reside above or below 16MB. • BELOW: The program’s data must reside below 16MB. • N/A: The program is remote. DYNAMSTATUS Indicates whether the program can be dynamically routed if it is the subject of a program link request. Possible values are: • DYNAMIC: The program can be dynamically routed if it is the subject of a program link request and no sysID option is specified on the link. • NODYNAMIC: The dynamic routing program is not invoked if the program is the subject of a program link request. • N/A: Either the program is not currently loaded or it is remote. Debugging Facilities Screens 8-39 ENTRYPOINT Possible values are the entry point of the program in the format X'xxxxxxxx' or blanks. If the program is not in use, the product displays blanks. The high order bit is set on if the program has been defined with AMODE=31. EXECKEY Designates which key the program executes in. Possible values are: • CICSKEY: The program executes in CICS key and has read/write access to both CICS and user storage. • USERKEY: The program executes in user key and has read/write access to user storage, but has only read access to CICS storage. • N/A: The program is remote or has been defined as a mapset or partitionset. EXECUTIONSET Designates the subset of API for the program. Possible values are: • DPLSUBSET: When the program runs in the local CICS region, it may use only the same subset of the API program that applies when the program is linked to by a DPL request. • FULLAPI: The program can use the full CICS API. • N/A: The program is remote or has been defined as a mapset or partitionset. HOLDSTATUS Designates whether or not the program was loaded with the HOLD option. Possible values are: • HOLD: CICS loaded the program with the HOLD option. • NOHOLD: CICS loaded the program without the HOLD option. • N/A: The program was not loaded, or it is remote. JVMCLASS Specifies the main class in a Java program to be run under the control of a Java Virtual Machine (JVM). JVMPROFILE Specifies the name of the dataset member that contains the JVM profile. LANGUAGE Designates the language of the program. Possible values are: • • • • • • • ASSEMBLER COBOL LE370 C PL/I N/A NOTDEFINED COBOL applies to both COBOL/VS and COBOL II programs. PL/I applies to OS PL/I, and PL/I for MVS & VM. N/A means that the program is remote. NOTDEFINED indicates that the language was not defined and that CICS has yet to determine the language. 8-40 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual LANGDEDUCED Identifies the program language in which the module is written, if known. Until a module is loaded, CICS cannot deduce the language. In this case, the defined language will be taken from the resource definition. Possible values are: • • • • • • • ASSEMBLER COBOL LE370 C PL/I N/A NOTDEFINED LENGTH Program length. Possible values are: • X'xxxxxxxx': Hexadecimal length of the program. • Blanks: The program is not loaded. • N/A: The program is remote. LIBRARY Identifies the name of the LIBRARY resource from which this program was loaded or blanks if the program is not loaded. LIBRARYDSN Identifies the 44-character name of the dataset from which the program was loaded or blanks if the program is not loaded. LOADPOINT The load address in the format X'xxxxxxxx', or blanks if the program is not loaded. LPASTATUS Identifies where the most recent copy of this program was loaded from. Possible values are: • LPA: CICS loaded the most recent version of the program from either the LPA or the ELPA. • NOTLPA: The most recent version of the program was a private copy, not from the LPA. • N/A: CICS has not used either a private or LPA copy of the program. PROGTYPE Possible values are: • MAPSET • PARTITIONSET • PROGRAM. REMOTENAME Identifies the name by which the program is known in the remote system (defined in the REMOTESYSTEM field). Possible values are an eight-character name or blanks (if the program is not remote). Debugging Facilities Screens 8-41 REMOTESYSTEM Identifies the name of the remote CICS region to which a link request for this program will be shipped. Possible values are a four-character name or blanks (if the program is not remote). RESCOUNT Possible values are the current rescount as a decimal value or N/A if the program is remote. RUNTIME Identifies the RUNTIME environment of the installed program definition. Possible values are: • JVM: The program is a Java program that runs in a Java Virtual Machine (JVM). • LE370: The program will run with Language Environment runtime support. • NONLE370: The program will run with a language-specific runtime environment. • NOTAPPLIC: RUNTIME does not apply because the module is a map set or a partition set. • UNKNOWN: The program runtime environment is unknown, because the program has not been loaded by CICS. • XPLINK: The program is a C or C++ program which has been compiled using the XPLINK option. SHARESTATUS Displays the location from which the program is loaded. Possible values are: • N/A: The program is remote. • PRIVATE: CICS loads the program from a DFHRPL library the next time it performs a NEWCOPY or PHASEIN for this program. • SHARED: The next time CICS performs a NEWCOPY or PHASEIN request, it loads the program from the LPA if possible. If the program is not available in the LPA, it is loaded from DFHRPL. STATUS Indicates whether or not the program is available for use. Possible values are: • ENABLED • DISABLED. TRANSID Defines the name of the server transaction the remote region is to attach to this program when the program name is defined as remote. Possible values are a four-character name or blanks. Blanks indicate that no transid was specified on the program resource definition. USECOUNT Possible values are the current usecount as a decimal value or N/A. N/A indicates that the program is remote. 8-42 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual Figure 8-25. Transaction Attributes on the CICS Resources Screen (2.R) (Part 1) --------------------- XPEDITER/CICS - CICS RESOURCES (2.R) ----------------C123 COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> CSR MODULE: CSECT: Line 1 of 21 RESOURCE TYPES: PROGram TRANsaction DB2Conn DB2Entry DB2Tran RESOURCE TYPE: TRANSACTION BREXIT: CMDSEC: DTIMEOUT: DUMPING: FACILITYLIKE: INDOUBT: INDOUBTMINS: INDOUBTWAIT: ISOLATEST: OTSTIMEOUT: PRIORITY: PROFILE: PROGRAM: PURGEABILITY: REMOTENAME: REMOTESYSTEM: NO 0 YES BACKOUT 0 WAIT YES 0 1 DFHCICST CWDEMCB2 NO RESOURCE NAME: XCB2 RUNAWAYTYPE: SCRNSIZE: SHUTDOWN: STATUS: STORAGECLEAR: TASKDATAKEY: TASKDATALOC: TRACING: TRANCLASS: TRPROF: TWASIZE: CHANGEAGENT: CHANGEAGREL: CHANGETIME: CHANGEUSRID: DEFINESOURCE: SYSTEM DEFAULT DISABLED ENABLED NO USERKEY BELOW STANDARD DFHTCL00 X'00000000' CSDBATCH 0660 17 Aug 2009 09.45.05 ACMJET0 XPEDA900 Figure 8-26. Transaction Attributes on the CICS Resources Screen (2.R) (Part 2) --------------------- XPEDITER/CICS - CICS RESOURCES (2.R) ----------------C123 COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> CSR MODULE: CSECT: Line 17 of 21 RESOURCE TYPES: PROGram TRANsaction DB2Conn DB2Entry DB2Tran RESOURCE TYPE: TRANSACTION RESSEC: ROUTING: ROUTESTATUS: RTIMEOUT: RUNAWAY: ** END ** NO STATIC NOTROUTABLE 0 20000 RESOURCE NAME: XCB2 DEFINETIME: INSTALLAGENT: INSTALLTIME: INSTALLUSRID: 17 Aug 2009 09.45.05 GRPLIST 30 Apr 2010 11.34.52 ACMJET0 Transaction Attributes The following output fields are displayed when TRANSACTION is specified as the type of resource. The fields are shown in Figure 8-25 and Figure 8-26, and they may vary depending on which release of CICS Transaction Server is in use. BREXIT Identifies the name of the bridge exit to be associated with this bridge transaction. CMDSEC Indicates whether external security manager performs command security checking for this transaction. Possible values are: • YES: External security manager will perform command security checking for this transaction. • NO: Command security checking is not active for this transaction. DTIMEOUT Shows the deadlock time-out value in seconds for suspended tasks associated with this transaction. Debugging Facilities Screens 8-43 DUMPING Shows whether CICS will produce transaction dumps if this transaction abends. FACILITYLIKE The name of an existing terminal resource definition to be used as a template for the bridge facility. INDOUBT Shows the action to be taken when a CICS region fails during two-phase commit processing and the unit of work is indoubt. If INDOUBTWAIT is YES, the INDOUBT action will not become effective until the INDOUBTWAITMINS expires. Possible values are: • BACKOUT: All changes made to recoverable resources are backed out to the status they were before the start of the unit of work. • COMMIT: All changes made to recoverable resources are committed and the inflight unit of work is marked complete. INDOUBTMINS Shows how many minutes a transaction is to wait before taking the action specified for INDOUBT if INDOUBTWAIT is YES. A value of zero means to wait indefinitely. INDOUBTWAIT Shows whether an indoubt unit of work is to wait before the action specified for INDOUBT is taken. Possible values are: • NO: CICS is to immediately take the action specified for INDOUBT. • YES: CICS is to wait until the value of INDOUBTMINS expires before taking the action specified for INDOUBT. ISOLATEST Indicates whether user-key lifetime storage is kept separate from all user-key programs of all other tasks. Possible values are: • YES: User-key task-lifetime storage is isolated from all user-key programs of all other tasks. The transaction is not accessible to user-key programs. • NO: The storage is accessible by this transaction’s programs, plus the user-key programs of other transactions defined with the ISOLATEST(NO) option. OTSTIMEOUT This field displays the transaction’s value for OTSTIMEOUT. PRIORITY The transaction’s priority relative to other transactions in the region. Possible values are 1 to 255. PROFILE Shows the eight-character profile name for this transaction. PROGRAM Shows the name of the first program to be executed when the transaction starts. The program name is eight characters. 8-44 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual PURGEABILITY Describes whether the transaction is purgeable in system stall conditions. Possible values are YES and NO. REMOTENAME The name by which the transaction is known in the remote system named in the REMOTESYSTEM field. Possible values are blanks or an 8-character remote system name. Blanks indicate that the transaction is not remote. REMOTESYSTEM The name of the remote system on which the transaction is defined. Possible values are a four-character remote system name or blanks. Blanks indicate that the transaction is not remote. RESSEC Shows whether an external security manager will perform resource security checking for this transaction. Possible values are YES or NO. ROUTING Describes the routing status of the transaction. Possible values are DYNAMIC or STATIC. DYNAMIC indicates that the transaction is eligible for dynamic routing. STATIC indicates that the transaction is not eligible for dynamic routing. ROUTESTATUS This field shows whether a transaction can be dynamically routed if it is the subject of an eligible EXEC CICS START command. Possible values are ROUTABLE and NOTROUTABLE. • ROUTABLE: The transaction can be dynamically routed if it is the subject of an eligible START command. • NOTROUTABLE: The transaction cannot be dynamically routed if it is the subject of an eligible START command. RTIMEOUT Displays the read time out value in seconds after which a task associated with this transaction will terminate if it receives no input. RUNAWAY The number of milliseconds the task associated with this transaction can have control over the processor. After the specified amount of time, the task is assumed to be in a loop, and CICS abnormally terminates it. A value of zero indicates that no runaway task detection will be performed for this transaction. RUNAWAYTYPE Displays how the RUNAWAY time is set. Possible values are SYSTEM or USER. SYSTEM indicates that CICS uses the current system runaway time. USER indicates that CICS uses the limit set by the user. SCRNSIZE Displays the type of screen size. Possible values are ALTERNATE or DEFAULT. ALTERNATE indicates that the transaction will use an alternate screen size. DEFAULT indicates that the transaction will use the default screen size. Debugging Facilities Screens 8-45 SHUTDOWN Shows whether or not the task will continue to run during shutdown. Possible values are DISABLED or ENABLED. DISABLED indicates that the tasks associated with this transaction will not continue to run during shutdown. ENABLED indicates that the tasks will continue to run during shutdown. STATUS Displays the status of the transaction. Possible values are DISABLED or ENABLED. DISABLED indicates that the transaction is not available for use. ENABLED indicates that the transaction is available for use. STORAGECLEAR Indicates whether or not CICS will clear storage for a task associated with this transaction when the storage is released. Possible values are YES or NO. TASKDATAKEY Shows where CICS gets storage from for the transaction. Possible values are CICSKEY or USERKEY. CICSKEY indicates that CICS will get storage for the transaction from CICSkey storage. USERKEY indicates that the storage will come from user-key storage. TASKDATALOC Shows where the transaction can access task-related data. Possible values are ANY or BELOW. ANY indicates that transaction can access task-related data above or below the 16MB line. BELOW indicates that the transaction requires task-related data (such as the TWA and EIB) be accessed below the 16MB line. TRACING Indicates the type of tracing for this transaction. Possible values are SPECIAL, SUPPRESSED, or STANDARD. TRANCLASS Displays an eight-character transaction class name. If the transaction does not belong to a class, the product displays DFHTCL00. TRPROF Displays the profile name for transaction routing. This field contains a profile name of eight characters or blanks. Blanks indicate a local transaction. TWASIZE Shows the size of the Transaction Work Area (TWA) in bytes in the format X'xxxxxxxx'. Task Storage Display (2.S) The Task Storage Display screen (2.S) sequentially displays a list of the areas contained on a task’s storage chain(s). Areas are displayed in LIFO sequence based on your selection criteria. The default is all chains and allocated storage elements, but you may also choose to display elements on the freed chains, any individual chain, or any combination of chains. The default is also to display storage areas for the current task being executed, but you may select any other active task by entering a new USER TCA address or TASK NUMBER. Access this screen by entering the letter S on the Debugging Facilities Menu (2) or by entering =2.S in the COMMAND field. You can also access this screen as described in 8-46 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual “Transferring Between Screens” on page 2-5. The storage area display begins at the most recently GETMAINed area on the USER31 transaction chain (or your selected chain). Access an area directly by issuing the LOCATE address command. Scroll through the list using the UP, DOWN, TOP, and BOTTOM commands. Locate the first occurrence of a string on the currently selected chains by issuing the FIND command and subsequent occurrences with the RFIND command. You can then select an area for viewing and/or updating. Based on your session type (XPED, XPRT, XPSP), you will be transferred to the applicable Memory Display screen (2.2 or 9.2) to view and/or update the data. Figure 8-27. Task Storage Display (2.S) ------------------ XPEDITER/CICS - TASK STORAGE DISPLAY (2.S) -------------C123 COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> CSR MODULE: CWDEMCB2 CSECT: CWDEMCB2 COMPILED: 28 MAY 2003 - 11.11.29 TCA ADDRESS: 0005D080 SELECT STORAGE CHAIN BELOW _ ALL _ USER31 A - ALLOCATED _ USER24 TASK NUMBER: 00048 F - FREEMAINED B - BOTH _ CICS31 _ CICS24 TYPE STORAGE ELEMENT ELEMENT SEL ADDRESS LENGTH DATA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _ U24 0022F9B8 00008020 11C15EE4D740F300 0000000000000000 *.A;UP 3.........* _ U24 0022F938 00000070 8C00006C00000000 6000001400004000 *...%....-..... .* _ U24 0022F908 00000020 0000000000000000 C3E6C4C5D4C3C2F2 *........CWDEMCB2* _ U24 0022E478 00000300 000002F880000000 0000000000000000 *...8............* _ U24 0022D2B8 000011B0 40D3E5E311B00001 0000000000000000 * LVT............* _ U24 0022CE38 00000470 C3C5C5D7C3C24040 0303059897904898 *CEEPCB ...QP..Q* _ U24 00204448 000289E0 C3C5C5C5C4C24040 C000000200205448 *CEEEDB {.......* _ U24 00204008 00000430 00B46EC4C6C8C5C9 E4E2404040404040 *..>DFHEIUS * _ C31 1784F138 00000120 01206EE3C1C3C240 0000000000001846 *..>TACB ........* _ C31 1784F008 00000120 01206EE3C1C3C240 1784F13800001846 *..>TACB .D1.....* _ U31 F 17A1A4A8 000E5B50 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 *................* _ U24 F 00238208 00000010 8500001000000000 00040000110602C2 *E..............B* _ U24 F 002385F8 000000F0 8500001300000000 0007000011010EE4 *E..............U* Input Fields SEL Enter S to display/update a single area from the list on the Memory Display screen (2.2 or 9.2, based on Xpediter session type). TCA ADDRESS Address of the user TCA of the transaction you want to list storage chains for. TASK NUMBER The TASK number of the transaction you want to list storage chains for. DSA SELECTION FIELDS Select the DSA chain or chains you want to display. Areas will be displayed in LIFO order. The default is ALL allocated areas for all chains. You can also request that freed chains be displayed, or both allocated and freed chains for any combination of selected DSA chains. Only freed areas still on the chains are available—not all areas freed anytime during the duration of the transaction. Debugging Facilities Screens 8-47 When you list storage for a task other than your own, the chains may change between when the task storage list is displayed and when your selection entry is processed. Output Fields TYPE The DSA chain that contains the area. These are U31 (USER31), U24 (USER24), C31 (CICS31), and C24 (CICS24). If an area is on the freed chain, it will be followed by an F. STORAGE ADDRESS The application program’s starting address for the area. (IBM “crumple zones” are not included.) ELEMENT LENGTH The length of the area available for application use. (Adjustments have been made for IBM “crumple zones”.) ELEMENT DATA The first 16 bytes of the areas are displayed in hex and character mode to make selection easier. If you need to view a larger part of the area or want to update it, first select it to transfer to the Memory Display screen (2.2 or 9.2, based on Xpediter session type). Depending on your authority and the type of area you selected, you can then view the area and possibly update it. Assembler Break/Abend (2.20) The Assembler Break/Abend screen (2.20) informs you that Xpediter/CICS has encountered a breakpoint, abend, or storage violation in a program for which no source is available. Use this screen to change data in the registers, alter the resume location to change the logic flow, or resume execution around a problem statement. Access this screen by typing the number 20 on the Debugging Facilities Menu, or as described in “Transferring Between Screens” on page 2-5. Figure 8-28. Assembler Break/Abend Screen (2.20) ----------------- XPEDITER/CICS - ASSEMBLER BREAK/ABEND (2.20) ------------C123 COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> CSR MODULE: CWDEMCB2 CSECT: CWDEMCB2 COMPILED: 28 MAY 2003 - 11.11.29 CAUSE: PROG. PSW ADVANCED BY ONE-STEP (TR) ABEND CODE: STOP APPLID: ACMEC123 USERID: ACMJET0 TERM: 0048 NETNAME: TCW00048 TRAN: XCB2 INTERRUPT OFFSET: 000C64 ADDRESS: BB8875EC PSW: 079D1000 BB8875EC 00060001 RESUME OFFSET: 000C64 ADDRESS: BB8875EC LAST CICS COMMAND: INSTRUCTION: 4120 AF68 REGISTERS: LA 2,X'F68'(0,10) R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 00000000 00240050 3AE2A4D0 3B8875DC 000EC8D4 00000000 3AE237C8 00000000 R8 R9 R10 R11 R12 R13 R14 R15 002400D0 3B886A44 3AE29548 3B887200 3B886A08 3AE25548 BB88756E BABAB570 8-48 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual Non-z/Architecture users see the above (32-bit) version. z/Architecture users see the following (64-bit) version by default but can use the primary command SET REGISTERS 32 to see the 32-bit version. Figure 8-29. Assembler Break/Abend Screen (2.20) z/Architecture ----------------- XPEDITER/CICS - ASSEMBLER BREAK/ABEND (2.20) ------------C123 COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> CSR MODULE: CWDEMCB2 CSECT: CWDEMCB2 COMPILED: 09 JUN 2005 - 11.23.01 CAUSE: DATA EXCEPTION (PR/TR) ABEND CODE: ASRA APPLID: ACME123 USERID: ACMJET0 TERM: 0225 NETNAME: TCW00225 TRAN: XASM INTERRUPT OFFSET: 000252 ADDRESS: B588A2DA PSW: 079D0000 B588A2E0 00060007 RESUME OFFSET: 000252 ADDRESS: B588A2DA LAST CICS COMMAND: 0012E INSTRUCTION: FC42 D267 D25A MP X'267'(5,13),X'25A'(3,13) REGISTERS: 0-3 00000000_00201B60 00000000_00201950 00000000_80050F98 00000000_3588A088 4-7 00000000_35AC4870 00000000_355E3EEF 00000000_355E4EEE 00000000_355E5EED 8-B 00000000_355E6EEC 00000000_355E7EEB 00000000_35AC4D70 00000000_002000D0 C-F 00000000_008B4000 00000000_002018E8 00000000_B588A1B8 00000000_00000000 Data Area The status area at the top of the screen contains fields indicating why and where the break/abend occurred. If an abend occurs, the ABEND CODE and the program status word (PSW) field are displayed. If a breakpoint has been reached, the abend code is STOP, and the CAUSE field contains the message PROGRAM STOP ENCOUNTERED. The middle area contains the Assembler instruction for the break/abend and the contents of the registers at the time of the break/abend. The registers can be changed. Once a break/abend is reached and noted, three options are available: • Resume the program, if a resume from abends is allowed. • Enter =X in the COMMAND field to return to CICS and continue testing. • End the session. Input Fields RESUME OFFSET/ADDRESS Resumes program processing from a point other than that displayed. Type the desired resume offset or address into the field. Use the GO command to resume program execution or step through the program. When resuming from another location, the program must be capable of resuming from the location entered in the RESUME OFFSET/ADDRESS fields. For more information about the GO command, refer to “GO” on page 3-48. Registers 0 through 15 General Purpose Register contents that can be changed by typing over the current value and pressing Enter. You may also change the contents of General Purpose Registers 1 through 15 by first pressing EOF. The original value appears above the new contents. To restore the original value, position the cursor to the desired register field, press Erase EOF, then press Enter. Debugging Facilities Screens 8-49 Output Fields CICS SYSTEM Name of the CICS system to which the user is connected. CAUSE Description of the reason the program halted. One or more abbreviations indicating which product functions or options were active at the time of the break or abend may be displayed within parentheses at the end of the CAUSE field. Abbreviation Active Function or Option PR Storage protection TR Trace CC Xpediter/Code Coverage SF System flow ALL All of the above ABEND CODE Identifier of the current abend code if an abend is intercepted. A STOP value identifies a program breakpoint. A STOR or FTCH value identifies a storage violation. TERM ID ID of the terminal at which the abend was intercepted. NETNAME VTAM network name associated with the terminal at which the abend was intercepted. TRANS ID CICS transaction code of this task. INTERRUPT OFFSET/ADDRESS Hexadecimal offset/address at which the program stopped. If no abend was intercepted, the offset is one of the breakpoints that had been previously set during the Xpediter/CICS session. PSW PSW obtained from the system at the point that the abend was intercepted. LAST CICS COMMAND Offset of the last CICS command. INSTRUCTION Assembler instruction at which the break/abend was intercepted in both hexadecimal and interpreted formats. 8-50 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual 9-1 Chapter 9. File Utility Screens Chap 9 This chapter describes the screens available for accessing CICS file resource functions. The following screens, which are accessible to all XPED, XPRT, and XPSP users, are described: • File Utility Menu (5) – CICS Datasets Menu (5.1) • CICS Dataset List (5.1.1) • Browse CICS Dataset (5.1.2) • Edit CICS Dataset Record (5.1.3) – Temporary Storage Menu (5.2) • Temporary Storage Queue List (5.2.1) • Browse Temporary Storage (5.2.2) • Edit Queued Record (5.2.3) – Transient Data Menu (5.3) • Transient Data Queue List (5.3.1) • Edit Transient Data Queue Record (5.3.2) – DL/1 Database Menu (5.4) • DL/1 PSB List (5.4.1) • DL/1 PCB LIST (5.4.2) • DL/1 Segment List (5.4.3) • Edit DL/1 Segment (5.4.4) – DB2 Easy Query Menu (5.5) • DB2 Setup (5.5.0) • DB2 Table/View List (5.5.1) • DB2 Build SQL Easy Query (5.5.2) • DB2 Browse Generated SQL Call (5.5.3) • DB2 Browse Result Table (5.5.4) • DB2 Edit Result Table Row (5.5.5) • DB2 Edit Composite Column (5.5.6) – MQ Menu (5.6) • MQ Setup (5.6.0) • MQ Queue List (5.6.1) • Browse MQ Queue Message (5.6.2) • Update MQ Queue Message (5.6.3) The File Utility screens can be accessed either from the File Utility Menu shown in Figure 9-1, or as described in “Transferring Between Screens” on page 2-5. The description for each screen includes an explanation and illustration of the screen, how you access it, and a discussion of the input and output fields. Note: Do not attempt to use the Xpediter/CICS File Utility to close a file that has active requests against it. This will cause a CICS AICG abend. Using the Xpediter/CICS I/O Area The Xpediter/CICS I/O area holds data across screens in the File Utility during a session. This area is maintained within CICS shared storage. Because data is held in the Xpediter/CICS I/O area, you can read data from one file resource, then write or rewrite the record to another resource. For example, you can read data from a dataset, then write the record to a temporary storage queue. 9-2 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual Use the following commands to manipulate the size of this area while in the File Utility: • INSERT: Creates an entirely new record, if none exists, or enlarges the size of the current I/O area. • REMOVE: Decreases the size of the current I/O area. Data in the I/O area can be displayed in up to four modes. Each mode supports different scrolling commands. Table 9-1 shows the modes and corresponding scrolling commands available on various screens: Table 9-1. File Utility Scrolling Commands Command Display Mode Scroll Commands Applicable Screens HEX OFF Display data in character format LEFT, RIGHT 5.1.2, 5.1.3, 5.2.2, 5.2.3, 5.3.2, 5.4.4, 5.5.5, 5.5.6, 5.6.2, 5.6.3 HEX or HEX ON Display data in LEFT, RIGHT vertical hex format 5.1.2, 5.1.3, 5.2.2, 5.2.3, 5.3.2, 5.4.4, 5.5.5, 5.5.6, 5.6.2, 5.6.3 HEX DUMP Display data in dump format UP, DOWN, TOP, BOT 5.1.3, 5.2.3, 5.3.2, 5.4.4, 5.5.6, 5.6.2, 5.6.3 USING Display data using COBOL or PL/I 01 level dataname UP, DOWN, TOP, BOT, LEFT, RIGHT 5.1.3, 5.2.3, 5.3.2, 5.4.4, 5.5.6, 5.6.2, 5.6.3 Xpediter/CICS accesses file resources using a separate transaction, which it starts. If this transaction does a CICS call, and CICS does not complete the call in 14 seconds, Xpediter/CICS instructs the transaction to cancel once control returns to it. A message is displayed that the request could not be completed. The wait interval of 14 seconds can be changed in the FLWAIT parameter of the DBUGGBL table. File Utility Menu (5) The File Utility Menu (5) is used to access functions for the file resources available to CICS. Access this screen by typing the number 5 on the Primary Menu, or as described in “Transferring Between Screens” on page 2-5. Figure 9-1. File Utility Menu (5) -------------------- XPEDITER/CICS - FILE UTILITY MENU (5) ----------------C123 COMMAND ===> MODULE: CWDEMCB2 CSECT: CWDEMCB2 COMPILED: 28 MAY 2003 - 11.11.29 1 2 3 4 5 6 CICS DATASETS TEMPORARY STORAGE TRANSIENT DATA DL/1 DATABASES DB2 EASY QUERY MQ QUEUES - Access Access Access Access Access Access CICS datasets CICS temporary storage CICS transient data queues DL/1 databases DB2 tables WebSphere MQ (MQSeries) queues To access a screen, enter the screen ID number in the COMMAND field and press Enter, or follow the procedure described in “Selecting Functions from Menus” on page 2-5. The following screens are available: • CICS Datasets (1): Functions for accessing CICS datasets. See “CICS Datasets Menu (5.1)” on page 9-3 below. File Utility Screens 9-3 • Temporary Storage (2): Functions for accessing CICS temporary storage queues. See “Temporary Storage Menu (5.2)” on page 9-11. • Transient Data (3): Functions for accessing CICS transient data queues. See “Transient Data Menu (5.3)” on page 9-17. • DL/1 Databases (4): Functions for accessing DL/I databases. See “DL/1 Database Menu (5.4)” on page 9-22. • DB2 Easy Query (5): Functions for accessing DB2 tables and views. See “DB2 Easy Query Menu (5.5)” on page 9-34. • MQ Menu (6): Functions for accessing WebSphere MQ (MQSeries) queues. See “MQ Menu (5.6)” on page 9-51. CICS Datasets Menu (5.1) The CICS Datasets Menu (5.1) is used to access datasets that are defined to CICS. Access this screen by typing the number 1 on the File Utility Menu (5), or as described in “Transferring Between Screens” on page 2-5. Figure 9-2. CICS Datasets Menu (5.1) ------------------- XPEDITER/CICS - CICS DATASETS MENU (5.1) --------------C123 COMMAND ===> MODULE: CWDEMCB2 CSECT: CWDEMCB2 COMPILED: 28 MAY 2003 - 11.11.29 1 2 3 DATASET LIST BROWSE EDIT - List all datasets defined to CICS - Browse multiple records in a dataset - Edit a single record in a dataset To access a screen, enter the screen ID number in the COMMAND field, or as described in “Selecting Functions from Menus” on page 2-5. The following screens are available: • Dataset List (1): List of CICS datasets that can be accessed from this CICS region. See “CICS Dataset List (5.1.1)”. • Browse (2): Displays multiple records from a CICS dataset in browse mode. See “Browse CICS Dataset (5.1.2)” on page 9-6. • Edit (3): Displays and allows updates of individual records in a CICS dataset. See “Edit CICS Dataset Record (5.1.3)” on page 9-8. CICS Dataset List (5.1.1) The CICS Dataset List screen (5.1.1) is used to view a list of datasets that can be accessed from this CICS system as defined in the file control table (FCT or CSD). In addition to the dataset name, the screen displays the method used to access the dataset, the current status of the dataset, and the service requests that can be used to access the file. Note that Xpediter/CICS attempts to reposition the display based upon the last dataset accessed. To position the display at another entry, use the scrolling commands or the LOCATE command. Access this screen by typing the number 1.1 on the File Utility Menu (5), typing 1 on the CICS Datasets Menu (5.1), or as described in “Transferring Between Screens” on page 2-5. 9-4 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual Figure 9-3. CICS Dataset List Screen (5.1.1) ------------------ XPEDITER/CICS - CICS DATASET LIST (5.1.1) --------------C123 COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> CSR MODULE: CWDEMCB2 CSECT: CWDEMCB2 COMPILED: 28 MAY 2003 - 11.11.29 LINE COMMANDS: B (Browse) S (Select) ACCESS CURRENT SERVICE REMOTE CMD NAME METHOD TYPE STATUS REQUESTS OPTIONS ID NAME ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _ CCABDUMP VSAM CLO ENA REA UPD ADD BRO DEL _ DBUGEMP VSAM CLO ENA REA BRO _ DBUGPRF VSAM KSDS OPE ENA REA UPD ADD BRO DEL SHR _ DBUGSQL VSAM CLO ENA REA UPD ADD BRO DEL _ DFHCSD VSAM CLO UNE REA UPD ADD BRO DEL RLS SHR _ PLAAUTH VSAM CLO ENA REA UPD ADD BRO DEL _ PLACGBL VSAM CLO ENA REA UPD ADD BRO DEL _ PLAYDT1 VSAM KSDS OPE ENA REA UPD ADD BRO DEL SHR _ PLAYDT2 VSAM CLO ENA REA UPD ADD BRO DEL _ PLAYHLP VSAM CLO ENA REA BRO _ SLSD1201 VSAM RRDS OPE ENA REA BRO SHR _ SLSF001 VSAM RRDS OPE ENA REA BRO SHR _ SLSF002 VSAM RRDS OPE ENA REA BRO SHR **END** Note: Authorized users can modify the current status and add or delete service requests (allow update, remove delete, etc.). To change the service request, the dataset first must be closed and disabled. Input Fields CMD Line command entry field. Valid entries are: • B (Browse): Browses a dataset using the Browse CICS Dataset screen (5.1.2). If a service request browse has not been defined for the dataset, then B functions as S. • S (Select): Display and update a single record from a dataset with the Edit CICS Dataset Record screen (5.1.3). CURRENT STATUS Status of the dataset as it exists for CICS. Valid entries are: • • • • • CLO: Closes the dataset for access by CICS. OPE: Opens the dataset for access by CICS. DIS: Disables access to the dataset by CICS. ENA: Enables access to the dataset by CICS. UNE: Disables access to the dataset by CICS. This status is set when a CLOSE is done for a dataset. Notes: 1. Authorized users can overtype these values with the first letter of the request (for example, O for OPE, C for CLO). 2. These values cannot be overtyped for SLS datasets or SDB datasets. SERVICE REQUESTS Service request types of calls that can be performed on a dataset. These service requests are defined by the systems programmer in the CICS FCT or CSD. Valid entries are: File Utility Screens 9-5 • REA: Read access is allowed. • UPD: Updates are allowed for current records. • ADD: New records can be added. • BRO: Dataset can be sequentially browsed in a forward direction. VSAM KSDS datasets can also be browsed in a backward direction. • DEL: Records can be deleted. Notes: 1. Authorized users with access to a particular set of service requests can type over the values using the first letter of the request (for example, A for ADD, B for BRO). To remove a particular service request, blank out the type or press Erase EOF to clear it. To add or remove a service request, first CLOSE and DISABLE the current status of the dataset. 2. These values cannot be overtyped for SLS datasets, SDB datasets, or the code coverage XVTCSPEC file. Output Fields NAME Name of the dataset as defined in the CICS FCT or CSD and used in CICS file control calls to access the dataset. ACCESS METHOD Access method used for this dataset. Valid entries are: • BDAM: Basic Direct Access Method • VSAM: Virtual Storage Access Method. ACCESS TYPE Type of access used in the specified access method for the dataset. Valid entries are: • • • • • • DA-UNB: BDAM direct access, unblocked dataset DA-REL: BDAM blocked dataset, deblocked by relative record DA-KEY: BDAM blocked dataset, deblocked by key KSDS: VSAM key-sequenced dataset RRDS: VSAM relative record dataset ESDS: VSAM entry-sequenced dataset. Note: KSDS, RRDS, and ESDS are only displayed for VSAM datasets that are in an OPEN status. OPTIONS Options that apply to a dataset as defined in the CICS FCT or CSD. These options define the type of enqueue used for the dataset when opened by CICS. Valid entries are: • EXC: Places exclusive control on the record when a read for update call is made to the record. If the dataset is a BDAM dataset, exclusive control operates on the entire block rather than the record and lasts until the update is complete. CICS enqueues operate on a single record and last until a sync point is issued or the end of task is reached. • RLS: CICS TS Record Level Sharing was selected when defining the dataset to CICS. Applicable to VSAM datasets only. RLS and EXC are mutually exclusive. • SHR: The dataset was defined with the DISP=SHR option. 9-6 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual • OLD: The dataset was defined with the DISP=OLD option. REMOTE Information for datasets defined as REMOTE to this CICS system. These datasets are under control of another CICS system, but have been defined in the CICS FCT or CSD as available for access by this CICS system. • ID: CICS system ID used to access the dataset using the CICS intercommunication facilities. • NAME: Name of the dataset defined to the remote system. Because different CICS systems can reference the same dataset by different names, this field identifies the real name of the dataset on the remote system. Browse CICS Dataset (5.1.2) The Browse CICS Dataset screen (5.1.2) allows access to all records in a CICS defined dataset in browse mode. Data can be displayed in either character or vertical hexadecimal format. If authorized, you can delete records from a dataset. Under CICS TS, various locked messages may be displayed if the file’s read integrity is defined as consistent or repeatable. RLS LOCKED will be displayed if a record has a Record Level Sharing (RLS) retained lock, and RECORD BUSY will be displayed if a record has an RLS active lock. The CMD field is not available for RLS locked records within the file. Per CICS conventions, the actual record is displayed for those defined as uncommitted, even if the record has a lock. This screen only allows access to CICS datasets in the CICS FCT or CSD. To access temporary storage queues, transient datasets, DL/I databases, DB2 tables, or MQ queues exit this screen and select the desired option from the File Utility Menu (5). Access this screen by typing the number 1.2 on the File Utility Menu (5), typing 2 on the CICS Datasets Menu (5.1), or from any screen by typing =5.1.2 in the COMMAND field. Figure 9-4. Browse CICS Dataset Screen (5.1.2) ----------------- XPEDITER/CICS - BROWSE CICS DATASET (5.1.2) -------------C123 COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> CSR MODULE: CSECT: ACCESS METHOD: VSAM TYPE: KSDS FILENAME: DBUGPRF RECFM: V KEYLN: 00008 MAX RECLN: 04089 RKP: 00000 KEY FIELD: ----+--8 ALTKEYS CDEDCEE4 13325820 LINE COMMANDS: CMD _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ RECLN 01348 01348 01341 00010 01341 01341 04081 04081 01341 D (Delete) S (Select) ----+---10----+---20----+---30----+---40----+---50----+---60----+--> ALTKEYS PAGE......C CK..TRAP ON TRAP_ON .TRAP ALTKEYSRPAGE......K KK..TRAP ON TRAP_ON .TRAP ANDREWS HALF......K KK..TRAP ON TRAP_ON .TRAP RLS LOCKED C.GREEN CSR ......M MK..TRAP ON TRAP_ON .TRAP CHANDLERCSR ......N NK..TRAP ON TRAP_ON .TRAP COWSILL CSR ......K KD..TRAP ON TRAP_ON .TRAP CWX0003 CSR ......N DD..TRAP ON TRAP_ON .TRAP CWX0010.CSR ......K KK..TRAP ON TRAP_ON .TRAP Scroll through the file using the UP, DOWN, TOP and BOTTOM commands. File Utility Screens 9-7 Use the FIND and RFIND commands to search for data. Xpediter/CICS ends a search when it locates the requested data or after searching 100 records. Use RFIND to continue searching. The 100 record limit can be changed in the BRWCNT parameter of the DBUGGBL table. Use the LEFT and RIGHT commands to scroll left and right through the data. Input Field CMD Line command entry field. Valid entries are: • D (Delete): Deletes the record from the dataset. Valid only if you are authorized and the DELETE service request is specified in the FCT or CSD. • S (Select): Selects the record for display and update and transfers to the Edit CICS Dataset Record screen (5.1.3). Note: While at a break/abend, do not attempt to access records that have been read for update. Reads and writes are done by a separate transaction which Xpediter/CICS starts. If this transaction does a CICS call, and CICS does not complete the call in 14 seconds, Xpediter/CICS instructs the transaction to cancel once control returns to it. A message is displayed that the request was not completed. The wait interval of 14 seconds can be changed in the FLWAIT parameter of the DBUGGBL table. FILENAME Name of the dataset as defined in the CICS FCT or CSD and used in CICS file control calls to access the dataset. KEY FIELD Key of the first, or top, displayed record. To display a new record, use the scrolling commands or change the data in this field. Output Fields ACCESS TYPE Type of access used in the access method for the dataset. Valid entries are: • • • • • • DA-UNB: BDAM direct access, unblocked dataset DA-REL: BDAM blocked dataset, deblocked by relative record DA-KEY: BDAM blocked dataset, deblocked by key KSDS: VSAM key-sequenced dataset RRDS: VSAM relative record dataset ESDS: VSAM entry-sequenced dataset. Note: KSDS, RRDS, and ESDS are only displayed when VSAM datasets are in an OPEN status. MAX RECLN Maximum record size that can be used for the current CICS file resource being accessed. RECFM Record format. Valid entries are: • F: Fixed-length record 9-8 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual • V: Variable-length record. Note: The MAX RECLN field contains the maximum record length. KEYLN Key length. RKP Relative key position — an offset into the record in which key is found. RECLN Current length of each record or of the locked message for RLS locked records. I/O area Data from the Xpediter/CICS I/O area that can be displayed in two modes. Each mode supports different scrolling commands, as shown in Table 9-1 on page 9-2. The I/O area is where RLS lock messages are displayed if Xpediter is unable to read a record. Note that the record key is not available when a file browse operation encounters a locked record. For more information, see “Using the Xpediter/CICS I/O Area” on page 9-1. Edit CICS Dataset Record (5.1.3) The Edit CICS Dataset Record screen (5.1.3) allows access to any record in a CICS-defined dataset as well as authorized modifications to the accessed record. Normal security rules and the security provided via the Xpediter/CICS global table are followed. Data can be displayed in character, vertical hexadecimal, or dump format. File mapping is available on this screen. See “USING” on page 3-122 for more information on file mapping. In addition to data modifications, records can be written to or deleted from a dataset. Note: Under CICS TS, RLS locked records cannot be read or updated unless their read integrity is uncommitted. Uncommitted read integrity enables reading, but not updating. If a file’s read integrity is consistent or repeatable, several situations may occur when trying to read a locked record. If the record has a retained lock, the locked response will be returned. If the record has an active lock, Xpediter will keep waiting for the record to be released. If it is not released within the time limit specified in the global table, the message WAITED TOO LONG, POSSIBLE LOCKOUT will be displayed. In this case, the user should try to read the record again at a later time. The Browse CICS Dataset screen (5.1.2) can be used to verify this by checking for the recordbusy response. This screen only allows access to CICS datasets in the CICS FCT or CSD. To access temporary storage queues, transient datasets, DL/I databases, DB2 tables, or MQ queues exit this screen and select the desired option from the File Utility Menu (5). Access this screen by typing the number 1.3 on the File Utility Menu (5), typing 3 on the CICS Datasets Menu (5.1), or as described in “Transferring Between Screens” on page 2-5. File Utility Screens 9-9 Figure 9-5. Edit CICS Dataset Record Screen (5.1.3) --------------- XPEDITER/CICS - EDIT CICS DATASET RECORD (5.1.3) ----------C123 COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> CSR MODULE: CWDEMCB2 CSECT: CWDEMCB2 COMPILED: 28 MAY 2003 - 11.11.29 VALID COMMANDS: READ NEXT PREV CLOSE ACCESS METHOD: VSAM TYPE: KSDS FILENAME: DBUGEMP RECLN: 00080 MAX RECLN: 00080 DEC-OFFSET: 000000 ADD-OFFSET: ______ RECFM: F KEYLN: 00005 RKP: 00000 KEY FIELD: ----5 00020 FFFFF 00020 ----+---10----+---20----+---30----+---40----+---50----+---60----+---70----+---> 00020EMPLOYEE #20 .<00020000 FFFFFCDDDDECC47FF44404FFFFFFFF4444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 00020547368550B200000C000200000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 ----+---10----+---20----+---30----+---40----+---50----+---60----+---70----+---> Note: If authorized, you can change data in a record by typing directly over it. Once modified, use the REWRITE command to update the file. While at a break/abend, do not attempt to access records that have been read for update. Reads and writes are done by a separate transaction that Xpediter/CICS starts. If this transaction does a CICS call and CICS does not complete the call in 14 seconds, Xpediter/CICS instructs the transaction to cancel once control returns to it. A message is displayed that the request was not completed. The wait interval of 14 seconds can be changed in the FLWAIT parameter of the DBUGGBL table. CAUTION: When adding records to a keyed dataset, change the KEY FIELD on the screen along with the actual key data in the record. Input Fields FILENAME Name of the dataset as defined in the CICS FCT or CSD and used in CICS file control calls to access the dataset. KEY FIELD Key of the current record. To retrieve a record, type the key into this field and enter a READ command. A generic read may be performed by typing the partial generic key in the KEY field, pressing the Erase EOF key — not the spacebar — to clear the remainder of the key, typing READ in the COMMAND field, and pressing Enter. To create a new record, type in the key and enter the WRITE command. CAUTION: For a WRITE command, the key data must also be entered in the record data itself at the correct offset. The correct offset is shown in the RKP field. HEX/DEC-OFFSET Displays the current offset within the column’s data. This value is always relative to 0. The data display begins at this offset. This field may be modified. The value entered must be in the range of 0 to the decimal value displayed in the RECLN field. When HEXOFFSET is displayed, the value will be between 0 and the hexadecimal equivalent of the decimal value displayed in the RECLN field. In addition, when DEC-OFFSET is displayed, 9-10 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual a hexadecimal value with a leading positive (+) sign may be entered instead, e.g. 80 or +50 are equivalent. Note: The HEX/DEC-OFFSET field is protected (non-modifiable) when the USING command is in effect. ADD-OFFSET Use with the HEX/DEC-OFFSET field to provide a new starting offset into the I/O area. The entered value is added to the value in the HEX/DEC-OFFSET field to yield a new starting offset value. If the entered value has a leading minus sign (-), the entered value is subtracted from the value in the HEX/DEC-OFFSET field. If the display mode is HEX DUMP mode, only hexadecimal values can be entered. If the display mode is character (HEX OFF) or vertical hexadecimal (HEX ON), the value can be entered either in decimal or hexadecimal. This is done by preceding the value with a plus sign (+). To add a negative offset, precede the value by a minus sign (-). A value preceded by a minus sign is treated as decimal when in HEX ON or HEX OFF mode and as hexadecimal when in HEX DUMP mode. Note: The ADD-OFFSET field is protected (non-modifiable) when the USING command is in effect. I/O area Data from the Xpediter/CICS I/O area that can be displayed in four modes. Each mode supports different scrolling commands, as shown in Table 9-1 on page 9-2. For more information, see “Using the Xpediter/CICS I/O Area” on page 9-1. Output Fields ACCESS METHOD Type of access used in the access method for the dataset. Valid entries are: • • • • • • DA-UNB: BDAM direct access, unblocked dataset DA-REL: BDAM blocked dataset, deblocked by relative record DA-KEY: BDAM blocked dataset, deblocked by key KSDS: VSAM key-sequenced dataset RRDS: VSAM relative record dataset ESDS: VSAM entry-sequenced dataset. Note: KSDS, RRDS, and ESDS are only displayed when VSAM datasets are in an OPEN status. RECLN Current length of the I/O area. The length may exceed the maximum record size for a particular resource. In this case, only the data up to the maximum record length is used. The I/O area may be truncated if any I/O command is issued. MAX RECLN Maximum record size that can be used for the current CICS file resource being accessed. RECFM Record format. Valid entries are: • F: Fixed-length record File Utility Screens 9-11 • V: Variable-length record. Note: The MAX RECLN field contains the maximum record length. KEYLN Key length. RKP Relative key position — an offset into the record in which key is found. Temporary Storage Menu (5.2) The Temporary Storage Menu (5.2) lists functions that allow access to CICS temporary storage. Xpediter/CICS will list multiple-record queues. Single-record queues are only created by CICS and cannot be accessed via Xpediter/CICS. Xpediter/CICS refers to multiple-record queues as queued. Access this screen by typing the number 2 on the File Utility Menu (5), or as described in “Transferring Between Screens” on page 2-5. Figure 9-6. Temporary Storage Menu (5.2) ----------------- XPEDITER/CICS - TEMPORARY STORAGE MENU (5.2) ------------C123 COMMAND ===> MODULE: CWDEMCB2 CSECT: CWDEMCB2 COMPILED: 28 MAY 2003 - 11.11.29 1 2 3 QUEUE LIST BROWSE EDIT QUEUED RECORD - List all temporary storage queues - Browse multiple records (queued storage) - Edit a single record (queued storage) To access a screen, enter the screen ID number in the COMMAND field, or as described in “Selecting Functions from Menus” on page 2-5. The following screens are available: • Queue List (1): Lists all CICS temporary storage queues available in this CICS system. See “Temporary Storage Queue List (5.2.1)”. • Browse (2): Displays multiple records from a CICS queued temporary storage queue in browse mode. See “Browse Temporary Storage (5.2.2)” on page 9-14. • Edit Queued Record (3): Displays and updates an individual record in a CICS queued temporary storage queue. See “Edit Queued Record (5.2.3)” on page 9-15. Temporary Storage Queue List (5.2.1) The Temporary Storage Queue List (5.2.1) displays a list of active CICS temporary storage queues. Because temporary storage queues can have names that contain hexadecimal data, this list converts non-displayable hexadecimal queue names to displayable hexadecimal format. In addition to the names, Xpediter/CICS displays either the SYSID or POOLID for shared temporary storage, the location — MAIN, AUXILIARY, or SHARED — to which data was written, and the maximum number of records written to the queue. If a TST was used to defined shared temporary storage queues, the SYSID is displayed. If a TSMODEL was used, this is replaced by POOLID.Note that remote temporary storage queue names are not displayed. 9-12 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual The Temporary Storage Queue List (5.2.1) provides storage utilization statistics for auxiliary and main temporary storage queues. For AUXILIARY storage queues, the control interval (CI) size, total CIs, the maximum number and percentage of CIs used, and the current number and percentage of CIs in use are displayed. For MAIN storage queues, the maximum number of bytes used and the current number of bytes in use are displayed. These statistics provide concise information of current usage and maximum usage since CICS was last activated, overall statistics about utilization, and high water marks for both auxiliary and main temporary storage. This can help you calculate how your temporary storage is used and help you to identify problems that may occur from using the incorrect type of media for storing the queues. Access this screen by typing the number 2.1 on the File Utility Menu (5), typing 1 on the Temporary Storage Menu (5.2), or as described in “Transferring Between Screens” on page 2-5. Note: The POOLID column shown below is only displayed if your site is using TSMODEL in the CSD. It contains the POOLID for shared temporary storage queues. If your site is using a temporary storage table (TST) instead of a TSMODEL, this column is SYSID instead of POOLID. Figure 9-7. Temporary Storage Queue List Screen (5.2.1) ------------- XPEDITER/CICS - TEMPORARY STORAGE QUEUE LIST (5.2.1) --------C123 COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> CSR MODULE: CSECT: T/S TYPE ------------AUX. (CI) MAIN (BYTES) LINE COMMANDS: CI SIZE ---------4096 B (Browse) TOTAL CI'S ---------359 D (Delete) MAX USED ---------35 69890 PCT --9 IN USE PCT ---------- ---- 35 9 0 S (Select) CMD QUEUE NAME POOLID TYPE RECORDS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _ AAHARE00 TSMOON SHRD 0000012 _ AAHARE01 TSMOON SHRD 0000002 _ AAHARE02 TSMOON SHRD 0000002 _ AASHARE1 TSMOON SHRD 0000004 _ AASHARE2 TSMOON SHRD 0000003 _ DDSHARE1 TSMOON SHRD 0000001 _ TSHRM001 TSMOON SHRD 0000003 _ XPEDXIVP AUX 0001045 **END** Input Field CMD Line command entry field. Valid entries are: • B (Browse): Browses a queue using the Browse Temporary Storage screen (5.2.2). All records in the queue can be viewed with this screen, but not updated. • D (Delete): Deletes the contents of the queue. All records in the queue are deleted and the queue name is removed from the screen. • S (Select): Display/update a single record from a queue. This transfers to the Edit Queued Record screen (5.2.3). File Utility Screens 9-13 Output Fields T/S TYPE Category of statistics. Valid entries are: • AUX: Auxiliary temporary storage. Displays data in number of control intervals. • MAIN: Main temporary storage. Displays data in number of bytes. CI SIZE VSAM control interval (CI) size in bytes of the temporary storage dataset defined for this CICS system. TOTAL CI’s Total number of CIs defined in the temporary storage dataset for this region. MAX USED (PCT) Maximum number of CIs used (AUX) and the maximum number of bytes used (MAIN) since CICS was started. For AUX, PCT is the percentage of maximum CIs used to the total available CIs. IN USE (PCT) Current CIs in use (AUX). For AUX, PCT is the percentage of CIs in use to total available CIs. QUEUE NAME Name of the queues written to temporary storage. Because a temporary storage queue is not restricted to displayable characters, this screen automatically converts nondisplayable names to a displayable hexadecimal format (X’.....’). Temporary storage queue names can be a maximum of 16 characters. SYSID or POOLID System ID of shared temporary storage queues. If your site is using a TSMODEL definition in the CSD instead of a temporary storage table (TST), this column will display POOLID instead of SYSID. TYPE Method used to write the temporary storage queue: • MAIN: The first write request to the queue was for main storage. • AUX: The first write request to the queue was for auxiliary storage. • SHRD: The first write request to the queue was for shared temporary storage. RECORDS Maximum number of records that have been written to the queue. 9-14 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual Browse Temporary Storage (5.2.2) The Browse Temporary Storage screen (5.2.2) allows sequential display of multiple records in a queued (multiple record) CICS temporary storage queue. You can browse data from this screen by using scrolling commands to move through the data. You can display data in character or vertical hexadecimal format and select individual records for updating. Access this screen by typing the number 2.2 on the File Utility Menu (5), typing 2 on the Temporary Storage Menu (5.2), or as described in “Transferring Between Screens” on page 2-5. Figure 9-8. Browse Temporary Storage Screen (5.2.2) --------------- XPEDITER/CICS - BROWSE TEMPORARY STORAGE (5.2.2) ----------C123 COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> CSR MODULE: CSECT: QUEUE NAME: AAHARE00 CCCCDCFF44444444 1181950000000000 SEL _ REC # RECLN 00001 00041 *END* TYPE: MULTIPLE RECORD QUEUE SYSID: MAX RECLN: 32755 POOLID: TSMOON RECORD NUMBER: 00001 ----+---10----+---20----+---30----+---40----+---50----+---6> THIS IS A SAMPLE TS SHARED STORAGE RECORD The browse display begins at the first record in the queue. Access a record directly by changing the record number. Scroll through the file using the UP, DOWN, TOP and BOTTOM commands. Use the FIND and RFIND commands to search for data. Xpediter/CICS ends a search when it locates the requested data or after searching 100 records. Use RFIND to continue searching. The 100 record limit can be changed in the BRWCNT parameter of the DBUGGBL table. Use the LEFT and RIGHT commands to scroll left and right through the data. Input Fields SEL Enter S to display/update a single record from the queue with the Edit Queued Record screen (5.2.3). QUEUE NAME Name of the queue written to temporary storage. Because a temporary storage queue is not restricted to displayable characters, this screen displays queue names in vertical hex format. SYSID System ID for shared temporary storage queues only. If this field still displays the system ID from a previous shared queue, it must be cleared before a different main or auxiliary queue can be browsed. The SYSID field is only filled in when using a temporary storage table (TST). File Utility Screens 9-15 POOLID POOLID for shared temporary storage queues only. If this field still displays the POOLID from a previous shared queue, it must be cleared before a different main or auxiliary queue can be browsed. RECORD NUMBER Record number of the first record displayed. Output Fields MAX RECLN Maximum record size that can be used for the current CICS temporary storage resource being accessed. REC # Record number of the record in the queue. RECLN Length of the record. I/O area Data from the Xpediter/CICS I/O area that can be displayed in two modes. Each mode supports different scrolling commands, as shown in Table 9-1 on page 9-2. For more information, see “Using the Xpediter/CICS I/O Area” on page 9-1. Edit Queued Record (5.2.3) The Edit Queued Record screen (5.2.3) is used to access any record in a queued (multiple record) CICS temporary storage queue, and if authorized, modify it. Data can be displayed in character, vertical hexadecimal, or dump format. File mapping is available on this screen. See “USING” on page 3-122 for more information on file mapping. In addition to data modifications, you can write records to a queue and delete an entire queue. Access this screen by typing the number 2.3 on the File Utility Menu (5), typing 3 on the Temporary Storage Menu (5.2), or as described in “Transferring Between Screens” on page 2-5. Figure 9-9. Edit Queued Record Screen (5.2.3) ------------------ XPEDITER/CICS - EDIT QUEUED RECORD (5.2.3) -------------C123 COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> CSR MODULE: CSECT: VALID COMMANDS: READ DELETE WRITE WRAUX REWRITE NEXT TYPE: MULTIPLE RECORD QUEUE QUEUE NAME: XPEDXIVP SYSID: TSHR RECLN: 00060 MAX RECLN: 32755 EDCCECED RECFM: V 77547957 RECORD NUMBER: 00001 DEC-OFFSET: 000000 ADD-OFFSET: ______ ----+---10----+---20----+---30----+---40----+---50----+---60 TEST DUP Q ON SHAREDE: 04 JUN 1997 TERM: A011 USER: MYUSRID ----+---10----+---20----+---30----+---40----+---50----+---60 9-16 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual Users can retrieve a particular record from a queue by changing the record number and entering a READ command. Use the READ FIRST command to obtain the first record in the queue, and use READ LAST to retrieve the last. Use the NEXT or READ NEXT command to retrieve the next record in the queue, and PREV or READ PREV to retrieve the previous record in the queue. If the S (Select) line command was used on the Browse Temporary Storage screen (5.2.2), Xpediter/CICS automatically displays the selected record. Input Fields QUEUE NAME Name of the temporary storage queues. Because a temporary storage queue is not restricted to displayable characters, this screen displays queue names in vertical hex format. SYSID System ID for shared temporary storage queues only. This field must be cleared before a different main or auxiliary queue can be browsed. The SYSID field is only required/displayed when using a temporary storage table (TST). RECORD NUMBER Individual record (item) number of queued (multiple record) temporary storage queue records. Enter the record number to be accessed and use the READ command to retrieve the record. If the entered number is higher than the last record in the queue, Xpediter/CICS retrieves the last record in the queue. Valid entries are from 1 to 32767. Specify a hexadecimal value with a leading plus sign (+) and Xpediter/CICS converts it to the corresponding decimal value. For example, +10 is converted to decimal 16. HEX/DEC-OFFSET Displays the current offset within the column’s data. This value is always relative to 0. The data display begins at this offset. This field may be modified. The value entered must be in the range of 0 to the decimal value displayed in the RECLN field. When HEXOFFSET is displayed, the value will be between 0 and the hexadecimal equivalent of the decimal value displayed in the RECLN field. In addition, when DEC-OFFSET is displayed, a hexadecimal value with a leading positive (+) sign may be entered instead, e.g. 80 or +50 are equivalent. Note: The HEX/DEC-OFFSET field is protected (non-modifiable) when the USING command is in effect. ADD-OFFSET Use with the HEX/DEC-OFFSET field to provide a new starting offset into the I/O area. The entered value is added to the value in the HEX/DEC-OFFSET field to yield a new starting offset value. If the entered value has a leading minus sign (-), the entered value is subtracted from the value in the HEX/DEC-OFFSET field. If the display mode is HEX DUMP mode, only hexadecimal values can be entered. If the display mode is character (HEX OFF) or vertical hexadecimal (HEX ON), the value can be entered either in decimal or hexadecimal. This is done by preceding the value with a plus sign (+). To add a negative offset, precede the value by a minus sign (-). A value preceded by a minus sign is treated as decimal when in HEX ON or HEX OFF mode and as hexadecimal when in HEX DUMP mode. File Utility Screens 9-17 Note: The ADD-OFFSET field is protected (non-modifiable) when the USING command is in effect. I/O area Data from the Xpediter/CICS I/O area that can be displayed in four modes. Each mode supports different scrolling commands, as shown in Table 9-1 on page 9-2. For more information, see “Using the Xpediter/CICS I/O Area” on page 9-1. Output Fields RECLN Current length of the I/O area. The length may exceed the maximum record size for a particular resource. In this case, only the data up to the maximum record length is used. The I/O area may be truncated if any I/O command is issued. MAX RECLN Maximum record size that can be used for the current CICS temporary storage resource being accessed. RECFM Record format. Valid entries are: • F: Fixed-length record • V: Variable-length record. Note: The MAX RECLN field contains the maximum record length. Transient Data Menu (5.3) The Transient Data Menu (5.3) provides functions that allow access to CICS transient data queues. Because transient data queues reference sequential datasets, once a record is read it cannot be reaccessed unless the dataset is closed and repositioned to the record. Records can be written to CICS intrapartition and extrapartition transient data queues, but can only be deleted from intrapartition transient data queues. Records written to extrapartition transient data queues cannot be deleted. Access this screen by typing the number 3 on the File Utility Menu (5), or as described in “Transferring Between Screens” on page 2-5. Figure 9-10. Transient Data Menu (5.3) ------------------ XPEDITER/CICS - TRANSIENT DATA MENU (5.3) --------------C123 COMMAND ===> MODULE: CWDEMCB2 CSECT: CWDEMCB2 COMPILED: 28 MAY 2003 - 11.11.29 1 2 QUEUE LIST EDIT - List all transient data queues - Edit a single record To access a screen, enter the screen ID number in the COMMAND field, or as described in “Selecting Functions from Menus” on page 2-5. The following screens are available: 9-18 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual • Queue List (1): List of CICS transient data queues that can be accessed from this CICS system. See “Transient Data Queue List (5.3.1)” on page 9-18. • Edit (2): Displays and allows adding (output queues only) of records to a transient data queue. See “Edit Transient Data Queue Record (5.3.2)” on page 9-20. Transient Data Queue List (5.3.1) The Transient Data Queue List screen is used to view a list of active CICS transient data queues. In addition to the transient data queue names, Xpediter/CICS also displays: • • • • • Type of queue Remote system ID Indirect queue name Status of the queue Automatic transaction initiation (ATI) information. Access this screen by typing the number 1 on the Transient Data Menu (5.3), typing 3.1 on the File Utility Menu (5), or as described in “Transferring Between Screens” on page 2-5. Figure 9-11. Transient Data Queue List Screen (5.3.1) -------------- XPEDITER/CICS - TRANSIENT DATA QUEUE LIST (5.3.1) ----------C123 COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> CSR MODULE: CWDEMCB2 CSECT: CWDEMCB2 COMPILED: 28 MAY 2003 - 11.11.29 LINE COMMAND: S (Select) QUEUE REMOTE INDIR TRIGGER ATI ATI SEL NAME TYPE SYSTEM NAME STATUS LEVEL COUNT TRAN TERM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _ CADL INDIRECT CSSL _ CADO INDIRECT CSSL _ CAFF EXTRA ENA OPE _ CAIL INDIRECT CSSL _ CCPI INDIRECT CSSL _ CCSE INDIRECT CCSO _ CCSO EXTRA ENA OPE _ CCZM INDIRECT CSSL _ CDBC INDIRECT CSSL _ CDB2 INDIRECT CSSL _ CDUL INDIRECT CSSL _ CEJL INDIRECT CSSL _ CESE EXTRA ENA OPE _ CESO EXTRA ENA OPE _ CIEO INDIRECT CSSL Input Fields SEL Enter S in the field to display/update a single record from a queue with the Edit Transient Data Queue Record screen (5.3.2). STATUS Status of extrapartition or intrapartition transient data queues. Authorized users can change these fields to open or close a queue, or disable or enable a queue. Valid entries are: • DIS: Disables access to the queue by CICS • ENA: Enables access to the queue by CICS • CLO: Closes the queue for access by CICS File Utility Screens 9-19 • OPE: Opens the queue for access by CICS. Note: Authorized users can overtype the values using the first position of the request (for example, O for OPE, C for CLO). Output Fields QUEUE NAME Name of the queue that can be accessed from the CICS system. Queues can be indirect, that is, point to another queue. In this case, the queue that is accessed is shown in the INDIR NAME field. An indirect queue can point to another indirect queue. If the opened transient data queue is indirect to another queue, Xpediter/CICS displays the indirect TO queue name. When you access the Edit Transient Data Queue Record screen (5.3.2), Xpediter/CICS follows the indirect chain to obtain the correct attributes of the target queue. TYPE Type of transient data queue. Valid entries are: • EXTRA: Extrapartition transient data queue that allows data storage in sequential datasets that are considered external to the CICS system. These queues allow users to write data to a sequential dataset, then process the data by programs external to the CICS system, such as batch programs. With input queues, data created by programs external to the CICS system can be read and processed by programs in the CICS system. • INDIRECT: Indirect queue that allows the merger of several transient data queues into one physical destination. • INTRA: Intrapartition transient data queue that is held in one physical dataset known to CICS. Intrapartition queues are used to transmit data from one program or task in the CICS system to another. This type of queue can also be associated with a transaction that processes the queue. When a preset number of records exists in the queue (trigger level), CICS automatically starts this transaction, and can then sequentially process the data in the queue. In addition, the transaction may be associated with a terminal, allowing different queues to be started at different terminals but use the same program. • REMOTE: Remote transient data queue that is processed by another CICS system. Requests for a remote queue cause CICS intercommunication facilities to start a task on the remote system to process the queue. REMOTE SYSTEM Name of the remote system if the queue resides in a remote CICS system. INDIR NAME Name of the queue if it is listed as INDIRECT or REMOTE in the TYPE field. The values depend on the queue type: • Indirect: Name of the queue that the input/output is directed from or to. The use of indirect queues allows several unique queues to actually process through one physical queue. • Remote: Name of the queue that is processed on the remote system. 9-20 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual ATI area ATI fields are displayed for intrapartition transient data queues that use the CICS ATI facility. If specified by the system programmer, entries in this queue can cause CICS to automatically initiate processing of a program when the trigger level has been reached. The trigger level is a specified number of records in the queue that triggers CICS to automatically start program execution. The program then processes the records in the queue. The ATI area fields are: TRIGGER LEVEL The number of records in the queue required to have CICS initiate the transaction associated with the queue. See ATI TRAN field. If no value is displayed, the default of 1 is assumed. COUNT Current count of records in the queue. ATI TRAN Transaction code associated with this queue. This transaction automatically starts when the trigger level of the queue is reached. ATI TERM Terminal ID at which the ATI transaction is initiated. If blank, the ATI TRAN is started as a non-terminal task. Edit Transient Data Queue Record (5.3.2) The Edit Transient Data Queue Record screen (5.3.2) allows access to a record in a CICS transient data queue. Because transient data queues are sequential datasets, a record can only be read from an input queue or written to an output queue. In other words, records are not updated in a queue. Data can be displayed in character, vertical hexadecimal, or dump format. File mapping is available on this screen. See “USING” on page 3-122 for more information on file mapping. Access this screen by typing the number 2 on the Transient Data Menu (5.3), typing 3.2 on the File Utility Menu (5), or as described in “Transferring Between Screens” on page 2-5. Figure 9-12. Edit Transient Data Queue Record Screen (5.3.2) ----------- XPEDITER/CICS - EDIT TRANSIENT DATA QUEUE RECORD (5.3.2) ------C123 COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> CSR MODULE: CWDEMCB2 CSECT: CWDEMCB2 COMPILED: 28 MAY 2003 - 11.11.29 VALID COMMANDS: WRITE ACCESS METHOD: LOCAL TYPE: INDIRECT TO CSSL EXTRA QUEUE NAME: CSMT RECLN: 00080 MAX RECLN: 00132 DEC-OFFSET: 000000 ADD-OFFSET: ______ RECFM: V ----+---10----+---20----+---30----+---40----+---50----+---60----+---70----+---> 00020EMPLOYEE #20 .<00020000 ----+---10----+---20----+---30----+---40----+---50----+---60----+---70----+---> File Utility Screens 9-21 Input Fields QUEUE NAME Name of the queue that is accessed. Queues can be indirect, that is, point to another queue. In this case, Xpediter/CICS displays the actual destination queue above and to the right of the entered queue name. The attributes used to access this queue are obtained from the real destination queue. HEX/DEC-OFFSET Displays the current offset within the column’s data. This value is always relative to 0. The data display begins at this offset. This field may be modified. The value entered must be in the range of 0 to the decimal value displayed in the RECLN field. When HEXOFFSET is displayed, the value will be between 0 and the hexadecimal equivalent of the decimal value displayed in the RECLN field. In addition, when DEC-OFFSET is displayed, a hexadecimal value with a leading positive (+) sign may be entered instead, e.g. 80 or +50 are equivalent. Note: The HEX/DEC-OFFSET field is protected (non-modifiable) when the USING command is in effect. ADD-OFFSET Use with the HEX/DEC-OFFSET field to provide a new starting offset into the I/O area. The entered value is added to the value in the HEX/DEC-OFFSET field to yield a new starting offset value. If the entered value has a leading minus sign (-), the entered value is subtracted from the value in the HEX/DEC-OFFSET field. If the display mode is HEX DUMP mode, only hexadecimal values can be entered. If the display mode is character (HEX OFF) or vertical hexadecimal (HEX ON), the value can be entered either in decimal or hexadecimal. This can be done by preceding the value with a plus sign (+). To add a negative offset, precede the value by a minus sign (-). A value preceded by a minus sign is treated as decimal when in HEX ON or HEX OFF mode and as hexadecimal when in HEX DUMP mode. Note: The ADD-OFFSET field is protected (non-modifiable) when the USING command is in effect. I/O area Data from the Xpediter/CICS I/O area that can be displayed in four modes. Each mode supports different scrolling commands, as shown in Table 9-1 on page 9-2. For more information, see “Using the Xpediter/CICS I/O Area” on page 9-1. Output Fields VALID COMMANDS List of primary commands available for use against this queue. RECLN Current length of the I/O area. The length may exceed the maximum record size for a particular resource. In this case, only the data up to the maximum record length is used. The I/O area may be truncated if any I/O command is issued. 9-22 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual MAX RECLN Maximum record size used for the current CICS file resource being accessed. RECFM Record format. Valid entries are: • F: Fixed-length record • V: Variable-length record. Note: The MAX RECLN field contains the maximum record length. DL/1 Database Menu (5.4) The DL/1 Database Menu (5.4) provides functions that allow access to DBCTL databases to which this CICS region is connected. Access this screen by typing the number 4 on the File Utility Menu (5), or as described in “Transferring Between Screens” on page 2-5. Figure 9-13. DL/1 Database Menu (5.4) ------------------- XPEDITER/CICS - DL/1 DATABASE MENU (5.4) --------------C123 COMMAND ===> MODULE: CSECT: 1 2 3 4 PSB LIST PCB LIST SEGMENT LIST EDIT - List List List Edit all PSBs defined to CICS and/or DBCTL all PCBs defined in a PSB all segments accessible by a PCB a single segment To access a screen, enter the screen ID number in the COMMAND field, or as described in “Selecting Functions from Menus” on page 2-5. The following screens are available: • PSB List (1): List of DL/I PSBs that can be accessed from this CICS system. See “DL/1 PSB List (5.4.1)”. • PCB List (2): List of PCBs that can be accessed from a DL/I PSB. See “DL/1 PCB List (5.4.2)” on page 9-24. • Segment List (3): Hierarchical list of the segments that can be accessed from a selected PCB. See “DL/1 Segment List (5.4.3)” on page 9-25. • Edit (4): Displays and allows updating of an individual segment in a DL/I database. See “Edit DL/1 Segment (5.4.4)” on page 9-26. DL/1 PSB List (5.4.1) The DL/1 PSB List screen (5.4.1) is used to view a list of DL/I PSBs defined remotely in the CICS system and those defined to the DBCTL region to which this CICS region is connected. The list is displayed in the order that the PSBs have been defined to the system. Remote PSBs are displayed first, then DBCTL PSBs. In addition, Xpediter/CICS displays the remote system ID, and the PSB name to be used on the remote system, if the PSB has been defined as remote to this system. Remote PSBs cannot be accessed with the Xpediter/CICS File Utility. File Utility Screens 9-23 Use the UP, DOWN, TOP, and BOTTOM commands to position in the list. Use the LOCATE command to locate a particular PSB. Access this screen by typing the number 4.1 on the File Utility Menu (5), typing 1 on the DL/1 Database Menu (5.4), or as described in “Transferring Between Screens” on page 2-5. Figure 9-14. DL/1 PSB List Screen (5.4.1) -------------------- XPEDITER/CICS - DL/1 PSB LIST (5.4.1) ----------------C123 COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> CSR MODULE: CSECT: DBCTL STATUS: CONNECTED ID: R410 REMOTE SEL PSBNAME SYSID PSBNAME TYPE STATUS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- PSBTEST C024 PSBREMOT REMOTE _ DFHSAM04 DBCTL AABMP001 DBCTL PSB STOPPED _ AABMP002 DBCTL _ AABMP003 DBCTL _ AABMP004 DBCTL _ ADSIM001 DBCTL ADSIM002 DBCTL PSB INIT. FAILED ADSIM003 DBCTL PSB INIT. FAILED Input Field SEL Enter S to select a PSB for further processing via the DL/1 PCB List screen (5.4.1). Note: Remote PSBs cannot be selected. Output Fields DBCTL STATUS Displays the status of DBCTL in this CICS region. DBCTL ID Displays the ID of the DBCTL region to which this CICS region is connected. PSBNAME PSB used to define a set of DL/I databases that can be accessed from a program. The databases and segments in the databases that can be accessed are defined via a list of PCBs defined in the PSB. Each PCB is associated with a single DL/I database. To access any DL/I database, always select a PSB. REMOTE A PSB that can be referenced on another CICS system is shown as remote. For a PSB that has been defined as remote to another CICS system, Xpediter/CICS displays the system ID (SYSID) of the remote system as well as the real PSB name that is used on the remote system. TYPE This field displays the type (remote or DBCTL) for each PSB. 9-24 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual STATUS Displays status information if PSB initialization fails. DL/1 PCB List (5.4.2) The DL/1 PCB List screen (5.4.2) allows you to view a list of DL/I PCBs in a PSB. A PCB defines the segments in a DL/I database that can be accessed, and the type of access that can occur. Throughout the DL/I (5.4) functions of Xpediter/CICS, a DBD is associated with a PCB. Access a DL/I database via a PCB number (the number displayed prior to the DBD name). The list is displayed in the order that the PCBs have been defined in the PSB. To position in the list, use the UP, DOWN, TOP, BOTTOM, and LOCATE commands. Access this screen by typing the number 4.2 on the File Utility Menu (5), typing 2 on the DL/1 Database Menu (5.4), or as described in “Transferring Between Screens” on page 2-5. Figure 9-15. DL/1 PCB List Screen (5.4.2) -------------------- XPEDITER/CICS - DL/1 PCB LIST (5.4.2) ----------------C123 COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> CSR MODULE: CSECT: DBCTL STATUS: CONNECTED ID: R410 PSBNAME: DFHSAM04 (DBCTL) SEL PCB# DBD ---------------------- _ 1 DI21PART **END** Input Fields SEL Enter S to select a PCB for further processing via the DL/1 Segment List screen (5.4.3). PSBNAME Use the PSB to define a set of DL/I databases that can be accessed from a program. When a PSB name is selected from the DL/1 PSB List screen (5.4.1), Xpediter/CICS automatically displays it in this field. You can also enter a valid PSB name in this field. Xpediter/CICS checks the PSB name and displays an error message if it is invalid for the CICS region or the DBCTL region to which this CICS region is connected. Always select a PSB to access a DL/I database. Output Fields DBCTL STATUS Displays the status of DBCTL in this CICS region. DBCTL ID Displays the ID of the DBCTL region to which this CICS region is connected. File Utility Screens 9-25 PCB# Number of a PCB that was selected on the DL/1 PCB List screen (5.4.2). Xpediter/CICS uses this number to identify which PCB to use to access a DL/I database from the selected PSB. Xpediter/CICS uses the PCB number instead of the DBD name because multiple PCBs can access the same DBD using the same or slightly different views of the database. DBD Name of the DBD that defines the database associated with a PCB. DL/1 Segment List (5.4.3) The DL/1 Segment List screen (5.4.3) is used to view a list of DL/I segments that can be accessed using a PSB and PCB. The list shows the segments in the hierarchical order in which they can be accessed. This screen can be used to highlight the hierarchical path needed to access a segment or select a path for actually processing the segment. Each PCB in a PSB defines a database to access via this PSB. In addition, it defines the segments that can be accessed in the database. This screen displays each segment that can be accessed via a PCB along with the associated level number for that segment. Each level in the hierarchy is indented one position. This provides a hierarchical view of the database that can be accessed from the PCB. If SSAs have been built, Xpediter/CICS highlights the path to the lowest level SSA, indicating how the segment should be accessed within the hierarchy. Position in the list by using the UP, DOWN, TOP, BOTTOM, and LOCATE primary commands. Access this screen by typing the number 4.3 on the File Utility Menu (5), or typing 3 on the DL/1 Database Menu (5.4), or as described in “Transferring Between Screens” on page 2-5. Figure 9-16. DL/1 Segment List Screen (5.4.3) ------------------ XPEDITER/CICS - DL/1 SEGMENT LIST (5.4.3) --------------C123 COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> CSR MODULE: CSECT: DBCTL STATUS: CONNECTED ID: R410 PSBNAME: DFHSAM04 (DBCTL) PCB#: 01 DBD: DI21PART SEL LEVEL SEGMENT NAME --- ---------------- ------------------------ _ 01 PARTROOT _ 02 STANINFO _ 02 STOKSTAT _ 03 CYCCOUNT _ 03 BACKORDR **END** Input Fields SEL Enter one of the following values: • S (Select): Selects a hierarchical path and creates skeleton SSAs used to access a segment. Xpediter/CICS deletes any previous SSAs built by Xpediter/CICS or via the Edit DL/1 Segment screen (5.4.4), and replaces them with the new skeleton SSAs. The skeleton SSA contains the information, except the key data, needed to allow qualified 9-26 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual SSAs to access the segment. After creating new skeleton SSAs, transfer to the Edit DL/1 Segment screen (5.4.4) to perform DL/I calls. • P (Path): Highlights the hierarchical path required to reach a specific segment. Place the P line command to the left of the lowest level segment to be accessed. PSBNAME PSB used to define a set of DL/I databases that can be accessed from a program. When a PSB name is selected from the DL/1 PSB List screen (5.4.1), Xpediter/CICS automatically displays it in this field. You can also enter a valid PSB name in this field. Xpediter/CICS checks the PSB name and displays an error message if it is invalid for the CICS system. Always select a PSB to access any DL/I database. PCB# Number of the PCB in the selected PSB. Xpediter/CICS uses the PCB number instead of the DBD name because multiple PCBs can access the same DBD using the same or slightly different views of the database. When a DBCTL PSB is selected on the DL/1 PCB List screen (5.4.2), Xpediter/CICS automatically displays it in this field. If none was selected, enter a two-digit PCB number (relative to 1) for the PCB to be accessed in the displayed PSB. Xpediter/CICS checks the number and displays an error message if it is invalid. Output Fields DBCTL STATUS Displays the status of DBCTL in this CICS region. DBCTL ID Displays the ID of the DBCTL region to which this CICS region is connected. LEVEL Level of each segment in the database. SEGMENT NAME Name of each segment that can be accessed in this view of the database. DBD Name of the DBD that defines the database associated with a PCB. Edit DL/1 Segment (5.4.4) The Edit DL/1 Segment screen (5.4.4) is used to access a segment in a DL/I database, and if authorized, modify the segment. Data can be displayed in character, vertical hexadecimal, or dump format. Standard DL/I notation is used to access the data using SSAs. In addition, Xpediter/CICS can build skeleton SSAs for use in accessing a segment, or rebuild complete SSAs displaying the path to the segment. File mapping is available on this screen. See “USING” on page 3-122 for more information on file mapping. File Utility Screens 9-27 This screen can be used to perform actual DL/I calls to a database. The PSB name and PCB number are required to perform any calls. These fields can be entered or automatically supplied by Xpediter/CICS by proceeding through the previous screens in the DL/I database (5.4) functions. Access this screen by typing the number 4.4 on the File Utility Menu (5), or typing 4 on the DL/1 Database Menu (5.4), or as described in “Transferring Between Screens” on page 2-5. Figure 9-17. Edit DL/1 Segment Screen (5.4.4) ------------------ XPEDITER/CICS - EDIT DL/1 SEGMENT (5.4.4) --------------C123 COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> CSR MODULE: CSECT: DBCTL STATUS: CONNECTED ID: R410 COMMANDS: PCB SHOW SSA/DATA/KEYS HEX OFF/ON/DUMP INSERT REM END/TERM=COMMIT XFER=CANCEL PSB NAME: DFHSAM04 (DBCTL) PCB#: 01 DBD: DI21PART RECLN: 00000 MAX RECLN: 00000 DEC-OFFSET: 000000 ADD-OFFSET: ______ RECFM: ** PSB IS NOT SCHEDULED ** DATABASE STAT PROC SEGMENT KFD ---------------KEY FEEDBACK-------------- NAME LV CODE OPTS NAME LEN **** NO PCB AVAILABLE **** SSA 01 OF 01 LV SEG NAME CC Q SEGFLD 01 PARTROOT *--- ( PARTKEY --------------------SEARCH KEY------------------ OP ----+---10----+---20----+---30----+---40----+--> = .................) 000000000000000005 00000000000000000D ** **END** Note: Authorized users of Xpediter/CICS can perform sequential and random calls to a database. Use the PCB and TERM calls to schedule a PSB for performing calls. You must use the PCB to schedule a PSB before making any calls against a database. You can make any changes you want while the PSB is scheduled. To commit those changes to the database, you can use either the TERM command or the END command. If you want to cancel changes while the PSB is still scheduled, use the CANCEL command. All changes will be rolled back. The same CANCEL action will occur if you transfer to another screen or the scheduled PSB times out. The handling of DL/I data has been enhanced in Xpediter/CICS to allow you to roll back changes in progress. Changes are committed only as follows: • By issuing a TERM command while a PSB is scheduled • By issuing the END command. This automatically issues a TERM call and transfers back to the previous screen. If you do not want changes to be committed, you can prevent them in either of two ways. • Issue the CANCEL command while a PSB is scheduled. • Transfer from the Edit DL/1 Segment screen with a command such as =2.L. In either case, Xpediter/CICS will force an abend (without a dump). This will cause DL/I dynamic transaction backout processing to be invoked. DBFL, an asynchronous transaction that performs Xpediter file utility I/O calls, as well as XPED, XPRT, and XPSP all must have dynamic transaction backout specified. Xpediter/CICS uses standard DL/I notation to perform calls. READ and WRITE commands are not used. 9-28 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual Input Fields PSBNAME PSB used to define a set of DL/I databases that can be accessed from a program. When a PSB name is selected from the DL/1 PSB List screen (5.4.1), Xpediter/CICS automatically displays it in this field. You may also enter a valid PSB name in this field. Xpediter/CICS checks the PSB name and displays an error message if it is invalid for the CICS region or the DBCTL region to which this CICS region is connected. Always select a PSB to access a DL/I database. PCB# Number of the PCB in the selected PSB. Xpediter/CICS uses the PCB number instead of the DBD name because multiple PCBs can access the same DBD using the same or slightly different views of the database. When a DBCTL PSB is selected from the DL/1 PCB List screen (5.4.2), Xpediter/CICS automatically displays it in this field. If no selection was made, enter a two-digit PCB number, relative to 1, for the PCB to be accessed in the displayed PSB. Xpediter/CICS checks the number and displays an error message if it is invalid. HEX/DEC-OFFSET Displays the current offset within the column’s data. This value is always relative to 0. The data display begins at this offset. This field may be modified. The value entered must be in the range of 0 to the decimal value displayed in the RECLN field. When HEXOFFSET is displayed, the value will be between 0 and the hexadecimal equivalent of the decimal value displayed in the RECLN field. In addition, when DEC-OFFSET is displayed, a hexadecimal value with a leading positive (+) sign may be entered instead, e.g. 80 or +50 are equivalent. Note: The HEX/DEC-OFFSET field is protected (non-modifiable) when the USING command is in effect. ADD-OFFSET Use with the HEX/DEC-OFFSET field to provide a new starting offset into the I/O area. The entered value is added to the value in the HEX/DEC-OFFSET field to yield a new starting offset value. If the entered value has a leading minus sign (-), the entered value is subtracted from the value in the HEX/DEC-OFFSET field. If the display mode is HEX DUMP mode, only hexadecimal values can be entered. If the display mode is character (HEX OFF) or vertical hexadecimal (HEX ON), the value can be entered either in decimal or hexadecimal. This can be done by preceding the value with a plus sign (+). To add a negative offset, precede the value by a minus sign (-). A value preceded by a minus sign is treated as decimal when in HEX ON or HEX OFF mode and as hexadecimal when in HEX DUMP mode. Note: The ADD-OFFSET field is protected (non-modifiable) when the USING command is in effect. I/O area Data from the Xpediter/CICS I/O area that can be displayed in four modes. Each mode supports different scrolling commands, as shown in Table 9-1 on page 9-2. For more information, see “Using the Xpediter/CICS I/O Area” on page 9-1. File Utility Screens 9-29 SSA Area SSAs in a DL/I call allow you to provide information to DL/I that satisfies the call. Specify the following information in an SSA: • Name of the segment type • Description of a specific segment in a qualifying statement • One or more qualifying command codes. A DL/I call with one or more SSAs is a qualified call. A DL/I call with no SSAs is an unqualified call. Similarly, there are two types of SSAs: • Unqualified SSA: An SSA that contains only a segment name is an unqualified SSA. A segment name less than 8 bytes in length must be padded with blanks to the right. The segment name is followed by at least one blank. An unqualified SSA only defines the segment type to be processed, not an actual occurrence of the segment. • Qualified SSA: In addition to the segment name, a qualified SSA contains one or more qualification statements. A qualified SSA contains the sections shown in Table 9-2 with the specified number of bytes. Table 9-2. Qualified SSA Sections Section Bytes Segment name 8 * 1 Command code varies ( 1 Field name 8 RO 2 Field value varies ) 1 A qualification statement provides DL/I with information about a specific segment occurrence. Give DL/I the name of a field in the segment and the value of a specific field. The field and the value are connected by a relational operator (RO) that tells DL/I how to compare the two. The qualification portion of the SSA is enclosed in parentheses. A sample SSA as displayed in the SSA area is: LV SEG NAME CC Q SEGFLD OP ----+---10----+---20----+---30----+---40 02 FALLCLSS *--- ( FALLCODE = ...........) The fields of the SSA area are: LV Hierarchical level in the SSA list. This number is the level in the database that the SSA references. Xpediter/CICS automatically calculates and displays the value. This field can be used to modify the order of SSAs, and insert and delete SSAs with line commands. SEG NAME Name of the segment accessed at this level in the database. This field is eight bytes. If the desired segment name is less than 8 bytes, enter blanks on the right. 9-30 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual CC (Command Code) Optional qualifiers for DL/I. Valid entries are four alphanumeric characters. If used in a qualified SSA, the first position must be an asterisk (*). Xpediter/CICS limits the use of command codes to the following subset: • null: If command codes are not being used, type the command code field as *--(asterisk and dashes). If blanks are entered, Xpediter/CICS converts them to dashes. • C: Specifies that DL/I is supplied with a segment’s concatenated key for identification, instead of a qualification statement. Use either the C command code or a qualification statement, but not both. When entering the concatenated key, enclose it in parentheses following the *C. • The C command code may be easier than creating qualified SSAs for all higher level segments required in the hierarchical path to reach the desired segment. Refer to the Application Programming Reference Manual for your release of IMS DL/I for more information. • F: Retrieves the first occurrence of a segment type, or inserts a new segment occurrence as the first occurrence in a chain of segments. The F command code allows GN or GNP calls to back up in the database. • L: Retrieves the last occurrence of a certain segment type under its parent. It can also be used to insert a segment as the last occurrence of a segment type. • U: Qualifies a call with the current position at one level. The U command code specifies that DL/I will use no occurrence of the segment type specified in the SSA under the current parent segment type, other than occurrences on which the position is already established. • The U command code prevents the position from being moved from a segment during a search of its hierarchical dependents. If the segment has a unique sequence field, using this code is the same as a qualified SSA that is equal to the current value of the key field. During a call, if the position is moved to a level above which the U command code is used, the code has no effect for the segment type whose parent changed position. • Use the U command code when processing unkeyed dependents or nonunique keyed segments. A U code can hold the position on a specific occurrence of such a segment. • V: Qualifies a call with the current position at all hierarchical levels. The V command code is similar to the U code except that it is set at all higher levels in the call. This means that DL/I, when attempting to satisfy this call, cannot move from the current position at the level where V is specified. • Q: Reserves a segment for your program’s exclusive use. The Q command code instructs DL/I to lock a segment so that no other programs can update it, even if your program does not update it. Q (Qualifier) Qualifier field that specifies the start of the SSA qualification statement. When building a qualified SSA, be sure that this field contains a left parenthesis ( ( ). SEGFLD Name of the field that DL/I uses to search for a segment. Valid entries must be eight bytes. If the search field name is less than eight bytes, enter blanks on the right. OP (Relational Operator) Relational operator that is two bytes long. It contains the operator that determines the comparison to be made by DL/I in attempting to satisfy the qualification statement. File Utility Screens 9-31 Valid relational operators are shown in the following table. Note that b in the table indicates a blank hex '40' character. Table 9-3. Relational Operators Relational Operator Optional Values Equal =b b= EQ Greater than >b b> GT Less than <b b< LT Greater than or Equal >= => GE Less than or Equal <= =< LE Not Equal ¬= =¬ NE or NOT SEARCH KEY Value that DL/I uses in the comparison when attempting to satisfy the qualification statement. It must be the same length as that defined for the Search Field name. For a qualified SSA, a right parenthesis ( ) ) must follow the value. Xpediter/CICS displays the data in this field in vertical hexadecimal format to aid in working with data that cannot be represented by a single character. When a right parenthesis is entered at the end of the key, Xpediter/CICS assumes that it specifies the end of the key data and protects the remainder of the field. To extend the data in this field, type over the right parenthesis with a blank, and 256 bytes will be available for use. Scroll left and right through the field using Xpediter/CICS scrolling commands, making sure that the cursor is positioned in the bounds of this field. SSA-Related Commands To view the SSAs, use the SHOW KEYS or SHOW SSA primary command. When in the SSA display mode, you can modify the SSAs, reorder, and delete them. Line commands are entered in the level number field preceding each SSA. The SHOW DATA primary command displays the segment I/O area. The data held in this area is used in REPL and ISRT calls. Any GET calls refresh the data in this area with the new segment data. For information on the I/O area, see “Using the Xpediter/CICS I/O Area” on page 9-1. The C (Copy) and M (Move) line commands are always used with an A (After) or B (Before) line command. The C and M commands are always matched with the first A or B command detected; that is, once a C or M command is detected, the SSA list is searched from the beginning until an A or B command is found. • A (After): Destination after which an SSA is copied or moved. • B (Before): Destination before which an SSA is copied or moved. • C (Copy): SSA to be copied after or before another SSA. • D (Delete): Existing SSA to be deleted from the SSA list. • I (Insert): Inserts a dummy SSA into the SSA list. The I line command is used to insert the dummy SSA after the SSA it is coded on. The IB line command is used to insert the dummy SSA before the SSA it is coded on. • M (Move): SSA to be moved after or before another SSA. 9-32 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual Output Fields DBCTL STATUS Displays the status of DBCTL in this CICS region. DBCTL ID Displays the ID of the DBCTL region to which this CICS region is connected. COMMANDS List of commands that can be used with DL/I segments, I/O area manipulation, and screen display modes. If PCB is the only command displayed, you must issue the PCB command to schedule the PSB. When the PSB has been scheduled, a list of available commands for accessing segment data will be displayed. If NONE shows in this area: • No PSB is scheduled. • Xpediter/CICS cannot determine the valid DL/I commands. • You are not authorized for Edit DL/1 Segment screen (5.4.4) functions. To display the I/O area (segment contents) use the SHOW DATA command. To display SSA data (as shown in Figure 9-17 on page 9-27), use the SHOW SSA command. To rebuild SSAs to reflect the currently displayed segment, use the SHOW KEYS command. For more information, refer to Chapter 3, “Primary Commands”. DBD Name of the DBD that defines the database. RECLN Current length of the I/O area. The length may exceed the maximum record size for a particular resource. In this case, only the data up to the maximum record length is used. The I/O area may be truncated if an I/O command is issued. Note: The MAX RECLN field contains the maximum record length. MAX RECLN Maximum record size that can be used for the current CICS file resource being accessed. RECFM Record format. Valid entries are: • F: Fixed-length record • V: Variable-length record. PSB scheduling status Message field to the right of the RECFM field that displays the scheduling status of the PSB specified in the PSBNAME field. Based on the status of the PSB, one of the following messages is displayed: • PSB IS SCHEDULED indicates PSB is scheduled with the PCB command. • PSB IS NOT SCHEDULED indicates PSB is not scheduled with the PCB command. The command is not issued yet, you are not authorized to use it, or an error terminated the PSB. File Utility Screens 9-33 PCB Field Area PCB fields for the data obtained from the PCB used in the last DL/I call. These fields reflect the current position in the database and the status returned by DL/I. DATABASE NAME DBD associated with the last call performed. LV Level number of a requested segment that DL/I has retrieved. If several segments are retrieved in a hierarchical path with one call, the number of the lowest level segment retrieved is displayed. If DL/I cannot find the requested segment, it displays the level number of the last segment it encountered that satisfied the call. STAT CODE Two-character status code that describes the results of the DL/I call. DL/I updates the code after each call and does not clear it between calls. There are three categories of status codes: • Successful or exceptional but valid conditions. If the call is completely successful, this field contains blanks. Many of the codes in this category are for information only. For example, GB means that DL/I has reached the end of the database without satisfying the call. This situation is expected in sequential processing and is not usually the result of an error. • Errors in the call. For example, AK indicates an invalid field name is included in an SSA. • I/O or system error. For example, a NO status code indicates an I/O error concerning the access method used for the database. Contact the system programmer or DBA for these errors. Xpediter/CICS provides additional diagnostics for many of the displayed status codes. To view these diagnostics, enter HELP xx in the COMMAND line, where xx is the DL/I status code. PROC OPTS Four-byte code that specifies the type of calls that can be issued by this PCB. This security mechanism can prevent an update while allowing a read on the database. Valid entries are: • • • • • • G: Get processing I: ISRT processing (adds) R: REPL processing (updates) D: DLET processing (deletes) A: All of the above GO: Read only get processing. SEGMENT NAME Name of the last segment that satisfied the call in this field. When a retrieval is successful, DL/I displays the name of the retrieved segment. When a retrieval is unsuccessful, DL/I displays the last segment along the path to the requested segment that satisfied the call. KFD LEN Current length of the KEY FEEDBACK field. Because the feedback area is not cleared between calls, this value is the length of the current concatenated key in KEY FEEDBACK. Xpediter/CICS ensures that only this amount of key feedback data displays. 9-34 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual KEY FEEDBACK Concatenated key of the retrieved segment. The concatenated key consists of the keys of each of the segment’s parents and its own key. Keys are positioned left to right, starting with the key of the root segment and following the hierarchical path. DL/I does not normally clear this field. If DL/I cannot satisfy the call, it displays the key of the segment at the last level that was satisfied. Because this field can extend beyond the limits of the display, use the LEFT and RIGHT scrolling commands to view data not on the display. To scroll this area, position the cursor on any line of the PCB information, and use the scrolling commands. DB2 Easy Query Menu (5.5) The DB2 Easy Query Menu (5.5) lists the entry points into the DB2 portion of the File Utility. Access this screen by typing 5 on the File Utility Menu (5) or as described in “Selecting Functions from Menus” on page 2-5. Figure 9-18. DB2 Easy Query Menu (5.5) ------------------ XPEDITER/CICS - DB2 EASY QUERY MENU (5.5) --------------C123 COMMAND ===> MODULE: LAYOUTS CSECT: LAYOUTS COMPILED: 15 MAY 1997 - 10:14:76 0 1 SETUP TABLE/VIEW LIST - Set default DB2 session attributes - List all DB2 tables and views Select a screen by typing the appropriate screen ID in the COMMAND field and pressing Enter or as described in “Selecting Functions from Menus” on page 2-5. The following screens are available: • Setup (0): Overrides default DB2 parameters. See “DB2 Setup (5.5.0)”. • Table/View List (1): Displays list of DB2 tables or views that you are authorized to access. See “DB2 Table/View List (5.5.1)” on page 9-37. DB2 Setup (5.5.0) The DB2 Setup screen (5.5.0) lets you override default DB2 parameters established during installation. If the Xpediter/CICS profile dataset is used, your overrides are saved for future debugging sessions. Access this screen by typing the number 0 on the DB2 Easy Query Menu (5.5) or as described in “Selecting Functions from Menus” on page 2-5. File Utility Screens 9-35 Figure 9-19. DB2 Setup Screen (5.5.0) ---------------------- XPEDITER/CICS - DB2 SETUP (5.5.0) ------------------C123 COMMAND ===> MODULE: CSECT: STRING DELIMITER DECIMAL INDICATOR NULL COLUMN DISPLAY CHARACTER VARIABLE LENGTH COLUMN END OF STRING CHARACTER TRUNCATE TRAILING BLANKS USE LOCAL/GMT WHEN INSERTING NEW COLUMN LIST OF TABLES/VIEW LIMITS: CREATOR TABLE/VIEW TYPE DATABASE TABLESPACE MAXIMUM ROWS TO SELECT LOCK TABLES WHEN UPDATING LOCK TABLES GLOBAL OVERRIDE ===> ===> ===> ===> ===> ===> ' . @ | Y LOCAL ===> ===> ===> ===> ===> ===> ===> ===> * * * * * 250 N YES (' or ") (. or ,) (Local/GMT) (Table/View) (1 - 1000) (Y/N) Input Fields Global Parameters Used to Initialize Defaults The input fields on the DB2 Setup screen are initialized based on the values of the Xpediter/CICS global parameters listed in Table 9-4. For a complete description of Xpediter’s global parameters table, refer to the Xpediter/CICS Installation and Configuration Guide. Table 9-4. Xpediter Global Parameters for DB2 Setup Screen DB2 Setup Screen Field Global Parameter Used to Initialize Field STRING DELIMITER DB2STR DECIMAL INDICATOR DB2DEC NULL COLUMN DISPLAY CHARACTER DB2NULD VARIABLE LENGTH COLUMN END OF STRING CHARACTER DB2VARE TRUNCATE TRAILING BLANKS DB2VART USE LOCAL/GMT WHEN INSERTING NEW COLUMN DB2SQLT CREATOR LIMCREA TABLE/VIEW LIMTABL TYPE LIMTYPE DATABASE LIMDB TABLESPACE LIMTS MAXIMUM ROWS TO SELECT DB2SQLR LOCK TABLES WHEN UPDATING DB2LOKA STRING DELIMITER Select an apostrophe (') or quote (") as a delimiter for entering a string constant. String constants are used on the DB2 Build SQL Easy Query screen (5.5.2). Apostrophe (') is the default. 9-36 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual DECIMAL INDICATOR Select a period (.) or comma (,) as a decimal indicator for entering or displaying a numeric value or constant. NULL COLUMN DISPLAY CHARACTER Displays a character that you select to display the contents of a NULL column. When a NULL column is displayed, this character shows in the column. Do not select the same character as the string delimiter, decimal indicator, or end-of-string character. VARIABLE LENGTH COLUMN END OF STRING CHARACTER Controls the input of data for columns defined as variable length. Variable length columns are used on the DB2 Edit Result Table Row screen (5.5.5). The end-of-string character marks the end of data in a variable length column. All data following this character is ignored and only data to the left of the character is retained. To create a variable length column of length 0, place the end-of-string character in position 1 of the input field associated with the column. TRUNCATE TRAILING BLANKS Determines if trailing blanks are retained or removed. • N: Retains trailing blanks as part of the variable length field. Always pads the variable length column to the right with blanks to its maximum defined length. • Y: Removes all trailing blanks from the input string and only retains the data up to the trailing blanks for the column. USE LOCAL/GMT WHEN INSERTING NEW COLUMN Time zone factor for a TIME, DATE, or TIMESTAMP field. Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) values are the same as LOCAL values if your DB2 system has not been generated to support GMT values. • LOCAL: Uses associated LOCAL value. • GMT: Uses Greenwich Mean Time value. LIST OF TABLE/VIEW LIMITS Area Fields may be used in combination. Fields are processed in top-to-bottom order. The asterisk (*) is used as a generic matching character; any positions starting at the asterisk and continuing through the end of the string are assumed to match. An asterisk in position 1 selects all entries for that field. CREATOR Limits the displayed list to tables created by specified users. TABLE/VIEW Limits the displayed list to specified tables and views. TYPE Limits the displayed list to the specified type. Valid values are TABLE, VIEW, and asterisk (*). File Utility Screens 9-37 DATABASE Limits the displayed list to tables and views residing in the specified DB2 databases. TABLESPACE Limits the displayed list to tables and views residing in the specified DB2 tablespaces. MAXIMUM ROWS TO SELECT Limits the number of rows displayed from the DB2 result table on the DB2 Browse Result Table screen (5.5.4). This value must be in the range from 1 to the displayed value, which is set during installation. The default value is 1000. If the maximum value is too small, contact your system programmer. LOCK TABLES WHEN UPDATING Places or prohibits a lock on a table. • Y: Locks a table that is selected for update. When you enter the DB2 Browse Result Table screen (5.5.4), Xpediter/CICS locks a table so that other users cannot modify it at the same time. This does not mean you gain exclusive control of a table. The system programmer can disable the lock capability. • N: Prohibits Xpediter/CICS from locking a table while you are updating it. Other users can access a table and update it while you are viewing or modifying it. When you use this value, you risk losing changes, but you gain resource savings. N is the default. Output Field LOCK TABLES GLOBAL OVERRIDE Indicates whether you can actually lock DB2 tables for exclusive use. This parameter is set in the Xpediter/CICS global table. • YES: Users can lock DB2 tables. • NO: Users cannot lock DB2 tables. DB2 Table/View List (5.5.1) The DB2 Table/View List screen (5.5.1) displays a list of DB2 tables and views that you are authorized to access. The list is in alphabetical order by creator. Access this screen by typing 1 on the DB2 Easy Query Menu (5.5) or as described in “Transferring Between Screens” on page 2-5. 9-38 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual Figure 9-20. DB2 Table/View List Screen (5.5.1) ----------------- XPEDITER/CICS - DB2 TABLE/VIEW LIST (5.5.1) -------------C123 COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> CSR MODULE: CSECT: ROW LIMIT LIST TO: CREATOR: * DATABASE: * LINE COMMANDS: Q (SQL Easy Query) CMD --_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ CREATOR -------CIBER01 CWS060 CWS060 CWS060 CWS060 CWS097 CWXAAD2 CWXAAD2 CWXAAD2 CWXAAD2 CWXAAD2 TABLE/VIEW: TABLESPACE: * * 1 OF 207 TYPE: * S (Select) TABLE/VIEW NAME -----------------PLAN_TABLE EMPTESTX EMPTEST1 FIRSTTAB TRANSTEC REPORT AATABBETA AATABDEV AATAB222 AATAB553 AATAB554 TYPE ----TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE DATABASE -------CBV2CLAS CW060V2 CW060V2 CW060V2 CW060V2 CWS097V2 CWAADV2 CWAADV2 CWAADV2 CWAADV2 CWAADV2 TABLESPACE ---------- PLANRTAB CW060TS CW060TS CW060TS TRANSTEC CWS097TS CWAADTS CWAADTS CWAADTS CWAADTS CWAADTS Input Fields Global Parameters Used to Initialize Defaults The input fields in the LIMIT LIST TO area of the DB2 Table/View List screen are initialized based on the values of the Xpediter/CICS global parameters listed in Table 9-5. For a complete description of Xpediter’s global parameters table, refer to the Xpediter/CICS Installation and Configuration Guide. Table 9-5. Xpediter Global Parameters for DB2 Table/View List Screen DB2 Table/View List Screen Field Global Parameter Used to Initialize Field CREATOR LIMCREA TABLE/VIEW LIMTABL TYPE LIMTYPE DATABASE LIMDB TABLESPACE LIMTS LIMIT LIST TO Area Limits the list to only tables and views that you want to see. DB2 security limits the list to tables and views that you are allowed to access with your user ID. Fields can be used in combination to create selection criteria for the list of tables and views. The asterisk (*) is used as a generic matching character; any positions starting at the asterisk and continuing through the end of the string are assumed to match. An asterisk in position 1 selects all entries for that field. Note: The limits established in these fields are applied only after acquiring a complete list of tables/views you are allowed to access. This technique provides faster access to a limited list than can be provided by DB2 alone. CREATOR Limits the displayed list to tables created by specified users. File Utility Screens 9-39 TABLE/VIEW Limits the displayed list to specified tables and views. TYPE Limits the displayed list to the specified type. Valid values are TABLE, VIEW, and asterisk (*). DATABASE Limits the displayed list to tables and views residing in the specified DB2 databases. TABLESPACE Limits the displayed list to tables and views residing in the specified DB2 tablespaces. CMD Line command entry field. Valid entries are: • Q (Query): Selects a DB2 table for EASY QUERY. This command transfers you to the DB2 Build SQL Easy Query screen (5.5.2) so that you can customize the query for data in the table. The Q line command is not allowed for views. • S (Select): Selects a DB2 table or view when you want to see all columns. This command transfers you to the DB2 Browse Result Table screen (5.5.4) so that all columns in the table or view are displayed. If authorized, you may edit data on this screen if TABLE is in the TYPE field. The result table from a view may not be edited. You may also position the cursor anywhere on a line that defines a table or view and press the SELECT key. Output Fields ROW xxxxx OF yyyyy Displays the current top row (xxxxx) within the total rows (yyyyy) of columns from the table that are available for display on this screen. CREATOR Name of the creator of the DB2 table or view obtained from the DB2 catalog. TABLE/VIEW NAME Name of the DB2 table or view obtained from the DB2 catalog. TYPE Indicates the type of information being displayed: • TABLE: Indicates the DB2 table that contains data that may be displayed and updated. • VIEW: Indicates how the DB2 table is to be displayed, rather than the actual data. Data from views cannot be updated. DATABASE Name of the DB2 database where the table resides. 9-40 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual TABLE SPACE Name of the DB2 table space where the table resides. DB2 Build SQL Easy Query (5.5.2) The DB2 Build SQL Easy Query screen (5.5.2) lets you view a list of all columns defined for a single DB2 table. Use this list to prepare an EASY QUERY to retrieve data from the DB2 table and display the result table to review and edit. You can perform the following: • • • • Select Select Select Select columns to display from this table. the left-to-right order of display for columns. rows by using WHERE clauses. columns for sort sequence using ORDER-BY clauses. Access this screen by using the Q (Query) line command to select a table from the DB2 Table/View List screen (5.5.1). Figure 9-21. DB2 Build SQL Easy Query Screen (5.5.2) --------------- XPEDITER/CICS - DB2 BUILD SQL EASY QUERY (5.5.2) ----------C123 COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> CSR MODULE: CSECT: VALID COMMANDS: SHOW RESULT/SQL CHECK RESET END CREATOR: CWX0030 TABLE: COMPOSITE_TABLE LINE COMMANDS: ROW POSITION 1 OF 5 1 OF 254 A (After) B (Before) M/MM (Move) S/SS (Select) X/XX (eXclude) CMD COLUMN NAME --------------------S_ DATE_FIELD S_ TIME_FIELD S_ TIMESTAMP_FIELD S_ CHAR_FIELD S_ VARCHAR_FIELD **END** ORDER-BY WHERE CLAUSE ATTRIBUTES SEQ A/D VALUES AND OPERATORS --------------- --- --- ----+---10----+---20----+---30--> DATE __ _ TIME __ _ TIMESTMP __ _ CHAR(88) __ _ IS NOT NULL VARCHAR(88) __ _ After you prepare an EASY QUERY, you have the following options: • Abort the query by transferring to another screen or exiting Xpediter/CICS. • Display the SQL call that is generated in order to perform the query. Use the SHOW SQL command to transfer you to the DB2 Browse Generated SQL Call screen (5.5.3). • Execute the query and display the result table from it by using the SHOW RESULT command. This transfers you to the DB2 Browse Result Table screen (5.5.4). Input Fields CMD Line command entry field. Valid entries are: • A (After): Destination of an M or MM line command. • B (Before): Destination of an M or MM line command. • M (Move): Specifies which column is moved after or before another column. File Utility Screens 9-41 • MM (Move block): Specifies which block of columns is moved after or before another column. • S (Select): Selects column from display. • SS (Select block): Selects a block of columns from display. • X (Exclude) Excludes column from display. • XX (Exclude block) Excludes block of columns from display. ORDER-BY Defines the order and sort sequence of columns displayed in the result table. • SEQ: Defines the order for sorting data in the column. To exclude a column from an ORDER-BY clause, do not key anything in this field. If a value is keyed in error, blank it out. Allowed values are integers in the range of 1 to 16. • A/D: Defines the sort order for data in the column. Values are: – A: Sorts column in ascending sequence. – D: Sorts column in descending sequence. WHERE CLAUSE VALUES AND OPERATORS Provides an area for entering search conditions used to select the rows returned by the query. The search conditions are combined with the column name to create an SQL WHERE clause. SQL WHERE clauses produce an intermediate result table by applying the search condition against the rows in the selected table. Data can consist of literals, other column names, parentheses (for grouping clauses or data), or any of the DB2 operators below. Note: Due to the processing of WHERE clause data by Xpediter/CICS, the first parameter entered in a field must be a relational operator and the last parameter must be either a blank or a DB2 operator. Table 9-6. Operator DB2 Relational Operators Description = Equal ¬= Not equal > Greater than < Less than ¬> Not greater than ¬< Not less than >= Greater than or equal <= Less than or equal IS NULL Test for nulls IS NOT NULL Test for not nulls BETWEEN Test for values within a range NOT BETWEEN Test for values NOT within a range. For example, NOT BETWEEN ’005’ AND '158'. Allows rows to be selected when a column’s value is similar to the value supplied. LIKE Special characters allow a more generic search. An underscore (_) stands for a single character. A percent sign (%) stands for an unknown string of one or more characters. 9-42 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual Table 9-7. DB2 Boolean Operators Operator Description AND Allows qualifying data and/or clauses to be logically ANDed together. If a WHERE clause does not end in AND or OR, AND is assumed. OR Allows qualifying data and/or clauses to be logically ORed together. Output Fields CREATOR Name of the creator of the DB2 table for which you are creating an EASY QUERY. TABLE Name of the DB2 table for which you are creating an EASY QUERY. ROW xxxxx OF yyyyy Displays the current top row (xxxxx) within the total rows (yyyyy) of columns from the table that are available for display on this screen. If the X (Exclude) or XX (Exclude block) line commands are used to exclude rows from display, the total rows (yyyyy) value changes to reflect the new number of rows being displayed. POSITION xxxxx OF yyyyy Displays the current leftmost position of displayed data in the WHERE CLAUSE VALUES AND OPERATORS field as well as the maximum position allowed. The leftmost position (xxxxx) is relative to one. A scale line in the section eases data entry. The maximum position (yyyyy) is the maximum length of an individual WHERE clause. To scroll data in these fields, use the RIGHT and LEFT scrolling commands. COLUMN NAME Name of a column within the DB2 table being accessed. This title is also used for this column in the DB2 result table if the column is selected for display by a query. ATTRIBUTES Display only field that provides the attributes associated with the column in the COLUMN NAME field. The column names in this list are in the left-to-right order after the table being accessed. • SMALLINT: Whole numbers in the range -32768 to +32767. • INTEGER: Whole numbers in the range -2147483648 to +2147483647. • DECIMAL (xx,yy): Value with up to 31 significant digits. xx specifies the total number of significant digits. yy specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point. • FLOAT: Single precision floating point value in the range 5.4E-79 to 7.2E+75. • LONGFLT: Double precision floating point value in the range 5.4E-79 to 7.2E+75. • CHAR (xxx): Fixed length string of xxx characters, where xxx has a maximum value of 254. • VARCHAR (xxx): Variable length string of up to xxx characters, where xxx has a maximum value of 254. File Utility Screens 9-43 • LONGVAR (xxxxx): Variable length string of up to xxxxx characters. Value xxxxx is calculated by DB2 and may be as high as 32K. • GRAPHIC (xxx): Fixed length string of xxx two-byte characters, where xxx has a maximum value of 127. This is used for data such as kanji. • VARG (xxx): Variable length string of xxx two-byte characters, where xxx has a maximum value of 127. This is used for data such as kanji. • LONGVARG (xxxxx): Variable length string of xxxxx two-byte characters. Value xxxxx is calculated by DB2 and may be as high as 16K. This is used for data such as kanji. • DATE: Ten position date format value. The actual format is user-defined. • TIME: Fifteen position time format value. The actual format is user-defined. • TIMESTMP: The column contains data in time-stamp format, YYYY-MM-DDHH.MM.SS.NNNNNN where: – – – – – – – YYYY: year MM: month DD: day HH: hour MM: minute SS: second NNNNNN: nano-second. DB2 Browse Generated SQL Call (5.5.3) The DB2 Browse Generated SQL Call screen (5.5.3) displays the SQL call generated from the information entered on the DB2 Build SQL Easy Query screen (5.5.2). This formatted display shows the actual SQL code that is executed if the SHOW RESULT command is used. Use SHOW RESULT to view the result table from this SQL call. Access this screen by using the SHOW SQL command on the DB2 Build SQL Easy Query screen (5.5.2). Figure 9-22. DB2 Browse Generated SQL Call Screen (5.5.3) ------------ XPEDITER/CICS - DB2 BROWSE GENERATED SQL CALL (5.5.3) --------C123 COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> CSR MODULE: CSECT: VALID COMMANDS: SHOW RESULT CREATE REPLACE END ROW 1 OF 8 ---------------------------------- SQL CALL ----------------------------------- SELECT CWX0030.COMPOSITE_TABLE.DATE_FIELD,CWX0030. COMPOSITE_TABLE.TIME_FIELD,CWX0030.COMPOSITE_TABLE. TIMESTAMP_FIELD,CWX0030.COMPOSITE_TABLE.CHAR_FIELD, CWX0030.COMPOSITE_TABLE.VARCHAR_FIELD FROM CWX0030.COMPOSITE_TABLE WHERE CHAR_FIELD IS NOT NULL ************************************ BOTTOM *********************************** You can view the SQL call and save it in the Xpediter/CICS SQL transfer file by using the CREATE and REPLACE commands. This VSAM dataset lets you save the generated SQL call and then print or move the SQL call to another file by using the supplied batch utility program DBSQLUTL. Each SQL call is stored as a single record in this file with the name you supply as an operand on the CREATE or REPLACE command. 9-44 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual Output Fields ROW xxxxx OF yyyyy Displays the current top row (xxxxx) within the total rows (yyyyy) of the generated SQL call. SQL CALL Area Displays the generated SQL call. The call is formatted so that keywords, (such as SELECT, FROM, WHERE, and ORDER BY) are separated. This eases locating and understanding each clause associated with the SELECT statement. DB2 Browse Result Table (5.5.4) The DB2 Browse Result Table screen (5.5.4) lets you browse the DB2 table selected on the DB2 Table/View List screen (5.5.1), or created by the EASY QUERY. The displayed column headings are column names in the result table. Numeric data is right-justified with the column; character data is left-justified. The width of the display for each column is either the column name or the maximum number of bytes required to display the data, whichever is greater. Each column is separated by one blank. Nonprinting characters are displayed as periods (.). Null columns display the maximum number of null display characters that are required to display the contents of the field. Access this screen by using the S (Select) line command to select a table on the DB2 Table/View List screen (5.5.1), or by using the SHOW RESULT command on the DB2 Build SQL Easy Query screen (5.5.2) or the DB2 Browse Generated SQL Call screen (5.5.3). Figure 9-23. DB2 Browse Result Table Screen (5.5.4) --------------- XPEDITER/CICS - DB2 BROWSE RESULT TABLE (5.5.4) -----------C123 COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> CSR MODULE: CSECT: VALID COMMANDS: CANCEL FIND LOCATE END CREATOR: CWX0030 LINE COMMANDS: * _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TABLE: COMPOSITE_TABLE D (Delete) I (Insert) ROW 1 OF 8 POSITION 1 OF 226 R (Replicate) S (Select) DATE_FIELD TIME_FIELD TIMESTAMP_FIELD ---------- ---------- -------------------------- ---------------------------- 1990-06-25 12.00.00 1990-01-02- 0123456789 1990-01-31 00.52.33 1990-01-31- 1234567890123456789012345678 1990-02-27 18.12.41 1990-01-02- 0123456789 1990-03-01 18.12.41 1990-01-02- 0123456789 1990-02-16 12.51.54 1990-02-16- THIS ROW WAS INSERTED TODAY. 1990-03-01 18.12.41 1990-01-02- 0123456789 1990-02-21 18.58.37 1990-02-21- DUMMY DATA 1990-02-21 19.23.47 1990-02-21- *********************************** BOTTOM ********************************** Input Field In the event that DB2 authorization prohibits you from modifying any data in the table, you cannot use line commands. * (asterisk) Line command entry field. Valid entries are: • D (Delete): Deletes the row from the table. File Utility Screens 9-45 • I (Insert): Inserts a row into the table. If a column in the row inserted may be NULL, it is set to NULL. If a column has been defined as NOT NULL, the following default initialization values, as described in “ATTRIBUTES” on page 9-42 are used: – – – – SMALLINT, INTEGER, DECIMAL, FLOAT, LONGFLT are set to zero. FIXED CHAR and GRAPHIC are set to blanks. VARCHAR and GRAPHIC are set to length zero. TIME, DATE, AND TIMESTAMP are set to current value. • R (Replicate): Replicates the contents of the current row to allow insertion as a new row. You must update your key fields in the newly inserted row before you attempt to update the table by using the END command. • S (Select): Selects the row for editing on the DB2 Edit Result Table Row screen (5.5.5). Output Fields CREATOR Name of the creator of the DB2 table which is being displayed. TABLE Name of the DB2 table which is being displayed. ROW xxxxx OF yyyyy Displays the current top row (xxxxx) within the total rows (yyyyy) of columns from the table that are available for display on this screen. The yyyyy value is the number of rows in the result table and may be limited by the MAXIMUM ROWS TO SELECT parameter on the DB2 Setup screen (5.5.0). POSITION xxxxx OF yyyyy Displays the current leftmost position of data within the row being displayed. DB2 Edit Result Table Row (5.5.5) The DB2 Edit Result Table Row screen (5.5.5) lets you edit data in a single row of a DB2 result table. Data in all columns of the row may be updated. If you are unauthorized to update a column per DB2 security, the contents of the column are protected to prevent you from modifying it. Access this screen by using the S (Select) line command to select a DB2 result table row from the DB2 Browse Result Table screen (5.5.4). 9-46 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual Figure 9-24. DB2 Edit Result Table Row Screen (5.5.5) -------------- XPEDITER/CICS - DB2 EDIT RESULT TABLE ROW (5.5.5) ----------C123 COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> CSR MODULE: CSECT: VALID COMMANDS: CANCEL FIND LOCATE END CREATOR: CWX0030 TABLE: COMPOSITE_TABLE ROW POSITION LINE COMMANDS: _ _ _ _ _ 1 OF 5 1 OF 88 C (Composite column edit) N (Set field to NULL value) COLUMN NAME -----------------DATE_FIELD TIME_FIELD TIMESTAMP_FIELD CHAR_FIELD VARCHAR_FIELD **END** VARLEN ATTRIBUTES OR NULL --------------- ------DATE TIME TIMESTMP CHAR(88) VARCHAR(88) 88 VALUE ----+---10----+---20----+---30---> 1990-06-25 12.00.00 1990-01-02- 0123456789 GEORGE PDOS EQUUS ... Input Field Line command field A line command field is left of each COLUMN NAME entry. If the field is protected, you cannot use line commands when any of the conditions below apply: • You have not been granted UPDATE authority for the column. • The column has NOT been defined as being set to the NULL value AND it is numeric, i.e. INTEGER, FLOAT, or DECIMAL. If the field is unprotected, you may enter the following line commands. • N (Null): Sets the column to the NULL value, if allowed by predefinition. • C (Composite Column): Provides edit support for DATE, TIME, TIMESTAMP, CHARACTER, or GRAPHIC columns. Use this support when the 300-column limit is too restrictive or if you have a column containing kanji data. For further information, refer to the Update Composite Column screen (5.5.6). VALUE See “VALUE” on page 9-48 for information on modifying data in this area. Output Fields CREATOR Name of the creator of the DB2 result table being displayed. TABLE Name of the DB2 result table being displayed. ROW xxxxx OF yyyyy Displays the current top row (xxxxx) within the total rows (yyyyy) of columns from the table that are available for display on this screen. The yyyyy value is the number of columns contained in each row of the result table. File Utility Screens 9-47 POSITION xxxxx OF yyyyy Displays the current leftmost position of data being displayed. COLUMN NAME Name of a column within the DB2 table being accessed. ATTRIBUTES Display only field that provides the attributes associated with the column named in the COLUMN NAME field. • SMALLINT: Whole numbers in the range -32768 to +32767. • INTEGER: Whole numbers in the range -2147483648 to +2147483647. • DECIMAL(xx,yy): Value having up to 31 significant digits. Subfield xx specifies the total number of significant digits, and subfield yy specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point. • FLOAT: Single precision floating point value in the range 5.4E-79 to 7.2E+75. • LONGFLT: Double precision floating point value in the range 5.4E-79 to 7.2E+75. • CHAR(xxx): Fixed length string of xxx characters, where xxx has a maximum value of 254. • VARCHAR(xxx): Variable length string of up to xxx characters, where xxx has a maximum value of 254. • LONGVAR(xxxxx): Variable length string of up to xxxxx characters. Value xxxxx is calculated by DB2 and may be as high as 32K. • GRAPHIC(xxx): Fixed length string of xxx two-byte characters, where xxx has a maximum value of 127. This is used for data such as kanji. • VARG(xxx): Variable length string of xxx two-byte characters, where xxx has a maximum value of 127. This is used for data such as kanji. • LONGVARG(xxxxx): Variable length string of up xxxxx two-byte characters. Value xxxxx is calculated by DB2 and may be as high as 16K. This is used for data such as kanji. • DATE: Ten position date format value. The actual format is user-defined. • TIME: Fifteen position time format value. The actual format is user-defined. • TIMESTMP: Data in time-stamp format, yyyy-mm-dd-hh.mm.ss.nnnnnn where: – – – – – – – yyyy: year mm: month dd: day hh: hour mm: minute ss: second nnnnnn: nano-second. VARLEN OR NULL Applies to variable length columns such as VARCHAR or VARGRAPHIC or to any column that may be set to the NULL value. For any column that may be set to the NULL value, this field displays NULL if it is null, and the modifiable data portion of this column displays the NULL display character (default is @) set on the DB2 Setup screen (5.5.0). 9-48 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual For variable length columns, this field contains the current length of the data shown in the VALUE field. This may range from 0 to the maximum length of the defined column. If the value of the column displayed is NULL, the VARLEN OR NULL field contains the literal NULL. VALUE Contains the current data for the columns in the row selected on the DB2 Browse Result Table screen (5.5.4). Data in the column must be entered in the correct format for the column. Numeric columns (INTEGER, DECIMAL, or FLOAT) may be entered in any valid numeric format. A FLOAT value may be entered in an INTEGER column, however, data conversions will be performed and truncation may take place according to DB2 numeric conversion rules. If a numeric value contains invalid data or data that does not allow proper conversion, an error is issued and the field highlighted. For CHARACTER or GRAPHIC columns, leading and trailing end-of-string delimiters must not be entered. Variable length fields require the use of the variable length column, end-of-string, and truncate trailing blank parameters specified on the DB2 Setup screen (5.5.0). If the column contains unprintable characters, you may use the HEX ON command to go into vertical hex mode where data may be modified in vertical hex format. If you use composite columns, such as redefining the attributes of a column within a COBOL program, or you have a column containing kanji data, you may wish to use the C (Composite Column) line command to transfer control to the DB2 Edit Composite Column screen (5.5.6) for editing of data within the column. DB2 Edit Composite Column (5.5.6) The DB2 Edit Composite Column screen (5.5.6) lets you edit data in a column of the DB2 result table. Composite columns are defined in Xpediter/CICS as DATE, TIME, TIMESTAMP, CHARACTER, or GRAPHIC columns that are redefined by a user in an application program. The USING command can be used on this screen to specify an 01 level COBOL or PL/I dataname for mapping new attributes for the column using the COBOL attributes of the dataname. Access this screen by using C (Composite Column) line command to select a column on the DB2 Edit Result Table Row screen (5.5.5). Figure 9-25. DB2 Edit Composite Column Screen (5.5.6) -------------- XPEDITER/CICS - DB2 EDIT COMPOSITE COLUMN (5.5.6) ----------C123 COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> CSR MODULE: CSECT: VALID COMMANDS: CANCEL FIND LOCATE END CREATOR: CWX0030 TABLE: COMPOSITE_TABLE DEC-OFFSET: 000000 ADD-OFFSET: 000000 COLUMN NAME: VARCHAR_FIELD COLUMN LENGTH: 00088 ----+---10----+---20----+---30----+---40----+---50----+---60----+---70----+--> GEORGE PDOS EQUUS ...>059JUST AN ORDINARY GIRL ----+---10----+---20----+---30----+---40----+---50----+---60----+---70----+--> File Utility Screens 9-49 Data Display Modes You can display the actual column data in one of four modes which lets you view and modify data easily. Each mode supports different scrolling commands to ease positioning within the column. Table 9-1 on page 9-2 shows the modes and corresponding scrolling commands. Input Fields Two offset fields let you position to data within the column being edited. HEX/DEC-OFFSET Displays the current offset within the column’s data. This value is always relative to 0. The data display begins at this offset. This field may be modified. The value entered must be in the range of 0 to the decimal value displayed in the COLUMN LENGTH field. When HEX-OFFSET is displayed, the value will be between 0 and the hexadecimal equivalent of the decimal value displayed in the COLUMN LENGTH field. In addition, when DECOFFSET is displayed, a hexadecimal value with a leading positive (+) sign may be entered instead, e.g. 80 or +50 are equivalent. Note: The HEX/DEC-OFFSET field is protected (non-modifiable) when the USING command is in effect. ADD-OFFSET Used in conjunction with the HEX/DEC-OFFSET field to provide a new starting offset into the columns data. The value entered into this field is added, or subtracted if a leading negative (-) sign is present, to the value in the HEX/DEC-OFFSET field to yield a new starting offset value. If the display mode is dump (HEX DUMP), only hexadecimal values may be entered. If the display mode is character (HEX OFF) or vertical hex (HEX ON), the value may be entered either in decimal or hexadecimal. This can be done by preceding the value with a positive (+) sign. To add a negative offset, simply precede the value by a negative (-) sign. Note: The ADD-OFFSET field is protected (non-modifiable) when the USING command is in effect. Output Fields CREATOR Displays the creator of the DB2 result table. TABLE Displays the name of the DB2 result table. COLUMN NAME Displays the column name. COLUMN LENGTH Displays the maximum length of data within the column. 9-50 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual DB2 Long Identifier Considerations IBM DB2 UDB V8 for z/OS introduced many changes to the DB2 product, including the introduction of long identifier fields in DB2 V8 New Function Mode (NFM). The identifier lengths that affect the Xpediter/CICS DB2 File Utility are as follows: • The permissible length of the table creator name has increased from 8 to 128 bytes. • The permissible length of the table/view name has increased from 18 to 128 bytes. • The permissible length of the column name has increased from 18 to 30 bytes. The Xpediter/CICS DB2 File Utility provides all of the functionality of the previous releases of the DB2 File Utility, including support for DB2 and long identifiers. Because of screen limitations, however, the maximum display sizes for the creator, table name, and column name fields are limited to 8, 18, and 18 bytes respectively in Xpediter/CICS. If a DB2 field exceeds these lengths, the field is truncated for display (only), and a plus character “+” is appended to the right of that field. For example, a creator name of CREATOR_NAME_IS_LONGER_THAN_V7 is truncated to 8 bytes and displayed as CREATOR_+, a table name of TABLE_NAME_IS_LONGER_THAN_V7 is truncated to 18 bytes and displayed as TABLE_NAME_IS_LONG+, and a column name of COLUMN_IS_LONGER_THAN_V7 is truncated to 18 bytes and displayed as COLUMN_IS_LONGER_T+. The full length of these fields is only displayed on the DB2 BROWSE GENERATED SQL CALL (5.5.3) screen. Following are examples of three DB2 File Utility screens showing the result of displaying the DB2 long identifiers in the File Utility. Figure 9-26 shows an example of the DB2 TABLE/VIEW LIST (5.5.1) screen. In the first row of this display the long creator ABCDEF_LONG_CREATOR_TEST has been truncated and is displayed as eight bytes ABCDEF_L and a plus sign (+) is appended to the right of the field. Likewise the table name of LONG_TABLE_NAME_FOR__TESTING_DCLGEN has been truncated to eighteen bytes and a plus sign appended. Figure 9-26. DB2 Table/View List ---------------- XPEDITER/CICS - DB2 TABLE/VIEW LIST (5.5.1) -------------C123 COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> CSR MODULE: CSECT: ROW LIMIT LIST TO: CREATOR: * TABLE/VIEW: DATABASE: * TABLESPACE: * LINE COMMANDS: Q (SQL Easy Query) S (Select) CMD --_ _ _ _ _ _ CREATOR TABLE/VIEW NAME TYPE ----------------------------ABCDEF_L+ LONG_TABLE_NAME_FO+ TABLE ABCDEF_L+ LONG_TABLE_NAME_FO+ TABLE ABCDEF_L+ LONG_TABLE_NAME_FO+ TABLE ACMEJET0 AGEGROUP TABLE ACMEJET0 CITY TABLE ACMEJET0 CUSTOMER TABLE * DATABASE -------DBJAGTST DBJAGTST DBJAGTST DJSMQTDB DJSMQTDB DJSMQTDB 1 OF 90 TYPE: * TABLESPACE ---------- DBJAGTST DBJAGTST DBJAGTST TSM00001 TSM00001 TSM00001 Typing a Q in the command field of the first row and pressing Enter causes the DB2 BUILD SQL EASY QUERY (5.5.2) screen in Figure 9-27 to be displayed. In the heading both the CREATOR: and TABLE: data has been truncated for display and a plus sign has been appended to the right of each field. The long column name OBJS_RELATE_LONGER_CL_NAME has been truncated to eighteen bytes and a plus sign has been appended to the right of the field. File Utility Screens 9-51 Figure 9-27. DB2 Build SQL Easy Query -------------- XPEDITER/CICS - DB2 BUILD SQL EASY QUERY (5.5.2) ----------C123 COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> CSR MODULE: CSECT: VALID COMMANDS: SHOW RESULT/SQL CHECK RESET END CREATOR: ABCDEF_L+ TABLE: LONG_TABLE_NAME_FO+ LINE COMMANDS: ROW POSITION 1 OF 8 1 OF 254 A (After) B (Before) M/MM (Move) S/SS (Select) X/XX (eXclude) CMD COLUMN NAME --------------------__ OBJS_ID __ OBJS_RELATE_LONGER+ __ OBJS_TYPE __ OBJS_DBNAME __ OBJS_TSNAME __ OBJS_CREATOR_LONGE+ __ OBJS_NAME __ OBJS_RELNAME ORDER-BY WHERE CLAUSE ATTRIBUTES SEQ A/D VALUES AND OPERATORS --------------- --- --- ----+---10----+---20----+---30-> CHAR(8) __ _ CHAR(16) __ _ CHAR(2) __ _ CHAR(8) __ _ CHAR(8) __ _ VARCHAR(228) __ _ VARCHAR(128) __ _ VARCHAR(128) __ _ Entering the primary command SHOW SQL, typing an S in the command field for the column name OBJS_RELATE_LONGER, and pressing Enter causes the DB2 BROWSE GENERATED SQL CALL (5.5.3) screen in Figure 9-28 to be displayed. Notice on this screen that the full lengths of the creator, table name, and column are displayed in the generated SQL call. Figure 9-28. DB2 Browse Generated SQL Call ----------- XPEDITER/CICS - DB2 BROWSE GENERATED SQL CALL (5.5.3) --------C123 COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> CSR MODULE: CSECT: VALID COMMANDS: SHOW RESULT CREATE REPLACE END ROW 1 OF 6 ---------------------------------- SQL CALL ----------------------------------- SELECT ABCDEF_LONG_CREATOR_TEST. LONG_TABLE_NAME_FOR__TESTING_DCLGEN. OBJS_RELATE_LONGER_CL_NAME FROM ABCDEF_LONG_CREATOR_TEST. LONG_TABLE_NAME_FOR__TESTING_DCLGEN ************************************ BOTTOM *********************************** MQ Menu (5.6) The MQ Menu (5.6) provides functions that allow access to MQ queues. Access this screen by typing the number 6 on the File Utility Menu (5), or as described in “Transferring Between Screens” on page 2-5. 9-52 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual Figure 9-29. MQ Menu (5.6) ------------------------ XPEDITER/CICS - MQ MENU (5.6) --------------------C123 COMMAND ===> MODULE: CSECT: 0 1 2 3 SETUP QUEUE LIST BROWSE QUEUE UPDATE QUEUE - Set default MQ session attributes List all MQ queues Browse messages in a queue Add or delete messages in a queue To access a screen, enter the screen ID number in the COMMAND field, or as described in “Selecting Functions from Menus” on page 2-5. The following screens are available: • Setup (0): Allows you to set default MQ session attributes. See “MQ Setup (5.6.0)” on page 9-52. • Queue List (1): List of MQ queues that can be accessed from this CICS system. See “MQ Queue List (5.6.1)”. • Browse Queue (2): Displays (local queues only) messages on an MQ queue. See “Browse MQ Queue Message (5.6.2)” on page 9-55. • Update Queue (3): Allows messages to be added on an MQ queue. See “Update MQ Queue Message (5.6.3)” on page 9-58. MQ Setup (5.6.0) The MQ Setup (5.6.0) screen allows you to establish and override several default MQ parameters established by the system programmer during Xpediter/CICS installation. These parameters allow you to customize the MQ portions of the File Utility to better suit your individual requirements for your session. If the Xpediter/CICS profile dataset is used, your overrides are saved for future debugging sessions. Access this screen by typing the number 0 on the MQ Menu (5.6), or by typing 6.0 on the File Utility Menu (5). Figure 9-30. MQ Setup Screen (5.6.0) ----------------------- XPEDITER/CICS - MQ SETUP (5.6.0) ------------------C123 COMMAND ===> MODULE: CSECT: LIST OF MQ QUEUES LIMITS: MQ LIST PREFIX MQ LIST TYPE MQ LIST LIMIT DYNAMIC QUEUE PREFIX ===> ===> ===> (1 - 99999), SPACES = LIST ALL ===> ------------------------------- P F F1 =HELP F2 =RUNTO F3 =END F7 =UP F8 =DOWN F9 =GO 1 F13=MENU F14=MEMORY F15=SELECT F19=UP MAX F20=DOWN MAX F21=FILE K E Y S ------------------------------- F4 =EXIT F5 =RFIND F6 =LOCATE * F10=LEFT F11=RIGHT F12=GO F16=WS F17=TRACE F18=LAST3270 F22=DLEFT F23=DRIGHT F24=RETRIEVE File Utility Screens 9-53 Input Fields MQ LIST PREFIX The queue list may be limited to queue names beginning with a specified prefix. The entered prefix must end with an asterisk (*). Enter an asterisk to include all queue names in the list. The default value is an asterisk. MQ LIST TYPE The queue list may be limited to a specified type of queue. Valid values are QALIAS, QLOCAL, QMODEL, QREMOTE, or an asterisk (*). Enter an asterisk to include all queue types in the list. The default value is an asterisk. MQ LIST LIMIT The queue list may also be limited by the contents of the MQ LIST LIMIT field. If the MQ LIST LIMIT field is set to zero or spaces there is no maximum number of queues used to limit the list. All qualifying queues will be displayed. DYNAMIC QUEUE PREFIX The File Utility List MQ Queues screen (5.6.1) as seen in Figure 9-31, opens a dynamic queue. The dynamic queue prefix field may be used to define your session’s prefix for the name of that dynamic queue. This prefix will be used for your session’s prefix instead of the site’s default which is found in the MQDYNQ parameter in global. It must not exceed 33 characters and must end with an asterisk (*). Note: Corresponding specifications in your site’s external security manager, such as RACF, may be necessary. Refer to the appropriate WebSphere MQ documentation for additional information regarding dynamic queues. Spacing out your entry in this field will restore the global default for your session. Note that if you are using the global default for your dynamic queue prefix, it will be shown here after you have displayed the List MQ Queues screen (5.6.1) which opens it. While the prefix may be overridden on this screen for your session, the site default may only be changed via updating the global MQDYNQ parameter. MQ Queue List (5.6.1) The MQ Queue List screen is used to view a list of active CICS MQ queues. In addition to the MQ queue names, Xpediter/CICS also displays: • Type of queue • Current depth Access this screen by typing the number 1 on the MQ Menu (5.6), typing 6.1 on the File Utility Menu (5), or as described in “Transferring Between Screens” on page 2-5. 9-54 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual Figure 9-31. MQ Queue List Screen (5.6.1) -------------------- XPEDITER/CICS - MQ QUEUE LIST (5.6.1) ----------------C123 COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> CSR MODULE: CSECT: QUEUE TYPE: * QUEUE LIMIT: QUEUE MANAGER NAME: M530 QUEUE NAME PREFIX: * LINE COMMAND: B (Browse) S (Select) CMD QUEUE NAME TYPE CUR DEPTH ------+---10----+---20----+---30----+---40----+------------------ _ csq1 QLOCAL 0 _ efhrja0.test.chin.traffic QLOCAL 0 _ kevinsqueue QLOCAL 12 _ pnlkkh0.testQueue QLOCAL 0 _ pnlkkh0.testTopic QLOCAL 0 _ vp.csq4samp.batch.forward.queue QLOCAL 1 _ ASASASASPLANNING.SITE.REPORTS.RESPONSE.QUEUE01 QLOCAL 0 _ CF.TEST.QALIAS QALIAS _ CF.TEST.QLOCAL QLOCAL 0 ------------------------------- P F K E Y S ------------------------------- F1 =HELP F2 =RUNTO F3 =END F4 =EXIT F5 =RFIND F6 =LOCATE * F7 =UP F8 =DOWN F9 =GO 1 F10=LEFT F11=RIGHT F12=GO F13=MENU F14=MEMORY F15=SELECT F16=WS F17=TRACE F18=LAST3270 F19=UP MAX F20=DOWN MAX F21=FILE F22=DLEFT F23=DRIGHT F24=RETRIEVE Input Fields QUEUE TYPE The queue list may be limited to a specified type of queue. Valid values are QALIAS, QLOCAL, QMODEL, QREMOTE, or an asterisk (*). Enter an asterisk to include all queue types in the list. The default value is an asterisk. QUEUE LIMIT The queue list may also be limited by the contents of the QUEUE LIMIT field. If the MQ LIST LIMIT field is set to zero or spaces there is no maximum number of queues used to limit the list. All qualifying queues will be displayed. QUEUE NAME PREFIX The queue list may be limited to queue names beginning with a specified prefix. The entered prefix must end with an asterisk (*). Enter an asterisk to include all queue names in the list. The default value is an asterisk. CMD Enter B in the field to display a single message from a queue on the Browse MQ Queue Message screen (5.6.2). Note: Browsing a message from an initiation queue may cause a trigger event to occur, which may result in a trigger message being generated in the initiation queue. For details about trigger events and trigger messages, refer to the chapter entitled “Starting WebSphere MQ applications using triggers” in the Websphere MQ Application Programming Guide. Enter S in the field to display the Update MQ Queue Message screen (5.6.3). File Utility Screens 9-55 Output Fields QUEUE MANAGER NAME Name of the MQ queue manager that is connected to the CICS system. QUEUE NAME Name of the queue that can be accessed from the CICS system. Queues can be aliases, that is, point to another queue. If the opened MQ queue is indirect to another queue, Xpediter/CICS displays the indirect TO queue name. When you access the Browse MQ Queue Message screen (5.6.2), Xpediter/CICS follows the indirect chain to obtain the correct attributes of the target queue. TYPE Type of MQ queue. Valid entries are: • QALIAS: The queue name is an alias for another queue defined to the local queue manager. When an alias queue is selected, the alias is resolved and messages from the associated base queue will be displayed on the Browse MQ Queue Message screen (5.6.2). • QLOCAL: The queue belongs to the local queue manager. The local queue manager is the MQ queue manager connected to the CICS system. • QMODEL: The queue is model for use when creating a dynamic queue. Model queues are not selectable. • QREMOTE: The queue belongs to an MQ queue manager other than the local queue manager. Remote queues are not selectable. CUR DEPTH The current depth (number of messages) of the local queue. Browse MQ Queue Message (5.6.2) The Browse MQ Queue Message screen (5.6.2) allows access to a message in an MQ queue. Data can be displayed in character, vertical hexadecimal, or dump format. File mapping is available on this screen. See “USING” on page 3-122 for more information on file mapping. Access this screen by typing the number 2 on the MQ Menu (5.6), typing 6.2 on the File Utility Menu (5), by typing the B line command on the MQ Queue List screen (5.6.1), or as described in “Transferring Between Screens” on page 2-5. Note: Browsing a message from an initiation queue may cause a trigger event to occur, which may result in a trigger message being generated in the initiation queue. For details about trigger events and trigger messages, refer to the chapter entitled “Starting WebSphere MQ applications using triggers” in the WebSphere MQ Application Programming Guide. 9-56 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual Figure 9-32. Browse MQ Queue Message Screen (5.6.2) --------------- XPEDITER/CICS - BROWSE MQ QUEUE MESSAGE (5.6.2) -----------C123 COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> CSR MODULE: CSECT: VALID COMMANDS: FIRST NEXT TYPE : QLOCAL QUEUE NAME : XD06.DEFXMIT.QUEUE DEPTH: 000000002 REPLYTOQ . : CSQ4SAMP.MAILMGR.ACMEJET0 REPLYTOQMGR: XD06 PUTAPPLNAME: XD06 PUTDATE: 20011101 PUTTIME: 17194454 TRIGGER TYPE: NONE TRIGGER DATA: TRIGGER PRIORITY: 000000000 TRIGGER DEPTH: 000000001 DEC-OFFSET: 000000 ADD-OFFSET: ______ REC-LENGTH: 001168 ----+---10----+---20----+---30----+---40----+---50----+---60----+---70----+---> XQH ....CSQ4SAMP.MAILMGR.ACMEJET0 XD40 ----+---10----+---20----+---30----+---40----+---50----+---60----+---70----+---> Input Fields QUEUE NAME Name of the queue that is accessed. Queues can be aliases, that is, point to another queue. In this case, Xpediter/CICS displays the entered alias queue name above the name of the queue that is accessed. HEX/DEC-OFFSET Displays the current offset within the column's data. This value is always relative to 0. The data display begins at this offset. This field may be modified. The value entered must be in the range of 0 to the decimal displayed in the RECLN field. When DEC-OFFSET is displayed, a hexadecimal value with a leading positive (+) sign may be entered instead, e.g. 80 or +50 are equivalent. Note: The HEX/DEC-OFFSET field is protected (non-modifiable) when the USING command is in effect. ADD-OFFSET Use with the HEX/DEC-OFFSET field to provide a new starting offset into the I/O area. The entered value is added to the value in the HEX/DEC-OFFSET field to yield a new starting offset value. If the entered value has a leading minus sign (-), the entered value is subtracted from the value in the HEX/DEC-OFFSET field. If the display mode is HEX DUMP mode, only hexadecimal values can be entered. If the display mode is character (HEX OFF) or vertical hexadecimal (HEX ON), the value can be entered either in decimal or hexadecimal. This can be done by preceding the value with a plus sign (+). To add a negative offset, precede the value by a minus sign (-). A value preceded by a minus sign is treated as decimal when in HEX ON or HEX OFF mode and as hexadecimal when in HEX DUMP mode. Note: The ADD-OFFSET field is protected (non-modifiable) when the USING command is in effect. Output Fields VALID COMMANDS List of primary commands available for use against this queue. File Utility Screens 9-57 ALIAS NAME Name of the entered alias queue. Queues can be aliases, that is, point to another queue. In this case, when a message is displayed, Xpediter/CICS displays the entered alias queue name above the name of the queue that is accessed. Otherwise, the ALIAS NAME field will not be displayed. TYPE Type of MQ queue. Valid entries are: • QALIAS: The queue name is an alias for another queue defined to the local queue manager. When an alias queue is selected, the alias is resolved and messages from the associated base queue will be displayed on the Browse MQ Queue Message screen (5.6.2). • QLOCAL: The queue belongs to the local queue manager. The local queue manager is the MQ queue manager connected to the CICS system. • QMODEL: The queue is a model for use when creating a dynamic queue. Model queues are not selectable. • QREMOTE: The queue belongs to an MQ queue manager other than the local queue manager. Remote queues are not selectable. DEPTH The current depth (number of messages) of the queue that is accessed. REPLYTOQ The name of the queue to which the program that put this message on the queue wants a reply sent. REPLYTOQMGR The name of the queue manager to which the queue specified in REPLYTOQ belongs. PUTAPPLNAME The name of the application which put the message on the queue. PUTDATE Date the message was put on the queue. PUTTIME Time the message was put on the queue. TRIGGER TYPE One of the following values: • • • • NONE - no trigger message FIRST - trigger message when queue depth goes from 0 to 1 EVERY - trigger message for every addition to the queue DEPTH - trigger message when depth threshold exceeded. 9-58 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual TRIGGER PRIORITY Messages below this priority do not contribute to the trigger depth. TRIGGER DEPTH The number of messages that must be on the queue before a trigger message is written. TRIGGER DATA Free-format data that the queue manager inserts into the trigger message. REC-LENGTH The length of the message currently displayed. I/O area Data from the Xpediter/CICS I/O area that can be displayed in four modes. Each mode supports different scrolling commands, as shown in Table 9-1 on page 9-2. For more information, see “Using the Xpediter/CICS I/O Area” on page 9-1. Update MQ Queue Message (5.6.3) The Update MQ Queue Message screen (5.6.3) allows a message to be added to an MQ queue. Data can be displayed in character, vertical hexadecimal, or dump format. File mapping is available on this screen. See “USING” on page 3-122 for more information on file mapping. Access this screen by typing the number 3 on the MQ Menu (5.6), typing 6.3 on the File Utility Menu (5), typing the S line command on the MQ Queue List screen (5.6.1), typing the UPDATE command on the Browse MQ Queue Message screen (5.6.2), or as described in “Transferring Between Screens” on page 2-5. Figure 9-33. Update MQ Queue Message Screen (5.6.3) --------------- XPEDITER/CICS - UPDATE MQ QUEUE MESSAGE (5.6.3) -----------C123 COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> CSR MODULE: CSECT: VALID COMMANDS: PUT DEFAULT QUEUE NAME : XD06.DEFXMIT.QUEUE DEPTH: 000000002 DEC-OFFSET: 000000 ADD-OFFSET: ______ REC-LENGTH: 001168 ----+---10----+---20----+---30----+---40----+---50----+---60----+---70----+---> XQH ....CSQ4SAMP.MAILMGR.ACMEJET0 XD40 ----+---10----+---20----+---30----+---40----+---50----+---60----+---70----+---> Input Fields QUEUE NAME Name of the queue that is accessed. Queues can be aliases, that is, point to another queue. In this case, when a message is displayed, Xpediter/CICS displays the entered alias queue name above the name of the queue that is accessed. File Utility Screens 9-59 HEX/DEC-OFFSET Displays the current offset within the column’s data. This value is always relative to 0. The data display begins at this offset. This field may be modified. The value entered must be in the range of 0 to the decimal displayed in the REC-LENGTH field. When DECOFFSET is displayed, a hexadecimal value with a leading positive (+) sign may be entered instead. For example, 80 and +50 are equivalent. Note: The HEX/DEC-OFFSET field is protected (non-modifiable) when the USING command is in effect. ADD-OFFSET Use with the HEX/DEC-OFFSET field to provide a new starting offset into the I/O area. The entered value is added to the value in the HEX/DEC-OFFSET field to yield a new starting offset value. If the entered value has a leading minus sign (-), the entered value is subtracted from the value in the HEX/DEC-OFFSET field. If the display mode is HEX DUMP mode, only hexadecimal values can be entered. If the display mode is character (HEX OFF) or vertical hexadecimal (HEX ON), the value can be entered either in decimal or hexadecimal. This can be done by preceding the value with a plus sign (+). To add a negative offset, precede the value by a minus sign (-). A value preceded by a minus sign is treated as decimal when in HEX ON or HEX OFF mode and as hexadecimal when in HEX DUMP mode. Note: The ADD-OFFSET field is protected (non-modifiable) when the USING command is in effect. Output Fields VALID COMMANDS List of primary commands available for use against this queue. REC-LENGTH Current length of the I/O area. The length may exceed the maximum record size for a particular resource. In this case, only the data up to the maximum record length is used. The I/O area may be truncated if any I/O command is issued. 9-60 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual 10-1 Chapter 10. Abend-AID for CICS Interface Screens Chap 10 This chapter describes the screens available in the Abend-AID for CICS interface function, which is used to access Abend-AID for CICS. The following screens, which are accessible to all XPED, XPRT, and XPSP users, are described: • Abend-AID for CICS Interface Menu (7) – Abend-AID for CICS Snap Dump (7.1) – Abend-AID for CICS Report Directory (7.2) – Abend-AID for CICS Diagnostics (7.3). These screens can be accessed either from the Abend-AID for CICS Interface Menu (7), or as described in “Transferring Between Screens” on page 2-5. The description for each screen includes an explanation and illustration of the screen, how you access it, and a discussion of the input and output fields. Note: Because different sites use different releases of CICS Abend-AID — including Abend-AID for CICS — your screens may differ from the ones shown in this chapter. Abend-AID for CICS Interface Menu (7) Note: Abend-AID for CICS must be installed and active on your system for this function to be used. The Abend-AID for CICS Interface Menu (7) shows the functions for interfacing to the Compuware Abend-AID for CICS product. Access this screen by typing in the number 7 on the Primary Menu, or as described in “Transferring Between Screens” on page 2-5. Figure 10-1. Abend-AID for CICS Interface Menu (7) --------------- XPEDITER/CICS - ABEND-AID FOR CICS INTERFACE (7) ----------C123 COMMAND ===> MODULE: CWDEMCB2 CSECT: CWDEMCB2 COMPILED: 28 MAY 2003 - 11.11.29 1 2 3 SNAP DUMP - Issue Abend-AID for CICS snap dump REPORT DIRECTORY - Display Abend-AID for CICS report directory DIAGNOSTICS - Display Abend-AID for CICS abend code diagnostic text To select a screen, enter the screen ID in the COMMAND field. The following screens are available: • Snap Dump (1): Produces a snap dump for the transaction. See “Abend-AID for CICS Snap Dump (7.1)” on page 10-2. • Report Directory (2): Displays the report file directory and allows you to select reports. See “Abend-AID for CICS Report Directory (7.2)” on page 10-2. • Diagnostics (3): Displays Abend-AID for CICS’s general diagnostics for the current break/abend trapped or any other abend code you enter. See “Abend-AID for CICS 10-2 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual Diagnostics (7.3)” on page 10-3. Abend-AID for CICS Snap Dump (7.1) The Abend-AID for CICS Snap Dump screen (7.1) produces a snap dump for the transaction. You can browse through the Abend-AID for CICS report as if the report were selected for viewing from the report file directory. The information in the report is for the current transaction at the breakpoint or abend, and points to where the program last stopped or abended. After reviewing the Abend-AID for CICS output, press the PF3 key to return to the original Abend-AID for CICS function. The Abend-AID for CICS report remains out on the Abend-AID for CICS report file for later viewing and printing. Access this screen by typing in the number 1 on the Abend-AID for CICS Interface Menu, or as described in “Transferring Between Screens” on page 2-5. Refer to the Abend-AID for CICS documentation for information about this report. Figure 10-2. Abend-AID for CICS Diagnostic Summary Screen Abend-AID for CICS -------- Diagnostic Summary -------- Row 000001 of 000067 COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> PAGE An AEIM abend occurred in program CWDEMCB2. The abending transaction was XCB2 running at terminal 0023 for user ID MYUSRID. Analysis of the abend: The AEIM abend occurred when a READ request to a file (or User maintained Data Table) DBUGEMP could not be satisfied because the record desired could not be found in the file. If this is a Data Table, the record may be present but may have been rejected at initial load time by user exit "XDTRD" or may have been subsequently deleted from the data table. You may want to specify "HANDLE CONDITION NOTFND.." to trap this condition in the future. The transaction was terminated with the AEIM abend because the exceptional condition NOTFND occurred for which there was no 'EXEC CICS HANDLE CONDITION' request active. Either change the application program to prevent the condition recurring, or Entry=0000005(ACMEC123) Code=AEIM CF450QCV AssistMenu=PF24 More... Abend-AID for CICS Report Directory (7.2) The Abend-AID for CICS Report Directory screen (7.2) displays the report file directory. From this directory, you can select a Abend-AID for CICS report for viewing and then view it as if you had used the AADF transaction supplied with Abend-AID for CICS. After viewing the report, press PF3 from the Abend-AID for CICS Report Directory screen (7.2) to return to the Abend-AID for CICS function. Access this screen by typing in the number 2 on the Abend-AID for CICS Interface Menu (7), or as described in “Transferring Between Screens” on page 2-5. Refer to the Abend-AID for CICS documentation for more information about this report file directory. Abend-AID for CICS Interface Screens 10-3 Figure 10-3. Abend-AID for CICS Directory Screen Abend-AID for CICS --- Abend-AID for CICS Directory --- Row 000001 of 000002 COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> PAGE FDBRC2100I User MYUSRID successfully logged on M Menu L Lock H Dup History R Recall T Terminate Analysis S Diag U Unlock I Information E Migrate C Change Priority D Delete G Messages A Analyze P Print N Contact Information Entry Job Name Code Tran Date Time Program Offset Dups Status ******* ******** ****** **** ********* ***** ******** ****** **** ******* 0000005 ACMEC123 AEIM XCB2 12AUG2003 08:19 CWDEMCB2 0014F2 0 COMPLET 0000004 ACMEC123 ASRA XCB2 12AUG2003 08:06 CWDEMCB2 001134 0 COMPLET **************************** BOTTOM OF DATA ****************************** Type a line command and press Enter to process it CF450QCV AssistMenu=PF24 Abend-AID for CICS Diagnostics (7.3) The Abend-AID for CICS Diagnostics screen (7.3) displays Abend-AID for CICS diagnostic messages for the current break/abend trapped. If the program is not in a break/abend state, you can use this function by entering the abend code for which diagnostics are desired. If Abend-AID for CICS has a diagnostic module for the code, it is displayed. Access this screen by typing in the number 3 on the Abend-AID for CICS Interface Menu (7), or as described in “Transferring Between Screens” on page 2-5. This screen does not cause Abend-AID for CICS to attempt any diagnosis of the abend situation. Only message text is displayed, with no guarantee that it is appropriate for the current abend. Access the Abend-AID for CICS Interface Menu (7) to invoke Abend-AID to diagnose the current abend. Use the UP and DOWN primary commands to scroll through the diagnostic text. Abend-AID for CICS provides macros to allow the system programmer to add site-specific abend messages to the system. Refer to Abend-AID for CICS documentation for further information. 10-4 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual Figure 10-4. Abend-AID for CICS IBM Message Text Screen Abend-AID for CICS --------- IBM Message Text --------- Row 000001 of 000011 COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> PAGE AEIM Explanation: NOTFND condition not handled. This is one of a number of abends issued by the EXEC interface program. Because of their similar characteristics these abends are described as a group. See the description of abend AEIA for further details. CF450QCV AssistMenu=PF24 11-1 Chapter 11. System Facilities Screens Chap 11 This chapter describes the screens available to the system facilities function (XPSP transaction). All screens available to the XPED and XPRT user are also available to the XPSP user. The following screens, which are exclusively XPSP, are described in this chapter: • System Facilities Menu (9) – View Single Task (9.1) – Memory Display (9.2) • Select Address (also available from 2.2) – List All Tasks (9.3) – Monitor Facilities (9.4) • Monitor Exceptions (9.4.1) • Monitor Eligibility (9.4.2) – CSECT Exclusions (9.5) – Trap Summary (9.6) – Storage Exceptions (9.7) – Storage Protection (9.8) – Define System Labels (9.9) – DSECTs (9.D) – SLS Datasets (9.L) – Resource Summary (9.P). These screens can be accessed either as described below in “Primary Menu for XPSP Users” on page 11-2, or as described in “Transferring Between Screens” on page 2-5. The description for each screen includes an explanation and illustration of the screen, how you access it, and a discussion of the input and output fields. Entries on the screens listed below remain until Xpediter/CICS is terminated, however they will not be present when Xpediter/CICS is reinitialized: • • • • • Monitor Exceptions (9.4.1) CSECT Exclusions (9.5) Storage Exceptions (9.7) Storage Protection (9.8) - SYST type only Define System Labels (9.9) Xpediter/CICS allows storage protection and abend trapping options to be set at product startup. See the Installation and Configuration Guide chapter entitled “Xpediter/CICS Startup During CICS Initialization” for more information. Using the XPSP Transaction The XPSP transaction is intended for experienced system programmers. It allows the user to control the processing of Assembler, C, COBOL, or PL/I CICS programs. This transaction can also be used to update any storage area within the CICS region. If an interactive debugging session is started using XPSP, the abend trap, trace, and storage protection facilities may not be automatically set. However, they can be set through the global table or the profile dataset. 11-2 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual You can establish a profile to use with the XPSP session. This is done the same way as with the XPED and XPRT transactions. See “Establishing a Profile” on page 6-1 for more information. Abend trapping is not automatic under XPSP. If you want to trap abends, use the SET TRAP ON primary command. See “SET” on page 3-104. You also can enter 1.6 to transfer to the Trap Summary screen, as described in “Transferring Between Screens” on page 2-5. You can enter the XPSP transaction and go directly to the desired function all in one step. Enter the XPSP transaction code followed by one space and the desired screen ID. For example, entering XPSP 9.8 directly accesses the Storage Protection screen (9.8). Primary Menu for XPSP Users The Primary Menu shows the name and code number for each of the available function menus in XPED/XPRT and XPSP. Use it to transfer to another functional area. All XPED/XPRT menus and functions identified are available to the XPSP user. Accessing XPSP automatically displays the Primary Menu. Figure 11-1. Primary Menu (XPSP) --------------------- XPEDITER/CICS 16.05.00- PRIMARY MENU ----------------C123 COMMAND ===> MODULE: CSECT: 0 1 2 5 7 9 C G P X SESSION PROFILE SESSION CONTROL DEBUGGING FACILITIES FILE UTILITY ABEND-AID FOR CICS SYSTEM FACILITIES CODE COVERAGE XCHANGE/CICS CICSPLEX FACILITIES EXIT - Set default session attributes Analyze summary of session events Interactively debug application programs Access datasets, temp stg, trans data, DLI, DB2 Interface to Abend-AID for CICS Access global region analysis facilities Interface to Xpediter/Code Coverage Interface to Xpediter/Xchange CICS Facilities Access CICSPlex Control Facilities Exit Xpediter To set breakpoints in your program or keep specific data fields, enter your program name and use either the SOURCE command or PF key. For Online Technical Support refer to: http://frontline.compuware.com NOTICE: Press PF2/PF14 to display the Copyright/Trade Secret Notice To display the menu used to access the XPSP functions, enter 9 in the COMMAND field. The System Facilities Menu is displayed, listing all screens available for the system functions. System Facilities Menu (9) The System Facilities Menu provides the programmer with functions for monitoring the CICS region. These functions include: • • • • Displaying/modifying all CICS storage Setting system-wide storage protection rules and exceptions Displaying/modifying CICS storage using formatted DSECT displays Displaying/modifying abend traps and program resources. System Facilities Screens 11-3 Access this screen by typing the number 9 on the Primary Menu, or as described in “Transferring Between Screens” on page 2-5. Figure 11-2. System Facilities Menu (9) ------------------ XPEDITER/CICS - SYSTEM FACILITIES MENU (9) -------------C123 COMMAND ===> MODULE: CSECT: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 D L P VIEW SINGLE TASK MEMORY TASK LIST MONITOR FACILITIES CSECT EXCLUSIONS TRAP SUMMARY STORAGE EXCEPTIONS STORAGE PROTECTION SYSTEM LABELS DSECTS SLS DATASETS RESOURCE SUMMARY - View a selected task Display/modify memory List all Tasks in the CICS region Display/modify monitoring rules Display/modify CSECT exclusions Display/modify global ABEND traps Display/modify global storage protection exceptions Display/modify global storage protection entries Create system labels for storage areas Display formatted DSECTs Process SLS datasets Display/remove global breakpoints/keeps To select an XPSP screen, enter the screen ID in the COMMAND field. The following screens are available: • View Single Task (1): Displays information about a task that was selected from the List All Tasks screen (9.3). See “View Single Task (9.1)” on page 11-4. • Memory (2): Allows you to display and update all tables and storage areas in CICS. See “Memory Display (9.2)” on page 11-5 • Task List (3): Displays the status of all active and suspended tasks in the CICS region, without interrupting the task. See “List All Tasks (9.3)” on page 11-9. • Monitor Facilities (4): Displays screens that allow you to create, delete, list, and change entries in the monitor exceptions table. See “Monitor Facilities (9.4)” on page 11-11. • CSECT Exclusions (5): Lists all CSECTs that are to be excluded from all debugging sessions, and lets you change, add, or delete excluded CSECTs. See “CSECT Exclusions (9.5)” on page 11-15. • Trap Summary (6): Lists all abend traps set by all terminals in this CICS system. Also provides the ability to remove abend traps at any or all terminals. See “Trap Summary (9.6)” on page 11-16. • Storage Exceptions (7): Creates, deletes, lists, and changes entries in the storage protection exceptions table. See “Storage Exceptions (9.7)” on page 11-22. • Storage Protection (8): Sets system-wide storage protection and storage protection by terminal, transaction, or program. See “Storage Protection (9.8)” on page 11-24. • System Labels (9): Creates, deletes, lists, and changes system labels that equate to storage locations. See “Define System Labels (9.9)” on page 11-26. • DSECTs (D): Displays a DSECT for a given area in a format that includes field names, field lengths and attributes, and data. See “DSECTs (9.D)” on page 11-28. • SLS Datasets (L): Allows you to list, open, and close Source Language Support (SLS) datasets. See “SLS Datasets (9.L)” on page 11-30. • Resource Summary (P): Provides a list of programs that have breakpoints, skips, counts, and keeps set in the region. Releases all breakpoints, skips, counts, and keeps from selected programs. See “Resource Summary (9.P)” on page 11-31. 11-4 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual View Single Task (9.1) The View Single Task screen (9.1) displays information and registers about a selected task. Programs in a break/abend state while running under Xpediter/CICS are displayed on either the Break/Abend screen (2.1) or the Assembler Break/Abend screen (2.20), depending on whether they are Assembler, C, COBOL, or PL/I. Access this screen by selecting a task on the List All Tasks screen (9.3). Figure 11-3. View Single Task Screen (9.1) -------------------- XPEDITER/CICS - VIEW SINGLE TASK (9.1) ---------------C123 COMMAND ===> MODULE: CSECT: CCASDCTL COMPILED: REASON FOR WAIT: WAITING ON OPER. SYSTEM ECB TO BE POSTED TASK NUMBER: 00026 TRANSACTION CODE: AAON FACILITY NAME: CICS MANAGEMENT MODULE IN CONTROL: UNKNOWN PROGRAM LAST CICS COMMAND: OFFSET: 000EA14A SOURCE LINE NO: APPLICATION REGISTERS AT ENTRY TO WAIT: R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 A03AA548 00031130 00356430 8035661C 00312AA0 0035537C 00031000 00000000 R8 R9 R10 R11 R12 R13 R14 R15 00350640 00357D90 0000000B 80356914 00031190 003AC350 4035697C 803AA556 Data Display Areas status area The area at the top of the screen indicates the status of a selected task. The information here is current when the task is selected. Since the task can be resumed before you have a chance to view it, the contents of these fields are typically relevant only for hung tasks. register contents Contents of the general-purpose registers associated with the task at selection time are in the bottom data area of the screen. Because the task could have been resumed since it was selected, the contents of the registers cannot be modified on this screen. Output Fields REASON FOR WAIT Description of the current suspended status of tasks that are waiting. TASK NUMBER CICS task number associated with the transaction. TRANSACTION CODE CICS transaction ID associated with the task. FACILITY NAME CICS terminal ID for terminal tasks, or the destination ID for destination control tasks. System Facilities Screens 11-5 CICS MANAGEMENT MODULE IN CONTROL CICS module currently in control of the task. LAST CICS COMMAND The OFFSET and SOURCE LINE NUMBER values following this field contain the location of the last executed CICS command, when it can be determined. OFFSET Hexadecimal offset of the last CICS command executed in the program. SOURCE LINE NO. If source is available for the program, this is the statement number of the last executed CICS command. APPLICATION REGISTERS AT ENTRY TO WAIT Contents of the general-purpose registers at the time the task was selected. Memory Display (9.2) The Memory Display screen (9.2) allows you to display and update all tables and storage areas in CICS. It also can be used to access and update any address in the CICS region. • Data can be modified in either hexadecimal or character format. • Invalid hexadecimal input data is highlighted. To restore the original data, press Erase EOF, then Enter. • You access program storage when a table or area is not specified and a PROGRAM name is present. The screen can display critical areas to the operation and protection of the CICS region. You can update all accessed tables and areas interactively. The integrity of CICS control areas is the responsibility of the XPSP user. To access this screen, type the number 2 on the System Facilities Menu, or type =9.2 in the COMMAND field of any screen. 11-6 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual Figure 11-4. Memory Display Screen (9.2) --------------------- XPEDITER/CICS - MEMORY DISPLAY (9.2) ----------------C123 COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> CSR MODULE: CWDEMCB2 CSECT: CWDEMCB2 COMPILED: 09 JUN 2005 - 11.23.01 TABLE/AREA: PGM TABLE ENTRY ID: ________ ADDRESS: 38CD6FC8 HEX OFFSET: _______________________________ USE CONTENTS: _ ADD OFFSET: _____ 6 ERDSA 4 1 2 3 CCSID TYPE: EBCDIC 5 00000000 000 47F0F070 23C3E6C4 C5D4C3C2 F240C3F2 * .00..CWDEMCB2 C2 * 38CD6FC8 00000010 010 40F14BF4 4BF040F0 F661F0F9 61F0F540 * 1.4.0 06/09/05 * 38CD6FD8 00000020 020 F1F14BF2 F34BF0F1 38CD701C 60E86C0C * 11.23.01....-Y%. * 38CD6FE8 00000030 030 00000000 50800308 00000000 09000000 * ....&........... * 38CD6FF8 00000040 040 00880400 000000F4 00000094 00000000 * .h.....4...m.... * 38CD7008 00000050 050 40404040 38CD6FC8 38CD7048 38CD89B8 * ..?H......i. * 38CD7018 00000060 060 38CD6FCD 38CD6FC8 38CD7BAE 38CD8CD8 * ..?...?H..#....Q * 38CD7028 00000070 070 90ECD00C 5810F028 98EFF068 07FF0000 * ..}...0.q.0..... * 38CD7038 00000080 080 00004040 40404040 40404040 40404040 * .. * 38CD7048 00000090 090 40404040 40404040 40404040 40404040 * * 38CD7058 000000A0 0A0 40F0F0F0 F0F0F0F0 0000000C F0F0C040 * 0000000....00{ * 38CD7068 000000B0 0B0 38CD7084 38CD7840 38CD8840 38CD6F88 * ...d... ..h ..?h * 38CD7078 000000C0 0C0 38CD8C10 38CD7BAE FFFFFFFF 00000001 * ......#......... * 38CD7088 000000D0 0D0 00000000 00100032 001E1140 00080005 * ........... .... * 38CD7098 000000E0 0E0 0320041D 0050E3C8 D6D440E3 C8E4D4C2 * .....&THOM THUMB * 38CD70A8 000000F0 0F0 F540E3C5 D3C5C7D9 C1D7C840 D9C4C4C5 * 5 TELEGRAPH RDDE * 38CD70B8 Data Display Area Note: In this section, the data fields are numbered for explanation only. The callout numbers 1 through 6 do not appear on the screen. The data area consists of six groups of fields. The first and second fields on the left of the screen cannot be changed. The third and fourth fields in the middle and the right can be changed; they consist of actual data in normal dump format. The fifth field on the far right cannot be changed. The fields are described from left to right as follows: 1 Eight-position field displays the hexadecimal offset from the address displayed in the ADDRESS field. 2 Three-position field displays the hexadecimal offset relative to zero for the data on this screen. 3 Four sets of eight hexadecimal digits of four bytes each. Modify any data by overtyping it with valid hexadecimal digits (0 through 9 and A through F). If invalid data is entered, the field is highlighted and an error message is displayed. Press Erase EOF and Enter to restore the original data. Data is not changed if the input is invalid. 4 16-position field of the character representation of the hexadecimal data displayed in the third field. Overtype data in this field. 5 Eight-position field of the actual address of the data displayed on each line. 6 Identification of the CICS dynamic storage area (DSA) in which the displayed address resides. Input Fields TABLE/AREA Enter the table, area, register, or label to be accessed as follows. The items are searched for in the order shown: 1. A label that has been assigned to an entry in the select address table. 2. Labels defined on the Define User Labels screen (1.9). System Facilities Screens 11-7 3. If the current program is Assembler and it is at a breakpoint or abend, any label (31 characters or less) defined in the program can be used. The current base register and offset are used to calculate the address to be displayed. 4. Labels that have been defined on the Define System Labels screen (9.9). 5. Any of the following names: – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – CLOT: CICS life of task block (DB2 only) COMM: Command-level COMMAREA CSA: Common system area CURRCOMM: Current COMMAREA CWA: Common work area DCT: Destination control table DSA: Local Storage for High-Level Language programs EIB: Execute interface block EIS: Execution interface structure EIUS: Execute interface user structure FCT: File control table INITCOMM: Initial COMMAREA MQDATA: WebSphere MQ data area MQMD: WebSphere MQ Message Descriptor OFL: Optional features list PGM: Program storage for the current program PLIST: Parameter list (DB2 only) PSW: Program status word SIT: System initialization table SQLCA: SQL communication area (DB2 only) SQLDA: SQL descriptor area (DB2 only) STCA: System task control area TCA: Task control area TCT: Terminal control table TD: Most recent Transient Data retrieved by EXEC CICS READQ TD command TDD: Most recent Transient Data retrieved by EXEC CICS READQ TD command TGT: Task Global Table, for High-Level Languages TIOA: Terminal I/O area TS: Most recent Temporary Storage data retrieved by EXEC CICS RETRIEVE command (data passed by EXEC CICS START command) or retrieved by EXEC CICS READQ TS command – TSD: Most recent Temporary Storage data retrieved by EXEC CICS RETRIEVE command (data passed by EXEC CICS START command) or retrieved by EXEC CICS READQ TS command – TUA: Terminal user area – TWA: Task work area. Notes: 1. The PCT and PPT table entry keywords are no longer supported. Instead, Xpediter/CICS automatically transfers to the CICS Resources screen (2.R) and displays the attributes of the program or transaction requested with the message CICS Resources Screen Replaces PPT/PCT. 2. The RCT table entry keyword is no longer supported. Instead, Xpediter automatically transfers to the CICS Resources screen (2.R) and displays the attributes of the requested resource with the message CICS Resources Screen Replaces RCT. TABLE ENTRY ID Entry to access in the table or area. Type the table entry name in the TABLE ENTRY ID field for direct retrieval of the requested area. When an entry is not specified, the display starts at the beginning of the table. 11-8 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual ADDRESS Address to be accessed. When the data requested is returned to the screen, the address of the data appears in the ADDRESS field. When scrolling through the data, the HEX OFFSET field changes to indicate the relative offset of the display from the beginning of the area. To display the data at the specified address and offset, type over either the ADDRESS or the HEX OFFSET field and press Enter. If ?? is entered in this field, Xpediter/CICS uses the last value calculated by the CALC primary command as the address to be accessed. See “CALC (??)” on page 3-27. HEX OFFSET Adds an offset to the address field. Specify a hexadecimal offset value, a standard CICS label, or a label defined in an Assembler program. Xpediter/CICS replaces the symbolic label with the appropriate hex offset value. If ?? is entered in this field, Xpediter/CICS uses the last value calculated by the CALC primary command as a hexadecimal offset. See “CALC (??)” on page 3-27. USE CONTENTS Allows you to view the data at an address that is contained in the body of the displayed data. Enter the address location offset in the ADD OFFSET field, type any character in the USE CONTENTS field, and press Enter. Xpediter/CICS displays a screen of the data located at the address identified from the previous display. This is similar to using the SELECT primary command with the cursor positioned on the address. ADD OFFSET Adds another offset to the address field. Xpediter/CICS can calculate the data offset. The left side of the screen always contains the offset from the first position on the screen. Determine the screen offset of the address to be used and enter it in this field. Xpediter/CICS automatically adds it to the contents of the HEX OFFSET field on the screen. CCSID TYPE Allows you to specify ASCII as the CCSID Type to be used on the character data portion (right side) of the screen when your data is in ASCII. When ASCII is specified, the characters portion of the screen is translated with a table that causes ASCII values to display corresponding EBCDIC characters and entries into the characters portion of the screen will be converted from EBCDIC into ASCII. When ASCII translation is specified, users see a blank where data contains an x’20’, and the uppercase letters A through O where data contains x’41’ through x’4F’ (instead of the mostly periods that display when EBCDIC is specified). The default is EBCDIC. The CCSID Type reverts to EBCDIC upon exiting the screen. Select Address Screen When the SELECT primary command is entered, and the cursor is not within the data portion of the screen, the Select Address screen appears. This screen displays the last 16 addresses used to display data in the Memory Display screen (9.2). System Facilities Screens 11-9 Figure 11-5. Select Address Screen ------------------------ XPEDITER/CICS - SELECT ADDRESS -------------------C123 COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> CSR MODULE: CWDEMCB2 CSECT: CWDEMCB2 COMPILED: 09 JUN 2005 - 11.23.01 LINE COMMANDS: L (Lock) S (Select) U (Unlock) CMD LABEL ADDRESS OFFSET AREA ENTRY ID FIRST 16 BYTES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ _ ________ 0004E350 CSA * ..............M * _ ________ 001400D0 EIB * ...<..."XCB2.... * _ ________ 3B886988 PGM CWDEMCB2 * .00..CWDEMCB2 C2 * _ ________ 3A0C8090 SIT * X.X............. * _ ________ 3B887892 PSW * 3...JA.0..2.J... * _ ________ 3BE07030 TCT 0048 * 0048.2...U...... * The displayed list of addresses is circular, which means new entries overlay the first entries on the list. You can use the S (Select) line command to select a desired entry. Xpediter/CICS then displays it on the Memory Display screen (9.2). Input Fields CMD Line command entry field. Valid entries are: • S (Select): Selects an address to review. • L (Lock): Locks the entry to prevent it from being deleted. • U (Unlock): Unlocks the entry so that it can be deleted when new entries are added. The oldest entry is deleted when the table is full and a new entry is added. LABEL Identifier to attach to an entry. Any eight-character data is valid in this field. Output Fields ADDRESS Address from the ADDRESS field on the Memory Display screen (9.2). OFFSET Offset from the HEX OFFSET field on the Memory Display screen (9.2). ENTRY ID If a table was displayed, this field shows the table entry that was displayed on the Memory Display screen (9.2). FIRST 16 BYTES Shows, in character format, the first sixteen bytes of data at the address in the entry. List All Tasks (9.3) The List All Tasks screen (9.3) displays the status of all active and suspended tasks in the CICS region, without interrupting the task. You can select a task from this screen for 11-10 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual viewing through normal Xpediter/CICS functions. Use this screen for hung task analysis and remote task trapping. Access this screen by typing the number 3 on the System Facilities Menu, or type =9.3 in the COMMAND field of any screen. Figure 11-6. List All Tasks Screen (9.3) ------------------ XPEDITER/CICS - List All Tasks (9.3) ------------------C123 COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> CSR MODULE: CSECT: SEL TASK TRAN STATUS FACILITY NETNAME TYPE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _ 00074 CWBA SUSPEND TCPIP _ 00075 XASM ABEND-ASRA }AAA WEB BRIDGE _ 00077 XPSP RUNNING 0091 3277 *END* Input Field SEL Enter the S (Select) line command next to the task desired for viewing. You are transferred to the View Single Task screen (9.1), where Xpediter/CICS displays information for the selected task. Output Fields TASK CICS task number associated with the transaction. TRAN CICS transaction ID associated with the task. STATUS Status of the task. Can be: • RUNNING: Task is executing. • SUSPEND: Task is waiting for a resource before it can continue execution. • ABEND: Shows abend code for abending task. FACILITY CICS terminal ID for terminal tasks or the destination ID for destination control tasks. The Client IP Address is displayed for TCP/IP-based tasks in the field where Facility and Netname are shown for 3270-based tasks. NETNAME VTAM network name associated with the terminal, if this is a terminal task. System Facilities Screens 11-11 TYPE Type of task. Either a terminal task showing the terminal type, or a remote or destination control task showing one of the following destination control tasks: • • • • INTRA (intrapartition) EXTRA (extrapartition) INDIRECT REMOTE. Monitor Facilities (9.4) The Monitor Facilities menu provides system programmers with functions for monitoring storage protection and tracing exclusions and for applying monitoring exceptions. To select a screen, enter the screen identifier in the COMMAND field. The following two screens are available: • Monitor Exceptions (1): Allows you to exclude programs from tracing and storage protection. • Monitor Eligibility (2): Allows users to apply monitoring exceptions by CSECT. To access this screen, enter 4 in the COMMAND field on the System Facilities Menu, or as described in “Transferring Between Screens” on page 2-5. Figure 11-7. Monitor Facilities Screen (9.4) ------------------- XPEDITER/CICS - MONITOR FACILITIES (9.4) --------------C123 COMMAND ===> MODULE: CSECT: 1 2 MONITOR EXCEPTIONS MONITOR ELIGIBILITY - Display/Modify Monitoring exceptions - Display/Modify Monitoring eligibility by program Monitor Exceptions (9.4.1) The Monitor Exceptions screen (9.4.1), shown in Figure 11-8 on page 11-12, allows you to exclude transactions and programs from tracing, storage protection, and Xpediter/Code Coverage data collection. You can also modify the entries to exclude programs containing specific CSECTs. This screen is useful for excluding certain software packages that may cause problems if traced, protected, or code covered by Xpediter. To access the 9.4.1 screen, type the number 1 in the COMMAND field on the Monitor Facilities screen and press Enter. 11-12 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual Figure 11-8. Monitor Exceptions Screen (9.4.1) ------------------ XPEDITER/CICS - MONITOR EXCEPTIONS (9.4.1) -------------C123 COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> CSR MODULE: CWDEMCB2 CSECT: CWDEMCB2 COMPILED: 28 MAY 2003 - 11.11.29 ENTRY 0001 of 0002 LINE COMMANDS: L (List of Entry Points) D (Delete) CMD TRAN PROGRAM CSECT EXCL. LEVEL/MESSAGE ------------------------------------------------------------- _ **** ******** CWCDSUBA CSECT _ **** CWDEMCB2 CWDEMCB2 PROGRAM/CSECT _ ____ ________ ________ _ ____ ________ ________ _ ____ ________ ________ Default Monitor Exceptions The undisplayed system exception entries listed in Table 11-1 below are pre-defined within Xpediter/CICS. Table 11-1. System Entries for Exceptions to Monitoring Excluded Transactions Excluded CSECTs Excluded Modules Related Programs and CSECTs **** AFCP************ ******** CICS Application File Control Facility (CAFC) **** AFCT************ ******** CICS Application File Control Facility (CAFC) **** ASMTDLI********* ******** Program Communication with DL/1 **** BWKX************ ******** Crypto Security Software **** CEE************* ******** IBM Language Environment (LE) **** CEL************* ******** IBM Language Environment (LE) **** CICSPEM********* ******** Hogan Umbrella Software **** CSFATRUE ******** Crypto Security Software **** CSNB************ ******** Crypto Security Software **** CSQA************ ******** IBM MQ CSECTs **** CSQC************ ******** IBM MQ CSECTs **** CSUD************ ******** Crypto Security Software **** DATBAS********** ******** Cincom Systems’ TOTAL **** DBCSVPR ******** CA Datacom CSECT **** DBUGVDBG ******** Compuware’s LE debugger exit **** DFH************* ******** IBM CICS CSECTs **** DFHMQ*********** ******** IBM MQ CSECTs **** DMENTRY********* ******** PL/I subroutines **** DSN************* ******** IBM DB2 CSECTs **** EYU9************ ******** IBM CPSM CSECTs **** EZA************* ******** CICS Sockets Interface **** HCINFAC********* ******** PL/I subroutines **** HIRTCAL********* ******** PL/I subroutines **** IBMB************ ******** IBM PL/I library routines **** IBMF************ ******** IBM PL/I library routines **** IBMQ************ ******** IBM PL/I library routines System Facilities Screens 11-13 Table 11-1. System Entries for Exceptions to Monitoring Excluded Transactions Excluded CSECTs Excluded Modules Related Programs and CSECTs **** IBMSBGK********* ******** IBM PL/I library routines **** IBMSCC********** ******** IBM PL/I library routines **** IBMSDLIC ******** IBM PL/I library routines **** IBMSPAFA ******** IBM PL/I library routines **** IDMS************ ******** CA IDMS database CSECTs **** PEM ******** Hogan Umbrella Software **** PLISTART ******** IBM PL/I initial CSECT **** PREPEM********** ******** Hogan Umbrella Software **** TLRATIO ******** CA Telon **** XGT************* ******** Compuware’s Xpediter/Xchange CSECTs **** **************** ADABAS** Software AG’s Natural database **** **************** AFCP**** CICS Application File Control Facility (CAFC) **** **************** AFCT**** CICS Application File Control Facility (CAFC) **** **************** BWKX**** Crypto Security Software **** **************** CELHV003 IBM Language Environment (LE) **** **************** CICSPEM* Hogan Umbrella Software **** **************** CSFATRUE Crypto Security Software **** **************** CSNB**** Crypto Security Software **** **************** CSQA**** IBM MQ programs **** **************** CSQC**** IBM MQ programs **** **************** CSUD**** Crypto Security Software **** **************** DADEX*** CA DADS programs **** **************** DADR**** CA DADS programs **** **************** DADS**** CA DADS programs **** **************** DBUGSOCK Xpediter/Eclipse interface **** **************** DFHMQ*** IBM MQ Programs **** **************** DPLUS*** CA DADS programs **** **************** EYU9**** IBM CPSM programs **** **************** EZA***** CICS Sockets Interface **** **************** PEM Hogan Umbrella Software **** **************** PREPEM** Hogan Umbrella Software **** **************** VP0***** Compuware’s Hiperstation programs **** **************** VP1***** Compuware’s Hiperstation programs **** **************** VP2***** Compuware’s Hiperstation programs **** **************** WINDOWS* Unicom CICS/Windows **** **************** WNDO**** Unicom CICS/Windows **** **************** XDPIMIRC Xpediter/Eclipse interface **** **************** XDPIMIRF Xpediter/Eclipse interface **** **************** XDPIMIRS Xpediter/Eclipse interface 11-14 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual Table 11-1. System Entries for Exceptions to Monitoring Excluded Transactions Excluded CSECTs Excluded Modules Related Programs and CSECTs **** **************** XGT***** Compuware’s Xpediter/Xchange programs **** **************** XVTC**** Compuware’s Xpediter/Code Coverage programs XROI **************** ******** Compuware’s ROI calculator Input Fields CMD The L (List) line command transfers to the Monitor Eligibility screen (9.4.2). The S (Select) line command selects an entry to exclude. The D (Delete) removes this monitor exception entry. TRAN, PROGRAM, CSECT These fields are used to define the transactions, programs, and CSECTs entries which must be excluded from tracing and storage protection. Anything is acceptable as input in this field. No validation is performed against CICS-defined resources (transaction or program). There are some values for the TRAN, PROGRAM, and CSECT fields that have special meaning: • An asterisk (*) represents the wildcard character and matches any character. • If the input field ends with *, it is padded to the right with asterisks. Output Fields ENTRY Displays the monitor exception entries the cursor is positioned on, as well as the total number of 9.4.1 entries. Note: Entries in the CSECT suspend monitoring only when the named CSECT is called from within the application being monitored. This applies to both static calls and COBOL II dynamic calls. Monitoring is not suspended when the named CSECT is invoked through a CICS service (e.g. LINK or XCTL). If you want monitoring disabled for a program invoked through a CICS service, enter that program name in the PROGRAM field and asterisks (*) in the CSECT field. EXCL. LEVEL/MESSAGE Provides information on the level of exclusion for the defined transaction, program, or CSECT. The default is all CSECTs. Monitor Eligibility (9.4.2) The Monitor Eligibility screen (9.4.2) allows users to apply monitoring exceptions by combinations of the CSECT and ENTRY name for the listed load module. System Facilities Screens 11-15 Figure 11-9. Monitor Eligibility Screen (9.4.2) ----------------- XPEDITER/CICS - MONITOR ELIGIBILITY (9.4.2) -------------C123 COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> CSR MODULE: CWDEMCB2 CSECT: CWDEMCB2 COMPILED: 28 MAY 2003 - 11.11.29 LINE COMMANDS: X (Exclude by pgm) G (Exclude globally) D (Delete by pgm) CMD CSECT ENTRY --------------------------------------- _ DFHECI DFHECI _ CWDEMCB2 CWDEMCB2 _ CWCDSUBA CWCDSUBA _ IGZEBST IGZEBST **END** Input Field CMD There are three line commands available: • X (Exclude by program): Exempt CSECT for this program • G (Exclude globally): Exempt CSECT for entire region • D (Delete by program): Remove Monitor Exception rule by program. Output Fields CSECT Indicates the CSECT name within the program. ENTRY Indicates the entry point name within the CSECT. CSECT Exclusions (9.5) The CSECT Exclusions screen displays CSECTs that cannot be selected for debugging. The screen example in Figure 11-10 illustrates supplied CSECT exclusions. The CSECT Exclusions screen also allows input if you want to define additional CSECT exclusions or modify existing ones. The CSECT Exclusions screen is accessed by entering the number 5 in the COMMAND field on the System Facilities Menu (9), or as described in “Transferring Between Screens” on page 2-5. 11-16 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual Figure 11-10. CSECT Exclusions Screen (9.5) -------------------- XPEDITER/CICS - CSECT EXCLUSIONS (9.5) ---------------C123 COMMAND ===> MODULE: CSECT: D _ _ _ _ _ _ CSECT ---------------DFH************* IBM************* EDC************* PLISTART ________________ ________________ D _ _ _ _ _ _ CSECT ---------------ILB************* CEE************* CBC************* PLIXOPT ________________ ________________ D _ _ _ _ _ _ CSECT ---------------IGZ************* IEL************* DLZEI0********** ________________ ________________ ________________ D _ _ _ _ _ _ CSECT ---------------- IGY************* IEW************* PLIMAIN ________________ ________________ ________________ Input Fields DEL Enter a D (Delete) line command to delete a CSECT exclusion. CSECT This field is a mask to match on the CSECT name when determining whether the CSECT can be selected or not. The mask can be changed if the user wishes, or a new CSECT can be excluded by entering the mask in a blank field. Asterisk (*) is a wildcard character and matches any other character. Trap Summary (9.6) The Trap Summary screen (9.6) displays traps of transaction abends and/or breakpoints set by all terminals in the region. Traps can be added, deleted, moved, or copied from this screen. From this screen the user can set traps for transaction breaks or abends initiated from anywhere in the CICS region. You may also set enhanced conditions that allow traps and breakpoints to only be taken when data in predefined areas, such as the Initial Task COMMAREA (ICA), specific container (CONT+containername), MQ Message Descriptor (MQMD), or MQ Message Data (MQD), matches a certain value. To help in the identification of a specific transaction instance, sites are adding identifiers to data areas so they can identify the instance and allow it to be processed successfully. Xpediter/CICS recognizes the need to trap abends or take breakpoints when transactionspecific data is present and has added an Enhanced Trap facility to provide this ability. Enhanced traps allow you to use the TRAP CONDITION field, indicated by the word IF, to specify an optional condition which must be true in order for abends and breakpoints to be trapped. This condition field is specifically designed to enable you to trap transactions that may be initiated as a result of MQ messages or browser-initiated transactions. In these types of transactions, data may be placed in the CICS COMMAREA, individual containers, Transient Data, Temporary Storage, MQ Message Descriptor, or MQ Message Data that can uniquely identify the owner or initiator of the task. Note: To perform enhanced trapping of remote transactions, be sure to enter asterisks (*) in the NETNAME and TERM fields on the Trap Summary screen (1.6 or 9.6). To provide further granularity, the Trap Summary screen also allows you to specify TCP/IP information instead of NETNAME and terminal. Client IP address, server IP address, and server port number trap criteria can be specified for tasks started from TCPIPSERVICE (Socket Domain tasks) or after tasks have issued a TAKESOCKET (MVS CICS Sockets). Change the MODE of the Trap Summary screen from TERM to either IP or System Facilities Screens 11-17 ALL to allow creation of this type of trap. The ALL mode displays both TERM and IP mode traps. Note: To determine your client IP address on a Windows-based device: a. From the Start menu, select Run. The Run dialog box appears. b. Type CMD.EXE and click OK or press Enter. A Command Prompt window appears. c. In the Command Prompt window, type IPCONFIG and press Enter. The IP address appears. This is the value to use as your Client IP Address for Xpediter/CICS. The characters => on the left side of the screen highlight the exact trap entry that caused the current interception. Access this screen by typing in the number 6 on the System Facilities Menu (9), or as described in “Transferring Between Screens” on page 2-5. Figure 11-11. Trap Summary Screen (9.6) ---------------------- XPEDITER/CICS - TRAP SUMMARY (9.6) -----------------C123 COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> CSR MODULE: CSECT: MODE: ALL (IP TERM or ALL) ENTRY 000001 LINE COMMANDS: A (After) B (Before) C (Copy) D (Delete) I (Insert) M (Move) S (Save) NETNAME/ TERM/ TRAP CMD USERID CLIENT IP SERVER IP PORT TRAN PROGRAM ABEND IF ...................... TRAP CONDITION ....................... TRAP BY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ _ => ******** ******** 0082 **** ******** YES IF 0082 _ ABCD ******** **** EFGH I******* YES IF INITCOMM(1:9) = C'COMPUWARE' 0082 _ ABCD *.123.*.* 23.45.6.* 00000 EFGH I******* YES IF MQDATA(1:8) = T'XPEDITER' 0082 _ WXYZ 7.89.100.* 11.*.*.* 17448 **** D******* YES IF 0082 _ LMNOPQRS *.*.*.* *.*.*.* 00000 **** ******** YES IF MQDATA(9:5) = T'/CICS' 0082 _ ******** ******* 0106 **** ******** YES IF 0106 _ DEFG ******** **** PAY1 ******** YES IF CONT+PAYROLL1(80:2) EQ C‘MI’ The Trap Summary screen allows a master terminal to trap abends and/or breakpoints occurring on other terminals or in non-terminal tasks: • To set a trap for a specific terminal, type the terminal ID in the TERM field and/or the NETNAME in the NETNAME field. • To set a trap for non-terminal tasks only, type NONE in the TERM field and all asterisks (*) in the NETNAME field. • To set a trap for all terminals and for non-terminal tasks, type all asterisks (*) or ALL in the TERM and NETNAME fields. • To set a trap for a specific client IP address, server IP address, and/or server port number, type IP or ALL in the MODE field, press Enter, then type the desired values in the appropriate input fields. Note: This screen allows the XPSP user to delete abend traps that have been set by other terminals. 11-18 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual Input Fields MODE Designates the type of trap displayed and entered. Valid entries are: • TERM (default): Traps are based on terminal ID. • IP: Traps are based on the IP address of the server or client. • ALL: Both terminal and IP traps are displayed. When an entry is added in ALL mode, its format determines the type of trap that will be created. In the NETNAME/CLIENT IP field, a NETNAME is one to eight positions long and does not contain embedded periods. In the TERMID/SERVER IP field, TERMID is one to four positions long and does not contain embedded periods. The last MODE value used is saved in your profile and becomes the default for your next debugging session. CMD Line command entry field. Valid entries are: • • • • • • • A (After): Line after which a moved (M) or copied (C) entry is to be inserted. B (Before): Line before which a moved (M) or copied (C) entry is to be inserted. C (Copy): Line that is to be copied. (Must be used with the A or B line command.) D (Delete): Line that is to be deleted. I (Insert): Line after which a blank line is to be inserted. M (Move): Line that is to be moved. (Must be used with the A or B line command.) S (Save): Saves the specified trap into the profile dataset immediately, rather than at the end of the session. Note: To use line command S (Save), the profile must be in the new format. Profile datasets in the old format can still be used in release 8.1 and above, however, the S (Save) line command on this screen is not available; an error message is returned. USERID User Identifier for which abends will be trapped. Wildcard character is asterisk (*). If global parameter TRAPUSR=YES, current user ID is the default. If TRAPUSR=NO, asterisks are the default. Global parameter TRAPUSR does not apply to TCPIP-based traps. For TCPIP-based traps, if global parameter TRAPIPU=YES, current user ID is the default. If TRAPIPU=NO, asterisks are the default. NETNAME Terminal NETNAME for which abends will be trapped. If global parameter TRAPNET=YES, the current terminal NETNAME is the default. If TRAPNET=NO, the default is ALL (asterisks). Valid options are: • asterisk (*): Wildcard character. Xpediter/CICS matches any character with it. • ALL: Sets the trap for all terminal NETNAMEs. ALL is translated to a field of asterisks. • HERE: Causes the terminal NETNAME of this terminal to be entered in the NETNAME field. CLIENT IP Client IP address for which abends will be trapped. Valid options are: System Facilities Screens 11-19 • The desired address in nodal format with four segments separated by periods (n.n.n.n). The value of each segment must be from 0 to 255. An asterisk (*) wildcard character can be substituted for any of the segments, but not for part of a segment. • ALL: Sets the trap for all client IP addresses. ALL is translated to: *.*.*.* • HERE: Causes the IP address associated with this terminal to be entered in the field. This keyword is only valid when the terminal is connected to the mainframe by TCPIP. TERM Terminal for which abends will be trapped. If global parameter TRAPTRM=YES, current terminal ID is the default. If TRAPTRM=NO, the default is ALL (asterisks). Valid options are: • asterisk (*): Wildcard character. Xpediter/CICS matches any character with it. • ALL: Sets the trap for all terminals and non-terminal tasks. ALL is translated to a field of asterisks. • HERE (Default): Causes the ID of this terminal to be entered in the TERM field. • NONE: Sets the trap for only non-terminal (asynchronous) related tasks for the TRAN/PROGRAM combination. SERVER IP Server IP address for which abends will be trapped. Valid options are: • The desired address in nodal format with four segments separated by periods (n.n.n.n). The value of each segment must be from 0 to 255. An asterisk (*) wildcard character can be substituted for any of the segments, but not for part of a segment. • ALL: Sets the trap for all server IP addresses. ALL is translated to: *.*.*.* • HERE: Causes the IP address associated with this terminal to be entered in the field. This keyword is only valid when the terminal is connected to the mainframe by TCPIP. PORT Server port number for which abends will be trapped. Enter a numeric value from 1 to 65536. Enter a zero to trap all server ports. TRAN Transaction in which abends will be trapped. Wildcard character is asterisk (*). PROGRAM Program in which abends will be trapped. Wildcard character is asterisk (*). Note: The value in the PROGRAM field is not a routable attribute when using the Xpediter CICSPlex Workload Manager exit. For more information, see “User Transaction and Distributed Program Link Routing” on page 17-6. TRAP ABEND Allows the optional bypass of abend trapping. Breakpoints continue to be trapped. Disabling of abend trapping allows debugging of CICS handle abend routines and Language Environment user condition handlers (UCHs). Valid entries are: 11-20 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual • YES: Abends will be trapped as specified in the entry. The default of YES can be modified by changing the value of the GBLTRPA global parameter. For more information, see the chapter entitled “Global Parameters Table” in the Xpediter/CICS Installation and Configuration Guide. • NO: Only breakpoints will be trapped as specified in the entry. Can be used to debug handle abend routines and UCHs. TRAP CONDITION Enter the optional trap condition following the word IF. A substring-expression is used to specify a condition that can be used for conditional traps and breakpoints. A substringexpression consists of three components: • substring-phrase • operator • string-literal. During execution, the contents of the storage pointed to by the substring-phrase is tested against the string-literal value using the operator. If the substring-expression is entered on the Trap Summary screen (1.6 or 9.6, based on Xpediter transaction) and the condition evaluates as true, the trap will be taken if all other trap values match. If the substringexpression is entered as a conditional breakpoint, the breakpoint will be taken if all trap values also match. See “substring-expression” on page 3-5 for a more detailed explanation of a substringexpression. Examples MQMD(5:3) EQ 'ABC' specifies that if the MQ message header starting in position 5 for a length of 3 is equal to ABC, the condition evaluates as true. INITCOMM(3:7) GT 'AAAA123' specifies that if the initial COMMAREA for the transaction starting in position 3 for a length of 7 is greater than AAAA123, the condition evaluates as true. CURRCOMM(11:4) LT 'A123' specifies that if the current COMMAREA for the transaction starting in position 11 for a length of 4 is less than A123, the condition evaluates as true. MQDATA(17:1) NE 'X' specifies that if the MQ message data at position 17 is not an X, the condition evaluates as true. CONTAIN+PAYROLL1(40:2) EQ 'MI' specifies that if the program has access to a container named PAYROLL1 whose position 40 for a length of 2 equals MI, the condition evaluates as true. TD(1:9) = '135724680' Specifies that if the most recent Transient Data input begins with 135724680, the condition evaluates as true. TS(8:5) = T'Weiss' Specifies that if the most recent Temporary Storage input contains Weiss in position 8 for a length of 5 (including matching the exact case), the condition evaluates as true. TIOA(*:6) = 'ABCDEF' Specifies that if the most recent terminal input message contains ABCDEF anywhere within it and in any case, the condition evaluates as true. System Facilities Screens 11-21 Note: User labels defined on the Trap Summary screen (1.6 or 9.6) are not valid for specifying conditional traps. Output Fields ENTRY Relative entry number that is represented by the first entry on the screen. TRAP BY Terminal ID of the terminal that set the abend trap. Check this field when using the M (Move) or C (Copy) commands to make sure that trap entries are not moved or copied from one terminal to another. If a trap entry is inserted, it is assigned to the terminal shown in the TRAP BY field on the line where the I (Insert) command was entered. Note: Abend traps cannot be moved or copied from one setting terminal to another. Trapping in a CICSPlex Environment Be as specific as possible when defining trap masks for use in a CICSPlex environment with transaction and distributed program link (DPL) routing. Use non-generic mask information for at least one of the following fields: • • • • • • • USERID NETNAME TERM TRAN Client IP address Server IP address Server port number The values of the other fields are not routeable attributes. For more information, see “User Transaction and Distributed Program Link Routing” on page 17-6. Trapping Remote Abends or Breakpoints When the remote transaction abends, it is halted and this terminal may investigate all areas permitted by Xpediter/CICS at abend time. The remote transaction remains active. The remote user is not able to clear the screen or start another transaction until the investigation is complete and the remote transaction is resumed or terminated. Xpediter/CICS takes control of the remote terminal when a remote abend has been trapped. A bulletin appears on the local terminal when the abend occurs. • If Xpediter/CICS is not currently active on the monitoring terminal, it is automatically started when the remote abend occurs. Note: For remote trapping, Xpediter/CICS issues an EXEC CICS START from the task that is trapped. Starting that transaction cancels any outstanding POST commands executed by the trapped task. For more information, refer to the CICS Application Programming Reference manual. • If Xpediter/CICS is started on the monitoring terminal, you can view an active remote abend on the List Abends screen (1.3). The highlighted tasks are active and can be selected by typing an S next to the task to be investigated. Local abends must resume or terminate before you can select a remote abend. 11-22 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual Remote tasks can resume from a breakpoint or from certain program check abends. To view the task at the next breakpoint or at another abend, access the List Abends screen (1.3) after the bulletin informs you that a break/abend has been encountered. Resuming a remote task produces a TASK HAS BEEN RESUMED message on the System Facilities Menu. You can terminate the remote task from a breakpoint or abend by accessing the Exit Session screen, typing YES in the DUMP OPTION field, and pressing Enter. Storage Exceptions (9.7) The Storage Exceptions screen (9.7) is used to create, delete, list, and change entries in the storage protection exceptions table. In storage violation detection processing, Xpediter/CICS checks this table to see if the violation is excluded from trapping. Note: Storage protection entries can also be defined during CICS startup. For more information, see Chapter 15, “Storage Protection” and the Xpediter/CICS Installation and Configuration Guide. This screen is also used to specify: • Deviations from usual CICS programming conventions in an area of the program while maintaining storage protection in the rest of the program. • Address ranges of locations where Xpediter/CICS users can access storage, regardless of CICS coding standards. • Address ranges of instructions that are not to be protected. Access this screen by typing the number 7 on the System Facilities Menu (9), or as described in “Transferring Between Screens” on page 2-5. Figure 11-12. Storage Exceptions Screen (9.7) ------------------- XPEDITER/CICS - STORAGE EXCEPTIONS (9.7) --------------C123 COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> CSR MODULE: CCASDCTL CSECT: CCASDCTL ADDRESS ADDR-TO <-ALLOW ALLOW UNPRO DEL TERM TRAN PROGRAM FROM OR LNTH A/L STORE FETCH INSTR ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- _ ____ ____ ________ ________ ________ _ ___ ___ ___ _ ____ ____ ________ ________ ________ _ ___ ___ ___ _ ____ ____ ________ ________ ________ _ ___ ___ ___ CAUTION: Storage protection exceptions should not be allowed until the user considers all consequences of allowing the violation to occur. A storage protection exception entry can be created at any time, even when the user is testing and has a trapped storage violation. When Xpediter’s storage protection feature identifies an invalid storage access, the following process occurs: 1. Xpediter/CICS searches the storage protection exceptions table to see if the violation can be ignored. 2. The current TERM, TRAN, and PROGRAM fields are matched with the masks on the table entry. On a match, Xpediter/CICS resolves and compares the address range for that table entry with the storage being violated, and the next sequential instruction, if UNPRO-INSTR is Y. System Facilities Screens 11-23 3. If user-label equates were used, the labels are resolved at this time. 4. The table is searched until all entries have been tried or until an entry’s address range encompasses the violation, whichever comes first. Input Fields DEL Type a letter D in this field to delete a storage protection exceptions table entry. When a Xpediter/CICS session ends, storage protection exceptions created by the user are retained unless they are deleted from this screen. TERM, TRAN, and PROGRAM Valid entries in these fields set terminal storage protection exceptions. Valid entries are: • asterisks (****): Selects all terminals, transactions, or programs. Type an asterisk in any position for generic selections. • HERE: In the TERM field, sets storage protection exceptions at the current terminal when the current terminal ID is not known. • NONE: In the TERM field, matches only asynchronous (non-terminal initiated) transactions. No validation is performed against CICS-defined resources (terminal, transaction, or program). ADDRESS-FROM Address where the exception is to begin. Type either an absolute number in hexadecimal format or a label from the Define System Labels screen (9.9). If a label is specified, resolution is done at the time that a storage violation is detected. ADDRESS-TO OR LNTH Address where the exception is to end or the length of the area to be excluded. Type either an absolute number in hexadecimal format or a label from the Define System Labels screen (9.9). If a label is specified, resolution is done at the time that a storage violation is detected. A/L Specifies whether the ADDR-TO or LNTH field is used as an address or a length. Valid entries are: • A: ADDR-TO OR LNTH field is used as an address. • L: ADDR-TO OR LNTH field is used as a length. ALLOW STORE Specifies whether storing is allowed in this address range. Valid entries are: • Y: Storing is allowed. • N: No exceptions are applied for storage violations within this address range. ALLOW FETCH Specifies whether fetching is allowed from this address range. Valid entries are: • Y: Fetching is allowed. 11-24 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual • N: No exceptions are applied for storage violations within this address range. UNPRO-INSTR To turn off storage protection for the sequence of instructions in the address range, type YES. This field is also used when a third-party vendor package has a program that is not defined to CICS as a program resource. The program name cannot be used on the Storage Protection screens (1.8 or 9.8). When a protected program branches to a program not defined to CICS, Xpediter/CICS continues protection with the options in effect. If the program not defined to CICS should not be protected, establish its address and length (or ADDR-TO) and enter YES. Storage Protection (9.8) The Storage Protection screen (9.8) is used to set system-wide storage protection and terminal storage protection by terminal, transaction, or program. Overtype data to change it or use line commands to insert, delete, move, and copy table entries. Note: Storage protection entries can also be defined during CICS startup. For more information, see Chapter 15, “Storage Protection” and the Xpediter/CICS Installation and Configuration Guide. The request is effective immediately within the current CICS task for this LINK/enclave level and any enclave levels created from this point on. Programs within the current CICS task at a higher (existing) LINK/enclave level are not included in this request. Access this screen by typing the number 8 on the System Facilities Menu (9), or as described in “Transferring Between Screens” on page 2-5. Figure 11-13. Storage Protection Screen (9.8) ------------------- XPEDITER/CICS - STORAGE PROTECTION (9.8) --------------C123 COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> CSR MODULE: CSECT: ENTRY 000001 LINE COMMANDS: A (After) B (Before) C (Copy) D (Delete) I (Insert) M (Move) -----------PROTECTION OPTIONS------- CMD TYPE TERM TRAN PROGRAM STORE FETCH SHR PGM CMD Store ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _ USER S123 **** ******** NO NO NO NO YES _ USER **** XCB2 ******** NO NO NO NO YES _ USER **** **** ******** NO NO NO NO YES _ ____ ____ ____ ________ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ _ ____ ____ ____ ________ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ _ ____ ____ ____ ________ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ On every LINK, XCTL, and UCH invocation, the following process occurs: 1. The program about to be invoked, the current terminal ID, and the transaction code are used to match against the storage protection table entries. 2. The storage protection table is searched sequentially top to bottom. 3. When the first match is found, the corresponding protection options are applied. 4. If no table entry matches the TERM/TRAN/PROGRAM fields, no storage protection takes place. Protection of program storage applies to any resource defined programs. If the user has performed an EXEC CICS LOAD when branching to that program, the protection tables System Facilities Screens 11-25 are searched to see if the new program qualifies for a different protection table entry. If no new entry is found, the current entry’s protection parameters are used. Input Fields CMD Line command entry field. Valid entries are: • • • • • • A (After): Destination after which an entry is moved or copied. B (Before): Destination before which an entry is moved or copied. C (Copy): Entry to be copied. D (Delete): Entry to be deleted. I (Insert): Insert a new entry following this entry. M (Move): Entry to be moved. TYPE Type of interaction that a storage protection entry has with other entries. Valid entries are: • SYST: Prevents an entry specified on this screen from being changed with the Storage Protection screen (1.8). SYST type entries are automatically grouped at the beginning of the table. • USER: Allows inserting between and/or before the entry and altering the entry if entered with this terminal ID using the Storage Protection screen (1.8). • AUTO: Adds entries at the end of the table if entries are being created automatically (an installation option). When ending the session, Xpediter/CICS deletes all USER and AUTO entries created by this session. SYST entries can only be deleted manually from the Storage Protection screen (9.8). TERM, TRAN, and PROGRAM Set terminal storage protection exceptions. Valid entries are: • asterisks (****): Selects all terminals, transactions, or programs. Type an asterisk in any position for generic selections. • HERE: In the TERM field, sets storage protection exceptions at the current terminal when the current terminal ID is not known. • NONE: In the TERM field, matches only asynchronous (non-terminal initiated) transactions. No validation is performed against CICS-defined resources (terminal, transaction, or program). PROTECTION OPTIONS The remaining input fields are used to specify YES or NO for various storage protection options. STORE Defines whether instructions that update storage are monitored. • NO: Storage protection is bypassed for transactions matching the values in the TERM, TRAN, and PROGRAM fields. The default is NO. 11-26 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual • YES: Storage protection is performed for transactions matching the values in the TERM, TRAN, and PROGRAM fields. FETCH Defines whether instructions that access storage are monitored. • NO: Fetch protection is bypassed for transactions matching the values in the TERM, TRAN, and PROGRAM fields. The default is NO. • YES: Fetch protection is performed for transactions matching the values in the TERM, TRAN, and PROGRAM fields. SHR Defines whether instructions that update shared storage are monitored. • NO: TERM, TRAN, and PROGRAM combination is allowed to update allocated shared storage. The default is NO. • YES: TERM, TRAN, and PROGRAM combination is not allowed to update allocated shared storage. PGM Defines whether instructions are monitored for updating program storage. This option allows you to determine whether the program is reentrant. • NO: Xpediter/CICS allows the current application program to store into itself. The default is NO. • YES: Xpediter/CICS considers it a storage violation if there is an attempt to store anything within this program’s storage. This setting should be used for testing reentrant code. CMD Store Defines whether Xpediter/CICS monitors CICS command level commands that update storage. Valid entries are: • NO: Xpediter/CICS will not validate the storage associated with the INTO parameter of CICS commands that match the values specified in the TERM, TRAN, and PROGRAM fields to determine whether it can be updated. The default is NO. • YES: Xpediter/CICS will validate the storage associated with the INTO parameter of CICS commands that match the values specified in the TERM, TRAN, and PROGRAM fields to determine whether it can be updated. Output Field ENTRY Relative entry number represented by the first entry on the screen. Define System Labels (9.9) The Define System Labels screen (9.9) is used to create, delete, list, and modify system labels that identify storage locations. Labels are used to access storage locations easily without repeatedly entering base numbers and offsets. The user can then use the labels on the Storage Exceptions screen (9.7) to exempt specific storage locations from storage protection. System Facilities Screens 11-27 System labels differ from user labels (screen 1.9). System labels can be used by any Xpediter/CICS user; user labels are reserved for the user who established them. System labels can also be used on the Storage Exceptions screen (9.7), while user labels cannot. Access this screen (Figure 11-14) by typing the number 9 on the System Facilities Menu (9), or as described in “Transferring Between Screens” on page 2-5. Figure 11-14. Define System Labels Screen (9.9) ------------------ XPEDITER/CICS - DEFINE SYSTEM LABELS (9.9) -------------C123 COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> CSR MODULE: CCASDCTL CSECT: CCASDCTL DEFAULT BASE LABELS: CSA DCT EIS FCT ADDR PADDR PLEN MOD OFL INITCOMM PGM TCA TCT MQMD MQDATA USER BASE ENTRY OR + OR USE RESULTING DEL LABEL LABEL PGM-NAME OFFSET CONTENT LENGTH VALUE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ _ ________ ________ ________ _________ _ ________ _ ________ ________ ________ _________ _ ________ _ ________ ________ ________ _________ _ ________ Usually, users cannot define absolute storage addresses of CICS or transaction control blocks before startup. Most of these locations can vary depending on the region started or the number of transactions executing. These factors make defining storage protection exceptions difficult. Using default base labels and system labels as building blocks simplifies this task by allowing you to equate labels to relative locations. A system label can build upon any other system label or default base label. This means that using default base labels like CSA, users can locate and label any CPU, CICS, or transaction storage location. Input Fields DEL Type the D (Delete) line command to delete a system label entry. Xpediter/CICS does not allow an entry to be deleted if another entry references it as a base or an offset. When ending the Xpediter/CICS session, system labels that you have created are retained unless they are deleted here. USER LABEL Your identifier for this label that identifies a specific storage location. The label must begin with an alphabetic character and cannot duplicate any other default base or userdefined label. BASE LABEL Valid user label defined on an earlier entry or a default base label. Xpediter/CICS defines the new system label storage address by using the resolution of the existing label as a base. If you base a new system label on another system label, that other existing label cannot be deleted until this relationship is ended. ENTRY OR PGM-NAME Valid program name if the existing label is PGM. Enter the name of the particular entry to access. If the EXISTING LABEL field is PADDR, PLEN, FCT, DCT, or TCT, this field is optional. For any other existing label, this field must be filled with spaces. 11-28 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual + OR - OFFSET Hexadecimal number or an existing system label preceded by a plus (+) or minus (-) sign. If no sign is entered, the offset is assumed to be positive. If using an existing system label, the user cannot delete that existing system label until this relationship is ended. USE CONTENT Valid entries are N, Y, or a number from 1 to 4. Entries Y and 4 give the same results. • N: Resolution of the existing label plus the value of the offset is the value for the new system user label. • Y or 4: Four bytes at the location described by the existing label and offset are used as the resolution for the new system label. • 1, 2, or 3: Bytes 1, 2, or 3 at that location are used as the value for the new system label. This value is resolved again at the time of a storage violation. LENGTH Actual length for the system label in the range of 1 to 99999999. The following formats are available for input: • • • • • • nnnnnnnn: A decimal number ranging from 0 to 99999999. Xnnnnnnn: A hexadecimal number ranging from 0 to FFFFFFF. X'nnnnnn: A hexadecimal number ranging from 0 to FFFFFF. X'nnnnn': A hexadecimal number ranging from 0 to FFFFF. X"nnnnnn: A hexadecimal number ranging from 0 to FFFFFF. X"nnnnn": A hexadecimal number ranging from 0 to FFFFF. Output Field RESULTING VALUE Current resolution is displayed in this field to help identify incorrect entries. All addresses and lengths are resolved again at the time they are used. DSECTs (9.D) The DSECTs screen (9.D) displays a DSECT for a given area in a format that includes field names, field lengths and attributes, and data. You can update any of these fields. Access this screen by typing the letter D on the System Facilities Menu (9), or as described in “Transferring Between Screens” on page 2-5. System Facilities Screens 11-29 Figure 11-15. DSECTs Screen (9.D) ------------------------ XPEDITER/CICS - DSECTS (9.D) ---------------------C123 COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> CSR MODULE: CWDEMCB2 CSECT: CWDEMCB2 COMPILED: 09 JUN 2005 - 11.23.01 TABLE/AREA: CSA TABLE ENTRY ID: ________ LABEL: ______________________________ CSAFRCQR 8004FADD 0C5 CSACIMOD CSAMOD00 CSAMOD01 CSAMOD02 CSAMOD03 8004FAE0 0C8 CSAOPFLA 8004FAF0 0D8 CSABTCCB 8004FAFA 0E2 CSALEN 8004FAFC 0E4 CSACWAA 8004FB00 0E8 CSACWAL 8004FB04 0EC CSATCA31 8004FB0C 0F4 CSATCA24 8004FB14 0FC CSARMSBP 8004FB20 108 CSATCADF 8004FB24 10C CSAQRTCB 8004FB28 110 CSAEIPAD 8004FB2C 114 CSABRSAA EQU DS EQU EQU EQU EQU DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS DS X'10' XL1 X'00' X'01' X'02' X'03' XL4 XL4 XL2 XL4 XL2 XL8 XL8 XL8 XL4 XL4 XL4 XL4 00 * . * 0004F2A0 * ..2. * 00000000 * .... * 020C * .. * 000C0000 * .... * 0200 * .. * 373767DC 0000007A * .......: * 37376890 0000007B * .......# * 00000000 00000000 * ........ * 37E00080 * .\.. * 008C4B68 * .... * 0008463C * .... * 37E1E000 * ..\. * The screen shows unprotected areas critical to the operation and protection of the CICS region. All tables and areas accessed may be updated interactively. The integrity of CICS control areas is the responsibility of the XPSP user. Data Area The data area may be changed in one of two ways: • Overtype the data on the hexadecimal display portion of the screen. • Overtype the translated section (between the asterisks on the right side of the screen) with the actual character values. Input Fields Note: To position the display to the correct area of storage, specify a TABLE/AREA and/or LABEL. TABLE/AREA Table or area to be displayed. Valid entries are: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • CLOT: CICS life of task block (DB2 only) CSA: Common system area DCT: Destination control table EIB: Execute interface block EIS: Execute interface storage FCT: File control table OFL: Optional features list PCT: Program control table PLIST: Parameter list (DB2 only) PPT: Processing program table RCT: Resource control table (DB2 only) SIT: System initialization table SQLCA: SQL communication area (DB2 only) SQLDA: SQL descriptor area (DB2 only) STCA: System portion of TCA TCA: Task control area 11-30 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual • TCT: Terminal control table • User-defined DSECTs. For more information, see the Xpediter/CICS Installation and Configuration Guide chapter entitled “User-Defined DSECTs”. Notes: 1. The PCT and PPT table entry keywords are no longer supported. When a PPT or PCT entry is requested, Xpediter/CICS automatically transfers to the CICS Resources screen (2.R) and displays the attributes of the requested resource. Transfer to this screen occurs whether or not the resource is defined. 2. The RCT table entry keyword is no longer supported. When the RCT is requested, Xpediter automatically transfers to the CICS Resources screen (2.R) and displays the attributes of the requested resource. TABLE ENTRY ID Name of the desired entry for the table entered. LABEL Label that positions the display at a specific label in a CICS DSECT. SLS Datasets (9.L) The SLS Datasets screen (9.L) allow you to list, open, and close SLS datasets. Each entry in the list can be one of the following: • • • • basic SLS DDIO file statically defined SLS database dynamically defined SLS database SLS shared directory. Dynamically defined databases are indicated by the FILEID of the owning shared directory dataset in the PARENT column. There is no distinction made between basic DDIO files and statically defined SLS databases. Access this screen by typing the letter L on the System Facilities Menu (9), or as described in “Transferring Between Screens” on page 2-5. Figure 11-16. SLS Datasets Screen (9.L) ---------------------- XPEDITER/CICS - SLS DATASETS (9.L) -----------------C123 COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> CSR MODULE: CSECT: ENTRY 000001 LINE COMMANDS: O (Open) C (Close) SEL FILEID DATA SET NAME SRC STATUS PARENT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _ SLSF001 ACME.TEXT1.DDIO FCT OPEN _ SLSF002 ACME.TEXT2.DDIO FCT OPEN _ SLSF003 ACME.TEXT3.DDIO FCT OPEN _ SLSF004 ACME.TEXT4.DDIO FCT OPEN _ SLSF005 ACME.TEXT5.SHRDIR1 FCT OPEN _ SLSF006 ACME.TEXT6.SHRDIR2 FCT OPEN _ SLSD123 ACME.TEXT7.DBASE4 SHR OPEN SLSF006 System Facilities Screens 11-31 Input Field SEL Select line command entry field. Valid entries are: • O (Open): Selects an SLS dataset to be opened. If this dataset is an SLS shared directory, the associated databases are not dynamically allocated and opened until required by SLS activity. • C (Close): Selects an SLS dataset to be closed. If this dataset is an SLS shared directory, all dynamically allocated databases associated with it will also be closed and de-allocated. If the source is JCL or GBL, an FCT entry will be created during Xpediter initialization and deleted during Xpediter shutdown. Note: An SLS shared directory must be closed on the SLS Datasets screen (9.L) before a detach operation is performed. Output Fields FILEID The ddname allocated to the SLS dataset. May also be the FCT entry name of the dataset. DATA SET NAME The name of the allocated dataset. SRC The source of the dataset. Valid values are: • FCT: The dataset name was found in an FCT entry. • GBL: The dataset name was specified in the Xpediter global parameters table. Because no FCT entry existed, Xpediter has created one. • JCL: A JCL DD statement was found matching the SLSDDN value. Because no FCT entry existed, Xpediter has created one. • SHR: The dataset name came from a shared directory. The dataset is dynamically allocated. STATUS The current status, either OPEN or CLOSED, of the dataset. PARENT The FILEID of the owning shared directory. This field is only used for dynamically defined databases. Resource Summary (9.P) The Resource Summary screen (9.P) displays a summary of all breakpoints, skips, counts, and keeps that have been set in the region. Use the S (Select) line command to transfer to the Source Listing screen (2.L) and view keeps, breakpoints, skips, and counts set from your terminal in the selected CSECT. You can optionally remove all breakpoints, skips, counts, and keeps for any program from this screen by using the R (Release) line command. 11-32 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual Access this screen by typing the letter P on the System Facilities Menu (9), or as described in “Transferring Between Screens” on page 2-5. Figure 11-17. Resource Summary Screen (9.P) -------------------- XPEDITER/CICS - RESOURCE SUMMARY (9.P) ---------------C123 COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> CSR MODULE: CWDEMCB2 CSECT: CWDEMCB2 COMPILED: 28 MAY 2003 - 11.11.29 ENTRY 000001 LINE COMMANDS: R (Release) S (Select) CMD TERM MODULE CSECT KEEPS BREAKS SKIPS COUNTS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- _ A011 CWDEMCB2 CWDEMCB2 00001 00002 00003 00004 **END** Input Field CMD Line command entry field. Valid entries are: • S (Select): Selects a program containing the specific breakpoints, skips, counts, and dataname keeps. Press Enter to transfer automatically to the Source Listing screen (2.L). The dataname keeps, breakpoints, skips, and counts set for that program are displayed on that screen. Note: Only programs with breakpoints, skips, counts, and keeps set by your terminal can be selected with the S command. If a program is selected whose breakpoints, skips, counts, and keeps belong to another terminal, Xpediter/CICS displays an error message. • R (Release): Removes all breakpoints, skips, counts, and dataname keeps set for a specified program. This function is useful when an Xpediter/CICS user signs off of CICS without ending the debugging session, then signs back on with a different terminal ID. Use the R command to free up resources used by the first terminal. Output Fields TERM Terminal ID where breakpoints, skips, counts, and keeps are set for a program. MODULE The name of the load module that contains the specified CSECT. CSECT The name of the program in which the indicated number of keeps, breakpoints, skips, and counts have been set. KEEPS Number of keeps set for the specified program at the terminal displayed in TERMID. System Facilities Screens 11-33 BREAKS Number of breakpoints set for the specified program at the terminal displayed in TERMID. SKIPS Number of skips set for the specified program at the terminal displayed in TERMID. COUNT Number of analyzes set for the specified program at the terminal displayed in TERMID. 11-34 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual 12-1 Chapter 12. Xpediter/Code Coverage Interface Screen Chap 12 This chapter describes the screen available to provide direct access to Xpediter/Code Coverage from within Xpediter/CICS. The chapter describes the following screen: • Code Coverage Interface Menu (C) Note: The Code Coverage Interface Menu is only available if the Xpediter/Code Coverage product is installed at your site. Code Coverage Interface Menu (C) The Code Coverage Interface Menu (C) shown in Figure 12-1 is used to directly access Xpediter/Code Coverage from within Xpediter/CICS. Access this screen either from the Xpediter/CICS Primary Menu, or as described in “Transferring Between Screens” on page 2-5. Figure 12-1. Code Coverage Interface Menu (C) -------------- XPEDITER/Code Coverage 03.01.00- Primary Menu --------------C123 COMMAND ===> Userid: MYUSER 1 2 X TEST DEFINITION SPECIFICATION ARCHIVE EXIT - Define/Control Collection Specifications - Access Specification Archive - Exit Xpediter/Code Coverage Select an option by typing the appropriate screen ID in the COMMAND field and pressing Enter, or as described in “Selecting Functions from Menus” on page 2-5. The Code Coverage menu is also available without going through Xpediter/CICS by entering transactions XVCC or XVSC. The following functions are available: • Code Coverage Test Definition: Used to create and activate Code Coverage definitions in the current CICS region. • Code Coverage Specification Archive: Used to retrieve and activate saved Code Coverage definitions in the current CICS region. • Code Coverage Exit: Exit the current Code Coverage session. For additional information on the use of the XVCC and XVSC Code Coverage transactions, refer to the chapter entitled “Using Xpediter/Code Coverage with Xpediter/CICS” in the Xpediter/Code Coverage Mainframe User/Reference Guide. 12-2 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual 13-1 Chapter 13. Xpediter/Xchange Interface Screen Chap 13 This chapter describes the screen available to provide direct access to Xpediter/Xchange from within Xpediter/CICS. The chapter describes the following screen: • Xpediter/Xchange Simulated Date Time Settings Menu (G) Note: The Xpediter/Xchange Simulated Date Time Settings Menu is only available if the Xpediter/Xchange product is installed at your site. There must be at least one XGTM/XGTS transaction entered under the CICS region for this interface to work. This initial XGTM/XGTS transaction enables the CICS Exits necessary for the Xpediter/Xchange product to function. Xpediter/Xchange Simulated Date Time Settings Menu (G) The Xpediter/Xchange Simulated Date Time Settings Menu (G) shown in Figure 13-1 is used to directly access Xpediter/Xchange from within Xpediter/CICS. Figure 13-1. Xpediter/Xchange Simulated Date Time Settings Menu (G) Xpediter/Xchange ------ Simulated Date Time Settings ------------------------- COMMAND ===> Scroll ===> PAGE Line Commands: H - Set and Hold P - Permanent R - Reset D - Delete Status Codes: H - Held P - Permanent C - Completed * - Error T - Threshold C/S Owner UserID Async Terminal TransID Program _ ________ _____ ________ _______ ________ _ ________ _____ ________ _______ ________ _ ________ _____ ________ _______ ________ _ ________ _____ ________ _______ ________ _ ________ _____ ________ _______ ________ YYYY/MM/DD __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ HH:MM:SS TASK NO ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ For additional information on the use of the Xpediter/Xchange, please refer to the Xpediter/Xchange Installation and User's Guide. 13-2 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual 14-1 Chapter 14. CICSPlex Facilities Screens Chap 14 This chapter describes the screens available in the Xpediter CICSPlex facility, which is used to assist you in debugging programs in a CICSPlex System Manager (CPSM) environment. The chapter describes the following screens: • CICSPlex Menu (P) – Registered Xpediter/CICS Regions (P.1) – Registered Xpediter Sessions (P.2) – Routing Mask Summary (P.3) – Routing Trace Summary (P.4) – Registered WLM Regions (P.5) – Xpediter Subsystem User Summary (P.6) These screens can be accessed either from the “CICSPlex Menu (P)”, or as described in “Transferring Between Screens” on page 2-5. The description of each screen includes an explanation and illustration of the screen, how you access it, and a discussion of the output fields. Note: The CICSPlex Facilities Menu is only available when Xpediter has been initialized with CICSPlex support active (CICSPLX=YES) and the region is registered with the Xpediter Service Provider. CICSPlex Menu (P) The CICSPlex Menu (P) (Figure 14-1) is used to select the Xpediter CICSPlex facility to be used. Access this screen by typing the number P on the Primary Menu, or as described in “Transferring Between Screens” on page 2-5. Figure 14-1. CICSPlex Menu (P) ---------------------- XPEDITER/CICS - CICSPLEX MENU (P) ------------------C123 COMMAND ===> MODULE: CSECT: 1 2 3 4 5 6 REGISTERED REGIONS REGISTERED SESSIONS ROUTING MASK SUMMARY ROUTING TRACE SUMMARY REGISTERED WLM REGIONS XPEDITER SUBSYSTEM USERS - DISPLAY DISPLAY DISPLAY DISPLAY DISPLAY DISPLAY REGISTERED XPEDITER REGISTERED XPEDITER ROUTING MASKS ROUTING ACTIONS REGISTERED WORKLOAD CONNECTED SUBSYSTEM REGIONS SESSIONS MANAGER REGIONS USERS Select an option by typing the appropriate screen ID in the COMMAND field and pressing Enter, or as described in “Selecting Functions from Menus” on page 2-5. The following screens are available: • Registered Xpediter/CICS Regions (1): Allows viewing of all Xpediter debugging regions registered with the Xpediter Service Provider. See “Registered Xpediter/CICS 14-2 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual Regions (P.1)” on page 14-2. • Registered Xpediter Sessions (2): Allows viewing of all debugging sessions registered with the Xpediter Service Provider. See “Registered Xpediter Sessions (P.2)” on page 14-3. • Routing Mask Summary (3): Allows viewing of all routing masks registered with the Xpediter Service Provider. See “Routing Mask Summary (P.3)” on page 14-4. • Routing Trace Summary (4): Allows viewing of all routing trace information from the Xpediter Workload Manager exit. See “Routing Trace Summary (P.4)” on page 14-5. • Registered WLM Regions (5): Allows the viewing all Xpediter Workload Manager exits registered with the Xpediter Service Provider. See “Registered WLM Regions (P.5)” on page 14-7. • Xpediter Subsystem Users (6): Allows the viewing of all connected Service Requester address spaces with the Xpediter Service Provider. See “Xpediter Subsystem User Summary (P.6)” on page 14-9. Registered Xpediter/CICS Regions (P.1) The Registered Xpediter/CICS Regions screen (P.1) (Figure 14-2) is used to view all Xpediter debugging regions registered with the Xpediter Service Provider. An Xpediter debugging region is defined as a CICS region with Xpediter/CICS active and CICSPlex support active. The CICS regions listed are the only locations where debugging can be performed within the CICSPlex. Access this screen by typing the number 1 on the CICSPlex Menu, or as described in “Transferring Between Screens” on page 2-5. Figure 14-2. Registered Xpediter/CICS Regions Screen (P.1) ------------ XPEDITER/CICS - Registered Xpediter/CICS Regions (P.1) -------C123 COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> CSR MODULE: CSECT: ENTRY 000001 SYSID APPLID LPAR SESSIONS TRAPS ------------------------------------------------ AOR1 CICSAOR1 ACM1 0000002 0000001 AOR2 CICSAOR2 ACM1 0000002 0000003 AOR3 CICSAOR3 ACM1 0000002 0000002 C123 CICSC123 ACM4 0000001 0000001 ____ ________ ____ _______ _______ ____ ________ ____ _______ _______ ____ ________ ____ _______ _______ Output Fields ENTRY Relative entry number represented by the first entry on the screen. SYSID System Identifier for a registered Xpediter debugging region. An Xpediter debugging session can be established with a specific CICS region with the SYSID parameter (see “Accessing Xpediter/CICS” on page 2-1). CICSPlex Facilities Screens 14-3 APPLID VTAM Specific Application Identifier for a registered Xpediter debugging region. LPAR The LPAR name where the APPLID shown is running. SESSIONS Number of active debugging sessions registered to the Xpediter debugging region. TRAPS Number of active routing traps registered to the Xpediter debugging region. Registered Xpediter Sessions (P.2) The Registered Xpediter Sessions screen (P.2) (Figure 14-3) is used to view all Xpediter debugging sessions registered with the Xpediter Service Provider. An Xpediter debugging session is defined as a fully qualified VTAM network name (Session Owner) which is registered to one or more Xpediter debugging regions. The Xpediter debugging session has a default region (SYSID and APPLID) where Xpediter transactions are routed by default and can own routing traps. Access this screen by typing the number 2 on the CICSPlex Menu, or as described in “Transferring Between Screens” on page 2-5. Figure 14-3. Registered Xpediter Sessions Screen (P.2) -------------- XPEDITER/CICS - REGISTERED XPEDITER SESSIONS (P.2) ---------C123 COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> CSR MODULE: CSECT: ENTRY 000001 SESSION OWNER USERID DEFAULT REGION REGIONS --------------------------------------------------------- MYVTAMID.MYNETID2 MYUSER2 AOR2 CICSAOR2 0000001 MYVTAMID.MYNETID3 MYUSER3 0000001 MYVTAMID.MYNETID4 MYUSER4 0000001 MYVTAMID.MYNETID5 MYUSER5 AOR3 CICSAOR3 0000001 MYVTAMID.MYNETID6 MYUSER6 AOR3 CICSAOR3 0000001 MYVTAMID.MYNETID1 MYUSER1 C123 CICSC123 0000001 _________________ _______ _____________ _______ _________________ _______ _____________ _______ _________________ _______ _____________ _______ _________________ _______ _____________ _______ Output Fields ENTRY Relative entry number represented by the first entry on the screen. SESSION OWNER Fully qualified VTAM Network Name registered with one or more Xpediter debugging regions. 14-4 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual USERID Current User Identifier associated with the Xpediter debugging session. The User Identifier is updated on each entry to Xpediter/CICS. DEFAULT REGION System Identifier (SYSID and APPLID) used to route Xpediter transactions when an explicit Xpediter debugging region is not specified. When the default region is blank, the Xpediter transaction will route to any registered Xpediter debugging region selected by CICSPlex Workload Manager. The default region is updated on each entry to Xpediter/CICS. REGIONS Number of Xpediter debugging regions with which the session has registered. Routing Mask Summary (P.3) The Routing Mask Summary screen (P.3) (Figure 14-4) is used to view all routing masks registered with the Xpediter Service Provider. A routing mask is a subset of the Xpediter trap masks defined in Xpediter debugging regions. Routing masks do not include PROGRAM information and allow the Xpediter Workload Manager exit to influence dynamic transaction route selection. Care must be taken when creating trap masks in Xpediter. Misuse of generic masks can result in large numbers of transactions routing to a single CICS region within the CICSPlex. Access this screen by typing the number 3 on the CICSPlex Menu, or as described in “Transferring Between Screens” on page 2-5. Figure 14-4. Routing Mask Summary Screen (P.3) ------------------ XPEDITER/CICS - ROUTING MASK SUMMARY (P.3) -------------AOR2 COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> CSR MODULE: CSECT: ENTRY 000001 NETNAME TERM TRAN/ USERID --- IP ADDR --PORT# REGION SESSION OWNER ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ******** MYNETID2 TRM2 **** AOR2 CICSAOR2 MYVTAMID.MYNETID4 ******** MYNETID3 TRM3 **** AOR2 CICSAOR3 MYVTAMID.MYNETID2 ******** ******** NONE **** AOR2 CICSAOR4 MYVTAMID.MYNETID3 52009 MYUSER4 ******** **** **** AOR2 CICSAOR2 MYVTAMID.MYNETID4 ******** ******** NONE **** AOR2 CICSAOR2 MYVTAMID.MYNETID4 ******** ******** **** XCB* AOR2 CICSAOR2 MYVTAMID.MYNETID4 ________ ________ ____ ____ _____________ _________________ ________ ________ ____ ____ _____________ _________________ Output Fields ENTRY Relative entry number represented by the first entry on the screen. USERID User Identifier for which breakpoints and abends will be trapped. Wildcard character is asterisk (*). CICSPlex Facilities Screens 14-5 NETNAME Network name for which breakpoints and abends will be trapped. Wildcard character is asterisk (*). TERM Terminal Identifier for which breakpoints and abends will be trapped. Wildcard character is asterisk (*). NONE traps only non-terminal (asynchronous) related tasks. IP ADDR For IP-based traps only, the client IP address (on the second line) and the server IP address (on the third line). TRAN Transaction Identifier for which breakpoints and abends will be trapped. Wildcard character is asterisk (*). PORT# For IP-based traps only, the server port number that corresponds to the IP ADDR field. REGION Xpediter debugging region where the trap mask is defined and the target CICS region where matching transaction invocations will be routed. SESSION OWNER Fully qualified VTAM Network Name that owns the routing mask. Routing Trace Summary (P.4) The Routing Trace Summary screen (P.4) (Figure 14-5 on page 14-6) is used to view the current routing trace information collected by the Xpediter Workload Manager exit. The routing trace includes all routing attempts for Xpediter transactions and user transactions which matched one or more routing trap masks. The Routing Trace Summary screen can be used to determine why a breakpoint or abend for a transaction invocation was not properly trapped by Xpediter. It also can be used to identify routing masks, which are matching more transaction invocations than was intended. Informational status messages for the Xpediter Workload Manager exit are also recorded into the routing trace table. Access this screen by typing the number 4 on the CICSPlex Menu, or as described in “Transferring Between Screens” on page 2-5. 14-6 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual Figure 14-5. Routing Trace Summary Screen (P.4) ----------------- XPEDITER/CICS - ROUTING TRACE SUMMARY (P.4) -------------AOR2 COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> CSR MODULE: CSECT: ENTRY 000016 |------- TRANSACTION -------|-------- ROUTING MASK ---------| SESSION OWNER |USERID NETNAME TERM TRAN|USERID NETNAME TERM TRAN AOR| |--- TIME ---| |------- REASON ---------------------------| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ USCWXN01.TCW00412 MYUSER6 MYNETID6 TRM6 XCBL ******** TCW00412 0412 **** AOR2 15:14:54.778 XDCP1030I TRAN ROUTED-ROUTING MASK MATCH USCWXN01.TCW00412 MYUSER6 MYNETID6 TRM6 XPED AOR2 15:14:41.803 XDCP1030I TRAN ROUTED-RECENT USE TCP/IP MYUSER6 NONE CWBA ******** ******** NONE **** AOR2 15:06:56.698 XDCP1030I LINK ROUTED-ROUTING MASK MATCH *.*.*.* 52009 *.*.*.* 00000 TCP/IP MYUSER6 NONE CWBA ******** ******** NONE **** AOR2 14:38:42.894 XDCP1030I LINK ROUTED-ROUTING MASK MATCH *.*.*.* 52009 *.*.*.* 00000 TCP/IP MYUSER6 NONE CWBA ******** ******** NONE **** AOR2 14:28:09.963 XDCP1030I LINK ROUTED-ROUTING MASK MATCH *.*.*.* 52009 *.*.*.* 00000 Output Fields ENTRY Relative entry number represented by the first entry on the screen. SESSION OWNER For terminal-based tasks, shows the fully qualified VTAM Network Name that owns the routing mask. For non-terminal-based tasks that have TCP/IP address and port information, shows TCP/IP. For all other tasks, shows NON-TERMINAL. TRANSACTION Transaction invocation information that matched the specific routing mask. For IP-based tasks, two additional lines display the client IP address, server IP address, and server port number. USERID User Identifier for the routed transaction. NETNAME Network Name for the routed transaction or NONE for non-terminal based (asynchronous) transactions. TERM Terminal Identifier for the routed transaction or NONE for non-terminal based (asynchronous) transactions. TRAN Transaction Identifier for the routed transaction. CICSPlex Facilities Screens 14-7 ROUTING MASK Matching Xpediter routing mask owned by the session owner. For IP-based tasks, two additional lines display the client IP address, server IP address, and server port number. USERID User Identifier for which breakpoints and abends will be trapped. NETNAME Network name for which breakpoints and abends will be trapped. TERM Terminal Identifier for which breakpoints and abends will be trapped. TRAN Transaction Identifier for which breakpoints and abends will be trapped. AOR Xpediter debugging region where the transaction route occurred or was attempted. TIME Time routing trace entry was recorded into the trace table. REASON Message information for the trace table entry indicating the success or failure of a transaction route or Xpediter Workload Manager exit status information. Refer to the Xpediter/CICS Messages and Codes manual for an explanation of the specific message. Registered WLM Regions (P.5) The Registered WLM Regions screen (P.5) (Figure 14-6) is used to view all Xpediter Workload Manager exits registered with the Xpediter Service Provider. The Xpediter Workload Manager exit is dynamically installed into CICS Terminal Owning Regions (TORs) and influences transaction routing within a CICSPlex. Xpediter transactions are routed only to registered Xpediter debugging regions, and user transactions will only route to a specific registered Xpediter debugging region based on routing masks and transaction scope. Transactions that are out of scope cannot be debugged for that particular invocation. Access this screen by typing the number 5 on the CICSPlex Menu, or as described in “Transferring Between Screens” on page 2-5. 14-8 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual Figure 14-6. Registered WLM Regions Screen (P.5) ----------------- XPEDITER/CICS - REGISTERED WLM REGIONS (P.5) ------------C123 COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> CSR MODULE: CSECT: ENTRY 000001 |----- RELEASE INFO -----| USERID/ WORKLOAD JOBNAME ASID TYPE APPLID SYSID CICS XPEDITER MANAGER -------- -------- -------- ----------- -------- -------- CICSTOR2 0095 CICS CICSTOR2 TOR2 04.01.00 N/A 01.02.00 CICSTOR1 0062 CICS CICSTOR1 TOR1 05.03.00 N/A 01.03.00 ________ ____ _____ ________ ____ ________ ________ ________ ________ ____ _____ ________ ____ ________ ________ ________ ________ ____ _____ ________ ____ ________ ________ ________ Output Fields ENTRY Relative entry number represented by the first entry on the screen. JOBNAME Started Task or Batch Job name for a registered Xpediter Workload Manager exit region. ASID Address Space Identifier for a registered Xpediter Workload Manager exit region. USERID/APPLID The VTAM Specific Application Identifier for a registered Xpediter Workload Manager exit region. TYPE Connection type (CICS) for an Xpediter Workload Manager exit region. SYSID System Identifier for a registered Xpediter Workload Manager exit region. RELEASE INFO Release information for a registered Xpediter Workload Manager exit region. CICS CICS release active. Xpediter Xpediter/CICS release active or N/A. WORKLOAD MANAGER CICSPlex Manager release active (EYU9XLOP). CICSPlex Facilities Screens 14-9 Xpediter Subsystem User Summary (P.6) The Xpediter Subsystem User Summary screen (P.6) (Figure 14-7 on page 14-9) is used to view all connected address spaces to the Xpediter Service Provider. Xpediter Service Provider connections include CICS regions with Xpediter CICSPlex support active and CICS regions with Xpediter (E)RDSA breakpoint support active. Access this screen by typing the number 6 on the CICSPlex Menu, or as described in “Transferring Between Screens” on page 2-5. Figure 14-7. Xpediter Subsystem User Summary Screen (P.6) ------------ XPEDITER/CICS - XPEDITER SUBSYSTEM USER SUMMARY (P.6) --------C123 COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> CSR MODULE: CSECT: ENTRY 000001 |----- RELEASE INFO -----| USERID/ WORKLOAD JOBNAME ASID TYPE APPLID SYSID CICS XPEDITER MANAGER -------- -------- -------- ----------- -------- -------- CICSTOR2 0095 CICS CICSTOR2 TOR2 04.01.00 N/A 01.02.00 CICSTOR1 0062 CICS CICSTOR1 TOR1 05.03.00 N/A 01.03.00 CICSAOR2 0097 CICS CICSAOR2 AOR2 04.01.00 07.03.00 N/A CICSAOR1 0096 CICS CICSAOR1 AOR1 04.01.00 07.03.00 N/A CICSAOR3 0098 CICS CICSAOR3 AOR3 04.01.00 07.03.00 N/A CICSC123 0090 CICS CICSC123 C123 05.03.00 07.03.00 N/A ________ ____ _____ ________ ____ ________ ________ ________ ________ ____ _____ ________ ____ ________ ________ ________ ________ ____ _____ ________ ____ ________ ________ ________ Output Fields ENTRY Relative entry number represented by the first entry on the screen. JOBNAME Started Task or Batch Job name for a connected address space. ASID Address Space Identifier for a connected address space. USERID/APPLID The VTAM Specific Application Identifier for a connected CICS region. TYPE Connection type (CICS) for a connected address space. SYSID System Identifier for a connected CICS region. RELEASE INFO Release information for a connected address space. 14-10 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual CICS CICS release active or N/A. Xpediter Xpediter/CICS release active or N/A. WORKLOAD MANAGER CICSPlex Manager release active (EYU9XLOP) or N/A. 15-1 Chapter 15. Storage Protection Chap 15 The Xpediter/CICS storage protection facility protects CICS regions from programs that violate CICS storage areas. Storage violations cause programs to abend, produce unexpected program results, or cause CICS region crashes. This chapter describes how to initiate Xpediter’s storage protection facility and tailor it to meet your needs. The Xpediter/CICS storage protection feature, which has no dependencies on the IBM CICS storage protection feature, supplements this protection by preventing user applications from overwriting each other, or from overwriting any other areas that do not belong to the application’s task. The Xpediter/CICS storage protection facility is designed to enhance and extend the facilities provided by CICS. Xpediter’s storage protection facility can also check data areas modified by CICS command level commands. If the CICS command would cause a storage violation, Xpediter can protect this storage and prevent the storage violation from occurring. The topics covered in this chapter include: • • • • • • Using storage protection Monitoring storage violations Disabling storage monitoring System labels for creating storage protection exceptions Storage protection considerations A transaction dump example. The Xpediter/CICS screens affected by storage protection that are described in this chapter include the following: • • • • Storage Protection (1.8) Storage Exceptions (9.7) Storage Protection (9.8) Define System Labels (9.9) Using Storage Protection Xpediter/CICS allows you to select the degree of storage protection for your debugging session. • In the XPED/XPRT level, the Storage Protection screen (1.8) permits you to set storage protection for any transaction or program originating from your terminal. Global parameter PROTTID can be used to remove the restriction on setting storage protection only for your own terminal. Compuware recommends caution if setting PROTTID to YES because doing so enables XPED and XPRT users to activate storage protection for any terminal, transaction, or program originating in the CICS region. • In the XPSP level, the Storage Protection screen (9.8) permits you to set storage protection for any terminal, task, or program in the CICS region. Storage protection can be automatically set with the PROTECT option on the Set Profile Defaults screen (0.1). The default for a new user profile can be set by tailoring the DEFPROT parameter of the Xpediter/CICS global parameter table. 15-2 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual Additional storage protection can be set by using the Storage Protection screen (9.8) or Xpediter’s DBPA transactions. See the Xpediter/CICS Installation and Configuration Guide for more information. See Chapter 16, “Xpediter/CICS Startup During CICS Initialization” for more information. When storage protection is enabled, Xpediter/CICS analyzes each application instruction to verify that the instruction will not cause a storage violation. It also provides options for checking program reentrancy, protecting shared storage, and executing CICS commands. Xpediter/CICS not only detects and prevents storage violations, it identifies the program, transaction code, and instruction and gives the definition of the violation it is preventing. After the potential storage violation is detected and prevented, you can interactively debug the violating task through Xpediter’s interactive debugging functions. Additional diagnostic reports can be created through Abend-AID for CICS by requesting a dump of the trapped storage violation. With Xpediter/CICS, processing may be continued around the instruction that attempted to violate storage. This allows you to continue a test session that might otherwise have ended in an abend or region crash. If you prefer, you can use the ALLOW command to let the trapped storage violation take place, provided that the global table parameter ALLOWCM is set to ON for the transaction that was used to start Xpediter. Xpediter/CICS detects and prevents storage violations even when you are not in an active debugging session. Xpediter/CICS intercepts the violation before it can occur and produces a transaction abend dump. The region remains active, and programs and storage areas are protected. Protecting Against Storage Violations To ensure that all transactions are tested for storage violations, use the entry shown in Figure 15-1 on the Storage Protection screen (9.8). Since the entries are searched in the order in which they appear, this should be the last entry on the screen. This allows other Xpediter/CICS users to tailor their own storage protection. Figure 15-1. Storage Protection Entries for Protecting Storage ------------------- XPEDITER/CICS - STORAGE PROTECTION (9.8) --------------C123 COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> CSR MODULE: CSECT: ENTRY 000001 LINE COMMANDS: A (After) B (Before) C (Copy) D (Delete) I (Insert) M (Move) -----------PROTECTION OPTIONS------- CMD TYPE TERM TRAN PROGRAM STORE FETCH SHR PGM CMD Store ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _ USER **** **** ******** YES NO NO NO YES _ ____ ____ ____ ________ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ _ ____ ____ ____ ________ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ _ ____ ____ ____ ________ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Disabling Storage Protection To turn off storage protection without destroying the current table entries, use the settings in Figure 15-2 for the first entry on the Storage Protection screen (9.8). Storage Protection 15-3 Figure 15-2. Storage Protection Entries for Disabling Storage Monitoring ------------------- XPEDITER/CICS - STORAGE PROTECTION (9.8) --------------C123 COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> CSR MODULE: CSECT: ENTRY 000001 LINE COMMANDS: A (After) B (Before) C (Copy) D (Delete) I (Insert) M (Move) -----------PROTECTION OPTIONS------- CMD TYPE TERM TRAN PROGRAM STORE FETCH SHR PGM CMD Store ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _ SYST **** **** ******** NO NO NO NO NO _ ____ ____ ____ ________ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ _ ____ ____ ____ ________ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ _ ____ ____ ____ ________ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Protecting Language Environment User Condition Handlers A Language Environment user condition handler (UCH) resembles a subroutine in several ways. A UCH can be registered like a static call and link-edited into the main code base, or registered like a dynamically called subroutine and link-edited as a separate load module. Since UCHs involve error handling, they are also similar to CICS handle facilities. There is a major difference, though, in how UCHs and CICS handle facilities process error conditions. CICS handle facilities drive error routines in a single-stage, inline sequence. Control is passed to an error routine that is directly responsible for branching back to the main code base, if appropriate for a particular application. UCHs, on the other hand, use a two-stage processing sequence that is totally independent of the main code base. The Language Environment condition manager drives both UCH invocation and retry. Because of the way UCHs break from the main code base, their monitoring requirements can be very different from those of mainline applications. To deal with these potential differences, Xpediter/CICS treats the invoking of a UCH in the same way as it does a CICS link request. For this reason, you must make separate entries on the Storage Protection screen (1.8 or 9.8) in order to establish storage protection for UCH modules. Specifying exclusions for UCHs also requires individual entries on the Monitor Exceptions screen (9.4.1). In the following example, a mainline program registers two handlers: one for screening conditions unique to its own processing tasks and one for screening all program checks in the entire application. The mainline program calls an Assembler subroutine that requires reentrancy monitoring, but the handler for screening program checks is an Assembler module that, for valid reasons, violates reentrancy rules. In this situation, the mainline program, its subroutines, and its general condition handler require different protection rules than the handler that screens program checks. As shown in Figure 15-3, a single entry on the Storage Protection screen (1.8) can be used to establish protection for the mainline and associated routines. A separate entry is created to protect the program check module. 15-4 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual Figure 15-3. Language Environment Storage Protection Entries ------------------- XPEDITER/CICS - STORAGE PROTECTION (1.8) --------------C123 COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> CSR MODULE: LEPROGRM CSECT: LEPROGRM ENTRY 000001 LINE COMMANDS: A (After) B (Before) C (Copy) D (Delete) I (Insert) M (Move) -----------PROTECTION OPTIONS------- CMD TYPE TERM TRAN PROGRAM STORE FETCH SHR PGM CMD Store ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _ USER T123 **** LEPROGRM YES NO NO YES NO _ USER T123 **** PROGCHEK YES NO NO NO NO _ ____ ____ ____ ________ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ _ ____ ____ ____ ________ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ _ ____ ____ ____ ________ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ If the handler for program checks has been tested and is allowed to run without any form of protection, the 1.8 entry for the mainline program can still be used. An entry on the Monitor Exceptions screen (9.4.1) could be used to specify that the program check module be excluded (Figure 15-4). Figure 15-4. Handler Module Exclusion ------------------ XPEDITER/CICS - MONITOR EXCEPTIONS (9.4.1) ------------C123 COMMAND ===> SCROLL ==> CSR MODULE: CSECT: ENTRY 0000 of 000 LINE COMMANDS: L (List of Entry Points) D (Delete) CMD TRAN PROGRAM CSECT EXCL. LEVEL/MESAGE ------------------------------------------------------------ _ **** LEPROGRM PROGCHEK _ ____ ________ ________ _ ____ ________ ________ _ ____ ________ ________ If an error condition occurred, control would pass from the main code base to the program check module. The 9.4.1 entry for the program check module would cause Xpediter/CICS to suspend its monitoring cycle during the time the module was in control. If this handler were to percolate the condition to another handler, Xpediter/CICS would reestablish its monitoring cycle, because the storage protection entry encompasses the other handler. System Labels for Creating Storage Protection Exceptions On the Define System Labels screen (9.9), an XPSP user can create a system label that designates a specific storage area. That system label can then be entered on the Storage Exceptions screen (9.7) and used to set up whatever type of storage protection exception is needed. Example To remove protection from the EIB transaction ID (EIBTRNID), use the following entries. Storage Protection 15-5 Figure 15-5. System Labels for Accessing the EIB Transaction ID ------------------ XPEDITER/CICS - DEFINE SYSTEM LABELS (9.9) -------------C123 COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> CSR MODULE: CSECT: DEFAULT BASE LABELS: CSA DCT EIS FCT ADDR PADDR PLEN MOD OFL INITCOMM PGM TCA TCT MQMD MQDATA USER BASE ENTRY OR + OR USE RESULTING DEL LABEL LABEL PGM-NAME OFFSET CONTENT LENGTH VALUE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ _ EIB EIS 8 Y 00000004 002030D0 _ EIBTRAN EIB 8 N 00000004 002030D8 _ ________ ________ ________ _________ _ ________ _ ________ ________ ________ _________ _ ________ _ ________ ________ ________ _________ _ ________ _ ________ ________ ________ _________ _ ________ Once these entries are made, you can use the Storage Exceptions screen (9.7) to establish an entry to unprotect this field. Storage Protection Considerations This section describes the rules Xpediter/CICS follows when monitoring for storage violations. • Programs with names that begin with DFH are not protected. • Programs written in JAVA are not protected. • “C” programs that use XPLink linkage are not protected. • Any transaction and related programs already running when Xpediter/CICS is initialized are not eligible for storage protection, trace, or Code Coverage monitoring. • If a protected program branches to a program not defined with resource definitions, protection continues under the options of the initial, resource-defined program. • If a protected program branches to a resource-defined program with an entry point found by a command level EXEC CICS LOAD PROGRAM(...) HOLD, then Xpediter/CICS scans the storage protection table to determine if the new program qualifies for different protection or no protection. • If a program is at a breakpoint or abend when storage protection is set for it, it will take effect when the task is stepped/resumed. • Xpediter/CICS storage protection does not compromise pseudo-reentrancy within a load module. For non-reentrant code between CICS calls, Xpediter/CICS does not interrupt you to do CICS calls. • Xpediter/CICS protects stores and fetches defined to CICS storage boundaries. If Xpediter/CICS cannot identify the referenced area, the reference is considered a storage violation. Xpediter/CICS storage protection enforces the following standards: • Store and fetch are both allowed on the CWA unless global option PROTCWA is used. • Store is allowed into the register save area of the EIUS. Only fetch is allowed for the rest of the EIS or EIUS. • Only fetch is allowed on the following: – CSA, OFL, FCT – User, terminal, shared storage SAAs, or storage check zones 15-6 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual – – – – – – – FIOA-headers (56 bytes) FWA-headers (16 bytes) Static storage area TCA-system area (beginning with TCASAA and ending with TCASYAA) TCA user area TCA-LIFO and load list storage. TCTTE. • Xpediter/CICS storage protection traps wild branches and branches to addresses not aligned on a half-word boundary. However, if the program is using either HANDLEABEND or SETXIT, Xpediter/CICS assumes that the program error exit handles it, and lets the branch be taken. • When using storage protection, it is not necessary to increase the ICVR values. Xpediter/CICS calculates an approximate number of user instructions for the ICVR from CICS. It counts the instructions between CICS calls. When the user and Xpediter/CICS (combined) exceed the ICVR, Xpediter/CICS suppresses the AICA. If the program runs excessive instructions between CICS calls, then Xpediter/CICS allows the AICA abend. • When a storage violation is found, storage protection sends a message to transient data destination CSMT. The message contains DATE, TIME, TERM, TRAN, PROGRAM, and INSTRUCTION offset. You can change the destination or suppress the message completely. Changing the destination or suppressing the message requires a change to the Xpediter/CICS global parameter PROTMSG. Transaction Dump Output When a storage violation is detected and prevented by Xpediter/CICS, the output you receive may include a transaction dump. Upon request, Xpediter/CICS creates an ASRA transaction abend dump. By using the dump and the following instructions, you can determine exactly what would have caused the storage violation. The PSW and registers in the dump are from your program and can be used to find the instruction that is in error. The PSW points to the instruction in error, not past it. Xpediter/CICS uses two storage areas chained off the TCA as user-class storage (USER24 or USER31, depending on TaskDataLoc). These two storage areas are storage protection temporary save area (TSA) and input register work area (INRWORK). They are located on the standard storage chains. TSA may be identified by an eye catcher PROTAID followed by x'EE'. INRWORK may be identified by an eye catcher PROTINR followed by x'EE'. For clarification and emphasis refer to Figure 15-6 on page 15-8 and the explanation that follows the figure. CSMT Message Xpediter/CICS also writes a message to transient data destination CSMT or whatever destination was specified for global parameter PROTMSG. That message contains: • • • • • • Date of the storage violation Time of the storage violation Storage violation message Terminal or client IP address associated with the storage violation Program associated with the storage violation Offset into the associated program of the offending instruction. This offset is for use with the compile listing’s PMAP or CLIST. It does not reflect additional modules/stubs linked with the load module. Note: This offset is from the beginning of the user program. That is, if the program is command level, the stub size is backed out of the offset. This lets you match the offset to your program listing. Storage Protection Transaction Dump Example Figure 15-6 on page 15-8 is an example from a transaction abend dump created by Xpediter/CICS. The numbered references are discussed following the figure. 15-7 15-8 Figure 15-6. Transaction Dump Example PAGE 36 [1] *B0000060. .; ....XPED**** 04 * *AUG 2002 12:45:52 STORAGE VIOLAT* *ION 0004 XCB2 CWDEMCB2 001C44 * * B0000060 * 0022BF90 0022BFB0 0022BFD0 0022BFF0 00000000 C2F0F0F0 F0F0F6F0 00000020 C1E4C740 F2F0F0F2 00000040 C9D6D540 F0F0F0F4 00000060 40404040 40404040 TRANSACTION STORAGE-USER24 8C40005E 40F1F27A 40E7C3C2 C2F0F0F0 40404040 F4F57AF5 F240C3E6 F0F0F6F0 00000000 C2F0F0F0 F0F0F6F0 00000020 0022A788 000C7860 00000040 002000D0 0022AFF0 00000060[3]0022BF88 17203EA8 00000080[3]172031E4 17204B1A 000000A0 000061A8 00002000 000000C0 00000000 00000000 000000E0 20000000 0022A788 00000100 58FE0060 07FF9624 00000120 00000000 00000000 00000140 00000000 00020104 00000160 00000000 00000000 00000180 00000000 000002A0 000001A0 800DB954 9604C020 000001C0 0022BF88 00207308 000001E0 0022A488 163044C0 00000200 00000000 00000000 00000220 00000000 00000000 TRANSACTION STORAGE-USER24 8C000720 0022B478 000FC008 000FC338 172031A4 7FFFFFFE 00000000 00000000 F03E41FF 00000000 0E000000 00000000 00009000 41CC0008 00200050 000CBAB0 00000000 00000000 ADDRESS 0022B1D0 TO 0022B8FF LENGTH 00000730 [2] [2] 00000000 D7D9D6E3 C9D5D9EE 00000003 0022B1E8 *B0000060........PROTINR........Y* 0005E780 17204CBC 000061A8 0022B1E8 000F31C8 *..xh...-......X...<.../y...Y...H* 8004DE20 800F3552 000C86CA 16304600 002073A8[3]*.......0..............f........y* 16263FCC 002000D0 16309510 16308510 163044C0 *...h...y..C...........n...e.....* 00207308 97204CBC 00000000 079D2000 97204CEC[4]*...U.......u....p.<.........p.<.* 00000000 00002000 00000000 97204CEC 80000000 *../y....................p.<.....* 00000000 00000068 000CBAB0 00[5]1E8 800C8640 *...........................Y..f * 9614E058 41EE0008 9612E050 90CFE068 58DE0058 *......xh....o.......o...........* 00089622 F03690CF F04E58DF 003E58FF 004607FF *...-..o.0.....o.0...0+..........* 00000000 00000000 00000000 0022B938 0022BAF8 *...............................8* 0022B1E8 00000000 000E0806 00000000 97204066 *...............Y............p. .* 97204CBC 164B53F0 001CD984 00002000 00000000 *............p.<....0..Rd........* 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 *................................* 9602C018 90CFC030 58DC0020 58FC0028 07FF0000 *....o.......o...................* 172030A8 000FC338 16263FCC 000C9640 161CFFFF *...h...........y..C.......o ....* 0022B1E8 800C8640 00207110 97203DE2 202030A8 *..uh...........Y..f ....p..S...y* 00000000 000FC008 00000000 000C8902 00000000 *..........................i.....* 0022B404 0022B40C 162FB7DC 00007600 162FBD64 *................................* 0022B1D0 0022B1F0 0022B210 0022B230 0022B250 0022B270 0022B290 0022B2B0 0022B2D0 0022B2F0 0022B310 0022B330 0022B350 0022B370 0022B390 0022B3B0 0022B3D0 0022B3F0 ADDRESS 0022A780 TO 0022B1CF LENGTH 00000A50 [6] [6] 8C000A3C 00000000 D7D9D6E3 C1C9C4EE 00000003 0022A788 *B0000060........PROTAID.......xh* 0022B478 0005E780 0022B1E8 16309510 0022B1E8 000DB7E0 *..xh...-......X....Y..n....Y....* 000FC008 8004DE20 000DB989 000D5AF8 00000000 00000000 *......Zh...........i...8........* 00000000 000000BB 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 *.......Y........................* 0000000[7]7203088 A6000000 F0F0F0F4 164B53F0 000C7860 *...............hw...0004...0...-* 00000000 0022BF88 00000000[7]404040 40404040 40404040 *...............h.... * 000FC008 8004DE20 164B53F0 91000000 16304600 002073A8 *......X............0j..........y* 97204CEC 000061A8 000C9640 7FFFFFFE 000000E5 00000068 *...h..xhp.<.../y..o .......V....* 800C8640 00207308 800C913E 0000001C 0022BF88 800CE328 *.......Y..f ......j........h..T.* 000C7860 800CD530 0022BF8F 0022BF87 0022B1E8 000CE530 *..X...xh...-..N........g...Y..V.* 000FC008 8004DE20 800CEBBE 00000004 00000000 00000000 *n..8...0........................* 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 *................................* 00200448 00228E27 16303798 16310A17 0022BF78 0022BF87 *...................q...........g* 00000000 00000000 00000000 0022BF88 0022BF88 00000000 *.......g...............h...h....* 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 *;...STOR........................* 00000000 00000000 00000000 800CDAE2 164B14B0 00000000 *.......................S........* 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 *................................* 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 *................................* 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 D6F5F3F0 F661F2F8 *........................O5306/28* 000F8EE0 0002A000 02000100 00000000 00000000 00000000 */0217.20........................* 00000000 00000000 0BF80000 16310E80 000FD0B0 16310ED0 *.................8..............* 0022A780 0022A7A0 0022A7C0 0022A7E0 0022A800 0022A820 0022A840 0022A860 0022A880 0022A8A0 0022A8C0 0022A8E0 0022A900 0022A920 0022A940 0022A960 0022A980 0022A9A0 0022A9C0 0022A9E0 0022AA00 00000000 C2F0F0F0 00000020 0022A788 00000040 002000D0 00000060 00000000 00000080 00000000 000000A0 00000000 000000C0 00000000 000000E0 0022BF88 00000100 000CBAB0 00000120 0005E780 00000140 9572B9F8 00000160 00000000 00000180 00000000 000001A0 0022BF78 000001C0[8]5E000002 000001E0 00000000 00000200 00000000 00000220 00000000 00000240 00000000 00000260 61F0F2F1 00000280 00000000 F0F0F6F0 000C7860 0005E988 0022B1E8 00000000 00000000 0005E780 0022A788 0022B1E8 0022A788 0022AFF0 00000000 00000000 0022BF87 E2E3D6D9 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 F74BF2F0 00000000 00560000 E7D7C5C4 5C5C5C5C 40F0F440 F240E2E3 D6D9C1C7 C540E5C9 D6D3C1E3 C4C5D4C3 C2F240F0 F0F1C3F4 F4404040 TIME=12:46:06 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual ACMEC123 --- CICS TRANSACTION DUMP --- CODE=STOR TRAN=XCB2 ID=1/0002 DATE=02/08/04 TRANSACTION STORAGE-USER24 ADDRESS 0022BF90 TO 0022BFFF LENGTH 00000070 Storage Protection 15-9 The following explanation discusses the numbered references in Figure 15-6 on page 15-8. [1] Message written to transient data destination CSMT. [2] INRWORK identified by PROTINR eye catcher followed by x'EE'. [3] INRWORK + x'58' contains the contents of registers 0 through 15 as they were at the time of the attempted storage violation. [4] INRWORK + x'9C' contains the address of the instruction that would have caused the storage violation. [5] INRWORK + x'B8' contains the address of the instruction executed prior to the instruction that would have caused the storage violation. For example, if the storage violation was caused by a bad branch, this would be the address of the branch instruction. Note: The address at INRWORK + x'B8' will be the same as the address at INRWORK + x'9C' for non-branch instructions. [6] TSA identified by PROTAID eye catcher followed by x'EE'. [7] TSA + x'A8' and TSA + x'D4' contain the address validation information. Beginning at x'A8', there is a four-byte length and four-byte address for field 1. This is followed by a four-byte length and four-byte address for field 2 and again for field 3. Beginning at x'D4', there is a one-byte code for each of the three fields (as described in “Address Validation Codes” below). [8]TSA + x'1C0' contains the Xpediter/CICS detailed error code. Address Validation Codes Each of the three address validation entries beginning at TSA + x'A8' contains a four-byte length and a four-byte virtual storage beginning address. For each of the three entries, there is a corresponding one-byte code beginning at TSA + x'D4'. The following values are accumulated in that one-byte code field: • x'01' - The address list entry identified as a storage violation. This is the entry in error. • x'10' - Store protection validation was requested for this address. • x'20' - Branch address protection validation was requested for this address. • x'40' - Fetch protection validation was requested for this address. • x'80' - Last entry in the address list. For example, if the 1 byte CODE field contains x'91', this indicates that this is the final entry in the list (x'80'), it was monitored for store protection (x'10'), and a storage violation was detected (x'01'). The beginning address and length fields describe the storage involved. The detailed error code describes the operation that would have caused a storage violation. Detailed Error Codes The Xpediter/CICS detailed error code located in the TSA at x'1C0' explains the detected storage violation. With the code from the TSA, see Xpediter/CICS system messages to locate the corresponding explanation. 15-10 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual 16-1 Chapter 16. NEWCOPY Function Chap 16 The NEWCOPY function performs a PHASEIN to load a new version of a program into the CICS region after it has been changed by the programmer. Typically, the CEMT transaction is used to perform the NEWCOPY function; however, you may use Xpediter’s NEWCOPY function instead. All users in the region can copy their programs using the NEWC transaction. If the program is in use by another user, an error message is issued, but the program is not disabled. Only breakpoints that are set by symbolics (BEFORE ALL PARA, AFTER ALL LABEL) are reset when you issue the NEWC transaction. If the program is changed so that a label, paragraph name, or dataname used in a breakpoint no longer exists, that breakpoint fails; however, the rest of the breakpoints are still processed. Breakpoints that are set by statement number or offset are not reset. Note: If you have set excludes, keeps, or verifys in your original program, and perform a NEWCOPY, the lines affected in the new copy of the program may be different than the lines the commands were originally set on. To use the NEWC transaction, type NEWC, followed by the program name, on a blank CICS screen: NEWC program-name If the NEWCOPY is successful, a message similar to the following is displayed: NEWC CWDEMCB2 MXDNC0001I 12 Jun 2008 13:56:52 - SYSID=C123 - APPLID=CICSC123 Program 'CWDEMCB2' phased in Len(00021E8) From(XD.TEST.R82.PDE.LOADLIB) The program name in the first line of the message may be overtyped to issue an additional NEWCOPY request. For information on using NEWC in a dynamic transaction routing environment, see “Specific Region Routing” on page 17-5. The NEWCOPY function can also be invoked from the NEWCOPY Programs screen (1.N). See “NEWCOPY Programs (1.N)” on page 7-23. Xpediter’s NEWCOPY function can also be invoked in multiple CICS regions from a single batch jobstep, which can be inserted after your batch linkedit jobstep. For details, see the Xpediter/CICS Installation and Configuration Guide chapter entitled “Configuring Xpediter/CICS” and refer to “Step 27. Install and Customize the Batch Interface to Xpediter/CICS NEWCOPY (Optional).” Refer to the Xpediter/CICS Messages and Codes manual for NEWCOPY function error messages. 16-2 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual 17-1 Chapter 17. Intercommunication Considerations Chap 17 This chapter explains certain procedures that must be considered when debugging MRO (multiregion operation) and ISC (intersystem communication) transactions as well as considerations for CICS Distributed Transaction Processing and Distributed Program Link. For information on installing Xpediter in MRO and ISC environments, see the Xpediter/CICS Installation and Configuration Guide. MRO and ISC Debugging Considerations Compuware recommends the following special procedures be followed to more effectively debug transactions in MRO and ISC environments: • If possible, avoid using the CRTE transaction to connect the terminal directly to one specific region. Although a direct connection works well with local traps, if the user sets a global trap for abends for another terminal (in the same or another region), the user’s terminal cannot receive the Xpediter/CICS remote bulletin that is generated when the system traps an abend. The terminal does not receive the remote bulletin because CICS always directs the DBXG auto-initiated transaction to the TOR. If CRTE was used to connect the terminal to a region, the TOR considers the terminal busy because it is owned by the CRTE transaction. Unless you use one of the Xpediter/CICS List Abends screens (1.3/9.3) to process the remote bulletins, they do not appear until you enter CANCEL to exit the CRTE session and return to the TOR. Xpediter global parameter CRTEOK=NO can be specified to prevent starting an Xpediter session within a CRTE explicit routing session. For more information, see the chapter entitled “Global Parameters Table” in the Xpediter/CICS Installation and Configuration Guide. • Although the test transaction can execute outside the TOR, it is best not to set traps for abends occurring in the TOR. When setting a trap for abends in the TOR, Xpediter/CICS first traps any abend for the AOR, as requested. If you then request a dump or return to CICS, Xpediter/CICS will also trap the resulting AZI6 abend for the TOR DFHCRP relay program as a reflection of the original problem. The second abend trap is of little use, and it can lead to the false conclusion that a second terminal abend has occurred. If the test transaction executes in the TOR, set the traps there. • When using CICS function-shipping, do not set breakpoints or abend traps to catch abends for CICS CSM* mirror transactions that may service file control and other CICS requests in other regions. Setting these breakpoints or traps can cause the terminal to hang if it is busy with the test transaction. This condition could cause the test transaction to wait for a response from the CSM* transaction, abended and trapped in another region. If this lockout situation occurs, the user can only sign on to Xpediter/CICS at a second terminal in the region where the CSM* abended transaction was trapped. Select the trapped CSM* abended transaction from the List Abends screen (1.3/9.3) and debug as required. When completed, request a dump from the Exit Session screen. The dump will continue the abend and free both the mirror and the test transaction. Note: This lockout escape procedure is not a recommended debugging technique. It is better to trap abends in the test transaction, where you can observe the tasks that 17-2 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual enter and leave the function-shipping CICS call. In most cases, these observations provide the information needed to debug the program. Example Debugging Procedure Using CICS Static Transaction Routing The following debugging procedure assumes a possible testing scenario where two test transactions (TST1 and TST2) execute in two different application-owning regions (AORs) named AOR1 and AOR2. In this scenario, always assume that a system programmer has installed Xpediter/CICS with CICS transaction routing and that the XPRT transactions were given the aliases of XPR1 and XPR2 for regions AOR1 and AOR2 respectively. The following steps detail the debugging procedure: 1. Sign on to the TOR, and then enter the XPR1 command to start Xpediter/CICS in region AOR1. The Primary Menu is displayed. The system automatically establishes an abend trap for all abends that occurred on the terminal (in region AOR1). 2. Set breakpoints, a program trace, or protection rules for the program in region AOR1. Press Clear, or type =X and press Enter, to transfer to the Exit Session screen (X). 3. Press Enter on the Exit Session screen (X) to leave the Xpediter/CICS session active and to return to a blank CICS screen in the TOR. 4. Enter XPR2 to start Xpediter/CICS in region AOR2. Repeat step 2 and step 3 as needed for AOR2. 5. Enter the test transaction name TST1 to run the test transaction. If the program in either region encounters abends or breakpoints, Xpediter/CICS automatically takes control and displays either the View Break/Abend screen (2.1) or the Source Listing screen (2.L). At this point, the system allows single-stepping, resuming, and other available functions. Successive Xpediter/CICS screens may originate from alternating regions, in the order in which the trapped events occurred. 6. When finished debugging, end both Xpediter/CICS sessions. Distributed Transaction Processing Considerations The considerations listed below will be useful if your site is developing applications that use CICS Distributed Transaction Processing (DTP). These considerations apply regardless of whether MRO, ISC, LUTYPE 6.1, or LUTYPE 6.2 (APPC) is in use. However, Xpediter/CICS runs only on CICS and can set breakpoints, traps, and other available functions only on those application components that are CICS transactions. • You do not need any special steps when interactively debugging only the front end of a DTP transaction. You can set a local trap for abends at the primary terminal. The same terminal can be used for both Xpediter/CICS and the test transaction. Proceed as normal for debugging other transactions. • To debug both the front and back ends of a DTP transaction simultaneously, use a separate terminal set up with CICS transaction routing access to Xpediter/CICS in all relevant regions. Assuming that the front-end transaction is associated with a terminal, use that terminal to observe events in the test transaction. Use the second terminal (as described below) to establish all breakpoints and traps in back-end transactions. On the second terminal, use Xpediter/CICS as previously described, but use the Trap Summary screen (1.6) to set global traps in the regions where the relevant back-end transactions are operating. Because you cannot always use the same terminal for the back-end transaction, you cannot predict the terminal ID. Therefore, when you set up abend traps for this terminal, use wildcard characters (****) for the ID and specify the trap by a transaction and program name. Intercommunication Considerations 17-3 If global traps are set for back-end transactions in multiple regions, exit to CICS after setting breakpoints, traps, etc. This exit allows the debugging terminal to receive abend bulletins and to auto-start Xpediter/CICS in the region where the abend trap first became active. If global traps are set for back-end transactions in only one region, then you can stay in Xpediter/CICS. Any abend bulletins waiting for the debugging terminal appear each time you enter another Xpediter/CICS screen. It is convenient to stay on the List Abends screen (1.3/9.3) and press Enter occasionally to view any new abend bulletins. • For LUTYPE 6.2 programs, a breakpoint can be set at the beginning and at any HANDLE TERM ERR routine in the program. This breakpoint allows any ISSUE ABEND call that arrives from the back-end transaction to be trapped. Distributed Program Link (DPL) Considerations If your site is developing applications that make use of the Distributed Program Link (DPL) facility, you should review the following information. This discussion assumes a basic understanding of the concepts of DPL and, in particular, the concept of a client/server region and a client/server program. See the CICS Intercommunications Guide for information on DPL. Xpediter/CICS may be used to interactively debug programs running in either the local (client) or remote (server) regions, or both regions simultaneously. Xpediter/CICS must be installed at both the local and remote sites if interactive debugging is to be performed in those regions. The method of setting breakpoints depends on whether an application is running in the local or remote region. The differences are described below: Local Region • Debugging the client program is no different than debugging any other application running in the local region. Local or remote traps may be used. • You may run server programs in the local region. Xpediter/CICS functions as if the link was a non-DPL link. Remote Region • To debug both the client and server programs simultaneously, use a separate terminal set up with CICS transaction routing access to Xpediter/CICS in all the regions involved. Assuming that the client program is associated with a terminal, use that terminal to observe events in the test transaction. Use the second terminal, as described below, to establish all breakpoints and traps in the server programs. Use the Xpediter Trap Summary screen (1.6) on the second terminal to set global traps in the regions where the server programs are running. Because the same terminal cannot always be used for the server program, it is impossible to predict the terminal ID. For this reason, when setting abend traps for the server program’s terminal, use wildcard characters (****) in the TERM column and instead specify the transaction and program name. If you set global traps for server programs in multiple regions, exit to CICS when you are done. This will allow the debugging terminal to receive abend bulletins and to auto-start Xpediter in the region where the abend trap first becomes active. If global traps are set for server programs in only one region, then you can remain in Xpediter. Any abend bulletins waiting for the debugging terminal will be displayed each time you access another Xpediter screen. You can also stay on the List Abends screen (1.3/9.3) and press Enter occasionally to view any new abend bulletins. 17-4 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual • Abends and program checks in the server program are reflected back to the client region, but the current execution pointer and registers point to where the client program issued the link to the server program. Xpediter/CICS indicates the name of the server program and the server region ID on the Assembler Break/Abend screen (2.20). • Xpediter/CICS running in the remote region is unaware of the client program. CPSM Dynamic Transaction Routing (DTR) Considerations Note: If DTR is not managed by CICSPlex System Manager (CPSM) at your site, skip this section and continue with “Non-CPSM Dynamic Transaction Routing (DTR) Considerations” on page 17-8. Xpediter/CICS supports debugging of dynamically routed transactions within a CICSPlex managed by CICSPlex System Manager. This support is limited to a single MVS system image, unless the optional TPCONFIG file (and TCP) are used to connect the multiple Service Providers that deal with the same CICSPlex. For information about defining the TPCONFIG file, see the Xpediter/CICS Installation and Configuration Guide. For information about creating Service Provider entries in a member of the TPCONFIG file, see Chapter 18, “Using the Xpediter TP Configuration File”. When the Service Providers involved in a given CICSPlex are connected to each other, all region, session, and routing mask information is shared among them. Because each Service Provider has complete and accurate information about Xpediter/CICS debugging sessions within the entire CICSPlex, routing decisions that involve crossing LPAR boundaries can be made properly. Make sure the following steps have been performed before trying to use Xpediter CICSPlex support: • Install and activate the Xpediter Workload Manager exit in the CICS terminal owning regions (TORs). • Install and activate Xpediter in the CICS application owning regions (AORs) with CICSPlex support enabled (CICSPLX=YES). Xpediter Transaction Routing The Xpediter CICSPlex Workload Manager exit routes Xpediter transactions only to CICS regions that have Xpediter activated with CICSPlex support enabled. These CICS regions are referred to as Xpediter debugging regions. Xpediter may require additional information when a debugging session is established, depending on your CICSPlex configuration and application design. No additional information is required unless your application is dependent on affinities and/or executes in a CICSPlex composed of non-identical members (imperfect clones). The following sections show how to initiate Xpediter transactions with the optional routing information. Xpediter uses four different methods for routing Xpediter transactions: • • • • Specific region routing (SYsid=region or Applid=region APPLID) Transaction scope routing (Tranid=trans) Most recently used routing Workload balancing routing. In each case, the region to which Xpediter routes the transaction must have CICSPlex support active (CICSPLX=YES) and be registered with the Xpediter Service Provider. Intercommunication Considerations 17-5 For Xpediter transactions XPED, XPRT, and XPSP, Xpediter’s CICSPlex support will first look for the presence of specific region routing, then for transaction scope routing, and finally the most recently used routing. If no additional routing parameters were entered and no recent debugging session is active, the Xpediter transaction will use the workload balancing routing method. For all Xpediter transactions other than XPED, XPRT, and XPSP, the determination for routing is the same, but transaction scope is not available. Specific Region Routing With specific region routing of Xpediter transactions, the user specifies the CICS region where the Xpediter transaction is to be executed. Specific region routing would be used when a programmer wants the Xpediter transaction to routed to a specific CICS region. In a DTR environment, the optional SYsid=sysidnt or Applid=applid parameter can be used with any Xpediter transaction except the demo transactions. The SYsid or Applid parameter is required for the transactions in Table 17-1 because they make global changes to the environment. Table 17-1. Transactions Requiring SYsid or Applid Parameter in DTR Environment Transaction Use XPON Initialize Xpediter/CICS in a DTR environment XPOF Shut down Xpediter/CICS XSIT Process global parameters XDBP Process DBPA input For example, entering the transaction XPED CWDEMCB2 SYSID=AOR1 will start an Xpediter/CICS debugging session for program CWDEMCB2 in the CICS region with a SYSIDNT of AOR1. Entering the transaction NEWC CWDEMCB2,SY=AOR2 will load a new version of program CWDEMCB2 in the CICS region with SYSIDNT AOR2. To process Xpediter global overrides in a region whose APPLID is CICSAOR3, you would enter the transaction XSIT A=CICSAOR3 Transaction Scope Routing With transaction scope routing of XPED, XPRT, and XPSP transactions, the user specifies the user transaction that will be used in determining an eligible Xpediter debugging region. The Xpediter Workload Manager exit will determine which CICS regions are in scope for the specified transaction, then select one of those regions that also has Xpediter active. If there are no Xpediter debugging regions in the scope list, the Xpediter transaction routing will fail. Transaction scope routing could be used when a programmer wants to direct the Xpediter transaction to a CICS region that is in the target scope of a specific application transaction. It could also be useful when debugging a transaction that has affinities that limit the execution of the application to only certain CICS regions. For example, entering the following Xpediter transaction: XPED CWDEMCB2 T=XCB2 will start an Xpediter/CICS debugging session in a region that both has Xpediter initialized and is eligible to run transaction XCB2. Xpediter will then display the source for program CWDEMCB2. 17-6 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual Most Recently Used Routing With most recently used routing of Xpediter transactions, the Xpediter Workload Manager exit will route the Xpediter transaction to the Xpediter debugging region that was used in the prior invocation. Most recently used routing would be used when the programmer wants to reestablish or terminate the most recent debugging session. If an Xpediter/CICS debugging session had already been started in AOR1 by the transaction in the previous example, entering the following Xpediter transaction: XPED CWDEMCB2 will result in most recently used routing also sending this transaction to AOR1. Source will then be displayed for program CWDEMCB2. Xpediter/CICS will always return your debugging session to the most recently used region unless specifically routed with the SYsid, Applid, or Tranid parameters. Note: The Xpediter Workload Manager exit will not override any prior affinities established when routing Xpediter transactions. CICSPlex Workload Manager affinities that limit a user ID or terminal ID to a subset of CICS regions may prevent execution of Xpediter transactions. The Xpediter Workload Manager exit will also not route Xpediter transactions to regions marked “ignore” by the CICSPlex Workload Manager exit program EYU9WRAM. This may also prevent execution of Xpediter transactions. Workload Balancing Routing With workload balancing routing of Xpediter transactions, the user allows CICSPlex Workload Manager and the Xpediter Workload Manager exit to select an Xpediter debugging region when the debugging session is established. Workload balancing routing would be used when a programmer knows that the transactions to be debugged do not have affinities and the CICSplex is composed of identical members. For example, entering the following Xpediter transaction: XPED CWDEMCB2 with no Xpediter/CICS debugging session active for the terminal will result in workload balancing routing automatically selecting an eligible region and routing the transaction there. Xpediter will then display source for program CWDEMCB2. User Transaction and Distributed Program Link Routing The Xpediter Workload Manager exit routes user transactions and distributed program link requests based on Xpediter routing masks, established affinities, and transaction scope. When a route is processed, the Xpediter Workload Manager exit locates any matching Xpediter routing masks based on user ID, network name, terminal ID, transaction ID, client IP address, server IP address, and server port number. If the matching entry is within scope and the target CICS region is within the scope list and has not been marked ignore, the Xpediter Workload Manager exit routes the transaction or DPL request to the CICS region with the active debugging session. If the route fails, the Xpediter Workload Manager exit locates the next routing mask registered. If all routing masks are processed without a successful route, the request is routed to the CICS region selected by the CICSPlex Workload Manager. The Xpediter Workload Manager exit traces all successful routes and records the route information and the matching routing mask entry. You should be as specific as possible when defining trap masks in Xpediter. Generic trap masks can cause transactions not intended for debugging to be routed to Xpediter debugging regions. Generic trap masks could also cause the debugging of other user’s transactions to be routed to the wrong Xpediter debugging region. Whenever possible, Intercommunication Considerations 17-7 specify non-generic mask information for at least one field, excluding the PROGRAM field, which is not a routable attribute. In the following example, the first trap mask shown was set in AOR1, the second in AOR2, and the third in AOR3. USERID NETNAME TERM TRAN PROGRAM REGION ---------------------------------------------------------- 1) ******** ******** **** **** CWDEM*** AOR1 2) MYUSER** ******** **** X*** ******** AOR2 3) MYUSER1 ******** **** XCB2 ******** AOR3 Because the first trap mask has asterisks in every field considered for routing, every transaction in scope for AOR1 will be routed to AOR1. This may overload the region and cause debugging sessions to be missed for the second and third trap masks. The second trap mask will cause all transactions with IDs starting with X that are in scope for AOR2 to be routed to AOR2. This will result in the missing of debugging sessions for the third trap mask. Note: The Xpediter Workload Manager exit will not override any prior affinities established when routing Xpediter transactions. CICSPlex Workload Manager affinities that limit a user ID or terminal ID to a subset of CICS regions may prevent execution of Xpediter transactions. The Xpediter Workload Manager exit will also not route Xpediter transactions to regions marked “ignore” by the CICSPlex Workload Manager exit program EYU9WRAM. This may also prevent execution of Xpediter transactions. Distributed program links, once routed into an AOR, no longer match the trap criteria because of the impact of routing. For example, IP input from TCPIPSERVICE connections have their DPL routing requests influenced correctly by client and/or server IP information. However, when the application program runs in the AOR, its facility is an MRO/ISC session and that program is no longer associated with the client IP address or TCPIPSERVICE. To correct this CICS DPL issue, Xpediter/CICS recognizes DPL-routed work in the AOR and corrects the information used for trapping by obtaining it from Xpediter/CICS Routing Trace records. This process is not foolproof; when multiple DPL requests with the same userID, transaction code, and program name are routed to the same AOR before Xpediter/CICS in that AOR can access its Routing Trace records, the product may obtain incorrect information for some of those DPL requests. XPON Transaction The XPON transaction is used to manually initialize Xpediter/CICS in specific AOR. PLTPI processing is typically used to initialize Xpediter/CICS in the AORs of a CICSPlex environment. (For more information, see the Xpediter/CICS Installation and Configuration Guide.) During this initialization, Xpediter/CICS registers its presence in the region with the Xpediter Service Provider. When subsequent XPED, XPSP, or XPRT transactions are entered, the Xpediter/CICS dynamic transaction router (DTR) exit DBU9WRAM is able to identify the regions available for Xpediter debugging sessions. If, however, Xpediter/CICS is shut down in an AOR, it cannot be reinitialized there by PLTPI processing unless you cycle the region. Because shutting down de-registers the AOR from the Xpediter Service Provider, and the DTR no longer knows of its existence, the XPED, XPSP, and XPRT transactions can also not be used to initialize Xpediter/CICS in the region. In this situation, use the XPON transaction to initialize Xpediter/CICS, and specify the desired AOR with the mandatory SYsid parameter or valid applid. For more details on the XPON transaction, see the Xpediter/CICS Installation and Configuration Guide. 17-8 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual Adding a Service Provider to an Active CICSPlex When adding a new Service Provider to an active CICSPlex, no action is required for existing active Service Providers to immediately recognize the new one. The new Service Provider should have entries in the TPCONFIG member it references that identify all of the Service Providers involved in the CICSPlex. For eventual restart purposes, the TPCONFIG member(s) referenced by all of the other Service Providers in the CICSPlex should be modified to include the new Service Provider. When a Service Provider starts, it sends an “I am awake” message to all other Service Provider entries in its TPCONFIG member. If a receiving Service Provider does not recognize the new one, that new one is dynamically inserted into the receiver’s list of connected Service Providers and is sent all existing region, session, and routing mask information local to the receiving Service Provider. When a Service Provider ends, it sends an “I am shutting down” message to all of its connected Service Providers. Receiving Service Providers immediately delete information pertaining to regions, sessions, and routing masks that were local to the Service Provider shutting down. Every “I am awake” and “I am shutting down” message received by a Service Provider is logged in its JESLOG, as “connected” or “disconnected”. Non-CPSM Dynamic Transaction Routing (DTR) Considerations Xpediter/CICS cannot influence dynamic routing if the CICSPlex SM (CPSM) dynamic routing program is not used. In such situations, an Xpediter session must be initiated in each region where the program to be tested may be routed. The steps below simplify the task of initiating Xpediter sessions in multiple AORs. The examples assume that the TOR has transactions named XPE1, XPE2, XPE3, etc. These transactions correspond to transaction XPED in each AOR. The actual transaction names may vary. The examples use the Xpediter demonstration program CWDEMCB2 and transaction XCB2 as well as demonstration program CWDEMASM and transaction XASM. Example 1. Manually Start Xpediter in Multiple AORs 1. Sign on to the TOR, then enter XPE1 to start Xpediter/CICS in region AOR1. The Primary Menu is displayed. The system automatically establishes an abend trap for all abends that occur on the terminal (in region AOR1). 2. Enter the CAPTURE ON command to create a script for future use. Refer to the command description “CAPTURE (CAP)” on page 3-28 for additional information. 3. Type =2.L in the COMMAND field and CWDEMCB2 in the MODULE field. 4. Set breakpoints, a program trace, or protection rules for the program in region AOR1. 5. Enter the CAPTURE OFF MYSCRIPT command. 6. Press Clear, or type =X and press Enter, to transfer to the Exit Session screen (X). 7. Press Enter on the Exit Session screen (X) to leave the Xpediter/CICS session active and return to a blank CICS screen in the TOR. 8. Enter XPE2 SCRIPT=MYSCRIPT to start Xpediter/CICS in region AOR2 and include the script that was captured in AOR1. Repeat step 6 and step 7. Note: SCRIPT= may be abbreviated S=. 9. Repeat step 8 as required for additional AORs. Intercommunication Considerations 17-9 10. Enter XCB2 to run the test transaction. 11. If the program in either region encounters abends or breakpoints, Xpediter/CICS automatically takes control and displays either the View Break/Abend screen (2.1) or the Source Listing screen (2.L). At this point, the system allows single-stepping, resuming, and other available functions. 12. When finished debugging, end all of the Xpediter/CICS sessions. Example 2. Automatically Start Xpediter in Multiple AORs Note: This example requires a script such as MYSCRIPT that was created in Example 1. MYSCRIPT should contain a LOAD for program CWDEMCB2 and any other commands issued in step 4 of Example 1. 1. Sign on to the TOR, then enter XSTA S=MYSCRIPT. Note: To review the results of script processing, enter XPE1 (or equivalent) then enter the HELP SCRIPT command. 2. Enter XCB2 to run the test transaction. 3. If the program in either region encounters abends or breakpoints, Xpediter/CICS automatically takes control and displays either the View Break/Abend screen (2.1) or the Source Listing screen (2.L). At this point, the system allows single-stepping, resuming, and other available functions. 4. When finished debugging, end all of the Xpediter/CICS sessions. Example 3. Automatically Start Xpediter in Multiple AORs Note: This example requires a script named BEFORE0. This script should contain a BEFORE 0 command to set a breakpoint at the first executable statement. 1. Sign on to the TOR, then enter XSTA CWDEMASM S=BEFORE0. 2. Enter XASM to run the test transaction. 3. Continue with step 2 through step 4 as in Example 2. Note: A script such as BEFORE0 may be defined by the Xpediter global table parameter XDSSAPM to automatically run for every new Xpediter session. 17-10 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual 18-1 Chapter 18. Using the Xpediter TP Configuration File Chap 18 The Xpediter TP configuration file (TPCONFIG) is used by both Xpediter/Eclipse and Xpediter/CICS. Xpediter/Eclipse usage is documented in the Compuware Workbench Installation Guide. Xpediter/CICS uses this dataset for two purposes: • To identify Xpediter Service Providers that are to share CICSPlex information • To identify all of the CICS regions that should be contacted by the Batch Interface to Xpediter/CICS NEWCOPY. Efficiency Considerations Technically, each member of the TPCONFIG partitioned dataset may contain entries for all three possible uses mentioned above. This is because each record within a member starts with a record identifier, and records with an identifier for a different purpose are ignored. However, even though it is technically feasible to have all of the information in one member, doing so would be inefficient. Even assuming shared DASD that all required LPARs can access, lumping all Service Provider (XDSS) records into one TPCONFIG member would cause the Xpediter Service Providers to communicate unnecessary data to other Service Providers outside of their CICSPlex, and force them to maintain the unnecessary data received from those outside Service Providers. For efficiency, Compuware recommends that Service Provider records be grouped in TPCONFIG members named for each CICSPlex used at your site, with one TPCONFIG member per CICSPlex. You will need multiple XECONIG dataset “clones” if shared DASD cannot be accessed by all required LPARs. It is possible to lump all Batch NEWCOPY records (NEWC) into one TPCONFIG member, but then each time the Batch Interface to Xpediter/CICS NEWCOPY is used, the program will try to contact all CICS regions. The volume of regions contacted could clutter the report produced and extend the Batch Interface’s runtime. In addition, regions that do not contain the program being newcopied would always report errors, increasing the likelihood of other errors being overlooked. Therefore, Compuware recommends that logically grouping NEWC entries into members that mirror your site’s program (load library) distribution. Record Identifiers Records in an TPCONFIG member with an asterisk in position one are considered comment records and are ignored. Records that have a blank in position one are scanned for a following record identifier. Note: Record identifiers for Xpediter/Eclipse are documented in the Compuware Workbench Installation Guide. Service Provider Records The record identifier for Xpediter Service Provider records is XDSS. Each Xpediter Service Provider that controls any portion of a CICSPlex should have a record in the member that represents that CICSPlex. 18-2 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual Following the XDSS record identifier are: • • • • one or more blanks the PORT number for that Service Provider to listen on one or more blanks the IP Address for that Service Provider. The PORT number should be assigned by your TCP Systems Programmer. If a Domain Name Server is available for GETHOSTBYNAME calls, then the Domain Name may be specified instead of the IP Address. Batch Interface to Xpediter/CICS NEWCOPY Records The record identifier for the Batch Interface to Xpediter/CICS NEWCOPY records is NEWC. Each CICS region that you want to be contacted to attempt NEWCOPY should have a record in the member. Following the NEWC record identifier are: • one or more blanks • the transaction ID to be initiated in CICS (XPNC is recommended) • one or more blanks • the IP Port Number for the CICS region (or keyword EXCI if the EXCI communication method is to be used) • one or more blanks • the IP Address for the CICS region (or APPLID of the CICS region if the EXCI communication method is to be used). If a Domain Name Server is available for GETHOSTBYNAME calls, then the Domain Name may be specified instead of the IP Address. 19-1 Chapter 19. Remote Operations Command Interface Chap 19 This chapter describes the use of the Remote Operations Command Interface (ROCI). ROCI allows both startup and shutdown of the product in multiple CICS regions from an ISPF interface. The following screens are described in this chapter: • • • • • • Remote Operations Primary Menu Configuration File Add Entry Update Entry Operations Commands View Messages pop-up. These screens are accessed by invoking a CLIST that has been customized for your environment by the system programmer that performed your installation. Using the ROCI Feature ROCI is intended for experienced system programmers. It allows the user to see and alter the status of the Xpediter/CICS product within defined CICS regions. The user may activate or shut down the Xpediter/CICS product in all defined CICS regions via primary commands, or perform those actions against select CICS regions via line commands. ROCI is especially useful for shutting down and then re-activating the product after periodic maintenance has been applied to the Xpediter/CICS product. The shutdown process performs a newcopy operation on all Xpediter/CICS programs defined to CICS. Therefore, when maintenance must be applied to the product, the sequence of events should be: 1. Apply maintenance. 2. Shut down Xpediter/CICS in all regions. 3. Activate Xpediter/CICS in all regions. Remote Operations Primary Menu The primary menu shows the name and code number for each available function. These functions include: • Maintain the Configuration File • Enter Operations Commands. Invoking the ROCI CLIST displays the Remote Operations Primary Menu. 19-2 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual Figure 19-1. Remote Operations Primary Menu ------------- XPEDITER/CICS 9.2 - REMOTE OPERATIONS PRIMARY MENU ------------- Option ===> 0 1 X MAINTAIN OPERATE EXIT - Maintain Configuration File - Enter Operations Commands - Exit Xpediter For Online Technical Support refer to: http://frontline.compuware.com Copyright (C) 1984 - 2011 Compuware Corporation. All rights reserved. Unpublished - rights reserved under the Copyright Laws of the United States. Type LEGAL on the command line for Copyright/Trade Secret Notice information. If HELP is requested from this screen, a series of tutorial screens that explain the entire ROCI appear. To select a screen, enter the screen ID in the OPTION field. The following screens are available: • Configuration File (0): Displays the current contents of the configuration file and allows you to add, update, or delete entries on the file. • Enter Operations Commands (1): Displays the current status of Xpediter/CICS within each CICS region. Allows you to activate, shut down, or immediately shut down the product within all or individual CICS regions. Allows you to view the Xpediter/CICS messages generated within the CICS region(s) as a result of your prior command. Configuration File (0) The Configuration File screen (0) displays the current contents of the configuration file and allows you to add, update, or delete entries on the file. To access this screen, type the number 0 on the Remote Operations Primary Menu. Remote Operations Command Interface 19-3 Figure 19-2. Configuration File --------------------- XPEDITER/CICS - CONFIGURATION FILE -- Row 1 to 15 of 25 Command ===> Scroll ===> CSR Primary commands: Line commands: L Applid - -------Q01BACIC Q01BA006 Q01BA008 Q01BA024 Q01BA025 Q01BA031 Q01BA041 Q01BA087 Q01BA093 Q01BA106 Q01BA168 Q01BA214 Q01BA319 Q01BA350 Q01BA369 ADD U Update END D Delete Description ---------------------------------Chris Haas P/390 Michael Thompson Sally Kwan John Penders Kevin Hottel Irving Stern Eva Pulaski - New Release Eva Pulaski - System Test Eileen Henderson George Foreming - System Test Theodore Spencer Vincenzo Lucchesi Sean O’Connell Delores Quintana Bruce Adamson Tran ---XPCI XPCI XPCI XPCI XPCI XPCI XPCI XPCI XPCI XPCI XPCI XPCI XPCI XPCI XPCI C 2 3 1 2 2 1 2 3 1 3 1 2 1 1 2 CICS IP Address -------------- Port ----- 10314 17438 13478 10325 53041 52037 52306 13214 13364 Input Fields Command Primary command field. Valid entries are: • ADD: Displays the ADD ENTRY screen. • END: Returns you to the primary menu screen. L Line command field. Valid entries are: • U (Update): Displays the UPDATE ENTRY screen. • D (Delete): Deletes this entry from the file. Output Fields Applid Application ID (or other identifier) for this CICS region. This is the key field of the VSAM KSDS configuration file. The Application ID must be the CICS-specific APPLID if EXCI is used to communicate to this CICS region. However, for the TCP/IP CICS Sockets and CICS Web Interface (CWI) communication methods, this field must simply be unique. Once entered and saved from the ADD ENTRY screen, this field cannot be updated. To change it, you must delete and then re-add the entry. Description A free-form description of the CICS region, as entered on the ADD ENTRY screen and/or updated on the UPDATE ENTRY screen. 19-4 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual Tran CICS transaction code to be used by the TCP/IP CICS Sockets and CWI methods of communication, as entered on the ADD ENTRY screen and/or updated on the UPDATE ENTRY screen. This transaction code is in DBUGGBL field XPCI. It may be modified by your installer or overridden during product activation via global overrides. Each CICS region may have a different value for XPCI. Tran is not used by the EXCI communication method and is ignored if that method is specified below. C Communication method for this CICS region, as entered on the ADD ENTRY screen and/or updated on the UPDATE ENTRY screen. Valid values are: • EXCI • TCP/IP CICS Sockets for CICS • CICS Web Interface (CWI). CICS IP Address The IP address of this CICS region, as entered on the ADD ENTRY screen and/or updated on the UPDATE ENTRY screen. CICS IP Address is not used by the EXCI communication method and is ignored if that method is specified. Port The IP port number of this CICS region, as entered on the ADD ENTRY screen and/or updated on the UPDATE ENTRY screen. Port is not used by the EXCI communication method and is ignored if that method is specified. ADD ENTRY Screen This screen is used to add a record to the ROCI configuration file. To access this screen, enter primary command ADD on the Configuration File screen (0). Remote Operations Command Interface 19-5 Figure 19-3. Add Entry ------------------------- XPEDITER/CICS - ADD ENTRY -------------------------- Command ===> Primary commands: SAVE END CANcel Applid. . . . . . . . . Description . . . . . . Connection type . . . . 1 EXCI 2 MVS Sockets for CICS 3 CICS Web Interface (CWI) For connection type 2 only: Transaction code. . . XPCI XPCI, or replacement value in this CICS For connection type 2 or 3: TCP/IP address. . . . TCP/IP port number. . CICS signon userid. . CICS signon password. Optional Optional Input Fields Command Primary command field. Valid entries are: • SAVE: Edits and saves the data currently displayed then returns this screen, refreshed and ready for another entry. • END: Edits and saves the data currently displayed then returns to the Configuration File screen (0). • CANcel: Does not edit or save the entered data. Returns to the Configuration File screen (0). Applid Application ID (or other identifier) for this CICS region. This required field is the key of the VSAM KSDS configuration file. Description A free-form description of the CICS region. This optional field is displayed on the Configuration File screen (0) and the Operations Commands screen (1) to help identify the CICS region. Connection Type The communication method to be used for this CICS region. Valid entries are: • For the EXCI method • For the TCP/IP CICS Sockets for CICS method • For the CICS Web Interface (CWI) method. Transaction Code CICS transaction code to be used by the TCP/IP CICS Sockets and CWI methods of communication. This entry should match the XPCI field of the Xpediter/CICS global options within the CICS region. The transaction definition is provided with all the other CSD entries in the base Xpediter/CICS installation. 19-6 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual Transaction code is not used by the EXCI communication method and is ignored if that method is specified. CICS IP Address The IP address of this CICS region. This field is required if connection type is either (2) or (3). Enter an IP address in nodal format (n.n.n.n). Each node (n) is numeric and in the range 0–255. Port The IP port of this CICS region. This field is required if connection type is either (2) or (3). Enter numerics in the range 1–65535. CICS signon userID This optional field is used only if entered and if connection type is either (2) or (3). If your installation standards require this field to be entered, provide a userID that is authorized to use the transaction code entered above. CICS signon password This optional field is only entered when CICS signon userID is also entered. It must be the correct password for the CICS signon userID. The password field is not displayed. Once entered, it is encrypted using a proprietary formula and stored on the configuration file. It is only decrypted when communication with the CICS region is taking place. If this password ever changes, an update of this field must be done after a new password has been determined. An incorrect or expired password causes the Operations Commands screen (1) to give a response of definition error for connection type (2) or authorization error for connection type (3). Output Fields There are no output fields on this screen. UPDATE ENTRY Screen This screen is used to update a record already on the ROCI configuration file. To access this screen, enter line command U on the Configuration File screen (0). Remote Operations Command Interface 19-7 Figure 19-4. Update Entry ------------------------ XPEDITER/CICS - UPDATE ENTRY ------------------------ Command ===> Primary commands: END CANcel Applid. . . . . . . . . Q01BA006 Description . . . . . . Jeff Thompson Connection type . . . . 3 1 EXCI 2 MVS Sockets for CICS 3 CICS Web Interface (CWI) For connection type 2 only: Transaction code. . . XPCI XPCI, or replacement value in this CICS For connection type 2 or 3: TCP/IP address. . . . TCP/IP port number. . 17348 CICS signon userid. . GHRTPW6 CICS signon password. Optional Optional Input Fields Command Primary command field. Valid entries are: • END: Edits and saves the data currently displayed, then returns to the Configuration File screen (0). • CANcel: Does not edit or save the entered data. Returns to the Configuration File screen (0). Description A free-form description of the CICS region. This optional field is displayed on the Configuration File screen (0) and the Operations Commands screen (1) to aid in identifying the CICS region. Connection Type The communication method to be used for this CICS region. Valid entries are: • For the EXCI method • For the TCP/IP CICS Sockets for CICS method • For the CICS Web Interface (CWI) method. Transaction Code CICS transaction code to be used by the TCP/IP CICS Sockets and CWI methods of communication. This entry should match the XPCI field of the Xpediter/CICS global options within the CICS region. The transaction definition is provided with all the other CSD entries in the base Xpediter/CICS installation. Transaction code is not used by the EXCI communication method and is ignored if that method is specified. CICS IP Address The IP address of this CICS region. This field is required if connection type is either (2) or (3). Enter an IP address in nodal format (n.n.n.n). Each node (n) is numeric and in the range 0–255. 19-8 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual Port The IP port of this CICS region. This field is required if connection type is either (2) or (3). Enter numerics in the range 1–65535. CICS signon userID This optional field is used only if entered and if connection type is either (2) or (3). If your installation standards require this field to be entered, provide a userID that is authorized to use the transaction code entered above. CICS signon password This optional field is only entered when CICS signon userID is also specified. It must be the correct password for the CICS signon userID. Because the original entry in this field is not decrypted and re-displayed during update operations, this field must be re-entered every time an update is required and the CICS signon userID field is non-blank. The password field is not displayed. Once entered, it is encrypted using a proprietary formula and stored on the configuration file in that format. It is only decrypted when communication with the CICS region is taking place. If this password is ever changed, an update of this field must be done after a new password has been determined. An incorrect or expired password causes the Operations Commands screen (1) to give a response of definition error for connection type (2) or authorization error for connection type (3). Output Field Applid Application ID (or other identifier) for this CICS region. This field is the key of the VSAM KSDS Configuration file. Operations Commands Screen (1) This screen provides the current status of CICS regions defined to the configuration file, and allows the user to send requests to those CICS regions that are connected at the current time. To access this screen, type the number 1 on the Remote Operations Primary Menu. Remote Operations Command Interface 19-9 Figure 19-5. Operations Commands ------------------- XPEDITER/CICS - OPERATIONS COMMANDS ------- Row 001 of 025 Command ===> Scroll ===> CSR Primary commands: Line commands: L - Applid -------Q01BACIC Q01BA006 Q01BA008 Q01BA024 Q01BA025 Q01BA031 Q01BA041 Q01BA087 Q01BA093 Q01BA106 Q01BA168 Q01BA214 Q01BA319 Q01BA350 Q01BA369 ACTIVate STOP STOP IMMEDiate A Activate S Stop I Stop Immediate Description ---------------------------------Chris Haas P/390 Michael Thompson Sally Kwan John Penders Kevin Hottel Irving Stern Eva Pulaski - New Release Eva Pulaski - System Test Eileen Henderson George Foreming - System Test Theodore Spencer Vincenzo Lucchesi Sean O’Connell Delores Quintana Bruce Adamson RESet V View Messages Response Reason ---------- ----------------- Active Inactive CICS N/A CICS N/A Active CICS N/A CICS N/A Defn error CICS N/A Defn error CICS N/A Active CICS N/A CICS N/A CICS N/A Input Fields Command Primary command field. Valid entries are: • ACTIVate: Sends an ACTIVATE request to every CICS region on the configuration file that is inactive, including those CICS regions not shown on the current screen. • STOP: Sends a SHUTDOWN request to every CICS region on the configuration file that is active, including those CICS regions not shown on the current screen. If any Xpediter/CICS debugging sessions still exist in the CICS region, the STOP request will fail and the REASON field will contain View Messages. The messages will contain a list of terminal and user IDs for those debugging sessions. • STOP IMMEDiate: Sends a SHUTDOWN FORCE request to every CICS region on the configuration file that is active, including those CICS regions not shown on the current screen. If any Xpediter/CICS debugging sessions still exist in the CICS region, the STOP IMMED request will force them to end. However, the IMMEDiate option will also cause Xpediter/CICS to force the end of any long-running tasks in the CICS region. Use STOP IMMED with caution. CAUTION: The use of STOP IMMED can lead to unpredictable results, possibly including failure of the CICS region. It should only be used in exceptional situations. • RESet: Clears all Line Command fields on the screen. L Line command field. This field is only enterable when the CICS region’s status allows for entry of a line command (a CICS region with no connection cannot act on a line command). Valid entries are: • A (Activate): Sends an ACTIVATE request to this CICS region. 19-10 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual • S (Stop): Sends a SHUTDOWN request to this CICS region. See the detailed description of this primary command. • I (Stop Immediate): Sends a SHUTDOWN FORCE request to this CICS region. See the detailed description of this primary command. • V (View Messages): Causes a scrollable pop-up window to display, containing the Xpediter/CICS messages generated as a result of the previous command sent to this CICS region. This is helpful when the result of the previous command is not what was expected. Output Fields Applid Application ID (or other identifier) for this CICS region. This is the key field of the VSAM KSDS configuration file. Description A free-form description of the CICS region, as entered on the ADD ENTRY screen and/or updated on the UPDATE ENTRY screen. Response Values you may see in this field include: • CICS N/A: Attempts to connect to this CICS region have failed. The region may not be started or the communication method may not be installed/activated within it. • Active: Connection to this CICS region has been established, and the Xpediter/CICS product is on. • Inactive: Connection to this CICS region has been established, and the Xpediter/CICS product is not on. • Defn error: Connection to this CICS region has been established, but an error has occurred. Review the CICS region log for more information. Possible causes include: – Transaction code is not defined to CICS. – Programs are not defined to CICS or are not found in the DFHRPL concatenation. – (For connection type 2) A security error has occurred. • Auth error: Connection to this CICS region has been established. This CICS region requires a signon but either no userID/password were sent, or the userID/password combination sent were invalid. Reason Values you may see in this field include: • View Messages: The previous request sent to this CICS region failed. Use line command V to view the Xpediter/CICS messages generated by that previous request in a pop-up window. Viewing those messages resets this field. Primary command RESET also clears this field. • In progress: The previous request sent to this CICS region has not yet completed. Wait a reasonable interval of time, then press Enter to refresh the entire screen and clear this field. • Invalid: An invalid line command value has been detected. Clear the line command field. G-1 Glossary AADF. Transaction used to access Abend-AID for CICS to view reports. abend. Abnormal end of task. The termination of a task, prior to normal completion, due to an unresolved error condition. Basic Partitioned Access Method (BPAM). File access method that can be applied to create program libraries, in direct access storage, for convenient storage and retrieval of programs. batch. Processing in which jobs are grouped (batched). The jobs are executed sequentially, and each job must be processed to completion before the following job can begin execution. BDAM. Basic Direct Access Method. Abend-AID for CICS. System software product designed to analyze the cause of CICS transaction abends. It provides online diagnostics that explain the cause of the abend, the location within the program where the error occurred, and how to correct the problem. abend code. Identifier for the current abend when an abend occurs. Abend trap. Function that allows Xpediter/CICS to notify the user when a program breakpoint, abend, or storage violation has been encountered. See “trap.” ADD OFFSET. Indicates a specific screen location. The data at this location is scrolled to the top of the data portion of the screen. If the USE ADDRESS field contains an “X”, Xpediter/CICS uses the data at this location as an address and displays the location indicated. This feature is found on screens 2.2 and 9.2. ADDRESS. Address that is displayed on hexadecimal dump format screens and indicates the beginning address of the area being accessed. The address does not change unless: • A new area is accessed • The programmer types over the address with a location to be accessed • The USE CONTENTS field is used to retrieve data from a stored location. Assembler language processor. One of several language processors provided by Compuware, this language processor accepts Assembler output, builds sort work records, sorts and merges the records, and merges the records with the listing to produce processor control blocks that can then be used as input to Xpediter/CICS and other Compuware products. Basic Direct Access Method (BDAM). File access method that directly retrieves or updates specified blocks of data on a direct access storage device. BK-CHAIN. Back chain pointer. blank. Part of a data medium in which no characters are recorded. Its hexadecimal character representation is X’40’. BL cell. Base Locator cell. These cells are used by COBOL programs to provide addressability to data within the working storage section of a program. BLL cell. Base Linkage Locator cell. These cells are used by COBOL programs to provide addressability to data within the linkage section of a program. BLW cell. Base Locator Working Storage cell. These cells are used by COBOL II programs to provide addressability to data within the working storage section of a program. BPAM. Basic Partitioned Access Method. breakpoint. Xpediter/CICS method of pausing program execution during debugging. Setting a breakpoint in a program halts execution of the program when a statement is about to be executed. Breakpoints may be set as conditional or unconditional and to occur either before or after the event. At a breakpoint, the user may view all the tables and areas necessary to solve a problem. After interrogating the problem, the user may continue normal execution of the system. channel. Analogous to a parameter list. Containers are grouped together in sets called channels. CICS. Customer Information Control System. C language processor. One of several language processors provided by Compuware, this language processor accepts C output, builds sort work records, sorts and merges the records, and merges the records with the listing to produce processor control blocks that can then be used as input to G-2 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual Xpediter/CICS and other Compuware products. CLC. Compare Logical Character. CLOT. (DB2 only) CICS Life-of-Task block. COBOL language processor. One of several language processors provided by Compuware, this language processor accepts COBOL compiler output, builds sort work records, sorts and merges the records, and merges the records with the listing to produce processor control blocks that can then be used as input to Xpediter/CICS and other Compuware products. command. Request from a terminal to perform an operation or to execute a program. Database Descriptor (DBD). Defines the database associated with a PCB. Associated with every PSB is a list of PCBs that define databases that can be accessed via a PSB. Each PCB-accessed database can be identified by its DBD name, which is used during the definition of the database to DL/I. DA-UNB. Direct Access UNBlocked dataset. DB2. An IBM relational database management system. DBD. DataBase Descriptor. DBPA. Transaction used to initiate certain Xpediter/CICS functions at system start-up. DCT. COMMAND field. Field that appears in the upper left corner of most Xpediter/CICS screens. All Xpediter/CICS functions and screens are selected by entering the desired function or screen ID in the COMMAND field. Compare Logical Character (CLC) instruction. An IBM machine compare instruction. Compuware Shared Services (CSS). A set of components used by several Compuware products to provide storage, retrieval, and maintenance for source listings and abend reports. Conditional breakpoint. For a statement set with a conditional breakpoint, Xpediter/CICS interrogates the condition entered and if true, halts execution of the program and receives control. Containers. The “big commarea” containers and channels that IBM introduced in CICS Transaction Server 3.1 to replace commareas. For additional information, refer to IBM’s “CICS Information Center”. CSECT field. Field on most Xpediter/CICS screens that is used to change the CSECT to be accessed during the session. dataname. The name of the data item in the working storage section of a COBOL program. dataset. Collection of data treated as a unit that is the primary unit of access and storage. It can be organized in various ways. Destination Control Table. DDIO. A Compuware file access method. DDIO file. A generic name for an Abend-AID report file, or an Xpediter source listing file. DDIO file member. A generic name for an abend report in an Abend-AID report file, or an Xpediter source listing in a source listing file. default value. Choice among exclusive alternatives made by the system when no explicit choice is made by the user. destination. Location at which a block of (lines) records or a single record is being copied or moved. The destination can be specified with an A (After) or B (Before) line command. Destination Control Table (DCT). A CICS table describing transient data files. DFHRPL. Library of CICS and user-written programs that are loaded and executed as part of a CICS system. Programs from this library are loaded into CICS storage for online execution. DFHRPL may be supplemented by LIBRARY resource definitions. DL/I. Data Language 1. DMAP. Data division map of a COBOL program. The DMAP COBOL compile option produces a report of all datanames and their associated BL or BLL cell, displacement within the cell, and field description. DOS. Disk Operating System. DA-KEY. BDAM blocked DAtaset, deblocked by KEY. DA-REL. BDAM blocked DAtaset, deblocked by a RELative record. DSECT. Dummy control section. A control section that an Assembler program can use to format an area of storage without producing any object code. G-3 EDT. MVS Eligible Device Table. VIEW SINGLE TASK screen (9.1) and the LIST ALL TASKS (9.3) screen. EIB. Execute Interface Block. IMS. Information Management System. EIS. Execute Interface Storage. INRWORK. INput Register Work area. entry-sequenced dataset (ESDS). VSAM dataset whose records are loaded in sequence. Unlike a normal sequential dataset, ESDS records can be accessed randomly by their addresses. ESDS. Entry-Sequenced Dataset. external security manager (ESM). A security product that provides an interface to the z/OS System Authorization Facility (SAF). CA-ACF2, RACF, and CA-Top Secret are examples of ESMs. Execute Interface Block (EIB). Block that contains information pertinent to a command-level transaction such as the current time and date, transaction ID, task number, terminal ID, COMMAREA length, attention identifier, function code, and response code. FCT. File Control Table. file. Complete organized collection of information. File Control Table (FCT). A CICS table defining files that can be accessed by CICS programs. Also used to generically apply to files defined in the CSD. HELP. Primary command that requests Xpediter’s interactive Help facility. HEX. Primary command that alternates between symbolic or dump format display. HEX OFFSET. Hexadecimal value of the location of the retrieved area relative to the beginning of the address. The sum of the ADDRESS field and HEX OFFSET field indicates the actual address of the data displayed. HEX ON and HEX OFF. Displays data in character and zoned decimal format on the VARIABLE STORAGE screen (2.3). The user may view this same data in a standard hexadecimal dump format by entering HEX ON in the COMMAND field. HEX OFF redisplays the data in character and zoned decimal format. interactive. Pertaining to an application in which each entry calls forth a response from a system or program. IP address. A numeric address given to servers and users’ computers connected to the Internet. ISPF. Interactive System Productivity Facility. JCL. Job Control Language. key. Code used to locate a record and establish its position in an index. The key can be part of a field, a full field, or multiple fields duplicated from the record. Key-Sequenced Dataset (KSDS). VSAM file type whose records are loaded in key sequence. Records are retrieved by key or address using an index. New records are inserted in key sequence by means of distributed free space. keyword. Reserved word that has special significance. KSDS. Key-Sequenced DataSet. line command. Edit command that is entered directly on the line to be processed by overtyping the sequence number at the beginning of the line. Also known as a prefix command. linkage section. A section of a COBOL program used to describe data that is passed to it from CICS or another program. MENU. Primary command that ends the current function and returns the user to the SYSTEM MENU. MODULE field. Field on most Xpediter/CICS screens that is used to change the program to be accessed during the session. MORE. Indicates there is more information to display. This indicator appears only when screen overflow data is not generally assumed. Use PF7 and PF8 to view the additional data. hung task. A task suspended by the system. hung task analysis. A Xpediter/CICS facility for the XPSP user that allows interrogation of a suspended task to determine the reason for its suspension. This function is available by using the MQ. IBM licensed programs that provide message queuing services. offset. A relative location or position within a data area. G-4 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual OFL. Optional Features List. Also known as OPFL. operating system. Software that controls the execution of jobs. It may provide resource allocation and scheduling. OS. Operating System. paragraph. Set of one or more COBOL sentences, making a logical processing entity, and preceded by a paragraph name or a paragraph header. PCB. Program Communication Block. PLIST. (DB2 only) Parameter List. PF key. Program Function Key. profile. Control block that defines session characteristics applicable to one or more users of Xpediter/CICS. Pertinent information in a profile may include PF key settings, default abend trap, trace, storage protection, and footing settings. profile dataset. VSAM KSDS dataset containing all profiles available for use during a Xpediter/CICS session. program function (PF) key. Keyboard keys that are numbered from PF1 to PF24 and are programmed to perform functions such as scrolling. Program Status Word (PSW). A special control register, in the hardware, defining the current status and location of a program that is executing. PL/I language processor. One of several language processors provided by Compuware, this language processor accepts PL/I compiler output, builds sort work records and an incore symbol table of all the identifiers, and produces processor control blocks that can then be used as input to Xpediter/CICS and other Compuware products. PSB. Program Specification Block. PLT. Program List Table. RCT. (DB2 only) Resource Control Table. prefix commands. Another name for line commands. record. Collection of related data or words treated as a unit. Program Communication Block (PCB). One of a list of control blocks used by DL/I that define the databases that can be accessed via a particular PSB. Each PCB-accessed database DBD name. For each PCB with a PSB, Xpediter/CICS displays the PCB number and DBD name. Xpediter/CICS uses the PCB number to identify the PCB to access a DL/I database from the selected PSB. register. Storage device, having specified storage capacity such as a bit, byte, or a computer word, and usually intended for a special purpose. Program List Table (PLT). CICS table describing a list of programs to be executed when CICS is in initialization or termination processing. Program Specification Block (PSB). DL/I control block that defines a set of DL/I databases that can be accessed from a program. The databases and segments in the databases that can be accessed are defined via a list of PCBs defined in the PSB. To access any DL/I database, always select a PSB. program storage. Class of CICS storage used for application programs. PSW. Program Status Word. quick table disable. Method of turning off storage protection monitoring without destroying the current table entries. register save area. Group of 72 contiguous bytes used for saving registers when one program calls another. Relative Record DataSet (RRDS). VSAM dataset whose record locations are specified by a number that represents a record’s location in the dataset relative to the beginning of the dataset. remote task trapping. Xpediter/CICS function that allows one terminal to trap abends, breakpoints, and storage violations that occur on another terminal or in a non-terminal task. RFN. An abbreviation for RECEIVE FROM NETWORK. RECEIVE FROM NETWORK specifies that the input for an SMP/E RECEIVE command is a GIMZIP package on a TCP/IP connected FTP server. primary command. Command that provides a general function. Primary commands are entered in the COMMAND field. RRDS. Relative Record Dataset. procedure division. Section of a COBOL program that contains executable instructions. screen ID. Code entered in the COMMAND field to retrieve information and function screens. The SCREEN ID for each screen appears on every screen immediately preceding the screen title. G-5 SCROLL field. A field on most Xpediter/CICS screens that is used to set the default value to be used for those screens that allow scrolling. table entry ID. Identification command used to directly retrieve the desired CICS table entry for display. Segment Search Argument (SSA). A control block used by DL/I to access a segment within the hierarchy of a database. task. Execution of a program or multiple programs within CICS to perform a specific function. Each task is assigned a unique number (task number) by CICS. Shared Directory. A variable-length record VSAM RRDS that maintains information about abends and language processing along with the attached database activity. A shared directory can contain Abend-AID for CICS directory records for each region and transaction dump known to a server, Abend-AID directory records for abend report processing, or source listing shared directory records necessary to process source listing database members. shared storage. Class of CICS storage that can be shared between tasks. TCA. Task Control Area. TCP/IP. Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol. Set of communication protocols enabling Telnet, FTP, e-mail, and other services. TCT. Terminal Control Table. Terminal Control Table (TCT). CICS table defining terminals used by CICS. TOGGLE. Primary command that transfers you to the Source Listing (2.L) screen. SIT. System Initialization Table. snap dump. Dump that is taken at a specific point during execution of a program. Processing is generally continued after the dump has been taken. SQLCA. (DB2 only) SQL Communication Area. SQLDA. (DB2 only) SQL Descriptor Area. SSA. Segment Search Argument. statement number. Sequence numbers provided by compilers and assemblers to provide the programmer with an easy means of identifying a statement within a program. statement number column. Column on the display where the statement numbers are located. In some cases, commands may be entered into this column. STCA. System portion of the Task Control Area. stop. See breakpoint storage protection. Method of preventing programs from violating storage within the CICS region, thereby increasing the time that the region remains running. storage protection exceptions. Xpediter/CICS facility for allowing specific actions that are considered to be storage violations to take place. system labels. Labels that equate to storage locations that may be used by any Xpediter/CICS user. Some system labels are predefined by Compuware. trace. Record of the execution of a computer program; it exhibits the sequences in which the instructions were executed. trace table. CICS storage area into which trace information is placed. This table contains the chronological occurrences of events that take place in CICS, recorded in wraparound fashion within the trace table. trap. Xpediter/CICS feature. The user may set traps to intercept CICS transaction abends and to view all areas at abend time. Traps may be set to only intercept transaction abends at terminals running Xpediter/CICS or designated as remote. Traps may be set to intercept specific transaction’s abends, regardless of the terminal from where they are executed. Traps may also be used to intercept abends occurring in non-terminal tasks. TSA. Temporary Save Area. unconditional breakpoint. For a statement set with an unconditional breakpoint, Xpediter/CICS receives control and temporarily halts execution of the program before or after this statement. use address. A feature that is available on the Memory Display screens (2.2 and 9.2). The USE ADDRESS function automatically retrieves an address reference from memory and displays the location. user labels. Labels generated by a user that equate to storage locations. variable. Name of a data item in a PL/I program. G-6 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual view. Xpediter/CICS method of selecting data items for display at a breakpoint or abend. virtual storage. Storage space that may be regarded as addressable main storage by the user of a computer system in which virtual addresses are mapped into real addresses. Virtual Storage Access Method (VSAM). File access method whereby the records in a file on a direct access storage device can be accessed in keysequence (KSDS), entry-sequence (ESDS), or relative record sequence (RRDS). VSAM. Virtual Storage Access Method. VTAM. Virtual Telecommunications Access Method. working storage. A section of a COBOL program used to define the data items that are used in a program. XPED. Transaction code entered to invoke Xpediter/CICS. It provides a source-based focus for debugging CICS application programs. XPND. Transaction code entered to end an Xpediter/CICS debugging session. XPRT. Transaction code entered to invoke Xpediter/CICS. XPRT provides a break/abend focus for debugging CICS application programs. XPSP. Transaction code entered to invoke the XPSP level of Xpediter/CICS. This level is to be used only by experienced system programmers authorized to update CICS tables and control areas. System-wide storage protection is set by the XPSP user. This is the only Xpediter/CICS level that does not restrict updating. I-1 Index Special Characters = primary command, 3-125 Numerics breakpoints conditional, 3-24–3-25 multiple, 3-24, 3-26, 3-81, 3-94 setting after, 3-24 setting and removing, general, 7-2 setting before, 3-25 Browse CICS Dataset (5.1.2), 9-6 Browse Container Data (2.C.3), 8-33 Browse MQ Queue Message (5.6.2), 9-55 Browse Temporary Storage (5.2.2), 9-14 C 3270 Web Bridge, 2-15 A A (After) line command, 4-4 ABEND primary command, 3-23 abend trapping, automatic, 2-10 Abend-AID for CICS diagnostic information, 10-3 Abend-AID for CICS Diagnostics (7.3), 10-3 Abend-AID for CICS Interface Menu (7), 10-1 Abend-AID for CICS interface screens, 10-1–10-4 Abend-AID for CICS Diagnostics (7.3), 10-3 Abend-AID for CICS Interface Menu (7), 10-1 Abend-AID for CICS Report Directory (7.2), 10-2 Abend-AID for CICS Snap Dump (7.1), 10-2 Abend-AID for CICS report directory, 10-2 Abend-AID for CICS Report Directory (7.2), 10-2 Abend-AID for CICS report file directory, 10-2 Abend-AID for CICS Snap Dump (7.1), 10-2 AC (After Conditional) line command, 4-5 ACCESS primary command, 3-23 accessing WebSphere MQ queues, 9-51 accessing XPED/XPRT, 2-1 accessing Xpediter/CICS, 2-1 accessing XPSP, 2-3 Acrobat PDF online documentation, xxiii Add Entry screen, 19-4 AFTER primary command, 3-24 AICA abend, 15-6 ALLOW primary command, 3-25 AOR, 17-8 architecture of Xpediter/CICS, 1-2 arrays, 8-18 Assembler Break/Abend (2.20), 8-47 asynchronous transaction, 7-9 Automatic Trap Activation, 2-10 B B (Before) line command, 4-5 B (Browse) line command, 4-6 BC (Before Conditional) line command, 4-6 BEFORE primary command, 3-25 BOTTOM primary command, 3-26 bounds, 8-18 Break/Abend (2.1), 8-8 C (Close) line command, 4-6 C (Copy) line command, 4-6 C (Count) line command, 4-6 CALC primary command, 3-27 CANCEL primary command, 3-28 CAPTURE primary command, 3-28 CC (Count Block) line command, 4-6 CHAIN primary command, 3-30 channel, 8-30–8-31, 8-33 Channel Container Display (2.C.2), 8-31 channels, 8-29 Channels and Containers Menu (2.C), 8-29 CHECK primary command, 3-31 CICS Dataset List (5.1.1), 9-3 CICS Datasets Menu (5.1), 9-3 CICS distributed transaction processing (DTP) considerations, 17-2 CICS Resources (2.R), 8-36 CICSPlex environment, trapping in, 7-13, 11-21 CICSPlex facilities screens CICSPlex Menu (P), 14-1 Registered WLM Regions (P.5), 14-7 Registered Xpediter Sessions (P.2), 14-3 Registered Xpediter/CICS Regions (P.1), 14-2 Routing Mask Summary (P.3), 14-4 Routing Trace Summary (P.4), 14-5 Xpediter Subsystem User Summary (P.6), 14-9 CICSPlex Menu (P), 14-1 CLOSE primary command, 3-31 Code Coverage Interface Menu, 12-1 COLS primary command, 3-31 Compuware Go customer support website, xxiv Compuware language processor, 2-9 conditional breakpoints, 2-11 Configuration File (0), 19-2 container, 8-30–8-31, 8-33 COUNT primary command, 3-31 CREATE primary command, 3-32 CRTE transaction, 17-1 CSECT Display Menu (2.6), 8-23 CSECT Exclusions (9.5), 11-15 CSECT Selections (2.6.2), 8-25 CSM* abended transaction, trapped, 17-1 CSMT message, 15-6 CURRCOMM, 3-6, 8-12, 11-7, 11-20 I-2 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual D D (Delete) line command, 4-7 D (Deselect) line command, 4-7 DA (Delete After) line command, 4-8 DB (Delete Before) line command, 4-8 DB2 Browse Generated SQL Call (5.5.3), 9-43 DB2 Browse Result Table (5.5.4), 9-44 DB2 Build SQL Easy Query (5.5.2), 9-40 DB2 Easy Query Menu (5.5), 9-34 DB2 Edit Composite Column (5.5.6), 9-48 DB2 Edit Result Table Row (5.5.5), 9-45 DB2 file utility screens, 9-34–9-59 DB2 Browse Generated SQL Call (5.5.3), 9-43 DB2 Browse Result Table (5.5.4), 9-44 DB2 Build SQL Easy Query (5.5.2), 9-40 DB2 Edit Composite Column (5.5.6), 9-48 DB2 Edit Result Table Row (5.5.5), 9-45 DB2 Setup (5.5.0), 9-34 DB2 Table/View List (5.5.1), 9-37 DB2 Setup (5.5.0), 9-34 DB2 Table/View List (5.5.1), 9-37 DBOTTOM primary command, 3-33 DC (Delete Count) line command, 4-9 DD (Delete Block) line command, 4-9 DDA (Delete Block After) line command, 4-10 DDB (Delete Block Before) line command, 4-10 DDC (Delete Block Count) line command, 4-11 DDK (Delete Block Keep) line command, 4-11 DDOWN primary command, 3-33 DDS (Delete Block Skip) line command, 4-11 DDV (Delete Block Verify) line command, 4-11 Debugging Facilities Menu (2), 8-1 debugging facilities screens, 8-1–8-49 Assembler Break/Abend (2.20), 8-47 Break/Abend (2.1), 8-8 Browse Container Data (2.C.3), 8-33 Channel Container Display (2.C.2), 8-31 CSECT Display Menu (2.6), 8-23 CSECT Selections (2.6.2), 8-25 Debugging Facilities Menu (2), 8-1 Defined Storage (2.3), 8-15 Display EIB (2.5), 8-22 DSECTs (2.D), 8-35 Last 3270 Screen (2.8), 8-29 List of CSECTs (2.6.1), 8-24, 8-26 List of DLL Functions (2.6.F), 8-26 Memory Display (2.2), 8-10 Program Trace (2.4), 8-19 Select Address, 8-14, 11-8 Source Listing (2.L), 8-3 Task Storage Display (2.S), 8-45 Define System Labels (9.9), 11-26 Define User Labels (1.9), 7-18 Defined Storage (2.3), 8-15 DELETE KEEPS primary command, 2-14 DELETE primary command, 3-34 deleting breakpoints, 2-12 DFHRPL, 3-56, 3-65, 8-38, 8-41, 19-10 DH (Delete Hex) line command, 4-9 Diagnosis Mode, 1-1–1-2, 5-1 Diagnosis/Utilities Mode, 1-1–1-2, 5-2 disabling storage monitoring, 15-2 Display EIB (2.5), 8-22 DISPLAYP primary command, 3-35 Distributed Program Link (DPL) considerations, 17-3 distributed transaction processing considerations, 17-2 DK (Delete Keep) line command, 4-9 DL/1 Database Menu (5.4), 9-22 DL/1 PCB List (5.4.2), 9-24 DL/1 PSB List (5.4.1), 9-22 DL/1 Segment List (5.4.3), 9-25 DLEFT, 3-35 DLET primary command, 3-36 DO (Delete Onetime) line command, 4-9 DOWN primary command, 3-36 DRIGHT, 3-37 DS (Delete Skip) line command, 4-10 DS primary command, 3-38 DSECTs (2.D), 8-34 DSECTs (9.D), 11-28 DSECTs screens DSECTs (2.D), 8-35 DSECTs (9.D), 11-29 DTOP primary command, 3-38 DTP transaction, debugging, 17-2 DUP, 3-38 DV (Delete Verify) line command, 4-10 dynamic transaction routing, 17-8 Dynamic Transaction Routing (DTR) considerations, 17-4 DZ (Delete Runto) line command, 4-10 E Edit CICS Dataset Record (5.1.3), 9-8 Edit DL/1 Segment (5.4.4), 9-26 Edit Queued Record (5.2.3), 9-15 Edit Transient Data Queue Record (5.3.2), 9-20 ELEMENT primary command, 3-39, 8-16 END primary command, 3-39 enhanced trap, breakpoint, and skip conditions, 7-9, 11-16 EXCLUDE primary command, 3-40 EXEC primary command, 3-41 EXIT primary command, 3-41 Exit Session screen, 2-16 exiting Xpediter/CICS, 2-16 external security manager, 2-10, 5-1, 6-1, 8-42, 8-44 F F (First) line command, 4-12 FILE primary command, 3-42 File Utility Menu (5), 9-2 file utility screens, 9-1–9-59 Browse CICS Dataset (5.1.2), 9-6 Browse MQ Queue Message (5.6.2), 9-55 Browse Temporary Storage (5.2.2), 9-14 CICS Dataset List (5.1.1), 9-3 CICS Datasets Menu (5.1), 9-3 DB2 Browse Generated SQL Call (5.5.3), 9-43 DB2 Browse Result Table (5.5.4), 9-44 DB2 Build SQL Easy Query (5.5.2), 9-40 DB2 Easy Query Menu (5.5), 9-34 DB2 Edit Composite Column (5.5.6), 9-48 DB2 Edit Result Table Row (5.5.5), 9-45 DB2 Setup (5.5.0), 9-34 DB2 Table/View List (5.5.1), 9-37 I-3 DL/1 Database Menu (5.4), 9-22 DL/1 PCB List (5.4.2), 9-24 DL/1 PSB List (5.4.1), 9-22 DL/1 Segment List (5.4.3), 9-25 Edit CICS Dataset Record (5.1.3), 9-8 Edit DL/1 Segment (5.4.4), 9-26 Edit Queued Record (5.2.3), 9-15 Edit Transient Data Queue Record (5.3.2), 9-20 File Utility Menu (5), 9-2 MQ Menu (5.6), 9-51 MQ Queue List (5.6.1), 9-53 MQ Setup (5.6.0), 9-52 Temporary Storage Menu (5.2), 9-11 Temporary Storage Queue List (5.2.1), 9-11 Transient Data Menu (5.3), 9-17 Transient Data Queue List (5.3.1), 9-18 Update MQ Queue Message (5.6.3), 9-58 FIND primary command, 2-15, 3-42 FIRST primary command, 3-46 functions available in restricted modes, 5-3 functions of Xpediter/CICS, 1-5 G GETPUT primary command, 3-46 GHN primary command, 3-46 GHNP primary command, 3-47 GHU primary command, 3-47 global parameters, screen fields initialized by, 6-3, 6-9, 6-15, 9-35, 9-38 GN primary command, 3-47 GNP primary command, 3-48 GO primary command, 3-48 delay, 3-49 number, 3-48 GOTO primary command, 3-51 GPREGS primary command, 3-53 GROUP primary command, 3-53, 8-16 GT (Go To) line command, 4-12 GU primary command, 3-53 H H (Hex) line command, 4-12 HELP AUTOKEEPS, 2-14 Help facility, 3-58 HELP INTELLIKEEPS, 2-14 HELP primary command, 3-54 HEX primary command, 3-59, 8-16 hotspot areas, 3-96 HTML documentation, xxiii hung task analysis, 11-10 I I (Insert) line command, 4-12 I (Intercept) line command, 4-13 IA (Insert After) line command, 4-13 IB (Insert Before) line command, 4-13 IKEEP, 3-109 INCLUDE primary command, 3-59 INITCOMM, 3-6, 7-13, 7-19, 8-12, 11-7, 11-20 inline compile option, 2-9 input register work area (INRWORK), 15-9 INSERT primary command, 3-60 Intelligent Autokeeps, 2-13, 3-109, 6-7 Intellikeeps, 3-109 restrictions, 2-13 intellikeeps, 2-13, 6-7 intended audience, xxii INTERCEPT primary command, 3-61 Intercept Summary (1.7), 7-14 intercommunication considerations, 17-1–17-4 debugging considerations, 17-1 introduction, xxi intended audience, xxii related publications, xxii syntax diagrams, xxiii ISRT primary command, 3-62 K K (Keep) line command, 4-13 KEEP primary command, 2-14, 3-62 keeps for qualified variables, 2-14 keeps, removing, 2-14 keeps, setting and removing, 2-13 KEYS primary command, 3-64 KK (Keep Block) line command, 4-13 L L (Last) line command, 4-14 L (Lock) line command, 4-14 labels, system, 11-26 labels, user, 7-18 Last 3270 Screen (2.8), 8-29 LEFT primary command, 3-64 LIBRARY primary command, 3-65 line commands, 4-1–4-18 A (After), 4-4 AC (After Conditional), 4-5 B (Before), 4-5 B (Browse), 4-6 BC (Before Conditional), 4-6 C (Close), 4-6 C (Copy), 4-6 C (Count), 4-6 CC (Count Block), 4-6 D (Delete), 4-7 D (Deselect), 4-7 DA (Delete After), 4-8 DB (Delete Before), 4-8 DC (Delete Count), 4-9 DD (Delete Block), 4-9 DDA (Delete Block After), 4-10 DDB (Delete Block Before), 4-10 DDC (Delete Block Count), 4-11 DDK (Delete Block Keep), 4-11 DDS (Delete Block Skip), 4-11 DDV (Delete Block Verify), 4-11 DH (Delete Hex), 4-9 DK (Delete Keep), 4-9 DO (Delete Onetime), 4-9 DS (Delete Skip), 4-10 DV (Delete Verify), 4-10 I-4 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual DZ (Delete Runto), 4-10 F (First), 4-12 GT (Go To), 4-12 H (Hex), 4-12 I (Insert), 4-12 I (Intercept), 4-13 IA (Insert After), 4-13 IB (Insert Before), 4-13 K (Keep), 4-13 KK (Keep Block), 4-13 L (Last), 4-14 L (Lock), 4-14 listing by functional group, 4-1 M (Move), 4-14 MM (Move Block), 4-14 O (Onetime), 4-14 O (Open), 4-15 P (Path), 4-15 P (Peek), 4-15 Q (Easy Query), 4-15 R (Release), 4-15 R (Reload), 4-15 R (Rename), 4-15 R (Replicate), 4-16 S (Save), 4-16 S (Select), 4-16 S (Unconditional Skip), 4-16 SC (Conditional Skip), 4-17 SS (Select Block), 4-17 SS (Skip Block), 4-17 U (Unlock), 4-17 V (Verify), 4-17 VV (Verify Block), 4-17 X (Exclude), 4-18 XX (Exclude Block), 4-18 Z (Runto), 4-18 List Abends (1.3), 7-4 List All Tasks (9.3), 11-9 List Breakpoints (1.1), 7-2 List of CSECTs (2.6.1), 8-24, 8-26 List of DLL Functions (2.6.F), 8-26 LOAD primary command, 3-65 Load Profile (0.4), 6-11 local region, 17-3 LOCATE primary command, 2-15, 3-66 LOCK primary command, 3-76 M M (Move) line command, 4-14 Memory Display (2.2), 8-10 Memory Display (9.2), 11-5 MEMORY primary command, 3-76 MENU primary command, 3-77 MM (Move Block) line command, 4-14 modes of operation, 5-1 available functions, 5-3 Diagnosis Mode, 5-1 Diagnosis/Utilities Mode, 5-2 Utilities Mode, 5-2 MONITOR command usage notes, 3-77 Monitor Eligibility (9.4.2), 11-14 Monitor Exceptions (9.4.1), 11-11 Monitor Facilities (9.4), 11-11 MONITOR primary command, 3-77 MOVE primary command, 3-77 MQ Menu (5.6), 9-51 MQ Queue List (5.6.1), 9-53 MQ Setup (5.6.0), 9-52 multiple breakpoints, 2-11 N NEWCOPY function, 16-1 NEXT primary command, 3-79 O O (Onetime) line command, 4-14 O (Open) line command, 4-15 occurs, 8-18 offset, for setting breakpoints, 2-12 ONETIME primary command, 3-80 OPEN primary command, 3-81 Operations Commands (1), 19-8 optimize compile option, 2-9, 3-52, 3-119, 8-20 overview product architecture, 1-2 product functions, 1-5 See product overview P P (Path) line command, 4-15 P (Peek) line command, 4-15 PCB primary command, 3-81 PDF documentation, xxiii PEEK primary command, 3-81 PF key settings, default, 2-7 PF01 (HELP), 2-7 PF02 (RUNTO CSR), 2-7 PF03 (END), 2-7 PF04 (=X), 2-7 PF05 (RFIND), 2-7 PF06 (LOCATE *), 2-7 PF07 (UP), 2-7 PF08 (DOWN), 2-7 PF09 (GO 1), 2-7 PF10 (LEFT), 2-7 PF11 (RIGHT), 2-8 PF12 (GO), 2-8 PF13 (MENU), 2-8 PF14 (MEMORY, or =2.2), 2-8 PF15 (SELECT), 2-8 PF16 (WS, DS, VS, or =2.3), 2-8 PF17 (=2.4), 2-8 PF18 (=2.8), 2-8 PF19 (UP MAX), 2-8 PF20 (DOWN MAX), 2-8 PF21 (FILE, or =5), 2-8 PF22 (DLEFT), 2-8 PF23 (DRIGHT), 2-8 PF24 (RETRIEVE), 2-8 PFSHOW primary command, 3-82 point and shoot with SELECT command, 3-96 predefined user labels, 7-19 PREV primary command, 3-82 I-5 primary commands, 3-1–3-125 =, 3-125 ABEND, 3-23 ACCESS, 3-23 AFTER, 3-24 ALLOW, 3-25 BEFORE, 3-25 BOTTOM, 3-26 CALC, 3-27 CANCEL, 3-28 CAPTURE, 3-28 CHAIN, 3-30 CHECK, 3-31 CLOSE, 3-31 COLS, 3-31 COUNT, 3-31 CREATE, 3-32 DBOTTOM, 3-33 DELETE, 3-33–3-34 DISPLAYP, 3-35 DLEFT, 3-35 DLET, 3-36 DOWN, 3-36 DRIGHT, 3-37 DS, 3-38 DTOP, 3-38 DUP, 3-38 ELEMENT, 3-39 END, 3-39 EXCLUDE, 3-40 EXEC, 3-41 EXIT, 3-41 FILE, 3-42 FIND, 2-15, 3-42 FIRST, 3-46 GETPUT, 3-46 GHN, 3-46 GHNP, 3-47 GHU, 3-47 GN, 3-47 GNP, 3-48 GO, 3-48 GOTO, 3-51 GPREGS, 3-53 GROUP, 3-53 GU, 3-53 HELP, 3-54 HEX, 3-59 INCLUDE, 3-59 INSERT, 3-60 ISRT, 3-62 KEEP, 3-62 KEYS, 3-64 LEFT, 3-64 LIBRARY, 3-65 LOAD, 3-65 LOCATE, 2-15, 3-66 LOCK, 3-76 MEMORY, 3-76 MENU, 3-77 MONITOR, 3-77 MOVE, 3-77 NEXT, 3-79 ONETIME, 3-80 OPEN, 3-81 PCB, 3-81 PEEK, 3-81 PFSHOW, 3-82 PREV, 3-82 PRINT, 3-82 PUT, 3-83, 3-85 READ, 3-85 REDISP, 3-85 REFRESH, 3-85 RELEASE, 3-86 REMOVE, 3-86 REPEAT, 3-87 REPL, 3-87 REPLACE, 3-87 RESAVE, 3-88 RESET, 3-88 RESTORE, 3-89 RESUME, 3-89 RETRIEVE, 3-90 REVERSE, 3-90 REWRITE, 3-91 RFIND, 3-92 RIGHT, 3-92 RUNTO, 3-93 SAVE, 3-94 SELECT, 3-94 SET, 3-104 SHOW, 3-113 SKIP, 3-118 SOURCE, 3-120 SVCDUMP, 3-120 TERM, 3-120 TOGGLE, 3-120 TOP, 3-120 UNLOCK, 3-120 UP, 3-121 UPDATE, 3-122 USING, 3-122 VERIFY, 3-122 VS, 3-123 WHEN, 3-123 WRAUX, 3-124 WRITE, 3-124 WS, 3-125 Primary Menu, 1-4, 2-1, 2-3, 11-2 Primary Menu (XPED/XPRT), 1-4, 2-1 Primary Menu (XPSP), 1-4, 2-3, 11-2 Primary PF Key Settings (0.2), 6-9 PRINT Command, 8-20 PRINT primary command, 3-82 product architecture, 1-2 product conventions, 2-1 accessing XPED/XPRT, 2-1 accessing Xpediter/CICS, 2-1 accessing XPSP, 2-3, 11-1 Exit Session screen, 2-16 exiting Xpediter/CICS, 2-16 setting and removing breakpoints, 2-11, 7-2 setting and removing keeps, 2-13 product overview, 1-1–1-5 product conventions, 2-5 common screen fields, 2-6 PF key settings, 2-7 profile dataset, 6-2, 6-14 program breakpoints, 7-2 Program Channel Display (2.C.1), 8-30 Program Trace (2.4), 8-19 PROTAID, 15-6, 15-9 PROTINR, 15-6, 15-9 PSEUDOSOURCE, 3-83 PSW, for transaction dump, 15-6 I-6 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual publications related to Xpediter/CICS, xxii PUT primary command, 3-85 Q Q (Easy Query) line command, 4-15 qualified variables, setting keeps for, 2-14 R R (Release) line command, 4-15 R (Reload) line command, 4-15 R (Rename) line command, 4-15 R (Replicate) line command, 4-16 READ primary command, 3-85 REDISP primary command, 3-85 REFRESH primary command, 3-85 regions, 17-3 local, 17-3 remote, 17-3 Registered WLM Regions (P.5), 14-7 Registered Xpediter Sessions (P.2), 14-3 Registered Xpediter/CICS Regions (P.1), 14-2 registers, 8-47 related publications, xxii RELEASE primary command, 3-86 Remote Operations Command Interface (ROCI), 19-1 Remote Operations Primary Menu, 19-1 Remote Operations screens Add Entry, 19-4 Configuration File (0), 19-2 Operations Commands (1), 19-8 Primary Menu, 19-1 Update Entry, 19-6 remote region, 17-3 remote task trapping, 11-10 REMOVE primary command, 3-86 removing and setting breakpoints, 2-11 removing and setting keeps, 2-13 removing keeps, 2-14 REPEAT primary command, 3-87 REPL primary command, 3-87 REPLACE primary command, 3-87 RESAVE primary command, 3-88 RESET primary command, 3-88 Resource Summary (9.P), 11-31 Resources screen, 8-36 RESTORE primary command, 3-89 restricted modes, 1-1 restricted operating modes, 1-2, 5-1–5-3 available functions, 5-3 Diagnosis Mode, 5-1 Diagnosis/Utilities Mode, 5-2 Utilities Mode, 5-2 RESUME primary command, 3-89 retaining breakpoints, 2-13, 16-1 RETRIEVE primary command, 3-90 REVERSE command usage notes, 3-91 REVERSE primary command, 3-90 REWRITE primary command, 3-91 RFIND primary command, 3-92 RIGHT primary command, 3-92 ROCI, 19-1 Routing Mask Summary (P.3), 14-4 Routing Trace Summary (P.4), 14-5 RUNTO primary command, 3-93 S S (Save) line command, 4-16 S (Select) line command, 4-16 S (Unconditional Skip) line command, 4-16 SAVE primary command, 3-94 Save Profile (0.5), 6-13 Saved Traps (1.5), 7-7 SC (Conditional Skip) line command, 4-17 screen format, 2-6 Script Dataset Allocation (0.6), 6-14 Select Address screen, 8-14, 11-8 SELECT primary command, 3-94 point and shoot, 3-96 Session Control Menu (1), 7-1 session control screens, 7-1–7-25 Session Profile Menu (0), 6-2 session profile screens, 6-1–6-17 Load Profile (0.4), 6-11 Primary PF Key Settings (0.2), 6-9 Save Profile (0.5), 6-13 Script Dataset Allocation (0.6), 6-14 Session Profile Menu (0), 6-2 Set Profile Defaults (0.1), 6-3 Translate Table (0.3), 6-10 SET primary command, 3-104 Set Profile Defaults (0.1), 6-3 setting and removing breakpoints, 2-11, 7-2 by line command, 2-11 by offset, 2-12 by primary command, 2-11 by statement number, 2-11 setting and removing keeps, 2-13 setting multiple breakpoints, 2-12, 7-2 shared directory, G-5 SHOW primary command, 3-113, 8-16 SHOW WHEN (2.7), 8-28 SKIP primary command, 3-118 skips conditional, 3-118 unconditional, 3-118 SLS Datasets (9.L), 11-30 snap dump, Abend-AID for CICS screen, 10-2 Source Listing (2.L), 8-3 SOURCE primary command, 3-120 SS (Select Block) line command, 4-17 SS (Skip Block) line command, 4-17 Storage Exceptions (9.7), 11-22 storage protection, 15-1–15-9 detailed error codes, 15-9 disabling storage monitoring, 15-2 examples, 15-2 disabling storage monitoring, 15-2 system-wide monitoring, 15-2 transaction dump, 15-7 using system labels, 15-4 monitoring considerations, 15-5 monitoring for storage violations, 15-2 system labels for creating storage protection exceptions, 15-4 transaction dump output, 15-6 using, 15-1 I-7 Storage Protection (1.8), 7-15 Storage Protection (9.8), 11-24 storage protection table, 15-5 storage violation, 3-48, 3-89, 8-47, 15-1 SVCDUMP primary command, 3-120 syntax conventions, xxiii diagrams, xxiii System Facilities Menu (9), 1-5, 11-2 system facilities screens, 11-1–11-33 CSECT Exclusions (9.5), 11-15 Define System Labels (9.9), 11-26 DSECTs (9.D), 11-28 List All Tasks (9.3), 11-9 Memory Display (9.2), 11-5 Monitor Eligibility (9.4.2), 11-14 Monitor Exceptions (9.4.1), 11-11 Monitor Facilities (9.4), 11-11 Primary Menu, 11-2 Resource Summary (9.P), 11-31 Select Address, 11-8 SLS Datasets (9.L), 11-30 Storage Exceptions (9.7), 11-22 Storage Protection (9.8), 11-24 System Facilities Menu (9), 11-2 Task Storage Display (2.S), 8-45 Trap Summary (9.6), 11-16 View Single Task (9.1), 11-4 system labels, 11-26 system labels, storage protection exception, 15-4 System messages. See Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual T tables, 8-18 Task Storage Display (2.S), 8-45 Task Storage Display screen (2.S), FIND command syntax, 3-46 Temporary Storage Menu (5.2), 9-11 Temporary Storage Queue List (5.2.1), 9-11 TERM primary command, 3-120 TOGGLE primary command, 3-120 TOP primary command, 3-120 TOR, 17-8 TPCONFIG, 18-1 trace facility, 2-9, 8-19 Trace Summary (1.4), 7-5 transaction dump output, Xpediter/CICS, 15-6 detailed error codes, 15-9 transaction dump example, 15-7 transaction dump, CICS, 2-16 Transient Data Menu (5.3), 9-17 Transient Data Queue List (5.3.1), 9-18 Translate Table (0.3), 6-10 TRAP CONDITION field, 7-9, 7-12, 11-16, 11-20 Trap Summary (1.6), 7-9 asynchronous transaction, 7-9 Trap Summary (9.6), 11-16 trapping in a CICSPlex environment, 7-13, 11-21 trapping remote abends, 7-14, 11-21 U unconditional breakpoint, setting after, 3-24, 3-26 unconditional breakpoint, setting before, 3-26 unconditional breakpoints, 2-11 UNLOCK primary command, 3-120 UP primary command, 3-121 Update Entry screen, 19-6 Update MQ Queue Message (5.6.3), 9-58 update password security, 2-8 UPDATE primary command, 3-122 user labels, defining, 7-18 USING primary command, 3-122 using the XPSP transaction, 11-1 Utilities Mode, 1-1–1-2, 5-2 V V (Verify) line command, 4-17 variable storage, 8-15 VERIFY primary command, 3-122 View Messages pop-up window, 19-10 View Single Task (9.1), 11-4 VS primary command, 3-123 VV (Verify Block) line command, 4-17 W Web Bridge, 2-15 WebSphere MQ file utility screens MQ Menu (5.6), 9-51 WHEN, 3-123 WRAUX primary command, 3-124 WRITE primary command, 3-124 WS primary command, 3-125 X X (Exclude) line command, 4-18 XCTL, 7-16, 11-24 XPED level overview, xxii XPED transaction, 1-3 Xpediter Primary Menu (XPED/XPRT), 1-4 Xpediter Primary Menu (XPSP), 1-4 Xpediter Subsystem User Summary (P.6), 14-9 Xpediter TP configuration file, 18-1 Xpediter/Code Coverage, 12-1 Xpediter/Eclipse, 18-1 Xpediter/Xchange, 13-1 Xpediter/Xchange Simulated Date Time Settings Menu (G), 13-1 XPRT level overview, xxii XPRT transaction, 1-3 XPSP level overview, xxii XPSP transaction, 11-1 XPSP transaction overview, 1-4 XX (Exclude Block) line command, 4-18 Z Z (Runto) line command, 4-18 U (Unlock) line command, 4-17 I-8 Xpediter/CICS Reference Manual
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