notice of intention to pass a by-law to stop up and


notice of intention to pass a by-law to stop up and
Calendar for the Week Of September 2 - 8
1, 2
Brant Hills Community Centre, 2255 Brant Street
6 p.m. – 8 p.m.
Rotary Ribfest
Rotary Club of Burlington, Lakeshore
Spencer Smith Park
11 a.m. – 11 p.m.
Official Opening of the
Dofasco Waterjet Plaza
Waterfront at Downtown Burlington
10 a.m. – noon
Rotary Ribfest
Rotary Club of Burlington, Lakeshore
Spencer Smith Park
noon – 11 p.m.
Spencer Smith Park
11 a.m. – 10 p.m.
Joint Community Development and Community
& Corporate Services Meeting immediately
followed by a Special Council Meeting
1 p.m., Council Chambers, 2nd level, City Hall
Agenda Highlights:
• Official Plan Review – unfinished and
miscellaneous sections deferred from the August
9, 2006 Community Development Committee
• Planning report regarding the Old Lakeshore Road
Precinct and Interim control By-Law
For detail, please contact Evelyn Eichenbaum, committee
clerk, at 905-335-7600 ext. 7492.
Seniors Brown Bag Picnic Lunch
LaSalle Park
11:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.
Committee of Adjustment
6:30 p.m., Room 247, 2nd level, City Hall
Agenda Highlights:
• Frank Bragagnoco Re: 445 Elizabeth Street
• Albert Kenel and Maria Kenel Re: 1329
Lemonville Road
• Multinational Five Investments Limited Re: 4275
Dundas Street
• Eric Kristensen Re: 939 Harvey Place
For details, please contact Carol Capes, secretary-treasurer,
at 905-335-7629.
The Council of the Corporation of the City of Burlington,
at its meeting to be held on Monday, September 25, 2006,
For more information about events visit the Burlington Events intends to pass a by-law to stop up and close part of Botanical
Drive and part of Spring Gardens Road, in the City of
Calendar at
Elevate your Event Experience!
Burlington, in the Region of Halton, and convey it to the
Royal Botanical Gardens. A key map indicating the affected
lands is outlined below.
Rotary Ribfest
Rotary Club of Burlington, Lakeshore
Brant Hills Community Centre Program
Registration Night
End the Summer with a Splash!
Plans of the proposed works may be viewed in the Legal
Department, 3rd floor, Sims Square, 390 Brant Street, or you
may contact Jim Eden of the Legal Department at
905- 335-7600 ext. 7667, for additional information.
Labour Day Weekend Fun Swim times:
Aldershot (905-637-5688)
Fri. 1:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.,* Sat. 9 a.m. - 11 a.m.*
LaSalle (905-637-5688)
Fri., Sat., Sun. 11 a.m. - 6 p.m.*
Mountainside (905-332-6060)
Fri., Sat. 1:30 p.m. - 6 p.m., Sun. 1:30 p.m. - 4 p.m.*
Nelson (905-637-2552)
Fri., Sat., Sun., Mon. 1 p.m. - 6 p.m.*
Tansley Woods (905-332-1996)
Fri. 2 p.m. - 3:30 p.m., Sat. 1 p.m. - 4 p.m. – closed Sunday
(*weather and attendance permitting)
Don’t forget the Dog Swim
at Mountainside Pool Sunday
Sept. 3, 4 p.m. - 6 p.m. A time
for our four legged friends to
take a dip! $3 per dog.
Remember effective Monday Sept. 4:
• Centennial Pool will start their Fall Recreational
Swimming schedule Tuesday Sept. 5. Please call 905-6395722 for swim times.
• Aldershot & Coughlan Pools are closed until Fall schedule
begins Sept. 10.
• Tansley Woods Pool is closed starting Sunday Sept. 3 until
Fall schedule begins Sept. 17.
For a complete pool schedule visit
or call your local pool.
At this meeting, Council will hear in person, or by their
counsel, any person who claims their lands will be
prejudicially affected by the said by-law. Delegations must
register either in writing, by fax 905-335-7881, by e-mail or by telephone 905-335-7698 with
the City Clerks Department. Each delegation will be allowed
a maximum of five minutes to present their position.
Community Development Committee Meeting … Public Meeting …
Community Development Committee
Meeting Concerning the City of
Burlington’s Official Plan Review (Proposed
Official Plan Amendment No. 55 and Zoning
By-law Amendment No. 205)
On Monday, October 2, 2006 at 7 p.m. in the Council
Chambers (Burlington City Hall, 426 Brant Street)
the Community Development Committee will be
considering adoption of the Final Draft Amended Official
Plan (Amendment No. 55) and the associated proposed
amendments to the Zoning By-law (Zoning By-law
Amendment No. 2020.205). Note that this is not a statutory
public meeting pursuant to the Planning Act (the statutory
meeting was held on June 27, 2006). Therefore, if you wish to
appear as a delegation, you must pre-register.
Arising from a Council Direction made on July 10, 2006 the
Community Development Committee will also be considering
staff’s proposed boundary for the Downtown Urban Growth
Centre (associated with the implementation of the Provincial
“Places to Grow” Growth Plan for the Greater Golden
Horseshoe). Unlike the remainder of proposed Amendment
No. 55, this item will be considered as a statutory public
meeting under the Planning Act. You may therefore speak to
this matter (only) without pre-registering as a delegation.
Public Meeting Concerning Amendment No.
59 to the City of Burlington’s Official Plan
and By-law 2020.213
A Public Meeting of the Community Development
Committee, as required under the Planning Act, is scheduled
for Monday October 2, 2006 at 7 p.m. in the Council
Chambers (Burlington City Hall, 426 Brant Street) to
receive public comments regarding Official Plan Amendment
No. 59 and proposed Zoning By-law Amendment No.
The proposed Official Plan amendment will affect lands in
the vicinity of the three GO Stations in the City of Burlington.
This amendment deals with intensification around the GO
Stations, in keeping with the direction provided in the
Provincial ‘Places To Grow’ Growth Plan for the Greater
Golden Horseshoe (2006).
The proposed zoning by-law amendment will affect land in
the vicinity of the Burlington GO Station, located east of
Brant Street on Fairview Street. The proposed by-law provides
for more intense development in the Mixed Use-Retail area
bounded by Brant Street, Fairview Street, Drury Lane and the
CNR railway line, in keeping with the provision of ‘Places To
Grow’ Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe. The
proposed zoning by-law would permit a range of commercial
and residential uses and a range of Floor Space Indices from
0.5:1 to 1.5:1.
Copies of Official Plan Amendment No. 55 and Zoning
By-law Amendment 2020.205, including staff’s proposed
Downtown Urban Growth Centre boundary, will be available Copies of Official Plan Amendment No. 59 and Zoning Byon the city’s web site on or after September 1, 2006
law Amendment 2020.213 will be available in the City Clerks’
( Additionally, copies will be available to
Department on or after September 1, 2006.
review at City Hall (Clerks Department and Planning Department).
If a person or public body that files a notice of appeal of a
decision of the City of Burlington in respect to the proposed
Official Plan Amendment does not make oral submission
at a public meeting or does not make written submissions
to the City of Burlington before the proposed Official Plan
Written submissions with respect to the proposed amendments Amendment is adopted, the Ontario Municipal Board may
may be made to John Bolognone. Please submit any
dismiss all or part of the appeal.
presentation material prior to the meeting to allow distribution
and review by all members of Committee.
Similarly, if a person or public body files an appeal of a
decision of the City of Burlington in respect of the proposed
If a person or public body that requests a referral of a
Zoning By-law but does not make oral submissions at a public
proposed decision in respect of the proposed Official Plan
meeting or written submission to the City of Burlington before
Amendment to the Ontario Municipal Board does not make
the proposed by-law is adopted, the Ontario Municipal Board
oral submission at a public meeting or does not make written may dismiss all or part of the appeal.
submissions before the proposed Official Plan Amendment is
adopted, then:
If you have any questions regarding this matter please contact
Greg Simon of the Burlington Planning Department at 905i. The Region of Halton, as the approval authority, may refuse 335-7600 ext. 7824.
the request to refer all or part of its proposed decision to the
Ontario Municipal Board, and;
If you wish to make advance arrangements to appear as a
delegation at the aforementioned meeting, please contact
ii. The Ontario Municipal Board may dismiss all or part of
John Bolognone, supervisor of committee services, 905-335the referral of the proposed decision.
7600 ext. 7490. Delegations are limited to a maximum of 10
minutes each.
Similarly, if a person or public body files an appeal of a
decision of the City of Burlington in respect of the proposed Written submissions with respect to the proposed amendments
Zoning By-law but does not make oral submissions at a public may be made to John Bolognone. Please submit any
meeting or written submission to the City of Burlington before presentation material prior to the meeting to allow distribution
the proposed by-law is adopted, the Ontario Municipal Board and review by all members of Committee.
may dismiss all or part of the appeal.
To register as a delegation, please call John Bolognone,
supervisor of committee services, at 905-335-7600 ext. 7490.
Delegations are limited to a maximum of 10 minutes each.
If you have any questions regarding this matter please contact
the Burlington Planning Department at 905-335-7600
ext. 7870 or email:
September 5th...
Look for new and improved services offered
from Burlington Transit.
For additional information, please obtain a new
route schedule from your bus driver, the
downtown bus terminal, or GO Stations and
ticket agents.
Visit our website at
24-hour BusLINE 905-639-0550
Your Wheels!
Taking you where you want to go.
Notice of Temporary Road Closure…
Temporary Closure of Brant Street between
Caroline Street and Lakeshore Road for the purpose
of staging the United Way Fall Kick Off Event.
The Council of the Corporation of the City of Burlington at
its meeting held Tuesday August 8, 2006 passed a by-law to
temporarily close Brant Street for the purpose of staging the
United Way Fall Kick Off Event. The road closure will
take effect on Saturday
Septmber 16, 2006 from
6 a.m. to 6 p.m. as follows:
• Brant Street from the
south side of Caroline
Street to the north side of
Lakeshore Road
Please contact John Crass of the
Transit and Traffic Department
at 905-335-7600, ext. 7779 for
further information.