Changing - Akhuwat


Changing - Akhuwat
the course of history
Punjab Chief Minister Mian Shahbaz Sharif attends grand
CMSES-Akhuwat Loan Disbursement Ceremony
he objective of the Chief Minister SelfEmployment Scheme (CMSES) is to
promote self-employment by providing
interest-free loans through the Akhuwat
network. So far loans worth Rs5.5 billion have been disbursed under this scheme, benefitting
350,000 families,” said the Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz
Meant exclusively for women, the interest-free loans
were channeled through Akhuwat.
Dealing in Shariah-compliant, no-interest microfinance, Akhuwat is collaborating with the Punjab government in running the latter’s Chief Minister’s Self-Employment Scheme.
On top of the already dedicated Rs2 billion, the Punjab CM announced a further immediate addition of Rs1 billion to the programme, and also made a pledge to provide
another Rs3 billion over the next two years. “The intent is
to further spread the sweep and scope of the programme,
by encompassing two million families”, said the Chief Minister.
He was addressing women in a chock-a-bloc Alhamra
Hall 1, Lahore on April 15 in a CMSES-Akhuwat Loan Disbursement ceremony. Akhuwat’s founding Chairman and
Executive Director Dr. Amjad Saqib, Akhuwat Board members, a clutch of provincial ministers, senior bureaucracy
and a cross-section of print and electronic media were also
in attendance.
Special mention ought to be made of Punjab Minister
for Industries, Commerce and Investment Chaudhry Muhammad Shafiq and Minister for Women’s Development
See page 3 >>
‘This self-employment scheme
is changing the course of
history as 350,000 families
have become self-reliant
because of access to interestfree loans. Merit, transparency
and proper utilization of
national wealth had been
ensured in Punjab’.
– Mian Shahbaz Sharif,
Punjab Chief Minister
Page 4-5
Akhuwat holds its Annual Dinner 2014
at the Punjab Governor’s House
F r o m t h e C h a i r m a n ’s D e s k
Akhuwat setting its own pace
ven a cursory glance at the Newsletter shall provide the reader with a feel of the pace and momentum of happenings. The first week of March 2014 saw Akhuwat’s United States Chapter as
ever holding forth with great aplomb, hosting three grand fundraising dinners at Chicago, Houston and Los Angeles. The warmth, the hospitality, the empathy and the spirit of sharing and
giving was so palpable among the Pakistani diaspora that it made me wonder what Pakistan cannot
accomplish only if it could tap into this great resource able and willing to support the motherland.
The Akhuwat’s US Chapter has really come of age as an entity – indeed a force to reckon with.
Its standout resolve has now earned Akhuwat recognition as a charity in the US – a signal achievement given the circumstances and the mainstream sentiment over there not really being conducive
to Muslim charities.
The middle of April in particular was a hectic, happening time, and Akhuwat’s staff as well as volunteers and the Board of Directors showed immense fortitude and resourcefulness in pulling off a riproaring double success. The morning of April 15 saw a hugely significant meeting: the Chief Minister of
Punjab, Mian Muhammad Shahbaz Sharif chairing a function of the Self-Employment Scheme initiated
by him under Akhuwat’s wings in 2011. The CMSES (Chief Minister’s Self Employment Scheme) has
been a huge success.The Chief Minister made a further pledge of Rs1 billion immediately and another
Rs3 billion in the next two years, with the target of taking the beneficiary families from 330,000 now
to two million!
The same evening with the spring in Lahore pleasantly extending to late April, the lawns of the
Punjab Governor House saw a lively Akhuwat Annual Dinner take place. It goes without saying, thanks
to the courtesy of the Punjab Governor Chaudhry Muhammad Sarwar, the event was a huge success.
‘The Akhuwat’s US Chapter
has really come of age as
an entity – indeed a force
to reckon with. Its standout
resolve has now earned
Akhuwat recognition as a
charity in the US – a signal
achievement given the
Experiencing change is something the entire Team Akhuwat has been weaned on: be its patrons, donors, employees, volunteers and borrowers –
and this is not to mention its Board of Directors. But now this change that Akhuwat is so proactively engaged in bringing about in society is also being
recognized across a variety of spheres and forums.
Close on the heels of recognition over the past two years from the academic powerhouses of the world – in 2012 by Harvard, and in 2013 by
the topnotch British universities, Oxford, Cambridge and London School of Economics – the largest indigenous corporate entity, Engro Corporation
recognized Akhuwat as a significant agent of societal change by honoring it with its ‘I Am The Change’ Award 2014.
In its core business too, Akhuwat kept on setting its own pace (See Performance Indicators below), increasing its outreach and expanding its
operations across the country. In the north in Gilgit-Baltistan, and in the south in Sukkur and Karachi the operations have seen rapid expansion, and
Quetta in the South West shall soon be added.
Next month in this space, Dear Reader, I shall apprise you in some detail on some of the new challenges that Akhuwat has picked up. So, until
Dr. Muhammad Amjad Saqib,
On Behalf of Akhuwat’s Board of Directors
Where we stand
Board of Directors
Performance (overall)
Progress Report (As on April 30, 2014)
Total Benefiting Families 511,739
Active Loans Utilized by Males Entrepreneurs 318,159
Active Loans Utilized by Females Entrepreneurs
Amount Disbursed PKR 8,024,142,842
Percentage Recovery 99.83%
Active Loans 216,697
Outstanding Loan Portfolio PKR 2,154,526,782
Number of Branches 260
Number of Cities and Towns 186
Dr. Muhammad Amjad Saqib
Mr. Humayun Ehsan
Dr. Kamran Shams
Dr. Izhar-ul-Haq Hashmi
Mr. Muhammad Saleem Ranjha
Mr. Khawar Rafique Sheikh
Mian Anwar Sadiq
Mr. Nazir Tunio
Changing lives: The Chief Minister
Mian Shahbaz Sharif disbursing one
of the cheques to a young recipient
Changing the course of history
>> From Cover page
Hamida Wahiduddin for not just attending the function
but also providing invaluable support to the Scheme. Mr.
Ali Sarfraz, Secretary Industries, and Mr. Bilal Butt, Managing Director, Punjab Small Industries Corporation, too
have been of great assistance. The PSIC has indeed played
a highly supportive role in the success of CMSES.
‘A silent revolution’
Of CMSES, Akhuwat’s founding Chairman and Executive Director Dr. Amjad Saqib said, “The grant of
interest-free loans to women under the Scheme was a
great initiative. It is indeed a historic day, for the system
of interest-free loan was a silent revolution, which would
yield great results within the next few years.”
The Chief Minister Punjab said that the ratio of repayment of loans under this Scheme was 100 per cent.
In contrast, he said, on political considerations, Rs300
billion had been written off by the banks. “This system
that spawns corruption would have to be rooted out for
the survival, progress and prosperity of the country. We
cannot be a state where people with influence get their
loans written off while skilled citizens are compelled to
beg. This self-employment scheme is changing the course
of history as 350,000 families have become self-reliant
because of access to interest-free loans. Merit, transparency and proper utilization of national wealth had been
ensured in Punjab”, said Mian Shahbaz Sharif.
Talking about the Punjab Educational Endowment
Fund, the Chief Minister said, it was a revolutionary
programme of the provincial government that has so far
provided financial aid and scholarships to over 60,000
poor yet talented students so that they could pursue their
studies at prestigious institutions. He said that disparity
between the poor and the rich was a hurdle in the process
of progress and development and equitable distribution
of wealth has to be ensured.
‘The scheme shall yield great results
in only a few years’.
– Akhuwat Chairman Dr. Amjad Saqib
Women, the prime mover
The chief minister said, “Women form half of Pakistan’s
population and the goal of national progress and prosperity can only be achieved by bringing them into the national
mainstream. Women will have to work shoulder to shoulder
along with men and play their due role in all spheres of life.”
The Chief Minister was all appreciation for the endeavours of Dr. Amjad Saqib and the Team Akhuwat with regard to
self-employment scheme. He suggested, the minimum limit
of interest-free loan be raised from Rs20,000. Addressing
the ceremony, Provincial Minister Shafiq said that the selfemployment scheme was reflective of Shahbaz Sharif’s love
for the masses.
At the conclusion, the Chief Minister disbursed interestfree loans to women.
Dr. Amjad Saqib and Humayun
Ehsan welcome the Governor
Punjab on his arrival
Akhuwat holds its Annual Dinner 2014 at the Punjab Governor’s House, Lahore
Familiarising people
with the joy of giving
khuwat held its Annual Dinner 2014 at the lawns of Punjab Governor’s House
on a pleasant spring night on April 15, with the Governor Chaudhry Muhammad Sarwar graciously attending the function as chief guest.
As ever a very large gathering of over 1,500 people, including donors,
patrons, philanthropists, elite of the provincial cosmopolitan, microfinance
entrepreneurs, volunteers, borrowers and media attended the Akhuwat Annual Dinner.
Chaudhry Sarwar, the Governor Punjab, in his speech was highly appreciative of
Akhuwat’s work. “Having come to know that Akhuwat is the largest ‘No Interest Microfinance organisation in the world with such a vast sweep and scale, makes me extremely
proud as a Pakistani. The unqualified trust of both the donors and the borrowers that
Akhuwat enjoys today is unique.
“It has only been possible owing to the path-breaking idea and the tenacity of its
founders over the years. May it grow ever bigger!
“And to all of you present here, especially to the donors, philanthropists and volunteers, and to Dr. Amjad Saqib, I say, may your tribe grow,” said Ch Sarwar.
Noted journalist Mujeeb-ur-Rehman Shami talked about the disease of materialism and how it has made man ignore the plight of widows and orphans. He also urged
the attendees to share their wealth with the have-nots of the society and urged them
to donate amounts equivalent to what they would spend on a lavish dinner to Akhuwat.
A cricket ball signed by the national hero of Pakistan, former captain Wasim
Akram, and a bat signed by the batting legends Javed Miandad and Zaheer Abbas were
auctioned at the dinner. Both items fetched a neat Rs10 million after a frenzied bout of
auction that captivated the audience.
Recounting Akhuwat’s 13-year journey in his speech that moved the gathering,
Akhuwat’s founding Chairman and Executive Director, Dr. Amjad Saqib said, the programme that had commenced with just a few hundred thousand has now spread to
‘May Akhuwat’s tribe grow ever bigger.’
– Chaudhry Muhammad Sarwar, Governor Punjab.
Rs9 billion, making it the largest No Interest Microfinance organization in the world.
“Akhuwat has so far extended small loans to half a million people which enabled
them in becoming successful entrepreneurs. In the process, half a million families have
been pulled out of abject poverty, and now have the opportunity to follow their dreams
and fulfill their potential”, said Dr. Amjad Saqib in his address.
Dr. Amjad Saqib also thanked the Punjab Governor for throwing gates of the Governor’s mansion open for the poor and needy, and for his most generous hospitality.
To resounding applause, Dr. Amjad Saqib informed the audience, every three minutes on average an Akhuwat loan is effectively pulling a family out of poverty.
The number of Akuwat’s active borrowers is now in the range of 250,000 and
growing, while the organization’s footprint now spans across the country.
“Akhuwat’s network is extending so rapidly that year-on-year it’s almost doubling
its operations. This has only been possible because of the generosity of our donors, rich
and poor alike. The Punjab Chief Minister Mian Shahbaz Sharif’s aligning the province’s
Self-Employment Initiative with Akhuwat, with sizable funding of Rs2 billion in 2011,
which has just now been raised to Rs3 billion, also gave us a great boost. The Chief
Minister has only this morning promised to extend it further, by dedicating ever greater
resources in the province’s self-employment programme through Akhuwat.
“But above all Akhuwat’s success lies in its borrowers, 99.8 per cent of whom
promptly returned the loans to prove beyond any doubt that they were indeed most
trustworthy. For all this we are grateful to the Almighty who munificently blessed us
with this great success,” said Dr. Amjad Saqib.
Following Dr. Amjad Saqib’s address, Akhuwat Progress Report over the year was
This bat is mine: The young bidder who lost at the auction but really set the
ball rolling with his no-holds-barred attitude gets a photo-op with the auction
winner and chief guest. The Zaheer Abbas-Javed Miandad signed willow and
the Wasim Akram autographed cherry earned Akhuwat a cool Rs10 million
‘Akhuwat is now pulling a family out of
poverty every three minutes.’
– Dr. Amjad Saqib, Founding Chairman Akhuwat.
Great ambiance: Akhuwat charms its
donors and patrons on a lovely late spring
evening in the colonial Governor’s mansion
shared with the audience. The salient features of the Report reflected the
impressive growth trajectory of Akhuwat, with all indicators showing a steep
upward gradient.
A lady borrower shared the story of her turmoil and anxiety, and how the
organization’s intervention pulled her and her young and desperate family
out of abject poverty. A couple of documentary on display featured a number
of people whose lives were better off because of Akhuwat’s healing touch.
Stage and television personality Noor-ul-Hassan conducted the entire
event and talked about the importance of giving in the name of Almighty.
And indeed it was the spirit of giving and sharing that had brought together the volunteers, donors and sponsors alike at Akhuwat’s Annual
Dinner 2014.
Moment of recognition: The Akhuwat staff and
volunteers who put it all together gather for that
much-cherished memento, the group photograph
Dr. Amjad Saqib at the dais, as usual
touching a chord with his audience
Ak h u wat Fu n d ra i s ers in Unite d State s
Pakistani diaspora warms up to
Akhuwat’s message
he first major fundraiser abroad in 2014 was a
three-city swing (Chicago, Houston and Los Angeles) in the United States of America by Akhuwat’s founding Chairman and Executive Director Dr. Amjad Saqib in the first week of March.
Akhuwat has only recently been registered as a charity in
the United States owing to some of the most committed
leaders and volunteers working for it anywhere – be it
among the diaspora or back home.
Chicago, the first stop
The third most populous city in the United States
after New York and Los Angeles, Chicago with more
than three million residents, is also the most populous
in both the state of Illinois and the American Midwest.
The Windy City, as Chicago is called, has a sizable sprinkling of Pakistani diaspora. Mr. Naveed Sarwar and Mr.
Rana Javed arranged an incredible fundraising dinner at
Holiday Inn Hotel there on March 1. The dinner was sponsored by Ch Rashid, a prominent Pakistani based in the
US. It would be inappropriate not to mention the efforts
of Pakistan Consul General at Chicago, Honorable Faisal
Niaz Tirmizi and Commercial Consular Mr. Zahid Zaman.
Dr. Amjad Saqib was warmly welcomed by all the
invitees and the organizing committee. More than 100
guests coming from various walks of life and representing all age groups attended the dinner.
As usual, Dr. Amjad Saqib spoke extempore and
from the heart, moving the audience with his simple
To these gentlemen, Pakistan indeed comes
first: The guests at one of the three dinners
narrative that encompasses Akhuwat’s philosophy based
on Mawakhat – how sharing ones fortune with the less
fortunate can not only alleviate poverty but also emancipates the giver. His talk familiarized the audience with
Akhuwat’s philosophy and also its operations, and the
positive impact its intervention has made. The speech
was indeed very well taken, evident in the guests’ generosity in donating to the cause.
Houston, the middle of three stopovers
Houston is the largest city in the famed Southern
Texas state. A very high percentage of Pakistani-Americans here is in income-wise top-bracket vocations in
the United States – such as doctors, lawyers, bankers,
journalists etc.
In Houston, Mr. Naveed Baig and Mr. Jameel Daudi
arranged a phenomenal get together at a Pakistani Res-
Livewires in Akhuwat United States:
(from left) Farooq Aziz, Zakiuddin
Khalifa, Sagheer Sapal, Sani Panhwar,
Rehan Mahmood and Aizaz Dar
taurant on March 3.
The pre-dinner programme included Dr. Amjad
Saqib’s talk. To a highly receptive gathering, Dr. Amjad
Saqib talked about the philosophy of Akhuwat and how
Qarz e Hasan can alleviate poverty. He talked in detail on
Akhuwat genesis and humble start, and how it has taken rapid strides since to become the largest no-interest
microfinance organization. The tale of first loan inspired
and excited guests to envision the unexplored entrepreneurial potential of the poor Pakistanis how adopting
Akhuwat’s philosophy and methods not just poverty
can be alleviated, living standards can be raised beyond
belief, ultimately contributing towards nation-building.
Los Angeles, the last sojourn
On March 7, at Los Angeles, California – the last
destination on the tour – as anticipated, more than 300
guests gathered in the prestigious Anaheim Plaza Hotel
for the mega fundraising dinner hosted by Akhuwat’s
United States Board of Directors.
On the book stand set up for ‘Akhuwat Ka Safar’, as
at Chicago and Houston, the response was significant.
The signed bat by the legendary Zaheer Abbas
and Javed Miandad was auctioned for $13,000, which
is estimated to provide an opportunity to more than 50
families to change their lives by providing them an opportunity through an interest free loan to start a small
Dr. Amjad Saqib emphasized that abject poverty
could be tackled if each one of us takes the responsibility to pull out just one individual from the mire, lending
him or her an opportunity walk out of the trap.
‘The bat signed by the legendary
Zaheer Abbas and Javed Miandad
was auctioned for $13,000,
which is estimated to provide
an opportunity to more than 50
families to change their lives by
providing them an opportunity
through an interest free loan to
start a small business’
(Please watch out this space for some more stuff on
the Akhuwat United States and Dr. Amjad Saqib’s US visit
next month).
Dr. Athar Ansari, an old friend and
classmate of Dr. Amjad Saqib, won the
auction for the bat with his highest bid.
Also seen with the bat are Farooq Aziz
(middle) and Zakiuddin Khalifa (right)
The Interns flaunting their
certificates in a group photo
Ak h u wat Inte r n s h ip Progra m (AIP) 2013 Ce r tific ation
Ray of hope burns bright
The program’s intent is to produce leaders with empathy
The chief guest handing out a
certificate to one of the interns
n March 15, 2014, over 200 people gathered at
the University of Central Punjab (UCP) to celebrate and certify the graduates of Akhuwat
Internship Program (AIP) 2013. The gathering
included the Akhuwat Board members, borrowers and
staff as well the interns and their families.
A large number of media personnel and members
of academia also attended the event. Rana Maqbool
Ahmad, adviser to the Chief Minister of Punjab and
Sindh’s former Inspector General of Police, presided over
the ceremony. Speaking at the occasion Rana Maqbool
Ahmad encouraged the youth’s endeavours towards a
more progressive and just Pakistan. Moved by the Akhuwat experience and the ray of optimism it continues to
spread, he devoted his whole-hearted commitment to
the organization.
Rana Maqbool suggested the Akhuwat model to
be introduced to other serving government officers who
could benefit from the hope it imparts all Pakistanis.
The undoubted highlights of the event were the stories that the parents of the interns and the Akhuwat borrowers shared. Speaking at the occasion, the mother of
AIP alumni Usama Javed thanked Akhuwat for teaching
her son in three weeks the values she has been grappling
with for the past 18 years! The parents discussed their
children’s newfound empathetic behaviour towards the
underprivileged and marginalized communities. Their
Dr. Amjad Saqib
The view from the back of the auditorium
The audience in the front
The tea-boy speaks of his bonding
with the interns; the feeling was
mutual and very touching
‘Dr. Amjad Saqib’s favourite words,
“nations collapse not because of
the lack of resources but because
of the lack of hope” were etched
in their hearts and minds as they
shared their pledge to forever
continue the journey of hope’
expression of gratitude went from being mere rhetoric to
practical action. The Akhuwat family’s most celebrated
members, the borrowers shared their overwhelming emo-
tions of seeing these young people come into their homes
and workplaces, coach their kids, help with their chores
and share the sorrows and joys of life as friends. They especially appreciated the Iftar and carnival that was arranged
for them at the end of each cohort. They encouraged such
programs in the future and expressed their hope in the
ability of such activities to achieve and promote social cohesion. The speakers and audience termed this program as
a wholesome leadership program that is serving society at
large, beyond the reach of a regular internship program.
The program concluded with a video summarizing the
plethora of activities that the interns undertook, tracing
their transformation. The interns also shared their personal
stories of turning points where their biases and prejudices
A lady borrower speaks of
her Akhuwat experiences
Ever so grateful to Akhuwat for instilling
values in their offsprint: Mothers of the interns
were replaced with compassion and a deeper understanding of social realities. They expressed their desire to be a
permanent part of Akhuwat, claiming that there is only an
entrance and no exit door at Akhuwat.
Fifty-two energetic young people who came questioning Pakistan’s ability to sustain the many challenges it
faces, left charged to ensure that their abilities are utilised
to ensure a just, equitable and tolerant Pakistan – all in a
matter of three weeks.
Dr. Amjad Saqib’s favourite words, “nations collapse
not because of the lack of resources but because of the
lack of hope” were etched in their hearts and minds as
they shared their pledge to forever continue the journey
of hope.
The quartet of interns: Sharing how the three weeks
with Akhuwat changed their lives forever, for the better
News in Brief
Pedal for Peace 2014
wenty Amateur cyclists, between the ages of 20-45 including People from all
walks of life - students, professionals, social workers, -volunteers participated in
the Pedal for Peace Cycle Rally from Lahore to Multan. The cycle rally started on
20th and came to an end on 23rd. Organized this year under the patronage of
the Acting Governor of Punjab, the flag-off ceremony started from The Governor
House. The cycle rally was named after Mr Kamal Fareed (late), one of the most hardworking volunteers of Akhuwat.
This cycle rally is an annual advocacy movement planned to raise voice for the rights
‘This cycle rally is an annual advocacy movement
planned to raise voice for the rights of the
marginalized communities living in Pakistan’
of the marginalized communities living in Pakistan. This time the rally created awareness
about the plight of Khuwaja Siras living in Pakistan. Coinciding with the Pakistan Day
celebrations, the rally concluded on March 23, 2014 at Multan, where Mr. Zahid Gondal,
DCO Multan, received the cyclists with great love and care.
‘I am a Dream...
I am Pakistan’
Dr Amjad visits NetSol
r. Amjad Saqib visited NetSol (in 1998, it became the first Pakistani company to be listed at NASDAQ) offices at
Lahore on March 20 at the invitation of its CEO, Mr. Najeeb Ghauri to familiarize the company’s top officials and staff
with Akhuwat and its unique Sharia-compliant microfinance model. NetSol is one of the top IT companies of the
country. Prior to launching NetSol, Mr. Ghauri had over 15 years of marketing and management experience with Fortune
500 companies in the US, such as Unilever and Atlantic Richfield Corporation (ARCO). The NetSol operations in Pakistan
are led by Mr. Najeeb Ghauri, who is indeed a visionary business leader.
concert based on national songs was held
at FC College’s Sinclair Hall at Lahore. The
programme, held on March 24, a day after
the Pakistan Day, included projection of
the country’s heroes. At the event covered short
videos/clips of the Quaid-e-Azam’s speeches and
glorious moments in our cricket.
It was followed by an interactive session with
youth from various colleges where Dr. Amjad Saqib shared his lifelong experiences in civil service
of Pakistan, the launch and progress of Akhuwat
and the importance of social entrepreneurship in
PPAF familiarizing itself with Akhuwat
Special sessions with senior officials to benefit Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund (PPAF)
in implementing Prime Minister’s Interest Free Loan Scheme
enior Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund (PPAF)
officials, Mr. Farid Shabbir, Mr. Muhammad
Shahbaz Shafique, Mr. Muzammal Hanif, Mr.
Sultan Tiwana, and Mr. Kamran Khan had one
to one discussion with Dr. Amjad Saqib on Akhuwat’s
Qarz-e-Hassan based model of microfinance on March
13. This special session was organized on the third and
last day of training by Akhuwat’s senior management
which includes, Syed Rehan Hussain, Mr. Shehzad
Akram and Mr. Omer Alam.
The purpose of this training was to enable PPAF
senior team in implementing Government of Pakistan’s/Prime Minister’s Interest Free Loan Scheme,
with an initial outlay of Rs3.5 billion to support micro
enterprise financing. These interest free loans (average size, Rs25,000) are to be made available to men
and women from households with a score of up to 40
on the Poverty Score Card (PSC), with little or no access
to banks and microcredit institutions. The loans will be
given for productive purposes only, and are meant for
revenue generation and poverty alleviation. Some of
the specific aims of the Scheme are: 50 per cent of the
loans be disbursed to women, with the youth being the
overall target.
The next day, March 14, the PPAF team briefed Dr.
Amjad Saqib and Ms. Shehnaz Kapadia about training
and field visit at Akhuwat branches and meeting with
This strategic meeting helped PPAF staff in understanding and implementing the Prime Minister’s
Interest Free Loan Scheme in Pakistan, which is a part
of PM’s Youth Programme planned out by Ms. Maryam
Nawaz Sharif.
Fundraising, distribution of relief goods
to victims of Tharparkar drought
he Governor Punjab, Ch Mohammad Sarwar
was the chief guest at a fundraising function organized by Akhuwat, Naymet, Al-Khidmat and
Ghazali Premier College on April 7 at Alhamra
Hall No 3, Lahore.
The three philanthropic and one educational institution, with Akhuwat providing the lead, collaborated to alleviate the misery of the victims of the Thar
“We are indeed grateful to the Governor Punjab
for gracing the function. His support shall provide an
invaluable impetus to our endeavour. We hope the
pooling of resources of the four organizations involved
in this particular effort shall make a substantial difference in helping our brethren in need. Akhuwat’s is making use of its national footprint, while the other three
organizations too are making an all-out effort to raise
funds. We intend in particular to address the needs of
the children and infants who are most vulnerable to
the drought’s ravages”, said Dr. Amjad Saqib, Chairman,
Subsequently on April 11, food items were distrib-
uted to more than 130 families by Akhuwat with the
help of Thardeep Rural Development Program – TRDP,
distributed Food items to more than 130 families suffering from drought for fulfilling their needs of one
month in villages of district Mithi. Food items distributed to the families included: flour, liquid milk, dry
milk for infants, biscuits, rice, sugar, spices, cooking oil,
pulses and bottled drinking water.
Subsequently Dr. and Mrs. Amjad Saqib visited
Mithi between April 19 to 21 for greater awareness and
to provide further aid.
Engro honors Akhuwat for its 2014 ‘I am the Change’ Award
Akhuwat: Impacting real change
ngro Foundation, the corporate social responsibility
arm of Engro Corporation, has honored Akhuwat as one
of its three winners of ‘I am the Change’ (IATC) digital
competition. The announcement was made in a grand
award ceremony amid the presence of various corporate veterans, media and the senior management of Engro in
the third week of April at Karachi.
The award was given by Mr. Hussain Dawood, a prominent
businessman and philanthropist.
Through IATC, Engro identified and honored Khwendo Kor
in the field of Education, Akhuwat in Livelihood Development
and Child Aid Association in Health, for their determination for
creating positive change.
The winners of the competition were selected based
‘Through IATC, Engro identified and honored Khwendo Kor in the field of
Education, Akhuwat in Livelihood Development and Child Aid Association
in Health, for their determination for creating positive change.’
on the scope of their social work; level of impact, number of
beneficiaries and the ability to replicate the program amongst
other key considerations.
‘I am the Change’ campaign was initiated with the objective of recognizing the inspiring efforts of passionate Pakistanis
who have been working relentlessly in pursuit of shaping a
better tomorrow by contributing in the spheres of education,
health and livelihoods.
Speaking at the occasion, Ali Ansari, President & CEO,
Engro said, “Real change begins when individuals join forces
to take collective action. We strongly believe in investing in
tomorrow by taking complete ownership to inspire change. ‘I
am the Change’ initiative is a magnification of our outreach to
a multitude of individuals and institutions operating outside
the communities that host us. Our focus through this campaign essentially is to help and empower these unsung heroes
so that they can expand the magnitude of their benefits to the
Opening of MyBiz Incubation Centre at AISEM
ttended by academicians, entrepreneurs and prominent
businessmen from throughout the country, Akhuwat held
the opening ceremony of MyBiz Incubation Centre at AISEM
(Akhuwat Institute of Social Enterprise & Management) at
Lahore on April 18. The programme is an Akhuwat collaboration with
MyBiz Pakistan.
Speaking on the occasion, Akhuwat Chairman Dr. Amjad Saqib
said, “Akhuwat Incubation Centre shall create new horizons of excellence, through harnessing and enhancing the creativity, skill-set and
energy of micro-level entrepreneurs and financing them to take their
Head Office
businesses to the next level.”
The programme, Dr Amjad said, shall energize the productivity
and profits of small businesses by equipping these to enlarge their
operations and progress to the level of small and medium enterprises.
“This shall also create new employment opportunities in sizable numbers”, said Dr. Amjad Saqib.
Amer Qureshi, the Project Adviser to My Biz Incubation Centre,
in his detailed presentation to the distinguished audience said, “to
begin with My Biz Incubation Centre shall train, guide, support and
finance twenty microfinance businesses to higher level by extending
19 Civic Center, Opposite Minhaj-ul-Quran University, Township, Lahore.
Phone No: 042-35122743, 35156382 Fax: 042-35157257
their business operations.”
“The programme is devised in a manner that it would harness the ideas and expertise of micro-level entrepreneurs, put them
through an intense incubation programme which shall empower
them to go to a higher level of productivity and entrepreneurship,”
said Amer Qureshi.
The Programme Director of MyBiz Incubation Centre, Syed Hussain Haider briefed on how AISEM is providing accommodation facility
to 50 people who enroll in various training courses and how the opening of MyBiz Incubation Centre will be a new milestone for Akhuwat.