The Worldwide Thermal Power Generation Market
The Worldwide Thermal Power Generation Market
ENERGY INDUSTRY MARKET FORECASTS 2008 - 2015 The Worldwide Thermal Power Generation Market All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of Scottish Enterprise. Scottish Enterprise Energy Team 27 Albyn Place Aberdeen AB10 1DB Tel: 01224 252000 Fax: 01224 213417 Email: Web: Report produced by: SINCLAIR KNIGHT MERZ Sinclair Knight Merz is an international engineering consultancy with operations throughout Europe, Austral-Asia, the Middle East, South Africa and South America. Power Generation is a key business sector for SKM. Sinclair Knight Merz (Europe) Ltd. 175 West George Street Glasgow G2 2LB Tel: +44 (0)141 202 2828 Web: PREFACE The Power Generation sector provides many opportunities for Scottish businesses - at Scottish Enterprise we want to work with industry to exploit these opportunities. A key part of this support is providing market intelligence. This report is one in a series of studies looking at different sectors within the energy industry. We hope this report will help Scottish companies keep one step ahead of their global competitors and give them an edge in winning future business. We encourage companies to take advantage of this study to help focus their global business development activities, and to access the support available from Scottish Development International. This report looks at opportunities to supply equipment and services to the global thermal power generation market. By thermal power we mean large plant, with typical unit sizes of greater than 300 MWe, which is generally coal-fired, gas-fired or nuclear. Over the last twelve months, carbon abatement, or carbon capture and storage (CCS) has become the hot topic in the industry; and the report also looks at the size of the market associated with this area. The last year also saw much public debate regarding new coal-fired plant, and the impact this potentially could have on the environment. A short case study on a proposed new coal plant is included as an appendix, which also includes a summary of the ensuing technical debate on levels of carbon abatement required for new plant, and details of proposals for a CCS demonstrator. Also associated with CCS is the broader topic of sustainability. The possible impact of sustainability issues on the Supply Chain is discussed, and pointers are given to the developing ’best practice’. I would like to take this opportunity to thank those companies who contributed with their views during the production of this report for their valuable help and assistance. Brian Nixon Director, Scottish Enterprise Energy Team January 2009 -i- Contents i PREFACE Contents Glossary ii iii I INTRODUCTION 1 II THERMAL POWER GENERATION 3 III IV V VI VII Coal-Fired Generation Gas-Fired Generation Nuclear Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) New-Build Timescales 4 7 8 10 14 GLOBAL ENERGY TRENDS 15 Increase in Installed Capacity and Capacity Additions Forecast Increase in Installed Generating Capacity Worldwide, 2007 – 2015 Europe China India United States of America Other Regions of Interest 16 17 18 22 24 26 27 POWER PROJECTS DELIVERY 29 Sustainability 31 CAPITAL COSTS 33 Capital Cost Analysis Power Plant Cost Breakdown 34 35 SCOTTISH SUPPLY CHAIN 37 Current Capability of the Scottish Supply Chain Worldwide Forecast in Installed Capacity and Market Value, 2007 - 2015 Market Value of Equipment Supply for Coal-fired New Build, 2007 - 2015 38 39 40 OPPORTUNITIES FOR SCOTTISH COMPANIES 41 Scottish Enterprise Support to the Energy Industry 44 46 APPENDICES - ii - Glossary ACCAT BERR BNES Capacity additions CCGT CCS CHP DECC CMM or CBM Eastern Europe EIA EOR EPC Contractor FBC FGD HRSG IEA IGCC IGFC IPCC IPP LNG Middle East NDA Net electricity generation NOx NI DECC (formerly BERR) advisory committee on Advisory Committee on Carbon Abatement Technologies Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform, formerly known at the Department for Trade and Industry (DTI) British Nuclear Energy Society OECD Equivalent value of the total new-build capacity for a particular region usually in gigawatts(GW) or megawatts (MW) Combined Cycle Gas Turbine based plant which will also have steam turbines to utilise steam generated by a Heat Recovery Steam Generator (HRSG) Carbon Capture and Storage OECD Asia Pacific OECD Europe Combined Heat And Power Department for Energy and Climate Change Coal Mine Methane or Coal Bed Methane For the purposes of this report, includes the countries: Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Estonia, Serbia and Montenegro, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Romania, Slovenia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan. For statistical reasons, this region also includes Cyprus and Malta. Russia is included separately Energy Information Administration (US Department of Energy) OECD North America Other Asia Enhanced oil recovery (as part of a CCS) Engineering, Procurement and Construction contractor, generally appointed as the turnkey contractor Fluidised bed combustion PCC Primary energy Flue gas desulphurisation Heat recovery steam generator International Energy Agency, an autonomous body which was established in November 1974 within the framework of the OECD to implement an international energy programme. This report refers both to its Annual Outlook’s and its recent CCS report Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle SOx SC and USC SCR Thermal power generation Tier 1 contractor Tier 2 contractor Tier 3 contractor Total installed capacity Integrated gasification fuel cells ( A-IGFC is advanced IGFC) Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Independent power project Liquefied natural gas For the purposes of this report, includes Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, the United Arab Emirates and Yemen. Nuclear Decommissioning Authority WEC WNA Is equal to final demand less network losses and station’s internal use of - iii - electricity at power plants. Nitrous oxides The Nuclear Institute: a merger of the BNES and the Institution of Nuclear Engineers Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Member countries are: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Republic of Korea, Luxembourg, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom and United States. The Slovak Republic and Poland are likely to become member countries in 2007/2008. OECD classification: includes countries: Australia, Japan, Korea and New Zealand. OECD classification: includes Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, the Slovak Republic, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and the United Kingdom. OECD classification: includes Canada, Mexico and the United States. Includes Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brunei, Cambodia, China, Chinese Taipei, Fiji, French Polynesia, India, Indonesia, Kiribati, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Laos, Macau, Malaysia, Maldives, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, New Caledonia, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines, Samoa, Singapore, Solomon Islands, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Tonga, Vietnam and Vanuatu. China and India are included separately pulverised coal combustion Energy in the form that it is first accounted for in a statistical energy balance, before any transformation to secondary or tertiary forms of energy Sulphurous oxides Supercritical and Ultra-supercritical(steam technology) Selective catalytic reduction (of NOx emissions) Power generation whereby the prime mover is steam driven. Includes coal, nuclear, most gas fired plants power plants are thermal. Generally an EPC contractor Major equipment suppliers, e.g. turbines, boilers, generators Secondary equipment suppliers, e.g. pumps, fans The maximum output, commonly expressed in megawatts (MW), that generating equipment can supply to system load, adjusted for ambient conditions World Energy Council World Nuclear Association I INTRODUCTION Scope • 2007 Survey of Energy Resources, World Energy Council (WEC) The expertise and experience of Scottish companies ranges from design through construction and operation of complete power plants, and in the supply of the engineered systems and equipment that form the critical parts of power plants. Scottish companies provide a range of support in all stages of a power project, from concept to operation, including technical, legal, financial and environmental consultancy services. The aim of this report is to highlight potential supply chain opportunities for Scottish companies. • International Energy Outlook 2008 (IEO2008) and International Energy Outlook 2007 (IEO2007), by the Energy Information by the Energy Information Administration (EIA), Outlook for international energy markets through 2030 • Facts and Figures, Electricity Generation 2007 and 2008, VGB PowerTech • IEA CO2 Capture and Storage report 2008 • Platts Energy Outlook and various related publications Throughout the report there are references to member countries of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and non-member countries, as much of the published research has been funded by the OECD. This report looks at large thermal power plant generation plant globally and evaluates opportunities up to 2015. Thermal power generation has been dominated by coal-fired and nuclear plant over the last 50 years. Since the mid-1980s, much of the new plant commissioned has been gas-fired with the UK’s ‘dash for gas’ following in the steps of the earlier market developments in the rest of Europe. Recent concerns on the security of gas supplies, climate change and global world opinion that ‘clean coal’ and new nuclear technology are an acceptable way forward for new generating plant, has put these technologies back at the top of the agenda for new developments. Thus, the main focus of this report is on coal fired and nuclear opportunities. However, combined cycle gas-fired plant (CCGT) is not neglected, as a number of schemes are currently being developed where gas is readily available or is required to fast-track developments where electricity generation is required as a priority. It is also widely expected that CCGT plant will be installed to meet the ‘energy gap’ which may open up if large coal-fired or new nuclear plant projects are delayed. Primary research Information was gathered during a series of interviews with industry contacts: • • • • The issues addressed in the interviews are discussed in Appendix 2. In addition the report draws on information presented at various recent seminars organised by the IPA, BNES Scotland, IET Power Generation, ICE Scotland and the Nuclear Industry Association’s ‘Meet the Vendors’ day. Data sources and analysis For this report, data relating to forecast net electricity demand and installed capacity was extracted primarily from the World Energy Outlook 2008 and 2007 (IEA). The forecasts in the IEA data are presented as the reference scenario based on data accumulated up to 2006. The figures presented in this report have been derived from work done by others, and have been further modified using existing financial models, thus neither Scottish Enterprise nor SKM can guarantee their ultimate accuracy. The reference scenario forecasts the outcome for given assumptions on economic growth, population, energy prices and technology, assuming nothing more is done by governments to change underlying energy trends. It takes account of those government policies and measures that have been adopted by mid-2008, regardless of whether they have yet been fully implemented. This data was compared to data from International Energy Outlook 2008 and 2007 (EIA). There are large differences between the IEA reference scenario and the EIA reference case projections for both This report is part of a larger suite of reports produced by Scottish Enterprise that includes wind, biofuels and renewables generation; therefore those areas are not covered in this report. This report does not discuss small plants where the unit sizes are typically less than 300 MW, and so diesel and gas engine based generation are also excluded. Research Secondary research The report was compiled over a period of 12 months during 2008. Sources included the following publications: • World Energy Outlook 2008 and 2007, International Energy Agency (IEA) – the 2007 Outlook included ‘China and India Insights’ Chapter I: Introduction SKM technical specialists Scottish equipment suppliers EPC contractors Developers -1- INTRODUCTION (continued) the OECD and non-OECD countries. The projections vary not only with respect to levels of total world energy demand but also with respect to the mix of primary energy inputs. Principally in the 2005 to 2015 period, the IEA expects faster growth in fossil fuel use and slower growth in the use of non-fossil fuels than does EIA. Areas of particular differences are: • • • • • • • IEA projections of US growth in energy demand significantly surpass the high growth scenario by the EIA, therefore EIA data has been used for the increase in installed capacity for the US. • For China and the Middle East, IEA projects much faster growth than EIA from 2005 to 2015 e.g. IEA projects average annual growth of 5.5% in China’s coal demand, compared with 4.4% from the EIA. Similarly, India’s coal use grows by 4.7% per year in the IEA reference scenario, compared with the EIA’s 2.9 %. It is important to note that much of the research and data collation for this report and its associated sources was undertaken prior to the global financial crisis. The current financial problems that are being experienced globally will likely affect the shorter term forecasts for new build. However the forecast high demand for power worldwide is likely to take precedence in the long term. IEA projects a modest 1.8% annual increase in Africa’s energy use from 2005 to 2015, compared to 2.7 % in the EIA reference case. Appendix 1 includes a flowchart which summarises the data sources and the subsequent analysis carried out to provide data for this report. Using this report for business development Forecast installed capacity The following table details the layout of this report and describes how the end-user might use the information effectively. The majority of data for installed capacity and generation forecasts was based on information in the reference scenario in IEA World Energy Outlook 2008. The latest complete set of worldwide generation data is for the year 2006, therefore the forecasts cover the period from 2007 to 2015. Chapter The majority of forecasts only present the increase in total installed capacity; they do not represent the total new-build capacity (capacity additions). The forecasts for new-build capacity are expected to be higher as significant existing capacity is expected to be decommissioned and replaced throughout the world in the next 10 years. The forecast capacities: • do not include the embedded medium and small generation plant • do not reflect the current contracted position and take no account of future uncertainty • are based only on those technologies currently deployed on a large scale Future uncertainty There are no guarantees made regarding the forecast as there are a number of factors that can significantly affect the generation and demand forecasts, including: • Changes in legislation, for example the gas moratorium in recent times caused a dramatic change in policy in the UK and was unexpected by most observers Chapter I: Introduction Political instability, with increasing reliance on fuel supplies from the Middle East, Africa and Russia Economic factors affecting fuel costs, including possible market manipulation War/terrorism/natural disasters; attacks on pipelines or nuclear facilities could dramatically shift the generation outlook Technical innovation, a rapid advance in fuel cells or other storage devices would be a massive boost for renewable sources Climate change, incentives for nuclear generation and renewables could increase significantly due the development of future government policies under the postKyoto negotiations. -2- Aims to provide or identify: I Introduction Introduction and methods of data analysis, primary and secondary research II Thermal power generation Brief description of coal, gas and nuclear power generation technologies, environmental and economic drivers, and associated trends; the impact of the growing demand for carbon capture are also discussed here III Global energy trends Review of the forecast increase in installed power generating capacity around the world IV Power projects Discussion on the current contracting strategies and approaches to building power plants, and the impact of sustainability initiatives V Capital costs Analysis and breakdown of the current capital costs of building power plants VI Scottish supply chain Analysis of the forecast market value of particular areas of equipment supply and an assessment of the contribution Scottish companies could make VII Opportunities for Scottish Companies Summary of the opportunities identified II THERMAL POWER GENERATION order to maintain capacity. The options for replacing this lost capacity are retrofits, plant extensions or new plant. Introduction For the forecast period up to 2015, coal, natural gas and nuclear power will continue to be the most important primary energy sources for electricity generation. Efficiency Increasing the combustion efficiency of both conventional and advanced new power systems has become paramount. Facilities will increasingly be retrofitted or replaced with higher efficiency plant. Total world power generation demand is projected to grow from 18,920 TWh in 2006 to 24,980 TWh in 2015, with: • Coal-fired power stations increasing their share in total generation from 40% in 2006 to 44% in 2015 • Gas-fired generation dropping marginally from 20% to 19% in 2015, as a result of higher prices • Oil use in power generation continuing to decline, from 6% to 4% • Nuclear power suffering a fall in market share, from 15% to 13% in 2015 • Conversely renewable generation (including hydro) is expected to rise from 18% in 2006 to 20% in 2015 New coal fired power plants worldwide are being built to operate at 'supercritical' and 'ultra-supercritical' conditions of temperature and pressure, increasing electricity generation efficiency to 40-50% and higher. China has engaged on an aggressive strategy of increasing power generating capacity. It has already added over 100 GW of coal-fired plant in 2006 alone. The first 1,000 MW supercritical plant came online in November 2006 in line with the government's aim of phasing out small, inefficient coal plant. Environmental drivers The following sections provide an introduction to each of the major energy conversion processes, the associated supporting technologies and trends in electricity generation of following main power generating technologies: • Coal-fired technology • Gas-fired technology • Nuclear technology Emissions Globally, standards on emissions continue to tighten leading to: • Installation and retrofit of established pollution-control technologies to address sulphur and nitrous oxides (SOx and NOx) and particulate-matter emissions • Installation and retrofit of FGD (flue gas desulphurisation) • Precipitator upgrades on coal plant to reduce ash Economic drivers Carbon capture Energy shortages • The IEA forecasts that global electricity demand will almost double over the next 25 years. On average, demand will grow by 3.2% pa in the period 2007 to 2015, slowing to an average of 2% from 2015 to 2030. In developing countries, it will grow three times as fast as in developed countries, tripling the installed capacity requirement in those countries by 2030. Emerging issues Emerging environmental drivers include: Obsolescence A significant amount of plant in Europe and America is due to be decommissioned in the next 10 years. The impact of the EU’s Large Combustion Plant Directive (LPCD) in conjunction with plans to phase out nuclear power in countries such as Germany, will give rise to a generation shortage, and replacement plant will have to be built in Chapter II: Thermal Power Generation A broad range of carbon capture technologies has been, and continues to be, developed to address environmental concerns surrounding coal-fired and gasfired plant emissions. -3- • Lack of cooling water for plants in countries with warm climates • The difficulty of obtaining planning permission to use river and sea water for cooling purposes • Mercury emissions, associated with FGD processes • Ash disposal, particularly for mature plants where the original lifetime-design capacity has been exceeded Coal-Fired Generation • Electricity generation outlook Coal Fired Net Electricity Generation The greatest increase in the demand for coal will be in the developing countries, especially in developing Asia, where reserves are large and low-cost. OECD coal use is likely to grow modestly. Electricity Generation (TWh) 5000 2006 4000 Coal processes 2015 Coal technologies are continuously being developed to improve efficiency and meet environmental challenges. The efficiency of the current generation of PC units has steadily improved and today ranges between 30% and 45% depending on the quality of coal used, ambient conditions and the back-end cooling employed. The various technologies currently available or undergoing development are listed below. 3000 2000 Pulverised coal combustion (PC) 1000 In PC plant, the coal is first milled to a fine powder to increase the surface area and thus allow a quicker, more even burn. The pulverised fuel is blown into the combustion chamber of a boiler where it is burnt at high temperature. Steam is produced in a water tube boiler to drive a steam turbine driven generator. Afric a Middle East Region Latin Americ a Other As ia India China Russ ia Eastern Europe OEC D Europe OECD As iaPacific United Stat es 0 Fluidised bed combustion Fluidised bed combustion (FBC) allows most combustible material to be burnt, including coal, biomass and general waste. FBC systems improve the environmental impact of coal-based electricity, reducing SOx and NOx emissions by up to 90%. Coal is burned in a reactor comprised of a bed (normally sand) through which air is fed to keep the fuel in a turbulent state. This improves combustion, heat transfer and recovery of waste products. Projections of future coal use are particularly sensitive to assumptions about future policies that might be adopted to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions. However, coal will continue to dominate the fuel mix in most regions, with its share increasing quickly in non-OECD regions, for the following reasons: • Coal is plentiful, widely distributed and likely to be available • Coal has consistently outperformed oil and gas on an equivalent-energy basis, and despite a potential cost of carbon, coal is likely to remain the most affordable fuel for power generation in many developing and industrialised countries for several decades • Coal is considered relatively affordable and has less price volatility compared to oil and gas • The use of indigenous reserves or the ability to access a well-provided and affordable international market can enhance a country's or region's energy security, and provide affordable, reliable power to drive economies and development The higher heat exchanger efficiencies and better mixing of FBC systems allows them to operate at lower temperatures than conventional PCC plant. In addition, by elevating pressures within a bed, a high-pressure gas stream can be used to drive a gas turbine, generating electricity. FBC systems fit into two groups, non-pressurised systems (FBC) and pressurised systems (PFBC), and two subgroups, circulating or bubbling fluidised bed. At present, the largest operating coal-fired FBC unit is 320 MW. The first supercritical CFBC unit (460 MW) is currently undergoing construction in Poland, and is scheduled to operate in the first half of 2009. Super- and ultra-supercritical combustion Supercritical (SC) and ultra-supercritical (USC) power plants operate at steam pressures above the critical point (22 MPa, 221 bar). Efficiencies are now up to Chapter II: Thermal Power Generation -4- Coal-Fired Generation (continued) 46% for supercritical and 50% for ultra-supercritical with resultant lower emissions than traditional coal-fired plant. More expensive materials are required to withstand the high temperatures and pressures; however the higher capital cost is balanced by the increased efficiency, which brings fuel cost savings. IGCC also uses 30-40% less water than a conventional plant and up to 90% of mercury emissions can be captured (and at a up to 10% lower cost than for a conventional plant). One of the main barriers to the widespread uptake of IGCC in the past has been capital cost. Further developments to improve efficiency and reliability and to reduce costs are ongoing. Only five coal fired 250 MW IGCC plants are in operation worldwide. Typical temperatures and pressures for different types of plant are: Coal mine methane Plant type Temperature (ºC) Sub-critical Coal mine methane (CMM), including coal bed methane (CBM), is a relatively large and undeveloped resource. Currently only a fraction of the CMM resource is recovered in a suitable form to be used for heat or power production. Worldwide, there are several power generation projects operating at coal mines. Pressure (bar) 538 167 Super-critical 540-566 250 Ultra-supercritical 580-620 270-285 Power production from CMM has been developing for more than a decade in countries such as Australia, Germany, Japan, the UK and the USA. In the past two years there have been rapid developments in CMM utilisation for power production in a number of markets, most notably China, but also in Poland and Ukraine. According to 2005 data, there are roughly fifty projects operating worldwide at abandoned and active coal mines, ranging in size from 150 kWe to 94 MWe and totalling more than 300 MWe. An important driver for CMM in developing countries is the Clean Development Mechanism - there are currently five registered CMM projects and likely to be many more. Supercritical technology has become the preferred technology for new plants in OECD countries and increasingly so in China. More than 240 super-critical units are in operation worldwide, including a number in developing countries. China currently has 22 supercritical units in operation, providing almost 14 GW of electricity generation. There are also 24 ultra-supercritical units operating worldwide, which achieve even higher efficiencies, with units in Denmark, Germany, Japan, the Netherlands, and USA. Temperatures and pressures above those of ultrasupercritical plant could potentially yield further efficiency improvements, however, new materials must be developed to handle such extreme operating conditions. Underground coal gasification (UCG) Where mining is no longer taking place, for economic or geological reasons, UCG permits exploitation of deposits by the controlled gasification of coal seams in situ. CO2 from the process can safely be returned to the gasified seam, resulting in zero emissions and very little ground disturbance. Feasibility studies and demonstrations are ongoing in the UK, Russia, China, South Africa and New Zealand, amongst others. Integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC) Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC) is another advanced technology which holds out a number of benefits for coal-fired power generation. Coal is not burnt to raise steam, as with conventional power plants, but instead reacted to form a synthesis gas of hydrogen and carbon monoxide. A gas turbine is used to generate electricity, with waste heat being used to raise steam for a secondary steam turbine. IGCC offers efficiencies up to 50%, with a potential of 56% in the future – significantly improving the environmental performance of coal. Development of new coal technologies Technologies that aim to meet coal's environmental challenges are collectively referred to as Clean Coal Technologies (CCTs). The IEA defines CCTs as those which facilitate the use of coal in an environmentally satisfactory and economically viable way. Pollutant emissions are reduced compared to advanced conventional technologies by up to: • 33% less NOx • 75% less SOx The environmental challenges can be summarised as: • almost no particulate emissions • Chapter II: Thermal Power Generation -5- Improving combustion technologies to increase efficiency and reduce emissions Coal-Fired Generation (continued) Reducing CO2 emissions with the development of carbon capture and storage • Eliminating emissions of particulates, NOx and SOx will increase to 41%, as the new coal fired plants that being built to replace the existing ones are expected to be far more efficient. The following diagram illustrates recent and expected improvements in generation efficiency (%) and reductions in emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2 g/kWh) for coalfired plant. Various technologies including some of those described above are undergoing development in order to provide an environmentally satisfactory method of using coal as a basic fuel for power production in new plants, including: Supercritical coal-fired plant along with flue gas cleaning units • Fluidised bed combustion mainly with subcritical steam turbines, together with sorbent injection for SO2 reduction and particulates removal from flue gases • Combined cycle pressurised fluidised bed combustion (PFBC) (using both gas and steam turbines) with bubbling bed boilers, uses sorbent injection for SO2 reduction and particulate removal from flue gases • • Efficiency and CO2 Emissions 1200 55 1100 50 Efficiency % • Integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC), where the syngas stream is cleaned of H2S and particulates before combustion and expansion of the combustion products through the turbine Combined heat and power (CHP) applications where the (subcritical) steam turbine is designed to produce both power and useful heat for process or district heating 1000 45 900 40 800 700 35 600 30 500 400 25 300 200 20 1950 A particularly relevant development is Carbon capture and storage (CSS). CCS is the process of removing CO2 from flue gases and storing it safely, for example into deep saline aquifers, expired oil and gas reservoirs or using it for enhanced oil recovery. CCS is discussed further at the end of Chapter II. CO2 Emissions g/kWh • 1970 1990 2010 2030 Year Technology Progression Improvements in efficiency Although significant progress has been made in clean coal technologies in the last decade, considerable challenges remain in exploiting the remaining potential, particularly for low-grade coals. Considerable research is under way to, for example, overcome fouling problems in gasification and combustion with high ash coals and to develop cheaper and more efficient drying systems for high-moisture coals. Subcritical Ultra-supercritical The higher efficiencies are only achievable with the use of more complex technology such as super-critical plant. However, the payback on the investment is two-fold, and the market place will likely pursue the more complex technology to meet environmental demands and be financially viable. The IEA estimates that the average efficiency of coal fired generation will increase from 34% in 2006 to 36% in 2015 and to 38% in 2030. In OECD countries, efficiency Chapter II: Thermal Power Generation Supercritical, IGCC -6- Gas-Fired Generation Electricity generation outlook Technology • Gas Fired Net Electricity Generation Electricity G eneration (TWh) 1000 • 2006 2015 800 600 • 400 200 Af rica Middle East Latin America Other As ia Region India China Russia Eas tern Europe OEC D Europe OECD As iaPacif ic United St ates 0 • Natural gas continues to be the first choice energy source for new power generation plants in developed countries; however the total amount of electricity generated from natural gas will still be around half that of coal in 2015. Detailed trends include the following: • • • • • • 1 At the end of 2008, gas’s share of the UK electricity generation mix reached 50% 1 for the first time . Gas demand is increasing fastest in developing countries; the biggest regional increase is in the Middle East, where gas resources are extensive. Although natural gas is more environment-friendly than coal, its volatile price and availability are likely to affect its future use in new power plant. New combined-cycle gas turbine plants are projected to absorb over half of the increase in gas demand. The share of natural gas in the power generation fuel mix is falling as a result of higher gas prices. In the EU, there is more gas-fired capacity under construction than coal due to tightening CO2 regulations and the value of the flexibility of gas. • Developments • • • Chapter II: Thermal Power Generation Gas-fired generating plants are very efficient at converting primary energy into electricity and are cheap to build compared with coal and nuclear power plants. A gas turbine extracts energy from a flow of hot gas produced by combustion of gas in a stream of compressed air. Combined cycle gas turbine (CCGT) use waste heat from the gas turbine process to boil steam to drive a steam turbine. These plants offer efficiencies of up to 60%. Most new gas power plants in North America and Europe are CCGTs. Combined cycle plant has matured over the last twenty years and a number of major suppliers of the key plant gas turbine plant have emerged including Siemens, Alstom (including ABB), GE and Mitsubishi. The steam (the combination) cycle turbines and the associated heat recovery from the gas turbine’s exhaust gas using Heat Recovery Steam Generator (HRSG) are often supplied by others. Gas turbines can also be used in the simple/open cycle mode (OCGTs). However, this is a less efficient mode of operation, and is usually part of a phased approach to introducing a full combined cycle configuration which provides considerably higher energy conversion efficiency. Natural-gas-fired combined-cycle capacity is an attractive choice for new power plants because of its fuel efficiency, operating flexibility, relatively short construction times (2-3 years compared to the 4-6 years that coal-fired and nuclear power plants typically require), and because investment costs are lower than those for other technologies per installed MW. Smaller gas-fired generating units based on aero-derivative gas turbine technology, such as the Rolls Royce RB211 turbines, are not considered in this report. -7- Gas fired power plants are expected to be increasingly used for mid-merit order and peak load, replacing oil to some extent. A wave of construction of LNG plant is currently under way, which is expected to double liquefaction and shipping capacity by 2010. LNG is generally the cheapest method transporting gas for distances in excess of about 4000 kilometres, even where it is technically feasible to build a pipeline LNG accounts for over 80% of the increase in total inter-regional gas trading. Nuclear Nuclear power plants: New-builds and plans Electricity generation outlook Country Nuclear Net Electricity Generation 2007 data Electricity Generation (TWh) 1000 Argentina 2006 800 2015 Brazil Bulgaria Canada China Finland France 600 400 200 Africa Middle East Latin America Other Asia Region India China Russia Eastern Europe OECD Europe OECD AsiaPacific United States 0 • Nuclear power supply worldwide is projected to grow from 2,793 TWh in 2006 to 3,134 TWh in 2015. Installed capacity increased from 368 GW in 2006, and rose to 372 GW in 2007 and is expected to rise to almost 400 GW in 2015. The most significant increases will occur in China, Japan, India, Russia, the United States and Korea. • Approximately 62 reactors are being built, or are at conceptual design stage. The IEA estimates that 31 GW of nuclear power are under construction worldwide. • If existing policies continue unchanged, nuclear capacity in OECD Europe is expected to decrease by 15 GW over the projected period, largely due to phaseout policies in Germany, Sweden and Belgium, which result in the closure of all nuclear power plants in these three countries before 2030. • Under construction 2007 data 2008 update 1 1 1 2 8 2 10 1 1 18 1 1 26 2 1 7 53 2 1 India Iran Italy Japan Lithuania Pakistan Romania 4 1 8 1 4 1 3 3 1 1 2 11 1 2 Russia Slovakia South Africa South Korea Switzerland Taiwan 6 9 2 1 6 Ukraine United Kingdom USA TOTAL 1 6 2 1 3 9 1 2 1 17 14 28 2 1 28 2 3 6 34 144 8 35 174 2 2 35 1 62 Planned shutdowns: United Kingdom 4, Germany 17, Lithuania 1, Slovakia 1 Vendors The major nuclear vendors are: The following projections for plant which will be commissioned in 2015 are from a survey produced by Germany’s VGB Power Tech organisation. The numbers for plants under construction and plants in planning has changed dramatically between the 2007 report and the 2008 report. The large change in acceptance of nuclear as an alternative to coal-fired is mostly due to its almost zero carbon emissions, making it acceptable to most political persuasions and many previously anti-nuclear pressure groups. Chapter II: Thermal Power Generation 2008 update Planned -8- • AREVA (France) • Westinghouse (USA) now owned by Toshiba • General Electric (USA) now in a joint venture with Hitachi • AECL (Canada) • ASE (AtomStroExport) and TPE (TechnoPromExport) both from Russia Nuclear (continued) The first four vendors have made submissions for approval to the UK’s Generic Design Assessment (GDA) being carried out by the Nuclear Installations Inspectorate of the HSE. A number of countries are already in negotiation for these new designs. In the US, orders are already being taken for long order items such as the pressure vessels, for which there is currently limited capacity in the world. In 2008, AECL withdrew from the UK’s GDA process to allow it to concentrate on Canada’s domestic new generation building programme. Russian companies’ reputation is still recovering following the Chernobyl accident in 1987 and therefore they have a more limited promotion of designs. All the vendors have stated that they expect to partner with major EPCs (engineering, procurement and construction contractor). AECL states that SNC Lavalin will carry out this role with it and GE states that it currently has two preferred EPCs: Washington Group/Black and Veatch and Zachary. AREVA has recently signed a joint venture with Bechtel to develop a new version of its reactor. The construction element is important to the vendors as they wish to have a dedicated workforce available to ensure firmer pricing for the installations. All the vendors are keen to put forward a message that local labour content will be high, particularly as the projects develop from single units to multi-unit plant. This may be a marketing strategy to gain political approval, but it is likely to be required to actually manage the gaps in the supply chain. It help the buying countries balance of payments, however, there must be opportunities to support these ’internal’ companies get up to speed with the technical and quality demands of the vendor. Each of the new designs has a modular design philosophy. This will improve build quality and allow much of the plant to be factory-built, and delivered to site as modules, thus speeding up the site construction activities. The fact that these modules are well-defined packages means that the vendors are able to sub-contract the manufacture. For instance in the nuclear island (the reactor block), Westinghouse has defined 350 modules, and AECL, 185. In common with the rest of the industry, the nuclear vendors have stated that they will require additional suppliers for forgings and castings as current suppliers are already seeing their order books over-booked. Currently in the UK, the vendors are either buying companies who understand the nuclear regulator’s working arrangements, or recruiting senior personnel who have been responsible for power plant safety cases. Marketing reactors to other countries will also require vendors to go through this process, and at least take on consultants to provide an independent view of how their design satisfies other countries’ safety standards. Key areas of activity • AECL are currently active in Canada, Romania, Argentina and Korea. • Areva is actively marketing its design to the UK, South Africa and the Middle East. They expect to receive orders for more than 30 plants before 2020 and build 4 to 6 reactors in the UK. • GE / Hitachi appear to concentrating on the US, with serious negotiations in place with three utilities, and also in Japan. • Westinghouse has the broadest marketing activities with plant already being built in China, a US order almost firmed-up and on-going negotiations with a number of other countries. • Russia is promoting their designs to Turkey and India. Decommissioning Associated with the debate for new nuclear build, the nuclear industry has been concentrating on decommissioning. This has moved forward considerably in the last few years. The supply chain in Scotland has repositioned itself somewhat to satisfy the needs of the UK’s Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA). There is an accepted shortage of nuclear-experienced engineers, and this report also reviews the impact that the decommissioning projects have on the availability of resources to service the new (nuclear) build opportunities. In general, the drive to accelerate the decommissioning projects will support the case for new nuclear build, and many companies see this as a way to gain the most appropriate experience for new-build projects, and develop the skills of their workforces. Thus there are synergies between the decommissioning supply chain and the chain which it is anticipated will develop for new-build. The majority of the nuclear decommissioning opportunities are discussed in Appendix 5 as this is area calls on different capabilities to those required for new-build, albeit that some of the baseline technical knowledge is common. Nuclear new build In March 2008 the UK’s Nuclear Industry Association (NIA) ran an event called ‘Meet the Vendors’. This was for the mutual benefit of its members, many of whom have aspirations to be suppliers to these companies if they are selected as vendors for new-build in the UK. It was also for the benefit of the vendors who need to establish a supply chain within the UK. At the event the vendors actually stated that they were looking for suppliers for international projects. Competition is not cut-throat between these companies as they are all expect a large market to develop over the next couple of years, and no one of these companies will be able to service that market on their own. Some of the companies already share suppliers. Chapter II: Thermal Power Generation -9- Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) The figure below illustrates these 3 types of CO2 capture options: Background The IEA estimates that 69% of all CO2 emissions are energy-related. Its projections are that CO2 emissions attributable to the energy sector will increase by 130% by 2050 in the absence of new policies or supply constraints, largely as a result of increased fossil fuel usage. Reducing emissions, whilst increasing capacity, will take an energy technology revolution involving increased energy efficiency, increased use of renewable energy and nuclear power, and the decarbonisation of the by-products of power generation derived from fossil fuels, the latter of which is the subject of this section. CO2 capture processes 3 CCS is the process of removing CO2 from flue gases and injecting it underground, for example into deep saline aquifers, expired oil and gas reservoirs or using it for enhanced oil recovery. This year, G8 countries endorsed the IEA’s recommendation that 20 large-scale CCS demonstration projects need to be committed by 2010, with a view to beginning broad deployment by 2020. During 2008, the profile of CCS grew 1 enormously. The IEA published its CCS – A key carbon abatement option report and a number of working groups and journals such as Carbon Capture Journal 2 have appeared. Capture, transport and storage There following table describes key types of technologies for CO2 capture system: Method Description Post-combustion CO2is removed after combustion of the fossil fuel. The fuel is combusted in air and the resulting CO2is scrubbed, absorbed, or otherwise captured from the flue gas. This scheme can be retro-fitted to existing power plants. Pre-combustion The fuel is de-carbonised via gasification, pyrolysis, or reforming prior to combustion. The synthesis gas (syngas) from de-carbonisation is primarily a mixture of CO2and hydrogen. The CO2is captured from the syngas before the hydrogen is combusted. Oxyfuel combustion The fuel is burned in oxygen instead of air (oxy-firing). The flue gas consists of mainly CO2 and water vapour, which is condensed through cooling. The result is an almost pure carbon dioxide stream that can be transported and stored. The initial extraction of oxygen from air demands a considerable energy input. 1 2 To transport small amounts of CO2 (less than a few million tonnes per year), or for transportation over larger distances overseas, shipping is the most economically feasible option. Pipelines are the preferred option for transporting larger quantities for distances up to 1,000 km. Storage of CO2 in deep onshore or offshore geological formations, such as oil and gas fields, saline formations, un-mineable coal beds, uses much of the same technology that has been developed by the oil and gas industry. Storage has been proven to be economically feasible under specific conditions for oil and gas fields and saline formations, but not yet for storage in un-mineable coal beds. A number of research and development projects worldwide are exploring the issues and opportunities, and demonstration plants are expected to be in operation from 2009 onwards. The most appropriate technology for individual CCS applications depends on the power plant and its fuel characteristics. For existing plant which will require retro-fitting of equipment, post combustion capture based on chemical Available from Available on-line at Chapter II: Thermal Power Generation 3 - 10 - Original Source IPCC 2005, extracted from IEA Report: CO2 Capture and Storage report (2008) pg 47 Carbon Capture and Storage (continued) absorption is the technology of choice. Pre-combustion capture based on physical absorption would be the preferred option for coal fired integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC) plants. Carbon capture readiness (CCR) There has been much discussion on what CCR means. DECC’s consultation document 2 entitled ‘Towards Carbon Capture and Storage’ provides a useful definition of CCR. ‘CCR is the process of designing or building new combustion plant so that it can be retrofitted with carbon capture technology and linked via appropriate transport routes to long term storage once the technology becomes technically and economically viable.’ Obstacles CO2 capture and storage really only makes sense for highly efficient plants; the capture and transportation processes are energy-intensive, reducing overall plant efficiency and adding considerable capital cost. Typical loss in plant efficiency is 6 to 12%. The IEA estimates that: • Therefore CCR is linked to four factors: • suitable space on the installation site for the equipment necessary to capture and compress CO2 Capture and storage from coal fired power plants will typically cost USD50 per tonne CO2mitigated, once the technology has matured. However, today’s costs are about twice as high as this. • assessments of the availability of suitable storage sites Total electricity generation costs including CCS are about 75% to 100% higher than for conventional steam cycles without CCS. This may reduce to 30% to 50% in the longer term. • suitable transport facilities • the technical feasibility of retrofitting for CO2 capture • In terms of cost per tonne of CO2 captured, costs are USD40-55/t for coal-fired plants, and USD50-90/t for gas-fired plants. • In terms of cost per tonne of CO2abated, the figures for coal-fired plants in 2010 are around USD60-75, dropping to USD50-65/t CO2by 2030; and for gas-fired plants, USD60-110 in 2010, dropping to USD55-90 by 2030. This supports the assessment made in an earlier IEA report from 2007 referenced by DECC, but not readily available. The definition lists 19 existing plant items which would need to be modified to address a post- combustion capture process such as amine scrubbing, including many power station common plant areas such as water treatment, cooling water, waste water and fire protection systems. • OECD Coal-fired Power Plant Investment Cost with Carbon Capture 1 without carbon capture For additional information, the reader is referred to the Sustainability sub-section within Chapter IV, in particular to the discussion on the need to ‘future-proof’ designs for all future changes in operational demands. with carbon capture Subcritical PC CCS demonstration projects Supercritical PC The main challenge for CCS is to lower costs and demonstrate reliable operation. The addition of CCS equipment to a power plant will significantly increase the capital cost, not least because the overall thermal efficiency is lower. Ultra-supercritical PC CFBC A number of competitions are being held round the world to simulate development and deployment of CCS as quickly as possible. In the UK, a competition funded by DECC is currently underway. ‘The project should demonstrate post-combustion CCS on a coal-fired power station, with CO2 stored offshore. The government will consider a phased approach to the project as long as the full CCS chain is demonstrated by 2014, and the project captures around 90% of the CO2 emitted by IGCC 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 USD (2006) per KW 1 Table adapted from Table 13.9, paged 365, World Energy Outlook 2007, International Energy Agency (IEA). Original Sources: IEA and EPRI databases; IEA (2006) Energy Technology Perspectives, OECD/IEA, Paris; MIT (2007), The Future of Coal – Options for a Carbon Constrained World, March, MIT, Cambridge. Chapter II: Thermal Power Generation 2 - 11 - Carbon Capture and Storage (continued) the equivalent of 300 MW generating capacity as soon as possible thereafter 1 . A decision has been taken to only consider post-combustion capture, as only this method could be retrofitted to existing plant. Hydrogen Energy’s decarbonised fuel (DF) projects Hydrogen Energy is a joint venture between BP and Rio Tinto, after Rio Tinto bought into the earlier work done by the then BP Alternative Energy. It is likely that 5 Hydrogen Energy’s well documented DF-4 / HPAD (Hydrogen Power Abu Dhabi) project will proceed. The European Commission has recently proposed legislation to encourage CCS, by helping fund up to 12 demonstration plants and by providing a legal and regulatory 2 framework to make geological storage of CO2 possible . This project will separate natural gas via a reformer into a synthetic gas (syngas) which is then scrubbed to remove the CO2 to leave pure hydrogen for combustion in a gas turbine. Another Hydrogen Energy project, DF-2 in California, if it proceeds, would use oil-coke rather than gas, thus the interest by Rio Tinto as it will have future possibilities with mined coal. The process is generally as the IGCC process described earlier. DF-1 was the Peterhead project which would have used the Miller field for enhanced oil recovery (EOR). The IEA expect that CCS technology will be mature by 2020 following the implementation of at least 20 full-scale CCS projects. Several industrial-size demonstration CCS projects have been announced in Europe, North America, Australia and the Middle East. A total of 28 coal and gas fired demonstration projects are proposed worldwide. The UK’s carbon capture competition Up to 1.7 million tonnes of CO2 per year will be injected into the (DF-4) HPAD oil field, replacing natural gas which was previously injected to maintain pressure and provide EOR. The natural gas will also be recovered. The project requires total capital investment (excluding CO2 transportation and storage) of about $2B. Currently a Front End Engineering and Design (FEED) process is being completed. If a decision to proceed can be made at the end of 2009, the plant could be in commercial operation in early 2013. 3 The competition announced in 2007, by the then DTi, is for a demonstration plant capturing the carbon dioxide from a 300~400 MW generating unit. The government will provide funding in the order of £100M. The competition has now reached the shortlist stage. Only parties offering post-combustion capture are being considered, as it is considered that this is where the greatest need is. It is also considered that there will be considerable opportunities for British companies to export the technology, once it has been proven. The view that there will be export opportunities 4 is supported by the Royal Society. The short list consists of: • ScottishPower Generation, in partnership with Marathon proposes to capture half a unit’s worth of CO2 emissions from a unit at Longannet Power Station. This would capture the CO2 for the equivalent of a 300 MW generating unit. Aker Clean Coal and Aker Solutions are also partners in the bid. • E.ON has proposed CCS at its new Kingsnorth station – this is described in more detail in the Appendix 4 case study. • The third shortlisted entrant was Peel Energy’s proposals for a new 400 MW supercritical plant. Peel Energy and Denmarks’s Dong Energy had set up a joint venture company, Peel Energy CCS Ltd., however, as this is being written, RWE has made a major investment in Peel Energy’s CCS business, thus all three major UK generators are now actively involved in developing CCS solutions. FutureGen In the United States, the Department of Energy’s National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) issued a funding opportunity announcement (FAO) in June (2008). This is a restructured version of a programme initiated originally in 2003. Similarly to the UK competition, and the Hydrogen Energy projects, this programme is well reported 6 . The website includes links to the funding announcement. The announcement refers to IGCC or ‘other advanced clean coal-based generation technology with CCS’. The announcement also states that $290M funding will be available in 2009, with $1000 in subsequent years. Currently the most reported submission is for a plant at Mattoon, Coles County, Illinois, with a target capture rate greater than 81%. Overleaf is a selection of the other major CCS projects currently in planning or underway. The winner will not be announced until the end of 2009. It is hoped to have a plant running by 2014. 1 3 4 2 Chapter II: Thermal Power Generation 5 6 - 12 - Carbon Capture and Storage (continued) Major CCS projects currently in planning or underway Developer MW Year Remarks SaskPower (Canada) GreenGen (China) Dynamis (Europe) RWE (Germany) 300 2012 250 2018 250 2012 400 to 450 250 2014 Lignite with post-combustion capture or oxy-fuel technology, will capture approximately 8,000 t CO2/d. 250 MW IGCC plant by 2009, with scale-up in 2012 and full integration with CCS by 2018. Large scale power generation using advanced power cycles with hydrogen-fuelled gas turbines. IGCC technology; CO2 will be stored in a depleted gas reservoir or saline aquifer. Progressive Energy (UK) 800 2011 Powerfuel (UK) 900 Post2012 E.ON (UK) 450 Post2012 E.ON (UK) 2x 800 1000 2015 500 2011 Vattenfall (Germany) RWE nPower (UK) Carson Project (USA) Dong Energy FutureGen (USA) 2020 2016 2005 275 2012 2017 increasing amounts of environmental clean-up equipment, in which the traditional power plant components are becoming ‘lost’ in the new process plant. This trend is likely to continue as power plant owners install more of such equipment. Thus it might be surmised that much of the supply chain opportunity in retrofit work will be for process plant oriented items associated with technologies such as carbon capture rather than traditional power station plant components. Regarding Scottish expertise in CCS, Doosan Babcock has been heavily involved in carbon capture initiatives and is actively involved in a number of new and retrofit projects which may include carbon capture. Babcock’s Dr Mike Farley is a member of DECC’s Advisory Committee on Carbon Abatement Technology (ACCAT), and makes regular presentations 1 on this topic. At the University of Edinburgh, the Scottish Centre for Carbon Storage (SCCS) is a leading player in the CCS debate. The Scottish Government are contributing to the CCS debate both directly, and via the DECC consultation discussed earlier. 30 MW CCS pilot plant now operational, RandD platform for development of a larger commercial-scale plant; 1,000 MW by 2020. Use IGCC and capture 5mt of CO2/yr to be used for EOR in the central North Sea. The project will be able to operate on coal or petroleum coke, with the possibility of including biomass. IGCC CCS project is to be located at the Hatfield Colliery (South Yorkshire), closed in 2004 and due to reopen by end-2007. IGCC project will be co-located with E.ON’s existing gasfired power plant in Killingholme. The first phase of the project would be the construction of the power plant, with CCS being added in a second phase. Two new 800 MW supercritical units at its Kingsnorth power station. Investigate supercritical technology combined with postcombustion CCS at Tilbury. This is the largest of all the proposed CCS projects to date. Will use a gasifier to convert petroleum coke to H2 and CO2, and then use the hydrogen as a fuel for a 500 MW power station and store up to 5 Mt CO2/yr deep underground. Esbjerg, Denmark (Castor project) The non-carbon emissions issues This short section has been included to ensure that the reader does not associate carbon capture with tackling all the emissions issues. In the UK, sulphur dioxide emissions have generally been addressed with retrofitting flue gas desulphurisation (FGD) plant, or with plans to install it along with new plant. There is still a sizeable opportunity for retrofit to plant outwith the EU and North America. These plants can add 7-15% 2 to the capital cost of a plant. Nitrous oxides (NOx) emissions remain an issue requiring separate technology. Various improved burner designs have been developed, along with over-fire air additions, such as the boosted over fire scheme installed at ScottishPower’s Longannet Power Station. Selective catalytic reduction (SCR) provides 80-95% reduction in NOx emissions, however, at a further additional cost of 4-8% 3 capital cost. The EU Industrial Emissions Directive (IED), which is expected to come into force before 2020, will put further pressure on the plant operators, and suppliers are likely to be asked to take this into consideration within any designs offered in the short term. This falls outwith the 2015 window being considered in this report. The IEA’s Clean Coal Centre website provides detailed descriptions of the various technologies available. 4 IGCC to produce electricity and hydrogen as well as CCS. The project is a partnership between the US DOE and industry. CCS skills in Scotland 1 At a recent Industrial and Power Association (IPA) lecture, ScottishPower's CCS Programme Manager, Steven Marshall, commented that since the late 1980's much of the investment in existing power plant has been focussed on dealing with the environmental challenges arising from fossil fuel use. This has meant that power stations have evolved from plants comprising only a power island to plants with Chapter II: Thermal Power Generation Mike Farley presentation to the 2008 All Energy conference in Aberdeen 2 The Word Bank’s International Finance Corporation’ Title /EHS_Draft_ThermalPowerPlants/$FILE/Draft++THERMAL+POWER+PLANTS+March_11_08.pdf 3 As above 4 - 13 - New-Build Timescales 2015 projects. From the chart we can see that gas (CCGT) and coal fit well within the 9 year lead time for 2015, however IGCC and carbon capture and the other measures which are not the subject of this study, are likely to take longer to be developed to a stage of repeat orders. It is thus proposed that these technologies be considered in less depth at this stage, but should be reviewed again in the near future. Timescales for deployment At this stage in the report, it is worth reviewing the generation technologies which are likely to be dominant at the 2015 date – this date has been taken as the commissioning date which will provide supply opportunities in the intervening (lead time) period to build these plants. A number of innovative areas of technology have been mentioned; however, not all of these will become mature and provide a steady stream of sustainable supply chain opportunity by the 2015 date. UK perspective ScottishPower 2 has made an estimate of the total spend on power plant upgrades and new build in the UK before 2025; this is illustrated in the graph below. The estimated spend in the UK before 2025 could be as high as £75 billion, however this figure includes a projected spend of £30 billion on renewable. Retrofit and new build CCGT and coal plant will be required prior to 2015 to meet the energy gap forecast by many due to the impact of closures due to the Large Combustion Plant Directive. An estimate for the time to deploy 5GW of each of the various technologies has been developed by Mott MacDonald. It was intended to communicate a broad view as to how long it would take to create scale in a given technology, taking into account development, planning permission and multiple project deployment, and assumes 1 that finance and political will support these technologies. The following chart shows their predictions. For example, it is estimated that if five developers within the UK each announced plans today to build a 1 GW supercritical coal fired power station, it would be at least 8 years before all of those stations were built. Power plant upgrade and new build spend in the UK before 2025 35 Timescales: years from today for 5 GW to be installed Gas 30 GW 25 £ Billion Nuclear 20 Coal Supercritical 15 Coal Subcritical Coal IGCC 10 Carbon Capture and Storage 5 Biomass 0 Major transmission Retrofit (FGD & SCR) 0 2 4 Y6ears 8 10 12 14 Renewables Scottish and Southern Energy’s (SSE) most recent half yearly results 3 detail its investment programme for coal-fired and gas-fired plant. SSE identifies CCGT technology remaining as the ’benchmark technology for some years to come, and SSE has identified a series of options for additional CCGT plant’. 2 3 As presented at Power Scotland 2008, seminar organised by the Industrial and Power Association Chapter II: Thermal Power Generation New build (nuclear) 16 The timescale includes the application and planning process, in addition to the contracting, construction and commissioning time. There are huge uncertainties in such estimates, and Mott MacDonald considers these to be educated guesses for the purpose of framing policy than engineering targets. However they provide a useful ‘weighting’ as to where the bulk of the business is likely to be in the lead-in to 1 New build (CCGT & coal) - 14 - Martin Sedgwick, Head of Asset management, IET Power Generation Control seminar, Birmingham 1/12/08 III GLOBAL ENERGY TRENDS Long term primary energy demand Electricity generation mix Primary energy demand has increased by more than 50% since 1980. Fossil fuels account for more than 80% of the world’s primary energy mix. Demand grows more slowly in the 2008 forecasts compared to 2007 forecasts due to higher energy prices and slower economic growth due to the global financial crisis. • Coal will continue to dominate the fuel mix in most regions, though its share increases in non-OECD regions and falls in the OECD regions. • Relatively high world oil price have encouraged the shift from oil-fired generation to natural gas and coal. In their 2008 World Energy Outlook Report, the IEA forecasts the following growth for the period 2006 to 2030: • In addition, high oil prices in combination with concerns about the environmental consequences of greenhouse gas emissions are raising renewed interest in nuclear power and renewable energy sources as alternatives to the use of coal and natural gas for electric power generation. • Projections of future coal use are particularly sensitive to future policies that might be adopted to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions. Electricity use will almost double between 2007 and 2030, with its share of final energy consumption rising from 16% to 24.9%. Some $26.3 trillion of investment in supply infrastructure is needed to meet projected global demand. The power sector will account for $13.6 trillion or 52% of this total. Just over half the projected global energy investment is simply to maintain the current level of supply capacity, as much of the current production capacity will need to be replaced by 2030. • 4000 3000 2000 1000 Africa Middle East Latin America Other Asia India China Russia Region Forecast Electricity Generation Mix, 2015 Global power generation is projected to grow from 18,921 TWh in 2006 to 24,975 TWh in 2015. Oil 1,046 GW Coal 11,110 GW Renewable 4,969 GW On average, electricity demand is projected to grow by 3.2 % per year worldwide between 2007 and 2015. In developing countries, it grows three times as fast as in the OECD, India and China experience the fastest rates of demand growth. Nuclear 3,134 GW Gas 4,725 GW Chapter III: Global Energy Trends 2015 0 Electricity demand • 2006 5000 Eastern Europe • In the reference scenarios, over 70% of the growth in energy demand will come from developing countries, where populations and economies are growing considerably faster than in the OECD nations. China alone will account for some 30% of increased energy demand. The combined power-generation and heat sector absorbs a growing share of global energy demand over the projection period, rising from 38% to 42% in 2030. OECD Europe • Total Net Electricity Generation 6000 OECD AsiaPacific • An alternative policy scenario that considers the impact of additional measures to address energy-security and climate-change concerns, global primary energy demand grows by 1.3% per year over 2006-2030, resulting in an 11% saving in 2030 compared to the baseline scenario. United States • World primary energy demand will grow by more than 45% between 2006 and 2030, at an average annual rate of 1.8%, assuming that there are no new energy-policy interventions by governments. Electricity Generation (TWh) • - 15 - Increase in Installed Capacity and Capacity Additions A diagram to illustrate the forecast increase in installed generating capacity worldwide between 2007 and 2015 can be found on the following page. Total installed capacity In the IEA reference scenario (2008), total installed power-generation capacity worldwide is projected to rise from 4,344 GW in 2006 to 5,697 GW in 2015, an increase of 1,353 GW. The EIA (2008) estimates the rise to be (from 3,889 GW in 2005) to 5,189GW in 2015. The difference of 508 GW between the estimates demonstrates varying and uncertain nature between various forecasts. Capacity additions The IEA estimate that over the forecast period (2007-2015), total capacity additions, including replacement and expansion, will be 1,690GW. These additions average 190GW pa. Therefore if the forecast increase in total installed capacity worldwide 1,353 GW, it could be supposed that over 300GW of current capacity worldwide are due to come off line by 2015. The majority of the forecasts in graphs and pie-charts in this chapter only present the increase in total installed capacity; they do not represent the total new-build (additional capacity) being built. The more conservative IEA data (for the projected increase in capacity) has been used for the majority of the forecasts. However, for the United States, EIA (the responsible U.S government body) data is presented, as the IEA projections notably surpassed the EIA’s high growth scenario. The IEA estimates that investment in the power sector (including renewables) over 2007-2015 will be around $5 trillion (2007 present value). Over $2 trillion will be required for power generation, while the remainder will be for distribution and transmission networks. Significant existing capacity is expected to be decommissioned and replaced throughout the world in the next 10 years. Therefore, the forecasts for (wholly) newbuild capacity are expected to be higher than the forecasts for increases in installed capacity. Future levels of generating capacity will depend on how much of this existing plant is retired from service and how much new plant is built. Projected capacity additions and investment in power infrastructure Capacity Additions (GW) Over 600GW of power generation capacity is currently under construction around the world, and expected to be operational by 2015. Three quarters of this new capacity is being built outside the OECD. Capacity under construction (GW) Power- generation capacity under construction worldwide 1 200 154 GW 278 656 North America 379 121 260 OECD Europe 221 457 93 281 78 146 65 115 1,177 1,215 589 1,285 Eastern Europe 137 180 55 183 Asia 781 794 433 894 574 521 296 612 78 59 32 67 Middle East Africa Latin America 50 World 59 59 28 58 121 123 41 84 1,691 2,197 867 1,941 0 Coal Gas Oil Nuclear Hydro Wind Other Renewables 1 Original Source: Platt’s World Electric Power Plants database, January 2008, adapted from IEA World Energy Outlook 2008. Note: includes power plants considered as ‘under construction’ in 2007 Chapter III: Global Energy Trends 2 - 16 - Distribution 982 China 460 GW Transmission 215 150 100 Power Generation 514 NON-OECD Total =613 GW Non-OECD OECD Investment, 2007-2015 ($2007, billion) OECD OECD Asia-Pacific 250 2 Extracted from IEA World Energy Outlook 2008 p151 Forecast Increase in Installed Generating Capacity Worldwide, 2007 – 2015 Data Sourced from: World Energy Outlook 2008 (IEA) NOTE 1: The forecasts only present the increase in installed capacity; they do not represent the total new-build capacity. NOTE 2: The total generation represents all forecast generation including, oil fired generation, renewables and hydro generation. Chapter III: Global Energy Trends - 17 - Europe • OECD Europe Trends • Electricity generation is projected to grow slowly, as a result of the slow population growth and the already well-established electricity markets. • Europe has an ageing power generation portfolio and the political decisions to phase out nuclear power in countries such as Germany will give rise to a generation shortage. • • Electricity demand in OECD Europe is expected to rise from 3530 TWh in 2006 today to around 4,028 TWh in 2015. Net Electricity Generation in OECD Europe by Fuel Electricity G eneration (TWh) Coal Gas 1250 Nuclear Fuel Renewables Utilities and other investors have made plans for a significant number of newbuild projects due to the replacement demand for old power plants and the increase in electricity consumption in Europe. Country Size (MW) No. of Projects Germany 33,435 33 According to Platts and Greenpeace over 64 GW of coal plant are in planning. UK 8,700 8 • VGB 2 estimates replacement demand of around 300 GW by 2020 in the EU. Italy 5,890 6 Poland 3,526 5 According to VGB 3 , new-build projects with a joint capacity of roughly 186,700 MW have been announced, consisting of: Netherlands 6,200 5 • Hungary 1,600 2 Bulgaria 750 1 France 700 1 Greece 600 1 Austria 800 1 Slovakia 885 1 Oil 1000 750 • 83 GW of natural gas projects • 40 GW of lignite, hard coal and peat • 7.8 GW of new nuclear power plant Spain under construction in the Finland and Total France, and a further 4 GW of nuclear plant is being planned in Bulgaria, Romania and the Slovak Republic 500 250 0 2006 Planned Coal Power Plants in Europe 1 • 2015 1,200 1 64,286 65 In addition, output is being increased at existing plants. Planned new plant 3 Planned New Power Plant capacity in the EU (Announced from 2007 by 2016) The IEA estimates that 158 GW of installed capacity will be added from 2007 to 2015 in OECD Europe. These values do not reflect the total new-build as a large number of plants are due to be replaced in the next 15 years. Nuclear 7.8 GW Gas 82.7 G W Renewables 53.3 GW Forecast Capacity Increase in the OECD Europe, 2007 - 2015 Renewables 146 GW Coal 39.8 GW Coal 12 GW Oil 3.5 GW Gas 23 GW 1 2 3 Chapter III: Global Energy Trends - 18 - Greenpeace analysis of coal power plants, data from Platts, Power in Europe, issues 2006/07 Facts and Figures, Electricity Generation 2007, VGB PowerTech Facts and Figures, Electricity Generation 2008, VGB PowerTech Europe (continued) • The realisation of the proposed new-build projects will depend on future primary energy price trends and political conditions. • Natural gas is expected to be by far the fastest-growing fuel for electricity generation in OECD Europe, while high world oil prices and environmental concerns lead to decreases in the use of petroleum and coal. • generators opt-out of this obligation, the plant will have to close by the end of 2015 or after 20,000 hours of operation from 1 January 2008, whichever is the sooner. 2 • Renewable electricity generation (primarily non-hydropower) in OECD Europe is also projected to increase significantly over the next ten years. Currently 7 of the world’s 10 largest markets for wind-powered electricity generation are in Europe. Plants in the UK opting out of the LCPD Plant name United Kingdom • Great Britain currently has a total of about 80 GW of electricity generating capacity; National Grid forecasts that this will rise to about 110 GW by 2014/2015 1 . Capacity (GW) Increase in Generation Capacity for the UK 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 42.6 Sum of 2008/09 Capacity (GW) 32.3 Sum of 2014/15 Capacity (GW) 13.9 9.6 3.9 Coal Gas Hydro Nuclear Oil According to the above forecast, gas capacity will overtake that of coal by 2009/10 in the UK. • The total gas capacity will be made up of CCGT, OCGT, CHP and IGCC plants. • According to current timetables more than 6 GW of nuclear generation capacity will have closed by 2015. 1 RWE nPower 1.1 Cockenzie (coal) ScottishPower 1.2 Didcot (coal) RWE nPower 2.1 Ferrybridge (stack 2) (coal) SSE 1.0 Ironbridge (coal) E.ON 1.0 Kingsnorth (coal/oil) E.ON 2.0 Littlebrook (oil) RWE nPower 1.2 Fawley (oil) RWE nPower 1.0 Grain (oil) E.ON 1.4 TOTAL CAPACITY 12 • Potentially some of the plants listed above will have used up their 20,000 hr allocation by 2011/2012 rather than 2015. This is likely to increase the pressure on the current generating capacity, in so much as that derogations are likely to be pursued. • Some of the above plants are being replaced by new plants. For instance, Grain (B) CCGT plant will replace Grain (A) oil-fired plant shown above. • The LCPD requires large electricity generators, and other large industrial facilities, to meet stringent air quality standards from 1 January 2008. If 2 National Grid 2008 Seven Year Statement, May 2008 and August 2008 Update Chapter III: Global Energy Trends Tilbury (coal) New build Large combustion plants directive (LCPD) • Capacity (GW) The decision to close the plants is a commercial decision for the plant owners, and takes into account factors such as plant age and condition, the cost of retrofitting appropriate equipment and other environmental restrictions. Wind • Owner • 3.6 0.4 Biomass According to BERR, approximately 12 GW of coal and oil-fired generating plants have opted-out and will have to close by the end of 2015, representing about 15% of Great Britain’s present total capacity. - 19 - Below is a list of all the conventional generating plants understood to be at various stages in the development process in the UK using information from National Grid and BERR. BERR, Energy markets outlook: October 2007, Chapter 4 - Electricity Europe (continued) UK conventional generating plants in planning or construction Planning status Company / Location Type of project Granted RWE nPower, Staythorpe CCGT 1,650 Granted Centrica, Langage, Plymouth CCGT 890 15/11/2000 Granted ESBi, Marchwood Power Station, Hampshire CCGT/OCGT 860 28/11/2002 Granted Conoco Refinery (Immingham CHP) CHP CCGT extension 450 01/08/2006 Granted Severn Power Ltd., Uskmouth CCGT 800 21/08/2006 Granted E.ON, New Isle of Grain Station CCGT 1,200 31/10/2006 Granted E.ON, Drakelow Power Station CCGT 1,220 16/10/2007 Granted EDF, Energy West Burton Power Stations CCGT 1,270 30/10/2007 Applied for RWE nPower, New Pembroke Power Station CCGT 2,000 06/01/2005 Applied for EDF Energy New Sutton Bridge B CCGT 1260 23/12/2005 Applied for E.ON, Kingsnorth, Medway Coal-fired 1,600 11/12/2006 Applied for Port Talbot Power Station CCGT 1,300 05/01/2007 Applied for Thor Cogeneration Ltd, Teesside CCGT 1,020 19/01/2007 Applied for Conoco Phillips CHP CCGT 800 12/07/2007 Applied for Bridestones Ltd CCGT 860 17/08/2007 TOTAL Capacity (MW) Date of decision/ application • It is anticipated that there will be increased competition for construction resources, in particular, if other planned capital projects in the UK all go ahead. • Specialist engineering skills, for example in reactor engineering, would be needed in the short term for design and licensing; these are in short supply and face a demand overlap with the submarine reactor and nuclear decommissioning programmes. • Delays to major infrastructure projects of several years are not uncommon due to the planning and consents processes for both generating plant and the related transmission network reinforcements. • The proposed reforms in the government’s ‘White Paper – Planning a Sustainable Future’ aim to make the planning and consents regime, including for major energy infrastructure projects, more streamlined and certain whilst ensuring that the rights of interested parties are safeguarded. • The longer lead times for nuclear power would allow time for the industry to plan ahead for the skills needed to build and operate the stations and to manage supply chain constraints through such measures as placing contracts well in advance to secure slots in manufacturers’ order books. Lead times in the UK • 17,180 • The above table does not include the recent announcements by EDF / British Energy to build new nuclear plant. Influences and constraints on new build • Building significant numbers of new power stations, and reinforcing the associated transmission/distribution network infrastructure, will strain the engineering sectors of most developed countries. Chapter III: Global Energy Trends - 20 - Lead time from decision to invest through to commissioning are estimated as follows: • For a CCGT power station: approximately 5 years, including 2 years for design, planning consent, project planning and permitting, 2 for construction and six months for commissioning • For a coal-fired power station: approximately 7 years, including 4-5 years for construction • For a new nuclear power station: approximately 8-10 years, with 5 years for construction, but after an extended licensing period There may be scope for some time savings in the front-end, especially for a fleet of identical stations; however growing demand for new power stations from around the world is likely to lead to longer order books at the key manufacturers. Europe (continued) Eastern Europe Net Electricity Generation in the Eastern Europe Coal Elec tric ity Generation (TWh) Russia Forecast Capacity Increase in Russia, 2007 - 2015 Gas 8 GW Nuclear 4 G W Renewables 8 GW Coal 14 GW • Russia has announced plans to increase its nuclear power capacity over the midterm, in order to lessen the reliance of its power sector on natural gas and preserve what is becoming one of its most valuable export commodities. • As a result, electricity production from Russia’s nuclear power plants is projected to grow by 3.7% per year on average in the reference case, while natural gasfired generation increases at the slower rate of 2.2% per year. • • • • Nuclear Renewables 150 100 50 0 2015 Planned and proposed plant in Eastern Europe (MW), Dec 2007 Source: Platts Country Coal Gas Only 3 GW of new nuclear generating capacity has become operational in Russia since 1991. Albania In 2006, an ambitious plan was proposed to complete the construction of 10 new 1,000 MW reactors and begin construction on another 10 reactors by 2015. Bosnia-Herz. 4,210 Bulgaria 1,410 335 It is questionable whether the plan can be achieved within the announced time frame, so instead it is estimated that up to 5 GW of nuclear capacity will be added to Russia’s existing 22 GW by 2015. Czech Republic 3,522 220-400 Hungary 700 2,823 One problem is that tariffs on nuclear power currently are much lower than those on thermal generation, therefore raising nuclear tariffs will be necessary to attract the private-sector capital investment. Kosovo 1,800-2,100 Natural gas is the region’s fastest growing source of electric power, with an expected 45% increase to 2015. • Coal-fired and nuclear power plants are also important regional sources of electricity generation, with increases of 6% and 9% respectively, over the same period. Chapter III: Global Energy Trends Nuclear 1,200 Belarus 2,000 2,000 Estonia Lithuania Eastern Europe as a whole possesses ample natural gas resources, therefore much of its electricity supply will continue to be provided from natural gas-fired power plants. • Oil 200 2006 Other Eastern European countries • Gas 250 - 21 - 810-910 Poland 3,940-4,540 300 Romania 1,130-1,430 1,583 1,440 Russia 9,367 22,532 28,240 Serbia 730 900 Slovakia 1,615 880 Slovenia 866 1,000 Turkey 8,641 1,784 5,000 Ukraine 1,815-2,015 1,290 5,000 China Overview Forecast energy mix Net Electricity Generation in Chi na by Fuel Electr icity G eneration ( TWh) Coal Gas Renewables Coal Oil 4000 • Coal remains the dominant fuel in China’s electricity mix, coal-fired generation accounted for 80% of total electricity supply in 2006. • Coal-fired generation is expected to increase at an average rate of over 7 % per year. • The expansion of coal-fired generation in China will continue to be based on pulverised coal, with supercritical steam cycle technology expected to play a much greater role in the future, because of its efficiency and emissions advantages. • China has made considerable progress in the implementation of state-of-the-art coal-fired generation technologies, by building world-class, larger and more efficient power plants. • China added 18 GW of supercritical plant in 2006, bringing total supercritical capacity to about 30 GW. There are over 100 GW of supercritical plant on order, implying that the share of supercritical technology in new capacity will increase significantly over the next few years. • The new coal-fired plants are expected to be concentrated in Shanxi, Shaanxi, Inner Mongolia, Guizhou, Yunnan, Henan, Ningxia and Anhui, areas with convenient and economical access to the coal resources. 3000 2000 1000 0 2006 • Nuclear 5000 2015 In less than a generation, China has changed from being a minor and largely self-sufficient energy consumer to become the world’s second-largest and fastest-growing energy consumer and a major player on the global energy market. • China’s annual electricity demand has been growing at an annual rate of 14% since 2000. • Installed power generation capacity increased from 66 GW in 1985 to 517 GW in 2005 and 622 GW in 2006. • 105 GW of new power plants, most of which are coal-fired, were built in 2006 alone. About 200GW is reported to be under construction in China. Gas • In the period 2007-2015, generation is projected to grow by 9% per year. • Natural gas accounted for less than1% of total generation in 2006. • Total electricity generation is expected to reach 5,559 TWh in 2015 and installed capacity 1,189 GW. • Gas-fired electricity generation is expected to grow rapidly, doubling in installed capacity to 33 GW in 2015. • Although gas is not competitive with coal for power generation under current market conditions, China is pursuing policies to diversify the electricity mix and to reduce local pollution, which could boost the share of gas in certain regions. • An import infrastructure for LNG is being established as demand increases beyond domestic supply. Forecast Capacity Increase in China, 2007 - 2015 Gas 19 GW Coal 417 GW Nuclear 14 GW Oil 4 GW Renewables 113 GW Nuclear • Chapter III: Global Energy Trends - 22 - Nuclear generation amounted to 55 TWh, or just under 2% of total generation in 2006, installed capacity was 7 GW in 2006. China (continued) • Two new reactors were connected to the grid in 2006 and 2007, bringing the total number of reactors in operation to 11 and installed capacity to 8.6 GW. • The heat from CHP has been mainly used in China in the industrial sector and for central heating in northern cities. • Four reactors with a total capacity of 3.2 GW are under construction, expected to be completed by 2010-2011. • Coal remains the predominant fuel, with a small amount of oil use and natural gas now beginning to be used in this application. • The government’s target is to have 40 GW in place by 2020, which is considered to be ambitious. • • IEA estimate that installed nuclear capacity will reach 21 GW in 2015 and 25 GW in 2020. Efforts are being made to encourage gas-fired CHP schemes. A dozen pilot projects of gas-fuelled tri-generation are being undertaken in Shanghai and Beijing. • • China is pursuing a dual objective in nuclear technology: a) to adopt a standardised technology for long-term nuclear development and b) to develop a home-based technology, so that China becomes self-sufficient in reactor design and construction, as well as other aspects of the fuel cycle. The potential for CHP is significant, mostly concentrated in Beijing, Tianjin and regions in the Yangtze River Deltas, including Shanghai, Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces, where direct coal combustion is now forbidden in many cities. • Power generation from CHP plants is projected to reach over 600 TWh in 2030. Main developers New technologies • In 1997 most of the assets of the Ministry of Power (nearly all of the grid, as well as 40% of generating capacity) were transferred to the newly formed State Power Corporation. • In 2002, the State Power Corporation was split into two transmission companies and five power generation groups: CCS • • China sees CCS as a future technological option for greenhouse-gas emissions abatement and is willing to join international efforts for its development. International co-operation programmes have been initiated with APEC, Canada, the European Union, the United Kingdom, the United States and others (Torrens, 2007). • CCS appears in China’s 11th Five- Year Plan. • Current experimental projects include: • A micro-pilot ECBM (Enhanced Coal-Bed Methane Recovery) project in Shanxi province • A 300-400 MW demonstration project at the Yantai IGCC Plant (with the option of future CCS and hydrogen production), which will closely follow the China Huaneng (CHNG) Greengen first stage plan for a 250 MW IGCC plant. The second phase of the Greengen will have a 400 MW IGCC and CO2 separation / H2 power, and is planned for operation in 2015. CHP • Combined heat and power (CHP) accounted for over 11% of total installed generating capacity in 2005. Chapter III: Global Energy Trends - 23 - • State Grid Corporation of China (SGCC) - 80%. • China Southern Power Grid (CSG) - 20%. • The five generation entities were initially given around 20 GW of capacity each. • With China’s generation assets largely under the control of the state, generation investments have been made primarily by state-owned or provincially-owned entities, backed by government funding. • Transmission investments accounted for about 40% of total investment in the power sector in 2006. India Overview Forecast energy mix Net Electricity Generation in India by Fuel Electricity Generation (TWh) Coal Gas Nuclear Renewables Forecast Capacity Increase in India, 2007 - 2015 Oil 1000 Gas 5 GW Coal 63 GW 800 Renewables 32 GW 600 400 200 0 2006 2015 • To meet projected electricity demand, India's power generating capacity in total will need to increase to 254 GW in 2015. • In the period 2007-2015, India is projected to build over 100 GW of capacity. • More than half of this capacity is projected to be coal-fired. About 15 GW of coal-fired capacity was under construction at the beginning of 2007. Capacity additions are expected to include the replacement of some older power plants, mainly coal-fired. • India has the fifth-largest installed power-generating capacity in the world. • • Primary energy demand has grown over the last thirty years at an average rate of 3.6% a year 1 . • • • Total electricity generation was 744 TWh in 2006. In the period 2005-2015, electricity generation is projected to grow by 6.3% per year, and therefore demand is estimated to be 1,286 TWh in 2015. The total installed capacity in India has increased to 140 GW 2 in 2007 compared to 86 GW 3 in 2004, an increase of over 60%. • The projected rate of increase in electricity consumption, estimated at as much as 8-10% annually through to 2020, is one of the highest in the world. • The Indian government has announced plans to provide power to the entire population by 2012, which would require an additional 69 GW of base capacity1. 2 3 Coal Per capita electricity generation, at 639 kWh in 2005, is one of the lowest in the world – over four times lower than the world average and 14 times lower than the average in the OECD (8,870 kWh). • 1 Nuclear 4 GW Chapter III: Global Energy Trends - 24 - • Coal is the dominant fuel in India's electricity generation, accounting for over two thirds of total electricity produced. • India's coal-fired power plants are among the least efficient in the world. The poor quality of available coal and inadequate maintenance of power plants contribute to the low performance. • Improving the efficiency of coal fired power plants will be essential in helping to meet some of the demand. • Currently all operating coal plant in India use subcritical steam conditions but a move to supercritical conditions is beginning in order to raise efficiency. • Six supercritical coal-fired units, with a capacity of 660 MW each, were included in the 10th Plan; however none of these units is expected to be built by 2015. • Sipat, a supercritical station of 3x 660 MW is the first such project of National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC), and , is due to be completed early in 2009. India (cont) • In 2006, the Ministry of Power launched an initiative to develop large coal-based plants, known as ultra-mega power projects. Each of these plants will have a minimum capacity of 4 GW. • In the private sector, the first mega power project commenced at Hirma, where Reliance Power and Southern Electric USA are constructing 3960 MW of supercritical plant 1 .A further 39 GW of supercritical plant are proposed as part of 11th (2007-2011) and 12th (2012-2016) five year plans.1 • The selection of the projects is based on competitive bidding and both coastal and pit-head projects can be considered. • To streamline these projects, the government set up project companies to obtain the necessary clearances before offering the project to bidders and to allocate mining blocks to the pit-head projects. • India's nuclear power capacity is projected to rise to 8 GW by 2015, well below the level targeted by the government. • NPCIL, the owner of India's nuclear power stations, is responsible for the construction of new nuclear power plants. Other technologies • India has a 6.2 MWe IGCC demonstration at Tiruchirapalli in Tamil Nadu. There are plans for scaling up the process to 100-125 MWe, with the construction of a demonstration plant at Aurya in Uttar Pradesh. • CCS is being investigated by India. India is a member of the Carbon Sequestration Leadership Forum and involved in the FutureGen project. • No IGCC plants nor plants with CCS facilities are expected to be built before 2015. Gas and oil • Gas-fired generation accounted for 9% of total generation in 2005. This share has risen over the past decade as gas production has increased. • Total gas-based electricity generation is projected to increase by 6.6% per annum. • The power sector faces gas supply shortages both because the government favours allocation of gas supplies to the fertilizer industry and because adequate supplies at the agreed price have not been forthcoming. • Equipment suppliers Many gas-fired power plants still have to run on naphtha as a substitute or remain idle because naphtha is too expensive to use. It is estimated that around 7 TWh of generation was lost in 2005 because of a lack of gas. The share of oil is projected to fall to 2.6% of total generation in 2015. Nuclear • Nuclear power accounted for 2.5% of total electricity generation in 2005, when installed nuclear power capacity was 3 GW. • This rose to 3.6 GW in 2006, with the connection to the grid of Tarapur-3. • One unit at Kaiga was connected to the grid in April 2007 and three more units are expected to be connected to the grid by the end of 2007. • The Indian government's nuclear power generation programme is ambitious, to raise nuclear power generation capacity to 20 GW by 2020 and to 40 GW by 2030. 1 Chapter III: Global Energy Trends - 25 - • The main supplier of coal-fired power plants in India is Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd. (BHEL) and it is likely to maintain its dominant position in the future. • Manufacturers from industrialised countries are more prominent in the provision of gas turbines and hydro plants. • The 11th Five-Year (2017-2012) plan calls for BHEL's manufacturing capacity to expand from 6 GW a year now to around 10 GW. • There is some uncertainty regarding the rate at which BHEL will be able to expand its manufacturing capacity and when it will be in a position to produce more efficient power plants, notably supercritical ones. • In any case, due to the increasing demand for coal-fired power stations, it is likely that more plant purchases will have to be made from other manufacturers. • Tata Power has selected Doosan Heavy Industries of Korea as supplier of five boilers for the 4 GW Mundra project, one of the largest plants ever in India. United States of America • Trends Net Generation in the United States (EIA), 2005 and 2015 y Electricity Generation (TWh) Coal Gas (eia Nuclear by Fuel Renewables Oil Energy mix 3000 • Coal is the leading source of energy for power generation, accounting for almost 50 percent of the 2005 total and will remain that way until 2015 but increasing to 54 percent in 2030, in the absence of legislation restricting the growth of carbon dioxide emissions. • Natural-gas-fired plants are built to maintain a diverse capacity mix, to serve as reserve capacity, or to meet environmental regulations. • Electricity generation from natural-gas-fired power plants is projected to increase from 2005 to 2020, as recently built plants are used more intensively to meet growing demand. • The last new nuclear generating unit brought on line in the United States began operation in 1996. Since then, changes in U.S. nuclear capacity have resulted only from up-rating of existing units and retirements. • By 2010, 23 entities are expected to have submitted construction applications for 34 new nuclear power plants in the US, however it is likely to take many more years to get the plants built. • 14.6 GW of net nuclear installed capacity is expected between 2005 and 2030. This includes 16.6 GW of capacity at newly built nuclear power plants and 2.7 GW from up-rates of existing plants, offset by 4.5 GW of retirements. 2000 1000 0 2005 2015 • Most areas of the United States currently have excess generation capacity, but all electricity demand regions are expected to need additional, currently unplanned, capacity by 2030. • According to the EIA 1 , U.S. electricity consumption is projected to increase steadily at an average rate of 1% per year. In comparison, electricity consumption grew by annual rates of 4.2%, 2.6%, and 2.3% in the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s, respectively. • The EIA estimates that the increase in total installed capacity will be 51 GW between 2005 and 2030. • In order to replace the 45 GW inefficient, older generating plants that are due to be retired by 2030, estimates for capacity additions range from 182 GW in the low growth case to 349 GW in the high growth case. • The majority of this growth in electricity generation is projected to be from coalfired generation and renewables, rather than natural gas. • However early capacity additions use natural gas. • Energy Policy Act (EPAct) 2005 and State RPS (renewables portfolio standards) programs are expected to stimulate generation from renewable and nuclear plants (18% and 6% of total additions, respectively). Forecast Capacity Increase in USA (EIA), 2006 - 2015 Nuclear 2 GW Renewables 36 GW Gas 26 GW Coal 15 GW 1 Annual Energy Outlook 2008, With Projections to 2030, June 2008, Energy Information Administration (EIA), Office of Integrated Analysis and Forecasting, U.S. Department of Energy Chapter III: Global Energy Trends Given the assumed continuation of current energy and environmental policies in the reference case, CCS technology is not projected to come into widespread use before 2030. - 26 - Other Regions of Interest Middle East • Electric power generation in the Middle East region is projected to grow by 4.1% per year, from 681 TWh in 2006 to 979 TWh in 2015. • Iran is the only country projected to add nuclear capacity, with completion of its Bushehr 1 reactor expected by 2010. • There is little incentive for countries in the Middle East to increase their use of renewable energy sources, renewables are projected to account for a modest 2% of the region’s total electricity generation throughout the projection period 1 . Net Electricity Generation in the Middle East Elec tricity Generation (TWh) Coal Gas Nuclear Renewables Oil 600 Forecast Capacity Increase in the Middle East, 2007 - 2015 500 300 Renewables 8 GW 200 Oil 8 GW Coal 4 GW 100 0 2006 • • Yemen, the region’s poorest economy, is the exception, with only an estimated 50% of the population having access to electric power in 2002. Nevertheless, population and income growth in the region are expected to result in growing demand for electric power in the future. In 2006, natural-gas-fired generation accounted for over half the region’s total power supply; this share will increase over the period to 2015, as the petroleum share of generation decreases slightly over the projection period. • The Middle East is the only region in the world where petroleum liquids are expected to continue accounting for a sizable portion of the fuel mix for electricity generation throughout the projection period. • Net Electricity Generation in Africa y Coal Natural gas is the largest source of energy for electricity generation in the Middle East, and it is expected to continue in that role. • Israel is the only country in the region that uses significant amounts of coal to generate electric power. Gas Nuclear Renewables Oil 500 250 0 2006 The Middle East region as a whole relied on oil-fired capacity to meet 36% of its total generation needs in 2006, and that share is projected to fall only slightly, to 33% in 2015. Chapter III: Global Energy Trends According to the EIA, demand for electricity in Africa is projected to grow at an average annual rate of 3.5%. Elec tricity Generation (TWh) Most of the countries in the Middle East region have well-established electricity infrastructures, with electrification rates above 90%. • Africa 2015 • • Nuclear 1 GW Gas 56 GW 400 2015 • Thermal generation accounted for most of the region’s total electricity supply in 2005 and is expected to be in the same position through to 2015. • Coal-fired power plants, which were the region’s largest source of electricity in 2005, accounting for 44% of total generation, are projected to provide a 41% 1 International Energy Outlook 2007 (IEO2007), by the Energy Information Administration (EIA) of the outlook for international energy markets through 2030 - 27 - Other Regions of Interest (continued) share in 2015, as natural-gas-fired generation expands strongly from 27% of the total in 2005 to 30% in 2015. At present, South Africa’s two nuclear reactors are the only ones operating in the region, accounting for less than 2% of Africa’s total electricity generation. • 4 GW of new nuclear capacity is projected to become operational in Africa over the next 10 years. • Hydroelectricity and other marketed renewable energy sources are expected to grow slowly in Africa. • As they have in the past, non-marketed renewables can be expected to continue providing energy to Africa’s rural areas; however, it is often difficult for African nations to find funding or international support for larger commercial projects. Coal Electricity Generation ( TWh) • Net Electricity Generation in Latin America Oil 750 500 250 0 2015 Renewables 14 GW In 2015, the share of hydropower and other renewable energy sources in their combined fuel use for electricity generation is projected to be over 60%. • Robust growth in the use of natural gas and nuclear power is projected to lessen the region’s overall reliance on hydropower in the mid-term. Oil 2 GW • Until recently, Argentina was a major regional supplier of natural gas. In 2007, Argentina reduced natural gas exports to Chile in the face of rising domestic demand and stagnant production. Chile, in turn, has begun construction on an LNG regasification facility, which is scheduled for completion in 2010. • In addition to coping with reduced gas supplies, Chile has had very low water levels at its hydroelectric facilities as a result of drought conditions. The Chilean government is pressing consumers to reduce power use by 5 percent but has electricity rationing may be necessary in the short run. • Several countries in the region are looking at near-term solutions to meeting electricity demand. Both Argentina and Brazil, for instance, are turning to coal, fuel oil, and diesel generation as emergency alternative sources of power. Latin America • Electricity generation in Central and South America is projected to increase steadily in from 959 TWh in 2006 to 1,259 TWh in 2015. • Brazil, the region’s largest economy, is expected to remain its largest electricity producer as well, accounting for 54% of total projected electricity generation in the Central and South America region. • Throughout Central and South America, a significant proportion of electricity is derived from renewable energy sources, primarily hydropower. • Hydroelectric generation accounted for over 80% of Brazil’s total electricity supply in 2006, and despite ongoing efforts to diversify the fuel mix for the country’s electricity generation, hydropower is projected to remain Brazil’s predominant source of electricity through 2015. Forecast Capacity Increase in the Central and South America 2007 - 2015 Latin America, 2007 2015 Nuclear 2 GW Gas 36 GW Renewables 31 GW In combination, the other nations of Central and South America rely on hydropower for a smaller percentage of their electricity supply, just over 50% in 2006. Chapter III: Global Energy Trends Renewables • Coal 12 GW • Nuclear 2006 Forecast Capacity Increase in Africa, 2007 - 2015 Gas 29 GW Gas 1000 Coal 14 GW Oil 27 GW - 28 - IV POWER PROJECTS DELIVERY these variables led to protracted and costly disputes resulting in major financial problems for the owner, contractor and engineer. A number of contractors suffered heavy losses and, as a result, a number of contractors now refuse to enter into EPC contracts in certain jurisdictions. Building power plants There are a number of contractual approaches used construct a power station. Engineering, Procurement and Construction ("EPC") contracts have historically been the most common form of contract used in the private sector for large scale projects. The other common approach is to have a separate supply contract, design agreement and construction contract with or without a project management agreement. The choice of contracting approach depends on a number of factors including the time available, the lenders requirements and the identity of the contractor(s). Appendix 7 contains a brief summary of the various contract strategies used to building power plants. Current trends In the last couple of years, the power generation market has become very buoyant and is predicted to continue this way for at least the next 20 years. There is currently a huge amount of work for contractors on projects around the world as countries become more concerned about energy supply, and demand continues to increase for more new-build combined-cycle and other power plants. As a result, there is great demand for plant, materials, equipment and expertise, costs are also rising and contractors and manufacturers have near full order books. Contractors are considered to be in a prime position as they shop around for projects that carry the least risk and the most profit. The following section discusses the current trends and provides commentary relating to the changing face of power station supply and construction. This information is considered relevant to equipment and service suppliers with a view to addressing current supply strategies and consulting with the relevant parties. In the last few years, contractors and manufacturers have become more risk averse, and when negotiating contracts are seeking exclusions from and significant caps on liability. More recently, contractors are simply declining to bid for turnkey/EPC contracts. It is clear that the market has changed and with it the bargaining dynamics of the parties involved. Some traditional EPC contractors have been reluctant to take on EPC roles and have preferred to partner with other organisations providing balance of plant equipment or just provide the installation of main equipment. In response to these escalating cost concerns and contractor resistance, owners have recently shown a willingness to modify EPC terms by spreading some of the contractor risks between power island equipment suppliers and the engineercontractor team. Historic trends Prior to privatisation, most power stations were built on a Design, Bid, Build basis. Large public engineering bodies carried out the design phase and put the construction out of the plant to tender. Between 1980 and 2000 when the power generation market was tight, large equipment manufacturers such as Siemens took on EPC roles, as that was the only way they could ensure their equipment was utilised. The movement away from the typical "design and build" method to EPC altered the traditional relationships among the owner, the owner's representative, the architect/engineer, the construction manager, and the contractor. These altered relationships shifted the risks assumed by each party, specifically the project completion cost and performance onto the contractor's shoulders. The traditional EPC contract adds as much as 8-15% to the actual cost of the work because of assumption of all project risk by the contractor, Alternative procurement approaches such as alliance and framework arrangements and multi-contracting are being considered. In the UK on a current coal fired projects, there are a dozen contracts each worth a 100 million for the project, rather than a single EPC contract. However the EPC was viewed as offering a power plant owner a number of distinct advantages, including certainty of price, single-point responsibility, a greater transfer of risk to the contractor and a fast track to completion of a project. Early EPC deals did not provide any relief for project variables such as tight labour availability, equipment under-performance, errors and discrepancies in the basic design. Often Chapter IV: Power Projects Delivery Owners are issuing direct contracts for specialised equipment. The gap for EPC roles has opened and where EPC contractors cannot be found, developers are resorting to separate contracts for contractors and design engineers. - 29 - Trends in Building Power Plants (continued) under the background of recent rapidly growing demands for power in China and India. Impact on equipment suppliers and services The shift from the EPC approach to EPCM has opened up the contracting market for Tier 2 and Tier 3 equipment suppliers. Whereas previously equipment suppliers had to rely on relationships with EPC contractors, equipment suppliers should currently consider developing direct relationships with owners and developers. Major EPC contractors include the following companies listed in the following table. In addition, the lack of EPC contractor roles has led to openings for architectengineer and design roles. Scottish companies, with their established skill and expertise should consider such avenues into power projects. It is worth noting that the approach to building power stations is subject to change as a result of supply and demand. The lack of the traditional EPC contractors in recent years has opened up a significant market for companies new to EPC contracting. Therefore companies are advised to be diligent in assessing and researching the market for new entrants such as BHEL in India. However regardless of trends in contracting approach, it is essential that equipment suppliers are on the preferred suppliers list of major contractors. Some major contractors such as GE and Siemens do not put their contracts out to tender Approaches should be made to traditional EPC contractors and developers to ensure equipment is on the ‘preferred suppliers list’. However, track records suggest that some EPC contractors have a regional bias towards their selection of Tier 2 and Tier 3 suppliers. Therefore efforts in approaching some of the emerging major contractors from China and India, South East Asia and Eastern Europe may prove more beneficial, as traditional relationships between secondary and tertiary suppliers have not yet developed between these companies. Website address Siemens Power Generation GE Energy Aker Kvaerner Toshiba Power Systems Alstom Ltd Ansaldo ABB Power Systems Doosan Babcock Daewoo Engineering and Construction Hyundai Engineering Company China National Machinery and Equipment Import and Export Corporation (CMEC) Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited (BHEL) - India Equipment shortages Due to the high demand for power plants, there are long lead times for various equipment and materials worldwide. Some of the known equipment and material shortages include: There is more discussion on contracting strategies in Appendix 7. Major EPC contractors and equipment suppliers Major players in equipment manufacturing, including European manufacturers such as Alstom Power and Siemens and Japanese manufacturers such as Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Toshiba and Hitachi, have global businesses in steam turbines and boilers. Emerging companies include 3 major Chinese companies, Shanghai, Harbin and Dongfang, and Indian national power company BHEL. These companies are beginning to take a large share of the global market through technical cooperation with major Japanese, European and American manufacturers. This is happening Chapter IV: Power Projects Delivery Company • Electrical equipment such as transformers and HV switchgear • Generators have an estimated lead time of 22-32 weeks • Large castings, such as turbine forging, with lead times of up to 2 years • Exotic steels and expensive alloys for supercritical boilers The long lead time for major equipment items is delaying the building of new plant. . In addition early payment is required for any equipment purchasing. Some of these lead times are decreasing due to current global financial crisis; however this is not expected to affect demand in the long term. Currently Scotland is not known to manufacture any of the above equipment; however opportunities exist for knowledge sharing and diversifying for companies. - 30 - Sustainability The key issues There is increasing recognition of the need for sustainable power generation and this is being reflected in government legislation, community expectations and corporate behaviour. These large changes are expected to continue in a reasonably predictable fashion, requiring the thermal power generation industry to have a futureproofing strategy that addresses the following issues throughout the supply chain: • Preparing for climate change mitigation policy measures • Equipment specification recognising the need for climate change adaption • Minimised energy and water use in manufacturing, installation and operation • Attention to waste disposal methods, including end of life disposal Reducing the carbon footprint of the supply chain, particularly those elements that will require replacement during the life of the power station Trends in supply chain carbon footprinting In recent years, a variety of greenhouse gas (GHG) accounting standards have been developed, which are increasingly being used by national and regional/local governments and large corporations, as well as on specific projects and products. It is likely that within the next 5-10 years suppliers will be increasingly asked to quantify their direct and indirect emissions in accordance with the relevant standards. A new international agreement to take over from the 1997 Kyoto Protocol is expected to be decided upon by the end of 2009 and this is likely to lead to a raft of new legislative and financial instruments to reduce CO2 emissions. Current measures in these countries and increasingly in China, India and other nonOECD nations are in the form of incentives and directives to reduce the CO2 emissions and energy usage in every part of the economy. The direction of future climate change mitigation measures can represent considerable business risk, and it cannot simply be assumed that existing plants will be exempt from such measures, as demonstrated by the European LCPD. The GHG Protocol 1 Initiative In 2001, the GHG Protocol published The Greenhouse Gas Protocol: A Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard, which is being used by large corporations and for national GHG accounting programmes. It provides a methodology for measuring direct GHG emissions. Guidelines are now being developed for product lifecycle emissions based on complete worldwide supply chain analysis. The GHG Protocol notes that “supply chain sustainability has become a high priority in the corporate community”. Within the power sector, Siemens is a participant in this programme. For the plant developer and owner, future-proofing should be a key risk management technique aimed at evaluating possible future regulation scenarios and undertaking actions that will be of significantly lower cost now than if they need to be applied retrospectively later. Examples include: International Standards Organisation (ISO) Siting and laying out a power station to accommodate future CCS and/or to waste heat capture technologies In 2006, ISO 14064-I: Specification with Guidance at the Organization Level for Quantification and Reporting of Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Removals was Considering the integration of renewables (typically biomass co-firing, where biomass is burnt with the fossil fuels, and integrated solar combined cycle, where solar thermal energy is added to gas turbine waste heat to heat steam) Chapter IV: Power Projects Delivery - Sustainability • As discussed earlier, emissions controls will also have to address NOx emissions – see earlier discussion on the EU Industrial Emissions Directive at the end of the CCS section – thus future-proofing strategies should allow for changes in this area as well. The OECD countries have announced targets of reducing greenhouse gas emissions ranging from 60% (e.g. EU, Australia) to 80% (e.g. UK, US) by 2050, a period that will span the lifetime of most of the new generation being considered in this report. • Use of very high efficiency plant, including high efficiency components to reduce plant auxiliary load For the component supplier, a future-proofing strategy will be just as important. As well as addressing the last point regarding carbon footprint, evidence of business strategies to mitigate the risks posed by likely future climate change mitigation measures would provide comfort to the developer. Typical considerations might be the scope to retro-fit sub-components, system (software) reconfiguration to meet changing legislation, or the retrofit of a whole module of equipment on a direct replacement basis. Future-proofing against climate change measures • • 1 The GHG Protocol is a joint initiative of the World Resources Institute and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development. - 31 - Sustainability (continued) published based on the work of the GHG Protocol Initiative to measure direct emissions. Part II of this standard relates to project level GHG accounting. The ISO 14040 series provides a high level framework for a life cycle assessment of the impact of a product and is the basis of subsequent supply chain GHG analysis assessment tools, i.e., those that consider indirect emissions as well as direct. cooled condensers are thus becoming increasingly common. The collection and reuse of waste water streams is likely to become a standard requirement, and water efficiency will be as important as energy efficiency for thermal power stations in some locations. Increasingly, power stations projects are being associated with desalination plants, either as a use of waste heat to maximise efficiency or as a basic need for the power station steam cycle. British Standards Institute (BSi) The BSi has recently developed PAS2050 – Specification for the assessment of the life cycle greenhouse gas emissions of goods and services. It builds upon the ISO 14044 life cycle assessment methodology to create a specific methodology for accounting for GHG emissions across the supply chain. Water is treated before entering the boiler cycle to remove corrosive elements: various treatment options are available to achieve this, some of which will use fewer chemicals, materials and less energy, as well as less water overall. A choice made after careful consideration of the key local constraints will offer better future-proofing. Carbon Trust Waste disposal In the UK, the Carbon Trust has developed guidelines for calculating the carbon footprint of products, i.e., supply chain carbon accounting, and has recently released a label standard, with a methodology based on PAS2050. A growing number of companies have committed to measure and display the carbon footprint of their products 1 . Waste products from thermal power stations can include: Climate change adaptation and equipment specifications It is widely accepted that some global warming will be inevitable in this century with different parts of the world experiencing varying effects, but with a likely minimum average global temperature increase of about 3 °C2. Therefore, whilst it is normal practice to consider existing local climatic conditions when specifying equipment, increasingly, specifications will need to consider changing local conditions. This is likely to include 3 : • • • • • Coal ash from coal fired power stations, usually containing several trace minerals • Cooling water at elevated temperature • Other waste water streams, including human waste • Chemicals from water treatment and elsewhere • Oils and lubricants • Parts being replaced or upgraded, including at the end of the power station life Ash disposal in landfill increases the physical footprint of a coal fired power station, often on arable land. Trace chemicals are of concern to local water sources and soils, as is the use of water and energy to transport ash via a slurry, trucking or conveying. Ash can be recycled in concrete, ceramics and other products, currently accounting for a small proportion of the total ash produced globally 5 . However, the availability of recycling options is likely to decrease tolerance of landfill solutions. Increased temperature and annual temperature fluctuations Changing rainfall patterns Increased sea levels Increased storm and storm surge activity Increased wind speeds The cost of disposal of components likely to be replaced during the lifetime of the power station, such as control equipment, is likely to increase as availability of landfill decreases. Readily recyclable components may become more sought after as companies adjust to performing a more thorough life-cycle analysis of their investments. Water usage With water becoming significantly scarcer in many places, fresh water use in power stations will become more expensive and less acceptable to local communities4. Air diversion to the power station from municipal water supplies during times of urban water restrictions. 5 In the US, 62% of ash is sent to landfill; 36% in Europe, There is considerable interest in India and China in alternative uses of ash, 1 Based on IPCC predictions using the scenario of a stabilisation of CO2 in the atmosphere of 550 ppm 3 Further information available from the IPCC 4 Eg, this was seen in 2008 at the Loy Yang coal-fired power station in Australia with public outcry over 2 Chapter IV: Power Projects Delivery - Sustainability • - 32 - V CAPITAL COSTS of materials, high energy prices, rising labour costs and supply chain constraints. Coal and gas prices are assumed to remain high, resulting in increasing cost of new plants and thus pushing up end user prices. EPC capital costs The capital cost of building a typical plant is usually considered to be the EPC contract costs. The capital costs are sensitive to the following factors: • Site-specific requirements relating to supporting infrastructure • The duration of construction of the project • Market influence of major equipment manufacturers • Price variations due to equipment supply and demand in the market • “Soft costs” such as development, financing and legal fees The table on following page compares data collated from various sources on capital costs. Some of the data includes forecasts or data particular to countries, specifically China and Russia. Recently there have been sharp increases in construction costs of new power plants, particularly in OECD countries. For non-OECD countries, less cost data are available; therefore it is difficult to draw conclusions on the extent of the increases experienced there. According to the IEA, the sharpest increases have been in the United States, where the construction cost of a new supercritical coal plant has doubled over a few years. In addition, nuclear power construction companies there have announced construction costs at least 50% higher than previously expected. Costs have been evaluated by a number of studies 1 . • In 2005, a joint IEA/NEA study, Projected Costs of Generating Electricity: • • • • Estimated that capital cost2 of nuclear ranged from $1000 to $2000/kW and construction time from 5 to 7 years. The cost of nuclear electricity in the ranged between $30 and $50/MWh. Similar trends are evident in other OECD countries; the main causes of higher costs are as follows: The study estimated that for coal-based electricity, the construction costs were $1000-$1500/kW, 4-years construction with investment costs of $35$60/MWh. The construction costs of gas-based electricity were estimated to be $400$800/kW, 2-3 years construction and investments costs of $40- $63/MWh The IEA World Energy Outlook 2006 compares projected (2015) nuclear, coal, gas, see Appendix 6. The projected capital costs for each technology are as follows: • Coal: 1400$/kW • Nuclear: 2000-2500$/kW • Gas: 650$/kW There is significant variance in the capital costs of plants built in developed nations and transition nations. For example the capital cost building a subcritical coal fired plant in China can be up to half the cost of building a similar plant in Europe or Japan. The cost of building power stations has increased significantly over the past few years, particularly in OECD countries. This is largely due to increase in the cost 1 IEA Energy Technology Essentials, Nuclear Power, March 2007 Sometimes referred to as the overnight construction cost, which is defined as the total of all costs incurred for building the plant accounted for as if they were spent instantaneously. 2 Chapter V: Capital Costs - 33 - • Increase in demand: Outside the OECD, strong growth in electricity demand is pushing up orders for new plant in addition to the need for new plant in OECD countries due to shrinking reserve margins. • Increases in the cost of materials: metal prices such as steel, Al, and Cu have substantially increased since 2003/2004 and the prices of some special steels used in power plant manufacturing have increased even faster. Cement prices are also reported to have gone up. • Increase in energy costs: High energy prices affect the manufacturing and transportation cost of power plant equipment and components. • Tight manufacturing capacity: power plant manufacturer are not able to fulfil orders quickly due to lack of capacity and a shortage of skilled engineers. Many manufacturers claim that their order books are full for the next three to five years. • Increases in labour costs: Rising labour costs, particularly in non-OECD countries and a shortage of EPC contractors in some regions is pushing up total project costs. Capital Cost Analysis Capital cost per kW Source IEA, NEA & OECD1 OECD2 PB Power3 IEA4 IEA (China)6 ERIRAS (Russia)7 WEC5 IEA, NEA &OECD1 IEA, DGEMP8 Year 2005 2005 2006 2006 2007 2007 2007 2015 forecast 2015 forecast USD USD USD USD USD USD USD USD 500-600 1050-1200 750 1,350 1,276 600-900 960-1130 1,000 627 569 2,718 1,633 Technology type Unit size (MW) Efficiency (%) USD Coal Subcritical 200-400 30-36 1,350 1,067 1,000-1,500 Coal Supercritical 330-800 41-45 Gas CCGT 400-800 49-55 Nuclear 1150 IGCC 1,200 570 500-1,000 2,250 45-55 1,200-1,400 594 450-800 b 2000-2,500 1,500-1,800 1,747 1,400-1,600 1,100 -1,400 1,834 1,000-2,500 550-650 1400 -1800 1,500 INFORMATION SOURCES: 1 IEA, p33, IEA sources , including IEA ,NEA (Nuclear Energy Agency) and OECD report, Projected Costs of Generating Electricity (IEA 2005 Update) 2 2005 OECD comparative study, [a] Nuclear overnight construction costs ranged from US$ 1000/kW in Czech Republic to $2500/kW in Japan, and averaged $1500/kW. 3 PB Power report "Powering the Nation", published in March 2006. A summary document is available as a free download in pdf format. All prices in Pounds sterling converted to USD, using exchange rate of 1.74 4 IEA, World Energy Outlook 2006, International Energy Agency (IEA), p145 The Economics of New Power Plants 5 World Energy Council, Survey of Energy Resources 2007, 6 IEA, World Energy Outlook 2007, International Energy Agency (IEA), China and India Insights, p345 Coal-Based Power Generation Technology in China and p352-3 Power Generation Economics 7 Energy Research Institute Russian Academy of Sciences, 3rd international forum, RUSSIAN POWER, Investing into the Russian power generation companies. Alexei Makarov, Fedor Veselov, 8 Energy Policies of IEA Countries, France 2004 review,, p129 In December 2003, DGEMP – DIDEME within the Ministry of Economy, Finance and Industry released a study on the costs of the generation of electricity from different generating technologies, “Coûts de référence de la production électrique”. All capital cost assumptions include equipment, construction, design, development and interest during construction. Chapter V: Capital Costs - 34 - Power Plant Cost Breakdown • Control and Monitoring Calculating power plant cost breakdowns • Chemical The EPC cost of building a power plant is now broken down into specific cost areas. The breakdowns charted below are for: The following table lists some of the items in each of those disciplines: • 400 MW sub-critical coal-fired plant • 600 MW super-critical coal-fired plant • 400 MW combined cycle (CCGT) plant Discipline Includes the following items Civil and Structural Structural Steel, Ladders, Walkways, Stack, Tanks, Bridge Cranes, Coal Handling Equipment Mechanical Boilers, Steam Turbine Package, Soot Blowers, Coal Pulverisers, Fans, Feedwater Heaters, Water-cooled Condensers, Air-cooled Condensers, Flue Gas Desulfurization, Stack, Pumps, Cooling Tower, Heat Exchangers, District Heaters, Air Compressors Electrical Transmission and Generation Equipment. Total cost of a power plant Control and Monitoring Particulate Control, Nitrogen Oxide Control, Continuous Emissions Monitoring System, Distributed Control System, General Plant Instrumentation. For the total EPC cost of a plant, the data produced a high level price breakdown has produced the following percentage-value splits between the following areas: Chemical Makeup and Waste Water Treatment System • 1,000 MW nuclear plant In order to breakdown the value of work for specific plant areas, Thermoflow’s Plant Engineering and Cost Estimator (PEACE) package has been used. Analysis has been done in two stages: • Engineering costs, usually within the EPC’s remit • Owner’s costs which will include owner’s engineer and legal costs • Equipment procurement costs • The build cost of construction • The management cost of construction As this study concerns what equipment Scottish companies might supply to these projects, the main area of interest here is the value of the equipment to be procured. To assess an approximate value of the opportunity for a particular discipline supply within a specific type of plant, the following example is provided for electrical equipment in a CCGT plant. The user would calculate: Value of the procured equipment within a power plant project Value = equipment procurement % X electrical content % = 0.58 X 0.10 = 0.058 (5.8% of the value for the whole plant) The capital cost for equipment for each of these plant types was then broken down into the values for each engineering discipline. • Civil and structural • Mechanical • Electrical Chapter V: Capital Costs Later in the report these percentage splits are applied to the declared new-build projects for various areas of the world to estimate the value of opportunities in those areas. - 35 - Power Plant Cost Breakdown (continued) Breakdown of the total cost of a power plant 600MW Supercitical Coal-fired plant 400MW Subcritical Coal-fired plant 3% 13% Gas-fired plant, CCGT 3% 13% 11% Nuclear plant 5% 8% 14% 38% 17% 3% 13% 39% 17% 18% 58% 10% 60% 28% 29% Engineering Equipment Procurement Const ruction Owner's costs Construction Management Breakdown of the value of the procured equipment within a power plant project 600MW Supercitical Coal-fired plant 0.2% 7% 6% Gas-fired plant, CCGT 400MW Subcritical Coal-fired plant 0.3% 22% 6% 2% 6% 1% 4% 3% 8% 10% 22% Nuclear plant 65% 6% 53% 83% 66% Civil/structural Chapter V: Capital Costs Mechanical Electrical - 36 - Control and Monitoring Chemical 30% VI SCOTTISH SUPPLY CHAIN Introduction Worldwide forecast additional capacity and market value This section drills down into the major projects to analyse the opportunities available for Scottish equipment and service providers to the power industry worldwide, using: The table on page 39 estimates the total worldwide market EPC value from 2006 to 2015 based on the forecasted projections of coal gas and nuclear new build and the capital costs of new build plants. The table below is what SKM considers to be appropriate costs based on the information available to through its involvement in power generation projects globally. The valuations are intentionally conservative in order not over-estimate the market value. • Current capability of the Scottish supply chain, page 38 • Worldwide forecast additional capacity and market value, page 39 • Market value of equipment supply, page 40 Current capability of the Scottish supply chain A matrix is on page 38 identifies the companies based in Scotland that supply equipment and services to the power industry. The list of companies and areas of equipment and services supply areas for each company was extracted from the IPA 1 database and company websites. The Industrial and Power Association (IPA) represents a group of companies that operate in all areas of the power and energy related industries. There are 39 members listed in the IPA database. The following chart shows the declared interests of the members of IPA companies with interests in the power generation sector. Plant type $ / kW Coal 1,200 CCGT 1,000 Nuclear 2,000 Market value of equipment supply The total market value of particular items of equipment supply relevant to Scottish industry is estimated for coal fired plants, over the period 2007 to 2015. The table in this section: IPA Member Interests No. of members 30 20 15 Extracts the some relevant items of equipment that Scottish industry manufacture using the ‘Current capability of the Scottish supply chain’ table on page 38. • Uses the new-build projections and market value for each sector detailed within the ‘Worldwide forecast additional capacity and market value’ table on page 39. • Uses the percentage split for individual items of relevant equipment obtained from the modelling as detailed in cost breakdowns section (Chapter IV) and applies those percentages to the total market value 10 5 0 Thermal Cogen Nuclear Industrial Environmental Renewables In addition to the relevant IPA members included in the matrix, further companies which supply equipment or provide services considered suitable for medium to large power plant are included. Therefore the market value of those key components of coal-fired power generating plant relevant to Scottish industry is estimated for the period 2007-2015 on page 40. The matrix demonstrates that Scottish companies are primarily Tier 3 and Tier 4 equipment suppliers. However a number of Scottish companies provide a variety of services. 1 • 25 A diagram illustrating the flow of data between the following tables can be found in Appendix 3. Chapter VI: Scottish Supply Chain - 37 - Company Equipment or service supply Doosan Babcock Energy Ltd ScottishPower Generation Ltd BIB Cochran Ltd Clyde Group Diamond Power Speciality Ltd. x Howden Power Wood Group Chapter VI: Scottish Supply Chain x x x x x x x TUV NEL x x x x - 38 - Aggreko PLC x x x x Enotec UK Ltd x x x x x Foster Wheeler Halcrow Jacobs Mott MacDonald PCS Ltd Sinclair Knight Merz (SKM) x x Currie and Brown x x x AEA Technology x CESS Ltd x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x RWE npower Scottish and Southern Energy (SSE) x Siemens Power Generation Ltd x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x METTEK Limited x x x x x Failure investigation Testing and commissioning Sourcing and marketing Energy & environmental consultancy Equipment Project management Process design and engineering Plant construction and installation Plant and equipment maintenance Cost engineering Design and planning Gaseous emissions monitoring Particulate emissions monitoring Diagnostics systems Air pollution control Air combustion control Control and instrumentation systems Main steam pipework Back up diesel generators Milling equipment Blowdown systems Economisers Heat exchangers Compressors Large pumps Large fans (FD, PA, ID) Ash handling Flue gas desulphurisation (FGD) Burners NOx reduction Soot blowers Auxiliary boilers Boilers Current Capability of the Scottish Supply Chain Services x x x x x x x x x x Worldwide Forecast in Installed Capacity and Market Value, 2007 - 2015 REGION Forecast increase in installed capacity (GW) OECD AsiaPacific World Coal 613 GW 17 GW 15 GW 12 GW 8 GW 14 GW 417 GW 63 GW 37 GW 14 GW 4 GW 12 GW Gas 249 GW 16 GW 15 GW 23 GW 22 GW 8 GW 19 GW 5 GW 19 GW 36 GW 56 GW 29 GW 28 GW 2 GW 11 GW 0 GW 1 GW 4 GW 14 GW 4 GW 3 GW 2 GW 0 GW 0 GW 890 GW 62 GW 53 GW 158 GW 39 GW 34 GW 567 GW 103 GW 96 GW 111 GW 77 GW 56 GW Coal $736 $20 $18 $14 $10 $17 $500 $76 $44 $17 $5 $14 Gas $249 $16 $15 $23 $22 $8 $19 $5 $19 $36 $56 $29 $56 $4 $22 $0 $2 $8 $28 $8 $6 $4 $0 $0 $1,041 $40 $55 $37 $34 $33 $547 $89 $69 $57 $61 $43 Nuclear Total thermal Total cost of new build (Billion USD) OECD North America GENERATION TYPE Nuclear Total thermal OECD Europe Eastern Europe Russia China Other Asia India Latin America Market value of forecast increase in installed capacity 2007 - 2015 Billion USD $100 $90 Coal $80 Gas $70 Nuclear $ 500 billion $60 $50 $40 $30 $20 $10 $0 OECD North OECD AsiaAmerica Pacific OECD Europe Eastern Europe Russia China Regions Chapter VI: Scottish Supply Chain - 39 - India Other Asia Latin America Middle East Africa Middle East Africa Market Value of Equipment Supply for Coal-fired New Build, 2007 - 2015 World Coal Forecast increase installed capacity 2007- 2015 OECD North America OECD Asia Pacific OECD Europe Eastern Europe Russia China Latin America India Other Asia Middle East Africa 613 GW 17 GW 15 GW 12 GW 8 GW 14 GW 417 GW 63 GW 37 GW 14 GW 4 GW 12 GW $735,600 $20,400 $18,000 $14,400 $9,600 $16,800 $500,400 $75,600 $44,400 $16,800 $4,800 $14,400 Boilers $87,000 $2,417 $2,132 $1,706 $1,137 $1,990 $59,276 $8,955 $5,259 $1,990 $569 $1,706 Steam turbo-generator $53,000 $1,475 $1,302 $1,041 $694 $1,215 $36,188 $5,467 $3,211 $1,215 $347 $1,041 Pumps $6,700 $185 $163 $130 $87 $152 $4,533 $685 $402 $152 $43 $130 Soot blowers $2,500 $69 $61 $49 $32 $57 $1,693 $256 $150 $57 $16 $49 Fans $1,600 $45 $40 $32 $21 $37 $1,108 $167 $98 $37 $11 $32 Heat exchangers $7,000 $194 $171 $137 $91 $160 $4,765 $720 $423 $160 $46 $137 Pulverised coal burners $5,900 $163 $144 $115 $77 $134 $4,003 $605 $355 $134 $38 $115 Total cost of new build (Million USD) Market value of equipment supply (Million USD) Equipment NOx reduction $370 $10 $9 $7 $5 $8 $250 $38 $22 $8 $2 $7 Flue gas desulphurisation $36,000 $1,002 $884 $707 $471 $825 $24,570 $3,712 $2,180 $825 $236 $707 Ash handling $17,000 $481 $424 $339 $226 $396 $11,791 $1,781 $1,046 $396 $113 $339 Large Fans (FD, PA, ID) Mills Stack Control instrumentation Large pumps Compressors Auxiliary boilers Particulate monitoring Chapter VI: Scottish Supply Chain $1,600 $45 $40 $32 $21 $37 $1,108 $167 $98 $37 $11 $32 $17,000 $465 $410 $328 $219 $383 $11,412 $1,724 $1,013 $383 $109 $328 $5,700 $159 $141 $112 $75 $131 $3,906 $590 $347 $131 $37 $112 $22,000 $612 $540 $432 $288 $504 $15,012 $2,268 $1,332 $504 $144 $432 $6,700 $187 $165 $132 $88 $154 $4,589 $693 $407 $154 $44 $132 $380 $11 $9 $8 $5 $9 $261 $39 $23 $9 $3 $8 $3,700 $102 $90 $72 $48 $84 $2,502 $378 $222 $84 $24 $72 $16,000 $431 $381 $304 $203 $355 $10,581 $1,599 $939 $355 $101 $304 - 40 - VII OPPORTUNITIES FOR SCOTTISH COMPANIES company boards are used to being presented with information concerning large capital spends associated with the development of large generating plant plants. The IEA’s $2,000+ billion spend projection This report has used information from a number of reputable sources and modified data to provide information which it is more pertinent to Scottish companies. This section is intended to assist companies in carrying out strategic planning for their business development in the power sector. The extract below from the table on page 39 outlines the global power sector investment opportunities in terms of the projected increase in installed capacity. Therefore it should be noted that the total worldwide investment in power generation (up to 2015) has been identified as in excess of $2,000 billion. The ‘Projected capacity additions and investment in power infrastructure’ table on page 19 (Chapter III – Global Energy Trends) provides a regional breakdown of this figure. Note that this figure also includes Renewables. The value of the thermal generation market is estimated to be over $1,000 billion, however, this figure is still considered to be conservative, as it does not take into account replacement capacity. 613 17 15 12 8 14 417 63 Gas 249 16 15 23 22 8 19 5 • The on-going investment in flue gas desulphurisation plant 28 2 11 0 1 4 14 4 • The likely fast-track investment in CCGT to meet the energy gap due to the impact of the Large Combustion Plant Directive resulting in the closure of much of the existing coal-fired plant • The installation of advanced super-critical steam plant or retrofitted selective catalytic reduction (SCR) • New nuclear build • The impact of the outcome of the government-funded carbon capture and storage demonstration projects. Nuclear Total thermal 890 62 53 158 39 34 567 103 Coal 736 20 18 14 10 17 500 76 Gas 249 16 15 23 22 8 19 5 Nuclear Total thermal Waves of investment India China Coal Russia OECD AsiaPacific Eastern Europe OECD North America Total cost of new build (Billion USD) GENERATION TYPE World Forecast increase in installed capacity (GW) OECD Europe Worldwide Forecast in Installed Capacity and Market Value, 2007 - 2015 56 4 22 0 2 8 28 8 1,041 40 55 37 34 33 547 89 The information on projected levels of investment has been presented so far in terms 1 of total investment in specific technologies. However, it has been suggested that the future build programme for the UK will be in waves of investment, with the installation of new higher efficiency and lower emissions plant. The figure below illustrates: Note that this data relates the investment / opportunities to the projected increase in capacity, and not to the actual value of the new plant which will be required to achieve this total capacity once the existing plant has been retired. The study has taken this approach as the data presented in the IEA report relates to projected increases. The following graph relates to investment through to 2025, whereas this report has taken 2015 as its horizon. Although these projections are for the UK, the pattern shown is representative of most of the regions considered here, apart from China and India where fewer emissions controls are currently in place, and coal-fired plant and nuclear plant developments are already progressing. A feature of this study is that the analysis has drilled-down to estimate the opportunities for specialist (Tier 3 and Tier 4) suppliers, for example on page 40., However, these smaller numbers for the market spend on equipment should not be allowed to mask the very large worldwide power sector market spend. The information presented in this report has tended to focus on the value of sub-systems and components which might be delivered to EPCs. Managing Directors and Chapter VII: Opportunities for Scottish Companies 1 Martin Sedgwick, Head of Asset management, Scottish Power, IET Power Generation Control seminar, Birmingham, 1.12.08 - 41 - Opportunities for Scottish Companies (continued) future-proof their offerings to be ready for the likely CCS and SCR retrofitting and new build opportunities. The opportunities As presented in the detail of the report, there is a significant market for supplying equipment and services for the power industry forecast during the next 10 years. Scottish companies have been manufacturing equipment for power plants for over 100 years and have a rich heritage in power generation engineering. The value of this internationally accepted reputation should not be underestimated and should be exploited when approaching international customers. The report has highlighted the change in the ratio of ‘balance of plant’ to main (traditional) generating plant equipment to address the more stringent emissions demands. This means that more process engineering skills will be required to deliver gas scrubbing and other process technologies. Scotland also has a rich heritage in process engineering, and this should also be exploited. The above graph is representative of the UK. Therefore, re-formulating this waves graph for the global market produces the figure below. An additional dimension has been introduced with the width of the bar representing the level of investment in a particular technology. “Waves” of investment worldwide What Scottish companies need to do New SC & USC coal Joint ventures and licensing agreements CCGT Equipment suppliers in Scotland face significant competition from manufacturers in China and India, South East Asia and Eastern Europe. Conventional manufacturing has trended towards moving to these regions due to plentiful cheap labour and other low cost inputs. However, Scottish companies do have the opportunity to partner with companies with manufacturing facilities elsewhere, and particularly in the countries where the generating plant will be installed. Localisation, the approach being taken by the large nuclear vendors, mainly due to the need to re-develop the supply chain, but also to satisfy local political pressure in many countries to minimise the balance of payments, may become a factor in all large capital spend projects. New nuclear CCS deployment 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 The data is now dominated by the opportunities / build programme in China and India, where coal-fired plant building is proceeding rapidly. Nuclear build is progressing quickly in China and a number of orders have placed from various countries around the world. For the emissions equipment supply, companies with a power sector track record need to take the initiative with regard to forming joint ventures with process industries partners, particularly when the process industry order book is already buoyant. CCGT plant is still likely to be developed, particularly when gas becomes available in areas requiring fast-tracking of increased generation capacity, and where CCS schemes are not viable. Equipment manufacturers in Scotland are also advised to consider licensing agreements with companies in China, India, South East Asia and Eastern Europe for the manufacture of equipment, which would be delivered by a Scottish lead contract. This should also provide opportunities to the Scottish party for the provision of design services to those organisations if they were leading supply contracts, either if the CCS investment is only likely to start in earnest at the end of the timeframe of this study, However, Scottish companies are recommended to consider how best to Chapter VII: Opportunities for Scottish Companies - 42 - Opportunities for Scottish Companies (continued) other party is over-stretched, or the customer requires contracts delivered with English-language design documentation, or to a more rigorous quality assurance regime. If and when the power and oil and gas sectors come together, there is a need to provide joined-up thinking between the two sectors, particularly with regard to providing consistent design documentation particularly with regard to plant safety systems. Skills transfer Staffing and training Scotland is well placed to offer skills in design, strategy, management, operation and maintenance. There is a shortage in engineering expertise and personnel around the world and a need for experienced design engineering skills. Therefore opportunities might exist to subcontract in-house engineering staff to larger international power generation contractors and developers. In addition, staff secondments to larger firms would provide relationships and links to key clients, and aid promotion of existing specialised designs or design services. The hiatus over the last 20 years in new build within the UK has reduced the available skilled work force. This has been recognised by others and increasingly we are seeing initiatives such as formation of the Sector Skills Councils programme Cogent1, which has been addressing skill gaps in sectors such as nuclear and process engineering via the establishment of skills academies. If the power manufacturing sector is to respond to the opportunity, then similar initiatives may be required. Services Scottish companies are advised to consider the promotion of specialised services such as emissions monitoring, quality assurance (QA), control and instrumentation design and advice. General plant condition monitoring is also considered to be a major area which Scottish companies could exploit. Scottish companies have much to offer in this area with a combination of plant operational experience and service delivery. The recent establishment (not associated with the SSCs) of the University of Strathclyde’s Graduate School of Engineering2 with a new course on Power Plant Engineering is a key facilitator for developing engineering staff for the power generator sector. World vs UK market The report has identified sizeable opportunities in the world market but also in the UK market. At the time of writing this report, the pound is weak against the euro and the dollar, so both the home and export markets should be of great interest to the Scottish supplier. Services such as quality audits and design reviews are likely to become a growth industry as equipment is supplied by emerging companies, where new equipment is being delivered without long service histories, and where the project risk must be minimised by increased diligence in the project management of the supply chain. Scottish companies have the capability and capacity to position themselves as experts the various fields of specialised services for power generation. The UK market is likely to be large, due to the much heralded ‘energy consumer demand and the post-LCPD (2015) generation capability. perceived to be a leader in emissions control technology, due to its initiatives, investment in deliverables developed for the UK market Scottish companies well in the international market. New technology Understanding and investing in new technology developments is vital. This report has highlighted the move to supercritical boiler and (steam) turbine technology, and the variety of equipment required to abate emissions. Coal-fired plant designs are likely to take on board the nuclear industry’s modularisation approach, allowing more factory build of sub-systems (packaged plant) to allow faster build at site and fewer skilled personnel during construction and commissioning. The Scottish oil and gas sector has obviously long experience of this approach and that experience should be exploited in the development of new products. Chapter VII: Opportunities for Scottish Companies 1 2 - 43 - gap’ between As the UK is clean energy should stand Scottish Enterprise Support to the Energy Industry Scottish Enterprise Scottish Enterprise Energy Team Scottish Enterprise is Scotland’s main economic, enterprise and investment agency. Our ultimate goal is to stimulate sustainable growth of Scotland’s economy. The Scottish Enterprise Energy team is based in Aberdeen. The teams remit covers support for the oil and gas, renewables and conventional power sectors. The Scottish Government has set the following overriding strategic objectives:- To achieve this we help ambitious and innovative businesses grow and become more successful. We also work with public and private sector partners to develop the business environment in Scotland. We deliver a range of dedicated support services locally, nationally and internationally. Our activities help businesses with the appetite and capacity to grow to: • • • • • Growth prospects for the power generation sector will largely be driven by legislative requirements, particularly in the EU by the Large Combustion Plants Directive. This requires thermal power stations to comply with targets, which become more stringent from 2012, and contributes to reducing emissions and addressing climate change issues. Combined with the need to replace the ageing fleet of fossil and nuclear power stations, which currently provide 80% of electricity, the power generation sector will require significant investment. improve efficiencies; access new sources of funding; and conquer new markets. To build a world-class economy, we’re interested in industries that have real competitive advantage in Scotland, particularly: • • • • • • The principal areas of opportunity for the power generation sector targeted include: coal - supporting development and deployment of clean coal technologies (S/C & oxyfuel firing, Underground Coal Gasification (UCG) and Coal Bed Methane (CBM) carbon capture and storage (CCS) - supporting development and deployment of CCS technologies power systems - supporting development and deployment of advanced grid management systems nuclear decommissioning - development of market opportunities (supply chain and technical development) energy, life sciences, tourism, financial services, food and drink, and digital markets and enabling technologies. We work in partnership with universities, colleges, local authorities and other public sector bodies to achieve these goals and to maximise our contribution to the Government’s Economic Strategy. We are mainly funded by the Scottish Government, although we also raise part of our budget from other sources, such as property rental and disposal of assets. Chapter VII: Opportunities for Scottish Companies an 80% reduction in emissions by 2050 sustainable economic development - 44 - Scottish Enterprise Support to the Energy Industry (continued) Scottish Development International Scottish Enterprise Energy Team (continued) SDI is a joint venture between Scottish Enterprise, Highlands and Islands Enterprise and the Scottish Government. SDI helps businesses to think globally. Scottish Enterprise will build on the technological and global market strengths of the cluster of Scottish companies in the thermal generation industry through: • • • • • • Its aim is to broaden Scotland’s international appeal as a first choice source of knowledge and to assist the growth of the Scottish economy, by encouraging inward investment and helping Scottish-based companies develop international trade. support for effective industry associations signposting opportunities for growth providing access to funding for R&D and deployment of new technologies, including working with partners such as ITI Energy, the Energy Technology Institute and the Energy Research Partnership. supply chain development provision of market intelligence account management of appropriate growth companies To do this, SDI provides a full range of services for companies seeking to exploit Scotland’s key strengths in: • • • • Further information on the Energy Team’s activities can be found at: knowledge; high level skills; technology; and innovation. SDI gives advice on the best locations, assists with recruitment and training, and offers a business mentoring service. They also supply market information to help you make the right connections. By encouraging international companies to share expertise and promoting the expansion of Scotland’s portfolio of first-class exports, they strive to create partnerships with overseas investors, opening up new channels to markets, technologies and products. SDI even helps strike licensing deals with some of the UK’s top universities. Different businesses require different thinking, so SDI creates tailored solutions to deliver exactly what business needs. By promoting Scotland as a dynamic economy on the international stage, SDI helps companies to succeed in the global marketplace. Further information on SDI’s activities in the Energy Sector can be found at: Chapter VII: Opportunities for Scottish Companies - 45 - APPENDICES Appendix 1 Flowchart illustrating data sources and manipulation Appendix 2 Questionnaire Appendix 3 Calculation of Market Value of Equipment Supply Appendix 4 Kingsnorth Case Study Appendix 5 Nuclear Decommissioning Appendix 6 Cost and Technology Parameters Appendix 7 Contractual approaches Appendix 1 Flowchart illustrating data sources and manipulation SKM models For typical coal, CCGT & nuclear plants (using Thermoflow PEACE) % breakdowns of equipment costs within EPC price IEA EIA World Energy Outlook 2008 2008 Data WNA, Platts & others total installed 2006; projected capacity 2015 New build (GW) Forecast increase in capacity for 2015 New build ($) for coal, nuclear & CCGT projects Breakdown in value of specific plant items $/kW Capital costs Primary Research inc IPA information Appendix 2 Questionnaire The approach to the respondents addressed a technical agenda as shown below: Appendix 3 Calculation of Market Value of Equipment Supply 1) Forecast increase in capacity The value for forecast increase in capacity between 2007 and 2015 is estimated from EIA sources. The total value of the coal, gas, and nuclear new build is calculated using an estimated price per kW. 2) Equipment percentage breakdown The percentage breakdown for various items of equipment is extracted from the coal fired 400MW and 600Mw models. 3) Market value of equipment supply The equipment percentage breakdown is applied to the total value of the coal fired new build to extract an average value for the estimated market of each equipment type between 2007 and 2015 Appendix 4 Kingsnorth Case Study Units 5 and 6 Carbon capture This case study has been prepared as Kingsnorth is the first (proposed) new build coal fired plant in the UK since the second stage of Drax completed commissioning in 1986. The proposed plant has raised a number of issues as to how large projects such as this proceed in the UK, and may be representative of the issues facing similar new large plants world-wide. The project is under considerable pressure to include carbon capture, thus should the design be developed to meet the demands of all its critics, this study would effectively provide a worked example of the scope of a clean coal plant which could be built before 2015. The project has created enormous public interest – a Google (UK) search on Kingsnorth currently produces 150,000 hits. During the summer of 2008 protesters created a ‘Climate Camp’ close to the existing plant, and created much media attention; Kingsnorth has become a cause célèbre for environmental groups. The protesters main bone of contention is that no new coal plant is acceptable without major carbon abatement, specifically carbon capture, which is not currently planned. The government has announced that it will make a decision by the end of 2009. E.ON - UK is planning to build two additional generating units (Nos 5 and 6) at its existing Kingsnorth site on the Medway Estuary / Hoo Peninsula in Kent. These will use super-critical boilers and turbines. Once these new units are commissioned, the original plant shall be decommissioned. Units 1-4 (485 MW each) , designated as ‘existing plant' in the Large Combustion Plant Directive (LCPD), have been 'optedout' and must close by the end of 2015. E.ON’s website provides an overview of the project: The following information is also available in the public domain: Environmental impact assessment (EIA) Planning submission MC2007/0014 was made to Medway Council on 15 December 2006. A Section 36 (Electricity Act) application was also made in December 2006 for a 1600 MW maximum electrical output plant. Prior to the creation of Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC), the Environmental Agency has commented on the project, and at that stage did not support the project as it does not have carbon capture. See The project is competing to be the UK demonstration plant for carbon capture. This aspect of the project would involve a consortium of partners: project managers Arup, technology consultants EPRI, carbon capture technology suppliers Fluor and MHI, pipeline transportation firm, Penspen, and carbon dioxide storage partner Tullow Oil. See E.ON press release 1 Independent bodies such as the Royal Society have contributed to the debate - the Society argues that planning consents should only be granted if new plants can capture 90% of the carbon dioxide produced. Typical of the pressure groups submissions to the debate is that from the World Wildlife Fund which also argues that the project should not proceed unless carbon capture is fitted. WWF has commissioned a report from Edinburgh University’s Scottish Centre for Carbon Storage (SCCS): Originally planned to get the go-ahead by early summer of 2008, E.ON asked for a delay in consents to allow the (then) BERR considerations on carbon capture to be completed before they (E.ON) would commence the project. The plant will use supercritical boiler and turbine technology which will increase the plant efficiency from (the existing units) 36% to 45%. This will reduce the carbon dioxide produced from 850 g/kWh to 700 g/kWh. This compares with 320 g/kWh for a modern CCGT plant, or 350 g/kWh for an IGCC plant (which is unlikely to be available until after 2015. Supply chain E.ON’s proposed supply chain for this project follows an open tendering process. Currently E.ON is still negotiating (due to the delays in programme, and possible change in scope) with preferred tenderers in Doosan Babcock and Alstom / Siemens. Doosan has offered to provide boilers. It also presented written evidence to the Select Committee on Environment Audit: 1 This describes the plant offered for Kingsnorth. Note that E.ON has identified other partners for the tendered carbon capture competition who are detailed above. E.ON has declared that the plant is carbon-capture-ready: that is, space is available to build post combustion capture (PCC), and a route to a possible storage location has been identified. Likely contract value The declared cost for the additional units without carbon capture is £1000M. If carbon capture plant is added then the cost will increase, and the net generation will reduce, thus, both the capital and the operational costs will increase. The value of the amine scrubbing as the post-combustion capture could be assessed, however, that would be an academic exercise if a final storage solution has not been agreed. This compares with the £500M for the 1250 MW CCGT plant nearby at the Isle of Grain. Other information Kingsnorth is effectively a re-planting of a power station site. As sea water cooling is used for the turbine condensers, the 1800 MW of new plant reduces the impact on the local ecology than the four units (1940 MWe) being replaced. Appendix 5 Nuclear Decommissioning New nuclear build vs. nuclear decommissioning There has been much debate on whether the decommissioning workforce will migrate to the apparently more glamorous world of new-build. Many will argue that decommissioning provides a good grounding in nuclear procedures and working arrangements. Decommissioning will always be more rigorous than new-build as contaminated waste is associated with almost all aspects of those projects, whereas, generation has a well defined ‘nuclear island’ with much of the plant very similar to conventional fossil-fired plant. Thus, assuming that contractors need to consider pursuing nuclear decommissioning work to develop their credentials for new-build work, the would-be supplier should be aware of the ‘overheads’ associated with working in this sector. The supplier will have to be able to demonstrate an enhanced safety culture within their organisation. They will require radiation monitoring for staff who visit licensed sites, appointing a Radiation Protection Supervisor (RPS) and Adviser (RPA). They will require to put in place security clearance arrangement working on these designs as the Office for Civil Nuclear Security (OCNS) consider this knowledge (both of decommissioning site and power station sites) to be of national security. Design information held will require to be managed such that on security cleared personnel have access to it. The actual opportunities in decommissioning are published in some detail on the Site Licensee Companies’ (SLCs’) web sites. This area is discussed in more detail in following sections. Nuclear decommissioning In 2004 Scottish Enterprise published advice on opportunities in nuclear decommissioning. This is still available at: At that time the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA) was just being established, and its strategy for decommissioning being formulated. In 2005 the NDA became responsible for all the decommissioning of Sellafield, Dounreay, and the Harwell and Winfrith research sites, the magnox stations which have closed. The NDA is also responsible for running the remaining reprocessing facilities at Sellafield and Dounreay, the fuel manufacturing plant at Preston and the remaining operational magnox power stations, Oldbury and Wylfa. Much of the 2004 report is still relevant, particularly the advice on barriers to entry and opportunities for technology transfer from other sectors. In the intervening period, one of the areas which has been developed from the oil and gas sector is the modularisation of equipment to allow a faster site installation and a shorter commissioning period. This is a technique which has also been developed for new-build. In 2005, the DTI, SDI and UKTI published a report on Global Decommissioning Opportunities. This includes a section dedicated to Opportunities and Issues for Scotland. This report still provides a fair explanation of the international market and the differences in approach between different countries. This report is available via: 7830.html More recently, the Word Nuclear Association has published a useful discussion document, which, albeit labelled as Safe Decommissioning, provides a good general overview of nuclear decommissioning activities. The information which follows on nuclear decommissioning is generally specific to what is happening in the United Kingdom. As decommissioning calls on many of the personnel skill sets which will be required for nuclear new-build, an overview is included here to allow companies to consider this as a way of developing those skills as the relatively slow-moving new-build process. It concentrates on identifying the synergies and clashes for resources with new nuclear build The NDA is now responsible for the decommissioning of the 20 former UKAEA and BNFL sites and for developing an integrated waste strategy for the UK. The NDA reports to (its sponsoring Government department) the Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform (DBERR). A successful decommissioning programme is important in making a case for new nuclear build, so it is likely to have its current funding continued and decommissioning work will continue for at least the next twenty years. Earlier this year (2008), the NDA published its comprehensive spending review (CSR). This requested an increase in funding from the Treasury which was awarded. Currently, funding is being channelled towards Sellafield and Dounreay, somewhat at the expense of projects on the magnox plants, at Harwell and at Winfrith. Lifetime plans (LTPs) have now been produced by the Site Licensee Companies (SLCs) or Tier 1 contractors to the NDA. These are published by the NDA and in more detail by the SLCs. The NDA has also awarded the low-level waste repository (LLWR) contract to UK Nuclear Waste Management (UKNWM) – a consortium of URS Washington, AREVA, Studsvik and Serco Assurance. Many of the existing site operators have taken on-board US companies as partners; these companies are deemed to have greater experience from the faster decommissioning which has been taking place in the US. However, to date this has not had any impact on the supply chain process with contracts still being via the European Union procurement process, with all major projects being advertised. In 2007, the World Nuclear Association produced a statement on the status of decommissioning activities worldwide The SLCs will provide continuity for the management a site, however, the contractual responsibility for the SLC will via its Parent Body Organisation (PBO). This role is currently being competitively bid for Sellafield and by May (2008) the preferred bidder should be announced. Contracts with the existing SLC will be honoured; however, new work will depend on the new PBO’s approach to managing its supply chain which may differ from that currently in place. The general terms and conditions for all work with the NDA’s various SLCs is defined by standard terms and conditions which flow down through the SLCs (Tier 1s) to the suppliers (Tier 2, Tier 3, etc. contractors). Currently, the various SLCs are endeavouring to standardise their pre-qualification processes however, the three key SLCs have different procurement systems and separate submissions will still be required, albeit providing responses to similar questions. Site Licensee Company Procurement process UKAEA Omnicon Magnox stations Achilles (UVDB) Sellafield CTM Remarks For the UK market, the NDA has published a Procurement Plan (last updated in June 2008) and available at This details the existing supply chain for the HQs NDA operation, links to the decommissioning sites procurement operations, and advice on how to use Tenders Electronically Daily to search for decommissioning opportunities. Supply Chain Network databases Sellafield has established an on-line Supply Chain Network database for use by all nuclear sector suppliers: This is separate from the Complete Tender management procurement route detailed above and may provide a route for companies to come together to create solutions for the UK SLCs. It may also provide a platform for companies to develop alliances to bid international decommissioning projects. New-build on decommissioning sites In March 2008 the NDA invited proposals from developers for new-build projects on NDA sites. These sites are much more likely to succeed as: Utility Vendors database Complete Tender Management system Currently projects are progressing in a start/stop manner, often due to the NDA’s need to reallocate funding to different sites or projects to meet their prime responsibility of managing the biggest risks. The regulator - the Nuclear Installations Inspectorate (NII) of the HSE – has the greater clout on this aspect of the process and until some generic approaches to safety management are developed then this unpredictable progress is likely to continue. The contractor working in these areas must be prepared for this unpredictability. • There is generally local support for nuclear • Previous usage of sea or river water for turbine condenser cooling will ease the projects through planning International projects UKAEA is pursuing international opportunities for its own workforce to both provide a spread of work to smooth out the troughs in funding for its own in-house decommissioning, and partly to ensure a long term workload for its staff based primarily around Dounreay. In these projects, UKAEA is likely to concentrate on project management and technical strategy and will rely on some of its own supply chain to support projects. Appendix 6 Cost and Technology Parameters Main cost and technology parameters of plants starting commercial operation in 2015 Parameter Unit Coal steam CCGT Nuclear IGCC Wind onshore % 85 85 85 85 28 % 44 58 33 46 n/a Construction period months 48 36 60 54 18 Plant life years 40 25 40 40 20 Capacity factor Thermal efficiency (net, LHV) a b Investment cost USD/kW 1,400 650 2,000-2,500 1,600 900 Annual incremental capital cost USD/kW 12 6 20 14 10 Unit cost of fuel USD/MBtu 50 25 65 55 20 4.21 2.43 n/a 4.21 n/a c Total OandM cost Carbon intensity of the fuel USD/kW d t CO2 per toe a) Lower heating value (LHV) is the heat liberated by the complete combustion of a unit of fuel when the water produced is assumed to remain as a vapour and the heat is not recovered. b) Total capital expenditure for the project, excluding the cost of finance. c) Total non-fuel operating and maintenance costs are assumed to be fixed. d) CO2 intensity refers to electricity generation only. Life cycle emissions are somewhat higher for wind and nuclear power (but still negligible compared with coal or gas). Source: IEA World Energy Outlook 2006, forecast of 2015 costs. Appendix 7 Contractual approaches There are a number of contractual approaches that can be taken to construct a power station. Engineering, Procurement and Construction ("EPC") Contracts have historically been the most common form of contract used to undertake power plant projects by the private sector on large scale. Another option is to have a supply contract, a design agreement and construction contract with or without a project management agreement. The choice of contracting approach depends on a number of factors including the time available, the lenders requirements and the identity of the contractor(s). The following section is a brief summary of the various contract strategies used to building power plants. Engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) In an engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) contract, the EPC contractor (EPCC) agrees to deliver a commissioned plant to the owner for an agreed amount. EPC, also known as Design-Build, is a project delivery method that combines two, usually separate services into a single contract. With EPC procurements, owners execute a single, fixed-fee contract for both architectural/engineering services and construction. Under an EPC Contract a contractor is obliged to deliver a complete facility to a developer who need only 'turn a key' to start operating the facility, hence EPC Contracts are sometimes called turnkey construction contracts. In addition to delivering a complete facility, the contractor must deliver that facility for a guaranteed price by a guaranteed date and it must perform to the specified level. EPC contracts generally involve the contractor assuming a greater proportion of the risk than they would in a multi-contract context. Therefore there are inherent risks and complexities in EPC contracts due to the involvement of different parties and various factors. Engineering, procurement, construction and management Engineering, Procurement, Construction and Management (EPCM), also known as Design Bid Build, is the traditional project delivery approach that was used for most of the 20th century to procure public works. The EPCM segregates design and construction responsibilities by awarding them to an independent private engineer and a separate private contractor. • During the initial design phase, a design contract is awarded to an architectengineer or designer. The architect - engineer is responsible for completing a final project design and providing detailed documentation, including drawings, specifications, and supporting documentation. • The owner would use the documentation prepared by the engineer to assemble construction bid documents. The project would then move into the construction phase, with the owner retaining responsibility for monitoring the contractor's performance. Multi-contracting Multi-contracting is when the works are let in a number of packages. For multicontracting to work well, the owner must possess (or buy-in) good project management skills. One advantage of procurement on this basis in the current climate is the scope to tailor risk allocation to the particular requirements of each package. In addition, by reducing contract values it can also help reduce prospective liabilities of the contractors and lead to cost reductions. Alliance agreements An alliance agreement or framework is generally formed between the leading equipment suppliers and construction companies for a project to work towards a set project goals. An Alliance Leadership Team (ALT), consisting of one or more senior representatives from each alliance member company, is responsible for overseeing the project. Concepts of alliance working can bring benefits to the project. As the parties work together in a spirit of mutual trust and co-operation, they will typically begin to introduce formal communication structures, sharing of resources, joint determination of goals and objectives and shared risks. This aim of the project alliance contract is to align the interests of the owner and the contractor to build the project in a collaborative way, without disputes and without major claims.