Volume 6 Issue 8 - Fargo Public Schools
Volume 6 Issue 8 - Fargo Public Schools
DAVIES HIGH SCHOOL EAGLES REPORT Honor - Integrity – Pursuit of Excellence Volume 6, Issue 8 Davies High School Administrators Troy Cody, Principal Dr. Dale Miller Assistant Principal Web Site: www.fargo.k12.nd.us April 2016 Happy Spring - Davies Community, Winter activities have come to a close and spring activities are or will be going strong. We are hopeful, of a spring season, with little or no rescheduling of events. This has been a fast, successful, and enjoyable school year for our athletic and non-athletic activities. We have had many things to celebrate at Davies this school year, as we had state individual champs, team championships, many student honors / recognitions, and successful events throughout our programs. Congratulations to all students for their involvement in making our programs successful, and thank you to those who attend, volunteer, and support our Davies programs. With many activities going on and possible changes in schedules, I would encourage you to stay updated through FPS and Davies websites. For a current calendar update, please use Rschool located on Davies website or go to: http://www.easterndakotaconference.org Below are some dates of spring events that may be of interest to many: Sean Safranski Assistant Principal Lenny Ohlhauser Activities Director Davies High School Davies High School 7150 25th St. S Fargo, ND 58104 701-446-5600 701-446-5910 FAX April 9 April 15 April 19/21 May 6 May 18 May 18 May 25-27 May 27 May 29 May 29 Testing timeframes. Prom (Grand March @ 7:30) Storm Make-up Day if needed NDSA Junior Testing Storm Make-up Day if needed Davies activity / art day / SR. barbeque Davies HS Academic & Scholarship Awards program (By Invitation Only) Final Exams Mandatory Graduation Practice for all Seniors @ Noon – FargoDome Davies HS Graduation Ceremony @ Noon – FargoDome Senior All Night Party @ Davies High School Please look at the counselor section for all testing dates and Thank you for your continued support to our staff and students. Sincerely, Lenny Ohlhauser Fargo Public Schools Mission Statement Achieving excellence by educating and empowering all students to succeed” DAVIES MAIN OFFICE Office Number .............................................. 446-5600 Troy Cody, Principal ..................................... 446-5604 Dr. Dale Miller, Asst. Principal (A-K) .......... 446-5607 Sean Safranski, Asst. Principal (L-Z) ............ 446-5606 Lenny Ohlhauser, Activities Coordinator ..... 446-5608 Debbie Clapp, Admin. Asst. ......................... 446-5605 Cathy Pauly, Activities Sec. .......................... 446-5609 Lana Steffen, Bookkeeper ............................. 446-5619 STUDENT SERVICES Vanessa Boehm, Counselor (A-E) Jennifer Toso-Kenna, Counselor (F-K) Debbi Osowski, Counselor (L-Q) Anita Mahnke (R-Z) Dona Sabby, Registrar Laurie McKeever, Career Center 446-5612 446-5614 446-5613 446-5615 446-5616 446-5617 ATTENDANCE Michelle Schnarr (A-K) ................................ 446-5611 Toni Nelson (L-Z) ......................................... 446-5610 DAVIES HIGH SCHOOL CULTURE PLAN Fargo Public School Mission Statement “Achieving excellence by educating and empowering all students to succeed” Davies High School Belief Statement We believe in the development of self-reliant students who have the power and responsibility to contribute to a positive school culture. We believe in “Honor, Integrity, and the Pursuit of Excellence”. Inherent in these words are the core character strengths of Caring, Citizenship, Critical Thinking, Fairness, Lifelong Learning, Respect, Responsibility, and Trustworthiness. By promoting these character strengths, we will establish a sense of school community and pride where all students have the opportunity to grow, to learn, and to become self-sustaining individuals. Davies High School Character Strengths Caring - Be considerate. Be compassionate. Express gratitude. Citizenship - Participate in making the school and community better. Obey school rules. Volunteer. Critical Thinking – Clarify and set goals. Evaluate and analyze information. Actively participate in the l learning process. Fairness – Be honest, just, and open minded. Act without favoritism or prejudice. Lifelong Learning - Accept and seek new challenges in learning both inside and outside of school. Respect - Honor the dignity, privacy, and freedom of all individuals. Treat others the way you want to be treated. Responsibility - Be accountable and accept the consequences for what you do and/or don’t do. Be selfdisciplined. Think before you act. Set a good example for others. Trustworthiness - Be honest and do what you say you’re going to do. Davies High School Culture Goals Long Term Goals 1. The Davies High School “Character Strengths” initiative will include a meaningful awareness program that assists all students in developing the character strengths of Caring, Citizenship, Critical Thinking, Fairness, Lifelong Learning, Respect, Responsibility, and Trustworthiness. 2. The Davies High School “Character Strengths” program will reach out to the community as a full partner in the character strength development building process by providing educational opportunities for community members to model the character strengths of Caring, Citizenship, Critical Thinking, Fairness, Lifelong Learning, Respect, Responsibility, and Trustworthiness. School Motto “Honor, Integrity, and the Pursuit of Excellence” CHEATING- DEFINED (page 31 of Student Handbook) Cheating is the act of giving or receiving aid without the specific consent of the teacher. It is an intentional act of breaking the rules in order to achieve personal gain through fraud or deceit. Cheating includes but is not limited to: Copying from another student’s assignment, project, test or homework without teacher consent for collaboration. Using material, or inappropriate procedures, during a test not authorized by the teacher. Sharing assignments, projects, tests, or homework with another student without approval. Soliciting or receiving unauthorized information about any assignment, project, test, or homework. PLAGIARISM – DEFINED (page 31 of Student Handbook) Plagiarism occurs when an individual deliberately uses someone else’s language, ideas or original material without acknowledging its source. Plagiarism includes but is not limited to: Copying someone else’s research. Claiming someone else’s words, ideas plots, characters, theories, opinions, concepts, design, or art work as one’s own by failing to give credit to the writer or creator. Paraphrasing the ideas of others or copying someone else’s words without citing the source appropriately. Submitting someone else’s text (paper) as one’s own. Carelessly or inadequately citing the ideas and words borrowed from another source. If a student has concerns or questions about how to cite material for a particular assignment, the student has a responsibility to consult his/her teacher. STUDENT OF THE QUARTER Each quarter, the teaching staff nominates students for “Student of the Quarter” using our “Eight Character Strengths” as a basis for their nominations. The “Eight Character Strengths” are Caring, Citizenship, Critical Thinking, Fairness, Respect, Life Long Learning, Responsibility and Trustworthiness. The students who were nominated the most times by staff are chosen as “Student of the Quarter” The students who were chosen for the first quarter of the 2014-15 school year are: FRESHMAN Caroline Osborne SOPHOMORES Ali Alawi JUNIORS Kassandra Cook Isaac Weintraub Katie Hanson Jonathan Brooks SENIORS Cheyenne Christensen Conor Rayl STUDENTS NOMINATED FOR STUDENT OF THE QUARTER Freshman Ali Alawi Joshua Anderson Zenab Ariye Megan Barnick Jack Boub McKenzie Burian Lydia Choi James Cook Connor Dahlvang Jesse Forknell Nishita Gaba Kylie Glover Jaden Klabo Brent Meyer Caroline Osborne Harrison Thom Ella Trautmann Cody Younggren Jackson Zander Hanna Zastoupil Sophomores Samson Brasel Jonathan Brooks Joshua Carlson Andrew Christopher Christina Conlin Amanda Dolalie Braden Ehlert Fred Gaye Abbey Greek Elizabeth Hall Katie Hanson Devon Kelly Carly Kottsick Alaina Lynk Reilly Mack Ashley Mattia Mercedes Morin Matthew Overholt April Peterson Tyler Voegele Joval Yousa Juniors Andrew Baer Cole Birch Sydney Brusseau Kassandra Cook Morrisa Dahl Derek Doughty Madison Drummond Gabrielle Hansen Ashley Matter Basimise Mulinga Juanaiga Okugas Julia Osborne Brooke Pella Christian Ressler Nicolas Solem Mercedes Swanson Brenna Weiner Isaac Weintraub Seniors Abdirizak Abdikadir Cheyenne Christensen Baylee Cushman Paxton Franke Sydney Graf Emily Groth Senad Islamovic Kaitlyn Knudsvig Nathan Kruize Ramata Korgho Abby Olson Zachery Olson Dev Patel Conor Rayl Adam Schlichtmann Alicia Shamdas Covey Wong SUMMER SCHOOL It’s hard to believe we are already talking about summer school, but we wanted to send out some information regarding the upcoming summer school sessions. 2016 Summer School Dates: Session 1: Session 2: June 2 - June 22 June 23 – July 15 (Vacation: July 4 – July 5) The summer school book will be sent to print on January 15th, so you will receive your books around January 22nd. The registration book will be available online around January 15 at www.fargosummerschool.com Registration will open on Wednesday, February 3rd. If you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact me. LUNCH MONEY Parents and Guardians – you may put money on your student’s account through the SCHOOL PAY PROGRAM. The same program you initially used to pay your students fees and lunch may be accessed all year to add money to their account. If you do the additions on-line you can see if your student is getting low on funds or even get at notice if they get down to a certain amount. The program also keeps a running account of usage. SCHOOL PAY Just a reminder that you can pay for activity fees, parking passes, lunch and more at School Pay with a credit card. Click on the PowerSchool icon, like the one you see below, on the Davies website or the Fargo Public Schools website. Use the username and password you initially used when you registered your student in August. If you are having a problem with your transaction you may call School Pay at 888-886-9729. SENIOR PLD PURCHASE INFORMATION Graduating seniors will receive information in their school e-mail on April 4th regarding the opportunity to purchase a student PLD this spring. Graduating seniors can choose to purchase a two year old Dell Venue 11 tablet and all accessories for $100. Students will not have the option to purchase their current PLDs, but instead are being offered a newer tablet option for purchasing. Details will be provided in the e-mail that is being sent to graduating seniors, including information on steps to take if you are interested in purchasing a tablet. Please see the library staff if you have any questions. SOPHOMORE PLD CASE INFORMATION Sophomores are reminded to please keep the plastic protective cases on their HP Stream student computers. These cases help protect the computer from damage and should not be removed for any reason. You will be charged an additional cost if your computer is damaged and you are not using the protective case. If you are having issues with the computer when the case is on please see the library staff. STUDENT PERSONAL LEARNING DEVICE (PLD) INFORMATION Students and parents should be aware that the new HP Streams, given to all sophomores this year, need to always have the protective case on them. We are seeing a number of students who have removed those cases. The cases are there to protect the computer and need to be left on at all times. If the device is damaged and does not have a case on it, students will be charged an additional $20 fee for the negligence, on top of the $20 repair fee. Additionally, if the device is damaged beyond repair without the case on it, you will be responsible for the full cost of the device. Please make sure those cases are on the computers. If there are any issues please see the library. REPORTING ABSENCES If your student is going to be absent because of an illness, out of town, appointment, etc., please call the Attendance Secretaries, Michelle Schnarr (A-K) at 446-5611 or Toni Nelson (L-Z) at 446-5610. If you call in advance you do not need to send a note with your student. If your student has an appointment, please call or send a note with your student prior to the appointment. In doing so, your student may pick up a slip from the attendance office and be excused from class without interrupting the class. Also please have your student bring a note from the medical institution as verification of the appointment. SPRING MAP TESTING Again this year all 9th & 10th grade students will take the MAP test in the areas of Math and Reading. 10th grade students will test in the morning of April 12 and 9th grade students will test in the afternoon. Make-up testing for any students gone will be the morning of April 14. Specific details of where students will test and at what time will be sent out and posted April 7th. If you have any questions about this year’s testing please see Mr. Safranski. ART DEPARTMENT Davies art students are exhibited drawings, paintings and ceramics at the West Acres Mall the week of March 21 along with two other high schools. LATIN STUDENT ACHEIVEMENTS Congratulations to the following Fargo South Latin students for their achievements at the 2016 North Dakota Junior Classical League state Latin convention. Madison Cogdill and Jaye Lewis for 1st place in Level I Graphic Arts. Sara Laliberte for 2nd place in Level I Graphic Arts. Matt Rohleder for 2nd place in the Level II Mythology test. Tayla Sessing for 2nd place in the Level III Grammar test. Lindsay Winkelman for 1st place in the Level III Mythology and Derivation tests and 3rd place in the History and Grammar tests. Ryan Teigen for 3rd place in the Level IV Mythology test. TRI-COLLEGE MATH COMPETITION Congratulations to the following Davies High School math competition teams and individual students who participated in the Tri-College Math Competition March 16th: Team Bad Asymptotes placed 1st overall in the 11-12 team competition. Team members include Isaac Weintraub, Max Lingle, Matt Hansen, Kaitlyn Kidder, Adam Schlichtmann, Jamison Feske, Kate McPherson and Michelle Chadraa. Isaac Weintraub took the individual champion honors for the 11-12 age group and Michelle Chadraa was a top ten finisher. Team Trig Newtons placed 1st overall in the 9-10 team competition. Team members include April Peterson, Saige Thurlow, Alaina Lynk, Parker Stenseth, Allen Wu, Irvin Chadraa, Caroline Osborne and Jason Xiong. Allen Wu took the individual champion honors for the 9-10 age group and Irvin Jason Xiong placed 3rd. TEAM: BAD ASYMPTOTES – OVERALL CHAMPIONS IN 11-12 DIVISION Isaac Weintraub - Upper HS 1st Place TEAM: TRIG NEWTONS – OVERALL CHAMPIONS IN 9-10 DIVISION Alex Wu - Lower HS 1st Place Congratulations to Isaac Weintraub, Kaitlyn Kidder, and Adam Schlichtmann on receiving Student Honors on the American Math Contest 12 Exam, and to Isaac Weintraub for qualifying for the American Invitational Mathematics Exam. Congratulations to Allen Wu, Jason Xiong, and Michelle Chadraa on receiving Student Honors on the American Math Contest 10 Exam, and to Allen Wu for qualifying for the American Invitational Mathematics Exam. DAVIES THEATER The Davies High Theatre students took part in a Theatre Festival and competed in a variety of performance and technical events. The following students received awards and honors: COMPETITOR EVENT PLACEMENT EVENT PLACEMENT Davies Tech Crew 3rd Place - Tech Olympics Cole Nubson 1st Place - Monologue Performance Will Thompson 2nd Place - Scene Performance Izzy Bobby 1st Place - Musical Duo Performance Superior Performer Amanda Perlenfein 2nd Place - Musical Duo Performance Superior Performer Kenyon Koch 2nd Place - Musical Duo Performance Lauren Engstrom 1st Place - Musical Duo Performance Kiarra Braham 2nd Place - Costume Design Josie Gompf 1st Place - Musical Solo Performance Emily Durow 3rd place - Scene Performance Caleb Steinke 2nd Place - Musical Solo Performance 2nd Place - Scene Performance 3rd Place - Scene Performance DECA Congratulations to the following DECA students that placed in their events at the state DECA conference in Bismarck over March-13-15. Nathan Horner Ana Claire Rue Maddi Petrick Griffin Hart Ellen Trotter Emily Aarsvold Lauren Lewis Reilly Mach Jessica Mullen Joel Haggard Samuel Haggard Katelyn Carlson Emma Glogoza Meg Osowski Brailyn Weber Reilly Mach, Madison Petrick, Joel Haggard, Samuel Haggard, Nathan Horner, Ellen Trotter, and Katelyn Carlson will represent Fargo Davies at the International Career and Development Conference in Nashville, TN in April. SCIENCE OLYMPIAD Davies Science Olympiad placed first at the Valley City Regional meet. Out of 23 different events, the Davies team earned six 1st place, five 2nd place, and three 3rd place finishes. They will be competing at the State meet on April 16th at NDSU. BACK ROW: Megan Lorenz, Graham Zola MIDDLE ROW: Lindsey Winkelman, Nataly Routledge, Abby Olson, Juliet Sampson, Tehaam Adhami, Rika Leeaphon, Reed Jacobson, Isaac Weintraub, Jennifer Marsh, Bobby Poynter. FRONT ROW: Erin Grensteiner, Anna Wurzer, Catherine Wu, Lexi Belk, Alex Wiitamaki, Ed Shen, Dyuti Dawn, Atiya Khan, Ziga Deebom, Jason Xiong. MUSIC DEPARTMENT Upcoming Concerts All Fargo School Jazz Band Concert at Fargo South, April 26 Davies Band Spring Concert, May 5 Davies Jazz Band Spring Concert, May 19 Graduation performance, May 29 BAND Davies takes home two golds and a silver at the Raging Red Band Festival The Raging Red Band Festival took place on March 8 at NDSU and is an opportunity for the entire band to perform for judges and for bands from around the area. Each band performed very well. The Davies Wind Ensemble and Symphonic Band each received a gold rating. The Concert Band received a silver rating. Jason Xiong, Lexi Belk, Meghan Andreachi, Sydney Brusseau, Anna Wurzer, Nicholas Lawrence, Andrew Haarsager, and Tycho Adank received outstanding soloist awards. Congratulations to the All-State students on Amazing Concerts! The most prestigious music event in North Dakota is the ND All-State music festival. This year we have a total of twentythree instrumental band students who were chosen to perform in this prestigious group. Myckynzie Schroeder (piccolo), Jayden Van Peursem (flute), Meghan Andreachi, (oboe), Rachel Ostlund (Eb clarinet), Rachel Danielson (clarinet), Parish Halle, (bass clarinet), Ben Nelson (baritone sax), Jacob Henne (trumpet), Jason Xiong (horn), Everett Glower (tuba), and Andrew Haarsager (percussion) made it into the All-State Band. Lexi Belk (flute), Isaac Weintraub (oboe), Evren Akyuz (bassoon), Anna Wurzer (clarinet), Michelle Johnson (horn), Casey Diers (horn), and Neelay Patel (percussion) are the wind and percussion instrumentalists that made it into the North Dakota All-State Orchestra. Libby LeDoux (alto sax), Sam Sharpe (trombone) and Matthew Rohleder (bass trombone) made it into the North Dakota All-State Jazz Band. Mason Gourde (trumpet) and Madison Skadberg (horn) were named alternates to these ensembles. Thank you to all the students who auditioned for the event. NDHSAA EDC Ensemble Festival The NDHSAA EDC Band Ensemble Festival was on March 18 and is at NDSU. Each student is placed in one or two ensembles. These ensembles perform for adjudication and ratings at the festival. Each event can receive a rating of a state star, regional star, I, II, or III. A special award called an Outstanding Performance Award is given to one event per room. Students have been hard at work before and after school to get these events ready. Davies took home thirty-eight starred events. Davies received special recognition with four Outstanding Performances. A special congratulations to the Andrew Haarsager, Neelay Patel, Alex Wiitamaki, Isaac Weintraub, Danny Sun, Parish Halle, Ben Nelson, Sage Fogderud, Libby LeDoux, Nick Solem, Janelle Motl, Emily Stenhjem, Anna Wurzer, Rachel Danielson, Sara Danielson, Jennifer Marsh, Seth Herman, Michelle Johnson, Katie McPherson, Karalyn Altendorf, Olivia Anas, Aubrie Heyer, Jadyn Huseby, Kayla Klein, Kallie Kreutz, Myckynzie Schroeder, Tirza Scott, Emma Shook, and Jayden Van Peursem. Private Lessons Davies Band department strongly encourages students to study privately with one of the many renowned college faculty in the area. These college faculty members are incredible musicians, get along great with kids, and are very affordable. There is a list of names and contact information for private instructors in the area on the Davies Band website. International Music Camp Earlier in February, representatives from International Music Camp (IMC) visited our school. IMC is a summer fine arts camp at the Peace Gardens that provides opportunities in many different art forms. I would highly encourage all students to take advantage of the camp. There is more information about the camp online. CHOIR Choir and Orchestra ensembles will be taking formal pictures on Wednesday, April 13th during their respective class periods. State Music Contest for Vocal and Strings is April 22 at the University of Jamestown. ORCHESTRA Orchestra and Choir ensembles will be taking formal pictures on Wednesday, April 13th during their respective class periods. State Music Contest for Vocal and Strings is April 22 at the University of Jamestown Senior Honors Concert is May 3 at 7:30pm in the Davies Theater. This concert features our graduating seniors and student awards earned during the year will be presented. KEY CLUB Davies Key Club was able to pull off a HUGE Valentine’s Day surprise for all 1300 Davies students and staff this February! They were able to make and deliver Valentine’s hearts and chocolates to every student and staff member! Their goal was to do something kind for all on Valentine’s Day!! It took over 35 bags of chocolate, 1300 hearts (to be manually cut out) and around 10 hours to fully complete the mission. But fun was had by all members who participated! PaY PaY completed their Boardroom Presentation at Barry Hall on the NDSU campus. They are now looking forward to the Celebration happening at Concordia College in May. ‘EAGLE LANDING’ – SCHOOL STORE Don’t forget to get some end of the year deals, as we put most of our product on the clearance rack at the end of March. There is still a lot of nice gear that you can get for a great price! Like us on Facebook by searching for “The Eagle Landing.” If your daughter has not purchased a prom dress yet, The Eagle Landing has 40 dresses they are selling and are just asking for a free will donation to our local HERO group in town. HERO collects and redistributes donated healthcare supplies to benefit those in need. The dresses were donated after the Tim Tebow Foundation, “A Night to Shine” event at Hope Lutheran. There are many styles and colors to choose from! NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY NHS April Events National Honor Society is wrapping up their year with several upcoming events. Here are a few of our upcoming events: April 4: April 11: April 12: April 14: April 24-25: April 29: All senior NHS members should be in attendance at the annual luncheon sponsored by the Fargo Kiwanis club. Students will be excused at 11:20 to allow time for them to travel to the Holiday Inn where lunch is being served. Some senior NHS members will be at Centennial Elementary during the day talking to 5th grade students about healthy choices. Other senior NHS members will be at Ed Clapp Elementary assisting with the 4th grade retreat/Day of Compassion. All senior and new junior members should attend the annual ceremony starting at 7:30 pm. This ceremony is held to celebrate new junior members as well as recognize our outgoing seniors who will receive their honor cords. Some senior NHS members will be at Ed Clapp Elementary assisting with the 5th grade retreat/Day of Compassion. Volunteer log sheets are due. All senior members should turn in their log sheets showing the 10 or more volunteer service activities they have conducted as part of NHS. NHS State conference will be held in Bismarck and attended by 7 junior and senior NHS members. Junior and senior NHS members will be taking a bus to our stretch of I-29 to clean up our adopted section of the interstate. It is been another great year and we look forward to welcoming another 88 junior members into NHS on April 11. This will be our largest NHS group at Davies since opening! Congratulations NHS members. NURSES CORNER WARNING SIGNS OF DRUG USE Drop in grades Switching friends. Do you like the new friends? Emotional highs and lows. Less happy. Defiance of rules and regulations: pushing limits, breaking curfew. Becoming more secretive: talking less about feelings and problems. Loss of initiative. Sleeping more than usual. Hard to get up, especially on Monday. Withdrawing from family functions: meals, church, etc. Change in physical hygiene. Grooming and cleanliness slipping. Not open about school activities: difficulties she is having, detentions, etc. Staying out late or not coming home. Becoming increasingly isolated. Suspicion that money or alcohol is missing. Has money but no job. Manipulating parents, trying to bargain with parents. Weight changes, drastic loss or gain. Very short tempered. Very defensive when confronted on behavior or concerns. Calls from school, skipping class, sleeping, poor work performance etc. Coming home drunk or high. Smelling of alcohol or pot, unsteady, slurred speech, vomiting. Abusive towards family. PARKING Students must have a FPS parking permit $10 to park in the lot. During the school year the permits are available in the main office. Please note: NO PARKING, PICK-UP or DROP-OFF is allowed in the bus loop. STUDENT PERMITS ARE TO BE DISPLAYED IN THE REAR WINDOW ON THE DRIVERS SIDE. IMPORTANT – If your son or daughter is driving a different vehicle than they normally drive – PLEASE make sure they check in with the security desk and leave the vehicle information with them. If they come before 7:30 am they need to check in with the main office. ACTIVITY FEES Fargo Public Schools charges an activity fee ($50) for each activity/sport in which a student participates. Students have to pay these fees BEFORE they can participate in an activity/sport. A student is obligated to pay up to and no more than three (3) fees per school year. If they participate in four (4) or more activities/sports the fourth activity does not have a fee. A ‘Fee Waiver’ application is available if you are not able to pay the $50 fee for a sport/activity. The form is available in the school office. The waiver application will be submitted to the Activities Director for determination of qualification. **NEW ACADEMIC ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS FOR FPS** Students must be making satisfactory progress toward the school’s requirements for graduation. The school where the student is fully enrolled and regularly attends shall determine satisfactory progress. Failure to acquire progress toward earning two and one half credits at grade check time will make him/her ineligible for a minimum of 3 weeks, and may become eligible at the next grade check, if making progress toward earning two and half credits. The next check for eligibility is Wednesday, April 13 and Wednesday, May 4. PEP FEST/CELEBRATION Davies Booster Club is holding a Pep Fest/Celebration for the students on April 4 from1:00 – 1:45. To accommodate the time, afternoon classes P6, P7 and P8 will be shortened. TRACK MEET Davies has only one home varsity track for both girls and boys track this year on Friday, April 22 at 3 p.m. Come out and enjoy the meet and/or consider helping. PROM 2016 Prom at Davies High School is being held on April 9, 2016. The theme for this year’s prom is “A Gala in the Garden.” The junior class hosts prom. All members of the junior and senior classes are invited to attend. Underclassmen are only able to attend if escorted by a member of the junior or senior class. Things for parents to remember: Doors to the school open at 6:30 pm. Grand March will be held in the main gym. Seating is limited, so it is recommended that you come early to assure that you have a seat in the gym. Cost for Grand March is $3.00 per person. There will be 250 tickets presold the week before Prom for $5.00 per person. These tickets will allow you to avoid waiting in line. Tickets will be available at the main office of the high school. Doors to the gym will close right at 7:30 pm so that Grand March can promptly begin. Grand March will kick off with the crowning of Prom King and Queen. It is requested that all parents and guests remain seated for the duration of Grand March. It is disruptive to the participants as well as other guests when spectators are up and moving during the march. The dance begins immediately following Grand March, approximately 9:30 pm. It is requested that all parents and guests leave the building by 9:30 pm so the doors can be locked and students can enjoy the dance. Things for students to remember: Tickets go on sale on Tuesday, April 5 and will be available in the commons during Period 4 & 5. Tickets are not available at the door. Tickets are $15/person or $25/couple. All detentions must be served prior to buying tickets. Doors to the school open at 6:30 pm. Students should enter the building through Door 10 (the pool door) at their assigned time according to ticket number. o Ticket numbers 1-75 arrive at 6:30 pm o Ticket numbers 76-150 arrive at 6:45 pm o Ticket numbers 151-225 arrive at 7:00 pm o Ticket numbers 226-300 arrive at 7:15 pm o Ticket numbers 330 and up arrive at 7:30 pm Line up for Grand March will take place in gym 2. Grand March starts promptly at 7:30 pm and should conclude by 9:00 pm. If you are bringing an outside guest to prom, they must be age 20 or younger and will be required to show an ID when admitted. If they are from another high school, they must be in academic good standing at their school. Following Grand March, doors to the building are locked. If you leave the dance and building, you will not be allowed to reenter. Post-prom is being held at the NDSU Memorial Union. Your ticket for prom allows you to get into post-prom. For students not attending prom, but still wanting to go to post-prom, tickets will be available through the main office for $5/person. POST PROM NEEDS VOLUNTEERS The Post Prom Committee is looking for volunteers. The following events will need to be covered the evening of Post Prom: Please call Jenny Satter at (701) 541-2871 if you want to help out with this fun evening. Registration 14 volunteers Food 16 volunteers Bus 1-2 volunteers Security 10 volunteers Games 23 volunteers Prizes 6 volunteers FROM STUDENT SERVICES ATTENTION SENIORS Jostens will be here Wednesday, April 27 to hand out graduation caps and gowns. Immunization records will be mailed to you along with your final report card. All colleges require this record. **Student Services will be happy to take donations of graduation gowns if you have one from a previous graduate. DAVIES ACADEMIC AWARDS & SCHOLARSHIP CEREMONY Davies High School Academic Awards & Scholarship Ceremony is on Wednesday, May 18, at 7:45 a.m. The event is by invitation only. Students that will be recognized at the ceremony will receive an invitation for them and their parents to attend. Doors will open at 7:30 a.m. and light refreshments will be served. JUNIOR NDSA TESTING It is the time of year when all junior students will be completing the North Dakota State Assessments. This testing will be conducted using each student’s assigned personal learning device and testing with the Smarter Balanced Assessment Model. Smarter Balanced is aligned to the Common Core State Standards in English language arts (ELA)/literacy and mathematics and is designed to accurately measure student progress toward college- and career-readiness. Each content area of the online test consists of a computer adaptive test (CAT) as well as a performance task (PT). Please note that all juniors are required to complete the NDSA and must be in the assigned test area on the scheduled test days. We will be conducting the testing over a one-week (two-day) window to complete the testing. If a student is absent on one of the testing days, they will be pulled from their classes upon return to complete the required tests. The testing schedule is listed below: Tuesday, April 19 Thursday, April 21 Language Arts CAT Periods 2 and 3 Mathematics Performance Task Periods 2 and 3 Mathematics CAT Periods 6 and 7 Language Arts Performance Tasks A & B Periods 6 and 7 As this testing is required, attendance is of the utmost importance during these testing days. Please note that juniors MUST be in testing during these times even if they do not normally have class that hour of the day. Here are some ways that you can help your junior prepare for testing: Remind your student to have their PLD charged as students will be using their PLD’s to take this test. If your student brings their own laptop to school instead of their PLD, they MUST have their PLD the days of testing as access to this testing is installed on the PLDs and cannot be accessed through computers not on the FPS network. Be sure that your student also packs their mouse and a set of earbuds as both are required during completion of testing. Avoiding scheduling any planned absences on the testing day. (Tests must be made up if missed.) Remind your student that this test is important, and encourage them to do their best. If you have any questions about the NDSA testing, please contact Student Services. SANFORD’S YOUTH MEDICAL EXPLORER PROGRAM The Youth Medical Experience Program, sponsored by Sanford Health, provides an opportunity for high school juniors and seniors (2016-2017) to explore careers in health care. Sanford professionals direct the program, volunteering their time and talent to mentor students and share their expertise. Students who are accepted into the program meet at Sanford Health to explore a wide variety of health care careers through special guest presentations, facility tours, and hands-on activities. The program fee is $75 per student. Scholarships are available for students with limited resources. Accepted students are invited to attend either the Fall or Spring semester of the YME Program. Due to the limited number of space available, we ask students to examine their schedule to see that they can attend the majority of program meeting dates before applying for the YME Program. Applications are available in student services or on the Davies website under Counseling Department/community opportunities. The application deadline is April 15. GRIEF SUPPORT SERVICES If your student has experienced a loss and needs additional support during this time, there are some upcoming events that may be of help. Hospice of the Red River Valley has scheduled a grief group called Youth Journeys. This group is open to youth ages 618 and their families who have experienced the death of a loved one. The groups is scheduled for April 30. If you are interested in registering for this group, please call Kriston Wenzel at (701) 356-1533 or (800) 237-4629. Altru’s Hospice program is offering Camp Good Mourning: A Kids and Teens Grief Camp. This camp takes place in Park River, ND July 8-10 and is also open to students ages 6-18 who have experienced the loss of a loved one. The camp helps young people express feelings, learn healthy coping strategies and share experiences with others who have experienced loss. Recreational activities are also included. To register for this camp, please contact Sue Mairs at (701) 780-5258. SCHOLARSHIPS Have you signed up for the Davies website yet? Once you do, you can subscribe to the Scholarships page on the Counseling Center website, and you will receive an e-mail each time the scholarships are updated. There are many scholarships available, and several have due dates coming up in April. Take a look at www.fargo.k12.nd.us/daviescounseling and click on the Scholarships link. ADVANCED PLACEMENT TESTING Advanced Placement testing begins at the beginning of May. Please refer to the schedule below for dates and times of specific exams. Unless students are notified otherwise, testing will take place in H101. Students should arrive 15 minutes prior to the scheduled test time. Testing will begin promptly and latecomers will not be admitted. Students should come prepared with a photo ID, pencils and a calculator (if needed/approved for their exam). Studio Art digital portfolios will be collected beginning on Monday, May 2 through Thursday, May 5. Morning (8:00am – noon) Week 1 Monday, May 2 Chemistry Tuesday, May 3 Computer Science A Wednesday, May 4 English Literature and Composition Thursday, May 5 AP Calculus AB Friday, May 6 United States History Psychology Morning (8:00 am – noon) Week 2 Afternoon (Noon – 4:00 pm) Monday, May 9 Biology Tuesday, May 10 United States Government and Politics Wednesday, May 11 English Language and Composition Physics 2: Algebra-Based European History Afternoon (Noon-4:00 pm) Macroeconomics Thursday, May 12 Friday, May 15 Microeconomics CT/SAT COLLEGE ENTRANCE EXAMS The ACT and SAT are college entrance exams required by most 4 year colleges. Students should check with the specific schools they plan to apply to for the test needed. These tests are generally taken during the latter part of a student’s junior year and/or the beginning of senior year. Please follow the links regarding summer testing dates and registration for the Davies had seven students that placed in the State Reflections Competition: STUDENT NAME CATEGORY PLACED NAME OF PROJECT Ayan Abdi Literature First Place Let Your Imagination Fly Amin Smith-Jones Photography First Place Stairway to the Future Emily Coykendall Photography Second Place Looking at Microscope Hunter Erickson Photography Third Place Bowl, Pottery Wheel Throwing Adam VanCamp Photography Honorable Mention Pottery Wheel Caecie DeBlaere Visual Arts First Place Passion and Perseverance Rachel Burkman Visual Arts Third Place Colorful Caged Minds 2016 Davies High Post Prom Party NDSU MEMORIAL UNION Sunday, April 10th 12:30 am – 4:00 am For all Davies Juniors, Seniors and their invited guests!! (Students do not need to attend prom to attend this event!) We as parents always worry about our children when they attend a special event such as prom. We want to keep our kids safe but yet we want them to have fun. This is why the Fargo Davies PTSA and Junior Class Parents are sponsoring the Post Prom Party to follow this year’s prom. We have a great night planned with a variety of activities for the kids. There will be casino games, entertainment, bowling, bingo, food, music & many other exciting activities. Also, there will be PRIZES given away every 15 minutes! Donations/Chaperones Needed No proceeds from prom ticket sales go toward the post prom party. The party is funded through donations from the Junior & Senior Class Parents and any businesses wishing to donate. Therefore, we are asking you to please consider making a cash donation to the Post Prom Party. If you know of a business that would like to make a donation, either monetary or otherwise, please send it to the address below. If there are any items you would like us to pick up, please contact the number below. Also, don’t forget your company and matching donations. The Davies PTSA is a non-profit 501(c) organization. A donation receipt will be provided upon request. Also, in order to put on this event many volunteers are needed. Please consider volunteering your time to help Chaperone the Post Prom Party. For us as parents, it is enjoyable to attend to watch our kids have fun. Please complete the form below and mail by February 14th to: Jenny Satter (Chair-Post Prom Party Committee) 5150 Rose Creek Pkwy Fargo, ND 58104 (701) 541-2871 (cell) (Please detach and mail to Jenny Satter, 5150 Rose Creek Pkwy S, Fargo, ND 58104 by February 14th) ____ Enclosed is my donation of $____________ (Please make checks payable to Davies PTSA) ____ I have an item(s) to donate ___________________ Mailed _______ Called for Pick-up _______ ____ I/We are able to Volunteer _____ Games _____ Bus Chaperone ______ Prizes _____ Door Chaperone ______ Food ______ Where needed Name: ________________________________________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________________________________ Phone: _______________________________ Email: _______________________________________ Davies High School Booster Club is looking for new board members Education is more than academics. A well-rounded education includes student participation in a variety of activities. The Fargo Davies High School Booster Club exists to support students’ ability to participate in athletics, music, drama, speech & debate as well as a host of other school-related activities. The Fargo Davies High School Booster Club is looking for new board members. Board members commit to a 3-year term. The Board is made up of an Executive Board, including the President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. The atlarge members actively participate by committee supporting Membership, Advertising, Spirit, Promotion and Volunteer work. The board meets the second Wednesday of each month. Please join us at one of our next meetings, April 13 or May 11, each at 6:30 pm in Room H101 if you are interested in learning more and/or are interested in joining as a Board member. The Fargo Davies High School Booster Club relies on annual memberships and corporate sponsorships to support the activities of the Booster Club whose purpose is: Promoting activities of Davies High School Promoting the spirit of friendship and sportsmanship in such activities Encouraging parent and community participation in such activities Assisting in creating a positive school spirit and culture Assisting in the funding of the aforementioned activities Having equitable representation of all activities and geographical areas of Davies High School During the 2015-2016 academic year, the Davies High School Booster Club helped support a broad range of activities including: fall Senior retreat held at Microsoft, baseball home plate area clay, portable skate sharpener for the boys and girls hockey teams, annual academic awards program, boys soccer warm-ups, band instrument mutes, flagpole near the tennis courts, dance team poms, World Language Survey certification fees, jump rope specialist assembly presentation, Tech/Engineering Best Robotics t-shirts, post-prom party, Strength and Bent Bar Club t-shirts, trophy case, school song banner, all-school campaign with Special Olympics to Spread the Word to End the Word and all-school Senior event. DAVIES HIGH SCHOOL SENIOR TEST EXEMPTION POLICY 1. At least a “C” average for the second semester grade in the class. 2. Two or fewer excused absences per class during second semester. 3. Two or fewer tardies in the class. 4. School related activity absences will not count against the student. 5. Attendance at funerals will not count against the student. 6. No college visits during second semester are allowed, except when that visit is REQUIRED by the college and that visit must be verified by providing written correspondence from the college to the attendance office. 7. Automatically disqualified if suspended from school. Name: _________________________________ Date: ______________ Please explain why you feel you should be exempt from the above policy. Date of anticipated absence(s): ______________ Period(s): ____________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________ Request Approved Request Denied Date ____________ ALL EXEMPTIONS MUST BE TURNED IN TO DR. MILLER NO LATER THAN 3:00 P.M. THURSDAY MAY 5, 2016.
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