Clarksdale, MS - Mississippi State Community Action Team


Clarksdale, MS - Mississippi State Community Action Team
M is sis sippi
Dixie Cartwright
Kayla McDavid
Starkville Leadership Forum
Starkville Leadership Forum
A Community Assessment for
Clarksdale, Mississippi
Kayla Clayborne
Jeremy Murdock
Site visit conducted
Starkville Leadership Forum
MS State Community Action Team
June 5, 2008
Tasha Hill
Cari Varner
Starkville Leadership Forum
Mississippi State University /
Carl Small Town Center
“First Impressions” is a program designed to capture the thoughts and
feelings of visitors as they observe for the first time the characteristics
of a community. Following a very structured visitation program, a team
of individuals with diverse backgrounds document their perceptions of
both positive assets and challenges to social and economic growth in
a community. Information contained in this report is a compilation of
observations by a team assembled the Mississippi State Community Action
Team (MSCAT). This report is not intended as a recommendation for
any specific future action or support for any one course of action already
being implemented in a community. To maintain this sense of neutrality,
the question/answer format used by the team members to make their
assessments is rigidly followed in presenting the team’s overall assessment.
How easy was it to get information on the community that you were
visiting? Did it accurately reflect what you saw? Did you have difficulties
The “Five Minute” Impression
obtaining information on the community through a Web search?
It was very easy to obtain information about Clarksdale. All of these sites
make Clarksdale very inviting to visit.
• This Web site is not the best one, but it is up
to date about events like the “Blues Festival.” It is geared toward tourists
who like the blues. It also has links to other festivals and the chamber of
commerce site.
• This Web site depicts the crossroads
and the Delta cotton, and it opens up to the history of Clarksdale. One
team member said, “I like to know the past of a place that I visit.” This
site has all that you need—even pictures of the hotels and the
number of rooms. These hotels are not five-star, but you can see this in
the pictures. There are links to other Web sites that may interest others.
• This is the chamber of commerce and
industrial foundation Web site. It has information about quality of life,
and even has a video for prospects. Great video!
• This is an
attractive Web site that talks about the cities found in the Delta region. It
is good for blues lovers.
The famous Ground Zero Blues Club is pictured everywhere and it
gives musicians a reason to sing the blues. These Web sites may be a bit
misleading. Clarksdale is hyped up to be the cleanest place, but some team
members were disappointed after a “five-minute impression” of abandoned
buildings and broken sidewalks.
A team member expressed concern about the map that was handed out
at the welcome center. It did not have all of the streets clearly mapped out.
After taking a five-minute drive through the community without stopping,
the following reactions were noted:
One team member remarked, “My first impression of Clarksdale is one
of a divided city, whose prime was in the past.” Some areas of the city seem
to be run-down and still focused on industrial or agricultural production,
and others seem to be making gestures toward a tourism-based economy.
However, there doesn’t seem to be one clear idea of what Clarksdale is or
would like to be.
Another team member said, “Initially I was
shocked at the size of the city, especially the
downtown area.” It was evident that Clarksdale was
once one of the major cities of the Delta, as well as
the state, however, numerous vacant and unkempt
properties throughout the city show that this is
a new era for Clarksdale. One of the first things
that we noticed were the Christmas decorations
(snowflakes) on the light poles—it was June!!! The
decorations were on display in the downtown area,
as well as the strip development on the highway.
Another said, “Overall, the community looks like it is on its way down
instead of up! It has so much historical potential that is not being taken
advantage of—very sad!”
First Impressions ~ June 2008
Community Entrances
The following observations were noted when entering the community
from major entrances (notice signs, streetscapes, buildings, etc.):
Approached from the south on Highway 49:
As we approached the city, we passed the Hopson Plantation, which is
a well-advertised tourist attraction, light industrial/agricultural operations,
and then the chamber of commerce facility. The facility was well-marked
with signage; however, the dark brown signs were difficult to see at first
glance. Perhaps signs with more contrasting colors would help. We do not
recall seeing a “Welcome to Clarksdale” sign. If there is one, it did not stand
out. One team member said, “The only signage for Clarksdale that I saw was
the Mississippi Department of Transportation sign.” There was really good
directional signage for the downtown area and the Delta Blues Museum. We
passed the crossroads, which was not very impressive. This is one of the most
famous blues locations in the country and there is one sign surrounded by gas
stations and vacant property. This could be a real gateway into the downtown
area and a monumental tourist attraction on the blues trail.
Clarksdale, Mississippi
First Impressions ~ June 2008
Approached from the east on North State Street (off of Highway 61):
This was obviously the older entrance to the city. We passed the hospital
Downtown Business Area
and medical complex, which was in pretty good condition, but overall, the
area was old and run-down. The only welcome sign that we noticed was
a football state championship sign with “Welcome to Clarksdale” on the
bottom. We actually passed the sign before we realized it was a welcome
sign. We passed many tamale stands, which are quickly becoming tourist
attractions, and ended up at the crossroads again.
Approached from the west on South State Street (off of Hwy 61):
This is the newer entrance to the city, which takes you through the
commercial strip development. This entrance was full of strip malls, fast
food restaurants and gas stations. This shows that growth is happening in
the city, but it has that “placeless” feeling. A sign ordinance is desperately
needed before that issue gets out of control. We did happen to catch a small
welcome sign, but it was not set apart in any way and was lost in the clutter.
Perhaps some landscaping around the sign would serve as a quick fix.
Clarksdale, Mississippi
Observations about the general appearance of the downtown area:
The size of the downtown area was impressive. There were numerous
two and three-story buildings and even a seven or eight-story building.
The sidewalks were very wide, there was plenty of on-street and surface
parking, and there were street trees on many of the blocks. The street trees
were a great addition to the streetscape in general, but they were not wellmaintained at all. None had tree grates and many were growing through the
concrete. Many of the trees had wrought iron tree guards, but they also were
not maintained and the trees are actually growing into the guard. One team
member remarked, “The snowflakes still hanging from Christmas were a little
First Impressions ~ June 2008
Describe the buildings, displays and signage.
The downtown business area has a significant stock of historic buildings
Describe the customer service received when you entered those retail
businesses. (Were you greeted; did you have to ask for assistance?)
and interesting facades. The building stock generally does not seem to be in
Customer service was very attentive and nice. One team member said,
too poor of a condition and appears to be structurally sound. However, the
“The people were wonderful! They were very excited to see us and they were
businesses that occupy these buildings are not generally marketing themselves
happy to tell us about the community.” We visited quite a few stores and the
towards tourists or shoppers. Many storefronts were not occupied and signage
people were extremely friendly in all of them. They were very helpful and fun
did not reflect new businesses. Several of the buildings had their windows
to talk with. Many told us their story of how they ended up in Clarksdale and
boarded up. Signage on the buildings was not in good shape. One team
why they liked the
member said, “Many buildings could use a fresh coat of paint and some
city. All of them
believe that the
town is on the
A few entrepreneurs have come into several of these abandoned buildings
verge of some very
and revitalized them. These entrepreneurs sell items that tourists would like.
positive changes.
Fans were blowing to help keep the customers cool.
One man even
stopped us on the
Tell us what type of businesses you observed and give a description of the
street to give us a
variety and quality of merchandise displayed.
copy of the local
The businesses we visited were appealing to tourists. There were a
couple of businesses that featured blues artists and music (very interesting
magazine, “Here’s
places to visit), a record store that carried older blues records and posters,
a very nice feed shop, and some very upscale art studios. The problem is
that all of these businesses were located throughout the downtown, not
concentrated in one area. This could be considered an advantage because it
forces visitors to walk around the entire downtown area, possibly stopping at
other businesses. The disadvantage is that visitors must walk past 10 vacant
buildings to get to one store. There are still those businesses downtown that
provide useful services, such as a pharmacy-type store and a grocery store
within walking distance. Other than those few stores, there was not much
action going on downtown.
Clarksdale, Mississippi
First Impressions ~ June 2008
List any governmental or nonprofit organizational activities that might
What public amenities were available: drinking fountains, benches, public
serve as a magnet for the shopping district.
The courthouse (county and city) is located downtown, which will bring
We did not see very many benches downtown. There were a few
locals downtown. The courthouse appeared to be a relatively new structure,
benches adjacent to the depot, but they were not in the shade and would not
which was very odd, considering that the courthouse is typically the historic
be a comfortable place to rest in the summer. A few businesses had benches
anchor for most Mississippi downtowns. There also is a federal building
in front of their establishments, but not many. Several benches were broken.
downtown that appears to employ many residents. One thing that we all
You have to think about tourists from outside of this region coming into town
noticed was the faded and tattered Mississippi flag at the federal building.
on their summer vacation. They may not be accustomed to the Mississippi
That is unacceptable for a government facility to fly a less than pristine flag.
heat and humidity. Benches would be a good investment for the downtown.
We also observed numerous churches in one area downtown which brings
We did not see any drinking fountains. We used the restrooms in the blues
residents to that area on the weekends and occasionally during the week.
museum. The facilities were very clean. We assumed that the courthouse
As far as other organizations, the Delta Blues Museum is definitely a tourist
and the visitor’s center had public restrooms, but the visitor’s center was not
attraction that will bring visitors from around the world.
open (at 1 p.m. on a Thursday) and we did not enter the courthouse.
One team member commented on meeting a couple from New Zealand
Comment on appealing landscaping and the streetscapes in general.
who were in America for a six week vacation. This couple had visited the
The streetscape in the downtown needs a lot of work. The existing street
Grand Canyon, Las Vegas, San Francisco, New York City, Austin, Nashville,
trees are overgrown and poorly maintained. As mentioned earlier, the trees
Memphis, and Clarksdale. They did their research online and thought that
are cracking the concrete because there are no tree grates, and the trees are
Clarksdale had a lot to offer. They had been in town for only two days, but
growing into the tree guards. The street trees are definitely a good addition
said they had a great time and that the “Southern hospitality” was everything
and add a lot to the area, but they need to be updated and maintained.
that they had expected. The City of Clarksdale must realize what it has and
Throughout the downtown we saw nice hanging baskets on the lamp posts,
capitalize on it immediately.
but every single one was full of dead plants. These baskets would be a nice
asset, but only if they are maintained. There was more grass growing in the
trash receptacle ash tray at the Delta Blues Museum than in these baskets.
The downtown should look into upgrading the street signs, street lights, traffic
signals, trash receptacles, and benches to more decorative features. This will
unify the downtown and set it apart as a separate district from the rest of the
Clarksdale, Mississippi
First Impressions ~ June 2008
Did you have any difficulty finding parking? Could you access multiple
services from where you parked?
Other retail shopping areas (big box
retailers/shopping malls)?
On-street and surface parking that accessed multiple areas of downtown
were readily available. As the area grows in the future, the addition of a
mixed-use parking structure would eliminate the need for extensive amounts
of surface parking.
Describe other retail shopping areas. Were the areas attractive and easy
to access?
Clarksdale had the typical strip development along Highway 278 and
on the south end of town on Highway 49. This area is the “generic” area of
town that is not unique to Clarksdale. Strip developments such as this do not
add anything to the overall character of the city. In fact, they detract from
the existing, historic character. Clarksdale must get control over this type of
development before it spreads itself too far and really stretches its resources
too thin. This area has already had a negative impact on the downtown. The
new development along the highway has pulled resources and businesses
from the downtown, causing it to suffer. Infill should be a major priority
in Clarksdale. Incentives should be offered to any new development or
business that chooses to relocate within the downtown. This uses existing
infrastructure instead of requiring the expansion of roads and utilities, as well
as having to add new police and fire stations. New development should also
fit within the existing architectural-style of the downtown. The buildings
within the strip development are typically built from poor quality materials
that are not going to stand the test of time and they are built in a style that is
not unique to Clarksdale. New development should maintain and enhance
the look, feel and style of the existing downtown area. This pattern of
growth will stand the test of time, as demonstrated in the existing downtown
buildings that have been in use three or four times as long as many of the strip
centers. It also will create a unique community that will stand out among
others in the state and, especially, others in the Delta.
Clarksdale, Mississippi
First Impressions ~ June 2008
Industrial parks/commercial areas
Is there a defined area where manufacturing industries could easily
locate/expand? If so, please describe.
There is an existing industrial park. Given Clarksdale’s location within a
rural landscape, we would assume that there is plenty of land available for
Clarksdale, Mississippi
First Impressions ~ June 2008
Health care services
Comment on the availability and apparent quality of hospitals and
emergency medical services.
There appeared to be sufficient health care services in the community,
and most of them were conveniently located in one area of town. The
hospital looked like it was fairly new, and there were several large,
independent medical practices close to it. The only negative in this area was
the abundance of run-down apartments near the entrance of the hospital.
Comment on the availability and condition of facilities for physician,
dentist, optometrist, and other medical care.
There appeared to be sufficient health care services in the community.
The facilities varied in size and location, and appeared to support citizens
from all walks of life.
What long-term care services, assisted living or nursing facilities exist in
the community?
One nursing home and one hospice care facility was observed near the
location of the hospital.
Clarksdale, Mississippi
First Impressions ~ June 2008
Give a brief description of the existing mix of housing stock. Does the local
market have housing that would appeal to all income ranges? What challenges
do you see in regards to finding acceptable housing? (Neighborhoods, size,
properties for sale)
There appeared to be an acceptable mixture of housing stock within the
community. We observed an eclectic mix of older plantation-style homes in addition
to ranch-style housing from the ’70s and ’80s. Many of the neighborhoods seemed
to be well-maintained and there were not many abandoned houses in the area.
Most of the housing consisted of single family homes, but there were some
subsidized apartment complexes. Apparently, the former Woolworth building is
being renovated to include apartments. A movement toward offering downtown
housing will drastically change the downtown area. There are good examples of
this all over the state, such as Columbus, Brookhaven, Natchez, etc. This will bring
activity to the downtown 24 hours per day. A mixture of nice townhouses adjacent
to downtown would also add another housing option. Everyone does not want to
live in a single family house in a neighborhood and everyone does not want a studio
apartment, so there should be an appropriate mix of housing between the two.
What kinds of rental properties did you observe for persons interested in
building or simply living in the community prior to buying housing?
Again, we observed mainly subsidized apartments, but there are some
apartments/condos above Ground Zero that could possibly be rented for an
extended period of time.
Clarksdale, Mississippi
First Impressions ~ June 2008
Do the following schools appear to be adequate in size or do you see the
use of temporary classrooms? Are they well-maintained?
The schools were pretty typical of those across the state. A few were
really old and almost had a deteriorated appearance. The historic school
adjacent to the Oakhurst school actually appeared to be abandoned (boarded
windows, etc.) and it had a cemetery adjacent to the building, which we
thought was odd. Detention in that school is rough!! There was a nice brick
structure over the road that was a very unique feature. However, as we drove
down School Street toward the school, we passed a building with a smoke
stack (apparently a maintenance building), with a large blue dumpster right
on the side of the road. That is one of the main things that you see as you
approach this beautiful, historic
building and brick overpass.
The dumpsters really should
be moved to another location
and screened. Honestly, this
building is a jewel and should
be renovated and reused when
funding is available. It would
be a shame to lose a beautiful
building like that.
Clarksdale, Mississippi
First Impressions ~ June 2008
We also saw the Heidelberg school which had very modern, almost art
deco-style architecture and a very interesting logo. The grounds were fairly
well-maintained and the size and condition of the school building was pretty
typical of many schools in the area.
The high school appeared to be a newly constructed facility adjacent to
the fairgrounds. The school was well-maintained and appeared to be a nice
We also saw the Carl Keen VoTech center, which was a fairly wellmaintained facility. A vo-tech center located in the community is a real asset.
The Coahoma County Higher Education Center (CCHEC), which is
located on the grounds of the historic Cutrer Mansion, is renovating and
expanding its facility. The CCHEC apparently is a cooperative effort between
Coahoma County Community College and Delta State University to create
a “2+2” program for students. The facility is nice, but we really do not
understand why it is located in and adjacent to the mansion. The new
brick education center facilities really distract from the historic quality of the
mansion. There seem to be conflicting interests and uses there.
The Coahoma County Community College (CCCC) campus is located
on the outskirts of town. The CCCC facility is really nice and fairly large.
The community college is a real asset to the city of Clarksdale. The city
and CCCC should work together in an effort to create jobs and training
opportunities in order to provide employment opportunities to the local
students and residents.
Comment on the number of denominations
and the physical appearances of the churches
represented in the community. Did you
observe any evidence of church-sponsored
community services?
There appeared to be a sufficient mixture of
denominations within the community. At first,
we were unable to locate any churches, but we
found that several were grouped together within
a very nice area of the community. We noticed
Baptist, Catholic and Methodist denominations.
The sizes of these churches were very large and
well-kept. The churches were not shown on
the Clarksdale map that was given to us at the
chamber of commerce. Perhaps the churches
should be added to the next addition of the map
as a “church walk” or some other type of tourist
attraction. They were beautiful, historic buildings.
Are there any facilities or statements that some
would view as intrusive or that would make
someone feel uncomfortable if they were not of
a particular faith?
None were apparent.
Clarksdale, Mississippi
First Impressions ~ June 2008
Tell about the variety of nonprofit organizations and clubs within the
community. Did you observe any evidence of civic organization activity?
We observed the Boys and Girls Club, but it looked deserted. There was
also Riverside Recreation Center that looked abandoned. We walked by the
Clarksdale Woman’s Club. A team member remembered seeing a sign at the
park that had the American Legion seal on it, but the sign was overgrown with
vines. Another team member said, “I did see a sign advertising a community
clean-up day. That shows that Clarksdale is an active community that is
proud of the city.”
Clarksdale, Mississippi
First Impressions ~ June 2008
In what ways did you find (or not find) people helpful? How did the
people talk about their community? What were their attitudes about their
schools, public leaders and community services?
Most residents were extremely helpful and friendly. They seemed to have
a positive attitude about their community and the direction it was heading.
We sensed that they knew they had a great deal of work ahead of them, but
were willing to put in the effort and time to ensure success.
What is your opinion on the knowledge of
community members about their community?
They appeared very hopeful and very interested
in seeing the town grow and improve.
Are there some segments of the general population
that would not feel comfortable in this community?
Did residents reflect the diversity that is
represented in the rest of the country?
We observed many residents of different races
and socio-economic classes. None felt that any
particular group would feel uncomfortable in this
Clarksdale, Mississippi
First Impressions ~ June 2008
Public infrastructure
Comment in general on the streets, street signage, sidewalks, parking,
lighting, restrooms, landscaping, and streetscapes in areas other than
The sidewalks and streetscape in the older areas of town were very dated
and in disrepair. The streets were in fairly decent condition. The newer
development had recently updated streets, but no sidewalks or street trees.
Sidewalks should become mandatory with all new development in order to
improve connectivity throughout the city.
Did you observe land-use planning?
It did appear that zoning was in place. Codes and ordinances should be
added to control and guide future development throughout the city.
Comment on city/town hall (How were you received? Was there
information about the town available?):
We did see city hall. We did not go in, but we were able to get
information about the town from the tourism commission.
Comment on police/fire protection:
The police station looked fairly new, and people were coming in and
out of the station. The police station was downtown on the river and the
prisoners were working around the station cleaning up trash, etc. We could
see the trustees from across the river. The fire station was near the police
Clarksdale, Mississippi
First Impressions ~ June 2008
Quality of the library:
The library is located downtown, which is definitely a positive. This
brings people to your downtown. The older section of the building was
beautiful and unique. The library appeared to be in good condition and
heavily used. It is a very positive element in the downtown.
City parks (walking tracks, ballparks, playgrounds, sportsplex):
We did not observe a great number of parks or playgrounds. The city
maps did not indicate that we missed any. I know there is a sportsplex, but
I am not aware of another city park. We all agreed that the city is missing a
major opportunity to develop a riverside park along the Big Sunflower River.
That is a huge asset to the community which is not being used. Many cities
would love to have a river like that flowing right through the downtown.
There appeared to have been some sort of park development along the
east bank, but the signage and entry was extremely poor. We circled the
area multiple times just to find the entrance and did not see any directional
signage. The grass needed to be cut. There were broken benches. No
one was playing at the park. This is a beautiful area of town and could be a
Is the community well-known for any particular attraction or event? Do
they have a community slogan that capitalizes on that asset?
Obviously the Delta is well known for the blues and that region is
beginning to capitalize on that with the Blues Trail. Clarksdale is one of the
major hubs for that tourist activity because of its historical significance. The
city has taken steps to enhance the tourism aspect of the city, but still has
a lot of work. The Delta Blues Museum, the renovated Greyhound bus
station/visitor’s center, and Ground Zero, are excellent tourist attractions
and are great for the downtown area, but Clarksdale is lacking other
attractions for visitors. The blues clubs are great, but they are primarily a
night time attraction. What is there for a visitor to do during the day? The
real tourist attraction and amenity for the residents. Columbus has a good
example of a riverside park and I am sure that there are other examples
within the state. This would be a good community project.
Clarksdale, Mississippi
First Impressions ~ June 2008
few art galleries and museums are nice, but there really is no shopping and
limited dining in the downtown area. Also, hotel accommodations are very
limited. Some of the unique options such as the Shack Up Inn, Ground Zero
apartments, and other bed and breakfast-type places are great, but more
traditional options are needed. The renovation of the old hotel on Yazoo
Street would solve that problem and potentially create a spark in that area.
Visitors interested in the blues history could stay downtown and walk to all
of the attractions. The hotel would add energy, activity and people to the
downtown that would support new businesses and restaurants.
Did you see any indication of significant events taking place in the
community that would be of interest to both visitors and residents?
There are numerous blues and arts festivals in Clarksdale, such as the
Sunflower River Blues and Gospel Festival, the Mini Blues Festival, Pinetop
Perkins Day, the Mississippi Delta Tennessee Williams Festival, and the Delta
Clarksdale, Mississippi
First Impressions ~ June 2008
Please elaborate on any significant natural or manmade features that have
the potential of drawing people to the community?
•The Hopson Plantation
•The Big Sunflower River
•Tennessee Williams’ home
•The Sugar Shacks
•Ground Zero
•The Walk of Fame
•The Blues Museum
•The Crossroads
This town is like a gold mine for tourism that needs to bloom!
Is there an obvious visitor’s center, chamber of commerce office, main
street office, or other facility that serves the needs of visitors? Please
comment on the staff, facilities, signage, visibility, etc.
The chamber of commerce office is on the south end of the city on
Highway 49. The staff was very friendly and helpful. Staff members provided
a great first impression of the city. We question the location of the chamber
office on the outskirts of town, as opposed to being located downtown,
possibly in the visitor’s center. The visitor’s center is located downtown in
a renovated Greyhound bus station. The building is beautiful, but we were
there at about 1 p.m. on a Thursday and it was not open. We were very
confused about that.
Are there any restaurants, specialty shops or attractions that would bring
you back to this community in the near future?
•Ground Zero, Madidi
•Miss Dell’s General Store (Wardell’s Nuts)
•The Dutch Oven
•The record shop
Clarksdale, Mississippi
First Impressions ~ June 2008
Using Your Senses
Describe any community smells or sounds that were unique, interesting,
memorable or offensive.
•Old smells in buildings
•Buildings smelled like an old house
•Relaxing blues music
First Impressions ~ June 2008
What are the most positive things that you observed about the
•Blues heritage—Your niche is already there. You just have to figure out a
way to fully capitalize on it.
•Great infrastructure in the downtown area—great opportunities for infill
•Historic building stock downtown—numerous historic sites
•Clarksdale is already a tourist destination. Many towns are trying to
identify methods of bringing people to their town. You already have
•Positive attitude in the city. Everyone recognized the need for change
and seemed to support that.
•Nice residential areas
•Progressive minds
First Impressions ~ June 2008
What are the biggest obstacles/challenges facing this community?
•Controlling the existing and future strip development so that it does not
continue to spread and take away from the downtown
•Getting the city officials, residents, merchants, and investors to agree on
a vision for the town and move toward making it happen
The First Impressions program has been used successfully to assist
communities in several states following its creation by Andy Lewis, University
of Wisconsin Extension Service, and James Schneider, director of economic
development in Grant County, Wisconsin.
•Embracing an economy based on tourism rather than agriculture
•Setting yourself apart from the other Delta communities
•Lack of landscaping in the downtown area
•Poor school districts and rapid suburbanization/segregation—Historically,
development (commercial and residential) was built centered around
the downtown, but now all new development follows the suburbs model
which has all of the housing in one area and all of the commercial
in another. This segregates the housing from the commercial and each
neighborhood segregates based on income (home prices).
•Creating employment opportunities for residents
If your community is interested in participating in the First
Impressions program, please contact us for further
Dr. Virgil Culver, Director
What will you remember most about this community six months from
now (positive or negative)?
Mississippi State Community Action Team (MSCAT)
Mississippi State University
•Take down the snowflakes!
P.O. Box 6215
•Learning about blues history
Mississippi State, MS 39762
•The crossroads—Robert Johnson—the connection among the Delta,
New Orleans, Memphis, and Chicago
•So much potential for growth, development and tourism
Phone: 662-325-6703
This project is funded by a grant from the U.S. Small Business Administration
(SBA). SBA’s funding should not be construed as an endorsement of any
products, opinions or services. All SBA-funded projects are extended to the
public on a nondiscriminatory basis.
Clarksdale, Mississippi
First Impressions ~ June 2008
Discrimination based upon race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, or
veteran’s status is a violation of federal and state law and MSU policy and will not be
tolerated. Discrimination based upon sexual orientation or group affiliation is a violation of MSU policy and will not be tolerated.