Tuition must be paid in full. Want to Earn a FREE


Tuition must be paid in full. Want to Earn a FREE
2508 Spring Street
Chamber Ballet
Goes to RDA
Jazz Companies
Summer Classes
Meet the
Guest Artists
Class Act Dance and
Performing Arts Studio
2016 Spring Newsletter
Class Act Dance Recital June 18
11:00, 2:30 and 6:00 pm
At the Templeton Performing Arts Center
$18 Reserve Seating (Refreshments included)
Go on Sale June 4th—9:00-1:00 pm
5 Tickets Per Family— If more tickets are needed
there will a Sign Up in the office.
Tuition must be paid in full.
Want to Earn a FREE Ticket?
Sign up for a shift to sell tickets and receive
1 ticket after your shift has been completed.
See Norma for the sign up sheet.
Pre Dance, Jazz, Tap, Modern and Hip Hop photos
June 11, 10:00-6:30
Pre Ballet, Ballet & Lyrical Recital photos —
June 13, 9:30-3:00 pm
By Photo Stop at Spring Street Studio
Sitting Fee of $16.00 is required for individual shots of
a dancer to be taken. Sitting Fees are nonrefundable.
There is no fee to participate in class group shots.
You will receive a complimentary 5x7 of your choice.
Pictures will be available for viewing at Dress Rehearsal,
Recital and online at
Use guest password CADrecital2016
(Photo schedule will be posted by June 4th
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May 21 —
May 28 —
May 30 —
May 31 —
June 4 —
June 11 —
EPIC Dance show, 3:00 & 7:00 pm (NCDPAF)
Paso ArtsFest, Performance 1:45 pm Paso Robles Park
Memorial Day-Studio Closed
Deadline for Summer Pre-registration discount
Jazz Company Auditions, St D 2:30-7:30 pm
Pre Dance, Jazz, Tap, Modern and Hip Hop
Photos, 10:00-6:30 pm
June 13 — Pre Ballet, Ballet and Lyrical Photos, 9:30-3:00 pm
June 15 — Ballet Company Auditions, St D 5:30-9:30
June 17 — Recital Dress Rehearsal (watch for details in recital news)
June 18 — Recital “Anything Goes” 11:00, 2:30 and 6:00 pm at TPAC
June 17— July 4 — June break
July 5 to Aug 11 — Summer Classes Begin Regular/Camps/Intensives
July 21 — Mid State Fair Performance, 7:00 pm
July 30 — National Dance Day
Lost ‘n’ Found
The clothes are piling up again in the lost and found basket.
Check it out to see if anything is yours. The lost and found
will be outside studio B on June 11 during Recital Photos.
The clothes will be delivered to the Goodwill after that date.
Student Assessments
We all want to know how our dancer is doing and wonder what classes are best for
them to sign up for in the summer or fall. At Class Act Dance and Performing Arts
Studio we pride ourselves in providing the best of training and treating each dancer like
they are our own child.
All of our instructors will be taking the time to carefully assess your dancer and
provide a list of classes they recommend for your dancer to sign up for this summer
and upcoming fall session. Remember summertime is a chance for your dancer to
improve by leaps and bounds in a summer guest artist workshop, have fun in a dance
camp or just stay in shape by taking a regular class.
If you have any questions, please e-mail us at or call
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Jazz Companies Compete
This year our Infinity Competition Dance Team did an amazing job! They competed at:
 LA Dance Magic in Santa Clara,
 Dance League in Long Beach with Dazzled and The Vibe Companies
 JUMP in Santa Clara
As a whole the Groups, Duets and Soloist came home with 30 medals.
 At JUMP Infinity Dance Team took home High Gold in Mambo and receiving
Highest Score in Junior Musical Theater group.
 At Dance League Koby Wescom and Oscar's Gutierrez Duet number
"Train Hopping" earned Top Overall Performance and Concept Award.
And with many of the dancers winning scholarships.
Paso Robles Chamber Ballet Traveled to
Phoenix, Arizona for
“Regional Dance of America/Pacific” Festival
Paso Robles Chamber Ballet Company PRCBC (Class Act’s pre-professional ballet company) has
been a member of The Regional Dance America/Pacific (RDA/P) Region for the past seven years.
The RDA/P is a national organization
that upholds the highest standards of
training. Every year the company is
adjudicated to ensure they are meeting
the high standards that this organization requires. This years dance piece is
“Pandora’s Box” choreographed by
Candace Trasoras, who is a guest artist
from Los Angeles. The dancers
performed “Pandora’s Box” in the
famous Orpheum Theatre.
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What Are You Doing for Kicks This Summer?
Summer Classes for all kids and all ages
zOur Regular Class Schedule begins July 5th — August 11th
Information will be posted on our website by June 4th
Summer Fun Dance Camps ages 5 to 11 years old
Ballet Boot Camp
Hip Hop Don’t Stop
Budding Ballerina Camp
Jungle Book
Hip Hop Don’t Stop
Ages 8-12
Ages 4-7
Ages 3-5
Ages 5-8
Ages 8-12
July 11-14
July 18-21
Aug 1-4
Aug 8-11
Aug 8-11
Summer Dance Intensive
Designed for the Intermediate I and Advanced serious dancer. See flyer for details. Any questions check
website or call the studio at 239-3668 or email us at
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Nicole Molineri
Started her ballet training at the age of 3. The
majority of her training was on the West Coast, in
California dancing at the San Francisco Ballet.
Later she danced with the Joffrey Ballet School in
New York and was offered a contract with the
Hartford Ballet in Connecticut. After 10 years she moved to Europe
and became a member of les Ballets de Monte Carlo for 3 years. After
her professional dancing career she taught for many years at Class Act
Dance and Bunker Dance School in Las Vegas. Recently she has been
teaching dance to students in the public schools and choreographed
for the Shakespeare Theater and the middle school choir groups where
she has found much joy in seeing children thrive in the arts.
Nathan Cottam
Amy Wescom
Amy began her dance career at the age
of four with Miss Janice and Leslie Brand
in Orange County, CA. After moving to
San Luis Obispo County at the age of
nine, she trained under the direction of
Leslie Baumberger and Pat Jackson at Pat Jackson's American
Dance for 14 years, dancing in the Junior American, Young American
and American Dance Companies. She was a member of Jazz 'N'
Company at Paso Robles High School for four years and voted in as
president in her senior year. Amy attended Allan Hancock College
from 1995 to 1998 where she was a member of their dance
ensemble and achieved her AA in dance. In 1998, Amy moved back
to Orange County to attend the University of California, Irvine where
she focused on choreography before graduating with her BA in
Dance in 2000. After graduation, Amy moved to NYC and studied
dance at Broadway Dance Center.
Amy prides herself on providing excellent training and sharing
all of her experiences with her students. She excels in lyrical and
contemporary dance styles because she loves to bring out the
passion to dance in her students with their movement and their
relationship to the music.
Nathan Cottam is a dance artist with a passion for
creating, performing and teaching dance in a way
that makes the art form accessible to a wider
audience. His works make use of or create a
connection with audiences, no matter how big or small.
Raised in Buffalo, New York, Nathan was exposed early in life to
two separate elements of dance, music and drama by acting in plays
and studying the French horn. Though he loved social dancing, he did
not start a formal study of dance until entering college. While earning a
BS in sociology, Nathan spent as much time in various dance schools
and on stage as he did pondering the social theory. His interest in this
field now finds expression in his choreography.
Nathan earned a Master of Fine Art in dance from the University
of Arizona with emphases in choreography and performance. He has
danced with many ensembles, including Bay Pointe Ballet, Ballet
Theatre of Boston and the Serbian National Ballet in Belgrade, Serbia.
In 2013 Nathan founded Mannakin Theater and Dance to showcase his
own choreography and artistic vision for dance. With his company,
Nathan has created many new dance works and produced two tours of
Serbia with private sponsorship and grants from the US Embassy
Cheryle Armstrong
Cheryle began her dance training on the east
coast in Washington D.C. with Oleg Tupine from
the Kirov Ballet and continued her training at
Florida State University where she was a member
of the South Florida Ballet Company. Her performing experience ranges from Classical Ballet with
several east coast companies to Contemporary Ballet with the Valerie
Huston Dance Theater in California. After her performing career, she
continued her education at the Florida State University Dance
Department and two years later graduated with a Bachelor of Fine Arts
in Dance from the University of California, Santa Barbara.
In 1989, Cheryle became co-founder of Class Act Dance and
Performing Arts Studio. She has been directing the Ballet
Company for the past 27 years.
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Get ready for an
Explosion of Motion –
NCDPAF presents the
next edition of EPIC,
featuring top dance performers
from around the county.
A new venue, a new energy,
beauty and grace – all coming
together May 21, 2016, at Life
Community Church Auditorium,
in Paso Robles – transformed to
an intimate venue for two
awesome performances –
3 pm and 7 pm.
Limited seating!
Tickets are $20.00 through or
$25.00 at the door, if available
Fair Carnival Ride Wristband Tickets
Get your Fair Carnival Ride Wristband tickets from Jazz and Ballet Company
members for $25. Fair prices are $35. That’s up to a $10 savings. Any
questions come see office staff.
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